ToR Legal Adviser

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Draft terms of Reference (ToR)

For Legal Advisor to be positioned in the Directorate of Agriculture


1. The Government of Assam (GoA) through Government of India (GoI) has received a loan from
the World bank (IBRD : International bank for Re-Construction And Development) for the Assam
Agri-Business and Rural Transformation Project (APART). The Project development Objectives
(PDO) of APART is to ”add value and improve resilience od selected agri value chains focusing on
smallholder farmers and agri-entrepreneurs in targeted districts of Assam”. The Assam Rural
Infrastructure and Agricultural Services (ARIAS) Society, an autonomous body of Govt. Of Assam
is the apex coordinating and monitoring agency for the project while under the department of
Agriculture, GoA. ARIAS Society now wishes to hire Legal Advisers out of the loan proceeds to be
positioned in the Directorate of Agriculture at Guwahati under APART as per terms given
2. The APART will achieve the PDO by : (i) Promoting investment in agri-enterprises, reducing the
business and transaction costs, facilitating access to finance for agribusiness entrepreneurs, and
where appropriate, push for process, regulatory and/or policy change; (ii) supporting the
development of a modern agri supply chain; improved information communication technologies
(ICT) based farm information and intelligence services, and alternative marketing channels; and
(iii) improving producers access to knowledge, technologies and infrastructure so that they are
able to respond to market opportunities and climate variability. To achieve the PDO, the project
will adopt clusters (production and enterprises) and value chain approach. The project is being
implanted in 16 districts1 (undivided as of 1st April,2016) of Assam.
3. There are four componnts of APART : The first component is enabling Agri Enterprise
Development, with sub components being (i) enhancing state capacity to attract private
investments, (ii) Setting up an AgriBusiness Enterprise Development and Promotion Facility
(EDPF) (iii) Agri-Business Investment Fund (AIF) support (iv) establishing stewardship councils.
The second component is facilitating Agro Cluster Development with subcomponents being (i)
support establishment of cluster level Industry Associations (IAs), (ii) supply chain support. The
third component is fostering Market led Production and Resilience Enhancement with sub
components being (i) promoting climate resilient technologies and their adoption (ii) facilitating
market linkages through market intelligence and product aggregation (iii) facilitating access to
and responsible use of financial services. The fourth component is project management,
Monitoring and learning.
4. Component C of APART aims at enabling producers of priority value chains, in the targeted
clusters, to take advantage of the rapidly changing Market demand and enhance resilience of
agriculture production system for increasing production and managing risks associated with
climate change. This would be achieved by: (i) improvements in production technologies and
management practices through climate resilient solutions; (ii) facilitation of collective-action by
producers by supporting the establishment of farmer producer organisations (FPOs); (iii)
improving value realization at the farm level through improved cleaning, grading and packaging
of produce through Common Service Centers (CSCs) managed by FPOs; (iv) facilitation of market
linkages through market information and intelligence; and (v) facilitating access to a broad set of
financial services and their responsible use by producers. The component will adopt a cluster
based value-chain approach for providing support to producers for sustainably increasing their
production and productivity; linking the producers with emerging supply chains, modernized
wholesale agriculture markets and warehouses, under components B; and facilitating
partnership opportunities with strategic and potential anchor and leading firms, supported
under Component A.


1. The Legal Adviser will report to Director of Agriculture and will support the Directorate in
meeting the objectives of the project as per Project Implementation Plan (PIP), Annual Work
Plans (AWPs) and resolving the RTI application and disposing the matter. In particular the
responsibilities of the Legal Advisers include the following:
(a) Liaise and coordinate with the Director of Agriculture as the case may be for resolving the
matter relating to legal matters at Directorate level.
(b) The Legal Adviser will lead in matters relating to dispose the application of Right to Information
act (RTI).
(c) The Legal Adviser will help in drafting the Memorandum of Understandings (MoU), Agreement,
Work order, Tenders etc.
(d) The legal Adviser will negotiate with the applicants and give the information to applicants as per
provision of RTI act.

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