Student Tracking and Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID

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Student Tracking and Attendance

Monitoring System Using RFID
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information
Technology IJSRCSEIT, Rumana Anjum , Vijaya Kamble

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
© 2017 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | ISSN : 2456-3307

Student Tracking and Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID

Rumana Anjum, Vijaya Kamble
M.Tech, Department of Computer Science, Gurunanak Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Gurunanak Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Main objective of this paper is to track the student in campus and enhance attendance monitoring system. The
proposed system consists of RFID tag and reader. RFID readers would be installed at various locations in campus
and also in classes. When student comes in the vicinity of reader then location can be found which will sends that
location to server. A Student places the RFID card in the RFID card Reader. The RFID card Reader reads down the
Student details. The Interface software is responsible to control the marking of attendance in the software. The
system can also generate detention list of the students .It is small scale application which is completely automated,
easy to control, time saving and reliable.
Keywords : Smart Grid, Smart Protection, Security, Smart Management, Smart Infrastructure

I. INTRODUCTION carries information in a microchip. The reader on the

other hand detects tags that are within it frequency
Now a day there is high development in technology all range and writes to or read from the tags [2].
the information is present on internet so if anyone want
any information then it will easily available on internet. 1.1. The RFID Tag
Because of this reason student are attracted towards
The RFID tag is primarily is a kind of a memory device
various thing and they try to ignore study and they
that can transmits its contents when being scanned by
waste much more time. When student are entered in
the reader. The memory consists of binary digits called
campus they try to avoid the lectures. Students are not
the bits, and the transmission and receiving of data has
ready to attend lectures and they are bunking lectures
a communication channel. The tag can be an electronic
and parent assures that their son/daughter will present
circuit with its own power supply (an active device) or
to lecture. But it is not happen in reality. So to avoid
a very low power integrated circuit (passive device)
these things this system can be implemented. This
which taps energy from the scanner to transmit its
system will track the student in the campus and also
content. In a tag, the transmission power is very low
manages attendance of student. If student try to bunk
and is measured in millionths of watt i.e. microwatts
the lecture and his/her attendance is below 70% then
[1]. Tag can be passive, semi-passive or active. It can
alert message will send to the parents.
also be categorized based on memory type and based
on the transmission channel. Passive RFID tags have
System uses RFID technology to track the student.
no internal energy source; energy supplied to the
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology
antenna by the incoming radio frequency waves
that transmits data using radio waves from an RFID tag
induced enough energy for the CMOS integrated circuit
attached to an object by the reader for tracking and
in the tag to get activated and transmits a response. The
identifying objects [5]. RFID system contains two main
semi passive tag is similar to passive tag, but has an
components; the reader and the tags. The tag is
addition of small power source (battery). This battery
normally attached to the objects to be monitored and

CSEIT1722153 | Received : 22 March 2017 | Accepted: 31 March 2017 | March-April-2017 [(2)2: 495-498] 495
constantly powers the integrated circuit of the tag and chain management and developed a taxonomic
the need for an aerial to tap energy from the incoming framework to classify literature which enables
signal is removed [3]. swift and easy content analysis to help identify
Active tags have their own internal energy source areas for future research. Authors in [8] reviewed
which supplies energy for the integrated circuit the use of RFID in an integrated circuit (IC)
producing the outgoing signal. They are more packaging house to resolve inventory transaction
sophisticated and reliable due to their ability to conduct issues. His study suggests that RFID contributes
a session with the reader. As a result of their onboard significant improvements to the water receiving
energy source, they can transmit at a higher power level process and the inventory transaction process that
than passive tags, allowing them to be of more reduce labour cost and man-made errors. In [9], an
effective in RF challenged environments such as water, automated attendance management system was
metal or at longer distances. They can transmit signal
implemented both in electronic and mobile
over a greater distance and their random access
platform using stationary matrix AR 400 RFID
memory (RAM) gives them the ability to store up to
reader with four circulatory polarized antennae
32,000 bytes of data. A battery can live up to 10 years
and have practical ranges of hundreds of meters. Types and Symbol MC9000-G handheld RFID reader
of tags that were used in the RFID system are ISO card, respectively. In the electronic platform, the
clamshell card and also soft label. Tag used in this attendance management system depicts a simple
project is passive tag and the model of RFID reader is client (antennae placed at classroom entrance)
RFIDIDR-232N [2]. /server (privileged student database) system.
Students can visually see their names as they
1.2. The RFID Reader
entered class on the screen and they are assured
The RFID reader sends a pulse of radio waves to the that their presence has been entered in the
tags and listens for its response. The tag detects this instructor’s database. However, one important
pulse and sends back a response; the tag ID number drawback about this system is the RFID tag read
and possibly other information as well [4]. The RFID rates degrade tremendously as it comes closer to
reader can be classified based on the design and electronic devices. Authors in [6] also reviewed
technology used (read or read-write) or based on the and proposed biometric system using fingerprint
fixation of the device [5]. The read only RFID reader
identification for attendance automation of
only reads data from tags, usually a microcontroller
employees in an organization. Consequently,
based unit with a wound output coil, peak detector
hardware, comparators and firmware which are authors in [7] proposed student wolf pack club
designed to transmit energy to tags and read tracking system to simplify and speed up the
information back from them by detecting their process of student wolf pack club ticket
backscattering modulation, different types for different distribution for athletic event. Our proposition
protocols and standards existing. The read/write reader emphasizes a simple, reliable and cost effective
reads data from/to tags. While in stationary reader, the model for face to face classrooms’ attendance
device is attached in a fixed way. management that uses existing student ID card
chip as the passive tag with additional short
message services to parents as weekly summary.

1. Literature Survey 2. System Architecture

A number of related works exist in literature,
The development of Student Tracking and
application of RFID Technology to different areas
Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID is
and specifically to the area of academic attendance
divided into two main parts; the hardware and
monitoring problem. Author in [10] reviewed the
software. The hardware part consists of the RFID
current research application of RFID to different
reader, tags and the host computer. The software
areas with emphasis on application for supply
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | March-April-2017 | 496
part is the host system application designed using are class attendance system and students’ evaluation for incorporated with Microsoft access eligibility to sit for examination.
database. Administrator or lecturer can login into
the system and check necessary information in the 1. Graphical User Interface
application, which keeps a log of the ID, time and
The graphical user interface is created with visual basic
date of every student that enters the lecture room
2010 and it consists of the database system used to
for lecture. It also can register new student using store all the student details, date and time. There are
the tag ID of each tag. In connecting the RFID seven tables built in Microsoft Access database to store
reader to the PC, UART is incorporated by the RFID based automatic attendance system’s
through the RS-232 (Serial Port) cable. The information. There are eight frames designed in
complete system (see Figure 1) is placed at the which are frame login, class record, admin,
entrance door of the lecture room [11]. database, student evaluation, admin registration,
student record and course record.
A RFID tag is given to each student in the
department (which is embedded into their ID cards) 2. Login Window Form
and this is scanned at the entrance of the lecture
The login window is built with tightened security
room by the reader. The RFID contains a unique
which allows only authenticated person to access this
code that is scanned by the reader. On every scan
system. The administrator needs to create his user name
by the student, the name, matriculation number of and password to log in this system. Therefore, the
the student, the course to be taken and the date are administrator needs to key in the correct username and
displayed on the user interface if the tag number password to access this system and can quit this system
matches that which is stored in the database. by clicking the exit button to turn off the system. The
administrator can make selection either to login to the
admin page or attendance page.

3. Main Window Form

When the administrator login to the software, he can

register students, edit, update or delete student’s
information at any time. From this form, he can register
new Lecturers and edit, update or delete their
respective information. He also has rights to set time of
each lectures and breaks in the college. With this form,
he can mark attendance of each student also. At any
time administrator can close the application by
selecting Exit option from the Application Menu on the
Main Form.
Figure 1. Overview of Student Tracking and
Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID
4. Add / Edit / Delete Student


The login window is built with tightened security
which allows only authenticated person to access this
The RFID system was successfully integrated with
system. The administrator needs to create his user name
graphic user interface on the host system. The system
and password to log in this system. Therefore, the
consists of login form, admin form, database form,
administrator needs to key in the correct username and
main menu form, class record form, and admin
password to access this system and can quit this system
registration form and database record form interface
by clicking the exit button to turn off the system. The
using USB UART serial communication with the RFID
reader. The system performs two main functions which
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | March-April-2017 | 497
administrator can make selection either to login to the system is to track the student using RFID tag
admin page or attendance page. which will be provided to the student. The system
can also generate detention list of the students,
5. Add / Edit / Delete Lecturers / Faculties Because of this system the task of manual
attendance filling is made easy and time required
Clicking Faculties button, faculty details form is
to do this is also reduced. It is very useful for the
opened, where new faculty / lecturer can be registered
with their respective RFID card tags. Here, the user of
teacher as they can easily monitor their student’s
the application can search, edit, update or delete a attendance and manage the attendance of them.
lecturer / faculty, if required. Because of this system the frequency of student
bunking the lectures is reduced and Parents also
6. Edit Lecture Time Table assure about their son/daughter. So this system is
very useful for colleges and schools.
Clicking this button, Lecture Time Table form is
opened where the user can change the time schedule of V. REFERENCES
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Volume 2 | Issue 2 | March-April-2017 | 498

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