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Users Calendars Events

Ross Scroggs edited this page Nov 5, 2024 · 91 revisions

Users - Calendars - Events

API documentation


<StorageBucketName> ::= <String>
<StorageObjectName> ::= <String>
<StorageBucketObjectName> ::=<StorageBucketName>/<StorageObjectName>|<StorageBucketName>/<StorageObjectName>|

<UserGoogleDoc> ::=
        <EmailAddress> <DriveFileIDEntity>|<DriveFileNameEntity>|(<SharedDriveEntity> <SharedDriveFileNameEntity>)

<CSVFileInput> ::=
        ((<FileName> [charset <Charset>] )|
         (gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>)|
         (gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>)|
         (gcscsv <StorageBucketObjectName>)|
         (gcsdoc <StorageBucketObjectName>))
        [warnifnodata] [columndelimiter <Character>] [noescapechar <Boolean>]  [quotechar <Character>]
        [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)]

<CSVFileSelector> ::=
        csvfile ((<FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ [charset <Charset>] )|
                 (gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet>)|
                 (gdoc(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleDoc>)|
                 (gcscsv(:<FieldName>)+ <StorageBucketObjectName>)|
                 (gcsdoc(:<FieldName>)+ <StorageBucketObjectName>))
                [warnifnodata] [columndelimiter <Character>] [noescapechar <Boolean>] [quotechar <Character>]
                [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)]
                (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)*
                [delimiter <Character>]
<Year> ::= <Digit><Digit><Digit><Digit>
<Month> ::= <Digit><Digit>
<Day> ::= <Digit><Digit>
<Hour> ::= <Digit><Digit>
<Minute> ::= <Digit><Digit>
<Second> ::= <Digit><Digit>
<MilliSeconds> ::= <Digit><Digit><Digit>
<Date> ::=
        <Year>-<Month>-<Day> |
        (+|-)<Number>(d|w|y) |
<DateTime> ::=
        <Year>-<Month>-<Day>(<Space>|T)<Hour>:<Minute> |
        (+|-)<Number>(m|h|d|w|y) |
<Time> ::=
        <Year>-<Month>-<Day>(<Space>|T)<Hour>:<Minute>:<Second>[.<MilliSeconds>](Z|(+|-(<Hour>:<Minute>))) |
        (+|-)<Number>(m|h|d|w|y) |
<TimeZone> ::= <String>

<JSONData> ::= (json [charset <Charset>] <String>) | (json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]) |

<CalendarItem> ::= <EmailAddress>
<CalendarList> ::= "<CalendarItem>(,<CalendarItem>)*"
<CalendarEntity> ::= <CalendarList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>
<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<EmailAddressList> ::= "<EmailAddress>(,<EmailAddress>)*"
<EmailAddressEntity> ::=
        <EmailAddressList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> |
        <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>
<CourseAlias> ::= <String>
<CourseID> ::= <Number>|d:<CourseAlias>
<CourseIDList> ::= "<CourseID>(,<CourseID>)*"
<CourseState> ::= active|archived|provisioned|declined
<CourseStateList> ::= all|"<CourseState>(,<CourseState>)*"
<iCalUID> ::= <String>
<ResourceID> ::= <String>
<ResourceIDList> ::= "<ResourceID>(,<ResourceID>)*"
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>

<CalendarACLRole> ::=

<CalendarSelectProperty> ::=
        minaccessrole <CalendarACLRole>|

<UserCalendarEntity> ::=
        (courses <CourseIDList>)|
        ((courses_with_teacher <UserItem>)|my_courses_as_teacher
          [coursestates <CourseStateList>])|
        ((courses_with_student <UserItem>)|my_courses_as_student
          [coursestates <CourseStateList>])|
        (resource <ResourceID>)|
        (resources <ResourceIDList>)|
        ((calendars <CalendarList>)|<FileSelector>|<CSVFileSelector>|
        <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>)|
<EventAttachmentsSubfieldName> ::=

<EventAttendeesSubfieldName> ::=

<EventConferenceDataSubfieldName> ::=

<EventCreatorSubfieldName> ::=

<EventFocusTimePropertiesSubfieldName> ::=

<EventOrganizerSubfieldName> ::=

<EventOutOfOfficePropertiesSubfieldName> ::=

<EventWorkingLocationPropertiesSubfieldName> ::=

<EventFieldName> ::=
<EventFieldNameList> ::= "<EventFieldName>(,<EventFieldName>)*"

<AttendeeAttendance> ::= optional|required
<AttendeeStatus> ::= accepted|declined|needsaction|tentative
<EventType> ::=
<EventTypeList> ::= "<EventType>(,<EventType>)*"

<EventSelectProperty> ::=
        (after|starttime|timemin <Time>)|
        (before|endtime|timemax <Time>)|
        (eventtype|eventtypes <EventTypeList>)|
        (query <QueryCalendar>)|
        (privateextendedproperty <String>)|
        (sharedextendedproperty <String>)|
        (updatedmin <Time>)

<EventMatchProperty> ::=
        (matchfield attendees <EmailAddressEntity>)|
        (matchfield attendeesonlydomainlist <DomainNameList>)|
        (matchfield attendeesdomainlist <DomainNameList>)|
        (matchfield attendeesnotdomainlist <DomainNameList>)|
        (matchfield attendeespattern <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield attendeesstatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddressEntity>)|
        (matchfield creatoremail <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield creatorname <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield description <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield hangoutlink <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield location <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield organizeremail <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield organizername <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield organizerself <Boolean>)|
        (matchfield status <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield summary <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield transparency <RegularExpression>)|
        (matchfield visibility <RegularExpression>)

<EventIDEntity> ::=
        (id|eventid <EventId>) |
        (event|events <EventIdList> |
        <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVSubkeySelector> | <CSVDataSelector>)
<EventSelectEntity> ::=
        (<EventSelectProperty>+ <EventMatchProperty>*)

<EventEntity> ::=
        <EventIDEntity> | <EventSelectEntity>

<EventColorIndex> ::= <Number in range 1-11>
<EventColorName> ::=
<PropertyKey> ::= <String>
<PropertyValue> ::= <String>
<TimeZone> ::= <String>

<EventAttribute> ::=
        (allday <Date>)|
        (anyonecanaddself [<Boolean>])|
        (attachment <String> <URL>)|
        (attendee <EmailAddress>)|
        (attendeestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress>)|
        (birthday <Date>)|
        (color <EventColorName>)|
        (colorindex|colorid <EventColorIndex>)|
        (description <String>)|
        (end|endtime (allday <Date>)|<Time>)|
        (guestscaninviteothers <Boolean>)|
        (guestscanmodify <Boolean>)|
        (guestscanseeotherguests <Boolean>)|
        (jsonattendees [charset <Charset>] <String>)|
        (jsonattendees file <FileName> [charset <Charset>])|
        (location <String>)|
        (noreminders|(reminder email|popup <Number>))|
        (optionalattendee <EmailAddress>)|
        (originalstart|originalstarttime (allday <Date>)|<Time>)|
        (privateproperty <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue>)|
        (range <Date> <Date>)|
        (recurrence <RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE and EXDATE line>)|
        (reminder <Number> email|popup)|
        (selectattendees [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <UserTypeEntity>)|
        (sequence <Integer>)|
        (sharedproperty <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue>)|
        (source <String> <URL>)|
        (start|starttime (allday <Date>)|<Time>)|
        (status confirmed|tentative|cancelled)|
        (summary <String>)|
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)|
        (timezone <TimeZone>)|
        (transparency opaque|transparent)|
        (visibility default|public|private)

The following attributes are equivalent:
        available - transparency transparent
        guestscantinviteothers - guestscaninviteothers False
        guestscantseeothers - guestscanseeotherguests False
        tentative - status tentative

<EventImportAttribute> ::=
        (organizername <String>)|
        (organizeremail <EmailAddress>)

<EventUpdateAttribute> ::=
        (clearprivateproperty <PropertyKey>)|
        (clearsharedproperty <PropertyKey>)|
        (removeattendee <EmailAddress>)|
        (replacedescription <RegularExpression> <String>)|
        (selectremoveattendees <UserTypeEntity>)

<EventNotificationAttribute> ::=
        notifyattendees|(sendnotifications <Boolean>)|(sendupdates all|enternalonly|none)

The following attributes are equivalent:
        notifyattendees - sendupdates all
        sendnotifications false - sendupdates none
        sendnotifications true - sendupdates all

<EventDisplayProperty> ::=
        (icaluid <String>)|
        (maxattendees <Integer>)|
        (orderby starttime|updated)|
        (timezone <TimeZone>)

Recurrence rules

Recurring events require a rule: recurrence <RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE and EXDATE line>

This is dense reading; a simpler approach is to define a test event in Google Calendar with the recurrence rule that you want, then use gam calendar <EmailAddress> info events eventid <EventId> to get the recurrence rule and use it in subsequent commands.

RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=30 - Daily for 30 days
RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY - Weekly on the same day of the week as the starting day; e.g., every Wednesday
RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=13 - Weekly on the same day of the week as the starting day; e.g., every Wednesday, for 13 weeks
RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY - Monthly on the same day of the month as the starting day; e.g., every 15th of the month
RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=4TH - Monthly on the fourth instance of the starting day; e.g., every 4th Thursday

Event colors

The event color grid presented in and <EventColorIndex> are related like this:

11:tomato 4:flamingo
6:tangerine 5:banana
2:sage 10:basil
7:peacock 9:blueberry
1:lavender 3:grape

Calendar selection

These are the possible values for <UserCalendarEntity>.

  • allcalendars - All calendars in a user's calendar list
  • primary - The user's primary calendar
  • <EmailAddress> - The address of a calendar in a user's calendar list
  • <UniqueID> - The uniqueid of a calendar in a user's calendar list
  • courses <CourseIDList>- The calendars associated with a list of courses
  • courses_with_teacher <UserItem> - The calendars associated with courses with <UserItem> as a teacher
  • my_courses_as_teacher - The calendars associated with the User from <UserTypeEntity> as a teacher
  • courses_with_student <UserItem> - The calendars associated with courses with <UserItem> as a student
  • my_courses_as_student - The calendars associated with the User from <UserTypeEntity> as a student
  • coursestates <CourseStateList> - Used with the previous four options to select courses in a particular state; the default is all
  • resource <ResourceID> - The calendar associated with a resource ID
  • resources <ResourceIDList> - The calendars associated with a list of resource IDs
  • calendars (<CalendarList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>) - A collection of calendars: Collections of Items
  • <CalendarSelectProperty>+ - The calendars in a user's calendar list with the specified properites

Event selection

These are the possible values for <EventEntity>; you either specify event IDs or properties used to select events. If none of the following options are selected, all events are selected.

  • id|eventid <EventId> - A single event ID
  • event|events <EventIdList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVSubkeySelector> | <CSVDataSelector>) - A collection of event IDs: Collections of Items
  • <EventSelectProperty>* <EventMatchProperty>* - Properties used to select events

The Google Calendar API processes <EventSelectProperty>*; you may specify none or multiple properties.

  • after|starttime|timemin <Time> - Lower bound (exclusive) for an event's end time to filter by. If timeMax is set, timeMin must be smaller than timeMax.
  • before|endtime|timemax <Time> - Upper bound (exclusive) for an event's start time to filter by. If timeMin is set, timeMax must be greater than timeMin.
  • eventtypes <EventTypeList> - Select events based on their type.
  • query <QueryCalendar> - Free text search terms to find events that match these terms in any field, except for extended properties
  • privateextendedproperty <String> - A required private property; <String> must be of the form propertyName=value
  • sharedextendedproperty <String> - A required shared property; <String> must be of the form propertyName=value
  • showdeletedevents - Whether to include deleted events (with status equals "cancelled") in the result
  • showhiddeninvitations - Whether to include hidden invitations in the result
  • singleevents - Whether to expand recurring events into instances and only return single one-off events and instances of recurring events, but not the underlying recurring events themselves
  • updatedmin <Time> - Lower bound for an event's last modification time (as a RFC3339 timestamp) to filter by. When specified, entries deleted since this time will always be included regardless of showdeletedevents

GAM processes <EventMatchProperty>*; you may specify none or multiple properties.

  • matchfield attendees <EmailAddressEntity> - All of the attendees in <EmailAddressEntity> must be present
  • matchfield attendeesonlydomainlist <DomainNameList> - All attendee's email addresses must be in a domain in <DomainNameList>
    • For example, this lets you look for events with all attendees in your internal domains. You should include in <DomainNameList> if the events use resources.
  • matchfield attendeesdomainlist <DomainNameList> - Some attendee's email address must be in a domain in <DomainNameList>
    • For example, this lets you look for events with attendees in specific external domains
  • matchfield attendeesnotdomainlist <DomainNameList> - Some attendee's email address must be in a domain not in <DomainNameList>
    • For example, this lets you look for events with attendees not in your internal domains. You should include in <DomainNameList> if the events use resources.
  • matchfield attendeespattern <RegularExpression> - Some attendee's email address must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield attendeesstatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddressEntity> - All of the attendees in <EmailAddressEntity> must be present and must have the specified values.
    • <AttendeeAttendance> - Default is required
    • <AttendanceStatus> - Default isneedsaction
  • matchfield creatoremail <RegularExpression> - The creator email address must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield creatorname <RegularExpression> - The creator name must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield description <RegularExpression> - The description (summary) must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield location <RegularExpression> - The location must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield organizeremail <RegularExpression> - The organizer email address must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield organizername <RegularExpression> - The orgainzer name must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield organizerself <Boolean> - The user must be/not be the organizer of the event
  • matchfield status <RegularExpression> - The summary must match <RegularExpression>. The API documented values are:
    • confirmed
    • tentative
    • cancelled
  • matchfield summary <RegularExpression> - The summary must match <RegularExpression>
  • matchfield transparency <RegularExpression> - The summary must match <RegularExpression>. The API documented values are:
    • opaque - Busy. The API does not seem to return this value; use "(^$)|opaque" to match no value or opaque.
    • transparent - Free/Available
  • matchfield visibility <RegularExpression> - The summary must match <RegularExpression>. The API documented values are:
    • default - The API does not seem to return this value; use "(^$)|default" to match no value or default.
    • public - The API does not seem to return this value if it is the default; use "(^$)|public" to match no value or public.
    • private - The API does not seem to return this value if it is the default; use "(^$)|private" to match no value or private.
    • confidential

Add and import calendar events

gam <UserTypeEntity> add event <UserCalendarEntity> [id <String>] <EventAttribute>+ [<EventNotificationAttribute>]
        [csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]
gam <UserTypeEntity> import event <UserCalendarEntity> icaluid <iCalUID> <EventImportAttribute>+
        [csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]

By default, when an event is created|imported, GAM outputs the calendar name and event ID.

  • csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] - Output the event details in CSV format.

You can specify multiple attachments; <String> is the title of the attachment and <URL> is a sharable link from Google Drive. You must specify all attachments in each command, you can not incrementally add attachments.

Importing events is similar to adding events; the principal difference is that you must specify an iCalUID. All instances of recurring events will have the same iCalUID but different EventIDs. The import command supports two new attributes to set the event organizer, but the API doesn't seem to honor the values; the organizer is set to the calendar owner.

Update calendar events

gam <UserTypeEntity> update events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] <EventUpdateAttribute>+ [<EventNotificationAttribute>]
        [csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]

If <EventEntity> is not specified, all events in <UserCalendarEntity> are selected. This is not typically used unless you're trying to change a basic <EventAttribute>, e.g., color, on all events.

By default, when an event is updated, GAM outputs the calendar name and event ID.

  • csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] - Output the event details in CSV format.

You can clear/modify existing attributes:

  • clearattachments - Delete all attachments
  • clearhangoutsmeet - Clear Hangouts/Meet link
  • clearprivateproperty <PropertyKey> - Clear private properties
  • clearsharedproperty <PropertyKey> - Clear shared properties
  • replacedescription <RegularExpression> <String> - Modify the description

Add calendar attendees

You can specify attendees in the following ways:

  • attendee <EmailAddress> - The attendee attendance is required with status `needsaction'
  • optionalattendee <EmailAddress> - The attendee attendance is optional with status `needsaction'
  • attendeestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress> - One attendee
    • If <AttendeeAttendance> is not specified, the attendee is required to attend
    • If <AttendeeStatus> is not specified, needsaction is chosen
  • jsonattendees [charset <Charset>] <String>
  • jsonattendees file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]
  • selectattendees [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <UserTypeEntity> - Multiple attendees
    • If <AttendeeAttendance> is not specified, all attendees are required to attend
    • If <AttendeeStatus> is not specified, needsaction is chosen

For <UserTypeEntity> See: Collections of Users

Update calendar attendees

The default behavior of gam calendar <CalendarEntity> update events has been changed regarding attendees. In versions of GAM before 5.02.00, updating attendees in calendar events was complicated because you had to supply the complete attendee list even if you just wanted incremental changes. The default behavior now is to allow incremental changes to the attendees list; the current attendee list is downloaded and the specified changes are applied.

The replacemode option invokes the previous behavior from versions before 5.02.00; the current attendee list is replaced.

You can add attendees in the following ways:

  • attendee <EmailAddress> - The attendee attendance is required with status `needsaction'
  • optionalattendee <EmailAddress> - The attendee attendance is optional with status `needsaction'
  • attendeestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress> - One attendee
    • If <AttendeeAttendance> is not specified, the attendee is required to attend
    • If <AttendeeStatus> is not specified, needsaction is chosen
  • jsonattendees [charset <Charset>] <String>
  • jsonattendees file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]
  • selectattendees [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <UserTypeEntity> - Multiple attendees
    • If <AttendeeAttendance> is not specified, all attendees are required to attend
    • If <AttendeeStatus> is not specified, needsaction is chosen

You can remove attendees in the following ways:

  • clearattendees - Clear all current attendees from the attendee list
  • removeattendee <EmailAddress> - Remove a single attendee from the attendee list
  • selectremoveattendees <UserTypeEntity> - Remove a selected collection of attendees from the attendee list

For <UserTypeEntity> See: Collections of Users

Specify calendar attendees with JSON data

You can predefine lists of attendees and use them when creating/updating events. If you set responseStatus to accepted, no notifications are sent.

$ more attendees.json
{"attendees": [{"email": "[email protected]", "responseStatus": "needsAction", "optional": "True"}, {"email": "[email protected]", "responseStatus": "accepted"}, {"email": "[email protected]", "responseStatus": "accepted"}]}

You can use output the attendee information for an event in a calendar and use that data when defining other events.

$ gam redirect stdout ./attendees.json calendar [email protected] info event id 0000h8kk7c9o2tonk73hu2zzzz fields attendees formatjson 
$ more attendees.json 
{"calendarId": "[email protected]", "event": {"attendees": [{"email": "[email protected]", "responseStatus": "accepted"}, {"email": "[email protected]", "responseStatus": "accepted"}], "id": "0000h8kk7c9o2tonk73hu2zzzz"}}

Use jsonattendees file ./attendees.json in create/update event.

Delete selected calendar events

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] [doit] [<EventNotificationAttribute>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> purge events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] [doit] [<EventNotificationAttribute>]

If <EventEntity> is not specified, all events in <UserCalendarEntity> are selected. This is not typically used.

No events are deleted unless you specify the doit option; omit doit to verify that you properly selected the events to delete.

When events are deleted from a calendar, they are moved to the calendar's trash and are only permanently deleted (purged) after 30 days. Following a suggestion here ( you can permanently delete calendar events with purge events. This is achieved by creating a temporary calendar, deleting the events, moving the deleted events to the temporary calendar and then deleting the temporary calendar.

Delete all calendar events

For a user's primary calendar:

gam <UserTypeEntity> wipe events primary

For non-primary calendars:

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete events <UserCalendarEntity> [doit] [<EventNotificationAttribute>]

No events are deleted unless you specify the doit option; omit doit to verify that you properly selected the events to delete.

Empty calendar trash

A user signed in to Google Calendar can empty the calendar trash but there is no direct API support for this operation. To empty the calendar trash a temporary calendar is created, the deleted events are moved to the temporary calendar and then the temporary calendar is deleted.

gam <UserTypeEntity> empty calendartrash <UserCalendarEntity>

Move calendar events to another calendar

Generally you won't move all events from one calendar to another; typically, you'll move events created by the event creator using matchfield creatoremail <RegularExpression> in conjunction with other <EventSelectProperty> and <EventMatchProperty> options.

gam <UserTypeEntity> move events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] destination|to <CalendarItem> [<EventNotificationAttribute>]

Display calendar events

gam <UserTypeEntity> info events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] [maxinstances <Number>]
        [fields <EventFieldNameList>] [showdayofweek]

In <EventEntity>, any <EventSelectProperty> options must precede all other options.

  • maxinstances -1 - Default, display base event
  • maxinstances 0 - Display all instances of a recurring event
  • maxinstances N - Display first N instances of a recurring event

showdayofweek displays dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> show events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] <EventDisplayProperty>*
        [fields <EventFieldNameList>] [showdayofweek]
        [countsonly] [formatjson]

In <EventEntity>, any <EventSelectProperty> options must precede all other options.

By default, only the base event of a recurring event is displayed. Use the <EventSelectProperty> option singleevents to display all instances of a recurring event.

<EventDisplayProperty> orderby starttime is only valid with <EventSelectProperty> singleevents.

showdayofweek displays dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, Gam displays event details, use countsonly to display only the number of events. formatjson does not apply in this case.

gam <UserTypeEntity> print events <UserCalendarEntity> [<EventEntity>] <EventDisplayProperty>*
         [fields <EventFieldNameList>] [showdayofweek]
         [countsonly] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

In <EventEntity>, any <EventSelectProperty> options must precede all other options.

By default, only the base event of a recurring event is displayed. Use the <EventSelectProperty> option singleevents to display all instances of a recurring event.

<EventDisplayProperty> orderby starttime is only valid with <EventSelectProperty> singleevents.

showdayofweek displays columns start.dayOfWeek and end.dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, Gam displays event details, use countsonly to display only the number of events. formatjson does not apply in this case.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Update calendar event attendees

gam <UserTypeEntity> update calattendees <UserCalendarEntity> <EventEntity> [anyorganizer]
        [<EventNotificationAttribute>] [splitupdate] [dryrun|doit]
        (csv|csvfile <CSVFileInput>)
        (delete <EmailAddress>)*
        (deleteentity <EmailAddressEntity>)*
        (add <EmailAddress>)*
        (addentity <EmailAddressEntity>)*
        (addstatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress>)*
        (addentitystatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddressEntity>)*
        (replace <EmailAddress> <EmailAddress>)*
        (replacestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress> <EmailAddress>)*
        (updatestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress>)*
        (updateentitystatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddressEntity>)*

By default, only events in <EventEntity> organized by the user are selected.

  • anyorganizer|allevents - All events in <EventEntity> are selected.

  • csv <FileName> - A CSV file with no header row and two to four columns; the last two columns are optional

    • <EmailAddress>,add,<AttendeeAttendance>,<AttendeeStatus> - Add an attendee
    • <EmailAddress>,delete - Delete an attendee
    • <EmailAddress>,<EmailAddress>,<AttendeeAttendance>,<AttendeeStatus> - Replace the attendee in the first <EmailAddress> with the attendee in the second <EmailAddress>
    • <EmailAddress>,update,<AttendeeAttendance>,<AttendeeStatus> - Update an attendee
  • gsheet <UserGoogleSheet> - A Google Sheet with no header row and two columns

    • <EmailAddress>,add,<AttendeeAttendance>,<AttendeeStatus> - Add an attendee
    • <EmailAddress>,delete - Delete an attendee
    • <EmailAddress>,<EmailAddress>,<AttendeeAttendance>,<AttendeeStatus> - Replace the attendee in the first <EmailAddress> with the attendee in the second <EmailAddress>
    • <EmailAddress>,update,<AttendeeAttendance>,<AttendeeStatus> - Update an attendee
  • delete <EmailAddress> - Delete an attendee

  • deleteentity <EmailAddressEntity> - Delete multiple attendees

  • add <EmailAddress> - Add an attendee

  • addentity <EmailAddressEntity> - Add multiple attendees

  • addstatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress> - Add an attendee

  • addentitystatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddressEntity> - Add multiple attendees

  • replace <EmailAddress> <EmailAddress> - Replace the attendee in the first <EmailAddress> with the attendee in the second <EmailAddress>

  • replacestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress> <EmailAddress> - Replace the attendee in the first <EmailAddress> with the attendee in the second <EmailAddress>

  • updatestatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddress> - Update an attendee

  • updateentitystatus [<AttendeeAttendance>] [<AttendeeStatus>] <EmailAddressEntity> - Update multiple attendees

For add, addstatus and addentitystatus:

  • <AttendeeAttendance> - Default is required
  • <AttendanceStatus> - Default is needsaction

For replace, replacestatus, updatestatus and updateentitystatus:

  • <AttendeeAttendance> - Default is no change from current value
  • <AttendanceStatus> - Default is no change from current value

By default, when you try to replace an email alias with its primary email, the Google Calendar API detects that the underlying user ID is the same and doesn't change the address. The splitupdate option causes GAM to make two updates to the attendee list; the first removes the alias and the second adds the primary email.

The attendee changes are displayed but not processed unless doit is specified.

Status events

Focus time events

Manage focus time events

You can create and delete focus time events; they can not be updated. To update a focus time event, delete the focus time event and recreate it.

gam <UserTypeEntity> create focustime
        [chatstatus available|donotdisturb]|
        [declinemode none|all|new] [declinemessage <String>]|
        [summary <String>]
        (timerange <Time> <Time>
        (recurrence <RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE and EXDATE line>)*

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete focustime
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)+

focus time events span a time range:

  • timerange <Time> <Time> - A time range, may span multiple days

Display focus time events

gam <UserTypeEntity> show focustime
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)+

showdayofweek displays dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print focustime
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)+
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

showdayofweek displays columns start.dayOfWeek and end.dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, Gam displays event details, use countsonly to display only the number of events. formatjson does not apply in this case.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Out of office events

Manage out of office events

You can create and delete out of office events; they can not be updated. To update an out of office event, delete the out of office event and recreate it.

gam <UserTypeEntity> create outofoffice
        [declinemode none|all|new]
        [declinemessage <String>]
        [summary <String>]
        (timerange <Time> <Time>
        (recurrence <RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE and EXDATE line>)*

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete outofoffice
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)+

Out of office events span a time range:

  • timerange <Time> <Time> - A time range, may span multiple days

Display out of office events

gam <UserTypeEntity> show outofoffice
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)+

showdayofweek displays dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print outofoffice
        (timerange <Time> <Time>)+
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

showdayofweek displays columns start.dayOfWeek and end.dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, Gam displays event details, use countsonly to display only the number of events. formatjson does not apply in this case.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Working location events

Manage working location events

You can create and delete working location events; they can not be updated. To update a working location event, delete the working location event and recreate it.

gam <UserTypeEntity> create workinglocation
         (custom <String>)|
         (office <String> [building|buildingid <String>] [floor|floorname <String>]
              [section|floorsection <String>] [desk|deskcode <String>]))
        ((date yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (range yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (daily yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (weekly yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (timerange <Time> <Time>))+

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete workinglocation
        ((date yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (range yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (daily yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (weekly yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (timerange <Time> <Time>))+

Use one of home, custom <String> and office <String> to specify the working location event label.

Working location events are either single all day events or span a time range:

  • date yyyy-mm-dd - A specific day
  • range yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd - Every day in the range
  • daily yyyy-mm-dd <Number> - Every day starting on the date for <Number> total days
  • weekly yyyy-mm-dd <Number> - A day per week starting on the date for <Number> total weeks
  • timerange <Time> <Time> - A time range, may span multiple days

Display working location events

gam <UserTypeEntity> show workinglocation
        ((date yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (range yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (daily yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (weekly yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (timerange <Time> <Time>))+

showdayofweek displays dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print workinglocation
        ((date yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (range yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd)|
         (daily yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (weekly yyyy-mm-dd <Number>)|
         (timerange <Time> <Time>))+
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

showdayofweek displays columns start.dayOfWeek and end.dayOfWeek when event start and end times are displayed.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, Gam displays event details, use countsonly to display only the number of events. formatjson does not apply in this case.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Update History



Notes and Information


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