Protection: Performance of Harmonic Ground Fault Schemes For Generator Stator Windings
Protection: Performance of Harmonic Ground Fault Schemes For Generator Stator Windings
Protection: Performance of Harmonic Ground Fault Schemes For Generator Stator Windings
The paper shows how the normally generated third-harmonic voltage can should not be removed from service. To allow for these small ground currents,
be used to protect the lower ten to twenty percent of generator stator windings trip settings for over-voltage ground relays are generally set to detect neutral
against ground faults. A method of determining the applicability of the scheme displacement voltages in excess of 5- 10% ofthe phase-to-neutral voltage. The
to a given machine is described which takes into account the design of the potential hazard of an undetected ground fault in the lower portion of the
generator and its externally connected apparatus. The effects of finite resis- winding, where the neutral bus displacement voltage is below the ground relay
tence ground faults are also investigated and other advantages of the scheme, trip setting, therefore arises. Moreover, a fault at the neutral end of a
such as protection of the neutral, are also highlighted. generator phase winding will effectively short circuit the neutral grounding
transformer. Under these conditions the conventional ground fault protection
INTRODUCTION scheme will be totally inoperable, with potentially catastrophic results.
The reliability requirements placed on modem power systems demand If a ground fault occurs and remains undetected because of its location or
increasingly complete protection of the generator. Because the major causes otherwise, the probability of a second fault occurring is much greater. This
of stator winding ground faults are electromechanical stresses and local second fault may result from insulation deterioration caused by transient
insulation deterioration, the locations of ground faults on the stator cannot be over-voltages due to erratic, low current, unstable arcing at the first fault
predicted a priori. Thus the entire stator winding (neutral end included) must point. This second fault may yield currents of devastating magnitudes.
be considered when designing schemes for protection against ground faults. The present paper describes an investigation into the feasibility of utilizing
The conventional unit type generator has the neutral stabilized by a resis- the third harmonic (180 Hz) emf; induced in the stator phase windings of all
tance loaded distribution type transformer, see Figure 1. The load resistor is large generators, to give ground fault protection in the lower 10-15% of the
sized to limit the in-phase component of line-to-ground fault current to a value winding. In conjunction with the conventional 60 Hz scheme, which relies on
a resistance loaded distribution transformer to limit ground fault currents, this
not less than the total charging currents of the capacitances-to-ground of the
can be designed to give ground fault protection over 100% of the stator phase
generator winding and the associated isolated phase bus, transformers and winding. In addition to the above, the paper also highlights a number of other
leads. This value of neutral effective resistance has evolved over the years and
results in moderate ground fault currents, generally under fifteen amperes for operational advantages of the scheme and investigates its range of validity. A
a solid phase-to-ground fault at the generator terminals. Currents of this
further major advantage of the scheme is its simplicity and low cost. The relay
can also be easily retrofitted on existing installations.
magnitude generally do not cause serious damage to the core steel. However,
while it is unnecessary to use high speed detection for ground faults,
good industry practice dictates prompt tripping of the generator with the DISCUSSION
minimum delay practical.
Typical Unit Connected System
A three-phase circuit model of a typical unit connected generating station is
-UNIT AUXILIARY shown in Figure 1. Normally the potential transformer (P.T.) neutral is di-
rectly grounded. However, some power companies connect the neutral point
of the P.T. primary winding to the generator neutral, although this practice is
depreciated by an IEEE Committee Report1.
When providing protection for the generator stator winding, it is important
to consider the winding neutral for several reasons. During high potential
testing of the stator winding it is necessary to attach safety grounds to the
generator neutral. Other conditions occasionally require disconnecting the
generator neutral and leaving the neutral open. There are many recorded
cases of these grounds not being removed when the generator is returned to
service or alternatively, the generator neutral to grounding transformer con-
nection is not made. This is a potentially dangerous situation, both for the
machine, and also for plant personnel. In addition, the presence of the cable
which connects the generator neutral bus and the potential transformer prim-
ary neutral increases the exposure of this neutral to ground faults. If a ground
occurs in this cable, the neutral grounding transformer is short circuited.
The third harmonic relay will detect all of these conditions.
7The Problem
The relay scheme consists of two relays in parallel with the load resistor, as
shown in Figure 1. A regular over-voltage relay, operating at the fundamental
generator frequency of 60 Hz, protects the upper 90%o to 95% of the stator
winding as explained earlier. The lower l1o (neutral end) of the winding is
For a single ground fault near the neutral end of the winding, there will be protected by a relay which detects a reduction in the third harmonic, or
proportionately less voltage available to drive current to ground, resulting in a 180 Hz, component of the neutral bus voltage following a fault.
lower fault current and a lower neutral bus displacement voltage. At the lower No 180 Hz component of line-to-line voltage appears in either delta or wye
limit, a fault on the neutral bus will result in no fault current or displacement connected machines. However, most generators are connected in wye to
voltage at all. eliminate 180 Hz circulating currents which can cause undesirable heating,
Small 60 Hz ground currents may flow under normal conditions, possibly but a phase to ground 180 Hz voltage does exist. This voltage causes 180 Hz
due to generator winding imbalances or to faults on the secondaries of the current to flow, through the various leakage capacitances to ground, returning
generator potential transformers. Under these conditions the generator to the generator neutral bus through the neutral grounding transformer. This
current will cause a 180 Hz voltage drop across the load resistor. If a ground
fault occurs in-the lower end of the generator winding or on the neutral bus
(see Figure 1), the grounding transformer will be effectively short circuited
and this 180 Hz current will bypass the ground transformer. This will cause a
reduction in the 180 Hz load resistor voltage. Thus a ground fault in the lower
10% of the generator winding may be detected by a marked reduction in the
180 Hz neutral bus displacement voltage.
In developing a method for determining the applicability of this relay
scheme for a typical unit-connected generator, the standard 60 Hz scheme of
81 WM 028-0 A paper recommended and approved by the Figure 1 is assumed appropriate for the upper 90 to 95% of the winding. The
IEEE Power System Relaying Committee of the IEEE applicability of the package thus depends on the proper operation of the
Power Engineering Society for presentation at the 180 Hz relay. There are two problems associated with the operation of the
IEEE PES Winter Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 180 Hz relay.
1-6, 1981. Manuscript submitted June 13, 1980; made 180 Hz Neutral Bus Voltage: The applicability of the protection scheme
available for printing October 29, 1980. depends on the magnitude of the 180 Hz neutral bus voltage under all ex-
1981 IEEE
pected operating and fault conditions. The unfaulted 180 Hz neutral bus The general circuit model for one phase of the generating station system is
voltage must be within the relay's operating range. In addition, for a fault in shown in Figure 2. In the circuit models developed the following assumptions
the lower 5 to 10lo of the winding, the resulting reduction in the 180 Hz neutral are made:
bus voltage must be sufficient to cause the 180 Hz relay to trip and indicate the 1. All distributed windings, bus bars and cables are represented by Pi-line
presence of the fault. equivalents.
A method had to be developed to calculate the 180 Hz neutral bus voltage 2. The generator neutral bus grounding transformer has been approximated by
under all expected load and fault conditions. These estimates could then be the load resistor reflected to the primary of the transformer.
used to determine the resulting 180 Hz neutral bus displacement voltage range
for a given machine. 3. The driving voltages, Ei, E2, E3, in Figure 2, are the emfs induced in the
coils of the generator stator winding for a 3 coil machine. Additional coils
Effect of the P. T. Connections: The second objective of this project was to would lead to further subdivision in the same manner.
determine the ef ect of the P.T. connection described previously on the 4. No 180 Hz current flows in the line and the delta primary winding of the
applicability of the relay package. The performance of the 180 Hz relay generator step-up transformer, and the h.v. grid appears as an open circuit to
depends on the generated 180 Hz current returning to the generator neutral the third harmonic. This renders the equivalent impedance of the unit and
through the neutral bus grounding transformer. This P.T. connection provides auxiliary transformers equal to the phase-to-ground capacitance of the delta
a second current path in parallel with the neutral bus grounding transformer. winding only.
This current path might bleed enough of the 180 Hz current around the 5. For simplicity, an equivalent 180 Hz impedance, Zeq, will be substituted for
grounding transformer to limit the range of applicability of the relay package. the circuit elements external to the machine terminals. These components are
Thus a method for determining the 180 Hz currents flowing through the P.T. the generator isolated phase bus, the station auxiliary bus and the unit and
primary windings was also desired. station auxiliary transformers.
The 180 Hz neutral bus displacement voltage is directly proportional to the 6. Since a Pi-line equivalent has been made for the P.T. windings, one-half of
180 Hz current flowing through the grounding transformer primary winding. the capacitance to ground of each phase of the P.T. appears in parallel with the
Thus both of the problems associated with the operation of the 180 Hz relay grounding transformer. An equivalent impedance, Zgnd, is then made for these
can be solved by determining the distribution of the 180 Hz currents in the parallel circuit elements.
third harmonic, generating station impedance network. 7. Interturn capacitances between adjoining stator slots are negligible due to
Method of Solution the electrical shielding properties of the core steel. The winding
As part of t e present work, a simple, but extremely versatile computer betweencapacitance-to-ground in a given slot outweighs the interturn capacitance
program named GTHAP was written to fully model the machine on a coil by to-width ratio the conductors in that slot. Assuming a typical conductor height-
of 3:1, the total ground capacitance will be at least 26 times the
coil basis, together with its externally connected apparatus such as the iso- interturn capacitance
lated phase bus, main generator step-up transformer, etc. This program is turn capacitive reactance between two windings in the same slot. Thus the inter-
used to estimate the 180 Hz circulating ground current for any given machine ground and can safely be neglected. will be 26 times larger than the impedance-to-
based on either a calculated or measured third harmonic voltage value. Thus
the applicability ofthe third harmonic scheme, and its range of protection for a A further reason for neglecting the interturn capacitance is that very little
given machine, can be determined. voltage is available to drive leakage current through it. Since the three third
Since the third harmonic voltage acts as a zero sequence component, no harmonic phase voltages are in phase, the highest possible voltage between
third harmonic currents flow in the low voltage delta windings of the unit and turns of different phases is equal to the third harmonic phase voltage. This is
auxiliary transformers. This means no 180 Hz voltage appears on the wye not a large voltage. Also, a practical winding will be short pitched, resulting in
connected, high voltage side of the unit transformer. Thus the main power only one or two slots where the potential difference exceeds 80%o of the third
system appears as an open circuit in the third harmonic current network. harmonic phase voltage. Thus, there is generally less voltage available to
Using the assumed method of connecting the potential transformer (P.T.) drive interturn leakage currents than there is to drive leakage currents to
primary neutral to the generator neutral, see Figure 1, there are two parallel ground.
paths external to the generator through which 180 Hz current is driven. One of Mutual inductances under zero sequence excitation are non-existent. By
these paths is through the various machine capacitances to ground, returning definition, zero sequence impedance is measured by applying the same vol-
to the generator through the neutral grounding transformer. The second path tage and current to all phases of a machine. Thus, each of the phase windings
is trhough the Y-Y connected P.T. primary windings and back to the generator will develop an MMF in opposition to the others. No flux will link any two
neutral. However, initial calculations and subsequent simulations with windings and only leakage flux will flow. Thus, only leakage inductances are
GTHAP have shown that the 180 Hz series impedance of these P.T. windings involved in the zero sequence impedance ofthe unfaulted generator windings.
is very large. Thus the effect of this second current path on the relay perfor- These (zero sequence) impedances should be used in modelling the generator
mance is almost undetectable and it can safely be neglected in evaluation of stator winding, although their overall effect is small.
the relay scheme Under fault conditions, one phase is partially shorted to ground. This fault
Large generators often contain several parallel paths in each phase winding, will therefore cause a smaller opposing MMF in that phase. Such an imba-
so the precise path for the third harmonic current depends on the type of lance in the phase MMF's will cause a mutual flux to flow and the zero
generator connection. It also depends on whether the machine winding is sequence impedance will no longer involve only the leakage impedance. This
faulted or unfaulted. The precise equivalent circuits for each case are shown imbalance will depend on the magnitude ofthe current in the faulted section of
in Figures 2 through 5 and described later in this section. the winding. However, the fault current path includes the grounding trans-
former which appears as a very high impedance. This will keep the fault
General Outline: Each of the circuit models yields a set of mesh current current small and the MMF imbalance will be negligible. Therefore, three
equations and GTHAP was developed to solve any of these sets of equations times the normal 60 Hz zero sequence impedance should be used for the
for any fault point and fault resistance. 180 Hz winding impedance under fault conditions.
In carrying out a solution, the 180 Hz emfs and the various 180 Hz system
impedance values are calculated first. The 180 Hz system impedances are Cases to be Considered
then used to fill the appropriate impedance matrix. A complex matrix inver-
sion subprogram is then called to determine the resulting system admittance Case 1: Un aulted Systems: The circuit model for the unfaulted machine is
matrix. The system voltage vector and admittance matrix are then multiplied shown inPFigure 3. When the machine is unfaulted, all three phases are
to calculate the desired currents. identical. As explained earlier, the three single phase third harmonic induced
emf s are equal and in phase.
180 Hz Circuit Models: The unfaulted system is of primary importance in POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER
determining the normal 180 Hz current distribution. Under faulted condi-
tions, two types of circuit models are relevant. A faulted, single path perphase
model must be used when there is only one current path per phase. When
there are two or more parallel current paths per phase, another circuit model is
needed. For these reasons three cases must be simulated.
rI I m
- -mA
Case 3: Faulted System with Two Parallel Current Paths per Phase: The
circuit model for the faulted case with two parallel current paths per phase is Effect of Load and Power Factor on Generated Third Harmonic Voltage
shown in Figure 5.
POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER The current paths for the 180 Hz (third harmonic) stator currents, discussed
earlier, present very high impedances. Therefore, the 180 Hz stator currents
are very small in relation to the 60 Hz load currents. These currents produce a
very small- 180 Hz armature reaction stator MMF, resulting in a negligible
effect on the 180 Hz line-to-neutral terminal voltage.
A major source of third harmonic line-to-neutral voltage is -the effect of the
rotor ampere-turn distribution. The fact that the field winding coils are in
distinct slots around the rotor surface and also that the pole face may be
asymmetrical, gives rise to a stepped rotor MMF wave. This stepped MMF
space wave may be Fourier analyzed to yield many odd harmonic compo-
nents. The effect of this source of third harmonic air-gap flux depends on the
rotor winding configuration, the field current and the core steel saturation
level, which in turn determines the reluctance of the magnetic circuit in the
machine. The portions of the third harmonic MMF caused by the rotor turn
and airgap permeance distributions are space stationary with respect to the
rotor direct axis (the center of the pole face).
A further source of third harmonic voltage is the third harmonic component
PHASE A (FAULTED) of the air-gap flux wave due to saturation of the rotor and stator teeth. Little
saturation occurs in the stator yoke (the area of iron behind the stator teeth).
FIGURE 5. FAULTED SYSTEM EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 3 COIL PER This is because the stator yoke is sized mainly from mechanical considera-
tions. Hence, this component of the third harmonic flux magnitude in the
KEY-CIRCUIT ELEMENTS AS FI6URE 3 a 4 machine depends mainly on the saturation level in the rotor and stator teeth
and the rotor core.
Again, only one fault is considered at a time. This fault is placed in Phase A
as shown. Phases B and C are modelled as in Case 2. The voltage sources in
the unfaulted current path are the normal 180 Hz induced voltages, Ei, E2, E3,
etc. The sum of the voltages eat and e a2 in the faulted path is equal to the coil
voltage, the individual voltages being obtained from the ratio of unfaulted to
faulted coil length as in Case 2. 300C x _/
If the generator winding contains two parallel current paths per phase, the
faulted and unfaulted paths in Phase A must be modelled separately. The OAPU.
capacitance per path will be one-half of the total capacitance per phase. The 250 -
series impedance per path will be twice the total series impedance per phase.
Again, simple circuit theory is used to solve for the current flowing through
the grounding transformer. 200
A faulted machine with more than two parallel paths per phase may be
modelled as a two path machine by approximating the unfaulted paths by one
equivalent winding. The faulted path must then be modelled separately.
Calculation of 180 Hz Faulted Phase emf s
In order to calculate the individual third harmonic coil emf's for a particular o' - - 7- __-
- ___
machine, the number of slots, poles and parallel winding paths must be 10 _ _
known. Either a measured or calculated 3rd-harmonic rms line to neutral 5~~~~~~. OD 10PIW
voltage must also be known. A conventional coil voltage phasor diagram for _ - - ...
the particular machine can then be constructed as shown in Figure 6. The 0.5 0.75 1.0 Pul(MW)
relationship between the nIh harmonic phase-to-neutral voltage, 'Er, (mea-
sured or calculated) and the nib harmonic coil voltage, 2Ec, is given by Uf F THIRD HARMONIC VOLTAGE EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE
where 2Kd, is the n1" harmonic distribution factor. For a three phase winding:
'Kd= sin (nr/6) I sin (nir/6q) (2) REAL AND REACTIVE POWER. ( REF. 2)
With a fixed terminal voltage, the flux density in the air-gap will remain Reliability of the Unfaulted System Model
nearly fixed. This results in a nearly constant level of saturation in the rotor
core and stator teeth. However, as the load angle increases, the angle between The second investigation was an attempt to verify the reliability of the
the rotor d-axis and the peak of the air-gap flux wave increases. Thus more of unfaulted system model of Figure 3.
the air-gap flux passes through the rotor teeth instead of the pole face. This Measurements of the neutral grounding transformer and potential trans-
renders the rotor teeth saturation component of the 180 Hz flux wave depen- former 180 Hz secondary voltages were made at various output power levels
dent on the power factor of the generator load. on the chosen test unit.
This rotor tooth saturation component is not space stationary with respect The 180 Hz neutral grounding transformer secondary voltage was mea-
to the pole face. Rather, for a symmetrical pole face machine, it can be sured under generator start-up conditions. The voltage was recorded for 75
expected to be space stationary with respect to the position of peak air-gap hours during which time the machine was off line five times. The maximum
flux, and is therefore load dependent. power output attained was 400 MW, which was 0.5 p.u. on the generator MW
The combination of these effects renders the third harmonic terminal vol- base.
tage dependent on the excitation level, the load and the power factor at the On another occasion, the 180 Hz generator terminal line-to-neutral voltage
generator terminals. The curves of Figure 7, taken from Reference 2, illus- and the generator output power were recorded, beginning in the evening and
trates the behavior of the third harmonic terminal voltage for a typical running until the morning. This experiment was run overnight to record the
machine under varying load conditions. The exact relationships governing the 180 Hz terminal voltage behavior at reduced load.
interactions of the sources of third harmonic terminal-to-neutral voltage, Knowing the 180 Hz voltage on the secondary of the neutral grounding
discussed above, are extremely complicated, and beyond the scope of this transformer and the load resistance, the transformer's 180 Hz secondary
present paper. current was calculated at various generator output levels. The unfaulted
system simulation was then computed using the 180 Hz generator terminal-
to-neutral voltage measured at each power level.
The tested generator's load resistor is rated at 0.588 ohms when a maximum
EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THE MODEL current of 307 amperes is flowing through it. This current corresponds to a
solid phase-to-ground fault at the machine terminals. The resistor was mea-
In order to verify the reliability of the computer program developed for this sured at 0.498 ohms, prior to installation, with no current flowing through it.
project, three experimental investigations were made. To determine the effect of variations in this resistance on the error encoun-
tered in calculating the grounding transformer current, two computer simula-
Model Compatibility tions were run. The load resistors were set equal to the limiting cases of 0.498
ohms and 0.588 ohms.
The first of these was an attempt to determine the compatibility of all three The comparisons of the estimated and measured 180 Hz neutral grounding
models, i.e., whether or not they predict the same grounding transformer transformer primary currents are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 assumes
current when no fault exists. First, the program was run for the unfaulted case the grounding transformer load resistance to be 0.498 ohms, while Table 3
using impedance data from a typical machine on the Detroit Edison system. assumes it to be 0.588 ohms.
The unfaulted system was then approximated by running the faulted system of As indicated in Tables 2 and 3 the error encountered in predicting the
Cases 2 and 3 with 0.01% of the winding faulted through a nine megohm 180 Hz grounding transformer current was approximately 20 to 30%. There
resistance. The results of this investigation are shown in Table 1. These three are several possible sources ofthe error but most relate to either experimental
models gave the same results with negligible error. or data errors. Fortunately errors of this magnitude can be tolerated in making
a determination of the applicability of this protection scheme to a particular
TABLE 1 - COMPARISON OF PREDICTED GROUNDING generator. It is believed that the errors arise from faulty data as to winding-
TRANSFORMER CURRENTS UNDER to-ground capacitances, and to the somewhat uncontrolled conditions under
UNFAULTED CONDITIONS which third harmonic voltages were measured.
In Tables 2 and 3 the effect ofthe grounding transformer load resistor on the
180 Hz 1 Grounding 180 Hz grounding transformer current magnitude is evident. However, the
Line-to- Transformer Transformer percent error is not greatly affected since the load resistance appears in the
Neutral Fault Fault Load Primary % calculation of both the measured and estimated currents.
Case Volts Position Resistance Resistance Current Error
Predicted Reduction of the 180 Hz Grounding Transformer Currents Under
1 730 Unfaulted 0.498Q1 0.138A - Various Fault Conditions
2 730 0.01% 9M(1 0.498Q1 0.138A 0.0%o
3 730 0.01% 9MQ1 0.498Q1 0.137A 0.7% The third area of investigation is an example of the method used to deter-
mine the applicability of the relay package to a specific generator. This
The single phase unfaulted model is effectively equal to the three phase method entails determining the expected reduction of the 180 Hz neutral
faulted system shown in Figure 5, with 0.01% of the winding faulted through a grounding transformer current under various fault conditions.
nine megohm resistance. Since the three phase faulted circuit with such afault The 180 Hz terminal line-to-neutral voltage is assumed to be 730V in this
agrees with the single phase, Case 1 circuit, the validity of the single phase experiment (730V was an actual measured voltage, see Table 3). In an actual
model is proven. application of this program, the smallest expected voltage would be used since
z loon
,, 60-
The following conclusions can be reached as a result of this investigation.
100 FAULT RESISTANCE 1. Calculations indicate that the additional loop provided by connection of the
z- P.T. neutral to the generator neutral does not bleed sufficient current away
20 from the ground path for the effectiveness of the scheme to be impaired.
UNFAULTED CURRENT VALUES 2. Good coverage, typically 20% of the winding, can be obtained with the third
tion of fault distance from the neutral. This need not be accurate, as /
long as it can be established that the 180-Hz detection zone extends -
beyond the 60-Hz blind spot near the neutral. (A
2. Application of 180-Hz Undervoltage Relay z
The typical relay setting for detection of 50Qo reduction in neutral-> V3NSEC Y
end 180-Hz voltage as mentioned in the paper, may be very difficult
to accomplish in practice with the wide operational variations of this NORMA coND. GROUND FAULT Alr NEUTRAl..
voltage sometimes found. Figure 1 is a striking example. B) Third-Harmoni
ic Secondary Voltage Distribution
Fig. 2 Principle of Third-Harmonic Voltage Magnitude Compargtor
As the third harmonic voltages at the neutral end and at the terminal
end will shift their relative magnitudes for faults in either of the end
zones (in respective opposite directions of course), such relays will
see ground faults in both these zones, as shown in Figure 3.
10 HZ