CE1 Computer Engineering As A Discipline
CE1 Computer Engineering As A Discipline
CE1 Computer Engineering As A Discipline
III. COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course provides an overview of computer engineering design. Number systems and Boolean
algebra. Logic gates. Design of combinational circuits and simplification. Decoders, multiplexers,
adders. Sequential logic and flip flops. Introduction to assembly language. Application of concepts
to a computer engineering design project.
-Attendance -Class Standing -Prelim
-Attitudes towards work -Participation -Midterm
-Towards superiors -Quizzes -Semi-Final Exam
-Towards peer -Long Tests -Final Exam
-Term Paper
VIII. COURSE REFERENCE : McGraw Hill, Introduction to Computing Systems: From bits & gates to C & beyond, Patt & Patel,
2003, Second Edition
Introduction to To provide an 1. Have an C2 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
computer engineering introduction to understanding of lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
topics. Introduction to computer the field of • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
the basic gates, truth engineering computer learning e task. formative and
tables and principles of concepts, both engineering and groups summative
Boolean Algebra. hardware and an awareness of • individual test.
software, with the various topics assistance
emphasis placed • partner
related to this
on digital logic work
field. This would
concepts. •
serve to convince worksheets
To prepare declared • board
students to take computer works
some more engineering
advanced courses majors to remain
in each of the fields in the field, and
of computer to attract
engineering students from
other majors to
join computer
To provide an 2. Use Boolean C4 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
Logic minimization introduction to algebra or K- lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
using the principles of computer maps to simplify • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
Boolean Algebra and engineering complex boolean learning e task. formative and
Karnaugh Maps concepts, both expressions. groups summative
hardware and 3. Convert C4 • individual test.
software, with numbers between assistance
Continuation of logic emphasis placed any two number • partner
minimization to on digital logic systems, work
produce minimized concepts. especially •
sum of product and decimal, binary, worksheets
product of sum To prepare octal and hex and • boardworks
expression. In students to take represent sign
addition, methods for some more numbers
advanced courses
converting AND/OR
in each of the fields
implementations to
of computer
NAND only engineering
implementations and
implementations to
NOR only
Design of To provide an 4 . Design C6 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
combinational logic introduction to arithmetic circuits lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
circuits. (Reading: computer to perform • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
Mano & Kime 3.1-3.4) engineering addition and learning e task. formative and
Conversion of number concepts, both subtraction of groups summative
between any two hardware and signed numbers • individual test.
basis, with an software, with and detect assistance
emphasis placed • partner
emphasis on decimal, overflow
on digital logic work
binary, octal and hex conditions.
concepts. •
numbers. The three worksheets
methods for To prepare 5. Implement • boardworks
representing negative students to take functions using
numbers, sign some more AND/OR gates,
magnitude, ones advanced courses OR/AND gates,
complement and two in each of the fields NORs only,
complement. of computer NANDs only,
engineering multiplexers or
Design of multi-bit To provide an 6. Design the C6 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
adder/subtractor introduction to basic flip flops lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
computer • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
circuit for twos engineering using sequential learning e task. formative and
complement numbers, concepts, both logic. groups summative
identifying when hardware and • individual test.
overflow occurs. software, with assistance
Design and use of emphasis placed • partner
different routing and on digital logic work
selection devices concepts. •
including decoders,
To prepare • boardworks
encoders, and
students to take
multiplexers. some more
advanced courses
in each of the fields
of computer
Introduction to To provide an Go from a word C5 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
microcontrollers and introduction to problem to the lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
the relationship to computer actual design, • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
assembly language. engineering implementation learning e task. formative and
concepts, both and testing of the groups summative
hardware and circuit. • individual test.
software, with assistance
emphasis placed • partner
on digital logic work
concepts. •
To prepare • board
students to take works
some more
advanced courses
in each of the fields
of computer
Introduction to To provide an 8. Program C6 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
assembly language introduction to simple lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
programming and computer microcontrollers • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
input/output control of engineering in assembly learning e task. formative and
microcontrollers concepts, both language. groups summative
hardware and • individual test
software, with assistance
emphasis placed • partner
on digital logic work
concepts. •
To prepare • board
students to take works
some more
advanced courses
in each of the fields
of computer
Introduction to To provide an 8. Program C6 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
sequential logic, introduction to simple lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
including latches, M/S computer microcontrollers • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
flip flops and edge engineering in assembly learning e task. formative and
triggered flip flops. concepts, both language. groups summative
hardware and • individual test
software, with assistance
emphasis placed • partner
on digital logic work
concepts. •
To prepare • board
students to take works
some more
advanced courses
in each of the fields
of computer
Introduction to To provide an Program simple C6 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
registers, micro- introduction to microcontrollers lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
operations and various computer in assembly • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
counters. engineering language. learning e task. formative and
concepts, both groups summative
hardware and • individual test
software, with assistance
emphasis placed • partner
on digital logic work
concepts. •
To prepare • board
students to take works
some more
advanced courses
in each of the fields
of computer
Introduction to To provide an Program simple C6 • Teacher Discussion, Copy of Text Performance 3hrs 75%
Memory introduction to microcontrollers lecture Recitation, task,recitation/
computer in assembly • cooperative Performanc boardwork,
engineering language. learning e task. formative and
concepts, both groups summative
hardware and • individual test
software, with assistance
emphasis placed • partner
on digital logic work
concepts. •
To prepare • board
students to take works
some more
advanced courses
in each of the fields
of computer