Tb08 78 Cummings Chambers Pres User
Tb08 78 Cummings Chambers Pres User
Tb08 78 Cummings Chambers Pres User
SNUG 2018 1 of 36
What's in the Paper? … And Our Agenda
• virtual classes can have non-virtual, virtual & pure virtual methods
Virtual class methods are non-virtual by default Only virtual classes can declare pure virtual methods
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Upcasting & Downcasting
Assuming Compatible Class Types
• To paraphrase:
– Any extended or derivative class handle can be assigned to a base class handle
– Only some base class handles can be assigned to an extended class handle
SystemVerilog requires a
type-check for downcasting
a =0
showit() (base)
BASE(test_classes.base.showit): a= 4
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Illegal Casting of Base to Extended Handle
Illegal Downcasting
... ** Error: Illegal assignment …
Handle and bit
// e1 = b1; Types are not assignment compatible
e1good = $cast(e1, b1);
module test; if (!e1good) $display("b1->e1 cast failed");
... ...
base b1, b2; ILLEGAL message
Base handle to extended
ext e1, e2; handle assignment or b1->e1 cast failed
bit e1good, casting is ILLEGAL
b1 null b2 null e1 null e2 null
a =4 a =0
showit() (base) data=0
seta() showit() (ext)
geta() e1 would need to reference: seta() e1 is expecting
• e1.data this !!
• e1.setdata() (not available in geta()
the base class) setdata()
• e1.getdata()
a =4 a =0
showit() (base) data=0
seta() showit() (ext)
geta() seta()
EXT(test_classes.ext.showit): data= 6 a= 2
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Legal Assignment of Extended to Base Handle
Legal Upcasting
a =4 a =2 a =2
showit() (base) data=6 data=6
seta() showit() (base) showit() (ext)
Two views of the
geta() seta() seta()
same object
geta() geta()
setdata() setdata()
getdata() getdata()
BASE(test_classes.base.showit): a= 2
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Re-Construct The Extended Class Object
a =4 a =2 a =2
showit() (base) data=6 data=6
seta() showit() (base) showit() (ext)
geta() seta() seta()
e1 object
geta() geta()
b2 still points to setdata() setdata()
the old e1 object getdata() getdata()
EXT(test_classes.ext.showit): data= 0 a= 9
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Illegal Access to Extended Object Methods
From a Base Class Handle NOTE: b2 handle does not have access to
setdata() or getdata() methods
Handle and bit ...
// b2.setdata(9); ** Error: Field/method name
// m_data = b2.getdata(); (setdata) not in 'b2'
module test; ...
... ** Error: Field/method name
base b1, b2; (getdata) not in 'b2
ext e1, e2;
bit e1good,
b1 null b2 null e1 null e2 null
a =4 a =2 a =9
showit() (base) data=6 data=0
seta() showit() (base) showit() (ext)
geta() seta() seta()
e1 object
geta() geta()
b2 still points to setdata() setdata()
the old e1 object getdata() getdata()
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Casting-Back Base to Extended Handle
Downcasting Requires a Type-Check
** Error: Illegal assignment …
Handle and bit ... Types are not assignment compatible
declarations // e2 = b2;
e2good = $cast(e2, b2); LEGAL $cast
module test; if (e2good) $display("b2->e2 cast PASSED!");
... e2.showit; LEGAL message
base b1, b2; end
ext e1, e2; endmodule b2->e2 cast PASSED
b2 and e2 point to
bit e1good,
e2good; the same object
a =4 a =2 a =9 a =2
showit() (base) data=6 data=0 data=6
seta() showit() (base) showit() (ext) showit() (ext)
geta() seta() seta() seta()
geta() geta() geta()
Two views of the setdata() setdata() setdata()
same object getdata() getdata() getdata()
• Using rhs_ means that casting is done in the form $cast(rhs_, rhs);
This is confusing and therefore
a poor practice
Guideline #3: Declare local transaction handles using distinct names such as tr and
avoid local transaction handle names such as rhs_
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Pure Virtual Methods
SystemVerilog-2009 Enhancement
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Pure Virtual Methods
Two important purposes
virtual class vc1a;
bit [7:0] a;
pure virtual method
(1) pure virtual methods can only be
pure virtual function void seta(bit [7:0] val);
endclass a method prototype
virtual class vc2a extends vc1a; virtual class vc2b extends vc1b;
vc2a does NOT override
virtual function void seta(bit [7:0] val);
seta() method
endclass a = val;
vc2b DOES override
seta() method
non-virtual classes
Guideline #4: Declare a pure method whenever it is important to force a derivative class
to implement the method, as is done by the uvm_subscriber virtual class
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Virtual Interfaces
Techniques & Usage
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Virtual Interface Styles
• VIF styles:
– Pass an interface handle down through class constructors for use by a test
Somewhat straight-forward passing of vif handles Shown in the paper
through constructors, but tedious (not shown in this presentation)
Recommended UVM-style
Typically stored from
– Store the vif handle into the uvm_config_db. Use these methods: top module
uvm_config_db#(virtual dut_if)::set(null, "*", "vif" dif);
uvm_config_db#(virtual dut_if)::get(this, "", "vif" vif);
Typically retrieved by
Simple technique added to UVM (not available in OVM)
driver and monitor
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Requirements for Virtual Interfaces
• 3 Requirements
– Top module, DUT and real interface to communicate with the DUT
An instantiated copy
of the interface
– You will need a virtual interface to communicate with the test class
A virtual interface handle
declared in a class
– You need a way to tie the real interface to the virtual interface
You need a way to pass a real interface handle
to a virtual interface handle in a class object
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Interface connections to DUT ports
alu_reg w/ Interface Example
module top; module alu_reg (
logic clk; output logic [15:0] acc_out,
clkgen clkgen (.*); input logic [15:0] din1, din2,
dut_if dif (.*); input op_e opcode,
alu_reg alu_reg (.acc_out(dif.acc_out), .din1(dif.din1), input logic clk, rst_n);
.din2(dif.din2), .opcode(dif.opcode),
.rst_n(dif.rst_n), .*);
... ...
endmodule endmodule
dif dut_if
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Summary of Guidelines
Guideline #3: Declare local transaction handles using distinct names such as tr and
avoid local transaction handle names such as rhs_
Guideline #4: Declare a pure method whenever it is important to force a derivative class
to implement the method, as is done by the uvm_subscriber virtual class
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• John Dickol and Don Mills for their reviews and comments of the paper and
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SystemVerilog Virtual Classes, Methods, Interfaces
Their Use in Verification and UVM
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