CEDARAPIDS (2015) - Quality Paving Guide Book
CEDARAPIDS (2015) - Quality Paving Guide Book
CEDARAPIDS (2015) - Quality Paving Guide Book
Quality Paving
Guide Book
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This information should provide a clear understanding of equipment construction,
function, capabilities and requirements.
The information is based on the knowledge and experience of highly qualified people
at Cedarapids Inc. Proper use of this information will promote high efficiency, maximum
service life and low maintenance costs.
The information contained in this manual should not be considered all-inclusive for
every application. Questions about specific uses of this equipment should be directed to
Cedarapids Inc.
Using this equipment for any purpose other than its intended use assumes the risk of any
danger in doing so.
Cedarapids Inc.
Federal, state and local safety regulations must be • Wear a protective mask when harmful air pollution
complied with to prevent possible danger to person(s) exists.
or property from accidents or harmful exposure.
This equipment must be used in accordance with • Wear clothing that fits snug to prevent getting
all operation and maintenance instructions. caught in moving parts. Loose-fitting clothing
should not be worn.
We strongly recommend that all persons involved
with this equipment be familiar with this manual,
• Wear safety goggles, gloves and long-sleeve shirts
operation and maintenance manual and all related
when in close proximity of hot asphalt materials.
engine manuals.
• Wear ear plugs if needed.
• Read all warning, caution and instruction signs.
• Mount and dismount the paver from the rear using
• Know what guards and protective devices are only the steps, handrails and walkways provided.
included and see that each is used. Additional
guards and protective devises that may be required
• Allow the operator only on the operator’s platform
due to the various paver configurations must be
when the paver is in operation.
installed by the user (owner) before operating.
• Before starting the paver, make sure the brakes are
• Install all auger guards and vibrator covers before in the ON position, all other systems are in the OFF
operating the paver.
position and all personnel are clear of the paver.
• Never attempt to install or remove any part or • Allow the operator only on the paver when
assembly when the paver is running.
traveling or roading.
• Reduce travel speed when going down steep grades • Keep all personnel clear of augers and screed when
to prevent over-speeding. the paver is operating.
• Keep operator’s platform, steps and screed • Do not refuel the paver with the engine or screed
walkways clear of all obstructions (tools, lunch heater system running. All sparks and open flames
boxes, rakes, shovels, etc. to prevent tripping or must be kept a minimum of 50 feet away from the
falling. paver when refueling.
• Keep all personnel clear of paver when operating. • Do not wash or spray down the screed with the
screed heater system operating.
• Do not allow personnel near the hopper area when
the paver running. • To prevent fire hazards, keep the basket area of the
tractor free of oil, fuel and trash buildup.
• Do not allow personnel to walk between the paver
and truck. • To prevent fire hazards, keep the screed free of oil,
asphalt and trash buildup to prevent fire hazards.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
Basic Functions
Figure 1
The paver's responsibility is to place a given material The rubber tire paver is generally used on well-
design over an irregular grade or roadway and meet compacted base or overlay jobs.
specifications for approximate grade profile, texture The tractor is self-propelled, utilizing hydraulic
and rideability. An asphalt paver consists of two pumps and motors to tow the screed.
major components: the tractor and the screed. We
Other functions such as feeder systems, auxiliary
will discuss what each component does in a paving
and vibrator systems are also powered by the tractor.
Each system is addressed to provide an understanding
Tractor of how they relate to the paving operation.
Rubber tire and track (crawler) pavers are basically
the same and perform the same functions in a paving
The track paver is generally used when paving on
soft or yielding bases. A track paver provides a high
degree of flotation and traction in these base
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Self-Leveling &
Traction Features
Pull Point
Pull Point
Pivot Pivot
Figure 2 Figure 3
The tractor is designed to pave over irregular grades The independently mounted rear drive tires conform
and keep the frame relatively parallel to the line of to ground profile. The line-of-pull is stabilized from
paving. This self-leveling ability is very important front to rear and side to side. Tractive effort is
in maintaining a consistent line-of-pull on the screed. dramatically increased because the wheel load is
The line-of-pull will be discussed in later chapters. equal in most conditions.
Rubber-Tire Pavers The operator can reconfigure the frame raise if
A rubber tire paver utilizes a three-point suspension traction problems occur. Mat problems that would
design to allow the tractor to move over irregular have been introduced due to poor traction are
grades and maintain a relatively constant line-of- controlled.
pull on the screed. Severely irregular grade conditions Track Pavers
will cause a change in the line-of-pull to the screed. A track paver utilizes a three-point suspension design
The degree or amount of tow point change is averaged to allow the tractor to move over irregular grades and
over the length of the wheel base. The self-leveling maintain a relatively constant line-of-pull on the
action combined with the time it takes a screed to screed. Severely irregular grade conditions will
react to changes of the line-of-pull, allow the screed cause a change in the line-of-pull to the screed. The
to place material in a constant profile. degree or amount of tow point change is averaged
As the tractor moves over irregular grades, the front over the length of the track. The self-leveling action,
bogies pivot as they pass over irregularities. (Figure combined with the time it takes a screed to react to
2) This action helps keep the line-of-pull relatively changes of the line-of-pull, allow the screed to place
constant. As severe irregularities are encountered material in a fairly constant profile.
and the line-of-pull changes, the actual degree or As the tractor moves over irregular grades several
amount of change at the tow point area is smaller, things are happening. First the tracks and roller will
because it is mounted at center point of the wheel conform to the grade to help keep the line-of-pull
base. relatively constant. Then the track frames pivot to
allow for irregularities from side to side. The frame
pivoting action further enhances the tractor’s ability
to maintain a constant line-of-pull. (Figure 3)
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Hopper Wings
Feed Control
Figure 4
Slat Conveyors
Flow Gates
The material feed system plays a very important part of the screed and match varying material demands
in producing constant, high-quality mats. The feeder from left to right sides of the screed, as irregular
system consists of FIVE sub-systems. (Figure 4) A grades are paved. The operator can quickly change
good understanding of how they function in relation the flow gates to match changing material demands
to each other and their relationship to mat quality by simply moving the left or right control switches
cannot be over-emphasized. located on the operator control console. We will
Hoppers discuss how to set the flow gates for different
applications and conditions in later chapters.
The hoppers are a storage area for material being
delivered to the paver by truck or windrow elevator. Augers
The hopper capacity will compensate for the The left and right augers are connected to left and
fluctuating material demands encountered when right conveyors. The conveyor and auger systems
paving over irregular grades and will help allow for operate independently. The augers take the material
a more constant paving speed to be maintained. being delivered by the conveyors and move it outward
The hopper wings can be folded upward to use the across the width of the screed.
material that collects in the corners. Mounted at the The augers have reversing paddles mounted in the
front of the hoppers is the hopper flashing. The inboard side. (Figure 5) These reversing paddles
flashing helps prevent spillage of materials from the help fill in the void area underneath the auger
hopper. It may be necessary to change the flashing conveyor drive box. Two types of augers are used,
to match the configuration of the trucks used. lined and standard.
Conveyors Lined augers have Ni-hard flight and shaft liners
The left and right conveyors consist of heavy chains attached to the auger for heavy-duty use and are
and flight bars. They are driven by separate hydraulic abrasion resistant. Standard augers have a hard
pumps and motors and move material from the facing stripe on the outer edge of the flights for
hopper through the feeder tunnels to the left and lighter duty applications.
Reversing Paddles
right augers independently. Thus the varying material
demands from left to right can be maintained. Main Augers
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A Terex Company
Line of Pull
All Cedarapids pavers employ a free-floating screed averaging. As changes are introduced, the screed
design. The screed can be thought of as a completely will average the change over a longer area, thus
separate machine that is towed behind the tractor producing a surface that meets the approximate
and free to float up or down independently of the specifications for profile, depth and rideability.
tractor. It is attached to the tractor by two screed Some specifications conflict with smoothness.
arms that connect at the center of the tractor on each Tolerances for depth of material and yield is an
side. (Figure 9) example where specifications and smoothness
Where the pull arms connect is called the tow point. conflict. The only way to produce a smooth surface
The two screed lift cylinders attached to the screed is place more material in the depressions and less on
raise the screed for transport. They are placed in a the humps. This concept is usually mentioned in
float mode when paving and do not restrict the connection with paving, but seldom followed. All
screed from moving independently of the tractor. too often we fall into the trap of placing too much
By introducing a slight nose-up attitude to the screed influence on depth in a given area, instead of
or angle-of-attack and towing the screed forward controlling the average thickness over the entire
with a constant level of material or head of material area.
in front of it, the screed will climb to a point where There are many different factors that can adversely
it will establish a fixed depth. At this point the screed affect the paving operation. These range from
is floating on the material, much as a boat and skier production of the aggregates at the pit or quarry, to
float on water. the last rolling operation on the job. We will discuss
A very important concept of an asphalt screed is its all of these factors in later chapters to see how they
ability to resist immediate changes of depth and effect the paving operation and how they are
slope, caused by outside factors like material design, controlled.
temperature or human error. This ability is called The two hydraulic cylinders located at the tow point
are used when automatic grade and slope controls
are employed. They can also be used to make minor
adjustments to the depth or thickness of the mat
when paving manually.
A Terex Company
Hand Depth
Figure 10 Thicker
Crown Burner
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Figure 11
Figure 12 120°
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Figure 14
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Paving Techniques
Angle of Attack
Temperature Paving Speed
(Mix, Ground, Air)
(Mix, ground, air)
Line of Pull
A Terex Company
Paving Speed
These tonnages are approximate and based on average width, depth, paving speed and
density. Specific weights of asphalt mixes will vary. Read the speed of the paver in feet per
minute down the left hand column and paving width across the top. Example: At 40 fpm,
paving a one-inch, 10-foot wide mat would take approximately 146 tph.
For a 1¦2-inch mat, multiply the chart figure by 0.5. This example for a 1¦2-inch mat would be
approximately 73 tph.
For a 2-inch mat multiply the chart figure by 2, which in the above example would be
approximately 292 tph. The above chart is based on material weighing 146 pounds per cubic
foot. If actual material weight is 124 pounds per-cubic-foot, the ratio would be 124 pounds
per cubic foot divided by 146 pounds per cubic foot, giving 0.85 of the value shown.
The contractor must get increased production for 2) Take into account the method used to deliver
every hour worked without loss of quality. So a material to the paver. This includes the number
paver must place every ounce of material delivered of trucks, size of trucks, distance from plant to
to it while maintaining top quality. To do this paver and traffic conditions.
consistently a few things must be taken into account: 3) Know the paving width and depth. Use the
1) The tonnage output of the hot plant has to be chart in this section to calculate the paver
known. Remember, the output rate can change speed required to place the material.
due to outside factors such as the amount of
moisture in the stock pile.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
Paving Speed
Uniform Density
Increasing the paver speed will decrease the time
the material spends under the screed, therefore
changing the equilibrium of the screed. The screed
Speed Increase will drop in depth to a point where the equilibrium
Density Change Occurs of the screed is reestablished. (Figure 16)
Decreasing the paver speed will increase the time
Depth Decrease
the material spends under the screed, therefore
changing the equilibrium of the screed. The screed
will climb in depth to a point where the equilibrium
Speed Decrease of the screed is reestablished.
Density Change Occurs
Stopping and Starting Paver
It is best to keep the paver moving at a constant rate
Depth Increase
but it may become necessary to stop the paver during
operation. We recommend stopping the paver as
Figure 16
quickly as possible, without being erratic in nature.
The ideal operation is when the paver is moving at a The same is true of starting the paver. Accelerate as
fixed speed, a minimum of 80% to 90% of the time quickly as possible to the previous paving speed.
and only spending 10% at a lower rate of speed or This minimizes any deviation in depth. An increase
stopped. Most defects in a mat will occur where a in depth can occur in the area where the screed stops
paver is stopped. A higher quality mat will be in certain materials. This change is due primarily to
produced by keeping the paver at a constant speed, the head of material, temperature of material, screed
limiting stops and amount of time stopped. settling and the friction differences between the
When the paving speed is consistent, the amount of material and screed bottom when the screed is stopped
shear force is constant and the amount of time the or moving.
material spends under the screed is uniform. The When a paver is stopped, all screeds tend to settle to
screed will remain at that given depth. some degree depending on material designs. By
Assume all factors and conditions are constant and limiting the number of stops and keeping the paver
not influencing the screed. When the paver speed moving, fewer mat problems will occur. If a paver
varies, the screed has a tendency to rise and fall. has to stop for an extended period of time, making a
This is due to the amount of force required for the joint should be considered. When stopped for
screed to shear through the head of material and the extended periods of time the material temperature in
compaction effort of the screed. front of the screed and in the hopper drops. This
The amount of change in depth introduced by varying change of temperature will cause a texture change to
the paver speed is dependent on the material design, occur in the mat being placed and also a depth
temperature of the material, paving depth, screed change.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
Figure 17
The screed assist system provides a means to adjust material, depth, paving speed, material flow
the bearing weight of the screed on the material to gates, automatic screed controls). Note the
meet varying material designs and paving widths. amount of settling that occurs when the paver
By adjusting the system to meet the specific is stopped.
conditions encountered, higher quality mats can be 5) To check if settling is unacceptable, let the
produced. Excessive settling marks traditionally lead roller pass over the marked area, one pass
encountered while paving narrow widths and using forward. If the mark is removed by the first
tender material designs can now be controlled. pass of the roller, no further adjustment will be
Adjusting Screed Assist required. (Figure 18)
1) Set the screed on the ground. Screed lift switch 6) If the mark was not totally removed in the first
set to float. pass, again loosen the jam nut on the adjustor
2) Screed assist switch on. valve and increase the pressure 25 psi while
paver is moving. Repeat steps 4 and 5. See if
3) Loosen jam nut on screed assist adjustor valve. lead roller takes the mark totally out.
Adjust pressure reading on the gauge to 200
psi. 7) Repeat this procedure until the mark can be
totally removed on the first pass of the lead
4) Start paving operation as normal after all other roller.
operational settings have been set (head of
A normal settling mark can be rolled Excessive settline marks cannot be taken
completely out by the first pass of the roller. out by the first pass of the roller.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
The Dump Valve should remain closed at all Do not use any more pressure than required to
times. It is provided to dump pressure from the control settling or the screed may have a tendency to
system, so it can be worked on safely by the ride on its nose. This could cause other mat problems.
mechanics. Rule of Thumb Higher pressure is required for
Do not switch the screed assist system off and on narrow-width paving (under 12 feet wide), lower
during a paving operation. This will cause mat pressure is required for wide-width paving (beyond
defects. 12 feet wide).
Angle of Attack
The angle-of-attack (or angle of the screed bottom in relation to the grade being paved) controls the depth
of material. When a screed has established a given depth on both sides of the screed, the screed is floating
on the material with a nose-up attitude or a given angle-of-attack. The angle-of-attack required to produce
a given depth is dependent on screed type, material design, material depth and temperature of the material.
The angle of the left and right sides of the screed can be set independently of each other to a given degree.
This means material depth on the left side of the screed can be different from that being placed by the right.
This is done by introducing a twist in the solid screed bottom.
There are two ways to set or control the angle-of-attack:
1) The primary means is the left and right screed depth cranks. These are used to establish the desired
depth and profile of mat being placed. (Figure 19)
2) The tow point cylinders are used to maintain a previously established depth or profile in conjunction
with screed automatic grade and or slope controls. They can also be used in a manual mode to make
minor corrections to the depth or profile. (Figure 20)
Some other factor of screed settings also affect the angle-of-attack. These are the fixed strike-off setting,
hydraulic strike-off type and setting, the line of pull, and the main screed crown setting. Refer to each subject
for an explanation of how they can affect the angle-of-attack.
Figure 19 Hand cranks
turned clockwise
to thicken
Tow point unchanged
The hand cranks are unchanged, but the angle-of-attack can be increased or
decreased by moving the tow point up or down. By use of the tow point
cylinders, depths can be varied up or down from the depth established by the
hand cranks. It is important to remember the amount of angle required to
produce a given depth will vary due to material design, screed type, depth of
material and temperature.
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A Terex Company
Figure 21
First length 60-65% The next four lengths the remaining 30 - 35%
Normal angle
of attack is 1/8" to
1/4" for best mat
Figure 23 texture.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
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Good Mat
Figure 28
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A Terex Company
Line of Pull
(Affects Angle-of-Attack)
The line-of-pull refers to the angle at which the wear at the front portion of the screed bottom. Also,
screed is being towed forward. Best results occur when the screed stops, it will have more of a tendency
when the towing force is applied relatively parallel to rock or teeter as the tractor relaxes the tension on
to the grade. To do this we set the tow point cylinders the screed. This could increase the amount of
in relation to the general depth we will be paving. settling and deviations introduced to the mat.
Rule of Thumb: Thin mats will require a lower Downward Line of Pull
initial tow point setting, while thicker mats will Tow point too low
for mat thickness
require a higher initial tow point setting. High Wear
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A Terex Company
The main screed crown has two adjustors, the lead Figure 35 shows the effect of having the lead crown
and trail. When the main screed crown needs to be set too low. In this condition the mat texture is
set for profile specifications, both lead and trail tighter in texture on both left and right outside areas
crowns are adjusted simultaneously, by means of a of the mat, while the center area is open in appearance.
connecting chain. The lead crown can be set Extreme wear is introduced to the center area of the
independently of the rear, to allow a little extra screed bottom.
material to pass into the center area of the main Lead Crown Correct Center area thickness is less than
Lead Crown 2 to 2.5 times largest aggregate size
screed. This is necessary to compensate for the void used in material design
Trail Crown
area created by the auger-conveyor drive case. The Rutted Existing Road
normal amount of lead crown is 1¦16 inch to 1¦8 inch Top view appears as lead crown low. End view shows grade condition is
cause of the open appearance in the center
above that of the rear. This range is sufficient for
Figure 36
most all materials designs.
A rutted grade condition can cause the mat texture to
Lead Crown High
Lead Crown
appear just like that caused by a lead crown
adjustment set too low. (Figure 36)
Trail Crown This condition is quite common when overlaying
existing roads. Adjusting the lead crown will not
correct the texture problems caused by the grade
conditions. Trying to do so will result in increased
wear being introduced to the center area of the
screed bottom, with no improvement to mat texture.
To correct these mat texture problems, pre-correction
leveling courses should be considered or re-profile
the existing road by a grinder or profiling machine.
Figure 34 There are two other factors that can introduce a
Figure 34 shows the effect of adding too much lead striping effect somewhat similar to a lead crown
crown. In this condition the mat texture is open in adjustment. These are segregation and pre-
appearance on both left and right outside areas of the compaction. Neither of these factors can be corrected
mat, while the center area appears tighter in texture. by adjusting the lead crown. Refer to these subject
Extreme wear is introduced to the center area of the headings for more information.
screed bottom.
Trail Crown
Figure 35
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A Terex Company
Head of Material
When we refer to head of material, we are referring As the head of material rises, the resistance to
to the level or amount of material that is directly in forward movement increases and the amount of lift
front of the screed. force increases. This causes the screed to rise to a
The importance of fully understanding and new level where the forces are balanced or the
controlling the head of material cannot be equilibrium between screed weight, vertical lift
overemphasized. forces, resistance to forward movement, and paving
speed are reestablished. (Figure 38)
Most mat problems are caused by not maintaining a
uniform constant level of material in front of the Decreased Head of Material
screed. It is recommended the head of material be
half the depth of the auger uniformly across the total
width of the screed (just to the level of the shaft).
The head of material exerts a force against two areas
of the screed, the mold board or face of the screed
Resistance to forward movement and lift force are decreased
and the front areas of the screed bottom. The forces resulting in the mat getting thinner
applied resist forward movement of the screed and Figure 39
provide lift.
As the head of material drops, the resistance to
Correct Head of Material Head of material is constant at half
forward movement and the amount of lift force
auger level and uniform across decreases. This causes the screed to drop to a new
width of screed.
level where the forces are balanced or the equilibrium
between screed weight, vertical lift forces, resistance
to forward movement and paving speed are
reestablished. The degree or amount of deviations
Resistance to forward movement and lift force are constant introduced to the mat is in proportion to the level
Figure 37 changes of the head of material. (Figure 39)
When the head of material of is maintained at a
Varying levels of material in front of the screed
consistent half-auger level and uniform across the
affects the vertical position of the screed and causes
width of the screed, the forces acting against the
mat problems. We recommend maintaining the
screed are constant. The angle-of-attack on the
head of material at half an auger. At this level the
screed remains unchanged, the density and texture
augers are far more efficient in moving material
of the material across the width of the mat is uniform.
across the width of the screed, especially if paving at
Also, the augers are more efficient if the material
extended widths. The level can vary slightly as long
level is at half an auger. (Figure 37)
as it is at a constant level and uniform across the
width of the screed. When the level of material is
Increased Head of Material An increase in the material caused constant, the forces acting on the screed are constant.
the screed to rise.
It is a common misconception that using automatic
screed controls will compensate for varying the
head of material. This simply is not true. Varying
levels of material will cause a instant change in
Resistance to forward movement and lift force are increased
depth. Automation does not control the depth
causing mat to become thicker. instantly; it averages changes over a longer area.
Figure 38 Refer to Screed Reaction Time for more information.
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Two systems (the flow gates, and the material feed If the left or right flow gate position is set too high,
sensors) are independently adjusted but work in the level of material on that side will be high. The
conjunction with each other to control the head of illustration shows both left and right flow gates high.
material. The flow gates control the level of material The forces applied to the screed are not uniform
in the center area of the auger chamber. The feed across the width of the screed. Forces applied to the
sensors control the level of material at the outboard center areas of the screed are increased, while the
ends of the augers. When set properly to match the outboard areas are decreased. (Refer to Head of
paving speed and the width and depth of the mat Material.)
being placed, a constant, uniform head of material
can be maintained. LH Flow Gate RH Flow Gate
Flow Gates
The flow gates control the amount of material that is
allowed to pass from the hopper to the auger chamber.
As shown in the illustration, the material level from
Figure 42
the auger-conveyor drive case to the outboard end of
the augers is uniform in depth when the flow gates If the left or right flow gate position is set too low,
are set properly. the level of material on that side will be low. The
Correct Figure 40 illustration shows both left and right flow gates low.
The forces applied to the screed are not uniform
LH Flow Gate RH Flow Gate
across the width of the screed. Forces applied to the
center areas of the screed are decreased, while the
outboard areas are increased. (Refer to Head of
Material.) (Figure 42)
This same condition occurs commonly by running
Uniform Level of Material the hopper empty between truck loads. The paver
should be stopped before the level of material in the
The flow gate setting has a direct bearing on auger
hopper drops below the flow gate setting.
rpm. With the flow gates set higher, a larger volume
of material is moved from the hopper to the auger
Uniform flow of Material level in
chamber. The auger moves this volume of material material through
the tunnel area
tunnel drops below
flow gate setting
to the auger
to the outboard end of the auger. The feed sensor at
the outboard end of the auger reacts to the volume of
material being carried by the auger, slowing the
auger rpm down to maintain a given level. When the Uniform Material Flow Across Auger Material Flow Inconsistant
flow gates are lowered, the augers have to turn faster Figure 43
to move the same amount of material to maintain the
proper level at the feed sensor. (Figure 40) When paving is continued between truck loads, the
Rule of Thumb: Lower the flow gates for wide- level of material in the hopper should not be allowed
width paving and raise them for narrow-width paving. to drop below the flow gate setting. If the level of
material drops below the flow gate setting the amount
High Figure 41
of material being delivered to the auger chamber
LH Flow Gate RH Flow Gate drops and the head of material drops. (Refer to Head
of Material.) (Figure 43)
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Even small changes in the amount of material being (Refer to Material Designs for more information.)
delivered to the auger chamber can have an effect on Material Feed Sensors
the consistency of the mat produced. (Figure 44)
Figure 44
The feed sensors control the level of material at the
outboard end of the augers and work in conjunction
with the flow gate settings to maintain a constant,
uniform head of material. Cedarapids uses three
types of feed sensors: the limit switch type, the
proportional sensor and sonic feeder controls. The
position of the feed sensor should always be located
at the outboard end of the last auger or off the end
gate, if variable width paving is done. (Figures 47-
Limit Switch
The limit switch feeder controls are the on-off type.
Spilled Material When the material level rises to a set point, the
Material dropped in front of a paver by trucks or auger-conveyor system for that side is shut off.
damaged hopper flashing is very common. This is
also a prime source of mat-related problems. The Support Mount
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Figure 47 - Limit Switch Mounting Positions 7) Loosen control arm clamp so the arm is free to
rotate on the sensor shaft.
auger-conveyor stops when the desired material
level is achieved. 8) Position control arm at 45°. See illustration for
both left and right sensor control arm
Proportional Feed positioning.
The proportional feed system delivers material at a 9) While holding control arm in position, rotate
variable rate depending on the position of the feed sensor shaft with a screwdriver until the auger
sensor control arm. When the control arm is straight just stops.
down, the system operates at maximum delivery
speed. When the material level builds up and the 10) Tighten the control arm clamp.
control arm rises, the feed rate slows proportionally. Generation III Sonic Feed Control
When the control arm reaches a 45 degree angle, the Upgrading from standard proportional systems to
Right Sensor Left Sensor
Demand Based Ultrasonics does not require changing
or rewiring existing tractor systems. Simply mount
Control Arm Clamp Control Arm Clamp
the control units on each side of the screed and plug
Control Arm Control Arm
their cables into the receptacles the proportional
Extendable Wand Extendable Wand systems used.
Maximum speed
when straight down
Maximum speed
when straight down
Off at 45° Off at 45°
End Gate
Figure 50 - Setting Sensor Distance
Figure 49 - Proportional Feed Sensor Mountings
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Sensor too high
Correct Incorrect
Sensor too low
Incorrect Incorrect
Figure 52
Target in the
Center Area
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Figure 55
Echo is unaffected by heat waves Echo is dispersed by heat waves
A Terex Company
Material Design
This section will cover the practical application of Fine Graded Material Coarse Graded Material
Loose Compacted Loose Compacted
mix designs as they relate to the paving operation
and common problems incurred. For further
information, there are numerous publications and
studies that can be acquired from institutes that deal
with the mechanics and engineering aspects of mix
It is important to understand that each mix design is Figure 59
different in relation to its flow characteristics and Figure 59 shows coarse-graded materials compact
how it affects the configuration of the paver and less than the finer graded materials. If, for example,
screed. A dense or course grade mix will require a a paver was set up to place a finer grade material
smaller angle-of-attack on the screed to produce a (which will require a larger angle-of-attack to produce
given depth than would a fine or tender grade mix. a given depth) and then the gradation of the material
When dealing with mix designs, consistency of the became coarser, the screed would have a tendency to
design is extremely important in the paving operation. rise. This is due to the compaction rate differences
This means the gradation (blend of aggregates, fines, of the gradation. Varying the gradation of a mix
and fillers), asphalt content, moisture content and changes the density of the material and in turn
temperature have to remain constant. If any of these changes the factors affecting the equilibrium of the
vary, it will have an effect on the mat profile screed.
(deviations), texture or density of the mat being Aggregate Size In Relation To Paving Depth
placed. It is recommended the minimal paving depth be 2 to
Several factors of mix design have a great effect on 21¦2 times the largest aggregate size, for best possible
the texture and compaction of the mat. They are: mat texture. This allows vibration and weight of the
gradation, aggregate size, asphalt content, and screed to rearrange aggregates and fines into a tight
temperature. uniform mat. Paving thickness should never be
Gradation of Material Design below 11¦2 times the largest aggregate size. If below
this, the screed will be supported by the larger
The gradation of a mix design determines the angle- aggregates and will no longer float on the material.
of-attack required on the screed to produce a given This causes the screed to mirror the grade deviations
depth, texture, and compaction characteristic. If the below it and mat texture will be extremely poor.
gradation remains constant between truck loads, the (Figure 60)
screed can be adjusted to produce a uniform mat and
the rolling operation can establish patterns that
Figure 58
Mat thickness is below 11¦2 times Mat thickness of 2 to 2 1¦2 times
largest aggregate size. Screed is largest aggregate size produces
Coarse Graded Mix Screed Rises actually supported by the large tight, uniform mat.
Fine Graded Mix aggregates.
Figure 60
The screed is not capable of placing materials thinner
compact the material to specification. If the gradation than the largest aggregate size used in the material
of the material varies, it affects the angle-of-attack design. It is quite common to have job specifications
on the screed, producing deviations in depth and mat that require a shoulder area to be tapered from full
texture. Also, there can be problems in establishing mat thickness to nothing on the outside. If a screed
a roll pattern. (Figure 58)
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Material Design
When screes is supported by aggregates, deviations are transmitted across the width of the mat.
Figure 61
Figure 63
End View
When job specifications require a shoulder be On jobs where depth cannot be increased due to
tapered to nothing on the outside, the outside depth yield specifications, consider pre-correcting the grade
should not be less than 11¦2 times the largest aggregate conditions. Removing the high points in the existing
size over the highest points of the grade deviations. grade produces a more uniform mat.
Then a rake or lute should be used to feather the taper Asphalt Content
on out to zero depth. Using this method assures the
screed of having enough material under it to float The asphalt content of a mix design determines the
and will not mirror any of the grade deviations into angle-of-attack required on the screed to produce a
the mat being placed. (Figure 62) given depth, texture, and compaction characteristic.
If the asphalt content remains constant between
truckloads and all other factors remain unchanged,
the screed can be adjusted to produce a uniform mat
and the rolling operation can establish patterns that
compact the material to specification.
If the asphalt content in the material varies, it affects
Material thickness at edge of mat is 1 1/2 times largest aggregate, then hand finish taper. the angle-of-attack on the screed, producing
Figure 62 deviations in depth and mat texture. Problems such
Grade conditions or deviations in the existing grade as shoving or material displacement can also occur.
can have an effect on the texture and profile of a The asphalt content, like the gradation, also affects
fairly thin mat being placed over it. This is a the compaction rate of material. Variations in asphalt
common condition encountered in overlay jobs where content can make it impossible to establish a roll
11¦2 inches to 2 inches of 3¦4 inch minus (3¦4 inch pattern that achieves satisfactory compaction.
largest aggregate) material is placed over an existing
grade. Material thickness over the high points in the
grade can be below the 2 to 21¦2 times recommended
depth in relation to aggregate size. These areas will
show an open, rough texture compared to the
surrounding mat. This traditionally will require a lot
of hand work (back casting of material) in an attempt
to correct the appearance of the mat. This type of
condition not only causes mat texture problems, but
affects the rolling operation when trying to achieve
compaction. The roller drum is supported by these
high points and density decreases. (Figure 63)
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Material Design
Mixes with high asphalt content are more fluid in paving is resumed to reestablish the balance. As hot
reaction than the lower content mixes. If a paver is material replaces the colder materials, the screed
set up to place a high asphalt content mix, and during will drop down to its original position. This problem
operation the asphalt content of the mix decreases, occurs all during the paving season but becomes
the screed will have a tendency to rise. (Figure 64) more evident in the fall and early spring when
This is due to the differences in flow characteristics ground temperatures are lower. (Figure 66)
of the asphalt content. Varying asphalt content of a The same problem can occur while the paver is
mix changes the density of material and in turn moving if a cold truckload of material is delivered.
changes the factors affecting the equilibrium of the The temperature of material in each truckload cannot
screed. (Refer to Angle-of-Attack.) vary more than 10°F to 20°F before it starts showing
effects in texture and deviations in the mat.
Figure 64 The paving speed should be set to match the rate at
which material can be delivered to the paver and the
Lower Asphalt Content Screed Rises
number of stops be held to an absolute minimum.
High Asphalt Content
(Refer to Stopping and Starting Paver.)
The screed will rise and fall as the material temperature changes.
factor related to material design. Asphalt cement is Normal material Material cools as Material starts cooling
temperature screed is stopped
a solid at room temperature. It becomes fluid after Figure 66
being heated and becomes a solid again after cooling.
Problems of mat texture and deviations occur when
materials cool to the point of becoming a solid.
(Figure 65) Asphalt Cement
Solid at room temperature Fluid after heating
Figure 65
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Rolling (Compaction)
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Rolling (Compaction)
The actual job site conditions of ground temperature, have a tendency to shove or displace instead of
ambient temperature, wind velocity, material design, compacting vertically.
material temperature, thickness of mat, width of mat Hard to achieve
Too Thin compaction due to
and paving speed will determine the actual amount lack of material.
of time available for rolling (during which density
can be achieved).
Correct Material is compacted
Figure 68 offers a guide to rolling temperatures. On Thickness downward with little
a hot mat, excessive shoveling or displacement of material displacement.
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Rolling (Compaction)
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Rolling (Compaction)
By closely watching roll patterns to prevent First check across the width of the mat. (Figure 75)
displacement of materials and marking of the mat, Place one board on each side of the mat a few inches
density and a uniform quality mat can be achieved. in from the edge. Have two people stretch a string
There are numerous publications and studies that line over the boards and across the width of the mat,
can be acquired from each roller manufacturer. using their feet to pull the string tight. Take
Vibratory Roller Travel Speed measurements from the string line to the mat, starting
close to one side of the mat and checking 2 inches
The speed at which a vibratory roller travels while apart across the width of the mat. These
compacting a mat, the travel speed VPM (vibrations- measurements will show if any deviations exist
per-minute), and the amplitude (amount of force across the width of the mat. If deviations exist,
imparted from the drum to the mat) affect the density adjustment of the screed will be necessary.
and smoothness of the mat. If these factors are not
matched to the specific conditions of the mat being The second checks will be made in three places
compacted, ripples can be introduced in the mat along the length of the mat. (Figure 76) The prime
surface. This decreases the rideability or smoothness area for deviations to occur is where the screed was
of the job and it may fail to pass specifications. stopped. Be sure to check in areas like this. Place the
Specific job conditions have to be evaluated to boards approximately 20 feet to 25 feet apart as the
establish roller speed, VPM and amplitude settings illustration shows. Have two people stretch a string
that achieve density without affecting the rideability line over the boards and under their feet, using their
or smoothness of the job. There are numerous legs to pull the string tight. Measurements from the
publications and studies that can be acquired from string line to the mat should be taken, starting close
each roller manufacture. to one board and checking 2 inches apart across the
length of the string line. Re-check in all three
Checking Unrolled Mat positions as illustrated. These measurements will
There is a very simple method of checking the loose show if any deviations exist across the length of the
or unrolled mat that will determine whether the mat. If the checks show deviations in excess of
source of a smoothness problem is the paving specifications, adjustment of the screed or paver
operation or the rolling operation. may be necessary. If the checks show the unrolled
1) Two boards of equal thickness (2x4 cut in half) mat is within specification, there are only two other
possible sources; roller-induced deviations or
2) 30 feet of strong string line
existing grade deviations.
3) Tape measure or ruler
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Checking the profile across the length of an unrolled mat.
Figure 76
Figure 75
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Sensor Arm
Figure 78
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Slope Control
The slope control system consists of a hand-held
remote set unit, a slope sensor (pendulum) and an
amplifier module which has indicator lights and a
mode operation switch. On the CR351 and CR361
pavers the slope sensor and amplifier modules are
incorporated into the same mount housing. (Figure
82) All other models have the slope sensor and
amplifier modules mounted separately. (Figures 83
& 84)
The slope control system can control the left or the Slope Sensor, 400 and 500 Series Pavers
Figure 85
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N + OR
+ = SystemFour
Sonic Tracker III
Continuosly Gain Calibration
Turn Knob
Holding Switch (first of 8 calabrationmodes)
One "Click"
to the Right
While Turning
Power ON
Continue to hold the Auto/Manual/Survey (Cal) 5) Beeper. Sets audible beep On or O ff.
switch down and turn the Grade Adjustment Knob
one click at a time to access the other performance
settings. Releasing the Auto/Manual/Survey (Cal)
switch will display the current system settings.
Turning the Grade Adjustment Know one click at a
time will change the setting.
6) Hour Meter. Displays total and auto hours.
1) Blank Screen. The blank screen will be the
first setting displayed when entering the System SystemFour
Performace Settings and must be displayed to
exit and save the system performace settings.
2) Gain (Elevation). This setting determines the
speed at which System Four will cause the tow
point cylinders to adjust to a change in elevation.
The typical Gain setting for the tracker is
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7) Deadband. Sets on grade deadband. Deadband This causes the current offset in the up direction
is the area of the working window that is on to be displayed and shows an UP light indicator.
grade as simply means that while the reference Turning the grade adjustment know adjust the
is within that area, the paver's valves are idle rate at which the tow point cylinder moves.
(closed). Therefore, the wider the deadband
(on grade area), the more a reference can move
up or down without a correction being initiated.
Typical deadband setting is 003.
Press the Auto/Manual/Survey (Cal) switch to
survey (Cal) and release. Adjust the Grade Knob until no cylinder
movement is noted and then adjust to the point
where a slight cylinder movment is noted.
SystemFour After the desired values have been selected,
press the Auto/Man/Survey (Cal) switch to
Survey (Cal) and hold while turning the grade
adjustment knob to the next performance
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Observe the follwoing tow point cylinder
3) Switch the elevation power/off/slope power
switch to slope.
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The tow point cylinder should move to the new The tow point cylinder should move to the new
position and stop. If the tow point cylinder position and stop. If the tow point cylinder
does not move, the valve offset poerformance does not move, the valve offset performance
setting for that direction of cylinder movement setting for that direction of cylinder movement
is too slow and needs to be increased. is too slow and needs to be increased.
If the tow point cylinder jumps a large distance If the tow point cylinder jumps a large distance
and has to come back before stopping, the and has to come back before stopping, the
valve offset performance setting for that valve offset performance setting for that
direction of cylinder movement is too fast and direction of cylinder movement is too fast and
needs to be decreased. needs to be decreased.
7) Turn the grade adjustment knob on the control If necessary, adjust valve offset performance
box one click counterclockwise. settings and repeat operational checks.
Before dealing with sensor location in relation to
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Before dealing with sensor location in relation to A slope sensory system uses an electronic sensor
screed reaction, it is important to understand how a that maintains a set angle (or null point) in relation
grade or slope system actually controls the angle-of- to the horizon. If the sensor deviates from that null
attack on the screed. point, an electrical signal is sent to the tow point
A grade sensory system uses an electronic sensor solenoid valve, causing the tow point cylinder to
that maintains a set elevation (or null point) in raise or lower to reestablish the null point at the
relation to a reference. If anything causes the sensor sensor. When the tow point is raised, it increases the
to deviate from that null point, an electrical signal is angle-of-attack on the screed, causing the screed to
sent to the tow point solenoid valve, causing the tow increase depth. When the tow point is lowered, it
point cylinder to raise or lower to reestablish the null decreases the angle-of-attack on the screed causing
point at the sensor. When the tow point is raised, it screed to decrease depth. (Figure 88)
Hand Held Control
increases the angle-of-attack on screed, causing the
Tow Point
screed to increase depth. When the tow point is Solenoid Valve Slope Amplifier
Tow point
Grade sensor
solenoid valve
Sensor Positioning
The position of the sensor on the tow arm determines
2. Tow point moves up how fast the screed will react to a change of the null
3. Screed climbs in depth point at the sensor, thus, affecting either the profile
Figure 87 or the rideability. Evaluate job specifications and
grade-related conditions to determine the desired
mounting position that will produce the required
results. (Refer to Building Profile, Rideability or
Evaluation of Jobs.)
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Areas Of Deviation
When working with automation, there are three However, the screed will start to climb due to the
variables that affect the automation and/or position increase in the angle-of-attack. When the screed
of the screed: tow point deviations, screed deviations climbs enough to exceed the deadband width of the
and sensor location. It is important to understand sensor it will then react. The sensor does not pick up
how the automation reacts differently to a given the error at the screed until it affects the screed.
deviation in each of these areas. (Figure 89) The NULL dimension (A) always remains the same
Deviation at
Tow Point Sensor mount in rearward position
A Pivot
Figure 89 Figure 91
Tow Point Deviation Screed Deviation
Tow point deviations are caused by the paver moving Screed deviations are caused by screed settling,
over irregular grades. variations in paving speed, head of material,
Figure 90 shows a deviation at the tow point, with adjustment of hand cranks, and grade conditions.
the sensor mounted in a forward position. With Figure 92 shows a deviation at the screed with the
sensor mounted forward, the amount of deviation at sensor mounted in a forward position. With the
the sensor is approximately the same as the amount sensor mounted forward, the amount of deviation at
of deviation at the tow point. The distance the tow the sensor is small enough that it does not exceed the
point cylinder would have to travel to reestablish the dead band width of the sensor. Therefore the sensor
original null point would be approximately the same will not react immediately to the screed deviation.
as the tow point deviation. In effect, the sensor When the screed climbs far enough to exceed the
anticipates the error at the screed and corrects for it deadband width of the sensor, it will then react.
before it occurs. The NULL dimension (A) always remains the same
The NULL dimension (A) always remains the same
Deviation at
Pivot Sensor mounted in forward position the Screed
Deviation at Sensor mounted in forward position
Tow Point Point
Amount of deviation Amount of deviation
Pivot Point at sensor at screed
Amount of deviation
at sensor Figure 90 Figure 92
Amount of deviation
at tow point
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Areas Of Deviation
Figure 93 shows a deviation at the screed, with the Figure 95 shows a deviation at the sensor, with the
sensor mounted in a rearward position. With the sensor mounted in a forward position. With the
sensor mounted rearward, the amount of deviation at sensor mounted forward, the distance the tow point
the sensor is approximately the same as the amount cylinder would have to travel to reestablish the null
of deviation at the screed. The distance the tow point point would be approximately the same as the amount
cylinder would have to travel to reestablish the of deviation at the sensor.
original null point would be more than the amount of The NULL dimension (A) always remains the same
deviation at the screed. A
The NULL dimension (A) always remains the same
Deviation at
the Sensor Sensor mounted in rearward position
Deviation at
Sensor mounted in rearward position the Screed
Point Amount of tow point travel Amount of deviation
(A) required to reestablish NULL point. at sensor
Figure 95
Amount of deviation Amount of deviation
at sensor at screed
Figure 93
Sensor Deviation
Sensor deviation is caused by manual adjustment
(changing the sensor setting), loose or flexing sensor
mounts, or changes in the reference. Figure 94
shows a deviation at the sensor with the sensor
mounted in a rearward position. With the sensor
mounted rearward, the distance the tow point cylinder
would have to travel to reestablish the null point
would be more than the amount of deviation at the
The NULL dimension (A) always remains the same
Deviation at
the Sensor Sensor forward in rearward position
Amount of deviation
at sensor
Amount of tow point travel
required to reestablish NULL point.
Figure 94
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Figure 96
Figure 99
Screed Mounting
With the sensor mounted in the rearward position,
Never mount the grade sensor any closer to the any change to the null point of the sensor will cause
screed than 3¦4 of the way back from the tow point. a magnified change of the tow point position in order
Mounting at the screed results in very unstable to reestablish the null point.
reactions to sensor deviations. (Figure 97)
Adjusting Point
Control Point
The magnified change at the tow point is greater than
that required for the screed to achieve the desired
depth, but is necessary if the screed is to achieve the
Effective length of tow arm
desired depth quickly. The screed continues to
Adjusting Point Figure 97
Control Point change depth due to the magnified change in the tow
Point point. As the screed continues to change depth, it in
turn causes a change in the null point. The grade
Effective length of tow arm
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Tow Point Deviation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Screed Deviation
In Figure 100, the tow point rises very quickly in the Figure 101
first two feet of travel, while the screed takes six feet
of travel to respond to the tow point movement. The The magnified change at the tow point is greater than
sensor detects that the screed has risen to the correct that required for the screed to achieve the desired
level at about three feet of travel and starts bringing depth, but is necessary if the screed is to achieve the
the tow point back down. The tow point stabilizes at desired depth quickly. As the screed continues to
about nine feet of travel. The screed finally stabilizes change depth due to the magnified change in the tow
at about seventeen feet of travel. We want to note point, it in turn causes a change in the null point. The
that the screed exceeds the desired level from about grade sensor detects this change and relocates the
four feet of travel to about seventeen feet of travel. tow point to again reestablish the null point.
This is primarily due to the over-correction of the With the sensor close to the screed, it is very
tow point and screed reaction time. responsive to any deviation in the screed position,
From the standpoint of building profile, as a major though not very responsive to deviations of the tow
change is introduced, the screed responds very point position, caused by the tractor traveling over
quickly to that change as desired. From the standpoint irregular grades. Therefore, it does not anticipate
of rideability, this creates a bump that traffic would these deviations. It can only react when a deviation
feel. When building profile (joint matching), the of the tow point affects the position of the screed.
screed reacts quickly to deviations at the sensor. Refer to Screed Deviations and Tow Point Deviation.
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The slope system consists of a slope sensor the paver to travel approximately 5 lengths of the
(pendulum), an amplifier, and a hand-held set unit. tow arm before the correction is fully completed.
The slope sensor provides an angular reference in Deviations that occur at the tow point, (due to the
relation to the horizon for controlling the percentage tractor traveling over irregular grades) are corrected
of slope on the mat being placed. for immediately. In effect, the sensor is correcting
The most common problem incurred when using for deviations at the tow point before they can affect
slope control is the conflict of job specifications for the screed’s angle-of-attack (position). In this
percentage of slope and yield. Many job application we are building “Rideability”, or
specifications will require a mat be placed at an averaging all required changes in depth over a longer
exact percentage of slope over very irregular sloping area.
grades. The conflict comes in when the depth of With the sensor mounted in the forward position,
material in a specific area becomes thicker to maintain any deviation at the tow point caused by the tractor
the desired slope and specifications will not allow traveling over irregular grades will cause the sensor
for the extra material required. When these conflicts to react immediately to correct for that deviation,
exist, a paver crew has to constantly override or reset therefore maintaining the same tow point position
the percentage of slope in an attempt to meet depth (angle-of-attack on the screed) in relation to the
or yield specifications. The mat being produced will angle of the cross beam, regardless of the grade
not meet specifications for slope, and the smoothness irregularities. (Figure 111)
or “rideability” of the mat is greatly reduced by the Slope sensor mounted
forward for "rideability"
frequent changes in slope that introduced. In these
conditions, pre-leveling of extremely irregular
sloping areas is recommended. Refer to Pre-
Sensor Positioning
Sensor reacts to any
angular change of crossbeam
The position of the sensor can be mounted on either
the forward cross beam or on the rearward cross
beam. The mounting position determines how fast
Figure 111
the screed will react to a change of the null point at
the sensor, therefore building profile or rideability. When the tractor rises and falls while traveling over
Evaluate job specifications and grade-related irregular grades, the tow point position in relation to
conditions to determine the desired mounting position the angle of the cross beam remains unchanged,
that will produce the required results. Refer to therefore not changing the angle-of-attack on the
Building Profile, Rideability or Evaluation of Jobs. screed. Deviations at the tow point that would have
Building For Rideability affected the position of the screed have been
With the sensor mounted on the forward cross beam, anticipated and corrected before they affect the
corrections to deviations at the screed will require screed’s position. (Figure 112)
Slope sensor
mounted forward Figure 112
Tow point position remains the same as the tractor travels over irregular grades.
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With the sensor close to the tow point, it is very rideability. However, it did not necessarily maintain
responsive to deviations in the tow point, though not an exact percentage of slope at any given point in the
very responsive to deviations at the screed caused by mat.
screed settling, variations in paving speed, head of
Figure 114 - Sensor Mounted Forward
material, adjustment of hand cranks, or grade
2 with Deviation at Screed
conditions. When a deviation in slope occurs at the 1
screed and exceeds the deadband width of the sensor, 0
the tow point is repositioned to reestablish the null -1
point or original angle of the sensor. The distance -2
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change depth due to the magnified change in the tow Figure 117 - Slope Sensor Mounted Rearward
point. As the screed continues to change depth, it in 3
turn causes a change in the null point. The grade 1
sensor detects this change and relocates the tow -1
point position to again reestablish the null point. -3
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(Combinations of Grade and Slope)
Ski and Slope (Sensor Forward) Joint Matcher and Slope (Sensor Forward)
When a combination of ski and slope are utilized, When combining a slope sensor (mounted forward)
mounting both grade and slope sensors forward and a joint matcher (with the grade sensor mounted
results in better rideability. If a deviation occurs at rearward) the grade system builds profile while the
the tow point on the side being controlled by the slope system builds rideability.
grade sensor, the grade sensor reacts immediately to If a deviation occurs at the tow point on the side
reestablish the original tow point position in relation controlled by the slope sensor, the slope sensor
to the ski. Therefore the angle of the cross beam reacts immediately to reestablish the original angle
remains unchanged and the slope sensor does not of the cross beam, maintaining the tow point position.
react. If a deviation occurs at the tow point on the Therefore it is anticipates deviations that would
side being controlled by the slope sensor, the slope occur at the screed and corrects for them before they
sensor reacts immediately to reestablish the original occur. Refer to Tow Point Deviation with sensor
angle of the cross beam. In effect the slope control mounted forward. With the slope sensor close to the
maintains the tow point position much like the grade tow point, it is very responsive to any deviations in
control system does when run off a ski. This the tow point position, though not very responsive to
combination of grade and slope will anticipate deviations at the screed, caused by screed settling,
deviations that would occur at the screed and corrects variations in paving speed, head of material,
for them before they occur. Refer to Tow Point adjustment of hand cranks, grade conditions, etc.
Deviation with sensor mounted forward. Refer to Screed Deviation with sensor mounted
With the sensors close to the tow point, they are very forward.
responsive to any deviations in the tow point’s If a deviation occurs at the grade sensor, the sensor
position, though not very responsive to deviations at will cause a large change of the tow point position on
the screed caused by screed settling, variations in the grade side to reestablish the null point of the
paving speed, head of material, adjustment of hand grade sensor. Refer to Screed Deviation with sensor
cranks, grade conditions, etc. Refer to Screed mounted rearward. This large change of the tow
Deviation with sensor mounted forward. point position on the grade side in turn changes the
Ski and Slope (Sensor Rearward) angle of the cross beam. The slope sensor detects
When utilizing a slope sensor (mounted rearward) this and changes the tow point position on the slope
with a ski, the grade system builds rideability while side an equal amount in the same direction to
the slope system corrects for change at the screed. reestablish the null point of the slope sensor. In
Refer to Tow Point Deviation with sensor mounted effect, a small deviation at the grade sensor has
rearward. This combination is not overly responsive caused a magnified change of both grade and slope
to irregular grades, but will even out deviations, tow points. Refer to Sensor Deviation with sensor
providing rideability. It is, however, very responsive mounted rearward.
to deviations of slope at the screed. If a deviation Joint Matcher and Slope (Sensor Rearward)
occurs at the screed, the sensor will cause a large When combining a slope sensor (mounted rearward)
change of the tow point position to reestablish the and a joint matcher (with the grade sensor mounted
null point of the slope sensor. Refer to Screed rearward) both the grade and slope systems build
Deviation with sensor mounted rearward. profile. If a deviation occurs at the grade sensor, the
sensor will cause a large change of the tow point
position on the grade side to reestablish the null
point of the grade sensor. Refer to Sensor Deviation
with sensor mounted rearward. The slope sensor
will not react to the deviation at the grade sensor
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(Combinations of Grade and Slope)
until the change that was introduced to the grade side When the slope and grade sensors are mounted
tow point causes a change at the screed. Then it will rearward, they are not very responsive to deviations
also introduce a large change in the tow point position at the tow points caused by the tractor traveling over
on the slope control side. Refer to Screed Deviation irregular grades. They can only react after a tow
with sensor mounted rearward. If a deviation occurs point deviation has caused a change at the screed.
at the screed, the slope sensor will cause a large Refer to Tow Point Deviation with sensor mounted
change of the tow point position on the slope side to rearward.
reestablish the null point of the slope sensor. Refer
to Screed Deviation with sensor mounted rearward.
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
SmoothTrac™ incorporates proven Sonic Tracker® Quick and easy setup and storage on the paver
technology with special software to completely eliminates the loss or damage to the ski during
eliminate the need for contact type skis on road transport or changing to joint matching.
The beam can be setup to “over the screed” reference
SmoothTrac™ can be adapted to all brands of without adding large and awkward sections to the
pavers and profilers and can be made compatible beam.
with existing Topcon System IV Paver Systems
components with a simple software upgrade. NOTE: When adding SmoothTrac™ to an
The non-contact design allows full maneuverability existing paver control system, be sure the
of paver and profilers, and turn around or back up existing system is upgraded with SAS
without removing or lifting the beam. With the software on both the control boxes and the
single knob mat thickness control in hundredths of trackers being used. (See Control Box Setup
a foot from the screed platform, this allows the Rev Info on page 67)
operator greater control of material.
Beam Layout
“L” Arm
Tracker Hanger
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Safety Precautions
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
1. During installation, in order to accurately align 4. Orientation of the L arms are dependent upon
the beam assembly onto the pivot post, use the the height alignment of both collars. The L arms
center portion of the beam or equivalent weld can be installed with 16” post in either the
fixture. upright or downward pointing direction in order
to raise or lower the beam and place the tracker
2. Both attachment posts must be mounted (welded) within the required sensing range.
perpendicular to upper surface of the tow arm,
and parallel to each other. 5. Loosely coil the cable about the beam sections
and use the cable clamps to prevent sagging
3. Prior to installation of the L arms, align locking loops that might create a safety hazard.
collar on the end gate post with the stop collar on
the tow arm pivot post. 6. After initial installation, assure a good path to
ground by partially tightening handles and lock
bolts, and then moving all folding joints in and
out. This should remove all paint which could
prevent good grounding.
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Tow Arm Mount
Vertical Vertical
All parts included in 9800-1015 kit
1. After welding tow arm pivot post perpendicular to the tow
arm, install weld fixture / center portion of beam onto post
and clamp in place.
2. Install long pivot post (9090-1339) into fixture / center
portion of beam, butt collar (9090-1342) up against
clamping block of the fixture, and tighten handle.
3. Place weld gussets (9090-1119) onto post and tack to tow
arm. Check alignment prior to final welding.
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Weld collar at the same height as the
short pivot post.
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Swing Arm Mounting
A. Either configuration may be typical to lower-height Tow Arm Mounting.
9090-1078 2130-0102
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Beam Assembly
Right Side Beam Shown
Apply Anti-Seize to all threads and Pivot Pins
2130-0124 9800-1037
9800-1033 Right
9800-1038 Left
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
1/2-12 THD
1/2 I.D.
1/2-13 x 7”
Tracker Bolt
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
SAS Cable
The 9060-5232 SAS Coil cable was designed to give the operator the felexability of relocating the the Sonic Trackers on the beam by
drilling new mounting holes and moving the Tracker hanger.
1 2 3 4 Physical Location
1 3 2 4 Polling Sequence
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Assembly Notes
During any adjustment, alignment, or orientation of the beam assembly, especially the L arms, all
clamps handles must be loosened to allow each section to move freely.
Caution: Always tighten ALL clamp handles following every adjustment of the beam assembly.
This is especially important during transport within the job site.
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Control Box Setup Instructions for SAS Installation
Refer to the Topcon Paver System Four Operator’s Manual (7010-0118) for accessing the System Four Performance
settings. Confirm the Control Box Rev is 3.7 or higher and the Tracker Rev is 2.1 or higher (Both Control Box and
Trackers should be labeled with SAS stickers).
After entering the performance menu follow the steps below:
1. Set SS to equal the number of Trackers being used.
Range OFF/2-10
2. Lower gains if system response is too quick causing rapid corrections.
3. The frequency setting in the technicians menu may need to be lowered to 3, if the beam has an osciliation
when the machine is sitting still.
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
Placement of Sonic Averaging System
The center connection point of the SAS is the balance point. The position of the balance point to the tow arm is very
critical. By moving the balance point, the performance of the system is greatly affected. The balance point of the beam
should be located 1/3 to 2/3 the distance from the rear of the screed to the tow point cylinder.
By placing the balance point near the back 1/3 (close to the screed), the systems will have a faster reaction time. By
placing the balance point closer to the 2/3 point (near the tow point cylinder), the system will have a slower reaction
time. For mainline paving, a slower reaction time is desired.
To determine where to position the SAS on your paver, start by measuring the length of the tow arm. Divide the total
length by three. This will give you the placement of the balance point of the SAS on your machine.
1. Pave manually until specific mat thickness is established.
2. Turn system on, and set SAS to on-grade (refer to System Four Operator’s Manual for survey information).
3. Pave as normal making thickness adjustments with control box knobs.
Center of Beam
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Sonic Averaging System (SAS)
The SAS system has been designed to continue to operate even when one of the Trackers fails. When a failure occurs,
the control box will flash “ERR” preceded by a number “1-4.” The number represents the Tracker which failed,
making trouble- shooting easy and fast. NOTE: A number reading of “1” could mean the first or last Tracker has
failed depending on which side the beam has been mounted. The SAS cable is labeled with numbers at each connector
for easy identification. The system will ignore the Tracker which is causing the error and average the remaining three
Trackers. For best results, replace the faulty Tracker as soon as possible.
Once one of the Trackers has been eliminated from the averaging, the balance point of the beam will have changed. If
the faulty Tracker is not replaced the beam will need to be repositioned to adjust for the new balance point. It is
strongly recommended, if the first or last Tracker fails, to replace it with one of the remaining Trackers from the
middle of the beam. This will insure that the balance point is not outside of the 1/3 to 2/3 rule.
If any problems exist during operation or when the machine is stationary refer to page 67 for setup information.
New Balance
Center of Beam
New Balance Point
2’ from CL
X Center of Beam
New Balance
Point 2’ from CL
Center of Beam
New Balance
Center of Beam
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0.10% .012 1/64 1/8 1/8 5/32 5/32 5/32 3/16 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 1/4
0.13% .015 1/64 5/32 5/32 3/16 3/16 7/32 7/32 1/4 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16
0.20% .024 1/32 1/4 1/4 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/8 3/8 13/32 7/16 15/32 15/32
0.26% .031 1/32 5/16 11/32 3/8 13/32 7/16 15/32 1/2 17/32 9/16 19/32 5/8
0.30% .036 3/64 3/8 13/32 7/16 15/32 1/2 17/32 9/16 5/8 21/32 11/16 23/32
0.40% .048 3/64 1/2 17/32 9/16 5/8 11/16 23/32 25/32 13/16 7/8 29/32 31/32
0.50% .060 1/16 19/32 21/32 23/32 25/32 27/32 29/32 31/32 1-1/32 1-3/32 1-1/8 1-3/16
0.52% .062 1/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-5/16 1-1/4
0.60% .072 5/64 23/32 25/32 7/8 15/16 1 1-3/32 1-5/32 1-7/32 1-9/32 1-3/8 1-7/16
0.78% .093 3/32 15/16 1-1/32 1-1/8 1-7/32 1-5/16 1-13/32 1-1/2 1-19/32 1-11/16 1-25/32 1-7/8
0.80% .096 3/32 31/32 1-1/16 1-5/32 1-1/4 1-11/32 1-7/16 1-17/32 1-5/8 1-23/32 1-13/16 1-29/32
1.0% .120 1/8 1-3/16 1-5/16 1-7/16 1-9/16 1-11/16 1-13/16 1-29/32 2-1/32 2-5/32 2-9/32 2-13/32
1.5% .180 3/16 1-13/16 1-21/32 2-5/32 2-11/32 2-17/32 2-11/16 2-7/8 3-1/16 3-1/4 3-13/32 3-19/32
2% .240 1/4 2-7/16 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/8 3-3/8 3-19/32 3-27/32 4-3/32 4-5/16 4-9/16 4-13/16
3% .360 3/8 3-5/8 3-31/32 4-5/16 4-11/16 5-1/32 5-13/32 5-3/4 6-1/8 6-15/32 6-27/32 6-3/16
4% .480 15/32 4-13/16 5-9/16 5-3/4 6-1/4 6-23/32 7-3/16 7-11/16 8-5/32 8-5/8 9-1/8 9-19/32
5% .600 19/32 6 6-19/32 7-3/16 7-13/16 8-13/32 9 9-19/32 10-3/16 10-13/16 11-13/32 12
6% .720 23/32 7-3/16 7-29/32 8-5/8 9-3/8 10-3/32 10-13/16 11-17/32 12-1/4 12-31/32 13-11/16 14-13/32
7% .840 27/32 8-13/32 9-1/4 10-3/32 10-29/32 11-3/4 12-19/32 13-7/16 14-9/32 15-1/8 15-21/32 16-13/16
8% .960 32/32 9-19/32 10-9/16 11-17/32 12-15/32 13-7/16 14-13/32 15-3/8 16-5/16 17-9/32 18-1/4 19-3/16
9% 1.08 1-3/32 10-13/16 11-7/8 12-31/32 14-1/32 15-1/8 16-3/16 17-9/32 18-3/8 19-7/32 20-17/32 21-19/32
10% 1.20 1-3/16 12 13-3/16 14-13/32 15-19/32 16-13/16 18 19-3/16 20-13/32 21-19/32 22-13/16 24
11% 1.32 1-5/16 13-3/16 14-17/32 15-27/32 17-5/32 18-15/32 19-13/16 21-1/8 22-7/16 23-3/4 25-3/32 26-13/32
12% 1.44 1-7/16 14-13/32 15-27/32 17-9/32 18-23/32 20-5/32 21-19/32 23-1/32 24-15/32 25-29/32 27-3/8 28-13/16
Figure 118
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Figure 120
Transverse Joints
Transverse joints are created when an existing mat
or lane is to be continued. The quality and durability Figure 122
of the joint depends on careful preparation of the
existing mat or lane. It is critical that any taper or The screed should be preheated to the temperature of
defective area be removed. The joint area has to be the material being used. A cold screed will not only
perfectly flat and parallel with the line of paving! tear the surface of the mat being placed but will also
If not, a depression or bump will be produced. have a tendency to come off the joint low, creating
a depression in the mat. Do not over-heat the screed
bottom, as this will damage or warp the screed
As seen in Figure 121, the existing mat is checked bottom. (Refer to Screed Heaters.)
with a straightedge and the tapered area removed to
Back the paver up over the joint and align the screed
produce a joint area that is flat and parallel with the
so the face of the screed is square with the edge of the
line of paving.
joint. Lower the screed onto the boards and null the
Checking the existing mat with a good straight edge screed. ( Refer to Nulling Screed.)
Once the screed has been nulled and the initial angle-
of-attack has been introduced, the auger chamber
Remove should be filled to the level of the auger shaft. Do not
over fill the auger chamber, as this is the most
common cause of creating a bump when pulling off
a joint. If needed, the corner areas on the ends of the
screed should be hand-filled to prevent force-feeding
an excessively high head of material in the center
areas of the screed. Refer to Head of Material.
Figure 121
(Figure 123)
Proper joint
area after
removing taper
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Figure 125
After the new mat has been checked for correct
material thickness (and corrected if necessary), then
Figure 123
the mat can be rolled. After rolling, check the joint
with a straight edge to ensure it is at the correct level
and no bumps or depressions have occurred.
After filling the auger chamber to the correct level,
By taking a little extra time and effort, transverse
move the paver forward slowly, allowing the screed
joints can be constructed to meet specifications for
operator time to check and correct the depth if
smoothness and durability.
necessary. The feeder controls should be set to auto,
and feed sensors checked and set to maintain the Longitudinal Joints
correct head of material. Once the paver has moved Asphalt longitudinal joints do not have the high
away from the joint area, the joint can be checked maintenance cost and poor ride quality of concrete
and prepared for rolling. The excess or overlap pavements. Employing proper paving techniques
material must be removed, as this material cannot be will produce a longitudinal joint that meets
compacted into a cold or existing mat. (Figure 124) specifications for smoothness and will be resistant
Do not shovel this overlap material back onto the to penetration of water, air and other substances that
fresh mat, as this extra material may not be compacted would cause a premature failure of the joint.
down to the same height as the rest of the joint. This
could create a bump.
To get a tight joint between mats, the new mat should
Existing Mat New Mat not overlap the existing mat more than 1 inch.
(Figure 126) Always keep the overlap to the minimum
requirement. If a large overlap is required, use a
cutoff shoe to block the mix from building up under
the screed in the overlap area. If excessive mix is
Remove Overlap Material allowed to build up under the screed in the overlap
Figure 124 area it will eventually support the screed and actually
Once the overlap material has been removed, the cause the screed to rise. This leads to control and
joint should be checked with a good straight-edge to texture problems, as a nose-down attitude will have
ensure the thickness of the new mat is correct. If the to be introduced to prevent the screed from climbing.
new mat does not have enough material thickness at
the joint when it is rolled, the density in the area
where the new mat joins to the old mat will be low. ROLLED MAT
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When matching one mat to another, use a 6 inch or The joint matcher is the control point from which the
a 1 foot screed extension on the joint matching side. depth is established. It should be set as close to the
This provides a small separate screed bottom to joint being matched as possible, taking into account
absorb the extra wear that occurs when a slight the condition of the joint. If a joint edge has been
overlap is required. Extra wear would otherwise tapered off due to traffic, it may become necessary
take place on one tip of the main screed bottom and to set the joint matcher farther in on the existing mat
destroy its uniformity. to find a uniform area from which to reference.
The screed should never ride on the existing mat. (Figure 128)
For proper joint sealing and density, it is critical that Set the joint matcher as close The joint matcher is the control
material depth at the joint be sufficient to allow for to the joint as possible point that establishes depth.
compaction by the roller. If material thickness at the
joint is insufficient to allow for compaction rates, Existing Mat New Mat
the joint will not resist penetration of water, air and
Figure 128
other substances that would cause premature failure
of the joint. An alternative to using a joint matcher is to use a ski.
Using Automatics This is preferred where the job calls for multiple lift
Automatic screed controls should always be used paving. By using a ski on the existing mat the
when matching longitudinal joints. They will produce deviations in that mat will not be transmitted to the
a very accurate match if set up properly. Traditionally new mat, thus producing a smooth, uniform mat,
a grade sensor with a joint matcher shoe is used to though not necessarily matching the joint in a given
match joints. This combination is very responsive to area. When the final lift is placed, a joint matcher
the elevation or profile of the existing mat, and the shoe can be used to match the joint exactly.
new mat produced will follow the profile of the Segregation
existing mat. (Figure 127) However, problems of Segregation in the mat can originate at any point
rideability occur when the existing mat is not perfectly where the materials that make up the mix design are
flat, as any deviations in the existing mat are handled or moved. Segregation is primarily related
transmitted into the new mat. to the gradation of the mix design and the type or
shape of the aggregates used in the design. For
example, course-graded material designs have fewer
fines, and when handled these fines have a tendency
to separate from the larger aggregates. Also, a mix
design that uses high percentages of smooth-faced
aggregates will segregate very easily when handled,
as the aggregates have a tendency to roll.
Segregation (Before The Paver)
When the mat being placed starts showing signs of
segregation, the source of the problem has to be
Figure 127 found and corrected at the source. (Figure 129) The
paver can not correct for or re-blend materials
that are segregated before being placed in the
hopper of the paver.
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Troubleshooting Guide
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Troubleshooting Guide
Cause: Solution:
(1) full width scuff - cold screed bottom (1) heat screed
(2) outer edges scuffing - cold mix at end of augers (2) add auger extensions
(3) screed extensions mounted incorrectly (3) adjust
Cause: Solution:
(1) material design changing (1) correct at hot plant
(2) material temperature changing (2) correct at hot plant
(3) poor or changing asphalt quality (3) contact distributor
(4) aggregate size too large for mat thickness (4) increase mat thickness
(5) segregation of material (5) find and correct source
(6) too much hand raking or walking on loose mat (6) do not walk on mat - use proper paving
(7) worn or damaged screed (7) repair or replace
Cause: Solution:
(1) moisture in underlying mat or grade (1) allow existing mat or grade to dry out
(2) moisture in material (2) correct at hot plant
Cause: Solution:
(1) poor asphalt cement quality (1) contact distributor
(2) gas or oil spilled on material (2) find cause and correct
Cause: Solution:
(1) excessive moisture in mix (1) correct at hot plant
(2) excessive vibration (2) correct at roller
(3) tack coat too heavy (3) use less tack coat
(4) too much asphalt in mix (4) correct at hot plant
(5) oil or fuel spilled on mat (5) find source and correct
Cause: Solution:
(1) tow point position too high or low for (1) adjust tow point position
paving depth
(2) stopping too long (2) adjust paving speed to keep paver moving
(3) screed assist not adjusted (3) adjust screed assist system
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Troubleshooting Guide
Cause: Solution:
(1) trucks hitting paver (1) instruct driver
(2) fluctuating head of material (2) correct head of material
(3) erratic stops and starts (3) instruct operator
(4) trucks holding brakes (4) instruct driver
(5) roller stopping on hot mat (5) instruct operator
(6) worn or damaged screed components (6) repair or replace
(7) wrong roll pattern (7) instruct operator
(8) roller vibrating in place (8) instruct operator
(9) grade and/or slope dead band too tight (9) adjust dead band
(10) incorrect mounting of ski or grade sensor (10) mount correctly
(11) stringline loose (11) correct stringline
(12) overcorrecting hand cranks or automation (12) instruct screedman
Cause: Solution:
(1) over-correcting hand cranks or automation (1) instruct screedman
(2) worn or damaged screed components (2) repair or replace
(3) fluctuating head of material (3) correct head of material
(4) variation of mix temperature (4) correct at plant
(5) excessive rolling speed (5) instruct operator
(6) worn augers (6) repair or replace
(7) erratic changes in paving speed (7) instruct operator
RIPPLES (Continued)
Cause: Solution:
(8) trucks holding brakes (8) instruct driver
(9) rollers on mat too soon (9) instruct operator
(10) rollers in bad repair (10) repair
Cause: Solution:
(1) worn or damaged screed (1) repair or replace
(2) grade sensor location incorrect for application (2) move to correct location
(3) grade or slope dead band incorrect (3) adjust dead band
(4) rolling pattern wrong (4) instruct operator
(5) uneven tire pressure (5) adjust tire pressure
(6) fluctuating head of material (6) correct head of material
(7) varying paving speed (7) maintain same paving speed
Cause: Solution:
(1) overcorrecting hand cranks or automation (1) instruct screedman
(2) delay in rolling (2) instruct operator
(3) fluctuating head of material (3) correct head of material
(4) too much overlap (4) instruct operator
(5) grade sensor location incorrect (5) relocate
(6) grade sensor dead band incorrect (6) adjust dead band
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Troubleshooting Guide
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Troubleshooting Guide
Cause: Solution:
(1) rolling too fast (1) instruct operator
(2) rolling too light (2) increase ballast, change rollers
(3) inadequate rolling or not enough rollers (3) change roll patterns or add rollers
(4) rolling when material is too cold (4) move roller closer to paver
(5) material out of specification (5) correct at hot plant
(6) material temperature too hot or cold (6) correct at hot plant
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Paving Terminology
Aggregate: Various sizes of stones, gravel, pebbles Density: The degree to which air voids have been
and sand, that comprise the bulk of the material used removed from a material.
in asphalt mixes. Depth Crank: The mechanical adjusting crank
Angle-of-Attack: The angle at which the screed located on each side of the screed used for setting or
bottom travels through the asphalt material. changing the angle-of-attack on the screed.
Asphalt: The blend of aggregates, fines and asphalt Deviation: A change in elevation or slope in
cement. reference to a given point or plane.
Auger: The spiral components mounted to the rear Elevation: The vertical height measured from a
of the conveyor discharge that spread the asphalt reference point or plane.
material evenly across the width of the screed. Equilibrium: Refers to the balance of forces and
Asphalt Cement: A thick petroleum-based product factors that affect the position or elevation of the
used to bond the aggregates and fines together. screed.
Auger Chamber: The area in which the augers are Fastach Screed: A standard 8 ft. or 10 ft. fixed
mounted. width screed.
Automatic Feeder Controls: The controls mounted Feeders: The left or right auger-conveyor
to the outboard end of the augers that control the combination that moves material from the hopper
level of material. and across the width of the screed.
Automatic Grade and Slope Controls: The Flow Gates: The vertical adjustable plates located
electronic grade and/or slope sensory system that at the rear of the hopper that control the amount or
controls the angle-of-attack on the screed. volume of material that passes from the hopper to the
Averaging: The ability of the screed to correct for a auger chamber.
deviation over a long travel distance. Frame Raise: (A) The ability of a rubber-tire paver
Balance: Refers to the equilibrium of forces and to raise or lower the position of the frame and augers.
factors that affect the screed’s position. (B) The ability of the rear drive tires to move up or
down independently of the other.
Compaction: Process of removing the air voids in
the material after placement. Grade: (A) Refers to the surface over which paving
is to be done. (B) Refers to the longitudinal angle
Conveyor: The chain and flight bar arrangement on of rise or fall of the roadway. (C) Refers to the
each side of the paver that moves material from the elevation of the roadway.
hopper to the augers.
Grade Control: The electronic system for
Conveyor Deck Liners: The Ni-hard plates or controlling the longitudinal elevation of the mat
heavy steel plates used to absorb the wear that occurs from a given reference.
in the bottom of the conveyor area.
Grade Sensor: The electronic sensor unit used for
Cross Beam: The steel bar connected between the controlling the longitudinal elevation of the mat
left and right tow arms which is used for mounting
the slope sensor. Head of material: The given volume and level of
material in front of and across the width of the
Crown: The ability to change the transverse profile screed.
of the mat being placed. Also refers to the
transverse profile or the opposite sloping sides of the Hydraulic Strike-off: The extendable blade or
existing grade. screeding blade mounted to the front of a standard
Cutoff Shoe: The detachable plate that fits under
the end gates to reduce the paving width of the Joint: The area where two mats meet or join.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
Paving Terminology
Joint Matcher: The grade sensor and skate assembly Ski: The floating reference towed beside the screed
combination used to match the elevation of an existing or tractor that provides a uniform reference for the
mat or curb. grade sensor when building rideability.
Lift: Refers to a single layer or mat of a multiple- Slope: Refers to the transverse angle of the grade or
layered road or refers to the thickness of a specific roadway.
mat. Slope Control: The electronic system that controls
Mat: Asphalt materials placed by the paver. the transverse angle of the mat being placed in
Null or Nulled: (A) Refers to the screed when the reference to the horizon.
face of the screed bottom is resting flat on a surface Slope Sensor: The electronic unit that detects the
with no angle-of-attack. (B) Refers to the automatic transverse angle of the beam it is mounted on.
screed controls when they are in a position where no Stretch 20 Screed: A 10 ft. to 20 ft. hydraulically
electrical signal is being sent or when the indicator extendable screed.
lights are out.
String Line: A fixed reference system that utilizes
Pre-Leveling: Correction of existing grade or slope pins, rods, or bars and a string line and is established
deviations before paving is done. along one or both sides of the intended area to be
Pre-Strike-Off: The vertical blades mounted to the paved.
face screed, used as a material metering device. Tow Point: The point from which the screed is
Profile: Refers to the quick changes that occur in the attached and towed forward by the tractor.
elevation or slope of a mat with the automation Tow Point Cylinder: The hydraulic cylinders that
sensors mounted in certain positions. raise or lower the tow point position.
Rideability: Refers to the delayed changes in Vibrators: The shaft, eccentric weight and motor
elevation that occur with the automation sensors combination that produces a vibrating action in the
mounted in certain positions. screed when rotated.
Ripples: Frequent or close changes in elevation of
the new mat.
Screed: The unit that is towed behind the tractor that
shapes, smooths and controls the depth of the material
being placed.
Screed Assist: A hydraulic control system that
permits adjusting the weight of a hydraulically
extendable screed to match material design and
paving width.
Screed Bottom: The replaceable plate that contacts,
smooths and compacts the material.
Screed Extensions: The extra attachment used to
extend the paving width of a screed.
Screed Heaters: The diesel-fired heaters that pre-
heat the screed bottom to the temperature of the
material being used.
Segregation: The separation of the aggregates from
the finer materials.
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Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
Adjustable Width Strike-Off: A movable blade Feeder System: The combined conveyor and
on the leading edge of the screed, for varying auger components which transfer paving
the mat width. material from the hopper and distribute it in
Apron: The area of the hopper in front of the front of the screed.
conveyor. Hopper: That section of the paver which receives
Asphalt Paver: A self-propelled construction the paving material from an external source.
machine (either rubber-tired or crawler- Material Feed Sensor: A device used to detect a
mounted) specifically designed to receive, quantity of paving material in front of the
convey, distribute, profile and compact paving screed.
material by the free-flowing screed method. Material Retaining Plate: An attachment
Auger: A screw conveyor used to transversely installed in front of an auger extension to
distribute paving material ahead of the screed. confine the paving material in the auger.
Automatic Feeder Control: A self-propelled Mobile Grade Reference: A towed attachment
construction machine (either rubber-tired or which provides an independent reference for
crawler-mounted) specifically designed to the automatic grade control.
receive, convey, distribute, profile and compact Moldboard: The upper portion of the front of the
paving material by the free-flowing screed screed frame that pushes the surplus paving
method. material distributed by the auger.
Automatic Screed Control: A system for Operator: The person whose primary function is
automatically controlling the mat profile in to control the paver's speed and direction.
relation to an external reference. Grade
Control refers to control of the longitudinal Operator Station: The designated location(s)
profile. Slope Control refers to control of the from which the operator controls the paver's
transverse profile. speed and direction.
Bevel Edger: An attachment for putting a sloped Pre-Strike-Off: An attachment on the front of the
surface on the edge of the mat. screed for metering the paving material.
Conveyor: A device for transferring paving Push Roller(s): The device which contacts the
material from the hopper to the auger. tires of the paving material delivery truck.
Conveyor Flow Gate: A device for regulating the Screed: The device which is towed behind the
height of paving material being transferred by tractor to strike off, compact, contour and
the conveyor. smooth the paving material. Fixed Width
Screed: A screed with a constant width that
Crown Control: A device which shapes the can only be changed by adding or removing
screed to form a mat with the desired crown. extensions. Variable Width Screed: A screed
Cut-Off Plate: An attachment used in conjunction with permanently mounted extensions which
with the screed end plate to reduce the effective can be extended or retracted to change the mat
screed width. width while the paver is in operation.
Screed Arm: The attachment by which the screed
is connected to and towed by the tractor.
A Terex Company
*The Asphalt Paver Ad Hoc Technical Committee's membership included representatives of the Barber-
Greene Co.; Blaw-Knox Construction Equipment Corp.; Caterpillar Inc.; Cedarapids Inc; and Ingersoll-
Rand Co.
19705 (10/00)
Slope Beam Apron
Quality Paving Guidebook
Operator Station
Thickness Control
- 85 -
Screed Lift
Slope Control
Screed Heater
A Terex Company
Tow Point
Grade Control
Crown Control
Screed Plate Screed Arm
with Fixed-Width Screed
©1991 CIMA
19705 (10/00)
Operator Station
Quality Paving Guidebook
Screed Lift
Thickness Control
- 86 -
Tow Point
Screed Arm
Screed Plate Screed Travel Lock Tractor
Material Feed Sensor
A Terex Company
Slope Beam
Variable-Width Screed
Figure 131 Screed Extension
Crawler Asphalt Paver with
Adjustable Width
Strike Off
- 87 -
Screed Arm
Tow Point
A Terex Company
Steering Guide
with Fixed-Width Screed
Figure 132
Rubber-Tired Asphalt Paver
Push Rollers
19705 (10/00)
Operator Station
Screed Lift
Quality Paving Guidebook
Thickness Control
Conveyor Flow Gate
Mold Board
Fixed Screed
Hopper Extension
- 88 -
Screed End Plate
Bevel Edger
Truck Hitch
A Terex Company
Tow Point
Material Retaining Plate Cut-Off Plate
Fixed-Width Screed
Push Rollers
Screed Arm
Figure 133
Crawler Asphalt Paver with
Steering Guide
19705 (10/00)
Screed Lift
Quality Paving Guidebook
Operator Station
Tow Point
- 89 -
A Terex Company
Crown Control
Thickness Control
Figure 134
"Compact" Crawler Asphalt Paver
Quality Paving Guidebook
A Terex Company
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