Overview On Millets (Nutri Cereals) : January 2015
Overview On Millets (Nutri Cereals) : January 2015
Overview On Millets (Nutri Cereals) : January 2015
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1 author:
Karuppasamy Pushpavalli
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
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Overview on Millets
Food Science and Nutrition, Don Bosco Agricultural College,
Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu
Grow fertile even on the poor soils delicate pulses such as green gram.
Most of the millets grow well on low fertile Best cropping system
soils. Millets like Pearl millet can also be grown on Millets grown under traditional practices are
sandy soils whereas finger millet grows well in not just crops but a best Farming System. Most
saline soils. Barnyard millet thrives in low fertile millet fields are inherently bio diverse. Five to fifteen
soils, where other crops like rice, struggle to grow crops are planted on the same space at the same
in such soils. Many of them are also grown to time. The Baranaja cropping systems in the
reclaim soils. Poor farmers in dry land India are Himalayas are a testimony to this. The Pannendu
owners of very poor lands. The only crops that Pantalu system of the South is a holistic farming
sustain agriculture and food security on these lands system that grows millets in combination with
are millets. If millets could flourish in ecological pulses and oilseeds.
zones where average rainfall is less than 500 mm
using soils that are sandy and slightly acid, it is a Challenge crops:
testimony for their, hardiness and extraordinary Millets are capable of growing under drought
capacity to survive very harsh conditions. That is conditions, and can withstand higher heat regimes.
why millets can withstand drought like conditions Millets grow under non-irrigated conditions in low
in the Deccan and Rajasthan and produce food and rainfall regimes as between 200 mm and 500 mm.
fodder for people and livestock, respectively. They are capable to face the water stress and grow.
No demand for synthetic fertilisers Millets are a good storehouse of nutrients in large
quantities. They include major and micro nutrients
They can grow well with the use of farmyard needed by the human body. Hence they can help
manures and household produced bio fertilisers as withstand malnutrition.
nutrients, so usage of synthetic fertilizers are
avoided. There is no demand for chemical fertilizers Government Allocation & Scheme
for the growth of millets. Under dry land conditions, Initiation
even in the absence of chemical fertilizers millets Government has announced an allocation of
grow better. In recent years, farmers have also Rs. 300 Crores in 2011-12 under Rashtriya Krishi
started using bio-fertilisers such as vermin Vikas Yojana for promotion of millets as Nutri-
compost. cereals. Scheme on Initiative for Nutrition Security
Pest free crops through Intensive Millets Promotion has been
formulated to operationalize the announcement. The
Most millets such as foxtail, little millet, kodo
scheme aims to demonstrate the improved
millet etc., are totally pest free when grown in
production and post-harvest technologies in an
traditional local landraces and under ecological
integrated manner with visible impact to catalyze
conditions. And hence do not need any pesticides.
increased production of millets in the country.
Even in storage conditions, millets not only not need
Besides increasing production of millets, the
any fumigants, but act as anti pest agents to store
Scheme through processing and value addition
KARUPPASAMY, Overview on Millets 3271
techniques is expected to generate consumer Millets contain about 8.0 percent protein and
demand for millet based food products (INSIMP, 4.0 percent fat. They are rich source of vitamins
2011-12). and minerals. Millets are especially rich in calcium.
The dietary carbohydrates content of millets is also
Millet production
relatively high. Prolamines and glutelins form the
Top twenty millet producing countries include major portion of their proteins. The fats from millet
India, Nigeria, Niger, China, Burkina Faso, Russian contain a higher portion of unsaturated fatty acids
Federation, Mali, Sudan, Uganda, Senegal, Chad, and supply essential fatty acids. Although a
Ethiopia, Nepal, Tanzania, USA, Pakistan, considerable portion of nutrients is concentrated
Myanmar, Ghana, Ukraine and Angola (Food and in the seed coat, the bioavailability of the nutrients
Agricultural Organization of United Nations). The presents in the endosperm is higher than the seed
world’s millet production is shared by South and coat nutrients. Anti nutritional factors such as
East Asia (about 60%), Eurasia and Central Asia phytate and polyphenols are also present in millets
(14%), Africa (16%) and rest of the World (10%). but they are mostly confined to the seed coat and
India is the largest producer of millet grains, the milled millets are generally free from the anti-
producing about 33-37% of a total of 28 million nutritional factors (Kumar, 2010).
tonnes of the World produce. Minor millets are
Millets contain higher proportion of
grown over 7 million hectares of land in India,
unavailable carbohydrate and release of sugar from
producing 5 million tons of grains. The richness of
millet is slow. Millet protein contains amino acids
millet varieties in the dry lands of southern India is
in balanced proportions and is rich in methionine,
similar to the diversity seen in Africa. (Phanikumar,
cysteine and lysine. These are especially beneficial
to vegetarians who depend on plant food for their
The world production of millets is around 37.0 protein nourishment. Important vitamins namely
million tonnes where in finger millet contributed thiamine, riboflavin and niacin are present in high
by India during 1993-1994 was 2.9 million tonnes quantities. Millets, a rich source of dietary fibre
(Agricultural Situation in India, 1993). Finger millet provide a wide range of nutrients and
alone accounts for 2.6 million hectares, producing phytochemicals including dietary fibre, vitamin E,
3 million tons and providing staple food for people magnesium and folate that optimize health
in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, (Thilagavathy et al., 2010).
Maharashtra and Bihar (Phanikumar, 2010). Finger
Finger millet is rich in protein, iron, calcium,
millet constitutes about 81% of the minor millets
phosphorus, fibre and vitamin content. The calcium
produced in India and the rest by kodo millet, foxtail
content is higher than all cereals and iodine content
millet and little millet. (Pradhan et al., 2010)
is said to be highest among all the food grains. Ragi
In recent years, millets have been recognized has best quality protein along with the presence of
as important substitutes for major cereal crops to essential amino acids, Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B and
hope up with the world foods storage and to meet phosphorus (Gopalan et al., 2004). Ragi is a good
the demands of increasing population of both source of diet for growing children, expecting
developing and developed countries. Millet grains women’s, old age people and patients. Ragi
which account for about one sixth of the total food provides highest level antioxidants properties,
grain production hold an important place in the food phyto-chemicals, which makes it easily and slowly
grain economy of India (Shree et al., 2008) digestible. Hence it helps to control blood glucose
levels in diabetic patients very efficiently. The
Store house of Nutrients
bulkiness of the fibres and the slower digestion rate
The millet now referred as Nutri-cereal makes us feel fuller on, fewer calories and therefore
instead of coarse grain contains higher proportion may help to prevent us from eating excess calories.
of complex carbohydrates, resistant starch and (Kang et al., 2008 and Lakshmi and Sumathi,
slow rising sugar. They are high in fibre with soluble 2002).
fibre content from 3.4 to 6.5 percent. Low in fat
Millets such as bajra, thenai, varagu and white
from 1.1 to 5.0 percent. Rich in B vitamins
oats are rich sources of fibre and complex
especially niacin, pyridoxine and folic acid. Millets
carbohydrates. These grain flours in combination
offer good amount of calcium, iron, potassium,
with wheat flour made into chappathis would
magnesium and zinc. The nutrient content of millet
provide a diet rich in fibre and complex
is better than rice or wheat.
carbohydrates. (Thilagavathy et al., 2010).
3272 Trends in Biosciences 8 (13), 2015
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