Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal PDF
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal PDF
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal PDF
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053
*Wildlife Trust of India, Noida (U.P.)
**WWF-India, Kolkata (West Bengal)
ISBN 978-81-8171-299-8
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Published at the Publication Division by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-
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The term 'Biodiversity' though known earlier, during the Rio Summit in 1992 it earned the
center stage of attention and today it is one of the foremost areas of concern all over the world
and has become a household nomenclature. The assessment of Biodiversity is an important
component of strategic planning process for any conservation and management of ecosystem.
The process of assessment can be a two dimensional exercise, i.e. identifying areas of maximum
diversity within distinctive ecosystems and to provide data for species diversity and related
information. The starting point for any such venture should be literature search for getting
groupwise information down to the species level.
The State of West Bengal in India has been endowed with rich biodiversity. Data on the state's
biodiveJ;sity have been generated both qualitatively and quantitatively. However this information
is lying in a scattered manner and not readily available to the policy makers and managers of
biodiversity. The present publication is therefore an attempt to compile all available information
on the State's biodiversity. It is expected that information given in this document will provide
not only the benchmark data but also fill up the gaps. Thus, it may serve as an important tool for
planning~ so that future development programmes need not be at the cost of our biological
diversity, but at the same time to identify and use these biological resources on a sustainable basis.
The authors express their grateful thanks to the Department of Environment, Government of
West Bengal for funding this project, to Dr. S. Sanjappa, Director and Scientists of Botanical
Survey of India for their keen interest and sincere help in preparation of the report by providing
and checking the informations relating to the floral diversity in the State. They are also extremely
grateful to Shri Pranabesh Sanyal, Former Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,
Dr. Dhrubajyoti Ghosh and Sri Debal Roy, Senior Environment Officers, Department of
Environment, Government of West Bengal for their sincere help and valuable suggestions during
the preparation of this report.
They gratefully acknowledge the help extended by the Director, Zoological Survey of India.
They are also deeply indebted to the officers and staffs in Zoological Survey of India for assistance
and suggestions throughout the course of this project. Special thanks are due to Dr. J.K. De,
Scientist-D, Zoological Survey of India for his constant help in processing the scientific data.
Sincere thanks are also due to Professor S.C. Santra, University of Kalyani for pro\;ding
informations on flora of wetlands of West Bengal and to Dr. Sandeep Basak for his help in
preparation of a part of floral list in the preparatory stage and photographs provided by him.
Helps received from Dr. Sujit Kumar Chakraborty, former Joint Director, Zoological Suryey
of India in the form of valuable suggestions and inputs towards the improvement of the document
is thankfully acknowledged. They are highly obliged to Dr. Tushar Mukherjee, Reader, Presidency
University, Kolkata for providing valuable information.
Thanks are also due to Dr. S.K. Dutta, Utkal University, Sri Hirak Nandi, Smt. Supriya Nandi,
Sri Joydeep Sarkar, Lt. Col. S.R. Banerjee, Sri Biswajit Roychowdhury, NEWS, Kolkata, Sir V.K.
Yadav, Chief Conservator of Forests, Government of West Bengal and Sri Anjan Roy for extending
sincere help by providing data pertaining to flora and fauna of West Bengal and rele\'ant
Authors are also thankful to Dr. A. Chattapadhyay, Assistant Zoologist and Shri Amita\'a Roy,
Sr. Statistical Assistant, Zoological ~urvey of India, for their help in computrization of huge
amount of data.
Thanks are also due to Smt. Bela Sardar, Sr. Stenographer, Shri Shakthivel, Zoological Assistant.
Sri Amitava Chattejree, Zoological Assistant, Sri Z. Ziauddin, Sr. Stenogropher, Smt. Panullita
Basu and Sri Debabrata Bhattacharya for constant help in the final stage of preparation of the
Kolkata Authors
September, 2011
1. Bacteria 155
2. Algae 158
3· Fungi 211
4· Lichen 257
5· Bryophyta 278
6. Pteridophyta 281
7· Gymnosperm 304
8. Angiosperm 306
1. Monocotyledon 306
ii. Dicotyledon 341
1. Freeliving Protozoa 471
2. Symbiotic Protozoa 482
3· Parasitic Protozoa 488
1. Porifera 525
2. Cnidaria 5 26
3· Ctenophora 528
4· Platyhelminthes 529
1. Cestoda 529
11. Trematoda (Vertebrate excluding fishes) 534
Ill. Digenetic Trematoda of Fishes 542
5· Rotifera 547
6. Gastrotricha 553
7· Kinorhyncha 555
8. Nemathelminthes 556
I. Nematoda (Vertebrate parasite) 556
II. Nematoda (Plant Parasite) 56 9
9· Acanthocephala 573
10. Sipuncula 574
11. Mollusca 575
1. Freshwater and Land 575
11. Estuarine and Marine 586
12. Echiura 591
13· Annelida 592
14· Crustacea 602
15· Insecta 6 14
I. Thysanura 6 14
lI. Collembola 615
lII. Diplura 616
IV. Odonata 617
v. Plecoptera 6 25
VI. Embioptera 626
VII. Orthoptera 6 27
VIII. Dermaptera 638
IX. Ephemeroptera 642
x. Mantodea 643
Xl. Phasmida 645
xu. Dictyoptera 646
xiii. Isoptera 648
XIV. Psocoptera 651
XV. Hemiptera 653
XVI. Anoplura 685
XVll. Thysanoptera 686
xviii. Neuroptera 692
XIX. Mecoptera 695
xx. Coleoptera 696
XXI. Siphonoptera 749
XXll. Strepsi ptera 750
xxiii. Diptera 751
xxiv. Lepidoptera 767
xxv. Trichoptera 802
XXVI. Hymenoptera 804
16. Xiphosura 819
17· Arachnida 820
1. Araneae (Spider) 820
ii. Scorpiones 835
111. Acarina 836
a. Tick 836
b. Mite 839
18. Diplopoda 865
19· Chilopoda 866
20. Phoronida 867
21. Brachiopoda 867
22. Bryozoa (Freshwater) 868
23· Echinodermata 869
24· Hemichordata 871
25· Chordata 872
I. Pisces 872
II. Amphibia 888
III. Reptilia ... 892
IV. Aves 903
v. Mammalia 956
Biological diversity refers to the variability al., 1998; Venkataraman, 2007). Further, in
among living organisms from all sources respect of religion, ethos, culture, socio-
including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and economy, politics and life pattern, one region
other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological of the country differs widely from the other.
complexes of which they are part; this includes As such, challenging issues of biodiversity
diversity within species, between species and conservation and its sustainable utilization
of ecosystems (UNEP, 1992). Biodiversity is become complex and mutltifarious. To attain
not only an essential component of our life the desired goal of conservation, it become
support system but also the raw material for obligatory to set the priorities and identify
meeting human needs. The rapid degradation essential elements for framing the action plan
of major ecosystems and the necessity of at the national as well as regional levels. Each
conservation, and also the sustainable use of state or region within the country has specific
biodiversity has assumed both national and necessary elements concerned with
international importance with the adoption of biodiversity, which need to be integrated into
'Agenda 21' and the 'Convention on Biological the framework of action plan, keeping in view
Diversity (CBD), at the 'Earth Summit' held in the implications arising due to the ratification
Brazil, in 1992. The CBD came into force in of the CBD. It is primary requirement for
1993 (for India in 1994) after being ratified by regional policy makers and managers of
the requisite countries. India's effort, since biodiversity to have a status report dealing \vith
then, has been to review the conservation aspects like 'HOW MANY', 'WHERE',
measures taken so far, and to identify the gaps UNIQUENESS', 'UTILISATION', 'THREATS'.
which require immediate attention at different 'CURRENT PRACTICES', 'GAPS IN
levels. The implication of the CBD for India has KNOWLEDGE', and other related aspects.
been dealt with by Chauhan (1996a, b, 1997a, Further, the overall concern of traditional
b, c). These initiatives are at different stages. practices connected with the conservation of
Developing and establishing adequate biological diversity is another inlportant
conservation measures and mechanisms for element which varies regionally. DOCUlllenta-
sustainable utilization of biological diversity tion of such traditional practices for consen'ing
pose a multidimensional challenge, involving species while being used, and protection of
scientific, socio-economic, administrative, legal habitats through selection, donlestication,
and political issues. cultivation and breeding of useful plants and
India is a vast country and has been richly animals is also another key factor in fonllulating
endowed by Nature in terms of a great diversity the regional Action Plan. It is necessary to
of physical environment. From the Indian integrate and blend the essence of these
ocean to the lofty Himalayas and beyond to the practices in the process of conservation.
cold deserts of Ladakh, the physiognomic So far, West Bengal is concerned. huge
diversity and myriad of climatic situation have amount of biodiversity related data have
given rise to .a countless habitats across the already been accunlulated through surveys,
length and breadth of the country (Alfred et identification and inventorysing activities of the
2 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Botanical, Zoological, Anthropological, Forest zone and Palaearctic region. This also helped
and Fishery Suryey of India, State Forest West Bengal in its great array of natural
Department, and several other institutes from ecosystems embellished with ingress,
the university systems, autonomous bodies as colonization and interspersion of life forms
well as NGOs. Over all data on the species from all the adjoining region. Richness of
composition, distribution, population, and- biodiversity is reflected by the fact that, West
Keystone, Umbrella, Endemic and threatened Bengal though only 2.7 percent of the total area
species particularly of major groups are of the country, but four, viz., the Himalaya
available. Unfortunately, these valuable data (Central Himalaya), Gangetic Plain (Lower
are very much scattered and have limited Gengetic Plain), coast (East Coast) and Decan
academic use, only to specialists. For greater peninsula (Chhotanagpur), out of ten
effectiveness, it is essential that relevant and recognized biogeographic zones of India are
user friendly data bases are prepared and made represented in the state (Map 1). On the other
available through modern information hand, owing to favourable agroclimatic
technologies. Wider access to information condition, West Bengal is always one of the
would facilitate the effective conservation and most populated region of the country and the
sustainable use of the biological resources in a
population is further increasing for one or other
particular community or locality. In the present
reasons. The pressure of such an enlarged and
book, based on published as well as unpublished
impoverished population along with rapid
information, an attempt has been made to
urbanization and industrial development have
compile the biodiversity related data of West
taken a heavy toll of natural area of the s~ate
Bengal and analyse the same with emphasis to
through shrinkage and degradation. Further,
meet up the queries of policy-makers and
market pressure on a host of non-wood forest
managers of biodiversity.
produce has led not just to their depletion, but
West Bengal, the only state in India, which
often their collection practices are destructive
touches the Himalayas in the north and has sea
and damaging to the habitat and productivity
on its south. As-such the physical environment
parameters themselves. In fact, since 19th
of the state varies from Bay of Bengal in the
century, quite a number of floral and faunal
south to the snow-capped Himalayas in the
species have either become extinct from the
north through vast stretches of alluvial plains
state or lost large part of their earlier range and
in the middle, small patches of hills and isolated
mounds in the western part. Soil restricted to certain pockets with small
characteristics, temperature and rainfall also population. It is obvious that the country as
vary widely from one part to other. These have well as the state of West Bengal have taken
resulted rich and diverse vegetative cover several positive measures for conservation and
consisting of almost all forest types, vast management of biodiversity through legal and
expanses of grasslands, different agricultural policy framework, survey and monitoring, in-
crops as well as cropping practices. Each of situ and ex-situ conservation, sustainable
these supports a particular type of biodiversity. utilization including benefit sharing,
Varieties in aquatic ecosystem such as institutional framework and capacity building
freshwater, brackish water, estuary and marine for human and infrastructural resources,
also contributed to the richness of state's research, developmental activities and ot4ers.
biodiversity. Further, West Bengal falls in the However, majority of these efforts are diverted
transition zone between peninsular Indian for conservation and management of few
subregion, Indo-Malayan subregion of Oriental charismatic ecosystem's or species, without
SANYAL et ,ai. : Introduction 3
S (Rodger
88 ATe A
total consideration of the entire spectrum of 1998, Nandi et al. 1993, Rao and Misra 1986 ,
biodiversity. It is heartening that the State Ripley 1982, Sanyal 1992, Sarkar 1984, Sarkar
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan : West et al. 1992, Sharma 1979, Soota 1991, Soota
Bengal (2002) has been finalized. The same has and Ghosh 1977, Southwell 1913, Srivastava
recommended various actions such as 1993, Subba Rao and Barua 1983, Varshney
'Information about biodiversity status to be 1998, Willis 1951.
enriched', 'Biodiversity data base for each Flora:
district should be completed' and others. Anderson 1862, Anonymous 1957, BaneIjee
The present compilation has been made to 1957, Banerjee 1968, Basak 1979, Biswas 1966 ,
meet up some of these recommendations. Chakravarty 1957, Champion and Seth 1968,
Further, it is expected that the report will be Chauhan 1996, Cowan and Cowan 1929,
helpful in the processes of evaluating the Culshow 1952, Director, B.S.1. (ed.) 1997,
essential elements required for conservation Ghosh 1997, 1998, 2001, Ghosh 2002,
and sustainable use of biodiversity in state level. Karthikeyan 2000, Maji land Sikdar -1983,
METHODOLOGY Malick 1966, Molla et al. 1984, Mukherjee
The present report derives information 1988, Mudgal and Hazra (eds.) 1997, Prain
mainly from the published literature, field 1963·
reports and record books of Forest Department General :
officials on the flora and fauna of the state.
Alfred et ale 2004, Anonymous 2000,
Further, management plans of different
Biswas and Trishal 1993, Chaudhuri and
Protected Areas of the state contain numerous
Choudhury 1994, Cowardin et ale 1979, Das
data and as such those have also been consulted.
2001, Dept. of Environ. and R.K.M. 2002,
As it is not within the socpe to provide the
Mitra 2000, Mitra and Pal 2002, State Forest
complete bibligraphy on the biota of the state
only few references are cited below. Dept. and NEWS 1996.
Fauna: The above is only a fraction of the
references consulted for the purpose. For
Agrawal et ale 1992, Agrawal and Ghosh 1995
writing of the different chapters numerous
Ahmed 1992, Ahmed and Dasgupta 1992, Alfred
documents contained in 42 periodicals, 92
1998, Alfred et ale 1998, Alfred and Nandi
books (including district Gazetteers), 17 project
2001, Annandale 1907, Bal and Basu 1995,-
Barman 1993, Basu and Mitra 1995, reports, 14 management plans, 7 theses, 38 tour
Bhattacharyya 1997, Biswas and Biswas 1992, reports, 17 leaflets, 12 unpublished papers have
Biswas and Biswas 1995, Biswas and Ghosh been taken into consideration. All the
1995, Biswas et ale 1995, Choudhuri and documents have been scanned and information
Chattapadhyay 1997, Das et ale 1993a, b, c, d, specially related to the following aspects fed
Ellerman 1963, Ghatak 1995, Ghosh 1995, into the computer.
Ghosh 1996, Hazra 1993, Haldar 1995, Haldar 1. Species name 2. District-wise distribution,
and Choudhury 1995, Maiti and Saha 1993, 3. Significance (endemism, taxonomy,
Majumdar et ale 1992, MandaI and Nandi 1989, zoogeography, economy, evolution), 4 Threats,
Meggilt 1933, Misra 1995, Mukhopadhyay 5. Management and 6. Ecology.
SANYAL et ale : Profile of West Bengal 5
,. -.' "·_--'-._.1.
~. -'<L "'. \,
,.I ~. " .
' "
I • .,
I BANKURA \'1 ,r' -._', .
{ .~ . .j- ./ /
" J .., - ,-". .
, . '" HUGLI ' . .1
". .~. - -"", ' NORTH 24.
,i'" "
. ,. . "
, v'"
_. f' , PGS .
- I" ~«\J . Y'HOA 'Ifl ~
~~<J~~~"\ .,,,,--.--,,,l 'f...O~ l.~
'-. SOUTH 24 " ...,.,... .
~ ~ PGS.
1'".1 ~«\J
• ~~Q<:J"~~
~ I 6;1m
32 64 km
Rivers and waterbodies-Ganga is the region of the state i,s flanked by the coalesced
only perennial snow fed river in the West fans of seasonal flashy torrent tributaries of
Bengal delta; it divides near Giria of Ajay, Damador, Mayurakshi, Kangsabati,
Murshidabad district. One branch flows Rupnarayan, Anadpur and Haldi, all of which
southeast as Padma and enters Bangladesh, fall to a dead delta zone along the Hooghly river
while the other goes south in West Bengal as bank. The Teesta, Jaldhaka, Mahananda,
Bhaghirathi upto Nabadwip and then known as Nagar, Torsa, Atrai, Punarbhaba are some of
Hooghly to meet Bay of Bengal. The western the notable rivers of North Bengal which drain
SANYAL et ale : Profile of West Bengal 9
out massive water during rainy season from Saheb band, Ballavpur, Santragachhi.
their catchment in the Himalayas causing • Coastal : Gabaria Beel, Atampur,
devastating floods,. Many dry river beds with Dadanpatrasar.
boulders, pebbles and sand is a common feature There has been sharp reduction of natural
in the northern part carrying no or thin flow in wetland areas of the state during last few
dry summer months and come into spate during
decades due to urbanisation, reclamation for
monsoon. Distributaries of the old river system agriculture and developmental initiatives.
occurring in the district of south 24-Parganas
have converted the famous part of Sundarban Forests- Except the Central Alluvial tract,
into an intricate network of tidal water system all agro-ecological zones have important forest
towards the sea. However, the salanity in the resources with distinctive floristic
Hooghly river has been considerably reduced compositions. In North Bengal, total forest area
since Bhagirathi is being fed by freshwater after is about 3050 sq. km. (about 26 percent of the
recorded state forest) and contains the most
constructing a barrage at Farakka.
productive forests. Forest in south-west West
The state is also dotted with numerous Bengal are mostly scattered in relatively small
wetlands in the form of 'Ponds', 'Jheels', 'beels' and widely dispersed blocks of degraded Sal
and the natural/excavated drainage system of interspersed with farm land. The most compact
'Khals' These wetlands enrich the aquatic area is the mangrove forests in the coastal saline
ecosystem of the state. While detail listing will zone which covers 4260 Sq. Km. (approximately
be made later, some important wetlands are 36 percent of recorded state forest land).
mentioned below. However, nearly 40 percent of the forest land
• Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan: in the coastal saline zone is actually made up of
Rasik beel, Malian Dighi, Mirik. numerous rivers and creeks. Distribution and
e' Gangetic plain: Katiganga-Motijheel, classification of forests in different region has
Mathura Beel, Jamuna Beel, East Kolkata, been provided in Table 1.
Distribution and classification of forests in different zones of West Bengal (Source :
Dept. of Environment & Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur, 2002, West Bengal State
r /\
Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan. Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur and Annual
Report, 2008-2009, Forest Dept., West Bengal).
'R.egion Reserve Forest Protected Forest Unclassified State Total
Forests and others (
Area % of Area % of Area %of
sq. km. Total sq. km. Total sq. km. Total
'Hill, 2598 85 259 9 194 6 3051
.Circle and
~~. Corpn
W~$tern 206 5 3399 78 742 17 4347
C~n,tral 4250 95 114 2·5 117 2·5 44 81
Circle and
Total 7054 59 3772 32 1053 9 11879
10 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
0 ...--
1951-61 1961-71 1971,-81 1981-1'991 991-2001
Table-4: Some important demographic ,c hanges of West Ben,gal as revealed in ast four census.
~ ---
900 D TotallPopulation(llakh)
Number of malles(l,akh)
0% of males to total populati<on
800 I:] Number of females (Iakh)
I % offem,ales to tot,al populaUon
700 Urban population (Iakh)
% of Urban popul,ation to total population
600 [J Rural population (ilakh)
% of rural populabon to I population
1971 1'981 1991 ,2001
c c
0 o
~ 2
"5 1;)
0 c
Traditionally, the tribal's social, cultural and main activity, working people is directly related
religious systems are ecofriendly in nature. Due to agriculture either as cualtivators or
to increased population and for other obvious labourers. In many of the activities such as
reasons, a section of these ecosystem-people agricultural labour, plantation, house hold
have lost right of their own land. This has manufacturing, etc., percentage of female
compelled them to exploit the forest resources working force is significantly higher than male.
in a way out of their traditional ethics. A detailed distribution of working force by
Inspite of gradual increase in the percentage activity in West Bengal is reflected in Table 5
of urban population, still nearly 72 percent of and Text-fig.3.
people of West Bengal reside in rural areas In fact, nearly 95 percent of rural population
spreadi~g over nearly 43,000 villages. are engaged in agricultural activities. Pattern
According census 2001, nearly 61.55 percent of land utilization since 1985-86 also shows a
of the land area is under cultivation (Bartaman, slight increase in net area shown (Table 6).
Nov. 29, 2001). As such economy of West The average per capita income is
Bengal may be described as agrobased. An Rs. 25223.00 (2005-06) in the state (as on
analysis of the working force on the basis of 31.01.2008).
Table-s: Percentage distribution of working force by main activity in West Bengal as per census
1991 (Source : Govt. of West Bengal 2001. Economic Review, Statistical Appendix,
81. Category Rural Urban Total
No. Persons Male Female Persons Male Female Persons Male Female
1 Cultivation 37·97 40.88 19.87 1.94 2.03 1.02 28·40 30.15 16.23
2 Agricultural
labourers 32.24 30.04 45.89 3·36 3·25 4·39 24·56 22.65 37·88
3 Plantation,
forestry, etc. 3·32 ' 2·71 7·09 1.17 1.22 0·78 2.76 2·30 5.87
4 Mining and
quarrying 0·43 0·47 0.21 1·74 1.83 0.89 0·78 0.84 0·34
5 a. House hold
manufacturing 4·22 3·00 11.84 3·03 2·41 9·19 3·00 2.84 11.33
b. Non-house
manufacturing 6.22 6.11 6·91 28.21 29.69 13·47 12.06 12.62 8.17
6 Construction 1.24 1·41 0.19 3·54 I 3·7~ 1.30 1.85 2.06 0·41
7 Trade and
commerce 5.98 6.63 1·92 23.84 25·44 7·95 10·72 11.82 3·08
8 Transport,
communication 2.15 2.48 0.12 9·92 10.67 2·46 4·22 4·74 0·57
9 Other services 6.23 6.27 5.96 '23·25 19·70 58.55 10·75 9.98 16.12
14 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-6: Pattern of land utilization in West Bengal since 1985-86 (Area in thousand ha.)
(Source: Govt. of W.B. 2001. Economic Review. Statistical Appendix, Kolkata).
Classification of land Reporting year
1985-86 1995-96 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
Area % Area % Area % Area % Area %
Net area sown 5 2 62 59·5 54 6 2 62.8 54 6 5 62.9 5440 62.9 547 2 63
Current fallows 65 0·7 220 2·5 219 2·5 229 2·7 208 2·4
Forests 1186 13·4 1196 13·8 1192 13·7 1192 13·7 1192 13.7*
Area not available for cultivation 1730 19·6 1642 18.9 1651 19·0 1668 19·2 1659 19·1
Other uncultivated land
excluding fallows 606 6.8 175 2.0 160 1.9 158 1.8 158 1.8
Total reporting area
(excluding Kolkata) 8849 100 8695 100 8687 100 8687 100 8689 100
*Differs slightly from the figure provided by the Directorate of Forests, W.B.(2000)
Table-7: Forest types of West Bengal (Source: Dept. of Environment and Ramkrishna Mission,
Narendrapur 2002. West Bengal State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan).
Name Location Area(Km2)
Northern Tropical Wet Ever green North Bengal plains up to 150M. 167
Northern Sub-tropical Semi Ever Green North Bengal Hills from 151-300 M. 25
North Indian Moist Deciduous North Bengal plains up to 150M. 1757
Littoral and Swamp-Mangroves Estuarine South Bengal 4263
Littoral and Swamp-Tropical Maldah and South Dinajpur 20
Seasonal Swamp
Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous South West West Bengal 4527
Northern Sub-Tropical Broad North Bengal Hills from 301-1650M. 800
Leaved Wet Hill
Northern Montane Wet Temperate North Bengal Hills from 1651-3000M. 150
East Himalayan Moist Temperate North Bengal Hills from 1500-1800M. 150
Sub-Alpine North Bengal Hills from 3001-3700M. 20
All the above forests may be subdivided into vicissitude of orchids is an indicator of
a number of sub-types or biomes, each of which extremely rich biodiversity of this zone. The
supports a particular ecosystem with particular ch~Jacteristic distribution of scrub forest
combination of physiography, climate, soils and communities could be found generally on the
biotic components. While mangroves and sites of abandoned shifting cultivation and in
grasslands will be considered separately, other the areas which are excessively over grazed or
forest ecosyst~ms are discussed below. where trees have been ruthlessly lopped. In .the
A.I.I. Alpine and Temperate Forests of deep valleys where soil is more moist due to
DaIjiling: seepage of water and minerals, for~ation of
mixed and merophyllus communities are met
(i) Altitude (2400-2700 M) : Comprise
a fascinating temperate vegetation
predominated by Ouercus lineata, Q. lamellosa, (ii) Altitude (2700 M and above) : In
Lithocarpus pachyphylla, Castanopsis the highest limit Conifer-Rhododendron forest
purpurella, Magnolia campbelli, M. globosa, is predominant. The dominating element in this
Michelia excelsa, Eurya o~uminata, varieties forest is Arundinaria racemosa which is found
of Rhododendron, Euonymus jrigidus, etc. to grow as a pure crop or as element in the
Temperate conifers mainly restricted to undergrowth of this high forest. Lower zone of
Singalila range include Abeis pindrow, Larix this forest is chiefly represented by different
griffithi, Tsuga brunoniana, Pinus roxburghii; species of Rhododendron with patches of
the latter is found only in dry inner valleys. The conifers and scattered growth of Lithocarpus
other typical plants are: Acer sp., Berberis sp., pachyphylla, Quercus spicata, Acer campbellii
Betula sp., Celatrus stylosus, Landera sp., and Magnolia campbellii. Among the conifers,
Sambucus sp., Vaccinum sp. The region also Taxus baccata is scatteredly distributed at
abounds with fascinating herbaceous higher elevations of the Tonglu Range. But
undergrowth with many temperate and alpine further upwards, towards phaloot Taxus is
species of flowering herbs and handsone ferns replaced to a large extent by Tsuga dumosa and
and numerous species of orchids. The thence higher up merge with Abeis spectabilis.
SANYAL et ale : Ecosystems of West Bengal 17
60 ,
.; 50"1
~30 I
-ci 20 1
Trees Shr.... bs He~bs Climbers
300 '
250 '
.(1)200 -
ci 100
50 '
o ~~------------------~~~~~~~--~~
Fish Amphibia Reptile Mammal
0 100
the most important n.atural threats of this distinct type of flora r,elated to the adjoining
region. drier areas of the two states. Excepting a few
A. .3. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests beavy showers during the monsoon, the region
of South West West Bengal : is co siderably dry. The hot spe 1 ,o f summer
Due to extension of the floristically rich hilly with high temper.ature has ,a llowed in the
plateau of Bihar and Orissa along the Western development of only one kind of forest under
boundary of West Bengal, vegetation in these Tropical Sub-humid Deciduous type dominated
areas of the boardering districts represents a by Sal. The assoc' ated elements are Acaci,a
SANYAL et al. : Ecosystems o/West Bengal 21
catechu, Ae,g enitla indica, Alangium Lar,ge range of entomological species are
salvi/olium, Albizia lebeck, Apluda mutica, found in the forests, agricultural fields ,as well
Ano,geissus latijolia, Ardisiasol,anacea, as wastelands. Predominant groups are
Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia vahlii, Bombax Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and H,e miptera.
ceiba,Borassus flabellifer, Boswellia serrata, Marbled Toad (Bufo stomaticus), Ornata
Breynia vltisidaea, Butea sp., Cassia fistula, Microhylid (Microhyla ornata), Pain'tedFrog
Celastrus paniculata, Cleistanthus col.l:inus, (Kaloula pulchra), Skipping Fr.og (Rana
Dioscorea sp., Emblic,a ojficinalis, Eu,laliopsis cyanophlyctis), Jerdon's Bull Frog (Rana
binata, Ficus ben,galensis, F. religiosa, F. ,crassa), Tokay (Gekko gecko), Dwarf Rock
virens, Flemingia chappar, Holarrhena Lizard (Psammophilus b.larifordanus) , Yellow
papescens, H olopti.lea integrifolia, Justicia Monitor (Varanus jl,avesc,ens), Rat Snake
a,dhatoda, Lantana camara, Madhuca indica, (Ptyas mucosus), Water Snake (Enhydris
Mlliusa sp,., Mallotus philippensis, ,Naravelia endris), Wolf Snake (Lycodon aulieus), Cobra
plicata, Phoenix sylvestris, Pothas ,scandens, (Naja naja), are some of the poikilotherm us
Sapindus emarginatus, Smilax zeylanlc,a, species of the region F .om the qualitative point
Solanum surattens,e, Syzygium cumini, of view, mammalian and Avian fauna in this
Tamarindus indica, Terminalia arjuna, T. ecosystem is very rich containing Indian
bellirica, T. chebula, Ven,tilago denticulata, Pangolin (Manis c~assicaudata), Wolf (Canis
Viscum album, Xylia xylocarpa, Zizyphus sp. lupus), Fox (Vulpes bengalensisJ, Mongoose
and many others. In addition to the forested (Herpestes sp.)., Leopard (Panthera pardus).
tracts, large number of floral species ,a re Spotted De,e r (Axis , Indian Elephan t
associ.ated with the wastelands of this part. (Elephas maximus) ,a nd more than hundred
Notable speci'e s are Aerva lanata, species of birds. However, most of these species
Acanthospermum hispidum, Calotropis are repr,e sented by a very small number of
gigantean, .Datura metel, Ficus hispida, Hyptis individuals ina fragmented manner. QuaJ"tative
suaveolens, Martynia annua, Panicum richness .of faunal species in the Dry deciduous
psilopodium, .scoparia dulcis, Perotis indica, Forest Ecosystem of South West West Bengal
Setaria glauca, etc. Another important aspect is evident from the study of faunal ,composition
of the forest ecosyste'm of south west West in Ajodhya Hills of Puruliya district (Text-Fig.
Be. gal is the large scale p antations of 8).
Eucalyptus sp,., Akashmoni ..Acacia Continuous biotic influences have
auriculiformis and Sal ..Shorea robusta in the considerably changed the natural
degraded sal fo:r est areas since sixties and characteristics of Dry Deciduous For,e sts of
seventies,. South Western region.. The present quality and
0 40
z20 I
O+-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~--~ I
FISh Mam al
density of forests are very different than what A.2.3. Temperate-Alpine type :
these were in the past. Continuity of forests in This type of grassland could be seen 'above
this stretch has been broken by topographical 1,500 M and further up to the highest point of
features and finally by human interference. Singalila range in Darjiling district. Slopes and
Forests are generally in patches and flats are mainly covered with Aconitum
considerably degraded due to massive palmatum, Agrostis sp., Ajuba lobata,
industrialization, mining, settlements and Anaplialis sp., Begonia sp., Campannula
felling. Faunal resources have also been colora-ta,. Cardamine sp., Carex sp., Edgaria
depleted due to continuous hunting pressure darjeelingensis, Fragariaversa sp., Gynura
particularly from tribals. angulosa, Hypoxis aurea, Mazus dentatus,
A.2. GRASSLANDS : Lysimachiajaponica, Origanum vulgare, Pilea
Grassland means a landscape in which the sp., Poa sp., Senecio alatus, Phleum aipinum,
grasses are the dominant plants. It is one of a Stipa sp. and many other species of flowring
number of seral phases of vegetation. The herbs and handsome ferns.
vegetation structure is dynamic, one ecological Grasslands primarily support a large number
association follows another in an orderly of herbivore species from minute insects to
sequence, known as the 'Sere' Dabadghao and largest land animal-the elephant (Elephas
Shankaranarayan (1973) have recognized five maximus). This in turn makes grasslands happy
main/broad grass cover types of India, of which hup.ting grounds of a large range of carnivorous
following three are found within the territory species of different groups and sizes. Most of
of West Bengal. the grass lands have some common vertebrate
A.2.1. Phragmites-Saccharum-Imperata species, such as, Tiger (Panthera tigris),
type : Elephant (Elephas maxim us), Deer (Asix sp.,
Cervus sp.), Hare (Lepus sp.), Rats and Mice
Found mainly in the alluvial plains. The
(Rattus sp., Mus sp., Bandicota sp.), Grass
predominant. grasses are Saccharum procerum,
Warbter (Prinia sp.), Patridge (Francolinus sp.),
S. spontaneum, Arundo donax, Phragmites
Munia (Lonchura sp.), Baya (Ploceus sp.) and·
karka, Imperata cylindrica, Bothriochloa
many others. However, depending upon the
pertusa, Apluda mutica, Vetiveria zizanioides,
geographical locations, ecological set up and
Setaria intermedia, Erianthus arundinacea,
management practices, many grassland possess
Pennisetum glaucum and others.
.some characteristic faunal elements. One willI
A.2.2. Themeda-Arundinella type : find Gaur (Bos frontali~), Hog De~r (Axis
This grass cover extends to humid montane porcinus), Great One-horned Rhinoceros
region and moist sub-humid areas of DaIjiling (Rhinoceros unicornis), Ferret Badger
hills around 350 M to 2,100 M. The tract (Melogale sp.), Bengal Florican (Eupodotis
between 1,800 M and 3100 M may also be bengalensis), etc. in the plains of North Bengal.
considered as transition zone. The dominant While in the upper zones, Pika (Ochotono sp.),
perennial grasses are Arundinella bengalensis, Vole (Pitimys sp.), Goral (Nemorhedus goral),
A. nepalensis, Themeda sp., Bothriochloa Red Panda (Ailurus julgens), Sikkim Blood
intermedia, B. pertusa, Chrysopogonjulvus, C. pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus), Kaleej Pheasant
gryllus, Erianthus longisetosus, Cynodon (Lophurus leucomelana) and wide variety of
dactylon, Cymbopogon sp., etc. Areas where butterflies are met with. In the grassland of
the grassland is subjected to light disturbances Sundarban, Wild boar (Sus scrofa), Spotted
as cutting or grazing, have luxurient growth of Deer (Axis axis) and Tiger (Panthera tigris) are
Themeda sp. the most eminent species.
SANYAL et ale : Ecosystems of West Bengal 23
Natural calamities like forest fires, floods, Ceriops, Excoecaria, Heritiera, Rhizophora,
changes in the course of rivers, etc., along with Sonneratia and Xylocarpus. The mixed forest
overgrazing and various socio-economic of Heritiera is quite dense and extends over a
development activities are the major factors fairly large areas in saline water. The highest
threatening grass lands of West Bengal. canopy is occupied by Heritiera fomes,
A.a. MANGROVE : Excoecaria agallocha, Ceriops decandra,
Mangrove is a part of the forest ecosystem, Xylocarpus granatum and others. However, at
but discussed separately as it represents a present density of Heritierafomes is very much
characteristic littoral forest dominated by some depleted due to extraction. Typical mangroves
specially adapted salt tolerant plant community of moderate heights include Avicennia alba,
that grow at land-sea interphase and border Ceriops tagal, Xylocarpus moluccensis; some
sheltered sea coasts and estuaries of tropical of the bushy shrubs like Acanthus ilicifolius,
and subtropical regions. The mangrove forests Dalbergia spinosa, Derris scandens are found
comprise a diverse composition of trees and to form dense patches along the muddy flat
shrubs exhibiting unique adaptation to an lands. Nypa fruticans and Phoenix paludosa are
environment which is periodically inundated by the two common palms in mangroves and both
salt water from one side and freshwater from are much depleted due to long exploitation. Few
the other. The mangrove ecosystem is highly of the important grasses exclusive of the
productive and exchanges matter and energy mangroves are Myriostachya wightiana,
with adjacent ~arine and terrestrial Paspalum disticum, Zoysia matrella, etc. In
ecosystems. addition to the true mangrove fairly rich
mesophytic flora containing species like
The southern most part of the state is
Abutilon graveolens, Acacia intsia, Bergia
indented by numerous river openings, viz.,
ammonoides, Calotropis gigantea, Capparis
Harinbhanga, Gosaba, Matla, Thakuran,
sep ia ria, Cyperus sp., Merremia sp., Sapium
Saptamukhi, Muriganga and HugH. All these
indicum, Tribuius sp, Vicoa vgestita, Wedelia
rivers ultimately end up at the Bay of Bengal,
biflora are also met with. Various marsh
but on the way have encompassed about 108
grasses, sand binders and macroalgae are also
islands crisscrossed and intersected by various
associated with the mangroves. The role played
creeks and delta distributaries. This deltaic
by Porteratia coaretata in the event of
complex at the apex of Bay of Bengal is the
ecological succession in deltaic Sundarban can
Indian Sundarban. With a total land and water
not be ignored. This salt marsh grass acts as
area of about 1,000,000 ha., the Sundarban
the pioneer species as represented here in the
support the largest mangrove block (nearly
flow chart (Mitra and Pal, 2002).
2,123 according to 1998 FSI Data) of
the .country. Porteratia coaretata
The floral community of mangrove
Aegiceras comiculatum, Avicennia alba,
ecosystem is well adapted to encounter higher
A. C?fficinalis, Sonneratia apeteia
salinity, oppressive heat, tidal extremes as well
as water logging. In Indian Sundarban a total
Bruguiera sPo
of 69 floral species belonging to 20 families and
50 genera have been recognized, out of which
Heritiera jomes, Rhizophora sPo,
34 species are true mangrove type (Mitra
Xylocarpus sPo
2000). The typical'woody genera represented
in the mangrove forests of Sundarban are : ~
Mangrove ecosystem is highly dynamic with Chaudhuri (1994) number of vertebrate species
constant phenomena like erosion and accretion in Sundarban is much more being 654. While
taking place due to waves, tides and currents. Das and Nandi (1999) estimated total number
The erosion of soil and dune formation are of faunal species (Protista + Animalia) as 1586
largely controlled by pomoea pescapre, a and Das (2001) provided the number of
common sand binder. macrofaunal species as 1434. The Tiger
Invertebrates exist both as planktonic form (Panthera tigris) is the Key Stone species of
in the aquatic subsystem and also as benthic Sundarban. Interestingly, besides Sundarban
form in and on the substratum, which may be (including its Bangladesh counterpart) no other
the intertidal zone or the mangrove forest floor. mangrove areas of the world harbour tiger
Among planktonic forms, the zooplankton population. Apart from tiger, number of other
community comprises a heterogenous threatened species like fishing Cat (Prionailurus
assembledge of copepods, mysids, lucifers, bengalensis), Snub-nosed Dolphin (Orcaella
gammarid, amphipods, cladocera, ctenophores brevirostris), Little Porpoise (Neophocaena
under the haloplankton cat~gory; and phocaenoides), Giant heron (Ardea "goliath),
polychaete, mollusca, echinoderm, crustacean Lesser Adjutant (Lep top tilos javanicus), Osprey
larva, fish eggs under the meroplankton (Pandion haliaetus), Estuarine Crocodile
category. Almost all the major invertebrate (Crocodylus porosus), Olive Ridley Turtle
phyla are represented in the mangroves with (Lepidochelys olivacea) and many others find
considerable species richness; .this includes at shelter in Sundarban. At least five vertebrate
least 41 species of Platyhelminthes, 78 species species have become extinct from this
of Annelida, 476 species of Arthropoda, 142 ecosystem during last 200 years (Table 8).
species of Molluscs, 20 species of Mangrove area of West Bengal have" been
Echinodermata (Mitra and Pal, 2002). The area reduced to more than 50 percent, during the
also invites two important fascinating marine last few decades (4,200 1987 to 2,123
creatures, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and in 1998), revealing clearly the mangrove
Tachypleus gigas during their breeding in ecosystem is under considerable threat. Natural
premonsoon months. The Sundarban mangrove threats generally include cyclone, soil erosion
ecosystem is also a unique reservoir of and soil sedimentation due to natural cause.
vertebrate fauna. About 141 species of Fishes, Anthropogenic threats mainly include tree
8 species of Amphibians, 57 species of reptiles, felling primarily for fuel and timber, hunting,
161 species of birds and 40 species of mammals conversion of mangrove areas for agriculture
have been reported from the mangrove and aquaculture, human settlement,
ecosystem of Sundarban (MandaI and Nandi cultivation, fragmentation, digging of salt pans,
1989) .. However, according to Chaudhuri and lime generation, introduction of exotic species,
Table-8: Species disappeared from Sundarban mangrove ecosystem since last 200 years
(Source: Chaudhuri and Chaudhuri 1994).
Scientific name of extinct species Common" name
Cairina scutulata White Winged Wood Duck
Muntiacus muntjak Barking Deer
Cervus duvaucelii Swamp Deer
Bubalu bubalis Wild Buffalo
Rhinoceros unicornis Javan Rhinoceros
SANYAL et ale : Ecosystems of West Bengal 25
and over exploitation for various purposes. In cooling ponds in Murshidabad and Medinipur.
Sundarban, unregulated use of shooting nets of Coastal wetlands mostly fall in two districts,
small mesh-size for the collection of Tiger viz., South 24 parganas and East Medinipur.
Prawn (Pinaeus monodon) seeds for trade From the Biodiversity point of view each and
results in tremendous loss of faunal aiversity. every type of wetland is significant and as
Developmental activities like opening of port complete listing of them is not possible some
and harbour, erection of dykes and important ones are mentioned below:
embankment, discharge of oil, industrial A. Sub Himalayan Region-Extends from
effluent, domestic sewage and pesticides are hills of Darjiling to Maldah :
also posing considerable threats to the
1.Rasik Beel, 2. Malian Dighi, Altai Dighi,
mangrove ecosystems of Sundarban.
Gour Dighi Complex, 3. Teesta Reservoir, 4.
A.4. WETlAND : Mirik Lake and 5. Kulik.
The wetlands are lands transitional between B. Gangetic Region-Includes the entire
terrestrial and aquatic systems where water south and south west West Bengal
table is usually at or near the surface or the excluding the active delta and coastal
land is covered by shallow water (Cowardin et region:
ale 1979). The wetlands are highly productive
1. Kaliganga-Motijheel Complex, 2. Barity
ecosystem, and perform essential functions
Beel, 3. Chupichar, 4. Mathura Beel, 5. Jamuna
including flood control, natural sewage
Beel, 6. Kajla Dighi, 7. Sahebandh, 8. Alipore
treatment, stabilization of shorelines against
Zoo, 9. Mudiali, 10. Tilpara Barrage, 11.
wave erosion, recharging of aquifers and
Durgapur Barrage, 12. East Kolkata, 13. Nalban,
supporting rich biodiversity.
14. Santragachi and 15. Palta.
In West Bengal, there are about 54 natural
C. Coastal Region-covering parts of
and nine man made wetlands which are more
North and South 24 Parganas and East
than 100 ha. (Biswas and Trisal, 1993) and in
addition to these there are numerous small
water bodies including ponds, puddles, etc. The 1.Gabaria Beel, 2. Alampur and 3.
two categories combine to cover an area of Dadanpatrabar.
about 3,44,527 ha. which is about 8.5 percent Diversity of wetland plants of West Bengal
of the total wetland area in India. A compilation is richest in India and is represented by more
from the satellite imagery data has shown that than 380 species belonging to 170 genera and
spatial distribution of wetlands varies from one 81 families (Ghosh 1996). Wetlands of West
district to other both in number as well as in Bengal covering only about 8.596 of the
area (Dept. of Environ. and R.K.M. 2002). Wetland areas (considering water bodies 100
Among the natural wetlands, seasonal ha) of India, provide shelter for more than 60%
waterlogged type of wetland (WSL) in diversity of aquatic and wetland flora (Ghosh
Medinipur and Maldah; cutoff meander (COM) op.cit.). Wetlands of West Bengal are honle of
in Koch Bihar; marsh and swamp in South and 8 species of aquatic fern and fern allies
North Dinajpore and Oxbow type lakes (OL) in belonging to 6 genera and 6 families; strictly
!Nadia and Murshidabad are significant. In case aquatic dicot and monocot are represented by
of Inland man-made wetlands (IMMW), 12 species (8 genera) and 36 species (19 genera)
tnaximum number of reservoirs are observed respectively. Large number of terrestrial
in.Banku~a; tanks in Puruliya; man-made water flowering plant families have also
logged (MMWL) in Birbhum; abandoned representatives in wetland habitat of West
quarries (AQ) in Barddhaman and ash pondsj Bengal (Table 9).
26 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-9: Flowering plant families having representatives in Wetland habitat of West Bengal
(Source: Ghosh, 2002).
Family No. of No. of
Genera Species
Acanthaceae 2 5
Aizoaceae 1 1
Amaranthaceae 2 4
Amaryllidaceae 1 1
Apiaceae 3 3
Araceae 5 6
Asclepiadaceae 1 1
Asteraceae 7 9
Balsaminaceae 1 1
Boraginaceae 2 4
Brassicaceae 1 1
Burmanniaceae 1 2
Campanulaceae 1 2
Cannaceae 1 1
Commelinaceae 3 5
Convolvulaceae 1 3
Cyperaceae 11 68
Droseraceae 1 3
Elatinaceae 1 2
Eriocaulaceae 1 9
Fabaceae 6 9
Gentianceae 1 1
Haloragaceae 1 2
Hydrophyllaceae 1 1
Lamiaceae 1 1
Lentibulariaceae 1 15
Lythraceae 3 11
Onagraceae 1 4
Orchidaceae J 1
Pandanaceae 1 1
Poaceae 24 45
Polygonaceae 1 5
Ranunculaceae 1 1
Rubiaceae 2 4
Scorphulariacea 6 27
Solanaceae 1 1
Sphenocleaceae 1 1
Verbenaceae 2 2
Xyridaceae 1 2
Total 103 265
~ANYAL et al_ ; Ecosystems of West Bengal 27
Table-14 : Recorded number of species in some major plant groups in India and West Bengal
(Adopted from Mudgal and Hazra 1997 and Dept. of Environment & Ramkrishna
Mission 2002).
Groups No. of Species Percent in West Bengal
India West Bengal
Bacteria 850 96 11.29
Algae 6500 865 13·30
Fungi 14500 860 5·93
Lichens 2051 600 29·69
Bryophyta 2850 550 19·29
Pteridophyta 1200 450 37·50
Gymnosperms 64 21 35·00
Angiosperms 17500 3580 20·45
SANYAL et ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal 29
46000 species in India. Group-wise break up Most of the genera are known by single species
of number of species in some major plant in the state. However, the genera Pseudomonas,
groups in the state as compared to that of
Staphylococcus and Staptomyces have 5, 8, 4
country has been provided in Table 14. Due to
species respectively. Detail account of the
nonavailability of all the literature, particularly
for Bryophyta, only the list of major plant bacterial species from the different regions of
species of West Bengal are appended in this West Bengal has not yet been worked out,
book. however, a list of few specific lytic bacteria
1.1. Bacteria : Over 85 species under 57 recorded from Indian Sunderbans is given in
genera have been recorded from West Bengal. Table 15.
Table-15 : List of a few specific lytic bacteria in Indian Sundarban (Source : Dept.of Marine
Science, Univ.of Kolkata. 1987. Multidisciplinary Research Approach and Report on
Mangrove Ecosystem of Sundarban).
Chili Pee- Pro- ~ NOa N03
Name of bacterium Cellulolytic nolytic tino- teo- For- For- For-
~ ~ lytic lytic mation mation mation
~ N02
Bacillus alvei - - ++ ++ + ++++ + +
Bacillus cereus - X - X X X X X
Brevibacterium sp. (St.1) + - + ++ +++ ++++ +++ ++
Bravibacterium sp. (St.2) + - + X ++ +++ X X
Bravibacterium sp. - - - - +++ ++ ++ ++
Bravibacterium sp. - X X X X X X X
Marinopiscosum sp. - - - ++ X ++ ++ ++
Bravibacterium sp. (St.4) X - X X X X X X
Bravibacterium sp. (St.S) + + ++ - X ++ ++ ++
Bravibacterium sp. (St.6) - + - X X ++ ++ ++
Bravibacterium sp. (St.7) ++ X X X X X X X
Bravibacterium sp. (St.8) + - +++ - X ++ ++ ++
Bravibacterium sp. (8t.9) X X X X X X X X
. Bravibacterium sp. (St.10) X X X X X X X X
Bravibacterium sp. (8t.11) X X X X X X X X
Bravibacterium sp. (8t.12) X X X X X X X X
Bravibacterium sp. (8t.13) X X X X X X X X
Butyribacterium sp. (St.1) + X - - X ++ ++ ++
Butyribacterium sp. (St.2) X X X X X X X X
Clostridium werneri + X - - X ++ ++ ++
Clostridium sp. (St. 1) - - - ++ X ++ ++ ++
.Clostridium sp. X X X X X X X X
Corynebacterium sp. ++ - + X ++ ++ ++ X
30 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-15 : Cont'd.
Chiti Pee- Pro- NIIa N02 N03
Name of bacterium Cellulolytic nolytic tino- teo- For- For- For-
~ 4 lytic lytic mation mation mation
NIIa N02
Kurtbia bessonii (St.l) ++ - - - ++ ++ ++ X
Kurtbia bessonii (St.2) - X - ++ X X X X
Kurtbia Bessonii (St.) - Xx + - X X X X
Kurtbia Bessonii (St.3) ++ X X X X X X X
Kurtbia sp. (St.b) - - X - X X X X
Kurtbia sp. (St.c) - X ++ X X X X X
Kurtbia sp. (St.d) ++ - ++ += X X X X
Kurtbia sp.(St.e) - - - ++ X ++ ++ ++
Kurtbia sp. (St.t) X X X X X X X X
Lactobacillus sp. (St.l) + + - - +++ ++++ ++ ++
Lactobacillus derbrueckii - X - X X X X X
Lactobacillus sp. (St.2) X X X X X X X X
Lactobacillus sp. (St.3) X X X X X X X X
Lactobacillus sp. (St.4) I 'x. X X X X X X X
Lactobacillus sp. (St.S) X X X X X X X X
Listeria sp. (St.l) - - + X + ++ X X
Listeria monocytogenes - X - X X X X X
Macrococcus agilis - - +++ X ++ ++ ++ X
Macrococcus sp. (St.l) - - X ++ ++ ++ - X
Microccoccus candidus - X - X ++ ++ - X
Macrococcus sp. (St.2) - X + X X X X X
Pseudomonas sp. (St.l) ++ X X X ++ ++ ++ +
Pseudomonas sp. (St.2) X X X X X X X X
Pseudomonas sp. (St.3) X X X X X X X X
Pseudomonas sp. (St.4) X X X X X X X X
Pseudomonas sp. (St.S) X X X X X X X X
+ : Positive, - : Negative, X : Not experimented yet.
11.2. Thallophyta: Represents the oldest and Fungi on the other hand never possess
the most primitive type of plants characterised chlorophyll.
by the simplicity of structure of their vegetative II.2.A. Algae : As many as 6500 species
bodies and of reproductive method. Two main under 666 genera are known from India. In the
groups, viz., Algae and Fungi stand out state nearly 86S species, Le. 13.30 percent of
prominently wjthin the Thallophytes. Algae Indian species, under 189 genera and 15
possess green colouring matter or chlorophyll, families have been recorded. Some of the
SANYAL et ai. : Species Diversity in West Bengal 31
gener.a such as Cosmarium, Oscillatoria and exhibited by the families MODi iac,a e (28 ) ,
Euastrum exhibit great diversity in the number Polyporaceae (15) and Dothideaceae (10), while
of species, contalning 86, 41 and 30 species many of the famihes like Onygenacea ,
each respectively. However, fairly good number Olpidioceae, Erysiphaceae, Laboulbeniaceae,
of genera viz,., Noctiluca, ,Pithophora, Synedra, etc., ,are represented by single genus and
'Wollea, etc. are represented by single species species. Great sp'e,e ies diversity could be
in the state. District-wise distribution of algae observed in the gen era Cer,e ospora (49),
in West Bengal is shown in fig.9. Polyporus (33) and Aspergillus (28) of families
I . 2 B,. Fungi : Only a small percentage Dematiaceae, Polyporaceae and Monilia(!eae
(5.9396) of Indian fungal species has so far been respectively. Highest number of species (240)
recorded nom .West Bengal. About 860 species is known from Darjiling district followed by
under 291 genera and 93 families are known Kolkata (190) District-wise distribution of fungi
from the state. Rich generic diversity is in West Bengal is shown in fig,. 10.
200 I
~ "'l III
'2 '5 E 01
o ..
di ~ &
0> ro
'0. :.0 C :::> iir
.c ~ i5 ~ Cl.. c
(ij (,)
'9 0
III (1)
~ Cl.. Q.
II. 2.C. Lic;hens : Lichens represent a the districts of the state are supporting a large
symbiotic association between two different number of species. Many of them are being
group of plants, viz., Fungi and Algae. From cultivated since the dawn of civilization and
India 2051 species under 248 genera have been became a part of our Agriculture system.
recorded, out of which nearly 600 species 1I.6.A. Monocotyledons: Contain only one
spreading over more than 93 genera and 39 cotyledon in their embryos. Nearly 5000
families are known from West Bengal. Family species under 702 genera and 44 families have
Permeliaceae contains the highest number of been recorded from India. From West Bengal
genera (11), while the genus Opergrapha of the only about 500 species i.e. nearly 10 percent
family Opergraphaceae holds the highest of country's total are known. These are
number of species (11). Maximum number of distributed over about 250 genera and 35
species is known from South 24 Parganas (169) families. Great generic diversity is exhibited by
followed by Darjiling (166). the families Gramineae and Orchidaceae
1I.3. Bryophyta : Comprise a small group of containing 76 and 39 genera respectively. Genus
terrestrial plants containing liverworts and Cyperus of the family Cyperaceae holds the
mosses; growing mostly in moist situations. highest number (36) of species.
Representatives of all the three classes, viz., Monocotyledons are well distributed through
Hepaticae, Anthocerotae and Musci are found out the state but best represnted in Darjiling
in the country as well as in the state. A total of district with over 250 species. As many as 240
nearly 2850 species under 490 genera have species have also been r~corded from Haora
been reported from the country, and about district, but great majority of them are found
19.29 percent of them, i.e. 550 species in the Indian Botanic Garden, Shibpur. District-
belonging over 33 genera are known from the wise distribution of monocot plants in West
state. Bengal is shown in fig. 11.
1I.4. Pteridophyta : Include plants like ferns, 1I.6.B. Dicotyledons : These plants have two
horse tails, club-mosses and their allies. About cotyledons in their embryos. India supports
1200 species under 204 genera are known from great diversity of dicotyledonous plants having
the country, and nearly 37.5 percent of them, nearly 12000 species under nearly 2282 genera
i.e. 450 species have been recorded from West and 203 families. In West Bengal there are
Bengal. about 3080 species distributed in over 1000
11.5. Gymnosperms : Regarded as an genera and 170 families. Family Leguminosae
intermediate group between Pteridophytes and contains as ~any as 76 genera, followed by
Angiosperms. There are about 64 species under family Asteraceae with 71 genera. Family
more than 20 genera and 8 families in lridia. Balsaminaceae is represented in the state with
West Bengal shares 21 species spreading over only two genera, viz., Impaticus and
17 genera and three families. Except for few Hydrocera, but the former exhibits greatest
genera like Pinus, Cycas, etc., others are species diversity (34) among the different
represented by single species in the state. Many dicotyledonous genera of the state. Darjiling
of these species are usually cultivated in. garden harbours the highest number of species (ca.
as ornamental plants. However, very few 1214) followed by Jalpaiguri (ca.591). District-
species occur naturally in plains and almost all wise distribution of dicot plants in West Bengal
t~e species are recorded from Darjiling is shown in fig. 12.
district. II. Faunal Diversity :
1I.6. Angiosperms: These are 'close-seeded', The state of West Bengal is adorned with
very complex seed-bearing plants. Huge remarka-ble richness of faunal species mainly
diversity could be marked in this group and all due to diverse ecosystems as well as flow of
SANYAL ,e t al. ! Species DiversIty in West Bengal ,33
250 - ~
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91,771 spe'cies present in our country and and species of faunal groups in the stat(.
12,39,166 in the world. Species diversity in distribution of aninlaJ species in the distric:ts
faunal ,groups of West Bengal ,as compared to and distribution of ,c hordate species in d istricts
India and world has been provided in Table 16. ar'e shown in Table 17, 18 and 19 res p,e tt iVt"ly.
It appears that the state is represented by 12 03 The diversity of sonle major faunal groups arl~
percent of our country's fauna ,a nd 0.89 percent discussed below.
34 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-16 : Faunal diversity of West Bengal compared to world and India (No. of species).
SI. No. of Species
Taxonomic Group
No. World India West Bengal
1. PROTISTA (Protozoa) 31250 2577 1136
2. ANIMALIA 1207916 90240 9906
Mesozoa 71 10 -
3· Porifera 4562 500 16
4· Cnidaria 9916 956 23
5· Ctenophora 100 12 2
6. Platyhelminthes 17504 1626 248
7· Nemertinea 600 - -
7· Rotifera 2500 330 147
8. Gastrotricha 3000 100 24
9· Kinorhyncha 100 10 5
10. Nematoda 30022 2872 306
12. Nematophora 250 - -
11. Acathocephala 800 229 15
12. Sipuncula 145 35 3
13· Mollusca 66535 5152 274
14· Echiura 127 43 3
15· Annelida 12700 841 194
16. Onychophora 100 1 -
Arthropoda 998920 70293 6785
17· Crustacea 35536 2941 251
Insecta 867381 61238 5407
Arachnida 73440 5829 1094
46. Araneae (Spider) 30000 1443 409
47· Scorpiones 1400 104 14
48. Acari 40000+ 2270 671
49· Pycnogonida 600 17 -
51. Pauropoda 360 - -
50. Chilopod 3000 100 9
51. Diplopoda 7500 162 22
52. Symphyla 120 4 -
53· Merostomata (Xyphosura) 4 2 2
54· Phoronida 11 3 1
55· Bryozoa (Ectoprocta) 4000 200 9
56. Entoprocta 60 10 -
57· Brachiopoda 300 3 1
Pogonophora 80 - -
Priapulida 8 - -
SANYAL et ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal 35
·Table-t6 : Cont'd.
SI. No. of Species
Taxonomic Group
No. World India West Bengal
Pentastomida 70 - -
58. Chaetognatha 111 30 -
59· Tardigrada 514 30 -
60. Echinodermata 6223 765 22
61. Hemichordata 120 12 1
Chordata 48467 5131 1827
62. Proto chordata 2106 119 -
63. Pisces 21 727 2634 610
64· Amphibia 5162 289 39
65. Reptilia 5817 460 148
66. Aves 9026 1232 846
67. Mammalia 46 29 397 188
Grand Total (Protista + AnimaIia) 1239166 91771 11042
Source : National Biodiversity Action Plan, MoEF, Govt. of India, 2008 & Animal Discovery-
2010, Zoological Survey of India.
Table-t7 : Number of family, genus and species under different faunal groups in West Bengal.
S1. No. Taxonomic Groups Family Genus Species
1. Protista :,. Protozoa 80 131 267
(Freeliving Protozoa)
·2. Protista : Protozoa 8 23 126
(Symbiotic Protozoa)
3· Protista : Protozoa 67 144 743
(Parasitic Protozoa)
4· Porifera 1 9 16
5· Cnidaria 16 20 23
6. Ctenophora 2 2 2
7· Platyhelminthes : Cestoda 17 43 93
8. Trematoda (Vertebrate exclu- 30 68 97
ding fishes)
9· Digenetic Trematodes of Fishes 21 35 58
10. Rotifera 18 30 147
11. Gastrotricha 8 15 24
12. Kinorhyncha 3 3 5
13· Nematode Parasites of Vertebrate 38 113 236
14· Plant Parasitic Nematodes 10 25 70
15· Acanthocephala 6 8 15
16. Sipuncula 1 3 3
17· Freshwater & Land Mollusca 35 70 180
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-17 : Cont'd.
Sl. No. Taxonomic Groups Family Genus Species
18. 'Estuarine & Marine Mollusca 42 65 94
19· Echiura 1 1 3
20. Annelida 40 93 194
21. Crustacea 45 135 251
22. Insecta : Thysanura 2 7 9
23· Insecta : Collembola 2 10 ~5
= =
61 15
= ~.., ~ :s
20 20
Protozoa (symbiotic) - - - 03 - - 06 10 06
Protozoa (parasitic) 61 34 40 103 42 94 42 39 41
Porifera 04 02 02 - 03 04 02 02 03
Cnidaria - - - - - - - - -
Ctenophora - - - - - - - - -
Cestoda 05 10 15 10 05 05 07 05 08
Trematoda (excluding Fish) 09 05 11 19 10 12 08 01 03
Trematoda (Fish) - - - - - - - - -
Rotifera 25 - 29 33 28 27 17 69 32
Gastrotri - - - 04 - 03 - - -
Kinorhyncha - - - - - - - - -
Nematode (vertebrate) 01 05 06 24 10 02 09 03 04
Nematode (plant) 02 13 20 18 08 17 13 01 09
Acanthocephala - - - - - - - - -
Sipuncula - - - - - - - -
Fresh water and land Moll~sca 10 12 21 94 19 37 30 16 26
Esturine and Marine Mollusca - - - - 01 03 - - -
Echiura - - - - - - - -
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-t8 : Cont'd.
Taxanomic Groups Districts of West Bengal
; ~
= e= i ....== ~
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i= ~
= =
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== ~ ~
Annelida 25 12 23 54 29 17 25 18 16
Crustacea 04 32 06 11 48
33- 02 04 04
Insecta 293 203 254 3062 248 207 951 128 314
Xiphosura - - - - - - - - -
Araneae 04 14 23 . 103 20 31 208 14 20
Scorpion , - - 02 02 01 - - - -
Acari 41 88 43 228 32 60 116 26 44
Diplopoda - - - 18 01 01 - - -
Chilopoda 01 01 02 06 01 01 01 01 01
Phoronida - - - - - - - - -
Brachiopoda - - - - - - - - -
Freshwater Bryozoa 04 03 03 01 03 03 02 01 04
Echinodermata - - - - - - - - -
Hemichordata - - - - - - - - -
Chordata 115 77 52 584 114 89 461 77 83
Table-t8 : Cont'd.
Taxanomic Groups Districts of West Bengal
. .
i"C= ~
! !
~ ~
;a= i ~0 ] ....
~= ~ ~ 0
Z rIJ tf Q== ~
Protozoa (free living) 13 20 31 48 58 17 28 128
Protozoa (symbiotic) 07 03 - 03 17 - - 107
Protozoa (parasitic) 48 56 162 109 118 38 31 258
Porifera - 03 01 . 04 02 01 01 05
Cnidaria - 13 - - 15 01 - 01
Ctenophora - 02 - - - - - -
Cestoda 18 11 06 13 14 08 05 58
Trematoda (excluding fish) 01 25 02 22 24 17 05 59
Trematode (fish) - 30 - - 26 - - 10
SANYAL et ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal 39
Table-18 : Cont'd.
Taxanomic Groups Districts of West Bengal
i l
: :;1"
~ ~ as
:a ~ as
;a= i ~
~ ~
Gastrotricha - 14 - 04 12 - - -
Kinorhyncha - 02 - 02 02 - - -
Nematode (vertebrate) 12 04 - 19 18 02 05 174
Nematode (plant) 09 05 05 11 11 - 04 01
Acanthocephala - - - 01 01 - - 13
Sipuncula - 02 - - 01 - - -
Fresh water and land Mollusca 09 18 24 33 41 19 25 67
Esturine and Marine Mollusca - 51 - 03 73 01 - 10
Echiura - 03 - - 03 - - -
Annelida 16 39 18 11 80 18 18 45
Crusteacea 04 35 05 19 177 01 04 35
Insecta 289 275 216 286 352 285 79 1189
Xiphosura - 02 - - 02 - -
Araneae 16 24 29 80 73 05 11 98
Scorpion - 03 - 02 01 01 08
Acari 44 101 74 55 118 29 21 96
'Diplopoda - - - - - - - -
Chilopoda 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02
Phoronida - 01 - - - - - -
Brachiopoda - 01 - - - - -
Freshwater Bryozoa 02 06 03 - - 03 02 04
Echinodermata - 14 - - 17 -
Hemichordata - - - 01 -
Chordata 74 154 146 257 364 99 48 129
40 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Bankura 09 14 65 27
Birbhurn 09 10 30 28
Barddharnan 04 08 130 30
Haora 06 24 58 2·6
HugH 06 05 45 33
Jalpaiguri 12 42 323 84
Koch Bihar 10 03 36 28
Maldah 07 05 49 22
Murshidabad 08 08 34 24
Medinipur 11 19 79 45
Nadia 07 12 99 28
North 24 Pgs. 10 21 19 2. 34
Puruliya 08 07 48 36
Dinajpur 08 04 15 21
Kolkata 01 34 48 46
SANYAL et al. : Species Diversity in 'West B,engal 41
1.'1. Protozoa : Protozoa are single-celled number of species recorded from' 'K olkata
eukaryotic organisms, which are, with some (493)·
ex,c eptions visible only with the aid of a 1.2. Porifera : Commonly known ,a s
microscope. Found in each and every habitat 'Sponges', includes a group of sedentary.
of all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as free- diploblastic, filter feeding, porous bodied
living, 'p arasitic or symbIotic. A total of 1136 anImals; mostly marine, but few occur in
species belonging to 53 orders, 155 families and freshwater. From tbe state only the freshwater
298 genera have so far been recorded fr'om the sponges belonging to the family Spongillidae
state Free living ,a nd parasit ic forms are have so far been recorded. A total of 16 species
represented by 131 and 144 genera distributed over '9 gener.a are known. Genus
respectively, while ' symbiotic species are Eunapius contains the maximum number (4)
distributed over 23 genera. Greatest species of species. Highest number of species recorded
div,e rsity is exhibited by the parasitic forms from Kolkata (5), while some of the districts
(743), followed by free -living (267) and' like Darjiling and Murshidabad so far have nQ
symbiotic (126) (Text. fig. 13). However, the
free-living forms ' are distributed over highest 1.3. Cnidaria : Body wall two layered-
ectoderm and endoderm with an intvervening
number of orders (30) and families (74).
acellulor to rather cellulor jelly-like mesoglea.
Most of the fa~ilies like Noctiluidae,
Some ,e ctodennal cells modified . nto specialized
Cryptorconadidae, Chromulinidae, Bionyxidae,
element called cnidoblasts or nematoc) sts.
Monocercomonadidae, Bedonidae and Predominantly m,a rine. A total of 23 species
Ade eidae ,a re represented by single gener,a and belonging to 20 genera, 16 fami ies and 7 orders
single species, while some families exhibit gr~at are recorded from coastal waters .of West
number of genera and species such as Bengal. Except the family H,aliactiidae which is
Act inocephalidae (16 gen., 400 spp.), represented by 4 genera, except the fam ily
Ophryoscolecidae (9 gen., 94 spp,. ),Eim,e riidae Edwardsiidae and Catostylidae which contain 2
(9 gen., 124 spp.),Difflugiidae(6 gen., 36 spp,.)., genera ,each, rest 13 ,c ontain one genus each in
etc,. Among the genera highest species divers'ty the state. All the species ave been recorded
is represented In the genu~ Eimeria (71), from maritime distrIcts viz., Medinipur and
followed by Trypanosama (44). H ighest South 24 Par,ganas.
8100 743
Fam ily Genus Spec ~
1.4. Ctenophora : Distinguished from recorded from the country. Among the Indian
Cnidarians by having eight meridional rows of states, West Bengal apparently harbours the
ciliary plates or combplates. So far only two highest number of species. Water bodies
species belonging to two genera and two families infested with different assemblages of aquatic
are known from the state. Both the species are macrophytes and ricefields exhibit richest
recorded only from the coastal waters of species composition. Overall diversity of 72
Medinipur and South 24 Parganas. species was recorded from these habitats of
1.5. Platyhelminthes : Body dorso-ventrally West Bengal (Sharma 1991). Highest number
flattened having an excretory or of species (102) is known from South 24
osmoregulatory system composed of Flame Parganas, followed by Kolkata (58).
cells. From pathogenic point of view this is one 1.8. Gastrotricha : Minute, unsegmented and
of the most important group of animals. A total free-living worms occurring in marine, brackish
of 248 species have been reported from the and freshwater habitats. Play an important role
state, i.e. about 15.25 percent of species known in trophic cycle by contributing remarkably to
from India. Out of four classes, two· viz., the regeneration of nutrients. Out of nine
Cestoda and Trematoda are fairly well families in the country, eight are represented
represented. Former contains 93 species under in the state by 15 genera and 24 species, i.e. 24
43 genera, while latter is represented by 155 percent of the total species of India. Family
species under 103 genera. Maximum diversity Chaetonotidae contains the highest number of
of species (127) is seen in Kolkata. genera (5) and species (11). Further, it is the
1.6. Nematoda: Nematodes or round worms only family whose members are represented
occur in every possible habitats as free-living, both in marine and freshwater, while others are
predaceous or parasitic in plants and animals. confined in the marine environ. Though most
Economically very important both in negative of the genera are represented in the state by
and positive aspects. About 306 species single species, but the genera Acanthodasys and
representing 10.65 percent of species known Polymerurus are truely monotypic. Maximum
from India is found in the state. Out of 306 number of species diversity (7) is exhibited by
species, 236 belonging to 113 genera have been the genus Chaetonotus. Medinipur and South
recorded from vertebrate hosts, while 70 24 Parganas contain 14 and 12 species
species under 25 genera from plants. Though respectively, while four species is known from
highest number of species (175) have been DaIjiling.
recorded from different vertebrate hosts in 1.9. Kinorhyncha : Microscopic, spiny,
Kolkata, but o~ly a single species of plant segmented worm like creatures living
nematode is known from the district. Plant exclusively in marine and estuarine sediments.
nematodes are best representd (18) in Darjiling Five species, i.e. 50 percent of Indian species,
district. under three fami~ies and three genera are met
1.7. Rotifera Pseudocoelomate in the state. Of the five species three belong to
microorganisms with disc-like anterior end. the genus Echinoderes, while the other two
Encountered in a wide range of aquatic and genera, viz., Sphenoderes and Pychophyes
semiaquatic environs particularly of contain one species each. Species of
freshwater. Rotifera contribute .significantly to Kinnorhyncha have been recorded from
overall biological productivity in fresh water Medinipur, South and North 24 Parganas
by. rapid turn over rate. So far, 147 species districts.
belonging to 30 genera are known from West 1.10. Sipuncula: Comprised of unsegmented
Bengal. i.e. about 44.54 percent of the species spiny, coelomate creatures inhabiting coral,
SANYAL et ale : Species Diversity 'in West Bengal 43
rocky, or muddy habitats of marine and species diversity could be observed in the genus
estuarine environments. Out of six families of Perionyx (18 spp.). Quite a number of species
the country, o~ly Sipunculidae is found in the like Plutllus ghumensis, Perionyx sikkimensis,
state and' rerepresented by three genera each Perionyx himalayanus and P. jorpolcriensis are
with single species. Known from Medinipur and restricted within the territory of West Bengal.
South 24 Parganas. Highest number of species is known from South
1.11. Echiura : Unsegmented, coelomate 24 Parganas (76), followed by Darjiling (53).
worms inhabiting intertidal to the abyssal .1.15. Arthropoda : One of the largest and
region. Out of four families of Indian waters, most successful group of animals in existence
only one, viz., Thalassematidae with 3 species today is the Arthropod group. Characterised by
under one genus is recorded from Kolkata and segmented bodies, paired segmented (or jointed
South 24 Parganas. appendages), and usually hard exoskeleton.
1.12. Phoronida : Includes slender, worm Occur in land, air and water; include animals
like, free-living, solitary and sedentary commonly known as lobsters, crabs, shrimps,
creatures housed in a self secreted tube. Of the centipeds, spiders, insects, etc. Diversity in
two genera of the world, only the genus some major classes is discussed below.
Phoronis is found in India ,with three species.
1. IS.A.Crustacea : Head bearing two pairs
West Bengal contains only one species, viz.,
of antennae and nearly every body segment
.Phoronis bhaduraii. The species is so far
with one pair of legs. Majority are aquatic living
recorded only from sandy beach of Digha coast
in marine, brackish or freshwater, but land
in Medinipur.
forms are also found. Represented in the state
1.13. Bryozoa : Sessile, lophophorate,
by S orders, 4S families, 13S genera and 2S1
colonial, coelomate animals with recurved species, the last one being over 8.S3 percent of
digestive tract, living in marine, estuarine and that in India. Maximum number of species (177)
freshwater. Only the freshwater Bryozoans recorded from South 24 Parganas., followed by
belonging to three families, five genera and nine Haora (48) while it is poorly represented in
species have been recorded from West Bengal. Puruliya (1).
Family Plumatellidae is represented by three
.genera, while other two contain one genus each. 1.1S.B. Insecta : Largest group among
Highest species diversity is exhibited by the animals and plants. Body divided into three
genus Plumatella having four species. Though segments, pair of antennae at the top of head,
only 9 species have been recorded, but it is three pairs of segmented legs. As per current
represented in the freshwater environs of all estimate there are 61238 species of insects in
the districts, while maximum number of species India spreading over 619 families and 25-30
(6) is known from Medinipur. orders (number varying with different
authorities). Distribution of insect species in
1.14. Annelida: True worms with a linear
different districts of West Bengal is shown in
series of similar body segments. Marked
Table 20 and Fig.14. Species diversity in some
externally by intersegmented grooves.
major insect orders of the state is considered
Distributed over all the ecosystems. A total of
194 species, i.e. 23.09 percent of the Indian below:
species are known to occur in the state and Thysanura : Popularly known as 'Silver fish',
distributed over three classes, viz., Polychaeta, soft bodied, wingless, scaled insects. Found on
Oligochaeta and Hirudinea. Many of the the forest floor; under bark, rock; nests of
families like Lumbricidae, Naididae, termites and ants; decomposing litter; books
Megascolecidae exhibit great generic diversity and other house hold goods. Out of five Indian
holding 6,7 and 7 genera repectively. Rich families, two, viz., Lepismatidae and Ateluridae
44 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
'f ~
i 1 ~ ~
= =
Q ~ ~
== ==
Thysanura 04 01 02 03 - - - - -
Collembola - - - 03 02 - - - -
~iplura - - - - - - - - -
Odonata 26 19 11 96 28 09 53 11 21
Plecoptera - - - 21 - - - - -
Embioptera Locality not known
Orthoptera 34 31 29 137 24 12 66 29 35
Dermoptera 05 03 - 67 02 01 06 - 04
Ephemeroptera 05 03 03 07 - - 15 - 05
Mantida 01 02 02 15 01 02 02 01 02
Phasmida - - - 17 - - 02 - -
Dictyoptera 09 06 03 17 03 01 . 09 02 09
Isoptera 04 03 04 20 01 04 10 06 02
Psocoptera 01 - 01 17 04 03 02 - -
Hemiptera 45 17 24 474 35 22 178 23 32
Anoplura - - 04 - - - - - -
Thysanoptera 17 23 - 40 27 04 02 22 -
Neuroptera 04 01 08 39 02 02 01 - 01
Hymenoptera 07 03 12 250 19 09 36 - 01
SANYAL et al. : Species Diversity in West Bengal 45
.Table-2o : Cont'd.
Taxanomic Groups Districts of west Bengal
• •
1 ! !
i'tS ~
: •
• i ~ ~
fIJ e;a
~ ~ ~ =
r/.) ~
Thysanura 03 1 - 02 01 03 - 06
Collembola - - 04 02 03 - - 11
Diplura - - - - - 01 - -
Odonata 14 26 02 07 26 08 17 41
Plecoptera - - - - - - - -
Embioptera Locality not known
Orthoptera 26 39 27 08 30 31 11 34
Dermoptera - .04 01 01 03 04 - 08
Ephemeroptera 01 04 03 08 07 04 03 08
Mantida 02 05 06 03 06 02 01 06
Phasmida - - - - 01 - - 08
Dictyoptera 04 03 03 02 01 - 08 07
07 15 10 08 08 01 - 15
Psocoptera - 01 - 04 01 - - 08
Hemiptera 34 40 38 46 56 26 16 205
Anoplura - 04 - - 02 07 - 02
. Thysanoptera 19 04 06 02 32 08 02 33
Neuroptera - 04 05 10 10 - - 11
Diptera 15 15 24 36 16 16 - 55
.Lepidoptera 47 35 17 51 35 14 07 314
Trichoptera 01 - - - - 01 01 03
Hymenoptera 06 07 15 31 19 07 01 58
Status of .Btodiversity of West .Bengal
Kolk t
ch _,.r-. .......
2 POS (
Fig. 14 : Species div'ersity 'of insect fauna in differe. t distdcts of West Bengal.
are known from West Bengal. The former is· Plecoptera : Found in ,a nd around high
represented by 7 species under five genera, altitude hil streams. Out of 113 Indian species,
,a tter by two species and two ge er.a. 21 species Leo 18.58 percent belong'ng to 10
CoUembola : Wingless, having spring lOke g'e nera and 4 families are represented in West
forked jumping organ underneath the fourth BengaL Fa'm ilies Nemouridae andPerlidae
abdominal segment. Found in huge number ,c ontain four g'e neraeach, while the g,e nus
specially in soil rich with organic metter Amphinemoura of the former fam 'ly holds the
,content. Though as many as 210 species have hig est number of species (5). All the species
been recorded from India but only 15 (7.14 are confined to Darjiling district.
per,cent) species found in West Bengal. All the Orthop,te~a : 'C ontains grass oppers, locusts,
15 splecies belong to two families and 10 genera. crickets, etc., in which forewings f~nn more or
Recorded only from 11 districts of the state and less thickened tegmina with submarginal costal
highest number of species (10) known from vein. Found m,a in_y in grasslands, forests., crop
Kolkata. fields, sandy tracts and also in snow-c ad
Odonata : Odonata or 'Dragon flies' are mountains. One of larg,e st orders of insects,
amphibiotic, spending major part of life cycle holdin,g over 17250 species in the world and
in water and adults are flying. In India, total of 1750 spp. in India. Nearly 11.88 percent of
499 species belonging to 17 families are found. Indian species, i.e., 210 species spreading over
West Bengal has the r,e presentatives of 15 126 genera and 12 families are met with in the
families with 93 genera and 180 species, Le., state. Fami yAcrid dae is repres'e nted with
3 ,. 21 percent of the country's fauna. Family highest number of genera (46) as well as species
Libellulidae has the highest number of genera (61). However, ,g reatest species diversity (7) is
(32), while the genera Agriocnemis and displayed by genus Bollivaritellix of the family
Pseudagrion of tbe fami y Coenagrionidae Tetrigidae and Pt,e ronemobius of the family
contain the highest number of species (7). Gryllidae. Darjiling possesses highest
Maximum species diversity (96) is observed in number of species (137) followed by Jalpaiguri
Darjiling, fo lowed by Jalpaiguri (53). (66).
SANYAL ,et al. : Species Diuersity in West Bengal 47
Dermapte.ra: Commonly known as "Earwigs' species (12).. D,a rjilin,g shows the gr,e at,e st
and distingu~ shed by the presen~e ~f a pair of species diversity (67), while there is no re,c ord
unsegmented, chitino~ forceps at hind end of of this group ,' 0 many of the districts, obviously
the body.. Found mainly nearw,a terbodies, due to lack of explorations.
under stones, leaf-litter, decaying books and Mantodea : Known as 'Prayin.g Mantis' as
other similar p aces. All the 7 families recorded ,adults ho d their grasping for,elegs in Namaste'
from India are represented in t!1e state. Out of posture while w~tin,g for prey. Occur in gr,e en
320 Indian species, 79 species (24.68 percent) vegetable and different plant parts. Out o.f 8
under 36g,e nera ,a re known from the state. families:, 68 genera and 162 species occurring
Highest generic diversity (8) is exhibited by the in India, state has the share of 7 families, 24
family Forficulidae, and the genus Forficula of genera and 35 species (Text-fig. IS). Darjiling
the same family ,contains highest number of ,contains the maximum number of species (1,5).
Ind ia _ W st B ngal
,8 0
1 ,6 0
,4 0
10 0
G nus Sp I S
2010 8
1,8 0
1 60
1 40
1 20
10 0
'W f IS n .:II
20 12 8
F mily. G flU
Isoptera : Inc udes ~Termites', recognized by respect of number of genera (15) and species
broad and grinding~bitting type of mandible. (34), while the family Stylotermitidae is
monotyp· c, co tahiing single genus
Favoured habitats are logs; mud mounds; under
Stylotermes,. Highest species divers·ty' (9) is
stones; wood-work, etc. In West Bengal, 52
observed in the g,e nus Odontotermes of the
species belonging to 23 genera and 4 families fami y Termitidae. 'T hese cre,a turesare well
occur ,as ,against 253 under 54 genera and 7 represented in the forested tracts of DaIjiling
families of India (Text-fig,.17).. Family as 'well as urban areas of Kolkata, which support
Termitidae is est represented in the state in 29 and 5 species respectively.
,2 00
• West Ben,g,a l
7 4
81 2
W Sl B n al
300 '
1 12
1'9 0
amily Genus Sp , j, s
of thes,e insects could be found from total of 14 species belonging to 7 g'e nera and 2
Murshidabad, Nadia, Medinipur, North-24 families have been recorded from the state.
Parganas and others. Highest species diversity (5) is expressed by the
Thy,s anoptera : One of th,e smallest ,genus Tridactylophagus of the family
Pterygote insects having fringe-wings; mainly Halictophagidae,. There is no record of these
assoc· ated with plants. Out of fiv,e families insects from many of the districts, \"hile
occurring in India, four viz., Aeolothripidae, Barddhaman has the highest number of speci1es
Merothripidae, Thripidae and Phlaeothripidae (12).
occur in the state and represented by 124
D.iptera : Comprises of mosquitoes" midges.
species (17.89 percent of Indian species) under
flies; exhibits a great diversity of habits,
75 genera. Highest number of species is found
habitats ,a nd species composition. India holds
in Darjilin,g (40).
nearly 6093 species under 1075 genera ,and 87
Neuroptera : &ecognised by the fine network
families of which West Bengal sharing 413
of veins of generally transparent wings. Adults
species (6.8 percent of country's total)
mainly occupy grasslands, . folia,g e and cr,o p
spr'e ading over 143 ,g enera and 21 families.
fields. India harbours 335 species belonging to
Maximum species diversity (187) is obser\'~d
125 genera ,a nd 13 families. Out of 13 families,
in Darjiling distr"ct.
12 are represented in the state" harbouring 73
species (22.08 percent of Indian species) Lepidoptera; Scale-winged insects; includes
beloD,g ing to 49 genera. Highest number of butterflies andmotbs which mainly occur on
spec·es (39) are met in Darjiling district. green ve,getation. About IS00'O species under
Coleopte~a : Coleopteran insects or beetles 84 families hav'e been reported from Indi.a~ of
represent the largest groups of organism at the which West Bengal bas the representath't's of
order level a:n d are recognized by much De,arly 1020 species (6.80 percent of the tota1
thi'c kened, veinless front wings. India holds Indian species) distributed under 532 gene.",
about 1.5,500 species and West Bengal shares and 33 families. In the state, highest gent.'ril'
1.570 species under 524 genera and 25
families. diversity (110) is exhibited by the fa nd ly
Highest number of speci1es (1100) are recorded Pyralidae" followed by Sphlngidae (72). (rer us
fromD,atjiling. Dasychira of tbe family Sphingidae, and ]Vcptis
Strepsiptera : These ar'e entomopha,gus of the family Nymphalidae contain the hi~h\~st
parasitoids, commonly known as 'Stylops'. A number of species (14). Greatest nunlber of
50 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
speci'es (5 18) is known from Darjiling, followed of tbeworld, two belonging to tw'o different
by Kolkata (314). gener.a are found in India ,a nd both of them have
Hymenoptera : The Hymenopteran insects been recorded from Medinipur and South 24
Parganas districts of West Bengal.
include bees, wasps, ants, etc., and occur in
diverse habitats, such as, plants, soils, domestic I. S.D. Arachnida: Scorpions, spiders, ti,cks,
areas and also as parasites of other insects. 'O f mites,etc., are included under this class and
charact~rized by absence of antennae, and body
nearly 10000 Indian species, 430 (4.30
percent) species under 180 genera and 12 of two parts, viz., cephalathorax and abdomen.
As 'm any ,a s 5818 specie,s of Arachnids
families have been reported from West Bengal.
belonging to 7 orders are known from India.
DaIjiling contains the highest number of species
Frpm the state though near y 1094 species have
been recorded, but majority of them belong to
I.IS.C. Xiphosura : Composed almost two orders, viz., Araneae and Acari, while othe
entirely of extinct forms and commonly known orders are yet to be explored properly..
as "King Crabs' or ' Horse shoe 'Crabs' ~ Occur in Diversity in some arachnid groups .n the state
marine, estuarine and occasionally in is shown In figs. 19 and 20. The' r distribution
fr,eshwaters. Out of four lOving known species in the districts is shown in Table 21.
Fa lm ily G enus Species
1 10 00
, ngal.
; Ii ; .f ;
i ~ rn
:f! :5 ."
0 II :J:!
...., -50
::s -
-c :z :5 ~
Po. ~
Number of Species
Districts Acarina Other
Meta- Asti- Prosti- Meso-· Cryp- Total Ara- Scorp-
stig- . gmata gmata stig- tostig- Acari neae iones
mata mata mata
Bankura 3 x 22 9 7 41 4 x
Birbhum 2 x 9 4 73 88 14 x
Barddhaman 3 4 13 3 20 43 23 2
Kolkata 10 28 27 2 29 96 98 8
Haora 3 4 10 4 11 32 20 1
Hugli 4 14 30 4 8 60 31 x
Koch Bihar 3 1 8 7 7 26 14 x
Maldah 4 1 19 14 6 44 20 x
Murshidabad 3 x 14 15 12 44 16 x
Medinipur 6 6 51 17 21 101 24 3
. Nadia 3 4 42 3 22 74 29 x
North 24 Pgs. 6 1 12 7 29 55 80 2
Purulia 5 x 8 7 9 29 5 1
W. Dinajpur 3 x 5 4 9 21 11 x
52 Status of ,Biodiversity oj West Bengal
Araneae: Spiders are grouped under this Suborder Astigmata is best represented in
order. Out of 46 families., 240 ge ,e ra and 1035 Kolkata having ,28 species., while Datji ing oids
species of India ,3'7 families, 169 gener,a and 409 the maximum number of species for all other
(39.5 percent of Indian spe,cies) spec'es are suborders.
represented in the state,. Family Ar,a neidae 1.16. Mollusca: Soft-bodied. animals, but
includes the maximum number of genera (18), majority of the species covered by one or more
while the genus Oxyopes under t e family bard calcareO'us shel '. Adapted to diverse
Oxyopidae bolds the highest number of species habitats frO'm deep sea to' high bills. Overall
(15). District J alpaiguri exhibits richest sp'ecles species dive sity of Indian marine molluscs is
diversity (208), followed by Kol ata (98), much higher than that of the ,c ombined
A,cari : Comprising ticks and mites in which freshwater and terrestrial ecosystem. M,a rine
somatic segmentation is inconspicuous or Ecosystem in India contains ,3 440 species
absent. There are ,a bout 2186 Indian species under 521 genera and 247 fam·lies as against
spreading over 5 subO'rders, 207 familIes and 1712 species under 193 genera and 48 families
64,3 gen,e ra. All the suborders are fairly of freshwatet: and terrestrial ecosystems.
represented in the state and species diversity However, in the context of West Bengal,
under e,ach suborder .s provided in Table 22. reverse is true (Text. fig. 21). Fresbwater and
Tab e-22 : Species diversity of different terrestrial ec:osystems su port 180 species
suborders of Acari in West Bengal. ' under 70 genera and 35 fam' ieswhilethere are
94 spec'es belO'nging to ,65 genera, 42 families
Suborders No. of No. of No. of
F am
' •• in marine and estuarine ecO'systems. Family
_le~ Genera Species
Ariophantidae and Cyclophoridae show higbest
Astigmata ...
8 19 33 generic divesity (7) in land a d freshwater, and
MesO'stigmata 7 15 66 familyN'eritidae has highest numbe of genera
Metasti,gma a 'I 9 ,32 (5) in marine water. MO'st of the marine genera
CryptO'stigmata 61 are represented by single species, but Nactica
42 282
(F.amily Nact'cidae) and Stenothyr,a (Family
Prostigmata 29 121 2sB
StenO'thyridae), contain four speci,e s each.
i Total I
106 306 6'71 Among the freshwater and land molluscs, genus
120 r-~----------------~~~~------------~~~~
~ 60
(U ::l (U ~ :;I
E 0) ~ 9- c.
«) (5 ro (ij c If)
(/I ro
:x:: «l C. .c ~ -0 CL
:;I c
~ 0 (ij (,) £.
ell a.. c5
J 0
:x:: :; ~ '<:t
CD ~
900 846
700 610
Mammall R ptl"" A mphlbl.) Ish
- Baa Birb UR)
Haora Hu~i
lidabad Nadia
Pundiy DPur
Otl ih
2 PO (N)
Puru . Din ~p
- B. UDl
Hu_ I
Nadia r
• Din ~p
II. Domestic biodive'r sity : Yei ding Varieties, many .of tbese breeds IHlYt,
been wiped out..
Since the earliest stage of human civilization,
a large number of plant and anim,al species are IILl. Fauna: So far, only .a fe\v species of
animals have been dOlnesticated by the Inunan
being domesticated or brought under
bein,g s. In the state lnost .of th'e dOnlt'~l it-
cu tivation. During domestication, a large
species have a fairly good nUlnber of hrt\~'d~
number of breeds or varieties for each of the and many of thenl were brought fronl ot hl'r
species have been produced for getting better parts of the country, Sonle of the hnportan l
yeild. However, after the introduction of Hi,gh breeds are mentioned belo\\.
56 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
iv. Litchi (Nephelium litchi) Bombai, Muzaffarpur, China, Elachi, Kashba, Purbi, etc.
v. Guava (Psidium guyava) Khaja, Kashi, L-49, Kafri, Apple, Safeda, Red Fleshed, Seedless.
vi. Papaya Washington, Honey Dew, Ranchi, Solo, CO 1 to CO 5.
vii. Sapota (A'chras sapota) Cricket Ball, Bahara, Gandevi Baroda, Dhakai, Small Oval, Badami.
viii. Citrus Fruits (Citrus sp.) Limes, Lemons (Gandharaj, Seedless, Kadamba), Pummelo
(Stalkart, Krishnagar 1, Krishnagar 3), Sweet Lime, Mandarin
Orange, Sweep Orange and many others.
ix. Coconut (Cocos EC Tall, WCT, Local, Hazari, Hybrid, TXD, DXT, Malayan Dwarf.
X. Cashew (Anacardium Depali, and few others.
B. Vegetables
i. Cauli flower Jawahor Moti, Early Kuanri, Early Patna, Kalimpong. Dania,
Snowball, Daina, Synthetic, Kalimpong Snowball, Pusa Dipali,
Benaras, Jaspanese.
ii. Cabbage Golden Acre, Pride of India, Kalimpong English Ball, Kalimpongl;
Eclipse Drumhead.
iii. Garden peas Early Giant, Meteor, Arkel Alderman, New Line Perfection,
(Psidium sativum) Bonneville, Jawahar Matar, Krishnagar Dwarf.
iv. Tomato (Lycopersicum Sioux, Pusa Ruby, S-12, Punjab Topic, Roma Super, Marglobe,
esculentum) Krishnagar S 20.
v. Raddish Kalpin Red, Kalimpong Red, Krishnagar Red Bombai, Contai, Long.
vi. Beet Crimson Globe, Detroit Dark Red.
vii. Carrot Pusa Kesar, Nantes.
viii. Turnip Purple Top, White Globe, Snowball.
xi. Onion (Allium cepa) Pusa Ratnar, Nasik Red, Pusa Red, Red Globe.
x. Lady's Finger Pusa Sawani, Parwani Kranti.
(Hibiscus esculentus)
xi. Chilli Suryamukhi, G-3, NP 46 A, Patnai, Pusa Jwala, Bullet, Sali, Siti
Sagar, Sundari.
xii. Pumpkin Chaitali, Barsati.
(Cucurbita pepo)
xiii. Cucumber Japanese Long green, Poinseti, Krishnagar Selection.
(Cucumis sativus)
xiv. Brinjal Pusa Kranti,Pusa Purple, Makra, Cluster, Pusa Purple Long,
(Solanum melongena) Muktakeshi, Noorki, Paiva Tuni, Rajpur Selection, Rajkrishna,
.Purple Round, Green Long.
xv. Bottle Gourd Pusa Summar, Desi Long, Bajoral Selection.
(Lagenaria vulgaris)
xvi. Sweet Potato Pusa sunheri, Pusa Safed, Pusa Lal.
(Ipomoea batalus)
58 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Maize Indigenous 1
Hybrids 2
Soyabean IIV 2
Wheat HYV 1
Mustard IIV 2
Paddy (Aus) Indigenous 1
Paddy (Arnan) Indigenous 10
HYV 10
Italian Indigenous 1
Sesame Indigenous 1
Mustard Indigenous 1
Wheat HYV 2
SANYAL et· ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal 59
HYV 28
Lentis IIV 2
Gram Indigenous 1
Khesari IIV 1
Mustard IIV 3
.Groundnut IIV 3
Sesame Indigenous 1
Paddy Indigenous 2
Bajra Indigenous 1
Jower Indigenous 1
Indian Millet Indigenous 2
Mustard IIV 2
Sesame Indigenous 1
Khesari Indigenous 1
60 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Wheat IIV 1
Gram Indigenous 1
Lentil Indigenous 1
Mustard Indigenous 1
Arhar IIV 1
Mustard IIV 3
Lentel Indigenous 1
Gram IIV 2
Khesari Indigenous 1
Paddy (Aus) Indigenous 3
Paddy(Aman) HYV 8
Kalai Indigenous 2
Maize Indigenous 1
Hybrid 2
SANYAL et ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal 61
Gram Indigenous 1
Lentil Indigenous 1
Mustard IIV 5
Paddy (Arnan) HYV 12
Arhar Indigenous 1
Kalai Indigenous 1
Sesame Indigenous 1
Wheat HYV 2
Gram Indigenous 1
Lentil Indigenous 1
Mustard IIV 2
Paddy (Aus) IIV 2
HYV Many
Paddy(Arnan) Indigenous 2
HYV 9+
Sesame Indigenous 1
Kalai Indigenous 1
Wheat HYV 1
Mustard IIV 1
62 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Kalai Indigenous 1
Paddy(Boro) HYV 5
Mustard IIV 3
Wheat Indigenous 1
Paddy Indigenous Not Available
Kalai Indigenous 1
Mung Indigenous 1
Paddy (Aus) HYV 3+
Paddy (Arnan) IIV 2
HYV 9+
Kalai Indigenous 2
Wheat HYV 3
Mustard Indigenous 1
Paddy (Boro) Indigenous 1
SANYAL· et ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal
Mung IIV 3
Sesame Indigenous 1
Kalai Indigenous 1
Wheat HYV 4
Khesari IIV 2
Lentil Indigenous 1
Mustard IIV 1
Paddy (Aus) Indigenous 1
Paddy (Arnan) Indigenous 7
HYV 11
Kalai Indigenous 1
Wheat HYV 2
Mustard IIV 3
Gram Indigenous 1
Lentil Indigenous 1
Khesari Indigenous 1
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
HYV 14
Wheat HYV 3
Mustard IIV 3
Mung Indigenous 1
Kalai Indigenous 1
Paddy (Aus) HYV 10
Paddy (Arnan) HYV 24
Maize Hybrid 2
Sesame Indigenous 1
Kalai Indigenous 1
. IIV 2
Arhar Indigenous 1
Mung Indigenous 1
Mustard IIV 3
Wheat HYV 3
Lentil Indigenous 1
Keshri Indigenous 1
Gram Indigenous 1
Paddy (Aus) IIV 1
Paddy (Arnan) HYV 13
Kalai Indigenous 1
SANYAL et ale : Species Diversity in West Bengal 65
Paddy (Boro) Indigenous 1
Wheat Indigenous 1
Gram Indigenous 1
Lentil Indigenous 1
Sesame Indigenous 2
Mustard IIV 6
Khesari Indigenous 1
Paddy Indigenous 3
HYV 14
Sesame • Indigenous 1
Mustard IIV 1
Mung IIV
Wheat HYV 5
Khesari Indigenous 1
66 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-23 : Major endangererd animals and their population status in West Bengal.
Year Gom- Buxa Jalda- Maha- Sundar- Other Total
mara para nanda bans areas
1979 7 27 12 10 205 35 296
1983 16 " 15 9 1 264 47 352
1989 8 33 7 8 269 36 361
1992 - 29 5 13 - - -
1993 - 29 9 12 251 34 335
1997 - 32 13 12 263 41 361
Leopard : (Schedule 1)
1984 14 8 7 12 - 41 82
1989 14 50 5 10 - 29 108
1992 - 63 - - - - -
1993 2 - 9 2 - 31 107
Gaur : (Schedule 1)
1989 240
1993 425
1997 550
1998 530-560
2002 1180-1284
209-10 Not less than 901 (Gorumara NP & Chapramari WLS only)
68 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-23 · Cont'd .
Elephant : (Schedule 1)
1989 175
1993 186
1991 230-250
1999-2000 327
2000 3 27
2002 328*
1969 75 12 87
1974 21 6 27
1978 19 8 27
1986 14 8 22
1989 27 12 39
1993 33 12 45
1996 42 14 56
-1997 44 14 58
1999 55 19 74
2000 54 19 73
2002 74 22 96
2004 96 25 121
2006 108 27 135
2008-09 12 5 31 156
200 9-10 125 (Figures 35 (32 in Gorumara + 1 in
from 2008-09 Chapramari + 2 in Buffer areas of
adopted) Gorumara NP & Chapramari WLS)
Source : Annual Report (2009-2010), Wildlife Wing, Directorate of Forests, Govt. of West Bengal.
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance
Table-24 : Contd.
Group SI. No. N arne of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status main occurrence
15· Butea superba SWB
16. Bulleyia yunnanensis- Rare NWB
20. C. pamassifolia -
32. C. decandra -
Table-24 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status nnain occurrence
49· Drosera burmannii SWB
50. D. peltata NWB
51. D. indica
52. Drypetes subsessilis NWB
53· Diplomeris hirsuta-Vulnerable NWB
54· Excoecaria agallocha SWB
55· Elaeocarpus aristatus NWB
56. E. ganitrus NWB
57· Elaeodendron glaucum NWB
58. Engelhardtia aolebrookiana NWB
59· Eriobotrya dubiq NWB
60. Eulophia bicallosa NWB
61. Feronia elephantina SWB
62. Firmiana pallens NWB
63· Flacourtia cataphracta NWB, SWB
64· Geodorum densiflora NWB
65. Gloriosa superba NWB
66. Gnetum scandens NWB
67. Grewia microcos NWB
68. Habenaria marginata NWB
69· H.oleosa NWB
70. Helicteres isora SWB
71. Homalium zeylanicum NWB
72 . Hova lanceolata NWB
73· H. globulosa NWB
74· Hymenodictyon flaccidum NWB
75· Heydyotis brunonis NWB
76. H. scabra NWB
77· Heritiera fomes SWB
78. Isoetes coromandelina
79· Ichnocarpus frutescens NWB, SWB
80. Juniperus pseudo-sabina NWB
81. Knema erratica NWB
82. Kandelin candal SWB
72 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-24 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status nmain occurrence
83· Leycesteria belliana NWB
Table-24 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status nmain occurrence
116. Polyalthia serasoides SWB
117· Rauvolfia serpentina NWB, SWB
118. R. tetraphylla SWB
119· Reevesia pubescens SWB
120. Rhododendron smithi NWB
121. Rhynchostylis retusa NWB
122. Saccopetalum longij1orum NWB
123· Salix daltoniana
124· Santalum album SWB
125· Semecarpus anacardium NWB, SWB
126. Siphonodon celastrineus NWB
127· Sorbus ursina NWB
128. Soymida febrifuga SWB
129· Spiranthus sinensis NWB
130. S. australis
131. Strychnos nux-vomica SWB
132. Styrax serrulatum NWB
133· Symplocos racemosa NWB, SWB
134· Solomonia ciliata SWB
135· S. polygala SWB
136. Sonneratia alba SWB
137· S. casaeolaris SWB
138. Scyphiphora hydrophylacea SWB
139· Ternstroemia japonica NWB
140. Tetracera sarmentosa NWB
141. Tiliacora acuminata SWB
142. Tylophora indica SWB
143· Utricularia bifida NWB
144· U. caerulea NWB
145· U. scandens NWB
146. U. stellaris
147· U. striatula
148. Vatica lancaefolia NWB
149· Vitex peduncularis NWB
74 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-24 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status nmain occurrence
150. Xylia xylocarpa SWB
151. Xylocarpus granalum SWB
152. Zeuxine nervosa NWB
Fauna :-Mammalia 153· Petaurista magnificus NWB
154· P. nobilis NWB
155· Ratufa bicolor NWB
156. Myotis annectans NWB
157· M. mystacinus NWB
158. Rhinolophus trifoliatus NWB
159· Manis crassicaudata EWB
160. Canis lupus SWWB
161. Cuon alpinus NWB, SWB
162. Melurnus ursinus NWS, SWWB
163. Ailurus fulgens-Sch. I NWB
164. Lutra lutra EWB
165. Aonyx cinerea NWB, SWB
166. Herpestes palustris-Sch. I SWB
167. Hyaena hyaena SWWB, NWB
168. Prionailurus bengalensis EWB.
169. P. viverrinus NWB, SWB
170. Neofelis nebulosa WWB
171. Panthera pardus EWB
172. Panthera tigris-Sch. I NWB, SWB
173· Elephas maximus-Sch. I NWB, SWWB
174· Capricorn is sumatraenis NWB
175· Caprolagers hispidus-Sch. I SWB, NWB
176. Rhinoceros unicornis-Sch. I NWB
177· Cervus duvaucelli-Sch. I SWB,NWB
178. Bos frontalis NWB
179· Bubalus bubalis-Sch. I SWB, NWB
180. Platanista gangetica-Sch. I SWB, NWB
181. Orcaella brevirostris-Sch. I SWB
Aves 182. Ardea goliath SWB
183. Ciconia ciconia NWB,
SANYAL et ala : Species of Special Significance 75
Table-24 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status mmain occurrence
184· Leptoptilos dubius-Sch. IV SWWB, SWB
185· L. javanicus-Sch. IV EWB
186. Platalea leucorodia EWB
187· Dendrocygna bicolor NWB, SWB
188. Threskiornis aethiopica SWB
189· Aviceda jerdoni NWB
187· A. leuphotes NWB
191. Accipiter nisus NWB'
192. A. virgatus NWB
193· Haliaectus leucogaster SWB
194· Sarcogyps calvus SWB
195· Gyps indicus-Sch. I SWWB
196. G. bengalensis-Sch. I EWB
197· Pandion haliaetus SWWB, SWB
198. Falco peregrinus-Sch. IV SWWB
199· Polyplectron bicalcaratum NWB
200. Ithaginis cruentus NWB
201. Lophurus leucomelana NWB
202. Pavo cristatus NWB
203· Grus nigricollis NWB
204· Hatiaectus leucoryphus NWB
205· Tyto alba SWB
206. Aceros nipalensis NWB
207· Anthracoceros malabaricus NWB
208. Pellomeum palustris-Sch. IV NWB
Reptiles 209· Aspideretes gangeticus-Sch. I SWB
210. Aspideretes hurum-Sch. I SWB
211. Melanochelys tricarinata-Sch. I SWB
212. Gavialis gangeticus-Sch. I SWB
213· Crocodylus porosus SWB
214· Lepidochelys olivacea-Sch. I SWB
215· Batagur buska-Sch. I SWB
216. Eretmochelys imbricata-Sch. I SWB
217· Chelonia mydas-Sch. I SWB
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-24 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status main occurrence
218. Kachuga kachuga-Sch. I SWB
219· Geoclemys hamiltonii-Sch. I SWB
220. Eretmochelys imbricata-Sch. I SWB
221. Lissemys punctata NWB, SWB
222. Chitra indica-Sch. I SWB
223· Varanus bengalensis EWB
224· V. flavescens SWB
225· V. salvator SWB
226. Python molurus-Sch. IV NWB
227· P. reticulatus NWB
228. Elachistodon westermanii-Sch. I NWB
229· Ptyas mucosus EWB
230. Naja naja EWB
Amphibia 231. Trilototriton verrucosus-Sch. I EWB
Pisces 232. Ompokpabo
233· Carcharhinus gangeticus-Sch. I
234· O. bimaculatus
235· Ailia bengalensis
236. Bagrius bagarius
237· Eutropichthys vacha
238. Puntius sarana
239· Semiplolus semiplolus
240. Osphronemus nobilis
241. Labeo diacanthys
242. L. fimbriatus
243· L. gonius
244· Anabas testudineus
245· Notopterus notopterus EWB
246. N. chitala EWB
247· Pangasius pangasius
248. Balitora brucci
249· Gadusia chapra
250. Meastacembelus armatus
SANYAL et al. : Species of Special Significance 77
Table-24 : Contd.
.Group Sl. No. Name of the threatened Region of
species and IUCN status nBain occurrence
251. Mystas tangra
252. M. aor
Ascription of a country (ies) of origin to any appear to be true for other groups. Firstly, the
genetic resource is evidently related to the number of genera and species to be handled is
patterns of geographical distribution of living extremely large; secondly, there has still not
organisms. Genetic resource or species confined been thorough surveys conducted for all groups
to a country/geographical region is considered in the country; thirdly, a good number of genera
as endemic to that country or region. In the and species are "known from their original
applications of Intellectual Property Right record only", giving the impression that they
(IPR) and patenting the genetic resources, are endemic there, which mayor may not be
documentation of endemic species in the true due to insufficient surveys; and fourthly
country level is the most important function the detail taxonomic studies of all orders and
particularly for countries with rich biological families occurring in India could not be
diversity. Alfred (1998) provided an estimate completed for want of experts. Analysis of the
of endemic faunal species of the country. fauna of West Bengal reveals that not only a
According to that estimate percentage of substantial percentage of Indian endemic
endemic species in different animal groups species occur in the state but also there are
varies from 1 to 100 percent. However, except many species which are exclusively endemic to
for higher vertebrates, there has been no West Bengal. Some of the Indian endemic
indepth and standard study of the enumeration species occurring in the State have been listed
of endemic taxa in India for various reasons. in Table 25, and those which are confined
Varshney (1998) has focused some of these within West Bengal along with main region of
reasons with reference to insect groups which occurrence are shown in Table 26.
Table-25 : Some Indian endemic species occurring in West Bengal alongwith main region of
their occurrence in the state. (Abbreviations as in Table 24)
Group Sl. No. Species Main region of
Mammals 1. Anathana ellioti SWWB
Aves 1a. Perdicula manipurensis NWB
lb. Galloperdix lunulata NWB
Reptiles 2. Sitana ponticeriana EWB
3· Psammophilus blanfordanus SWWB, SWB
4· Japalura variegata NWB
Amphibia 5· Ichthyophis sikkimensis NWB
6. Rhacophorus tuberculatus NWB
7· Limnonectus mawphlangensis NWB
Pisces 8. Labeo gonius NWB
9· Noemacheilus devdevi NWB
10. N. multifascialus NWB
11. Balitora brucei NWB
Arthropoda 12. Platyrhop~lus denticornis SWB
Coleoptera 13· P. intermedius NWB
14· Neocollyris attenuata NWB
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance 79
Table-25 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Species Main region of
15· N. distincta NWB
16. N. juscitarsis NWB
17· Prothyma proxima SWWB
18. Heptodonta nodicollis NWB
19· Cicindela tetrastacta SWWB, SWB
20. C. dromicoides NWB
21. C. erudita NWB, SWB
22. C. grammophora NWB, SWB
23· C.ognata NWB
24· C. albopunctata NWB
25· C. bicolor EWB
26. C. haemorrhoidalis SWB
27· C. cyanea NWB
28. C. striatifrons NWB
29· Harpalus indicus NWB
30. Dioryche nagpurensis EWB
31. Oxycentrus parallelus SWWB, SWB
32. Pachytrachelus cribiceps NWB
33· Coleolissus perlucens SWWB
34· Laccophilus anticatus SWB, WWB
35· L. elegans WWB
36. L. rufulus EWB
37· Metheles indicus SWB
38. Guignotus fulvescens SWWB
39· G. regimberti SWB
40. Clypeodytes bufo SWB
41. C. indicus SWB
42. Uvarus quadrilineatus SWB
43· Hyphoprus oper SWWB, SWB
44· H. bengalensis SWB, NWB
45· Peschetius .quadriscostaius SWWB
46. Platynectes kashmirensis NWB
47· Rhanthus ovalis NWB
48. Cybister regulosus SWB
49· Orectochilus similis SWB
80 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-25 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Species Main region of
50. O. productus EWB
51. O. haemorrhous SWB
52. O. fletcheri SWWB, SWB
53· O. cylindricus SWWB
54· O. cardoni SWB
55· Haliplus prathii SWB
56. Spercheus gibbus SWB
57· Sphaeridium cameroni SWWB
58. Pachysternum cardoni NWB
59· P. stenvensi NWB
60. Laccobius rotundatus SWB
61. L. simulans NWB
62. Helochares lentus SWWB, SWB
63· Hydrophilus olivaceus SWWB
64· H. rufocinctus SWB
65· Hypocacculus malabaricus SWB
66. Abraeus paria NWB
67. Acritus tuberisternus NWB
68. Platylomalus oblisus NWB
69· Paraepierus corticicola NWB
70. Platylister atratus SWB, NWB
71. Atholus silvicola NWB
72. Micropeplus sikkimi NWB
73· Eupiestus sikkimi NWB
74· Eleusis sikkimensis NWB
75· Priochirus rubiginosus NWB
76. P.longicornis NWB
77· P. sikkimellsis NWB
78. Thoracochirus assamensis NWB
79· Pseudopsis prolixa NWB
80. Megarthrus chatterjeei NWB
81. M. Septempunctatus NWB
82. M. basicornis NWB
83. Anthobium sikkimi NWB
84· Planeustomus bengalensis NWB
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance 81
Table-25 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Species Main region of
85. Oxytelopsis andrewesi NWB
Table-25 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
118. Stilicus parous NWB
119· S. velutinus NWB
120. Cryptobium sikkimense NWB
121. C. fluviatile SWB
122. Stiliderus umbratus NWB
123· Indoscitalinus dispilus
124· Platyprosopus fuliginosus SWB
125· Philonthus industanus NWB
126. Diceros childreni SWB
127· Rhomborrhina glaberrima NWB
128. Heterorrhina punctatissima NWB
129· H. nigritarsis NWB
130. Trigonophorus scintllans NWB
131. Protaetia aurichalcea SWB
13 2 . P. peregrina NWB
133· P. neglecta NWB
134· Oxycetonia jucunda NWB, S,WB
135· Chiloloba acuta NWB
136. Clinteria spilota NWB, SWB
137· Cymophorus pulchellus SWB
138. Heteronychus annulatus SWB
139· Parastasia ochracea NWB
140. Spilopopillia sexguttata NWB
141. Mimela horsfieldi NWB
142. M. globosa NWB
143· M. marginalis SWB
144· Anomala dorsalis
145· A. aegrota NWB
146. A. fulviventris NWB
147· A. signaticollis NWB
. 148. A. xanthoptera NWB
149· A. crythroptera NWB
150. A. pusilla NWB
Ephemeroptera 15I. Claeon variegatum NWB, SWB
152. Gilliesia hindustanica NWB
SANYAL et al. : Species of Special Significance
Table-25 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
Odonota 153· Aciagrion olympicum NWB
154· Agriocnemis lacteola NWB, SWB
155· A. splendidissma NWB, SWB
155a. A. aborensis NWB, SWB
156. Coeliccia renifera WWB
157· Calicnemia miniata SWWB, NWB
158. Ceylonolestes cyanea NWB
159· Lestes thoracica
160. Philoganga montana NWB
161. Rhinocypha bifasciata NWB
162. R. immaculata NWB
163. R. trifasciata
164· R. bifenestrata NWB
165· R. unimaculata NWB
166. Anisopleura lestoides
167· A. comes NWB
168. Allogaster latifrons NWB
169· Jagoria martini NWB
170. Cephalaeschna orbifrons NWB
171. C. masoni NWB
17 2 . Gynacanthaeschna sikkima NWB
173· Periaeschna magdalena NWB
174· Gymacantha albistyla NWB
175· Polycanthagyna erythromeles NWB
176. Perissopgpmphus stevensi NWB
177· Burmagomphus sivalikensis NWB
178. Platygomphus dolobralus
179· Anisogomphus occipitalis NWB
180. A. bivittatus NWB
181. A. arites NWB
182. Stylogomphus inglisi NWB
183· Onychogomphus aureus NWB
184· Epophthalmia vittata NWB
185· Macromia flavicincta
186. Pseudotramea prateri NWB
187· Bradinopyga geminata NWB, SWB
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-25 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Species Main region of
Plecoptera 188. Amphinemoura luteipes NWB
189· Gibosia needhami NWB
190. Neoperla limosa NWB
19l. Cryptoperla torva NWB
Orthoptera 19 2 . Eucriotellix dohertyi NWB
193· Hebardittix quadratus NWB
194· Loxilobus assamus NWB
195· Synalibas perplexus NWB
196. Thoradonta pruthii SWB
197· Bolivaritettix dubius NWB
198. B. laticeps NWB
199· B. sikldmensis NWB
200. Hyboella conioptica NWB
20l. H.obesa NWB
202. H. tentata NWB
203· Teredorus frontalis NWB
204· Xistrella dromadaria NWB
205· X. inermis NWB
206. Paratettix rotundatus V
207· Velarifictorus sikkimensis NWB
208. Gyllodes sigillatus SWWB, SWB
209· Loxoblemmus macrocephalus NWB
210. . L. nigriceps NWB
21l. Pteronemobius pantelchopardorul n NWB
212. Cacoplistes rogenhoferi NWB, SWB
213· Holopercna darjeelingensis NWB
21 4. Chondronotulus bengalensis
215· Epistaurus sinetyi SWB, SWWB,
216. Peripolus pedarius NWB
217· Eupreponotus inflatus NWB, SWB
218. Paraconophyma scabra SWWB
219· Sanna reg a lis NWB
220. Eucocephalus incertus SWWB
Dermaptera 22l. Paradipplatys gladiator SWB, NWB
222. Diplaty$ sinuatus NWB
223· Haplodiplatys rileyi NWB
224· H. rufescens
225· Euborellia annandalei NWB
SANYAL et al. : Species of Special Significance 85
Table-25 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species -
Main region of
226. Antisolabis formicoides NWB
227· Forc ipula indica NWB
Dictyoptera 228. Trichoblatta sericea NWB
229· Stictolampra plicta EWB
230. Panesthia regalis NWB
Mantodea 231. Anaxarcha acuta NWB
232. Ephestiasula amoena SWB
233· Heliomantis elegans NWB
234· Hestiasula inermis NWB
235· Creobroter apicallis SWB
236. Dysaules longicollis
237· Leptomantis indica NWB
238. L. montana NWB
239· H eterochaetula tricolor SWB
240. Parananomantis brevis SWB
241. Amantis subirina NWB
242. A. biroi SWB
243· Gonypetyllis semuncialis SWB
244· Hierodula butleri NWB
245· Aethalochroa ashmoliana NWB
Psocoptera 246. Granthakita cuttackae SWB
247· Pachytroctes georgi SWB
Hemiptera 248. Machaerota planitiae SWB
249· Eugnathodus ocellatus NWB
250. Halotrichosiphum rusellae NWB
251. Pseudoastegopteryx himalayensis NWB
252. Pemphigus vulgaris NWB
Diptera 253· Microtytum strigatum NWB
254· M. trimelas NWB
255· Simulium tenuistylum NWB
256. S. dentatum NWB
Lepidoptera 257· Pseudopanthera himalayica NWB
258. Boarmia diversicolor NWB
259· B. atrostipata NWB
260. Apocalypsis velox NWB
261. Campsogene mansoni NWB
261a. Oxyambalyx matti NWB
262. Anambulyx elwesi NWB
263· Punacra moseri NWB
86 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-25 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
Acari 264. Euteranychus maximae SWB
265. Oligonychus ma{1niJerus EWB
266. Malconothrus assamensis SWB
267. Basilobelba indica EWB
Mollusca 268. Parreysia lima NWB
269. Pisidium atkinsonianum NWB
270. Sphaerium indicum NWB
271. Cyclophorus aurora NWB
272. C. polynea SWB
273· Theobaldius phaenolopicus NWB
274· Clithon reticularis SWB
275· Scaphula celox SWB
276. Macrochlamys petrosa SWB, SWWB
277· Pterocyclus rupestris NWB
Rotifera 278. Lecane lateralis -
279· L. pawlowski -
Oligochaeta 280. Dero indica SWWB, NWB
281. Branchiodrilus semperi EWB
Porifera 282. Corvospongilla lapidosa SWB
283. C. caunteri
Cnidaria 284. Edwardsia jonesli SWB
285. E. tinctrix SWB
286. Pelocoetes exul SWB
287. Phytocoetes gangeticus SWB
288. Nevadne glauca SWB
289. Diadumene schilleriana SWB
290. Paracondylactis indica SWB
291. Agrostris brachiata -
292. A. sikkimensis NWB
293· A. triaristata NWB
294· Arundinella decempedalis NWB
295· Bambusa balcooa NWB
296. Dendrocalamus petellaris NWB
297· Festuca leptopogon NWB
298. Alysicarpu homosus EWB
299· Cajanus villosus NWB
300. Dysolobium tetragonum NWB
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance
Table-26 : Some species exclusively endemic to West Bengal with region of their main occurrence.
Abbreviations a,s in Table 24.
Group Sl. No. Species Main region of
Mammals I. Herpestes palustris SWB
Reptiles 2. Oligodon juglandifer NWB
Amphibia 3· Bufo abatus NWB
4· Megophryus robusta NWB
5· Rana senchalensis NWB
6. R. annandalii NWB
7· Rhacophorus jerdonii NWB
8. R. dubius NWB
Pisces 9· Puntius dukai NWB
Strepsiptera 10. Trizocera pugipenis -
Coleoptera II. Omoglymmius darjeelingensis NWB
12. Heptodonta kraatzi NWB
13· Cicindela seriepunctata NWB
14· C. oberthuri NWB
15· Amblystomus bivittatus SWB
16. Chydaeus obscurus NWB
17· Laceophilus kempi NWB
18. Hydraena tenjikuana NWB, SWB
19· H. wittmeri NWB
20. Coelostoma subditum SWB
21. Crenitis orientalis NWB
22. Saprinus chalcites NWB
23-· Chaetabraeus fakir NWB
24· Cypturus bengalensis SWB
25· Apobletes bengalensis NWB
26. Hyposotenus bengalensis NWB
27· Chronus scaliformis' NWB, SWB
28. Hister pullatus SWB
29· Santalus parallelus SWB
30. Micropeplus vulcanus NWB
31. Apatetica sikkmi NWB
32. Eupiestus angulatus NWB
33· Siogonium indicum NWB
34· Holosus rugipennis NWB
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-26 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
H. lopchuensis NWB
36. Thoracophorus montanus NWB
Table-26 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
70. D. wittmeri NWB
71. Edaphus binodulus NWB
72. E. brevipennis NWB
73· Aulacosthaetus indicus NWB
74· Pinophilus indicus SWB
75· Astenus bisalicus NWB
76. A. gracilentus NWB
77· Paederus atrocyaneus NWB
78. P. hingstoni NWB
79· Scopaeus bicuspis SWB
80. Sclerochiton indicus NWB
8l. Lobochilus brachypterus NWB
82. L.labralis NWB
83. L. brevipennis NWB
84. Dibelonetus bhaumild NWB
85. Charichirus immaculatus NWB
86. Dolicaon longipennis SWB
87. Leptacinus aethiops. NWB
88. Pachycorynus niger NWB
89. Mitimorphus brevipennis NWB
90. M. brachypterus NWB
9l. Xantholinus oeneus NWB
92. X. ruficaudatus NWB
93· Gauropterus marginalis NWB
94· Othius monticols NWB
95· Philonthus rupicola NWB
96. Macronota westoodi NWB
97· M. nigricollis NWB
98. Rhomborrhina microcephala NWB
99· R. mearesi NWB
100. Heterorrhina dispar NWB
10l. Trigonophorus saundersi NWB
102. Coenochilus cambelli NWB
103· Eupatorus hardwickei NWB
104· Anomata siligurio NWB
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-26 : Contd.
S1. No. Species Main region of
Table-26 : Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
138. Nemoura magnicauda NWB
139· Neoperla lushana NWB
140. N. montivaga NWB
141. Perla ~enocia NWB
Orthoptera 142. Oxyphyllum pennatum NWB
143· Epitettis elytratus NWB
145· Indoscelimena angulasta SWB
146. 1. jlavopicta SWB
147· 1. saussurei SWB
148. • Eucriotettix aequalis NWB
149· Hebarditettix lobatus NWB
150. Synalibs vagans NWB
151. Bolivaritettix ghumtianus NWB
152. B. singlaensis NWB
153· Systolederus graveli NWB
154· Teredorus carmichaeli NWB
155· Ergatettix callosus NWB
156. Hedotellix grossus NWB
157· Paratettix alatus NWB
158. Saussurella indica NWB
159· Teleogryllus himalayanus NWB
160. Melanogryllus carmichaeli NWB
161. Callogryllus pallidus NWB
162. Gryllopsis pubescens NWB
163. Nemobiodes sukhadae NWB
164· Pteronemobius rufipes NWB
165· Scottiola diverna NWB
166. S. elongata NWB
167· Speonemobius decolyi NWB
168. Speonemobius annandalei NWB
169· Paratrigonidium unifasciatum NWB
170. Madasumma gravelyi NWB
171. Dnopherula physopoda NWB
172. D. rubripes NWB
173· M eristopteryx rotundata NWB
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-26 : Contd.
SI. No. Species Main region of
Cercopephalus indica NWB
Catantops erubescens NWB
176. Gerenia bengalensis NWB
177· Diplatys brindlei NWB
178. Haplodiptalys kurseongensis NWB
179· H. bidentatus NWB
180. H.lobatus NWB
18l. Anisolabis bhowmiki NWB
182. Paralabella fulleri NWB
183· Apovostox bum NWB
184· Chaetospania kurseongae NWB
Mantodea 185· Cimantis fumosa NWB
186. C. testacea NWB
Psocoptera 187. Liposcelis bengalensis NWB
188. Tapinella fasciata SWWB
189. Caecilius bengalensis NWB
190. C. persimilaris NWB
19l. Dypsocus fucosus NWB
192. Stenopsocus pallidus NWB
193· Amphipsocus heterothrix NWB
194· Ectopsoeus ramburi SWB
195· E. bengalensis SWB
196. E. cinclus NWB, SWB
197· Peripsocus sinensis NWB
198. P. anoplus NWB, SWB
199· P. scierotus SWB
200. P. bhaktae NWB
20l. Heterocaecilius fusciplapus NWB
202. Allocaecilius heterothorax NWB
203· Psococerastis asiatica SWB
20 4. Myopsicus pattoni NWB
Diptera 205· Ammophilomima rufescens SWB
206. Leptogaster ophionea SWB
207· Laphlria furva NWB
208. L. gilvoides NWB
20 9. Laphystia indica NWB
210. Maria bicolor NWB
21l. Nusa bengalensis NWB
212. N. mukherjeei NWB
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance 93
Table-26 : Contd.
Group S1. No. Species Main region of
213· Microstylum apicale NWB
21 4. Oldroydia scatophogoides NWB
215· S. nigrofasciatus NWB
216. Damolis claripennis NWB
217· Stchopogon bengalensis NWB
218. S. menoni NWB
219· Ommatius bengalensis NWB
220. O. gopalpurensis SWB
221. O. singlensis NWB
222. O. subgracilis NWB
223· Astochia femorata NWB
224· Heligmoneura bengalensis NWB
225· H. chaetoprocta SWB
226. H. yenpingensis NWB
227· Hoplopheromerus armatipes NWB
228. Machimus infrafemoralis NWB
229· Neoitamus bengalensis SWB
230. N. calcuttaensis NWB
231. Nemochtherus himalayensis NWB
232. Simulium dasguptai NWB
233· S. ghoomense NWB
234· S. gracile NWB
235· S. nemorivagum NWB
236. S. praelargum NWB .
237· S. purii NWB
238. S. darjeelingense NWB
239· S. asishi NWB
240. S. biforaminiferum NWB
241. S. nigrifacies NWB
242. S. tenuitarsus NWB
243· Diamesa bicornipes NWB
244· D. edentisyla SWWB, SWB
245· Ablabesmyia alba SWWB, SWB
246. A. ensiceps NWB
Lepidoptera 247· Gastropocha divaricata NWB
248. Kosala flavosignata NWB
249· Metanastria lineata NWB
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-26 · Contd.
Group SI. No. Species Main region of
250. M. obliquifascia NWB
251. Arguda bheroba NWB
252. Cosmotricha lidderdalii NWB
253· Dasychir cymata NWB
254· D.perdix NWB
255· D. bhana NWB
256. Aroa ochracea SWB
257· Cyllogenes suradeva NWB
258. Syntomis luciana SWB
259· S. insueta SWB
Hemiptera 260. Tricentrus cinereus SWB
261. T. dubius SWB
262. Gargara brevis SWB
Acari 263· Olgonychus sapienticolis NWB
264· Schizotetranychus cajani NWB
265· Colopodacus combretus SWB
267· Cosella ichnocarpasia SWB
268. Epicecidophyes clerodendris SWB
269· Allonothrus indicus SWB
270. H eterobelba restrata NWB
Mollusca 271. Alycaeus lectus NWB
272. Tanysiphon rivalis SWB
273· Pupilla barrackporensis SWB
274· Succinea crassinuclea SWB
Rotifera 275· Lecane vaishti -
276. Lepadella triprojectus -
277· Ptygura stephanion -
278. Rotaria ovata -
Phoronida 279· Phoronis bhaduraii SWB
Bryozoa 280. Membranipora hugliensis SWB
Porifera 281. Eunapis calcuttanus NWB, SWB
Plants 282. Acer osmastonii -
283· Bulbophyllum roxburghii -
284. Cardenthera uliginosa var.
285· Cuscata sharmanum
286. Hydrocotyle himalayica . NWB
287· Hypericum assamcum NWB
288. Dalbergia duarensis NWB
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance 95
The state also contains a large number of monocot monotypic genera are also represented
floral and faunal species which deserve special in the region. A large number of monotypic
mention owing to their taxonomic, faunal genera such as Anathana, Sco tozous ,
evolutionary, distributional, economic, Cuon, Melursus, Ailurus, Arctonyx, Mellivora,
medicinal and other signficance. Arctogalidia, Paguma, Lutrogale, Neofelis,
There are at least 15 species of carnivorous Hyaena, Pardofelis, Elephas, Cannomys,
plants belonging to the genera Drosera, Nesokia, Caprolagus (all mammals), Netta,
Aldrovanda and Utricularia found within the Butastur, Hydrophasianus, Metopidius,
limit of the state. Philomachus (all birds), Catla, Rhinomugil
A number of primitive flowering plants and (Fish), Oxyphyllum, Melanogryllus,
animals occur in the state which serve as Condronotulus, Meristopteryx (Orthoptera),
evolutionary link and often considered as living Nevadne (Cnidaria) and many others are also
fossils. Among plants Betula alnoides, found. As there are no closely related genomes
Magnolia sp., Actinodaphne angustifolia, of these genera anywhere in the world, their
Exbucklandia populnea while among animals conservation is of special significance.
Carcinoscropius rotundicanda, Tachypleus Many of the species and genera occurring in
gigas, Epiophelbia laidlawi, Trilototriton the state exhibit extreme discontinuity in
verrucosus are notable in this aspect. distribution. They occur in Penninsular south
West Bengal, particularly the northern part or West or even in Sri Lanka and other
contributes significantly to the conservation of continent with an extensive intervening areas
the world's genetic resources by way of totally without them. Some examples of such
harbouring a number of monotypic families and discontinuous distribution have been shown in
genera. Hippocastanaceae (Aesculus assamica), Table 27. There are also a large number of
Stachyuraceae (Stachyrus himalaicus), floral and faunal forms which are mostly
Rhizophoraceae (Caralia integmma), confined to West Bengal and further north-east
Datiscaceae (Tetrameles nudiflora) , but do not enter the Peninsular India. This
Sonneretiaceae (Duabanga grandiflora), phenomenon- is best exemplified by the
Scrophulariaceae (Wrightia gigantea), distribution of Mammalian families, genera and
Proleaceae (Helicia erratica), Hamamelidaceae species such as Rhinocerotidae, Euroscaptor,
(Exbucklandia populnea) are few monotypic Megaerops niphanae, Microtus sikkimensis,
families of the state. At least 517 dicot and 171 Cannymys badius, etc.
Table-27 : Showing some discontinuously distributed faunal element (species and genera) of
the state.
Group SI.No Species/Genera Region of occurrence
Porifera 1. Corvospongilla lapidosa W.B., Maharashtra
Annelida 2. Nais simplex W.B., Europe, N. America
3· N. elinguis W.B., Europe
4· Aelosoma bengalense W.B., Kerala, S. America
5· Dero indica W.B., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
Mollusca 6. Succinea daucina W.B., Sri Lanka
Acari 7· Plateremaeus rotundus W.B., Indonesia
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-27 : Contd.
Group Sl. No. Species/Genera Region of occurrence
Quite a large number of exotic floral and crassipes (1928), Paspalum dilatatum
faunal species have become an important part (1976).
of the natural biodiversity of the state. While 3. Africa : Cleome rutidosperma (1969),
some of them were brought by the human beings Gressocephalum crepidioides (1976),
for some definite purpose, but many others got Euphorbia chamaesyee (1969), Gisekia
the entry without the direct intention of the pharnacioides (1976), Hibiscus micranthus
people. Vast and rapid encroachment of few
(1966), Indigofera spicata (1969), Ludwigia
exotic species is gradually becoming a threat in
erecta (1969), L. hyssopifolia (1966),
many of the ecosystem, while many have been
Micrococca mercurialis (1966), Mitracarpus
naturalized or commercially grown. Director,
verticillatus (1979), Brachiaria mutica
Botanical Survey of India (1997) provided the
(1976), Melinus minutiflora (1970),
following concise list of major weed flora of the
Rhynchelytrum villosum (1980).
state in~genous to various countries and year
of their first report from West Bengal in 4. Europe : Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
parenthesis. (1970), Convolvulus arvensis (1969),
1. North America: Alternanthera pungens
Cuscuta campestris (1966), Lepidium
(1966), Calceolaria mexicana (1954), Cassia ruderale (1970), Rumex acetosella (1969),
corymbosa (1966), C. laevigata (1966), Senecio vulgaris (1980), Anthoxanthum
Centrosema virgznzacum (1970), odoratum (1966), Phalaris minor (1975),
Eleutheranthera ruderalis (1966), Lathyrus aphaca (1903), Vicia sativa
Eupatorium adenphorum (1966), E. (1903), Senebiera pinnatifida (1903),
erythropappum (1966), E. ligustrium Alyssum maritimum (1903), Lepidium
(1970), Gnaphalium purpurcum (1881), sativum (1903).
Hyptis pectinata (1940), Melichia 5. Malaysia and Australia: Cotula australis
pyramidata (1969), Nothosaerva brachiata (1969), Dentella serpyllifolia (1968),
(1966), Oxalis Latifolia (1870), O. maritima Eryngium foetidum (1979), Ipomoea
(1969), Parthenium hysterophorus (1978), quinata (1979), Lobelia radicans (1960),
Petiviero alliacea (1961), Pseudo- Pseudarthia viscida (1979), Rothia trifoliata
elephantopus spicatus (1961), Solanum (1966), Digitaria adscendens (1966), D.
glaucum (1905), Tithomia diversifolia prestii (1960), Poly trias amaura (1960).
(1966), Bromusunioloides (1975), Setaria 6. China and Japan Hydrangia
panicu~ifera (1970), Argemone mexicana
macrophylla (1966), Viola thomsonii (1916),
(1903), Malvastrum coromandelianum
Primula malacoides (1966).
(1903), Malachra capitata (19 0 3),
Passiflora suberosa (1903), P. foetida 7. Western Asia : Euphorbia helioscopia
(1978), Aeluropus lagopoides (1965),
(1903), Melochia pyramidota (1969),
Erigeron karvinskianus (1966), Opuntia Capsella bursa-pastoris (1903).
dillenii (1903), Neptunia plena (1903). The major portion of the openwater
2. South America : Alternanthera fico idea interface of the unmanged waterbodies of the
(1964), Boerhavia erecta (1978), Croton state are now occupied by exotic weeds mostly
bonplandianum (1905), Gompherna of South American origin. Among these
celosioides (1966), Ipomoea carnea (1978), Eichhomia crassipes and Alternanthera
I. congesta (1969), I. fistulosa (1966), philoxeroides are fairly common in most of the
Solanum viarum (1970), Spermacace waterbodies except in high altitudes. In addition
latifolia (1976), Turnera subulata (19 69), to these Sagittaria ,montividensis occupies
Echinochloa craspavonia (1970), Eichornia water edges of waste water canals. Free floating
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
aquatic weeds like Salvinia molesta and S. being transported/introduced from outside can
cucullata are also common in the brackish and not be ruled out. The study of Venkataraman,
nutrient rich water bodies. Submerged members 1992 and Venkataraman and Das, 1993, 1994
of the family Hydrocharitaceae are mostly old- (in Alfred and Nandi, 2001) revealed the
world species and considered as serious occurrence of several temperate and palaeractic
weedpest of the aquatic ecosystem of the state. species of cladocera as detailed below in the
Cabomba caroliniana, a strictly aquatic flood plain wetlands of West Bengal. Migratory
submerged weed introduced in India through birds might have played significant role in the
aquarium plant and now becomes a part of the dispersal of Cladoceran species.
natural flora of the state. Exotic cladoceran species in West Bengal :
A number of exotic spice species have Daphnia similes, Diaphanosoma brachyurum,
enriched the state flora and exclusively D. senegalensis, chydorus flavifrons, C.
cultivated. Among these Capsicum - Capsicum pubescens, Alona intermedia, A. rectangular,
annuum (America), Coriander - Coriandrum A. costata, Camptocercus australis, Pleu~oxus
sativum (Mediterranean), Cumin - Cuminum similis, Grimaldina brazzai, Graptoleberis
cyminum (Levant), Carcuma - Carcuma longa testudinaria. Leydigia australis, L.
(south east Asia), Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare acanthocercoides.
(Mediterranean) are worth-mentioning. Country as well as the state of West Bengal
Gardens and avenues of the state are also have long history of introduction of exotic fish
flourished with variety of exotic ornamental species for the purpose of bio-control, more
floral species such as Snapdragon - Antirrhinum production and adding glamour to the
majus (North America), Bougenvilla - aquarium. The Gold fish - Carassius auratus
Bougainvillea spectabilis (South America), and C. carassius which occur in nature all over
Croton - Codiaeum variegatum (North China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Tench or
America), about 40 species of Cactus (Tropical shoemaker- Tinca tinca found in fresh water of
America), Guldaudi - Chrysanthemum indicum Europe had been introduced as sport and
(Japan), Gulmoho- Delonix regia (Madagascar), ornamental fish. The Silver Carp,
Larkspur - Delphinium ajacia (South Europe), Hypopthalmichthys molitrix, a native of South
Sunflower - Helianthus annus (North America), and Central America was first brought to India
Champa - Michelia champaca (China), from Japan in 1959. The consignment of Grass
Surmaineel - In dig ofera articulata (Egypt), Carp-Ctenopharhyngodon idella (a riverine
Amarphal- Monstera deliciosa (Central freshwater fish of Amur region) was brought to
America), Ipomea creeper Mina lobata Kolkata in 1959. The Tilapia-Oreochromis
(Mexico), Ashok - Polyalthea longifolia mossambica (original home-East Coast of
(Malaysia), Rajinigandha - Polyanthes tuberosa Africa) was brought to India in 1952 via
(Mexico), Gulab - Rosa alba (Turkey and Bangkok. The Gourami - Osphronemus gorami
Arab), etc.
(natural habitats in Indonesia, Thailand,
Not much documentation has been made as Malayesia and Vietnam) was introduced in
regard the exotic invertebrate species of India Kolkata during the first half of nineteenth
or West Bengal. However, many of the century via Java. The common Carp - Cyprinus
invertebrate species particularly the arthropods carpio with three of its varieties (natural home
are soil inhabiting animals and associated with China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Europe),
agricultural crops, stored products and Minnows-Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulates
parasitic to other animals including migratory (naturally found in America), Thai Magur-
species of birds. As such, the chances of their Clarias gariepinus (Thailand) have been
SANYAL et ale : Species of Special Significance 99
introduced at different times for natural has been taken to focus the species of West
purposes. All the above species are well- Bengal with bio-medical potential, as
established in the different aquatic ecosystems pharmacological study on the bioresources of
of the state as well as country. Some of exotic the state as well as of India is still in the initial
food fishes like Silver Carp, Grass Carp, Tilapia, stages.
Thai Magur, etc. have been incorporated in our Sponges have come to limelight in recent
composite fish culture and helped in enhancing years on account of certain chemical
aquaculture production in purely closed compound they contain. Many of these
system. However, the exotic fish species may chemicals have biomedical potentials and
bring range of various diseases caused by hence species of sponges are being screened for
bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. The ~ost virulent 'wonder drugs' Arabinose nucleosides
and menacing one threatening many species is extracted from Tetya crypta is now used in the
the Epizootic Ulcerative Disease Syndrome treatment of blood cancers and certain
(EUS). It has wiped out large populations of a malignant tumours. Sea anemones and jellyfish
number of native commercial and non- contain a number of antibiotics, useful in curing
commercial species in West Bengal, and the rest a variety of cellular and bone diseases. Two
of the country. species of Horse-shoe crabs, viz.,
There are· stray accidental introduction of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus
exotic bird species in the state as well as gigas, are potential source of bioactive
country, chiefly concerned with the escaped substances-Carcinoscorpius Amoebocyte
imported pet birds like Javan Sparrow, but Lysate (CAL) and Tachypleus Amoebocyte
such individuals gradually exterminated from Lysate (TAL). These reagent~ are highly
the wild within a short span after release. Until sensitive and use for the rapid and accurate
recently, before the trade restriction, there has assay of gram negative bacteria. Annelids are
been a considerable import of exotic bird source of various valuable compounds which
species of family Psittacidae land Phasianidae can be extracted from their bodies for treating
mainly from southeast Asian countries, variety of ailments like haemorrhoids, jaundice,
Australia, South America and Africa. Among rheumatism, etc. 'Hirudin' an extract from
the exotic species represented in captivity, Leeches (Hirudinaria sp.) is being experimented
Macacow, Coccatoe, Lory, Pheasants, Cocatil, in research to understand the mechanism of
etc., are very prominent. blood clotting. Venomous snake species are the
At least two exotic mammalian species, viz., source of antivenin and other medically
House Mouse-Mus musculus and the Norway important chemicals.
Rat- Rattus norvegicus have spread over It has been said that each and every plant
throughout the country. The former species has species contains medicinal properties.
been well-established in diverse habitats However, only a few of them have so far been
alongwith number of subspecies. brought under the commercial arena, a. few
From the published accounts on ethnobotany more are being used almost in crude forms by
of West Bengal more than 550 species are found the 'Baidyas' and 'Kabirajs', and a large number
to be used by the tribals either medicinal or for of them are so far used mainly by the tribals.
other economic purposes. Similarly, the An attempt has been made to provide a list of
biomedical properties of more and more faunal some of the plant species of the state having
species are also being revealed. Leaving apart medicinal properties and which may be
the role of species yielding food, fuel, timber, commercially exploited in a sustainable way
household accessories, fodder, fibre, wood, (T~ble-28). However, the list is far fronl the
feather, paint and many others, opportunity complete.
100 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-28 : Some plant species of West Bengal having medicinal potential and their parts in use.
SI. No. Scintific name Local name Parts in use
Table-28 : Contd.
SI. No. Scintific name Local name Parts in use
34· Croton tiglium Jayapala Seed
35· Centella asiatica Thankuni Leaf
36. Cordia dichotoma Boch Seed
37· Datura sp. Dutro Fruit
3B. Digitalis sp. Fox Glove Whole
39· Eclipta prostrata Keshut Leaf
40. Entada phaseoloides - Seed
41. Eupotarium triplinerve Ayapoma Whole
42. Eupatorium adenophorum - Whole
43· Emblica officinalis Amlaki Fruit
44· Fagopyrum cymosum - Seed
45· Glycyrrhiza glabra J ashtimadhu Root
46. Gloriosa superba Bighalanguli Seed, root
47· Gymnema sylvestris Merasingi Leaf
48. Ginkgo biloba Ginko Whole
49· Henidesmus indicus Ananatamul Root
50. Hedera nepalensis - Leaf, Seed
51. Hedyotis scandens - Leaf root
52. Hedychium spicalum - Root
53· Heracleum nepalense - Root
54· Imperata arundinacca - Root
55· Ipomoea digitata Bhuni Kumra Tuber
56. Kaempferia galanga Aekangi Rhizome
57· Lawsonia intermis Mehendi Leaf
58. Mentha arrensis Pudina Whole
59· Mucuna prusiens Alkushi Seed
60. Mahonia nepalense Berries
61. Martynia annua Baghnok Fruit
62. Nardostachys grandiflora Jatamansi Root
63. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Shiuli Leaf
64· Ocimum sp. Tulsi Whole
65. Plantago ovata Isafgul Seed
66. Psoralca corzliJolia Babchi Seed
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-28 · Contd .
SI. No. Scintific name Local name Parts in use
The variable salinity, pH, sandy and loamy families and 50 genera have been recognized,
soil, daily inundation by high tides, different out of which 34 species are ture mangrove type
grades of subsurface nutrient, weather hazard, (Mitra and Pal~ 2002). Apart from the higher
etc. of Sundarban support specialized group of plants, microbial community of deltaic
plants known as mangrove. The mangroves are Sundarban is equally impressive, and encom-
salt tolerant halophytic seed plants that range passes a large range bacteria, cyanobacteria and
in size from tall trees to shrubs with some phytoplankton of the ambient aquatic phase.
similarities in architecture and physiology. In Banerjee et ale (2002) recorded a total of 64
the mangrove forest of Indian Sundarban, a phytoplankton species from the brackish water
total of 69 floral species belonging to 29 system of Indian Sundarban.
SANYAL et ale : Protected Areas in West Bengal 105
north by the international boundary with for the great Indian One-horned Rhinoceros-
Bhutan and Totapara village. Falakata-Koch Rhinoceros unicornis outside Nepal and Assam,
Behar Road forms the southern limit. Eastern and safeguards against any possible extinction
side is bounded by J aigaon, National Highway of wild Rhino population elsewhere due to
No. 31D, Reserve forests and Tea estates. unforeseen events. Some forest blocks of the
There are villages and cultivated fields on the Sanctuary provide excellent elephant habitat.
south western side which may be considered to Elephant herds can be kept confined inside the
be bounded by the Madarihat-Falakata Road. forest for longer duration if sufficient food,
Northwestern boundary is broadly demarcated water and cover are provided and biotic
by Hasimara-Madarihat railway line, several pressure is reduced. This, in turn, will
Tea estates and Reserve forests. However, in automatically reduce elephant depredation
consideration of the to and fro movement of incidences. The National Level Action Plan on
wild animals such as Rhinos, Gaurs, Elephants, Project Elephant has already identified this
Deers, Leopards, several species of birds, the Sanctuary as part of the extended Elephant
ecological boundaries of the Sanctuary have Reserve of Buxa- Manas Protected Areas.
extended far beyond the legal boundaries. The Sanctuary provides a wide range of
The sanctuary has great ecological wildlife habitats depending on the forest types
significance as it forms the genepool reserve (Table 30).
Table-30 : Forest types of Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary (Adopted from Management plan of
Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary 1997-98 to 2006-07 by Wildlife Circle, Govt. of West
Bengal, 1997).
RIVERINE Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo, Lagerstroemia parvijlora,
FORESTS Bischofiajavanica, Toona ciliata, Gmelina arborea, Trewia
nudij1ora, Anthocephalus in dicus, Bauhinia purpurea,
Grewia lavigata, Dillenia indica, Bombax ceiba.
SAL FORESTS Shorea robusta, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Dillenia
pentagyna, Sterculia villosa, Careya arborea,
Stereospermum tetragonum, Machilus villosa, Phoebe
attenuata, Terminalia sp., Meliosma simplicifolia, Michelia
champaca, Aphanamixis polystachya, Macaranga
denticulata, Bauhinia purpurea,Prema bengalensis, Leea
sp., Mikania sp., Mimosa sp., Albizzia sp., Amoora rohituka.
WETMIXED Syzygium sp., Amoora rohituka, Aphanamixis polystachya,
FORESTS Stereospermum chelonoides, Michelia champaca, Mesua
ferrea, Myristica longifolia.
SEMIEVER Bauhinia purpurea, Chukrasia tabularis, Gmelina arborea,
GREEN Michelia champaca, Schima wallichi, Toona ciliata,
FORESTS Duabanga grandiflora, Litsaea sp., Dysoxylum sp.,
Dendrocalamus hamiltonii.
EVER Shorea robusta, Bischofia javanica, Chukrasia tabularis,
GREEN Cinnamomum sp., Calamus sp., Dysoxylum sp.,
FORESTS Stereospermum sp., Mesuaferrea, Amoora wallichi.
SANYAL et ale : Protected Areas in West Bengal 107
Table-30 : Contd.
SAVANNAH MOIST SAL Shorea robusta, Careya arborea, Lagerstroemia parvijlora,
FORESTS SAVANNAH Bauhinia purpurea, EmbIica officina lis, Saccharum sp.,
Arundo donax, Phragmitis karka, Imperata cylindrica,
Themeda arundinacea.
LOW Bombax ceiba, Albizzia sp., Acacia catechu, Bischofia
ALLUVIOM javanica, Trewia nudijlora, and grass species similar to that
SAVANNAH of Moist Sal Savannah.
EASTERN Almost pure grassland with species like Saccharum
ALLUVIAL spontaneum, S. procerum, Erianthus arundinacea, Arundo
GRASSLAND donax, Phrogmitis karka.
HYDROPHYTIC Typha angustifolia, Eleocharis palustris, E. retroflexa,
VEGETATION Ludwigia octovalvis, Alternanthera sessilis, Polygonum
barbatum, Panicum paludosum, Najas minor, Sagittaria
trifolia, Hydrilla verticillata, Leersia haxandra.
A large number of perennial and seasonal angusta, Costus speciosus, Dendrobium
streams flowing through the sanctuary which lituijlorum, Discoreafalcatum, D. bulbifera, D.
provide not only further diversity to the wildlife puber, Drosera peltata, Nervi/ia falcata, Musa
habitats but also a frequent changing scenario. balbsiana, Gloriosa superba, Rauvolfia
Torsa, the main river which flows through the serpentina, Utricularia bifida, U. coerulea, U.
sanctuary, is rising and falling with great scanadens, Zeuxine nervosa, etc. Further, vast
rapidity and changing its courses frequently. tracts of Savannah grassland have already been
Within the sanctuary, it has occupied different lost in North Bengal due to extension of
positions over a tract of about 20 km wide from agriculture and other developmental activities.
east to west, by shifting its courses time and The patches survived within the territory of
again in the last one and half century. As a result, Sanctuary provide ideal habitat for many
literally the whole tract comprises of a network threatened faunal species including Rhinoceros.
of water pools, dead streams with abondoned As such these grasslands are also of great
river beds. conservation significance. Faunal diversity,
Diverse soil formation (Alluvial, Terai, particulary in respect of invertebrate species,
Bhabar), huge ground water resource, good have not yet been totally worked out. However,
monsoons, combined with some amount of as many as 29 species of fish, 12 species of
altitudinal variations resulted a great diversity amphibians, 24 species of reptiles, 246 species
of floral species. Nearly 733 species of plants of birds and 39 species of mammals have
belonging' to 114 families have been listed from already been recorded from Jaldapara and its
the sanctuary apart from numerous species of surroundings. Apart from the great One horned
phytoplankton, mosses, fungi, etc. At least, 491 Indian Rhinoceros, several other threatened
species of plants occurring in the Sanctuary species including Tiger-Panthera tigris,
considerd as threatened in the state level. Leopard-P. pardus, Gaur-Bosfrontalis, Indian
These include Aristolochia togala, Pangolin-Manis crassicaudata, Bengal
Bulbophyllum striatum, B. trista, Calamus Florican-Eupodotis bengalensis, Hill Myna-
erectus, C. tenuis, C. latifolius, Calanthe Gracula religiosa, Pea fowl-Pavo cristatlls,
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Indian Soft-shelled Turtle- Lissemys punctata, of the terai and alluvial plains towards the
Python-Python sp. and many others are south. In fact, sanctuary is unique in its
protected within the sanctuary. Recently, a topographical configuration as the Himalayan
small population of the Hispid Hare- range meets the Bhabar tract in a continuum.
Caprolagas hispidus, a critically endangered Consequently there are a seasonal vertical
species, have been recorded from grasslands of migration of some species, which adds to the
the Sanctuary (Maheswaran, 2002). This has variety of fauna exhibited by the area. Further,
further increased the importance of Jaldapara the sanctuary falls in the region east of the
from the conservation point of view. Mechi river, a region reported to possess the
The entire sanctuary is under management richest variety of avian species in India. It is
programme for a pretty long period. However, the largest compact block of forested habitat
the total ecological set up alongwith rich situated at the western end of the elephant
biodiversity is under constant threat of erosion migration route. It is, therefore, expected to
owing to various biotic and abiotic pressure. play an extremely significant role in the control
The flood of variable intensity is a frequent measures to be adopted for tacklin"g the
feature, which not only takes a heavy toll of problem arising out of depredatory impact of
wildlife species, but also changes the migratory elephant herd in North Bengal.
composition of forest. Changes in habitats are Owing to many zigzag turns, it is difficult to
also very common on account of natural describe the legal boundry of the sanctuary.
process of succession, e.g., invasion of Broadly, in the north it is bounded by Ruyem,
grasslands by tree species. Fire, grazing, illegal Upper Ghoramara, Lat-panchar and Mana
felling, collection of non-timber forest produce forest blocks; in the east by river Tista; by
and tourism are also resulting detrimental Latlong, Singimari, Hatisar, Mohorgong,
effects on the carrying capacity of different Chamta and Adalpur blocks in the south; while
habitats. Poaching of rhino, elephant and other Bandarjora, Punding, Kuklong, Adalpur and
species is also serious matter of concern. In Kyananuka block in the west. Many of the
recent times, problem of insurgency is also forest blocks in north, south and west are
building up within the Sanctuary, which makes extended beyond the limit of the sanctuary and
the management activity more difficult. act as spill over area for wild animal population.
c. Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary Conversion of higher hills into tea estates and
The Sanctuary falls in the transition zone Cinchona plantations has fragemented the
between Peninsular Indian subregion and Indo- ecological boundary in the north.
Malayan subregion of Oriental region. It covers Tista, a perennial snow fed river, flows down
an area of about 129.04 Sq. km. in the Terai along the eastern boundary. Many other water
region of the Eastern Himalayas on the West courses, mostly spring fed, such as Mahanadi,
Bank of river Tista between latitudes 26°55' , 33 Gulmakhola, Choklong, Nandikhola, etc., are
and 26°47" 54 North, longitudes 88°33" 31 found within the limits of the sanctuary. Except
and 880 23" 36 East. Roughly, 60 percent of the Mahanadi and Gulmakhola, flow of water in
sanctuary is hilly ranging from 150 M. to 1300 other rivers starts weakening from December
M. and comes under DaIjiling distrl<;t. However, onwards and finally during May-June confined
it also includes Latlong block of forest falling to small pools along their courses. Presence of
within the district Jalpaiguri. The sanctuary is at least three natural salt licks makes the
characterized by moderate, steep to precipitous Sanctuary further suitable as Wildlife habitat.
mountain slopes and high ridges towards the Forest types and dominant vegetation of the
north and gently sloping to almost flat stretches sanctuary are provided in Table 31.
SANYAL et al. : Protected Areas in West Bengal 109
Table-3t : Forest types and dominant vegetation of Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary (Adopted
from Management Plan for Mahananda Wild life Sanctuary-1997-98 to 2006-07 by
Wildlife Cycle, Govt. of West Bengal, 1997).
PLAINS GRASSLAND Phragmitis karka, Saccharum munja
KHAIR-SISSO Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo, Albizzia sp., Erythrina sp.,
FOREST Eupatorium odoratum, Mimosa himalayana, Saccharum
SIMUL-SIRIS- Bombax ceiba, Albizzia sp., Erythrina sp., Adina sp., Tetramelas
FORESTS sp., Lantana sp., Tinospora sp., Dalbergia sp., Butea sp.,
MOIST SAL Shorea robusta, Schima wallichi, Chukrassia tabularis, Garuga
FORESTS pinnata, Prema bengalensis, Eupatorium odoratum, Mimosa
himalayana, Acacia himalayana, Lea sp., Terminalia crenulata,
Machilus gamblei, canes and ferns species.
DRY MIXED Shorea robusta, Dillenia pentagyna, Careya arborea Terminalia
FORESTS crenulata, Sterculia villosa, Bauhinia purpurea, Fagara budrunga,
Lea sp., Mimosa himalayana, Tinospora cordifolia.
WET MIXED Dillenia indica, Eugenia sp., Elaoecarpus lanceaofolius,
FORESTS Tetrameles nudiflora, Alpinia sp., Lafortea sp., Storchilanthes sp.,
ferns and canes species.
HILLS LOWER HILLS Shorea robusta, Schima wallichi, Terminalia crenulata, Careya
SAL FORESTS arborea, Lagerstroemia parvijlora, Albizzia sp., Machilus sp.,
Clerodendron viscosum, Bauhinia vahlii, Dalbergia stipulata.
LOWER HILLS Terminalia crenulata, Gmelina arborea, Cedrella toona, Sapidus
. DRY MIXED detergens, Ostodes paniculates, Melisome simplicifolia, Bauhinia
FORESTS purpurea, Wrightia tomentosa, Lea sp., Morinda certrifolia,
Butea parvij7.ora, Dalbergia stipulacea, Tinospora cordifolia,
Bamboo species.
LOWER HILLS Duabanga sonneratio-fraxinifolius, Cinamomus obtusifolia,
WET MIXED Macaranga sp., Callicarpa arborea, Machilus sp., Travesia
FORESTS pulmata, Clematis sp., Lea sp., Bamboos, Canes and ferns
MIDDLE HILL Schima wallichi, Castanopsis sp., Talacima hodgsonii, Betula
FORESTS alnoides, Phoebe attenuata, Macaranga sp., Wrightia tomentosa,
Baccaurea sepida, Polygonum molle, Maesa indica, Clematis sp.,
Imilax sp., Bamboos.
It is obvious that altitudinal variation study on the 'Survey of Flora and Fauna of
coupled with varied edaphic factors and Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary' in the year
favourable monsoon have given rise to great 1996 has provided a glimpse of biological
floristic variety. This in turn resulted diversity. The project prepared herbarium
enrichment of faunal species. No detailed sheets for 39 species of trees, 55 species of
inventory of species composition has so far herbs, 54 species of shrubs and 22 species of
been made. However, a collaborative research climbers. The actual number of floral species
110 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
is much higher, as for a large number of very ment potential for both forest dwellers and
common species such as Acacia catechu, fringe poplulation and generating an element
Dalbergia sisso, Bombax ceiba, Shorea of hostility against conservation practices.
robusta, Dillenia pentagyna, Sterculia villosa, Various illicit activities like poaching of wild
Phragmitis karka, Saccharum munja and many animals, cattle grazing, lopping of trees for
others which were described under forest type, fodder, head and van loading of fuelwood are
no herbarium sheet was made. Several building up to meet the needs of local people.
threatened species of plants, viz., Boehmeria A section of city-based business community are
rug ulosa, Canarium sikkimense, Elaeocarpus also exploiting local people in these operations.
aristatus, Machilus parvi/1ora, Ormosia glauca, Illicit timber removal is further facilitated due
etc. found protection in the sanctuary. In case to a large number of water ways passing through
of faunal composition qualitative richness is the sanctuary. These when flowing in full
very much evident, but many of the species are provide opportunities for rafting down illicitly
represented by very small and scattered removed timber. Again, during summer, most
populations thus' deserving special of the streams and jhoras inside the sanctuary
conservation measures. The project recorded dry up resulting acute shortage of water.
61 species of mammals, 253 of birds, 10 of Subsequently, typical migration of animals
reptiles, 6 of amphibian, 29 of butterflies and from the dry zones to more wet zones takes
moths. Among the species of conservation place. This congregation of animals developes
importance Tiger-Panthera tigris, Gaur-Bos the acute intra-interspecific competition for
frontalis, Serow-Capricornis sumatraensis, food and also increases the chances of being
Himalayan Black Bear-Selenarctos thibetanus, poached. The metalled roads (NH 55, NH 31)
Hodgson's Frogmouth-Batrachostomas and railway tract pass through the Sanctuary.
hodgsoni, Indian White-backed Vulture-Gyps This disrupts the free movement of animals and
bengalensis, Osprey-Pandion haliaetus, Kalij increases the chances of 'Road Kills' The
pheasant-Lophura leucomelana and many Sanctuary is prone to natural fire hazards. The
others have found shelter in Mahananda. fire is often caused by the sparks of railway
The entire ecological set up of the sanctuary engine, throwing of burning match sticks or
has become fragile owing to local socio- cigarettes, deliberate burning by poachers and
economic situation. Since the reconstitution of graziers. Being in the vicinity of business center
the sanctuary in 1976, commercial exploitation and tourist spots, it is regulary visited by a large
of forest resources was stopped. This has number of tourists and obviously faces the
resulted in substantial reduction of employ- hazards of tourism activities.
SANYAL et ale : Loss of Biodiversity and Causes 111
d. Encroachment Encroachment of forest lands even in Land hunger, influx of people across
the protected areas is very common the border, lack of consolidation
throughout for one or other purposes. efforts for forest land.
In the past large number deltaic islands
in Sundarban had been occupied for
human habitation. Seventy-three fixed
demand licensees and other 181
individu,als (including residents
of forest villages) have encroached
on to Reserve Forest Lands of B.T.R.
to establish 300 ha. of orange
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
e. Unregulated Excessive collection of leaves, fruits, Landless labours and huge number of
NTFP seeds, roots, climbers, etc., as NTFP unemployed persons have adopted this
removal without regulatory measures. This has practice for livelihood. Products are so
resulted a huge decline of biodiversity diverse and collectors are so many that
specially of species of medicinal the regulation and control is not
importance in North Bengal and S.W. possible through Government
West Bengal. intervention.
f. Trade Over collection has been disastrous for Lucrative price In national and
various species of orchids, cycads and international market. Not much
medicinal plants. achievement in respect of artificial
propagation. "
g. Weed in- Weeds and climbers are acute problem Timber smuggler's activities, creating
festation in North Bengal. The most common opening without biological safeguards
and proliferating weeds are Leea sp., against weed infestation.
Cassia tora, Mikania sp., Lantana
camara, Eupatorium sp., etc. Nearly
550 km. Forest lands comprised
mostly of plantation areas, riverine
tracts and the areas denuded by timber
smugglers are affected by pernicious
weed infestation - smothering natural
regeneration, and hindering seed
2. Non-Government Forest land
i. Unorganised sector action related
a. Habitat loss Vast areas of non-Government forest Partition of land among the family
due to lands, orchards destroyed throughout members; soaring prices and demand
urbanisation the state and this is particularly true of land for housing and industrial
for those lying around metropolies. purposes.
3· Non-forest land
i. Govt. policy/action related.
a. Encourage- During pre-independence period 1015 Campaign to grow more food.
ment of high indigenous and improved indigenous
yielding varieties of paddy were in cultivation,
agricultural at present only 255 are in the field.
crop Huge num~er of mostly non-descript
local varieties of pulses, oilseeds,
sugarcane, potato, jute, etc. which were
in cultivation during pre-independence
SANYAL et ale : Loss of Biodiversity and Causes 115
a. Conversion of 65,000 ha. village common lands, Land hunger, economic pursuits,
common land earlier used as pasture and 2,20000 promotion of social forestry.
and waste- ha. wastelands earlier used for
lands fuelwood/fodder collection have been
converted for agriculture/tree
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
b. Conversion Vast stretches of wetlands and swamps Provide shelter and other amenities to
of wetlands are being filled up. Reclamation of Salt the evergrowing human poplulation.
Lakes for satellite township has taken Profit making.
a huge toll of avain and other
biodiversity. 248 species of birds had
been recorded from this area during
1964-69, reduced to only 135 during
1984-97. Only endemic mammalian
species of the State-Herpestes
palustris, and several other species
have almost been wiped out from the
c. Soil erosion Soil erosion causing siltation of natural Destruction of forest in catchment
. and habitat water bodies causing eutrophication areas; to improve irrigation facilities
alteration in and reduction in the productivity and generation of hydel power.
both u p- of the water bodies and subsequently
stream and the loss of species. Construction of
down stream dams and barrages are spoiling feeding
of dams and and breeding grounds of aquatic
barrages species and their migration. This along
with the changes in the salinity
resulting the erosion of overall species
2. Unorganised sector Action related
a. Poaching Poaching of local birds, frogs in Poor economic condition and absense
different villages is a regular of alternative livelihood.
incidence. Collection of yellow
monitors by the tribals in S.W. West
Bengal for selling them to 'Hakim' for
medicines. Foxes, jackals, squirrels,
mongooses are being regularly hunted
for pelts.
118 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Convention on Conservation of Migratory draw up the charge sheets and persue the cases
species of Wild Animals (1979), CBD (1992), in the court, one legal cell has been established
Convention on Wetlands (1971), Vienna in all the divisions under the Wildlife Wing.
Convention on Ozone layer (1985), Montreal Orders related to Biodiversity Conservation
Protocal on Ozone layer (1987), Basel have also been issued by different departments
Convention on Hazardous Wastes (1989), of the State Government. To Minimise the
UNFCCC (1997), Cartagena Protocol on incidental catch and fishery related mortality
Biosafety (2000), UN Convention to combat of Olive Ridley Turtle, Fishery Department
desertification (1994) and many others. issued order No. 3209-Fish/C-V/IA-2/90 pt.1,
Adopting a consultative process with the dt. 17.11.2000 and Memo No. 1473-Fish/C-V/
stake holders, a National Policy and Action IP-5/37, dt. 20.11.2000 regarding mesh size of
Strategy .on Biological Diversity has been drawn gill net and introduction of TED in fishing
up as a macro-level statement of strategies, gaps vessels.
and further actions needed for conserVation, For the conservation of Wetlands, the State
sustainable use and strategies and realization Government has formulated several acts as
of actual as well as potential value of Biological follows.
Diversity. *Town and Country Planning Act, 1979 : To
Often the natural ecosystem areas are spread control the land use change.
over the boundaries of neighbouring countries, *Inland Fisheries Act, 1984 : For
e.g. Sundarban Mangrove in India and conservation of fish species and management
Bangladesh. Again, population of a species of water bodies.
ranges different countries. Thus, for the
\, *Inland Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1993 :
cqnservation of such ecosystem or species,
For proper management as well as conservation
regional agreements are necessary. India is a
of wetlands measuring 0.035 hal or more.
member of South Asian Association of Regional
Co-operation (SAARC), South Asian Co- West Bengal State Biodiversity Strategy and
operation for Environmental Programme Action plan as a component of National
(SACEP) and others. Biodiversity Strategy and Action plan has been
finalized and submitted in 2002. A set of ten
Above all, there is Indian Board for Wildlife desirable Actions have been prioritized. The
to devise ways and means for the conservation most important Action suggested is the
of Wildlife, Promotion of public interest in formation of Biodiversity Conservation Board
Wildlife and to advise Central Government on at the state headquarters, which will have
related matters. • overall autho{ity to obtain biodiversity related
West Bengal being a component state of information and spearhead conservation-
Union of India is guided by the Acts (Box I), management initiatives in a sustained' manner.
Actions and Policies adopted in the Central The West Bengal State Biodiversity Board has
level. However, depending on the local been Constituted and is Working in full swing.
situation, a number of Acts and Actions have During the years of activity the Board has
been implemented in the state level. To advise published several 'People's Biodiversity
State Government for formulating policy of Register' (PBR) and semitechnical books for
protection and conservation, State Wildlife identification of animals and plants by the non-
Advisory Board was established in 1955. scientific people. The most important
According to a directive of the Supreme Court, achievement of the State Board is publication
a Green Bench has been established in Calcutta of State Biodiversity Rules (2005). Ghosh
High Court to dissolve the cases on various (2008) published the, 'Status of Environmentn
environmental issues including felling of trees, in West Bengal-A Citizen's Report' In this
filling of Wetland, etc. In order to effectively report he attempted to project the views with
122 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
!l. Spices Board Act, 1986 taken for preserving the habitat and food base
!l. Hazardous Waste (Management &
of associated species living in the PAs. Some of
Handling) Amendment Rules, 2000 the habitat management activities in the
protected areas are mentioned below.
!l. Biodiversity Act, 2000
Overwood removal and fodder plantation :
!l. Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1951
Rhino and other herbivore species prefer
~ West Bengal Forest Produce (Establishment riverine grass land and savannah grassland for
and Regulation & Saw Mills) Rules, 1982 food and shelter, controlling the invasion of
!l. Town and Country Planning Act, 1979 grassland by the pioneer tree species is an
4 Inland Fisheries Act, 1984 important strategy for development of rhino
habitat. As such the process of overwood
!l. Inland Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1953
removal followed by artificial regeneration for
!l. Biomedical Waste (Management and maintaining grassland habitat is an extremely
Handling) (Amendment) Rule, 2003 important component of management and same
J'he management plans for Raiganj, is done in a phase manner in Jaldapara,
Ballavpur, Halliday and Lothian Island Wildlife Gorumara; Mahananda and others to halt the
.Sanctuaries and Chintamoni Kar Bird Sanctuary encroachment of wood land in grass land.
are under preparation (Annual Report, Wildlife Plantation of indigenous grasses : The
Wing Directorate of Forest, Govt. of West plantation of indigenous fodder grasses are
Bengal, 2009-10). taken up in Mahananda, Gorumara, Jaldapara
Policy decisions were taken to handover and Buxa in degraded forest areas, or as follow
administrative control of Protected Areas to up action of weed eradication and overwood
Wildlife Wing for more intensive management removal. These plantations are done to increase
from wildlife conservation angle. the fodder base for wild animals, so that they
Regular intensive patrolling and maintaining get adequate food inside the PAs and do not
constant vigil over the PAs is the primary stray out of the PAs into the human habitation
condition for preventing poaching of wild or crop field. Such fodder plantations are being
animals, illicit felling of timber, grazing, done under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes
encroachment and other deleterious activities. and State Plan. Only the indigenous species like
For the purpose of patrolling, each Beat Officer 'Dhadda', 'Chepti', 'Malsa','Madhua', 'Ekra'
arrange for daily and intensive scanning of the (Saccharum sp.), 'Nal', (Arundo donax),
forest beat under his control, particularly the 'Khagra' (Phragmitis karka), 'Bhuttagrass' (Coix
sensitive habitat areas by staff on foot, elephant lachrymajobi), 'Purundi' (Alpinia sp.), etc. are
back, launch and boats. During rainy season, locally collected and planted.
rafting of timber along river is a serious Weed eradication: Weeds and climbers are
problem in North Bengal. Temporary tree top acute problems in most PAs in North Bengal.
camps are establilshed during rainy season to The most common and proliferating weeds are
control such theft of drift timber. Similarly, Leea sp., Cassia tora, Mikania sp., Lantana
temporary camps are set up at regular intervals camara, Clerodendron bengalensis, etc., the
along the course of rivers passing through the growth of which often surpasses that of grasses.
PAs. For eradication of Leea sp., uprooting is done
A host of activities are being regularly at the time of flowering, i.e., around Septeluber,
carried out in and around PAs for the habitat to prevent further propagation of the species
improvement. While these activities are through its seeds. Similarly, cutting of Lantana
primarily directed for developing the habitats camara is done in the month of October. All
for identified flagship species and sensitive weed eradication operations are done manually
species, but at the same time sufficient care is and no weedicides are applied.
124 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal-
Table-to : Protected Areas of West Bengal (Source : Anon. 2002. Biodiversity Conservation in
West Bengal, Govt. of West Bengal).
SI. Name Of Protected Area Major Flora Major Fauna
No. Area & District (sq.
A. National Parks
1. Buxa N.P., Jalpaiguri 117.10 Sal, Simul, Siris, Khair, Tiger, Leopard (Black
Champ, Sidha, Toon, Lali, Panther also) Elephant,
Lampate, Mandane, Katus, Clouded Leopard, Himalayan
Teak, Orchids. Black Bear, Civet, Sambar,
Serow, Barking deer, Gaur,
Pangolin, Python, Raptors,
Black-necked Crane and
other birds, Moths,
Butterflies, etc.
2. Gorumara N.P., 79.45 Tropical moist deciduous Great Indian Rhinoceros,
Jalpaiguri Sal forests associated with Leopard, Elephant, Sloth
Odal, Lali, Katus, Dilenia, bear, Hog deer, Sambar,
Simul-Siris-Khair, Terai Wild boar, Python, Turtle,
grassland. Migratory birds, Peafowl,
Indian Pied Hombill.
3. Neora Valley, DaIjiling 88.00 Odal, Pterocarpus, Tiger, Leopard, Himalayan
Chlanune, Michelia, Black Bear, Sloth Bear, Civet,
Kawla, Katus, Buk, Oak, Golden cat, Barking Deer,
Bamboo, Rhododendron, Sambar, Wild Boar, Serow,
Tree ferns, Orchids. Goral, ~ed Panda, Wild dog,
Leopard cat, Gaur, Kalij
Pheasant, Satyr Tragopan
and other Hill birds.
4. Singalia N.P., DaIjiling 78.60 Highest located National Himalayan Black Bear, Red
Park In West Bengal. Panda, Couded Leopard,
Forest type changes with Leopard cat, serow, Wild
attitudinal Range at 2400- Boar, Pangolin, Pika, Barking
3636. Mailing bamboo, deer, Kalij pheasant, Satyr
Buk, kawla, Magnolia, Tragopan, Blood Pheasant.
Bhujpatra, Rhododendron,
Oak, Hemlock, Silver fir,
5· Sundarban N.P., South 1330.10 Largest Mangrove Forest Tiger, Fishing cat, Rhesus
24-Parganas with 64 species. Nipa Macaque, Estuarine-
palm, Phoenix, Avicennia, Crocodile, Water Monitor
Bruguiera, Ceriops Lizard, Wild boar, Fox,
Exeoccaria, Rhizophora, Spotted deer, White bellied
Xylocarpus Sea Eagle, Goliath Heron,
Migratory birds
SANYAL et ale : Current Conservation Initiatives in West Bengal 125
Table-10 : Cont'd.
Sl. Name Of Protected Area Major Flora Major Fauna
No. Area & District (sq.
B. Wildlife Sanctuaries
1. Ballavpur 2.021 Sal, Akasmoni, Sisoo, Spotted deer, Black Buck
Amla, Bahera, Ficus (introduced), Mongoose,
species, etc. (mainly Hare, Jackal, Bengal Fox,
plantations). common birds.
2. Bethuadahari WLS, 0.6686 Sal, Arjun, Teak, Sisoo, Spotted deer, Jackal, Bengal
Nadia Siris, Mango, Gamar and Fox, Porcupine, Common
other planted species .. r' Langur, Barking Deer,
Sambar, Jungle Cat
Parakeets, Indian Cuckoo,
Hawk, Cuckoo, Barbets and
other smaller birds, large
Pythons, etc.
,6. , Haliday Island WLS, Mangrove Forest of Spotted deer, wild boar,
South 24-Pgs. Sundarban. barking deer, Rhesus
macaque, Tiger.
7. Jaldapara WLS, 216.51 Terai Grass land, riverine Great Indian One horned
Jalpaiguri forest, sal forests, Simulo, Rhino, Tiger, Gaur, Elephant,
Kyair, Sisoo, Sidha, Badger, Leopard, Sloth Bear,
Gamar, Mallotus, Kawla, otter, Bengal Florican, Kind
Dilenia, Ficus. Cobra.
8. Jorepokhri Salamander 0.11 Developed into a tourist- One of the favourite breeding
WLS, Darjiling spot very recently and ground of Himalayan Newt
artificially decorated. or Salamander (Trilotriton
126 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Table-to: Cont'd.
SI. Name Of Protected Area Major Flora Major Fauna
No. Area & District (sq.
9. Lothian Island WLS, 38.00 Sundarban Mangrove Estuarine Crocodile, Olive
South 24-Pgs. Forest. Ridley sea turtle, spotted
deer, jungle cat, Rhesus
10. Mahananda WLS, 158.04 Tropical moist deciduous Tiger, Leopard, Elephant,
DaIjiling Sal forests, Khair, Udal, Gaur, Goral, Spotted deer,
Lali, Champ, Teak, Jarul, Golden cat, Himalayan Civet,
Sisoo, Gamar, Mandane, Hornbill, Racket tail drongo,
Bamboos, Sidha, Ferns, very rich in birds.
12. Raiganj WLS, N 1.30 Kadam, Jarul Largest nesting place of open
Dinajpur (Lagerstromia spp.), bill stork (60,000-70,000
Sisoo, Teak, Khair, nests). Night Heron,
Saccharrum grasses, etc. Cormorant, Egrets,
Kingfisher, Wood peckers,
Barbets, etc., Jackal, Bengal
fox, Mongoose, monitor
13. Ramnabagan WLS, 0.14 Teak and sal plantation, Spotted deer, common
Barddhaman jamun, Ficus and other langur, introduced species -
plated species. Black Buck.
14. Sajnekhali WLS, 362.4.0 Mangrove Forest. A part Spotted deer, Rhesus
South 24-Pgs. of Sundarban Tiger Macaque, Wild boar, Tiger,
Reserve. Water monitor lizard, Fishing
Cat, Otter, Crocodile, Batagur
terrapin and Migratory birds.
15. Senchal WLS, Darjiling 38.88 Magnolia cambelii, Serow, Goral, Barking deer,
Rhododendron, Michelia Himalayan Black Bear,
Bamboo, Buk, Kawla, Utis, Leopard, Leopard cat, Jungle
Hemlock, Pipli and cat, Assamese macaque,
Crytomeria (planted Giant Squirrel, Flying
species) Squirrel, kalij, Hornbill,
Imperial pegion, Thruses,
and other hill birds.
SANYAL et at : Current Conservation Initiatives in West Bengal 127
Table-l0 : Cont'd.
81. Name Of Protected Area Major Flora Major Fauna
No. Area & District (sq.
C. Tiger Reserves
1. Buxa Tiger Reserve 760.87 As above As above
(includinvg WLS & (Core:
N.P.), Jalpaiguri 385·02,
2. MSundarban Tiger 2585.00 As above As above
Reserv~, South 24-Pgs. (Core:
& North 24-Pgs. 1330,
Biosphere Reserve
1. Sundarban Biosphere 9630 As above As above
Reserve, South 24-
Pgs., & North 24-Pgs.
Control burning of old grass plantations for Control of grazing by livestock : Grazing by
natural regeneration: Fodder grass plantations livestock from fringe villages is a great threat
in. North Bengal PAs when become more than to the habitat. Domestic livestock not only
three years old start loosing their importance competes with the wild herbivores for food but
as foraging areas, since the animals do not also spreads serious diseases. To minimize the
prefer coarse grasses. Such three year old hazardous impact of grazing various actions are
plantations are usually brought under control being taken as detailed below.
burning operations during winter. In order to * Extensive patrolling specially along the
create minimum disturbance for animals and forest boundaries and grazing prone areas.
to provide them shelter and fodder while
carrying out these operations, not more than
* The camps situated on the main roads are
activated to prevent entry of cattle in the
12 to 15 such patches of less than 5 ha. in each PAs.
PA are undertaken in a year.
* Reduction of low yielding variety cattle
Control of wild fire : Accidental and man- through castration of bulls and artificial
made wild fire is common in most of the PAs of insemination for improvement of stock
North Bengal. Several fire protection measures
such as maintenance of fire line before fire
* Regular immunization of domestic cattle
against Anthrax, FMD, HS, BQ diseases
season, construction of tower/tree machan for
fire detection, engaging fire watchers during fire * Replacement of low-yielding varieties with
season and publicity and public awareness, and high-yield variety.
others have been adopted. Creation and * Involvement of Eco-developnlen t
maintenance of firelines are usually done under Committee and seeking their cooperation to
centrally sponsored scheme. prevent illicit grazing.
128 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
which now cover approximately 38 percent of census of wild animals and others are being
the total forest area of the state. JFM systematically carried out to achieve the goal
contributed to conversion of vast tracts of of in-situ conservation.
scattered, over-exploited and degraded sal and
miscellaneous scrub forests to productive pole 4. EX-SITU CONSERVATION :
crop with great improvement in quality and The principal institutions holding Ex-situ
density in many regions of southwest West population of animal species are zoos, deer
Bengal. JFM picked up and gathered parks, snake parks, aquaria, while that of plant
SANYAL et ale : Current Conservation Initiatives in West Bengal 129
species are botanical gardens, seed banks, gene kept in cages, but with the financial assistance
banks, etc. of the State Government and CZA, Open Air
4.1. ANIMALS : Zoos play the most Moated Enclosures have been constructed for
important role in Ex-situ conservation of better housing of Sloth Bear, Tiger, Lion, Rhino
animal species. The Zoo Management concept and others. Opening of a freshwater aquarium
started changing drastically in the 20th Century in 1977 added a new dimension to the Alipore
where it had been felt through out the world Zoo. The Zoo has made significant achievement
that zoos have much important role to play in respect of captive breeding of a number of
rather than being a place of mere amusement native as well as exotic threatened species. This
and is now considered as an extension of forests. includes Rhino, Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Leopard
Captive breeding of endangered animals is the Cat, Chinkara, Manipur Deer, Hog Deer,
Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Giraffe, Common
main aim of the modem zoo management and
Marmoset, Common Pea Fowl, Pheasants,
the concept "Nature to Zoo" has changed to the
Painted Stork, Spoonbill, Marsh Crocodile and
concept of "Zoo to Nature" The zoos are also
many others. Research works on conservation
playing a role in developing the awareness
of wildlife in captivity are being regularly
among the people and educating the people
carried out by the officers and veterinarians.
about the importance and significance of
Regular awareness and training programmes are
conservation. With the establishment of the
also organized in collaboration with the NGOs
Central Zoo Authority (CZA) in February 1992,
or other Government agencies.
a .systematic documentation of facts regarding
Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological
captiv~ breeding and exchange of the same with
Park (DaIjiling) is the only high altitude zoo in
various Zoos have been started. CZA also issues
this part of the world~ It posesses (till March
guidelines to be fol~owed by every zoo with
2000) 70 specimens of mammals, 191 of birds
respect to captive breeding, maintenance of
and one of Reptiles. Most of its holdings are
animals, exchange and loaning and others.
high altitude species such as Snow Leopard,
In West Bengal the concept of Zoo and Himalayan Wolf, Himalayan Black Bear, Red
Menageries started long back mainly under Panda, Yak, Ussuri Tiger, Markhor, Chir
private capacity. Some of the oldest Zoos of Pheasant, Kaleej Pheasant, etc. The zoo is
the state are : successfully carrying out captive breeding of
* Barr~ckpur Menagerie, founded in 1801 and some of the endangered species of the
closed in 1879 Himalayan ecosystems, such as, Red Panda,
* Wazir Ali Shah's Menagerie, founded in Tibetan Wolf and Snow Leopard. It is also
1830'S and wound up in 1880 initiating release of the captive bred animals in
their natural habitat.
* Alipore Zoo, founded in 1875 and
Zoological Survey of India has opened on 4-
2-2003 the Marine Aquarium and
* Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park Research Centre at Digha for holding a
established in 1958 and continuing. spectrum of animals of our Marine Ecosysten1s.
Alipore Zoological Garden is holding It is also educating, motivating and initiating
nearly 350 specimens (35 species) of mammals, awareness campaigns among the local people,
1300 bf birds (65 species), 70 of reptiles (18 students and tourists on the importance of
species) and 1000 of fishes. Animals are mostly conservation.
130 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
economic plants, such as, Tea, Rubber, Jute, forestry and managerial aspects. For senior
Cinchona, Sugar cane, Mahogany, etc. It forest officials training courses on 'Application
preserves one of the best collection of native of Remote Sensing Techniques in Forestry' are
and exotic plants and large number of curious, being organized by the Forest Survey of India.
rare and threatened species. Rich collection of Zoological Survey of India regularly organising
Bamboo" Screwpine, Palm, Waterlily, Orchid, various training courses on collection,
etc., are some of the proud possession of this preservation and identification of animals of
Garden. economic importance, field ornithology, basic
There are ten medicinal plant gardens in the taxidermy and wildlife conservation for forest
state containing 150 species maintained by the officials, teachers, students and members of the
Sylviculture Division of the Forest Department NGOs. Similarly, Botanical Survey of India
at Mirik, Darjiljng. The garden established by conducts regular courses on field survey,
the Darjiling Gokha Hill Council is one of the herbarium methodology and identification of
finest of its kind. floral species. State Forest Department also
5. Training and Awareness Programme: organises various training programmes such
No Conservation programme can be as veterinary care, capture and release of
successful without people's awareness, wild animals, ecodevelopment (irrigation,
involvement and support. A host of activities pisciculture, etc.), wildlife census, handling of
thus directed towards educating common captive animals specially elephant, and others
people, decision makers, enforcement staff and for his own staff, EDC, FPC members as well as
particularly the people living in multiple use NGOs.
areas through Central and State Governments Key of conservation success lies in the
as well as non-Government organisations. nature education and awareness generation
Wildlife Institute of India (WI!) is the main among the common people. In recent years
training center in order to train Indian Forest 'Environmental Science' has been included in
Service (IFS) and State Forest Service (SFS) the curriculum at school and college level.
officers as well as the Rangers. Further, WII Dissemination of information on the
imparts training on Wildlife management, importance, ways and objectives of Wildlife
captive breeding, ecodevelopment for cum Biodiversity consevation is being done by
.Biodiversity Conservation, community the Central and State Government, NGOs, and
participation in Biodiversity Conservation, business houses. through the following means.
wildlife study techniques, Tranquillisation and
chemical immobilisation of wild animals and
* Establishment of well-equipped nature
interpretation centers at Madarihat,
others. Regular tr.aining courses covering the
subject area of tree planting, nursery Kunjanagar, Lataguri, Murti, Lava, Sukna,
techniques, etc. are being organized by the DaIjiling Natural History Museum in North
Institutre of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding. Bengal and Bethuadahari and Sajnekhali in
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy South Bengal.
arranges professional training to the * Installation of hoardings at strategic points
probationers of the IFS officers to face on the National and State Highways, places
challenges in the profession on technical of tourist interest.
132 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
being published by them. Identification manuals sponsored by G.O.I. Other collaborative studies
for different groups have already been taken up under W.B. Forestry project (IDA-
published. Red Data Book for vertebrate species assisted) include i) Studies on Gaur (WWF-
and Lepidoptera have been completed and that India), ii) Study on Control of illegal trade in
for invertebrate is under preparation. Recently Wildlife (Wildlife Protection Society of India,
(2011) a book on critically endangered species iii) Study on control of Tiger straying in
of India has been published by ZSI. Number of Sundarban (NEWS), iv) Survey of avi-fauna and
volumes of Red Data Book on floral species water quality monitoring in identified Wetlands
have been published. Recently Ghosh (2010) of W.B. (NEWS) and v) Fesibility study on
has published a document on urban biodiversity reintroduction of Pygmyhog in Gorumara
of Kolkata. A national data base on the National Park (ZSI). Contract studies initiated
Bioperspective survey of plant resources to under the Wildlife and Biodiversity component
identify economically as well as of W.B. Forestry Project include i) Study on
ethnobotanically important ·species for their elephant (WII) , ii) Study of leopard (WWF-
conservation has been developed at BSI. India) and iii) Study of Rhino (WII).
Similar database on faunal' diversity is being Under "GOI-UNDP Sea Turtle project",
developed by the ZSI. The Forest Survey of
NEWS has conducted the survey of sea turtles
India publishes every three years, a report on
along the coast of W.B. on behalf of WII.
the state of the forest in India based on remote
Centraly sponsored projects like i) Population
sensing and ground truthing. A compilation of
trends of some threatened species of W.B.
district-wise wetlands in West Bengal has been
(NEWS), iD Ecological crop loss due to wild
prepared by the Institute of Environmental
harvest of prawn seeds in Sundarban Biosphere
Studies and Wetland Management (IESWM),
Reserve (S.D. Marine Biological Research
Department of Environment, Govt. of West
Institute), iii) Identification of Wetlands of
Bengal. The State Forest Department in
Water fowl importance (SACON, Prakriti
collaboration with R.R.S.S.C., Kharagpur is
Samsad) and many others have been
carrying out forest change detection studies and
successfully undertaken.
wetland mapping through digital image
processing of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Mapping of Environmentally Sensitive Zones
Data. State Wildlife Wing have inducted local and Industrial Sites (Statewise) programme has
universities, institutions and NGOs to undertake' been taken up by Central Pollution Control
collaborative studies on ecosystems and Board under the Environmental Management
identified endangered species. Such studies Capacity Building Technical Assistance Projects
include i) Study of Red Panda and Satyr of the World Bank.
Tragopan in Singalila N.P. (Darjiling Govt. There are many more significant research
College), ii) Study of Bio-ecological Resoruces works related to conservation of biodiversity
of Neora Valley N.P. (North Bengal University), and their list will be unending. As such, it is
iii) Food preference study of Rhino in Jaldapara concluded with the mention of WII's reviews
WLS (Raiganj University College), iv) Survey of the Protected Area net work of the country
of floral and faunal resources of Mahananda (2002), which has suggested the extension of
WLS (NEWS), v) Entomological studies in Buxa some PAs in the state to ensure the conservation
T.R. (Calcutta University). These studies were of the species there in.
SANYAL et ale : Current Conservation Initiatives in West Bengal 135
Table-1t : Forest Protection Communities of West Bengal (Source : Dept. of Environment &
Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur 2002. West Bengal State Biodiyersity Stragety &
Action Plan. Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur).
Division Total No. Total Area Total No. Forest land
of FPC Protected of FPC (ha)/FPC
(ha.) Members Members
E. Medinipur 315 41274 44686 0·92
W. Medinipur 542 62629 44017 1.42
Kharagpur 82 12068 18677 0.65
Rupnarayan 182 25296 22258 1.14
-Bankura(N) 468 1
41 46 44210 0·93
Bahkura(S) . 538 40858 50192 0.81
Panchet 221 27618 24865 1.11
Puruliya 174 25479 17865 1.45
Kangsabati I 186 14033 15855 0.88
Kangsabati II 293 24900 28446 0.87
Barddhaman 57 16380 16249 1.00
Durgapur 21 3 0 53 2553 1.19
Birbhum 133 9068 8428 1.07
S-24 Parganas 23 39 167 9652 4·05
Datjeeling 41 7827 2699 2·90
Kalimpong 35 15486 1171 13·22
Kurseong 18 2590 906 2.86
Jalpaiguri 49 18204 12169 1.50
-Koch Bihar 21 5891 2872 2.05
Koch Bihar SF 22 3405 1458 2·33
. Baikunthapur 55 7657 6113 1.25
Buxa r.R. (E) 17 10288 3454 2·98
Buxa T.R. (W) 24 16213 4083 3·97
Sundarban T.R. 10 17565 3875 4·53
Total 3545 488095 386753 1.26
Table-13 : Year wise record of release of Crocodile Hatchling from Crocodile Project,
Bhagabatpur under 24-Parganas (South) Division.
Year Male Female Total Progressive Place of Release
1979 13 27 40 40 Parchamutli, Matla-II, Gosaba Pirkhali-I,
Pirkhali-II, Lothian
1982 3 22 25 65 Netidhopani, Gowa-II, Chamta
1983 6 12 18 83 Netidhopani, Matla, Chandkhali
1984 6 15 21 104 Netidhopani, Chamta-II, Bhurkunda Khali,
1986 1 29 30 134 Netidhopani, Chotta Chamta, Arbiga
1987 17 13 30 164 Pirkhali-7, Chhota Hodi, Chamta-4
1988 15 12 27 191 Haldibari, Buridabri, Chamta
1989 1 12 13 204 Netidhopani, Panchamundi, Chamta-4
1991 11 9 20 224 Chamta-2 & 4, Netidhopani
1992 7 8 15 239 Matla-2 (Surajmukhi Khal)
1993 7 8 15 254 Khewra Shuli N arayantala, Chhoto
1994 3 18 21 275 Chotto Hardy Camp-2, Chand Khali Camp-4
1995 2 12 14 289 Ejukhali, Matla-1, Netidhopani
1996 5 10 15 304 Chamta-4, (Chandra Duani)
1997 4 10 14 318 N~tidhopani, Chamta
1998 4 11 15 333 Netidh9pani, Chamta
1999 14 6 20 353 Sajnakhali, N etidhopani, Bakkhali &
2000 - - - - -
2001 - - - - -
2002 5 15 20 373 Chamta, Netidhopani
2003 - - - - -
2004 1 1 2 375 Chulkati, Dhulibasani
2005 4 10 14 389 Chulkati-Sajnekhali
2006 2 4 6 395 Sundarikhati
2007 2 4 6 401 Sundarikhati khal in Ajmalmari-7 Reserved
Forest Block"
2008 - - - - -
2009 12 8 20 421 Chulkati~I
Source: Annual Report (2009-2010), Wildlife Wing, Directorate of Forests, Govt. of West Bengal.
SANYAL et aI. : Discussion 137
r fa raULfI
o ,.
(!C -
. ::
.- en
,... ::r: :t Z
.c (!C
d ~
~ ~
. ~ .-1
~ ~ ~ t; u ~ ..Q
le Q ~ ~ ~ -r
,:Q ~ ....
(" (' !
Pi,. 27 : Diversity in phyla in fauna and flora in different district of W,est Bleng.aL
number of floral species also (2439 Nos.) shares a major part of total land .are,a of the
followed by Medinipur (871 Nos. )., while stat,e which obviously influences the
d' stricts like Bankur,a, Birbbum, PuruUya have distribution of fauna . There is a direct
less than 500 species each (Text..fig . 29). Grid- interaction ,and even conflict of human beings
wise concentr,a tion of species richness in with both the major and minor .anima groups
dif~erent parts of West Bengal (Textefi,g. 30) in diffiefent parts aU over the state in whkh a
shows a higber number of species in northern sq. km afiea is occupied by 904 individuals .
and southern parts. Conserving these faunal elements occllrrin ~
Alfred et al. (2004) found a positive outside he protect,e d ,a reas matters nlore
correlation (r=0 . 242) between total forest because they are equally valu .a b le in
cover and species richness in the districts maintaining the biodiversity in totality. Human
(T,ext..fig. 31). It is true that agricultural land population densities in different dislricts of (he:
138 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Haor Hl h
ad Na "
D aJp r
0 ....
'-" ~
1..0 'eo 'I: ~
I-< ..c::
"0 ,~ '-"
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co :;J
~= ..c: 0 :;)
:.a "0
-;; ~
.J:j "el
<"'I 1)0
<"'II on
~ .~
:.acu 'E0
"0 ~
!:= "0 :t: ';j ..c
Z oS
~ '-" c. u
:;) ~ .5
co Q:l ~
co ~ 0 =' Z 0
-, ~ ~ ~
state show a negative correlaltion (r := -0.226) even to tbepoint of extinction in the state. Till
with the species richness comprising flora and r1e cently our priority hitherto has been-
fauna together (Te,xt-fig. 32). Development, with a capital D! Mainly to
Some of the previous chapters provide a accommodate the ever~ growing buma I
, panoramic glimpse of the rich and diverse plant populations, all out efforts are being done w' th
and animal life along with their rapid decline no r,e spect for nature, ' 0 thought for other
SANYAL et al. Discas,sion 139
P·,. 3 : Status of forest cover (sq. km.) and PiS. 32: Human population density {per sq. km .}
species ricbness (flora & ~auna) in W,e st Bengal. and species richness (flora & faunal in
'West Bengal
140 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
living beings, and no concern for the tomorrow. of survival of culturally diverse and sensitive
However, it is heartening to note that in recent traditional communities. These areas must
past scienario has been changed to a great remain inviolate from urban and industrial
extent. Since nineteen seventies there is pressures. However, the process of setting up
growing concern for wildlife and subsequently and managing the~e protected areas has also
the total aspects of biodiversity. As already resulted severe problems for local communities
stated various steps, policies, actions have been dependant on their natural resources for
adopted not only to protect and preserve what livelihood and sustenance. Almost always, areas
remains of our fauna, flora and natural habitats have been declared national parks or
but also to devise ways and means of sanctuaries without adequate consultation with
augmenting this priceless natural resource. Now these communities and have resulted in their
it is not necessary to plead the case for rights being terminated, acess to basic resources
biodiversity any more than it is necessary to
being cut off without adeqate provision of
argue for the continued existence of mankind.
alternatives. In this situation, a feeling of
The plain fact is that we can not live without it
hostility amongst local communities has quite
as we are a part of the unity called life on earth
naturally built up, resulting in conflicts of
and if any part is injured or des.troyed,
other parts will certainly be impaired in their 'various kinds. These conflicts threaten the
turn. This is the truth which just can not, be objectives of protected areas and also the local
ignored. communities which live in and around them.
This people - conservation conflict tends to take
As a component of National Biodiversity
attention away from the more deep - rooted
Strategy and Action Plan, West Bengal State
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2002) problem facing both protected areas as also
and Status of Environment in West Bengal-A forest dwelling communities; over - exploitation
Citizen's Report (2008) have been finalized by of resources by dominant urban-industrial
a team. of experts from Government and non- interests. The major aim of protected areas is
Government sectors. The said plan worked out the conservation of biological diversity present
present status of environment and biodiversity in them. However, human settlements and
in the State, gaps in our knowledge, strategies, human modified ecosystems are a part of the
needed action, respective actors, time frame for systems being conserved. Traditional
each action and other related aspects. In the communities and their activities are as much a
meantime National Wildlife Action Plan (2002- part of the ecosystem as the wild plants and
2016), which is also concerned with the animals and their protection should be a part
conservation of biodiversity, has also been of the objectives of protected areas. Indeed
finalized. However, from the understanding of there are scientific evidences which suggest that'
the ecosystems and species diversity of the limited forms of human intervention may
state, existing gaps and problems of their actually increase local levels of biodiversity. At
conservation alongwith ever increasing human present by law, the wildlife wing of the Forest
populations certain further recommendations Department of the state has the responsibility
have been made in the following to ensure that of management of protected areas. Often the
we have sustainable development without serious problems arising from a, lack of
destruction, and that we can take of the coordination between various government
resources as we leave behind for the future
departments operating in and around protected
areas. Example of Sundarban may be given
I. Protected Areas : where often conflicts arising among he policies
Protected areas represent amongst our last of Forest, Fisheries, Tourism and other
reserves of biological diversity, as also the basis departments.
SANYAL et ale : Discussion 141
to Forest, P.W.D., Tourism, Fisheries, Tribal appropriate level. A data base for basic-trained
Welfare, Agriculture, Development and and another for advan.ce-trained persons to be
Planning departments as target group. Faculty developed and maintained in a central office.
members for such training programme should III. Monitoring and Research
primarily be comprised of specialists from local It has been clearly stated in the National
Forest, Environment and Fisheries departments Wildlfe Action Plan (2002-2016) that
and NGOs. As and when necessary service of monitoring and research are tools for a better
expertise from WII, IGNFA, IIPA, IIFM, ZSI, understanding of nature, its functions and to
BSI, and other organisations may be sought for. enable optimum or sustainable utilization of its
However, care should be taken that language resources, as well as to evaluate the
of the speaker may not be a barrier for conservation status of species and habitats and
understanding the subject. Special training the extent of impact of conservation
programmes to be organized for members of endeavours undertaken. Such understanding
different enforcement authorities such as will also help to reduce man-animal ~onflicts.
Forest, Police, Customs, Coast Guards, Border Developmental projects are often undertaken
Security Force, and others regarding on expediency rather than hard data and this
preliminary identification of Schedule and sometimes results in permanent damage to
CITES listed species; various legal implications fragile ecosystems. There is no doubt numerous
and procedures related to biodiversity long-term and short-term biodiversity related
conservation. To combat with the poachers, re~earch projects are being carried out by the
smugglers, and militants, ground staff of the universities, State and Central Government
forest department should be equipped with Organisations, NGOs and others. Findings of
sophisticated arms and ammunition after these researches helped a lot in the
providing necessary training by the expertise management and conservation of biodiversity
from Defence department. As the management in the State. However, several basic information
of biodiversity in different situation requires necessary for the proper management of
full time service of large number of persons, it biodiversity are still lacking. Handbooks for
is necessary to fill up immediately all the posts identification of threatened and CITES related
lying vacant particularly at the field level in the species are not yet available for many of the
Forest, Fisheries, Environment and other groups; species-inventory of protected areas
related department. It is a fact that the are not complete; Methodology for sustainable
resources of the State Government is limited. commercial use of most of the medicinally or
However, as Honourable ex-Prime Minister economically important plant and animal
suggested, "This limitation can be considerably species not yet developed; reintroduction and
over come through innovative initiatives such restocking feasibility of threatened species not
as redeployment of surplus employees in other been properly evaluated; and many others
departments, hiring local people on a voluntary indicate existing gaps in this regard.
or honorary basis, raising donations from It has already been stated that large number
business houses and other members of the of organizations are carrying active research
public in return for a greater role for them in for the success of biodiversity conservation.
implementing programmes" Apart from the However, often there is lack of coordination
basic training on the conservation of among these organizations. Thus it is
biodiversity, advanced courses on the wildlife recommended that a committee may be· formed
census, use of Internet, GIS, Radio-telemetry with appropriate representatives of the
and related teachnology are to be imparted at different organisations under the control of
SANYAL et ale : Discussion 143
become complex and multifarious. Each state Tiger - Panthera tigris. North Indian Moist
or region within the country has specific Deciduous forests alongwith its grasslands in
necessary elements concerned with North Bengal provide second home to a Great
biodiversity, which need to be integrated into On - horned Rhinoceros - Rhinoceros unicornis,
the framework of action plan. It is the primary and many other threatened species including
requirement for regional policy makers and Hispid Hare - Caprolagus hispidus , Bengal
managers of biodiversity to have status report. Florican - Eupodotis bengalensis, etc. Out of
Unfortunately, most of the valuable data on the five main grass covers of India, three, viz.,
biodiversity of the state are very much Phragmites - Saccharum - Imperata type,
scattered and have limited use. It is essential Themeda - Arundinella type and Temperate-
that relevant and user friendly data bases are Alpine type are found in the state. There are
prepared and made available through modern 54 natural and nine man-made wetlands which
information technologies. cover more than 100 ha. These alongwith
Owing to favourable agroclimatic condition, numerous small water bodies cover an area of
West Bengal was always one of the most about 3,44,527 ha. which is nearly 8.5 percent
populated states of the country. The problem of the total wetland area in India. Diversity of
of population explosion has been aggravated wetland plants of West Bengal is richest in India
due to huge immigration from East Pakistan and is represented by more than 380 species
belonging to 170 genera and 81 families.
(now Bangladesh) since 1947. As per census .
2011, population of West Bengal has reached With the increased importance of
913.471akhs (fourth among Indian provinces) biodiversity conservaton, more and more
and population density standing 1029 per agencies in the Government as well as non- (second to Kerala). Since 1971, the government levels are being involved directly
population of the state has become more than or indirectly in the process of conservation.
double. This has created tremendous pressures Multifarious activities such as survey of flora,
on the natural habitats and resources alongwith fauna, forests and wildlife; habitat management;
transformation for agriculture, developmental regeneration of degraded areas; prevention and
projects and urbanization. control of pollution; establishment of protected
Varied physical environment of the state areas; regulation of hunting, felling and wildlife
have given rise great diversity in ecosystems in related trade; research and awareness; socio-
one region to other.' The recorded forest of economic development; sustainable use of
West Bengal is about 11,879 i.e. 1.54 natural resources; Ex-situ conservation;
percent of the recorded foiest' of India and 13.4 international collaboration and cooperation
percent of state's total geographical area. At and many others are being taken. All these
least 10 different kinds of forests can be found activities are well-supported and guided by a
within the limits of the state. Maximum diversity set of legislative and regulatory measures in the
of forest ecosystems are met within the international, national and state levels.
northern parts mainly due to altitudinal Different biodiversity related Action Plans and
variations. Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous Policies such as Indian Environmetnal Action
type has the greatest coverage (4,527 Plan (1993), National Forest Policy (1988),
but in a very much degraded state. Littoral and National Conservation Strategy and Policy
Swamp (Mangrove) forest is extended over Statement on Environmment and Sustainable
4,263 in estuarine south West Bengal. It Development (1992), National Wildlife Action
is the only mangrove forest of the world (except Plan (1973, 2002), etc. provided due
Bangladesh) which supports population of considerations to the needs of local people and
14 6 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
their support. West Bengal State Biodiversity natural resources for livelihood and sustenance.
Strategy and Acton Plan as a component of To resolve the problem there is urgent need
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for all concerned people and agencies to unite,
has been drawn up. and to build partnerships of joint decision
The known faunal diversity of the state making. Thus, Joint Protected Area
consists of at least 11042 species out of 91771 Management Policy as far as possible has been
present in the country and 1239166 in the recommended.
world. The number of floral species goes upto The current ·capacity building and personnel
7000 against nearly 49000 species known from planni;ng and management measures need to be
India. A large number of species of both the greatly strengthened to meet the challenging
groups are represented by several subspecies, issues of conservation. Large number of
varieties and races. This has resulted further organizations are conducting training
richness in respect of genetic diversity. programmes. However, such training
Explorations ofa number of districts are not programmes often do not include common
yet been done properly. However, districts of people such as fishermen, peasants, minor
DarjiIing and Kolkata exhibit higher species forest produce collectors and others who are
richness. Domestic biodiversity of the state is in regular interaction with the local biodiversity.
equally impressive. With large number of For human resource development, training
varieties and breeds. An attempt has been made
programmes to be organized at Panchayet level
to provide lists of species.
taking common villagers and field staffs of
State biota is enriched by holding a biodiversity related departments as target
enormous number of species having groups. Care to be taken that the language of
significance in respect of conservation, the speakers may not be a barrier for
zoogeography, taxonomy, economy, endemism understanding the subject. A data base for basic
and other aspects. Some of these species have trained and another for advance . . trained
been focussed and listed.
persons to be developed and maintaIned in a
Biodiversity and significance of the central office.
Protected Areas of the state have been
Numerous biodiversity related researches
discussed. Sundarban, J aldapara and
are being carried out. Findings of these
Mahananda have been identified as top priority
researches helping a lot in the management and
areas in respect of conservation.
conservation of biodiversity. However,
Various factors resulting loss of biodiversity researches related to the local situation should
in different sectors have been dealt with be given priority in action. Further to obtain
alongwith the causes behind them.
authentic data, project authorities should
It has been found that species richness of involve the local people living in and around
the state is directly proportional with the forest the natural habitat areas.
cover, while the same is almost inversely
.Goals of conservation can only be achieved
proportional with human population density.
not by prohibition but through sustainable
Objectives of Protected areas often can not utilization of under used biological resources
be fulfilled owing to the resistance of the local and generating gainful employment In
communities who were dependant on the conservation related activities.
:SANYAL et ale : Selected References 147
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SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 155
1. Aeromones hydrophila 19. Brucella abortus
Habitat: Soil/Water/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
2. Aeromonas punctata 20. Chlorobium thiosulphilum
Habitat: Soil/Water/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
3. Agromonas fumefacieus 21. Cifrobacter sp .
. Habitat: Soil/Water/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
4. Alcaligenes pagadoxus 22. Clostridium butylicum
Habitat : Plant gall forming. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
5. Arthobacte~ globiformis 23. Clostridium perfringens
Habitat : Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
6. Arthrobacter vinelandii 24. Clostridium tefani
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
7. Bacillus rubotibis 25. Clostridium thermoaceticum
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
8. Bacillus cereus 26. Corynebacterium diptheriae
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
9. Bacillus licheniformis 27. cryptococcus neoformans
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
10. Bacillus maceraus 28. Desulfovibrio desulfericans
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
11. Bacillus plymixa 29. Enterobacter aerogenes
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
12. Bacillus sphaericus 30. Escherichia coli
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
13. Bacillus pumillus 31. Salmonella typhiurium
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage.
14. Bacillus tunigensis 32. Heamophilum irifluenzae
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat : Air.
15. Bacterium erthrogens 33. Halobacterium salinasium
Habitat : Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat: Air.
16. Beigeriucuia sp. 34. Klebsiella sp.
Habitat : Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat : Soil/Air.
17. Beggiatoa sp. 35. Lactobacillus acidophilus
Habitat: Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat : Soil/Air.
18. Bordefella perfusis 36. Lactobacillus brevis
Habitat : Water/Soil/Sewage. Habitat : Soil/Air.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Kingdom PLANT KINGDOM 7. Aphanocapsa montana
Subkingdom CRYPTOGAMA Life form : Plankton/soil algae.
Division THALLOPHYTES Habitat : Rice field.
Class CYANOPHYCEAE Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling, Haora,
Order CHROOCOCCALES Hugli and Murshidabad (Baharampur).
Family CHROOCOCCACEAE 8. Aphanocapsa roeseana fonna.
1. Aphanocapsa roeseana major
Life form : Plankton/soil algae. Life form : Plankton/soil algae.
Kingdom PLANTAE Habitat : On soil.
Sub kingdom CRYPTOGAMA Distribution : Kolkata and Haorah.
Division THALLOPHYTA 9. Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb : F) Linb
Sub Division FUNGI Life form : Saprophyte.
1. Absidia blakesleeana Lender Habitat: On soil.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Distribution : Kolkata.
Habitat : Moist soil/decomposed litters/ Family CAPNODIACEAE
leaves. 10. Acanthostoma wattii (Syd. & Bntl.)
Distribution : Kolkata. ·Theiss.
2. Acanlopage pectospora Drechs Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
148. Cercospora antidesmatis Kar & 157. Cercospora cosmicola Kar & Mondal
Mondal Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat: Leaves.
Habitat: Leaves. Distribution : Koch Bihar.
Distribution: DaIjiling. 158. Cercospora daemiae Kar & Mondal
149. Cereospora angulo-maculae Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat : Leaves.
Habitat: Leaves. Distribution : Barddhaman.
Distribution : Medinipur. 159. Cercospora daemiicola
150. Cercospora bagdorensis Kar & Mondal Kar & Mondal
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: Leaves. Habitat: Leaves.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: Medinipur.
151. Cercospora brassicicola P. Henn. 160. Cercospora daspurensis Kar &
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Mondal
166. Cercospora gangetica Purkayastha & 174. Cercospora oxyphyli Pavgi & Singh
Malik Life form : Parasite.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat : Leaves.
Habitat : Leaves. Distribution : Medinipur.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. 175. Cercospora oxysporae Kar & MandaI
167. Cercospora haematoxylonis Chupp. Life form : Parasite.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat : Leaves.
Habitat: Leaves. Distribution: Darjiling.
Distribution : Kolkata. 176. Cercospora phyllitidis Hume
168. Cercospora hemidesmi Kar & Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Mondal Habitat: Leaves.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Distribution : Medinipur.
Habitat : Leaves. 177. Cercospora polygomiae
Distribution : Murshidabad. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
169. Cercospora ichnocarpi Habitat : Leaves.
Kar & Mondal Distribution : J alpaiguri.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. 178. Cercospora polygonicola Kar &
. Habitat: Leaves. Mondal
224· XylaMafiliformis (Alb. Escho) Fr. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
533. Polyporus personatus Berk. & Br. 541. Polyporus semiplicatus Peck
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: On decayed woods. Habitat: On decayed woods.
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, H ugli and
Darjiling. Darjiling.
534. Polyporus platyporl1:S Berk. 542. Polyporus squamosus (Huds.) Fr.
Life form ; Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: On decayed woods. Habitat: On decayed woods.
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, H ugli and Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and
DaIjiling. Darjiling.
535, Polyporus radiatus Sow. 543. Polyporus sanguineus Kl.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: On decayed woods. Habitat: On decayed woods.
Distribution ; KQlkata, Haora, HugH and
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and South 24
536. PolypoMlS rhodophaeus Lev.
544. Polyporus shoreae Wakef.
Life form : Mycelial ~olourless thallophytes.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: On decayed woods.
Habitat : On decayed woods.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and South 24
Pgs. Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Barddhaman, Medinipur and Nadia.
537. PolYPfJru5 Mgidus Lev.
545. Polyporus tabulaeformis Berk
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: On d~ayed woods. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and Habitat : On decayed woods.
Darjiling. Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and
538. PolyPQru5 rubidus Berk. Darjiling.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. 546. Polyporus thawaitesii Berk.
Habitat: On decayed woods. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and Habitat: On decayed woods.
DaIjiling. Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and
539· Polyporus rufescens. Fr. Darjiling.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. 547. Polyporus mcholoma Mont.
Habitat: On decayed woods. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and Habitat : On decayed woods.
Darjiling. Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and
540. Polyporus semilaccatus Berk. Darjiling.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. 548. Polyporus violaceo cinerascens
Habitat: On decayed woods. Petch
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, HugH and Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
DaIjiling. Habitat: On decayed woods.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 243
615. Exobasidium vexans Mass. ~22. Fusarium solani (Mart.) App. &
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Wolle
Habitat: On leaves. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Distribution : Darjiling. Habitat: On leaves/soil.
Family FISTULINACEAE Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Barddhaman, Kolkata, Hugli, Maldah and
616. Fistulina hepatica Fr. Nadia.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Family CORTINARIACEAE
Habitat: On soil. 623. Galera burkilli Mass
Distribution: Darjiling. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Family TUBERCULARIACEAE Habitat : On decayed bark.
617. Fusarium acuminatum Ell. & Ev. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. 624. Galera tenera (Schaeft) Fr.
Habitat: On leaves/soil. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., SO\lth 24 Pgs., Habitat : On decayed bark.
Birbhum, Kolkata, Haora, HugH, J alpaiguri, Distribution : Darjiling.
Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia and Puruliya. 625. Galera zyelanica Petch
618. Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat : On decayed bark.
Habitat: On leaves/soil. Distribution : Haora.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs. Family GANODERMATACEAE
and Darjiling. 626. Ganoderma annulare Uord
619. Fusarium moniliforme Sheld. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Life form :. Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat: On decayed bark.
Habitat: On leaves/soil. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., 627. Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pet.
Birbhum, Kolkata, Darjiling, Medinipur, Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Murshidabad and Puruliya. Habitat: On decayed bark.
620. Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Birbhum, Barddhaman, Kolkata, Haora, HugH
Habitat: On leaves/soiL and MaIda.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., 628. Ganoderma clossus (Fr.) Bres.
Barddhaman, Koch Bihar, Darjiling, Haora, Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
J alpaiguri, Maldah, Medinipur and Habitat: On decayed bark.
Murshidabad. Distribution : Kolkata.
621. Fusarium semitectum Berk. 629. Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.) Karst.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Habitat: On leaves/soil. Habitat: On decayed bark.
Distribution : Birbhum, Kolkata, Haora and Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Nadia. Birbhum, Kolkata, HugH and Nadia.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
714. Phyllosticta glomorum Ell. & Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Tracy Habitat : On soil.
Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: On soil. Family PYTHIACEAE
Distribution : Kolkata. 723. Pythium cucurbitarum Takimoto
715. Phyllosticta indicii Shre Life form : Mycelial colourless thallophytes.
Life(orm : Mycelial colourless thallophytes. Habitat : On soil.
Ha6itat : On soil. Distribution : Nadia.
Distribution : Kolkata. Family ENDOMYCETACEAE
Kingdom PLANT KINGDOM Habitat: Corticolous.
Sub kingdom CRYPTOGAMA Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Haora
Division THALLOPHITA (Botanical Garden).
Class LICHENS 9. Arthonia subvelata Nyl.
.Family ARTHONIACEAE Life form : Crustose.
1. Arthonia antiZlaMLm (Fee) Nyl. Habitat: Corticolous.
Life form : Crustose. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Darjiling
Habitat: Corticolous. (Oodlabari).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs., Kolkata, Haora Arthonia tumidula (Ach.) Ach.
(Botanical Garden) and Medinipur (Haldia). Life form : Crustose.
2. Arthonia caribaea (Ach.) Massal. Habitat: Corticolous.
Life form: Crustose. Distribution: South 24 Pgs., Kolkata, Haora
Habitat: Corticolous. (Botanical Garden) and HugH.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. Arthothelium abnonne (Ach.)
3. Arthonia cytisi Massal. Mull.Arg
Life form : Crustose. Life form : Crustose.
Habitat: Corticolous. Habitat : Corticolous.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.
4. Arthonia impolitella Nyl. and Haora (Botanical Garden).
Life form : Crustose. 12. Arthothelium anastomosans (Ach.)
Habitat: Corticolous. Arn.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. and Haora Life form : Crustose.
(Botanical Garden). Habitat : Corticolons.
5. Arthonia platygraphidea Nyl. Distribution: Darjiling (Oodlabari).
L.ife form: Crustose. 13. Arthothelium chiodectoides (Nyl.)
Habitat: Corticolous. Zahlbr.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. Life form : Crustose.
6. Arthonia quintana Nyl. Distribution: Haora (Botanical Garden).
Life form : Crustose. 14. Arthothelium conjertum
Habitat: Corticolous. (A.L.Smith) Makh.& Patw.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. Life form : Crustose.
7. Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach. Habitat: Corticolous.
Life form : Crustose. Distribution: DaIjiling (Chunabati).
Habitat: Corticolous. 15. Arthothelium distentum (Vainio)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Zahlbr.
Kolkata and Darjiling. Life form : Crustose.
8. Arthonia subgyrosa Nyl. Habitat: Corticolons.
Life form: Crustose. Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and Kolkata.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
31. Trypethelium luteum Taylor 39. Rinodina colobina (Ach.) Th. Fr.
Life form : Crustose. Life form : Crustose.
Habitat : Corticolous. Habitat : Corticolous.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Haora (Botanical Garden) and Medinipur. Kolkata and Puruliya.
32. TJYpethelium tropicium (Ach.) 40. Rinodina conradi Korb.v. megaspora
Mull. Arg. (Awasthi & Agarwal) Awasthi
Life form: Crustose. Life form : Crustose.
Habitat: Corticolous. Habitat : Lignicolous.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Haora '(Botanical Garden) and Medinipur 41. Rinodina intrusa (Krempelh. in Nyl.)
(Haldia). Malme
Family ARTHPYRENIACEAE Life form : Crustose.
33. Anthrocothecium libricoloum Habitat : Corticolous.
Life form: Crustose. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban) and
Habitat: Corticolous. Puruliya.
Distribution: Haora (Botanical Garden). 42. Rinodina sophodes(Ach.) Massal.
Family BUELLIACEAE Life form : Crustose.
34. Buella aggredians (Stirton) Zahlbr. Habitat: Corticolous on Mango Tree.
Life form: Crustose. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Habitat: Corticolous. Family CONIOCYLIACEAE
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Kolkata, 43. Chaenotheca brunneola (Ach.)
Darjiling and Haora (Botanical Garden). Mull.Arg.
35. BiLella disciformis (Fr.) Mudd. Life form : Crustose.
Life form: Crustose. Habitat: Corticolous.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban, Distribution: DaIjiling (Kurseong).
Birdti) and Haora (Botanical Garden). Family LETROUITIACEAE
36. Buella inornata Ny!. 44. Letrouitia leprolyta (Nyl.) Haf.
Life form : Crustose. Life form : Crustose.
Habitat: Corticolous. Habitat: Corticolous.
Distribution: Darjiling (Oodlabar). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban)
" 37. Diplotomma alboatrior (Ny!.) and Haora (Botanical Garden).
Szat.ex Awasthi. 45. Letrouitia domingensis (Pers.)
Life form : Crustose. Haf.& Bellem.
Habitat : Corticolous. Life form : Crustose.
Distribution: Darjiling (Chunabadi). Habitat: Corticolous.
38. Diplotomma lauricassiae(Fee) Scat. Distribution: DaIjiling (Oodalbari).
Life form : Crustose. Family OPEGRAPHACEAE
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs. 46. Chiodecton intermissum
and Haora (Botanical Garden). Life form : Crustose.
260 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs. 172. Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale
and Darjiling (Rangit river valley). Life form : Foliose.
165. Opegrapha vulgata Ach. Habitat: Corticolous.
Life form : Foliose. Distribution : Medinipur (Haldia).
Habitat: Corticolous. 173. Everniastrum cirrhatum (Fr.) Hale
Distribution: Haora (Botanical Garden), Life form : Foliose.
South 24 pgs. Habitat: Corticolous.
Family COCCOCARPIACEAE Distribution : Darjiling (Kursong).
166. Coccoccarpia palmicola (Sprengel) 174. Parmotrema cristiferum (Taylor)
L. Arvidsson Hale
Lifeform: Foliose. Life form : Foliose.
Habitat: Corticolous. Habitat: Corticolous.
Distribution: Darjiling (Oodlabari). Distribution: Darjiling (Rangit river valley).
268 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
The list of Bryophyt~ of West Bengal is incomplete due to non-availability of literature. The
forth coming publication on Bryophytes of West Bengal by Botanical Survey of India will help to
complete the list.
Marchantia sp.
15. Darjiling, Dinajpore (N), Dinajpore (S), Hugli,
Life Form : Thalloid: Hoara, Jalpaiguri, Maldah, Midnapore,
Habitat: Moist & Shady. Murshidabad, Nadia and Puruliya.
Distribution: eoch Bihar, Darjiling and 24. Takakia ceratophylla
J alpaiguri. Life Form : Thalloid.
16. Marchantia polymorpha Habitat: Moist & Shady.
Life Form: Thalloid. Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Moist & ~hady. 25. Targionia sp.
Distribution : eoch Bihar, Darjiling and Life Form : Thalloid.
Jalpaiguri. Habitat: Moist & Shady.
17. Metzgeria sp. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life Form: Leafy thalloid. Family MUSel
Habitat: Moist & Shady. 26. Andreaea rupestris
Distribution : Darjiling. Life Form: Errect leafy.
18. Pellia epiphylla Habitat: Moist exposed.
Life Form : Thalloid. Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Moist & Shady. 27. Archidium binnannicum
Distribution : Daljiling. Life Form : Errect leafy.
19. Plagiochasma sp.
Habitat: On bark.
Life Form : Thalloid.
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Habitat: Moist & Sl)ady.
28. Barbula constricta
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life Form: Errect leafy
20. Porella campylophylla
Habitat: On bark
Life Form : Leafy thalloid.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Moist & Shady.
29. Bryum coronatum
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life Form : Errect leafy.
21. Rebauilia sp.
Habitat: On bark.
Life Form : Thalloid.
Distribution: DaIjiling.
Habitat: Moist & Shady.
30. Fissidens ceylonensis
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life Form : Errect leafy.
22. Riccia discolor
Habitat : Moist shady.
Life Form : Thalloid.
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Habitat: Moist & Shady
31. Funaria hygrometrica
Distribution: Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri
Distribution: DaIjiling.
23. Riccia gangetica
32. Hydrogonium arcuatum
Life Form : Thalloid.
Habitat: Moist & Shady. Life Form: Errect leafy.
Distribution : 24 Pgs (N), 24 Pgs (S), Habitat: On bark.
Bankura, Birbhum, Burdwan, Cooch Bihar, Distribution : Darjiling.
280 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Subkingdom CRYPTOGAMA 9. Lycopodium japoiticum
Division PTERIDOPHYTA Life Form : Fern allies.
F~llnily HUPERZlACEAE Habitat: Terrestrial.
1. Huperzia squarrosa Distribution : Darjiling.
Life Form : Fern allies. 10. Lycopodiastrum casuarinoides
Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Lithophyte.
Distribution : Darjiling.
2. Huperzia subulifolia
11. Palhinhaea cernua
Life Form : Fern allies.
Life Form: Fern allies.
Habitat: Terrestrial, epiphytic.
Habitat: Terrestrial.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
3. Huperzia herteriarta
12. Diphasiastrum ·complanatum
Life Form: Fern allies. Life Form : Fern allies.
Habitat : Terrestrial, epiphytic. Habitat : Terrestrial.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
4. Huperzia serrata 13. Diphasiastrum alpinum
Life Form: Fern allies. Life Form : Fern allies.
Habitat: Terrestrial, epiphytic. Habitat: Terrestrial.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
5. Huperzia selago Family SELAGINELLACEAE
Life Form: Fern allies. 14. Selaginella chrysocaulos
Kingdom PLANT KINGDOM 9. Picea smithiana
Sub-kingdom PHANEROGRAMA Life Form : Tree.
Division GYMNOSPERM Habitat: Terrestrial.
Order CONIFERALES Distribution : Darjiling.
1. Abies spectabilis 10. Pinus paetula
Life Form : Tree. Life Form : Tree.
Habitat : Terrestrial. Habitat: Terrestrial.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling (exotic species,
2. Arauc~a cookii planted).
Life Fonn : Tree. 11. Pinus roxburghii
Habitat: Terrestrial. Life Form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling. Habitat: Terrestrial.
3. Callistris sp. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life Form : Tree. 12. Pinus wallichiana
Habitat: Terrestrial. Life Form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling. Habitat: Terrestrial.
4. Cedrus deodara Distribution : DaIjiling.
Life Form : Tree.
13. Podocarpus nerifolius
Habitat: Terrestrial.
Life Form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling and South Bengal
Habitat : Terrestrial.
(Planted). .
Distribution : DaIjiling.
5. Cephalotaxus manii
14. Pseudotsuga sp.
Life Fonn : Tree.
Habitat: Terrestrial. Life Form : Tree.
Kingdom PLANTAE 5. Nechamandra alternifolia (Roxb. ex
Sub kingdom PHANEROGAMAE Wight) Thw. (1864)
9· Agrostophyllum breuiceps King & 21. Chiloschita usneoides (D. Don) Lindl.
Pantl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Epiphytic herb. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 22. Coelogyne corymbosa Lindl.
10. Agrostophyllum cailosum Reichnb. f. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Epiphytic herb. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 23. Coelogyne cristata Lindl.
11. Anoectochilus lanceolatus Lindl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Annual herb. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 24. Coelogyne ochracea Lindl.
12. Anthogonium gracile Lindl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Geophyte. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling. 25. Coelogyne stricta CD.Don) Schl.
13. Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Undershrub.
26. Cremastra appendiculata (D. Don)
Distribution : Darjiling. Makino
14. Bulbophyllum odoratisssimum Life form : Geophyte.
(Sm.) Lindl.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Epiphytic herb.
27. Dendrobium amoenum Wall. ex
Distribution : Darjiling. Lindl.
15. Bulbophyllum reptans Lindl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Epiphytic herb. Distribution: Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 28. Dendrobium hookerianum Lindl.
16. Calanthe breuicorau Lindl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Geophyte. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : DaIjiling. 29. Dendrobium longicornu Lindl.
17. Calanthe plantaginea Lindl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Geophyte. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 30. Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
18. Calanthe puberula Lindl. Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Life form : Geophyte. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 31. Dendrobium porphyrochillum
19. Calanthe tricarinata Lindl. Lindl.
Life form : Geophyte. Life form: Epiphytic herb.
Distribution: Darjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
20. Calanthe trulliformis King & Pantl. 32. Diplomeris hirsuta Lindl.
Life form : Geophyte. Life form : Geophyte.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
308 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Habitat: Shady moist places. 94. Roscoea purpurea J.E. Smith var.
Distribution: Murshidabad (Bhagwangola), auriculata (Schum.) Hara
Maldah (Chanchal), Haora (Damjoor, Life form : Geophyte.
Thana~akua), Nadia, J alpaiguri and Koch Distribution : DaIjiling.
95. Zingiber capitatum Roxb. (1810)
88. Globba hookerii C.B.Clarke
Common name: Jangli ada.
Life form : Geophyte.
Life form : Aromatic herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: In forest as an undergrowth & also
89. Globba marantina L. (1771) on grass lands.
Life form : Herb. Distribution: Jalpaiguri and Darjiling.
Habitat: Shady banks. 96. Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith (1806)
Distribution : North 24 Pgs., Maldah Common name: Ban ada.
(Nanachuni), Haora, Hugli, Nadia and
Lifeform: Herb., Stout herb.
Murshidabad (Sabjikatra, Lalbagh).
Habitat: Shady wet places, Damp shady hilly
90. Hedychium acuminatum Roscoe
Life form : Geophyte.
Distribution : Hugli, Darjiling, Maldah,
Distribution : DaIjiling. Haora (Damjoor), Murshidabad (Lalbagh,
91. Curcuma amada Roxb. (1810) Sarupnagar), Nadia and Jalpaiguri.
Common name: Am-ada. 97. Zingiber officinale Roxb.
Life form : Herb. Life form : Herb.
Habitat: Mostly cultivated. Habitat: Shady places.
Distribution : Maldah, Koch Bihar, Distribution : Darjiling, Maldah, Nadia,
Medinipur, Darjiling, Haora, North 24 Pgs., Murshidabad, Puruliya, Koch Bihar,
Hugli, Nadia (Banpur, Kalyani), Jalpaiguri and Barddhaman, South Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri,
Murshidabad. Medinipur, Bankura, Hugli, Birbhum, Haora,
92. Curcuma domestica South 24 Pgs., North Dinajpur and North 24
Life form : Herb.
Habitat: Shady places. Family CANNACEAE
Distribution : North Dinajpur, Koch Bihar, 98. Canna indica L. (1753)
South Dinajpur, Haora, South 24 Pgs., Common name : Sarbajaya.
Barddhaman, Medinipur, Hugli, Puruliya, Life form : Perennial rhizomatous herb.
Maldah, Nadia, Birbhum, Jalpaiguri, North 24 Habitat: Common garden plant, waste
Pgs., Bankura, Murshidabad and Darjiling. marshy places.
93. Curcuma ardmatica Salisb. (18 0 5) Distribution : North Dinajpur, Koch Bihar,
Common name: Halud. South Dinajpur, Haora (Andu}), South 24 Pgs ..
Life form : Large herb. Barddhaman, Medinipur, Hugli, Puruliya,
Habitat: Shady places of the hills. Maldah (Adina), Nadia, Birbhum, Jalpaiguri,
North 24 Pgs., Bankura and Murshidahad
Distribution : Murshidabad, Bankura,
Maldah, Haora, Nadia, Darjiling, Jalpaiguri,
Koch Bihar, Birbhum, Medinipur , North 24 99. Canna edulis Ker-Gawler (1817)
Pgs., South 24 Pgs., HugH, Barddhaman, South Life form : Geophyte.
Dinajpur and North Dinajpur. Distribution : Darjiling.
312 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Distribution : Maldah (Sagar Dighi) and 161. Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan
Murshidabad (Kandi, Sarulia). (1952)
154. Commelina longifolia Lam. (1791) Common name : Kanduli.
Common name : Pani kanchira. Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Diffuse spreading herb. Habitat : Shady marshy places.
Habitat : Not very common in ditches & Distribution : Koch Bihar, Puruliya,
other moist places. Birbhum, South Dinajpur, J alpaiguri,
Distribution: Haora (Mourigram, Kulgachia, Barddhaman, H ugH, Nadia, Haora
Amtha) and Murshidabad (Jadupur, Dadpur). (Dakshinmaju, Ranihat), Murshidabad (Kandi,
Sarupnagar), South 24 Pgs., North 24 Pgs.,
155. Commelina paludosa Blume (1827) Medinipur, Darjiling, North Dinajpur and
Common name: Jata kanchira. Maldah (Roypur, Golapgunge,
Life form : Stout herb. Panchanandapur).
Habitat: Common. 162. Murdannia spirata (L.) Bruckner
Distribution Hugli, Murshidabad (1930)
(Baranagar, 'Dhulian.) and Nadia. Life form : Profusely branched herb.
156. Commelina cristata (L.) D. Don Habitat: Shady marshy places, paddy fields
(1825) bunds with grasses.
Life form : Herb, stem creeping. Distribution: Nadia, Maldah (Eklakshmi),
Habitat: Moist shady places. Haora (Baluhati, Horishpur) and Murshidabad
(Baranagar, Bhabta).
Distribution : Medinipur and Murshidabad
(Jadupur, Jalangi). '163. Streptolirion volubile Edgw.
157. Cyanotis cristata (L.) Schult. (1830) Life form : Climber-annuaL
Life form : Herb, stem creeping below. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Habitat: Moist ground, dilapidated walls. Family FLAGELLARIACEAE
Distribution : Nadia, Barddhaman, North 164. FlagellaMa indica L. (1753)
Dinajpur, Maldah (Adina) and Haora (Amta.). Life form : Herb.
158. Cyanotis vaga (Lour.) J.R. & G. Forster Habitat: Sides of the swamps.
Life form : Perennial herb. Distribution: Murshidabad (Beldanga.) and
Distribution : DaIjiling. Haora (Chengail.).
195· Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) Schott Habitat : At the ponds, ditches, water
(1832) coarses.
Common name : Gajpipul. Distribution; Nadia, Hugli and Haora
Life form : Large epiphytic climber. (Panchpara, Chengail).
Habitat : Not very common. 201. Cryptocoryne retrospiralis Fisch.
Distribution : Koch Bihar, Haora, Nadia, ex Wydler (1830)
Maldah (Adina), Medinipur, Puruliya, South 24 Life form : Herb.
Pgs., Murshidabad (Baran agar, Sarulia), North Habitat : Plenty along the river banks.
24 Pgs. and HugH.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs., Nadia
196. Typhonium flagellifonne (Lodd.)
(Kalikapur, abundant along river, near the
Blume (1835)
railway bridge) and Murshidabad.
Life form : Stemless tuberous herb.
202. Remusatia hookeriana Schott
Habitat: Sides of ponds, water coarses &
Life form : Geophyte.
shady places.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Haora (Deulti, Amta,
Bargachia), Murshidabad (Beldanga) and 203. Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.)
Maldah (Gour). Schott
197. Typhonium cuspida tum Decaisne Life form ; Shruby climber.
(1834) Distribution : DaIjiling.
Life form : Herb. . 204. Richardia ajricana Kunth
Habitat: Near water bodies. Life form : Geophyte.
Distribution: Nadia (Mohanpur). Distribution : DaIjiling.
198. Typhonium trilobatum (L.) Schott Family LEMNACEAE
(1 8 34) 205. Lemna perpusilla Torrey (1843)
Common name : Ghatkanchu. Life form : Aquatic herb.
Life form : Tuberous herb.
Habitat: In ponds, lakes & rice fields.
Habitat: Common in shady places inthickets
Distribution : Medinipur, North Dinajpur,
near hedges.
Puruliya, Koch Bihar, Maldah, Barddhaman,
Distribution : Murshidabad, Maldah Murshidabad (Bhabta), Nadia, Haora (common
(Makdampur), Haora (Damjoor, Panpur) and as a mass in stagnant water in the dist.
Nadia. Wetlands), Birbhum, South 24 Pgs., South
199. Typhonium trilobatum var. Dinajpur, North 24 Pgs., HugH and Jalpaiguri.
schottii (Prain) Engler (1920) Lemna trisulca L. (1753)
Life form : Herb. Life form : Aquatic herb.
Habitat : Not very common. Habitat : Wetlands.
Distribution: Nadia, Maldah (Gour), North
Distribution: Nadia.
24 Pgs., Medinipur, Murshidabad (Jiagunge)
and Haora (Belgachia). 207. Spirodela po'yrhiza (L.) Schleiden
200. Cryptocoryne ciliata (Roxb.) Fisch.
ex Wydler (1830) Life form : Aquatic herb.
Life form : Herb. Habitat: Common in ponds.
320 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Distribution: Maldah (Kayar beel), Haora, 226. Eriocaulon odoratum Dalz. (1851)
North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs. and Hugli. Life form : Herb.
Family APONOGETONACEAE Habitat: Common in moist hervested paddy
221. Aponogeton undulatus Roxb. (1832) fields & swamps.
Life form : Submerged herb. Distribution : Nadia, Haora (Horishpur) and
Habitat: Common in ponds, ditches. Murshidabad (Baharampur, Lalgola).
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., Nadia, Maldah 227. Eriocaulon quinquangulare L. (1753)
(Chanchal), Hugli, Barddhaman, South 24 Pgs., Life form : Annual herb.
Medinipur, Haora, North Dinajpur and Habitat : Common in river beds, paddy
Murshidabad (Kandi). fields.
222. Aponogeton appendiculatus Distribution: Murshidabad (Baranagar,
Bruggen (1968) Bhagawangola) and Haora.
Life form : Submerged herb. 228. Eriocaulon redactum Ruhland (1903)
Habitat : Ponds & ditches. Life form : Very small herb.
Distribution : Nadia, Koch Bihar, Habitat: Common in paddy fields.
Barddhaman, Haora, Hugli, Birbhum, North 24 Distribution : Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri,
Pgs., North Dinajpur and Medinipur. Murshidabad (Khosbagh), Haora (Horishpur),
223. Aponogeton natans (L.) Engler et Barddhaman, Puruliya and Nadia.
Krause (1906) 229. Eriocaulon sollyanum Royle (1830)
Life form : Submerged herb. Life form : Herb.
Habitat: common in pond and ditches. Habitat : Common in swampy areas and
Distribution : Murshidabad (Lalbagh, paddy fields.
Baranagar), Maldah, Haora (Jagatballavpur), Distribution: Murshidabad (Bhagawangola)
Nadia, South 24 Pgs. and South Dinajpur. and Haora (Horishpur).
Family ERIOCAULACEAE 230. Eriocaulon trunctum Ham. (1832)
224. Eriocaulon elenorae Fyson (1921) Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Herb. Habitat : Common in wet ground under
Habitat: Not common, in paddy fields, shade.
swapmy areas. Distribution: Murshidabad (Jiagunge).
Distribution : Hugli, Birbhum, Maldah Family TYPHACEAE
(Nakail), Jalpaiguri, Barddhaman, North 24 231. Typha angustata Bory & Chaub. (1832)
Pgs., Haora (Horishpur), North Dinajpur, Life form : Aquatic herb.
Puruliya, South 24 Pgs., Koch Bihar,
Habitat: Common in marshes, swamps.
Murshidabad (Lalgola), Nadia, Medinipur and
South Dinajpur. Distribution : Puruliya, Haora (Andul) and
225. Eriocaulon gracile Mart. (1'832)
Life form : Herb.
232. Pandanus foetidus Roxb. (1832)
Habitat : Paddy fields or in marshy zones.
Life form : Dense bushy shrubs.
Distribution : Murshidabad, Koch Bihar,
South 24 Pgs., North Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, Habitat: Planted or naturalized in hedges.
Haora (Kona), Nadia, Hugli, North 24 Pgs., Distribution : Haora (Chengail, Abada,
Birbhum, Maldah, Barddhaman and Medinipur. Uluberia).
322 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Hugli, Barddhaman, North Distribution: Haora (Bargachia), Nadia,
Dinajpur, South Dinajpur and Puruliya. Hugli and Barddhaman.
277· Cyperus leucocephalus Retz. (1789) 284. Cyperus sanguinolentus Vahl (1806)
Life form : Herb. Life form : Tufted herb.
Distribution: Haora, Hugli, Maldah (Nakai!), Habitat: Dry situation.
North 24 Pgs. and Nadia. Distribution: Haora (Horishpur), Medinipur
278. Cyperus tenuispica Steud. (1855) and North 24 Pgs.
285. Cyperus pumilus L. (1756)
Life form : Perennial herb.
Life form : Caespitose annual.
Habitat: Common in marshy places.
Habitat: Paddy fields bunds, banks of ponds
Distribution : Murshidabad (Jadupur,
& water coarses.
Krishnapur), Bankura, Maldah (Gobindapur),
Distribution : Nadia, South 24 Pgs. and
Haora, Nadia, North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur
Haora (Panchpara, Jagadishpur).
and Puruliya.
286. Cyperus polystachyos Rottb. (1773)
279. Cyperus turgidulus C.B. Clarke (1884)
Life form : Tufted herb.
Life form : Herb.
Habitat : Along margins of ponds, sides of
Habitat: Rare. paddy fields.
Distribution : H ugH, Nadia and Maldah Distribution: Haora (Deulti, Amta), North
(Nakail). Dinajpur, South Dinajpur and Puruliya.
280. Cyperus squa.,..,.osus L. (1756) 287. Eleocharis dulcis (Brurm. f.) Trin. ex
Life form : Tufted annual. Henschel (1833)
Habitat : Damp places along with grassy Common name: Chenchka.
patches. Life form : Herb.
Distribution Haora (Uluberia), Habitat: Common in ditches.
Barddhaman, Hugli, Jalpaiguri, Birbhum, Koch Distribution: Haora (Amta) , Nadia, Koch
Bihar and Nadia. Bihar, South 24 Pgs., Hugli and Puruliya.
281. Cyperus javanicus Houtt. (1782) 288. Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. &
Life form : Perennial herb.
Life form : Herb.
Habitat: Margin of ponds & channels.
Habitat: Common in dry paddy fields.
Distribution: Maldah, Haora (Uluberia) and
Distribution : Nadia, Murshidabad (Motijil,
Rejinagar), Haora (Uluberia) and Maldah
282. Cyperus paniceus (Rottb.) Boeck. (Golapgunge).
(1870) 289. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. Br. (1810)
Life form : Herb. Life form : Herb.
Habitat: Damp places under shade. Habitat: Shallow ponds.
Distribution : Haora (Dafarpur) and Nadia. Distribution : Haora, Nadia, Maldah
283. Cyperus cyperinus (Retz.) Valck.- (Muchia), Medinipur and Birbhum.
Sur. (1898) 290. Eleocharis retroflexa (Poir.) Urb.
Life form : Herb without stolon. (1900)
Habitat: Margin of ponds & channels. Life form : Densely tufted herb.
326 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Habitat: Along railway lines, in bushes & Habitat: Common in wet places.
shrubberies. Distribution : Haora (Deulti) and
Distribution : Nadia, Haora (Dakshinmaju, Murshidabad (Jiabanti).
Padmapukur), South 24 Pgs., Puruliya, 300. Fimbristylis polytrichoides (Retz.)
Barddhaman, Medinipur, Hugli and North 24 Vahl (1806)
Pgs. Common name : Talnaru.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 32 7
Life form : Densely tufted herb. 307. Kyllinga nemoralis (J. R. & G.
Distribution : Murshidabad (Jalangi, Forster) Dandy ex- Hutch. & Dalziel (1936)
Beldanga). Common name : Swetgothubi.
301. Fimbristylis polytrichoides (Retz.) Life form : Annual herb.
R. Br. (1810)
Habitat: Common in damp situation.
Life form : Densely tufted annual.
Distribution: Haora, Nadia, North 24 Pgs.,
Habitat: Common in wet places. DaIjiling, Hugli, South 24 Pgs., Maldah (Nakail)
Distribution: Maldah, Haora (Ranihati, and Murshidabad (Kunjaghata, Krishnapur).
Alampur) and Nadia.
308. Kyllinga triceps Rottb. (1773)
302. Fimbristylis barbata (Rottb.) Benth.
Life form : Stoloniferous tufted herb.
Habitat: Common in waste lands.
Life form : Tufted diffuse annual.
Distribution : Maldah, Nadia, Haora,
Habitat: Damp places.
Barddhaman, Jalpaiguri, Murshidabad
Distribution Haora (Mourigram,
(Lalbagh, Jiagunge, Azimgunge), Puruliya,
Padmapukur), Nadia, North 24 Pgs. and South
North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Hugli, Koch
24 Pgs.
Bihar, North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur.
303. Lipocarpha sphacelata (Yahl)
309. Mariscus aristatus (Rottb.) Tang &
Kunth (1837)
Wang (1961)
Life form : Annual.
Life form : Small annual.
Habitat: Found in clayey moist areas.
Habitat: Common in moist places.
Distribution: Nadia, Haora (Horishpur),
Birbhum, Medinipur and North 24 Pgs. Distribution : Haora, Koch Bihar,
304. Fuirena ciliaris (L.) Roxb. (1820) Murshidabad (Jiagunge), Nadia, Jalpaiguri,
Medinipur, North 24 Pgs. and Maldah.
Common name : Bandkola.
310. Mariscus cyperinus (Retz.) Vahl (1806)
Life form : Hairy annual.
Life form : Herb.
Habitat : Occasional in moist fields.
Distribution: Murshidabad (Farraka), Haora Habitat: Less common in damp places.
(Horishpur), Nadia, Koch Bihar, Birbhum, Distribution: Nadia and Murshidabad
Medinipur, North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Hugli, (Jangipur, Jiagunge, Krishnapur).
Barddhaman, North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur 311. Mariscus javaniccus (Houttuyn)
and Puruliya. Merrill & Metcalfe (1945)
305. Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. (1773) Common name: Halaiya.
Life form : Stoloniferous herb. Life form : Perennial herb.
Habitat: Common along the bunds of paddy Habitat: Banks of ponds.
Distribution : Murshidabad (Sargachi),
Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur,
Haora, North 24 Pgs., HugH and Nadia.
Khosbagh, Beldanga), Maldah, Nadia, Hugli,
Puruliya, Haora and South 24 Pgs. 312. Mariscus paniceus (Rottb.) Vahl (1806)
313. Pycreus polystachyos (Rottb.) 318. Schoenoplectus grossus (L. f.) Palla
Beauv. (1807) (1911)
Life form : Herb. Common name : Barakeshuria.
Habitat: Common along sides of bunds of Life form : Herb.
paddy fields. Habitat: Common in marshes.
Distribution : Murshidabad (Kunjaghata, Distribution : Murshidabad (Sarulia;
Samlia, Sargachi, Kandi), South 24 Pgs., Sarupnagar), Barddhaman, North 24 Pgs.,
Medinipur, Haora, Nadia, North 24 Pgs. and South Dinajpur, Nadia, Medinipur, South 24
Puruliya. Pgs., Haora, North Dinajpur and Birbhum.
314. Pycreus pumilis (L.) Nees ex C.
319. Schoenoplectus supinus (L.) Palla
B.Clarke (1893)
Life form : Caespitose annual.
Life form : Tufted annual.
Habitat : Less common in bunds of paddy
Habitat: Common in ponds.
Distribution: Murshidabad (Kunjaghata,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs., North 24 Pgs.,
Murshidabad (Jangipur, Majjampur, Jiagunge)
and Maldah (Gobindapur). 320. Scirpus squarrosus L. (1771)
315. Pycreus sanguinolentus (Vahl) Life form : Slender tufted annual.
Nees ex C.B. Clarke (1893) Habitat: Marshy lands.
Life form : Creeping herb. Distribution: South 24 Pgs., North 24 Pgs.,
Habitat: Notvery common in damp places. Nadia and Haora (Horishpur).
Distribution : Murshidabad (Lalbagh, 321. Scirpus articulatus L. (1753)
Sarupnagar). Life form : Densely tufted annual.
316. Rikliella squarrosa (L.) J. Raynal (1973) Habitat : Aquatic/semi aquatic.
Common name: Guri. Distribution: Haora (Deulti), Nadia and
Life form :Slender tufted annual. Maldah.
Habitat: Common in ponds. 322. Scirpus quinquefarius Ham. ex C. B.
Distribution: Maldah (Nakail), Birbhum, Clarke (1893)
Barddhaman, South Dinajpur, North Dinajpur, Life form : Herb.
Hugli, Murshidabad (Kuli, Lalgola, Azimgunge,
Habitat: Rare.
Bhabta), South 24 Pgs., Nadia, Puruliya and
North 24 Pgs. Distribution : Maldah (Eklakshmi) and
317. Schoenoplectus articulatus (L.)
Palla (1889) 323. Scirpus supinus L. yare lateriflorus
(Gmelin) Koyama (1958)
Common name : Chatpati.
Life form : Tufted annual.
Life form : Annual herb.
Habitat: Associated with S. squarrosus.
Habitat: Common in ditches. Sarupnagar,
Krishnapur. Distribution: Haora (Uluberia), Nadia and
Distribution : Haora, Maldah (Eklakshmi,
Makdampur), Medinipur, North 24 Pgs., Hugli, 324. Scirpus grossus L. f. (1781)
Nadia and South 24 Pgs. Life form : Herb.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 329
354· Cynodon barberi Ranga. & Pgs., Haora (Haora Maidan), Hugli, Nadia,
Tadulingam (1916) Puruliya, Murshidabad, Koch Bihar, Maldah
Life form : Perennial. (Raypur), Darjiling, North Dinajpur, South
Habitat : Same Habitat as that of C. Dinajpur and J alpaiguri.
dactylon. 360. Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf
Distribution: Barddhaman, Kolkata, Hugli, (1900)
Haora (Mourigram, Uluberia, Shyampur, Common name: Kusha.
Damjoor), South 24 Pgs., North 24 Pgs., Life form : Herb.
Maldah, Nadia, South Dinajpur and Medinipur. Distribution : Kolkata, Murshidabad,
355. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (1805) Medinipur, North 24 Pgs., Nadia, Maldah
Common name: Durba. (Boyalmari, Adina), Jalpaiguri, Hugli, South 24
Life form : Perennial with creeping rhizome. Pgs., Puruliya, Birbhum, North Dinajpur,
Distribution Birbhum, Bankura, Haora, Barddhaman and Koch Bihar.
Barddhaman, Kolkata, South 24 Pgs., North 24 361. Dichanthium annulatum (Forst.)
Pgs., Haora, Hugli, Nadia, Puruliya, Stapf (1917)
Murshidabad, Koch Bihar, Maldah, Darjiling, Life form : Perennial.
North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur and Jalpaiguri. Habitat: Thickets & hedges.
356. Cyrtococcum patens (L.) A. Camus Distribution : Murshidabad, Medinipur,
Life form : Perennial. North 24 Pgs., Nadia, Maldah (Muchia),
Habitat: Not very commonly found in river Jalpaiguri, Hugli, South 24 Pgs., Puruliya,
banks. Birbhum~ North Dinajpur, Haora (Mourigram),
Distribution: Birbhum, South 24 Pgs., Haora Barddhaman, Koch Bihar and Kolkata.
(Dulagori, Chengail, Uluberia, Abada), Hugli, 362. Desmostachya caricosum (L.) A.
Murshidabad (Kayanpur, Bhagawangola), Koch Camus (1921)
Bihar, Maldah (Raypur) and Jalpaiguri. Common name: Detara.
357. Cyrtococcum trigonum (L.) A. Life form : Perennial.
Camus (1921) Habitat: Common.
Life form : Perennial. Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Nadia.
Habitat: Along river sides. Barddhaman, Haora (Mourigram, Ranihati,
Distribution: Haora (Panchpara, Dulagori). Panchla) and Murshidabad (Baharampur,
358. Dactylis glomerata L. Jadupur, Baranagar, Sarupnagar).
Life form : Perennial herb. 363. Digitaria bicornis (Lam.) Roem. (1817)
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Perennial.
359. Dactylectenium aegyptium (L.) Habitat : Occasional on the edge ofwater
Willd. (1809) coarses.
Common name: Makra. Distribution : Medinipur, North 24 Pgs ..
Life form : Herb. Nadia, Maldah, Jalpaiguri, HugH, South 24 Pgs.,
Haora and Koch Bihar.
Habitat: Common in sandy grassy places.
Highly adaptive grass. 364. Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler (1802)
Distribution Birbhum, Bankura, Common nalne : Makur-jali
Barddhaman, Kolkata, South 24 Pgs., North 24 Life fornl : Annual herb.
33 2
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Habitat : Grassy patches, along river-banks 401. Hemasthria compressa (L. f.) R. Br.
& at the sides of railway. (1810)
Distribution: Kolkata, North 24 Pgs., North Life form : Herb.
Dinajpur , Nadia, Haora (Haora Maidan), Habitat: Common along the water coarses.
Medinipur and Hugli. Distribution : Kolkata, M urshidabad
393. Eragrostis diarrhena (Schult.) Steud. (Sabjikatra, Kandi, Lalgola, Sargachi), Maldah,
(1854) Haora (Andul, Ranihati, Panchpara, Panchla),
Nadia, Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, North 24 Pgs.,
Life form : Perennial.
South 24 Pgs., North Dinajpur and South
Habitat: Common. Dinajpur.
Distribution : South Dinajpur , North 402. Hemasthria prostensa Nees ex
Dinajpur, Haora (Mourigram, Amta), Nadia, Steud. (1854)
Birbhum, Puruliya and Barddhaman.
Common name: Baksa.
394. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner (1788)
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Herb. Distribution : Haora (Abada, Deulti),
Distribution: Jalpaiguri, South 24 Pgs., Jalpaiguri, Puruliya, Koch Bihar, South
Barddhaman, Kolkata, North 24 Pgs., Birbhum, Dinajpur, North Dinajpur and Murshidabad
Medinipur, Bankura, HugH, North Dinajpur, (Baharampur, Jiagunge, Lalbagh, Sarulia).
Nadia, Maldah (Manickchak), Murshidabad, 403. Holcus lanatus L.
South Dinajpur, Darjiling, Puruliya, Koch Bihar
Life form : Annual herb.
and Haora.
Distribution : Darjiling.
395. Elytrophorus spicatus (Willd.) A.
404. Hordeum vulgare L. (1753)
Camus (1923)
Common name: Jab, Barley.
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Herb.
Distribution: Maldah (Jagannathpur) and
Haora. Distribution : Maldah (Kotayali) and Haora.
405. Hygroryza aristata (Retz.) Nees ex
396. Festuca gigantea (L.) Ville
, Wight (1833)
Life form : Perennial herb.
Common name; Jangli dal.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb.
397· Festuca leptopogon Stapf.
Distribution: Maldah (Singhabad, Malia),
Life form : Perennial herb. North 24 Pgs. and South 24 Pgs.
DiJributio,'1 : Darjiling.. 406. Hymenachne pseudointerrupta
398. 'Pestuca polycolea Stapf. C. Muell. (1861)
Life form : Perennial herb. Life form : Herb.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Maldah (Hat river beel),
399· Garnotia acutigluma (Steud.) Ohyi .Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Hugli, Barddhaman,
North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur.
Life form : Perennial herb.
407· Imperata 'cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel
Distribution : Darjiling.
400. Glyceria tonglensis C.B. Clarke Life form : Herb.
Life form : Perennial herb. Distribution: Jalpaiguri, North Dinajpur,
Distribution : Darjiling. Maldah (Altor), South Dinajpur and Darjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 335
408. Isachne globosa (Thunb.) O. Kuntze. 413. Leptochloa panicea (Retz.) Ohwi (1941)
(1891) Life form : Herb.
Life form : Herb. Habitat: Less common. Grassy moist places.·
Habitat: Common. Distribution: South 24 Pgs., Murshidabad
Distribution: Hugli, Darjiling, Bankura, (Kashimbazar, Baranagar, Bhabta) and Haora
Puruliya, Barddhaman, J alpaiguri, Kolkata, (Alampur, Andul, Panchpara).
South 24 Pgs., Birbhum, Koch Bihar, North 24 414. Lolium perenne L.
Pgs., Haora, Medinipur, South Dinajpur, Nadia,
Life form : Perennial herb.
North Dinajpur, Murshidabad and Maldah
(Bhutni). Distribution : DaIjiling.
410. Ischaemum rugosum Salisb. (1791) 416. Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hackel
Life form : Perennial herb.
Common name : Morako.
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Life form : Tufted annual.
Habitat: Not very common; along edges &
417. Muhlenbergia huegellii Trin.
bunds of rice fields. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution Kolkata, Puruliya, Distribution : Darjiling.
Murshidabad (Kandi, Chhiruti, Beldanga), 418. Neyraudia reynaudiana (Kunth)
Barddhaman, Haora (Horishpur, Sympur), Keng ex Hitche
Maldah (Gobindapur), North 24 Pgs., Life form : Perennial herb.
Medinipur and South Dinajpur.
Distribution : Darjiling.
411. Leersia hexandra Sw. (1788) 419. Oplismenus bUMnannii (Retz.) P.
Life form : Aquatic marshy perennial. Beauv. (1812)
Habitat: Common in ditches. Life form : Herb.
Distribution: Haora (Mourigram, Panpur), Habitat: Common in damp areas.
Murshidabad (Motijil, Beldanga, Lalgola, Kandi) Distribution : Murshidabad (Khosbagan,
and Maldah (Makdampur). Lalkuthi, Lalgola, Beldanga), Maldah (Raypur),
412. Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees. Haora (Harishpur), Nadia, Jalpaiguri, Koch
(1824) Bihar, Kolkata, North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.
Common name : Barapininati. and HugH.
Life form : Herb. 420. Oplismenus compositus (L.) P.
Habitat: Common in marshy region. Beauv. (1812)
Distribution : Hugli, Darjiling, Kolkata, Life form : Herb.
Maldah (Chanchal), South Dinajpur, North 24 Habitat: Common in damp shady places.
Pgs., Birbhum, Puruliya, Murshidabad Distribution: Koch Bihar, Kolkata, DaIjiling,
(Kunjaghata, Kashimbazar), Medinipur, North Maldah (Eklakshmi), Hugli, Haora
Dinajpur, Bankura, Koch Bihar, Haora (Hajaratkalithola, Horishpur), North Dinajpur,
(Kulgachia, Panpur, Dakshinmaju, Abada), Jalpaiguri, North 24 PgS., Nadia, Murshidabad
Nadia, Jalpaiguri and Barddhaman. (Beldanga, ~algola, Sarulia) and Medinipur.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
421. Oryza rqfipogon Roxb. (1820) (Balupur), South 24 Pgs., HugH and
Lifeform : Annual. Murshidabad (Kunjaghata, Jibanti,
Bhagawangola, Sarulia).
Habitat: Not very common, found in
ditches, swampy areas. 427. Panicum sumatraensis Roth ex
Roem. (1817)
Distribution : Maldah (Kayar beel),
Murshidabad (Baharampur) and Haora Life form : Annual.
(Panchla): Habitat : Cult. & naturalized.
422. Panicum antidotale Retz. (1786) Distribution: Jalpaiguri and Haora (Abada).
Life form : Herb 428. Panicum trypheron Schult. (1824)
Distribution: Kolkata, Maldah (Shaktigar), Common name: Fupikanka
South Dinajpur, North 24 Pgs., Jalpaiguri, Life fo.rm : Tufted annual.
Nadia, Haora and HugH. Habitat: Waste lands.
423. Panicum miliaceum L. (1753) Distribution : Murshidabad (Katgolabagan)
C01J1mon name : Cheena. and Haora (Horishpur).
Life form : Herb 429. Paspalidium .flavidum (Retz.) A
Distribution : South Dinajpur, Hugli, Camus (1922)
Kolkata, Puruliya, North 24 Pgs., Nadia, Life form : Annual.
Jalpaiguri, Haora and Maldah (Anantapur). Habitat.: Common Vt dry lands.
424. Panicum paludosum Roxb. (1820) Distribution: Haora (Bargachia, Kona),
Life form : Perennial. Bankura, Medinipur, Puruliya, Birbhum,
Habitat : Commonly floating along margin Murshidabad (Khosbagan, Katgolarhagan)"and
of water bodies. South Dinajpur.
Distribution : Puruliya, Nadia, Kolkata, 430. P~alidium punctatum (Brom. f~)
Murshidabad (Farakka, Krishnapur, Kandi) , A. Camus (1922)
South 24 Pgs., South Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, Koch Life form : Annual/perennial.
Bihar, North 24 Pgs., DaIjiling, Barddhaman,
Habitat: Common in marshes.
Medinipur, Hugli, Birbhum, Maldah, Haora
(Andul) and North Dinajpur. Distribution : Hugli, Nadia, North Dinajpur,
Jalpaiguri, Kolkata, Puruliya, Haora (Uluberia),
425. Panicum psilopodium Trin. (1826)
North 24 Pgs., Maldah and Murshidabad
Life form : Annual. (Kunjaghata, Sabjikatra, Sarulia).
Habitat: Open grassy places. 431. Paspalum conjugatum Bergius (1772)
Distribution : Barddhaman, Medinipur, Life form : Annual.
Jalpaiguri, Kolkata, Maldah, North 24 Pgs.,
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Nadia,
Haora (Uluberia, Honshpur), North Dinajpur,
J alpaiguri, Kolkata, North Dinajpur, Birbhum,
Nadia and Murshidabad (Katgolarbagan).
S.outh Dinajpur, Murshidabad (Kujaghata,
426. Panicum repens L. (1762) Sabjikatra), Puruliya, Haora (Kona), DaIjiling,
Common name: Baranda. Barddhaman, Maldah (Bhutni), Bankura,
Life form : Perennial. Medinipur, Koch Bihar, HugH and North 24 Pgs.
Habitat : Common in water coarses. 432. Paspalum orbicularis G. Forst.
Distribution: Haora (Bargachia), Kolkata, Life form : Annual herb.
North 24 Pgs., Nadia, North Dinajpur, Maldah Distribution : D,aIjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 337
462. Themeda stMgosa (Buch.-Ham. ex 468. Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash (1903)
Hook. F.) A. Camps (1920) Common name: Khas-Khas.
Life form : Herb Life form : Herb, rhizome aromatic.
Distribution: Bankura, Murshidabad, Koch Habitat: Common near ponds, ditches &
Bihar, Kolkata, Medinipur , North Dinajpur, along river banks.
Birbhum, North 24 Pgs., Haora, Barddhaman, Distribution : Murshidabad (Sabjikatra,
South Dinajpur, J alpaiguri, Puruliya and Lalkuthi, Dhulian, Kandi), Bankura, Maldah
Maldah (Bhaluka). (Gour), Haora (Mourigram, Kona), Birbhum,
463. Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb.) Medinipur, Barddhaman and Puruliya.
Kuntze (1891) 469. Zea mays L. (1753)
Life form : Perennial. Common name : Bhutta, makai.
Distribution : Maldah (Bhaluka), Nadia, Life form : Annual.
Darjiling, Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Birbhum, Habitat: Cultivation.
Barddhaman, North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur
Distribution : Puruliya, Barddhaman,
and Puruliya.
Kolkata, Nadia, Haora, Maldah (Makdampur),
464. Tripogon fllifonnis Nees ex Steud. Hugli, North 24 Pgs., Koch Bihar, S~uth 24
Life form : Perennial herb. Pgs., Jalpaiguri, Medinipur, Murshidabad,
Distribution: Darjiling. South Dinajpur, Darjiling, North Dinajpur,
Birbhum and Bankura.
465. Triticum aestivum L. (1753)
470. Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. (1912)
Common name : Gehum/Wheat.
Life form : Much branched mat forming
Life form : Annual.
Habitat: Cultivation.
Habitat: River belt.
Distribution : Barddhaman, Puruliya,
Distribution: Nadia, North Dinajpur, North
Bankura, Maldah (Chanchal), Nadia, Birbhum
24 Pgs., Birbhum, South Dinajpur, Haora
and Medinipur.
(Deulti, Uluberia, Shyampur), Puruliya and
466. Urochloa panicoides P. Beauv. (1812) Medinipur.
Life form : Annual. Family ARALIACEAE
Habitat: Common in jute fields. 471. Brassiopsis alpina Clarke
Distribution : North Dinajpur, Hugli, Life form : Shrub.
Murshidabad (Jadupur, Farakka, Khosbagan, Distribution : Darjiling.
Beldanga), Nadia, North 24 Pgs., Haora
472. Brassiopsis hainla (Ham.) Seeman
(Panchpara, Kona) , Maldah, Koch Bihar and
South Dinajpur. Life form : Shrub.
Kingdom PLANTAE 11. Anemone Mvularis Buch.~Ham. ex DC.
Subkingdom PHANEROGAM S Life form : Sffrutescent herb.
Division ANGIOSPERMAE Distribution: Darjiling and Koch Bihar.
Class DICOTYLEDONAE 12. Anemone vitifolia Buch.-Ham ex DC.
Fa~ily RANANCULAC EAE Life form : Sffrutescent herb.
1. Aconirum bisma (Buch.-Ham.) Rap. Distribution : Darjiling and Koch Bihar.
Life form : Herb. 13. Calthodes palmata Hook. f. & Thoms
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Herb.
2. Aconirum elwesii Stapf Distribution : Darjiling.
Lifeform: Herb. 14. Caltha palustris L.
77. Desmos chinensis var. laevigata Habitat : Common in hedges & thickets &
(Hook. & Thoms.) Mitra also planted along roads.
Life form : Cultivated Shrub. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Joynagar).
Distribution : Jalpaiguri. 88. Polyalthia cerasoides (Roxb.) Bedd.
78. Desmos chinensis var. pubescens Common name: Kudumi.
Hook.f. & Thoms. Life form : Medium tree.
Life form: Shrub. Habitat : Occasionally in the VI.
Distribution : J alpaiguri .. Shrubberies, often planted as hedge plant.
79. Desmos desmosus (Roxb.) Safford Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Brace Bridge),
Lifeform : Woody Climber. Nadia, Haora, Koch Bihar and Dinajpur.
Distribution : J alpaigurl. 89. Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thw.
80. Fissistigma bicolor (Roxb.) Mor Common name : Debdaru.
Life form: Woody climber. Life form : Tall tree.
Distribution : J alpaiguri. Habitat : Mostly planted as avenue tree,
81. Goniothalamus sesquipedalis (Wall.) sometimes planted in the hedges or gardens.
Hook. f. & Thoms. Distribution : Jalpaiguri, Birbhum,
Life form : Shrub. Medinipur, North 24 Pgs. (Gobardanga,
Distribution : J alpaiguri. Fultala) and Koch Bihar.
82. Miliusa globosa (DC.) Panigrahi & S.C. 90. Polyalthia simiarum (Hook. f. &
Mishra Thoms.)
Life form : Tree. Life form : Tree.
Distribution : J alpaiguri. Distribution : Jalpaiguri and Darjiling.
83. Miliusa indica Leschen. ex DC. 91. Polyalthia suberosa (Roxb.) Thw.
Life form : Shrub. Common name : Barchali.
Distribution : Kolkata. Life form : Small to medium sized tree.
84. Miliusa longfflora (Hook. f. & Habitat: Wild in ville Shrubberies & waste
Thoms.) Fivet & Gagnep. lands, in sides of roads.
Life form : Tree. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Brace Bridge,
Distribution: DaIjiling and Jalpaiguri. Baruipur).
85. Miliua macrocarpa HookJ. & Thoms. 92. Uvaria hamiltonii Hook. f. ex &
Life form: Tree.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Life form : Scandent Shrub.
86. Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook. f. & Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Tree. 93. Aspidocarya uvtfera HookJ. & Thoms.
Distribution Maldah, Medinipur, Lifeform : Climber.
J alpaiguri, Puruliya and Dinajpur. Distribution : Darjiling.
87. Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Sinchair 94. Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta
Common name : Gandhapalasa. (Buch. & Ham.)
Life form : Medium sized tree. Common name : Akanadi/Ekleja.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Habitat: Rarely found on the waste lands 172. Viola d( Gingins
& railway tracts. Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Baruipur). Distribution : DaIjiling.
163. Cleome monophylla L. 173. Viola glaucescens Oudem.
Life form : Herb. Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal. Distribution : DaIjiling.
164. Cleome rutidospenna DC. 174. Viola hamiltoniana D. Don
Life form : Herb Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Haora and South 24 Pgs. Distribution : Darjiling.
165. Cleome speciosa Raf. 175. Viola hooken Thoms ..
Life form : Herb. Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Haora. Distribution : DaIjiling.
166. Cleome viscosa L. 176. Viola inconspicus Blume.
Common name: Halde Hurhuria. Life form : Herb.
Life form : Aromatic annual Herb. Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Very common throughout lower 177. Viola paravaginata Hare
Ganga delta, railway tracts, waste landsetc. Life form : Herb.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sarberia). Distribution : Darjiling and Jalpaiguri.
Family VIOLACEAE 178. Viola pilosa Blume
167. Hybanthus enneapennus (L.) F.V. Life form : Perennial herb.
Muell. Distribution : Darjiling.
Common name: Nunbora". 179. Viola placida W. Beck.
Life form : Under shrub. Life form : Herb.
Habitat : Very common in open lands after Distribution : Darjiling.
180. Viola sikkimensis W.Back.
Distribution : Haora, North 24 Pgs.
Life form : Perennial herb.
(Belghoria) and South 24 Pgs. (Champahati).
Distribution : Darjiling.
168. Viola betonicifolia J. E. Sm.
181. Viola thomsonii Oudem.
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution: DaIjiling and Jalpaiguri.
Distribution : Darjiling.
169. Viola biflora L.
182. Viola tricolour
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Comm. Garden plant in lower
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Ganga plain.
170. Viola bulbosa Maxim. subsp.
Distribution: Murshidabad, Medinipur,
tuberifera (Franch.) W. Beck
South 24 Pgs., Koch Bihar, Barddhaman,
Life form : Herb. J alpaiguri, Maldah, Kolkata, Haora, Bankura
Distribution : DaIjiling. and Nadia.
171. Viola canescens Wall. 183. Viola wallichiana Gingi
Life form : Perennial herb. Life form : Herb.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
SANYAL et al. : Plant Diversity 351
Distribution : Darjiling.
210. Pseudostel'aria heterantha
(Maxim) Pax ex pan & Hoffm.
Life form : Perennial Herb.
202. Arenaria debilis HookJ.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb.
211. Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb.
203. Braehystemma ealyeinum D. Don Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form: Annual herb. 212. Spergula arvensis L.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Life form : Ann. Herb.
204. Cerastium Jontanum Baumg. Habitat: Rare in cultivated land in winter
subsp. triuiale (Link) J alas season.
Life form : Annual herb. Distribution : Koch Bihar, Maldah,
Distribution : DaIjiling. Murshidabad, South 24 Pgs. (Harinbari/Sagar
205. Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Island), Jalpaiguri, Dinajpur, Nadia and
Life form: Annual herb.
213. Saginajaponica (Sw.) Ohwi
Distribution :. Darjiling.
Life form : Annual herb.
206. Drymeria diandra Blume
Distribution : DaIji1ing~
Life form : Perennial herb.
214. Sag ina procumbens L.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Lifeform : Herb.
20 7. Drymeria villosa Cham. Schlecht.
Distribution: ·Darjiling.
subsp. villosa
215. Sagina saginoides (L.) Karsten
Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
208. Polyearpaea eorymbosa (L.) Lam.
216. Saponaria officinalis L.
Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Perennial herb.
Habitat: Common in sandy soil, river banks
& on dry paddy fields. . Distribution : DaIjiling.
217. Sper.gulafallax (Lowe) E. H. L.
Distribution: Murshidabad, North 24 Pgs.
(Shyamnagar), Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Maldah,
Nadia and Din aj pur . Life form : Hefb.
239. Tamarix ericoides Rott. & Willd. 246. Garcinia stipulata T. Anders.
Life form : Under shrub opr shrub. Life form : Tree.
Distribution : River beds of West Bengal. Distribution : Darjiling.
240. Tamarix indica Willd. 247. Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.f.
Life form : Shrub or small tree. Life form : Large tree.
Distribution : Haora and South 24 Pgs. Distribution : Darjiling.
Family ELATINACEAE 248. Mammea sunga (Ham. ex Roxb.)
Koch Bihar, Hugli, Puruliya, Haora, Bankura, 263. Alcea rosea (L.) Cav.
Murshidabad, Nadia, Jalpaiguri, Medinipur and Common name : Hollyhock.
Life form : Ann. Garden herb.
256. Abelmoschus ./iculneus (L.) Wight.
Habitat : Cultivated.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Shyamnagar).
Life form : Herb & undershrub.
264. Fioria viti/olia (L.) Mattei
Distribution : Central and southern West
Life form : Herb & undershrub.
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
257· Abelmoschus moschatus Medikus
265. Gossypium barbadense L.
Common name ; Kalkastari or Mushak
Common name : Kapastula.
Life form : Shrub.
Life form : Ann. undershrub.
Habitat: Cultivated in low lands.
Habitat: Rarely seen on cultivated lands as
a weed. Distribution : Hugli, Medinipur, Kolkata,
South 24 Pgs. (Ghatur More/Amtala),
Distribution : Barddhaman, Koch Bihar,
Jalpaiguri, Barddhaman, Koch Bihar, Maldah,
Hugli, Jalpaiguri, Medinipur and North 24 Pgs.
Haora, Murshidabad and Nadia.
(Nilgunj, Barrakpore).
266. Gossypium harbaceum L.
258. Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
Common name : Kapastula.
Common name : Petari/Jhampi.
Life form : Shrub.
Life form: Herb or undershrub.
Habitat: Cultivated in low lands.
Habitat: Very comma In lower Ganga delta,
Distribution : Barddhaman, Dinajpur,
found in loam soil, hedges, thickets. Haora, Maldah, Koch Bihar, Nadia, Jalpaiguri,
Distribution : Koch Bihar, South 24 Pgs. Murshidabad, HugH, South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba,
(Kakdeep/Sundarban), Medinipur, Kolkata, Joygram/Minakhan), Medinipur and Kolkata.
Maldah, Nadia, Murshidabad, Hugli, 267. Hibiscus cannabinus L.
Barddhaman, Haora and J alpaiguri.
Common name : Mestapat.
259. Abutilon mesapotamica (Spring.)
Life form : Prickly herb.
Habitat: Cultivated.
Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Kazipara/
Distribution : DaIjiling. Barasat).
260. Abutilon persicum (Burm.f.) Merrill 268. Hibiscus mutabilis L.
Life form : Herb & undershrub. Common name: Sthalpadma.
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal. Life form : Small tree or shrub.
261. Abutilon striatum Dickson & Lindl. Habitat : Planted as ornamental garden
Lifeform : Shrub. plant.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dhanyakuria).
262. Abutilon theophrastii Medikus 269. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.
Lifeform: Herb & Undershrub. Common name: Jaba.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. Lifeform: Large shrub.
356 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Adansonia digitata L.
Common name: Gona:"goli.
Common name: Gorakh-amli. Life form : Small tree.
Life form : Tree. Habitat: Planted in the garden.
Habitat : Occasionally planted as avenue Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Nimichi/
306. Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R.Br.
Distribution: Nadia, Hugli, Dinajpur, Haora,
Kolkata, North 24 Pgs. (Ghoshpur), Medinipur, Common name: Sammari.
Maldah, Haora, Barddhaman, J alpaiguri, Life form : Large tree.
Murshidabad and Koch Bihar. Habitat : Wild in ville Surroundings,
300. Bombax ceiba L. occasionally planted.
Common name: Simul. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Brace Bridge).
Life form : Spreading tree. 307. Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. var.
Habitat: Well planted in the ville Areas . tomentosa (Kunth ) Schum.
Distribution: Murshidabad, South 24 Pgs. Common" name,: Nipal Tunth.
(Malancha/Minakhan), Bankura, Hugli, Life form : Medium sized tree.
Barddhaman, Maldah, Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Habitat : Shrubberies.
Dinajpur, Birbhum, Kolkata, Puruliya,
Distribution : Birbhum, Barddhaman,
Medinipur, Haora and Nadia. Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Hugli, Dinajpur,
301. Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Murshidabad, Kolkata, South 24 Pgs. (Brace
Common name: Swet Simu. Bridge), Nadia, Puruliya and Medinipur.
SANYAL et al. : Plant Diversity 359
336. Grewia sapida Roxb. ex. DC. 345. Elaeocarpus tectoMus (Lour.) Poir.
Common name: "Phalsa-Tenga" Life form : Tree.
Life form : Shrub. Distribution : J alpaiguri.
Distribution : J alpaiguri, Darjiling, 346. Elaeocarpus varunua Buch.-Ham.
Medinipur and Puruliya. Life form : Tree.
337. Grewia serrulata Vahl Distribution : J alpaiguri.
Life form : Tree. 347" Mutingia calabura L. (1753)
Distribution : Barddhaman, Puruliya, Common name : Suji Phal.
Maldah and Medinipur. Life form : Small tree.
338. Triumfetta annua L. Habitat : Introduced an escape along the
Lifeform: Herb. railway tracts, in the building debrises and
Distribution: Darjiling. protected waste lands.
339. Triumfetta pentandra A. Rich. Distribution : Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar,
Bankura, Murshidabad, Nadia, Kolkata,
Life form : Herb.
Medinipur, South 24 Pgs. (Ghoshpur/Kulti),
Distribution : In plains. Maldah and Puruliya.
340. Triumfetta pilosa Roth 348. Sloanea sterculiacea (Benth.)
Life form : Herbs or undershrubs. Rehder & Wilson
Distribution : DaIjiling. Life form : Tree.
341. Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. (1760) Distribution: Jalpaiguri.
Common name: Ban Okra. Family LINACEAE
Life form : Suffruticose herb or undershrub. 349. Anisadenia khasyana Griff.
Habitat: Very common on wastelands & Life form : Epiphytic herb.
railway tracts. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Nadia, l\1urshidabad, Hugli, 350. Linum usitatissimum L. (1753)
Koch Bihar, Haora, Dinajpur, Medinipur, Common name : Tisi.
Puruliya, Maldah, South 24 Pgs. (Sasan Road/ Life form : Annual herb.
Baruipur), Kolkata, Bankura and Jalpaiguri. Habitat : Mostly cultivated as a crop, also
Family ELAEOCARPACEAE seen as an escape near the cultivated Fields &
342. Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. (1824) waste lands.
Common name: Rudrakia. Distribution : Murshidabad, Nadia, Hugli,
Life form : Medium tree. Kolkata, Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, l\1edinipur,
PuruIiya, South 24 Pgs. (Dhopagachhi/
Habitat : Planted in gardens or in the Kalyanpur), Birbhum, Maldah, Haora,
roadsides. Barddhaman, Bankura, Koch Bihar and
Distribution : Kolkata (Alipore) and Haora. Darjiling.
343. Elaeocarpus serratus L. 351. Reinwrardtia cicanoba (Buch.-Ham.
Lifeform: Small tree. ex DC.) Hara
Distribution : J alpaiguri and South 24 Pgs. Life form : Under Shrub.
344. Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertn.) Distribution : Daljiling.
Schum. 352. Reinwrardtia indica Dunlort
Life form : Tree. Lifeform: Under Shrub.
Distribution: Jalpaiguli. Distribution : Darjiling.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
483. Maytenus Thomsonii (Kurz) Raju. & 494. Ventilago denticulata Willd.
Babu Life form : Climbing shrub.
Lifeform: Shrub.
Distribution : Barddhaman.
Distribution : Darjiling.
495. Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn.
484. Microtropis discolor (Wall.) Am. (1788)
Life form : Small tree. Common name : Rakta pita.
Distribution: Dmjiling and Jalpaiguri. Lifeform : Large woody climber.
Family HIPPOCRATEACEAE Habitat: Very rare, occasionally climbing
485. Salama chinensis L. (1763) on vill, Thickets.
Common name: Madhu Phal. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dakkhin
Life form : Straggling or climbing shrub. Barasat).
Habitat : River banks of the Sundarban, 496. Ziziphus apetala HookJ. ex Lawson
river hedges or shrubby on small forest belt. Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Herobhanga/ Distribution: Darjiling and Jalpaiguri.
Dhosha). 497. Ziziphus funiculosa Buch.-Ham. ex
Family RHAMNACEAE Lawson
486~ Berchemia flavescens (Wall.) Life form : Scrambling shrub.
Brongn. Distribution : North West Bengal.
Life form : Climbing shrub. 498. Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. (1789)
Distribution : DaIjiling. Common name: Kul.
487. B.jloMbunda (Wall.) Brongn. Life form : Small medium tree.
Life form : Climbing shrub. Habitat: Shrubberies.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, Murshidabad,
488. Gouania napalensis Wall. Barddhaman, Birbhum, Jalpaiguri, Hugli, Koch
Life form : Climbing shrub. Bihar, Maldah, Nadia, Puruliya, South 24 Pgs.
(Ghoshpur/Kulti), Medinipur, Bankura and
Distribution : DarjiIing.
489. G. tiliafifolia Lam.
499. Ziziphus nummularia (BurmJ.)
Life form : Climbing shrub. Wight &Arn.
Distribution : Bankura, Haora and Life form : Bushy shrub.
Distribution : Puruliya.
490. Hovenia dulcis var. acerba (Lindl.)
500. Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Miller (1768)
Sengupta & Safui
Common name : Siakul' or 'Bikul.
Life form : Tree.
Life form : Straggling or climbing shrub.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat : Shrubberies, roadside thickets,
491. Rhamnus napalensis (Wall.) Lawson
railway tracts, dry waste lands.
Life form : Tree.
Distribution: Puruliya, Hugli, Haora, South
Distribution : Darjiling. 24 Pgs. (Masjidbati, Garia), Medinipur,
492. Rhamnus purpureus Edgw. Kolkata and Barddhaman.
Distribution : Darjiling. 501. Ziziphus Mlgosa Lam.
493. Rhamnus virgatus Roxb. Life form : Shrub or small tree.
Life form : Shrub or small tree. Distribution Darjiling, Bankura and
Distribution : Darjiling. Puruliya.
370 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Habitat ': Riverbanks of Sundarban areas; a Habitat: Rare on the shaddy area & on the
littoral species. garden edges.
Distribution : Darjiling, Murshidabad, Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Dewangunj,
J alpaiguri, Nadia, South 24 Pgs. (Mollakhali, Barrackpur).
Sunderban), Koch Bihar and Haora. 586. Crotala"a acicularis Buch.-Ham. ex
580. Canavalia ensiformis DC. (1825) Benth.
Common name: Makhan sim. Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Large climber. Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Cultivated. 587. Crotalaria anagyroides Kunth
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Baharu). Life form : Undershrub.
581. Canavalia lineata DC. (1825) Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Perennial herb. 588. Crotalariaferruginea Graham ex
Habitat: Seaface of the Sundarban area; a Benth.
littoral species. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution: Murshidabad, Koch Bihar, Distribution : Darjiling.
Maldah, South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island) and
589. Crotalaria juncea L. (1753)
Common name: San.
582. Cicer arietinum L. (1753)
Life form : Annual shrub.
Common name : Chhola.
Habitat: Roadside hedges, or cultivated.
Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution: Maldah, Nadia, North 24 Pgs.
Habitat: Cultivated.
(Beliachandi, Madhyampur), Murshidabad,
Distribution : Jalpaiguri and South 24 Pgs. Jalpaiguri and Koch Bihar.
(Diamond Harbour).
590. Crotalaria mysorensis Roth (1821)
583~ Clitoria tematea L. (1753)
Life form : Shrub.
Common name : Aprajita.
Habitat: Waste lands & railway tracts.
Life form : Climbing annual herb.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Diamond
Habitat: Hedges & thickets. Harbour).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Jugdia, Garia). 591. Crotalaria pallida Aiton (1789)
584. Crotalaria alata Buch.-Ham. ex Common name: Ban Can.
Roxb. (1825)
Life form : Under shrub.
Life form : Undershrub.
Habitat: Waysides, railway tracts, waste
Habitat: Roadside hedges, sides of raillines. lands.
Distribution: Jalpaiguri, Birbhum, South 24 Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sitakundu,
Pgs. (Baharu), Haora, Hugli, ~outh ~inajpur,
Barddhaman, Maldah, Nadia, Medinipur, Koch
Bihar, Kolkata, Puruliya, Murshidabad and 592. Crotalaria prostrata Roxb. ( 1814 )
Bankura. Common name : Chhota jhunjhan.
585. Crotalaria albida Heyne ex Roth Life form : Annual herb.
(1821) Habitat: Dry waste lands & road sides.
Common name : Atasi. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Subuddhipur,
Lifeform : Under shrub. Baruipur).
376 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Distribution: Koch Bihar, Dinajpur, North 655. Sesbania roxburghii Merrill (1909)
24 Pgs., Haora, Jalpaiguri, Barddhaman, Life form : Annual shrub.
Medinipur, Maldah, Bankura, Birbhum, Hugli,
Habitat: Cultivated.
Nadia and Murshidabad.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Haora,
648. Ptero..carpus indicus Willd. (1800)
Murshidabad and HugH.
Life form : Tree.
656. Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. (1912)
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
649. Rhynchosia aurea DC. (1825)
Common name: Jainti.
Life form : Herb. Life form : Shrub.
Habitat: Waste lands, road side hedges & Habitat: Cultivated.
ville Thickets. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sarisha,
Distribution : South 24 P~. (Subuddhipur/ Diamond 'Harbour).
Baruipur). -J
657. Shuteria vestita Wight & Am. (1834)
650. Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. (1825) Life form : Woody shrub.
Life form : Annual herb. Habitat: Dry waste lands, thickets &
Habitat: Hedges & thickets of the villages. railway tracks.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Shyamnagar) Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Dum Dum
and Haora. Cantt.).
65'1. Sesbania aegyptica Poir. (1806)
658. Shuteria involucrata (Wall.) Wight
Common name: Jayanti. et Arn.
Life form : Large shrub.
Life form: Climber.
Habitat: Village thickets & road side
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Nadia, North 24 Pgs. 659. Smithia sensitiva Ait. (1789)
(Naihati), Barddhaman, Hugli, Murshidabad, Chmmon name: Nala Kashina.
Distribution : Mursh\~abad, South 24 Pgs. Habitat : Moist places, ne'ar gardens &
(Harinbari/Sagar Island), Koch Bihar, Maldah railway tracks.
and Jalpaiguri. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dhakuria).
SANYAL et ala : Plant Diversity
Habitat : Grassy lands, climbing on large Life form : Medium sized tree.
bushy grasses. Habitat: Avenue tree.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dhopagachi/ Distribution : Bankura, Nadia, Koch Bihar,
Baruipur). Darjiling, Barddhaman, Birbhum, Maldah,
676. Vigna sinensis (L.) Savio ex Hassk. Kolkata, Murshidabad, North 24 Pgs. (ChitalJ
(1 8 44) Basirhat), Medinipur and J alpaiguri.
Common name : Barbati. 682. Bauhinia tomentosa L. (1753)
Life form : Herb. Common name: Kanchan.
Habitat: Cultivated land. Life form : Shrub.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Champahati). Habitat: Planted as ornamental in gardens.
677. Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. (1968) Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Rabindra
Common name: Jangi kalai or Rakhal kalai.
683. Bauhinia vaMgata L. (1753).
Life form : Herb.
Common name: Swet Kanchan.
Habitat: Rarely cultivated, waste lands or
paddy fields. Life form : Small tree.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dhap Dhapi, Habitat: Avenue tree in road sides and
Taki). railway stations.
678. Wisteria chinensis DC. Distribution : Kolkata, Medinipur, Haora,
Bankura, Jalpaiguri, Maldah, Birbhum, Hugli,
Life form: Liana.
Murshidabad, Dinajpur, Koch Bihar,
Distribution : Darjiling. Barddhaman, Nadia and North 24 Pgs.
Family LEGUMINOSAE (Titagarh).
Subfamily CAESALPINIACEAE 684. Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) WiUd.
679. Amherstia nobilis Wall. (1829) (1799)
Life form : Tree. Common name: Dii-dii.
Habitat: Planted as ornamental in the Life form : Low tree.
gardens. Habitat : Cultivated/grown as an
Distribution : Haora, Hugli, Murshidabad, ornamental tree.
Barddhaman, Dinajpur, Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri, Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Dum Dum
Kolkata, Medinipur, South 24 Pgs. (Ram Cantl.) and Haora.
Nagar/Metiabruz) and Maldah. 685. Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. (1818)
680. Bauhinia acuminata L. (1753) Common name: Nata Karanja.
Common name: Kanchan. Life form : Scrambling vine.
Life form : Large shrub or small tree. Habitat: Hedges & thickets, open waste
Habitat: Road sides. lands.
Distribution : Dinajpur, South 24 Pgs. Distrib.ution : Jalpaiguri, Kolkata, South 24
(Padmapukur/Baruipur), Kolkata, Medinipur, Pgs. (Surjyapur /Raidhighi), Puruliya,
Haora, Hugli, Birbhum, Maldah, Murshidabad, Medinipur, Birbhum, Haora, Murshidabad,
DaIjiling, Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri, Barddhaman Koch Bihar and Nadia.
and Nadia. 686. Caesalpinia crista L. (1753)
681. Bauhinia purpurea L. (1753) Common name : Shingri Lata.
Common name: Rakta Kanchan. Lifeform: Climber.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity
Habitat : Littoral forests and hedges or 692. Cassia nodosa Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.
thickts. (1814)
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island). Life form : Tree.
687. Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Habitat: Avenue tree.
Alston (1931) Distribution: Darjiling, Dinajpur, South 24
Life form : Large straggling shrub. Pgs. (Champahati), Haora, Hugli and Birbhum.
693. Cassia obtusifolia L. (1753)
Habitat: Hedges of the villages.
Common name: Chakunda.
Distribution South 24 Pgs.
Life form : Annual herb.
Habitat: Weed, often mixed with C. tora.
688. Cassia absus L. (1753)
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Mollakhali).
Common name: Chakan.
694. Cassia occidentalis L. (1753)
Lifeform : Annual herb.
Common name : Kalkasunda.
Habitat: Waste lands. Lifeform: Under shrub.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Ghoshpur near Habitat: Road sides, railway lines and
Kulti). moist waste places.
689. Cassia alata L. (1753) Distribution: Darjiling, Nadia, Barddhaman,
Common name: Dadmardan. Koch Bihar, Maldah, J alpaiguri, Bankura,
Murshidabad, Kolkata, Puruliya, North 24 Pgs.
Life form : Small shrub.
(Dhosha Chandaneswar), Medinipur and
Habitat : Village scrub jungle. Haora.
Distribution: North 24,Pgs. (Shymnagar), 695. Cassia pumila Lam. (1784)
Birbhum, Murshidabad, Haora, J alpaiguri, Common name : Chota aura.
Nadia, Koch Bihar, Kolkata, Puruliya and Life form : Stout herb.
Habitat : Open fields or under shades of
690. Cassia auriculata L. (1753) trees.
Common name: Tarwar. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bireshwarpur/
Life form : Tall shrub. Lakshmikantapur).
Habitat: Planted or escape near gardens. 696. Cassia siamea Lam. (1785)
Lifeform : Medium sized tree.
Distribution: Koch Bihar, Barddhaman,
South 24 Pgs. (Dhopagachi), Jalpaiguri and Habitat : Avenue tree near lakes and
Hugli. gardens.
Distribution : Murshidabad, Dinajpur,
691. Cassia fistula L. (1753)
Nadia, Barddhaman, Maldah, Haora, Bankura,
Common name : Bandar Lati or Sandal. Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri, Kolkata, Darjiling,
Life form : Medium tree. Birbhum, Medinipur, Puruliya, North 24 Pgs.
Habitat: Village scrub-jungles, thickets, etc. (Naihati) and HugH.
Distribution : Birbhum, Koch Bihar, 697. Cassia sophora L. (1753)
Bankura, Hugli, Jalpaiguri, Nadia, Common name : Kalkasunda.
Murshidabad, Barddhaman, Medinipur, Life form: Small shrub.
Kolkata, South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba), North 24 Habitat: Waste lands, sides of roads and
Pgs. (Naihati) and Maldah. railway tracts.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
779. Photinia arguta Lindl. yare arguta 791. Potentilla sundaica (Blume) O. Kuntze
Life form : Shrub or small tree. Life form : Herb.
Distribution : J alpaiguri. Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
780. Photinia arguta Lindl. yare hooken 792. Potentilla supina L. (1753)
(D.) Vidal Life form : Aquatic herb.
Lifeform: Shrub or small tree. Distribution : Darjiling, Dinajpur and
Distribution : J alpaiguri.
793. Prunus arborea (Blume) Kalkman
781. Photinia glabra Decne.
yare montana (Hook.f.) Kalkman
Life form : Tree.
Life form : Small tree.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
782. Photinia integrifolia Lindl. 794. Prunus bracteopadus Koehne
Life form : Shrub. Life form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
783. Potentilla arbuscula D. Don 795. Prunus cerasoides D. Don var.
Life form : Shrub. cerasoides
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling.
784. Potentilla fulgens Wall.
796. Prunus cerasoides D. Don var.
Life form : Perennial herb.
majestica (Koehne) C. Ingram
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Tree.
785. Potentilla gr(ffi.thii Hook.f. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb. 797. Prunus ceylonica (Wight) Miq.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Tree.
786. Potentilla indica (Andrews) Wolf Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb. 798. Prunus cerasus L.
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal. Life form : Tree.
787. Potentilla leuconata D. Don Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb. 799. Prunus cornuta (Wall. ex Royle)
Steud. var. cornuta
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
Life form : Tree.
788. Potentilla lineata Trevir.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Herb.
800. Prunus cornuta (Wall. ex Royle)
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal. Steud. var. villosa Hara
789. Potentilla polyphylla Wall. ex Lehm Life form : Tree.
Life form : Perennial herb. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 801. Prunus glauciphylla Ghora &
790. Potentilla ngida Wall. ex Lehm. Panigrahi
Life form : Shrub. Life form : Tree.
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal. Distribution : Darjiling.
390 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
802. Prunus napaulensis {Ser.) Steud. 813. Rosa banksiae (Aiton) R.Br.ex Ait.f.
Life form : Tree. Life form : Liana.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
803. Prunus persica (L.) Batsch 814. Rosa brunonii Lindl.
Life form : Tree. Life form : Shruby climber.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
804. Prunus nifa Hook. f.
815. Rosa clinophylla Thory yare
Life form : Tree. clinophylla
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Shrub.
805. Prunus. undulata Buch.-Ham. ex D.
Distribution : HugH and South 24 Pgs.
816. Rosa clinophylla Thory yare glabra
Life form : Tree.
(Lindl. Ex Prain) Ghora & Panigrahi
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Shrub.
806. Prunus wattii
Distribution : Maldah.
Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : Darjiling. 817. Rosa gigantea Collett ex Crepe
807. Pyracantha crenulata (D.Don) Life form : Large scrambling shrub.
Roem. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Shrub. 818. Rosa macrophylla Lindl.
Distribution : DarjiHng. Life form : Shrub.
808. PyMlS communis L. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Tree. 819. Rosa roxburghii Trattin.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Shrub.
809. PyMlS japonica Thunb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Shrub.
820. Rosa sericea Lindl.
Distribution : ~arjiling.
Life form : Shrub.
810. PyMlS pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
Life form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling.
821. Rosa sinica Murray
811. P. pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai yare Life form: Shrub.
culta (Makino) Nakai Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Tree. 822. Rosa triphylla Roxb. ex Lindl.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Shrub or climber.
812. Rosa centifolia L. (1753) Distribution : Darjiling.
Common name : Basaraiya gulab. B23.~ Rubus acuminatus Smith
Life form : Erect shrub. Life form : Shrub.
Habitat: Planted in public gardens. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Bankura, Koch Bihar,
824. Rubus calycianus Wall. ex D.Don
Darjiling, Maldah, Birbhum, Kolkata, Puruliya,
Medinipur, Jalpaiguri and North 24 Pgs. Life form : Undershrub.
(Shyamnagar). Distribution : Darjiling.
SANYAL et ala : Plant Diversity 391
913. Syzygium tetragonum Wall.ex Wt. Habitat : Very rare in ville Thickets.
Life form : Tree. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Falta), Haora
and Nadia.
Distribution : Darjiling.
921.0sbeckia chinensis L. var. chinensis
Life form : Perennial herb.
914. Barringtonia acutangula (L.)
Gaertn. (1780) Distribution : Darjiling, West Dinajpur and
Common name: Hijal.
922. Osbeclda chinensis L. var. pusilla
Life form : Moderate tree.
(Zoll.) Triana
Habitat : Banks of the rivers of Sunderban.
Life form : Herb.
Distribution: Maldah, Jalpaiguri, Hugli,
Distribution : Darjiling.
South 24 Pgs. (Mollakhali), Haora,
Murshidabad, Nadia, Dinajpur, Koch Bihar, 923. Osbeclda crinita Benth. ex Nandin.
Barddhaman, Medinipur and Kolkata~ Life form : Shrub.
915. Barringtonia racemosa Roxb. (1824) Distribution : Darjiling.
Common name: Sumudra. 924. Osbeclda daJ:jilingensis Giri & Nayar
Life form : Tall tree. Life form : Shrub or herb.
Habitat: River banks. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Maldah, Dinajpur , HugH, 925. Osbeckia muralis Nandin
Medinipur, Koch Bihar, B~rddhaman, Life form : Annual herb.
Jalpaiguri, Nadia, Haora, Kolkata, South 24 Di~tribution : Western part of West Bengal.
Pgs. (Sagar Island, Basirhat) and Murshidabad. 926. Osbeclda nepelensis Hook.
Family MELASTOMETACEAE Life form : Perennial herb.
916. Medinilla erythrophylla (Wall.) Lindl. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Life form : Epiphytic or terrestrial shrub. 927. Osbeckia nutans Wall. ex Clarke
Distribution: Darjiling and Jalpaiguri. Life form : Erect or schandent shrub.
917. Medinilla himalayana Hook.f. ex Distribution : DaIjiling.
928. Osbeckia rostrata D. Don
Life form : Shrub. Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
918. Melastoma malabathricum L. 929. Osbeckia. stellata Buch.-Ham.ex Ker-
Life form : Shrub. Gawl.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Shrub.
919. M~lastoma norma Ie D. Don Distribution : DaIjiling.
Life form : Undershrub. 930.·Oxysporapaniculata (D. Don) DC.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Shrub.
920. Memeeylon umbellatum Burm.f. Distribution: Drujiling and Jalpaiguri.
(1768) 931. Sarcopyramis nepalensis Wall.
Common name: Anjan. Life form : Perennial herb.
Life form : Small tree. Distribution : Darjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 397
948. Rotala densijlora (Roth ex Roem. & Life form : Small to medium tree.
Schult.) Koehne (1880) Habitat : Linner estuaries.
Life form : Herb. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (KnIti estuary,
Habitat : Waste places. Sakha Bidyadhari).
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Salt Lake 957. Sonneratia gMiJithii Kurz (1871)
area/Bamanghata ). Common name : Ora.
949. Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne (1880) Life form : Small to medium tree.
Life form : Herb. Habitat: Outer estuaries or shore lines or
Habitat : Waste places. true estuaries.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Baruipur). Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
950. Rotala mexicana Cham. & Schlecht. Family PUNICACEAE
Life form : Aquatic herb. 958. Punnica granatum L. (1753)
Distribution : Darjiling, Haora and
Common name: Dalim.
Life form : Shrub or small tree.
951. Rotala rosa (Poir.) C. D. K. Cook
Habitat : Cultivated in old orchards.
Life form : Herb.
Distribution: Dinajpur, Medinipur, Hugli,
Distribution: Hugli, Haora, Medinipur,
Maldah, Barddhaman, Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar,
Puruliya and West Dinajpur.
Darjiling, Bankura, Birbhum, Puruliya, South
952. Rotala rotundifolia (Buch.-Ham.) ex
24 Pgs. (Canning/Bhangankhali), Kolkata,
Nadia, Murshidabad and Haora.
Life form : Herb.
Habitat: Waste places.
959. Circea alpina L. subsp. maicola
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Herobhanga).
(Aschers. & Magnus) Kitamura
953. Rotala wallichii (HookJ.) Koehne
Life form : IIerb.
Life form : Aquatic herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Jalpaiguri.
960. CiJ-cea J-epens Wall. ex Aschr. &
954· Duabanga grandijlora (Roxb. ex Life form : Annual herb.
DC.) Walp.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Tree.
961. Epilobium amurense Hausskn. ssp.
Distribution: Darjiling and Jalpaiguri.
955· Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham. (1800)
Life form : Annual herb.
Common name: Keora.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Medium tree.
962. Epilobium b~evifolium D. Don
Habitat: Swamps of Sunderban.
Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Rangabelia/
Sunderban). Distribution : DaIJiling~
956. Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) 963. Epilobium cylindricum D. Don
Engler(1897) Life form : Annual herb.
Common name: Chak-Keora. Distribution : Darjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 399
964. Epilobium sikkimense Haussknecht 975. Ludwigia prostrata Roxb. (1820)
Life form: Herb. Life form : Herb.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
965. E. wallichianum Haussknecht 976. Oenothera erythrosepala Borbas
Life form : Herb. Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
966. Epilobium sikkimense Haussknecht
977. Oenothera rosea Aiton
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
967. Epilobium wallichianum
Haussknecht Family TRAPACEAE
Life form : Herb. 978. Trapa bispinosa Roxb. (1798)
Distribution : Darjiling. Common name : Pani Phal or Singara Phal.
968. Fuc~ia dependens Hook. Life form : Aquatic herb.
Life form : Shrub. Habitat: Cultivated in the water bodies.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Barddhaman, Jalpaiguri,
969. Ludwigia adscendens (L.) Hara Murshidabad, Koch Bihar, Maldah, Kolkata,
(1953) Nadia, Haora, Dinajpur, South 24 Pgs., Hugli
Common name: Kesara-dam. and Medinipur.
Distribution: Birbhum, Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, 979. Casearia elliptica Willd. (1800)
Murshidabad, Puruliya, Hugli, South 24 Pgs., Lifeform : ~mall tree.
Darjiling, Barddhaman, Koch Bihar, Maldah, Habitat: Road sides as avenue tree.
Haora, Bankura, Medinipur, Nadia and
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Shyamnagar).
970. Ludwrigia erecta (L.) Hara
980. Adenia trilobata (Roxb.) Engl.
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Climbing shrub.
Distribution : Haora.
Distribution : Darjiling.
971. LudwMgia hyssopifolia (D. Don)
Exell 981. Passiflora edulis Sims
Life form : Herb. Life form : Climber.
Distribution: Throughout the State. Distribution : Darjiling, Murshidabad and
972. LudwMgia octovulvis (Jacq.) Raven Hugli.
subsp. octovalvis 982. Passiflora foetida L. (1753)
Life form : Herb. Life form : Climbing shrub.
Distribution : Throughout the state. Habitat: Climbing on the bushes as a wild
973. Ludwigia octovalvis ssp. species.
sessiliflora (Micheli) Raven (1962) Distribution Hugli, Jalpaiguri,
Life form : Herb. Murshidabad, Haora, Dinajpur, Nadia, Koch
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. Bihar, Medinipur, Kolkata, Barddhalnan,
974. Ludwigia perennis Roxb. (1820) Maldah and South 24 Pgs. (Canning, AIntala).
Life form : Herb. 983. Passiflora nepalensis Wall.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. Life form : Climbing herb.
400 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
1089. Dentella repens (L.) Forsst. (1776) 1097. Hedyotis stipulata R. Br.
Common name : Bhumipat. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution: Dinajpur, Haora, Darjiling, Distribution : Darjiling.
Maldah, Hugli, Birbhum, Nadia, North 24 Pgs. 1098. Hymenodictyonflaccidum Wall.
(Lower Ganga delta), Koch Bihar, Medinipur, Life form : Epiphytic shrub.
Bankura, Jalpaiguri, Kolkata, Murshidabad,
Distribution : Darjiling.
Puruliya and Barddhaman.
1099. Hymenopogon parasiticus Wall.
1090. Galium aspe,Mfolium Wall.
Life form : Epiphytic shrub.
Life form : Climber.
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1100.Ixora arborea Roxb. ex Sm. (1811)
1091. Galium elegans Wall.
Common name: Rangan.
Life/orm : Climber.
Life form : Tree.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Hedges.
1092. Galium hirtijlorum Req. ex DC. Distribution : Barddhaman, South 24 Pgs.
Life form : Climber. (Dakshin Chatra), Puruliya, Medinipur,
Distribution : DaIjiling. Bankura, Maldah, Dinajpur, Birbhum, Koch
1093. Gardenia jasminoides Ellis (1781) Bihar and J alpaiguri.
Life form : Spinous herb. 1182. Conyza stricta WiUd. var. stricta
Habitat : Cultivated. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Bahura), Distribution : Darjiling.
Murshidabad, Nadia, Hugli, Jalpaiguri, 1183. Conyza semipinnatifida Wall.
Kolkata, Koch Bihar and Medinipur. Distribution : Nadia, Bankura, Koch Bihar,
1175. Centipeda minima (L.) A. Br. & Medinipur, Barddhaman, Haora, Maldah,
Aschers. (1867) Hugli, Birbhum, Puruliya, South 24 Pgs. (Near
Common name : Mechilta. Diamond Harbour,· 'Sarisha), Dinajpur,
J alpaiguri, Kolkata, Murshidabad and
Life form : Small perennial weed.
Habitat: Waste places.
1184. Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.
Distribution : 24 Pgs., Darjiling.
Common name: Cosmos.
1176. Chrysanthemum coronarium L.
Life form : Exotic herb.
Habitat: Ornamental gardens.
Common name : Chandra Mallika.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
Life form : Perennial herb.
1185. Cotula anthemodies L. (1753)
Habitat: Cultivated.
Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : Nadia, Barddhaman, South
Habitat: Waste places.
and North 24 Pgs., Kolkata, Medinipur,
Puruliya, Kolkata, Murshidabad, Jalpaiguri, Distribution: Murshidabad, Hugli, Haora,
Maldah, Koch Bihar, Bankura, Darjiling, HugH, Jalpa~guri,
Medinipur, Kolkata, Koch Bihar,
Dinajpur, Haora and Birbhum. Maldah and South 24 Pgs. (Santoshpur/near
Budge Budge).
1177. Cicerbita cyanea (D. Don) Beauv.
1186. Cotula hemispherica (Roxb.) Wall.
Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Daljiling.
1178. Cirsium arvense (L.) SCOp. (1772)
1187. Crassocephalum crepidioides
Common name : Silkanta. (Benth.) S. Moore
Life form : Herb.
Life form : Per~DDia1 herb.
Habitat: Waste lands, weed of cult. Fields. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Rahara). 1188. Cyathocline pUlpurea (D. Don) O.
1179. Conyza aitgustijolia Roxb. Kuntze (1891)
Life form : Annual herb. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri, South
1180. Conyza japonica Less. 24 Pgs.
., (Baruipur), Maldah and Murshidabad.
Life form : Annual herb. 1189. Dahlia impeMalis Roezl.
Distribution : Darjiling. Lifeform: Shrub.
1181. Conyza stricta WiUd. var. Distribution : Drujiling.
p(nnatifida (D. Don) Kitam. 1190. Dahlia pinnata Cav.
Life form : Annual herb. Life form : Geophyte.
-Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 413
1238. Senecio alatus Wall. ex DC. 1248. Sonchus brachyotes DC. (1838)
Life fonn : Perennial herb. Common name: Ban-Palang.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Perennial herb.
1239. Senecio araneosus DC. Habitat: Waste and low-lands.
Life fonn : Climber. Distribution Maldah, Birbhum,
Barddhaman, Haora, Jalpaiguri, Hugli, Koch
Distribution : Darjiling.
Bihar, South 24 Pgs. (Garfa) and Dinajpur.
1240. Senecio cappa Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
1249. Sonchus oleraceus L. ( 1753)
Life fonn : Shrub.
Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Habitat: Waste fields.
1241. Senecio linifolius (DC.) C.B. Clarke
Distribution : Koch Bihar, North 24 Pgs.
(1876) (Sodepur) and Darjiling.
Life form : Herb. 1250. Sonchus wightianus nC.
Habitat: Garden beds or in waste places. Life fonn : Annual herb.
Distribution : Darjiling, Koch Bihar, Distribution : Darjiling. '
Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, North 24 Pgs. (Titagarh),
1251. Sphaeranthus indicus L. (1753)
Barddhaman and Hugli.
Common name: Murmuria.
1242. Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. ex
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Maldah and
Life fo'rm : Shruby climber.
1252. Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murr.
Distribution : Darjiling. (1774)
1243. Senecio tetranthus DC. Common name : Marhatatiga.
Life fonn : Shruby climber. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : Darjiling. Habitat : Road side waste lands, garden
1244. Senecio wallichii DC. edges, railway tracks.
Life form : Annual herb. Distribution : Banknra, South 24 Pgs. (Piyali
Distribution : Darjiling. Nagar, Fultala), Koch Bihar, Barddhaman and
1245· Siegesbeckia orientalis ,L.
1253. Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.
Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Annual herb.
1246. Solidago virgoaurea L.
Habitat: Waste lands.
Life form : Suffrutescent herb.
Distribution : Puruliya, J alpaiguri, South 24
Distribution : Darjiling. Pgs. (Falta), Murshidabad, Nadia, Koch Bihar,
1247· Sonchus asper (L.) Garsault (1767) Dinajpur, Darjiling and Haora.
Life fonn : Annual herb. 1254. Tagetes minuta L.
Habitat: Waste places, weed of crop fields. Life form : Annual herb. •
Distribution : Darjiling, Maldah, Birbhum, Distribution : Darjiling.
Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Puruliya, Kolkata, 1255· Tagetes patula L. (1753)
North 24 Pgs. (Suryapur) and Murshidabad. Common name : Chhota-genda.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 4 17
Habitat : River flat and inter-tidal ridge Life form : Perennial herb ..
forest. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Medinipur and South 24 Pgs. 1282. Lysimachia. prolifera Klatt
(Sanjnakhali). Life form : Annual herb.
Plumbago zeylanica L. (1753)
1275. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Common name: Chita. 1283. Lysimachia ramosa Wall. ex Dudy
Life form : Perennial herb. Life form : Annual herb.
Habitat: Amongst bushes and waste places. Distribution : Darjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 4 19
1284. Primula denticulata Smith 1293. Embelia ribes Burm. f.
Life form : Annual herb. Life form : Shruby climber.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1285· PMmula edgwarthii (Hook. f.) Pax
1294. Maesa chisia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Lifeform : Annual herb.
Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1286. PMmula melacoides Franc.
1295. Myrsine semiserrata. Wall.
Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1287· PMmula petiolaris Wall.
Life fo.rm : Annual herb. Family SAPOTACEAE
Distribution : Darjiling. 1296. Manillkara zapota L. (1753)
1288. PMmula umbellata (Lour.) Bentv. Common name: Sabeda.
(1962) Life form : Medium tree.
Life form : Annual herb. Habitat: Planted in the orchards.
Distribution: Murshidabad, Nadia, North Distribution: Maldah, Nadia, Jalpaiguri,
24 Pgs. (Nilgunj), Koch Bihar, Darjiling and Koch Bihar, Hugli, Medinipur, South 24 Pgs.
J alpaiguri. (Subuddhipur/Baruipur), Dinajpur, Birbhum,
Family MYRSINACEAE Haora and Kolkata.
1289. Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) 1297. Madhuca longifolia (Koen.) Macbr.
Blanco (1837) (1911)
Common name : Khalsi. Lifeform: Large tree.
Life form : Small tree or shrub. Habitat: Planted or wild in villages.
Habitat: Common on the mid-estuary, in Distribution : Dinajpur, Koch Bihar,
river flats inter-tidal ridge forests.
Bankura, Birbhum, Murshidabad, Jalpaiguri,
Distribution : Medinipur and South 24 Pgs. Nadia, Puruliya, Kolkata, Hugli, Maldah, South
(Rangabelia). 24 Pgs. (Bakkhali) and Medinipur.
1290. Ardisia solanacea (Poir.) Roxb.
1298. Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub.
Common name: Ban Jam.
Common name : Bilati Bakul.
Lifeform: Large shrub or small tree.
Lifeform: Large tree.
Habitat: Damp shady places.
Habitat : In the core forest of tidal
Distribution : Birbhum, South 24 Pgs.
mangrove forests~
(Santoshpur/near Budge Budge), Murshidabad,
Koch Bihar, Nadia, Haora and J alpaiguri. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban at
1291. Ardisia involucrata Kurz Netidhopani, Narendra pur).
Life form : Shrub. 1299. Mimusops elengi L. (1753)
Distribution : Darjiling. Common name : Bakul.
1292. Embelia Jloribunda Wall. Life form : Medium tree.
Lifeform: Shruby climber. Habitat : Planted on the road sides & i 11
Distribution : Darjiling. parks and gardens.
420 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Habitat :' Epiphytic on large tree. 1355. Pentatropis capensis (L.f.) Bullock
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nilgunj). (1955)
Life form : Plants with stout stem. Life form : Shruby climber.
Habitat: Commonly epiphytic on the Ficus Distribution : DaIjiling.
sp. & Mangifera indica. 1361. Tylophora indica (Burm. f. ) Merrill
Distribution: Medinipur, Puruliya, Nadia, (1921)
South 24 Pgs. (Gobardanga), Murshidabad, Common name: Anantamul.
Koch Bihar, Haora and Jalpaiguri. Life form : Twiner.
1353. Hoya serpens Hook. f. Habitat : Rarely grow on hedges and ville
Life form : Epiphytic undershrub. thickets.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: Birbhum, Dinajpur, Haora,
1354. Oxystelma seeamone (L.) K. Kolkata, South 24 Pgs. (Harinbari/Sagar
Schum. (1895) Island), Jalpaiguri, Barddhaman, Maldah,
Common name: Kirmi. Medinipur and Hugli.
Life form : Shrub. 1362. Tylophora tenuis Blume (1826)
Distribution: Medinipur, Nadia, Jalpaiguri, Life form : Twiner.
Koch Bihar, Birbhum, Hugli, Kolkata, South 24 Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island),
Pgs. (Lower Ganga Delta) and Mal~ah. J alpaiguri, Haora and Maldah.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 425
Habitat: Forming dense mass on low trees/ 1420. Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendt.
shrubs. Life form : Shrub.
Distribution : Murshidabad, Darjiling, Distribution : Darjiling.
Barddhaman, Jalpaiguri, Dinajpur, Medinipur, 1421. Datura fastuosa L. (1959)
Nadia, Haora, Koch Bihar, Hugli, Maldah, Common name: Sada Dhutra.
Bankura, Puruliya, Kolkata, South 24 Pgs. Life form : Herb-undershrub.
(Madarhat, Baruipur) and Birbhum.
Habitat: Waste places, near roadsides,
Family SOLANACEAE railway tracks & sandy areas of the coastal
1414. Browalia alata L. lands.
Life form : Annual herb. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Madarhat,
Distribution : DaIjiling. Malirdhar), Murshidabad, Maldah, Hugli,
J alpaiguri and Barddhaman.
1415. Capsicum frutescens L. (1753)
1422. Datura stramonium L. (1753)
Common name : Dhani Lanka.
Common name: Kalo-Dhutra.
Life form : Shrub. Life form : Undershrub.
Habitat: Cultivated. Habitat: Very rare on the viII. Thickets,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Harinbari/ common in sandy areas.
Sagar Island). Distribution : Kolkata, Haora, Barddhaman,
1416. CestMtm aurantiacum Lindl. Birbhum, Hugli, Darjiling, Murshidabad,
Life form : Shrub. Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Maldah, Dinajpur,
Puruliya, Medinipur, South 24 Pgs. (Diamond
Distribution : DaIjiling. Harbour), Bankura and Nadia.
1417. Cestrum diurnum L. (1753) 1423. Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl.
Common name: Buno-Hasnu Hana. ssp. suaveolens
Life form : Medium shrub. Life form : Shrub.
Habitat : Ville shrubberies and railway Distribution : Darjiling.
tracks. 1424. Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl.
Distribution : Koch Bihar, Birbhum, Haora, ssp. macrodon (Wall.ex Nees) Deb
Puruliya, Barddhaman, Maldah, South 24 Pgs. Life form : Perennial herb.
(Garia, Joynagar), Medinipur, Bankura, Distribution : Darjiling.
Murshidabad and Jalpaiguri. 1425. Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.)
North 24 Pgs. (Barasat), Hugli, Medinipur and Life form : Annual herb.
Bankura. Distribution : Darjiling.
430 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
1455. Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettstein 1463. Limnophila indica (L.) Druce (1914)
(1891) Common name: Karpur.
Common name: Brahmi Sake Life form : Partially submerged.
Life form : Herb. Habitat: Swampy areas.
Habitat: Marshy lands. Distribution : Kolkata, Dinajpur, Maldah,
South 24 Pgs. (Lower Ganga Delta), Jalpaiguri
Distribution: Hugli, South 24 Pgs. (Canning,
and Koch Bihar.
Bamanpukur), Medinipur, Koch Bihar, Nadia,
1464. Limnophila pulcherrima (Griff.)
Jalpaiguri, Haora, Murshidabad and Maldah.
Hook. f. (1884)
1456. Calceolaria gracilis Kunth Life form : Sub-aquatic herb.
Life form : Annual herb. Habitat: Moist waste lands.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : Nadia, Murshidabad, South
'1457. Centrathera nepalensis D. Don 24 Pgs. (Mahishmari/Sunderban) and Koch
Life form : Annual herb. Bihar.
Distribution : DaIjiling. 1465. Limnophila rep tans Benth. (1846)
Life form : Annual herb.
1458. Centranthera tranquebarica
(Spreng.) Merr. Habitat : Moist condition.
Life form : Herb. Distribution : Maldah, HugH, Birbhum,
Barddhaman and North 24 Pgs. (Durganagar/
Habitat: Ville thickets. near Dum Dum Cant.).
Distribution: Koch Bihar, Nadia and North 1466. Linaria cymbalaria (L.) Mill.
24 Pgs. (Ichhapur).
Life form : Perennial herb.
1459. Digitalis purpurea L. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Life form : Perennial herb. 1467. Linaria odora Firch.
Distribution :~, DaIjiling. Life form : Annual herb.
1460. Dopatrium junceum (Roxb.) Buch.- Distribution : DaIjiling.
Ham. 1468. Lindenbergia grandiJlora (Buch.-.
Life form : Herb. Ham.) Benth.
Habitat : Paddy fields. Life form : Su(fiutescent herb.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bakkhali), Distribution : DaIjiling.
Haora and Medinipur. 1469. Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke
1461. Hemiphragma heterophyllum Life form : Apnual herb.
Wall. Distribution :' Datjiling.
Life form : Perennial herb. 1470. Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke
Distribution: DaIjiling. (1875)
1462. Limnophila heterophylla (Roxb.) Common name: Haldi-Basanta.
Benth. (1836) Life form,: Annual herb.
Life form : Aquatic herb. Habitat: Moist waste lands.
Habitat: Swampy areas, paddy fields. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Lower Ganga
Delta), Kolkata, Murshidabad, PuruHya,
Distribution : Medinipur, J alpaiguri, Haora, Bankura, Nadia, Maldah, HugH, Haora,
Hugli, Koch Bihar, Barddhaman and South 24 Medinipur, Jalpaiguri, Barddhaman, Koch
Pgs. (Sasan). Bihar, Darjiling, Birbhum and Dinajpur.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 433
1542. Hypoestis triflora Roem. & Schultes Life form : Herb or undershrub.
Life form : Annual herb. Habitat: Waste lands.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : North 24 Pgs., Dinajpur,
1543. Justicia betonica L. (1753) Murshidabad, Maldah and DaIjiling.
Life form : Undershrub. 1550. Phaulopsis dorsijlora (Retz.)
Santapau (1948)
Habitat: Hedges and ville Thickets.
Distribution : Medinipur, Hugli, KolHota, Life form : Herb.
South 24 Pgs. (Garia) and Birbhum. Habitat : Rarely grow on the waste lands
1544. Justicia diffusa Willd. (1797) and ville shrubberies, prefer grassy lands.
Life form : Herb. Distribution: Koch Bihar, Haora, Hugli aI)d
North 24 Pgs. ( Birati ).
Habitat : Common weed on the paddy-
fields and damp/moist places. 1551. Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Fort William),
Nadia, Dinajpur, Medinipur, Darjiling, Maldah, Common name: Palak-jui.
Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri and Haora. Life form : Undershrub.
1545. Justicia gendarussa Burm. f. (1768) Habitat : Rar.ely on the ville thickets or
Common name Gandho-rusa or waste lands.
Jagatmadan. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Satzelia),
Life form : Shrub. Maldah, Koch Bihar and Dinajpur.
Habitat: Hedges and thickets. 1552. Ruella tuberosa L. (1753)
Distribution: Puruliya, Maldah, Medinipur, Life form : Undershrub.
North 24 Pgs. (Madhyamgram), Hugli, Habitat: Damp and shady places.
Kolkata, Birbhum, J alpaiguri, Koch Bihar and
Distribution : Bankura, Murshidabad,
Birbhum, Kolkata, Medinipur, Darjiling,
1546. Justicia procumbens L. Jalpaiguri, South 24 Pgs. (Falta), Haora, Hugli,
Life form : Perennial herb. Maldah, Dinajpur, Koch Bihar and Nadia.
Distribution : Darjiling. 1553. Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees (1847)
1547. Lepidogathis incurva D. Don Life form : Annual herb.
Life form : Perennial herb. Habitat: Grassy and moist localities.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Koch Bihar, South 24 Pgs.
1548. Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. (Saktinagar/Maslandapur), Maldah,
(1825) Barddhaman, Medinipur, Jalpaiguri and Hugli.
Common name: Paramul. 1554. Rungia repens (L.) Nees (1832)
Life form : Herb. Common name : Parpatha.
Habitat: Moist waste lands. Life form : Herb.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Lower Ganga Habitat : Widely distributed.
Distribution : Murshidabad, Dinajpur,
1549. Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Barddhaman, Darjiling, Birbhum, North 24
Nees (1832) Pgs. (Durganagar/near Dum Dum Cant.),
Common name: Nasa-Bhanga. Puruliya and Nadia.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 439
Life form : Small to medium sized tree. 1585. Avicennia officinalis L. (1753)
Habitat: Rarely cultivated, mostly wild. Common name: Jat-Bain.
Distribution : Maldah, J alpaiguri, Haora, Life form : Medium tree.
South 24 Pgs. (Canning/on the river sides) and Habitat: True mangrove, on the inter-tidal
Dinajpur. mud-flats and ridge forests of Sunderban.
1581. Tectona grandis L. f. (1781) Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bhangan Khalil
Common name: Segun. Opposite to Canning).
Life form : Large tree. Family LAMIACEAE (nom. alt.)
Habitat: Planted as avenue tree or in old Labiatae
orchards. 1586. Achyrospermum densiJlorum BI.
1736. Phoebe lanceolata (T. Nees) Nees Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Harinbari/
Life form : Tree. Sagar Island), Jalpaiguri, Murshidabad, Hugli,
Koch Bihar, Medinipur and Puruliya.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1743. Viscum orientale Willd. (1806)
Common name: Banda.
1737. Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. (1820)
Life form : Parasitic monoecious herb.
Life form : Robust tree.
Habitat: Commonly found on Exoecaria
Habitat : Planted.
Distribution : Koch Bihar, Birbhum,
J alpaiguri and South 24 Pgs. Distribution Koch Bihar, Nadia,
Murshidabad, Maldah, Jalpaiguri,
Barddhaman, South 24 Pgs. (Kulti) and
1738. Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Etting.
(187 2 )
Common name: Baramanda.
1744. Acalypha hispida Burm.f.
Life form : Semi-parasitic herb.
Life form : Shrub.
Habitat: Parasite on the Ficus bengalensis,
F. religiosa, Mangifera indica and Melia Habitat : Cultivated.
azaderachta. Distribution : Kolkata, Nadia, Haora, Koch
Distribution : Bankura, South 24 Pgs. Bihar, South 24 Pgs. (Basanti, Amtala),
(Amtala, RangabeHa), Medinipur, Nadia, Koch Medinipur and Maldah.
Bihar, Murshidabad and Jalpaiguri. 1745. Acalypha indica L. (1753)
1739. Macrosolen cochinchinensis Common name: Mukta-jhuri.
(Lour.) yare Teigh. (1894) Life form : Annual herb.
Common name: Chhota-Manda. Habitat: Moist waste lands.
Life form : Bushy shrub. Distribution : HugH, Maldah, Medinipur,
Habitat: Semi-parasitic on the old trees. Jalpaiguri, North 24 Pgs. (Maslandapur),
Distribution : Maldah, South 24 Pgs. Haora and Dinajpur.
(Maliddhar / Canning, Diamond Harbour), 1746. Acalypha lanceolata Willd.
Jalpaiguri, Murshidabad and HugH. (1805)
1740. SculTUla elata (Edgw.) Danser Life form : Herb.
Life form : Stem parasite. Habitat : Waste places, near the garbage-
Distribution : Darjiling. heaps.
1741. Viscum articulatum Burm.f. var. Distribution: Murshidabad, Koch Bihar and
liquidambaricolum (Hayata) S. South 24 Pgs. (Dewanganj, Brace Bridge).
Life form : Stem parasite. 1747. Aleurites fordii Hem.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form :' Tree.
1742. Viscum monoicum Roxb. (1832) Distribution : Darjiling.
Common name: Manda. 1748. Antidesma ghaesembilla
Life form : Large shrub. (ghesaembilla) Gaertn. (1788)
Habitat : Parasitic on the trees of Common name: Khundi-jam.
Sunderban mangrove forests. Life form : Large shrub.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 453
Habitat: River banks and mangrove forests Habitat: On the hedges and viII. thickets.
of the inter-tidal areas. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Garia).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sajnakhali). 1780. Micrococca mercurialis (L.) Benth.
1773· Glochidion acuminatum Muell.-Arg. ex Hook. (1849)
Life form : Tree. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution: Darjiling. Habitat : Rarely on the railway tracks &
1774· Jatropha curcas L. (1753) roadsides.
Common name: Bagh-Bherenda. Distribution: Nadia, Puruliya, North 24
Pgs. (Ichhapur), Haora, Darjiling, Murshidabad
Life form : Shrub.
and Koch Bihar.
Habitat: Hedge plant.
1781. Ostodes paniculata Blume
Distribution: Koch Bihar, Barddhaman,
Life form : Tree.
South 24 Pgs. (C~nning/Bisonar), Bankura,
Distribution : Darjiling.
Medinipur, Dinajpur, Kolkata, Jalpaiguri,
Birbhum, Nadia, Haora and Murshidabad. 1782. Pedilanthus tithymaloides (L.)
Poir. (1812)
1775. Jatropha gossypifolia L. (1753)
Common name : Rangchita.
Common name: Lal-Bherenda.
Life form : Succulent shrub.
Life form : Shrub.
Habitat: Hedges and shrubberies.
Habitat : ViII. shrubbries, roadsides.
Distribution: Haora, Barddhaman, Maldah,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Bhangankhali)
Murshidabad, South 24 Pgs. (Arbelia),
and North 24 Pgs. (illtadanga). Puruliya, Jalpaiguri, Hugli, Kolkata and
1776. Macaranga pustulata King Medinipur.
Life form : Tree. 1783. Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels (1909)
Distribution : Darjiling. Common name : Nore or Note.
1777. Mallotus nepalensis Muell.-Arg. Life form : Small to medium tree.
Life form : Tree. Habitat: Rarely planted in the gardens.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Shyamnagar).
1778. Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) 1784. Phyllanthus asperulatus Hutch.
Muell.-Arg. (1865) (19 2 0)
Common name: Tunj. Common name: Bhui amla.
Life form : Small to medium sized tree. Life form : Annual herb.
Habitat: Along roadsides and waste lands. Habitat: Waste lands and as weed of
cultivated fields.
Distribution : Bankura, Medinipur,
Jalpaiguri, Hugli, Murshidabad, Maldah, Distribution : Murshidabad, Maldah,
Barddhaman, South 24 Pgs. (Ramnagar- Jalpaiguri and South 24 Pgs. (Dapdhapi).
Jugdia) and Koch Bihar. 1785. Phyllanthus emblica L. (1753)
1779. Mallotus rependus (Willd.) Muell.- Common name : Amlaki.
Arg. (1865) Life form : Small to moderate tree.
Common name: Akus. ·Habitat: Rarely planted.
Life form : Large scandent or sub-scandent Distribution: Dinajpur, Puruliya, Kolkata,
dioecious shrub. South 24 Pgs. (Purandarpur/near Baruipur),
456 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
1815. Girardiana diuersifolia (Link) Friss 1825. Pilea microphylla (L) Liebm. yare
symmeria Wedd.
Life form : Shrub.
Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1816. Gonostegia hirta (Blume) Miq.
1826. Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. var.
Life form : Perennial herb.
umbrosa Wedd.
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Perennial herb.
1817. Laportea teM1tinalis Wight
Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Undershrub. 1827. Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. yare
Distribution : Darjiling. wightii Wedd.
1818. LeucanthuS peduneularis (Royle) Life form : Epiphytic herb.
Wedd. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Perennial herb. 1828. ProeMs crenulata C.B. Rob
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Shrub.
1819. Oreocnide frutescens (Thunb.) Miq. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Shrub. 1829. Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Burm. f.
Distribution : Darjiling. (1828)
Distribution : Darjiling.
1938. Didymocarpus albicalyx C.B. Clarke
Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1927. Geranium donianum Sweet
1939. Didymocarpus aromaticus Wall.
Life form : Perennial herb.
ex D. Don
Distribution : Darjiling. Life form : Perennial herb.
1928. Geranium napaulense Sweet Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form: .Annual herb. 1940. Didymocarpus oblonga Wall. ex D.
Distribution : Darjiling. Don
Family GESNERIACEAE Life form : Perennial herb.
1929. Achimenes longiJlora DC. Distribution : Darjiling.
Life form : Annual herb. 1941. Didymocarpus podocarpus C.B.
Distribution : DaJjiling.
Life form : Perennial herb.
1930. Aeschynanthes acuminatus Wall.
Distribution : Darjiling.
ex DC.
1942. Didymocarpus pulcher Coo B. Clarke
Life form : Epiphytic undershrub.
Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1931. Aeschynanthes bracteatus Wall.
1943. Didymocarpus villosus D. Don
ex DC.
Life form : Perennial herb.
Life form : Epiphytic undershrub.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1944. Loxostigma gMifithii (Wight) C.B.
1932. Aeschynanthes hooken C.B. Clarke Clarke
Life form : Epiphytic undershrub. Life form : Undershrub.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
1933· Aeschynanthes parviflorus CD. 1945. Loxostigma kurzii (C.B. Clarke) B.L.
Don) Spreng. Burtt
Life form : Epiphytic undershrub. Life form : Perennial herb.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
1934· Chinta clarkei Hook. f. 1946. Lysionotus serratus D. Don
Life form : Perennial herb. Life form : Epiphytic undershrub.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
1935· Chinta macrophylla Wall. 1947. Rhynchoglossum obliqum Blume
Life form : Perennial herb. Life form : Annual herb.
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Plant Diversity 465
Subkingdom PROTOZOA 10. Euglena acus Ehrenberg
Phylum SARCOMASTIGOPHORA Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and Kolkata.
11. Euglena oxyuris Schmadra
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
12. Euglena viridis Ehrenberg
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and South 24
1.Chilomonas paramecium Ehrenberg
Distribution : Kolkata.
13. Euglene sp.
Family NOCTILUCIDAE Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
HugH and Nadia.
2. Noctiluca miliam Suriray
Distribution : Koch Bihar and Dinajpur. Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Bankura, Birbhum, Barddhaman, Darjiling,
75. DUJlugia arcula Leidy
Haora, HugH, Jalpaiguri, Koch Bihar, Maldah,
Distribution : Haora. Medinipur, Murshidabad and Dinajpur.
76. DUJlugia bacillariarum Perty 91. Difflugia muriculata Gauthier-Lievre
Distribution: HugH. & Thomas
77. Difflugia breuicolla Cash Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Nadia.
Distribution: HugH and Medinipur. 92. DUJlugia murifoMTlis Gauthier-Lievre
78. Difflugia capreolata Penard & Thomas
66. Entodinium caudatum Stein Host: Capra hircus, Buffalo, Sheep, Barking
Host: Capra hircus.
Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling.
Distribution : Kolkata.
77. Entodinium mamilo-carinatul"
67. Entodinium chatterjeei Das Gupta Ghosh
Host: Capra hircus, Buffalo. Host: Cow.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Kolkata.
68. Entodinium cylindricum Choudhury 78. Entodinium minutum Chowdhury &
& Chatterjee Chatterjee
Host: Goat. Host: Goat.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Kolkata.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Quadruspinospora adigitalis
155. 166.Quadruspinospora platyepimerita
Datta et aZ. Datta et ale
Host: Phaeoba antennata. Host: Oxya hyla.
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution : Nadia.
156. Quadruspinospora ailopii 167. Quadruspinospora sp.
Sarkar & Chakravarty Host: Oxya sp.
Host: Ailopus sp. Distribution : Nadia.
Distribution : Haora. 168. Ramicephalus olivacus
157. Quadruspinosporaattratomorphae Sarkar & Haldar
Haldar & Chakravarty
Host: Ceriagrion olivacum.
Host: Attractomorpha crenulata.
Distribution : HugH.
Distribution : Nadia.
169. Steinina alphitobii
158. Quadruspinospora caudata
Sarkar & Chakravarty
Modak et a1.
Host: Alphitobius piceus.
Host: GesonuZa punctifrons.
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : West Bengal
170. Steinina chowdhurya Sarkar
159. Quadruspinospora chakravartyi
Chakravarty & Haldar Host: Cryptophagus sp.
Host: Aiolpus tamulus. Distribution : Bankura.
Distribution : Nadia. 171. Steinina gonocephali
160. Quadruspinospora cloptoni Modak et ale
Modak et al. Host: Gonocephalun strigatum.
Host: Oxya hyla hyla. Distribution : West Bengal
Distribution : West Bengal 172. Steinina indica MandaI and Ray
161. Quadruspinospora dichotoma Host: Psylla sp.
Kundu & Haldar
Distribution : Nadia
Host: Spathosternum sp.
173. Steinina microgoni
Distribution : Nadia. Sarkar & Chakravarty
162. Quadruspinospora indoaiolopi Host: Anoplogenius microgonus.
Haldar & Chakraborty
Distribution : Kolkata.
Host: Aiolopus sp.
174. Steinina paloMlSi Gupta & Haldar
Distribution : Nadia.
Host: Palorus sp.
163. Quadruspinospora gasonulae Datta
et ale Distribution : Nadia.
Host: Gesonula punctifrons. 175. Steinina singhi Ghosh & Haldar
Distribution: Nadia. Host: Palorus ratzebergii.
164. Quadruspinospora jalpaiguMensis Distribution : H ugli.
Datta et ale 176. Steini":a triboli Modak et ale
Host: Oxya sp. Host: Tribolium castaneum.
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution : Kolkata.
165. Quadruspinospora megaspinosa 177. Tetractinora victoris
Haldar & Chakraborty Sarkar & Haldar
Host: Trilophidia annulata. Host : Ceriagrion coromandelianum.
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution : Nadia.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 497
298. Dorisa hareni (Chakravarty & Kar) 309. Eimeria bandieota Bandopadhyay
Host : Amandava amandava, Lonchura and Dasgupta
malabarica, Lonchura malabarica malacca, Host: Bandicota bengalensis.
Lonchura punctulata. Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Kolkata. 310. Eimeria bandipurensis Ray, Banik &
299. Dorisa harpia (Sinha & Dasgupta) Mukherjee
Host: Harpiocephalus harpia lasyarus. Host: Funambulus palmarom.
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : HugH.
300. Dorisa indica Bandopadhyay, Ray & 311. Eimeria barbeta Kar
Host: Cyanops asiatica asiatica.
Host: Rattus rattus arboreus.
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Haora.
312. Eimeria bengalensis Paul, Ghosh &
301. Dorisa mandali (Ray & Sarkar) Haldar
Host: Zosterops palpebrosa. Host: Gallus domesticus.
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Barddhaman.
302. Dorisa passeris (Ray & Sarkar)
313. Eimeria bhutanensis Ray &
Host: Passer domesticus. Hiregaudar
Distribution : Kolkata. Host: Plyplectron bicoloratum .
. 303. Dorisa vagabundae (Maridal & Distribution : Kolkata.
314. Eimeria biswaspatti Bandopadhyay
Host: Dendrocitta vagabunda.
Host: Bandicota indica.
Distribution : Koikata.
Distribution : Haora.
304. Eimeria ahsata Honess
315. Eimeria bongaonensis Sinha & Sinha
Host: Ovis sp., Capra hircus.
Host: Gekko gecko.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.
and Kolkata. Distribution : North 24 Pgs.
305. Eimeria alectorae Ray & Hiregaudar 316. Eimeria cervis MandaI & Choudhury
Host: Alectoris graeca. Host: Axis axis.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
306. Eimeria anili Haldar, Ray & MandaI 317. Eimeria charadrii MandaI
Host: Sturnas contra contra. Host: Charadrius asiaticus.
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
307. Eimeria antiloceMJi Ray & MandaI 318. Eimeria christenseni Levine, Ivens &
Host: Antelope cervicapra.
Host: Capra hircus.
Distribution : Kolkata.
308. Eimeria arloingi (Marotel) Distribution : Kolkata.
320. Eimeria columbae Mitra & Dasgupta 332. Eimeria garumarana Bandopadhyay
Host: Colulnba intermedia. and Dasgupta
Distribution : Kolkata. Host: Rattus rattus brunneusculus.
321. Eimeria comminispora Distribution ; J aipaiguri.
Bandopadhyay & Dasgupta 333. Eimeria gennaeuscus Ray &
Host: Peturista magnificus. Hiregaudar
Distribution : Darjiling. Host: Gennaeseus horsfieldi.
322. Eimeria cotuMticis Chakraborty &
Distribution : Kolkata.
334. Eimeria glossogobii MukheIjee &
Host: Coturnix cotumix cotumix.
Distribution : Kolkata.
323. Eimeria crandallis Honess
Host : Glossogobius giuris.
Host: Capra hircus. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. and Nadia.
Distribution : Kolkata. 335. Eimeria granulose Christensen
324. Eimeria cyanophylycns Host: Capra hircus.
Chakravarty & Kar Distribution : Kolkata.
Host: Rana cyanophlyctis. 336. Eimeria gupti Bhatia
Distribution ; Kolkata.
Host: Natrix piscator.
325. Eimeria Darjilingensis Sinha & Sinha
Distribution : Kolkata.
Host: Suncus murinus soccatus.
337. Eimeria haJpodoni Setna & Bana
Distribution : DaIjiling.
326. Eimeria dauki Bhatia & Pande Host: Harpodon nehereus.
Host: Amaurornis phoenicurus. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. 338. Eimeria hemidactyli Knowles &
327. Eimeriafalviviridis Setna & Bana Dasgupta
Host: Hemidactylus fiaviviridis. Host : H emidactylus falviviridis.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and Kolkata. Distribution : Kolkata.
328. Eimeriafaurei (Moussus & Marotel) 339. Eimeria indiana Bandyopadhyay
Host: Capra hircus. et ale
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : West Bengal.
329. Eimeriafibrilosa MandaI 340. Eimeria innominata Kar
Host: Enhydris enhydris.
Host: Lissemys punctata.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs.
Distribution : Kolkata.
330. Eimeria gallinagoi MandaI
341. Eimeria intricata Spiegel
Host: Gallinago gallinago.
Host: Capra hircus.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
331. Eimeria gallusae Paul, Ghosh & Distribution : Kolkata.
Haldar 342. Eimeria irregulam Kar
Host: Gallus domestica. Host: Lissemys punctata.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. Distribution : Kolkata.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 505
366. Eimeria roscoviensis pluvialina 378 . Isopora bellericae Banik & Ray
MandaI Host: Bellerica pavonina regulorum.
Host: Pluvialis appricaria. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. 379. Isopora belli Wenyon
367. Eimeria sibporensis Bandopadhyay & Host: Homo sapiens.
Dasgupta Distribution : Kolkata.
Host: Rattus rattus arboreus. 380. Isopora bengalensis MandaI &
Distribution : Haora. Chakravarty
368. Eimeria southwelli Halawani Host: Corvus splendens.
Host: Scolidon sorrakowah. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. 381. Isopora calotesi Bhatia
369. Eimeria spinosa Henry Host: Calotes versicolor.
Host: Sus scrofa. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Kolkata. 382. Isopora canis Nemeseri
370. Eimeria stolatae Ray & Dasgupta Host: Canis familiarise
Host: Natrix stolata. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Kolkata. 383. Isopora capistrata Sinha & Sinha
371. Eimeria suncus Ahuwalia, Singh, Host : Heterophasia capistrata.
Arora, MandaI & Sarkar
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Host : Suncus murinus soccatus.
384. Isopora ceylonensis Sinha, Sinha,
Distribution : Kolkata and DaIjiling. Chattoraj, Bandopadhyay & Ghosh
372~ Eimeria tenella (Raillet & Rucet) Host: Culicicapa ceylonensis calochrysea.
Host : Gallus domesticus. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Kolkata. 385. Isopora concinnus Sinha & Sinha
373. Eimeria triangularis Chakravarty Host: Aegithalos concinnus rubricapillus.
Host: Trionyx gangeticus. Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Kolkata. 386. Isopora copyschi Paul, Ghosh &
374. Eimeria trionyxae Chakravarty & Haldar
Kar Host: Copsychus saularis.
Host: Trionyx gangeticus. Distribution : Barddhaman.
Distribution : Kolkata. 387. Isopora emberizae MandaI &
375. Eimeria tropicalis Malhotra & Ray Chakravarty
Host: Columba livia intermedia. Host: Emberiza bruniceps.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
376. Eimeria panelli MandaI 388. [sopora estrildi Paul, Ghosh & HaIdar
Host: Vanellus malabaricus. Host: Estrilda amandava.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. Distribution : Kolkata.
377. Eimeria zygaenae MandaI 389. Isoporafelis (Wasielewsky)
Host: Zygaena blochii. Host: Felis domestica.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Medinipur. Distribution : Kolkata.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 507
390. Isopora ginginiana Chakravarty & 400. Isopo~a minuta Mitra & Dasgupta
Kar Host: Naja naja.
Host: Acridotheres ginginianus. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Kolkata. 401. Isopora muniae Chakravarty & Kar
391. Isopora ginginiana tristis Host: Lonchura malacca malacca.
Chakravarty & Kar
Distribution : Kolkata.
Host: Acridotheres tristis tristis.
402. Isopora psittaculae Chakravarty &
Distribution : Kolkata. Kar
392. Isopora gypsi Patnaik & Mohanty Host: Psittacula eupatria nipalensis.
Host: Gyps bengalensis. Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution: Kolkata. 403. Isopora pycnonotae MandaI &
393. Isopora hominis (Railliet & Lucet) Chakravarty
Host: Homo sapiens. Host: Pycnonotus jocosus.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Kolkata.
394. Isopora knowlesi Ray & Dasgupta 404. Isopora rovolta (Grassi)
Host : Hemidactylus flaviviridis. Host : Canis chaus, Felis domestica,
Distribution : Kolkata. Herpestes auropunctatus.
395. Isopora lacazei (Labbe) Distribution : Kolkata.
Host Acridotheres ginginianus, 405. Isopora sibporensis Bandopadhyay,
Acridotheres tristis tristis, Copsychus saularis, Nandi & Das
Passer domesticus, Ploceus philippinus, Host: Rattus rattus arboreus.
Pycnonotus cafer, Sturnus contra. Distribution : Haora.
Distribution : Kolkata. 406. Isopora stomaticae Chakravarty
396. Isopora leonina MandaI & Ray Host: Bufo stomaticus.
Host: Panthera leo. Distribution : Koikata.
Distribution : Kolkata. 407. Isopora sundarbanensis Ray &
397. Isopora lonchurae MandaI & Sarkar
Chakravarty Host: Sus scrofa.
Host: Lonchura punctulata. Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
Distribution : Kolkata. 408. Isopora temenuchii Chakravarty &
398. Isopora mandali Paul, Ghosh & Kar
Haldar Host: Sturnus pagodarum., Turdoides
Host: Pavo cristatus. striatus.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Kolkata.
399. Isopora megalaimae MandaI & 409. Isopora tropicalis Mukhel:iee &
Chakravarty Krassner
Host: Megalaima haemocephala. Host: Canis aureus.
Distribution : Koikata. Distribution : HugH.
508 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum PORIFERA 8. Eunapiusfragilis (Leidy)
Class DEMOSPONGIAE Distribution: Haora (Mourigram), HugH
Family SPONGILLIDAE (Janai) and Medinipur (Kolaghat, Naradari).
1.Corvospongilla caunteri Annandale 9. Radiospongilla cerebellata
Distribution : Kolkata. (Bowerbank)
2. COMJospongilla lapidosa (Annandale) Distribution : Kolkata and South 24 Pgs.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. 10. Radiospongilla indica (Annandale)
3. Dosilia plumose (Carter) Distribution: HugH and Maldah (Gajal).
Distribution: Bankura (Susunia). 11. Spongilla alba Carter
4. Ephydatia meyeni (Carter) Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.
Distribution: Haora (Domjur). and Kolkata.
5. Eunapius calcuttanus .(Annandale) 12. Spongilla lacustris (Linnaeus)
Distribution: Barddhaman (Rayna) and Distribution: Bankura (Aral Bansi, Kotalpur,
Haora (AI:nta, Bagnan, Shyampur). Saltora), Birbhum (Nalhati), Barddhaman
6. Eunapius carteri (Bowerbank) (Galsi), HugH (Hooghly), Maldah (Bamangola,
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (NabapaUy), Gajal) and Medinipur (Talpukur).
Bankura (Bishnupur, Joyrambati, Saltora, 13. Stratospongilla indica (Annandale)
Susunia), Birbhum (Nalhati, Sainthea), Haora
(Bagnan), Hugli (Chinsura), Jalpaiguri
Distribution : North 24 Pgs.
(Alipurduar), Koch Bihar (Mathabhanga), 14. Trochospongilla latouchiana
Maldah (Maldah town), Medinipur (Contai, Annandale
Ghatal, Gopiballavpur, Tamluk), Nadia Distribution : Kolkata.
(Krishnanagar), Puruliya (Bagmundi, Manbazar,
15. Trochospongilla philottiana
Raghunathpur) and W. Dinajpur (Raiganj).
7. Eunapius crassissimus (Annandale).
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Bankura (Kotalpur, Tejpal,
Bishnupwr), Jalpaiguri (Lataguri) and Koch 16. Umborotula bogorensis (Weber)
Bihar (Mathabhanga). Distribution: HugH (Kamarpukur).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum CNIDARIA 7. Pelocoetes minima Panikkar
Class ANTHOZOA Habitat : Marine form, occuring in estuary
Subclass HEXACORALLIA also.
Order ACTINIARIA Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Family ACTINIIDAE 8. Phytocoeteopsis ramunnii Panikkar
1. Paracondylactis indica Dave Habitat : Soft mud burrowing form in the
Habitat: Muddy sand of littoral zone. intertidal zone.
Distribution : East Medinipur (Digha), South Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island,
24 Pgs. (Bakkhali). Jharkhali).
Family DIADUMENIDAE 9. Phytocoetes gangeticus Annandale
2. Diadumene schilleriana (Stoliczka) Habitat : Soft mud burrowing form in the
Habitat: Decaying wood in intertidal zone intertidal zone.
and shalow. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Mandirtola,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Canning, Maligwalinighat, Sagar Island, Canning).
Diamond harbour, Sagar Island), East Class SCYPHOZOA
Medinipur (Digha, Shankarpur, Junput).
10. Atolla wyvillei Haeckel
3. Edwardsia tinctrix Annandale
Distribution : WB Coast (off Gangetic delta).
Habitat: Burrowing form in soft muddy
substratum of. Order CUBOMEDUSAE
1. Beroe sp. -2. Pleurobrachia globosa Mosser
Distribution : West Bengal Coast. Distribution : West Bengal Coast.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 529
Family AMPHILINIDAE 9. Southwellia gallinarum (Southwell)
Subfamily GEPHYROLININAE Host: Fowl.
1. Gephyrolina paragonopora· (Woodland) Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur).
Host: Macrones aor, Mystus seenghala. 10. Prochoanotaenia microsoma
Distribution : Mednipur, North 24 Pgs. and (Southwell)
South 24 Pgs. Host : Crested bunting.
Family CARYOPHYLLAEIDAE Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
2. Lytocestus indicus (Moghe) 11. Lateriporus spinosus Fuhrrmann
Host: Clanas batrachus. Host: Adrea purpurea.
Distribution : Barddhaman, Birbhum, Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Mednipur, North 24 Pgs. and South 24 Pgs.
12. Choanotaenuia deeaeantha Fuhrmann
3. Lytocestus longicollis Ramadevi Host: Snipe.
Host: Clanas batrachus.
Distribution: Murshidabad.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and South 24
13. Amoebotaenia ~henoides Railliet
Host: Domestic Fowl.
4. Djombangia penetrans Bovien
Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur).
Host: Clanas batrachus.
14. Anomotaenia acollis Fuhrmann
Distribution : Maldah, North 24 Pgs.
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
5. Lytocestoides lepidocephali Kundu
15. Dilepis eampylancristrota (Wedl)
Host: Lepidocestoides lepidocephali.
Host: Herodias garzetta, Ardeola grayi.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs.
Distribution: Murshidabad.
16. Dilepis eypselina Neslobinsky
6. Syndesmobothrium filicolle Linton
Host: Treepie, Dendrocitta leucogaster.
Host : [Zisha iZisha.
Distribution : Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Distribution : Kolkata.
17. Cyclorehida omalancristrota (Wedl)
Host: Spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia.
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
7. Dipylidium caninum (Linnaeus)
18. Cyclorchida forteria Meggitt
Host Paradoxurus grayl, P.
hermaphroditus, Felis viverrina. Host: Orange headed ground Thrush.
Poche, 1926 Krossok, 1911
Nicoll, 1914 Stossich, 1902
1. Acanthostomum bunninis 6. Cyclococlum (Cyclococlum)
(Bhalerao) Bhalerao, 1940 mutabile (Zeder) Brandes, 1888
Host: Xenochrophis piscator. Host : Stilt.
Distribution; North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Distribution : Hugli and Puruliya.
Bankura and Puruliya.
Odliner, 1910
Miller, 1936
Sub family BRACHYLAIMINAE 7. Dicrocoelium dendnticum
Miller, 1926 (Rudolphi), 1968
2. Glaphyrostomum indicum Host: Goat.
Mukherjee, 1964 Distribution : Darjiling.
Host : Pigeon. 8. Eurytrema pancreaticum
Distribution : Kolkata. (Johnson), 1920
(Looss, 1899)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and Kolkata.
Nicoll, 1914
9. Eurytrema bhaleraoi
(Johnson) 1.,ooss, 1907
Looss, 1899
3. Cephalogonium gangeticus Host: Cow.
Pan de, 1937 Distribution: Darjiling (Kalimpong).
Host: Trionyx gangeticus. Lyperosomum kakea
Distribution: Kolkata and Hugli. Bhalerao, 1972
Family CYATHOCOTYLIDAE Host: Corvus splendens.
Poche, 1926 Distribution : Kolkata.
Sub family MUEHLINGININAE 11.Lyperosomum (Lyperosomum)
Yomoguti, 1939
reangensis Soota and Ghosh, 19.73
4. Muehlingina lutrai Mehra
Host : Picus flavinchucha.
Host: Lutra bulgaris.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Poirie, 1886
(Dubois, 1938)
5. Gogatea serpentium Sub family ALARIINAE
(Gogate) Lutz, 1895 Yamaguti, 1926
Host: Xenochrophis, Natrix. 12.Alana alata (Goeze) Krause, 1914
Distribution : Haora, Medinipur and South Host: Dog.
24 Pgs. Distribution : Kolkata and J alpaiguri.
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity 535
Mouhielli, 1892 Yamagati, 1970
13· Diplostomum (Delichorchis) 21. Pseudoechinostomum indicus
splendens Manna & Choudhury Mehra, 1980
Host: Corvus splendens. Host : Netton creCCQ.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution: HugH and Medinipur.
14· Neodiplostomum cochleare 22. Psilorchis indicus Thapar & Lal, 1935
(Krause, 1914) La Rue, 1926
Host: Domestic Duck.
Host: Hornbill.
Distribution: Medinipur.
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Odhner, 1910
Poche, 1926
23. Echinochasmus perfoliatus (Ratz,
1908, Deitz, 1909) Gedoelst
Travassos, 1922
15. Chaunocephalus similiferox
Host: Dog, Cat, Pig, Man.
Verma, 1936 Distribution : Kolkata.
Host: Blach headed Gull, Black necked 24. Episthmium corvus (Bhalerao, 1926)
Stork. Price, 1931
Distribution : Kolkata. Host: Corvus splendens.
Subfamily ECHINOSTOMATINAE Distribution : Kolkata.
(Looss, 1899) 25. Episthmium canium (Verma)
Faust 1912 Yamaguti, 1941
16. Echinostoma eduardoi Host: Dog.
Ghosh &Chauhan, 1972
Distribution : Kolkata.
Host : Bandicota bengalensis.
Distribution: Kolkata (Salt Lake).
Dietz, 1909
17. Echinostoma malayanum
26. Microparyphium montei Venna,
Leiper, 1914
Host: Bandicota indica.
Host: Common Kingfisher.
Distribution : Kolkata and Dinajpur.
Distribution : Kolkata.
18. Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich)
27. Spisthmium caninum (Vernla)
Yamaguti, 1942
Host: Duck.
Host: Dog.
Distribution : Barddhaman, Haora and
Medinipur. Distribution : Kolkata.
19. Echinoparyphium gizzardai Family FASCIOLIDAE (Raihnet,
Verma, 1936 1895)
Host; Not known. Subfamily FASCIOLINAE (Railnlet,
Distribution : Kolkata. 1895) Slileset Hassal,
20. Verman-ema longitestis (Verma) 1898
Srivastava 28. Fasciola jacksoni (Cobbold, 1869)
Host: Black Swan. Host: Elephant.
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : J alpaiguri.
536 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Class ROTIFERA 10. Brachionus caudatus aculeatus
Subclass EUROTATORIA (Hauer)
~ Super order MONOGONONTA Distribution : Not mentioned.
Order PLOIMIDA 11. Brachionus caudatus aculeatus f.
Family BRACHIONIDAE lateralis (Hauer)
Brachionus angularis Gosse
1. Distribution : Not mentioned.
Distribution: Kolkata, North 24 Pgs., South 12. Brachionus caudatus vulgatus
24 Pgs., Hoara, Hugli, Barddhaman, Nadia, (Ahlstr<>m)
Medinipur, Bankura, Maldah, Jalpaiguri, Koch Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
Bihar and Darjiling.
13. Brachionus diversicornis
2. Brachionus bidentata bidentata (Daday)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs., Hoara, Hugli,
Hoara, Maldah, Jalpaiguri and Koch Bihar.
Barddhaman, J alpaiguri, Koch Bihar and
Darjiling. Brachionus donneri Brehm
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and South 24
J alpaiguri and Darjiling. Pgs.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Distribution: Medinipur, Bankura and Koch
Barddhaman and Koch Bihar. Bihar.
.113. Lecane (Monostyla) thalera 125. Trichocerca (Trichocerca)
(Harring & Mayers) cylindrica (Imhof)
Distribution: Kolkata and Koch Bihar. Distribution : Koch Bihar and Daljiling.
552 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum GASTROTRICHA 10. Lepidodermella squamatum
Order CHAETONOTOIDA (Dujardin, 1941)
Habitat: Freshwater and mud.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. and HugH.
1. AspidophoMlS marinus Remane, 1926
11. Polymerurus nodicaudus
Habitat: Beach sand. (Voigt, 1901)
Distribution : Medinipur. Habitat: Freshwater and mud.
2. Chaetonotus anomalus Brunson, 1950 Distribution: Medinipur.
Habitat: Freshwater. Family XENOTRICHULIDAE
12. Xenotrochula tentaculatus
Distribution: Darjiling and Hugli.
Rao and Ganapati, 1968
3. Chaetonotus atrox Wilke, 1954 Habitat: Sand
Habitat: Sand and mud. Distribution: Medinipur.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs. 13. Xenotrochula velox Remane
and Medinipur. Habitat: Sand and mud.
4. Chaetonotus formosus Strokes, 1887 Distribution: South 24 Pgs. and Medinipur.
Habitat : Plankton. Order MACRODASYIDA
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and South 24
14. Dactylopodola indica
(Rao and Ganapati, 1968)
5. Chaetonotus longispinosus Habitat: Sand and mud.
Strokes, 1887 Distribution: Medinipur.
Habitat: Plankton. Family LEPIDODASYIDAE
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Darjiling. 15. Acanthodasys aculeatus
6. Chaetonotus octonarius Strokes, 1887 Remane, 1927
Habitat: Beach sand.
Habitat: Freshwater and weeds.
Distribution : Medinipur.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs.
16. Paradasys littoralis
7. Chaetonotus schulzei Metschnikoff Rao and Ganapati, 1968
Habitat: Freshwater and weeds. Habitat: Beach sand.
Distribution: Darjiling. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. and Medinipur.
8. Chaetonotus similas Zelinka, 1889
17. Macrodasys waltairensis
Habitat: Freshwater.
Rao and Ganapati, 1968
Distribution: Darjiling and HugH. Habitat: Beach sand.
9. Ichthydium auritum Brunson, 1950 Distribution : Medinipur.
Habitat: Plankton. 18. Urodasys vivipaJ·us Wilke, 1954
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity 555
Phylum KINORHYNCHA 3. Echinoderes ehlersi Zelinka, 19 13
Order CYCLORHAGIDA Habitat: Beach mud.
Family ECHINODERIDAE Distribution: Medinipur.
1. Echinoderes bengalensis Family SEMNODERIDAE
(Timm, 1958) 4. Sphenoderes indicus Higgins, 1969
Habitat: Beach mud. Habitat: Benthos.
Distribution: Medinipur, North 24 Pgs. and Distribution: Medinipur.
South 24 Pgs. Family PYCNOPHYIDAE
2. Echinoderes sonadiae (Timm, 1958) 5. Pycnophyes sp.
Habitat : Beach mud. Habitat: Benthos.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
55 6 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
20 4.
Kalicephalus (Schadius) 212. Oesophagostomum (Bosieola)
brachyeephalus Maplestone curvatum (Maplestone )
Host : Rat Snake. Host: Axis axis.
Distribution : Kolkata (Zoological Garden). Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
205· Kalicephalus (Schadius) elongates 213. Oesophagostomum (Bosieola)
Maplestone radiatum (Rud)
Host: Rat Snake. Host : Bison, Bas bubalus.
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden). Distribution : Kolkata (Zoological Garden)
206. Kalicephalus (Sehadius) indieus and Darjiling (Darjiling).
Ortlep 214. Oesophagostomum (Conoweberia)
Host: Ptyas mucosus, Bungarus jasciatus, blanchardi Railliet & Henry
Natrix piscator. Host: Hylobates hoolock.
Distribution: Kolkata (Salt Lake) and South Distribution : Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
24 Pgs. (Bhasana). 215. Oesophagostomum (Conoweberia)
207. Kalicephalus (Sehadius) longior ovatum (Linstow)
Maplestone Host: Hylobates hollock.
Host: Naja tripudians, Bungarus jasciatus. Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden). 216. Oesophagostomum (eonoweberia)
208. Kalicephalus (Sehadius) willeyi tridentatum Maplestone
Linstow Host : Dusky langur.
Host: Bungarus jasciatus, Naja tripudians, Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden),
Ptyas. 217. Oesophagostomum (Hysteracrum)
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Birati) and asperum Railliet & Henry
Kolkata (Zoological Garden). Host: Goat.
209. Kalieephalus sp. Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Host: Enhydris sp. 218. Oesophagostomum (Hysteraerum)
Distribution: Kolkata (Salt lake) and South indieumMaplestone
24 Pgs. (Sujapur). Host: Axis axis, Cervus elaphus.
Superfamily STRONGYLOIDEA Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Family CHABERTIIDAE Oesophagostomum
(Oesophagostomum) brevicaudum
Schwartz & Alicata
210. Agriostomum v-ryburgi Railliet
Host: Pig.
Host: Bos indicus.
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Darjiling.
Subfamily OESOPHAGOSTOMINAE (Oesophagostomum) dentatunl
211. Bourgelatioides traguli Chandler (Rudolphi)
Host: Tragulus javanicus. Host: Pig.
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden). Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling.
568 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
(Oesophagostomum) maplestonei Superfamily RHABDITOIDEA
(Schwartz) Family RHABDIASIDAE
Host: Pig. 229. Rhabdias bulbicauda Sarkar &
Distribution : Kolkata. Manna
222. Oesophagostomum Host: Dattaphyrynus melanestictus.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and South 24
quandrispinulatum (Marcone)
Host: Pig.
Taxonomic status uncertain
Distribution : Kolkata.
230. Amphisakis bengalensis
223. Oesophagostomum (Proteracrum)
Chakraborty & Mazumdar
columbianum (Curtice)
Host: Eutropiichthys bengalensis.
Host -: Goat.
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution: Kolkata and Darjiling (Ghoom).
231. Aproctoides lissum Chandler
224. Rhabdiostomum traguli
(Maplestone) Host: Magpie Robin.
Host: Tragulus javanicus. Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden). 232. Neoprotozoophaga bufonis Biswas
& Chakraborty
Subfamily CYANTHOSTOMINAE Host: Bufo melanostictus.
225. Khalilia pileata (Railliet, Henry &
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barasat).
Bauche) 233. Neoprotozoophaga natrixi Biswas &
Host : Indian elephant. chakraborty
Distribution: Murshidabad. Host: Natrix stolata.
226. Murshidia (Murshidia) falcifera Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Dum Dum).
(Cobbard) 234. Paraicosiella coturnyxi Majumdar
Host: Indian elepahnt. & Chakraborty
Distribution: Jalpaiguri. Host: Coturnyx coturnyx.
227. Murshidia (Murshidia) murshidia Distribution : Kolkata.
Lane 235. Paraprocta brevicaudata (Chandler)
Host: Indian elepahant. Host : Racket-tailed Drongo.
Distribution : J alpaiguri. Distribution: Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
Subfamily STRONGYLINAE 236. Propharyngodon ranae Biswas &
228. Choniangium epistomum (Piana) Chakraborty
Host: Indian elephant. Host: Euphlyctis tigrina.
Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur). Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Dum Dum).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity
20. H. digitatus Siddiqi & Husain 33. P. coffeae (Zimmermann) Filipjev &
Distribution : J alpaiguri. Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941
21. H. erythrinae (Zimmermann) Golden Distribution : North 24 Pgs.
Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling), Haora and 34. P. neglectus (Rensch) Filipjev &
North 24 Pgs. (North & South). Sehuurman Stekhoven
22. H. indicus Siddiqi Syn. P. minyus Sher & Allen
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., Darjiling,
Distribution : HugH.
Haora (Mourigram, Sankrail, Andul) , Nadia,
South 24 Pgs. and almost all the districts of W. 35. P. pratensis (de Man) Filipjev
Bengal. 36. P. seribneri Steiner
23. H. medinipurensis Gantait et a1. Distribution : J alpaiguri.
Distribution : East Medinipur (Kesiwari). 37. P. thornei Sher & Allen
24. H. microcephalus Sher
Distribution : DaIjiling, Maldah.
Distribution : Haora (Belur) and J alpaiguri.
25. H. minzi Sher
38. Hirschmanniella gracilis (Man) Lue
Distribution : Maldah.
& Goodey
26. H. mucronatus Siddiqi
Distribution : Birbhum, Bardhaman,
Distribution: NorthPgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Nadia, Hooghly and Bardhaman. DaIjiling, Maldah, Murshidabad, Jalpaiguri and
27. H. multicinctus (Cobb) Golden W. Dinajpur.
1. Macracanthorhynchus hirudinoceus 9. Neoechinorhynchus topseyi Podder,
(Pallas, 1781) Travassos, 1917 1937
Host: Sus scrota cristata. Host : Polynemues heptadactylus and
Location: Intestine. Cyanoglossus lingua.
Distribution : Kolkata. Location : Intestine.
Family MONILIFORMIDAE Distribution : Kolkata.
2. Monilifonnis spiralis Subramaniam, 10. Neoechinorhynchus bangoni
Phylum SIPUNCULA 2. Siphonosoma australe
Class PHYLACTOLAEMATA (Keferstein, 1865)
Distribution : East Medinipur (Digha).
3. Phascolosoma arcuatum (Gray, 1828)
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island
1. Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus, 1766 Chemguri, Gangasagar, Canning, Jharkhali
Distribution :' East Medinipur (Digha). Sunderbans, Bakkhali).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 575
Phylum ECHIURA 2. Anelassorhynchus dendrorhynchus
Class ECHIURIDA (Annandale & Kemp, 1915)
Order EUCHIROINEA Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sajinatala,
Family THALASSEMATIDAE Basanti, Ajmalmari, Prentice Island, Dayapur
Subfamily THALASSEMATINAE Pakhirala) Medinipur (E) (Digha).
1.Anelassorhynchus branchiorhynchus 3. Anelassorhynchus microrhynchus
(Annandale & Kemp, 1915) (Prashad, 1919)
Distribution : Medinipur (Terapekhya char, Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bakkhali,
Digha, Keshabpur), South 24 Pgs. (Forest jetty Sajinatala Basanti, Goalbari khal Bakkhali,
Gosaba, Canning, East Khati Parghumti, Ajmalmari, Panchamukhani), Medinipur (Digha
Goalbari khal Bhakkhali). Mohana).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
59 2
Phylum ANNELIDA 12. Octolasion cyaneum (Savigny)
Class OLIGOCHAETA Distribution : Darjiling.
Family ACANTHODRILIDAE 13. Octolasion tyrtaeum (Savigny)
42. Perionyx pokhrianus var affinis Koch Bihar (Dinhata, Toofanganj) and W.
Stephenson Dinajpur (Jordighi).
Distribution: Darjiling (Sirong Ridge). 55. Dichogaster modiglianii (Rosa)
town), Kolkata (Indian Museum tank), Haora Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Harasundari
(Domjur, Maurigram), Hugli (Pandooa), Pond, Vojerhat).
Jalpaiguri (Mohitnagar), Koch Bihar (Dinhata), 181. Placobdella undulata Harding
Maldah (Bhatia hill, Gour, Maldah town), Distribution: Barddhaman (Golsi), Nadia
Medinipur (Contai, Gopiballavpur, Kolaghat), (Krishna Nagar).
Puruliya (Manbzar, Baghmundi, Ragunathpur). Suborder ARHYNCHOBDELLA
172. Helabdella nociva Harding Family ERPOBDELLIDAE
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Balia near 182. Barbronia weberi (Blanchard)
Pbylum ARTHROPODA Santragachi Jhill, Baurl jetty ghal) and HugH
Class CRUSTACEA (Jagathur Jhill).
Subclass BRANCHIOPODA 9. Alona quandrangularis (0. F. Muller)
Family BOSMINIDAE Distribution : Birbhum (Dhatin Jhill) and
Bosminopsis deitersi Richard
Haora (Kasipur Hugla Jhill, Birahipur,
Distribution: Kolkata (Hooghly river) and
HugH (Kasipur Hugla Jhill, Santragachi Jhill, 10. Alona rectangula Sars
Damodar river). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Amta, Bon
Family CHYDORIDAE Hooghly, Shovakole, Thakurpukur, Sirsha) and
Birbhum (Kanakund Jhill, Saintia Jhill).
2. Alona affinis (Leydig)
11. Biapertura ka:rua (King)
Distribution : Birbhum (Gole Park, Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Amtala, Bon
Rampurhat), Haora (Shibpur, Santragachi Jhill), Hooghly, Sarisha, Mahestala, manikur), Raora
HugH (Dankuni JhilI, Gholla Krishnanagar (Bagnan Jhill, Kasipur Hugla Jhill, Shibadaha,
Dighi) and Medinipur. Kulai river, Birshipur Jhill, Malanchaberia,
Santragachi) and HugH (Dankuni Jhill,
3. Alona costata Sars
Hatgacha Jhill, Baluguri Jhill, kanakund Jhill).
Distribution : Haora (Kasipur Hugla Jhill,
12. Biapertura verrucosa (Sars)
Shabadaha, Birshipur, Malanchaberia,
Santragachi Jhill, Barnl jetty ghat). Distribution: Hapra (Kasipur Hugla Jhill,
4. Alona davidi Richard Shibadaha, Birshipur, Malanchaberia,
Santragachi Jhill) and HugH (Dankuni Jhill).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Budge Budge,
Sarisha, Mahestala, Memanpur), Birbhum 13. Camptocercus australis Sars
(Saithia beel) and Haora (Bagnan Jhill, Kasipur Distribution: Haora (Kulai) and HugH
Hugla Jhill, Shibadaha, Kulai river, Santragachi (Baluburi Jhill).
Jhill). 14. Camptocercus rectirostris Schoedler
5. Alona intermedia Sars Distribution : Kolkata (Park street).
Distribution Birbhum (Ballavpur 15. Euryalona orientalis (Daday)
Sanctuary), Haora (Santragachi Jhill) and Hugli
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Maheshtala),
CDankuni Jhill, Baluguri Jhill). Kolkata (Baranagar), Haora (Boramolla Jhill,
6. Alona kwangsiensis Chiang Kulai, Santragachi Jhill) and Hugli (Rupnarayan
Distribution : Haora CSantragachi Jhill) and river, Gholla Krishnanagar Dighi, Kegnan
HugH (Gholla Krishnanagar Dighi). Bander).
7. Alona monacantha Sars 16. Graptoleberis testudinaria (Fischer)
Distribution : Haora (Malanchaberia). Distribution: Haora (Kasipur Hugla Jhill).
8. Alona pulchella King 17· Kurzia latissima (Kurz)
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Budge Budge, Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Barisha),
Memanpur, Mahestala), Birbhum CBallavpur Birbhum (Ballavpur Sanctuary, Dhatin Jhill)
Sanctuary), Haora (Synop Cotton Mill, Sibpur, and Haora (Kulai, Malanchaberia, Santragachi
Shibadaha, Birshipur, Malanchaberia, Jhill).
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island, Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Gangetic Delta).
Su~darban). 109. Matuta planipes Fabricius
98. Squilloides gilesi Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads). Sagar Island, Sundarbans).
Superfamily LYSIOSQUILLOIDEA Matuta victor (Fabricius)
Family LYSIOSQUILLIDAE Distribution: Medinipur (Digha coast).
99. Lysiosquilla sp. Family CORYSTIDAE
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads). Jonas indica (Chopra)
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads).
100. Acanthosquilla acanthocarpus
(Miers) Family DORIPPIDAE
Phylum ARTHROPODA 3. Ctenolepisma nigra (Oudemans)
Class INSECTA Distribution : Kolkata.
Order THYSANURA 4. Acreotelsa collaMs (Fabricus)
Suborder ZYGENTOMA Distribution : Kolkata (Indian Museum
Superfamily LEPISMATOIDEA Campus) and North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore).
Family LEPISMATIDAE 5. Stylifera wygodzinskyi Hazra
1. Ctenolepisma longicaudata Escherich Distribution : Bankura (Bishnupur),
Distribution: Bankura (Panchubag, Near Bardhaman (Barddhaman forest), Medinipur
Bankura Town), Bardhaman (Dewandighi), (Arabari), Murshidabad (Lalbag) and Puruliya
Kolkata (Chittaranjan Avenue), Darjiling (Birch (Matha protected forest).
Hill), Murshidaba~ (Hazardwari campus) and 6. Tricholepisma gravelyi (Silvestri)
North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore). Distribution : Kolkata.
2. Ctenolepisma ciliata (Dufour) 7. Silvestrella termitophila Escherich
Distribution: Bankura (Bhatapur village), Distribution : Bankura, Puruliya.
Birbhum (Gonpur village), Kolkata
(Chittaranjan Avenue), Darjiling (Darjiling
Govt. College), Murshidabad (Beldanga, 8. Atelura typhloponis Silvestri
Hazardwari), Puruliya (Ghatiali Hills), Distribution: Darjiling (Siliguri).
Medinipur (Digha) and South 24 Pgs. 9. Thermobia domestica (Packard)
(Kakdwip). Distribution : Kolkata.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 615
Class INSECTA 7. Callyntrura (Callyntrura) zaheri Mitra
1. Lepidocampa (Lepidocampa) Juradii
bengalensis Rani & Mitra, 1977
Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya Hills).
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity 617
Suborder ZYGOPTERA Sainthia, Bhadrapur, Narayanpur, Mallarpur,
Family COENAGRIONIDAE Bolpur, Bhadrapur, Birchandrapur,
Maureswar), Kolkata, Haora (Uluberia),
Jalpaiguri (Rajabhatkhawa), Medinipur (Bhaluk,
1. Aciagrion pallidum Selys
Sahapur, Paglaghat), South 24 Pgs., W.
Distribution: Bankm'a (Bishnupur), Birbhum Dinajpur (Raiganj, Kaliaganj) and Murshidabad
(Ranlpurhat), Darjiling, Jalpaiguri (Jainti Hills, (Dhulian).
Bania forest, Chilapata, Hasimara, Birpara) and
9. Rhodischnura nursei (Morton)
W. Dinajpur (Islampur, Raiganj).
Distribution : Bankura, Barddhaman,
2. Aciagrion occidentale Laidlaw Birbhum, Kolkata, Haora, HugH, Jalpaiguri,
Distribution: Not Known. Koch Bihar, Maldah, Medinipur, Murshidabad,
3. Aciagrion olympicum Laidlaw Nadia, North 24 Pgs., Puruliya, South 24 Pgs.
Distribution : Darjiling. and Dinajpur.
4. Ischnura nifostigma rufostigma Subfamily PSEUDAGRIONINAE
Selys 10. Ceriagrion fallax cerinomelas
Distribution : Birbhum (Nalhati), Kolkata, Lieftinck
Haora, Maldah· (Maldah agricultural farm), Distribution: Darjiling, Jalpaiguri.
North 24 Pgs. and Dinajpur (Raiganj). 11. Ceriagrion olivaceum Laidlaw
5. lschnura forcipata Morton Distribution: Bankura (Ramsagar), Birbhum
Distribution : Kolkata. (Maureswar), Darjiling (Fansidewa), Jalpaiguri
6.lschnura aurora aurora (Brauer) (Bania forest, Chilapata, Palasbari, Salpaiguri,
Jainti), Koch Bihar (Sonapur) and Murshidabad
Distribution: Bankura (Gangajalghati,
(Jangipur, Dhanpatnagar, Amaspur).
Bishnupur, Simlapal), Barddhaman (Ketugram,
Dhatrigram), Birbhum (Sainthia, Bhachapur, 12. Ceriagrion coromandelianum
Birchandrapur, Mallarpur, Bolpur, (Fabricius)
Muhmmadbazar), Haora, Jalpaiguri (Hasimara, Distribution: Bankura (Bishnupur, Simlapal,
Joygaon, Hamiltongunge, Alipurduar, Kutumdengra, Sushunia Hills, Joypur,
Nagrakata), Maldah (Mahadipur), Medinipur Dhuldanga), Barddhaman (Dhatrigraln,
(Chilkigarh forest, Keranitola), Murshidabad Adhrahati, Katwa), Birbhum (Ballavpur,
(Raghunathgunj, J angipur, Dhan-patnagar, Sainthia, Bolpur, Nalhati), Haora (Mahespur,
Jiyaganj, Berhampore, Cossimbazar), South 24 Jalpai), Jalpaiguri (Kanak shyaguri, Alipurduar,
Pgs. -and W. Dinajpur (Raiganj). Hasimara), Medinipur (AlaI, Digha, Keranitola),
7. Ischnura senegalensis (Ramb) Murshidabad (Kodampur, Jiaganj, Dhulian,
Cossimbazar), South 24 Pgs. (Lakshikantapur,
Distribution: Bankura (Chatna), Kolkata,
Bakkhali, Joka, Madhabpur, Baruipur), W.
Haora, H~gli, w. Medinipur (Jhargram) and
Dinajpur (Raiganj), Maldah (Ratu) and
South 24 Pgs.
Murshidabad (Dhulian).
8. Enallagma parvum Selys
13. Ceriagrion azureum (Selys)
Distribution : Bankura (Bishnupur, Simlapal,
Distribution: Daljiling.
Chhatna, Ranibandh, Sushunia Hills),
Barddhaman (Futi Sagar, Dhatrigram, 14. Ceriagrion cerinorubellum (Bratler)
Ramgopalpur), Birbhum (Muhammadbazar, Distribution : Medinipur (Shamsi).
618 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Amphinemoura elegans Zwick
1. Gibosia needhami Klapalek
Distribution: Darjiling (Lopchu, Rimbick- Distribution: Darjiling (Jhepi).
13.Neoperla limosa Hagen
2. Amphinemoura luteipes Kimmins
Distribution: Darjiling (Singla).
DIstribution: Darjiling (Jhepi, Singamari-
14. Neoperla lushana Wu
Bharapatea Bung).
Distribution: DaIjiling (Lopchu, Ghum).
3. Amphinemoura nigrifrons Zwick
15. Neoperla montiuaga Zwick
Distribution : DaIjiling (Tiger hills, Darjiling,
Ghum). Distribution: Darjiling (Ghum).
4. Amphinemoura pulchera Zwick 16. Neoperla perspicillata Zwick
Distribution: DaIjiling (Lopchu, Ramam). Distribution: Darjiling (Jhepi).
5. Amphinemoura rahungi Aubert 17. Perla xenocia Banks
Distribution: Darjiling (Lopchu). Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
6. Indonemoura adunca Harper Kalijhora, Pasokjhora).
Distribution : Darjiling (Sandakphu). 18.Phenoperla himalayana Zwick
7.Indone~oura assa~i (Aubert) Distribution : Darjiling (Lopchu, Jhepi,
Distribution: DaIjiling (Lopchu, Kalimpong). Lebong).
8. Indonemoura indica (Kimmins) Family LEUCTRIDAE
Distribution: DaIjiling (Ghoom). 19.Rhopalopsole magnicerea (Je\vett)
9. Indonemoura shergaoni (Aubert) Distribution: Darjiling (Sandakphu, Lopchu,
Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling, Ramam, Ghum, Srikhola, Rimbik).
Singamsari, Bharapatea Bung). Family PELTOPERLIDAE
10. Mesone~ourajiligera (Kimmins) Crypfoperla torva Needhaln
Phylum ARTHROPODA 4. Oligotoma humbertiana (Saussure)
Class INSECTA Distribution : Dist. not known.
Order EMBIOPTERA 5. Oligotoma michaeli McLachlan
Family OLIGOTONIDAE Distribution : Dist. not known.
1. Aposthonia himalayensis (Kapur and
6. Oligotoma minuta M~keIji
Distribution : Dist. not known.
Distribution : Dist. not known.
2. Oligotoma gravelyi Kapur and 7. Oligotoma montana Kapur and
Kripalani Kripalani
Distribution : Dist. not known. Distribution : Dist. not known.
3. Oligotoma greeniana Enderlein 8. Oligotoma saundersii (Westwood)
Distribution : Dist. not known. Distribution : Dist. not known.
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity 627
Family TETTIGONIIDAE Jalpaiguri (Noorpur), Koch Bihar (Tuanganj),
Letana despecta (Brunner)
1. Maldah (Pandua, Gaur), Murshidabad
Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling, Teesta (Berhampore) and South 24 Pgs.
River belt). (Lakhikantapur).
2. Trigonocorypha unicolor (Stal) 15. Mecopoda elongata (Linnaeus)
Super family PYGIDICRANOIDEA 14. Haplodiplatys Mlfescens (Kirby)
Family PYGIDICRANIDAE Distribution : Darjiling.
Subfamily PYGIDICRANINAE 15. Haplodiplatys lobatus Srivastava
Genus CRANOPYGIS Distribution: Darjiling (Rongbong).
Burr, 1908 Subfamily ECHINOSOMATINAE
1. Cranopygis picta
16. Echinosoma convolutum
(Guerin-Meneville, 1939)
Hincks, 1959
Distribution: Birbhum (Singur) and Kolkata.
Distribution: Darjiling (Rangpo).
2. Cranopygis constricta (Hincks, 1955)
17. Echinosoma dentifeMlm Borelli, 1912
Distribution : Darjiling (Chunabati) and
Jalpaiguri. Distribution : Darjiling (Bamanpokri,
Gorubathan, Kalijhora , Reang, N azeok, Rambi)
and Jalpaiguri (Chapramari Sanctuary,
3. Paradiplatys gladiator (Burr)
Madarihat, Hasimara).
Distribution : Kolkata (Kolkata maidan) and
18. Parapsalis infernalis (Burr), 1913
Maldah (Nishipur, Katagar, Sodhpur).
4. Diplatys brindlei Steinmann Distribution : Darjiling (Bhuttabari, Sarnsing,
Jhalung, Dangi).
Distribution : Darjiling.
5. Diplatys sinuatus Hincks
Distribution: Maldah (Ala}). Family ANISOLABIDIDAE
6. Haplodiplatys siva (Burr) Subfamily ANISOLABIDINAE
Distribution : DaIjiling. 19. Aborolabis pervicina (Burr, 1913)
Family BAETIDAE (Eden Gardens), North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
1. Baetidae tigroides Gillies J alpaiguri.
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jaintia), Darjiling. 9. Cprocloeon harveyi Kimmins
Subfamily AMORPHOSCELINAE 11. °Leptomantella (Leptomantella)
1. Amorphoscelis annulicornis St~n
indica (Giglio-Tos)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Medinipur (Jhargram), Nadia
(Ranaghat). 12. Leptomantella (Leptomantella)
montana (Beier)
Distribution: Darjiling (Garubathan).
Tribe ACRO~~
2. Anaxarcha acuta Beier Tribe NANOMANTINI
Distribution: Darjiling (Takdah). 13.Prananomantis brevis Mukherjee
3. Ephestiasula amoena (Bolivar) Distribution: Medinipur (Jhargram).
Distribution: Nadia (Bethuadohori). Subfamily TROPIDOMANTINAE
4. Euantissa pulchra (Fabricius) Tribe TROPIDOMANTINI
Distribution: Medinipur (Arabari forest), 14. Tropidomantis (Eomantis)
Nadia (Ranaghat). guttatipennis (Stal)
5. Heliomantis elegans (Navas) Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling). Family MANTIDAE
6. Hestiasula inermis (Wood-Mason)
Distribution: Darjiling (Rhenoch).
15. Heterochaetula tricolor
Subfamily HYMENOPODINAE (Wood-Mason)
Tribe HYMENOPODINI Distribution : Kolkata.
7. Creobroter apicalis (Saussure) Subfamily SCHIZOCEPHALINAE
Distribution: Kolkata (Kolkata). Schizocephala bicornis (L.)
8. Creobroter laevicollis (Saussure) Distribution: Nadia (Bethuadohori).
Distribution : Kolkata (Kolkata), Darjiling Subfamily AMELINAE
(Darjiling), Hugli (Serampur), Maldah (Maldah). Tribe AMELINI
9. Creobroter urbanus (Fabricius) 17. Amantis subirina Giglio-Tos
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jalpaiguri). Distribution: Darjiling (Rang'.·oom).
Family MANTIDAE 18. Amantis biroi Giglio-Tos
Family DIAPHEROMERIDAE 16. Pericentrus bicoronatus
Sub family NECROSCIINAE (Westwood)
1. Asceles elongatus Redtenbacher Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Baruipur). Family PHASMATIDAE
2. Marmessoidea Jlavo~arginata Sub family LONCHODINAE
Redtenbacher 17. Neohirasea asperatus (Bates)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
3. Orxines rugulosus (Redtenbacher) 18. Neohirasea obesus (Brunner v.
Distribution : Darjiling (Kurseong). Wattenwyl)
4. Parasipyloidea montana Distribution: Darjiling.
Redtenbacher Sub family CLITUMNINAE
Distribution : Darjiling. 19. Cuniculina stilpna (Westwood)
5. Parasosibia maculata Redtenbacher Distribution : J alpaiguri (Buxa).
Distribution : India : East (probably West 20. Ramulus arrogans
Bengal). (Brunner von Wattenwyl)
6. Sipyloidea brevialata Redtenbacher Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution : Kolkata. 21. Ramulus artemis (Westwood)
7. Sipyloidea fontanesina Giglio-Tos Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution : Kolkata. 22. Ramulus cylindriceps
8. Sipyloidea inscia Redtenbacher (Brunner von Wattenwyl
Distribution: Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling (Kurseong).
9. Sipyloidea erechtheus (Westwood) 23. Ramulus decolyi
Distribution : Kolkata. (Brunner von Wattenwyl)
10. Tagesoidea tages (Westwood) Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution : Darjiling. 24. Ramulus Penthesilea
Family PHASMATIDAE (Wood-Mason)
Sub family LONCHODINAE Distribution: Darjiling, Jalpaiguri (Buxa).
11. Lonchodes decolyanus 25. Ramulus russellii
Brunner von Wattenwyl (Bates)
Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong). Distribution : Darjiling.
12. Lonchodes normalis 26. Ramulus westwoodi
Brunner von Wattenwy] (Wood-Mason)
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Kolkata.
13. Menexenus obtusespinosus Sinety 27. Rhamphophasma spinicorne
Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong). (Stal.)
14. Menexenus quadrilobatus Distribution : Kolkata.
Brunner von Wattenwy] Family PHYLLlIDAE
Distribution : Kolkata. Sub family PHYLLIINAE
15. Menexenus semiarmatus 28. Phyllium (Pulchriphyllium)
(Westwood) bioculatum Gray
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Kolkata.
646 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Family OXYHALOIDAE (Kanchanpur forest Illambazar), Kolkata
1. Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier) (Kolkata, Eden Gardens), Darjiling (Kumani
forest, Chunabati, Riyang, Rongpo,
Distribution Bankura (Bankura,
Tumthangkhola, Singla, Nayabazar,
Bishnupur), Birbhum (Ballavpur) and Kolkata
Kalimpong), Raora (Botanical Garden), Hugli
(Anantapur, Baidyabati), Jalpaiguri (Buxaduar,
2. Hemithyrsocera palliata (Fabricius) Kathambari, Buxa Tiger Reserve, Rydak,
Distribution: Darjiling (Singla, Tindharia, Rajabhatkhawa, Harischandrapur, Tulsihata,
Kalijhora) and Jalpaiguri (Paltan para forest, Parbatidanga), Koch Bihar (Kaligung),
Rajabhatkhawa, Kathambari). Murshidabad (Baharampur, Jangipur, Dhulian),
Family DEROCALYMMIDAE Nadia (Dhubulia), South 24 Pgs. (Bakkhali) and
Dinajpur (Raiganj, Gangarampur).
3. Trichoblatta sericea Saussure
Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Bhuttabari 8. Blattela geM1tanica (Linnaeus)
forest, Chunabati, Riyang, Sukna), Jalpaiguri Distribution Bankura (Pokarna,
(Rajabhatkhawa, Chilapata) and Maldah Jhatipahari, Jaypur forest, Bankura),
(Golapganj, Nimbari). Barddhaman (Dhatrigram),. Birbhum
(Kanchanpur forest, Illambazar, Ballavpur),
4. Pseudoglomeris glomeris (Saussure)
Kolkata (Tollygunj, Eden Gardens), Darjiling
Distribution : Darjiling (Riyang, Chunabati, (Sonada, Rongpo, Khamani forest, Chunabati,
Rangpo). Mongpong, Bijanbari Phulbazar, Kalimpong,),
Family PYCNOSCELIDIDAE Haora (Botanical Garden), Jalpaiguri (Buxa,
5. Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus) J ainti Hills, Rajabhatkhawa, Kathambari,
Distribution : Bankura (Sonamukhi, Chilapata), Maldah (Chanchal, Nalakhokson,
Jhilimili), Birbhum (Illambazar), Kolkata Atal, Goalapganj, Nimbari, Bhaluk station),
(Kolkata), Darjiling (Pashok, Gorubathan, Medinipur (Bel~ahari), Nadia (Bahadurpur
Khamani forest, Chunabati, Nozeok, Riyang, forest, Bethuaduhari), NOlth 24 Pgs. (Bongaon,
Darjiling, Tumthangkhola, Singla, Nayabazar, Sonadanga) and Dinajpur (Gangarampur,
Singlabazar), Jalpaiguri (Buxa Tiger Reserve), Tundidighi).
Maldah (Tulshihata, Parbatidanga), Medinipur Family BIABERIDAE
(Jhargram), Nadia (Krishnan agar) and Dinajpur 9. Calolampra in-orata (Fabricius)
(Gangarampur). Distribution ; Darjiling (Palmajue) and
Family BLATTELLIDAE Dinajpur (Gangarampur).
6. Supella (Supella) longipalpa Family EPlIAMPRIDAE
(Fabricius) 10. Stictolampra plicata (Navas)
Distribution Bankura (Pokarna), Distribution : Bankura (Sonamukhi,
Barddhaman (Dhatrigram), J alpaiguri Jhilimili), Birbhum (Ballavpur), Darjilirig
(Dalsingpara, Birpara), Maldah (AtaI, (Kurseong, Ghum, Mongpong, Sukna), Maldah
Tulsihata), Murshidabad (Jiyaganj, Dhulian) (Nimbari, Parbatidanga) and Medinipur (Digha).
and Dinajpur (Gangarampur). Family BLAITIDAE
7· Blattella humbertiana (Saussure) 11.Hebardina concinna (Hann)
Distribution: Bankura (Chatua, Jaypur Distribution: Haora (Botanical Garden) and
forest, Sonamukhi, Pokarna), Birbhum Jalpaiguri (Kathambari).
SANYAL et a1. : Animal Diversity
Family Kalotermitidae 12. Reticulitermes assamensis Gardner
Subfamily Toxoderinae Distribution : Kolkata (Ultadanga) and
1. Neotermes bosei Snyder DaIjiling (Samsing, Kalimpong).
Distribution : Jalpaiguri (Chalsa forest, 13. Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann)
Samsingh) and Koch Bihar (Atiamochar forest). Distribution : Kolkata (Eden Gardens,
2. Neotermes buxensis Alipur, Garia, Park circus, Ultadanga),
Roonwal & Sen-Sarma Medinipur (Guaberia), Nadia (Krishnanagar),
North 24 Pgs. (Palta), South 24 Pgs. (Garia,
Distribution : Darjiling (Bagdogra) and
Baruipur, Namkhana, Narainpur,
Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Subhashgram), Jalpaiguri (Murti beat, Chalsa
3. Neotermes kalimpongensis Maiti FR) and Medinipur.
Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong, Bong
14. Coptotermes kishori
Roonwal & Chhotani
4. Neotermes mangiferae
Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur)
Roonwal & Sen-Sarma
and Nadia (Kalyani).
Distribution : Kolkata.
15. Coptotermes lravians (Haviland)
5. Glyptotermes sensarmai Maiti
Distribution : Kolkata (Ballygunge,
Distribution : Koch Bihar (Atiamochar forest, Jairampur).
16. Parrhinotermes khasii
6. Glyptotermes caudomunitus Roonwal & Sen-sharma
Distribution : DaIjiling (Kalimpong).
Distribution: DaIjiling (Gailikhola forest).
7. Glyptotermes teknafensis Akhtar
17. Stylotermes bengalensis
Distribution: Darjiling (Gailikhola forest). Mathur & Chhotani
8. Glyptotermes krishnai Distribution : Darjiling.
Maiti & Chakraborty
18. Stylotermes parabengalensis Maiti
Distribution: Koch Bihar (Atiamochar forest).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Nagrakata).
9. Crytotermes bengalensis Snyder
Distribution : Kolkata (Ballygunge,
Beliaghata), Jalpaiguri (Alipurduar), Medinipur,
Nadia (Krishnanagar) and South 24 Pgs. 19· EuryteMltes buddha Bose & Maiti
(Sundarban). Distribution : Medinipur.
10. Cry to tenn es dudleyi Banks 20. Speculitermes cyclops Wasmann
Family TROGIIDAE 15· Dypsocus fucosus
1.Liponotus indicus Badonnel Thornton & Wong
Distribution: Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
2. Granthakita cuttackae 16. Stenopsocus pallidus
Behura & Dash Thornton & Wong
Distribution: Medinipur (Haldia). Distribution : Darjiling.
3. Liposcelis transvaalensis (Enderlein) 17. Amphipsocus heterothrix
Distribution : Kolkata. Thornton & Wong
4. Liposcelis paetus Pearman Distribution : DarjiHng.
Distribution : Kolkata. 18. Dasypsocus solax (Enderlein)
5. Liposcelis bengalensis Badonnel Distribution : HugH (Sheoraphuli).
Distribution : Darjiling. Family LACHESILLIDAE
Family PACHYTROCTIDAE 19. Lachesilla pedicularia (Linaeus)
6. Tapinellafasciata Thornton & Wong Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Baruipur).
Distribution: Bankura (Susunia Hills). Family ECTOPSOCIDAE
7. Tapinella formosana Enderlein 20. Ectopsocus ramburi Datta
Distribution: Haora (Botanical Garden). Distribution : Kolkata.
8. Pschytroctes georgii (Menon) 21. Ectopsocus bengalensis Datta
Distribution: Haora (Botanical Garden).
Distribution : Kolkata and North 24 Pgs.
9. Peritroctes bengalensis
22. Ectopsocus cinctus Thornton
Thornton & Wong
Distribution : Barddhaman (Durgapur) and
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barasat).
10. Caececilius muggenburgi
Enderlein 23. Peripsocus sinensis Datta
Superfamily PENTATOMOIDEA Caystrus scutellatus Distant
Family PENTATOMIDAE Distribution: Not known.
Adira parvula (Dall.)
1. 17. Cazira ulcerata (Herr-Schiff)
Distribution: Not 'known. Distribution : Kolkata.
2. Aeliomarpha lineaticollis (Westwood) 18. Cazira verrucosa Westwood
Distribution: Not known. Distribution: Medinipur (Digha), Kolkata.
3. Agonoscelis nubila (Fabr.) 19. Chrysocoris grandis (Jhemsberg)
Distribution: Birbhum (Bank of Ajoy river, Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bakkhali,
Illambazar), Darjiling (Sukna, Kalijhora), Sonarpur) and Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Jalpaiguri (Rajabhatkhawa, Alipurduar) and 20.Chrysocoris purpureuS (Westwood)
Murshidabad (Baharampur). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Joka), Bankura
4. Andrallus spinidens (Fabr.) (Bishnupur), Nadia (Debagram) and W.
Distribution: Medinipur (Jhargram) and Dinajpur (Raiganj).
Nadia (Phulia). Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff.)
5. Arctocoris incisus Stal. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Ramdharia),
Distribution : Not known. Bankura (Bishnupur), Birbhum (Ballavpur
6. Asopous malabaricus Fabr. R.F.), Jalpaiguri (BTR), Medinipur (Shankarpur
forest), Murshidabad (Ajimganj) and Puruliya
Distribution : Kolkata.
7. Atnestia anchora (Thunb.)
Coptosoma abesum Montd.
Distribution: Jalpaiguri and Murshidabad
Distribution: Not known.
23. Coptosoma cribarium (Fabr.)
8. Atnestia cruciata Fabricius
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore).
Distribution : Kolkata.
24. Coptosoma duodecimpunctatum
9. Bagrada picta Fabr.
Distribution : J alpaiguri (BTR)~
Distribution: Bankura (Sonakumbhi forest).
10. Brachyplatys subaeneus (Westw.)
25. Coptosoma indicum Distant
Distribution : Kolkata, North Bengal.
Distribution : Haora (Uluberia).
11. Canthecona jurcellata Wolff
26. Coptosoma lethierry Distant
Distribution: Kolkata and Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
12. Carbula indica Westwood
27. Coptosoma priscum Distant
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Jalpaiguri (BTR) and
13. Canthecona ornatula Distant Medinipur (Digha).
Distribution: Not known. 28. Coptosoma marginiifrons Distant
14. Carbula sp . Distribution: Not known.
Distribution: Not known. 29. Coptosoma siamicum Walker
15.Catacanthus incarnatus (Dru.) Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore)
Distribution: Kolkata. and Kolkata.
Status of Biodiversity of West' Bengal
93. Microdeuterus megacephalus (Herr.- 110. Dalcantha dilitata Amyot E' Servelle
Sch.) Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Kolkata. 111. Degonatus serratus (Distant)
199. LethoceMlS indicus (Lepeletier & Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Port Canning,
Serville) Ranijhil, Bantala) and Darjiling (Mongpoo,
Sitong ridge).
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (DumDum,
Palta), Kolkata (Hastings), Darjiling (Pashok) 211. Anisops bouvieM Kirkaldy
and Puruliya (Balarampur). Distribution : Kolkata (Eden Gardens) and
Family NEPIDAE Murshidabad (Baharampur).
212. Anisops breddini Kirkaldy
Subfamily NEPINAE
200. Laccotrephes griseus (Guerin) Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Matibazar,
Distribution: Kolkata (Tank, East of Kolkata,
213. Anisops campbelli Brooks
Durgapur canal) and Darjiling (Siliguri).
Distribution: DaIjiling (Mongpu).
201. Laccotrephes elongatus Montandon
214. Anisops ca(fi-ons Brooks
Distribution : West Bengal.
Distribution : Kolkata.
202. Laccotrephes maculatus (Fabricius)
215. Anisops crinitus Brooks
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Ranijhil,
203. Laccotrephes ruber (Linnaeus)
Bantala) and Murshidabad (Baharampur).
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Rajarhat), 216. Anisops kempi Brooks
Kolkata, Darjiling (Pashok, Kalimpong,
Distribution: Kolkata (Eden Gardens).
Munghphu) and Jalpaiguri (BTR).
217. Anisops nasutus Fieber
Distribution: Not known.
204. Ranatra elongata Fabricius
218. Anisops sardeus Herrich-Shaffer
Distribution: Bankura (Santinekatan), HugH
Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur).
(Debanandapur, Bande!), Jalpaiguri (BTR) and
Medinipur (Belpahari). 219. Anisops lipovskyi Brooks
Ranatrafiliformis Fabricius
Distribution: Kolkata and Darjiling (Jor
Distribution : North ,24 Pgs. (Bartibill,
Barrackpore, Barrackpore), Kolkata (Kolkata, Subfamily NOTONECfINAE
Eden Gardens), Haora (Botanical Garden, 220. Enithares ciliata (Fabricius)
1.Jmnogonus (Limnogonus)
231. Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Bartibill,
nitidus (Mayr) Barrackpore), Kolkata (Kolkata Tank).
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Bartibill, Family HYDROMETRIDAE
Barrackpore, Basirhat), South 24 Pgs.
Hydrometra greeni Kirkaldy
(Canning), Bankura (Joypur Bishnupur),
Birbhum (Ballavpur), Kolkata (Zoological Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Bashirhat,
Garden, Eden Gardens), Darjiling (Kurseong, Barrackpore), Barddhaman (Asansol), Kolkata
Senchal), Hugli (Sheorapuhuly) and Puruliya (Indian Museum compound, Eden Gardens) and
(Puruliya). Murshidabad (Baharampur).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 661
Distribution : Darjiling and Jalpaiguri
248. Geocoris ochropterus (Fieber)
259. Pachygrontha bipunctata Stal.
Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling and
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Bankura
Medinipur (Jhargram).
(Sonamukhi), Kolkata and Medinipur.
249. Graptostethus servus (Fabricius)
260. Dieuches femoralis Dohrn
Distribution: Bankura (Bishnupur), Kolkata,
Distribution: Bankura (Bishnupur), Kolkata,
Darjiling, Jalpaiguri (BTR), Medinipur
Darjiling and Medinipur (Haldia).
(Jhargram) and Murshidabad (Jiyaganj,
Sagardighi). 261. Dieuches sp.
250. Graptostethus quardrisignatus Distribution : Bankura (Indus) and
Distant Medinipur (Haldia).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Baruipur) and 262. Dieuches fuscans Distant
Jalpaiguri (BTR). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
251. Graptostethus trisignatus Distant 263. Dieuches uniguttatus Thunb.
Distribution: Darjiling, Haora (Tarakeshwar) Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
and Jalpaiguri (Rajabhatkhawa). 264. Elasmolomus sordidus (Fabr.)
252. Graptostethus verticalis (Dallas) Distribution: Bankura (Sabanpur), BirbhuIll
Distribution: Kolkata and Haora (Sibpur). (Illambazar), Kolkata and Darjiling.
253. Lygaeosoma bipunctata (Dallas) 265. Metochus uniguttatus (Thunberg)
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Kolkata and Distribution : Bankura (Indus), Kolkata.
Haora (Sibpur). Haora and Maldah (Paglahat).
662 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
510. Micromyzus nigrum Van der Goot 526. Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
511. Myzakkaia himalayensis Basu 527. Myzus ranunculinus (Walker)
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
512. Myzakkaia polygonicola Basu 528. Myzus siegesbeckicola Strand
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
513. Myzakkaia kuwanis (Ghosh, Basu 529. Neoacyrthosiphon holsti Takahashi
and Raychaudhuri) Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 530. Neoacyrthosiphon rhododendri
514. Myzus (Nectarosiphon) persicae Ghosh and Raychoudhuri
(Sulzer) Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Not known. 531. Neoacyrthosiphon takahashii Ghosh
515. Myzus (}Vectarosiphon) Distribution : DaIjiling.
ascalonicus Doncaster
532. }Veomyzus (ParaneOTJRYzus)
Distribution : Darjiling.
decentrae (Basu)
516. Myzus (Sciamyzus) cymbalariae
Distribution : Darjiling.
533. Neomyzus dendrobi (Basu)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Not known.
517. Myzus brevi(oMnosanus siphon
Takahashi 534. Neomyzus circuntflexus (Buckton)
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : Not known.
518. Myzus cerasi umifoliae (Shinji) 535. Oedisiphum soureni Basu
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
519. Myzus dycei Carver 536. Pentalonia nigroneMJosa Coquerel
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Not known.
520. Myzus filicis Basu 537. Perllaphis perillae (Shinji)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
52 1. Myzus lefroyi Basu and Raychaudhuri 538. Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
Distribution : Darjiling. (Kaltenbach)
52 2. Myzus leptotrichus David, Rajasingh Distribution : DaIjiling.
and Narayanan 539. Pseudaphis abyssinica Hille Ris
Distribution : Darjiling. lambers
5 2 3. Myzus maculocorpus Basu and Distribution : Darjiling.
Raychaudhuri 540. Rhodobium porOSUTJR (Sanderson)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
52 4. Myzus manoji Basu and Raychaudhuri 541. Semiaphis heraclei (Takahashi)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
52 5. Myzus ornatus Laing 542. Shinjia pteridifoliae Shinji
Distribution: Not known. Distribution : DaIjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity
579. Vesiculaphis pieridis Basu 592. Betacallis p-runicola Basu, Ghosh and
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
580. Vesiculaphis rhododendM. Ghosh
and Raychaudhuri 593. Betacallis quericiphaga Basu, Ghosh
and Raychaudhuri
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
581. Vesiculaphis verbasci Chowdhuri,
Basu, Chakrabarti and 594. Betulaphis longicornis Quednau and
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
582. Xenomyzus polygoni (vander Goot)
595. Clethrobius dryobius Chakrabarti
Distribution : DaIjiling. and Raychaudhuri
583. Xenomyzus scabripes Basu, Ghosh Distribution : DaIjiling.
and Raychaudhuri
596. Chaitophorus dorocolus Matsumura
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : DaIjiIing.
584. Pterocomma sp.
597. Chaitophorus indicu.s Ghosh, Ghosh
Distribution : DaIjiling. and Raychaudhuri
Subfamily ANNOECIINAE Distribution : DaIjiling.
585. Aiceona pallida Ghosh and 598. ChaitophoMlS sp.
Raychaudhuri Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : DaIjiling. 599. Cranaphis indica Chakrabarti and
586. Aiceona paraosugii Ghosh and Raychaudhuri
Raychaudhuri Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 600. Mesocallis obtusirostris Ghosh
587· Aiceona pseudosugii David, Sekhon Distribution : Darjiling.
. Bindra 601. Neocranaphis pusilla Basu
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: Not known.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 673
Class INSECTA 11. Linognathus qJHcanus Kellogg &
Order ANOPLURA Paine
1. Haematopinus eurysternus Denny Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sagar island).
Host: Cattle. 12. Linognathus vi~li Linnaeus
Distribution: Barddhaman.
Host: Cattle.
2. Haematopinus suis (Linnaeus)
Distribution: Barddhaman.
Host: Domestic Swine.
13. Linognathus setosus (Von Olfers)
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island).
Host: Not known.
3. Haematopinus ~berculatus
(Burmenister) Distribution: Not known.
Host: Bus bubalis. Family PEDICULIDAE
Distribution: Barddhaman. 14. Pediculus humanus Linnaeus
Family HOPLOPLEURIDAE Host: Human.
Subfamily HOPLOPLEURINAE Distribution : Kolkata.
4. Hoplopleura blanfordi Mishra and Family POLYPLACIDAE
15. Neohaematopinus echinatus
Host: Rattus blanfordi.
Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya hills).
Host: Funambulus pennanti.
5. Hoplopleura captiosa Johnson
Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya hills).
Host: Mus booduga.
16. Polyplax asiatica Ferris
Distribution : Medinipur (Medinipur).
6. Hoplopleura malabarica Werneck Host : Bandicota bengalensis.
Host: Bandicota bengalensis. Distribution : Medinipur.
Distribution : Medinipur. 17. Polyplax blanfordi Mishra & Dhanda
7. Hoplopleura maniculata (Neumann) Host: Rattus blanfordi.
Host: Funambulus pennanti. Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya hills).
Distribution : Bankura, Puruliya (Ajodhya 18. Polyplax reclinata (Nitzsch)
Host: Suncus murinus.
8. Hoplopleura pacifica Ewing
Distribution: Medinipur.
Host : Rattus arboreus.
19. Polyplax stephensi (Christopers &
Distribution : Barddhaman.
9. Hoplopleura ramgarh Mishra Bhat &
Kulkarni Host: Tatera indica.
Host: Mus sexicola. Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya hills).
Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya hills). Family PTHIRIDAE
10. Hoplopleura silvula Johnson 20. Pthirus pubis (Linnaeus)
Host: Vandeleuria oleracea. Host: Human body.
Distribution: Puruliya (Ajodhya hills). Distribution : Kolkata.
686 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum ARTHROPODA 10. Ayyaris chaetophora Karny
Class INSECTA Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Hatberia),
Order THYSANOPTERA Bankura (Bishnupur) and Puruliya (Puruliya).
Phylum ARTHROPODA 12. Micromus timidus Hagen
Class INSECTA Distribution : Barddhaman, South 24 Pgs.,
Order NEUROPTERA Kolkata and North 24 Pgs.
Suborder MEGALOPTERA 13. Neuronema decisum (Walker)
Family CO RYDALIDAE Distribution : Darjiling.
Neochauliodes simplex (Walker)
1. Family DlLARIDAE
Distribution : Darjiling. 14. Dilar hornei MacLachlan
2. Corydalus tarritans Needham Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. Family OSMYLIDAE
Suborder PLANIPENNIA 15. Hyposmylus puncitipennis Walker
Family CONIOPTERYGIDAE Distribution : Darjiling.
3. Coniocompsa indica Withycomb 16. Spilosmylus sp.
Distribution: Barddhaman and Nadia.
Distribution: Darjiling.
4. Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) exigua
17. Thyridosmylus perspici"aris
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Hugli, South 24 Pgs. and
North 24 Pgs. 18. Thyridosmylus perspicillaris minor
5. Semidalis aleyrdifonnis (Stephens) Kimmins
Class INSECTA 2. Neopanorpa benad Navas
Distribution : Dist. not known.
3. Neopanorpa contracta Cheng
1. Bittacus latipennis Gerstacker
Distribution : Dist. not known.
Distribution : Dist. not known.
696 Status of Biodiversity of West Beng~l
Phylum ARTHROPODA 16. Oxycentrus parallelus Chaudoir
Class INSECTA Distribution : Kolkata and Medinipur
Order COLEOPTERA (Kharagpur).
Sub order ADEPHAGA 17.Pachytrachelus cribriceps Chaudoir
Family CARABIDAE Distribution : DaIjiling and Murshidabad;
Amblystomus biuittatus Andrewes
1. 18. Pachytrachelus. oblongus (Dejean)
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution Maldah, Medinipur
2. Anoplogenius microgonus Bates (Kharagpur), Murshidabad (Baharampute) and
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Kolkata. Puruliya.
3. Chydaeus bedeli (Tchitch) 19. Platymetopus jlavilabris (Fabr.)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Murshidabad.
4. Chydaeus obscurus Chaudoir 20. Stenolophus (Egadroma) quinque
Distribution : Darjiling. pustulatus Wied
5. Coleolissus perlucens Bates Distribution: Hugli.
Distribution: Birbhum. 21. Stenolophus (Egadroma)
6. Dioryche nagpurensis Bates smaragdulus (Fabr.)
Distribution : Kolkata (Eden Gardens), Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling (Darjiling,
Medinipur (Kharagpur) and Murshidabad Siliguri), Medinipur (Kharagpur) and Puruliya.
(Baharampur). 22. Stenolophus (Egadroma) rectifrons
7. Dioryche torta MacLeay Bates
Distribution: Murshidabad. Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling, South 24
8. Gnathophanus laeuistriatus (Strum.) ·Parganas.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs., Birbhum and 23. Stenolophus (s.str.) splendidus Mosch.
Murshidabad. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Kolkata~
9. Gnathophanus punctilabris MacLeay 24. Trichotichnus (s.str.) birmanicus
Distribution : Murshidabad. Bates
10. Harpalus (Ophonus) indicus Bates Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 25. Trichotichnus (Kareya) edentata
11. Harpalus (s.str.) indcola Bates Bates
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
12. Hypolithus liuidus Andrewes Family DYTISCIDAE
Distribution : Kolkata. Subfamily COLYMBETINAE
Lamprophonus lucens Bates
13. 26. Agabus amoenus sinuaticollis
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Madhupur). Regimbert
14. Liodaptus birmanus Bates Distribution : Darjiling (Tiger Hill, Mangpu,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Kolkata). Lebong).
15. Ophoniscus iridulus Bates 27. Agabus guttatus (Paykull)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: Darjiling (Lebong).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity
Orectochilus (Patrus)
107. Family RHYSODIDAE
haemorrhous Regimbart 118. Omoglymmius (Orthoglymmius)
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Brahmani darjilingensis Saha, Haldar & Biswas
river). Distribution: Darjiling (Gorubathan).
108. Orectochilus (Patrus) metallicus Family PAUSSIDAE
Distribution: Darjiling (Sureil, Kurseong).
119. Cerapterus lalipes Swederus
Orectochilus (Patrus)
oblongiusculus Regimbart Distribution : Bankura.
Distribution : Darjiling (Teesta valley, 120. Pleuropterus cardoni Gestro
Kalimpong, Singla, Kurseong). Distribution : Bankura.
110. Orectochilus (Patrus) productus Subfamily PAUSSINAE
Regimbart 121. Celeatoderus andrewesi Desneux
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Brahmani
Distribution : Kolkata.
river), Kolkata (Eden Gardens), South 24 Pgs.
(Garia), Darjiling (Siliguri) and Medinipur 122. Ceratoderus bifasciatus (Koller)
(Garbeta). Distribution : Bankura.
111. Orectochilus (Patrus) ribeiroi 123. Euplatyrhopalus aplustrifer
Vazirani (Westwood)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., Distribution : Bankura.
Bankura, Birbhum, Barddhaman, Kolkata, Koch
Paussus pilicornis Donovan
Bihar, Darjiling, Haora, Hugli, Jalpaiguri,
Maldah, Medinipur, Murshidabad, Nadia, Distribution : Kolkata.
Puruliya and Dinajpur. 125. Pausus sesquisulcatus Wasmann
112. Orectochilus (Patrus) simi lis Ochs Distribution : J alpaiguri (Madarihat forest)
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Brahmani and Murshidabad (Sahebganj).
river). Pausus cognatus Westwood
113. Orectochilus (s. str.) murinus Distribution: Not known.
127. Platyrhopalus denncoMlis
Distribution : Darjiling (Kalijhora, Kurseong, (Donovan)
Singla, Kalimpong, Pashok).
Distribution : Kolkata.
128. Platyrhopalus intermedius Benson
114· Haliplus (Liaphlus) angustifrons
Regimbart Distribution : Darjiling (Pashok).
Distribution: Kolkata (Bansdroni). 129.Platyrhopalus angustus Westwood
115· Haliplus (Liaphlus) arrowi Guignot Distribution: Murshidabad (Baharampur).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Kolkata Family CICINDELIDAE
(Behala). Sub family COLLYRINAE
116.Haliplus (Liaphlus) pruthi Vazirani 130. Neocollyris smithii (Chaudoir)·
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Bankura and Barddhaman.
117· Haliplus (Liaphlus) pulchellus 131. Neocollyris attenuata (Redtenbacher)
indicus Regimbart Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Lord
Distribution : Kolkata. Carmichael) .
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 701
762. Monolepta lunata Gressitt & Kimoto 774. Oides andrewesi Jacoby
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Binaguri) and Koch Distribution: Kolkata, Haora (Chunabhati),
Bihar (Mathabanga, Jorai, Baxirhat). Maldah (Gangarampur, Harishchandrapur) and
763. Monolepta madrasensis Wilcox Nadia (Ranaghat).
Distribution Birbhum (Kashipur, 775. Oides bipunctata
Birchandrapur), Kolkata (Eden Gardens) and Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Haora (Botanical Garden).
776. Oides bengalensis Maulik
764. Monolepta nigripes (Olivier) Distribution : Not known.
Distribution : Darjiling (Reyang), Haora 777. Oides coccinelloides Maulik
(Sibpur) and Jalpaiguri (Buxa Duar).
Distribution : DaIjiling (Lava).
765. Monolepta orientalis Jacoby
778. Oides flava (Olivier)
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Palta),
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bongaon),
Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Kolkata and Nadia (Ranghat).
766. Monolepta pahari Basu
779. Oides livida (Fabricius)
Distribution : Darjiling (Rngiroom,
Lepchajagat, Lebong, Mirik).
Distribution: DaIjiling (Kalimpong, Pashok).
780. Oides maculata (Olivier)
767. Monolepta signata (Olivier)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Titagarh, Distribution: Darjiling (Pashok).
Sodepur, Dum Dum), South 24 Pgs. 781. Oides semipunctata Duvivier
(Dattapukur), Birbhum, Kolkata (Eden Gardens, Distribution: DaIjiling.
Tollygunge), Darjiling (Lepchajagat, 782. Paleosepharia costata Takizawa &
Kalimpong, Siliguri, Rakyong, Pedong, Rangpo, Basu
Reyang, Rambi) , Haora (Sibpur, Belur), Hugli Distribution : DaIjiling (Rangpo).
(Bally), Jalpaiguri (Panihti, Fansidewa, Joyga,
783. Palpoxena sp.
Teest River, Raniaguri, Khairbari, Sonapur),
Koch Bihar (Baxirhat, Belabhat, Mathabhanga, Distribution: Haora (Sibpur).
Jorai), Medinipur (Digha), Murshidabad 784. Paridea approximata Duvivier
(Baharampur, Jiyaganj, Beldanga, Jiyaganj, Distribution : DaIjiling.
Barna Bildanje, Baharampur) and Jalpaiguri 785. Paridea livida Duvivier
(BTR). Distribution : DaIjiling.
768. Monolepta stramina (Harold) 786. Paridea octomaculata (Baly)
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Distribution : DaIjiling (Mangpu, Bijanbari,
769. Monolepta tuai Basu Kalimpong).
Distribution: Darjiling (Sonada, Reyang). 787. Paridea perplexa (Baly)
770. Monolepta tumpai Basu Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
Distribution : Darjiling ( Sonada, Reyang). Chailkhola) and Jalpaiguri (Buxa Duars).
771. Morphosphaera japonica 788. Paridea nificollis Jacoby
(Hornstedt) Distribution : Darjiling (Pashok, Lava.
Distribution: Darjiling (Mangpu, Sureil). Darjiling).
772. Morphosphaera montivaga Maulik 789. Paridea unifasciata Jacoby
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: Daljiling (Sonada, Darjiling).
773. Morphosphaera prava Maulik 790. Periclitena cyanea Clark
Distribution: Darjiling (Pashok). Distribution : Kolkata.
724 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Stenus (Mesostenus)
1195. Distribution : DaIjiling.
mangpuensis Cameron 1211. Bolitobius lambda (Fauvel)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
1196.Stenus (Mesostenus) 1212. Bolitobius scapularis Cameron
pseudopictus Cameron Distribution: DaIjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 1213. Bolitobius simulans Cameron
Stenus (Mesostenus)
1197. Distribution : Darjiling.
rubronotatus Cameron 12 14. Bolitobius tarsalis Cameron
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : DaIjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 737
1215· Bolitobius transversulus Reitter 1233. Tachyporus suturalis Cameron
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
1216. Conosoma birmanum (Fauvel) 1234. TachypoMlS undulatus Cameron
Distribution: Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
1217.Conosoma himalayicum Cameron Superfamily SCARABAEOIDEA
Distribution : Darjiling. Family SCARABAEIDAE
1218. Conosoma maculicolle Cameron Subfamily CETONIINAE
Distribution : Darjiling. 1235. Anthraeophora crucifera Olivier
1219.Conosoma persimile Cameron Distribution: Kolkata, Darjiling and Maldah.
Distribution : Darjiling. 1236. Anthraeophora dalmanni (Hope)
1220. Conosoma quadrimaculatum Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
1237.Callinomes pusillus Arrow
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
1221. Conosoma robustum Cameron
1238.Cetonia rhododendri Gestro
Distribution: Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling.
1222. Mycetoporus gratiosus Cameron
1239.Cetonia rutilans (Janson)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling (Mangpu, Kalijhora).
1223. Nepaliodes variolosus Coiffait
1240.Chiloloba acute (Wiedemann)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling (Mangpu) and
1224. Paratachinus monticola Cameron
Distribution : DaIjiling.
1241. Clerota vittigera (Hope)
1225. Paratach~nus laticollis Cameron
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Not known.
1242. Clinteria haJ1meisteri White
1226. Tachinus ornatus Cameron
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Distribution: DaIjiling. Bankura, Barddhaman, Birbhum, Kolkata,
1227. Tachinus lugubris Cameron Darjiling, Haora, Hugli, Koch Bihar, Maldah,
Distribution : Darjiling. Medinipur, Murshidabad, Nadia and Puruliya.
1228. Tachinus coriaceous Cameron 1243.Clinteria oberthuri Arrow
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
1229. Tachinus piceus Cameron 1244. Clinteria pumila (Swartz)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Bankura, Barddhaman, Birbhum, Kolkata,
1230. Tachinus limbicolis Cameron
Darjiling, Haora, Hugli, Koch Bihar, Maldah,
Distribution : Darjiling. Mednipur, Murshidabad, Nadia and Puruliya.
1231. Tachyporus jlavopictus Fauvel
Clinteria spilota Hope
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling (Kalimpong, Peshoke,
1232. Tachyporus himalayicus Ghumti, Ghoom, Singla, Lord Carmichael.
Bernhauer Kurseong), HugH and Jalpaiguri (Ranipool,
Distribution : Darjiling. BTR).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum ARTHROPODA 7. Pariodontis riggenbachi (Rothschild)
Class INSECTA Distribution : Dist. not known.
Order SIPHONAPTERA 8. Synosternus pallidus (taschenberg)
Family PULICIDAE Distribution: Dist. not known.
1. Echidnophaga gallinacea (Westwood) 9. Xenopsylla astia Rothschild
Distribution : Dist. not known. Distribution : Dist. not known.
2. Echidnophaga liopus Jordan &
10. Xenopsylla brasiliensis (Baker)
Distribution : Dist. not known.
Distribution : Dist. not known.
11. Xenopsylla Cheopis (Rothschild)
3. Pulex irritans Linnaeus
Distribution : Dist. not known. Distribution : Dist. not known.
4. Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) Family STIVALIIDAE
Distribution: Dist. not known. Lentistivalius ferinus (Rothschild)
Family CERIOXENIDAE 8. Tridactylophagus cainatus
1. Dunoxenos kinzelbachi Carvalha Chaudhuri & Saha
Distribution : Barddhaman. Distribution : Barddhaman and Kolkata.
2. Triozocera pugiopenis 9. Tridactylophagus kifunei
Chaudhuri & Dasgupta (Chaudhuri & Dasgupta)
Distribution : Barddhaman, Maldah and Distribution: Barddhaman and North 24
Nadia. Pgs.
3. Elenchus japonica 10. Tridactylophagus maculates
Esaki & Hashimotco
Chaudhuri, Ghosh & Dasgupta
Distribution : Barddhaman.
Distribution : Barddhaman and Hugli.
11. Tridactylophagus orbipes
4. Halictophagus acerbus
Chaudhuri & Saha
Chaudhuri & Saha
Distribution : Maldah.
Distribution : Barddhaman.
5. Halictophagus australensis Perkins
Lychnocolax similes
Chaudhuri, Ghosh & Dasgupta
Distribution : Barddhaman, Maldah and
Nadia. Distribution : Barddhaman.
6. Halictophagus tenebrosus 13. Myrmecolax pierci
Chaudhuri, Ghosh & Dasgupta (Chatterjee & Chaudhuri)
Distribution : Barddhaman. Distribution : Barddhaman.
7· Tridactylophagus aduncus 14. Myrmecolax plantipes
Cahudhuri & Saha (Chaudhuri, Dasgupta & Chatterjeee)
Dzstribution : Barddhaman. Distribution : Maldah.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 751
Order DIPTERA 12. Pen the tria japonica Wiedemann
Family TIPULIDAE Distribution : Darjiling (Sukhiapokhri,
Subfamily TIPULINAE Mirik).
1. Ctenophora (Pselliophora) laeta Family STRATIOMYIDAE
(Fabricius) Subfamily SARGINAE
Distribution: Kolkata and Puruliya. 13. Chloromy'ia sapphinna (Walker)
2. Holorusia ornatithorax (Brunetti) Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jainti, Buxa Tiger
Distribution: Darjiling (Mirik). Reserve).
3. Tipula (Acutipula) subvernalis 14. Ptecticus australis Schiner
Distribution: Darjiling (Andherl khola) and
Distribution: DaIjiling (Sukhiapokhrl). Maldah (Nalagola).
4. Tipula (Vestiplex) himalayensis Subfamily STRATIOMYINAE
15. Odontomyia dorsoangulata Brunetti
·Distribution: Darjiling (Mirik).
Distribution: Kolkata, Maldah (Nalagola)
and North 24 Pgs.
5. Pseudolimnophila pallidicoxa
16. Odontomyia lutanus Walker
Distribution : Kolkata (Eden Gardens) and
Distribution: DaIjiling (Mirik).
6. Conosia i.,..,.orata (Wiedemann)
17. Odontomyia transversa Brunetti
Distribution : Kolkata, DaIjiling and South
Distribution : Medinipur (Haldia).
24 Pgs. (Hatbaria).
18. Oplodontha minuta (Fabricius)
7. Styringomyia ceylonica Edwards
Distribution : Kolkata, Haora (Bally) and
Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling.
Puruliya (Ajodhya Hill).
8. Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia)
nigroapiacalis (Brunetti) 19. Oplodontha rubrithorax (Macquart)
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution ; Barddhaman, Kolkata,
Murshidabad (Dhulian), Nadia (Palpara) and
9. Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia)
North 24 Pgs.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Hatbaria).
20. Adoxomyia heminopla (Wiedenlann)
Subfamily PSYCHODINAE Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore).
ISS· Heligmoneura ricardoi Joseph & Parui 172. Orophotus montanus (Ricardo)
Distribution : Darjiling (Lebong). Distribution : Darjiling.
156. Heligmoneura yenpingensis 173. Philodicus ceylanicus Schiner
(Bromley) Distribution: Kolkata (Saltlake).
Distribution : Darjiling. 174. Philodicus femoralis Ricardo
157· Hoplopheromerus armatipes Distribution: Maldah (Nalagola).
175. Philodicus javanus (Weidemann)
Distribution ; Not known.
Distribution : Kolkata and J alpaiguri
158. Machimus angularis (Ricardo) (Chalsa).
Distribution: Not known. 176. Promachus binghamensis Ricardo
159. Machimus aurimystax (Bromley)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Not kI;lown. 177. Promachus duuaucelii (Macquart)
160. Machimus bengalensis Joseph &
Distribution : Not known.
178. Promachus ghumtiensis Bromley
Distribution ; Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
161. Machimus dubius Ricardo
179. Promachus leoninus Loew
Distribution : DaIjiIing.
Distribution : Darjiling.
162. Machimus hirtipes Ricardo
180. Promachus uaripes (Macquart)
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution: Not known.
163. Machimus incisularis (Bromley)
181. Senoprosopis diardii Macquart
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution: Not known.
164. Machimus infrafemoralis Bromley
182. TMchomachimus orientalis
Distribution : DaIjiling.
165. Machimus pallipes Ricardo
Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution: Darjiling (South Kurseong).
183. Trichomachimus pubescens
166. Machimus Ricardoi (Bromley).
Distribution : DaIjiling (Pedong). Distribution: DaIjiling.
167. Machimus Mljipes Ricardo Family SIMULIIDAE
Distribution : Darjiling. 184. Simulium (Eusimulium)
168. Machimus subgenitalis Bromley aureohirtum Brunetti
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: Bankura (Mukutmanipur),
169. Neoitamus bengalensis (Joseph & DaIjiling (Rangeet), Jalpaiguri (Rajabhatkha\va)
Parui) and Puruliya (Ajodhya hills).
Distribution : DaIjiling. 185. Simulium (Eusimulium) dasguptai
170. Neoitamus Kolkataensis Joseph & Datta
Parui Distribution: Darjiling (North Point, Ghoonl,
Distribution : Kolkata. Sonada).
171. Neomochtherus himalayensis 186. Simulium (Eusimulium)
Joseph & Parui ghoomense Datta
Distribution : DaIjiling (Tiger Hill). Distribution: Darjiling (Ghoom).
758 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Order LEPIDOPTERA 15. Erasmia sanguiflua sanguiflua
Family ZYGAENIDAE (Drury)
Subfamily ZYGAENINAE Distribution : Darjiling.
1. Artona postvitta Moore 16. Erasmia aliris aliris (Doubleday)
Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
2. Clelia discriminis Swinhoe 17. Erasmia pulchella pulchella Hope
Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong). Distribution : Darjiling.
3. Illiberis fuliginosa (Moore) 18. Agalope basiflava (Moore)
Distribution: Kolkata and Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
4. Lophosoma quadricolor (Walker) 19. Agalope eronioides eronioides
Distribution : Not known. (Moore)
5. Arachotia Jlaviplaga Moore Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling (Topkhana, 20. Agalope glacialis glacialis (Moore)
Distribution : Darjiling.
6. Thyrassia subcordata subcordota
(Walker) 21. Agalope hyalina (Kollar)
Distribution : Kolkata, Maldah (Ratua) and Distribution: Darjiling.
South 24 Pgs. (Akra). 22. Philopator basimaculata Moore
Subfamily CHALCOSIINAE Distribution : Darjiling.
7. Arbudas bicolor Moore 23. Cadphises maculata Moore
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
8. 1'rypanophora semihyaltina Kollar 24. Cadphises moorei moorei Butler
Distribution: Kolkata and Nadia (Kalyani). Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling, Kurseong).
9. Cyclosia papilionaris venaMa 25. Eterusia aedea edocla abe
(Fabricius) magnifica Butler
Distribution : Darjiling and J alpaiguri Distribution : Darjiling (Kurseong).
(Paltanpura, BTR).
26. Eterusia pulchella pulchella (Kollar)
10. Cyclosia midamia midamia
(Herrich-Schaffer) Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong, Mirik,
Distribution : Darjiling.
27. Eterusia lativitta (Moore)
11. Gynautocera papilionaria Guerin
Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling Distribution : Darjiling.
(Kalimpong). 28. Eterusia rqja Moore
12. Histia rhodope rhodope (Cramer) Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling. 29. Eterusia shahama Moore
13. Campylotes histrionicus Westwood Distribution : OaIjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling. 30. Pidorus glaucopis glaucopis
14. Campylotes atkinsoni Moore (Drury)
Distribution: Darjiling (Mirik). Distribution: Darjiling.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Lake, Sodepur, Natagarh, Krishnapur), Puruliya 476. Apatura ambica ambica Kollar
(Digha Forest, Ajodhya Hills) and Dinajpur Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
477. Apatura sordida sordida Moore
472. Precis oMthya ocyale Huebner
Distribution: Darjiling.
Distribution : Bankura (Bishnupur Central
478. Euthalia nais (Forster)
Nursery, Ahalya bai Road, Gangajal ghati) ,
Barddhaman (Soai Forest, Panagarh), Birbhum Distribution : Bankura (Sushunia Hills,
Mukutmanipur, Jangle mahal), Barddhaman
(Chandrapur, Bhachapur, Mallarpur), Darjiling
(Panagarh), Maldah (Bholahat), Medinipur
(Darjiling, Barbatia basti, Bhanjeng Youth
(Jhargram) and Murshidabad (Berhampore).
Hostel) and Murshidabad (Amarpur).
479. Euthalia aconthea
473. Precis lemonias lemonias
(Linnaeus) Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Bankura (Sonamukhi Block 480. Euthalia anosia saitaphernes
Colony, Bishnupur), Birbhum (Santiniketan), Fruhstorfer
Kolkata (Eden Gardens), Darjiling (Debrepani, Distribution : Darjiling.
H., Daling Coat, Jhalung, Mahanadi, Sukna, 481. Euthalia telchinia Menetries
Naxalbari, Haora (Uluberia), Jalpaiguri Distribution : Darjiling.
(Chapramari Forest, Jainti Forest, Reyang F.
482. Euthalia lubentina indica Fruhstorfer
R.), Medinipur (Jhargram, Arabari Reserve
Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling.
Forest, Danton, Belpahari), Murshidabad
(Sagardighi, Nadia (Ranaghat) and North 24 483. Euthalia garuda garuda (Moore)
Pgs. (Barrackpore). Distribution : Bankura (Jungle mahal,
474. Precis almana almana (Linnaeus) Joypur), Birbhum (Illambazar), Kolkata,
Darjiling and Maldah (Bholahat).
Distribution : Bankura (Bishnupur, Birai
Jheel, Joypur Forest, Kanchanpur Forest), 484. Euthalia phemius (Doubleday)
Barddhaman (Adra Mati), Birbhum Distribution : Darjiling (River Teesta, Peran
(Santiniketan, Illambazar), Kolkata (Bansdhani, Nallah, Rangpo, Singla, Teesta) and J alpaiguri
Eden Gardens, Alipore), Darjiling (Kurseong, (Buxa, Reyang FRH).
Mahanadi, Sukna, Sevok, Mirik bazar), Haora 485. Euthalia franciae franciae (Gray)
(Bally, Botanical Garden, Nischinda, Distribution : Darjiling.
Maheshpur), HugH (Chandan nagar), Jalpaiguri 486. Euthalia kesava (Gray)
(Santalbari, joyanti, Maldah (AlaI, Tushi hata,
Distribution : J alpaiguri (BTR).
Haldi, Bari, Chanchali, Ratua), Mathwari,
Medinipur (Reghumathpur Seed Farm, 487. Euthalia sahadeva sahadeua
Brahman mundi, Circuit House Compound,
Murshidabad (Morgram), Nadia (Kalyani), Distribution : Darjiling.
North 24 Pgs. (Dhapa, Duttabad, Hediar hat, 488. Tanaecia lepidea lepidea (Butler)
Prafulla nagar, Natagarh), Puruliya (Mathwari), Distribution: Darjiling (Reyang, Tindharia)
South 24 Pgs. (Kakdwip, Govindapur) and and Medinipur (Chandrakona Road), Jalpaiguri
Dinajpur (Raiganj, Rampur). (BTR).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity
489. Tanaecia julii appiades (Menetries) 502. Neptis nandina susruta Moore
Distribution: DaIjiling and Murshidabad. Distribution : Darjiling (Teesta valeey,
490. Tanaecia jahnu (Moore) Rangpo, East Gommara, Rangli, Kurseong) and
Jalpaiguri (Reyang, Reyang nallah).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Bank of Reyang
river). 503. Neptis ananta ochracea Evans
491. Athyma perius (Linnaeus) Distribution : DaIjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution: Barddhaman (Panagarh, Soai 504. Neptis cartica carnca Moore
Forest), Kolkata, Darjiling (Tumthang Khola, Distribution : DaIjiling.
Rangpo), Jalpaiguri (Teesta, Apalchand, BTR, 505. Neptis sankara quilta Swinhoe
Kathambari) and Maldah (Bholahat). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Reyang river bank).
492. Athyma selenophora selenophora 506. Neptis vikasi pseudouikasi (Moore)
Distribution Darjiling (Darjiling,
Distribution: DaIjiling (Teesta). Kalimpong) .
493. Athyma zeroca (Moore) 507. Neptis hanta Moore
Distribution : Darjiling (Tindhai ia,), Distribution: Kolkata and Darjiling.
.,. (Buxa). 508. Neptis uiraja uiraja Moore
494. Athyma nefte inara (Doubleday)
Distribution: JaJpaiguri (Buxa, Reyang).
Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
509. Neptis paraka MQore
Dhurumkhola) and J alpaiguri (Mendabari
Forest, Chilapati, Noorepore).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
510. Neptis mian Moore
495. Athyma cama Moore
Distribution: JaJpaiguri (BTR).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Buxa).
511. Neptis narayana narayana Moore
496. Athyma opalina orientalis (Elwes)
Distribution: JaJpaiguri (Buxa).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Buxa).
512. Neptis radha radha Moore
497. Athyma ranga ranga Moore
Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : DaIjiling.
513. Sephisa chandra (Moore)
498. Phaedyma columella ophiana
(Moore) Distribution : DaIjiling.
Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling 514. Euripus consimilis consimilis
(Rangpo). (Westwood)
499. Neptis jumbah jumbah Moore Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Buxa).
Distribution : Kolkata and South 24 Pgs. 515. Diagora persimilis persimilis
(Sunderbans). (Westwood)
500. Neptis hylas astola Moore Distribution : DaIjiIing.
Distribution: Kolkata, DaIjiling (Kalimpong, Family NYMPHALIDAE
Goke, Singla, Tumthang khola) and Jalpaiguri Subfamily DANAINAE
(Reyang). 516. Danaus (Anosia) chrysippus
501. Neptis soma Moore chrysippus (Linnaeus)
Distribution : Darjiling (Tumthang Khola, Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpur.
Rangpo) and Jalpaiguri (BTR). Panpara, Dunlop Bridge, Krishnapur, Natagarh,
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Sodepur), South 24 Pgs. (Laxmikantapur, 524. Euploea klugii kollaM C. & R. Felder
Sonarpur), Bankura (Birai Jheel, Jamuna Distribution: North 24 Pgs., Kolkata.
Bandh, Bishnupur), Barddhaman (Balagarh, 525. Euploea midamus rogenhofeM
Dhatrigram, Durgapur), Birbhum (Bolepur, (Linnaeus)
Chandrapur, Siuri, Ballavpur, Sainthia,
Distribution : DaIjiling (Mirik Hill).
Birchandrapur), Kolkata (Dhapa, Eden
Gardens, SaltLake, Alipur), DaIjiling (Teesta), 526. Euploea mulciber mulciber
Haora (Santragachi), Hugli (Bandel, (Cramer)
Bhadreswar, Tarakeswar, Chandannagar), Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Teesta,
Jalpaiguri (Gorumara), Medinipur (Arabati Rangli, Bista Sanctuary, Andharikhola
Forest, Sankarpur forest, Digha) and Nadia Mansong), Hugli (Bali) and Jalpaiguri
(Ranaghat). (Bhuttaghar, BTR).
517. Danaus (Salatura) genutia genutia 527. Euploea radamanthus rams(lyi
(Cramer) (Moore)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Krishnapur, Distribution : Jalpa~ "-uri (BTR).
Sodepur), Bankura (Jangal mahal, Jaipur), 528. Euploea sylvester hopei C & R
Bardhaman (Kanksa Forest, Panagarh), Felder
Kolkata, Darjiling (Rangpo), HugH (Altara, Distribution : DaIjiling.
Mankundu), Murshidabad (Beldanga),
529. Idea agamarschana
Jalpaiguri (BTR).
agamarschana (C. & R. Felder)
518. Danaus (Salatura) melanippus
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderbans).
indicus (Cramer)
530. Parantica aglea melanoides Moore
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban,
Gochara) and Kolkata.
Distribution : Darjiling (Andharikhola,
Rangpo, Reyang) and Jalpaiguri (Rydak Forest).
519. Euploea alcereae core (Cramer)
531. Parantica aglea aglae (Stoll)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Sodepur,
Natagarh), South 24 Pgs. (Kakdwip), Bankura Distribution : Kolkata, North 24 Pgs.,
J alpaiguri (BTR).
(Jangal mahal, Joypur) Birbhum (Siuri,
Kachijur, Illambazar), Kolkata (Alipur), 532. Tirumala limniace (Cramer)
Darjiling (Teesta), Hugli (Bhadreswar), Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Gobardanga,
Medinipur (Chandrakona Road, Salbani, Barrackpur), South 24 Pgs. (Sonarpur),
Sankarpur Forest, Digha), Jalpaiguri (BTR). Bankura (J aypur Forest), Barddhaman
520. Euploea algae deione Westwood. (Durgapur), Birbhum (Bolepur), Kolkata (Eden
Distribution : Not known. Gardens, Goria), Darjiling (Sonada, Teesta),
Haora (Botanical Garden, Andul), Hugli
521. Euploea crameri nicevillei Lucas
(Bandel), Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
533. Tirumala septentMornis
522. Euploea doubledayi doubledayi septentMornis (Butler)
Distribution: DaIjiling (Rangpo).
Distribution: Not kli0wn.
534· Parantica melaneus plataniston
52 3. Euploea klugii klugii Moore (Fruhstorfer)
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Rydak Forest) and Distribution: DaIjiling and Jalpaiguri (Jainti
Maldah. forest).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity
Superfamily HYDROPSYCHOIDEA 15. Amphiphsyche bengalensis Martynov
Family PHILOPOTAMIDAE Distribution : Kolkata.
1. ChimaJTa abeJTans Martynov 16. Amphipsyche tricalcarata Martynov
Distribution: Not known. Distribution : Bankura.
2. Chima.,.,.a kumaonensis Martynov 17. Amphipsyche indica Martynov
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : Bankura.
3. ChimaJ'Ta reyangensis Ghosh and 18. Macronema Jastosum fastosum
Chaudhury Walker
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution: DaIjiling (Kurseong).
4. ChimaJTa diaphana Ghosh and 19. Macronema fastosum bifasciatum
Chaudhury Martynov •
Distribution: DaIjiling (Kurseong). Distribution : DaIjiling.
5. Dolophilodes indicus Martynov 20. Macronema pseudoneura Brauer
Distributt'on : DaIjiling. Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Chelapata).
6. Dolophiliella relicta Martynov 21. Paraethaloptera gracilis Martynov
Distribution: DaIjiling ( Kurseong). Distribution : Birbhum.
Family STENOPSYCHIDAE 22. Aethaloptera sexpunctata Kolenati
7. Stenopsyche grisseipennis MacLachlan Distribution: W. Dinajpur, Murshidabad,
Distribution : Darjiling (Kurseong) and Maldah, Darjiling and Barddhaman.
Kolkata. 23. Arctopsyche lobata Martynov
8. Stenopsyehe quadrilobata Martynov Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : DaIjiling. 24. Diplectrona marqinata (Betten)
9· Stenopsyche splendida Martynov Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : DaIjiling. 25. Hydropsyche indica Pictet
10. Parastenophyche similis (Ulmer) Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution : DaIjiling (Kurseong, Singla). 26. Hydropsyche obscura Martynov
11.Parastenopsyche montana (Navas) Distribution: DaIjiling (DaIjiling).
Distribution : DaIjiling. 27. Hydropsyche kaznakovi Martynov
Family POLYCENTROPIDAE Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong).
Plectrocnemia aurea Ulmer
12. 28. Hydromanicus tMlncatus Betten
Distribution : DaIjiling. Distribution : Darjiling ( Kurseong).
13· Plectrocnemia obliquofasciata 29. Hydromanicus orentalis Betten
Martynov Distribution : Darjiling (Kurseong).
Distribution : DaIjiling.
30. Amphiphychella extrema Martynov
14· Dipseudopsis recta Martynov
Distribution : Kolkata and Darjiling
Distribution : Puruliya. (Kurseong).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 803
Family BRACONIDAE 15. Apanteles bifida Sharma
Sub family ALYSIINAE Distribution : Darjiling.
Aclisis cilipennis Cameron
1. 16. Apanteles darjeelingensis Sharma &
Distribution : Darjiling.
2. Rhacalsia rufobalteata Cameron
Distribution : Darjiling.
17. Apanteles jlavipes (Cameron)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
18. Apanteles mara Nixon
3. Agathis lepcha Cameron
Distribution: HugH.
Distribution : Darjiling.
19. Apanteles priscus Rao
4. Agathis sikkimensis Enderlein
Distribution : H ugli.
Distribution : Darjiling.
20. Apanteles ruficrus (Haliday)
5. Agathis tricarinata Enderlein
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution : Darjiling.
21. Apanteles stantoni (Ashmead)
Distribution : South 24 -Pgs.
6. Bracon ceceidobius Kieffer
22. Microgaster himalayensis Cameron
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
Distribution : Darjiling.
7. Bracon daphnephibae Kieffer
Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
8. Bracon famulus Bingham
23. Cerapachys longitarsus (Mayr)
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution: Not known.
9. Bracon niceivelli Bingham
Distribution : Kolkata.
24. Bothriomyrmex walshi Forel
Distribution : Not known.
Chelonus heliope Gupta
25. Bothriomyrmex wroughtoni dalyi
Distribution: Medinipur (Junput).
11. Chelonus indicus Cameron
Distribution : Not known.
Distribution: Medinipur (Digha).
26. Dolichoderus thoracicus Smith
Distribution: Darjiling (Reyang, Rangpo).
Doryctes cheops Nixon
27. lridomynnex anceps (Roger)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Medinipur (Jhargram).
13. Colastes nigropectus Cameron
28. Aenictus bremcornis (Mayr)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Kolkata (Eden Gardens).
29. Aenictus clavitibia Forel
14. Cyclophatnus jlavus Cameron
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Barasat,
Distribution : Darjiling. Bangaon, Barrackpore, Naihati).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 805
Distributf.on : Kolkata (Eden Gardens) and Distribution: Darjiling (Rangli tea estate).
Darjiling (Sukhiapokhri, Balson basti). 46. Camponotus wasmanni Emery
(Kokujev) Maheshwary
Distribution : Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical Distribution: DaIjiling, (Rangiroon, DaIjiling
Garden, Rangiroon, Manibhanjang). Botanical Garden).
211. Netelia (Paropheltes) guptai Kaur & 226. Campoplex oriens Gupta &
Jonathan Maheshwary
Distribution : DarjiIing (DarjiIing Botanical Distribution: Darjiling (Rangiroon).
Garden, Rangiroon). 227. Campoplex pseudocollinus Gupta &
212. Netelia (Paropheltes) sikkimensis Maheshwary
Kaur & Jonathan Distribution: Darjiling (DaIjiling Botanical
Distribution : Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical Garden).
Garden). Campoplex septentrionalis
Subfamily BANCHINAE septentrionalis Gupta & Maheshwary
213. Teleutaea prima (Morley) Distribution : Darjiling (DaIjiling Botanical
Distribution : DarjiIing. Garden, Rangiroon).
214. Glypta nursei Cameron 229. Casinaria asnimae Maheshwary &
Distribution : Darjiling.
215. Lissonota cracentis Chandra & Gupta
Distribution : Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical
Distribution : Darjiling (Darjling Botanical
Garden, Rangiroon). Casinaria atrata Morley
267. TMclistus aikini (Cameron) 284. Apocryptus erugatus Gupta & Gupta
Distribution: Not known. Distribution : Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical
268. Macromalon orientale Kerrich Garden, Rangiroon).
Distribution : Darjiling. 285. Apocryptusjlavofacies Gupta & Gupta
269. Exochus jlavicaput Morley Distribution : Darjiling (Rangiroon).
286. Apocryptus jlavorbitalis
Distribution : Darjiling.
jlavorbitalis Gupta & Gupta
Distribution: Darjiling ( Rangiroon).
270. Anomalon foliator Fabricius
287. Apocryptus pilosus Gupta & Gupta
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical
Subfamily GRAVENH0 RSTINAE Garden).
271. Perisphincter tMphone Morley 288. Apocryptus terebratus Gupta & Gupta
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution : Darjiling ( Rangiroon).
Subfamily DIPLAZONTINAE 289. Xoridesopus flavispeculum Gupta &
272. Diplazon guptai Diller Gupta
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: Darjiling ( Rangiroon).
273. Promethes sulcator (Gravenhorst) 290. XOMdesopus oMentalis Gupta & Gupta
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: Darjiling.
274. Tymmophorus cinctus (Gravenhorst) 291. Buathra excavata (Cameron)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical
Garden, Rangiroon, Sanchal, Lebong Cant.).
275. Syrphoctonus dimidiatus (Schrank)
292. Buathra luculenta (Cameron)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Distribution: Darjiling.
293. Gotra marginata Brulle
276. Dichrogaster pallens Townes Distribution: Kolkata (Zoo Garden, Alipore),
Distribution: Not known. Darjiling, (Goke, Singla, Takdah, Reyong,
277. ChaMtopes densus Townes Rangpo, Andharikhola, Poshok).
Distribution: Darjiling (Ghoom). 294. Anupama himalayensis Jonarthan
278. ChaMtopes rugatus Townes Distribution : Darjiling (Rangiroon).
Distribution : Darjiling (Rangiroon). 295. Menaforia indica Gupta & Saxena
Subfamily HEMIGASTERINAE Distribution : Nadia, Haora, (Sibpur),
Murshidabad, Bankura, (Bishnupur) and South
279. Mansa fu'vipennis (Cameron)
24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Distribution: Darjiling.
296. Friona didymata Morley
280. Hemigaster fulvipes (Cameron)
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Not known. 297. Friona lineatipes Cameron
281. Polytribax luteus (Cameron) Distribution : Darjiling (Teesta-Kalimpong
Distribution : Darjiling. route).
282. Aconias spinitarsis Cameron 298. Goryphus salutator (Cameron)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution Darjiling (Darjiling,
Subfamily MESOSTENINAE Rangiroon).
283. Apocryptus biserratus Gupta & Gupta 299. Goryphus sikkimensis Jonathan &
Distribution : Darjiling (Darjiling Botanical Gupta
Garden). Distribution: Darjiling (Teesta).
814 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
353. Scolia (Discolia) lebongensis Betrem 365. Polistes (Gyrostoma) oluaceus (De
Distribution: Darjiling (Pedong, Mirik). Geer)
354. Scolia (Discolia) desidiosa Bingham Distribution: DaIjiling, Hugli (Bhadraswar),
Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Lord Haora, (Botanical Garden), Murshidabad, South
Carmichael). 24 Pgs. (Subhasgram), Nadia, (Phulia,
Ranaghat), Kolkata and North 24 Pgs.
355. Scolia (Discolia) affinis Guerin
Distribution: Nadia, (Kalyani, Ranaghat),
366. Polistes (Gyrostoma) wattii Cameron
DaIjiling, (Singla, Lord Carmichael), Jalpaiguri
(Jaldapara WLS), Kolkata, (Dhapa, Saltlake, Distribution : Kolkata.
Eden Gardens), South 24 Pgs., (Sagar Island) 367. Polistes (Gyrostoma) rothneyi
and North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore, Palta). rothneyi Cameron
356. Scolia (Discolia) fichteli Betrem Distribution : North 24 Pgs.
Distribution: Kolkata (Salt Lake). 368. Polistes (Gyrostoma) rothenyi
357. Scolia (Discolia) elizabethae sikkimensis van der Vecht
Bingham Distribution: DaIjiling (Rambi).
Distribution : Darjiling (Pashok, Lord 369. Polistes hoplites Saussure
Carmichael). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara).
358. Scolia (Discolia) binotata binotata 370. Polistes hebraeus Fabricius
Fabricius Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara).
Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Bijanbari, 371. Polistes (Polistella) nigritarsis
Kalimpong, Teesta Bridge, Siliguri). Cameron
359. Scolia (Discolia) sikkimensis Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and Darjiling.
372. Polistes (Polistella) adustus Bingham
Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling Hills).
Distribution : Darjiling.
360. Scolia (Discolia) wagneri Betrems
373. Polistes (Polistella) stigma tamula
Distribution : Darjiling (DaIjiling, Rambi, (Fabricius)
Melli, Kalimpong).
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., Jalpaiguri,
361. Scolia (Discolia) quadripustulata (Pakuahat), Bankura, HugH (Bandel) and
Fabricius Puruliya.
Distribution : Nadia. 374. Polistes (Polistella) stMgosus
362. Scolia (Discolia) carmichaeli atratus Das & Gupta
Betrem Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Lord
Distribution : DaIjiling. Carmichael, Siliguri).
363. Scolia (Discolia) uenusta Smith 375. Polistes (Polistella) sagittarius
Distribution : Darjiling. Saussure
Family VESPIDAE Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and DaIjiling,
Subfamily POLISTINAE (Singla).
364. Polistes (Gyrostoma) tenebricosus 376. Ropalidiaferruginea Saussure
sulcstus Smith Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara).
Distribution : Darjiling (Singla, Rangeet 377. Ropalidia guttatipennis Saussure
Valley). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara).
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity 817
Class PALAEOSTRACHA 1. Tachypleus gigas (Muller)
Subclass MEROSTOMATA Distribution: Medinipur, South 24 Pgs.
Order XIPHOSURA 2. Carcinoscotpius rotundicauda
Family XIPHOSURIDAE (Latreille)
Subfamily TACHYPLEINAE Distribution : Medinipur, South 24 Page
820 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum ARTHROPODA 9. H. sumatrana (Thorell)
Class ARACHNIDA Distribution: Darjiling.
Family THERAPHOSIDAE 10. Artema atlanta Walckenaer
1. Haploclastus himalayensis Tikader Distribution Medinipur (Datan),
Distribution : Darjiling. Murshidabad (Dhulion, Lalbagh, Lalgola),
Family OECOBIIDAE Kolkata, Maldah and Nadia (Ranaghat).
2. Oecobius putus Cambridge 11. Pholocus phalangioides (Fuesslin)
Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling and Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR), Darjiling.
Barddhaman. 12. Crossopriza lyoni (Blackwall)
Family ERESIDAE Distribution : J alpaiguri (BTR), Kolkata,
3. Stegodyphus sarasinorum Karsch Maldah (Gajal, Bamangola, Habibpur), North
Distribution: Medinipur (Near Kasai river, 24 Pgs. (Nilgange), Murshidabad (Dhulion,
Kharagpur, Pashkura), South 24 Pgs. Lalgola), South 24 Pgs. (N amkhana,
(Kachuberia, Gangasagar), Maldah (Pyasbari), Gangasagar, Patharpratima, Gosaba, Basanti),
Kolkata and Barddhaman (Chittaranjan). Medinipur (Kolaghat, Jhargram) and Nadia
Family ULOBORIDAE (Ranaghat).
4. Uloborus danolius Tikader Family SCYTODIIDAE
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Barasat, 13. Scytodes kinsukus Patel
Parmadan deer park), South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba, Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Basanti), Maldah (Bamangola) and Medinipur
14. Scytodes propinqua Stoliczka
(Kolaghat, Ghatal, Datan).
Distribution : Nortb 24 Pgs. (Palta, Barasat,
5. Uloborus krishnae Tikader
Parmadan deer park), South 24 Pgs. (Kakdwip)
Distribution: Maldah (Mahadebpur). arid Kolkata.
Family ZODARIIDAE 15. Scytodes thoracica (Latreille)
6. Lutica bengalensis Tikader & Patel
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR), North 24
Distribution: Kolkata (Bhawanipur). Pgs. (Palta, Barasat) and Kolkata.
7. Storena debasrae Biswas and Biswas Family SALTICIDAE
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Palta, 16. Asemonea santinagarensis
Biswas & Biswas
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Palta,
8. Hersilia savignyi Lucas Santinagar) .
Distribution : Kolkata, Medinipur (Kolaghat, 17. Asemonea tenuipes (Cambridge)
Datan), Murshidabad (Dhulion), North 24 Pgs.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Palta) and
(Bongaon, Barasat), Nadia (Ranaghat), South
J alpaiguri.
24 Pgs. (Gosaba), HugH (Chandur Forest,
Arambagh), Dinajpur (Raigunj) and Jalpaiguri 18. Epeus chilapataensis (Biswas & Biswas)
(BTR). Distribution: Koch Bihar (Chilapata forest).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 821
67· Runcinia affinis Simon 83. Xysticus kali Tikader & Biswas
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution; Darjiling and Jalpaiguri.
68. Synaema decoratum Tikader 84. Xysticus minutus Tikader
Distribution: Kolkata. Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR), Haora
69. Thomisus beautifularis Basu (Botanical Garden), Medinipur (Chandrakona
Road), Kolkata, Nadia (Ranaghat) and North 24
Distribution : Kolkata.
Pgs. (Basirhat, Barasat).
70. Thomisus bulani Tikader
85. Xysticus khasiensis
Distribution: Kolkata and Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Distribution: Darjiling (Senchal WLS).
71. Thomisus dhakuriensis Tikader
Distribution : Kolkata.
86. Philodromus assamensis Tikader
72. Thomisus elongatus Stoliczka
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution : Kolkata and Purulia
87. Philodromus maliniae Tikader
Distribution : Kolkata.
73. 'Thomisus katrajghatus Tikader
88. Tibellus elongatus Tikader
Distribution : J alpaiguri (J aldapara
Distribution : Kolkata and North 24 Pgs.
Sanctuary, BTR) , Nadia (Ranaghat, Kalyani),
Kolkata, H ugli (Tarakeshwar) and North 24
Pgs. (Bongaon, Petrapole, Baikunthapur, Family SPARASSIDAE
Basirhat, Barasat). 89. Butaniella sikkimensis Gravely
74. Thomisus mimae Sen & Basu Distribution: Darjiling, North 24 Pgs. and
South 24 Pgs.
Distribution : Kolkata.
90. Heteropoda acuta Saha, Biswas and
75. Thomisus projectus Tikader
Distribution: Kolkata.
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
76. Thomisus pugilis Stoliczka
91.Heteropoda leprosa Simon
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR) and Kolkata.
Distribution : Darjiling and Jalpaiguri
77. Thomisus shillongensis Sen (Rajabhatkhawa).
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). 92. Heteropoda buxa Biswas &
78. Thomisus sorajaii Basu Raychoudhuri
Distribution : Kolkata. Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
79. Thomisus sp. 93. Heteropoda kandiana Pococh
Distribution: Darjiling (Neora Valley). Distribution : Darjiling, NOlth 24 Pgs. and
80. Xysticus bengalensis South 24 Pgs.
Tikader & Biswas 94. Heteropoda straminiosa Kundu,
Distribution : Darjiling. Biswas & Raychoudhury
81. Xysticus himalayensis Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Tikader & Biswas 95. Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: Darjiling, North 24 Pgs., South
82. Xysticus hindusthanicus 24 Pgs. and J alpaiguri.
Tikader & Biswas 96. Pseudopoda akashi Whi & Tikadar
Distribution: Darjiling and J alpaiguri. Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
824 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
97. Heteropoda sexpunctata Simon 111. Simalio biswasi Majumder & Tikader
Distribution : Kolkata, HugH, South 24 Pgs. Distribution : Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
and Birbhum. Family MITHURGIDAE
9B. Pseudopoda prompta Cambridge 112. Cheiracanthium himalayensis
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barasat) and Gravely
Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
99. Olios tikaderi Kundu, Biswas & Sutherland, Tindharia).
113. Cheiracanthium ,melanostoma
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
100. Olios mulleti (Pocock)
Distribution: Medinipur (Ghatal), North 24
Distribution : Darjiling.
Pgs. (Nilgunj, Parmadan deer park, Gopalpur),
101. Olios punctipes Simon
Nadia (Kalyani), Kolkata and South 24 Pgs.
Distribution : Darjiling, Kolkata, Haora, (Gangasagar, Patharpratima, Gosaba).
North 24 Pgs.
114. Cheiracanthium murina Thorell
102. Spariolenus tigris Simon
Distribution: Darjiling (Kalimpong).
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., Haora, Hugli
and Murshidabad. 115. Cheiracanthium mysorensis
Family CLUBIONIDAE Majumder & Tikader
103. Clubiona analis Thorell Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Bagna Bandh,
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barasat). Sundarban).
104. Clubiona bengalensis Biswas 116. Cheiracanthium indicum Cambridge
Distribution: Kolkata. Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
105. Clubiona boxaensis Biswas & Biswas Sutherlarid) .
Distribution : J alpaiguri (Buxa forest) and 117. Cheiracanthium insigne Cambridge
Darjiling. Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Palta), Haora
106. Clubiona drassodes Cambridge (Sibpur), Jalpaiguri (Jaintia hills) and Kolkata
Distribution : Haora (Botanical Garden) and (Zoological Garden, Iron side road).
Barddhaman (Agril. Farm). lIB. Cheiracanthium pauriensis
107. Clubiona filicata Cambridge Majumder & Tikader
Distribution : Hugli (Chandur forest, Distribution: Darjiling (Richmond hills).
Arambagh), South 24 Pgs. (Basanti),
119. Cheiracanthium trivialis (Thorell)
Barddhaman (Asansol, Durgapur) and North 24
Pgs. (Gopalpur, Petrapole). Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
Sutherland), Haora (Botanical Garden),
loB. Clubiona ludhianaensis Tikader
Barddhaman (Chittaranjan), Birbhum
Distribution : HugH (Chandur forest, (Gamatia), Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara sanctuary) and
Arambagh), Birbhum (Santiniketan) and North Kolkata (Zoological Garden).
24 Pgs. (Barti-bill).
120. Cheiracanthium sp.
109. Clubiona pogonias Simon
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: Darjiling (Neora Valley).
110. Clubiona shillongensis Majumder & Family CORINNIDAE
Tikader 121. Oedignatha carli Riemoser
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 825
157. Oxyopes subimali Biswas 171. Arctosa khudiansis Tikader & Malhotra
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Patharpratima).
158. Oxyopes minutus Biswas 172. Arctosa sandeshkhaliensis Majumdar
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sandeshkhali).
159. Oxyopes ovatus Biswas 173. Hippasa greenalliae (Blackwall)
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Barti-bill).
160. Oxyopes reticulatus Biswas 174. Hippasa holmerae Thorell
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Distribution : Darjiling and Kolkata.
161. Peucetia latikae Tikader 175. Hippasa madhuae Tikader & Malhotra
Distribution Hug1i (Kamarpukur, Distribution: Hugli (Kamarpukur).
Arambagh), Nadia (Krishnanagar), Jalpaiguri
176. Hippasa partita (Cambridge)
(BTR) and South 24 Pgs. (Kachuberia,
Gangasagar). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR) and North 24
Pgs. (Petrapole).
Peucetia viridana Stoliczka
Distribution : Medinipur and Kolkata. 177. Hippasa agelenoides (Blackwall)
Family THERIDIIDAE Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong, Mirik).
163.Achaearanea durgae Tikader 178. Hippasa himalayensis Gravely
Distribution : HugH (Chandur forest Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong).
'Arambagh) and Jalpaiguri (BTR). 179. Hippasa olivacea (Thorell)
164. Argyrodes andamanensis Tikader Distribution : North 24 Pgs. and South 24
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Pgs. (Sunderban).
SAN¥AL et ale : Animal Diversity 827
180. Lycosa arambagensis Biswas & Biswas 196. Ocyale neClMclRta Alderweireldt
Distribution : HugH (Chandur forest, Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Sandeshkhali)
Arambagh). and South 24 Pgs. (Gosabll).
181. Lycosa bistriata Gravely 197. Pardosa alii Tikader
Distribution : Birbhum, Kolkata, DaIjiling. Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba).
182. Lycosa carmichaeli Gravely 198. Pardosa amkhasensis Tikader &
Distribution : Darjiling. Malhotra
183. Lycosa chaperi Simon Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Distribution : DaIjiling. 199. Pardosa atropalpis Gravely
184. Lycosa choudhuryi Tikader & Distribution : Barddhaman and HugH
Malhotra (Arambagh).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sibganga).
200. Pardosa binnanica Simon
185. Hogna himalayensis Gravely
Distribution Barddhaman, Hugli
'Distribution: Bankura, Darjiling and North (Kamarpukur), Birbhum, Purulia (Hura,
24 Pgs. Manbazar), Darjiling, Murshidabad, Kolkata
186. Lycosa kempi Gravely (Ranijheel, Bantala) and Maldah CHabibpur).
Distribution : Kolkata, Darjiling. 201. Pardosa burasantiensis
187. Lycosa mackenziei Gravely Tikader & Malhotra
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR) and Kolkata. Distribution: Kolkata and Hugli.
188. Lycosa mahabaleshwarensis 202. Pardosa chambensis
Tikader & Malhotra Tikader & Malhotra
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Sandeshkhali). Distribution: North 24 Pgs.
189. Lycosa madani Pocock
203. Pardosa debolinae Majumder
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and South 24
190. Lycosa masteri Pocock Pgs. (Gosaba).
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Hingalgunj) and 204. Pardosa heterophthalmus
South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba). (Simon)
191. Lycosa nigrotibialis Simon
Distribution : Purulia(Nardwara) and
Distribution: Kolkata, Birbhum and DaIjiling Jalpaiguri CBTR).
(Kalimpong, Mirik).
205. Pardosa leucopalpis Gravely
192. Lycosa poonaensis Tikader
Distribution : Kolkata.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. CHingalgunj).
206. Pardosa minhta Tikader & Malhotra
193. Lycosa pictula pocock
Distribution ; South 24 Pgs.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba).
207. Pardosa mukundi Tikader & Malhotra
194. Lycosa shillogensis Tikader &
Malhotra Distribution : Birbhum.
Distribution : Kolkata. 208. Pardosa mysorensis
195. Lycosa tista Tikader Tikader & Malhotra
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Sandeshkhali). Distribution : South 24 Pgs. CSunderban).
828 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
264. Larinia phithisica (L. Koch) Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and South 24·
Distribution: Barddhaman (Barakar), North
276. N. vigilanas Blackwall
24 Pgs. (Parmadan deer park, Barasat), Nadia
(Kalyani, Krishnanagar) and J alpaiguri. Distribution: North 24 Pgs. and South 24
265. Parawooa dehaanii (Doleschall)
277. Neoscona rumpji (Thorell)
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Jaintia forest,
Subhasini Tea Estate), Kolkata and North 24 Distribution : Jalpaiguri (BTR) and Maldah
Pgs. (Barasat). (Bamangola, Adina deer park).
Class ARACHNIDA 7. Chaerilus insignis Pocock
Order SCORPIONIDA Distribution : DaIjiling (Kurseong).
Family BUTHIDAE 8. Chaerilus gemmifer Pocock
59. Acalitus hibisci Mondal & Chakrabarti 75. Aculops excoecaria Mondal &
Distribution : Nadia. Chakrabarti
60. Acaricalus artocarpae Chakrabarti Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
and Pandit 76. Aculops jalpaiguriensis Pandit and
Distribution : Jalpaiguri (Lataguri,
Gorumara). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Lataguri).
77. Aculops xanthocarpi MondaI &
61. Aceria erythrensis (Chakrabarti &
Distribution : Nadia.
Distribution: HugH.
78. Anthocoptes adhatodae Channa
62. Aceria cordiae Channa Basavanna Basavanna
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution: Nadia.
63. Aceria crotalariae Channa Basavanna 79. Anthocoptes glycosmis Mondal &
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. Chakrabarti
64. Aceria jissistigmae Pandit and Distribution : Nadia.
Chakrabarti 80. Bakeriella ocimis Chakrabarti & Mondal
Distribution : J alpaiguri (Garumara forest, Distribution : South 24 Pgs.
Lataguri). 81. Calacarus araliae Chakrabarti & Mondal
65. Aceria gue.,..,.eronis (Keifer) Distribution: Nadia.
82. Calacarus capsica Chakrabarti &
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba).
66. Aceria infectoriae Channa Basavanna
Distribution : Nadia.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. 83. Calacarus jasmini Chakrabarti &
67. Aceria litchii ( Keifer) Mondal
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution: Nadia.
68. Aceria lycopersici (Wolff) 84. Calacarus keiferi Chakrabarti & Mondal
Distribution : Nadia. Distribution : Nadia.
85. Calacarus microrostrus Chakrabarti
69. Aceria mangiferae Sayed
& MondaI
Distribution : Nadia and Maldah.
Distribution: HugH.
70. Aceria nerii Channa Basavanna 86. Calacarus quisqualis Chakrabarti &
Distribution : Nadia. Mondal
71. Aceria pongamiae Channa Basavanna Distribution : Nadia.
Distribution : Nadia. 87. Calacarus swietensis Chakrabarti &
72. Aceria saccharini Wang
Distribution : Nadia.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Gosaba).
88. Calacarus vasicae Chakrabarti et ale
73. Aculops abutiloni Mondal & Distribution: Maldah (Englishbazar).
89. Colomerus trichodesmae Chakrabarti
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. and Pandit
74. Aculus cassiae Mondal & Chakrabarti Distribution : J alpaiguri (Lataguri) and
Distribution : Nadia. DaIjiling (Satmile).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Superclass MYRIAPODA 13.Kronopolites spiniger Attems
Class DIPLOPODA (MILLIPEDES) Distribution: Darjiling (Kurseong, Pashok,
Order SPHAEROTHERIIDA Kalijhora) and Haora.
Family SPHAEROTHERIDAE 14. Anoplodesmus saussurei
Zephronia manca Attems
Superclass MYRIAPODA 4. Cormocephalus pygmaeus Pocock
Distribution Darjiling (Siliguri,
Order SCOLOPENDIOMORPHA. 5. Otostigmus insularis Haase
Family SCOLOPENDRIDAE Distribution : Not known.
1. Scolopendra morsitans Linn. 6. Otostigmus politus Karsch
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
7. Rhysida qfra cuprea Kraepallin
2. Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani
Distribution : DaIjiling.
8. Rhysida longipes longipes (New Port)
Distribution: Kolkata, Hugli (Chuchura,
Distribution : Kolkata, Barddhaman
Sera~pur, North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore),
Darjiling (Siliguri, Punkhabari).
9. Ethmostigmus pygomegas
3. Cormocephalus dentipes Pocock (Kohlransch)
Distribution : All districts. Distribution : Darjiling.
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity 867
1.Phoronis bhaduraii Ganguly and
Distribution : Medinipur (Digha beach).
1. Lingula anafina
Distribution : Medinipur (Digha Mohana,
J alda estuary).
868 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum ECHINODERMATA 10. Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) tenuis (H.L.
Order PLATYASTERIDA Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (J arkhali,
1. Luidia hardwicki (Gray)
11. Ophiacus delagoa Balinsky
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads).
Distribution : East Medinipur (Digha) and
South 24 Pgs. (Paremari Matla, Bakkhali, Sagar
2. Astropecten euryacanthus Luetken 12. Ophiactis modesta Brock
Distribution : East Medinipur (Digha) and Distribution : East Medinipur (Digha) and
South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads, Bakkhali). South 24 Pgs. (Port Canning, Matla).
3. Astropecten indicus Doederlein Family OPHIOTRICHIDAE
Distribution: East Medinipur (Digha) and 13. Macrophiothrix longipeda (Lamarck)
South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads, Matla river, Sagar Distribution: East Medinipur (Digha).
Islands). 14. Ophiocnemis marmorata (Lamarck)
4. Astropecten mauritianus Gray Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads
DiStribution: East Medinipur (Digha). HRB) and East Medinipur (Digha).
5. Goniopecten sp. Family DIADEMATIDAE
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sandheads- 15. Chaetodiadema granulatum
Hugli river mouth). Mortensen
1. Saccoglossus sp.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
120. Mytus menoda menoda (Ham.) Distribution: HugH and Matla river system.
135. Clupisoma garua (Ham.)
Distribution : Mahananda River.
Distribution : J alangi and Bhagirathi river.
121. Mytus tengara (Hamilton)
136. Clupisoma montana Hora
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
Distribution : Darjiling.
122. Mytus vittatus (Bloch)
137. Eutropiichthys murius (Hamilton)
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
Distribution : Big rivers and tributaries of
123. Rita rita (Hamilton) the state.
Distribution : Mahananda and Tista river. 138. Eutropiichthys vacha (Hamilton)
Family CLARIIDAE Distribution : HugH river system.
124. Clarius batrachus (Linnaeus) 139. Pseudeutropius atherinoides
Distribution: HugH river system . . (Bloch)
Distribution : HugH and Matla River.
125. Clarias gariepinus (Burehell)·
Distribution : Introduced. 140. Silonia silondia (Hamilton)
Distribution : HugH river system.
126. Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)
141. Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch)
Distribution : Throughout West Bengal.
Distribution: Hugli, Damodar and Bhagirathi
Family CHACIDAE river.
Chaca chaca Hamilton 142. Ompok pabda (Hamilton.)
Distribution : Darjiling. Distribution: HugH, Damodar and Bhagirathi
128. Amblyceps mangois (Hamilton) 143. Ompok pabo (Hamilton)
Distribution : Tista river. Distribution: HugH, Damodar and Bhagirathi
144. Pterocryptes gangetica (Peters)
129· Olyra kempi Chaudhuri
Distribution : Darjiling Himalaya.
Distribution : Darjiling.
145. Wallago attu :(Schneider)
130. Olyra longicaudata McClellard
Distribution: Hugli, Damodar and Bhagirathi
Distribution : Darjiling. river.
131. Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton) 146. Bagarius bagarius (Hamilton.)
Distribution : Estuaries of West Bengal. Distribution: HugH river.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 877
42. Himantura uarnak (Forsskal) 68. Saunda wanesio Shindo and Yamada
Family GYMNURIDAE 69. Trachinoeephalus myops (Forster)
43. Aetoplatea tentaculata Order BATRACHOIDIFORMES
(Valenciennes) Family BATRACHOIDIDAE
44. Gymnura poecilura (Shaw) 70. Colletheichthys dussumieri
45. Gymnura japonica (Blyth) (Valenciennes)
Family MYLIOBATDIDAE 71. Allenbatrachus grunniens (Linnaeus)
46. Aetobatus narinari (Blainville) Order CLUPEIFORMES
47. Aetomylaeus nichofii (Schneider) Family CHIROCENTRIDAE
Order ANGUILLIFORMES 72. Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskal)
Family ANGUILLIDAE 73. Chiroeentrus nudus Swainson
48. Anguilla bengalensis bengalensis 74. Anodontostoma chacunda
(Gray) (Hamilton)
49. Anguilla bicolor bicolor McClelland 75. Anodontostoma thailandiae
Family MORINGUIDAE Wongratana
50. Moringua arundinacea (McClelland) 76. Corica soborna Hamilton
51. Moringua raitaborua (Hamilton) 77. Escualosa thoraeata (Valenciennes)
Family MURAENESOCIDAE 78. Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus
52. Congresox talabon (Cuvier) (Ruppell)
53. Congresox talabonoides (Bleeker) Family CLUPEIDAE
54. Muraenesox bagio (Hamilton) 79. Hilsa kelee (Cuvier)
55. Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskal) 80. Nematalosa galatheae (Nelson &
81. Nematalosa nasus (Bloch)
56. Echidna nebulosa (Abl)
82. Sardinella braehysoma Bleeker
57. Echidna zebra (Shaw)
83. Sardinella fimbriata (Valenciennes)
58. Gymnothorax tile (Hamilton)
84. Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker)
59. Gymnothorax meleagris (Shaw &
Nodder) 85. Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton)
60. Gymnothorax pietus (Abl) 86. Tenualosa toli (Valenciennes)
61. Stophidon sathete (Hamilton) Family ENGRULIDIDAE
Family OPHICHTHIDAE 87. Coilia dussumieri Valenciennes
62. Lamnostoma orientalis (McClelland) 88. Coilia negleeta Whitehead
63. Pisodonophis boro (Hamilton) 89. Coilia ramearti (Hamilton)
Order AULOPIFORMES 90. Coilia reynaldi valenciennes
Phylum CHORDATA Gosaba, Kakdwip), Bankura (Bishnupur,
Subphylum VERTEBRATA Simlapal, Beliatore), Barddhaman (Kajoria,
Kulti), Birbhum (Sainthia, Bakreswar, Suri,
Bolpur, Ahmedpur, Rampurhat), Koch Bihar
Order APODA/GYMNOPHIONA (Koch Bihar town), Darjiling (Panighata,
Family ICHTHYOPHIIDAE Mahananda, Bamanpokhori, Sukna), Jalpaiguri
1. Ichthyophis sikkimensis Taylor (Jainti, Rydak), Maldah (Ratua, Adampur,
Baishanabanagar, Maldah town, Kaliachak,
Common Name : Sikkimese Caecilian.
Gazole, Chanchal, Gour) , Medinipur (Digha,
Distribution : DaIjiling (Kurseong, Sureil). Arabari, Jhargram), Murshidabad (Jalangi,
Order URODELA/CAUDATA Kandi, Baharampur, Lalgola, Dhulian,
Family SALAMANDRIDAE Swarupganj Bhabta, Jiaganj), Nadia (Karimpur,
2. Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson
Bethuadahari), Puruliya (Arsa, Manbazar,
Schedule II, Endangered Kenda), W. Dinajpur (Kumarganj,
Gangarampur, Buniadpur, Hilli, Balurghat,
Common Name The Himalayan
Raiganj, Kaliganj, Chopra, Islampur) and
Salamander. Kolkata.
Distribution : Darjiling (Son ada, Pachang,
Jorpokhori, Namthing pokhri).
6 .. Scutiger sikimensis (Blyth)
Common Name : Sikkimese Toad.
3. Bufo stomaticus Lutken Distribution: Darjiling (Singhalila NP).
Common Name : Marbled Toad. 7. Xenophrys glandulosa (Boulenger)
Distribution : Bankura (Bishnupur, Common Name : Glandulated Megophryid
Mukutmanipur, Sareswar, Jayrambati, Frog.
Simlapal, Beliatore), Birbhum (Bakreswar, Distribution : Darjiling (Latpancher).
Rampurhat), Koch Bihar (Tufanganj, Dinhata, 8. Xenophrys parva (Boulenger)
Mathabhanga), Maldah (Gour), Medinipur
Common Name: Burmese Megophryid Frog.
(Mandalpushkarini, Hijli, Garbetta, Arabari,
Jhargram, Belpahari, Tamluk, Kontai, Digha) Distribution : Darjiling (Kurseong, Ghum
and Puruliya (Puruliya town). Bhanjan, Sukhiapokhri, Kalimpong).
4. Duttaphrynus himalayanus (Gunther) 9. Xenophrys robusta (Boulenger)
Common Name : The Himalayan Toad. Common Name : Robust Megophryid Frog.
Distribution: DaIjiling (DaIjiling Botanical Distribution: DaIjiling (Senchal WLS).
garden, Kurseong, Sonada, Mirik, Family MICROHYLIDAE
Ghoombanjan). 10. Kalophrynus interlineatus (Blyth)
5. Duttaphrynus melanostictus Common Name : Interlineated Sticky Frog..
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Chilapata RF).
Common Name: Common Toad.
11. Kaloula assamensis Das et al.
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Parmadan,
Bongaon, Helencha, Duttaphulia), South 24 Common Name: Assam Painted Frog.
Pgs. (Namkhana, Sagar Island, Canning, Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Chilapata RF).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 889
12. Kaloula taprobanica Parker Koch Bihar (Koch Bihar town, Tufanganj,
Common Name: Indian Painted Frog. Dinhata, Mekliganj, Mathabhanga), Darjiling
(Siliguri, Sukna, Chalsa, Bamanpokhri,
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Bongaon),
Kurseong, Panighat), Jalpaiguri (Jalpaiguri
Bankura (Bishnupur), Birbhum (Bolpur), Koch
Bihar (Dinhata), Haora (Chandannagar), Hugli, town, Khutimari, Garikata, Raj abhatkhawa ,
Jainti, Sulkapara, Sevok, Lataguri, Chilapata),
Medinipur, Nadia (Bethuadahari), PuruIiya
(Santaldi) and W. Dinajpur (Raiganj). Maldah (Maldah town, Kaliachak, Tulsihata,
Chanchal), Medinipur (Digha, Mandalpuskarin,
13. Microhyla ornata Dumeril & Bibron
Garbeta, Arabari, Jhargram, Belpahari, Tamluk,
Common Name : Ornate narrow-mouthed Kanthi, Datan, Hijli, Khirai), Murshidabad
Frog. (Baharampur, Lalgola, Dhulian, Kandi,
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Parmadan, Swarupganj, Bhabta, Jiaganj), Nadia
Bangaon, Helencha, Duttaphulia), South 24 Pgs. (Bethuadahari, Karimpur), Puruliya (Puruliya
(Kakdwip), Bankura (Bishnupur), Barddhaman town, Kenda, Balarampur) and W. Dinajpur
(Bardhawan town), Birbhum (Sainthia, Suri, (Hoseinpur, Balurghat, Gangarampur, Hilli,
Bolpur, Ahmedpur, Rampurhat), Koch Bihar Raiganj, Kaliaganj, Islampur, Chopra).
(Toofanganj, Dinhata, Mekliganj, 16.Euphlyctis hexadactylus (Lesson)
Mathabhanga), J alpaiguri (J ainti), Maldah
Common Name : Green Pond Frog.
(Chanchal, Gabgachhiya, Maldah town,
Kaliachak, Gour), Medinipur
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs.,
Haora and HugH.
(Mandalpushkarini, Arabari, Digha),
Murshidabad (Baharampur, Lalgola, Dhulian, 17. Fejeruarya oMssaensis (Dutta)
Kandi, Swarupganj, Bhabta, Jiyaganj), Nadia Common Name : Orissa Cricket Frog.
(Bethuadahari Karimpur), Puruliya (Arsa, Distribution: Medinipur, Hugli, Haora and
Manbazar, Kenda) and W. Dinajpur (Hilli). South 24 Pgs.
14. Uperodon globulosus (Gunther) 18. Fejeruarya pierrei (Dubios)
Common Name: Balloon Frog. Common Name: Pierre's.Cricket Frog.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs., South 24 Pgs., DistribuNon : DaIjiling (Mirik).
Darjiling (Mahananda WLS), Haora, Hugli,
19. Fejeroarya teraiensis (Dubios)
Jalpaiguri (Dhupguri, Sulkapara) and Medinipur
(Mandalpuskarini). Common Name : Terai Cricket Frog.
Family DICROGLOSSIDAE Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Bangaon,
Halencha, Duttaphulia, Parmadan), South 24
15. Euphlyctis cyanophylyctis
Pgs. (Sajnakhali, Jharkhali, Namkhana, Sagar
Island, Kakdwip, Gosaba), Bankura (Bankura
Common Name : Skittering Frog. town, Sareswar, Bishnupur, Panchmura, Raipur,
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Bangaon, Belitore, Sonamukhi), Barddhalnan
Helencha, Duttaphulia, Parmadan), South 24 (Bardhaman town, Ukhra), Birbhum (Suri,
Pgs. (Jharkhali, Sajnakhali, Namkhana, Bolpur, Ahmedpur, Rampurhat, Sainthia), Koch
Frazerganj, Sagar Island, Gosaba, Kakdwip), Bihar (Koch Bihar town, Tufanganj, Dinhata,
Bankura (Bishnupur, Bankura town, Rajagram, Mekliganj, Mathabhanga), Darjiling (Kalimpong,
Gandeshwari, Sareswar, Kotalpur, Simlapal, Mirik, Bamanpokhori, Sukna), Jalpaiguri
Panchmura, Raipur, Sonamukhi), Barddhaman (Khutimari, Gairkata, Rajabhatkhawa, Jainti,
(Ranigunje, Ukhra, Kojoria, Salanpur), Birbhum Rydak, Jalpaiguri town), Maldah (Chanchal,
(Sainthia, Suri, Bolpur, Ahmedpur, Rampurhat), Gazole, Maldah town, Kaliachak, Gour),
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Subphylum VERTEBRATA 6. Batagur baska (Gray, 1830 "1830-1835)
Class REPTILIA Common name : River terrapin or Mangrove
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I,
1. Gauialis gangeticus (Gmelin, 1789) Critically Endangered.
Common name : Gharial. 7. Batagur kachuga (Gray, 1831)
Distribution: Nadia (Ranaghat). Common name : Red-crowned Roofed
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I, Turtle.
Critically Endangered. Distribution: Koch Bihar (Baneswar),
Family CROCODYLIDAE Kolkata (Golf green) and North 24 Pgs. (Salt
2. Crocodylus porosus Schneider, 1801 Lake).
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-II,
Common name : Saltwater crocodile.
Critically Endangered.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Bhagabatpur)
8. Batagur dhongoka (Gray, 1832).
and South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Common Name : Three-striped Roofed
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I, Turtle.
Least concern.
Distribution : Kolkata and North 24 Pgs.
Order TESTUDINES (Salt lake).
Family CHELONIDAE Conservation Status : App-II, Endangered.
3. Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) 9. Geoclemys hamiltonii' (Gray,. 1831)
Common name : Green Sea Turtle. Common name : Spotted Pond Turtle.
Distribution: Sunderban (South 24 Pgs.). Distribution: South 24 Pgslo (Hoogly River),
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I, Calcutta, Sukna and Matla River in Southern
Endangered. Bengal.
4. Erehnochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I,
10. Pangshura tectum (Bell in Gray, 1831)
Common name : Hawksbill Sea Turtle.
Common name : Indian Roofed Turtle.
Distribution : Sunderban (South 24 Pgs~)
with rare occurrence.
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Palta), Titagarh,
Barrackpur, South .24 Pgs. (Sun'derban),
Conservation Status: Schedule I, App-I, Kolkata, Haora (Botanical garden) and
Critically Endangered. Jalpaiguri (Gorumara).
5· Lepidochellls oliuacea (Eschscholtz, Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I,
1829) Vulnerable.
Common name: Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. 11. Pangshura tentoria (Gray, 1834)
Distribution : Medinipur (Digha) and South Common name : Indian Tent Turtle.
24 Pgs. (Sunderban). Distribution: DaIjiling (Mahananda WLS).
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I, Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-II,
Vulnerable. Least Concern.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 893
Common name: Diard's Worm Snake.
Distribution: Haora (Botanical garden).
47. Varanus bengalensis (Daudin, 1802)
Conservation Status: Schedule N.
Common name: Bengal Monitor.
53. Typhlops jerdoni Boulenger, 1890
Distribution: West Dinajpur (Chapra), South
Common name : Jerdon's Worm Snake.
24 Pgs. (STR) , North 24 Pgs. (Barrackpore),
Kolkata, Darjiling (Darjiling), Jalpaiguri Distribution : North Bengal.
(Jalpaiguri) and Nadia (Krishnanagar). Conservation Status : Schedule N.
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I, 54. Typhlops meszoelyi Wallach, 1999
Endangered. Common Name: Worm Snake.
48. Varanus flavescens (Hardwicke & Distribution: Darjiling.
Gray, 1827) Conservation Status: Schedule IV.
Common name: Yellow Monitor. 55. Typhlops oligolepis Wall, 1909
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Pathar Common name: Wall's Worm Snake.
Pratima), Kolkata and Haora (Botanical Distribution : Darjiling district. The type
Garden). locality given is "Nagri Valley below Darjiling
Conservation Status : Schedule I, App-I, [India] at an altitude of about 5000 feet."
Endangered. Conservation Status: Schedule IV.
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
56. Typhlops porrectus Stoliczka, 1871 62. Ahaetulla prasina (Boie, 1827)
Common name: Slender Worm Snake. Common name : Short-nosed Vine Snake.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (STR) , North Distribution: Darjiling (Darjiling), Jalpaiguri.
24 Pgs. (Kanchrapara), Kolkata and Darjiling Conservation Status: Schedule IV.
63. Dendrelaphis tristis (Daudin, 1803)
Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
Common name: Common Bronzeback Tree
Family BOIDAE Snake.
57. Eryx conicus (Schneider, 1801) Distribution : Jalpaiguri (Gorumara NP),
Common name: Common Sand Boa. Kolkata, Haora, Birbhum, Puruliay and Nadia.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Garia). Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
Conservation Status : Schedule IV, App-II. 64. Amphiesma khasiense (Boulenger,
58. Python molurus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1890)
Common name : Indian Rock Python. Common Name : Khasi Hills Keelback.
Distribution : Jalpaiguri (Gorumara NP), Distribution : Darjiling (Sureil).
Nadia (Bethuadahari) and South 24 Pgs. Conservation Status: Schedule IV.
65. Amphiesma parallelum (Boulenger,
Conservation Status: Schedule I, App-I, 1890)
Near Threatened.
Common name : Boulenger's Striped
59. Broghammerus reticulatus Keelback.
(Schneider, 1801)
Distribution : Darjiling.
Common name : Reticulated Python.
Conservation Status: Schedule IV.
Distribution: Purulia, Jalpaiguri (BTR) and
Darjiling (Kalijhora). 66. Amphiesma platyceps (Blyth, 1854)
69. Atretium schistosum (Daudin, 180 3) 77. Cerberus rynchops (Schneider, 1799)
Common name: Olive Keelback Water Common name: Dog-faced Water Snake.
Snake. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Luxbagu),
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Arapach viII.). Bankura (Barakar), Kolkata, Haora (Botanical
Conservation Status : Schedule IV, App-I. Garden) and Medinipur (Haldia), Barddhaman.
70. Boiga cyanea (Dumeril, Bibron & Conservation Status : Schedule II, App-I.
Dumeril, 1854) 78. Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw, 1802)
Common name : Green Cat Snake. Common name: Ornate Flying Snake.
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. and North 24 Distribution: Darjiling (Mahananda WLS).
Pgs. Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
Conservation Status: Schedule IV. 79. Coelognathus helena (Daudin, 1803)
71. Boiga forsteni (Dumeril, Bibron & Common name : Indian Trinket Snake.
Dumeril, 1854) Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Matlah River)
Common Name: Forsten's Cat Snake. and Jalpaiguri (Gorumara NP).
Distribution: Darjiling. Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
Conservation Status : Schedule IV. 80. Coelognathus radiatus (Reinwardt in
72. Boiga gokool (Gray, 1835) Boie, 1827b)
Common name : Eastern Cat Snake. Common name : Copper-headed Trinket
Distribution : Kolkata, Jalpaiguri and
Darjiling. Distribution : Darjiling.
Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
81. Dendrelaphis cyanochloris (Wall,
73. Boiga multifasciata (Blyth, "1860" 1861)
Common name: Many-banded Cat Snake.
Common name : Green Bronzeback Tree
Distribution : Darjiling. Snake.
Conservation Status : Schedule IV. Distribution: DaIjiling (Darjiling).
74. Boiga ochraceus (Gunther, 1868) Conservation Status: Schedule IV.
Common name: Tawny Cat Snake. 82. Dendrelaphis gorei (Wall, 1910)
Distribution : Darjiling (N agasuri) and Common name : Himalayan Bronze Back
Jalpaiguri (Gorumara NP, Buxa duars). Tree Snake.
Conservation Status : Schedule IV. Distribution: Darjiling.
75. Boiga siamensis Nutphand, 1971 Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
Distri~ution : J alpaiguri. 83. Dendrelaphis pictus (Gmelin, 1789)
Conservation Status: Schedule IV. Common name : Painted Bronze-Back Tree
76. Boiga trigonata (Schneider in Snake.
Bechstein, 1802) Distribution ; South 24 Pgs. (Sukchar),
Common name: Common Indian Cat Snake. Kolkata and Jalpaiguri (Saraswatipur).
Distribution: Kolkata (Salt Lake) and Haora Conservation Status : Schedule IV.
(Botanical garden), Medinipur, Darjiling, 84. Dendrelaphis tristis (Daudin, 1803)
J alpaiguri. Common name: Common Bronze-Back Tree
Conservation Status: Schedule IV. Snake.
89 8 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum CHORDATA Sarohar), Darjiling (Mahananda), HugH (Kol
Class AVES Beel), Haora (Santragachi), Jalpaiguri
Order :PODICIPEDIFORMES (Jaldapara, Buxa Raidak reserviour,
Family fODICIPEDIDAE Gorumara), Murshidabad (Ahiron), Maldah
(Moha Beel, Baro Beel) and Puruliya (Shaheb
1.Podiceps cMstatus (Linnaeus)
Common name: Qreat Creasted Grebe (3).
5. Phalacocorax fuscicollis Stephens
Distribution: Bafddhaman (Chittaranjan
Common name: Indian Shag (27) Pan-kawri
Loco tank, Durgapllr), Birbhum (Dwarka
Barrage) and Nadia Caagdebitala).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dabur char,
Tachybapru, Mificollis (Pallas)
Brace Bridge), North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, Palta),
Common name : Little Grebe (5) Dhuburi Birbhum (Ballavpur, Tilpara Barrage,
Jugadamai Pukur), Barddhaman (Chittaranjan
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Palta, Bantala), Loco tank, Jamuna dighi, Dampal char), Kolkata
Barddhaman (Bater Beel, Chittaranjan Loco (Alipore zoo, Rabindra sarobar), Koch Bihar
tank, Jamuna Dighi, Dampal Char, Durgapur, (Nagathuli lake), Darjiling (Mahananda), Haora
Katwa Beel), BirbhuIll (Chandrapur, BaUavpur, CSantragachi, Belanagar), Jalpaiguri
Ram Sayar, Jugadamai Pukur, Datin Dighi) , (Jaldapara), Murshidabad (Ahiron), Medinipur
Koch Bihar (Atlamochar), Darjiling (Digha shore), Maldah (Farakka, Mohan Beel,
(Mahananda), Hugli' (Kol Beel, Dekol Beel, Baro Beel), Nadia (Bagdebi tala, Bhaluka Beel,
Mrigala), Haora (Santragachi, Belanagar, Shaguna Beel, Bethuadahari) and Puruliya
Uluheria), Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doha, Phulbari CShaheb Bandh).
Barrage, Jaldapara, Gorumara, Buxa-Raidak 6. Phalacocorax niger (Vieillot)
riverbed), Murshidabad, Medinipur (Anara Rly.
Common name: Little Cormorant (28) Pan-
Bandh, Digha shore), l\1aldah (Farakka, Baro
kawri (Bengali).
Beel), Nadia (Kalyani, Amda Beel, Shaguna
Beel, Bethudahari), Puruliya (Shanebbandh, Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, Palta,
Bandoan), Kolkata (Saltlake) and Dinajpur Khariberia, Bantala), South 24 Pgs.
(Raigunj). (Shambhunagar, Dabur Char, Brace Bridge,
Natun Diara, JhaukhaIi Sajnakhali,
Narendrapur, Sunderban), Birbhum (Ballavpur,
Tilpara Barrage, Ram Sagar, Jugadamai pukur,
3. Pelecanus philippensis Gmelin* Pabaipara Dighi, Gopal Nagar Bandh, Datin
Common name: Spot-billed Pelican (20). Dighi) , Barddhaman (Batar Beel, Chittaranjan
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderan). Loco tank, Jamuna Dighi, Dampal Char,
Family PHALACROCORACIDAE Durgapur, Katwa Beel), Bankura
(Mukutmonipur), Koch Bihar (Nagathuli lake),
4. Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus)
Kolkata (Chingrighata, Alipore zoo, Rabindra
Common name: Large Cormorant (26). Sa robar, Dhakuria), Darjiling (Mahananda),
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, HugH (Hansmaria char, Kol Beel, Dekol Beel,
"Kh¢beria, Bantala), Barddhalllan (Chittaranjan Mrigala), 'Haora (Santragachi, Belanagar,
Loco tank, Dampal char), Birbhum (Ram Sayar), Uluberia), J;alpaiguri (Gajol Doha, Phulbari
Koch Bihar (Nagathuli lake), Kolkata (Rabindra Barrage, Jaldapara, Buxa-Raidak riverbed,
904 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Gorumara), Medinipur (Digha Shore, Anara Rly. Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dabur Char),
Bandh), Maldah (Mohan Beel, Baro Beel, North 24 Pgs. (Mahishbathan, Nalbani, Palta,
Ahiron), Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Kalyani, Bhaluka Bantala), Barddhaman (Chittaranjan Loco
Beel, Handanga Beel, Bhajanghat Beel, Amda tank), Birbhum (Tilpara), Koch Bihar
Beel, Shaguna Beel, Bethuadahari) and Puruliya (Nagathuli lake), Darjiling (Mahananda), HugH
(Puruliya-Dhanbad road, Bandoan, Shaneb (Kol Beel, Dekol Beel), Jalpaiguri (BTR,
Bandh). Jaldapara), Maldah (Baro Beel) and Nadia
Family ANHINGIDAE (Bhaluka Beel).
7. Anhinga melanogaster Pennant Cosmerodius albus (Linnaeus)
Common name : Darter (29) Snake bird/ Common name: Large Egret (46) Bada bak
Goyar (Bengali). (Bengali).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Brace Bridge, Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), South
Jhaukhali), North 24 Pgs. (Palta, Kharibera, 24 Pgs. (Sunderban), Barddhaman, Nadia
Nalbani, Bantala), Birbhum (Ballavpur, Ram (Bethuadahari), Kolkata (Saltlake), South 24
Sayar, Jugadamai pukur, Pabaipara Dighi), Pgs. (Brace Bridge, Natun Diara, Jharkhali) ,
Barddhaman (Jamuna Dighi, Dampal Char, North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, Bantala), Birbhum
Katwa Beel), Kolkata (Dhakuria lake, Rabindra (Ballavpur, Tilpara Barrage, Dwarka Barrage,
Sarobar), Darjiling (Mahananda), HugH Jugadamai Pukur, Gopal Nagar, Datin Dighi) ,
(Mrigala), Haora (Uluberia), Jalpaiguri Barddhaman (Chittaranjan Loco tank,
(Gorumara, Jaldapara), Murshidabad (Ahiron), Durgapur, Katwa), DaIjiling (Mahananda), Hugli
Medinipur (Anara Rly.Bandh, Digha shore), (Dekol Beel, Mrigala), Haora (Uluberia),
Maldah (Farakka, Mohan Beel, Baro Beel) , Jalpaiguri (Gorumara, BTR), Medinipur (Anara
Nadia (Kalyani), Puruliya (Shaneb Bandh, Rly. Bandh), Maldah (Farakka, Mohan Beel),
Bandoan) and Dinajpur (Raigunj). Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Kalyani, Hansdanga Beel,
Order CICONIIFORMES Bhajanghat Beel) and Puruliya (Bandoan).
(Mahananda), Hugli (Hansmaria char, Kol Beel, (Mahananda), HugH (Hansmaria char, Kol Beel,
Dekol Beel, Mrigala), Haora (Santragachi, Dekol Beel, Mrigala), Haora (Santragachi,
Belanagar, Uluberia), Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba, Belanagar, Uluberia), Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba,
Phulbari Barrage, Jaldapara, Gorumara, Buxa- Phulbari Barrage, Jaldapara, Gorumara, Buxa-
Raidak riverbed), Medinipur (Digha Shore, Raidak riverbed), Medinipur (Digha Shore,
Anara RIy. Bandh, Joshpur), Maldah (Mohan Anara RIy. Bandh), Maldah (Mohan Beel, Baro
Beel, Baro Beel, Ahiron), Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Beel, Ahiron), Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Kalyani,
Kalyani, Bhaluka Beel, Handanga Beel, Bhaluka Beel, Handanga Beel, Bhajanghat Beel,
Bhajanghat Beel, Amda Beel, Shaguna Beel) and Amda Beel, Shaguna Beel) and Puruliya
Puruliya (Puruliya-Dhanbad road, Bandoan, (Puruliya-Dhanbad road, Bandoan, Shaneb
Shaneb Bandh). Bandh).
14. Bubulcus ibis (Linnaeus) 16. Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus)
Common name: Cattle Egret (44) Gaibak Common name: Little Egret (49), Chhota
.(Bengali). korohe bak (Bengali).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Jharkhali, Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, Palta,
Narendrapur, Sunderban), North 24 Pgs. Khariberia, Bantala), South 24 Pgs.
(Paltra, Nalbani, Bantala Sambhunagar), (Shambhunagar, Dabur Char, Brace Bridge,
Birbhum (Ballavpur, Tilpara Barrage, Gopal Natun Diara, Jhaukhali, Narendrapur),
Nagar Bandh, Datin Dighi), Barddhaman (Bater Birbhum (Ballavpur, Tilpara Barrage, Ram
Beel, Chittaranjan Loco tank, J amuna Dighi, Sagar, Jugadamai pukur, Pabaipara Dighi,
Dampal Char, Durgapur, Katwa), Kolkata Gopal Nagar Bandh, Datin Dighi), Barddhaman
(Alipore Zoo, Rabindra Sarobar), Darjiling (Batar Beel, Chittaranjan Loco tank, Jamuna
(Mahananda), Hugli (Kol Beel, Mrigala), Haora Dighi, Dampal Char, Durgapur, Katwa Beel),
(Santragachi, Belanagar, Uluberia), Jalpaiguri Bankura (Mukutmonipur), Koch Bihar
(Gorumara, BTR) , Maldah (Farakka, Mohan (Nagathuli lake), Kolkata (Chingrighata, Alipore
Beel, Baro Beel), Medinipur (Kankrajhar, Anara zoo, Rabindra Sarobar), Darjiling (Mahananda),
RIy. Bandh, Digha Shore), Nadia (Bagdebitala, HugH (Hansmaria char, Kol Beel, Dekol Beel,
Amda ·Beel), Puruliya (Shaneb Bandh) and Mrigala), Haora (Santragachi, Belanagar,
Dinajpur (Raigunj). Uluberia), Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba, Phulbari
15. Egretta intermedia (Wagler) Barrage, Jaldapara, Buxa-Raidak riverbed,
Gorumara), Medinipur (Digha Shore, Anara RIy.
Common name: Small or Median Egret (47,
Bandh), Maldah (Mohan Beel, Baro Beel,
48), Korche bak (Bengali).
Ahiron), Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Kalyani, Bhaluka
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, Palta, Beel, Handanga Beel, Bhajanghat Beel, Amda
Khariberia, Bantala), South 24 Pgs. Beel, Shaguna Beel) and Puruliya (Puruliya-
(Shambhunagar, Dabur Char, Brace Bridge, Dhanbad road, Bandoan, Shaneb Bandh).
Natun Diara, Jhaukhali, Kamakhayapur),
17. Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus)
Birbhum (Ballavpur, Tilpara Barrage, Ram
Sagar, Jugadamai pukur, Pabaipara Dighi, Common name: Night Heron (52), Bachka
Gopal Nagar Bandh, Datin Dighi), Barddhaman (Bengali).
(Batar Beel, Chittaranjan'Loco tank, Jamuna Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Brace Bridge,
Dighi, Dampal Char, Durgapur, Katwa Beel) , Jhalukhali), North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani,
Bankura (Mukutmonipur), Kolkata Bidhannagar, Palta, Bantala), Birbhum
(Chingrighata, Alipore zoo, Rabindra Sarobar), (Ballavpur, Dwarka Barrage, Ram Sagar, Dutin
Koch Bihar (Nagathul~ lake), Darjiling Dighi) , Barddhaman (Jamuna Dighi) , Kolkata
906 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
(Nagathuli lake), Darjiling (Mahananda), Hugli (Kol Beel), Haora (Santragachi, Hansmarir
Jalpaiguri (Gajol doba, BTR, Jaldapara) and char), Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara), Murshidabad
Maldah (Farakka). (Ahiron), Maldah (Farakka), Nadia (Bagdebi
40. Anus poecilorhyncha J.R. Foster Tala, Kalyani) and Puruliya (Shaneb· Bandh).
Common name: Spot-billed Duck (97). 45. Anus clypeata Linnaeus
Distribution: South 24 Pgs., Birbhum, Common name : Shoveller (105), Khunte
Darjiling (Mahananda), Haora and Jalpaiguri hans (Bengali).
(Jaldapara). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dabur char),
41. Anus platyrhynchos Linnaeus North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Barddhaman
(Chittaranjan Loco tank, Jamuna Dighi,
Common name: Mallard (100), Nil Sir
(Bengali). Durgapur Barrage), Birbhum (Tilpara Barrage),
Darjiling (Mahananda), Hugli (Kol Beel), Haora
Distribution : Barddhaman. (Santragachi), Jalpaiguri (Phulbari Barrage,
42. Anus strepera Linnaeus Jaldapara), Murshidabad (Ahiron), Maldah
Common name: Gadwal (101), Peeing hans (Farakka, Baro Sagardighi), Nadia (Bagdebi
(Bengali). Tala, Bhaluka Beel) and Puruliya (Shaneb
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dabur Char), bandh).
North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Birbhum (Dwarka 46. Anus falcate (Georgi)*
Barrage), Barddhaman (Jamuila Dighi, Dampal Common name : Falcated Duck (102).
Char, Durgapur Barrage, Chittaranjan Loco
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dabur Char),
tank), Bankura (Mukutmanipur), Koch Bihar
Kolkata (Durgapur Barrage, Chittarnjan Loco
(Atiamochar), Darjiling (Mahananda), Haora
tank), Haora (Santragachi), Jalpaiguri (Buxa-
(Hansmarir Char, Santragachi), HugH (Kol
raidak riverbed) and Maldah· (Farakka).
Beel), Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba, Phulbari Barrage,
Gorumara, Jaldapara), Murshidabad (Ahiron), 47. Mergus merganser Linnaeus*
Medinipur (Anara Rly. Bandh), Maldah Common name: Common Merganser (120-
(Farakka, Bhaluka) and Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, 121).
Bhaluka Beel). Distribution: Darjiling (Mahananda), Haora
43. Anas penelope Linnaeus (Santragachi) and Jalpaiguri (Gorumara, Buxa-
Common name : Eurasian Wigeon (103), Raidak riverbed, Jaldapara).
Chhota lal sir (Bengali). 48. Netta rufina (Pallas)
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dabur Char), Common name: Red-crested Pochard (107),
North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Barddhaman Badaranga murgi (Bengali).
(Durgapur Barrage), Birbhum (Tilpara Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban),
Barrage), Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba, Phulbari Barddhaman (Dampal Char, Durgapur Barrage),
Barrage, J aldapara) and Maldah (Baro Birbhum (Dwarka Barrag~),_ _Bankura
Sagardighi) . (Mukutmanipur), Darjiling (Mahananda),
44· Anas querquedula Linnaeus Murshidabad (Ahiron), Medinipur (Anara RIy.
Common name: Garganey (104), Giria hans Bandh), Nadia (Bagdebi Tala) and Puruliya
(Bengali). (Shaneb Bandh).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Dabur Char), 49. Aythya ferina (Linnaeus)
North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Barddhaman Common name : Common Pochard (108),
(Chittaranjan Loco tank, Durgapur Barrage), Lalmuri (Bengali).
Birbhum (Tilpara Barrage, Dwarka Barrage, Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani),
Gopal Nagar Bandh), Darjiling (Mahananda), Barddhaman (Durgapur Barrage), Bankura
SANYAL et al. : Animal Diversity
.(Mukutmanipur), Birbhum (Tilpara Barrage, (Abiron), Medinipur (Anara RIy. Bandh, Digha
Dwarka Barrage), Darjiling (Mahananda), Shore), Maldah (Farakka), Nadia (Kalyani,
Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba, Jaldapara), Amda Beel) and Puruliya (Shaneb Bandh).
Murshidabad (Ahiron), Medinipur (Anara 54. Sarkidiornis melanotos (Pennant)
Rly.Bandh), Maldah (Farakka) and Nadia
Common name : Comb Duck (115), Nakta
(Bagdebi Tala, Baro Sagardighi).
50. Aythga nyroca (Guldenstadt)
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban),
Common name: Ferruginous Pochard (109), Birbhum (Ballavpur), Barddhaman (Katwa),
Bhuti.hans (Bengali). Kolkata (Alipore Zoo), Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara),
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dabur char), Murshidabad (Abiron), Maldah (Farakka) and
North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Barddhaman Nadia (Bagdebi Tala).
(Chittaranjan Loco tank, Jamuna Dighi, Order FALCONIFORMES
Durgapur Barrage), Birbhum (Dwarka Barrage),
Koch Bihar (Atiamochar, Nagathuli lake),
Darjiling (Mahananda), Hugli (Kol Beel), 55. Elanus caeruleus (Desfontaines)
Jalpaiguri (Gajol Doba, Jaldapara), Maldah Common name : Black-shouldered Kite
(Farakka) and Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Baro (124), Kapassi (Bengali).
Sagardighi). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban),
51.. Aythga fuligula (Linnaeus) Darjiling (Mahananda), J alpaiguri (BTR) and
Common· name : Tufted Poachard (111), Medinipur (Joshpur).
Bamuniya hans (Bengali). 56. Auiceda jerdoni (Blyth)
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), South Common name: Jerdon's Baza (125).
24 Pgs. (Sunderban), Barddhaman (Durgapur Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Binnaguri, BTR).
Barrage), Birbhum (Dwarka Barrage), Bankura 57. Auiceda leuphotes (Dumont)
(Mukutmanipur), Koch Bihar (Nagathuli lake),
Common name: Blackc Baza (127).
Darjiling (Mahananda), Jalpaiguri (BTR,
Jaldapara) and Nadia (Bagdebi Tala, Bhaluka). Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban),
Darjiling (Singla, Sukna, Mahananda) and
52. Aythya baeM (Radde)*
Jalpaiguri (BTR, Jaldapara).
Common name: Baer's Pochard (110).
58. Pernis ptilorhynchus Lesson
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban),
Common name: Oriental Honey-Buzzard
Koch Bihar (Nagathuli lake) and Haora
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Madhyamgram,
53. Nettapus coromandelianus (Gmelin)
Saltlake), South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban,
Common name: Cotton Teal (114), Quacky
Narendrapur), Darjiling (Mahananda),
Duck/ Bali-hans (Bengali). J alpaiguri (BTR).
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani, Bana
59. Miluus migrans (Boddaert)
Bitan, Bantala), South 24 Pgs. (Natun Diara),
Common name: Black Kite (133), Cheel
Barddhaman (Chittaranjan Loco tank, Dampal
Char, Durgapur Barrage), Birbhum (Rajanagar,
Ram Sayar, Datin Dighi Gonpur), Koch Bihar Distribution : Kolkata (Indian Museunl
(Atiamochar), Haora (Belanagar, Uluberia, compound), Darjiling (Mahanadi), Jalpaiguri
Hansmarir Char), HugH (Kol Beel, Mrigala), (BTR, Jaldapara, Gorumara), Medinipur
Jalpaiguri (BTR, Jaldapara), Murshidabad (Joshpur), Nadia (Bethuadahari) North 24 Pgs.
910 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
112. Ithaginis cruentus (Hardwicke) Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Babu bheri) and
Common name: Blood Pheasant (282). South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban).
Distribution: Darjiling (Sandakphu). Porzana fusca (Linnaeus)
Common name : Water Rail (328) Common name: Indian Moorhen (347) Jal
Ambukukkut (Bengali). murgi (Bengali).
914 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
(Jamuna Dighi, Dampal Char), Birbhum (Shaneb bandh), North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Koch
(Pabaipara dighi), Darjiling (Mahananda), Hugli Bihar (Nagathuli lake) and Medinipur
(Kol Beel) , Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara, Gorumara, (Belpahari).
Buxa-Raidak riverbed) and Medinipur (Oigha
140. Charadrius alexandrinus Linnaeus
Common name: Kentish Plover (381).
134. Vanellus spinosa duvaucelli
(Lesson) Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Oabur Char),
Common name: River Lapwing (369). North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), Barddhaman,
Jalpaiguri (Gorumara, Buxa-raidak riverbed),
Distribution: Oarjiling (Terai, Mahananda)
Medinipur (Digha Shore) and Nadia (Bagdebi
and Jalpaiguri (BTR, Jaldapara).
135. Vanellus malabaricus (Boddaert)
141. Charadrius placidus J.E. Gray
Common name: Yellow-wattled Lapwing
(37°). Common name: Long-billed Ringed Plover
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban),
Barddhaman and Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara). Distribution : Barddhaman.
136; Pluvialis squatarola (Linnaeus) 142. Charadrius mongolus Pallas
Common name : Grey Plover (371) Bada Common name: Lesser Sand Plover (384).
batan (Bengali). Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Champatala,
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Chamatala, Sunderban).
Sagar Island) ~d Jalpaiguri (BTR, Gorumara). 143. Charadrius hiaticula Linnaeus *
137. Pluvialis, dominica fulva (Gmelin) Common name : Common Ringed Plover
Common name : Pacific Golden Plover (378).
(373). Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Bakkhali, Sagar
Island, Champatala beach, Dayapur, Gomar
River bank, Sagar Island), North 24 Pgs. 144. Numenius phaeopus (Linnaeus)
(Bantala), HugH (Kol Beel), Jalpaiguri Common name : Whimbrel (385) Chhota
(Gorumara, -Buxa-raidak riverbed) and gulinda (Bengali).
Medinipur (Malabati camp, Digha Shore). Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Sagar Island,
138. Charadrius leschenaultii Lesson Oabur Char) and Murshidabad (Ahiron).
Common name: Greater Sand Plover (374). 145. Numenius phaeopus variegatus
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Champatala,_ (Scopoli)
Sagar Island). Common name: Eastern Whimbrel (386)
139. Charadrius dubius Scopoli Chhota gulinda (Bengali).
Common name: Little Ringed Plover (379- Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Suparibhanga
80) Firia (Bengali). Island, Bagmara, Sunderban).
Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dabur Char), 146. Numenius arquata (Linnaeus)
Barddhaman (Chittaranjan loco, Jamuna Dighi,
Common name: Eurasian Curlew (387) Sada
Katwa), Darjiliilg (Mahanada), Haora
Kastachura (Bengali).
(Hansmarir Char), J alpaiguri (Phulbari Barrage,
Gorumara, Jaldapara), Murshidabad (Ahiron), Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Champatala,
MedinipuI (Belpahari, Digha shore), Nadia Sagar Island, Oabur char), Birbhum (Pabaipara
(Bagdebi Tala, Baro sagardighi), Puruliya Oighi) and Murshidabad (Ahiron).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Common name : Common Cuckoo (578). Common name: Large Green-billed Malkoha
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nalbani), South (593) Bon Kokil (Bengali).
24 Pgs. (Sunderban), Darjiling (Mahananda) and Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban) and
Jalpaiguri (BTR). Jalpaiguri (Chunabati, BTR, Gorumara).
Cuculus saruratus Blyth
219. 227. Taccocua leschenaultii (Lesson)
Common name: Oreintal Cuckoo (580). Common name: Sirkeer Malkoha (596).
Distribution : South 24 Pgs., Darjiling Distribution : DaIjiling (Mahananda).
(Mahananda) and J alpaiguri (Gorumara). 228. Centropus sinensis (Stephens)
Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Saltlak) and Common name: Hogson's Broadbill (864).
South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban, Narendrapur). Distribution : Darjiling (Mahananda) and
296. Dendrocopos mahrattensis Jalpaiguri (Gorumara).
(Latham) Family PITTIDAE
Common name : Yelow-fronted Pied 304. Pitta brachyura (Linnaeus)
Woodpecker (847).
Common name: Indian Pitta (867) Shumcha
Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Saltlake), South (Bengali).
24 Pgs. (Sunderban), Bankura (Baripad dam,
Ranibandh), Birbhum (Chandrapur) and Distribution : Darjiling and Jalpaiguri
Darjiling (Mahananda). (Jaldapara).
297· Dendrocopos canicapillus (Blyth) 305. Pitta soridica (P.S. Muller)*
Common name : Grey-capped Pygmy Common nam~ : Hooded Pitta (869)
Woodpecker (849). Distribution : Darjiling (Mahananda) and
Distribution: Darjiling (Gish River). Jalpaiguri (Gorumara).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 927
411. Minla strigula (Hodgson) Common name : Rufous Sibia (1396, 1398).
Common name: Bar-throated Minla (1359). Distribution Darjiling (Palmajua,
Mahananda, Neora valley, Selimbong) and
Distribution : Darjiling (Selimbong,
Jalpaiguri (BTR, Jaldapara).
Sandakphu, Palmajua, Mahananda, N eora
valley). 421. Heterophasia picaoides (Hodgson)*
412. Minla cyanouroptera (Hodgson) Common name: Long-tailed Sibia (1401).
Common name: Blue-winged Minla (1362). Distribution : Darjiling (Mahananda) and
Distribution: Darjiling (Takdah). Jalpaiguri (BTR).
413. Minla ignotincta Hodgson* 422. Pnoepyga albiventer (Hodgson)*
Common name: Red-tailed Minla (1357). Common name : Greater Scaly-breasted
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (BTR). Wren-Babbler (1198).
414. Yuhina bakeri Rothschild Distribution: Darjiling (Sandakphu, Neora
valley) and Jalpaiguri (BTR).
Common name : White-naped Yuhina
(1366). Subfamily MUSCICAPINAE
Distribution : Darjiling (Tonglu, Neora 423. Muscicapa dauurica Raffles
valley). Common name : Asian Brown Flycatcher
415. Yuhina jlavicollis Hodgson (1407)·
Common name: Yellow-napped Yuhina Distribution : Barddhaman and J alpaiguri
(1368, 1369). (Jaldapara, Gorumara).
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 935
424· Muscicapa muttui (Layard) 432. Cyornis pallipes Jerdon
Common name: Brown-breasted Flycatcher Common name : White-bellied Blue-
(1408). Flycatcher (1435).
Distribution : Barddhaman. Distribution: Bankura (Ranibandh).
425· Muscicapa nificauda Swainson 433. Cyornis unicolor (Blyth)
Common name : Rusty-tailed Fltcatcher Common name: Pale Blue Flycatcher
(14°9). (1439)·
Distribution : Barddhaman. Distribution Darjiling (Darjiling,
426. Ficedula paroa Bechstein Mahananda).
Common name : Red-throated Flycatcher 434. Cyornis rubeculoides (Vigors)
Common name : Blue-throated Flycatcher
Distribution : South 24 Pgs. (Raidighi, (144°).
Canning), North 24 Pgs. (Saltlake), Birbhum
Distribution : Darjiling (Mahananda) and
(Chandrapur, Suri) , Bankura (Susunia Hills),
Jalpaiguri (Khuntimari, BTR).
Barddhaman, Kolkata, Koch Bihar, Darjiling
(Peshoke), Haora, Hugli, Jalpaiguri, Maldah, 435. Cyornis tickelliae Blyth
Medinipur, Murshidabad, Nadia, Puruliya and Common name: Tickell's Blue Flycatcher
West Dinajpur. (1442).
427. Ficedula westermanni (Sharpe) Distribution : Barddhaman, Darjiling
Common name : Little Pied Flycatcher (Mahananda) and Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara).
(14 19). 436. Eumyias thalassina (Swainson)
Distribution : Darjiling (Peshok) and Common name: Verditer Flycatcher (1445)
Jalpaiguri (BTR). Nil-Katkatia (Bengali).
428. Fi~edula superciliaris (Jerdon) Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Parmadan),
Common name : Ultramarine Flycatcher South 24 Pgs. (Sunderban, Narendrapur),
(14 2 1). Darjiling (Mahananda, N eora valley) and
Distribution: Barddhaman and Darjiling Jalpaiguri (BTR, Jaldapara).
(Neora valley). 437. Culicacapa ceyloensis (Swainson)
429. Ficedula sapphira (Blyth) Common name : Grey-headed Flycatcher
Common name: Sapphire Flycatcher (1426). (1449) Zard-phutki (Bengali).
526. Turdus naumanni Temminck Common name: Brown Creasted Tit (180S).
Common name : Dusky Thrush (1765). Distribution : Darjiling (Sandakphu, Neora
Distribution: Darjiling (Lish, Chunabhati).
535. Parus xanthogenys Vigors*
Common name: Black-Iored Yellow Tit
527. Troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus)
Common name: Winter Wren (1771). Distribution : Darjiling (Mahananda) and
Distribution : Darjiling (Phalut, Neora Jalpaiguri (Jaldapara).
valley). 536. Parus spilonotus Bonaparte
Family PRUNELLIDAE Common name : Black-spotted Yellow Tit
52S. Prunella himalyana (Blyth) (1812).
Common name : Altai Accentor (1780). Distribution : Daljiling.
Distribution: DaIjiling (DaIjiling). 537. Syluiparus modestus BUlton
529. Prunella immaculata (Hodgson) Common name: Yellow-browed Tit (1814).
Common name: Maroon-backed Accentor Distribution : Daljiling (Palmajua Selilnbong,
(1788). Neora valley).
Distribution : DaIjiling (Phalut). Subfamily AEGITHALINAE
Family PARIDAE 538. Aegithalos concinnus (Gould)
Subfamily PARINAE Common name: Red-headed Tit (1818).
530. Parus major nipalensis Hodgson Distribution : Darjiling (Pahnajua, Neora
Common name: Grey Tit (1793)· valley).
942 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Distribution: Koch Bihar, Jalpaiguri (BTR, Distributioll : Daljiling (Selilllbong, Nt" )(";\
Gorumara) and Maldah. valley).
944 Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Phylum CHORDATA 8. Soriculus leucops (Horsfield)
Subphylum VERTEBRATA Common Name: Indian long-tailed shrew.
Class MAMMALIA Distribution : Darjiling.
Order SCANDENTIA 9. Soriculus nigrescens (Gray)
Family TUPAIDAE Common Name : Sikkim Large-clawed
Anathana ellioti pallida Lyon
1. shrew.
Common Name : Madras Tree-shrew. Distribution : Darjiling (Ghoom, Gopaldhara,
Distribution : Puruliya.
10.Suncus stoliczkanus stoliczkanus
2. Tupaia glis lepcha Thomas
Common Name : Common Tree-shrew.
Common Name: Anderson's shrew.
Distribution: Darjiling (Nimbong, Sivok) and
Distribution : Bankura (Raniband).
Jalpaiguri (Hasimara).
11. Suncus etruscus nitidofulvus
Common Name : Pygmy shrew.
3. Talpa micrura Hodgson
Distribution : Haora and Kolkata.
Common Name : Eastern mole.
12. Suncus etruscus pygmaeoides
Distribution : Darjiling (Gopaldhara, Pashok, (Anderson)
Common Name : Pygmy shrew.
Distribution : Darjiling and J alpaiguri
4. Chimmarogale himalayica (Gray) (Bharnabari, Hasimara).
Common Name: Himalayan water-shrew. 13. Suncus murinus caerulescens
Distribution: Darjiling (Pashok). (Shaw)
5. Crocidura attenuata rubricosa Common Name: House shrew.
Anderson Distribution : North 24 Pgs. (Barasat,
Common Name : Grey shrew. Nalbani), South 24 Pgs. (Kachuberia, Muchisa,
Distribution : Darjiling (Gopaldhara, Patharpratima Taldi) , Bankura (Raniband),
Mungpo, Pashok, Takdah) and J alpaiguri Birbhum (Haripur, Rampurhat Chandrapur),
(Hasimara). Barddhaman (Arrah, Barakar, Durgapur,
6. Nectogale elegans sikhimensis Katoya), Koch Bihar (Atiamochor,
de Winton & Styan Mathabhanga, Sitalkuchi), Darjiling, Haora
(Botanical Garden), HugH (Singur), Jalpaiguri
Common Name : Szechuan water-shrew.
(Chilapata, Sulkapara), Kolkata, Maldah,
Distribution : Darjiling. Medinipur (Jhargram, Garbeta, Salbani),
7· Soriculus caudatus caudatus Murshidabad (Baharampur), Nadia
(Horsfield) (Madanpur), Puruliya (Matha) and Dinajpur
Common Name : Hodgson's Brown-toothed (Raigunj).
shrew. 14. Suncus murinus griJ:1ithi
Distribution Darjiling (Mungpo, (Horsfield)
Sandakphu) and J alpa~guri. Common Name: House shrew.
SANYAL et ale : Animal Diversity 957
Distribution : Darjiling and J alpaiguri. Status: Sch.-I, App.-I, Critical (RDB, ZDSI)
(Arrah, Churpurni, Katoya), Koch Bihar 160. Rattus nitidus nitidus (Hodgson)
(Atiamochor, Sitalkuchi), Darjiling (Batasi, Common Name: Himalayan Rat.
Ghoom, Gopladhara, Jonsong, Kalimpong,
Distribution Darjiling (Ghoom,
Narbong, Pashok), Haora (Shibpur), HugH
(Chinsurah, Singur), Kolkata, Maldah, Ghoombhanjang, Gopaldhara, Mongpu,
Medinipur (near Jhargram), Murshidabad Nimbong, Palmajua, Pashok, Pedong, Sangser).
(Baharampur), Nadia (Madanpur) and Dinajpur 161. Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout)
(Raiganj, Kulik). Common Name: Norway Rat or Brown Rat.
152. Mus pahari pahari Thomas Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Nager bazar,
Common Name : Sikkim Mouse. Baguihati), South 24 Pgs. (Sakher bazaar) and
Distribution : Darjiling (Pashok, Takdah). Kolkata.
153. Mus platythrix Bennett 162.Rattus rattus arboreus (Horsfield)
Common Name : Brown Spiny Mouse. Common Name: House Rat.
Distribution; Puruliya (Ajodhya Hills). Distribution: North 24 Pgs. (Saltlake), South
154. Mus saxicola Elliot 24 Pgs. (Basanti, Sagar island, Pathar pratima,
Common Name ; Elliot's Brown Spiny Thakurpukur), Birbhum (Chandrapur),
Mouse. Barddhaman (Arrah, Barakar, Churpurni,
Katoya), Koch Bihar (Atiamochor,
Distribution ; Birbhum (Chandrapur),
Mathabhanga, Sitalkuchi), Haora (Shibpur),
Medinipur (Garbeta) and Puruliya (Kuilapal).
HugH (Chinsurah, Singur), Kolkata, Maldah (old
155. Nesokia indica indica (Gray)
Maldah), Medinipur (near Jhargram,
Common Name; Short-tailed Mole Rat. Medinipur, Garbeta), Murshidabad
Distribution: Nadia (Plassey). (Baharampur, Jiaganj), Nadia (Plassey),
156. Niviventer eha eha (Wroughton) Puruliya (Kuilapal) and Dinajpur (Kaliaganj).
Common Name ; Little Himalayan Rat. 163. Rattus rattus brunneusculus
Distribution Darjiling (Palmajua, (Hodgson)
Sandakphu). Common Name: House Rat.
157. Niviventer fulvescens fulvescens Distribution : Darjiling (Kalimpong,
(Gray) Nimbong, Palmajua, Pashok, Pedong, Sangser,
Common Name: Chestnut Rat. Takdah, Tarkhola) and Jalpaiguri (Gorumara).
Distribution ; Darjiling (Nimbong, Palmajua, 164.Rattus rathis ruJescens (Gray)
PaShok, Pedong, Selimbong, Takdah). Common Name : House Rat.
158. Niviventer niviventer monticola Distribution: South 24 Pgs. (Dhappa), Haora
(Ghose) (Botanical Garden), Jalpaiguri, Kolkata and
Common Nalne : Ghose's white-bellied Rat. Murshidabad (Baharampur).
Distribution Darjiling (Palmajua, 165. Rattus tanezumi bhotia Hinton
Common Na1ne : House Rat.
159. Niviventer niviventer niviventer
Distribution: Jalpaiguri (HasiInara).
166.Rattus tanezumi khyensis Hinton
Common Name : White-bellied Rat.
Common Name : House. Rat.
Distribution: Darjiling (Ghoombhanjang,
Selimbong). Distribution: Jalpaiguri (Khuntimari).
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Porpit,a porpita
Ascaridia 9,alli
Ariophanta kadapaensis
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Chrysochroa ixora
Ca.lcodes siva
Cybister limbatus
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Hemianax ephippiger
Ixodes ouatus
Foedlothel'la miranda
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Limulus polyphemus
Chanda ranga
Channa orient-aUs
Labeo rohita
M,astacemb.elus panca/us
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Nandus nandus
No.tap.terus notopterus
Puntius conchonius
Calisa fasciatus
Sanyal et a.l. : Animal Diversity
Istiophorus gladius
P,.ogukhthys gfbbipcms
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Crocodylus palustris
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Dierurus o()neus
Pavo cristatus
Otus sunia
Streptopelia chinensis
Ardeola grayii
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Ratufa bicolor
Elephus maximus
Rhinoceros unicornis
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal
Bos frontalis
Muntiacus mUlltja.c
Axis axis
Sanyal et at.. : Animal Diversity
PriollaUur'us viverdmlS
Status of Biodiversity of West Bengal