Wayan Eka Dharmawan 2021 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 860 012007

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4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012007

Mangrove health index distribution on the restored post-

tsunami mangrove area in Biak Island, Indonesia

I Wayan Eka Dharmawan

Research Centre for Oceanography-Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Jalan Pasir Putih I, No. 1. Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, 14430

Email: [email protected]

Abstract. Research Centre for Oceanography has launched and published a single metric for
assessing mangrove health based on stand structure variables since October 2020. A spatial
analysis study was conducted to implement the MHI formula in a post-tsunami area in a Pacific-
edge island in Biak-Papua which has been rehabilitated since 2017, especially in Tanjung Barari
lagoon. The study was aimed to analyze the recent MHI value based on field data collection and
to interpolate the value in the entire mangrove area. We compared the MHI distribution along the
study area in 2015 and 2020. Sentinel 2 imageries were used as primary data which were
preprocessed for extracting the mangrove area in the lagoon area. A multiple vegetation indices
relationship which was consisted of NBR, GCI, SIPI, and ARVI, was applied on each observation
period for MHI distribution estimation. The interpretation of mangrove health was divided into
three categories such as poor, moderate, and excellent. This study found that the mangroves area
in the lagoon was declining at 33.53 ha during periods. Based on MHI value, mangrove was
dominantly at the moderate level. In addition, moderate and excellent mangrove areas were
increasing during observation. The poor mangrove area was decreased due to loss of the dieback
mangrove, seedling natural settlement, and rehabilitation activities. We identified as many as
144.39 ha of the lagoon area in 2020’s imagery which was potential for the future rehabilitation
area. Even though, the area needed to be confirmed related to environmental setting and land
tenure issue.

1. Introduction
Indonesia is an archipelagic country occupied by the most proportion of mangrove forest area in the world
by approximately 22.4% [1]. It is considered a significant global blue carbon contributor in terms of climate
change issues [2]. However, Indonesia's mangrove also releases the largest concentration of greenhouse
gases since it has faced massive deforestation due to land-uses land cover change [3]. Aquaculture has
driven a significant loss of mangroves in Indonesia in the last two decades [4]. On the other hand, natural
disasters could destruct mangrove areas even though the impact is not as significant as human-driven threats
Biak islands severed earthquake and tsunami in February 1996 and caused massive destruction on the
city. An 8,2-Richter magnitude scale of the earthquake has been suspected as the main cause of damage to
the mangrove forest in a specific area, namely Tanjung Barari village. It changed the hydrology system in

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4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012007

the forest by increasing water salinity significantly. Consequently, low saline and larger size
species, Brugueira gymnorrhiza was facing dieback along this area. On the other hand, Rhizophora
stylosa and Sonneratia alba have a better adaptation and domination recently. The local government in
collaboration with NGOs and local communities has restored the degraded area since 2017 to improve and
recover mangrove ecosystem services.
Mangrove health index (MHI) is a functional formula for estimating forest conditions and status in a
certain area [6]. The index had a significant relationship to multivariable remote sensing-based vegetation
indices which were running using Sentinel 2 imagery [7]. This study was aimed to analyze MHI distribution
along the restored mangrove forest and compare its distribution between 2015 (before the rehabilitation
program) and 2020. The potential rehabilitation area also was identified based on the MHI value. Hopefully,
this study could deliver specific information for future restoration activity.

2. Material & Methods

2.1. Site Description

Mangrove in Tanjung Barari was mostly distributed in the wide lagoon which was dominated by Rhizophora
(inner lagoon) and Sonneratia species (outer lagoon). A monitoring site located inner lagoon had a high
canopy coverage and stand density (Figure 1). While the outer was low-canopy covered and fewer stands
distributed [8].

Figure 1. Mangrove Distribution in Tanjung Barari lagoon.

2.2. MHI Distribution Analysis

Sentinel 2 imageries were selected and downloaded based on the clarity of cloud coverage in Tanjung Barari
mangrove and lagoon. We used S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_EPA__
20151020T012800_20161210T155750_A001701_T53MPU_N02_04_01 and L1C_T53MPU_A0255
82_20200516T012721 to compare the MHI distribution in 2015 and 2020, respectively. A free and open-
source application, Quantum GIS (QGIS), was used as the main tool for image processing in this study.
Each imagery was pre-processed by radiometric correction by the SCP plugin on QGIS. Mangrove area was

4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012007

separated to adjacent objects which were guided by the interpretation of the false color of each image,
applied manual digitization, and masked.
MHI was closely related to four vegetation indices of remote sensing analysis, such as Normalized Burn
Ratio (NBR), Green Chlorophyll Index (GCI), Structure Insensitive Pigment Index (SIPI), and
Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI) [7].

MHI = 102.12NBR – 4.64GCI +178.15SIPI + 159.53ARVI - 252.39

GCI = NIR / Green – 1
SIPI = NIR – Blue / NIR – Red
ARVI = NIR – 2Red + Blue / NIR + 2Red + Blue

NIR = Near Infrared band (B8)
SWIR = Shortwave Infrared band (B11)
Red = B4
Green = B3
Blue = B2

The MHI distribution was divided into three categories, i.e. poor (MHI <33.33%), moderate (MHI =
33.33 – 66.67%) and excellent (MHI >66.67%). The minimum value of MHI was found at 18% using its
original formula since a lower number has no more vegetation [8]. On the other hand, the negative value of
MHI was interpreted as a deeper water column. Rehabilitation potential area was categorized into 0 to 18%
of MHI value as a shallow habitat for mangrove seedling or a post-dieback area. Area of each MHI category
(18% – 100%) and potential rehabilitation area (0-18%) in hectares were calculated using the $area formula
in its attribute table.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Mangrove Area Changes 2015-2020
Mangrove existing area in Tanjung Barari was about 383.56 ha in 2020, which declined by 33.53 ha during
6 years [Figure 2 and 3]. The previous area was reduced due to the dying-back of mangrove stands. Dieback
mangrove in this area was impacted by the natural event and has changed its species domination. In this
area, human activities and coastal development including land use and land cover changes were minimum,
hence the reduction of mangrove area was potentially caused naturally. Earthquake is the main factor
delivering localized subsidence and then changes of its habitat salinity. The case was also identified along
in Solomon Islands coastal area which was found land-rising until 70 cm [9].
Changes in salinity are the main factor driving mangrove dieback since it controls cellular osmotic
pressure. Each species has its own adaptation range of salinity which forms a forest zonation. Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza was categorized into mesohaline species, meanwhile, Rhizophora stylosa had a higher salinity
tolerance. Facing a higher salinity could reduce mangrove biomass growth especially in B. gymnorrhiza,
increase osmotic pressure and reduce leaf area [10,11]. Hyper-salinity was proven in the destruction of
mangrove forests in Senegal [12].

4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012007

Figure 2. Distribution of mangrove area in Tanjung Barari lagoon in 2015 (left) and 2020 (right).


Mangrove Area
(in hectares)




2015 2020
Figure 3. Area of Tanjung Barari’s mangroves in 2015 and 2020.

3.2. Mangrove Health Index (MHI) Distribution

Reduction of total mangrove area in Tanjung Barari was only found in the poor MHI category. This area
was declined from 215.49 ha in 2015 to be 115.63 ha in 2020 (Figure 4 and 5). It strengthened the indication
that the dieback mangrove area was going to be changed. The poor category of mangrove in this area was
also maintained by the natural settlement of mangrove seedlings and growth of seedlings as a result of
rehabilitation programs since 2017. Maintained habitat drives degraded mangrove forests to be restored
naturally [13,14]. Even though natural regeneration was enough for restoring mangrove areas, human
contribution through rehabilitation programs would accelerate the mangrove restoration process [15].

4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012007

Mangrove areas with moderate and excellent categories of MHI increased during two-period
observations. Moderate status area improved from 175.71 ha to 202.78 ha or +27.07 ha from 2015 to 2020.
In addition, the area of the excellent mangrove category experienced a significant improvement from 24.53
ha to 64.16 ha during observation. Mangrove growth was supported by less anthropogenic activities along
the lagoon area. It was a chance for mangrove seedling and sapling to grow optimally. Moreover, the
seedling was spreading easily the internal waters of the lagoon with less of threat. The location was
protective from high waves and strong water current, even though the outer lagoon faced directly to the
Pacific Ocean. Failure of mangrove planting could be delivered by a strong wave [16]. The lagoon also
experienced less plastic waste pollution from a nearby city which made it a suitable habitat for mangrove
recruits. Increasing the entire level of mangrove growth in the lagoon stimulated mangrove health.

Figure 4. Distribution of MHI comparison between 2015 (left) and 2020 (right).

2015 2020
Area (in ha)




Poor Moderate Excellent
Mangrove Health
Figure 5. Area changes of each MHI category in Tanjung Barari mangroves.

4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012007

3.3. Potential Rehabilitation Area

Along this area, as many as 144.39 ha of the lagoon area was identified as a potential rehabilitation area
(Figure 6). However, this area needs to be checked its environmental condition and tenure since the
oceanographic and anthropogenic threats were not influenced in seedling’s survival rate. Suitable
temperature, salinity, light, nutrient, flood, and sea-level rise were highly influenced on recruit’s settlement
and development [17]. Salinity and light were related to leaf and whole plants physiology [18]. Land tenure
is another important factor for the success of a rehabilitation program [19]. Involvement of local
communities during a future restoration would improve the program achievement [20].

Figure 6. Potential rehabilitation area inside Tanjung Babari mangrove’s lagoon in 2020.

4. Conclusion
The total area of existing mangroves in Tanjung Barari lagoon decreased significantly from 2015 to 2020.
However, its health status had increased by less of poor mangrove and more moderate-excellent categories
due to seedling-sapling development, rehabilitation programs, and a lack of anthropogenic threats. We also
identify that approximately 144 ha lagoon area could be potential for future mangrove restoration activities.

Thanks to the research and monitoring team RHM Biak year 2020 for the field assistance along with surveys.
In addition, thanks to COREMAP CTI Project Phase III - LIPI, supported by World Bank which was funding
the RHM Biak Numfor in 2020. Special appreciation to Mr. Bobby Otoluwa who helped us to arrange
monitoring activities.

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