Articulo 12
Articulo 12
Articulo 12
A theoretical model was developed to study the electrical characteristics of a solid oxide steam electrolyzer (SOSE) for hydrogen production.
The activation and concentration overpotentials at the electrodes as well as the ohmic overpotential at the electrolyte were considered as the
main sources of voltage loss. The Butler–Volmer equation, Fick’s model, and Ohm’s law were applied to characterize the overpotentials.
The theoretical model was validated as the simulation results agreed well with the experimental data from the literature. In the study of the
component thickness effect, anode-support SOSE configuration was identified as the most favorable design. Further parametric analyses were
performed to study the effects of material properties and operating conditions on the anode-supported SOSE cell performance. The results
have shown that increasing electrode porosity and pore size can reduce the voltage loss. In the operation, both temperature and steam molar
fraction can be increased to enhance the SOSE electrical efficiency. The pressure should be regulated depending on the current density. The
electrochemistry model can be used to perform more analyses to gain insightful understanding of the SOSE hydrogen production principles
and to optimize the SOSE cell and system designs.
䉷 2007 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Solid oxide steam electrolyzer; Hydrogen production; Electrochemistry model; Porous media
0360-3199/$ - see front matter 䉷 2007 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2306 M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313
2. Model development surfaces, respectively. The standard potential E0 in volt (V) can
be written as [17]:
The fundamental mechanisms of SOSE are illustrated in
E0 = 1.253 − 2.4516 × 10−4 T . (4)
Fig. 1. Steam is fed to the porous cathode. When required elec-
trical potential for water-splitting is applied to the SOSE elec-
trodes, water molecules are dissociated to form hydrogen gas 2.2. Concentration overpotential
and oxygen ions at the cathode–electrolyte interface. The hy-
drogen produced can be collected from the cathode flow chan- The concentration overpotential is caused by the resistance
nel. The oxygen ions are transported through the electrolyte to to the transport of reactant species approaching the reaction
the anode and then oxidized to form oxygen molecules. The site and the transport of product species leaving the reaction
net reaction of SOSE can be expressed as: site. For a SOSE cell, the concentration overpotentials can be
expressed in terms of the gas concentration difference between
H2 O → H2 + 21 O2 . (1) the electrode surface and the electrode–electrolyte interface as
The required voltage applied to the SOSE can be written as:
RT PH2 · PH02 O
conc,c = ln , (5)
V = E + conc,c + conc,a + act,c + act,a + ohmic , (2) 2F PH02 · PHI 2 O
1/2 ⎤
where E is the equilibrium voltage; conc,c and conc,a are the RT POI 2
concentration overpotentials at the cathode and anode, respec- conc,a = ln ⎣ ⎦, (6)
tively; ohmic is the ohmic overpotential; and act,a and act,c are
2F PO02
the activation overpotentials at the anode and cathode, respec-
tively. It is noted that the term “overpotential” is often called where P 0 and P I are the partial pressures at the electrode sur-
“polarization” in electrochemistry. face and electrode–electrolyte interface, respectively; and sub-
scripts H2 O, H2 , and O2 represent the steam reactant, hydrogen
and oxygen products, respectively.
2.1. Equilibrium voltage As the chemical reaction takes place at the electrode–electro-
lyte triple phase interface [18,19], the mass of each participating
The equilibrium voltage of a SOSE cell can be expressed by component in the porous electrode is conserved in a steady
the Nernst equation [9], state [20],
⎡ 1/2 ⎤
P 0 P0 ∇ · Ni = 0, (7)
RT ⎢ H2 O2 ⎥
E = E0 + ln ⎣ ⎦, (3) where Ni is the rate of mass transfer for species i. In the SOSE
2F PH02 O
porous electrodes the mass transport Ni is mainly by means
of diffusion [17–19]. The diffusion process, which is driven
where R is the universal gas constant (8.3145 Jmol−1 K −1 ); F by concentration gradient or partial pressure gradient, can be
is the Faraday constant (9.6485 × 104 Cmol−1 ); T is the ab- determined by Fick’s model [20]:
solute temperature (K); and PH02 O , PH02 , and PO02 are the par-
tial pressures of steam, hydrogen, and oxygen on the electrode Dieff j(yi P ) D eff j(Pi )
Ni = − =− i , i = 1, 2, . . . , (8)
RT jx RT jx
where P is the operating pressure; Pi , yi , and Dieff are the par-
tial pressure, molar fraction, and effective diffusion coefficient
of species i, respectively. Substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (7), the
equation governing the mass transport of species i can be ob-
j Dieff j(Pi )
− =0
jx RT jx
(i = H2 O for cathode, i = O2 for anode), (9)
where x is the depth measured from the electrode surface.
At the cathode–electrolyte interface (x = dc , the thickness
of cathode), the diffusing rate of H2 O to the interface, equal
to H2 O consumption rate in a steady state, is governed by the
electrical current density J. Thus, the mass transfer rate can be
expressed as
NH2 O = . (10)
Fig. 1. Hydrogen production by SOSE cell. 2F
M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313 2307
Substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (8), the boundary condition for At the anode side, oxygen is the only gas transporting in
the governing Eq. (9) can be written as: the porous electrode layer. At the anode–electrolyte interface
(x = da , the thickness of anode), the rate of O2 diffused away
=− . (11) from the interface, equal to O2 generation rate in a steady state,
jx x=dc 2F DH eff
is also governed by the electrical current density,
As the steam molar consumption rate is equal to the hydrogen PO2 |x=0 = PO02 . (19)
molar generation rate, the cathode total pressure (P = PH2 +
Solving Eq. (9) with boundary conditions expressed in Eqs.
PH2 O ) is constant. Therefore,
(18) and (19), the partial pressure of O2 at the anode–electrolyte
RT J interface can be obtained,
PH2 = P − PH2 O = P − PH2 O − eff
I I 0
2 POI 2 = PO02 + d .
eff 4F a
= PH02 + eff dc . (14) 2
= ln . (15)
2F 1 − J RT d c /2F D eff 0
H2 O PH2 O
2.3. Activation overpotential
The diffusion in the porous SOSE electrodes is mainly based
on two mechanisms, namely, molecular diffusion and Knud- The activation overpotential is a measure of the activity of the
sen diffusion. Molecular diffusion is the dominant mechanism electrodes. It represents the overpotential required for electro-
if the pore size is much larger than the mean free path of chemical reaction. The relationship between the electrode ac-
the molecular species. In this case, the molecule–molecule in- tivation overpotential and the current density can be expressed
teraction governs the diffusion process. On the other hand, if by the Butler–Volmer equation:
the pore size is much smaller than the mean free path of the
species, the molecule–pore wall interaction dominates over the zF act,i (1 − )zF act,i
J = J0,i exp − exp − ,
molecule–molecule interaction. Thus, Knudsen diffusion be- RT RT
comes an important mechanism. In most porous structures, both i = a, c, (22)
mechanisms are significant. The effective diffusion coefficient
where J0,i is the exchange current density; subscripts i = a and
of steam can be expressed by combining these two diffusion
i = c represent the anode and cathode, respectively; act is the
mechanisms using the Bosanquet formula [21,22]:
activation overpotential; is the symmetrical factor or charge
1 1 1 transfer coefficient; and z is the number of electrons produced
= + , (16) per reaction. For water electrolysis, and z are found to be 0.5
n DH2 .H2 O DH2 O,k
2 and 2, respectively [18,23]. The activation overpotential of an
where /n is the ratio of cathode tortuosity to porosity; electrode can be expressed explicitly as:
/(nD H2 .H2 O ) is the reciprocal of the effective molecular dif-
fusion coefficient for H2 O.H2 binary system; and /(nD H2 O,k ) act,i = sinh−1
F 2J0,i
is the reciprocal of the effective Knudsen diffusion coefficient ⎡ ⎤
for steam. The values of DH2 O,k and DH2 .H2 O can be easily RT J J
obtained by the kinetic theory and Chapman–Enskog theory, = ln ⎣ + + 1⎦ , i = a, c. (23)
F 2J0,i 2J0,i
respectively [21,22].
2308 M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313
In electrochemistry, J0,i represents the readiness of an elec- recommendation, a and c are found to be 2.051 × 109 and
trode to proceed with electrochemical reaction. At the cathode, 1.344 × 1010 Am−2 , respectively.
important electrochemical reaction steps include adsorption of
H2 O, charge transfer, desorption of H2 , and incorporation of 2.4. Ohmic overpotential
oxygen ion into the electrolyte. At the anode side, the key
reaction steps are charge transfer and desorption of O2 . The The electrical connecting plates and electrodes generally
above steps depend on not only the operating parameters, i.e. have much higher electrical conductivity than the electrolyte.
temperature and reactant/product partial pressures, but also the Therefore, their effect on the overall ohmic overpotential can
material parameters, i.e. triple phase boundary (TPB) length. be neglected [28]. According to Ohm’s law, the ohmic overpo-
Previous studies have shown that the reactant/product concen- tential of SOSE can be expressed in terms of the properties of
trations have small effect on the exchange current density, while the electrolyte by [28]:
the temperature effect was more significant [24,25]. Consider-
ing the temperature effect, the exchange current density can be ohmic = 2.99 × 10−5 J L exp , (26)
expressed as: T
where L is the thickness of the electrolyte in micron (m).
J0,a = a exp − , (24)
RT 3. Model validation and temperature effect
J0,c = c exp − , (25) The theoretical electrochemistry model of SOSE presented
in the previous section was used to simulate experimental
where a and c are the pre-exponential factors of anode results for model validation. Among the limited experimental
and cathode, respectively; Eact,a and Eact,c are the activation studies published in the literature, Momma et al.’s work in
energy levels at the anode and cathode, respectively. The SOSE hydrogen production was most suitable for validation
exchange current density is the current density at zero over- of the present model as detailed experimental setup and pro-
potential, where forward and backward reaction rates are the cedures were clearly described [29]. In these experiments, the
same. Therefore, the values of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) ex- J .V characteristics of hydrogen production by electrolyte-
change current densities can be used as approximates for steam supported planar SOSE discs were measured. The electrolyte,
electrolysis [26,27]. The values of Eact,a and Eact,c are found cathode, and anode were made of yttria stabilized zirco-
to be 1.2 × 105 and 1.0 × 105 Jmol−1 , respectively [24,25]. nia (YSZ), nickel–YSZ (Ni–YSZ), and mixture of YSZ and
Chan et al. [18] recommended the values of J0,a and J0,c to be strontium-doped lanthanum (LSM–YSZ), respectively. The
2000 and 5300 Am−2 , respectively, at 1073 K. Adopting these electrolyte, anode, and cathode were 1000, 100 and 100 m
Table 1
Parameters used in SOSE electrochemistry modeling analysis
Parameter Value
Cathode-supported electrolyzer
Electrolyte thickness, L (m) 50
Cathode thickness, dc (m) 500
Anode thickness, da (m) 50
Anode-supported electrolyzer
Electrolyte thickness, L (m) 50
Cathode thickness, dc (m) 50
Anode thickness, da (m) 500
M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313 2309
T = 1173K From modeling results, the limiting current density was found to
conc ,a +conc ,c
act ,a +act ,c
be about 10, 000 Am−2 . The anode concentration overpotential
1.0 ohmic was rather small mainly due to the fact that the reactant species
(oxygen ions) reacted efficiently at the anode–electrolyte in-
terface and caused no transport problem. Moreover, the anode
0.5 was thin in a cathode-supported SOSE cell.
The variations of concentration and ohmic overpotentials
with current density of an anode-supported SOSE are presented
in Fig. 5. The anode concentration overpotential was small de-
0.0 spite the thick anode used. The cathode limiting current density
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Current density, J (Am-2)
Fig. 3. Theoretical activation, concentration, and ohmic overpotentials of
electrolyte-supported SOSE cell.
0.25 Cat hode-supported SOSE cell
T = 1273K; Steam molar fraction: 60%
Overpotentials, (V)
0.20 conc,a
thick, respectively. The tests were conducted at a constant ohmic
pressure of 1 bar, steam molar fraction of 60%, and various
operating temperature from 1173 to 1273 K. In the theoretical 0.15
simulation, the values of the input parameters are summarized
in Table 1 [17,18,29–31]. As shown in Fig. 2, the good agree- 0.10
ment between the theoretical and experimental results served
as a validation of the theoretical model. 0.05
At a higher temperature, the cell potential decreased result-
ing in a lower electrical loss. Individual overpotentials were
studied in detail as shown in Fig. 3. The ohmic overpotential 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
dominated the cell overpotential due to the thick (1 mm) elec-
Current density, J (Am-2)
trolyte support used. It explained why the J .V curve shown in
Fig. 2 approximately followed a linear relationship. It was also Fig. 4. Concentration and ohmic overpotentials of cathode-supported SOSE
observed that the ohmic overpotential decreased drastically as cell.
2310 M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313
0.5 0.4
Anode-supported SOSE cell
0.0 0.0
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000
Current density, J (Am-2) Current density, J (Am-2)
Fig. 5. Concentration and ohmic overpotentials of anode-supported SOSE cell. Fig. 7. Porosity effect on cathode concentration overpotential of anode-
supported SOSE cell.
Anode concentration overpotential, (V)
Cell potential,V(V)
T = 1273K; Steam molar fraction: 60%
Electrolyte-supported Anode porosity
Cathode-supported 0.02 0.6
Anode-supported 0.4
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
Current density, J (Am-2) 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000
Current density, J (Am-2)
Fig. 6. Theoretical J .V characteristics of cathode-supported, elec-
trolyte-supported, and anode-supported SOSE cells.
Fig. 8. Porosity effect on anode concentration overpotential of anode-
supported SOSE cell.
was found to be very large (about 100, 000 Am−2 ) as the cath-
ode was thin. Relatively, the ohmic overpotential contributed
most to the overall overpotential at a current density less than tration overpotential increased significantly with decreasing
100, 000 Am−2 . porosity as the gas transport in the porous cathode layer became
The J .V characteristics of electrolyte-, cathode-, and anode- more difficult at a lower porosity. The anode concentration over-
supported SOSE cells were compared as shown in Fig. 6. It was potential showed similar trend to that of the cathode (Fig. 8.
found that the anode-supported SOSE cell had the best elec- More importantly, the SOSE anode did not suffer from limiting
trical performance in terms of the applied voltage required for current density, defined as the current density at which the reac-
water splitting. Therefore, the subsequent parametric analyses tant species at the reaction region approached 0. This was due
as presented in the following sections were conducted for an to the fact that the reactant (oxygen ion) was transported in the
anode-supported SOSE cell. solid electrolyte and reacted efficiently at the anode–electrolyte
interface. Thus, no reactant transport problem was found in the
4.2. Electrode porosity effect porous electrode layer. Combining the porosity effect on anode
and cathode concentration overpotentials, the porosity effect on
The cathode porosity effect on the cathode concentration J .V characteristics was determined as plotted in Fig. 9. A high
overpotential was presented in Fig. 7. The cathode concen- electrode porosity was beneficial, as more space was available
M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313 2311
2.5 3.0
Cell potential,V(V)
Cell potential,V(V)
Electrode porosity
Electrode pore radius
1.0 0.6
0.4 2.0x10-6m
0.2 1.0x10-6m
0.0 0.0
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 50000 100000 150000 200000
Current density, J (Am-2) Current density, J (Am-2)
Fig. 9. Effect of electrode porosity on J .V characteristics of anode-supported Fig. 10. Electrode pore size effect on J .V characteristics of anode-supported
SOSE cell. SOSE cell.
for gas transport, resulting in smaller concentration overpoten-
tial. However, recent experimental studies have shown that too
high porosity (0.76) is detrimental as the electrolyte becomes 2.0
non-gas tight, leading to reduction in Nernst potential [32]. As a
Cell potential, V(V)
Besides electrode porosity, pore size is an important param- Fig. 11 shows the effect of steam molar fraction on SOSE
eter for the gas transport characteristics in the porous electrode J .V characteristics. It was found that the cell equilibrium po-
layers. The J .V curves of a SOSE cell with electrode pore tential decreased with increasing steam molar fraction. The
radius ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 m are presented in Fig. 10. finding could be explained by the Nernst equation (Eq. (3)).
The cell potential was found to decrease with increasing pore Furthermore, an increase in steam molar fraction caused an
size. As the pore size increased, the gas transport within pore increase in cathode limiting current density, resulting in a re-
structures became easier, resulting in lower concentration over- duction in cell operating potential. At a higher steam molar
potentials as well as higher cathode limiting current density. fraction, the reactant molar diffusion rate was higher; thus, the
The pore size effect would be more pronounced for a cathode- resistance to gas transport was lower accordingly.
supported SOSE cell because the resistance to gas transport in In order to achieve a higher steam molar fraction, one can
the porous cathode is the dominant factor of overpotential. supply sufficient amount of steam and simultaneously extract
2312 M. Ni et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 2305 – 2313
3.0 2.0
Cell potential, V(V)
Cell potential,V(V)
0.0 0.0
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Current density, J (Am-2) Current density, J (Am-2)
Fig. 13. Pressure effect on J .V characteristics of cathode-supported SOSE
Fig. 12. Pressure effect on J .V characteristics of anode-supported SOSE cell.
5. Conclusion
hydrogen gas from the cathode. Excessive supply of steam can
increase the steam molar fraction but it will absorb heat from An electrochemistry model was developed to characterize
the solid electrode to cause a temperature drop. This may re- the electrical characteristics of SOSE hydrogen production. The
duce the overall cell performance, as the water-splitting reac- model predicts the SOSE operation in reasonably good agree-
tion is endothermic. Apparently, detailed modeling study on ment with experimental data available in the literature. The
heat/mass transfer in the gas channel and electrochemical re- theoretical parametric analyses have shown that the cathode
action in the electrode layer is important to gain understanding concentration overpotential and the ohmic overpotential are
of the complex SOSE mechanisms and its J .V characteristics. sensitive to the cathode thickness and electrolyte thickness, re-
The electrochemistry model presented in this paper can be ex- spectively. As a result, the anode-supported SOSE cell config-
tended to address the above issues. uration is more favorable. In order to further improve the effi-
ciency, thin cathode and electrolyte should be used. Although
4.5. Pressure effect the typical thicknesses of cathode and electrolyte of an anode-
supported SOSE cell are 50 m, thinner layers (10 m thick)
The effect of operating pressure on SOSE J .V characteris- are possible [32]. It is noteworthy that the mechanical and ther-
tics is illustrated in Fig. 12. Increasing the operating pressure mal stresses should be carefully considered when very thin cell
yielded a slight increase in the cell equilibrium potential as a components are used.
result of the Nernst equation (Eq. (3)). According to references The effects of both material properties and operational pa-
[21,22], the molecular diffusion coefficient, DH2 .H2 O , was in- rameters on SOSE electrical characteristics have been analyzed.
versely proportional to the operating pressure, P, but the Knud- It is found that large electrode porosity and large pore size are
sen diffusion coefficient was independent of P. Therefore, the desirable to reduce gas transport resistance. Higher operating
effective diffusion coefficient, Dieff , was less sensitive to P. On temperature is beneficial to reduce the cell potential because of
the other hand, the gas density increased with P. The combined faster electrochemical reaction kinetics and higher oxygen ion
effects resulted in an increase in molar diffusion rate and a de- conductivity of the electrolyte. However, in practical SOSE hy-
crease in concentration overpotential at high P. In practice, the drogen production, electrode sintering and thermal stress may
current density is generally less than 10, 000 Am−2 in SOSE cause problems. Considering all these issues, operating temper-
hydrogen production [9–12]. Therefore, operation at 1 bar is ature at 1273 K is near the optimal condition. Increasing steam
recommended since either increasing the pressure above 1 bar molar fraction can decrease the cell potential due to reduced
or decreasing the pressure below 1 bar requires consumption of Nernst potential and enhanced gas transport. Increasing operat-
energy. ing pressure can reduce the concentration overpotential on one
The J .V characteristics of cathode-supported SOSE cell are hand, but increase the Nernst potential on the other hand. As
presented in Fig. 13 for comparison. The J .V characteris- a result, 1 bar is suggested for anode-supported SOSE hydro-
tics demonstrated similar trend as an anode-supported SOSE gen production at normal operating current density, while high
cell. The limiting current density occurred at a lower value. pressure is preferred for cathode-supported SOSE operating at
As a result, when SOSE hydrogen production is operated at a current density above 5000 Am−2 .
J < 5000 Am−2 , operation at 1 bar is recommended. For oper- In practice, an SOSE hydrogen production system, such as
ation at J > 5000 Am−2 , a pressurized condition is preferred. the Siemens Westinghouse model, is designed in a tubular stack
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