Letter No-1M(04)-07/2019 J. 0 F 3 F
Dr.VaraprasadRao, Former Director, ICAR-IIOR/
Director, ICAR-IIMR/
Dean Research, OUAT/
The Principal Scientist, ICAR-NBPGR/
Dr S R Dua, Retd Scientist, ICAR-NRRI/
Representatives of SSTL/
Director, NCDS/
Mr Chakradhar Panda, OSSC, DA&FE/
Mr, Sanjay Auti, Maharashtra Gene Bank/
‘the CDAO-cum PD, ATMA
Sub:-Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Seed System for Landraces under Odisha
Millet Mission.
With reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to communicate herewith
the approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Seed System for Landraces under
“Special programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha”.
‘Therefore it is requested to follow up the guideline for smooth implementation of the
Yours faithfully
Enclose.-As above £9.90 hj
Director of Agriculture and Food Production,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Memono, +5739 pate, 02: OF 2042
Copy forwarded to the Programme Secretariat, WASSAN, for information and
necessary action. Sy 1
Director of Agriculture and Focd Production,
1043 Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Memono: {91 34 Date: 92.04 2629 -
Copy of the minutes of the meeting on 4" virtual meeting of WGS, letter no.-29310,
dated-17.12.2021 forwarded to the Collector-cum-Managing Trustee, District Minera!
Foundation, Angul/Keonjhar/Sundargarhfor kind information and "er. action.
Je Se
Director of Agriculture and Foot Production,
itnah th Odisha, Bhubaneswar
MemoNo. <7 10 Date: 00,04. 2029
Copy submitted to the P.S to Special Secretary to Govt., Deptt. of A & FE (O) for
kind information of Special Secretary to Govt., Deptt. of A & FE oe 6
Director of Agriculture and Food Production,
An Initiative of
Directorate of Agriculture & Food Production
Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment
Government of Odisha
S.No |Abbreviation |Full Description
a Jarcre [All India Coordinated Research Project
2 JATMA [Agriculture Technology Management Agency
8. [BDA 2002 [Biological Diversity Act 2002
4 |amc [Biodiversity Management Committee
5 |cDBs Crops Diversity Blocks
6 |cciar [Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
7 |cpR ICentre for Pulse Research
ls csc Community seed centre
9 |csiRo (Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation
lo |csos (Civil Society Organisations
1 |DAFE [Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment
2 Joare Directorate of Agriculture & Food Production
3 JNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DAFP-SPIII-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022na ae IFood & Land Use Coalition
15 |FPOs |Farmer Producer Organisations
46 |ICAR Indian Council for Agriculture Research
a7 |e Indian Institute of Millets Research
lag oR Indian institute of Oilseeds Research
9 IPR Indian Institute of Pulse Research
20 |lss lindian Institute of Seed Sciences
laa |kvK Ikrishi Vigyan Kendra
22 |MSSRE MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
23 |NBPGR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
za INCDs INabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies
25 |NRRI INational Rice Research Institute
26 jomm |Odisha Millets Mission
a7 jossc lOdisha State Seed Corporation
28 |OSSOPCA |Odisha State Seed And Organic Products Certification Agency
DAFP-SPIlI-OSSC-0005-2020/01/202229 JouaT |Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology
[30 |PKvy |Paramparaghat Krishi Vikas Yojana
81 |PPVFRA _ Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority
[32 |ps |Programme Secretariat
83 jpvr Participatory varietal trials
4 [RRA Revitalisating Rainfed Agriculure Network
85 |SAU [State Agriculture University
36 [SOP [Standard Operating Procedures
37 |SPA IState Professional Agency
38 |SPPIF [Special Programme for promotion of integrated farming
39 [ssTL [State Seed testing laboratory
40 [UN lUnited Nations
41. |WASSAN [Watershed Support Services & Activities Network
42 WSHG Women Self Help Groups
43 WG forking Group
Ante ic
3.__Process of Landrace Documentation Release & Production
1 youre ind Chars ization
3.1.1 __Grops Diversity Blocks (CDBs): CDBs
3.1.2 __Seed Melas /Fairs
2.1.3 ____Material Transfer Agreements with Technical Institutions
3.1.4 __Community Seed Centres
3.2___‘The Processes Of Varietal Release For Landraces
a izing Landraces Dc ion Characters
3.2.2 andraces Varietal Evaluation
3.3.1 Quality Seed production of native germplasm
33.2 Seed Certification
3.3.3___ Procurement and Marketing of Seeds
4 Maintenance Breeding
4,__Digitel Seed Open Platform
5._Capacity Building
6.__Risk Mitigation
‘Institutional Mechanism
Elin. committe stems Yr \draces
yriculte Fi rs Emy it
NAFP-eDIAger.nnnK-on2nind NDDire of Agriculture! Hort
L&___State Seed Testing Laboratory (SSTL)
LI__ Stat Management Unit P|
L8___District ATMA
L9____Community Based Organisation (CBO)
Pre for Participal mi
9. Budget Allocation for Pilots on different crops. ral
1 Introduction
Rainfed agriculture contributes to 40% of total food grains (90% of minor millets &
87% of coarse cereals) and is the base for India's nutritional security. More than 600
Public institutions and 400 private seed companies’ together serve seed needs
related to 12 major field crops and 11 major vegetable crops in the country. But more
than 50 crops are grown in mixed farming in rainfed areas without any formal seed
More than 40,000 landraces or farmer varieties are documented over thousands of
years by Indian farming communities in rice alone. It is estimated that many more
landraces have been lost. NBPGR has collected more than 4.3 lakh accessions of
about 1500 crop species collected mostly from farmers’ fields. Similar situation is
also true for other crops. Out of the seed demand of 86 million ha of rainfed area, 40
to 60% of total seed demand is met from farm saved seeds.
Out of 3,000 high-yielding varieties/nybrids of field crops have been developed from
1950s to 2014, 1000 varieties belong to rice alone. But of these enormous diversities,
DAFP-SPIIl-OSSC-0005.2020/01/2022fewer than 40 varieties often occupy most of the rice area under cultivation. The large
agrodiversity of landraces and farmer varieties that provided a basis for the above
developments is now fast eroding, threatening the future development,
Vanishing biodiversity is also hampering our potential 10 hamess organic farming
Initiatives. This is especially true in case of organic farming, where one needs
varieties which are less responsive to chemical inputs. Hence even though largest
number of organic farmers in the world are in India, India occupies 9th position on
the organic production.
The two national acts viz., Biological Diversity Act 2002 and PPVFRA, 2001 recognise
the rights of communities and farmers. While it is important to ensure that farmers’
varieties are registered to prevent bio-piracy, it is equally important to ensure that the
same varieties remain ‘open source’ without anyone claiming exclusive rights,
Farmers’ varieties were always “open source’ in the Indian agricultural system
2. Context
Landraces are ecotypes cultivated for a long time in their pristine habitats. Farmers
have selected them for traits based on their ecological suitability, cooking habits and
Consumption habits. The traits that characterize such landraces express often only in
their adaption sites and may not express fully in other sites, Hence, landraces are
very location specific,
Experiences emerged from Participatory varietal trials under ‘Odisha Millet Mission
(OMMy' have shown that some of the millet landraces under cultivation are
Performing better than the released varieties under different agronomic practices.
Several such landraces are in demand, but not easily accessible to farmers. This is
due to lack of suitable seed systems for landraces. The formal seed systems only
cater to notified varieties and is not suitable for landraces.
DAFP-SPIII-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022Realizing this need, Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment,
Government of Odisha formed a Working group on Seeds under Odisha Millets
Mission to create enabling framework for landraces managed by community
institutions. Accordingly, Working Group on Seeds under Odisha Millets Mission
evolved this SOPs for seed systems for landraces. This document was developed
under chairmanship of Dr K Varaprasad, Former Director, ICAR-IIOR in consultation
with ICAR-IIMR, QUAT, CPR-Berhampur, OSSC, NCDS, RRA Network and WASSAN.
Though this SOP for Seed Systems for Landraces is developed for millets, this
framework is suitable for all the crops including horticulture. Necessary experts and
farmers with experiences in landraces of different crops may be involved to
contextualise this SOP for seed systems for other crops.
3. Process of Landrace Documentation Release & Production
Following are the key process steps involved in the development of seed system for
1. Landrace Documentation and Characterization
3.1.1 Crops Diversity Blocks (CDBs): CDBs may be identified within a district /
biodiversity hotspot at sub-district level which may form a unit area for operation.
Conservation, characterization, purification, and multiplication can be taken up at
CDBs. Business lines for indigenous seed sale in both formal and informal chain may
be taken up by community seed centers anchored by WSHGs/FPOs. A larger
exercise in project mode to cover all agro-biodiversity blacks of Odisha shall be
taken up at one time, including activities identifying other actors and setting up
DAFP-SPIII-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022institutional mechanisms. It is critical to set up and support mechanisms for
collection of landraces, seed production, primary multiplication and conservation
Samples shall be stored at SSTL/National Gene Banks for scientific conservation,
characterization, purification, and multiplication,
312 Seed Melas / Fairs: Seed Melas will be organized in the Agro-biodiversity
hotspots preferably at GP or block level with objectives of collecting passport data of
landraces. Farmers, seed conservators, community, institutions
(WSHGs/FPOs/BMCs) shall be mobilized to share their traditional wisdom and
germplasm. Collected materials shall be registered in the name of the community.
This will be supported by District ATMA. Passport data of the material collected with
traits of value in use and cultivation will be compiled into the Digital Platform and
compared with the information compiled under earlier exercises.
3.1.3 Material Transfer Agreements with Technical Institutions: A exercise shall be
initiated with ICAR, SAU, CGIAR, UN and other technical institutions where genetic
material of different crops of Odisha are available. Partnership shall be explored to
receive the sample of original germplasm for sustainable use in Odisha through
community managed seed banks.
3.14 Community Seed Centres: Community institutions such as FPOs/ WSHGs/
farmer collectives shall anchor community seed centres which will implement CDB
activities. A community seed banks with its infrastructure, equipment, other facilities,
operational guidelines with sustainability and basic human resource needs to be
defined, All the landraces identified in the Block during the exploration are conserved
with proper documentation, displayed for observation and small quantities of seed
are made available for registered seed conservers for their use at CSC. Community
Seed Center shall select seed producers based on the criteria having assured
irrigation, productive land for taking up seed production. CSCs may undertake
registration under PPFVRA of the germplasm collected under the CDBs.3.2 The Processes of Varietal Release For Landraces
3.2.1 Standardizing Landraces Documentation Characters: A comprehensive and
feasible trait set of minimal descriptors for characterization of native germplasm shall
be evolved in consultation with PPFVRA, ICAR, OUAT, CSOs, Community institutions
and custodian farmers. Crops with considerable landrace diversity and coverage
shall be given priority. An expert sub-committee shall be constituted to finalize
descriptors for native germplasm. These also will form the basis for characterization
and developing the digital repository.
3.2.2 Landraces Varietal Evaluation: A minimum of two years and 3 locations data
along with farmer demonstrations’ data from about 10 farmers shall be considered
for landraces varietal release. Yield, pest resistance, nutritional value, climate
resilience, minimal chemical input shall be considered in addition to and quality traits
tor evaluation. Yield performance over the standard checks need not be a mandatory
criterion for release of landrace varieties. The process will also look at the value in
use and cultivation as observed by the farmers while collecting the passport data
Participatory varietal selection process shall be adopted in identifying suitable
landraces for production.
3.2.3 Crop / Seed Standards and Certification Guidelines: An expert sub-committee
shall be constituted to finalise field and Seed standards for native landraces. These
shall be evolved in consultation with PPFVRA, ICAR, OUAT, CSOs, Community
institutions and custodian farmers. Based on the Field / Seed Standards developed,
certification guidelines will be developed for source/ foundation seed, certified seed
and truthfully labelled seed by the OSSCPCA. Seed Certification will mandatory when
landraces are to be released under formal subsidized seed chain. For sale in private
markets and exchange between the communities, this will not be required
3.2.4 Package of Practices: Detailed package of practices be recorded during the
DAFP-SPIII-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022evaluation period and submitted at the time of variety proposal for approval - a
detailed note and format will be circulated.
3.25 Landraces Variety Name, Release and Notification: Original landrace name be
retained as far as possible at least with a prefix or suffix, if required. However, original
identity with its location be recorded as an alternate identity. A landrace may be
released as a variety and only after two years of its release it can be applied for
notification. The two years gap between the release of a variety and notification will
help in making large number of landraces available for cultivation and, only such
varieties that need large seed multiplication and spread can be notified. Apex
Committee may facilitate national level release of landraces from Odisha that have
potential and demand beyond the state boundaries.
3.3 Quality Seed Production
3.3.1 Quality Seed production of native germplasm: Financial Support for quality seed
production of native germplasm through CSCs through CDBs for a period of 5 years.
At least for the first 3 years facilitation costs of a CSO would need to be supported
This support should be provided for different aspects of seed value chain such as
infrastructure, working capital, capacity building of farmers and other local
stakeholders, so on so forth, Seed production shall be taken up based on the
System of seed demand generation. Process of seed demand generation shall be
arranged by the farmers’ organisations in collaboration with the district ATMA
officials. Indent should be received at least one month before sowing for seed
production. This may be taken up in the blocks of OMM, SPPIF, Natural farming and
other special programs. Based on the experiences, this can be later scaled up to
other regions,
33.2 Seed Certification: Seed certification shall be taken up by OSSOPCA as per
standards approved by Apex committee. Block level Para Seed Certifiers for quality
DAFP-SPIII-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022assessment shall be trained by OSSOPCA for this purpose. OSSOPCA shall also train
the Community institutions on process to ensure seed quality is maintained. The CSC
will form a Quality Assurance Committee to provide oversight on the seed production
and compliance with the norms. A trained para-seed certifier identified by the Seed
Center will make field visits to ensure compliances and to support to the seed
producing farmers in technicalities. All the documentation required will be
maintained at the seed producer and at the CSC compliances shall be met. The
OSSOCPA will identify and reward the best CSB annually and extend all the support
to inspire and train such other CSBs in the Block and the seed conservers registered
there. It may even encourage biodiversity conservation by organizing annual seed
melas for the conservers.
3.33 Procurement and Marketing of Seeds: The CDBs and the associated seed
production is anchored by a farmers’ organization with interest on establishing a
business line on quality seed supply of landraces, Price fixation needs to be lett to be
decided by the organization based on the costs involved in multiplication and other
factors. Proper records of seed production, procurement, stocks etc., need to be
maintained by the organization. The basic norms of seed procurement from
registered seed centers and the processing, packing and labelling guidelines for
each crop will be followed as per rules for seed standards approved by the Apex
In addition, Traits of value may be verified based on nutritional, climate resilience,
organoleptic properties etc. which should be included in all awareness meetings. A
brand building plan may be developed for landraces to enhance demand. Priority be
given for marketing strategies and branding focusing on livelihoods, food and
nutritional security. Budgetary support shall be made for this purpose.
3.3.4 Maintenance Breeding: System of maintenance of variety retaining the key traits
shall be recommended by a subcommittee. Standards of isolation distances or
times, rouging and the process of certification of maintaining foundation seed shall
DAFP-SPIIl-OSSC-0005-202010112022he approved for each variety at the time of release. The Gene Bank at SSTL will have
the responsibility for developing and disseminating such proto- cols.
4, Digital Seed Open Platform
A state level Open-Source Digital Seed Platform for Landraces will be established.
This will be hosted by the Gene Bank of SSTL. The digital platform will provide easy
access to data on landraces seed accessions with the CSCs and SSTL. It will also
have provisions for connecting the seed savers and to enable seed exchange. The
community seed centers will be profiled in the platform giving them visibility and
5, Capacity Building
A system for building capacities of all the multiple stakeholders and actors in the
Community Managed Seed System for Landraces will be established and
adequately provisioned with budgets for the initial 5 years to develop training
modules, communication material and training, Review of the training material for
revision be considered on every two years. Focus will be on preparation of
conservation and seed certification and seed production manuals, varietal release
manual, seed centre management, PPFVRA registration, so on so forth.6. Risk Mitigation
Farmers’ decision on choice of crops and varieties changes quickly with respect to
emerging weather and market scenarios. Even after well-defined indents and seed
demand estimation, there could be circumstances where the farmers’ organisations
will be left with unsold stock. To mitigate this risk, a risk mitigation fund may be
created at the ATMA level. In the event of excess supply, the farmers’ organization
may choose to sell the produce at grain price in the market and a 25% of the price of
seed sold in such circumstances may be compensated by the risk fund for the
volume certified. This mechanism can be for a period of initial 5 years till the time to
the supply chain is firmly established,
7. Institutional Mechanism
Following are the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders
7.1 Apex Committee on Seed Systems For Landraces: An Apex Committee will be
constituted by the Agriculture Production Commissioner cum Additional Chief
Secretary, Government of Odisha/Principal Secretary, Department of Agriculture &
Farmers Empowerment, Government of Odisha. It will consist of following
* Vice Chancellor, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar
+ Principal Secretary, Department of Agriculture & FE, Government of Odisha
* Special Secretary, Department of Agriculture & FE, Government of Odisha
* Director, Agriculture & Food Production/Horticulture
DAFP-SPIll-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022+ Representative, PPFVRA
+ Representative, Odisha State Biodiversity Board
+ Representative, ICAR-NRRV/IIPR/IMR/OR/NBPGR/IISS/Others
+ Representative, SAMBHAV/ MSSRF/Rajendra Desi ChasaGabeshana Kendra
+ Representative, WASSAN/RRA Network
+ Representative, NCDS
+ Representative, FPOs
+ Farmer Representatives (2)
+ Approval of policies. guidelines and amendments related to indigenous
landrace systems.
= Constitute LR Varietal committee and such other subcommittees for review and
release of indigenous landraces and delegate specific responsibilities from time
to time with subsidy support.
+ Review and accept or revise or reject the recommendations received sub
+ Review and implementation of the indigenous landrace systems.
+ Approves annual action plan and budgetary allocation for conservation and
sustainable use of landraces in the state,
7.2 Department of Agriculture & Farmers Empowerment
+ It will be nodal department to oversee the implementation of seed systems forlandraces
+ Itwill allocate the annual budget
* Itwill review the progress on time-to-time basis
+ Land Races Seed Cell shall be established under the Department of Agriculture &
Farmers Empowerment.
* OUAT/ ICAR shall deploy concerned scientists involved in characterization and
evaluation of laridraces, plant breeding and seed production to the different
technical sub-committees for LR release.
* Itwill ensure participation of KVK/AICRP centers in the CDB and other process.
+ It will participate and provide inputs in the development of manuals on different
topics for implementation of LR seed system,
+ It will also participate in the quarterly meetings at state level
+ Landraces Seed Cell shall be established under the Department of Agriculture &
Farmers Empowerment
7.4 Directorate of Agriculture/ Horticulture
+ Each directorate shall identify priority crops and Agro-biodiversity blocks for
taking up the LR seed system.
+ Each directorate shall nominate a one person to LR seed cell
DAFP-SPIlI-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022* Concerned directorates shall coordinate with district authorities for timely
implementation of the LR seed system.
* Itwill review the progress on time-to-time basis.
* It will undertake responsibility of seed certification as per standards approved
by the apex committee.
* [twill select para seed certitiers and provide training to them for the purpose of
* ICwill also undertake capacity building of farmer collectives/farmer producer
organisations on landrace certification process.
* Itwill monitor the LR production by the farmer collectives/FPO through regular
field visits.
* Certification manual shall be developed in consultation with LR varietal release
76 State Seed Testing Laboratory (SSTL)
* SSTL will oversee conservation, production and maintenance breeding of
quality landrace material of well performing landraces in partnership with CSC
in CDBs.
* Samples of all landraces of Odisha shall be stored in the SSTL gene bank and
DAFP-SPIlI-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022will be reference bank for all landraces.
+ [twill also undertake in-situ conservation of landraces.
+ It will also host the opensource digital landrace repository with landrace
+ It will also Undertake nutritional testing and DNA finger printing of different
+ Itwill provide the information to LR varietal release committee and members of
Apex committee as per requirement.
+ Itwill undertake all the coordination related to LR varietal releases.
It will be supported by adequate budgets for the same.
7.7 State Project Management Unit under OMM/SPPIF
+ SPMU in coordination with Program Secretariat (PS)/State Professional Agency
(SPA) for OMM/SPPIF/ORAM shall facilitate the implementation of the LR seed
system in the OMM and SPPIF districts in their project areas.
+ SPMU/PS/SPA shall coordinate and explore partnerships with different
institute/agencies such as CSIRO, FOLU India, RRA Network and others to bring
in best practices and innovations.
+ SPMU/PS/SPA will support the DA&FP in monitoring at state and district ATMA
at district level. It will also facilitate the learning events.
RAED eDILAeer.nnn-on=NNW9NDD78 District ATMA
District ATMA under chairmanship of Collector & District Magistrate will be
responsible for implementation and monitoring of LR seed system.
CDAO cum PD ATMA will be nodal officer from ATMA to coordinate the
Officers of ATMA shall regularly monitor the conservation and seed production
work of FPOs.
ATMA shall also facilitate in the collection of landraces through their staff.
ATMA will oversee capacity building of the FPOs/ farmers,
It will convergence the existing activities of different projects for supporting
backward and forward linkages of FPOs.
In the OMM and SPPIF districts, PS/SPA shall support ATMA.
Bi-monthly review meetings shall be chaired by Collector & District Magistrate.
DAO cum PD ATMA may identify a NGO working in the block may be selected
for block facilitating agency through Eol for supporting FPOs.
It will enter into MoA with the block level facilitating agency
Facilitating agency shall support the FPOs in community mobilisation, CDBs,
indent preparation, marketing and procurement of seeds.7.9 Community Based Organisation (CBO)
Community managed seed centres. shall__be anchored by
FPCs/Cooperatives/WSHG Federations or any other form of CBOs.
It may be anchored by CBO at block level. Based on requirement, it can also
have sub centers.
They will have mandatorily register with landrace cell at Department of
Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha
Ranking criteria shall be developed for their selection.
They will undertake conservation of local landraces through biodiversity
They will undertake seed production of landraces with support of ICAR, OUAT,
SSTL, OSSOPCA, ATMA and NGOs involved in the concerned projects
Landraces can be sold in private markets or to government at subsidized price
as per the rules approved by the Apex committee.
8. Process Steps for Participatory Seed Standard Development
Step - 1: Shortlisting of key blocks for finalizing the seed standards for
Step - 2: Once blocks and districts are finalised. Key major landrace shall be
Step ~ 3: Data analysis from the preliminary basic study shall be completed and
shall be shared through a consultation with the ICAR/OUAT/KVK/DA&FE
Step - 4: Based on the feedback, a feasibility analysis shall be carried out
DAFP-SPIII-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022Accordingly further shortlisting of the landraces shall be completed.
+ Step - 5: After shortlisting of suitable landraces, a participatory tool and module
shall be developed. This module will have detailed exercises to get information
from the farmer understanding of seed standards, varietal/landrace cultivable
use, understanding economic loss vis a vis genetic purity, sellers and their
perspectives, so on so forth
+ Step ~ 6; Based on the exercise enumerated in step 5, a seed standard for key
landraces of the major crops shall be documented and share in report form
Further consultations or sharing workshops shall be held to finalise the
+ Step - 7: The seed standards thus finalized shall be approved as per the
process finalized by the competent authorities,
+ Step 8: Mass selection, Seed purification and seed multiplication shall be taken
through WSHGs/FPOs under the OMM and SPPIF projects.
9, Budget Allocation for Pilots on different crops
* Aprogram can be taken up in select blocks in the agro-biodiversity hotspots. It
is important that the program is managed by a dedicated team-This shall be
piloted under the OMM/SPPIF/ORAM blocks in 1st phase.
Approved by Respected Agriculture Production Commissioner-cum-ACS to Govt.
Department of A & FE, Odisha at Noting-95 of OSWAS file No-DAFP-SPII|-OSSC-
Bo Sol, ua
Director of Agriculture and Food Production
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
DAFP-SPIIl-OSSC-0005-2020/01/2022Total Budgot in Rs
|SINo| Particulars re
No of Units
‘Virtual Consultations at eiferent
Mors by SPMU o
District Workshops @2 per district
|@ 7 districts @40 Nos per
|workshop@ 400 per person per
{day (OMM Cost Norms)
| 3 |ovtpmorte 00K Ap vou 0
'State 5 days Capacity building on |
the participatory tool@40 Nos@
1000 per person per day @ 5 days
@ 2 Trainings (OMM Cost Norm:
\Village wise meetings @ 50
people per meeting @ 30 villages
er block @ Rs 4000 per meeting
| |@ 10'No blocks
12 10 2
6 [Design and development for report by OMM °
|Honorarium and Human
\Aavisor @Rs 10000 per day @ 7
(days a month @ 70 days
[Technical Expers from Working
(Group @ Rs 5000 per day @ 10
\days a month per expert @ 2 Nos
|@ 200 days |
|g. [Proiect Coordinator @ Rs 40000
[per month + Rs 10000 for travel
[yo traveior wortg Group
Total in Rs Lakh 4748