Bematech KDS Dec2011
Bematech KDS Dec2011
Bematech KDS Dec2011
Food preparation statistics Kitchen activity status
KDS Hardware
Grease and flour contamination Wear of moving parts Loose connectors Aging of flexible parts e.g. cables Humidity especially condensation Space/footprint Heat Fanless & Ventless No internal cables No moving parts Die-cast casing mountable anywhere Protective coatings Book-size Advanced thermal conduction away from key components
LS9000 LS6000
High reliability Low cost IP addressable I/O stations Simple Ethernet topology Built-in build card display function No OS required Fanless and Highly reliable operation Low cost of ownership Compact and rugged housing High resolution image Video training Built-in color recipe display Ethernet topology IP addressable
LS6000 Topology
LS9000 Topology
Install KDS software directly into the POS system. Connect the POS system to the kitchen stations via an Ethernet hub.
Install KDS software into a separated local computer. Connect both the POS system and the computer to the kitchen stations via an Ethernet hub.
KDS Manager
High resolution up to 1024x768 Build-in SD card for additional storage Support Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) The LS9000 uses standard Ethernet connection or wireless (under development) to communicate with the server or workstation
Recipe Viewing
24 bit color graphic Support JPEG and PNG format Resolution : 1024 x 768
Store (Local)
Headquarter (Remote)
Reduce the installation cost and service fee Manage, update, and centralize information uniformly Easy to integrate with other application
Panera Bread
Captain Ds