KBM KPI Oct-Dec-22

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As per Agreement #7(a)

Proforma for Quarterly Performance Appraisal (QPA) for grant of Project Allowance/Project Linked Incentive
to the employees of OPIU-Agri and also for allowing enhanced CTP to the contractual consultants / staff
PART-A: (Information from Sl. 1 to Sl.5 is to be filled up by employee concerned)
1. Name of the Employee : Karthik Balaji Muppirisetty
2. Position/ Designation in the ARIAS Society : Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
3. Period of reporting (For the quarter) : 1st October’ 2022 to 31st December’2022
4. Supervising Officer of the employee : Mr. Madhuram Patiri
5. Works assignments/deliverables and achievement during the period (50% of Project Allowance/Performance Linked
Incentive will be linked to ‘a’ and ‘b’ below:
(a) Target/entrusted works assignments/deliverables during the reporting period (to be intimated to the supervising
officer ahead of every quarter through email):
i) Reviewed performance reports (D4,D5 & D6) Submitted by GT
ii) Worked along with vendors for developing of portals for NFSM & RKVY schemes
iii) Coordinated with State & Central NIC for E-Office & CM Dashboard related issues.
iv) Coordinated with NIC & CM dashboard team for API integration of Agriculture Schemes.
v) Reviewed report submitted by ICCOA.
vi) Developed mechanisms for capturing data for E-Office implementation.
vii) Reviewed reports submitted by DRMR.
viii) Working with CM Dashboard team and allied vendors for priority schemes of Agriculture.
ix) Developed ToR for hiring positions.
x) Worked on designing scope of work for vendors who are developing portals.
xi) Working on E-Office & Sadbhavana 2.0 implementation.
xii) Reviewed performance report submitted by MANAGE.
xiii) Worked on disposal of pending grievances in CPGRAMS.
xiv) Got approval from DITEC for hosting agriculture portals in their servers.
xv) Reviewed 9th 6 months report submitted by IRRI.
xvi) Worked on status finalization of FPOs

(b) Achievements against ‘a’ above:

1. CM Dashboard progress is in Positive stage from our side.
2. All reviews successfully completed in time.
3. Got approval for hosting agriculture scheme portals in DITEC.
4. NFSM & RKVY portals development along with data entry started.
5. Implementation of Sadhbavana 2.0 is in positive stage

Date: 31st December’ 2022 Signature of the Employee:

PART-B: (Assessment to be recorded by Supervising Officer for Sl. 6 to Sl.8 )

6. Name of the Supervising Officer
7. Assessment of Conduct (50% of the Project Allowance/Performance Linked Incentive shall be based on this
i) Discipline (points out of 5) :

ii) Punctuality in attendance (points out of 5) :

iii) Behavior (points out of 5) :

iv) Integrity (points out of 8) :

v) Proactiveness (points out of 9) :

vi) Competency (points out of 9) :

vii) Efficiency (points out of 9) :

Total score 50 points :

8. Performance grading based on Sl. 5 above out of :
total 50 points
9. Total Score out of 100 points (Sl.5 + Sl.8) :

In case the total awarded score is less than 85%,

the Supervising Officer is to provide explanation

10. Protocol for payment of Performance Project Allowance / Performance Linked Incentive:

‘Outstanding’ i.e. consultant/staff who get 95% or above score in the Quarterly Performance Appraisal will get 100% of
the Project Allowance/Project Linked Incentive.
‘Very good’ i.e. consultant/staff who get 90% to 94.99% score in the Quarterly Performance Appraisal will get 95% of
the Project Allowance/Project Linked Incentive.
‘Good’ i.e. consultant/staff who get 85% to 89.99% score in the Quarterly Performance Appraisal will get 90% of the
Project Allowance/Project Linked Incentive.
‘Average’ i.e. consultant/staff who get 70% to 84.99% score in the Quarterly Performance Appraisal will get 85% of the
Project Allowance/Project Linked Incentive.
‘Poor’ i.e. consultant/staff who get less than 70% score in the Quarterly Performance Appraisal will not be eligible for
Project Allowance/Project Linked Incentive.

Date: Signature of the Supervising Officer

11. Decision of the accepting authority
(Head of Department, OPIU):
(Head of Department, OPIU reserves the right to
overrule/modify the score given by the Supervising Officer)

Director of Agriculture, Assam.

Date: Signature of the Head of Department, OPIU


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