Syllabus: CS 121 Computer Programming
Syllabus: CS 121 Computer Programming
Syllabus: CS 121 Computer Programming
Basic Concepts of Computers
Generation of computers, Classification of computer, Types of processor, Software Development
life cycle, Pseudo-code and flowchart, Case study for Algorithm, Flowchart and pseudo code:
Calculate slope of a line, Factorial, Fibonacci, Snake and ladder, Tic-tac-toe.
Introductions to C
Role of Programming Languages, Need to Study Programming Languages, Characteristics of
Programming Languages, Fundamentals of C-Programming - Character Set, Identifiers and
Keywords, Data Types, Constants, Variables, Operators, Expression, Statements, Library Functions,
Pre-Processor Directives. Data Input and Output, Control Structures- Decision Making,- If, If Else,
Switch, Control Structures- Iterative- While , Do-While, For, Break and Continue Statements,
Structure of C Program, Coding Conventions.
Reference Books :
1.Pradeep Sinha, Priti Sinha,”Computer Fundamentals”, Sixth edition, bpb publication
3.Herbert Schildt, "C: The Complete Reference", Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill
Laboratory work:
List of Assignments
1. A. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to log in to GMAIL account
B. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to calculate the volume and area of sphere using the
formulae V=4* Pi*r3 /3 and A=4*pi*r2 where r is radius of square of the sphere.
B. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find sin(x) for first 10 terms
Sin x = x-x3/3!+x5/5!-x7/7!+…..
3. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to convert given decimal number to binary.
4. Write a menu driven program in C to implement the basic arithmetic calculator using if-
5. Write a C program to generate a Fibonacci series.
6. Write a C program to perform addition and subtraction of two matrices.
7. Write a C function to compute factorial of a given number using recursion.
8. Write a C program to accept student details and display their result using structures
9. Write a C program to swap two numbers using pointers.
10. Write a C program to read and write contents to a file.