L-11293-Article Text-1053864-1-4-20220603
L-11293-Article Text-1053864-1-4-20220603
L-11293-Article Text-1053864-1-4-20220603
5 Bali Research Center. Jl. Gunung Talang VI-C No. 10A, Padangsambian, Denpasar 80117, Bali, Indonesia.
6 Environmental Research Center, Udayana University. Jl. PB. Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali 80234, Indonesia.
7 Department of Marine Science, Udayana University. Jl. Raya Kampus Unud, Jimbaran, Badung, Bali 80361. ♥email: [email protected]
8 Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jl. Pasir Putih I, No 1, North Jakarta 14430, Jakarta, Indonesia.
9 email: [email protected]
11 Abstract. Mangrove distribution depends on environmental setting gradients forming variable forest structures from sea to landward.
12 The functionality of mangrove services for each zone is influenced by area, healthiness and forest structure. A spatial study of mangrove
13 stratification was conducted in Benoa Bay Bali which experienced high coastal development pressures during the last decade. The study
14 aimed to determine mangrove health index distribution (MHI) and IVI? along three genera-dominated zones. Random forest method
15 was applied to classify the areas of distributed genera along the Bay. Forest structure was assessed on with 54 quadratic plots
16 representing each zone condition. Finally, the spatial distribution of the MHI was estimated using a high accuracy model and
17 distinguished into three healthiness categories. The forest was mainly composed of Rhizophora and Sonneratia-dominated zones at
18 approximately 51% and 45% of the total mangrove area, respectively. A narrow Bruguiera dominated zone was found in the most
19 landward area, only covering 4% of the mangrove area. Overall accuracy and a kappa coefficient indicated high accuracy of forest
20 classification at 97% and 0.94 respectively. We found that 47.44% of mangrove areas could be classified into the highest healthiness
21 category indicating that the mangrove forest in Benoa Bay is in the excellent condition. The Rhizophora zone made a significant
22 contribution to the entire forest state since the excellent category coverage in this zone was approximately 73.80%. The mean value of
23 MHI in Rhizophora zone pixels was more than 67%. Bruguiera and Sonneratia zones had a majority of areas in the moderate
24 healthiness category.
27 Mangrove species is a unique coastal ecosystem livinglive in tidal environments and is are highly adapted to a wide
28 range of salinity gradients and anoxic substrates (Srikanth et al. 2015; Naido, 2016). Its Their distribution depends on
29 various estuarine profiles, i.e., coastal geomorphological type (Darmadi et al. 2012), salinity gradient (Ball, 1998; Yang et
30 al. 2013) and nutrient content (Lovelock et al. 2009; Frederika et al. 2021). The salinity gradient formed through tidal and
31 freshwater mixing in estuarine areas has contributed to plant diversity due to an optimum salinity range preference among
32 mangrove species (Barik et al. 2017). The gradients of environmental conditions on mangrove areas are responsible for
33 forest structure from the sea to the landward area in a distribution perpendicular to the coastline (Sreelekshmi et al. 2018).
34 Forest stratification describes mangrove distribution patterns through environmental gradients where salt-tolerant species
35 would be found along the seaward area. On the other hand, the landward zone is mainly occupied by mangrove plants with
36 a low salinity tolerance (Sugiana et al. 2021).
37 The mangrove ecosystem has significant roles in coastal areas in terms of ecological, physical and socio-economic
38 perspectives. Ecologically, the ecosystem provides preferred habitat for living marine and terrestrial organisms both as
39 feeding and nursery grounds. Mangrove forests can reduce damage to coastal areas caused by strong waves, hurricanes and
40 tsunamis (Setiawan, 2013; Karimah, 2017; Adilah, et al. 2018). Coastal mangrove communities around small islands are
41 important to cope with sea-level rise effects and control saltwater intrusion along coastal areas (Gilman et al. 2006;
42 Wilson, 2017). Mangrove ecosystems bring socio-economic benefits to local people forprovide ecosystem goods such as
43 wood, food and medicinal compounds (Walters et al. 2008; Mojiol et al. 2016). On the other hand, the aesthetic value of
44 mangrove forests has potential for ecotourism purposes which support community livelihood (Friess, 2017; Singgalen,
45 2020). In terms of climate change, mangrove has been considered one of the most effective carbon sequestration areas for
46 reducing greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and mitigating global warming (Heriyanto and Subiandono, 2016; Maher et
47 al. 2018).
48 Several studies demonstrated that forest area, healthiness and complexity of their zones influences the magnitude of
49 ecosystem function and services delivered to adjacent communities (Brander et al. 2012; Carugati et al. 2018; Zhang et al.
50 2022). Indonesia has the largest mangrove forests in the world sincewith 22.4% of the global mangrove area exists in this
51 archipelagic country (Giri et al. 2011). ) and It has been considered that the Indonesian mangrove forests contribute has a
52 significant contribution to regulating global climate and delivers high-value ecosystem services. However, the forest area
53 has decreased massively by 18.209 ha. yr-1in the two last decades, predominantly caused by land-use change for
54 aquacultures and oil palm cultivation (Richard and Friess, 2012; Kusmana, 2014; Arifanti et al. 2019; Tosiani et al. 2020;
55 Arifanti et al. 2021). Mangrove degradation in Indonesia has resulted in declines in forest area and degraded forest quality
56 related to standing size, distribution, and coverage (source?). A previous study developed theThe mangrove health index
57 (MHI) is used to assess Indonesian mangrove quality through three major parameters related to forest qualitythat are…?
58 canopy coverage, diameter and sapling density (Dharmawan et al. 2020b). The index was successfully modelled in spatial
59 scale and highly correlated to a combination of several mangrove indices based on remote sensing analysis, i.e., NBR,
60 SIPI, ARVI and GCI (Nurdiansah and Dharmawan, 2021). Since it has been newly developed, MHI functionality needs to
61 be studied tested comprehensively.
62 This study aimed to determine the spatial distribution of MHI along distinguished forest zones focused on Benoa Bay,
63 Bali. The wetland mangrove forest in the Bay experienced a massive threat from coastal development activities in the last
64 decade even though it is mostly included in a national forest management area; TAHURA Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park
65 (TAHURA) Bali Ministry of Forestry and Environment. This study assessed the range of MHI values for each zone and
66 described a holistic interpretation of mangrove healthiness. Community structure for each zone was included to clarify
67 species composition and stand structure for each zone.
69 Study description
70 This study area was located in the mangrove forest around in the semi-enclosed Benoa Bay, Bali (8o42’16.2”S-
71 8 47’48.1”S, 115o14’50.8”-115o10’28.1”). Mangrove forest in the Bay is regulated asin the Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park
72 (TAHURA) by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, consisting of a protection and utilization area of about 1.132,00
73 ha (Figure 1). The rest is a settlement, open land and waterbody, approximately 16.27 ha, 49.35 ha and 144.01 ha
74 consecutively (BPKH Wilayah VII Denpasar, 2013). Previous studies by Wiyanto and Faiqoh, (2015); Andiani et al.
75 (2021); Dewi et al. (2021); Sugiana et al. (2021) found that there wereidentified three mangrove genera which dominated
76 in this area such as : Sonneratia, Rhizophora and Bruguiera. Generally, mangrove in Benoa Bay had muddy to gravel soil
77 characteristics and was categorized as a semi-enclosed Bay. Rhizophora and Bruguiera dominated mangrove forests
78 mostly hadare associated with a muddy substrate, with low salinity levels < 25‰, and anoxic conditions. In contrast,
79 Sonneratia dominated mangrove forests hadis associated with muddy sand, with high salinity levels > 29 ‰, and
80 oxygenated conditions (Sugiana et al. 2021).
108 squared output hemisphere photographs from scattered positions on each plot. Each picture was analyzed using ImageJ
109 software to count pixel numbers. Canopy coverage percentage was calculated by comparing the pixel number of
110 vegetation objects to the total pixels on each photograph.
111 Field data collection was entered? in the MonMang 2.0 app to efficiently record and process the data. The Shapiro-
112 Wilk normality test was applied to univariate data from each zone, i.e., sapling and tree density, canopy coverage
113 percentage, estimated tree height, and measured stem diameter. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was generated for
114 normally distributed parameters followed by the Tukey HSD test using genera-dominated zone as factors. Statistical
115 analysis was proceeded by an open-source application, R-studio (Lubis, 2021).
118 Figure 1. Distribution of forest assessment plots representing each mangrove zone i.e. Sonneratia (blue dots), Rhizophora (red dots) and
119 Bruguiera (yellow dots).
146 found only two main dominant species, R. apiculata and S. alba, in Benoa Bay Bali. They did not find Bruguiera
147 domination in their perpendicular transect lines. The Bruguiera dominated zone was distributed along a limited and narrow
148 area in the landward zone, which was difficult to cover using a limited line transect. Another study also revealed that R.
149 apiculata and S. alba were the cosmopolitan species in this area, while Bruguiera mixed with those species (Prinasti et al.
150 2020). The Sonneratia-dominated zone was mostly composed of monospecific stands of S. alba, which was considered a
151 native plant due to a larger tree diameter size of more than 15 cm (Dewi et al. 2021).
152 In this study, Rhizophora had a majority distribution in the middle to the landward area of mangrove forest both as a
153 growing rehabilitated mangrove and as native stands. Rhizophora species were mostly selected and planted 30 years ago
154 from 1992 to 1999 through The Development of Sustainable Mangrove Management Project established by a collaboration
155 between Japan International Cooperatian Agency (JICA) and Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry to restore mangroves in
156 TAHURA forest in Benoa Bay from abandoned ponds (JICA, 1999). This rehabilitation program was successful and
157 provided valuable data for future rehabilitation activities in Indonesia.
160 Figure 2. Spatial distribution of mangrove genera-dominated zones in Benoa Bay, Bali
163 Forest classification results had a high overall accuracy and kappa coefficient at 97% and 0.94, respectively (Table 1).
164 Those values indicated that classification based on training data through Random Forest was highly accurate in
165 determining the genera-dominated zones' distribution in Benoa Bay. McHugh (2012) explained that a kappa statistic value
166 in the highest range (0.9 – 1.0) indicated a high correlation between training and validation data variation. A similar
167 technique has been applied by several studies to classify mangrove forests. Jhonnerie et al. (2015) implemented a random
168 forest technique with 81% and 0.76 respective overall accuracy and kappa statistics to define mangrove forests using
169 Landsat 5 TM and Alos Palsar Imageries. Another study declared a better accuracy at 95.89% with a kappa coefficient of
170 0.95 based on Worldview imagery (Jiang et al. 2021). Sentinel imagery had a better spatial resolution; hence classification
171 resulted in better accuracy. Based on Sentinel satellite imagery, mangrove ecosystem mapping in Qeshm Island, Iran, also
172 had high overall accuracy and kappa coefficient at 93.23% and 0.92, respectively (Ghorbanian et al. 2021). Sentinel was
173 fitted to classify mangroves among species levels using random forest classification (Behera et al. 2021). However, the
174 number and distribution of training data significantly affected classification accuracy and error (Millard and Richardson,
175 2015).
178 Table 1. Accuracy assessment for forest classification analysis based on field data validation for each mangrove zone
Accuracy Tests Zone
Sonneratia Rhizophora Bruguiera
Producer Accuracy 0.99 0.94 0.93
Consumer Accuracy 0.98 0.95 0.86
Overall Accuracy 97%
Kappa Coefficient 0.94
182 According to area calculation analysis for each zone, Rhizophora forest had the most extensive mangrove area with
183 approximately 603.56 ha or about 51% of the forest area in Benoa Bay (Figure 3). Similarly, the Sonneratia forest
184 occupied an extensive area mainly along the seaward zone, with about 45% of the total mangrove forest. Only 41.65 ha or
185 about 4% of mangrove forest was defined as a Bruguiera-dominated forest.
186 In this study, Rhizophora had a majority distribution in the middle to the landward area of mangrove forest both as a
187 growing rehabilitated mangrove and as native stands. Rhizophora species were mostly selected and planted 30 years ago
188 from 1992 to 1999 through The Development of Sustainable Mangrove Management Project established by a collaboration
189 between Japan International Cooperatian Agency (JICA) and Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry to restore mangroves in
190 TAHURA forest in Benoa Bay from abandoned ponds (JICA, 1999).There previously have been only limited studies to
191 assess mangrove area coverage for each zone in the Bay. The contribution of past rehabilitation programs was significant
192 in the forest zones area in Benoa Bay. Approximately 200 ha of abandoned ponds was rehabilitated using Rhizophora
193 seedlings (JICA, 1999). A temporal analysis found that the mangrove area declined to 96.21 ha during a five-year
194 observation from 2015 to 2020 in Benoa Bay (Nurhaliza et al. 2021).
195 The distribution of each mangrove genera was influenced by environmental parameters gradient, and the area changes
196 for each zone were driven mainly by coastal development activities. Sonneratia forest area has experienced a gradual
197 decline due to high sedimentation rates, which were triggered by highway and harbour construction through reclamation
198 activities. Andika et al. (2015) revealed that sedimentation area increased significantly by 1966.14 ha during the initial
199 stage of highway construction in 2015. Consequently, pneumatophores of Sonneratia were buried by sediment deposition;
200 hence oxygen uptake was inhibited. This case drove a dieback phenomenon in the mangrove forest (Nardin et al. 2021).
204 Figure 3. Area of each genera-dominated zone (S=Sonneratia; R=Rhizophora and B = Bruguiera) in Benoa Bay’s mangroves
R. mucronata + - + + + +
R. stylosa + - + + - -
L. racemosa - - + + - -
B. gymnorrhiza - - + + + +
X. granatum - - + + - -
A. marina - - - - + +
Number of species 4 2 7 7 5 4
222 Note: (+): present; (-): absent
224 In contrast, theThe Rhizophora-dominated zone was the most diverse mangrove in this study area. There were with
225 seven species found both at tree and sapling levels (Table 2). Mangrove species R. apiculata, R. mucronata and R. stylosa
226 were the main component of this zone based on their IVI value xxx%, xxx% and xxx% respectively, followed by S. alba,
227 L. racemosa, X. granatum and B. gymnorrhiza (Table 1). Other research conducted on Indonesian mangroves in Gorontalo
228 (Kasim et al. 2019), North Maluku (Serosero et al. 2020), East Kalimantan (Edwin et al. 2021), and West Lombok
229 (Sukuryadi et al. 2021) has found a greater number of species inventory which were atrecorded 9, 10, 15 and 12 species,
230 respectively. However, species composition in Benoa Bay’s Rhizophora zone had a higher species number than Mare
231 Island (Akbar et al. 2016), Jakarta Bay (Sari et al. 2019), Situbondo, East Java (Hariyanto et al. 2019), Mantehage-Paniki
232 Islands, North Sulawesi (Opa et al. 2019) and Cirebon (Purwanto et al. 2022). Several mangrove species were co-
233 dominantly identified with Rhizophora, such as A. alba, B. hainesii, B. parviflora, E. agallocha, H. littoralis, L. littorea, S.
234 hydrophyllacea, S. ovata and X. moluccensis, as found in Riau (Prianto et al. 2006), and A. officinalis, B. cylindrica, B.
235 sexangula, S. caseolaris in North Sumatra, Indonesia (Harefa et al. 2022). The importance value index of the Rhizophora
236 genus in this zone was 217.23%, while the cumulative IVI of other species was only 82.77% (Figure 4). Additional
237 research conducted on Indonesian mangroves in North Gorontalo (Usman et al. 2013); North Sumatera (Hotden et al.
238 2014); West Bangka (Rosalina and Rombe, 2021) and Benoa Bay (Dewi et al. 2021) found that the Rhizophora genus has
239 a higher value compared to other species. The IVI implies that the Rhizophora genus had a significant role in the research
240 location.
241 A narrow area of theThe Bruguiera-dominated zone consisted of five mangrove species in the tree stand category and
242 four species on sapling levels (Table 2). B. gymnorrhiza was dominated in this zone at IVI 160.13%, followed by S. alba,
243 which was only found at the tree level, while R. apiculata, R. mucronata and A. marina were observed in both stand levels
244 (Table 2, Figure 4). The number of mangrove species found in this zone was more diverse than Sorong, Papua (Yanti et al.
245 2021), Okinawa Island, Japan (Kamruzzaman et al. 2017), and Kosrae Island, Federated States of Micronesia (Krauss and
246 Allen, 2003) which only found three mangrove species. B. gymnorrhiza was found to be monospecific on a small Papuan
247 island (Dharmawan and Pramudji, 2019).
251 Figure 4. Importance value index (IVI) of each mangrove species along zones (S=Sonneratia; R=Rhizophora and B = Bruguiera) in
252 Benoa Bay, Bali
255 Overall, there were eight species of mangrove found in the Benoa Bay along all zones. Previous studies in the Bay
256 have reported other species such as Aegiceras floridum, Avicennia officinalis, A. rumphiana, B. cylindrica, B. sexangula,
257 Ceriops tagal and S. caseolaris (Wiyanto and Faiqoh, 2015; Prinasti et al. 2020). The distribution of mangrove species
258 along forest zones is mainly determined by variation in environmental characteristics. Mangrove substrates in Benoa Bay
259 are mainly dominated by mud in the land zone to the middle area and sandy soils in the sea zone. Prinasti et al. (2020) and
260 Imamsyah et al. (2021) reported that the soil types in Benoa Bay ranged from fine sand to gravel with dominant coarse
261 sand. Sugiana et al. (2021) found that the mangrove landward and middle zone in Benoa Bay had a predominant muddy
262 substrate and significantly lower salinity levels than seaward sites. Those studies have confirmed the mangrove species
263 distribution pattern in the Bay. S. alba tends to grow in sandy, rocky or coral rubble substrates usually located in higher
264 salinity areas (Noor et al. 2006; Dharmawan and Pramudji, 2020; Nurdiansah and Dharmawan, 2021). This species also
265 tolerates high salinity levels (Pillai and Harilal, 2016), and even sandy to gravel mud soil (Bessie et al. 2013; Lewerissa et
266 al. 2018). S. alba has been considered a pioneer species that forms the main layer of the seaward side of the forest where
267 there is sandy substrate (Goltenboth et al. 2006; Jenoh et al. 2016; Mughofar et al. 2018). Forests dominated by this
268 species contained less diversity (Rahman et al. 2014; Supriadi et al. 2015; Wiyanto and Faiqoh, 2015; Andiani et al. 2021;
269 Dewi et al. 2021; Sugiana et al. 2021). Rhizophora and Bruguiera were frequently found in muddy substrates and lower
270 salinity areas, even though Bruguiera had a preference for less submerged substrates (Primantara et al. 2019; Khairunnisa
271 et al. 2020).
273 In terms of stand distribution, the most significant tree stand density was found in the Rhizophora-dominated zone at
274 an average of 4750 ± 2867 stands.ha -1, while Sonneratia forest had the lowest tree density at 2332 ±786 stands.ha -1 (Table
275 3). The number of trees stands in the Sonneratia zone had a significant difference (ANOVA: p < 0.05) compared to
276 Rhizophora and Bruguiera dominated zones. among zones. Similar conditions were found in East Kalimantan (Ardiansyah
277 et al. 2012) and Middle Maluku (Nanulaitta et al. 2019), where S. alba dominated zone had lower tree and sapling density
278 than R. apiculata, also R. mucronata in Benoa Bay (Andiani et al. 2021; Dewi et al. 2021; Sugiana et al. 2021) and B.
279 gymnorrhiza in Biak Regency, Papua (Rambu et al. 2019). Tree density was highly correlated to the stand diameter
280 average. The high density of mangroves causes competition in getting nutrients and solar radiation, which disrupts the
281 lateral growth of mangroves (Syukri et al. 2018). This study found that the Sonneratia-dominated zone had the largest
282 average trunk diameter at 14.12±3.15 cm, while the Rhizophora and Bruguiera zones were found at 9.94±2.39 cm and
283 7.86±1.91 cm, respectively. Dharmawan et al. (2020b) explained that less-disturbed forests dominated by S. alba tended to
284 have a larger trunk size due to the sparser distribution in certain areas. Compared to other studies, Sonneratia stands
285 diameters in Benoa Bay seems to be lower than Belitung Island with 15.46±1.92 cm of diameter average (Suyarso et al.
286 2018) and Ternate with 16.63±1.73 cm of mangrove diameter average (Arbi et al. 2018). Compared to similar research in
287 West Halmahera, North Maluku, which found similar species to Benoa Bay, tree density in Sonneratia, Rhizophora and
288 Bruguiera mangroves were lower than Benoa Bay at 1200 stands/ha, 3600 stands/ha and 2000 stands/ha respectively (Gabi
289 et al. 2021). A dense mangrove forest tends to have a small stands diameter. The result was supported by Dharmawan et al.
290 (2020a), who conducted research in Biak-Numfor Regency and Siringoringo et al. (2017) in North Nias Regency; while S.
291 alba dominated the mangroves forest, it mostly had low density with a large diameter.
294 Table 3. Mean value of tree and sapling density (stands.ha-1), diameter (cm), height (m) and canopy coverage (%) on each mangrove
295 zones in Benoa Bay, Bali
Sonneratia Rhizophora Bruguiera
Tree Density (stands.ha ) 2332 ±786ᵃ 4750 ± 2867ᵇ 5157 ± 1615ᶜ
Sapling Density (stands.ha ) 356 ± 324ᵃ 700 ± 1120ᵃ 1514 ± 884ᵇ
Diameter (cm) 14.12 ± 3.15ᵃ 9.94 ± 2.39ᵇ 7.86 ± 1.91ᶜ
Height (m) 9.14 ± 2.29ᵃ 10.57 ± 2.39ᵃ 10.55 ± 3.00ᵃ
% Canopy Cover 53.00 ± 12.72ᵃ 75.33 ± 6.23ᵇ 78.08 ± 6.51ᵇ
297 Notes: Letters a, b, and c represented the results of the one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey HSD test which different letters given
298 had indicated the significant difference (p < 0.05) result of each parameter, among mangrove zones
301 In contrast with tree density, sapling stands in the Sonneratia mangrove zone were found at a lower density than in
302 other zones at 356 ± 324 stands.ha-1. However, the average had no significant difference to Rhizophora zones (ANOVA: p
303 > 0.05). The highest sapling density was found in the Bruguiera zone with 1514 ± 883 stands.ha -1, significantly different
304 from other zones (ANOVA: p < 0.05). In pristine or non-rehabilitated mangrove forest mangroves, sapling density in
305 Rhizophora was relatively limited since tree stands dominated space (Dharmawan and Widyastuti, 2017) and nutrient
306 competition (Koch, 1997). In contrast, degraded mangrove forests have been found to have many saplings; for instance,
307 from 2010 to 2017, the mangrove forest in East Java experienced a massive decrease caused by illegal logging of 39,756.2
308 ha (Rudianto and Bengen, 2020). A previous study on Belitung Island found a variable comparison of sapling density in
309 each genera-dominated zone (Akhrianti et al. 2019). The forest had no saplings in Sonneratia forest, while Bruguiera had
310 a limited number at only 320 stands/ha, and a frequent harvested Rhizophora forest was found to have sapling density
311 density of up to 3600 stands/ha compared to Benoa Bay. The low density of mangrove sapling in the Sonneratia zone was
312 caused by the allelopathic secretion ability of S. alba, which inhibits lower stands growth (Xin et al. 2013; Lin et al. 2015;
313 Zhang et al. 2018).
314 Mangrove canopy coverage in Benoa Bay ranged from 52.99%±12.72% to 78.08% ± 6.51%. Sonneratia-dominated
315 forests had the lowest canopy coverage, which was significantly different (p < 0.05) from both Rhizophora and Bruguiera
316 zones (Table 3).. The average value of canopy cover from the Sonneratia mangrove zone was 52.99%±12.72%, while
317 Rhizophora and Bruguiera zones were more than 75%. The species S. alba, which dominated in the Sonneratia zone,
318 tended to have a lower coverage due to sparse leaf density and lower stand distribution. At the same time, Rhizophora and
319 Bruguiera were characterized by a canonical shape of canopy with individual dense leaves (Dharmawan, 2020). A
320 previous study also found that the Sonneratia forest had a lower canopy coverage both in Benoa Bay (Andiani et al. 2021;
321 Dewi et al. 2021; Sugiana et al. 2021) and also other locations, i.e., at Tidore Island (Nurdiansah and Dharmawan, 2018)
322 and Middleburg-Miossu Island, West Papua (Nurdiansah and Dharmawan, 2021).
323 Forest height average among sites in Benoa Bay was not significantly different (ANOVA: p > 0.05). The sizeheight of
324 the mangrove stands in the Sonneratia, Rhizophora and Bruguiera zones were 9.14±2.29 m, 10.57±2.39 m and 10.55±3.00
325 m in height, respectively. Another study in North Maluku found mangrove forests reached 29.43±3.38 m in height (Arbi et
326 al. 2018). Mangroves in Padaido and Middleburg-Miossu Iisland also had the higher diameter growth up to 16.64±1.74 m
327 (Dharmawan et al. 2019); 15.49±0.64 m (Nurdiansah and Dharmawan, 2021); 12.29±0.60 m (Siringoringo et al. 2019);
328 and 18.25±0.76 m (Suyarso et al. 2018) consecutively. Those relationships are mainly due to nutrient, light, water, and
329 CO2 uptake competition (Mustika et al. 2014).
353 Figure 5. Distribution of MHI for each mangrove zone
357 According to the MHI spatial distribution area, most Benoa Bay mangrove were was categorized as being in excellent
358 condition over an area of approximately 564.96 ha (47.74%) (Figure 5 and 6). Meanwhile, moderate and poor categories
359 covered about 40.76% and 11.51% of the total mangrove area in the Bay, respectively. The excellent mangrove category
360 was mainly found in the Rhizophora-dominated zone; aroofund 445 ha, whereas the moderate and poor categories were
361 mainly found in the Sonneratia-dominated zone.
362 Field documentation of MHI categories on each zone was provide in Figure 7. The spatial distribution of forest
363 healthiness was dynamic, depending on various threats. Anthropogenic activities around the mangrove areas do affect their
364 growth and distribution. Dharmawan (2021) reported that reduced anthropogenic activities around mangroves allowed
365 them to grow and spread their seeds optimally.
367 Figure 6. Area of each MHI category (left) and their proportion (right) on each genera-dominated zone in Benoa Bay, Bali.
371 Figure 7. Field observation for each category of MHI along mangrove zones (a, b, and c were a respective poor, moderate, and
372 excellent condition of Sonneratia-dominated forest; d, e, and f represented poor, moderate, and excellent category of Rhizophora
373 dominated zone, respectively; while g and h were moderate and excellent Bruguiera forest
375 Figure 8. Mangrove dieback phenomenon in Benoa Bay, Bali due to massive sedimentation on the seaward area
378 A high proportion of MHI in the poor category was contributed by the Sonneratia zone, followed by Rhizophora and
379 Bruguiera zones. The Dieback dieback event showed by the drierchanged of mangrove twigs that become drier and
380 reduces the leaves' absence in mangrove stands and seedlings, around them which primarily triggered by sedimentation
381 progress in Benoa Bay, was the main cause of the high contribution of poor category area of MHI in the Sonneratia zone
382 (Figure 8). (Figure 8). The dieback effect is primarily triggered by sedimentation progress in Benoa Bay. Monitoring the
383 Sentinel-2A satellite image in January 2019 showed that the mangrove area in Benoa Bay that experienced dieback was
384 8.95 ha, where it continued to expand from 2017 to 2019 (Prasetio, 2019). The dieback event that occurred in Benoa Bay
385 mainly affected the Sonneratia, Rhizophora and Avicennia species since these species are mostly found seaward, and this
386 zone was more influenced by sedimentation (MongaBay, 2019).
388 The authors would like to thank Dr. Bruce Campbell for his constructive criticism of the manuscript. In addition, we
389 would like to thank COREMAP-CTI Project implemented by National Research and Innovation Agency which was
390 funded by World Bank through Capacity Building Research Programme 2021, who supported partial funding during field
391 activities and the manuscript writing assistance. We are also very grateful to other parties who have assisted and
392 contributed to this research. The authors declare no conflicts of interest affecting the publication of this paper.
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