Advanced Presentation Skills

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1. Use as many slide as you can so that the the
audience can clearly understand your message
2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.
3. Most of the contents of you report through your
powerpoint presentation and not from the
speaker himself.
4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the home tab and
then click the hyperlink option.
5. To embed an object, got to the Insert tab and
under the text group, click the object.
6. There are two options when inserting an
object: create new from file and create new
from existing file.
7. Action buttons are found in the
Insert>Smart Art.
8. Use dark fonts to gain proper contrast
9. Use bullets to simplify your message
10. Insert artwork in each slide of your
presentation. It may not be related but at
least it would draw the audience’s attention.
Advantage and Disadvantage
• Microsoft POwerPoint
• Prezi
• Apple Keynote
• Google slides
• Haiku Deck
• PhotoSnack
Creating an Effective Presentation
• Minimize
• Clarity
• 72 font size; 1 inch readable 10 ft away
• Simplicity
• 6X7 rule
• Visuals
• Consistency
• Contrast

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