Differential Protection Based On Zero-Sequence
Differential Protection Based On Zero-Sequence
Differential Protection Based On Zero-Sequence
1, JANUARY 2007
AbstractThis paper introduces a new differential protection winding. But it cannot detect the ground fault near the generator
scheme based on zero-sequence voltages with 100% coverage for neutral, which is usually protected by a third-harmonic voltage
generator stator ground faults. Analysis shows that the -fun- scheme. The protection schemes, which only use the third-har-
damental zero-sequence voltages and the -third-harmonic
voltages at the generator neutral and the terminals will change monic voltages at the neutral or terminals , have
simultaneously, and they present some similar characteristics. low sensitivities because they vary within a wide range with the
According to that, the new scheme that exploits the fault informa- change of the operation condition. So schemes based on the com-
tion of both the zero-sequence fundamental voltage and the third- parison of the relative change of or have been suggested
harmonic voltage is described. As it combines the information of and used [1][4], [7], [8]. In practice, they suffer the disadvan-
the zero-sequence fundamental voltage and the third-harmonic
voltage, the scheme can detect the ground fault with high sensi- tage of low sensitivity because the generator operation situation
tivity in 100% coverage winding. Simulation and field test results often changes. To overcome this disadvantage, adaptive schemes
show that the proposed scheme can obtain higher sensitivity than are suggested in [2] and [5]. But for a huge hydrogenerator,
the traditional schemes. which has a large stator winding capacitance, those methods still
Index TermsFault contribution component, stator ground present low sensitivity. Reference [9] proposes a new scheme
protection, third-harmonic voltage, zero-sequence fundamental with higher sensitivity, which uses the wavelet transform as a
voltage. new tool for third-harmonic voltage processing. Yet it needs to
be tested and verified before it is widely used in practice.
I. INTRODUCTION It is important to indicate that all of those protection schemes
exploit only the fault information of either the zero-sequence
the terminals are equivalent. Then, the corresponding dif- it considers only the fault contribution voltage by cancellation
ferential protection scheme based on the zero-sequence voltages of the prefault voltages, the new scheme can obtain higher sen-
is sitivity, restricted by only the used protective equipment.
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