Multimedia Element Animation
Multimedia Element Animation
Multimedia Element Animation
Introduction to animation. Computer-generated animation. File formats used in animation. Making successful animations.
Introduction to Animation
Animation is defined as the act of making something come alive. It is concerned with the visual or aesthetic aspect of the project. Animation is an object moving across or into or out of the screen.
Introduction to Animation
Animation is possible because of a biological phenomenon known as persistence of vision and a psychological phenomenon called phi. In animation, a series of images are rapidly changed to create an illusion of movement.
Usage of Animation
Artistic purposes Storytelling Displaying data (scientific visualization) Instructional purposes
and personality development that will capture and involve the audiences
Transform these into color and movement giving the characters the illusion of three-and four-dimensional life. Three dimensional is movement in space.
Fewer drawings make the action faster and more drawings make the action slower. Slow-ins and slow-outs soften the action, making it more life-like
A dancer does not just leap off the floor. A backwards motion occurs before the forward action is executed. The backward motion is the anticipation.
Exaggeration in a walk or an eye movement or even a head turn will give your animation more appeal.
Computer-Generated Animation
Animation space. Animation techniques.
Animation Space
Animation can be rendered in:
2-D space - 2-D animations are very simple and static. 2-1/2D space - An illusion of depth is created through shadowing, highlighting, and forced perspective, though in reality the image rests in two dimensions. 3-D space - Complicated and realistic animations are done in 3-D space.
Animation Techniques
Methods of creating animation (type of animation):
Cel animation Path animation
Computer Animation
Electronically generated movement of anything on your computer screen. Computer animation is very similar to cel animation. The primary difference is in how much must be drawn by the animator and how much is automatically generated by the software.
Computer Animation
Morphing is an effect in which a still or moving image is transformed into another. Three different levels of computer animation:
Intermediate Advanced
Computer Animation
At the most fundamental level, animation consists of simple transitions (wipes and dissolves between
PowerPoint slides, for example) and path animations (moving text and logos).
Computer Animation
The next level up is cell animation (the method used in cartoons) and special effects, which include all manner of distortions and color effects applied to a graphic, photo or movie.
Computer Animation
The most sophisticated level of digital animation is 3D animation. Movies such as "Toy Story" and "A Bug's Life" are the most prominent examples of what can be achieved through the latest computer technology. Ambitious designers can take advantage of these same tools to manufacture some dazzling 3D creations of their own.
Animation Process
The steps to be followed in creating animation are:
Organize the execution in a series of logical steps. Choose an animation tool best suited for the job. Build and tweak the sequences. Post-process the completed animation.
Creating Animation
2 step process for creating animations
Step 1: Planning Step 2: Implementation
Step 1: Planning
Decide on the problem to be solved Design a solution storyboard Determine the characters and objects to appear on
Creating Animation
Example of storyboard
Step 2: Implementation
Start production Post-production Test playback and review Amendments Delivery or packaging
Creating Animation
Creating Animation
Example of implementation
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Step 1: Planning
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Step 2: Implementation
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Pixars Animation Step for Monsters Inc.
Animation is visual change over time and adds great power to multimedia. Cell animation uses a series of progressively different graphics on each frame of movie film. Computer animation has eased the process of creating animation. Many file formats are designed specifically to contain animation.