Installation, Start-Up and Service Instructions: 38AH044-134 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 50/60 HZ

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Air-Cooled Condensing Units

50/60 Hz

Installation, Start-Up and

Service Instructions
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Open all remote disconnects before servicing this equip-
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-38 ment. Electric shock can cause personal injury.
Step 1 — Rig and Place Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Step 2 — Check Compressor Mounting . . . . . . . . . . 4 DO NOT USE TORCH to remove any component. System
• UNITS 38AH044-084 contains oil and refrigerant under pressure.
• UNITS 38AH094-134 To remove a component, wear protective gloves and gog-
Step 3 — Make Refrigerant Piping gles and proceed as follows:
Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
• UNITS 38AH124-134 a. Shut off electrical power to unit.
• CONNECT TUBING FROM EVAPORATOR TO b. Recover refrigerant to relieve all pressure from sys-
CONDENSING UNIT tem using both high-pressure and low pressure ports.
Step 4 — Make Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . 24 c. Traces of vapor should be displaced with nitrogen
• POWER SUPPLY and the work area should be well ventilated. Refrig-
• FIELD POWER CONNECTIONS erant in contact with an open flame produces toxic
• MAIN POWER gases.
• CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING d. Cut component connection tubing with tubing cutter
Step 5 — Install Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
and remove component from unit. Use a pan to catch
• LOW-AMBIENT OPERATION any oil that may come out of the lines and as a gage
• MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES for how much oil to add to the system.
PRE-START-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,39
e. Carefully unsweat remaining tubing stubs when nec-
START-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-47 essary. Oil can ignite when exposed to torch flame.
SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-52 Failure to follow these procedures may result in personal
TROUBLESHOOTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,54 injury or death.
START-UP CHECKLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-1, CL-2

Installing, starting up, and servicing this equipment can be DO NOT re-use compressor oil or any oil that has been
hazardous due to system pressures, electrical components, and exposed to the atmosphere. Dispose of oil per local codes
equipment location (roofs, elevated structures, etc.). and regulations. DO NOT leave refrigerant system open to
air any longer than the actual time required to service the
Only trained, qualified installers and service mechanics equipment. Seal circuits being serviced and charge with
should install, start up, and service this equipment. dry nitrogen to prevent oil contamination when timely
Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance func- repairs cannot be completed. Failure to follow these proce-
tions, such as cleaning coils. All other operations should be dures may result in damage to equipment.
performed by trained service personnel.
When working on the equipment, observe precautions in the INSTALLATION
literature, and on tags, stickers, and labels attached to the
equipment and any other safety precautions that may apply. Step 1 — Rig and Place Unit — All units are de-
• Follow all safety codes. signed for overhead rigging, and it is important that this meth-
• Wear safety glasses and work gloves. od be used. Lifting holes are provided in the frame base rails,
• Use care in handling, rigging, and setting bulky which are marked for rigging (see rigging label on the unit and
equipment. Tables 1, 2A and 2B, and Fig. 1 for rigging weights and center
of gravity). It is recommended that field-supplied pipes, of suf-
ficient length to extend at least 12 in. (305 mm) beyond the
frame, be passed through the holes.

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53380004-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 38AH-22SI Pg 1 612 3-09 Replaces: 38AH-20SI
Fig. 1 — Rigging Label

IMPORTANT: To maintain unit stability while lifting, PLACING UNITS — Refer to Fig. 1 for rigging details. The
use 4 cables, chains or straps of equal length. Attach one placement area must be level and strong enough to support the
end of each cable to one pipe end and the other end of operating weight of the unit (see Table 3A-4B). When unit is in
each cable to the overhead rigging point. proper location, use of mounting holes in base rails is recom-
mended for securing unit to supporting structure. For mounting
Use spreader bars or frame to keep the cables, chains, and unit on vibration isolators, 4 x 24 in. perimeter support “c”
straps clear of the unit sides. Leave standard coil protection channels between the unit and the isolators are recommended
packaging in place during rigging to provide protection to with a minimum of 4 channels per unit. Fasteners for mounting
coils. Remove and discard all coil protection after rigging ca- unit are field supplied. Be sure to mount unit level to ensure
bles are detached. proper oil return to compressors. See Fig. 2.
DOMESTIC UNITS — For units 38AH044-084, 124, and CAUTION
134; standard unit packaging consists of coil protection only.
There is no standard packaging provided for units 38AH094 Do not forklift these units unless the unit is attached to a
and 104. Skids are not provided. If overhead rigging is not skid designed for forklifting. Failure to follow this require-
available at the jobsite, place the unit on a skid or pad before ment could result in equipment damage or personal injury.
dragging or rolling. When rolling, use a minimum of 3 rollers.
When dragging, pull the pad or skid. Do not apply force to the
unit. When in final position, raise from above to lift unit off the Units 38AH044-084 — Refer to Fig. 3 and 4 for airflow
pad or skid. clearances. Recommended minimum clearances are 6 ft
EXPORT UNITS — All export units are mounted on skids (1829 mm) for unrestricted airflow and service on sides of
with vertical coil protection. Leave the unit on the skid until it unit, 5 ft (1524 mm) on ends, and unrestricted clear air space
is in final position. While on the skid, the unit can be rolled or above the unit. Provide ample space to connect liquid and suc-
skidded. Apply force to the skid, not to the unit. Use a mini- tion lines to indoor unit. For multiple units, allow 8 ft
mum of 3 rollers when rolling. When in final position, raise (2440 mm) separation between units for airflow and service.
from above to remove the skid.

Table 1 — Rigging Center of Gravity — in. (mm)
UNIT 044 054 064 074 084 094 104 MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE
38AH 124A 124B 134A 134B
Dimension X 49 (1232) 48 (1224) 50 (1260) 57 (1443) 57 (1448) 66 (1676) 63 (1600) 50 (1260) — 50 (1260) —
Dimension Y 39 (984) 39 (978) 38 (968) 39 (993) 39 (991) 31 (787) 34 (851) 38 (968) — 38 (968) —
Dimension X-C 49 (1234) 48 (1229) 50 (1261) 56 (1425) 56 (1422) 66 (1676) 63 (1600) 50 (1260) — 50 (1260) —
Dimension Y-C 39 (993) 39 (991) 39 (986) 40 (1006) 40 (1008) 31 (787) 34 (851) 39 (986) — 39 (986) —
Dimension K — — — — — — — — 50 (1260) — 57 (1443)
Dimension L — — — — — — — — 38 (968) — 39 (993)
Dimension K-C — — — — — — — — 50 (1260) — 56 (1425)
Dimension L-C — — — — — — — — 39 (986) — 40 (1006)
— — Not Applicable
C — Copper Fin Coils


The placement area must be level and strong enough to sup-

port the operating weight of the unit. See Table 4A or 4B. Refer
to the following paragraphs for the proper placement of the
Units 38AH094,104 — For mounting units on vibration isola-
tors, a perimeter support channel is required between the unit
and the support isolators. The perimeter support channel must
be sized to support the fully assembled unit. Do not support
units on individual isolation supports. Support channel, hard-
ware, and fasteners are field supplied. When unit is in proper
location, level unit and bolt into position with field-supplied
Units 38AH124,134 — For ease of shipment and handling,
unit 38AH124 is shipped as 2 modules (124A and 124B) and
unit 38AH134 is shipped as 2 modules (134A and 134B). The
modules must be connected at the final installation site with the
factory-shipped piping and sheet metal trim kit mounted on
module 124A or 134A. See Fig. 9.

Do not move assembled 38AH124 or 134 units as a single
assembly. Always move modules individually during
Fig. 2 — Perimeter Support Channel installation or at any other time. Failure to follow this
requirement could result in equipment damage or personal
Units 38AH094-134 — Refer to Fig. 5-8 for airflow injury.
clearances. Recommended minimum clearances are 6 ft
(1829 mm) for unrestricted airflow and service on sides of unit, Mark installation site for placement of modules 124A and
5 ft (1524 mm) on ends, and unrestricted clear air space above 124B or modules 134A and 134B. See Fig. 7 and 8 for final
unit. Provide ample space to connect liquid and suction lines to assembled dimensions. A service space of 24 in. (610 mm) is
indoor unit. For multiple units, allow 8 ft (2440 mm) separation required between the 2 modules for piping and sheet metal trim
between units for airflow and service. installation.
Place module 124A or 134A in position, ensuring that the
CAUTION control box is at the end opposite the service space. See Fig. 10.
Do not forklift these units unless the unit is attached to a Remove sheet metal and tubing from module 124A or 134A
skid designed for forklifting. Failure to follow this require- sheet metal trim kit (Fig. 9). Remove sheet metal cover panels
ment could result in equipment damage or personal injury. from return-bend end of unit facing the service space. See
Fig. 10 and 11. These panels may be discarded or saved for re-
installation if module is moved from site.

Remove sheet metal cover panels from return-bend end of Step 2 — Check Compressor Mounting
module 124B or 134B. Place module 124B or 134B in posi- UNITS 38AH044-084 — Compressors are mounted on pans
tion. The exposed return-bend ends of each module are now and are held down by 4 bolts during shipment. After unit is
opposite each other and facing the service space. The compres- installed, loosen each of these bolts until the snubber washer
sors of each module are on opposite sides of the unit. can be moved with finger pressure. See Fig. 12.
IMPORTANT: Modules must be placed 24 in. (610 mm) UNITS 38AH094-134 — Unit 38AH094 and 104 compres-
apart and square relative to each other. sors are mounted on rails and held down by rail bolts during
shipment. After unit is installed, loosen the rail bolts to allow
the rails and compressors to float freely on the springs located
The modules are now in position for piping installation and under the rails. See Fig. 12.
final assembly. See Fig. 10. For mounting units on vibration
isolators, a perimeter support channel is required between the Unit 38AH124 and 134 compressors are mounted on pans
assembled unit and the support isolators. The perimeter support and are held down by 4 bolts during shipment. After unit is in-
channel must be sized to support the fully assembled unit. Do stalled, loosen each of these bolts until snubber washer can be
not support modules on individual isolation supports. Support moved with finger pressure. See Fig. 12.
channel, hardware, and fasteners are field supplied.
When unit is in proper location, level unit and bolt into posi-
tion with field-supplied bolts.

Table 2A — Operational Corner Weights with Table 2B — Operational Corner Weights with
Refrigerant Charge (Approximate) — Lb Refrigerant Charge (Approximate) — Kg
044 3259 939 893 695 732 044 1478 426 405 316 332
044C 3547 1013 967 765 802 044C 1609 460 438 347 364
054 3309 964 905 697 742 054 1501 437 411 316 337
054C 3597 1034 978 771 814 054C 1632 469 444 350 369
064 3565 1018 1011 765 771 064 1617 462 459 347 350
064C 3998 1125 1117 874 879 064C 1813 510 508 397 399
074 3812 1146 986 777 903 074 1729 520 447 352 410
074C 4229 1272 1059 862 1035 074C 1918 577 481 391 470
084 4057 1220 1049 827 961 084 1840 553 476 375 436
084C 4735 1425 1186 965 1159 084C 2145 646 538 438 526
094 5088 1114 2192 1182 601 094 2308 505 994 536 272
094C 5813 1273 2504 1350 686 094C 2637 577 1136 612 311
104 5435 1240 2138 1302 755 104 2465 562 970 591 342
104C 6160 1405 2423 1476 856 104C 2794 637 1099 670 388
38AH 38AH
124A 3630 1037 1030 779 785 124A 1647 470 467 353 356
124A-C 4063 1144 1137 889 894 124A-C 1843 519 516 403 405
124B 3630 1037 1030 779 785 124B 1647 470 467 353 356
124B-C 4063 1144 1137 889 894 124B-C 1843 519 516 403 405
134A 3630 1037 1030 779 785 134A 1647 470 467 353 356
134A-C 4063 1144 1137 889 894 134A-C 1843 519 516 403 405
134B 3877 1167 997 789 924 134B 1759 529 452 358 419
134B-C 4294 1293 1080 874 1047 134B-C 1948 587 490 396 475
C — Copper Fin Coils C — Copper Fin Coils
NOTE: Total weight may differ from summation of corner weights NOTE: Total weight may differ from summation of corner weights
due to rounding of numerals. due to rounding of numerals.


38AH Unit Size V-Ph-Hz Diameter, in. [mm] Qty
230-3-50 35/8 [92] 1
208/230-3-60 35/8 [92] 1
380/460/575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
346/380-415/3/50 21/2 [63.5] 1
208/230-3-60 35/8 [92] 1
054 380/460/575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
346-380/415-3-50 1

21/2 [63.5]
208/230-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 2
064 380/460/575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92] 1


MTG — Mounting Sides — 6 ft [1829 mm] Dual Circuit, Single Circuit,
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. Description
SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers ft-in. [mm] ft-in. [mm]
They are not recommended for mounting unit to spring isolators. 1
If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel Suction Connection(s) 0-2 /8 [54] 0-25/8 [67]
NOTES: between the unit and the isolators is recommended. Liquid Connection(s) 0-7/ [22]
8 0-11/8 [29]
1. The approximate operating weight of the unit is: 4. Two 2 in. (51 mm) dia holes are recommended for parallel con-
38AH044 3259 lb (1478 kg) Suction C 2-11/16 [627] 1-105/16 [567]
ductors on 044 (230-v) units and on 044 and 054 (208/230-v)
38AH044C 3547 lb (1609 kg) units. Liquid D 1-101/16 [561] 1-105/16 [567]
38AH054 3309 lb (1501 kg) 5. A 35/8 in. (86 mm) hole is recommended for single entry power
38AH054C 3597 lb (1632 kg) on 064 (208/230-v) units. Suction (Ckt A) 1-713/16 [503] 2-5/8 [626]
38AH064 3565 lb (1617 kg) 6. “C” in the package number indicates copper coils.
38AH064C 3998 lb (1813 kg) Suction (Ckt B) 2-5/8 [626] —
7. See Table 1 for rigging center of gravity (Dimensions X,Y). See
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows: Tables 2A and 2B for A-D corner weights. Liquid (Ckt A) 2-53/4 [756] 2-111/8 [892]
Top — Do not restrict in any way. 8. Circled numerals in Top View refer to condenser fans by position. Liquid (Ckt B) 2-105/8 [879] —

Fig. 3 — Dimensions — Units 38AH044-064

38AH Uunit Diameter, Dual Circuit, Single Circuit,
V-Ph-Hz Qty Description
Size in. [mm] ft-in. [mm] ft-in. [mm]
230-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 2 1
Suction Connection(s) 0-2 /8 [54] 0-25/8 [67]
460-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1 Liquid Connection(s) 0-7/8 [22] 0-11/8 [29]
074 575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1 Suction C 2-11/16 [627] 1-105/16 [567]
380-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 1 Liquid D 1-101/16 [561] 1-105/16 [567]
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1 Suction (Ckt A) 1-713/16 [503] 2-5/8 [626]
208/230-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 2 Suction (Ckt B) 2-5/8 [626] —
460-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 1 Liquid (Ckt A) 2-53/4 [756] 2-111/8 [892]
084 575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1 Liquid (Ckt B) 2-105/8 [879] —
380-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1



LEGEND Ends — 5 ft [1524 mm]
Sides — 6 ft [1829 mm]
MTG — Mounting 3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete
SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers pad. They are not recommended for mounting unit to
spring isolators. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter
NOTES: support channel between the unit and the isolators is
1. The approximate operating weight of the unit is: recommended.
38AH074 3812 lb [1729 kg] 4. “C” in the package number indicates copper coils.
38AH074C 4229 lb [1918 kg] 5. See Table 1 for rigging center of gravity (Dimensions X,Y).
38AH084 4057 lb [1840 kg] See Tables 2A and 2B for A-D corner weights.
38AH084C 4730 lb [2145 kg] 6. Circled numerals in Top View refer to condenser fans by
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows: position.
Top — Do not restrict in any way.

Fig. 4 — Dimensions — Units 38AH074,084


LEGEND 3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They
MTG — Mounting are not recommended for mounting unit to spring isolators. If FIELD POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS
SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended. 38AH V-Ph-Hz Diameter Qty
NOTES: 4. Two 35/8 [92 mm] diameter holes are recommended for parallel Unit in. [mm]
1.The approximate operating weight of the unit is: conductors on 208/230-v units. 346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92] 1
38AH094 — 5088 lb [2308 kg] 5. “C” in the package number indicates copper coils.
6. See Table 1 for rigging center of gravity (Dimensions X,Y). See 094 208/230-3-60 35/8 [92] 2
38AH094C — 5813 lb [2637 kg]
2.Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows: Tables 2A and 2B for A-D corner weights. 460-575-380-3-60 35/8 [92] 1
Top — Do not restrict in any way. 7. Numerals in Top View refer to condenser fans by position.
Ends — 5 ft [1524 mm]
Sides — 6 ft [1829 mm]

Fig. 5 — Dimensions — Units 38AH094

38AH Unit Diameter,
Size V-Ph-Hz in. [mm] Qty
208/230-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 2
104 380-460-575-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1

LEGEND 3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to con-
MTG — Mounting crete pad. They are not recommended for mounting
SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers unit to spring isolators. If spring isolators are used, a

perimeter support channel between the unit and the

NOTES: isolators is recommended.
1. The approximate operating weight of the unit is: 4. Two 35/8 in. [92-mm] diameter hole are recom-
38AH-104--- 5435 lb [2465 kg] mended for parallel conductors on 208/230-v units.
38AH-104--C 6160 lb [2794 kg] 5. “C” in the package number indicates copper coils.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows: 6. See Table 1 for rigging center of gravity (Dimensions
Top — Do not restrict in any way. X,Y). See Tables 2A and 2B for A-D corner weights.
Ends — 5 ft [1524 mm] 7. Numerals in Top View refer to condenser fans by
Sides — 6 ft [1829 mm] position.

Fig. 6 — Dimensions — Units 38AH104

38AH Unit Diameter,
V-Ph-Hz Qty

208/230-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 2

124A 380-460-575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1
208/230-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 2
124B 380-460-575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1

LEGEND the assembled unit and the isolators is required. Do not support
MTG — Mounting each module separately.
SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers 4. One 35/8 (92 mm) diameter hole is recommended for single
power entry into each module (124A and 124B) of the unit.
NOTES: 5. Each module must be rigged into position separately. The unit
1. The approximate operating weight of the unit is: must not be rigged after modules have been connected.
38AH124 — 7260 lb [3293 kg] 6. Suction and liquid connections can exit on either side of the unit.
38AH124C — 8126 lb [3686 kg] 7. Field power supply connections are required for each module.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows: 8. “C” in the package number indicates copper coils.
Top — Do not restrict in any way. 9. See Table 1 for rigging center of gravity (Dimensions K,L,X,Y).
Ends — 5 ft [1524 mm] See Tables 2A and 2B for A-D corner weights.
Sides — 6 ft [1829 mm] 10. Numerals in Top View refer to condenser fans by position.
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They
are not recommended for mounting unit to spring isolators. If
spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between

Fig. 7 — Dimensions — Units 38AH124

38AH Unit Diameter,
V-Ph-Hz Qty

208/230-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 2

134A 380-460-575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1
208/230-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 2
460-575-3-60 21/2 [63.5] 1
380-3-60 35/8 [92.0] 1
346-380/415-3-50 35/8 [92.0] 1


LEGEND spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
MTG — Mounting the assembled unit and the isolators is required. Do not support
SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers each module separately.
4. One 35/8 in. [92 mm] diameter hole is recommended for single
NOTES: power entry into the 134A (208/230-v) module of the unit. Single
1. The approximate operating weight of the unit is: power entry into the 134B module is not recommended.
38AH134 — 7507 lb [3405 kg] 5. Each module must be rigged into position separately. The unit
38AH134C — 8357 lb [3791 kg] must not be rigged after modules have been connected.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows: 6. Suction and liquid connections can exit on either side of the unit.
Top — Do not restrict in any way. 7. Field power supply connections are required for each module.
Ends — 5 ft [1524 mm] 8. “C” in the package number indicates copper coils.
Sides — 6 ft [1829 mm] 9. See Table 1 for rigging center of gravity (Dimensions K,L,X,Y).
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They See Tables 2A and 2B for A-D corner weights.
are not recommended for mounting unit to spring isolators. If 10. Numerals in Top View refer to condenser fans by position.

Fig. 8 — Dimensions — Units 38AH134

Table 3A — Units 38AH044-084 Physical Data — 50/60 Hz (English)
38AH 044 054 064 074 084
OPERATING WEIGHT WITH Cu-Al 3259 3309 3565 3812 4057
REFRIGERANT (Approx) — lb Cu-Cu 3547 3597 3998 4229 4735
(Approx) — lb Cu-Al 3250 3290 3530 3780 4000
Cu-Cu 3538 3578 3963 4197 4678
Total Typical Operating Charge (Approx) — lb 62 72 88 104 130
Qty of Circuits Std 2 2 2 2 2
Opt 1 1 1 1 1
COMPRESSOR Type...rpm Reciprocating Semi-Hermetic...1750 at 60 Hz; 1458 at 50 Hz
(Qty Cylinder) Compressor† Std (4) A1 (4) B1 (4) A1 (6) B1 (6) A1 (6) B1 (6) A1 (6) B1 (6) A1 (6) B1
Model No. 06E Std 250 250 250 265 265 275 275 299 299 299
(Qty Cylinder) Compressor† Opt (4) A1 (4) A2 (6) A1 (4) A2 (6) A1 (6) A2 (6) A1 (6) A2 (6) A1 (6) A2
Model No. 06E Opt 250 250 265 250 275 265 299 275 299 299
Oil Charge (pt) Std 17 17 17 21 21 21 21 19 19 19
Opt 17 17 21 17 21 21 19 21 19 19
Capacity Control Steps** 4
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 60 Hz
Qty...Dia (in.) 4...30 6...30
Airflow (cfm) 35,000 52,000 51,000
Speed (rpm) 1140 1140
Total Power (kW) 6.2 9.3
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 50 Hz
Qty...Dia (in.) 4...30 6...30
Airflow (cfm) 35,000 52,000 51,000
Speed (rpm) 950 950
Total Power (kW) 6.2 9.3
CONDENSER COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced Fin
Rows...Fins per in. 2...17 2...17 3...17 2...19 3...17
Face Area (sq ft) 80.5 80.5 80.5 116.7 116.7
Storage Capacity (lb per circuit) at 120 F 35 35 55 55 80
Suction, ODF (in.)†† 21/8
Liquid, ODF (in.)†† 7/
Hot Gas Bypass, ODF (in.) 5/8

Table 3B — Units 38AH044-084 Physical Data — 50/60 Hz (SI)

38AH 044 054 064 074 084
OPERATING WEIGHT WITH Cu-Al 1478 1501 1617 1729 1840
REFRIGERANT (Approx) — kg Cu-Cu 1609 1632 1813 1918 2145
(Approx) — kg Cu-Al 1474 1492 1601 1715 1814
Cu-Cu 1605 1623 1798 1904 2122
Total Typical Operating Charge (Approx) — kg 28.1 32.7 39.9 47.2 58.9
Qty of Circuits Std 2 2 2 2 2
Opt 1 1 1 1 1
COMPRESSOR Type...R/s Reciprocating Semi-Hermetic...29.2 at 60 Hz; 24.3 at 50 Hz
(Qty Cylinder) Compressor† Std (4) A1 (4) B1 (4) A1 (6) B1 (6) A1 (6) B1 (6) A1 (6) B1 (6) A1 (6) B1
Model No. 06E Std 250 250 250 265 265 275 275 299 299 299
(Qty Cylinder) Compressor† Opt (4) A1 (4) A2 (6) A1 (4) A2 (6) A1 (6) A2 (6) A1 (6) A2 (6) A1 (6) A2
Model No. 06E Opt 250 250 265 250 275 265 299 275 299 299
Oil Charge (L) Std 8.0 8.0 8.0 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.0 9.0 9.0
Opt 8.0 8.0 9.9 8.0 9.9 9.9 9.0 9.9 9.0 9.0
Capacity Control Steps** 4
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 50 Hz
Qty...Dia (mm) 4...762 6...762
Airflow (L/s) 16,500 24,500 24,100
Speed (r/s) 15.8 15.8
Total Power (kW) 6.2 9.3
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 60 Hz
Qty...Dia (mm) 4...762 6...762
Airflow (L/s) 16,500 24,500 24,100
Speed (r/s) 19.0 19.0
Total Power (kW) 6.2 9.3
CONDENSER COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced Fin
Rows...Fins per m 2...669 2...669 3...669 2...782 3...669
Face Area (sq m) 7.48 7.48 7.48 10.84 10.84
Storage Capacity (kg per circuit) at 48.9 C 16 16 25 25 36
Suction, ODF (in.)†† 21/8
Liquid, ODF (in.)†† 7/
Hot Gas Bypass, ODF (in.) 5/

LEGEND ††For single-circuit units, suction ODF is 25/8 in. (66.7 mm) and liquid ODF is
Cu-Al — Copper Tubes with Aluminum Fins 11/8 in. (28.6 mm). Single circuits have a factory-installed manifold; no
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubes with Copper Fins field modification is required.
ODF — Outside Diameter, Female
Opt — Optional Single-Circuit Units NOTES:
Std — Standard Dual-Circuit Units 1. Certified dimensional drawings available on request.
2. Equivalent connection values in mm are as follows:
*Unit is factory supplied with nitrogen holding charge. in. mm
5/ 15.9
†Compressor A1 is lead on standard and optional single-circuit units. 7/
**Capacity control steps listed are for constant-volume units with no accesso- 8 22.2
ries. Refer to page 48, Capacity Control, for additional system capacity 21/8 54.0

Table 4A — Units 38AH094-134 Physical Data — 50/60 Hz (English)
124 134
38AH 094 104
124A 124B 134A 134B
OPERATING WEIGHT WITH Cu-Al 5088 5435 3630* 3630* 3630* 3877*
REFRIGERANT (Approx) — lb Cu-Cu 5813 6160 4063* 4063* 4063* 4294*
SHIP WEIGHT WITH Cu-Al 5630 5990 3907* 3907* 3907* 4080*
COIL PROTECTION AND SKID Cu-Cu 6355 6715 4340* 4340* 4340* 4497*
(Approx) — lb
Total Typical Operating Charge (Approx) — lb 148 135 88 88 88 104
Qty of Circuits 2 2 1 1 1 1
COMPRESSOR Type...rpm Reciprocating Semi-Hermetic...1750 at 60 Hz; 1460 at 50 Hz
(Qty Cylinder) Compressor** (6)A1 (4)A2 (6)B1 (6)A1 (4)A2 (6)B1 (6)B2 (6)A1 (6)A2 (6)A1 (6)A2 (6)A1 (6)A2 (6)A1 (6)A2
Model No. 06E –275 –250 –299 –265 –250 –265 –265 –275 –265 –275 –265 –275 –265 –299 –275
Oil Charge (pt) 21 17 19 21 17 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 19 21
Capacity Control Steps†† 6 8 4 4 4 4
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 60 Hz
Qty...Dia (in.) 6...30 6...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 6...30
Airflow (cfm) 52,000 52,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 52,000
Speed (rpm) 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140
Total Power (kW) 9.4 9.5 6.4 6.4 6.4 9.2
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 50 Hz
Qty...Dia (in.) 6...30 6...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 6...30
Airflow (cfm) 52,000 52,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 52,000
Speed (rpm) 950 950 950 950 950 950
Total Power (kW) 9.4 9.5 6.4 6.4 6.4 9.2
CONDENSER COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced Fin
Rows...Fins per in. 3...17 3...17 3...17 3...17 3...17 2...19
Face Area (sq ft) 128.3 128.3 80.5 80.5 80.5 116.7
Storage Capacity
(lb per circuit) at 120 F 178 178 110 110 110 110
Suction, ODF (in.) 21/8 21/8 25/8 25/8 25/8 25/8
Liquid, ODF (in.) 7/8 7/8 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8
Hot Gas Bypass, ODF (in.) 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/
8 8 8 8 8 8

Table 4B — Units 38AH094-134 Physical Data — 50/60 Hz (SI)

124 134
38AH 094 104
124A 124B 134A 134B
OPERATING WEIGHT WITH Cu-Al 2308 2465 1647* 1647* 1647* 1759*
REFRIGERANT (Approx) — kg Cu-Cu 2637 2794 1843* 1843* 1843* 1948*
SHIP WEIGHT WITH Cu-Al 2554 2717 1860* 1860* 1860* 1851*
COIL PROTECTION AND SKID Cu-Cu 2883 3046 1968* 1968* 1968* 1968*
(Approx) — kg
Total Typical Operating Charge (Approx) — kg 67.1 61.2 39.9 39.9 39.9 47.2
Qty of Circuits 2 2 1 1 1 1
COMPRESSOR Type...R/s Reciprocating Semi-Hermetic...29.2 at 60 Hz; 24.3 at 50 Hz
(Qty Cylinder) Compressor** (6)A1 (4)A2 (6)B1 (6)A1 (4)A2 (6)B1 (6)B2 (6)A1 (6)A2 (6)A1 (6)A2 (6)A1 (6)A2 (6)A1 (6)A2
Model No. 06E –275 –250 –299 –265 –250 –265 –265 –275 –265 –275 –265 –275 –265 –299 –275
Oil Charge (L) 10 8 9 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10
Capacity Control Steps†† 5 6 3 3 3 3
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 60 Hz
Qty...Dia (mm) 6...762 6...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 6...762
Airflow (L/s) 24,544 24,544 16,520 16,520 16,520 24,544
Speed (r/s) 19 19 19 19 19 19
Total Power (kW) 9.4 9.5 6.4 6.4 6.4 9.2
CONDENSER FANS (6 Blade) — 50 Hz
Qty...Dia (mm) 6...762 6...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 6...762
Airflow (L/s) 24,544 24,544 16,520 16,520 16,520 24,544
Speed (r/s 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8
Total Power (kW) 9.4 9.5 6.4 6.4 6.4 9.2
CONDENSER COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced Fin
Rows...Fins per m 3...669.3 3...669.3 3...669.3 3...669.3 3...669.3 2...781.6
Face Area (sq m) 11.9 11.9 7.5 7.5 7.5 10.8
Storage Capacity
81 81 50 50 50 50
(lb per circuit) at 49 C
Suction, ODF (in.) 21/8 21/8 25/8 25/8 25/8 25/8
Liquid, ODF (in.) 7/ 7/ 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/8
8 8
Hot Gas Bypass, ODF (in.) 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/
8 8 8 8 8 8

LEGEND ††Capacity control steps listed are for constant volume units with no accesso-
Cu-Al — Copper Tubes with Aluminum Fins ries. Refer to page 48, Capacity Control, for additional system capacity
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubes with Copper Fins information.
ODF — Outside Diameter, Female NOTES:
1. Unit 38AH124 consists of one 124A module and one 124B module. Unit
*Includes piping and trim kit. 38AH134 consists of one 134A module and one 134B module.
†Unit is factory supplied with nitrogen holding charge. 2. Certified dimensional drawings available on request.
**Compressors are shipped with minimum oil charge. 3. Equivalent connection values in mm are as follows:
in. mm
5/ 15.9
7/ 22.2

Fig. 9 — Modules 38AH124A or 134A — Shipping Locations of Piping
and Sheet Metal Trim Kit







24-in. (610-mm)

Fig. 10 — Correct Placement of Modules Without Piping

and Sheet Metal Trim (Unit 38AH134 Shown)


Fig. 11 — Typical Module with Cover Panels Removed

38AH044-084, 124, 134




Fig. 12 — Outer View, Compressor Mounting

Step 3 — Make Refrigerant Piping Install a field-supplied filter drier and sight glasses in
Connections each refrigerant system. Select the filter drier for maximum
unit capacity and minimum pressure drop. Figure 13 (for
CAUTION 38AH044-084 dual-circuit and 38AH094-134 units) or Fig. 14
(for 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units) shows re-
The field-supplied liquid line solenoid valve must be quired location of solenoid valves and recommended locations
installed at the evaporator to avoid possible compressor for the filter driers and sight glasses. Complete the refrigerant
damage during unit operation. See Fig. 13 (for 38AH044- piping from the evaporator to the condenser before opening the
084 dual-circuit and 38AH094-134 units) or Fig. 14 (for liquid and suction lines at the condenser.
38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units). Table 5 — Liquid Lift
IMPORTANT: Do not bury refrigerant piping UNIT
60 Hz 50 Hz
underground. 38AH
ft m ft m
044 69 21.0 57.5 17.5
The units have large suction lines to minimize friction loss- 054 75 23.0 75.0 23.0
es. The units also have the ability to operate at low capacity. 064 75 23.0 65.0 19.8
Because of these capabilities, use special care with suction pip- 074 45 13.7 37.5 11.4
ing and suction risers to ensure proper compressor oil return 084 75 23.0 75.0 23.0
under all operating conditions. Maximum allowable vertical 094 55 16.7 46.0 14.0
separation between the condensing unit and the evaporator is
104 50 15.2 42.0 12.8
shown in Table 5. Size suction lines in accordance with
Tables 6A-9B and Fig. 15. Mount liquid line solenoid valve 124 75 23.0 65.0 19.8
just ahead of the TXVs (thermostatic expansion valves) 134 45 13.7 37.5 11.4
which will be mounted at the evaporator. See Fig. 13 (for
38AH044-084 dual-circuit and 38AH094-134 units) or Fig. 14 CAUTION
(for 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units).
To achieve good mixing of the refrigerant leaving the evap- System is factory charged with nitrogen. Relieve pressure
orator suction header for proper sensing by the TXV bulb: before connecting pipe. Failure to do so could result in per-
1. Install a minimum of two 90-degree elbows upstream sonal injury.
of the TXV bulb location. See Fig. 16 (for 38AH044-
084 dual-circuit and 38AH094-134 units) or Fig. 17
(for 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units). IMPORTANT: Protect the liquid valves from the heat of
2. Locate the TXV bulb on a vertical riser, where possi-
ble. If a horizontal location is necessary, secure the
bulb at approximately the 4 o’clock position. Do not remove the run-around loop from the suction and
liquid line stubs until the piping connections are ready to be
3. Size the suction line from the evaporator to the com- made (see Fig. 18). Relieve the factory-supplied nitrogen
mon suction line to achieve high refrigerant velocity. charge. Uncap the suction line and cut the run-around loop at
See Tables 6A-9B and Fig. 15.
the liquid line as close to the loop elbow as possible. This will
If an oil return connection at the bottom of the suction head- leave approximately 2 in. (50 mm) of straight tube for liquid
er is supplied with an evaporator, tee-in this connection ahead line connection.
of first mixing elbow. See Fig. 16 (for 38AH044-084 dual-
For 38AH124 and 134 units, see Piping Kit Connections on
circuit and 38AH094-134 units) or Fig. 17 (for 38AH044-084 page 22.
optional single-circuit units). When the compressor is below
the evaporator, the riser at the evaporator should extend to the
top of the evaporator section. After the riser is installed, the
suction line can elbow down immediately.

LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid
TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve
Fig. 13 — Required Location of Solenoid Valves and Recommended Filter Drier and
Sight Glass Locations for 38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit and 38AH094-134 Units

Fig. 14 — Required Location of Solenoid Valves and Recommended Filter Drier and
Sight Glass Locations for 38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units

UNIT Dual Circuit*
A — Pipe A, Suction Riser, without Trap Single Circuit*
B — Pipe B, Suction Riser with Trap 38AH A B
C — Suction Line to Condensing Unit in. mm in. mm in. mm
D — Pipe D, Suction Riser Short Lift
RED. — Reducer 044 1 5 /8 41 1 5 /8 41 21/8 54
STR — Street 054 15 / 8 41 1 5 /8 41 21/8 54
064 15 / 8 41 2 1 /8 54 21/8 54
NOTES: 074 21 / 8 54 2 1 /8 54 21/8 54
1. Short riser, pipe D, is used when routing suction line to con- 084 21 / 8 54 2 1 /8 54 25/8† 67†
densing unit connection. See table at right. 094, 104 21 / 8 54 2 1 /8 54 — —
2. See Tables 6A-9B for values of A, B, and C. 124, 134 25/8 67 2 5 /8 67 — —
*Maximum length of riser is 3 ft (914 mm).
†Double suction riser required if accessory unloader is field

Fig. 15 — Double Suction Riser Construction

Table 6A — Refrigerant Piping Requirements — 38AH044-104 Dual-Circuit Units — 60 Hz
UNIT 15-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200
38AH (4.6-7.6) (7.6-15.2) (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
L S L S L S L S* L S* L S*
Ckt A 5/ 1 5 /8 7/ 1 5 /8 7/ 21/8 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8
044 8
5 /8
8 8 8 8 8
Ckt B 1 5 /8 7 /8 1 5 /8 7 /8 21/8 7 /8 2 1 /8 7 /8 2 1 /8 7 /8 2 1 /8
Ckt A 5/ 1 5 /8 7/ 1 5 /8 7/ 21/8 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8
054 7/
8 8 8 8 8 8
Ckt B 8 1 5 /8 7/
8 2 1 /8 7/
8 21/8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 †
Ckt A 7 /8 1 5 /8 7 /8 1
2 /8 7 /8 1
2 /8 7 /8 1
2 /8 1
1 /8 2 1 /8 1
1 /8 25/8**
064 7/
Ckt B 8 2 1 /8 7/
8 2 1 /8 7/
8 21/8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1/ 7/ 2 1/ 1 1/ 2 1/ 1 1/ 25/8** 1 1 /8 25/8**
074 8
7 /8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Ckt B 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 25/8** 1 3 /8 25/8** 1 3 /8 25/8**
084 7/
Ckt B 8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A 7 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 25/8** 1 1 /8 25/8** 1 3 /8 25/8** 1 3 /8 31/8††
094 7/
Ckt B 8 2 1 /8 7/
8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A 7/ 2 1 /8 1
1 /8 1
2 /8 1
1 /8 5
2 /8** 1
1 /8 5
2 /8** 3
1 /8 25/8** 3
1 /8 31/8††
104 8
7 /8
Ckt B 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 25/8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 31/8†† 1 3 /8 31/8††
LEGEND 4. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length shown for each
L — Liquid Line column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.
S — Suction Line 5. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher pressure
*Field-supplied suction accumulators (P/N 38AK500410 qty 2) are drop design criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes,
required on constant volume 38AH044-084 units if lineal length of but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
refrigerant piping exceeds 75 ft. 6. Double suction risers may be required if condensing unit is ele-
†Double suction riser required on units with field-installed unloader vated above the evaporator. See footnotes and double suction
on circuit B compressor if condensing unit is elevated above riser table below.
evaporator. 7. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or to E20-II design pro-
**Double suction riser required on units with field-installed unloader grams for further information on selecting pipe sizes for split
on circuit B compressor if condensing unit is elevated above systems.
evaporator. 8. All pipe sizes are OD inches. Equivalent sizes in millimeters
††Double suction riser required on all unit configurations if condens- follow:
ing unit is elevated above evaporator.
in. mm
1. Addition of 2 unloaders to circuit B compressor is not 8 15.9
7/8 22.2
2. 38AH094 and 38AH104 piping sizes apply only to factory sup- 11/8 28.6
plied unit configurations. They do NOT take into account any 13/8 34.9
field-installed unloaders. 15/8 41.3
3. Piping sizes are based on unit operation above 40 F (4.4 C) 21/8 54.0
saturated suction temperature (SST). When operating below 25/8 66.7
40 F (4.4 C), refer to Carrier System Design Manual, E20-II® 31/8 79.4
piping design program, or ASHRAE Handbook to select proper
line sizes.
Table 6B — Refrigerant Piping Requirements for Double Suction Risers,
38AH054-104 Dual-Circuit Units — 60 Hz
UNIT 50-75 75-100* 100-150* 150-200*
38AH (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
054 Ckt A — — — — — — — — — — — —
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
064 Ckt A — — — — — — — — — 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — — — —
074 Ckt A — — — — — — 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — — — —
084 Ckt A — — — 15/8 21/8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — — — —
094 Ckt A 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 25/8 15/8 21/8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — — — —
104 Ckt A 1 3 /8 2 1 /8 25/8 13/8 21/8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — 1 3 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
LEGEND 2. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length, shown for each
— — Not Required column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.
Pipe A — Suction Riser Without Trap 3. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
Pipe B — Suction Riser With Trap lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher design
Pipe C — Suction Line to Condensing Unit pressure drop criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes
but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
*Field-supplied suction accumulators (P/N 38AK500410 qty 2) are 4. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or to E20-II design pro-
required on constant volume 38AH044-084 units if lineal length of grams for further information on selecting pipe sizes for split
refrigerant piping exceeds 75 ft. systems.
NOTES: 5. All pipe sizes are OD inches. See Table 6A notes for metric
1. See Table 6A at top of page to determine need for double suc- 6. Refer to Fig. 15 for double suction riser construction.
tion risers.

Table 7A — Refrigerant Piping Requirements, 38AH044-104 Dual-Circuit Units — 50 Hz
UNIT 15-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200
38AH (4.6-7.6) (7.6-15.2) (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
L S L S L S L S* L S* L S*
Ckt A 5/ 1 3 /8 7/ 1 5 /8 7/ 15/8 7/ 21/8 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8
044 8
5 /8
8 8 8 8 8
Ckt B 1 3 /8 7 /8 1 5 /8 7 /8 15/8 7 /8 21/8 7 /8 2 1 /8 7 /8 2 1 /8
Ckt A 5/ 1 3 /8 7/ 1 5 /8 7/ 15/8 7/ 21/8 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8
054 7/
8 8 8 8 8 8
Ckt B 8 1 5 /8 7/
8 1 5 /8 7/
8 21/8 7/
8 21/8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 25/8†**
Ckt A 7 /8 1 5 /8 7 /8 5
1 /8 7 /8 1
2 /8** 7 /8 1
2 /8** 1
1 /8 21/8** 1
1 /8 25/8††
064 7/
Ckt B 8 1 5 /8 7/
8 2 1 /8 7/
8 21/8 7/
8 21/8 1 1 /8 25/8† 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 †
Ckt A 7/ 1 5 /8 7/ 2 1/ 7/ 2 1/ 7/ 2 1/ 1 1/ 25/8** 1 1 /8 25/8**
074 8
7 /8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Ckt B 2 1 /8 7 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 25/8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 25/8** 1 1 /8 25/8** 1 1 /8 25/8**
084 7/
8 8
Ckt B 8 2 1 /8 7/
8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 25/8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A 7 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 25/8†† 1 1 /8 25/8†† 1 1 /8 25/8** 1 3 /8 31/8††
094 7/
Ckt B 8 2 1 /8 7/
8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 21/8 1 1 /8 25/8†** 11 / 8 25/8†** 11/8 25/8†**
Ckt A 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 1
2 /8 1
1 /8 1
2 /8 1
1 /8 5
2 /8†† 1
1 /8 25/8†† 3
1 /8 31/8††
104 8
7 /8
Ckt B 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 25/8 1 1 /8 25/8 1 3 /8 2 5 /8 1 3 /8 31/8††
LEGEND 4. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length shown for each
L — Liquid Line column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.
S — Suction Line 5. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher pressure
*Field-supplied suction accumulators (P/N 38AK500410 qty 2) are drop design criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes,
required on constant volume 38AH044-084 units if lineal length of but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
refrigerant piping exceeds 75 ft. 6. Double suction risers may be required if condensing unit is ele-
†Double suction riser required on units with field-installed unloader vated above the evaporator. See footnotes and double suction
on circuit B compressor if condensing unit is elevated above riser table below.
evaporator. 7. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or to E20-II design pro-
**Double suction riser required on units with field-installed unloader grams for further information on selecting pipe sizes for split
on circuit B compressor if condensing unit is elevated above systems.
evaporator. 8. All pipe sizes are OD inches. Equivalent sizes in millimeters
††Double suction riser required on all unit configurations if condens- follow:
ing unit is elevated above evaporator.
in. mm
8 15.9
1. Addition of 2 unloaders to circuit B compressor is not 7/
8 22.2
recommended. 1
1 /8 28.6
2. 38AH094 and 38AH104 piping sizes apply only to factory sup- 3
1 /8 34.9
plied unit configurations. They do NOT take into account any 15/8 41.3
field-installed unloaders. 21/8 54.0
3. Piping sizes are based on unit operation above 40 F (4.4 C) 25/8 66.7
saturated suction temperature (SST). When operating below 31/8 79.4
40 F (4.4 C), refer to Carrier System Design Manual, E20-II®
piping design program, or ASHRAE Handbook to select proper
line sizes.
Table 7B — Refrigerant Piping Requirements for Double Suction Risers,
38AH054-104 Dual-Circuit Units — 50 Hz
UNIT 50-75 75-100* 100-150* 150-200*
38AH (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
054 Ckt A — — — — — — — — — — — —
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
064 Ckt A 1 3 /8 1 5 /8 21/8 13/8 15/8 21/8 1 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt A — — — — — — 5
1 /8 1
2 /8 5
2 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — — — —
084 Ckt A — — — 15/8 21/8 25/8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — — — —
094 Ckt A 1 3 /8 2 1 /8 25/8 13/8 21/8 25/8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
Ckt B — — — 13/8 21/8 25/8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8
104 Ckt A — — — 13/8 21/8 25/8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
Ckt B — — — — — — — — — 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
LEGEND 2. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length, shown for each
— — Not Required column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.
Pipe A — Suction Riser Without Trap 3. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
Pipe B — Suction Riser With Trap lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher design
Pipe C — Suction Line to Condensing Unit pressure drop criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes
but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
*Field-supplied suction accumulators (P/N 38AK500410 qty 2) are 4. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or to E20-II design pro-
required on constant volume 38AH044-084 units if lineal length of grams for further information on selecting pipe sizes for split
refrigerant piping exceeds 75 ft. systems.
NOTES: 5. All pipe sizes are OD inches. See Table 7A notes for metric
1. See Table 7A at top of page to determine need for double suc- 6. Refer to Fig. 15 for double suction riser construction.
tion risers.

Table 8A — Refrigerant Piping Requirements for 38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units and
38AH124,134 Modular Units (Dual-Circuit) — 60 Hz
UNIT 15-20 20-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200
38AH (4.6-6.1) (6.1-15.2) (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
044 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 * 13/8 2 5 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 *
8 8
054 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 13/8 3 1 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 *
Modules 124A, 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 * 13/8 3 1 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 *
Module 134B 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 † 13/8 3 1 /8 † 1 5 /8 3 5 /8 *
084 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 † 15/8 3 5 /8 † 1 5 /8 3 5 /8 *
LEGEND 4. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
CV — Constant Volume lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher pressure
L — Liquid Line drop design criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes,
S — Suction Line but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
VAV — Variable Air Volume 5. Double suction risers may be required if condensing unit is ele-
vated above the evaporator. See footnotes and double suction
*Double suction riser required on all units configurations if condens- riser table below.
ing unit is elevated above evaporator. 6. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual, E20-II design program,
†Double suction riser required on units with factory-installed VAV or ASHRAE Handbook for further information on selecting pipe
option or CV units with additional field-installed unloader on circuit sizes for split systems.
A1 (lead) compressor if condensing unit is elevated above 7. All pipe sizes are OD inches. Equivalent sizes in millimeters
evaporator. follow:

NOTES: in. mm
1. Addition of field-installed unloaders on A2 (lag) compressor is 7/
8 22.2
not recommended. 11/8 28.6
2. Piping sizes are based on unit operation above 40 F (4.4 C) 3
1 /8 34.9
saturated suction temperature (SST). When operating below 15/8 41.3
40 F (4.4 C), refer to Carrier System Design Manual, E20-II® 21/8 54.0
piping design program, or ASHRAE Handbook to select proper 25/8 66.7
line sizes. 31/8 79.4
3. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length shown for each 35/8 92.1
column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.

Table 8B — Refrigerant Piping Requirements for Double Suction Risers,

38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units and 38AH124,134
Modular Units (Dual-Circuit) — 60 Hz
UNIT 15-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200
38AH (4.6-15.2) (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
044 — — — — — — 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
054 — — — — — — — — — 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
Modules 124A, 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 2 1 /8 3 1 /8 3 5 /8
Module 134B
084 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 2 1 /8 3 1 /8 3 5 /8 2 1 /8 3 1 /8 3 5 /8
LEGEND 3. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
— — Not Required lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher design
Pipe A — Suction Riser Without Trap pressure drop criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes
Pipe B — Suction Riser With Trap but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
Pipe C — Suction Line to Condensing Unit 4. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or to E20-II design pro-
grams for further information on selecting pipe sizes for split
NOTES: systems.
1. See Table 8A at top of page to determine need for double suc- 5. All pipe sizes are OD inches. See Table 8A notes for metric
tion risers. equivalents.
2. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length, shown for each 6. Refer to Fig. 15 for double suction riser construction.
column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.

Table 9A — Refrigerant Piping Requirements for 38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units and
38AH124,134 Modular Units (Dual Circuit) — 50 Hz
UNIT 15-20 20-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200
38AH (4.6-6.1) (6.1-15.2) (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
044 7/ 2 1 /8 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 * 11/8 2 5 /8 * 1 3 /8 2 5 /8 *
8 8
054 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 * 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 * 11/8 2 5 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 *
Modules 124A, 7/ 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 13/8 3 1 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 *
074; 7/
Module 134B 8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 * 13/8 3 1 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 *
084 1 1 /8 2 1 /8 1 1 /8 2 5 /8 † 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 * 1 3 /8 3 1 /8 * 13/8 3 1 /8 * 1 5 /8 3 5 /8 *
LEGEND 4. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
CV — Constant Volume lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher pressure
L — Liquid Line drop design criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes,
S — Suction Line but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
VAV — Variable Air Volume 5. Double suction risers may be required if condensing unit is ele-
vated above the evaporator. See footnotes and double suction
*Double suction riser required on all units configurations if condens- riser table below.
ing unit is elevated above evaporator. 6. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual, E20-II design program,
†Double suction riser required on units with factory-installed VAV or ASHRAE Handbook for further information on selecting pipe
option or CV units with additional field-installed unloader on circuit sizes for split systems.
A1 (lead) compressor if condensing unit is elevated above 7. All pipe sizes are OD inches. Equivalent sizes in millimeters
evaporator. follow:

NOTES: in. mm
1. Addition of field-installed unloaders on A2 (lag) compressor is 7/
8 22.2
not recommended. 11/8 28.6
2. Piping sizes are based on unit operation above 40 F (4.4 C) 3
1 /8 34.9
saturated suction temperature (SST). When operating below 15/8 41.3
40 F (4.4 C), refer to Carrier System Design Manual, E20-II® 21/8 54.0
piping design program, or ASHRAE Handbook to select proper 25/8 66.7
line sizes. 31/8 79.4
3. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length shown for each 35/8 92.1
column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.

Table 9B — Refrigerant Piping Requirements for Double Suction Risers,

38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units and 38AH124,134
Modular Units (Dual Circuit) — 50 Hz
UNIT 15-20 20-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200
38AH (4.6-6.1) (6.1-15.2) (15.2-22.9) (22.9-30.5) (30.5-45.7) (45.7-61.0)
044 — — — — — — — — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 2 5 /8
054 — — — — — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
Modules 124A, — — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8
— — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 3 1 /8 3 5 /8
Module 134B
084 — — — 15/8 2 1 /8 2 5 /8 15/8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 2 5 /8 3 1 /8 1 5 /8 3 1 /8 3 5 /8
LEGEND 3. Suction and liquid line sizing is based on pressure drop equiva-
— — Not Required lent to 2 F (1.1 C) at nominal rating conditions. Higher design
Pipe A — Suction Riser Without Trap pressure drop criteria may allow selection of smaller pipe sizes
Pipe B — Suction Riser With Trap but at a penalty of decreased system capacity and efficiency.
Pipe C — Suction Line to Condensing Unit 4. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or to E20-II design pro-
grams for further information on selecting pipe sizes for split
NOTES: systems.
1. See Table 9A at top of page to determine need for double suc- 5. All pipe sizes are OD inches. See Table 9A notes for metric
tion risers. equivalents.
2. Pipe sizes are based on the total linear length, shown for each 6. Refer to Fig. 15 for double suction riser construction.
column, plus a 50% allowance for fittings.

TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve
TYP — Typical
NOTE: Lower split first on, last off.
Fig. 16 — Typical Piping Connections for Face Split Coils for 38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit
and 38AH094-134 Units

TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve
TYP — Typical
NOTE: Lower split first on, last off.
Fig. 17 — Typical Piping Connections for Face Split Coils for 38AH044-084
Optional Single-Circuit Units

post on module 134B. See Fig. 21. Top cover is in 2 pieces: one
vertical piece and one horizontal piece. Slide vertical top cover
partly under module 134B end cover flange; align holes and re-
insert screws B. Place horizontal cover on top of module 134A
end cover with opposite side resting on the horizontal flange of
the installed module B vertical top cover piece. Align holes on
flange and top cover. Reinsert screws A through the top cover
Fig. 18 — Factory-Installed Suction Line Loop holes into the end cover. From within the service space, insert
supplied screws up through the flange and horizontal cover to
UNITS 38AH024-134 make a secure connection between the horizontal and vertical
cover pieces.
Piping Kit Connections — The 38AH124 and 134 units are
delivered with a factory-supplied suction and liquid piping kit Insert supplied screws into each of the 2 holes in the vertical
for installation in the 24-in. (610-mm) service space between side flange of the top cover at each end of the service space.
the 2 unit modules. The piping kit allows for a common unit Attach Side Panels — Insert side panels at the ends of the
side piping connection from the indoor unit to each of the con- service space and hook side panel flange over the 2 screws pre-
densing unit refrigeration circuits. Fittings are provided and viously inserted in the top cover flange. Fasten panels to the
shipped in the control box. corner posts with supplied self-drilling screws. See Fig. 22.
Remove the copper tubes from module 124A or 134A com- CONNECT TUBING FROM EVAPORATOR TO CON-
pressor rails. Save the pipe clamps for later use. Cut the 25/8-in. DENSING UNIT
(67-mm) suction tube into 2 pieces: 28 in. (711 mm) and 67 in.
(1702 mm). Connect the 2 formed 11/8-in. (29-mm) tubes to the CAUTION
liquid line connection at the liquid valve. See Fig. 19.
NOTE: Piping kit is designed to allow air handler connections Protect liquid valves from the heat of brazing. Failure to
to project from either side of the service space. comply may result in equipment damage.
To prepare condensing unit modules for piping connection,
refer to beginning paragraphs of Step 3 — Make Refrigerant Braze the liquid and suction lines from the evaporator to the
Piping Connections, page 15. condensing unit liquid and suction lines. Pass nitrogen or other
Two 25/8-in. (67-mm) and one 11/8-in. (29-mm) elbows are inert gas through the piping while brazing to prevent the forma-
supplied for piping connections. Fit tubing to ensure proper in- tion of copper oxide. Leak test the entire system by the pressure
stallation. All tubes should have equal lengths projecting be- method described in the Carrier Refrigerant Service Tech-
yond unit corner posts. See Fig. 19. Ensure suction tube is level niques Manual. Use R-22 at approximately 25 psig (172 kPa)
for oil return requirements. backed up with an inert gas to a total pressure not to exceed
245 psig (1689 kPa). Purge nitrogen or reclaim R-22 from sys-
tem after completion of leak-checking procedure. Repair leak
CAUTION if one is found. When finished, evacuate and dehydrate system
using the methods described in Carrier GTAC II (General
Protect liquid valves from the heat of brazing. Failure to Training Air Conditioning II), Module 4, System Dehydration.
comply may result in equipment damage.

Braze the piping connections.

Level the tubes and clamp to the corner posts with factory-
supplied self-drilling screws and pipe clamps removed from
module 124A or 134A during piping kit removal.
Sheet Metal Trim Kit Installation— After the units are in
place and the piping kit is installed, install the sheet metal trim
NOTE: Install sheet metal trim kit before connection to air
handler tubing in case the modules must be repositioned to
accommodate the sheet metal installation.
Remove two 43-in. (1092 mm) base rail trim pieces from
module 124A or 134A base rail. Remove the 3 corner post
bolts from the bottom of each corner post at the service space.
Align the base rail trim piece holes over the bolt holes in the
corner rails. See Fig. 20. Reinsert corner post bolts through the
trim piece into the corner posts.
Attach Top Cover — To attach top cover, proceed as follows: NOTES:
For Unit 38AH124, remove screws A from top of each of 4 1. Ensure suction tube is level for oil return requirements.
2. Protect liquid valves from heat of brazing.
corner posts at service space. See Fig. 21. Place cover on top of
service space and align top cover slots with corner post screw Fig. 19 — Units 38AH124 and 134 with Installed
holes. Reinsert screws A. Piping Kit
For Unit 38AH134, remove screws A from top of each corner
post on module 134A and screws B from top of each corner


Fig. 20 — Units 38AH124 and 134 with Installed Trim
Kit Rails

PIECE PIECE 24-in. (610-mm)
FLANGE Fig. 22 — Fully Assembled Piping and Trim Kit
(Unit 38AH134 Shown)

CORNER MODULE 124B 24-in. (610-mm) CORNER MODULE 124A


Fig. 21 — Units 38AH124 and 134 with Installed Top

Cover (Unit 38AH134 Shown)

Step 4 — Make Electrical Connections All field power enters the unit through a hole in the control
box shelf. Refer to Fig. 23-31 for field wiring details.
POWER SUPPLY — Electrical characteristics of available
power supply must agree with unit nameplate rating. Supply MAIN POWER — Units 38AH044-104 have single-point
voltage must be within the limits shown in Tables 10A-12. See power connection to simplify field-power wiring (all power
Table 13 for control circuit data and Table 14 for fan motor enters at one end). Units 38AH124 and 134 require 2 connec-
electrical data. tion points, one for each module. Units may use copper,
copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conductors at all voltages.
IMPORTANT: Operation of unit on improper supply The maximum wire size units can accept per terminal block is
voltage or with excessive phase imbalance constitutes 500 kcmil.
abuse and can affect any Carrier warranty. Power must be supplied as shown in Table 15.
CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING — Control circuit wiring is
FIELD POWER CONNECTIONS — All power wiring must accomplished with a step-down transformer on voltage desig-
comply with applicable local and national codes. Install field- nations 500, 600, and 100. See Table 13 for control circuit in-
supplied, branch circuit safety disconnect(s) of a type that formation. For 208/230-v, 3-ph, 60-Hz units, ensure that the
can be locked off/open. Disconnects must be located within transformer primary is wired properly for the voltage which
sight of, and readily accessible from, the unit in compliance will be applied. All control wiring must comply with applica-
with NEC (National Electrical Code) (U.S.A. Standard) ble local and national codes. The safety circuits are 24 v on all
Article 440-14. units. The safety circuit voltage is created with a step-down
transformer where main control voltage is the transformer pri-
mary voltage.

Table 10A — Electrical Data — 50/60 Hz (38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit Units)

Voltage Compressor Nameplate Supply Voltage† A1 B1
Designation Model No. V-Ph-Hz Min Max RLA LRA RLA LRA
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 177.0 225 434.7 67.9 345 67.9 345
800 (PW) 230-3-50 198 254 179.0 225 296.7 67.9 207 67.9 207
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 92.6 125 165.9 33.3 115 33.3 115
044 200 06E4250/250 380-3-60 342 418 93.5 125 241.2 34.6 191 34.6 191
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 90.7 125 219.6 34.6 173 34.6 173
600 460-3-60 414 508 90.1 110 218.6 34.6 173 34.6 173
100 575-3-60 518 632 78.4 100 162.4 28.8 120 28.8 120
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 204.3 250 535.7 67.9 345 89.7 446
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 107.0 150 198.9 33.3 115 44.9 148
054 200 06E4250/265 380-3-60 342 418 107.1 150 297.2 34.6 191 45.5 247
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 101.9 125 269.6 34.6 173 43.6 223
600 460-3-60 414 508 101.3 125 268.6 34.6 173 43.6 223
100 575-3-60 518 632 88.0 110 206.4 28.8 120 36.5 164
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 246.4 350 617.5 89.7 446 106.4 506
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 129.8 175 230.5 44.9 148 53.8 168
064 200 06E8265/275 380-3-60 342 418 126.9 175 341.1 45.5 247 52.6 280
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 114.9 150 335.6 43.6 223 46.8 280
600 460-3-60 414 508 114.3 150 307.6 43.6 223 46.8 253
100 575-3-60 518 632 100.6 125 226.1 36.5 164 40.4 176
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 327.2 450 829.0 106.4 506 147.4 690
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 179.6 250 300.4 53.8 168 79.5 229
074 200 06E8275/299 380-3-60 342 418 174.5 250 458.0 52.6 280 78.8 382
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 148.2 200 403.8 46.8 280 65.4 345
600 460-3-60 414 508 147.4 200 408.2 46.8 253 65.4 345
100 575-3-60 518 632 132.2 175 336.8 40.4 176 57.1 276
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 368.2 500 870.0 147.4 690 147.4 690
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 205.3 250 334.9 79.5 229 79.5 229
084 200 06E8299/299 380-3-60 342 418 200.7 250 484.2 78.8 382 78.8 382
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 166.8 225 428.4 65.4 345 65.4 345
600 460-3-60 414 508 166.0 225 426.8 65.4 345 65.4 345
100 575-3-60 518 632 148.9 200 353.5 57.1 276 57.1 276
See page 25 for Legend and Notes.

Table 10B — Electrical Data — 50/60 Hz (38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units)
Voltage Compressor Nameplate Supply Voltage† A1 B1
Designation Model No. V-Ph-Hz Min Max RLA LRA RLA LRA
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 177.0 225 434.7 67.9 345 67.9 345
800 (PW) 230-3-50 198 254 179.0 225 296.7 67.9 207 67.9 207
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 92.6 125 165.9 33.3 115 33.3 115
044 200 06E4250/250 380-3-60 342 418 93.5 125 241.2 34.6 191 34.6 191
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 90.7 125 219.6 34.6 173 34.6 173
600 460-3-60 414 508 90.1 110 218.6 34.6 173 34.6 173
100 575-3-60 518 632 78.4 100 162.4 28.8 120 28.8 120
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 204.3 250 535.7 89.7 446 67.9 345
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 107.0 150 198.9 44.9 148 33.3 115
054 200 06E4250/265 380-3-60 342 418 107.1 150 297.2 45.5 247 34.6 191
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 101.9 125 269.6 43.6 223 34.6 173
600 460-3-60 414 508 101.3 125 268.6 43.6 223 34.6 173
100 575-3-60 518 632 88.0 110 206.4 36.5 164 28.8 120
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 246.4 350 617.5 106.4 506 89.7 446
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 129.8 175 230.5 53.8 168 44.9 148
064 200 06E8275/265 380-3-60 342 418 126.9 175 341.1 52.6 280 45.5 247
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 114.9 150 335.6 46.8 280 43.6 223
600 460-3-60 414 508 114.3 150 307.6 46.8 253 43.6 223
100 575-3-60 518 632 100.6 125 226.1 40.4 176 36.5 164
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 327.2 450 829.0 147.4 690 106.4 506
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 179.6 250 300.4 79.5 229 53.8 168
074 200 06E8299/275 380-3-60 342 418 174.5 250 458.0 78.8 382 52.6 280
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 148.2 200 403.8 65.4 345 46.8 280
600 460-3-60 414 508 147.4 200 408.2 65.4 345 46.8 253
100 575-3-60 518 632 132.2 175 336.8 57.1 276 40.4 176
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 368.2 500 870.0 147.4 690 147.4 690
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 205.3 250 334.9 79.5 229 79.5 229
084 200 06E8299/299 380-3-60 342 418 200.7 250 484.2 78.8 382 78.8 382
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 166.8 225 428.4 65.4 345 65.4 345
600 460-3-60 414 508 166.0 225 426.8 65.4 345 65.4 345
100 575-3-60 518 632 148.9 200 353.5 57.1 276 57.1 276
LEGEND *All compressors are across-the-line start only except 38AH044
FLA — Full Load Amps 230 v, 3-phase, 50 Hz; and all 346 v, 3-phase, 50 Hz.
ICF — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow During Starting. †Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage sup-
(The point in the starting sequence where the sum of the plied to unit terminals is within listed minimum to maximum limits.
LRA for the starting compressors, plus the total RLA for
all running compressors, plus the FLA for all running fan NOTES:
motors is maximum.) 1. Maximum allowable phase imbalance: voltage - 2%; amps - 10%.
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils 2. Maximum incoming wire size for terminal block is 500 kcmil.
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps (used for sizing; complies with
National Electrical Code [NEC] [U.S.A. Standard], sec-
tion 430-24).
MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection (used for sizing discon-
nect; complies with NEC Article 440, Section 22).
RLA — Rated Load Amps
PW — Part Wind Only

Table 11 — Electrical Data — 50/60 Hz (Units 38AH094,104)
500 208/230-3-60 187 253 396.0 500 897 106.4 506 67.9 345 147.7 690 — —
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 380 212.9 250 343 53.8 168 33.3 115 79.5 229 — —
200 380-3-60 342 418 209.1 250 493 52.6 280 34.6 191 78.8 382 — —
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 182.8 225 444 46.8 280 34.6 173 65.4 345 — —
600 460-3-60 414 506 182.0 225 443 46.8 253 34.6 173 65.4 345 — —
100 575-3-60 518 633 160.9 200 366 40.4 176 28.8 120 57.1 276 — —
500 208/230-3-60 187 253 396.8 450 722 89.7 446 67.9 345 89.7 446 89.7 446
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 380 205.6 250 298 44.9 148 33.3 229 44.9 148 49.9 148
200 380-3-60 342 418 205.9 250 396 45.5 247 34.6 191 45.5 247 45.5 247
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 196.7 225 363 43.6 223 34.6 173 43.6 223 43.6 223
600 460-3-60 414 506 196.7 225 361 43.6 223 34.6 173 43.6 223 43.6 223
100 575-3-60 518 633 168.0 200 286 36.5 164 28.8 120 36.5 164 36.5 164
LEGEND *Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage sup-
— — Not Applicable plied to unit terminals is within listed minimum to maximum limits.
FLA — Full Load Amps †All compressors are across-the-line start only except 346-V, 3-ph,
ICF — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow During Starting. 50-Hz units.
(The point in the starting sequence where the sum of the NOTES:
LRA for the starting compressors, plus the total RLA for 1. Maximum allowable phase imbalance: voltage - 2%; amps -10%.
all running compressors, plus the FLA for all running fan 2. Maximum incoming wire size for terminal block is 500 kcmil.
motors is maximum.) 3. For units 38AH094 and 104 compressor model numbers, see
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils table below:
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps (used for sizing; complies with UNIT
National Electrical Code [NEC] [U.S.A. Standard], section 094 104
430-24). 38AH
MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection (used for sizing discon- CKT A1 A2 B1 A1 A2 B1 B2
nect; complies with NEC, section 440-22). MODEL
RLA — Rated Load Amps –275 –250 –299 –265 –250 –265 –265
NO. 06E

Table 12 — Electrical Data — 50/60 Hz (Units 38AH124, 134)


500 208/230-3-60 187 254 246.4 350 617.5 106.4 506 89.7 446
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 129.8 175 230.5 53.8 168 44.9 148
124A 200 380-3-60 342 418 126.9 175 341.1 52.6 280 45.5 247
124B 265
134A 900 380/415-3-50 342 440 114.9 150 335.6 46.8 280 43.6 223
600 460-3-60 414 508 114.3 150 307.6 46.8 253 43.6 223
100 575-3-60 518 632 100.6 125 226.1 40.4 176 36.5 164
500 208/230-3-60 187 254 327.2 450 829.0 147.4 690 106.4 506
300 (PW) 346-3-50 325 367 170.8 250 300.4 79.5 229 53.8 168
200 06E8299/ 380-3-60 342 418 174.5 250 458.0 78.8 382 52.6 280
134B 275
900 380/415-3-50 342 440 149.0 200 403.8 65.4 345 46.8 280
600 460-3-60 414 508 147.4 200 408.2 65.4 345 46.8 253
100 575-3-60 518 632 132.2 175 336.8 57.1 276 40.4 176
LEGEND *Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage sup-
FLA — Full Load Amps plied to unit terminals is within listed minimum to maximum limits.
ICF — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow During Starting. †All compressors are across-the-line start only except 346-v, 3-ph,
(The point in the starting sequence where the sum of the 50 Hz unit.
LRA for the starting compressors, plus the total RLA for
all running compressors, plus the FLA for all running fan NOTES:
motors is maximum.) 1. Maximum allowable phase imbalance: voltage - 2%; amps - 10%.
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils 2. Maximum incoming wire size for terminal block is 500 kcmil.
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps (used for sizing; complies with
National Electrical Code [NEC] [U.S.A. Standard], section
MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection (used for sizing discon-
nect; complies with NEC, section 440-22).
PW — Part Wind
RLA — Rated Load Amps

Table 13 — Control Circuit Electrical Data — 50/60 Hz

–500 208/230-3-60 115-1-60 103 127 4.1
–800 230-3-50 230-1-50 207 253 2.0
–300 346-3-50 200-1-50 180 220 2.4
–200 380-3-60 230-1-60 207 253 2.0
–900 380/415-3-50 230-1-50 207 253 2.0
–600 460-3-60 115-1-60 103 127 4.1
–100 575-3-60 115-1-60 103 127 4.1
NOTE: Units 38AH124 and 134 have 2 control boxes per unit, one in each module.

Table 14 — Fan Motor Electrical Data
38AH Nameplate Hp Total
Qty (No.*) FLA Each (No.*) LRA Each
V-Ph-Hz (kW) kW
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3,4) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
230-3-50 (1,2) 5.5 (3,4) 6.8 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-4) 4.4 (1-4) 20.9
044 380-3-60 4 1 6.2 (1-4) 3.9 (1-4) 20.9
380/415-3-50 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3,4) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3,4) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-4) 4.4 (1-4) 20.9
380-3-60 1 (1-4) 3.9 (1-4) 20.9
054 4 (0.746) 6.2
380/415-3-50 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3,4) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3,4) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-4) 4.4 (1-4) 20.9
380-3-60 1 (1-4) 3.9 (1-4) 20.9
064 4 (0.746) 6.2
380/415-3-50 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3,4) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3-6) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-6) 4.4 (1-6) 20.9
380-3-60 1 (1-6) 3.9 (1-6) 20.9
074 6 (0.746) 9.3
380/415-3-50 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3-6) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3-6) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-6) 4.4 (1-6) 20.9
380-3-60 1 (1-6) 3.9 (1-6) 20.9
084 6 9.3
380/415-3-50 (0.746) (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3-6) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3-6) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-6) 4.4 (1-6) 20.9
380-3-60 1 (1-6) 3.9 (1-6) 20.9
094 6 9.4
380/415-3-50 (0.746) (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3-6) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3-6) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-6) 4.4 (1-6) 20.9
380-3-60 1 (1-6) 3.9 (1-6) 20.9
104 6 9.5
380/415-3-50 (0.746) (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3-6) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3,4) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
346-3-50 (1-4) 4.4 (1-4) 20.9
124A 380-3-60 1 (1-4) 3.9 (1-4) 20.9
124B 4 6.4
134A 380/415-3-50 (0.746) (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3,4) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3,4) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-4) 3.4 (1-4) 30.0
208/230-3-60 (1,2) 5.5 (3-6) 6.6 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
380-3-60 (1-6) 3.9 (1-6) 20.9
380/415-3-50 1 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
134B 6 9.2
346-3-50 (0.746) (1-6) 4.4 (1-6) 20.9
460-3-60 (1,2) 2.8 (3-6) 3.3 (1,2) 30.0 (3-6) 31.6
575-3-60 (1-6) 3.4 (1-6) 30.0
FLA — Full Load Amps
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps
*Refers to condenser fans by position: See circled numbers on top views of units in Fig. 3-8.
NOTE: All fans are protected by a single circuit breaker.

*To control heating device and provide automatic indoor- 8. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A, and LLS-B) LEGEND
fan operation on heating. must have a maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va AWG — American Wire Gage
†Jumper removed only when separate 24-v transformer each (0.25 amp at 120 vac and 0.13 amp at 230 vac). CR — Control Relay
power source is used to power the 33CSUCE-06 relay Thermostats must have a minimum pilot duty rating HD — Heating Device
pack. of 300 va (2.5 amps at 120 vac and 1.3 amps at IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
**Field supplied. 230 vac). IFR — Indoor-Fan Relay
NOTES: 9. Replacement of factory wires must be with type kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils
1. Internal 33CSUCE-06 relay contacts are rated for 105 C wire or its equivalent. LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid
1 amp/24 vac. 10. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at NEC — National Electrical Code
2. Liquid line solenoid valve LLS-A is used for solenoid the evaporator are required on all units. (U.S.A. Standard)
drop on circuit A. Liquid line solenoid valve LLS-B is 11. Units have 175 va of power available for field- R — Heating Relay (field-
used for solenoid drop for circuit B. installed accessories. supplied 24-v sealed coil,
3. Solenoid drop is a safety feature which prevents 12. To minimize voltage drop, the following wire sizes are 10 va maximum rating)
refrigerant migration to the compressor during the recommended: RV — Reversing Valve
OFF cycle. It is recommended on all systems and TB — Terminal Block
required on systems where piping exceeds 75 ft LENGTH — INSULATED WIRE — AWG Factory Wiring
(22.9 m) in length. Ft (M) (35 C Minimum) Field Wiring
4. The 33CSUCE-06 relay pack requires 10 va. Up to 50
5. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field modi- No. 18
fications or additions must be in compliance with all
applicable codes. 50-75
No. 16
6. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C min- (15.2-22.9)
imum. Use copper, copper-clad aluminum, or alumi- More Than
num conductors. Maximum incoming wire size for No. 14
75 (22.9)
each terminal block is 500 kcmil.
7. Terminal blocks TB3 and TB4 are for external field
control connections. Control connections are to be
Class 1 wiring.

Fig. 23 — Field Wiring, One 2-Stage Thermostat — 38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit Units

*To control heating device and provide automatic indoor- 8. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1, and LEGEND
fan operation on heating. LLS-A2) must have a maximum sealed coil rating of AWG — American Wire Gage
†Jumper removed only when separate 24-v transformer 30 va each (0.25 amp at 120 vac and 0.13 amp at CR — Control Relay
power source is used to power the 33CSUCE-06 relay 230 vac). Thermostats must have a minimum pilot HD — Heating Device
pack. duty rating of 300 va (2.5 amps at 120 vac and IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
**Field supplied. 1.3 amps at 230 vac). IFR — Indoor-Fan Relay
NOTES: 9. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils
1. Internal 33CSUCE-06 relay contacts are rated for wire or its equivalent. LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid
1 amp/24 vac. 10. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at NEC — National Electrical Code
2. Liquid line solenoid valves LLS-A1 and A2 are used the evaporator are required on all units. (U.S.A. Standard)
for solenoid drops. 11. Units have 175 va of power available for field-installed R — Heating Relay (field-
3. Solenoid drop is a safety feature which prevents accessories. supplied 24-v sealed coil,
refrigerant migration to the compressor during the 12. To minimize voltage drop, the following wire sizes are 10 va maximum rating)
OFF cycle. It is recommended on all systems and recommended: RV — Reversing Valve
required on systems where piping exceeds 75 ft TB — Terminal Block
(22.9 m) in length. LENGTH — INSULATED WIRE — AWG Factory Wiring
4. The 33CSUCE-01 relay pack requires 10 va. Ft (M) (35 C Minimum) Field Wiring
5. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field modifi- Up to 50
cations or additions must be in compliance with all No. 18
applicable codes.
6. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C mini- 50-75
No. 16
mum. Use copper, copper-clad aluminum, or alumi- (15.2-22.9)
num conductors. Maximum incoming wire size for More Than
No. 14
each terminal block is 500 kcmil. 75 (22.9)
7. Terminal blocks are for external field control connec-
tions. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring.

Fig. 24 — Field Wiring, One 2-Stage Thermostat — 38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units

*To control heating device and provide automatic indoor- Thermostats must have a minimum pilot duty rating as LEGEND
fan operation on heating. follows:
†Jumper removed only when separate 24-v transformer AWG — American Wire Gage
power source is used to power the 33CSUCE-06 relay VA (Each CR — Control Relay
38AH AMPS VAC HD — Heating Device
pack. Stage)
**Field supplied. 2.29 120 IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
NOTES: 094 275 IFR — Indoor-Fan Relay
1.15 240 kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils
1. Internal 33CSUCE-06 relay contacts are rated for
1 amp/24 vac. 2.70 120 LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid
2. Liquid line solenoid valve LLS-A1 is used for solenoid 104 325 NEC — National Electrical Code
1.35 240 (U.S.A. Standard)
drop on circuit A. Liquid line solenoid valve LLS-B1 is
used for solenoid drop for circuit B. R — Heating Relay (field-
9. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C supplied 24-v sealed coil,
3. Solenoid drop is a safety feature which prevents refrig- wire or its equivalent.
erant migration to the compressor during the OFF 10 va maximum rating)
10. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at RV — Reversing Valve
cycle. It is recommended on all systems and required the evaporator are required on all units.
on systems where piping exceeds 75 ft (22.9 m) in TB — Terminal Block
11. Units have 175 va of power available for field-installed Factory Wiring
length. accessories.
4. The 33CSUCE-06 relay pack requires 10 va. Field Wiring
12. To minimize voltage drop, the following wire sizes are
5. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field modifi- recommended:
cations or additions must be in compliance with all
applicable codes. LENGTH — INSULATED WIRE — AWG
6. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C mini- Ft (M) (35 C Minimum)
mum. Use copper, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum
conductors. Maximum incoming wire size for each ter- Up to 50
No. 18
minal block is 500 kcmil. (15.2)
7. Terminal blocks are for external field control connec- 50-75
No. 16
tions. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring. (15.2-22.9)
8. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1, and LLS-B1) More Than
must have a maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va each 75 (22.9) No. 14
(0.25 amp at 120 vac and 0.13 amp at 230 vac).

Fig. 25 — Field Wiring, One 2-Stage Thermostat — Units 38AH094 and 104

*Jumper removed only when separate 24-v transformer 7. Terminal blocks (TB3) are for external field control con- LEGEND
power source is used to power the 33CSUCE-06 relay nections. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring. AWG — American Wire Gage
pack. 8. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1, A2, and LLS- CR — Control Relay
†Field supplied. B1, B2) must have a maximum sealed coil rating of IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
NOTES: 30 va each (0.25 amp at 120 vac and 0.13 amp at IFR — Indoor-Fan Relay
1. Internal 33CSUCE-06 relay contacts are rated for 230 vac). Thermostats must have a minimum pilot duty kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils
1 amp/24 vac. rating of 300 va (2.5 amps at 120 vac). LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid
2. Disconnect black wire from CR2 terminal 6; cap loose 9. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C NEC — National Electrical Code
end and secure. Connect new field-supplied wire from wire or its equivalent. (U.S.A. Standard)
CR2 terminal 6 to TB3 terminal 1 on module 124B or 10. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at the R — Heating Relay (field-
134B. evaporator are required on all units. supplied 24-v sealed coil,
3. Liquid line solenoid valves LLS-A1 and A2 are used for 11. Units have 175 va of power available for field-installed 10 va maximum rating)
solenoid drop on module 124A or 134A on circuit A. accessories. RV — Reversing Valve
Liquid line solenoid valves LLS-B1 and B2 are used for 12. To minimize voltage drop, the following wire sizes are TB — Terminal Block
solenoid drop for module 124B or 134B. Solenoid drop recommended: Factory Wiring
is a safety feature which prevents refrigerant migration Field Wiring
to the compressor during the OFF cycle. It is recom- LENGTH — INSULATED WIRE — AWG
mended on all systems and required on systems where Ft (M) (35 C Minimum)
piping exceeds 75 ft (22.9 m) in length. Up to 50
4. The 33CSUCE-06 relay pack requires 10 va. (15.2) No. 18
5. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field modifi-
cations or additions must be in compliance with all 50-75
(15.2-22.9) No. 16
applicable codes.
6. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C mini- More Than
mum. Use copper, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum 75 (22.9) No. 14
conductors. Maximum incoming wire size for each ter-
Fig. 24 — Field Wiring, One 2-Stage Thermostat — Units 38AH124
minal block is 500 kcmil. and 134
Fig. 26 — Field Wiring, One 2-Stage Thermostat — Units 38AH124 and 134
*Field supplied.

1. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field modifications or
additions must be in compliance with all applicable codes.
2. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C minimum. Use cop-
per, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conductors. Maximum in
LEGEND coming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil.
AHMS — Air Handler Motor SDR — Solenoid Drop Relay 3. Terminal blocks TB3 and TB4 are for external field control connec-
Starter TB — Terminal Block tions. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring.
AUX — Auxiliary TBX — Terminal Block for Variable 4. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A, and LLS-B) must have a
C — Compressor Contactor Air Volume Units maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va each (0.25 amp at 120 vac,
FU — Fuse TM — Timer Motor 0.13 amp at 230 vac). AHMS IFC-AUX must have minimum pilot
GND — Equipment Ground TR — Timer Relay duty rating of 200 va (1.7 amps at 120 vac, 0.9 amps at 230 vac)
IFC — Indoor Fan Control TRAN — Transformer each.
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils U — Unloader Solenoid 5. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C wire or its
LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid Factory Wiring equivalent.
NEC — National Electrical Code Field Wiring 6. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at the evaporator
(U.S.A. Standard) are required on all units.
7. Units have 175 va of power available for field-installed accessories.

Fig. 27 — Field Wiring, Single ModuPanel™ Control, 38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit Units

*Field supplied.

1. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field modifications or
additions must be in compliance with all applicable codes.
LEGEND 2. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C minimum. Use
copper, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conductors. Maximum
AHMS — Air Handler Motor Starter SDR — Solenoid Drop Relay in coming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil.
AUX — Auxiliary TB — Terminal Block 3. Terminal blocks TB3, TBX1, and TBX2 are for external field control
C — Compressor Contactor TBX — Terminal Block for Variable Air connections. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring.
FU — Fuse Volume Units 4. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1, and LLS-A2) must have a
GND — Equipment Ground TM — Timer Motor maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va each (0.25 amp at 120 vac,
IFC — Indoor Fan Control TR — Timer Relay 0.13 amp at 230 vac). AHMS IFC-AUX must have minimum pilot
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils TRAN — Transformer duty rating of 400 va each (3.4 amps at 120 vac, 1.8 amps at
LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid U — Unloader Solenoid 230 vac) each.
NEC — National Electrical Code Factory Wiring 5. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C wire or its
(U.S.A. Standard) Field Wiring equivalent.
6. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at the evaporator
are required on all units.
7. Control has 175 va of power available for field-installed accessories.

Fig. 28 — Field Wiring, Single ModuPanel™ Control, 38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units
*Field supplied.

1. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC. Field modifica-
tions or additions must be in compliance with all applicable
2. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C minimum.
Use copper, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conduc-
tors. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is
500 kcmil.
3. Terminal blocks TB3, TB4, TBX1, and TBX2 are for external
field control connections. Control connections are to be LEGEND
Class 1 wiring.
4. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1, A2, B1, and B2) AHMS — Air Handler Motor Starter SDR — Solenoid Drop Relay
must have a maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va each AUX — Auxiliary TB — Terminal Block
(0.25 amp at 120 vac, 0.13 amp at 230 vac). AHMS C — Compressor Contactor TBX — Terminal Block for Variable Air
IFC-AUX contact must have minimum pilot duty rating of FU — Fuse Volume Units
325 va each (2.7 amps at 120 vac, 1.4 amps at 230 vac). GND — Equipment Ground TM — Timer Motor
5. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C wire IFC — Indoor Fan Control TR — Timer Relay
or its equivalent. kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils TRAN — Transformer
6. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at the LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid U — Unloader Solenoid
evaporator are required on all units. NEC — National Electrical Code Factory Wiring
7. Control has 25 va of power available for field-installed (U.S.A. Standard) Field Wiring

Fig. 29 — Field Wiring, Single ModuPanel™ Control, Unit 38AH094

*Field supplied.

1. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC. Field modifications or addi-
tions must be in compliance with all applicable codes.
2. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C minimum. Use cop-
per, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conductors. Maximum
incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil. LEGEND
3. Terminal blocks TB3, TB4, TBX1, and TBX2 are for external field con-
trol connections. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring. AHMS — Air Handler Motor Starter SDR — Solenoid Drop Relay
4. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1, A2, B1, and B2) must have AUX — Auxiliary TB — Terminal Block
a maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va each (0.25 amp at 120 vac, C — Compressor Contactor TBX — Terminal Block for Variable Air
0.13 amp at 230 vac). AHMS IFC-AUX contact must have minimum FU — Fuse Volume Units
pilot duty rating of 375 va each (3.1 amps at 120 vac,1.6 amps at GND — Equipment Ground TM — Timer Motor
230 vac). IFC — Indoor Fan Control TR — Timer Relay
5. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C wire or its kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils TRAN — Transformer
equivalent. LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid U — Unloader Solenoid
6. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at the evaporator NEC — National Electrical Code Factory Wiring
are required on all units. (U.S.A. Standard) Field Wiring
7. Control has 35 va of power available for field-installed accessories.

Fig. 30 — Field Wiring, Single ModuPanel™ Control, Unit 38AH104

*Field supplied.

1. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC. Field modifica-
tions or additions must be in compliance with all applicable
2. Wiring for field power supply must be rated 75 C minimum.
Use copper, copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conduc-
tors. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is
500 kcmil.
3. Terminal blocks TB3 and TBX1 are for external field control
connections. Control connections are to be Class 1 wiring. LEGEND
4. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A1 and A2) must
have a maximum sealed coil rating of 30 va each (0.25 amp AHMS — Air Handler Motor Starter SDR — Solenoid Drop Relay
at 120 vac, 0.13 amp at 230 vac). AHMS IFC-AUX contact AUX — Auxiliary TB — Terminal Block
must have minimum pilot duty rating of 400 va each C — Compressor Contactor TBX — Terminal Block for Variable Air
(3.4 amps at 120 vac,1.8 amps at 230 vac). FU — Fuse Volume Units
5. Replacement of factory wires must be with type 105 C wire GND — Equipment Ground TM — Timer Motor
or its equivalent. IFC — Indoor Fan Control TR — Timer Relay
6. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed at the kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils TRAN — Transformer
evaporator are required on all units. LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid U — Unloader Solenoid
7. Units have 175 va of power available for field-installed NEC — National Electrical Code Factory Wiring
accessories. (U.S.A. Standard) Field Wiring

Fig. 31 — Field Wiring, Single ModuPanel™ Control, Units 38AH124 and 134

Table 15 — Main Power Connection and Control Circuit Wiring
Electrical Qty Qty Max Wire Control Power Safety Circuit
Characteristics Terminal Parallel Size
(V-Ph-Hz) Blocks Conductors* (kcmil) (V) (V)
208/230-3-60 1 6 500 115† 24
230-3-50 1 6 500 230 24
346-3-50 1 3 500 200 24
380-3-60 1 3 500 230 24
1 3 500 115† 24
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils
*Conductors are from the safety disconnect.
†Control power is accomplished with a step-down transformer where
primary voltage is field voltage.

Step 5 — Install Accessories 3. Open liquid line service valves.

LOW-AMBIENT OPERATION 4. Check tightness of all electrical connections.
Units 38AH044-084, 124, and 134 — If operating tempera- 5. Oil should be visible in the compressor sight glasses.
tures below 55 F (13 C) are expected, Motormaster® V fan See Fig. 32. An acceptable oil level in the compressor
motor control is recommended. Refer to separate installation is from 1/8 to 1/3 up on the sight glass. Adjust the oil
instructions for low-ambient operation guidelines. level as required. No oil should be removed unless the
Units 38AH094 and 104 — If operating temperatures below crankcase heater has been energized for at least 24
45 F (7 C) are expected, Motormaster V fan motor control is hours. See Preliminary Oil Charge section on page 40,
recommended. Refer to separate installation instructions for for Carrier-approved oils.
low-ambient operation guidelines. 6. Electrical power source must agree with unit
MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES — For applications nameplate.
requiring special accessories, the following packages are
available: condenser coil hail guard package, gage panel, CAUTION
unloader package, unloader conversion kits, sound reduction Crankcase heaters on all units are wired into the control cir-
package, condenser coil protective grilles, compressor security cuit, so they are always operable as long as the main power
grilles, ModuPanel™ control, and thermostat transformer relay supply disconnect is on (closed), even if any safety device
package. is open. Compressor heaters must be on for 24 hours prior
to the start-up of any compressor. Failure to comply could
PRE-START-UP result in equipment damage.
IMPORTANT: Before beginning Pre-Start-Up or Start-
Up, review Start-Up Checklist at the back of this publi- 7. Crankcase heaters must be firmly locked into compres-
cation. The checklist assures proper start-up of a unit and sors, and must be on for 24 hours prior to start-up.
provides a record of unit condition, application require- 8. Fan motors are 3-phase. Check rotation of fans during
ments, system information, and operation at initial start- first start-up check. Fan rotation is clockwise as
up. viewed from top of unit. If fan is not turning clock-
wise, reverse 2 of the power wires.
Do not attempt to start the air-conditioning system until the 9. Check compressor suspension. On units 38AH044-
following checks have been completed. 084, 124, and 134, snubber washers (for noise suppres-
sion) can be moved with finger pressure. On units
System Check 38AH094 and 104, rails allow compressors to float
1. Check all system components, including the air- freely on compressor rail springs.
handling equipment. Consult manufacturers instruc- 10. On 38AH074,084 single-circuit units and module
tions. If the unit has field-installed accessories, be sure 38AH134B, ensure that the packaging block located
all are properly installed and wired correctly. Refer to between the oil equalization tube and the compressor
unit wiring diagrams. cross-brace has been removed.
2. Backseat (open) compressor suction and discharge
shutoff valves. Close valves one turn to allow refriger-
ant pressure to reach the test gages.



NOTE: Units 38AH044-084 and 38AH124, 134 compressors are pan mounted. Units 38AH094 and 104 compressors are mounted on rails.
Fig. 32 — 06E Compressors, Typical

START-UP Approximately 21/2 minutes after TC1 closes, timer contacts

D-D1 open and D-D2 close. If pressure is insufficient to close
Compressor crankcase heaters must be on for 24 hours be- the low-pressure switch, the low-pressure switch relay is open,
fore start-up. To energize the crankcase heaters, set the space the compressor shuts down, and the Time Guard control is ini-
thermostat above the ambient so there will be no demand for tiated. (Time Guard control prevents compressor from restart-
cooling. Close the field disconnect and turn on the fan circuit ing for 5 minutes after the demand for cooling is satisfied.)
breakers. Leave the compressor circuit breakers off/open. The
crankcase heaters are now energized. Unit Control Box — (See Fig. 33.) Viewed facing com-
pressors, the control box is at the left end of the unit. All in-
Sequence of Operation — Units are controlled with coming power enters through the control box. The control box
electromechanical components. Each refrigeration circuit (ex- contains power components and electronic controls. Outer pan-
cept 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units) is operated by els are hinged and latched for easy opening. Remove screws to
an independent timer which controls the operation sequence of remove inner panels. Outer panels can be held open for service
each circuit. and inspection by using door retainer on each panel. Remove
On a call for cooling, first stage cooling thermostat TC1 bottom pin from door retainer assembly, swing retainer out
closes. Condenser fans and timer (TM) are energized. After horizontally, and engage pin in one of the retainer ears and the
approximately 7 seconds, timer contacts E-E1 close. Approxi- hinge assembly.
mately 12 seconds after TC1 closes, normally open timer con-
tacts B-B1 close for 1 second. This energizes compressor A1 Condenser Fans — Each fan is supported by a formed
contacts CA1 and starts the compressor. At the same time, sole- wire mount bolted to the fan deck and covered with a wire
noid drop relays (SDRs) and liquid line solenoid valve no. 1 guard. The exposed end of the fan motor shaft is protected
(LLS-A for 38AH044-084 dual-circuit units; LLS-A1 for all from weather by grease. If fan motor must be removed for ser-
other units) opens, and timer relay no. 1 (TR2) is energized. vice or replacement, be sure to regrease fan shaft and reinstall
Normally open TR2 contacts close, completing a circuit around fan guard. For proper performance, fan should be 7/8 in.
B-B1 and through compressor A1 contactors to maintain com- (22 mm) below top of venturi on the fan deck to top of the fan
pressor operation when B-B1 contacts open. Contacts E-E1 hub for 60-Hz units, and 1/2 in. (13 mm) for 50-Hz units. (See
remain closed for approximately 40 seconds to bypass the oil Fig. 34.) Tighten setscrews to 15 ± 1 ft-lbs (20  1.3 N-m).
pressure switch (OPS). If oil pressure is insufficient when con- Figure 34 shows proper position of mounted fan.
tacts E-E1 open, the compressor stops, the timer cycles off, and
the control circuit locks out. At start-up, timer contacts D-D1 IMPORTANT: Check for proper fan rotation (clockwise
are closed, bypassing low-pressure relay contacts LPR-A for viewed from above). If necessary, switch leads to
21/2 minutes. This provides a winter start-up feature. reverse.








Fig. 33 — Unit Control Box
Preliminary Checks
1. Ensure that compressor service valves are backseated.
2. Verify that each compressor on units 38AH044-084,
124, and 134 floats freely on its mounting springs. Ver-
ify that each compressor on units 38AH094 and 104
floats freely on its rails.
3. Check that electric power supply agrees with unit
nameplate data.
4. Verify that compressor crankcase heaters are securely
in place.
5. Check that compressor crankcase heaters have been on
at least 24 hours.
6. Note that compressor oil level is visible in the sight
7. Recheck for leaks using same procedure as previously
outlined in Step 3 — Make Refrigerant Piping Con-
nections, page 15.
8. If any leaks are detected, evacuate and dehydrate as
previously outlined in Step 3 — Make Refrigerant Pip-
ing Connections, page 15.
NOTE: Fan rotation is clockwise when viewed from top of unit. Preliminary Oil Charge — Each compressor is facto-
Fig. 34 — Condenser Fan Adjustment ry charged with oil (see Tables 3A-4B). When oil is checked at
start-up, it may be necessary to add or remove oil to bring it
Required Compressor Modification for to the proper level. One recommended oil level adjustment
38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units, method is as follows:
When Compressor A1 is Out — To maintain unit ADD OIL — Close suction shutoff valve and pump down
operation, compressor no.1 must be operable. If it is not opera- crankcase to 2 psig (14 kPa). (Low-pressure cutout must be
ble, the following temporary modifications must be made to jumpered.) Wait a few minutes and repeat until pressure re-
keep the unit running: mains steady at 2 psig (14 kPa). Remove oil fill plug above the
1. Change the oil pressure switch connections from com- oil level sight glass, add oil through plug hole, and replace
pressor A1 to compressor A2. plug. Run compressor for 20 minutes and check oil level.
2. Connect compressor A2 into the Time Guard circuit as IMPORTANT: For units with 2 compressors per refrig-
compressor A1 was originally. eration circuit, both compressors must be running to
3. Open compressor A1 circuit breaker. adjust the oil level. Two oil level equalizer lines between
NOTE: Make sure the crankcase heaters are energized when compressors distribute the oil to each compressor.
compressors are off.

NOTE: Use only Carrier approved compressor oil. Approved 38AH094,104 UNITS — Start-up of lead circuit A, compres-
sources are: sor A1 (Table 16) is delayed from 12 seconds to 51/2 minutes
Totaline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 from the time the call for cooling is initiated. After lead circuit
Witco Suniso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3GS A, compressor A1 starts, close refrigeration circuit thermostat
Shrieve Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zerol 150* TC2 to start lag circuit B, lead compressor B1. Start-up of com-
Texaco Ind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WFI-32-150 pressor B1 is delayed from 12 seconds to 51/2 minutes. (Circuit
IGI Petroleum Ind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cryol-150 B of unit 38AH094 has only one compressor.)
*Alkyl Benzene Oil. Each circuit’s lead compressor start-up is controlled by the
unit control timer. The circuit’s lag compressor start-up is con-
Do not reuse oil that has been drained out, or oil that has trolled by the D-D2 timer contacts and capacity control pres-
been exposed to atmosphere.
sure switches (CCPSs) which monitor compressor suction
REMOVE OIL — Pump down compressor to 2 psig pressure. The circuit’s lag compressor will start approximately
(14 kPa). Loosen the 1/4-in. (6.4-mm) pipe plug at the compres- 21/2 minutes after a call for cooling if compressor pressure is
sor base and allow the oil to seep out past the threads of the above CCPS set point.
plug. 38AH124,134 UNITS — Start-up of the lead circuit (module
NOTE: The crankcase will be slightly pressurized. Do not 124A or 134A) lead compressor A1 (Table 16) is delayed from
remove the plug, or the entire oil charge will be lost. 12 seconds to 51/2 minutes from the time the call for cooling is
Small amounts of oil can be removed through the oil pump initiated by TC1. Lag compressor A2 is controlled by D-D2
discharge connection while the compressor is running. timer contacts and capacity control pressure switches (CCPSs)
which monitor compressor suction pressure. The lag compres-
Preliminary Charge — Refer to GTAC II (General sor starts approximately 21/2 minutes after the lead compressor
Training Air Conditioning), Module 5, Charging, Recovery, starts if the suction pressure is above the CCPS set point.
Recycling, and Reclamation for charging procedures. Using
the liquid charging method and charging by weight procedure, After the lead circuit (module 124A or 134A) lead compres-
charge each circuit with the amount of R-22 listed in Table 3A, sor A1 (Table 16) starts, close the TC2 thermostat to start the
3B, 4A, or 4B. lag circuit (module 124B or 134B) lead compressor (A1). Lag
circuit compressor A1 start-up is delayed from 12 seconds to
51/2 minutes from the time the call for cooling is initiated by
CAUTION TC2. Lag compressor A2 is controlled by D-D2 timer contacts
and CCPSs which monitor compressor suction pressure. Lag
Never charge liquid into the low-pressure side of system. compressor A2 starts approximately 21/2 minutes after lead
Do not overcharge. During charging or removal of refriger- compressor A1 starts if the suction pressure is above the CCPS
ant, be sure indoor-fan system is operating. Failure to com- set point.
ply could result in equipment damage.
Adjust Refrigerant Charge
Start Unit — The field disconnect is closed, the fan circuit
breaker is closed, and the space thermostats are set above ambi- CAUTION
ent so that there is no demand for cooling. Only the crankcase
heaters are energized. Never charge liquid into the low-pressure side of system.
Do not overcharge. During charging or removal of refriger-
Close the compressor circuit breakers and then reset both ant, be sure indoor-fan system is operating. Failure to com-
space thermostats below ambient so that a call for stage one ply could result in equipment damage.
cooling is ensured. Lead refrigeration circuit thermostat TC1
must be set to call for cooling at a lower temperature than lag
refrigeration circuit thermostat TC2. See Table 16 for lead/lag With all fans operating, and all compressors on the circuit
circuits on all units. Now set TC2 for cooling. being serviced operating at full capacity, adjust the refrigerant
NOTE: Do not use circuit breakers to start and stop the com- charge in accordance with the unit charging charts located on
pressor except in an emergency. the inside of the control box doors and in Fig. 35-48. Charge
vapor into compressor low-side service port located above oil
38AH044-084 DUAL-CIRCUIT UNITS — Start-up of lead pump crankshaft housing. Measure pressure at the liquid line
compressor A1 (Table 16) will be delayed from 12 seconds to service valve, making sure a Schrader depressor is used if re-
51/2 minutes from the time the call for cooling is initiated by quired. Also, measure liquid line temperature as close to the
TC1. After the lead compressor starts, close the TC2 thermo- liquid service valve as possible. Add charge until the pressure
stat to start lag circuit compressor B1. Compressor B1 will start and temperature conditions of the charging chart curve are met.
a minimum of 60 seconds after thermostat TC2 is closed. If liquid pressure and temperature point fall above curve, add
38AH044-084 OPTIONAL SINGLE CIRCUIT UNITS — charge. If liquid pressure and temperature point fall below
Start-up of lead compressor A1 (Table 16) is delayed from curve, reduce the charge until the conditions match the curve.
12 seconds to 51/2 minutes from the time the call for cooling is If the sight glass at location A (Fig. 13 and 14) is cloudy,
initiated by TC1. Closure of TC2 will actuate LLS-A2. Lag check refrigerant charge again. Ensure all fans and compres-
compressor A2 is controlled by D-D2 timer contacts and ca- sors on the circuit being serviced are operating. Also ensure
pacity control pressure switches (CCPSs) which monitor com- maximum allowable liquid lift has not been exceeded.
pressor suction pressure. The lag compressor starts approxi-
mately 2 minutes after the lead compressor starts if the suction If the sight glass at location A is clear and the sight glass at
pressure is above the CCPS set point. location B is cloudy, a restriction exists in the line between the
2 sight glasses. Check for a plugged filter drier or partially
open solenoid valve. Replace or repair, as needed.

Table 16 — Index of Lead/Lag Circuits and Compressors
UNIT 044-084 044-084 094 104 124 134
LEAD CIRCUIT A A A A Module Module
124A 134A
Compressor, Lead A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1
Compressor; Lag * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
Module Module
124B 134B
Compressor, Lead B1 B1 B1 A1 A1
Compressor; Lag * * B2 A2 A2
OPT — Optional Single-Circuit Units
STD — Standard Dual-Circuit Units
*Circuit has only one compressor.
†Units have only one circuit.

Check Compressor Oil Level — After adjusting the stops. The unloader is now at 0 psig (0 kPa) set point. If
refrigerant charge, allow each circuit to run fully loaded for electrically actuated unloaders are installed, energize the sole-
20 minutes. Running oil level should be 1/8 to 1/3 up on the sight noid to unload the compressor. Recheck the compressor oil lev-
glass. Stop the compressors at the field power supply discon- el as described earlier in Check Compressor Oil Level.
nect and check the crankcase oil level. Add oil only if neces- Return unloader to original setting after checks are
sary to bring the oil into view in the sight glass. If oil is added, complete.
run the circuit for an additional 10 minutes, then stop and check
oil level. If the level remains low, check the piping system for UNITS 38AH094,104 — For this minimum load check, the
proper design for oil return; also, check the system for leaks. lead compressor (A1, B1) of each refrigeration circuit is un-
loaded. See Table 16. The lag compressor (A2, B2 38AH104
If the initial check shows too much oil (too high in the sight only) of each refrigeration circuit must not be operating.
glass) remove oil to proper level. See Preliminary Oil Charge
section on page 40 for proper procedure for adding and remov- Unload the compressor(s) by turning the control set point
ing oil. adjustment nut counterclockwise until the adjustment nut
stops. The unloader is now at 0 psig (0 kPa) set point. If electri-
When the above checks are complete, repeat the procedure cally actuated unloaders are installed, energize the solenoid to
with the unit operating at minimum load conditions. unload the compressor.
UNITS 38AH044-084,124, AND 134 — For this minimum Return unloader to original setting after checks are
load check, run the lead compressor of each refrigeration cir- complete.
cuit fully unloaded with the lag compressor not operating.
Unload the compressor(s) by turning the control set point Final Checks — Ensure all safety controls are operating,
adjustment nut counterclockwise until the adjustment nut control panel covers are on, and the service panels are in place.

Fig. 35 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH044; 50/60 Hz — Dual Circuit

Fig. 36 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH054; 50/60 Hz — Dual Circuit

Fig. 37 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH064; 50/60 Hz — Dual Circuit

Fig. 38 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH074; 50/60 Hz — Dual Circuit

Fig. 39 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH084; 50/60 Hz — Dual Circuit

Fig. 40 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH044;
50/60 Hz — Optional Single Circuit
Fig. 42 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH064;
50/60 Hz — Optional Single Circuit

Fig. 41 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH054;

50/60 Hz — Optional Single Circuit
Fig. 43 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH074;
50/60 Hz — Optional Single Circuit

Fig. 44 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH084;
50/60 Hz — Optional Single Circuit

Fig. 45 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH094; 50/60 Hz

Fig. 46 — Charging Chart — Unit 38AH104; 50/60 Hz

Fig. 47 — Charging Chart — Modules 124A,124B, Fig. 48 — Charging Chart — Modules 134B;
and 134A; 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz

SERVICE Troubleshooting — Refer to Troubleshooting section

on page 53.
WARNING Oil Pressure Safety Switch (OPS) — An oil pres-
Turn off all power to unit before servicing. The ON-OFF sure safety switch for each of the independent refrigerant cir-
switch on control panel does not shut off control power; cuits shuts off the compressor in that circuit if oil pressure is
use field disconnect. Electric shock can cause personal not established at start-up or maintained during operation. If
injury. the OPS stops the unit, determine and correct the cause before
restarting the unit. Failure to do so constitutes equipment abuse
and could affect the warranty.
Coil Cleaning — Clean the coils with a vacuum cleaner,
compressed air, water, or a non-wire bristle brush. Compressor Motor Protection
CIRCUIT BREAKER — A manual reset, calibrated trip cir-
Refrigerant Circuit cuit breaker for each compressor protects against overcurrent.
LEAK TESTING — Units are shipped with a nitrogen hold- Do not bypass connections or increase size of circuit breaker
ing charge. If there is no pressure in the system, introduce for any reason. If trouble occurs, determine the cause and cor-
enough nitrogen to search for the leak. Repair the leak using rect it before resetting the breaker.
good refrigeration practices. After leaks are repaired, system CRANKCASE HEATER (See Fig. 32) — Each compressor
must be evacuated and dehydrated using methods described in has an electric crankcase heater located in the bottom cover.
GTAC II, Module 4, System Dehydration. The heater is held in place by a clip and bracket and must be
REFRIGERANT CHARGE (Refer to Table 3A, 3B, 4A, or tightly connected since exposure to the air causes the heater to
4B) — At the liquid line connection point on each circuit is burn out. Each heater is wired into the compressor control cir-
a factory-installed liquid line service valve. On each valve is cuit through a relay which energizes only when the compressor
a 1/4-in. Schrader connection for charging liquid refrigerant. is off. The heater keeps the oil at a temperature that prevents
Charging with Unit Off and Evacuated — Close liquid line excessive absorption of refrigerant during shutdown periods.
service valve before charging. Weigh in charge shown in Table Energize the crankcase heaters when the unit is not running
3A, 3B, 4A, or 4B. Open liquid line service valve; start unit except during prolonged shutdown or servicing. Energize the
and allow it to run several minutes fully loaded. Check for a heaters at least 24 hours before restarting the unit after pro-
clear sight glass. Be sure clear condition is liquid and not vapor. longed shutdown.
Complete charging the unit in accordance with Adjust Refrig- TIME GUARD FUNCTION — This function prevents com-
erant Charge section on page 41. pressors from short-cycling.
Charging with Unit Running — If charge is to be added while
unit is operating, it is necessary to have all condenser fans and Fan Motor Protection — Fan motors are protected by a
compressors operating. It may be necessary to block condenser single circuit breaker for all motors.
coils at low-ambient temperatures to raise condensing pressure Head Pressure Control — Head pressure control re-
to approximately 280 psig (1931 kPa) to turn all condenser fans duces condenser capacity under low-ambient conditions. This
on. Do not totally block a coil to do this. Partially block all is achieved by fan cycling control (standard, all units) and
coils in uniform pattern. Charge vapor into compressor low- Motormaster® V control accessory (field installed).
side service port located above oil pump crankshaft housing.
Charge each circuit until sight glass shows clear liquid.

FAN CYCLING — All condensing units have standard provi- Low-Pressure Switch — The low-pressure switch
sion for fully automatic intermediate season head pressure con- (LPS) has fixed nonadjustable settings. It is located at the pump
trol through fan cycling (see Table 17). end of the compressor above the bearing head. See Table 18 for
38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit Units — Fans no. 3 and 4 are cy- pressure switch settings.
cled by pressure control on all units. On 38AH074 and 084, TO CHECK — Slowly close the suction cut-off valve and al-
fans no. 5 and 6 are also cycled by pressure control. low the compressor to shut down. This should occur at approx-
38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units — Fans no. 3 imately 27 psig (186 kPa). Slowly open the valve. The com-
and 4 are cycled by pressure control on all units. On 38AH074 pressor restarts under Time Guard control when the pressure
and 084, fans no. 5 and 6 are cycled by an air-temperature builds to approximately 67 psig (462 kPa).
switch located in the bottom shelf of the control box. Table 18 — Pressure Switch Settings, Psig (kPa)
Units 38AH094,104 — Fans no. 3 through 6 are cycled by
pressure control. SWITCH CUTOUT CUT-IN
Units 38AH124,134 — Fans no. 3 and 4 on each unit module 426  7 320  20
High (2935  48) (2205  138)
are cycled by pressure control. On module 134B only, fans no.
27  4 67  7
5 and 6 are cycled by an air-temperature switch located in the Low
(186  28) (462  48)
bottom shelf of the control box.
Pressure control is achieved via a fan cycling pressure Capacity Control
switch located on the cylinder head of the unit or circuit lead
compressor (see Fig. 32). 38AH044-084 DUAL-CIRCUIT UNITS — Capacity control
is achieved by a pressure-actuated cylinder bank unloader on
The air-temperature switch used to control fans no. 5 and 6 lead compressor A1. As the cooling load decreases and the
on 38AH074,084 optional single-circuit units and on module suction pressure drops, the unloader actuates at the pre-set suc-
134B is closed and cycles the fans on when the ambient-air tion pressure and unloads the cylinder bank. (See Fig. 49 and
temperature is above 70 F (21 C). Table 19A.) The unloading of the compressor cylinder bank
Table 17 — Head Pressure Control through Fan has no effect on the operation of lag compressor B2, which is
Cycling controlled by TC2.
FAN CYCLING CONTROL, psig (kPa) ULES 124A, 124B, 134A, AND 134B — Capacity control
Control by Pressure* 10 (69) is achieved by a pressure-actuated cylinder bank unloader on
Switch Opens 160 (1103) lead compressor A1. See Table 16. As the cooling load de-
Switch Closes 255 (1758) creases and the suction pressure drops, the unloader actuates at
the pre-set suction pressure and unloads the cylinder bank. (See
*On all units, fans no. 3 and 4; also on unit 38AH074, 084 (dual-
circuit units only) and 38AH094,104, fans no. 5 and 6. Fig. 49 and Table 19B and 20.) Lag compressor A2 is con-
trolled by fixed setting capacity control pressure switches
NOTE: Fans no. 1 and 2 are noncycling. Units 38AH074,084 (CCPSs) as follows:
optional single-circuit units and module 134B fans no. 5 and 6 are
cycled by an air-temperature switch which operates above 70 F CUT-IN — CUTOUT —
(21 C) ambient-air temperature. SWITCH psig (kPa) psig (kPa)
CCPS 1 83 (572) 63 (531)
CCPS 2 80 (551) 53 (365)
CCPS — Capacity Control Pressure Switch

If suction pressure continues to drop after lead compressor

38AH044-064, 38AH074-104,
Module 134B A1 unloads and lag compressor A2 is operating, A2 will stop
Modules 124A, 124B,
134A operating when the suction pressure drops to the CCPS cutout
Winter Start Control — A 21/2-minute low-pressure 38AH094,104 — Capacity control is achieved by a pressure-
switch (LPS) bypass function in the timer prevents nuisance actuated cylinder bank unloader on the lead compressor (A1,
LPS trips during start-up in low-ambient conditions. B1) on each of the 2 refrigeration circuits. As the cooling load
decreases and the suction pressure drops, the unloader actuates
High-Pressure Switch — This switch has nonadjust- at the pre-set suction pressure and unloads the cylinder bank.
able settings. Figure 32 shows connection on a cylinder head. (See Fig. 49 and Table 20.) The unloading of the compressor
See Table 18 for pressure switch settings. cylinder bank has no effect on the operation of the circuit lag
NOTE: High-pressure switch must be removed from cylinder compressor (A2, B2 [except 38AH094, circuit B]) which is
head before removing compressor from the unit. controlled by fixed setting capacity control pressure switches
TO CHECK — Slowly close the discharge shutoff valve until (CCPSs) as follows:
the compressor shuts down. This should be at approximately CUT-IN — CUTOUT —
426 psig (2935 kPa). Slowly open the valve. When the pressure SWITCH psig (kPa) psig (kPa)
drops to approximately 320 psig (2205 kPa), the pressure CCPS 1 83 (572) 63 (531)
switch resets. To reenergize the control circuit, manually CCPS 2 80 (551) 53 (365)
switch the fan circuit breaker off and then on. The compressor
starts again under Time Guard controls. CCPS — Capacity Control Pressure Switch

Table 19B — One 2-Stage Thermostat Capacity
Control for 38AH044-084 Optional Single-Circuit Units
8 100
044 6 75
4 50
2 25
10 100
8 81
054 6 60
6 56
4 37
2* 19*
12 100
10 82
064 8 64
6 56
4 36
2† 18
12 100
10 81
074 8 62
6 57
4 38
2† 19
12 100
10 83
084 8 66
6 50
4 33
2† 17
*Requires accessory unloader on lead 06E-265 compressor (A1).
†Requires VAV (variable air volume) factory-installed option or accessory

Table 20 — One 2-Stage Thermostat Capacity

Control for 38AH094-134 Units
Unloader Settings
Unload, psig (kPa) 56 (386) UNIT
Load, psig (kPa) 76 (524) Ckt A Ckt B Total (%)
*Unloader location. 10 6 16 100
10 4 14 85
Fig. 49 — Unloader Location and Setting 094
8 0 8 44
6 0 6 33
4 0 4 22
Table 19A — One 2-Stage Thermostat Capacity 10 12 22 100
10 10 20 91
Control for 38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit Units 10 8† 18 82
10 6 16 74
CAPACITY 104 10 2† 12 56
38AH Circuit Circuit 10 0 10 47
Total (%)
A B 8 0 8 38
4 4 8 100 6 0 6 26
044 2 4 6 75 4 0 4 17
4 0 4 50 2† 0 2 9†
2 0 2 25 12 12 24 100
4 6 10 100 12 10 22 91
2 6 8 79 12 8† 20 82*
054 2 4 6* 59 12 6 18 77
4 0 4 42 12 4 16 68
2 0 2 21 124 12 2† 14 59
6 6 12 100 12 0 12 50
4 6 10 84 10 0 10 41
2 6 8* 68 8 0 8 32*
064 6 0 6 27
6 0 6 48
4 0 4 32 4 0 4 18
2 0 2* 16 2 0 2 9†
6 6 12 100 12 12 24 100
4 6 10 86 10 12 22 92
2 6 8* 72 10 10 20 83
074 8* 10 18 75*
6 0 6 43
4 0 4 29 6 10 16 67
134 6 8* 14 58*
2 0 2* 15
6 6 12 50
6 6 12 100 4 6 10 42
4 6 10 83 6 0 6 25
084 2 6 8* 66 4 0 4 17
6 0 6 50 2* 0 2 8*
4 0 4 33
2 0 2* 17 *Requires VAV (variable air volume) unit or accessory unloader(s) field
*Requires units with VAV (variable air volume) factory-supplied option. installed on circuit lead compressor. Lead compressor is identified in
Table 16, page 42.
NOTE: Units have 2 independent refrigeration circuits. Circuit A is lead circuit. †Requires field-installed accessory unloader on circuit lead compressor. Lead
compressor is identified in Table 16, page 42.

1. Temperatures calculated with the minimum number of fans operating per
2. See Table 16, page 42, for information on lead and lag circuits.

Pressure Relief — High-side pressure relief is provided Timer Functions — (See Timer Cycle, Fig. 52.) Each
by a fusible plug in the liquid line at the service valve. For low- refrigeration circuit is controlled by an independent timer
side pressure relief, a fusible plug is inserted in the side of the which allows for the independent operation of each refrigera-
accumulator (all units except 38AH044-084 dual-circuit, tion circuit.
constant-volume units). See Fig. 50. The 38AH044-084 dual- NOTE: The 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units have
circuit, constant-volume units have a fusible plug in the suction one timer which controls the lead compressor. Lag compressor
tubing. A pressure relief valve installed on the compressor re- is controlled by CCPS (capacity control pressure switch).
lieves at 450 psig (3102 kPa) (see Fig. 3-8).




NOTE: Black denotes closed contacts. a38-190tf

Fig. 52 — Timer Cycle
SWITCH A — The timer is energized through contacts A-A1
or A-A2. This establishes the Time Guard function which pre-
vents compressor short-cycling. Start of compressor is delayed
approximately 51/2 minutes after shutdown.
Fig. 50 — Accumulator and Fusible Plug SWITCH B — The compressor is initially energized through
CONTROL SET POINT — Control set point (cylinder load contacts B-B1.
point) is adjustable from 0 to 85 psig (0 to 586 kPa). To adjust SWITCH D — Contacts D-D1 provide a 21/2-minute bypass
the set point, turn the control set point adjustment nut clock- of the low-pressure switch at start-up for winter-start control.
wise to bottom stop. (See Fig. 51.) In this position, load-up set On 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units, contacts D-D2
point is 85 psig (586 kPa). Turn adjustment counterclockwise control start-up of compressor A2.
to desired control set point. Every full turn counterclockwise SWITCH E — Contacts E-E1 provide a 2-minute bypass of
decreases the load-up set point by 7.5 psig (52 kPa). the oil pressure switch at start-up. If oil pressure does not build
to the required minimum pressure in 2 minutes, the compressor
shuts down and the control circuit locks out.
On 38AH044-084 dual-circuit and 38AH094,104 units, lag
circuit B start-up is delayed 60 seconds after a call for cooling
is made to the circuit. This prevents compressor(s) in both lead
and lag circuits from starting at the same time.
BYPASS/SPEEDUP PINS — Bypass and speedup shorting
pins are provided for service troubleshooting purposes. Short-
ing the bypass pins will eliminate the 330-second short cycle
time delay. Shorting the speedup pins will decrease all timing
functions by a factor of 8. The bypass and speedup pin jumpers
must be removed after servicing.
Control Circuit Reset — The control circuit locks out
if the unit shuts down because of low oil pressure or excessive
high-side pressure. To reset the control circuit, open and close
the fan circuit breaker (FCB). This resets the timer, and the unit
restarts under Time Guard control. At start-up, if the low-
pressure switch (LPS) does not close after 21/2 minutes, the unit
shuts down. When the pressure builds enough for the LPS to
cut in, the control circuit is energized automatically and start-
up proceeds under Time Guard control.
38AH044-084 DUAL-CIRCUIT UNITS; 38AH094,104 —
Fig. 51 — Pressure-Actuated If circuit A operation is insufficient for the cooling require-
Capacity Control Valve ments, the thermostat second stage TC2 closes to bring
PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL — Pressure differential (dif- circuit B on-line for cooling. This circuit follows the same
ference between cylinder load and unload points) is adjustable sequence of operation as the lead circuit, except a 60-second
from 6 to 22 psig (41 to 152 kPa). To adjust, turn pressure time delay relay (TDR) delays compressor start-up for 60 sec-
differential adjustment screw counterclockwise to back stop onds after the call for cooling.
position. The differential pressure is now adjusted to 6 psig
(41 kPa). Turn the adjustment screw clockwise to adjust the
differential pressure. Every full clockwise turn increases the
differential by 1.5 psig (10 kPa).

MODULES 124A, 124B, 134A, AND 134B CAUTION
NOTE: This sequence of operation assumes that 2 thermostats
control units 38AH124 or 134 with one thermostat controlling Harsh chemicals, household bleach or acid or basic clean-
each module. ers should not be used to clean outdoor or indoor coils of
If compressor A1 is insufficient for the cooling require- any kind. These cleaners can be very difficult to rinse out
ments, the thermostat second stage closes, which opens the liq- of the coil and can accelerate corrosion at the fin/tube inter-
uid line solenoid valve LLS-A2. Compressor A2 starts only af- face where disimilar materials are in contact. If there is dirt
ter D-D2 contacts in the timer close and the suction pressure is below the surface of the coil, use the Totaline environmen-
sufficient to close the capacity control switches. tally sound coil cleaner as described above.
ALL UNITS — When the fan switch is set for automatic
(AUTO) operation, the indoor-fan contactor (IFC) is cycled CAUTION
with the lead compressor. If the fan switch is set for continuous
(CONT), the IFC is energized as long as the unit power is on. High velocity water from a pressure washer, garden
Condenser Coil Maintenance and Cleaning hose, or compressed air should never be used to clean a
Recommendation — Routine cleaning of coil surfaces coil. The force of the water or air jet will bend the fin
is essential to maintain proper operation of the unit. Elimina- edges and increase airside pressure drop. Reduced unit
tion of contamination and removal of harmful residues will performance or nuisance unit shutdown may occur.
greatly increase the life of the coil and extend the life of the
unit. The following maintenance and cleaning procedures are Totaline Environmentally Sound Coil Cleaner Application
recommended as part of the routine maintenance activities to Instructions
extend the life of the coil. 1. Proper eye protection such as safety glasses is recom-
REMOVE SURFACE LOADED FIBERS — Surface load- mended during mixing and application.
ed fibers or dirt should be removed with a vacuum cleaner. If a 2. Remove all surface loaded fibers and dirt with a vacuum
vacuum cleaner is not available, a soft non-metallic bristle cleaner as described above.
brush may be used. In either case, the tool should be applied in
the direction of the fins. Coil surfaces can be easily damaged 3. Thoroughly wet finned surfaces with clean water and a
(fin edges bent over and damage to the coating of a protected low velocity garden hose, being careful not to bend fins.
coil) if the tool is applied across the fins. 4. Mix Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner in a
NOTE: Use of a water stream, such as a garden hose, against a 21/2 gallon garden sprayer according to the instructions
surface loaded coil will drive the fibers and dirt into the coil. included with the cleaner. The optimum solution temper-
This will make cleaning efforts more difficult. Surface loaded ature is 100 F.
fibers must be completely removed prior to using low velocity NOTE: Do NOT USE water in excess of 130 F, as the enzy-
clean water rinse. matic activity will be destroyed.
PERIODIC CLEAN WATER RINSE — A periodic clean 5. Thoroughly apply Totaline environmentally sound coil
water rinse is very beneficial for coils that are applied in cleaner solution to all coil surfaces including finned area,
coastal or industrial environments. However, it is very impor- tube sheets, and coil headers.
tant that the water rinse is made with very low velocity water 6. Hold garden sprayer nozzle close to finned areas and ap-
stream to avoid damaging the fin edges. Monthly cleaning as ply cleaner with a vertical, up-and-down motion. Avoid
described below is recommended. spraying in horizontal pattern to minimize potential for
cleaning with Totaline® environmentally sound coil cleaner 7. Ensure cleaner thoroughly penetrates deep into finned ar-
is essential to extend the life of coils. This cleaner is available eas.
from Carrier Replacement parts division as part number 8. Interior and exterior finned areas must be thoroughly
P902-0301 for a one gallon container, and part number cleaned.
P902-0305 for a 5 gallon container. It is recommended that all
coils, including standard aluminum, pre-coated, copper/copper, 9. Finned surfaces should remain wet with cleaning solution
or E-coated coils are cleaned with the Totaline environmen- for 10 minutes.
tally sound coil cleaner as described below. Coil cleaning 10. Ensure surfaces are not allowed to dry before rinsing. Re-
should be part of the unit’s regularly scheduled maintenance apply cleaner as needed to ensure 10-minute saturation is
procedures to ensure long life of the coil. Failure to clean the achieved.
coils may result in reduced durability in the environment. 11. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces with low velocity clean wa-
Avoid the use of: ter using downward rinsing motion of water spray nozzle.
• coil brighteners Protect fins from damage from the spray nozzle.
• acid cleaning prior to painting
• high pressure washers Restart After Stoppage by Safety Control —
• poor quality water for cleaning The high-pressure switch and the oil pressure switch must be
reset manually by breaking the control power supply at any of
Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner is non- the following points: control circuit fuse, fan motor circuit
flammable, hypoallergenic, non-bacterial, and a USDA accept- breaker, or the thermostat. Restart follows the Time Guard
ed biodegradable agent that will not harm the coil or surround- control delay.
ing components such as electrical wiring, painted metal surfaces
or insulation. Use of non-recommended coil cleaners is strongly Stoppage by low-pressure switch results in Time Guard
discouraged since coil and unit durability could be affected. control delay, then unit attempts normal restart.
Totaline Environmentally Sound Coil Cleaner Application The compressor motor overcurrent protectors are manual-
Equipment reset circuit breakers. Reset of control circuit may also be
• 21/2 gallon garden sprayer
• Water rinse with low velocity spray nozzle

Independent Refrigerant Circuit Controls — Compressor Replacement — Perform the following:
Each refrigeration circuit is controlled by independent cir- 1. Reverse procedure in Compressor Removal section
cuitry. Therefore, it is possible to maintain partial cooling from Step 9 through Step 5.
capability even if one compressor is inoperable.
2. Reinstall service valves and safety switches, and
NOTE: The 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units do not tighten to torques as listed:
have independent control circuitry.
Torque Compressor(s)
Compressor Removal — Access to the pump end of Tighten discharge valves to —
the compressor is from the compressor side of the unit. Access 20-25 ft-lb (27-34 N-m) 06E-250
to the motor end of the compressor is from the inside of the 80-90 ft-lb (109-122 N-m) 06E-265,275,299
unit. All compressors can be removed from the compressor Tighten suction valves to —
side of the unit. 80-90 ft-lb (109-122 N-m) 06E-250
90-120 ft-lb (122-163 N-m) 06E-265,275,299
IMPORTANT: All compressor mounting hardware and Tighten the following fittings as specified —
support brackets removed during servicing must be rein- 60 ft-lb (81 N-m) Discharge Gas Thermostat
stalled prior to start-up. 120 in.-lb (13.5 N-m) High-Pressure Switch, Fan-
Cycling Pressure Switch
120 in.-lb (13.5 N-m) Low-Pressure Switch
1. Disconnect power to unit; lockout power to compressor.
2. Close suction and discharge service valves. 3. Leak-check and evacuate system; recover refrigerant.
3. Relieve refrigerant pressure into a refrigerant recovery 4. Recharge system per pre-start-up and start-up
system. sequences. Recheck oil levels.
4. Remove: 5. Energize crankcase heater for 24 hours prior to restart
of system.
• fan-cycling pressure switch (FCPS)
• high-pressure switch OIL CHARGE — (Refer to Table 3A, 3B, 4A, or 4B.) All
• low-pressure switch units are factory charged with oil. Acceptable oil level for each
• oil-pressure switch compressor is from 1/8 to 1/3 up on the sight glass (see Fig. 32,
• discharge gas temperature switch page 39).
5. Disconnect power wires at terminal box and discon- When additional oil or a complete charge is required, use
nect conduit. only Carrier-approved compressor oil.
6. Disconnect wires from crankcase heater. Approved oils are:
7. Disconnect service valves from compressor. Totaline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
NOTE: On 38AH044-084 optional single-circuit units Witco Suniso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3GS
and units with 2 compressors per circuit, disconnect Shrieve Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zerol 150*
both oil equalizer lines located on the motor barrel and Texaco Ind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WFI-32-150
on the oil pump sump. IGI Petroleum Ind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cryol-150
8. Units 38AH044-084, 124, and 134: *Alkyl Benzene Oil.

a. Remove 4 large screws securing compressor COMPRESSOR

mounting pan to unit base rail. pts L
b. Slide compressor (on mounting pan) to outside of 06E-250 17 8.0
06E-265 21 9.9
unit frame; support and/or lower to ground. 06E-275 21 9.9
c. Unbolt compressor from mounting pan and 06E-299 19 9.0
remove. Do not reuse drained oil, and do not use any oil that has
9. Units 38AH094, 104: been exposed to atmosphere.
a. Remove 4 large screws securing compressor to the Adjust oil level in accordance with Preliminary Oil Charge
compressor rails. section on page 40.
b. Lift compressor off mounting bolts and remove.

Contactor Open
1. Power off. 1. Restore power.
2. Fuses blown in field power circuit. 2. After finding cause and correcting, replace with correct size fuse.
3. Check secondary fuse(s); replace with correct type and size. Replace trans-
3. No control power. former if primary windings receiving power.
4. Thermostat circuit open. 4. Check thermostat setting.
5. Multi-function timer not operating. 5. Check timer for proper operation; replace if defective.
6. Compressor circuit breaker tripped. 6. Check for excessive compressor current draw. Reset breaker; replace if
7. Safety device lockout circuit active. 7. Reset lockout circuit at thermostat or circuit breaker.
8. Low-pressure switch open. 8. Check for refrigerant undercharge, obstruction of indoor airflow, or whether com-
pressor suction shutoff valve is fully open. Make sure liquid line solenoid valve(s)
is open.
9. High-pressure switch open. 9. Check for refrigerant overcharge, obstruction of outdoor airflow, air in system or
whether compressor discharge valve is fully open. Be sure outdoor fans are
operating correctly.
10. Loose electrical connections. 10. Tighten all connections.
11. Compressor stuck. 11. See 06E compressor service literature.
Contactor Closed
1. Compressor leads loose. 1. Check connections.
2. Motor windings open. 2. See 06E compressor service literature.
3. Single phasing. 3. Check for blown fuse. Check for loose connection at compressor terminal.
Outdoor Fan On
1. High-pressure switch faulty. 1. Replace switch.
2. Airflow restricted. 2. Remove obstruction.
3. Air recirculating. 3. Clear airflow area.
4. Noncondensables in system. 4. Purge and recharge as required.
5. Refrigerant overcharge. 5. Purge as required.
6. Line voltage incorrect. 6. Consult power company.
7. Refrigerant system restrictions. 7. Check or replace filter drier, expansion valve, etc. Check that compressor
discharge valve is fully open.
Outdoor Fan Off
1. Fan slips on shaft. 1. Tighten fan hub setscrews.
2. Motor not running. 2. Check power and capacitor.
3. Motor bearings stuck. 3. Replace bearings.
4. Motor overload open. 4. Check overload rating. Check for fan blade obstruction.
5. Motor burned out. 5. Replace motor.
Indoor-Air Fan Running
1. Filter drier plugged. 1. Replace filter drier.
2. Expansion valve power head defective. 2. Replace power head.
3. Low refrigerant charge. 3. Add charge. Check low-pressure switch setting.
Airflow Restricted
1. Coil iced up. 1. Check refrigerant charge.
2. Coil dirty. 2. Clean coil fins.
3. Air filters dirty. 3. Clean or replace filters.
4. Dampers closed. 4. Check damper operation and position.
Indoor-Air Fan Stopped
1. Electrical connections loose. 1. Tighten all connections.
2. Fan relay defective. 2. Replace relay.
3. Motor overload open. 3. Power supply.
4. Motor defective. 4. Replace motor.
5. Fan belt broken or slipping. 5. Replace or tighten belt.

1. Oil level too low or too high. 1. Check oil level requirements; adjust oil level until sight glass is filled 1/8
to 1/3 when running.
2. Compressor is short cycling. 2. Check for
a) Thermostat location and operation.
b) Safety device lockout circuit operation.
c) End-of-cycle control and timer operation.
d) Low-pressure switch and relay operation.
3. Crankcase heater off. 3. Check relay operation; replace crankcase heater(s), if defective.
4. Low refrigerant charge. 4. Adjust charge as required.
5. Refrigerant floodback. 5. Adjust TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) superheat.
6. Evaporator coil is blocked or iced. 6. Check and correct as required.
7. Evaporator fan not operating. 7. Check and correct as required.
8. Distributor and/or TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) too 8. Check sizing at design conditions; change if incorrect for current
large. application.
9. Suction riser too large. 9. Check line sizing at minimum design condition; change piping if
10. Defective oil pressure switch. 10. Check switch for proper operation; check capillary lines for plugged
11. Plugged oil pump inlet screen. 11. Clean oil pump screen.
12. Faulty oil pump drive segment. 12. Replace drive segment.
13. Worn oil pump. 13. Replace bearing head assembly.
14. Worn compressor bearings. 14. Replace compressor; see 06E service instructions.
Suction Pressure Low
1. Refrigerant charge low. 1. Add refrigerant.
2. Head pressure low. 2. Check refrigerant charge. Check outdoor-air fan thermostat settings.
3. Air filters dirty. 3. Clean or replace filters.
4. Expansion valve power head defective. 4. Replace power head.
5. Indoor coil partially iced. 5. Check low-pressure setting.
6. Indoor airflow restricted. 6. Remove obstruction.
Suction Pressure High
1. Unloaders not functioning. 1. Check unloader adjustments. Check unloader setting.
2. Compressor valve defective. 2. See 06E compressor service literature.
3. Heat load excessive. 3. Check for open doors or windows in vicinity of fan coil.
1. Low refrigerant charge. 1. Add refrigerant.
2. Control contacts fused. 2. Replace control.
3. Air in system. 3. Purge and evacuate system.
4. Partially plugged expansion valve or filter drier. 4. Clean or replace.
1. Piping vibration. 1. Support piping as required.
2. Compressor noisy. 2. Check valve plates for valve noise. Replace compressor if bearings are
1. Leak in system. 1. Repair leak.
2. Crankcase heaters not energized during shutdown. 2. Check wiring and relays. Check heater and replace if defective.
3. Improper interconnecting piping design. 3. Check piping for oil return. Replace if necessary.
1. Expansion valve admitting excess refrigerant. 1. Adjust expansion valve.
1. Shortage of refrigerant due to leak. 1. Repair leak and recharge.
2. Expansion valve opens too wide. 2. Adjust expansion valve.
1. Restricted filter drier. 1. Remove restriction or replace.
1. Defective unloader. 1. Replace unloader.
2. Defective capacity control solenoid valve (if used). 2. Replace valve.
3. Miswired capacity control liquid line solenoid (if used). 3. Rewire correctly.
4. Weak, broken, or wrong valve body spring. 4. Replace spring.
1. Miswired capacity control liquid line solenoid (if used). 1. Rewire correctly.
2. Defective capacity control solenoid valve (if used). 2. Replace valve.
3. Plugged strainer (high side). 3. Clean or replace strainer.
4. Stuck or damaged unloader piston or piston ring(s). 4. Clean or replace the necessary parts.

Copyright 2009 Carrier Corporation

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53380004-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 38AH-22SI Pg 54 612 3-09 Replaces: 38AH-20SI
OUTDOOR: MODEL NO. ______________________________ SERIAL NO. ________________________________
INDOOR: AIR HANDLER MANUFACTURER _________________________________________________________
MODEL NO. ______________________________ SERIAL NO. ________________________________
ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES ____________________________________________________________________
IS THERE ANY SHIPPING DAMAGE? ________________ (Y/N) _____
IF SO, WHERE: _______________________________________________________________________________
ARE ALL WIRING TERMINALS (including main power supply) TIGHT? (Y/N) _____
LINE-TO-LINE VOLTS: AB ______ V AC ______ V BC ______ V
(AB + AC + BC)/3 = AVERAGE VOLTAGE = _________ V

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OIL PRESSURE __________ __________ __________ __________
SUCTION PRESSURE __________ __________ __________ __________
SUCTION LINE TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
DISCHARGE PRESSURE __________ __________ __________ __________
DISCHARGE LINE TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
ENTERING CONDENSER AIR TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
LEAVING CONDENSER AIR TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
EVAP ENTERING AIR DB TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
EVAP ENTERING AIR WB TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
EVAP LEAVING AIR DB TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
EVAP LEAVING AIR WB TEMP __________ __________ __________ __________
COMPRESSOR AMPS (L1) __________ __________ __________ __________
COMPRESSOR AMPS (L2) __________ __________ __________ __________


COMPRESSOR AMPS (L3) __________ __________ __________ __________

OIL LEVEL AT 1/8 TO 1/3 FULL? (Y/N) _____




Copyright 2009 Carrier Corporation

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53380004-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 38AH-22SI Pg CL-2 612 3-09 Replaces: 38AH-20SI

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