J Jelechem 2006 11 008
J Jelechem 2006 11 008
J Jelechem 2006 11 008
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89
Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Nano-DTU, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Gorlaeus Laboratory, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Received 4 July 2006; received in revised form 2 November 2006; accepted 10 November 2006
Available online 16 January 2007
In this paper, density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to analyze the electrochemical water-splitting process pro-
ducing molecular oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2). We investigate the trends in the electro-catalytic properties of (1 1 0) surfaces of three
rutile-type oxides (RuO2, IrO2, and TiO2). The two first of these oxide anodes show lower O2-evolving over-potentials than metal anodes,
due to weak O binding but strong hydroxyl (HO*) binding on the surface. Furthermore, the binding energies of O, HO, and HOO on the
(1 1 0) surfaces fulfill universal linear relations similar to those found on metal surfaces.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-0728/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
84 J. Rossmeisl et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89
whether the suggested materials are indeed better than 20 Å is used to separate the slab from its periodic images.
existing anode materials. Our analysis finds that rutile-type We use the 2 · 1 surface unit cell and the 2 · 2 · 1 Monk-
oxides show better oxygen-evolving properties than the horst–Pack type of k-point sampling for slab calculations.
metals, and that there is a linear relationship between the The two bottom layers of the slab are fixed at the optimized
binding energies of O, HO and HOO intermediates on bulk lattice constants while the two top layers as well as
the oxide surfaces. We show that trends are well described possible adsorbates on it are fully relaxed. Ultra-soft
and it is possible to obtain basic insight based on this sim- pseudo-potentials are used to deal with the ion cores [12].
plified description. Therefore the electronic wave-functions can be represented
well by plane wave basis set with a cutoff energy of 340 eV.
2. Water-splitting reaction The electron density is treated on a grid corresponding to a
plane wave cutoff at 500 eV. A Fermi smearing of 0.1 eV
The water-splitting reaction can be written schematically and Pulay mixing is used to ensure the fast convergence
as: of the self-consistent electron density. Atomic positions
are relaxed until the sum of the absolute forces is less than
H2 O ! 12O2 þ H2 ð1Þ
0.05 eV/Å. All calculations are performed using the ASE
The products, hydrogen and oxygen, are evolved on the simulation package [13].
cathode and the anode side, respectively. We will consider We have previously developed a method for modelling
the following reaction mechanism in an acidic the thermo-chemistry of electrochemical reactions. The
environment: challenge is to include the electrochemical potential. In this
Cathode: method the only way the potential affects the relative free
energy is through the chemical potential of the electrons
2Hþ þ 2e ! H þ Hþ þ e ! H2 ð2Þ
in the electrode. This ‘‘first order’’ inclusion of the potential
Anode: has been shown to predict trends for the oxygen reduction
reaction on metal and metal alloys quite well [14,15]. Fur-
2H2 O ! HO þ H2 O þ Hþ þ e
thermore, we have shown that thermo-chemical features
! O þ H2 O þ 2Hþ þ 2e such as phase diagrams in water are also well described
! HOO þ 3Hþ þ 3e ! O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e ð3Þ by this method [16].
The method can be summarized as follows:
The * represents an active surface site, such as the bridge
site between two fourfold coordinated metal ions (bridge) 1. By setting the reference potential to be that of the stan-
or the coordinately unsaturated site (CUS) on top of a me- dard hydrogen electrode, we can relate the chemical
tal ion fivefold coordinated on the rutile (1 1 0) surface. potential (the free energy per H) for (H+ + e) to that
We are only considering reaction steps involving charge of 1/2H2 in the gas phase. At pH 0 in the electrolyte
transfer, which depend directly on the applied potential. and 1 bar of H2 in the gas phase at 298 K the reaction
The diffusion of species and other surface reactions are free energy of 1/2H2 ! H+ + e is zero at an electrode
expected to depend only weakly on the potential. We con- potential of U = 0. At standard conditions, the free
sider a process where oxygen molecules are formed by an energy DG0 = DG (U = 0, pH 0, p = 1 bar, T = 298 K)
associative mechanism on the anode via a surface HOO* of the reaction *AH ! A + H+ + e, can therefore be
intermediate. Direct recombination of oxygen atoms to calculated as the free energy of the reaction *AH !
form O2 is not considered because a large activation barrier A + 1/2H2.
can be expected for this process [8]. 2. DG0 = DE + DZPE TDS, is calculated as follows: The
Hydrogen evolution on the cathode could also happen reaction energy DE is calculated using DFT. The differ-
by direct association between surface H*, but that will ence in zero point energies due to the reaction, DZPE,
not change the picture [9]. Under acidic conditions hydro- and the change in entropy DS is calculated using DFT
gen evolution is very fast on the metal cathode, and hence calculations of the vibrational frequencies and standard
we can concentrate on the oxygen-evolving reaction in the tables for gas phase molecules [17].
following. 3. We include the effect of a bias on all states involving an
electron in the electrode, by shifting the energy of this
3. Method state by DGU = eU, where U is the electrode potential
relative to the standard hydrogen electrode.
The DFT calculations are performed using a plane wave 4. At a pH different from 0 we can correct for the free energy
implementation [10] at the generalized gradient approxima- of H+-ions by the concentration dependence of the
tion (GGA) RPBE level [11]. The bulk lattice constants of entropy: DGpH (pH) = kT Æ ln [H+] = kT Æ ln Æ 10 Æ pH.
RuO2, IrO2 and TiO2 are optimized using the 8 · 8 · 8
Monkhorst–Pack type of k-point sampling. A periodically The reaction free energy is then calculated as:
repeating 4-layer slab is chosen for the most stable rutile-
type (1 1 0) surface in our calculations. A vacuum of at least DGðU ; pH;pH2 ¼ 1 bar; TÞ ¼ DG0 þ DGU þ DGpH ð4Þ
J. Rossmeisl et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89 85
H2O and H2 in the gas phase are used as references states, The effect of the water surroundings has been investi-
since they are well described within DFT. The entropy for gated by performing simulations on the RuO2 surface cov-
gas phase water is calculated at 0.035 bars because this is ered with five water molecules. The calculations were
the equilibrium pressure in contact with liquid water at performed on a surface with all bridge site covered with
298 K. The free energy of gas phase water at these condi- oxygen, one CUS site was occupied by the adsorbents
tions is equal to the free energy of liquid water. The free en- (O* or HO*). On the second CUS site one of the five water
ergy change of the total reaction: H2O ! 1/2O2 + H2, is molecules was situated. Water molecules were put above all
fixed at the experimental value of 2.46 eV, in order to avoid bridge and CUS sites. In this structure everything were
the calculation of the O2 bond energy which is hard to cal- relaxed and hydrogen bonds were formed. However, the
culate accurately with DFT. change in adsorption energy at the CUS site due to the
interaction with water is for both O* and HO* very small
4. Results (less than 0.05 eV), and we therefore conclude that the
effect of the solvent in this case can be neglected. On the
4.1. Water splitting on the RuO2(1 1 0) surface other hand this effect is huge on the metal surfaces and is
therefore included in that case [14].
We start with RuO2 as a model system, RuO2 is known On the O*-covered RuO2(1 1 0) surface the intermediate
to be a quite good catalyst for oxygen evolution [5,4,6]. We structures along with the calculated free energies are shown
calculate the reaction intermediates at two different sur- in Fig. 2. Starting with an oxygen vacancy at a CUS site,
faces: one with all bridge and CUS sites occupied by oxy- water is dissociated at the vacancy forming a hydroxyl
gen (O*) and one with these sites occupied by hydroxyl group. Next, the proton is removed, after which another
(HO*). We calculate the relative stability of the different water molecule dissociates resulting in HOO* on the CUS
surface states by considering the reaction free energies as site. Finally, upon the removal of one more proton, O2 des-
follows: orbs leaving a vacancy at the surface.
The reactions and the corresponding reaction free ener-
RuO2 þ 2O þ 2H2 O $ RuO2 þ 4HO ð5Þ
gies under an applied potential U can be written as:
DG ¼ 0:47 eV
RuO2 þ 2O þ 2H2 O $ RuO2 þ 4O þ 4e þ 4Hþ ð6Þ 2H2 O $ H2 O þ HO þ e þ Hþ ;
DG ¼ 5:12 eV 4 eU DG1 ¼ DGHO DGwater ¼ 1:32 eV eU ð7Þ
RuO2 + 2O* represents the surface with all bridge sites H2 O þ HO þ e þ Hþ $ H2 O þ O þ 2ðe þ Hþ Þ;
occupied by oxygen and RuO2 + 4O* represents the totally DG2 ¼ DGO DGHO ¼ 2:71 eV 1:32 eV eU ð8Þ
O*-covered surface. Note that the first reaction free energy
¼ 1:39 eV eU
does not and the second does depend on the applied poten-
tial U. The relative stability as function of potential U is H2 O þ O þ 2ðe þ Hþ Þ $ HOO þ 3ðe þ Hþ Þ;
shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen that the O*-covered and DG3 ¼ DGHOO DGO ¼ 4:31 eV 2:71 eV eU ð9Þ
the HO*-covered surfaces are very close in stability in the ¼ 1:60 eV eU
interesting potential range from 1.3 V to 1.7 V. At low
HOO þ 3ðe þ Hþ Þ $ O2 þ 4ðe þ Hþ Þ
potentials the HO*-covered surface is more stable while
the O*-covered surface becomes more stable at potentials DG4 ¼ DGO2 DGHOO ¼ 4:96 eV 4:31 eV eU ð10Þ
above 1.4 V. ¼ 0:65 eV eU
Relative stability [eV]
OH covered O covered
0 1
Potential [V]
Fig. 1. The phase-diagram of the RuO2(1 1 0) surface calculated as function of the potential. At a potential of approximately 1.40 V the surface changes
from being totally HO*-covered surface to becoming O*-covered. The top horizontal line represents the free energy of the surface with all bridge site
occupied with O* (DG ” 0), the other horizontal line is the free energy of the surface covered by HO* (DG = 0.47 eV), the tilted line represents the
calculated O*-covered surface (DG = 5.12 eV 4 eU).
86 J. Rossmeisl et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89
Fig. 2. The calculated free energies at zero potential and structures of the intermediates of the oxygen evolution reaction on O*-covered RuO2(1 1 0)
surface are shown. The white dashed box indicates the unit cell. Blue spheres represent metal ions, red spheres represent oxygen and white spheres
represent hydrogen. From the left: frame 1, the surface with one oxygen vacancy on the CUS site, the free energy for this starting point is defined as zero,
frame 2, a water molecule adsorbs on the vacancy and splits of a proton forming HO*. Frame 3, the next proton is transferred to the electrolyte forming
O*. A second water molecule is adsorbed and the two protons transferred consecutively, first leading to HOO* (frame 4), and then to desorbed O2 and a
vacancy (frame 5). DFT binding energies are corrected for change in entropy (at 298 K) and zero point energy. For adsorbed O, OH, and OOH the
corrections added to the binding energy to obtain the free energy are 0.05, 0.35, and 0.40 eV, respectively.
2 - +
+e +H
1 The same calculations are performed on a HO*-covered
0 U=1.23 V surface, see Fig. 4. Hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl
groups tend to stabilize HO* and HOO* slightly compared
-1 to the situation with O*. This surface composition will not
U=1.60 V
be quite as active as the previous one – it is only at poten-
tials above 1.73 V that all steps become down-hill in free
Fig. 3. The free energies of the intermediates on O-*-covered RuO2 at energy. Furthermore, Fig. 1 shows that at such potentials
three different potentials (U = 0, U = 1.23, and U = 1.60 V) are depicted. the O*-covered surface is the relevant stable surface,
At the equilibrium potential (U = 1.23 V) the reaction steps are uphill in whereas the OH*-covered surface is unstable.
free energy. At 1.60 V all reaction steps are downhill in free energy.
As expected, our calculations show that RuO2 is a very
good oxygen-evolving catalyst. It is considerably better
The largest free energy difference (1.60 eV) is found for than the pure metal and oxidized metal surfaces we consid-
the third step, which is splitting the second water molecule. ered in a previous study [3]. Furthermore, we find that the
This means that at potentials above 1.60 V all reaction O*-covered surface shows higher activity than the HO-cov-
steps of oxygen evolution are exothermic (see Fig. 3). We ered surface, and that in any case the reaction requires an
will use the minimum potential at which all reaction steps overpotential such that RuO2 is expected to be covered
become downhill in free energy as the measure of the elec- by O* rather than OH*.
Fig. 4. The calculated free energies at zero potential and structures of the intermediates of the oxygen evolution reaction are shown. The white dashed box
indicates the unit cell. Blue spheres represent metal ions, red oxygen and white hydrogen. The RuO2(1 1 0) surface is covered with HO* groups. From the
left: frame 1, the surface with one oxygen vacancy on the CUS site, the free energy for this starting point is defined as zero, frame 2, a water molecule
adsorbs on the vacancy and splits of a proton forming HO*. Frame 3, the next proton is transferred to the electrolyte forming O*. A second water molecule
is adsorbed and the two protons transferred consecutively, first leading to HOO* (frame 4), and then to desorbed O2 and a vacancy (frame 5). DFT binding
energies are corrected for change in entropy (at 298 K) and zero point energy. For adsorbed O, OH, and OOH the corrections added to the binding energy
to obtain the free energy are 0.05, 0.35, and 0.40 eV, respectively.
J. Rossmeisl et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89 87
On IrO2 the reaction is very similar to that on RuO2. are approximately the same as the ones (0.5) found for
The IrO2 surface is also covered by oxygen and the forma- metal surfaces [3], reflecting the double bonding nature
tion of HOO* is likewise the rate limiting step, but the over- of O@* and the single bonding nature of HO–* and
potential is slightly larger than what was found for RuO2 HOO–*.
(0.56 V compared to 0.37 V). The binding energy relations on oxide surfaces are
The reaction on TiO2 is considerably different, only shifted down by about 1 eV compared with those on metal
bridge sites are occupied and the step that demands the surfaces. For a metal and a metal oxide surface with the
highest potential is the formation of O* on the CUS site. same O* binding energy both HO* and HOO* are bound
The overpotential is found to be 1.19 V. The trend of considerably stronger on the oxide surface. As a result, dif-
over-potentials can be written as: TiO2 > IrO2 > RuO2. ferent elementary reaction steps may limit the oxygen-
Note that this approach only accounts for the thermo- evolving activity on an oxide anode compared with that
chemistry of the elementary reaction steps – no barriers on a metal anode. This opens a new dimension in rational
are included. This means that the method presented here catalyst design.
represents a necessary, but not a sufficient analysis of the With the established linear relations between the binding
activity. energies of O*, HO*, and HOO* intermediates in hand, it is
possible to calculate the oxygen-evolving activity as func-
tion of only one parameter, i.e., the O* binding energy.
4.2. Linear relations of binding energies
Since all the investigated elementary steps are basically sin-
gle-proton transfers from the adsorbents to the electrolyte,
The analysis described above can be used to predict the
it is reasonable to assume as a first approximation that they
trends of catalytic activity. In a previous study [3] we found
all have the same pre-exponential factor. In case there are
that the binding energies of HO, O and HOO on metal sur-
additional activation barriers they are often found to be
faces are linearly correlated. To establish similar correla-
linearly related to the reaction free energy [8]. Therefore,
tions on oxide surfaces, we calculate binding energies of
the reaction free energy can be used directly as a simple
O, HO and HOO at O*, CUS and bridge sites of three
measure of electro-catalytic activity. The reaction free ener-
rutile-type (1 1 0) surfaces for different coverages of O*
gies can be expressed as functions of the potential U and
and HO* on the surface. In this way we obtain a wide range
the O* binding energy as follows:
of binding energies as shown in Fig. 5. Clearly linear rela-
tions also exist for the binding energies on oxide surfaces,
i.e., the oxide surfaces that bind O* strongly also bind 2H2 O $ H2 O þ HO þ e þ Hþ ;
HO and HOO strongly. It is interesting to note that even DG1 ¼ DGHO DGwater ¼ DEHO þ 0:35 eV eU
the slopes (0.6) of the linear relations for oxide surfaces ¼ 0:61DEO 0:55 eV eU ð11Þ
3 5
TiO2_OH TiO2_2O
2 TiO2_2O
4 RuO2_3O
1 RuO2_3O
RuO2_3OH IrO2_3O
IrO2_3O RuO2_2OH 3 IrO2_2OH
0 RuO2
RuO2 IrO2_2O RuO2_O IrO2_2O
RuO2_O IrO _3OH
2 RuO2_OH
RuO2_OH IrO2_O
-1 IrO2_O 2 IrO2
-2 0 2 4 6 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
ΔEO [eV] ΔEO [eV]
Fig. 5. To the left the linear relation between binding energies of O* and HO* on rutile-type oxides (1 1 0) surfaces is depicted. To the right the relation
between O* and HOO* adsorption energies is shown. Calculations are done at different levels of oxidized and reduced surfaces, resulting in O* binding
energies in a range of more than 5 electron volts. 1/2O2 M O* corresponds to DEO = 2.41 eV, DEO = 0 eV is defined by the equilibrium: H2O M O* + H2.
The best fits to the data points are: DEHO = 0.61 DEO 0.90 eV and DEHOO = 0.64 DEO + 2.03 eV, respectively, compared with those of DEHO = 0.50
DEO + 0.05 eV and DEHOO = 0.53 DEO + 3.18 eV on metal (1 1 1) surfaces. The green spots represent the stable surface configuration at water oxidation
88 J. Rossmeisl et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89
0 0
-1 -1 -ΔG1=-ΔGHO
Activity [eV]
Activity [eV]
-ΔG4=-(ΔGO -ΔGHOO) RuO2_3O 2
-2 -2
-3 -3
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
ΔEO[eV] EO[eV]
Fig. 6. The theoretical activity of the four charge transferring steps of oxygen evolution is depicted as function of the oxygen binding energy. The y-axis is
the activity defined as DG of the different reaction steps, calculated from the linear relations: DG1 = DGHO DGwater = DEHO + 0.35 eV,
DG2 = DGO DGHO = DEO + 0.05 eV DEHO 0.35 eV, DG3 = DGHOO DGO = DEHOO + 0.40 eV DEO 0.05 eV, DG4 = DGO2 DGHOO =
4.96 eV DEHOO 0.40 eV. The resulting volcano is indicated with dash–dot lines and the hatched areas. For the metal surfaces interaction
with water has been taken into account, it results in a stabilization of HO and HOO compared to O. For the oxides the interaction with water is small. The
best possible material would fall on the horizontal dashed line representing the equilibrium potential 1.23 eV. The optimal oxides are very close to this
J. Rossmeisl et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 83–89 89
(blue line) at the strong and weak O* bonding, respectively. class of systems) may offer even better catalysts for these
The metal surfaces are almost as good as oxides for this types of processes. It would be particularly interesting to
reaction, Pt is the best metal with a oxygen binding energy find a class of systems where the maximum in activity for
at 1.56 eV, close to the very top of the metal volcano. This both oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction happens at
is consistent with the fact that Pt is known to be a very the same oxygen adsorption energy, that is, for the same
good catalyst for this reaction, which we have also found material. Oxides are in this sense quite good, however,
in a previous study [14]. The reason why oxides in reality the problem is that they are only thermodynamically stable
are not used as fuel cell cathodes is because the oxides under oxidation conditions.
are thermodynamically unstable under reducing conditions
in an acidic environment. Under such conditions they may Acknowledgments
be covered by HO* or dissolve [18], although important
examples do exist showing that RuO2 and IrO2 may be CAMD is founded by the Lundbeck foundation. This
kinetically stable and highly useful cathode materials for, work was supported by EU through Grant No. MRTN-
for instance, H2 evolution [19]. The stability issue is as CT-2006-032474, the Danish Research Council through
important as the activity and this will be investigated in the NABIIT programme, the Danish Center for Scientific
the future. Computing through Grant No. HDW-1103-06, and the
This very simple analysis presented here only takes into NWO/ACTS hydrogen programme.
account the material dependent parameters, namely the
binding energies. It does not take into account effects of
electric field and surface charges. Also proton transfer bar-
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