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Ross Scroggs edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 47 revisions


API documentation

License Products and SKUs

Product Name Product ID
AppSheet 101038
Assured Controls 101039
Chrome Enterprise 101040
Cloud Identity Free 101001
Cloud Identity Premium 101005
Cloud Search 101035
Colab 101050
Education Endpoint Management 101049
Gemini 101047
Google Chrome Device Management Google-Chrome-Device-Management
Google Drive Storage Google-Drive-storage
Google Meet Global Dialing 101036
Google Vault Google-Vault
Google Voice 101033
Google Workspace Additional Storage 101043
Google Workspace Archived User 101034
Google Workspace for Education 101031
Google Workspace for Education 101037
Google Workspace Google-Apps
License Name License SKU Abbreviation
AI Meetings and Messaging 1010470007 aimeetingsandmessaging
AI Security 1010470006 aisecurity
AppSheet Core 1010380001 appsheetcore
AppSheet Enterprise Standard 1010380002 appsheetstandard
AppSheet Enterprise Plus 1010380003 appsheetplus
Assured Controls 1010390001 assuredcontrols
Chrome Enterprise Premium 1010400001 cep
Cloud Identity Free 1010010001 cloudidentity
Cloud Identity Premium 1010050001 cloudidentitypremium
Cloud Search 1010350001 cloudsearch
Colab Pro 1010500001 colabpro
Colab Pro+ 1010500002 colabpro+
Endpoint Education Upgrade 1010490001 eeu
G Suite Basic Google-Apps-For-Business gsuitebasic
G Suite Business Google-Apps-Unlimited gsuitebusiness
G Suite Legacy Google-Apps standard
G Suite Lite Google-Apps-Lite gsuitelite
Gemini Business 1010470003 geminibiz
Gemini Education 1010470004 geminiedu
Gemini Education Premium 1010470005 geminiedupremium
Gemini Enterprise 1010470001 geminient
Google Apps Message Security Google-Apps-For-Postini postini
Google Chrome Device Management Google-Chrome-Device-Management cdm
Google Drive Storage 16TB Google-Drive-storage-16TB 16tb
Google Drive Storage 1TB Google-Drive-storage-1TB 1tb
Google Drive Storage 200GB Google-Drive-storage-200GB 200gb
Google Drive Storage 20GB Google-Drive-storage-20GB 20gb
Google Drive Storage 2TB Google-Drive-storage-2TB 2tb
Google Drive Storage 400GB Google-Drive-storage-400GB 400gb
Google Drive Storage 4TB Google-Drive-storage-4TB 4tb
Google Drive Storage 50GB Google-Drive-storage-50GB 50gb
Google Drive Storage 8TB Google-Drive-storage-8TB 8tb
Google Meet Global Dialing 1010360001 meetdialing,googlemeetglobaldialing
Google Vault Former Employee Google-Vault-Former-Employee vfe
Google Vault Google-Vault vault
Google Voice Premier 1010330002 voicepremier
Google Voice Standard 1010330004 voicestandard
Google Voice Starter 1010330003 voicestarter
Google Workspace Additional Storage 1010430001 gwas
Google Workspace Business - Archived User 1010340002 gsuitebusinessarchived
Google Workspace Business Plus 1010020025 wsbizplus
Google Workspace Business Plus - Archived User 1010340003 wsbizplusarchived
Google Workspace Business Standard 1010020028 wsbizstan
Google Workspace Business Standard - Archived User 1010340006 wsbizstanarchived
Google Workspace Business Starter 1010020027 wsbizstarter
Google Workspace Business Starter - Archived User 1010340005 wsbizstarterarchived
Google Workspace Enterprise Essentials 1010060003 wsentess
Google Workspace Enterprise Plus 1010020020 wsentplus
Google Workspace Enterprise Plus - Archived User 1010340001 gsuiteenterprisearchived
Google Workspace Enterprise Standard 1010020026 wsentstan
Google Workspace Enterprise Standard - Archived User 1010340004 wsentstanarchived
Google Workspace Enterprise Starter 1010020029 wsentstarter
Google Workspace Essentials 1010060001 wsess
Google Workspace Essentials Plus 1010060005 wsessplus
Google Workspace Government Google-Apps-For-Government gsuitegov
Google Workspace for Education Plus (Extra Student) 1010310010 gwepstudent
Google Workspace for Education Plus (Staff) 1010310009 gwepstaff
Google Workspace for Education Plus - Legacy (Student) 1010310003 gsuiteenterpriseeducationstudent
Google Workspace for Education Plus - Legacy 1010310002 gsuiteenterpriseeducation
Google Workspace for Education Plus 1010310008 gwep
Google Workspace for Education Standard (Extra Student) 1010310007 gwesstudent
Google Workspace for Education Standard (Staff) 1010310006 gwesstaff
Google Workspace for Education Standard 1010310005 gwes
Google Workspace for Education: Teaching and Learning Upgrade 1010370001 gwetlu
Google Workspace Frontline Starter 1010020030 wsflw
Google Workspace Frontline Standard 1010020031 wsflwstan
Google Workspace Labs 1010470002 gwlabs


<ProductID> ::=
        nv:<String> |
        101001 |
        101005 |
        101031 |
        101033 |
        101034 |
        101035 |
        101036 |
        101037 |
        101038 |
        101039 |
        101040 |
        101043 |
        101047 |
        101049 |
        101050 |
        Google-Apps |
        Google-Chrome-Device-Management |
        Google-Drive-storage |
<ProductIDList> ::= "(<ProductID>|SKUID>)(,<ProductID>|SKUID>)*"

<SKUID> ::=
        nv:<String>:<String> |
        20gb | drive20gb | googledrivestorage20gb | Google-Drive-storage-20GB |
        50gb | drive50gb | googledrivestorage50gb | Google-Drive-storage-50GB |
        200gb | drive200gb | googledrivestorage200gb | Google-Drive-storage-200GB |
        400gb | drive400gb | googledrivestorage400gb | Google-Drive-storage-400GB |
        1tb | drive1tb | googledrivestorage1tb | Google-Drive-storage-1TB |
        2tb | drive2tb | googledrivestorage2tb | Google-Drive-storage-2TB |
        4tb | drive4tb | googledrivestorage4tb | Google-Drive-storage-4TB |
        8tb | drive8tb | googledrivestorage8tb | Google-Drive-storage-8TB |
        16tb | drive16tb | googledrivestorage16tb | Google-Drive-storage-16TB |
        aimeetingsandmessaging | 1010470007 | AI Meetings and Messaging |
        aisecurity | 1010470006 | AI Security |
        appsheetcore | 1010380001 | AppSheet Core |
        appsheetstandard | appsheetenterprisestandard | 1010380002 | AppSheet Enterprise Standard |
        appsheetplus | appsheetenterpriseplus | 1010380003 | AppSheet Enterprise Plus |
        assuredcontrols | 1010390001 | Assured Controls |
        bce | beyondcorp | beyondcorpenterprise | cep | chromeenterprisepremium | 1010400001 | Chrome Enterprise Premium |
        cdm | chrome | googlechromedevicemanagement | Google-Chrome-Device-Management |
        cloudidentity | identity | 1010010001 | Cloud Identity |
        cloudidentitypremium | identitypremium | 1010050001 | Cloud Identity Premium |
        cloudsearch | 1010350001 | Cloud Search |
        colabpro | 1010500001 | Colab Pro |
        colabpro+ | colabproplus | 1010500002 | Colab Pro+ |
        eeu | 1010490001 | SKU Endpoint Education Upgrade |
        geminibiz | 1010470003 | Gemini Business |
        geminiedu | 1010470004 | Gemini Education |
        geminiedupremium| 1010470005 | Gemini Education Premium |
        geminient| duetai | 1010470001 | Gemini Enterprise |
        gsuitebasic | gafb | gafw | basic | Google-Apps-For-Business |
        gsuitebusiness | gau | gsb | unlimited | Google-Apps-Unlimited |
        gsuitebusinessarchived | gsbau | businessarchived | 1010340002 | Google Workspace Business - Archived User |
        gsuiteenterprisearchived | gseau | enterprisearchived | 1010340001 | Google Workspace Enterprise Plus - Archived User |
        gsuiteenterpriseeducation | gsefe | e4e | 1010310002 | Google Workspace for Education Plus - Legacy |
        gsuiteenterpriseeducationstudent | gsefes | e4es | 1010310003 | Google Workspace for Education Plus - Legacy (Student) |
        gsuitegov | gafg | gsuitegovernment | Google-Apps-For-Government |
        gsuitelite | gal | gsl | lite | Google-Apps-Lite |
        gwep | workspaceeducationplus | 1010310008 | Google Workspace for Education Plus |
        gwepstaff | workspaceeducationplusstaff | 1010310009 | Google Workspace for Education Plus (Staff) |
        gwepstudent | workspaceeducationplusstudent | 1010310010 | Google Workspace for Education Plus (Extra Student)|
        gwes | workspaceeducationstandard | 1010310005 | Google Workspace for Education Standard |
        gwesstaff | workspaceeducationstandardstaff | 1010310006 | Google Workspace for Education Standard (Staff) |
        gwesstudent | workspaceeducationstandardstudent | 1010310007 | Google Workspace for Education Standard (Extra Student)
        gwetlu | workspaceeducationupgrade | 1010370001 | Google Workspace for Education: Teaching and Learning Upgrade |
        gwlabs | workspacelabs | 1010470002 | Google Workspace Labs |
        meetdialing | googlemeetglobaldialing | 1010360001 |  Google Meet Global Dialing |
        postini | gams | gsuitegams | gsuitepostini | gsuitemessagesecurity | Google-Apps-For-Postini |
        standard | free | Google-Apps |
        vault | googlevault | Google-Vault |
        vfe | googlevaultformeremployee | Google-Vault-Former-Employee |
        voicepremier | gvpremier | googlevoicepremier | 1010330002 | Google Voice Premier 
        voicestandard | gvstandard | googlevoicestandard | 1010330004 | Google Voice Standard |
        voicestarter | gvstarter | googlevoicestarter | 1010330003 | Google Voice Starter |
        wsas | plusstorage | 1010430001 | Google Workspace Additional Storage |
        wsbizplus | workspacebusinessplus | 1010020025 | Google Workspace Business Plus |
        wsbizplusarchived | workspacebusinessplusarchived | 1010340003 | Google Workspace Business Plus - Archived User |
        wsbizstan | workspacebusinessstandard | 1010020028 | Google Workspace Business Standard }
        wsbizstanarchived | workspacebusinessstandardarchived | 1010340006 | Google Workspace Business Standard - Archived User |
        wsbizstarter | workspacebusinessstarter | wsbizstart | 1010020027 | Google Workspace Business Starter |
        wsbizstarterarchived | workspacebusinessstarterarchived | 1010340005 | Google Workspace Business Starter - Archived User |
        wsentess | workspaceenterpriseessentials | 1010060003 | Google Workspace Enterprise Essentials |
        wsentplus | workspaceenterpriseplus | gae | gse | enterprise | gsuiteenterprise | 1010020020 | Google Workspace Enterprise Plus |
        wsentstan | workspaceenterprisestandard | 1010020026 | Google Workspace Enterprise Standard |
        wsentstanarchived | workspaceenterprisestandardarchived | 1010340004 | Google Workspace Enterprise Standard - Archived User |
        wsentstarter | workspaceenterprisestarter | wes | 1010020029 | Workspace Enterprise Starter |
        wsess | workspaceesentials | gsuiteessentials | essentials | d4e | driveenterprise | drive4enterprise | 1010060001 | Google Workspace Essentials |
        wsessplus | workspaceessentialsplus | 1010060005 | Google Workspace Essentials Plus |
        wsflw | workspacefrontline | workspacefrontlineworker | 1010020030 | Google Workspace Frontline Starter |
        wsflwstan | workspacefrontlinestan | workspacefrontlineworkerstan | 1010020031 | Google Workspace Frontline Standard
<SKUIDList> ::= "<SKUID>(,<SKUID>)*"


GAM maintains a table of Products and SKUs that it uses to validate <ProductID> and <SKUID>; an error is generated for values not in the table. This could cause a problem if Google adds additional Products or SKUs that are not in the table.

You can enter a non-validated Product as follows:


You can enter a non-validated SKU as follows:


The first <String> is a Product and the second <String> is a SKU.

Display license counts

gam show licenses
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)|allskus|gsuite]
        [maxresults <Integer>]

By default, license counts are displayed for all Google products; use these options to select which products/SKU license counts to display:

  • products|product <ProductIDList> - Select specific products
  • skus|sku <SKUIDList> - Select specific SKUs
  • allskus - Select all Google product SKUs
  • gsuite - Select Google Workspace products: Google-Apps and 101031

By default, GAM asks the API for license_max_results from gam.cfg licenses per page of results,

  • maxresults - Maximum number of results per page; range is 100-1000; the default is 100.

Display licenses

gam print licenses [todrive <ToDriveAttributes>*]
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)|allskus|gsuite]
        [maxresults <Integer>]

By default, licenses are displayed for all Google products; use these options to select which products/SKU licenses to display:

  • products|product <ProductIDList> - Select specific products
  • skus|sku <SKUIDList> - Select specific SKUs
  • allskus - Select all Google product SKUs
  • gsuite - Select Google Workspace products: Google-Apps and 101031

By default, users and their licenses are displayed; use the countsonly option to only display total license counts.

By default, GAM asks the API for license_max_results from gam.cfg licenses per page of results,

  • maxresults - Maximum number of results per page; range is 100-1000; the default is 100.

Add licenses

gam <UserTypeEntity> add license <SKUIDList> [product|productid <ProductID>]
        [preview] [actioncsv]

If preview is specified, the changes will be previewed but not executed.

If actioncsv is specified, a CSV file with columns user,productId,skuId,action,message is generated that shows the actions performed when adding the licenses.

Update licenses

gam <UserTypeEntity> update license <SKUID> [product|productid <ProductID>] [from] <SKUID>
        [preview] [actioncsv]

If preview is specified, the changes will be previewed but not executed.

If actioncsv is specified, a CSV file with columns user,productId,oldskuId,skuId,action,message is generated that shows the actions performed when updating the licenses.

Delete licenses

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|del license <SKUIDList> [product|productid <ProductID>]
         [preview] [actioncsv]

If preview is specified, the changes will be previewed but not executed.

If actioncsv is specified, a CSV file with columns user,productId,skuId,action,message is generated that shows the actions performed when deleting the licenses.

Synchronize licenses

gam <UserTypeEntity> sync license <SKUIDList> [product|productid <ProductID>]
        [addonly|removeonly] [allskus|onesku] [preview] [actioncsv]
  • GAM determines which users currently hold a license for <SKUID>.


  • The license will be deleted for all current license holders that are not in <UserTypeEntity>.
  • The license will be added for all users in <UserTypeEntity> that are not current license holders.

When the addonly option is specified:

  • The license will not be deleted for all current license holders that are not in <UserTypeEntity>.
  • The license will be added for all users in <UserTypeEntity> that are not current license holders.

When the removeonly option is specified:

  • The license will be deleted for all current license holders that are not in <UserTypeEntity>.
  • The license will not be added for all users in <UserTypeEntity> that are not current license holders.

Option allskus|onesku is required when multiple SKUs are specified.

  • allskus indicates that users in <UserTypeEntity> will be updated to have all of the SKUs in <SKUIDList>.
    • This is typically used when assigning different types of licenses, such as an Enterprise license and a Voice license.
  • onesku indicates that users in <UserTypeEntity> with none of the licenses in<SKUIDList> will be updated to have the first available license SKU in <SKUIDList>.
    • This is typically used with Google Education Plus or Google Education Standard licenses, which are split across multiple SKUs.

If preview is specified, the changes will be previewed but not executed.

If actioncsv is specified, a CSV file with columns user,productId,skuId,action,message is generated that shows the actions performed when adding and deleting the licenses.


Assign a Google Workspace for Education Plus license based on availability.

gam redirect csv ./LicenseUpdates.csv group_users [email protected] recursive end sync licenses 1010310008,1010310010,1010310009 onesku actioncsv

Update History



Notes and Information


Command Processing


Client Access

Special Service Account Access

Service Account Access

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