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of Printed Pages : 11 MEC-001

r Term-End Examination
December, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt questions from each section as per instructions

given under each section.


Answer any two questions from this section :

1. Consider a pure exchange economy with 2 goods
(X and Y) and 2 consumers (A and B) having
utility functions :
Consumer A : uA = (xA)2 yA, who is endowed with
(2, 6) of the commodities;
Consumer B : uB = xByB , who is endowed with
(4, 2) of the commodities.
Compute the market equilibrium price and
quantity combinations of the consumers that will
result in efficient allocation of resources.

MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. Suppose there are two types of used cars : good
and bad. A good car if it is known to be good, is
worth Rs. 3000 to a buyer and Rs. 2500 to a seller.
You are told that the supply of cars in that market
is fixed and possible buyers are infinite. A bad
car, on the other hand, is worth Rs. 2000 to a
buyer and Rs. 1000 to the seller. There are as
twice many bad cars as good cars.
(a) What would be the prices of bad cars and
good cars, if there was perfect
information ?
(b) What would be the price of used car if
neither buyer nor seller knew whether a
particular car was good one or bad one and
all agents are risk neutral ?
(c) Assume buyers cannot tell if a car is good
or bad. Which would be the market price
for used cars and how many good cars
would be offered ?
(d) Consider that there are two good cars to
every bad car; but buyers cannot tell if a
car is good or bad. Which would be the
market price for used cars and how many
good cars would be offered ?

3. There are 2 firms in an industry facing market

demand : Q = 3200 — 1600P. Their costs functions
are as follows :
Firm 1 : TC1 (q1) = 0.25 q1 and
Firm 2 : TC2 (q2) = 0.5 q2. Solve for the cournot
output levels, market price and profit levels of the

4. Discuss the views of Pigou on the theory of social

welfare. Make a case to refute his arguments.

MEC-001 2

Answer any five questions from this section :

,zr, 5. An industry with n = 100 identical firms faces the
inverse demand curve P= and total cost
function :
TC (qi ) = 50 + (qi )
(a) Find the long run equilibrium, quantity and
the price of the industry.
(b) Suppose that the government imposes a
license fee of 15. Find the new long-run
equilibrium of the industry.
(c) Suppose that the government imposes a
per-unit tax of 4.50. Calculate the short run

6. An industry is having one dominant firm with

zero production cost and 50 competitive firms,
each with cost function : TCi =[
\ --ii )2/2
/. The

market demand faced by the industry is

Q =1000 — 50P
(a) Calculate the price set by the dominant firm
(b) Calculate output levels of all firms

7. A consumer has the following utility function with

income (I) and market prices Px and Py :
u =10X°3 Y0.7. Using this,
(a) derive the indirect utility function
(b) derive the expenditure function.

MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
8. Suppose 10 people live on street and that each of
them is willing to pay Rs. 2 for each extra dustbin,
regardless of the number of dustbins provided. If
the cost of providing dustbins is given by C (x) = x2,
what is the pareto efficient number of dustbins to
provide ?

9. Consider the pay-off matrix of a game given

below :

Player 2
I 0
Player 1 A
1,1 3,3
N 2, 4 4, 2

(a) Find all the Nash equilibria of this game.

Which player(s), if any, would have a
dominant strategy ?
(b) Suppose that player 1 moves first by
choosing either A or N. players 2 observes
player l's action and then chooses I or, 0.
For every action combination, the player's
pay-offs are the same as in the above
pay-off matrix. Draw a tree of this new
game. How many strategies does player 1
have and what are they ? Find all the sub-
game perfect equilibria of this game.

10. If John's utility function over his utility function

is u(y) =- Y.
(a) What are his preferences towards risk, risk
averse, risk neutral or risk loving ? Give
reasons in support of your answer.

MEC-001 4
(b) John drives to work every day and has to
spend money to pass through the toll gate.
He thought of devising a way to evade
payment. However, he knows that there is
a — probability of being caught at the gate
in a given day if he cheats and the cost to be
incurred by him towards payment of fine is
Rs. 36. If his daily income is Rs. 100, what
is the maximum amount he will be willing
to pay for one day at the toll gate ?

11. Critically examine the arguments put forth by

Boumol in his model of alternative theory of firm.

MEC-001 5 P.T.O.

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