Michigan Bicyclist Magazine Fall 2017 Issue

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Bicyclists under the LMB Tours arch at the start of Shoreline West 2017.

In this issue:
LMB Legislative Updates
How Much Space Does a Cyclist Need?
Thank You to Our 2017 Donors Page 7 Page 6
Page 9
And More! Getting Retirees Back to the Joy Advancing Cycling Infrastruc- Photos from our Inaugural
of Being on a Bicycle ture at the Local Level HUB Fest!
Small Actions Matter
Lindsey DesArmo - LMB Board Chair
The League of Michigan Bicyclists, or LMB, is
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted Together, we are making Just recently, we re-launched our Community
exclusively to the advancement of bicycling. a difference in bicycle Bicycle Safety for Law Enforcement Training,
Our mission is to promote bicycling and increase
the safety of bicyclists on Michigan roadways. and pedestrian safety in where law enforcement officers discussed
Michigan. In signing our legal issues within the Michigan Vehicle Code
Michigan Bicyclist Magazine is a LMB member Action Alert, your calls and and Michigan Compiled Laws.
benefit. It is published as part of our effort to
educate Michigan cyclists, law enforcement, letters to your lawmak-
policy makers, engineering and planning ers are helping move our To keep these and other LMB programs
communities, and others on issues affecting 5-foot safe passing and moving forward, we need your help. As we
bicycling in Michigan. head into the giving season, we hope you will
drivers education improvement bills in the
right direction. The work is far from over, please keep us in mind as you plan your charitable
Michigan Bicyclist Copyright 2017 keep the urgency and momentum going as giving. We hope you will consider setting up
On the Cover: Bicyclists under the LMB Tours we head into the end of the year. You can sign your own recurring gift as a LMB member. You
arch at the start of Shoreline West 2017. the Action Alert at www.LMB.org/takeaction. can set up a recurring payment that fits your
If youve already signed the Action Alert, there budget by selecting the Recurring Option that
are other ways you can get involved to help works best for you when you visit the LMB
Editor, Art & Design: ANETA KIERSNOWSKI LMB further its mission. websites donation page. You can also call the
Letters/Comments/Advertisements may be office to start this service. LMB staff would be
directed to: [email protected] LMB continuously advocates on your behalf happy to answer our questions or assist you in
to promote safe places for people who walk, looking back at your past giving.
LMB Directors: roll, and ride. Over the last year, LMB has
MEREDITH BEGIN, Secretary Many LMB donors also double their gift
been busy. In addition to hosting our annual
DAVE BOURGEAULT through their employers matching programs.
Sunrise Adventure, MUP, and Shoreline West
JIM CARPENTER Some employers will match all or a portion of
tours (no small feat!), we launched a new
event: HUB Fest! Read about it on page 5. their employees donations. Please speak with
your employer to find out if your place of work
We also launched our Micro-Grant. LMB offers a way for your gift to go even further.
STEVEN ROACH was thrilled to award over $12,000 in
However you choose to give, know we are
YVONNE RUCKER Micro-Grant Funds to 10 organizations across
here to give back to you through our actions
BRYAN WALDMAN the state for their projects to improve access
and efforts to achieve our vision of a Michigan
BRYAN WILKINSON to bicycling equipment, facilities, and
where cycling is safe, comfortable, and
education in their communities.
Staff convenient for all.
Executive Director
[email protected]

Development & Communications
[email protected]

Outreach Coordinator
[email protected]

Tour Director
[email protected] Printed with
recycled content

League of Michigan Bicyclists

410 S. Cedar St. Suite A, Lansing, MI 48912
(517) 334-9100


John Lindenmayer LMB Executive Director 5 FOOT PASSING
2017 has been a page for an overview of the legislation we SB 123, SB 124, SB 170, HB 4185, HB 4265, HB 5003
year full of exciting are currently working on. Establishes requirement for drivers to maintain a
changes at LMB. In 5-foot distance when passing a bicyclist.
September, we moved Our 5-foot passing and drivers education
our office within our legislation continues to move forward.
building. We outgrew Im pleased to share both bills passed
SB124, HB 4198
our previous space, unanimously out of the Senate Judiciary
Committee in September. The Senate Requires training component for drivers regarding
where tour equip-
is expected to take up the bills on the safety for bicyclists and other vulnerable
ment, merchandise, safety literature, and
floor in the near future. House versions roadway users.
other nonprofit essentials were stacked
floor to ceiling. The move was long of the bills were also recently heard by
overdue! With double the square footage, the House Committee on Transportation DISTRACTED DRIVING
our new headquarters are already proving and Infrastructure. Chairman Cole formed SB 580, SB 581, HB 4466
to be an asset in helping LMB advance our a workgroup on bicycling to continue the Sets penalties for use of a wireless communication
work to make Michigan a more bicycle- discussion on these issues. We still have device while operating a motor vehicle causing death.
friendly state. We invite our members to work ahead of us, but we are cautiously Adds computers, tablet devices, cameras or other
stop by for a visit anytime! optimistic that Michigan could soon join internet-based communication devices to the list
the 38 other states with safe passing laws. of devices not to be used while operating a motor
The LMB team expanded this year as well.
We are also thrilled to report that our vehicle to Michigan Vehicle Code, and
Ben Saint-Onge transitioned to full-time
e-bike legislation has been signed into sets penalties.
as our Outreach Coordinator. Ben has
proven himself a valuable staff member law (see below)! LMB worked collab-
playing a key role in supporting our tours, oratively with the bicycle industry, trail OBSTRUCTED LICENSE PLATE
membership coordination, and general groups, land managers, municipalities, HB 5100, HB 4881
administration. Nancy Krupiarz, recently and others to build consensus on this Clarifies definition of obstructed license plate to
retired Executive Director of the Michigan issue. As the fastest growing sector of the exempt bicycle racks.
Trails and Greenways Alliance, is now coor- bicycle industry, LMB believes e-bikes play
dinating LMBs law enforcement training an important role in the future of cycling
program. Nancy held her first training in and have the potential to significantly
expand ridership. HB 4954
collaboration with the Michigan State Eliminates requirement that funds be allocated to
Police in Traverse City in September.
Our work to promote bicycling and the non-motorized transportation services and facilities
We also added the services of Midwest
safety of bicyclists is not possible without (LMB opposes).
Strategy Group. MSG is supporting
our members, donors, and volunteers.
LMBs work to advance our legislative
My sincere gratitude goes out to all of TRAIL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT
agenda. Their inside knowledge of the
our supporters! I hope you will consider
State Capitol is proving invaluable as we SB 596
LMB as you plan your year-end giving.
navigate more legislative issues than ever Clarifies what issues trailways managers should
With your support, we will keep the
before. Check out the side panel on this consider when developing plans for a multi-
momentum moving forward in 2018!
jurisdictional trail with a specific focus on signage,
maintenance and appropriate uses. Clarifies that trail
Legislative Victory! On October 30, 2017, Governor Snyder signed our e-bike
development and appropriate amenities are consid-
legislation into law! Public Acts 138, 139, and 140 of 2017
define and regulatese-bikes, including their use on trails. ered to be in the public good. Provides direction for
Further, it puts power in the hands of local government how local histories are told on trails so that cultural
bodies to make e-bike usage more or less permissible and historical resources are used appropriately.
based on the needs of the community. The law goes
into effect 90 days after being signed. For more infor-
mation about the e-bike law, please visit our website,
www. LMB.org.
HB 5119
Requires drivers and bicyclists to use turn signal while
Thank you to everyone who contacted their lawmakers changing lanes.
or otherwise supported our legislation!

Sen. Rick Jones tries an e-bike at LMBs 2017 Advocacy Day.
HB 4444
Requires collaboration and notice for projects located
within right-of-way. 2
Bike Bills Pass Out of Committee
Aneta Kiersnowski
On September 8, 2016, bills that would create The day of the hearing, all four of the effectiveness of mandatory seat belt laws in
a 5-foot safe passing law and require drivers survivors of the Kalamazoo tragedy came changing the mind-set of motorists.
education to include time devoted to bicycle together to testify.
awareness were introduced by Senators Those are the types of changes we need to
Margaret OBrien and David Knezek. The The survivors seemed determined to turn see towards cyclists. We need to affect the
bills were introduced two months and a day their tragedy into an opportunity to make a driving culture in that someone wouldnt even
after a driver plowed into a group of nine difference for others who share their passion. consider getting in the car and passing too
bicyclists killing five and seriously injuring four During her testimony, Sheila Jeske told the close. They would give the cyclists, the human
in Kalamazoo. committee members none of these laws beings, what they need to safely go on their
would help us, but if [they keep] one other way. And we can do that with the toolsets that
The June 7, 2016, Kalamazoo tragedy put person from going through what I am we already have and already know how to use.
a spotlight on bicycle issues, The drivers ed training was
and, though the new bills amazingly effective [with]
would not have changed the the laws about buckling a
outcome of that crash, our seat belt. Yes, some folks
bicycle bills were received grumbled about that when
enthusiastically across Michigan. it first happened, but now
After the bills were introduced, its really not that big a deal
nearly 10,000 supportive emails because everybody know
were sent to legislators through you just put on your seat
LMBs Action Alert. Legislators belt and you dont need to
offices also reported many phone worry about that ticket. This
calls regarding bicycle safety. five-foot passing law would
The bills eventually passed out of be the same thing. We just
the Senate nearly unanimously, need to ingrain that in the
made it into the House, where driving culture to save lives.
they were referred to the House
Committee on Transportation and Jennifer Johnson summed
Infrastructure. Unfortunately, the up the feeling of bicy-
window of opportunity closed clists as they continue to
when the legislative session ended see crashes and tragedies
on December 31. in the headlines: Does
Michigan believe that every
The impact of the Kalamazoo life matters? Are the lives
Top: Senators Knezek (left) and OBrien (right) speak before the Senate Jusduciary Committee.
tragedy was strong, however, and Botton: The survivors of the Kalamazoo cycling tragedy, (left to right) Paul Gobble, Paul Runnels, of cyclists less significant?...
when a new legislative session Sheila Jeske, and Jennifer Johnson testify. Michigan legislators need to
started, Senators OBrien and act now to protect cyclists
physically going through, and my other fellow
Knezek reintroduced the 5-foot passing and and prevent additional tragedies.
other bike riders are going through... it would
drivers ed improvement bills. The 5-foot
just mean the world to us. Following additional testimony from cyclists
passing bill was reintroduced as SB 123 and
170, the drivers education improvement bill as Paul Runnels shared that he is acutely aware of throughout the state, as well as LMBs
SB 124. Companion bills SB 580 and 581 were how close he is to more tragedy as motorists Executive Director, John Lindenmayer, and
also sponsored by the Senators and supported pass by him as he rides. I got started riding Board Member, Bryan Waldman, the Senate
by LMB. These bills will strengthen distracted again this spring...as Ive ridden theres two Judiciary Committee voted unanimously in
driving penalties. favor of the entire package of bills. The bills
things that have been discomforting to me
now await action by the full Senate.
that is people who pass me too closely and
On September 27, 2017, the new package
people who are going relatively fast, even if Though the Kalamazoo tragedy is no longer
of legislation faced a hearing in front of the
pass too quickly and closely. prominent in the news, we continue to see
Senate Judiciary Committee. Ahead of the
hearing, the committee members offices were Paul Gobble called out the need to change bicycle crash headlines. As long as emails
once again flooded with emails and phone the driving culture and address the and phone calls continue to stream into
calls from bicycle advocates. lawmakers offices, bicycle issues will continue
animosity many bicyclists feel from motorists
to be in the spotlight.
for just being on the roadway. He cited the


Just How Much Space Does a Cyclist Need, Anyway?
Sue Kropscott - Cycling Savvy
As with most issues, opinions vary on how
much space a cyclist needs. And as with
anything else, the more factual information
we have and the more knowledge we gain, the
more valid our conclusions become. Lets walk
through what we know about the characteris-
tics of a bicycle and applicable Michigan traffic
law as it relates to a cyclists spatial needs.

Lateral spatial needs are determined by

combining operating width, space for defen-
sive riding, and clearance from other vehicles.

The American Association of State Highway

and Traffic Officials (AASHTO) determines
the minimum operating width of an upright
bicycle to be 4 feet, allowing 30 inches for the
bicycle and cyclist, plus 9 inches to each side.
A lot of people stop here when determining
adequate bicycling space. After all, thats what Figure 1
cars are allotted the width of the vehicle plus reactive steering characteristics of a bicycle more time and space they have to coordinate
a little bit to each side. See how that space constitute a fall risk when riding over them. their movements and share space safely.
looks when sharing a 12-foot lane in Figure 1. Cyclists need space to go around hazards.
Cyclists need space between themselves
However, there is an important difference To protect their own safety, cyclists need to and other vehicles. Gusts of wind blast from
between 4-wheeled vehicles and 2-wheeled ride where they can see and be seen. Traveling larger, fast-moving vehicles, encountering an
vehicles. 4-wheeled vehicles dont fall over; where one has the best sight lines (vantage) is a unexpected hazard, or contacting a raised
2-wheeled vehicles do. Unlike the wide tires basic safety strategy for all driversmotorists, roadway feature can cause cyclists to veer
on motor vehicles that can easily roll over motorcyclists, and bicyclists. Thats why car suddenly. Cyclists need space to swerve or
most surface hazards, the narrower tires and drivers are positioned on the left side of the fall unexpectedly without risk of being hit by
car. The sooner people see each other, the approaching motorists.

Cyclists need separation not only from moving

vehicles, but stationary ones as well. When
analyzing crash data from sources that include
doorings (crashes caused by opening a car
door into traffic), recent research found that
doorings make up 12% to 27% of all urban car-
bike crashes. (Bike Lanes Next to On-Street
Parallel Parking, Paul Schimek, PhD) Cyclists
need to ride at least 5 feet from parked cars to
protect themselves from getting doored.

So, how much space does a cyclist need?

Besides 4 feet of operating width, cyclists
need several feet more on each side to avoid
hazards, to ride where they can see and be
seen, to fall or swerve unexpectedly, and to
maintain a safe clearance from other vehicles.
That adds up to most of a laneabout the
same space someone driving a car uses. It
looks like Figure 2.

Figure 2 Coninued on Page 10

HUB Fest - A Successful Inaugural Year
Elly St. John - LMB Intern
This summer, LMB added a new event to our cool during packet pick-up and heated by the off to explore and add more mileage to their
tour lineup, launching HUB Fest, a one-day time the first after-party band began to play. day. Many sat in lawn chairs or a patch of grass
cycling event for all Michigan bicyclists Mighty winds ensured that riders enjoyed to laugh with one another, rub sore feet, or
capped off by a party. HUB Fest, short for an excellent workout no matter which route take an afternoon nap. Some people danced
Hadrians Ultimate Bicycle Fest, took place on they chose. while others rested and soaked in the music as
June 10 in Adrian, Michigan, an off-the-beat- the bands ended the day on a great note.
en-path cycling destination loved for its quiet, The range of cycling opportunities around
hilly country roads. The host city lent some Adrian meant that HUB Fest could offer four With preparations for next year already under-
of its history to HUB Fests name. The town unique routes to choose from. The Hadrian way, we are looking to improve on a successful
of Adrian was named in honor of Hadrian, a Hoopla route traveled along the quiet Kiwanis first year for HUB Fest. Plans include better
Roman emperor known for being a just ruler trail for a 7 or 15 mile ride. Though children are road markings and a condensed after-party
and building Hadrians Wall in Britain. Adrian always welcome on LMB Tours, the Hadrian schedule. LMB considers HUB Fest a smash
was chosen as the location of the event not Hoopla is the first route to be specifically hit destined to become one of Michigan bicy-
only for the towns historic qualities, but also designed for children, complete with a skills clists favorites. It was a joy to see the bicycling
for the variety in the cycling opportunities the course and a bounce house. community, of all ages, join together to share a
surrounding area offers. day dedicated to riding in Michigan.
Some of our most adventurous riders took
After months of planning, participants began on the Gravel Grinder, where they twisted We could not be more excited to see everyone
arriving the night before HUB Fest, some through 55 miles of Adrians off-roads. Riders again at HUB Fest 2018!
taking advantage of a pre-registration event at raved about this new course at the after-party,
Cotton Brewing Company, a local craft brewery. with beer in their hands and big, muddy smiles
Over 200 riders pre-registered for one of HUB on their faces.
Other LMB Tours 2018 Stats:
Fests four routes. Almost 50 more took advan- The Road Ramble was a challenge for our heart-
tage of day-of registration. Bicyclists ranging Sunrise Adventure - June 15-18, 2017
iest riders who cycled their choice of a 40, 62, or
in age from two years old to 76 years young Riders: 79 Female, 66 Male
100 mile route. Though a few cyclists reported
joined. The weather on June 10th started off Youngest Rider: 7
slight confusion about a couple road markings,
a first-year bump-in-the-road, most cyclists Oldest Rider: 86
said they had a blast, nonetheless. Number of States Represented: 5
Number of Countries Represented: 1
Finally, for our cyclists with a taste for wine, Farthest Traveled: GA
our fourth route, Vino Velo, brought cyclists High Temp of the Week: 75.2
to three local wineries. Riders sampled wine Low Temp of the Week: 58.3
while sitting on outside decks to rest and
enjoy the gorgeous views. MUP - July 9-15, 2017
Riders: 81 Female, 97 Male
SAGs along the routes were ready to fight the Youngest Rider: 7
summer heat, having prepared snacks, Gato- Oldest Rider: 82
rade, and lots of water to replenish cyclists Farthest Traveled: WA
on their travels. Camaraderie was in the air as High Temp of the Week: 82.0
cyclists stopped to help each other fix flat tires Low Temp of the Week: 50.0
or check in to see how their rides were going.
Shoreline West - August 5-12, 2017
When cyclists made their way back to home Riders: 200 Female, 278 Male
base, they were greeted with a variety of deli- Youngest Rider: 11
cious food, with options from BBQ to vegan Oldest Rider: 81
choices. Cold beer from two Adrian breweries Number of States Represented: 27
were chilled and ready at hand. The summer Farthest Traveled: HI
afternoon turned into the night with sounds High Temp of the Week: 84.0
from local bands. Some cyclists could not get Low Temp of the Week: 55.0
enough of the quaint Adrian town as they set


Photos Courtesy of Tim Potter and Ken Mathis.
Want Better Roads? Look Local
Katie Parrish - Contributing Writer
The pothole came out of nowhere, as potholes 20% goes to the countys parks and recreation
often do. commission to expand the countys non-
motorized path network. Some of the parks
I hit my brakes too late. Moments later my revenue will help rehash their Connecting
back was against the pavement, my bike flung Communities grant program, which supports
further down the block. I was in downtown locally-driven path projects in municipali-
Ann Arbor and the crash had drawn attention. ties. The remaining funds will help expand
Embarrassed and surrounded by concerned the Border-to-Border (B2B) Trail which hugs Despite the failure of 2015s Proposal 1, a
strangers, I quickly stood up, got back on the the Huron River from Dexter, east through ballot measure that would have raised taxes to
bike and headed home. Ann Arbor and into Ypsilanti. The ultimate generate funding for road repairs and more,
vision for the B2B is 70 miles of a continuous voters have overwhelmingly passed local
The next day brought a diagnosis of broken road initiatives in recent years. Out of the 75
non-motorized pathways
ribs and a premature end to my 2016 cycling road millages on the November 2016 ballot
season. There was little I could do for my Expanding our path networks is essential if in Michigan, 70 of them passed with an
broken bones, but there was something we want to encourage cycling and provide average of 67% of voters in favor. What
I could do about the pothole. I worked at safe non-motorized routes, but that doesnt makes Washtenaws millage unique is that
Washtenaw County Road Commission at the mean road cyclists were forgotten. The it is the only county-level initiative that
time, and it was pure coincidence that the road millage stipulates that no less than 50% of the recognized that citizens want bike lanes and
I crashed on would soon be resurfaced, thanks road projects within each municipality other non-motorized improvements.
to an innovative millage designed by both our (and 25% in townships) must include a
county commission and the road commission. non-motorized component such as bicycle I cant imagine residents of Washtenaw County
lanes or widened shoulders. are alone. Many communities want more
Washtenaw Countys Road and Non- bicycle lanes, care-free paths, and smoother
Motorized Path Millage Finding Local Solutions roads. The good news is we dont have to
The initiative was the first county-level millage pick between good roads or cycling-friendly
The millage wont improve road conditions roadswe can have both. There are tools
of its kind in Michigana four-year plan that everywhere, nor does it avail the funding
will repair over 200 miles of roadways, add available that can help rebuild and repair our
needed to build a comprehensive network of roads in a way that promotes bicycling, safety
more bike lanes and expand the countys bicycle lanes and protected paths, but it is a
non-motorized path network. The millage and environmental sustainabilitywe just
step in the right direction. And at a time when have to get creative and look local.
sailed through the November 2016 election influencing national and state policy can feel
with 72% of the vote, including support from out of reach, the millage can also serve as a Katie Parrish is the Communications Officer at
those far outside cycling-friendly Ann Arbor. model for how we can repair and reshape our the Michigan Environmental Council and former
infrastructure at the local level. Communications Manager at the Washtenaw County
Before any revenue goes toward roads, the first Road Commission.

Above: Liberty Road before and after. Photo by Katie Parrish.

Top Right: Huron River Dr, a very popular road for cyclists. Photo by Roy Townsend.


Why I Tour in Michigan Secretary Rides a Bike
Barabara Acker - Contributing Writer Lisa Burris - Contributing Writer
So what makes these out-of-state
cyclists go through all the planning In the backwoods of my mind,
and preparation to ride one of Michi-
The thrill of descent is always worth the climb.
gans organized rides? Riding down
quiet roads or limestone trails offers a Lists, rifts & a million unchecked boxes demand attention
respite from quotidian life. There is time Along with bodily fluids I care not mention.
to admire the forestry or watch the sun I escape like a child running from chores.
hit the water, making it sparkle in a
silvery light. There is time to see chip- I suit up and open the hatch to the great outdoors.
munks, squirrels, deer, fox, and even Work is constant, life is tiring,
the occasional bear cross the path in My frazzled brain requires frequent rewiring.
front of you. And there are also the long
Im lying in my tent, listening to the
sunny days that dont end until almost
I hit auto-drive and head to the woods
sounds of the campground, the crick-
10 p.m. And with Michigan weather, To recharge, reset--itll do me some good.
ets and the snorers, and realizing that
it really was all worth itthe planning,
ambiguity is a given. Driving rain, bike Suddenly space for contemplation opens,
shorts that dont dry overnight, damp
the packing, the wondering if I could I pull and I push, and grind through the motions.
bike shoes, and setting up or packing
yet ride another Michigan bike tour.
up a wet tent are sometimes not what This reintroduces me to the best me I know.
For more than twenty years, I have was bargained for. But then there Self-described novice mountain biker,
are those cherry pies, turnovers, and
completed various bike tours in Michi- experienced pleasure road rider,
gan, and the last ten have been a cobblers that make it worth the trip on
commute from Colorado. Its not that their own. I am also a mother, wife, a night owl,
Colorado doesnt have bike tours, but And an aspiring writer.
Overriding any of the bad, are the
theyre of a different kind. Most of them
people. It seems to me, that the people I work an 8-4 where I file and type,
are multiple daily century rides, often
involving snow at the summit. I prefer
who ride these Michigan tours quickly Im lost behind a huge desk,
an easier pace, with lakes and foliage, as
become family. And who doesnt want The phone rings off the hook,
to keep in touch with family? To laugh
opposed to riding above the tree line,
and joke, even about the mud, the road
Im proud of my profession, and I love it most days,
having to use my inhaler while I climb,
rash, the missing turn that cost an extra On others, Im most satisfied when I get away.
or attempt to climb, thousands of feet.
Coming to Michigan is worth it. After
15 milesthis is what its all about. I shred stress by the mile, I constantly smile.
booking a flight, I pack for a week of For more than twenty years, I have seen With my bike under me, Im never so free,
camping: including my tent, sleeping my family every year. Although its Im one with the mud, friends with the trees.
bag, and now as an arthritic retiree, an only once a year, I couldnt imagine not
inflatable air mattress, along with the My body is dense, I am tough to the core,
finding them at registration, being able
requisite bike shorts and jerseys. I am to hug them, and setting off together Ready to conquer the next challenge in store.
ready to go. for another Michigan bike tour. Same ol path, different day, steady beat,
Im not the only one who comes back Legs churn to the rhythm of clipped-in feet.
to Michigan for the various summer Bugs in my teeth, sun on my back,
bike tours. Ive met people from
Ohio, Florida, California, and other
Steep blind turns, downhill attack!
states. They come to Michigan to ride Pedals hover without much thought,
LMBs Shoreline West, the DALMAC, Over Michigan terrain: stones, roots, and rot.
and many others. Some of us arrive
Climbing back up, I pant, I burn,
early and join warm-up rides to help
us adjust to the heat and humid- I bless my strong legs and the sturdy crank they turn.
ity; others stay after the tour, enjoying I can become everything I strive to be,
the local trails while riding by crystal
Strong and steady, sure, true, and free
clear lakes.
Revel in yourself and the terrain,
Remembers a School Secretary on her personal day.
Its been two decades
since Jeanne Brown
hopped on a bike.
The retired Michigan State University child
development professor said she has loved
bikes since she was a kid.

Now, shes rolling again and declaring it fun.

The return to her childhood joy is courtesy of
her retirement home in Williamston, which
purchased an expensive, giant tricycle from
Denmark called a trishaw, apparently a first for
the Mitten State.

Its like a pedicab or rickshaw but instead of

sitting behind the rider, or pilot, passengers
sit up front to experience an unobstructed Todd Walter, owner of Crosaires, a residential living facility for the elderly in Williamston, gives a ride to 103-year-old Matilda
view and the unobstructed air. The trike is part Post of Haslett, and Ziona Bisno, 94, of Williamston on the facilitys trioBike Taxi on Sept. 8, 2017. Photos: Matthew Dae Smith/
Lansing State Journal, with permission.
of a hot trend out of Europe called Cycling
Without Age. Kassow said, via Twitter, that its the first Friends Ziona Bisno, 94, and Matilda Post, 103,
trishaw in Michigan. His website lists 50 got on for a spin on a recent Friday. The air had
It allows folks to be back on a bike and Cycling Without Age chapters in the U.S. but a nip of fall and the women were cold.
experience the wind in their hair, said Todd none in Michigan.
Walter, the owner of Crosaires, a home for six After a few minutes down the driveway and
older adults in Williamston. Crosaires is Gaelic Walter has become one of 10,000 trained a ride along Zimmer Road, Bisno, who lives at
for crossroads, he explains. pilots across the globe. the home, pronounces the ride rocky but she
has a big smile on her face as she exits the bike.
Walter said an intern working at his home Its not surprising that the trend comes from Her friend, who was visiting, tried the ride but
was looking for ways to engage seniors last Copenhagen, known for being extremely wasnt enthusiastic about it.
winter and he found an online site about bike friendly. I visited the city two years ago.
returning the rewards of cycling to those with Though I did sightseeing via a bus and on foot, Walter is convinced theyll ask to ride again on
limited mobility. there was no room for doubt that Danes love another day.
their bicycles, they are everywhere.
Cycling Without Age started in 2012 by Ole Brown, the MSU retiree, is a lot more upbeat.
Kassow in Copenhagen, Denmark. Kassow The trioBike, the brand name for the trishaw, She recalls her days teaching in China.
started offering free bike rides on the trishaws was an eye-popping $8,000. Walter raised
to nursing home residents. Its a movement donations to buy the bike from a Copenhagen, Ive ridden the rickshaw in China. They
based on kindness, slow rides and storytelling. Denmark dealer that he found through the were scary, Brown recalled. They never hit
Cycling Without Age website. It was delayed anything but you think youre going to die any
for six weeks when the freight company second.
had a cyber-attack. It arrived about a month The trishaw is much slower, no more than 10
ago, just in time for residents to enjoy the miles per hour and Brown contrasts the ride
remains of summer. favorably to the long-ago rickshaw.
He said its helping older adults connect to It was much more serene, she said.
other area residents, such as a neighbor who
grows giant pumpkins and regularly welcomes Re-printed with permission. Judy Putnam, Lansing
the trishaw riders to his farm. State Journal, Published Sept. 18, 2017. Judy Putnam is
a columnist with the Lansing State Journal.
It is a life enhancer, there is no doubt,
Walter said.


Continued from Page 4 When Cars Turn Left
But what about the law that says you have to ride
on the far right? Lets take a quick look at how and Sarah W. Colegrove & Todd E. Briggs
why that law came to be, and what it actually says. We recently represented a person who was When 2 vehicles enter an intersection
injured while riding her bicycle. She was from different highways at approximately
When automobiles started becoming more preva-
lent, the law was made for cyclists to ride near riding through an intersection that had a the same time, the driver of the vehicle
the far right edge of the lane in order to facilitate stop light. Even though she had the green on the left shall yield the right of way to
in-lane passing by motorists. But it soon became light, a car turning left from the opposite vehicle on the right.
obvious that riding in this position is problem- direction, who also had the green light, struck
atic for cyclists, so a long list of exceptions** was When a vehicle approaches the intersection
her causing significant injury. of a highway from an intersecting highway
added for the purpose of assuring cyclists safety
when being passed. [Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) or street which is intended to be and is
Unfortunately, this is one of the most common
Section 257.660a.] When any of these exceptions constructed as, a merging highway or street,
scenarios we get hired to litigate. Who was in
apply, cyclists do not have to ride on the far right and is plainly marked at the intersection
of the lane. the right?
with appropriate merge signs, the vehicle
The most significant exception is if the lane is As we know, each person riding a bicycle shall yield right of way to a vehicle so close
too narrow to permit a vehicle to safely overtake upon a roadway has all of the rights and as to constitute an immediate hazard on the
and pass a bicycle. The Michigan Department of highway about to be entered and shall adjust
is subject to all of the duties applicable to
Transportation (MDOT) Bicycle and Pedestrian its speed so as to enable it to merge safely
the driver of a motor vehicle (MCL 257.657).
Terminology booklet, in agreement with numer- through traffic.
ous traffic guidance documents, defines a narrow
The applicable statue when a bicyclist is
lane as a travel lane less than 14 feet wide, which riding through an intersection with a traffic It is important to know and understand
therefore does not allow bicyclists and motorists to signal is MCL 257.650 and it states: At an the rules of the road when cycling on the
travel side-by-side within the same traffic lane and intersection at which a traffic signal is located, road, in particular these rules pertaining to
maintain a safe separation of distance. a driver intending to make a left turn shall the right of way at intersection. Feel free
permit vehicles bound straight through in the to email us at attorneys@briggscolegrove.
As it turns out, this exemption alone applies to
approximately 99% of all lanes, making it rare that opposite direction which are waiting a go com with your questions and comments.
the far to right law applies at all. Most lanes are 10 to signal to pass through the intersection before
12 feet wide. As a result, cyclists can use as much of making the turn. As always, please ride safely!
a lane as they need in order to ride defensively and
protect their own safety. Here, the bicyclist had the right of way
But isnt it RUDE to take up a full lane? Courtesy
because she was lawfully riding straight
and cooperation are important components of our through the intersection over the car who
traffic system. Well discuss how cyclists can partici- turned left in front of her without yielding.
pate safely, legally and politely, in the next issue. In Michigan, since the automobile driver
was at fault and caused the collision, the
** In 2016, LMB led a successful campaign to amend
the MVC from saying as close as possible to as no-fault insurer of the automobile driver is
close as practicable. The change added five specif- liable for any pain and suffering the bicyclist
ic exceptions for when a cyclist is allowed to ride experienced, if her injury is above the
further in the travel lane. threshold mandated by MCL 500.3135. 2017 Todd E. Briggs and Sarah W. Colegrove.
Todd and Sarah are lawyers in private practice.
Editors Note: LMB advocates 5 feet as the minimum In addition to helping athletes injured in bicycle
Other potential right of way rules that motor and sports-related accidents, they concentrate in
amount of space a vehicle should give a bicyclist
when passing. Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, vehicles are required to follow, when no the areas of civil litigation, including personal
injury, commercial litigation, probate and estate
Portage, Oshtemo Township, Dearborn, Kalamazoo traffic control device is present, to ensure planning law. Todd and Sarah are competitive
Township, and Norton Shores have all adopted five- safe bicycle travel are found at MCL 257.649, cyclists, triathletes and adventure racers. Each has
competed in many state and national swimming,
foot passing ordinances. Battle Creek has a similar which state: running, biking and triathlon competitions,
policy. including the Hawaii Ironman. You can contact
The driver of a vehicle approaching them at the following address or telephone number:
Sue Kropscott is a CyclingSavvy Instructor, LMB Briggs Colegrove, P.C.
an intersection shall yield the right of
member, & life-long transportation cyclist. Cycling- 660 Woodward Ave., Suite 1523
Savvy is an adult traffic cycling course. For more way to a vehicle which has entered the Detroit, Michigan 48226
information, visit cyclingsavvy.org intersection from a different highway. [email protected]
(313) 964-2077

Thank You to Our Donors!
Benefactors - $1,000+ Kerry Irons Dave Duffield
Kalamazoo Bicycle Club* Amy Duggan
Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society* Richard Lapinski Nick Durrie
Bicycle Product Suppliers Association Mary & John Lindenmayer Michael Ehr
Briggs Colegrove, P.C. Suzy McCain** Edward Elliott
Cherry Capital Cycling Club* Joanne Miller Scott Elliott
Clinton River Riders Bicycle Club, Inc.* George Moses Steve Ellis
Bill Danly Megan Norris Martha Eshbaugh
Kisscross Events* Rick Oberle Susan Feldman
Makulinski Family Foundation Rotary Club of Northville* John Fike
Dennis Pace Michael Sheean Tom Finholt
Primal Wear Slow Spokes Bicycle Club* Maribeth Fletcher
Steven Roach Third Coast Cycling* Steve Fox
Sinas Dramis Law Firm - Bike Law Michigan Monette Thorrez Charlie Fraley
Michael Sproul Ultimate Cycle Challenge* Patrick Francis
Tri-County Bicycle Association Ginger Virkler Bill Frey
David Zatkoff Friends of the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail, Inc.*
Platinum - $500-$999 Fun Promotions LLC*
Silver - $100-$249 Gretchen Gabler
Gary Baun Michael Gadola
Scott Booth Sandy Adams-Hernandez Kris Gaumer
Lindsey DesArmo Dick Allen Allen Gelderloos
Karen Dunnam Paul Babbitt Shannon Gleason
Karl Fava Debbie Bacal Grayling Rotary Club*
Maureen Gallagher Jim and Rebecca Beebe Habitat for Humanity of Clinton County*
Heart Smart Events, LLC* Bike More Edmore* Joyce Halstead
Hude Legal Services, PLLC** Bike Tour Vacations, LLC* Barry Hill
Douglas Kirk John Blase G Daniel Hoffman
John Lindenmayer & Sarah Schillio Albert Bordine Hometown Bicycles, LLC
PALM, Inc.* Dean Brailey Ann Hunt
Anne Readett Beth Brandvain Iceman Promotions, Inc.
Paul Selden Arthur Bull Mark Kappler
The Mosaic Foundation Robert Burslem Steve Kofflin
Wayne State University* Layne Cameron James Kovacik
Diana Yount Bill Camp Nancy Krupiarz
Zingerman's Delicatessen Capital Area Transportation Authority* Cynthia Krupp
Jim Carpenter William Lajack
Gold - $250-$499 Albert Cattell Al Lauland
Joann Cavaletto Jay Lonsway
Al's Quick Release Bicycle Sales & Service Chalfonte Foundation* Loose Spokes, Inc.*
Ann Arbor Velo Club Kenneth Clark Vic Lukasavitz
Lyndon Babcock Randy Clay Linda Lynch
Benzie Sunrise Rotary Club* Riley Combs Jan Mack
Gary Berk Doug Cornelson Larry Macklem
Big Bear Sportsmans Club* Nancy Culbertson Macomb Bike & Fitness
Cascades Cycling Club* Cycle Safe, Inc. Robert Madsen
Thomas Clark Tom D'Ambrosio Richard Marr
Climate Ride Inc. Sharon Darby Maumee Valley Adventurers*
Dan & Cecilia Decook William Davis Kevin McCurren
Bill Duemling Carol Derks Bonnie Michalak
Mike Fitzsimmons Ken and Becky DesArmo Rich Moeller
Friends of the Blue Star Trail* Detroit Randonneurs* Cecil Moix
Hugh Garton Wendell Dilling Robert Monroe
Genesee Wanderers Bicycle Club* Jeff Dodds Monroe Cycling Club*
Paul Gillan Matt Dolmage Motorless Motion Bicycles
Mark Hall Lawrence Dudek MRA Psychiatrics, PC


* $1 Per Rider Event Sponsor ** In-Kind Donations
Donations from October 1st, 2016 to October 1st, 2017
Jesse Munroe Steve Barnaby Robert Holmes
Wes Nichols Robert Barnes Peter Houk
Daniel O'Toole Joan Bauer Patrick Hudson
P&T Fitness* Syd Baxter Barbara Huey
PEAC* Karen Beauregard David Ippel
Rick Pearce John Begin Robert Ishmael
Ronda Peter Judith Beltman Peter Janick
James Pike John Billette Marlene Jenkins
Gloria Pitsch Biologics Consulting Group Aneta Kiersnowski
Gary Poore Mark Bissell Sue Kingsley
Dennis Prost Christoper Bloch Steve Kuntzman
Matthew Putti Peter Bowen Gary Larson
Kathryn Remlinger Carol Bray Paul Lipson
John Renkema Thoralf Brecht Jack Lockwood
Robert Robertson John Brown Dan Lonowski
Rock 'n' Road Cycle Susan Bryan Robert Lovell
Ted Ruys Jacob Budnick Michael Marcincuk
Peter Sandretto Andrew Buist Colin Mayers
Serge Schillio Wade Burch Bill McConnell
Kevin Schumacher Tim Callender Brian McLean
Peter Scornaiencki Douglas Carvell Terry McLeod
Asad Sheikh Stefan Cerbin Carl Michel
Craig Smith Patricia Cheal Chris Mitchell
David Smith Bob Childers Leah Monger
James Smith City of Ferndale Dean Musgrave
Ron Sollish Bonnie Cleasby Allen Narverud
Southern Lakes Parks and Recreation* Beth Collins National Railroad Memorial, Inc*
John Spraggins Don Connell Kristine Nelson
Dan Stockwell Michael Cromley Ann Novitsky
Timothy Thomas Dan Dailey Bob Otwell
Jennifer Tustian Ingrid Davis Michael Painter
Mary Underwood Mary Dougherty Robert Pardee
United Way of the Lakeshore* Tami Duquette Denny Pennington
Michael Unsworth George Dykstra Joseph Pergande
Ward Van Dam Frank Eaman Sharlene Priebe
Michael Vargo Ralph Emmons Pro Sports*
Marco Verzocchi Perry Engstrom Roger Raehl
Bryan Waldman Robert Falik Richard Rapparlie
Brian Walker Fallasburg Historical Society* Allen Rayl
Douglas Warren Jeff Ferrari Craig Rohrer
Thomas Wayne Joseph Gallagher John Rudell
Lynee Wells Michael Gardynik Sarna Salzman
Alfred Wessel Brian Gilchrist Bill Savage
Richard Williams Susan Haasch Ann Siegle
Edward Wilson Talbot Hack Grace Singleton
Ron Zeeb Lee Hardy Ken Snodgrass
Patrick Harrington Karen Stearns
Bronze - $50-$99 Barbara Hart Michael Stein
Donald Healy Michael Stifler
Robin Allen Chris & Lisa Hebb Maureen Sullivan
Eric and Julie Anderson Richard Helling Teaching Family Homes of Northern
Ann Arbor Classic Bicycle and Minibike Show Sharon Hermach Michigan*
Tom Auer David Hewens Robert Thayer
Margaret Bake Michael Hinterman The Stable Outdoor Outfitters
Robert Balwinski Roger Hoffman Thomas Tisue
John Bannow David Holmberg Daniel Tomala

Catherine Troyer Kim Clapham Kathy James Linda Schneider
Barbara Underwood Brian Clark James Jeske Gordon Seiler
Randy Valko Jeff Conner Ben Jones Sherry Sheldon
Donald Van Suilichem Margie Cornett Catherine Juon Gary Siler
Cathy Vander Muelen Michael Cover Shirley Kadoura Stan Simek
Martin Waalkes Mary Covert-Mason Cynthia Kadzban Allan Simons
Win Walker Kevin Crawford Sue Karschnick Dawn Sloan
Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Calli Crow Dan Kent Helen Smith
Coalition Sam Davis Karen Kligman Susan Smith
Andy Westmoreland Duane Defer Susan Klooster Michael Somand
Debra Williams Kimberly & Jeremy Demarest Gordon Knight Doug Spence
William Wright Downriver Cycling Club Bob Kollar Shelley Spivack
Tom Yersak Joseph Dragun Wayne Koppa Strade Bianche Bicycle Races*
Jessica Yorko Rod Ebrite Ann Marie Krcmarik Peter Sturrus
Karen Zehnder Bob Elkus Lisa Kruzel Jim Sunstrum
Richard Ellis James Lee Raymond Tchou
Copper - $1-$49 Heather Endo Gary MacGregor Jennifer Tislerics
Suzanne Erbes Kevin Magin Stephen Tower
Dale Abbott Erwin Erkfitz Debra Maynard Jodi Turner
Mike Adkins Walter Eschtruth Brian McGrain Edward Valenzuela
Jim Adox Gwen Evich Michael Mercatante Bob Veneklasen
Michael Adsit Robert Falik Laurie Mercure Wakefield Chamber of
David Armstrong Dennis Fasbinder Metro 313 Cyclones* Commerce*
Assenmacher Cycles Marc Fenneuff Martin Meyer James Walter
Lynn Babcock Florian Figge Emily Meyerson George Webster
Susan Bailo Al Fisk Thomas Miller Michael Wells
Kenneth Ballema Diane Flatley Donald Millikin Melissa Werkman
Carol Beard Barbara Fongers Ed Moore Kimberly White
Tom Beaudoin Cheryl Ford Nancy Moore Mark White
Tom Belliotti Jay Fowler Robert Moore Paul Wilhelm
Ronald Benedict Tim Gauthier Michael Muma Bryan Wilkinson
Robert Berard Trish Gilbert Jack Noppe Kenneth Willbanks
Leon Berdy Adam Goodman O.U.M.C. Youth* John Wood
Ellamae Bergman Bruce Gordon Richard O'Malley Mackenzie Woodring
Barbara Bidigare Gaston Gosselin Thomas Owens Lee Wright
Brian Bird Margaret Grabowski Denise Parr Amy Yamasaki
Julie Boland Jennifer Grau James Pecott
Jeanette Bostrom-Eastham Great Lakes Urban* Gordon Pennington
Mike Brinkmann Valerie Grix Phillip Peterson
Steve Brostek Bill & Mary Lou Guisinger Henry Post
Jerry Brouhard Brian Hancock Caroline Price
Stephen Brown Stephen Hannon Beth Prillwitz
Aaron Brunscheen Landi Heller Larry Rawsthorne
Nancy Burghardt Robert Herbst Ride for Warriors* Recurring Donors
Dennis Burke Nazih Hijaouy Adam Robinson
Richard Burkholder Jeff Hoffman Rolling Praire Lions Club* Rebecca Farrington
Gerald Burns Michael Hogan Michelle Rosa-Derdowski Adam Goodman
Joseph Calcaterra Dennis Howell Kathy Roschek Nazih Hijaouy
Camp Michawana* Daniel Howey Jim & Kathy Rosochacki Robert Lovell
Lisa Campbell David Hughes Lisa Rowley Thomas Owens
Ron Campbell Mary Humm Yvonne Rucker Yvonne Rucker
Dennis Carlson Lori Huver Phil Sanderson Luanne St. Peter
Viola Carson I Ride the Countryside* Ray Saracino Michael Wells
Philip Caruso Mary Anne Jaeger Gene Sawdon Wayne White
Chuck Cigrand Chuck Jager Russell Scaffede


League of Michigan Bicyclists
Memorial Gifts Membership & Donation Form
In Memory of Ralph Finneren Join, renew, or donate by check,
Lauren Jenkins credit card or on our website:
In Memory of Deborah Ann Patterson Contact the LMB office regarding gift memberships
Dorothy Gotlib or to make a donation in someones honor.
Annual Memberships New Renewal
In Memory of Michael Seaman Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20
Stacey & Robert Alexander Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$40
Christopher Anderson Family/Household . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$60
Robert Baron Organization/Business/
Jennifer Boyce Club/Shop/Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100
Phillip Farber
David Hilt Lifetime Memberships New Renewal
Randy Kessler Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$650
Rick Plite - Kisscross Events Organization/Business/
Jim Seitz Club/Shop/Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1500
Annie Smith
Margaret Ward
I am interested in setting up automatic renewal of
my membership.
Girls on the Run
Optional Tax Deductible Donation
In Memory of Eric Snider, Jr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500
Eric and Julie Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125
In Memory of Harold E. Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75
Margaret Ward Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$
I am interested in setting up a recurring donation.
In Memory of Kris Talley
Promo Code
Phillip Farber
Member Name
In Memory of Michael C. Vargo Contact (Ind/Org/Bus/
Michael Vargo Shop/Club)
In Honor of Michael Unsworth
City State Zip
Jim Unsworth
In Honor of Joseph, Samuel & Penelope Riegling E-mail
Ryan Riegling
In Honor of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail Name on Credit Card
Antoinette Thompson
Credit Card #
Credit Card Address
Same as Above
Expiration Date (mm/yy)
LMB is thankful for every one of our generous donors
and aims to make this list as complete and accurate as
Membership Total
possible. LMB also would like to thank the dozens of
donors who collectively gave over $15,000 anonymously. Donation
If any errors, omissions, or other corrections to this list Grand Total
are needed, please contact the LMB office.
Please make checks payable to:
League of Michigan Bicyclists
Mail to: 410 S. Cedar St. Suite A Lansing, MI 48912

410 S. Cedar St. Suite A, Lansing, MI 48912

Dated Material: November 2017

Save the Dates for LMB Tours 2018 Season!

HUB Fest - June 9 MUP - July 7-14
Sunrise Adventure - June 14-17 Shoreline West - August 4-11 15

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