Instruction Manual PDF

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR AXIAL FLOW FANS |. PRODUCT WARRANTY FHISON guarantees its products against def in ateial and workmanship for «period lof ene year fom the date of shipment fem i actory ‘This guarantee is limited to the repair or vplacement of products or part whic, in FISON’S judgement, prove defective and ar etied ot fatry HISON assumes no responsibly for pecformance of components such a8 motors sheaves, bets of bearings used in conjunction with its products which have not been ‘manufactred by HISON. Any and all guarantees on cmmpenents at manufactured by ISON ar limited totems of guranee fished by the respestive manures, HISON wil not be responsible if profust or part flue is the result of improper installation, abuse alteration, incoret electrical comnestions, misuse, misapplication, intentional oe inadvertent attempts to operate above red capacity, lack oF proper maintenance or Acts of God HISON assumes no responsiblity fr the installation of is products o the performance ‘of any sytem in which they maybe isle, HISON has made no recommendation a to the compat fits products with any system. Under 0 cicumtances will HISON be responsible for any installation or removal {0s of for incidental or consequential damages. Claims for abour andor material ‘charges will not be honoured unles pioe writen authorisation has been granted by ISON, The above wrruaty is vidi. 1 Elec motors are not factorial in the fan oon removable plates designed foe proper alignment when they are reinstaled, 2) Pit instlation, eedues are not stove in lan, dy place. 3) Feld works performed by hers without prior writen authorisation fom HISON, 4) Systems, conols and related components donot porto in asordance with tated specifications. 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SAFE USE 1) The Fans must be connected oa sub ground conection prior to operation 2) Once installed the Fans mst not be allowed to com into contact with ron stel oxide particles lakes. 3. STORAGE 1) Fans and accesories shouldbe stored in a clean, dey loeaton ta prevent us and coreson auch serge conditions are ot wala the motor a= ondonsation beater (i Tite), shouldbe conneced to an appropriate ower supply t prevent motor condensation focning 2) tFoutdoor storages necessry, protection shouldbe provided. The fa should be covered prevent the accumulation of dit and mbstr, Cover motors svt waterproof materiel. Care mst be taken to pote tor, bearings and rive components 3) fans aro ong stored more thas 30 day tis inpeativ that their mpelee be rotted by hand at east once ech weak to prevent bunishing of he bearings do o prolonged time a rest while carving te impel load 4) equipments shipped yatalyassmbled, parts equ earful handling and proection unt instal 5) Proeaution shouldbe tken dering instalation; wooden block atthe impelise ‘de should only be removed ater complet instalation of fn, to prevent any damage and distortion 66) Fans shoul belied by the mounting Mange only. Neve if a fa bythe ‘propeller, shal, motor, mote bracket ora fa pact designed Tor ing. ‘spreader shouldbe used to avoid damage ‘Any storage & huang of equipments wot acording to above recommended procedures ‘may invalidate all pplcele warranties and bli provided by ws

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