‘Agriculture Complex, Knanapara, G.S. Road, Guwahat-781022 (Assam, India)
“Tel 491 361-232004, emal: [email protected], website: vw arias:
No. ARIAS/ARIAS-12/4/2022-APART-ARIAS Dated Guwahati the Fels... 2022
Based on a critical assessment/review of the overall performance, deliverables,
attitude & dedication towards the respective projects (viz. APART & ACCSDP) and also
considering the overall performance of the two World Bank financed projects and the
current scenario, the moderated revised monthly CTP( Cost to Project)of the individual
consultants working under APART & ACCSDP, is hereby approved and shall be as
shown in the attached statement at Annex-1 with effect from the dates as indicated in
the statement.
Further, the contract agreements of all the contractual employees of ARIAS
society, who have completed 11(eleven) months after the last renewal, are hereby
extended for another 11(eleven) months w.e.f the succeeding date of the last renewal of
the concerned employee.
Signed by Roshni Aparanji
Date: 09-12-2022 16:59:00
Smti, Roshni Aparanji Korati,|AS
State Project Director, ARIAS Society
Copy for information to the-
4.) Chief Financial Controller/Accounts Branch, ARIAS Society for information
2. ) HR Specialist, ARIAS Society for information and needful
3. ) Internal: All concerned by email for information and needful.File No, ARIAS-12/4/2022-APART-ARIAS (Computer No. 214887)
3926237 amet ~
statement Showing revise CTP of contractual Staff/ consultant ofthe ATMA, PIUS & PMUs & PCUs under
project APART & ACCSDP,
Percentage -
sk | Name oftncumbent Designation Placeof | sacrement | Effect Date
s | (%) on the
ross CTP
1. Kush Parasar Mis Executive eu 20% | 322028
Monitoring & Evaluation i
2 chuty Nand Executive pou 20% | 2.2023
Monitoring & Evaluation
x Anu Kalita Executive PCU 20% 11.1.2023
4. Debajt Mitra istxccutve | __ ou 20% | 19.2.2023,
Mobile App Developer
s._| _bhastar pot Sika pert Pou rom | 72.2003
& Rint Das Sees Pou 20% | 2.022028
Project Management z
ED Kanhaiya Thakur Coordinator RMU 20% | 222203
8. Diganta Barman BPRE RPMU 20% |_ 16.12.2022
Monitoring & Evaluation
o._| Karthik Bala Muppnsety specials onwacrs | 20% | 122023
10, Monitoring Evaluation | INDUSTRIES &
Saurav jot Gohain Bxecuie commence | 20% | 12.2023
Monitoring Evalaon | OPIU-
n. Niumons Das Bective oricuture | 20% | 01.2028
Monitoring & Evaluation 1
12. | _Dipjot patowary_ eecutve | OPWU-AGRI | 20% | 1.22023
| AgriBusinessAppratsal | ATMA-
13, | _ sagariting Shinde Bxpert Kokrgihar | 20% | 5.2023
14. Manjit Kr Nath | MIS Executive ATMA-Hojai 20% 25.2.2023
amma |
1s._|__ samiron Havarta Mis Executive origaon | 20% | 2822028
16. Kara Talutar Mis Executive oniu.risnery | 20% | 242.2028
17, | __Naba kumar Mis Executive Haiatanai_| 20% | 202.2023
18. Pranjit Kal MIS Executive | OPIU_PWRD [2084 | 2.22023
19,_| Ferdousi Sultana Chouhury MIS Executive ATMA-Cachar. 20% 14.2.2023
20; tua) Thakr Wis Execuive[ ATMACharadeo | 2006 242.2023
2. Radeop Das MIS Executive onuagi | 20% | 2122028
22. Syamanta Bora DHC ATMA-Sonitpur | __20% 181.2023