CMO 25 PSITE Rgional Convention 2016

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“Revised Policies, Standards, and Guidelines

for BSCS, BSIS, and BSIT Programs”

• Rationale and General Provisions
• Computer Science
• Information Systems
• Information Technology
• General Requirements
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–The PSG is designed to consider the

shift to outcomes based education.
–The PSG specifies the “core
competencies” expected of graduates
•BS Computer Science
•BS Information Systems
•BS Information Technology
Section 2 Authority to Operate

– All HEIs must secure authority from

CHED to offer the ITE programs. All
HEIs with existing ITE programs must
shift to outcomes based education
and inform the Commission when they
have complied.
Section 3 General Provisions
– The minimum standards for each program are
expressed as minimum sets of desired program
outcomes which are given in Article IV Section 6.
– The Technical Committees designed sample
curricula to attain such outcomes and these are
shown in Article V Section 9. The total number of
units for each program is here prescribed as the
“minimum unit requirement” under Section 13 of
RA 7722.
– In designing the curricula, the Technical
Committees employed curriculum maps which are
shown in Article V Section 10 as sample curriculum
–minimum sets of desired program
–sample curricula to attain such
–sample curriculum map
– The HEIs are allowed to design curricula suited to their own
contexts and missions provided that they can demonstrate
that the same leads to the attainment of the required
minimum set of outcomes, albeit by a different route

– This PSG is based on the 10-year basic education system and

on the existing General Education (GE) program. It reflects
the reform towards outcomes-based education as well as
international trends in computer science, information
systems and information technology curricula. However, this
does not yet include necessary changes as a consequence of
the K-12 reform. The latter shall be addressed subsequently.
Allied Fields

– Computer Science, Information Systems,

and Information Technology are allied
fields. If a degree program has an overlap
of at least 50% of core and professional
courses in any of these programs, then it
shall also be considered as an allied field.
Moreover, allied fields have been
identified for each discipline for the
purpose of determining qualifications of
faculty members.
Section 6 Program Outcomes
– Common to all programs in all types of schools
The graduates have the ability to
• articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific
field of practice. (Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF)
level 6 descriptor) (Graduate Outcomes: CS10, IS10, IT13)
• effectively communicate orally and in writing using both
English and Filipino (Graduate Outcomes: CS08, IS08, IT10)
• work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and
multi-cultural teams. (PQF level 6 descriptor) (Graduate
Outcomes: CS07, IS07, IT08)
• act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical
responsibility (Graduate Outcomes:CS09, IS09, IT12)
• preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural
heritage” (based on RA 7722)
Section 6 Program Outcomes:
Common to the Discipline
– analyze complex problems, and identify and define the
computing requirements needed to design an appropriate
solution (Graduate Outcomes:CS02, IS02-03, IT03)
– apply computing and other knowledge domains to address
real-world problems (Graduate Outcomes: CS01, IS01, IT01)
– design and develop computing solutions using a system-level
perspective (Graduate Outcomes: CS03-05, IS04-05, IT05)
– utilize modern computing tools (Graduate Outcomes: CS06,
IS06, IT07)
Sample Performance Indicators
Graduate Attribute Sample Performance Indicators
Knowledge for Solving Completed and successfully defended Capstone
Computing Problems Project /Thesis in line with the discipline.
Documented software/hardware requirements
Problem Analysis
specifications following computing industry standards.
Design/Development of Designed and developed a computing solution using
Solutions object-oriented approach.
Modern Tool Usage Used an integrated development environment.
Individual & Team Work Worked in a group to develop a machine project.
Presented a proposed solution in class or in a public
Immersed/exposed in an actual working environment
Professionalism and
in industry.
Created a report on a conducted independent learning
Life-Long Learning
Section 8 Curriculum


General Education 54.0 54.0 54.0
Common Courses 18.0 18.0 18.0
Professional Courses 48.0 48.0 48.0
Professional Electives 9.0 12.0 12.0
Advanced Math 0.0 0.0
PE 8.0 8.0 8.0
NSTP 6.0 6.0 6.0
Minimum Total Units 146.0 146.0 146.0
Existing Curriculum (CMO 53 S. 2006)


General Education 54.0 54.0 54.0
Basic ITE Core Courses 18.0 18.0 18.0
ITE Professional Courses 33.0 33.0 33.0
ITE Electives 12.0 12.0 12.0
Free Electives 9.0 9.0 9.0
PE 8.0 8.0 8.0
NSTP 6.0 6.0 6.0
Minimum Total Units 140.0 140.0 140.0
Minimum Total Number of Units

• The minimum total number of units is

146. For the Centers of Excellence
(COEs), the Professional Courses and
Electives, and Advanced Math
Requirement may have a minimum of 45
units (instead of 60) as long as the
learning outcomes of the knowledge
areas are met, resulting to a minimum
total number of 131 units.
Common Courses
• The common courses for the BSCS, BSIS, and BSIT:
– Introduction to Computing
– Computer Programming 1 (Fundamentals of
– Computer Programming 2 (Intermediate
– Data Structures and Algorithms
– Information Management
– Applications Development and Emerging

–HEIs shall comply with the minimum

requirements prescribed in this PSG. In
addition, they may enrich the prescribed
curricula with additional courses based on
their institutional and program goals and

–Course Specifications of Core Computing

Courses are included in Section 8
Section 12 Sample Syllabi

– Sample syllabi are included for select core

courses to guide the HEIs. The sample syllabi
contains the following:
• Course Description
• Learning Outcomes
• Major Course Outputs
• Other Requirements and Assessment
• Grading System
• Learning Plan
• Text / Materials
Section 23 Revised GE

– When the k-12 is implemented, the new GE (CMO

20, series of 2013) comprising 36 units will
replace the old GE of 54 units.

– The balance of 18 units may be replaced by

professional/ domain courses in each of the
three (3) programs (CS, IS and IT) as long as the
minimum total number of units is satisfied as
articulated in Section 8.1.
Curriculum after K-12


General Education 36.0 36.0 36.0
Common Courses 18.0 18.0 18.0
Professional Courses 48.0 48.0 48.0
Professional Electives 9.0 12.0 12.0
Advanced Math Requirement 3.0 0.0 0.0
Additional Professional or Domain
18.0 18.0 18.0
PE 8.0 8.0 8.0
NSTP 6.0 6.0 6.0
Minimum Total Units 146.0 146.0 146.0
Computer Science

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Section 5 Program Description

–The BS Computer Science (BSCS) program

includes the study of computing concepts
and theories, algorithmic foundations and
new developments in computing. The
program prepares students to design and
create algorithmically complex software
and develop new and effective algorithms
for solving computing problems.
Computer Science
& Information


Software Methods
& Technologies


& Architecture

Theory Application
Principles Deployment
Innovation More Applied Configuration

• Computer Science focus entirely on
efficiently programming computers
using mathematical algorithms.
• CS education prepares students to
choose the correct design patterns,
algorithms and data structures for
Allied Fields

• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)

– Applied Mathematics
– Computer Engineering
– Electrical Engineering
– Electronics and Communications Engineering
– Entertainment and Multimedia Computing
– Mathematics
– Mechatronics
– Physics
– Statistics
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSCS

Outcomes Graduate Outcomes
Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals,
Knowledge knowledge of a computing specialization, and
for Solving mathematics, science, and domain knowledge
Computing appropriate for the computing specialization to the
Problems abstraction and conceptualization of computing models
from defined problems and requirements.
Identify, analyze, formulate, research literature, and
solve complex computing problems and requirements
CS02 reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental
principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and
relevant domain disciplines
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSCS
An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles
and computer science theory in the modeling and design of
computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension
of the tradeoffs involved in design choices
Knowledge and understanding of information security issues in
ment of CS04
relation to the design, development and use of information systems
Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and
design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet
specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and
safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources
Modern Tool
CS06 and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an
understanding of the limitations to accomplish a common goal
Individual & Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in
Team Work diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with
society at large about complex computing activities by being able to
Communication CS08 comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation,
make effective presentations, and give and understand clear
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major –

The ability to recognize the legal, social, ethical

Computing and professional issues involved in the utilization
Professionalism CS09 of computer technology and be guided by the
and Ethics adoption of appropriate professional, ethical and
legal practices

Recognize the need, and have the ability, to

CS10 engage in independent learning for continual
development as a computing professional
Section 8 Curriculum: BSCS

General Education 54.0
Common Courses 18.0
Professional Courses 48.0
Professional Electives 9.0
Advanced Math Requirement 3.0
PE 8.0
NSTP 6.0
Minimum Total Units 146.0
Existing Curriculum (CMO 53 S. 2006)

General Education 54.0
Basic ITE Core Courses 18.0
ITE Professional Courses 33.0
ITE Electives 12.0
Free Electives 9.0
PE 8.0
NSTP 6.0
Minimum Total Units 140.0
Section 8.2 Specific Description of
Program Curricula
– Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)
• The Computer Science curriculum includes
foundation and professional courses that cover
theory, algorithms, software design and
development, and new developments in
• The curriculum should include courses to cover
Knowledge Areas recommended in ACM
Computer Science Curricula 2013 (enumerated
in PSG)
• 11 Knowledge Areas have been specified
Computer Science Knowledge Areas

1. Algorithms and Complexity

2. Architecture and Organization
3. Discrete Structures
4. Human Computer interaction
5. Information Assurance and Security
6. Networks and Communications
7. Operating Systems
8. Programming Languages (Design and Implementation)
9. Software Development Fundamentals
10. Software Engineering
11. Social Issues and Professional Practice

• Section 9 Sample Curriculum

–Sample curricula are included in the
PSG. The program of study is also
included in Section 9.2
• Section 10 Sample Curriculum Map
–The curriculum map for all three
programs are included in Section 10
Requirements for Administrators

• Dean, Department Head, Director, Coordinator or equivalent

• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program
– Doctorate degree in Computer Science.
– Master’s degree in Computer Science, plus: at least three (3) years of
CS work, CS consultancy, CS research experience, or tertiary level CS
teaching experience, within the last five (5) years
– At least a master’s degree in a CS allied program plus: completion of
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science; or completion of all
coursework requirements for a master's degree in CS; and at least
three (3) years of CS work, CS consultancy, CS research experience, or
tertiary level CS teaching experience, within the last five (5) years.
– A doctorate degree in a CS allied program plus:
– at least ten (10) years of CS work, CS consultancy, CS research
experience, or tertiary level CS teaching experience, within the last
twelve (12) years
Faculty Composition

•For the Computer Science Program,

at least sixty percent (60%) of CS
professional courses should be
taught by CS degree holders. At least
thirty percent (30%) of all full-time
CS faculty members should have a
graduate degree in Computer
Section 14.2 Qualifications of Faculty – BSCS

A CS faculty should possess at least one (1) of the following

– At least a baccalaureate degree in CS, IS, or IT.
– At least a baccalaureate degree in any allied program or at least
a master’s degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) field plus any of the following:
• Completion of coursework requirements for a master's or
doctorate degree in a CS program; or
• At least three (3) years experience in the IT profession such
as technical administration, systems design, applications
programming or equivalent or computing research within the
last 5 years.
– At least a baccalaureate degree with an international IT
certification to teach professional courses specific to that

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Section 5 Program Description

• The BS Information Systems (BSIS) program

includes the study of application and effect of
information technology to organizations.
Graduates of the program should be able to
implement an information system, which
considers complex technological and
organizational factors affecting it. These
include components, tools, techniques,
strategies, methodologies, etc.
Information Systems
& Information


Software Methods
& Technologies


& Architecture

Theory Application
Principles Deployment
Innovation More Applied Configuration

• An IS career involves deployment
and configuration of systems as well
as training of users
• IS education prepares students to
work on the relationship between
information systems and
Allied Fields

• Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS)

– Applied Mathematics
– Industrial Engineering
– Information Management
– Library and Information Science
– Statistics
– Geomatics / Geoinformatics
– Technology Management
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSIS

Graduate Graduate
Graduate Outcomes
Attribute Outcomes Code
An ability to apply knowledge of business
Knowledge for
processes, computing, mathematics and
Solving Computing IS01
social sciences appropriate to Information
An ability to analyze a problem, identify and
define the computing requirements with
IS02 respect to organizational factors
appropriate to its solution and plan
Problem Analysis strategies for their solution
The ability to evaluate information systems
in terms of general quality attributes and
possible trade-offs presented within the
given requirement
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSIS

An ability to design, implement, and

evaluate information systems, processes,
IS04 components, or programs and to source
Design/Devel cost-benefit efficient alternatives to meet
opment of desired needs, goals and constraints
An ability to use knowledge and
IS05 understanding of enterprises in modeling
and design of information systems
An ability to deploy and use effectively
Modern Tool
IS06 skills, tools and techniques necessary for
information systems practice
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSIS

An ability to function effectively on

teams(recognizing the different roles
Individual and
IS07 within a team and different ways of
Team Work
organizing teams) to accomplish a
common goal

An ability to communicate effectively

with a range of audiences.
Communication IS08 Communication skills includes technical
writing, presentation and negotiation,
and numeracy.
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSIS

An ability to recognize the legal, social, ethical

Computing and professional issues involved in the
Professionalis exploitation of computer technology and be
m and Ethics guided by the adoption of appropriate
in the Society professional, ethical and legal practices both in
the local and global community

Recognition of the need for the ability to engage

Life-Long in an independent and life-long learning, planning
Learning self-learning and improving performance as the
foundation for on-going professional development
• Section 8 Curriculum

General Education 54.0
Common Courses 18.0
Professional Courses 48.0
Professional Electives 12.0
Advanced Math 0.0
PE 8.0
NSTP 6.0
Minimum Total Units 146.0
• Existing Curriculum (CMO 53 S. 2006)

General Education 54.0
Basic ITE Core Courses 18.0
ITE Professional Courses 33.0
ITE Electives 12.0
Free Electives 9.0
PE 8.0
NSTP 6.0
Minimum Total Units 140.0
Section 8.2 Specific Description of Program

• Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS)

• The Information Systems curriculum
encompasses introductory and professional
courses to cover the various information
systems functional areas
• In addition, the curriculum shall include
business enterprise domain courses
• 7 IS Functional Areas are enumerated in the
Information Systems Knowledge Areas

1. Fundamentals of IS
2. Professional Issues in Information Systems
3. IT Infrastructure and Network Technologies
4. Systems Analysis, Design and Development
5. Enterprise Architectures
6. IS Project Management
7. IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition
Specific Description of Program

In addition, the curriculum shall include

business enterprise domain courses such as the

1. Organization and Management Concepts

2. Financial Management
3. Business Process Design and Management
4. Evaluation of Business Performance
5. Quantitative Methods

• Section 9 Sample Curriculum

–Sample curricula are included in the
PSG. The program of study is also
included in Section 9.2
• Section 10 Sample Curriculum Map
–The curriculum map for all three
programs are included in Section 10
Requirements for Administrators

• Dean, Department Head, Director,

Coordinator or equivalent
• For Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

– Doctorate degree in CS, IS, or IT.

– Master’s degree in CS, IS, or IT plus: at least three
(3) years of computing work, computing
consultancy, computing research experience, or
tertiary level teaching experience in computing
within the last five (5) years.
Requirements for Administrators

– At least a master’s degree in IS/IT allied programs,

Engineering, or Mathematics plus: completion of
Bachelor’s degree in CS, IS, or IT; or coursework
requirements for a master's degree in CS, IS, or IT; and
at least three (3) years of computing work, computing
consultancy, computing research experience, or tertiary
level teaching experience in computing within the last
five (5) years.
– A doctorate degree in IS/IT allied programs,
Engineering, or Mathematics plus: at least ten
(10) years of computing work, computing
consultancy, computing research experience or
tertiary level teaching experience in computing,
within the last twelve (12) years;
Faculty Composition

• For the Information Systems and

Information Technology Programs, at
least sixty percent (60%) of IS and IT
professional courses should be taught by
degree holders in either IS or IT program.
At least thirty percent (30%) of all full-
time IS and IT faculty members should
have a graduate degree in either CS, IS or
Section 14.2 Qualifications of Faculty –
– At least a baccalaureate degree in CS, IS, or IT.
– At least a baccalaureate degree in any allied program
or at least a master’s degree in a STEM
field plus any of the following:
• Completion of coursework requirements for a
master's or doctorate degree in a CS, IS, or IT
• At least three (3) years computing work or
consultancy or computing research experience or
tertiary level teaching experience in computing,
within the last five (5) years
Section 14.2 Qualifications of Faculty –
– At least a master’s degree in Accountancy, Business, and
Management (ABM) program with adequate exposure to
computing through coursework or thesis/projects plus at least
one of the following:
• completion of coursework requirements for a master's degree
in any computing program;
• at least three (3) years of computing work or consultancy or
computing research experience or tertiary level teaching
experience in computing, within the last five (5) years;
– At least a baccalaureate degree with an international IT
certification to teach professional courses specific to that
– Faculty members deemed to be qualified in an appropriate
business program may teach business domain courses in the IS
program within their specialization.

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Section 5 Program Description

• The BS Information Technology (BSIT)

program includes the study of the utilization
of both hardware and software technologies
involving planning, installing, customizing,
operating, managing and administering, and
maintaining information technology
infrastructure that provides computing
solutions to address the needs of an
Information Technology
& Information


Software Methods
& Technologies


& Architecture

Theory Application
Principles Deployment
Innovation More Applied Configuration

• An IT career involves installing,
organizing, and maintaining computer
systems as well as designing and
operating networks and databases
• IT program prepares students to work
on information security, network
architecture, database administration,
systems administration, and computer
Allied Fields

• Bachelor of Science in Information

Technology (BSIT)
–Computer Engineering
–Electrical Engineering
–Electronics and Communications
–Mechatronics / Robotics
–Information Management
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSIT

Graduate Graduate
Graduate Outcomes
Attribute Outcomes Code
Knowledge for Apply knowledge of computing, science, and
Solving mathematics appropriate to the discipline
Computing Understand best practices and standards and their
Problems applications
Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the
computing requirements appropriate to its solution
Analysis Identify and analyze user needs and take them into
IT04 account in the selection, creation, evaluation and
administration of computer-based systems
Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based
systems, processes, components, or programs to meet
ment of IT05
desired needs and requirements under various
Section 6 Program Outcomes
Specific to a sub-discipline and a major – BSIT

Modern Tool Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools
Usage and practices necessary for the IT profession
Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team
Individual and IT08 recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a
Team Work common goal
IT09 Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with
Communication IT10 society at large about complex computing activities through logical
writing, presentations, and clear instructions
Analyze the local and global impact of computing information
Computing IT11
technology on individuals, organizations, and society
and Social Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues
Responsibility IT12
and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.
Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and
IT13 improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional
Section 8 Curriculum

General Education 54.0
Common Courses 18.0
Professional Courses 48.0
Professional Electives 12.0
Advanced Math Requirement 0.0

PE 8.0
NSTP 6.0
Minimum Total Units 146.0
Existing Curriculum (CMO 53 S. 2006)

General Education 54.0
Basic ITE Core Courses 18.0
ITE Professional Courses 33.0
ITE Electives 12.0
Free Electives 9.0
PE 8.0
NSTP 6.0
Minimum Total Units 140.0
Section 8.2
Specific Description of Program Curricula

• Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)

– The Information Technology curriculum includes basic
and advanced courses on planning, development,
integration, and management of information
technology infrastructure that provide computing
solutions to address the needs of organizations.
– The curriculum should include courses that cover
Knowledge Areas as recommended in ACM
Information Technology Curricula 2008
– 11 Knowledge Areas have been specified in the PSG
Information Technology Knowledge Areas

1. Information Technology Fundamentals

2. Human Computer Interaction
3. Information Assurance and Security
4. Information Management
5. Integrative Programming and Technologies
6. Networking
7. Platform Technologies
8. Systems Administration and Maintenance
9. Systems Integration and Architecture
10.Social and Professional Issues
11.Web Systems and Technologies

• Section 9 Sample Curriculum

– Sample curricula are included in the PSG. The
program of study is also included in Section
• Section 10 Sample Curriculum Map
– The curriculum map for all three programs are
included in Section 10
Requirements for Administrators

• Dean, Department Head, Director, Coordinator or equivalent

• Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Bachelor of Science in Information
Technology Programs

– Doctorate degree in CS, IS, or IT.

– Master’s degree in CS, IS, or IT plus: at least three (3) years of computing work, computing
consultancy, computing research experience, or tertiary level teaching experience in
computing within the last five (5) years.
– At least a master’s degree in IS/IT allied programs, Engineering, or Mathematics plus:
completion of Bachelor’s degree in CS, IS, or IT; or coursework requirements for a master's
degree in CS, IS, or IT; and at least three (3) years of computing work, computing
consultancy, computing research experience, or tertiary level teaching experience in
computing within the last five (5) years.
– A doctorate degree in IS/IT allied programs, Engineering, or Mathematics plus: at least ten
(10) years of computing work, computing consultancy, computing research experience or
tertiary level teaching experience in computing, within the last twelve (12) years;
Faculty Composition

• For the Information Systems and

Information Technology Programs, at
least sixty percent (60%) of IS and IT
professional courses should be taught
by degree holders in either IS or IT
program. At least thirty percent (30%)
of all full-time IS and IT faculty members
should have a graduate degree in either
CS, IS or IT.
Section 14.2 Qualifications of Faculty –
– At least a baccalaureate degree in CS, IS, or IT.
– At least a baccalaureate degree in any allied program or at least a master’s degree in a
STEM field plus any of the following:
• Completion of coursework requirements for a master's or doctorate degree in a CS, IS,
or IT program.
• At least three (3) years computing work or consultancy or computing research
experience or tertiary level teaching experience in computing, within the last five (5)
– At least a master’s degree in Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) program with
adequate exposure to computing through coursework or thesis/projects plus at least one of
the following:
• completion of coursework requirements for a master's degree in any computing
• at least three (3) years of computing work or consultancy or computing research
experience or tertiary level teaching experience in computing, within the last five (5)
– At least a baccalaureate degree with an international IT certification to teach professional
courses specific to that certification.
– Faculty members deemed to be qualified in an appropriate business program may teach
business domain courses in the IS program within their specialization.
General requirements

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Section 8.3 Internship and OJT

• Internship/OJT/Practicum is an immersion program wherein

the students will have the chance and opportunity to be with
the IT industry. This program is important because the
students will have the chance to apply the skills, knowledge
and attitude learned in the school and at the same time the
opportunity to experience the corporate environment.
• Internship is a requirement for the BSCS, BSIS and BSIT
programs. Students are eligible to enroll the internship
program after completing 70% of the total number of units in
the curriculum.
• The minimum number of internship hours for the BSIS and
BSIT programs is 486 (9 units x 54 hours / unit) and 162 (3
units x 54 hours / unit) for the BSCS program.
Section 8.4 Thesis / Capstone Project

• Thesis is required for BSCS while Capstone Project is required for BSIS
and BSIT. Both function as terminal project requirements that would not
only demonstrate a student’s comprehensive knowledge of the area of
study and research methods used but also allow them to apply the
concepts and methods to a specific problem in their area of
• BS Computer Science students are required to complete a thesis that is
focused on the theories and concepts of computing in the form of a
scientific work.
• BS Information Systems students must complete a project such as
business application development, or an Information Systems plan.
• BS Information Technology students must complete a capstone project
such as a software/system development with emphasis on the IT
infrastructure, or an IT Management project.
Section 14 Required Resources

• Administration
–A Higher Education Institution (HEI)
offering any of these programs shall have a
full time academic administrator for each
program. This administrator can be a
Dean, Department Head, Director,
Coordinator or equivalent depending on
the organizational structure of the HEI.
Section 14 Faculty

• Faculty Composition
– There should be at least three (3) full time
faculty members per program, one of whom
could be the dean/program head/coordinator.
– At least forty percent (40%) of CS, IS, and IT
core and professional courses should be taught
by full-time CS, IS, and IT faculty members.
There shall be a career development and tenure
track for full time faculty members.
Section 14.3 Load

• Assignment - The regular load of a CS, IS, and IT faculty member is

at most twenty-four (24) units or thirty (30) contact hours per
week whichever is lesser, inclusive of lecture and laboratory.
Overload should not exceed six (6) hours per week. There should
not be more than four (4) preparations per term.
• Teaching Load - As a general rule, in case the Dean has to teach,
his or her teaching load should not exceed nine (9) contact hours
per week. This load takes into consideration the functions of the
Dean. For the department chair, his/her teaching load should not
exceed twelve (12) contact hours.
• Consultation Hours - Each full time faculty member shall render at
least four (4) hours per week for student consultation. This
should be outside of the regular contact hours.
Section 14. 5 Faculty Support

– Faculty Development Program - The college/department

should have a written comprehensive faculty development
program. There shall be a specific budget allocation to
implement such program. HEIs are enjoined to send full-time
faculty members to participate in various activities of
computing professional organizations. There shall also be
clear guidelines on ranking and promotion of faculty
members up to professor level.

– Facilities - The HEI should provide office space, computers

with Internet connections and printers for faculty and
administrators. There should be one (1) computer for every
three (3) full-time equivalent faculty members and one (1) for
every administrator. Consultation areas for student and
faculty are also required.
Section 15 Library

– Librarian(s) - HEIs offering the CS, IS, and IT programs

should have at least one (1) full-time licensed librarian
with at least one (1) year appointment. The librarian(s)
shall participate in faculty meetings and activities and
serve as (a) member(s) of the educational program
planning committee. The librarian(s) should work closely
with the Dean or Department Chair in collection
development for the CS, IS, and IT programs.
– There should be at least one (1) librarian/staff for every
five hundred (500) students or fraction thereof.
Section 15. 2 Book Collection

– To support HEI’s curricular needs and to provide enough

books for students, its library should have at least five (5)
titles per professional course, at least one (1) of which
has been published within the last five (5) years.
– The total number of volumes per course should be such
that, there should be one (1) volume for every ten (10)
students enrolled (e.g. if there are 100 students enrolled
in the course Introduction to Computing, then there
should be 10 volumes of books on Introduction to
Computing of which 5 titles should be distinct).
– Book holdings should preferably include more reference
books and textbooks rather than vendor specific
technology books. e-Books should also be counted to
satisfy this requirement.

• The library should include significant

holdings of up-to-date computer magazines,
journals and periodicals that are published
locally and internationally. These include at
least two (2) publications per program. The
HEI should have current subscription to the
journals and magazines. Paid online / digital
subscriptions to at least twenty (20) journal
titles are allowed as substitute for journals
and magazines provided that they can be
readily accessed and printed by faculty,
students and staff.
Laboratory and Physical Facilities

–Classroom Requirements. There should be

at least one classroom per one hundred fifty
(150) students enrolled. Preferably, there
should be no more than 50 students in a
class. In case of large classes with more
than 50 students, preferably, there should
be separate discussion classes with at most
50 students each.
Laboratory Requirements.

– The number of terminals dedicated for computing students should be at

least 1/5 of the total number of computing students. The computer-to-
student ratio in a laboratory class should be 1:1.
– In addition to teaching facilities, the HEI must provide internet access for
the students and faculty members. All computer laboratories must have
Internet Access. The minimum dedicated bandwidth must be at least
4Mbps. There should be at least 4Mbps per 500 students. Students must
also have access to wifi and to a learning management system.
– The required computer hardware and software should be able to respond to
the objectives of the courses in the curriculum. They should conform to
generally accepted industry standards and be capable of providing training
in multiple platforms. There should also be equipment for courses that
require specific hardware such as routers and switches. Only licensed
software, including free and open source software, may be installed.

– Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE

and ISA as reference, HEIs shall develop the following
• The complete set of program outcomes, including
its proposed additional program outcomes.
• Its proposed curriculum and its justification
including a curriculum map.
• Proposed performance indicators for each
outcome. Proposed measurement system for the
level of attainment of each indicator.

• Proposed outcomes-based syllabus for

each course.

• Proposed system of program assessment

and evaluation

• Proposed system of program Continuous

Quality Improvement (CQI).
Section 24 Transitory Provisions

– HEIs that have been granted permit or recognition are

hereby given one (1) year from the date of effectivity
hereof to fully comply with all the requirements as
stipulated in this CMO. Compliance to these
requirements shall also be required to State Universities
and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Colleges and Universities
– Currently enrolled students in the program shall be
allowed to graduate under the old curriculum. However,
students enrolling for these programs beginning School
Year (SY) 2015-2016 shall be covered by this CMO.
Section 24 Transitory Provisions

• HEIs that have been granted permit or recognition are

given one (1) year from effectivity of CMO to comply.
• Compliance to these requirements shall also be
required of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and
Local Colleges and Universities (LCUs).
• Currently enrolled students in the program shall be
allowed to graduate under the old curriculum
• Students enrolling for these programs beginning School
Year (SY) 2016-2017 shall be covered by this CMO.

BS Computer Science
(CMO 25, s. 2015)

BS Information Technology
(CMO 25, s. 2015)

BS Information System
(CMO 25, s. 2015)

Bachelor of Library & Information

Science (CMO 24, s. 2015)

BS Entertainment & Multimedia

Computing (CMO 02, s. 2014)

Associate in Computer Technology

(CMO 05, s. 1998)
HEI Landscape, Region VI Number of HEIs in Region VI by Classification


LUCs SUCs SUCs (Branch) Private

Number of
Local Colleges 6
State Universities/Colleges 42
SUCs (Branch) 1
Private 48
Total 97
Distribution of ITE Programs by Location with respect to Private Higher Institutions, Region

ITE Programs
Location w/o Total
Aklan 5 3 4 12
Antique 2 1 3
Capiz 3 2 1 6
Iloilo 1 1
Iloilo City 11 14 6 3 3 1 38
Guimaras 2 0
Total 33 35 12 4 5 1 98
Distribution of ITE Programs by Location with respect State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)
in Region VI
Distribution of ITE Programs by Location with respect to Local Universities and Colleges
(LUCs) in Region VI
• Initial Permit: BSCS -1, BSIS – 1
• 2nd Year Level: BSCS -2, BSIS – 3
• 3rd Year Level: BSIS – 1
• Suspended/Deferred
 BSCS – 1
 BSIT – 2
 BSIS – 2
 BSEMC - 3
• Initial Permit: BLIS -1, BSEMC – 2, ACT - 2
• 2nd Year Level: BSCS -1, BSIS – 2
• 3rd Year Level: BSCS – 2, BSIS – 3
• Government Recognition
 BSIS - 1
Certificates of Program Compliance Issued

• WVSU – Main: BSCS

• ISCOF – San Enrique: BSIT
• ISCOF – Dingle: BSIT
• ISCOF – Poblacion, BN: BSIT
• ISCOF – Dumangas: BSIT
• NIPSC – Lemery: BSIT
• NIPSC – Batad: BSIT
Number of Programs Monitored, CY 2015
• First Quarter – 13 HEIs
• Second Quarter – 12 HEIs
• Third Quarter – 22 HEIs

Number of ITE Curricula Evaluated, CY 2015

• First Quarter – 15 HEIs

• Second Quarter – 12 HEIs
• Third Quarter – 9 HEIs
Report on Program Monitoring
Summary of Programs Monitored, CY 2015


Private 6 8 2 16
SUCs 12 4 1 4 21
Total 18 12 3 4 37
Report on Compliance of HEIs with CHED’s
PSGs for IT Education
Summary of ITE Programs Monitored

Total No. of HEIs

Type Number Monitored
of HEIs n %
Local Colleges 9
State Universities/Colleges 61
SUCs (Branch) 3
Private 80
Total 153
Center of Excellence/Development for
Information Technology Education

• CMO19,Series of 2006: Implementing

Guidelines for the Identification, Support
and Development of COE and COD for ITE
– One (1) COD for ITE, applied for renewal
• UNO-R, Bacolod City
– Two new HEI-applicants for CODITE
• CPU, IloiloCity
• USA, Iloilo City
Outcomes-based education
• Memorandum from the Chairperson, April 23,
– Alignment of Existing Curricula to outcomes-based
education; to start AY 2015-2016
– OBE Seminar-Workshop conducted to 30 HEIs in the
– 17 HEIs noted to have started aligning their ITE
curricula with OBE, in terms of program of study and
syllabi vis-à-vis program outcomes, course outcomes
and learning outcomes

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