WO 2014/075722 Al: International Bureau
WO 2014/075722 Al: International Bureau
WO 2014/075722 Al: International Bureau
(51) International Patent Classification: BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
B02C 1/02 (2006.01) DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
(21) International Application Number:
PCT/EP2012/072663 ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
(22) International Filing Date: NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU,
15 November 2012 (15.1 1.2012) RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ,
(25) Filing Language: English ZM, ZW.
(26) Publication Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): SAND- kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
8 1 1 8 1 Sandviken (SE). UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
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(72) Inventor; and EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
(71) Applicant (for US only): NORDBORG, Roger [SE/SE]; . MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
(SE). TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
(74) Agent: HAMMARSJO, Joakim; Sandvik Intellectual
Property AB, S-81 1 8 1 Sandivken (SE). Published:
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every — with international search report (Art. 21(3))
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
FIG. 2
(57) Abstract: A tension assembly for a jaw crusher (100) comprising a mechanical actuator (121, 124) and a bias member (123). A
robust and compact arrangement is provided by positioning the bias member, in the form of a coil spring, over the actuator rod (124)
and to configure the force transmission pathway through the linear actuator and into the coil spring so as to follow a reverse pathway
through the assembly.
Moveable Jaw Mounting Assembly
Field of invention
The present invention relates to a mounting assembly for a moveable jaw of a jaw crusher,
and in particular, although not exclusively, to a moveable jaw actuator positioned between
a region of the moveable jaw and a jaw support frame.
Background art
Jaw crusher units typically comprise a fixed jaw and a movable jaw that define a crushing
zone therebetween. A drive mechanism is operative to rock the movable jaw back and
forth in order to crush material in the crushing zone.
The crushing zone is generally convergent towards its lower discharge end so that
crushable material fed to the upper and wider end of the zone is capable of falling
downward under gravity whilst being subject to repeated cycles of crushing movement in
response to the cyclical motion of the movable jaw. The crushed material is then
discharged under gravity through the lower and narrower discharge end onto a conveyor
belt for onward processing or discharge from the crusher unit to a suitable stock pile.
Commonly, the frame that supports the fixed jaw is referred to as the front frame end. The
moveable jaw is connected to what is typically referred to as a back frame end via a
mechanically actuated link mechanism that serves to control and stabilise the oscillating
movement of the jaw relative to the stationary jaw. Typically, the link mechanism is both
statically and dynamically linearly adjustable to control the grade or size of the resultant
crushed material, to facilitate absorption of the impact forces generated by the crushing
action and to expand or open the crushing zone to prevent damage to the crusher in the
event of non-crushable material being accidentally introduced into the crushing zone.
Example jaw crushers comprising linkage assemblies connecting the back frame and front
frame end are described in FR 2683462; EP 0773067; WO 97/36683; US 5,799,888;
WO 02/34393; WO 2008/010072 , JP 2009-297591 EP 0148780, JP 60-251941, US
7,143,970 and CN 2832296.
Jaw crushers of the types identified above typically include a retraction or tension
assembly mounted at a lower region of the moveable jaw that is operative to set or control
the separation distance of the moveable jaw and the fixed jaw. This is useful to selectively
adjust the jaw separation distance to either accommodate larger rocks within the crushing
zone or allow passage of uncrushable material to exit the crusher and avoid damage. In
some cases, a hydraulic actuator is used to mechanically separate the jaws in which a
piston rod acts upon a piston that slides within a main cylinder barrel.
Conventionally, the piston rod attaches to a lower region of the moveable jaw with the
cylinder barrel mounted at a support frame. In some instances, a coil spring extends
longitudinally from the cylinder to provide an additional mounting linkage between the
cylinder and the crusher frame. The coil spring is typically operative to absorb the small
impact forces resultant from the crushing motion of the moveable jaw whilst the hydraulic
cylinder is operative to adjust the jaw separation distance typically referred to as the close
side setting (CSS).
However, conventional jaw mounting assemblies are disadvantageous due largely to their
construction and the necessary positioning at a lower and rear region of the crusher. In
particular, where a conventional assembly includes a linear mechanical actuator coupled to
a spring, the combined length of the assembly is often difficult to accommodate within the
limited space available at the lower/rear region of the crusher. What is required is a jaw
mounting assembly that addresses these problems.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a robust and compact moveable jaw
mounting assembly operative to set and control the position and motion of the moveable
jaw forming part of the jaw crusher. It is a further objective to minimise stress and load
bearing concentrations on the various components of the mounting assembly.
According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided a moveable jaw
mounting assembly for a jaw crusher, the assembly comprising: a mechanical actuator to
provide a pulling and/or a pushing force to a moveable jaw of the crusher, the actuator
comprising: a barrel having an internal chamber; a piston housed within the chamber and
capable of reciprocating linear sliding movement within the chamber; a piston rod attached
to the piston and capable of longitudinal reciprocating extension and retraction relative to
the barrel, the rod having a first end positioned furthest from the barrel; a bias member to
provide a return force to the moveable jaw; a load bearing support frame to couple at least
a part of the assembly to a part of the jaw crusher; characterised in that: a region of the
barrel is connected to the moveable jaw; the bias member comprises a first and a second
end, the bias member coupled to a region of the piston rod substantially at or towards the
first end of the bias member; the support frame comprises a mount region to mount the bias
member at or towards the second end; and wherein the mount region is positioned between
a region of the barrel and the first end of the rod in the longitudinal axis direction such that
the bias member extends over at least a region of the rod.
Preferably, the mount region is positioned between the first end of the rod and an end of
the barrel from which the rod extends. Preferably, the first end of the bias member is
connected to substantially the first end of the rod and the second end of the bias member is
mounted to the mount region.
Preferably, the barrel is connected via one end to the moveable jaw.
Preferably, the bias member is a coil spring. Preferably, the spring is coiled to follow
helical turns about a central longitudinal axis to create a generally hollow cylindrical body.
Preferably, the rod is mountable at or towards its first end to the jaw crusher via the bias
member and the mount region of the support frame. Preferably, the support frame
comprises an aperture through which the rod passes.
Preferably, the mount region for the bias member is positioned adjacent the aperture.
Optionally, the mount region for the bias member extends substantially perpendicular to a
longitudinal axis of the rod.
Preferably, the full length of the bias member is positioned to extend over the rod from or
towards the first end of the rod.
According to a second aspect of the present invention there is provided a jaw crusher
comprising a mounting assembly as described herein. Preferably, the support frame is
rigidly mounted to a back frame end of the crusher.
Figure 3 is a perspective view of the linear actuator and coil spring forming part of the
assembly of figure 2 .
Referring to figure 1, a jaw crusher unit 100 comprises a main frame 102 upon which is
mounted a moveable jaw 105 and a substantially fixed jaw 104. The movable jaw 105 is
mounted eccentrically at a rotatable shaft 107 (extending from underneath an end cap 109)
and is positioned separated and opposed to fixed jaw 104. The orientation of fixed jaw 104
and movable jaw 105 relative to one another is convergent along their respective lengths
such that a separation distance between a crushing face 111 of fixed jaw 104 and a
corresponding crushing face 110 of movable jaw 105 decreases in the downward
lengthwise direction. A suitable wear plate 113 is removably attached to crushing face 111
of fixed jaw 104 and a corresponding wear plate 1 14 is removably attached to crushing
face 110 of movable jaw 105. Main frame 102 comprises two opposed frame walls that
support the front frame end 108, which is aligned substantially perpendicular to frame
walls 102. The side walls extend either side of fixed jaw 104 and movable jaw 105 to
collectively define a crushing zone 103.
The opposed fixed and movable jaws 104, 105 are oriented to be inclined relative to one
another and are spaced apart further at their respective upper ends than their lower ends.
Accordingly, the crushing zone 103 is convergent from an upper feed region 115 to a lower
discharge region 112.
A pair of pulley wheels 101 are mounted either end of shaft 107 at an external facing side
of side frame walls 102 being external to the crushing zone 103. Movable jaw 105 is
thereby configured for gyroscopic or eccentric motion with respect of fixed jaw 104 as
pulley wheels 101 and shaft 107 are rotated via a suitable drive belt (not shown) attached
to a drive motor (not shown). This movement of jaw 105 provides the necessary crushing
action for material within zone 103 between the opposed wear plates 113 and 114.
Material to be crushed is introduced into zone 103 via the open upper region 115 where it
is crushed between jaws 104, 105 and subsequently discharged via the open lower region
112. A plurality of removably mounted side liners 106 are attached to each side frame
wall 102 at the region of crushing zone 103.
The moveable jaw 105 is supported by a back frame end 116. In particular, back frame
end 116 mounts a mechanically actuated linkage that is coupled to a lower region of
moveable jaw 105 so as to support and stabilise the oscillating movement of jaw 105. The
linkage comprises a collapsible link member, typically referred to as a toggle plate 117
coupled at one side to moveable jaw 105 via seating bush 118. A second side of toggle
plate 117 is secured to a second seating bush 119 mounted towards back frame end 116.
Toggle plate 117 acts as a collapsible connecting member between the rear support frame
116 and moveable jaw 105 such that jaw 105 is retained in floating manner with respect to
main frame 102 and stationary jaw 104 to allow moveable jaw 105 to freely oscillate by
reciprocating motion induced by shaft 107.
Referring to figure 2, barrel 121 comprises a first end 209 having a mounting region 200
for attachment to a flange 120 projecting downwardly from a lower region of moveable
jaw 105. A bearing 201 secures barrel mounting 200 at first end 209 to flange 120.
Bearing 201 extends through a mounting eyelet 300 provided at mounting region 200.
Accordingly, the second open end 210 of barrel 121 is positioned furthest from moveable
jaw 105 and extends rearwardly from jaw 105 towards back frame end 116. Elongate rod
124 projects from second end 210 and comprises a length being greater than barrel 121.
Rod 124 comprises a first end 204 positioned furthest from barrel 121 and moveable jaw
105. A second end (not shown) is accommodated within barrel 121 and is attached to a
piston (not shown) according to a conventional hydraulic cylinder arrangement. The
cylinder further comprises two fluid inlet and outlet ports 202, 203 to allow fluid exchange
at the internal chamber (not shown) of the cylinder 121. A pump (not shown) is coupled to
either or both inlet and outlets 202, 203 to provide hydraulic fluid circulation into and from
the internal chamber (not shown). Accordingly, rod 124 is forced to extend and retract
from barrel 121 in response to the introduction or extraction of fluid from within the barrel
chamber (not shown).
A helically coiled spring 123 comprises a longitudinal axis that is arranged parallel with a
longitudinal axis of rod 124. Spring 123 comprises a longitudinal length that is shorter
than rod 124 such that the entire length of spring 207 is positioned between rod first end
204 and the second end 207 of barrel 121. Spring 123 comprises a first end 206 positioned
at or towards rod first end 204. A second end 207 of spring 123 is positioned in close
proximity to second end 210 of barrel 121. Spring 123 is coiled into a generally hollow
cylindrical configuration. Additionally, a radius of the coiled cylinder 123 is greater than a
radius of rod 124 such that rod 124 extends within the central hollow of the coil 123.
A disk-like mounting body 205 is attached towards rod first end 204 to provide a first
coupling region for spring 123. Spring end 206 abuts one side of disk-like body 205. A
second end 207 of spring 123 is coupled and positionally retained at support frame 122. In
particular, one end of frame 122 comprises a first plate-like body that is secured to the
underside of back frame end 116. A second end of frame 122 comprises a second plate
like body 208 that extends transverse to plate 211. The second plate 208 comprises an
aperture (not shown) and extends substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of rod
124 and the cylindrical coil of spring 123. Plate 208 is positioned in close proximity to
second end 210 of barrel 121 and is separated from end 2 1 1 by a relatively short section of
rod 124. Rod 124 projects from end 210 through the plate aperture (not shown) such that
the majority of the length of rod 124 extends beyond a back frame end side of plate 208
relative to a front frame end side that is received within cylinder 121. Spring second end
207 abuts a face of plate 208 at the region surrounding the aperture (not shown). In this
configuration, spring 123 is mounted in position about rod 124 between disk-like body 205
and mounting plate 208 of support frame 122. Each spring end 206, 207 may be
positionally retained at each respective mounting region 205, 208 by additional mountings
(not shown). Such mountings may include for example welding, eyelets, hooks, loops,
sleeves, slotted projections or cabling as will be appreciated by those skilled in the art.
Such configurations positionally lock spring ends 206, 207 at their respective mounting
bodies 205, 208 such that spring 123 is tethered at both ends 206, 207.
In use, hydraulic fluid is either introduced or extracted from the cylinder chamber (not
shown) via port 202, 203. Rod 124 is then forced to extend or retract relative to barrel 121.
In an extension stroke, the cylinder must act against the return bias force of spring 123. In
the reverse rod retraction stroke, spring 123 assists with the return action as rod 124
retracts into barrel 121. The extension and retraction of rod 124 relative to barrel 121 has
the effect of respectively increasing and decreasing the separation distance between
moveable jaw 105 and stationary jaw 104.
During a crushing operation, moveable jaw 105 follows an oscillatory cyclical motion
induced by rotating shaft 107 and undergoes additional lateral movements due to the
impact loading forces resulting from the crushing action against stationary jaw 104. These
relatively short-length lateral movements are accordingly transmitted through moveable
jaw 105 and into barrel 121 via mount 120 and bearing 201. The force continues through
rod 124 in a direction towards back frame 116. The force transmission pathway then
reverses direction by passing through disk-like mount 205 and into spring 123 for
subsequent transfer into mounting frame 122 and then into back frame end 116. Spring
123 therefore is configured to absorb and transmit the small lateral forces impart by the
crushing action of moveable jaw 105.
The present retraction and tension assembly provides a compact and robust arrangement to
withstand such loading forces in addition to proving adjustment of the close side setting
(CSS). Due to the positioning of spring 123 over rod 124 and the respective coupling of
the spring ends to the rod and the support frame, the total length of the force transmission
pathway is significantly reduced with regard to conventional retraction assemblies.
1. A moveable jaw mounting assembly for a jaw crusher (100), the assembly
a mechanical actuator to provide a pulling and/or a pushing force to a moveable
jaw (105) of the crusher (100), the actuator comprising:
a barrel (121) having an internal chamber;
a piston housed within the chamber and capable of reciprocating linear
sliding movement within the chamber;
a piston rod (124) attached to the piston and capable of longitudinal
reciprocating extension and retraction relative to the barrel (121), the rod (124)
having a first end (204) positioned furthest from the barrel (121);
a bias member (123) to provide a return force to the moveable jaw (105);
a load bearing support frame (122) to couple at least a part of the assembly to a
part of the jaw crusher (100);
characterised in that:
a region (200) of the barrel (121) is connected to the moveable jaw (105);
the bias member (123) comprises a first (206) and a second (207) end, the bias
member (123) coupled to a region of the piston rod (124) substantially at or towards the
first end (206) of the bias member (123);
the support frame (122) comprises a mount region (208) to mount the bias
member (123) at or towards the second end (207); and
wherein the mount region (208) is positioned between a region of the barrel (121)
and the first end (204) of the rod (124) in the longitudinal axis direction such that the bias
member (123) extends over at least a region of the rod (124).
2. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 wherein the mount region (208) is positioned
between the first end (204) of the rod (124) and an end (210) of the barrel (121) from
which the rod (124) extends.
3. The assembly as claimed in claims 1 or 2 wherein the first end (206) of the bias
member (123) is connected to substantially the first end (204) of the rod (124) and the
second end (207) of the bias member (123) is mounted to the mount region (208).
4. The assembly as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the barrel (121) is
connected via one end (209) to the moveable jaw (105).
5. The assembly as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the bias member (123)
is a coil spring.
7. The assembly as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the rod (124) is
mountable at or towards its first end (209) to the jaw crusher (100) via the bias member
(123) and the mount region (208) of the support frame (122).
8. The assembly as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the support frame (122)
comprises an aperture through which the rod (124) extends.
9. The assembly as claimed in claim 8 wherein the mount region (208) for the bias
member (123) is positioned adjacent the aperture.
10. The assembly as claimed in claims 8 or 9 wherein the mount region (208) for the
bias member (123) extends substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the rod
(124) .
11. The assembly as claimed in any preceding claim wherein substantially the full
length of the bias member (123) is positioned to extend over the rod (124) from or towards
the first end (204) of the rod (124).
12. A jaw crusher comprising a mounting assembly as claimed in any preceding
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Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.
□ Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . See patent family annex.
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