Unifying Solution and Surface Electrochemistry: Limitations and Opportunities in Surface Electrocatalysis
Unifying Solution and Surface Electrochemistry: Limitations and Opportunities in Surface Electrocatalysis
Unifying Solution and Surface Electrochemistry: Limitations and Opportunities in Surface Electrocatalysis
DOI 10.1007/s11244-013-0171-6
216 Top Catal (2014) 57:215221
2 Surface Electrochemistry the last step that becomes downhill in free energy when the
overpotential is increased [6].
In this section, we introduce the concepts involved in the The free energy diagram for the oxygen reduction
thermodynamic theory of multi-electron electrochemical reaction on Pt(111) constructed using the approach detailed
reactions using ORR as an example. An ideal electrocata- above is shown in Fig. 1. On Pt(111), the limiting poten-
lyst for the four electron reduction of oxygen to water tial, UL is given by the free energy change associated with
should be able to facilitate the reaction just below the the reduction of OH* to H2O(l), reaction 1d. This analysis
equilibrium potential of 1.23 V. This requires, as a mini- suggests that directions for better catalysts are those that
mum requirement, that the four charge transfer steps bind OH* weaker than Pt(111). This principle has been
involved have reaction free energies of the same magnitude used to discover several new catalysts [14]. However, as
equal to the equilibrium potential of 1.23 eV [6]. we will discuss in the next section, there is a fundamental
Considering the associative mechanism shown below [6, limit to how much better these catalysts could be.
2.1 Scaling Relations
O2 (g) 4H 4e ! OOH 3H 3e ; 1a
OOH 3H 3e ! O H2 O(l) 2H 2e ; 1b In a pioneering work, Abild-Pedersen et al. [15] showed
the existence of a linear scaling between the adsorption
O H2 O(l) 2H 2e ! OH H2 O(l) H e ; energy of hydrogenated species, AHx and the atom A. It
1c was further shown using simple bond counting principles
that the slope of the linear scaling between the hydroge-
OH H2 O(l) H e ! 2H2 O(l); 1d
nated species, AHx and the atom A was only dependent on
where * refers to a surface site. In this mechanism, the the valency and did not depend on the specifics of metal
electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction to water is and the facet. The existence of these linear scaling relations
governed by the stability of the intermediates, OOH*, has an important implication for the oxygen reduction
OH* and O*. It is possible that the transfer of a proton and reaction. This implies that the binding of the oxygen
electron could be decoupled at high pH for weak binding intermediates, OOH*, OH* and O* cannot be changed
catalysts and this could lead to additional intermediates that independently and the activity is only governed by a single
could affect the electrocatalytic activity [11]. However, in parameter [9, 13].
acidic environment, we expect the concerted pathway From the analysis in the previous section, it was shown
involving the simultaneous transfer of a proton and elec- that a weakening of OH* could lead to better catalysts.
tron to be dominant. However, a weakening of OH* also weakens O* and OOH*.
The reaction free energies of a step in the mechanism The linear scaling between OOH* and OH* adsorbed on fcc
can be calculated at standard conditions, and a potential, U metal (111) and (100) facets is shown in Fig. 1b and this
= 0 V versus the reversible hydrogen electrode, using the indicates that beyond a certain weakening of OH*, the
relation: limiting step changes to reaction 1a. This leads to a
Sabatier-type volcano relationship with the optimal elect-
DG0 DEw;water DZPE TDS; 2 rocatalyst having equal free energy difference for reaction
1a and reaction 1d and this is shown in Fig. 1c. This
where DEw;water is the reaction energy including the sta-
analysis suggests that the origin of the limitations of oxy-
bilization of water, calculated relative to H2O and
gen reduction reaction on metals is due to the unfavorable
H2 ; DZPE is the difference in zero point energies for the
scaling between OOH* and OH*. On an ideal electrocata-
reaction, and DS is the change in entropy for the reaction
lyst, the difference in free energy between these two
considered. A potential of U = 0 V versus the reversible
intermediates, OOH* and OH* should be 2 9 1.23 =
hydrogen electrode implies the relation, DGH DGe
aq 2.46 eV while according to the scaling relation, this dif-
2 DGH2 g :
This relation provides a computationally tracta- ference is 3.2 eV, indepedent of the metal surface. This
ble way of calculating the sum of the free energy of a immediately imposes a fundamental limit given by
proton and an electron [6, 12]. The effect of a potential U is gORR = 0.37 V, even on the best metal electrocatalyst
included by shifting the free energy of an electron by [16].
-eU. The reaction free energy is given by DG DG0 eU; In the next section, we will explore the possibility of
where U is the potential relative to the reversible hydrogen identifying the fundamental limits of electrocatalysis by
electrode. This procedure can be used to construct free making a connection to solution electrochemistry. An
energy diagrams and can be used to deduce an important analysis similar in spirit to the one carried out here is
parameter, the limiting potential, UL, which is defined as discussed in a recent work [11].
Top Catal (2014) 57:215221 217
3 Solution Electrochemistry Table 1 The acid dissociation constant, pKa, of different molecules
at 25 C
The free energy diagrams discussed in the context of sur- Name Formula pKa Ref.
face electrochemistry are known as LatimerFrost dia-
grams in solution electrochemistry. These diagrams, also Water H2O 15.7 [29]
known as oxidation potential diagrams, were originally Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 11.6 [29]
introduced by Latimer to study the stability of different cis-Diazene N2H2 34.3 [29]
oxidation states of oxides [17]. A refinement of these dia- Hydrazine N2H4 32 [30]
grams was later proposed by Frost, where it was suggested Ammonia NH3 38 [29]
that the use of free energy could be advantageous in better Formic acid HCOOH 3.75 [31]
understanding the reaction landscape [18]. These diagrams Formaldehyde-hydrate H2C(OH)2 13.27 [31]
can be used to study the stable phases of transistion metal Methanol CH3OH 15.5 [31]
oxides, identify stability windows in aqueous solutions and Methane CH4 60 [23]
reaction free energy diagrams. In this section, we explore
these diagrams in the context of small molecule electro-
chemisty namely oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. of oxygen electrochemistry, the 2e- reduction results in
H2O2 and 4e- reduction results in H2O. The free energy
3.1 Procedure of these molecules can be obtained from thermodynamic
tables. The free energy of the corresponding solution
The construction of Frost diagrams involves identifying species can be obtained using the acid dissociation con-
the free energy of intermediate solution species. In a Frost stant, pKa, listed in Table 1. This procedure is used to
diagram, the sequential addition of two protons and construct the Frost diagrams for oxygen, nitrogen and
electrons results in a molecule. For instance, in the case carbon electrochemistry.
218 Top Catal (2014) 57:215221
Fig. 2 Frost diagram for oxygen electrochemistry plotted at a Fig. 3 Frost diagram for nitrogen electrochemistry at a potential of
potential of U = 0 VRHE and pH = 0. The stability of OOH- aq and U = 0 VRHE and pH = 0. The stability of NNH- -
aq and NH2, aq is
OH- aq is obtained using the pKa of H2O2 and H2O respectively. The obtained using the pKa of N2H2 and NH3 respectively. The free
free energy difference between these two species in solution is 3.4 eV energy difference between these two species in solution is
2.52 0.24 eV. The error bar is estimated based on 2 units of
uncertainty in the pKa for ammonia and diazene
3.2 Oxygen Electrochemistry
Using the procedure outlined above, we construct the Frost We explore the origin of this large overpotential by
diagram for oxygen electrochemistry and this is shown in examining the Frost diagram for nitrogen electrochem-
Fig. 2. The free energy of the two key solution species, istry and this is shown in Fig. 3. The reduction of
aq and OHaq is obtained using the pKa of H2O2 and nitrogen to ammonia proceeds through the addition of
H2O respectively, which are listed in Table 1. It is inter- six protons and electrons and thus there are two inter-
esting to note that the free energy difference between these mediate molecules involved in the sequential reduction
two intermediates is 3.4 eV. This is quite close to the of N2, namely the 2e- reduction to cis-diazene, N2H2
scaling found on metal surfaces and this is not entirely and the 4e- reduction to hydrazine, N2H4. The origin of
surprising as the scaling relations were found to be uni- the difficulty associated with nitrogen reduction becomes
versally independent of metal and facet. Thus, we would immediately apparent by looking at the Frost diagram. In
expect the solution free energy difference to give a good this analysis, we attribute the limitations in nitrogen
first approximation for the free energy difference between electrochemistry to the large free energy difference
these intermediates on a metal surface. This relation is between NNH
aq and NH2;aq : The free energy differ-
given by: ence between these two species is 2.52 0.24 eV and
DGOOH DGOH DGOOHaq DGOHaq 3 they are separated by four protons and electrons. In the
ideal case, this difference should only be & 0.22 eV.
This analysis can be used to get a preliminary idea of the Using the approximation,
possible energy landscapes of multi-electron electrochem- DGNNH DGNH 2 DGNNHaq DGNH2;aq 4
ical reactions. In the next section, we will explore this
methodology to nitrogen and carbon chemistry in an we immediately identify a fundamental limit for nitrogen
attempt to identify the fundamental limits for these electrocatalysis to ammonia given by g = (2.52 - 0.37
reactions. 0.24)/4 = 0.54 0.06 V. A similar limit was found in a
recent work using detailed density functional theory cal-
3.3 Nitrogen Electrochemistry culations of reaction intermediates associated with nitrogen
electrochemistry on stepped metal surfaces [20]. According
The electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia has to our analysis, the metal surfaces need to have sufficient
a reversible potential, U0 & 0.09 VRHE. However, there is a binding strength to activate N2 as NNH*. However on these
large barrier to carry out this transformation and typically surfaces, the binding of NH*2 will be so strong that the
high temperature and pressure is required [3]. However, in limiting step would be the reduction of NH*2 to NH3
biology, this process can be carried out with the help of forming the strong binding leg of the volcano. At suffi-
nitrogenase enzyme at room temperature [19]. This cient weakening of NH*2, due to corresponding weaken-
enzyme, however, requires the hydrolysis of 16 adenosine ing of NNH*, the limiting step transitions to the activation
triphosphate (nearly 5 eV) molecules to perform biological of N2 to NNH* forming the weak binding leg of the vol-
nitrogen fixation. cano. The predictions of our analysis agree well with the
Top Catal (2014) 57:215221 219
adsorbates that bind through the carbon end and those that
bind through the oxygen end. [22] These details are crucial
in developing a detailed treatment of surface electrocatal-
ysis of CO2 reduction or methanol oxidation.
In this work, we consider a simplified analysis, consid-
ering bonding primarily through the oxygen atom as the
acid dissociation constants can be experimentally deter-
mined only for the hydrogen attached to the oxygen atom.
The acidity of the hydrogens on the carbon atom are so
weak that these can not be directly measured and can only
be obtained through extrapolation methods [23]. However,
we expect that this analysis could prove to be useful on
Fig. 4 Frost diagram for carbon electrochemistry at a potential of surfaces that have high oxygen affinity. Additionally, the
U = 0 VRHE and pH = 7. The stability of HCOO aq ; H2 COHOaq ; species considered in our analysis, namely HCOO-,
and CH3Oaq is obtained using the pKa of formic acid, formaldehyde- CH2COO- and CH3O-, form the intermediates in one of
hydrate and methanol respectively. The free energy of H2 COH 2;aq
the possible pathways for methanol synthesis on Cu sur-
was calculated using an effective Henrys law coefficient of
kH = 3.0 9 103 accounting for hydration [27]. The free energy of faces in heterogenous catalysis [24]. It has been shown that
CH3 OHaq was calculated using Henrys law coefficient, binding energy of the oxygen-bound species, HCOO*,
kH = 2 9 102 [28]. The free energy difference between HCOO- CH2COO* and CH3O* scale with the binding energy of
and H2C(OH)O- is 0.52 eV and the free energy difference between OH* with the same slope further validating the link to
H2 C(OH)O and CH3 O is -0.42 eV
solution electrochemistry [25]. In our analysis, we find that
detailed density funcational theory treatment of N2 reduc- the limiting step is the reduction of CO or HCOO- to
tion [20]. H2C(OH)O- and we estimate a limiting potential of
A similar discussion can be made for the oxidation of UL = -0.26 VRHE. However, it is worth pointing out that
ammonia to nitrogen. The overpotential for ammonia oxi- this analysis assumes the activation of CO2 through the
dation on Pt(100), which is one of the best catalysts for this oxygen end. The binding of these intermediates through the
reaction, is around 0.50.6 V, close to the fundamental carbon end would be competing and the barriers associated
limit identified [21]. The mechanism suggested for with these processes are expected to play an important role
ammonia oxidation to molecular nitrogen is in good in determining the exact mechanism on different metals. In
agreement with the Frost diagram analysis discussed here. enzyme catalysis, however, it is known that carbon mon-
Our simple analysis suggests that electrochemical oxida- oxide dehydrogenase enzyme can reversibly catalyze the
tion of hydrazine could also be difficult, but a more transformation of CO2 to CO [26]. Thus, in principle, it
detailed analysis is necessary to identify the fundamental could be possible to find catalysts that mimic the active
limitations associated with this reaction. centers of these enzymes. The understanding of trends in
electrochemical reduction of CO2 on metal surfaces is still
3.4 Carbon Electrochemistry at its early stages and our present analysis does not rule out
the existence of efficient electrocatalysts for CO2
CO2 reduction may result in a wide range of useful products. reduction.
However, there are no known metal electrocatalysts that can
catalyze CO2 reduction at low overpotentials [4]. The best
known elemental catalyst that can reduce CO2 to hydrocar- 4 Opportunities in Surface Electrocatalysis
bons is copper, which requires an overpotential of &1 V. A
particular interesting fuel which may be formed by CO2 In this section, we try to explore possible ways to enhance
reduction is CH3OH. Similar to nitrogen reduction, the the efficiency of electrocatalytic transformations involving
reduction of CO2 to CH3OH occurs at an U0 & 0.03VRHE. small molecules. We discuss in detail two approaches
We construct the Frost diagram for carbon electro- which could avoid the limits of electrocatalysis identified
chemistry and this is shown in Fig. 4. The treatment of in this work.
carbon electrochemistry is complicated by the fact that the
initial reactant is CO2. Thus, the addition of a proton and an 4.1 Electrochemistry in Non-aqueous Electrolytes
electron could occur at either the carbon atom or the oxygen and Ionic Liquids
atom. The approach of linking solution intermediates to
surface intermediates relies on similar characteristics of the We use oxygen reduction reaction as the prototypical
metal-adsorbate bond and this does not hold between reaction to explore approaches to avoid the fundamental
220 Top Catal (2014) 57:215221
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