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Vol. 31 No. 3, May 2024 589-595

ISSN: 1978-3019
Journal of Biosciences EISSN: 2086-4094

Mangroves in Alas Purwo National Park, Indonesia: Diversity and

Its Potential Carbon Services
Seftiawan Samsu Rijal1*, M. Tanzil Furqon2, Muammar Kadhafi3, Febriyani Eka Supriatin4, Riqki Yoga Aprilianto1
Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia
Capture Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia
Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Article history: Mangroves are important ecosystems that help prevent global warming by
Received November 20, 2022
storing carbon. A study in Alas Purwo National Park aimed to identify the species
Received in revised form May 8, 2023
Accepted September 15, 2023
diversity and estimate the market value of total carbon from each mangrove
species. The study used field sampling and diversity indexes. The study found
KEYWORDS: that the study area has high diversity, with Shannon-Weiner, Margalef, and
Alas Purwo, Pielou's Indexes of H' = 2.276, J = 0.949, and R = 1.453, respectively. Rhizophora
Carbon Services, apiculata was the dominant species with Above-Ground Carbon (AGC) and
Diversity, Below-Ground Carbon (BGC) stocks of about 34.73 Mg C Ha-1 and an economic
Mangroves value of $1,605, the highest among other species. The results of this study can
help improve our understanding of the role of mangrove characteristics for both
ecology and the economy.

1. Introduction restoration can be created, which will help to protect

these vital ecosystems and mitigate climate change
Global warming is one of our most pressing (Muzanni et al. 2022).
environmental issues (Purnamasari et al. 2021). Previous studies have estimated the market value
As greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, so of mangrove carbon in Brazil and Malaysia (Estrada
does climate change risk (Bindu et al. 2020), which et al. 2015; Hong et al. 2017), but there has been
can have devastating consequences for people and less research on this topic in Indonesia, especially
ecosystems worldwide (Heshmati 2016). Mangrove in undisturbed mangrove forests inside national
forests are one of the most effective natural ways to parks. This is because most studies have focused on
mitigate climate change (Brown 1997). These unique mangroves outside conservation areas (Easteria et al.
ecosystems, which thrive in intertidal zones around 2022; Maulidia et al. 2022), which are more likely to
the world, can store four times more carbon than be converted to other land uses. A study by (Fauzi et al.
other tropical forests despite covering only a fraction 2019) found that 22.64 % of mangroves in Southeast
of the area (Donato et al. 2011; Giri et al. 2011; Estrada Asia have been converted to agriculture or other land
et al. 2015; Sidik et al. 2019). uses, which suggests that mangroves in Indonesia are
There has been growing interest in using also at risk of conversion. This is a concerning trend,
mangroves to help offset carbon emissions. However, as mangroves are important in mitigating climate
most studies have focused on modeling the amount change and providing other ecosystem services (Latiff
of carbon that mangroves can store (Pham et al. 2019; and Faridah-Hanum 2014). More research is needed
Tran et al. 2022; Rijal et al. 2023), without considering on the market value of mangrove carbon in Indonesia
the economic value of this carbon. This is a critical to address this issue, particularly in undisturbed
omission, as carbon monetization is essential to mangrove forests inside national parks. This research
support forest carbon initiatives. By putting a price could help raise awareness of mangroves' economic
on carbon, a market for mangrove conservation and value and encourage conservation efforts.
The lack of a market value for carbon services
* Corresponding Author could undermine efforts to Reduce Deforestation
E-mail Address: [email protected] and forest Degradation (REDD). This study aimed to
590 Rijal SS et al.

(1) understand the diversity of mangrove species, (2) Two of 26 are rare species, Ceriops decandra and
calculate the carbon stocks of each species, and (3) Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea. Mangroves in Alas
estimate the economic value of mangrove forests. Purwo thrive in muddy substrates with slightly
The study was conducted in Alas Purwo National polluted organic and inorganic waste.
Park, Banyuwangi, East Java.
2.2. Field Survey
2. Materials and Methods In a field survey conducted following (Dharmawan
et al. 2020), data were collected from square plots
2.1. Study Site measuring 10 × 10 meters. This included coordinate
Alas Purwo National Park is in the eastern part tagging, species identification, and mangrove
of Java Island, Indonesia (Figure 1). It is bordered measurements such as Girth at Breast Height (GBH),
by the Bali Strait and the Indian Ocean to the east height, and number of trees. The survey logbook
and south and by the land of Banyuwangi Regency was assisted by MonMang, an application developed
to the north and west. The park covers an area of by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
approximately 43 hectares and is divided into six (Dharmawan and Sastrosuwondo 2014) for collecting
resorts: Grajagan, Rowobendo, Kucur, Sembulungan, mangrove field data.
Pancur, and Tanjung Pasir. Mangrove vegetation
is most abundant in the Grajagan resort, along the 2.3. Mangrove Measurements
Segara Anak River. There are at least 26 species of 2.3.1. Diversity
mangroves in the park, with the most common This study applied three diversity indexes:
being Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Shannon-Weiner Index, Margalef’s Index, and
Bruguiera gymnorhyza, Avicennia marina, Xylocarpus Pielou’s Index (Magurran 2004). These indexes
granatum, Sonneratia alba, and Sonneratia caseolaris.

Figure 1. The study area (yellow line) overlaid above Sentinel-2B imagery with false color composite (Near Infrared-Red-
Green wavelengths). Sampling plots are indicated with green dots, while the red tone on the imagery indicates
the existence of vegetation
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Vol. 31 No. 3, May 2024

measure the diversity, richness, and evenness of To calculate the biomass of mangroves, the Girth
mangrove species. The formulas are as follows: of Breast Height (GBH) needs to be converted into
the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) by dividing the
Shannon-Weiner Index GBH by 3.14. The biomass value is multiplied by 47%
H' = - ∑[(ni) ln (ni)] Eq. 1 to yield the carbon value. This is because about 47% of
N N biomass is carbon; the following equation was used
to calculate the carbon value in hectare unit, known
Where: as Mg C Ha-1 or Megagram Carbon per Hectare (Badan
H’ = Shannon-Weiner index Standar Nasional 2011):
N = total individuals of the population sampled
Total carbon in Kilogram 10,000
ln = the natural algorithm = × Eq. 6
ni = total number of individuals belonging to i 1,000 plot size in meter
species 2.3.3. Benefits of Carbon Stock
The monetary value of carbon stocks in this
Margalef’s Index research was calculated using a modified formula
from (Muzanni et al. 2022). The formula is:
R = ( s -1 ) Eq. 2
Ln (N)
= Total carbon / ha * 3.67 * US$ 12.59/ton CO2e Eq. 7
R = Margalef’s index The constant value of 3.67 is the ratio of molecular
ln (N) = natural algorithm of the total number of weights between carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent
individuals and carbon, as explained by (Kauffman and Donato
S = total number of species 2012). US$ 12.59 is the average price of carbon stocks
in the global market, as proposed by (Ullman et al.
Pielou’s Evenness Index 2013).
J = ( H' ) Eq. 3
Ln (s) 3. Results

Where: 3.1. Mangrove Forests Characteristics

J = Pielou’s Evenness index The study area had a high level of species diversity,
H’ = Shannon-Weiner index with an index value of H' = 2.276. This means that
ln (S) = natural algorithm of the total number of there was a wide variety of mangrove species
species present and that the distribution of these species
was relatively even (J = 0.949). The overall index
2.3.2. Biomass and Carbon Calculations value based on species richness (R) was 1.453, which
The Komiyama equation (Komiyama et al. 2005) is also quite high. This is considering that 15 species
was used to estimate each species' below- and were identified in 40 sampling plots. The mangrove
above-ground biomass. This equation was developed species that thrived in the muddy substrate were
specifically for mangroves in Southeast Asia, which is identified as follows: Aegiceras corniculatum,
relevant to the study area. The equation is as follows: Avicennia alba, Avicennia lanata, Avicennia marina,
Avicennia officinalis, Bruguiera cylindrica, Bruguiera
AGB (Kg) = 0.251 ρ (DBH)2.46 Eq. 4
gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Excoecaria agallocha,
BGB (Kg) =0.199 ρ0.899 DBH2.22 Eq. 5 Lumnitzera racemosa, Rhizophora apiculata,
Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus
Where: molluccensis, and Xylocarpus granatum. The height of
AGB = Above Ground Biomass tree species varied from 4.89 m up to 10.76 m.
BGB = Below Ground Biomass Rhizophora apiculata was the dominant species,
ρ = wood density corresponding to the with 266 stands out of the 973 identified stands
mangrove species, based on the (World (Table 1). Despite its relatively low average Diameter
Agroforestry 2016) (in gr/cm3) at Breast Height (DBH) of 9.851 cm, Rhizophora
DBH = diameter at breast height (in cm)
592 Rijal SS et al.

Table 1. Mangrove species and their characteristics*

Species name Number of Average diameter at Average height (m)
Individual Stands breast height (DBH) (cm)
Aegiceras corniculatum (Ac) 6 5.042 4.89
Avicennia alba (Aa) 78 11.183 6.35
Avicennia lanata (Al) 2 11.943 6.80
Avicennia marina (Am) 25 11.694 7.59
Avicennia officinalis (Ao) 101 10.462 7.25
Bruguiera cylindrica (Bc) 8 7.444 8.45
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Bg) 135 9.351 10.76
Ceriops tagal (Ct) 60 6.874 4.20
Excoecaria agallocha (Ea) 28 15.639 7.72
Lumnitzera racemosa (Lr) 48 7.152 7.10
Rhizophora apiculata (Ra) 266 9.851 8.05
Rhizophora mucronata (Rm) 54 14.526 10.55
Sonneratia alba (Sa) 77 11.378 8.12
Xylocarpus molluccensis (Xm) 73 16.076 9.46
Xylocarpus granatum (Xg) 12 35.642 9.55
Total 973
*All mangrove species thrived in the muddy substrates

apiculata could outcompete other species and 4. Discussion

dominate the study area.
Rhizophora sp. was the dominant species in the
3.2. Carbon Stocks from Mangrove Species study area, with over 300 individual stands established
and its Economic Valuation on 15 of 40 plots. This suggests that Rhizophora sp. has
Rhizophora apiculata, the most dominant species, a high level of distribution, which can be influenced
had the highest value of Above-Ground Carbon (AGC) by habitat characteristics, tides, coastal physiography,
and Below-Ground Carbon (BGC), totaling 34.73 Mg waves, and currents (Alwidakdo et al. 2014; Makaruku
C ha-1. This translates to a carbon valuation of $1,605 and Aliman 2019). These findings are consistent with
(Figure 2). Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, the second most previous studies (Cerón-Souza et al. 2010), showing
dominant species, did not directly reach second place that Rhizophora sp. is common in tropical coastal
regarding carbon valuation. Xylocarpus molluccensis ecosystems.
achieved the second-highest AGC and BGC, with a The presence of Rhizophora sp. is appropriate, given
total of 27.15 Mg C ha-1, equivalent to $1,255 in Figure its carbon stocks and economic valuation. However,
2. Although Xylocarpus sp. was not the dominant the number of stands may not always correlate with
species in this study and had a smaller wood density high carbon stocks and economic valuation. Mangroves
of 0.6721–0.7325 g/cm3 compared to Bruguiera sp.'s with a high density might not guarantee a high carbon
0.8683–0.8700 g/cm3, the species of Xylocarpus sp. value. Instead, species with a large Diameter of Breast
had a larger average Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Height (DBH) can increase carbon value (Heriyanto et
than Bruguiera sp. (Table 1). Therefore, this species al. 2020). This study proves that Bruguiera sp. is one
had a greater contribution to the value of carbon and of the dominant species, with about 126 stands. Still,
economic valuation. The potential carbon service of due to their differences in DBH, its carbon value is
the mangrove in the study area yields the highest total lesser than Xylocarpus sp., which is not dominant (85
value compared to another prior study conducted in stands only). The DBH range of Bruguiera sp. is about
Indonesia despite this study's research area was not 7–9 cm; meanwhile, the Xylocarpus sp. ranges from
the broadest and the carbon rate was not the highest. 16 to 35 cm. The carbon values calculations for both
HAYATI J Biosci 593
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'н' sĂůƵĂƚŝŽŶWƌŝĐĞƐ

Figure 2. Mangrove species Above-Ground Carbon (AGC) and Below-Ground Carbon (BGC) stocks and their economic

species were lower than 20 Mg C Ha-1 and more than some species are more tolerant of salty water, while
40 Mg C Ha-1, respectively. Therefore, it is important others are more tolerant of flooding. If a particular
to consider both the number of stands and the DBH of mangrove species cannot successfully grow in an
mangrove trees when assessing their carbon stocks and area, it will not be represented in the mangrove
economic valuation. Furthermore, (Prakoso et al. 2017) community. (2) Only certain mangroves are planted
also mentioned that the age of trees is also matter to on small islands within a certain period. Mangroves
produce more biomass through photosynthesis, which can be planted to restore degraded mangrove areas
leads to amounts of carbon storage. In addition, tree or to create new mangrove forests. However, not all
height is not considered a biomass variable estimator mangrove species are suitable for planting in all areas.
(Ketterings et al. 2001; Soares and Schaeffer-Novelli The species that are planted will depend on the area's
2005; Jachowski et al. 2013). environmental conditions and the planting project's
Mangroves in the study area were sampled in goals.
a varied environment, depicted in Figure 1, from The study site had a high diversity index (more than
the estuarine area to the river zone. In the estuary, 1), indicating that the mangrove community has many
mangrove was affected by salt water from the ocean; species and that these species are relatively evenly
meanwhile, in the river zone, brackish water and distributed (Magurran 1988). This is likely because
freshwater dominantly contributed to the growth of many individuals and groups of each species were
the mangroves. These diverse environments allow for present in the study area (Nurudin et al. 2013). The
the diversity and fertility of mangroves in the study value of diversity can be used to assess the richness
area (Alwidakdo et al. 2014). Mangrove diversity can and evenness of a high mangrove community in the
be caused by some factors (Islets et al. 2011), including study area. Several factors can cause differences in the
(1) mangrove species that cannot successfully grow. diversity index (Nahlunnisa et al. 2016), including (1)
Some mangrove species are more tolerant of certain the observation area. (2) The larger the observation
environmental conditions than others. For example, area, the more likely a wider variety of mangrove
594 Rijal SS et al.

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