An Introduction to Electrochemistry
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An Introduction to Electrochemistry - Samuel Glasstone
Properties of Electric Current.—When plates of two dissimilar metals are placed in a conducting liquid, such as an aqueous solution of a salt or an acid, the resulting system becomes a source of electricity; this source is generally referred to as a voltaic cell or galvanic cell, in honor of Volta and Galvani, respectively, who made the classical discoveries in this field. If the plates of the cell are connected by a wire and a magnetic needle placed near it, the needle will be deflected from its normal position; it will be noted, at the same time, that the wire becomes warm. If the wire is cut and the two ends inserted in a conducting solution, chemical action will be observed where the wires come into contact with the liquid; this action may be in the form of gas evolution, or the liberation of a metal whose salt is present in the solution may be observed. These phenomena, viz., magnetic, heating and chemical effects, are said to be caused by the passage, or flow, of a current of electricity through the wire. Observation of the direction of the deflection of the magnetic needle and the nature of the chemical action, shows that it is possible to associate direction with the flow of electric current. The nature of this direction cannot be defined in absolute terms, and so it is desirable to adopt a convention and the one generally employed is the following: if a man were swimming with the electric current and watching a compass needle, the north-seeking pole of the needle would turn towards his left side. When electricity is passed through a solution, oxygen is generally liberated at the wire at which the positive current enters whereas hydrogen or a metal is set free at the wire whereby the current leaves the solution.
It is unfortunate that this particular convention was chosen, because when the electron was discovered it was observed that a flow of electrons produced a magnetic effect opposite in direction to that accompanying the flow of positive current in the same direction. It was necessary, therefore, to associate a negative charge with the electron, in order to be in harmony with the accepted convention concerning the direction of a current of electricity. Since current is carried through metals by means of electrons only, it means that the flow of electrons is opposite in direction to that of the conventional current flow. It should be emphasized that there is nothing fundamental about this difference, for if the direction of current flow had been defined in the opposite manner, the electron would have been defined as carrying a positive charge and the flow of electrons and of current would have been in the same direction. Although a considerable simplification would result from the change in convention, it is too late in the development of the subject for any such change to be made.
E.M.F., Current and Resistance: Ohm’s Law.—If two voltaic cells are connected together so that one metal, e.g., zinc, of one cell is connected to the other metal, e.g., copper, of the second cell, in a manner analogous to that employed by Volta in his electric pile, the magnetic and chemical effects of the current are seen to be increased, provided the same external circuit is employed. The two cells have a greater electrical driving force or pressure than a single one, and this force or pressure* which is regarded as driving the electric current through the wire is called the electromotive force, or E.M.F. Between any two points in the circuit carrying the current there is said to be a potential difference, the total E.M.F. being the algebraic sum of all the potential differences.
By increasing the length of the wire connecting the plates of a given voltaic cell the effect on the magnetic needle and the chemical action are seen to be decreased: the greater length of the wire thus opposes the flow of current. This property of hindering the flow of electricity is called electrical resistance, the longer wire having a greater electrical resistance than the shorter one.
It is evident that the current strength in a given circuit, as measured by its magnetic or chemical effect, is dependent on the E.M.F. of the cell producing the current and the resistance of the circuit. The relationship between these quantities is given by Ohm’s law (1827), which states that the current strength (I) is directly proportional to the applied E.M.F. (E) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R); thus
is the mathematical expression of Ohm’s law. The accuracy of this law has been confirmed by many experiments with conductors of various types: it fails, apparently, for certain solutions when alternating currents of very high frequency are employed, or with very high voltages. The reasons for this failure of Ohm’s law are of importance in connection with the theory of solutions (see Chap. III). It is seen from equation (1) that the E.M.F. is equal to the product of the current and the resistance: a consequence of this result is that the potential difference between any two points in a circuit is given by the product of the resistance between those points and the current strength, the latter being the same throughout the circuit. This rule finds a number of applications in electrochemical measurements, as will be evident in due course.
Electrical Dimensions and Units.—The electrostatic force (F) between two charges and ′ placed at a distance r apart is given by
where κ depends on the nature of the medium. Since force has the dimensions mlt–2, where m represents a mass, l length and t time, it can be readily seen that the dimensions of electric charge are , the dimensions of κ not being known. The strength of an electric current is defined by the rate at which an electric charge moves along a conductor, and so the dimensions of current are . The electromagnetic force between two poles of strength p and p′ separated by a distance r is pp′/μr², where μ is a constant for the medium, and so the dimensions of pole strength must be . It can be deduced theoretically that the work done in carrying a magnetic pole round a closed circuit is proportional to the product of the pole strength and the current, and since the dimensions of work are ml²t−2, those of current must be . Since the dimensions of current should be the same, irrespective of the method used in deriving them, it follows that
The dimensions l−1t are those of a reciprocal velocity, and it has been shown, both experimentally and theoretically, that the velocity is that of light, i.e., 2.9977 × 10¹⁰ cm. per sec., or, with sufficient accuracy for most purposes, 3 × 10¹⁰ cm. per sec.
In practice κ and μ are assumed to be unity in vacuum: they are then dimensionless and are called the dielectric constant and magnetic permeability, respectively, of the medium. Since κ and μ cannot both be unity for the same medium, it is evident that the units based on the assumption that κ is unity must be different from those obtained by taking μ as unity. The former are known as electrostatic (e.s.) and the latter as electromagnetic (e.m.) units, and according to the facts recorded above
It follows, therefore, that if length, mass and time are expressed in centimeters, grams and seconds respectively, i.e., in the c.g.s. system, the e.m. unit of current is 3 × 10¹⁰ times as great as the e.s. unit. The e.m. unit of current on this system is defined as that current which flowing through a wire in the form of an are one cm. long and of one cm. radius exerts a force of one dyne on a unit magnetic pole at the center of the are.
The product of current strength and time is known as the quantity of electricity; it has the same dimensions as electric charge. The e.m. unit of charge or quantity of electricity is thus 3 × 10¹⁰ larger than the corresponding e.s. unit. The product of quantity of electricity and potential or E.M.F. is equal to work, and if the same unit of work, or energy, is adopted in each case, the e.m. unit of potential must be smaller than the e.s. unit in the ratio of 1 to 3 × 10¹⁰. When one e.m. unit of potential difference exists between two points, one erg of work must be expended to transfer one e.m. unit of charge, or quantity of electricity, from one point to the other; the e.s. unit of potential is defined in an exactly analogous manner in terms of one e.s. unit of charge.
The e.m. and e.s. units described above are not all of a convenient magnitude for experimental purposes, and so a set of practical units have been defined. The practical unit of current, the ampere, often abbreviated to amp.,
is one-tenth the e.m. (c.g.s.) unit, and the corresponding unit of charge or quantity of electricity is the coulomb; the latter is the quantity of electricity passing when one ampere flows for one second. The practical unit of potential or E.M.F. is the volt, defined as 10⁸ e.m. units. Corresponding to these practical units of current and E.M.F. there is a unit of electrical resistance; this is called the ohm, and it is the resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere passes when the potential difference between the ends is one volt. With these units of current, E.M.F. and resistance it is possible to write Ohm’s law in the form
By utilizing the results given above for the relationships between e.m., e.s. and practical units, it is possible to draw up a table relating the various units to each other. Since the practical units are most frequently employed in electrochemistry, the most useful method of expressing the connection between the various units is to give the number of e.m. or e.s. units corresponding to one practical unit: the values are recorded in Table I.
International Units.—The electrical units described in the previous section are defined in terms of quantities which cannot be easily established in the laboratory, and consequently an International Committee (1908) laid down alternative definitions of the practical units of electricity. The international ampere is defined as the quantity of electricity which flowing for one second will cause the deposition of 1.11800 milligrams of silver from a solution of a silver salt, while the international ohm is the resistance at 0° c. of a column of mercury 106.3 cm. long, of uniform cross-section, weighing 14.4521 g. The international volt is then the difference of electrical potential, or E.M.F., required to maintain a current of one international ampere through a system having a resistance of one international ohm. Since the international units were defined it has been found that they do not correspond exactly with those defined above in terms of the c.g.s. system; the latter are thus referred to as absolute units to distinguish them from the international units. The international ampere is 0.99986 times the absolute ampere, and the international ohm is 1.00048 times the absolute ohm, so that the international volt is 1.00034 times the absolute practical unit.*
Electrical Energy.—As already seen, the passage of electricity through a conductor is accompanied by the liberation of heat; according to the first law of thermodynamics, or the principle of conservation of energy, the heat liberated must be exactly equivalent to the electrical energy expended in the conductor. Since the heat can be measured, the value of the electrical energy can be determined and it is found, in agreement with anticipation, that the heat liberated by the current in a given conductor is proportional to the quantity of electricity passing and to the difference of potential at the extremities of the conductor. The practical unit of electrical energy is, therefore, defined as the energy developed when one coulomb is passed through a circuit by an E.M.F. of one volt; this unit is called the volt-coulomb, and it is evident from Table I that the absolute volt-coulomb is equal to 10⁷ ergs, or one joule. It follows, therefore, that if a current of I amperes is passed for t seconds through a conductor under the influence of a potential of E volts, the energy liberated (Q) will be given by
or, utilizing Ohm’s law, if R is the resistance of the conductor,
These results are strictly true only if the ampere, volt and ohm are in absolute units; there is a slight difference if international units are employed, the absolute volt-coulomb or joule being different from the international value. The United States Bureau of Standards has recommended that the unit of heat, the calorie, should be defined as the equivalent of 4.1833 international joules, and hence
where E and I are now expressed in international volts and amperes, respectively. Alternatively, it may be stated that one international volt-coulomb is equivalent to 0.2390 standard calorie.
Classification of Conductors.—All forms of matter appear to be able to conduct the electric current to some extent, but the conducting powers of different substances vary over a wide range; thus silver, one of the best conductors, is 10²⁴ times more effective than paraffin wax, which is one of the poorest conductors. It is not easy to distinguish sharply between good and bad conductors, but a rough division is possible; the systems studied in electrochemistry are generally good conductors. These may be divided into three main categories; they are: (a) gaseous, (b) metallic and (c) electrolytic.
Gases conduct electricity with difficulty and only under the influence of high potentials or if exposed to the action of certain radiations. Metals are the best conductors, in general, and the passage of current is not accompanied by any movement of matter; it appears, therefore, that the electricity is carried exclusively by the electrons, the atomic nuclei remaining stationary. This is in accordance with modern views which regard a metal as consisting of a relatively rigid lattice of ions together with a system of mobile electrons. Metallic conduction, or electronic conduction, as it is often called, is not restricted to pure metals, for it is a property possessed by most alloys, carbon and certain solid salts and oxides.
Electrolytic conductors, or electrolytes, are distinguished by the fact that passage of an electric current through them results in an actual transfer of matter; this transfer is manifested by changes of concentration and frequently, in the case of electrolytic solutions, by the visible separation of material at the points where the current enters and leaves the solution. Electrolytic conductors are of two main types; there are, first, substances which conduct electrolytically in the pure state, such as fused salts and hydrides, the solid halides of silver, barium, lead and some other metals, and the α-form of silver sulfide. Water, alcohols, pure acids, and similar liquids are very poor conductors, but they must be placed in this category. The second class of electrolytic conductors consists of solutions of one or more substances; this is the type of conductor with which the study of electrochemistry is mainly concerned. The most common electrolytic solutions are made by dissolving a salt, acid or base in water; other solvents may be used, but the conducting power of the system depends markedly on their nature. Conducting systems of a somewhat unusual type are lithium carbide and alkaline earth nitrides dissolved in the corresponding hydride, and organic acid amides and nitro-compounds in liquid ammonia or hydrazine.
The distinction between electronic and electrolytic conductors is not sharp, for many substances behave as mixed conductors; that is, they conduct partly electronically and partly electrolytically. Solutions of the alkali and alkaline earth metals in liquid ammonia are apparently mixed conductors, and so also is the β-form of silver sulfide. Fused cuprous sulfide conducts electronically, but a mixture with sodium or ferrous sulfide also exhibits electrolytic conduction; a mixture with nickel sulfide is, however, a pure electronic conductor. Although pure metals conduct electronically, conduction in certain liquid alloys involves the transfer of matter and appears to be partly electrolytic in nature. Some materials conduct electronically at one temperature and electrolytically at another; thus cuprous bromide changes its method of conduction between 200° and 300°.
The Phenomena and Mechanism of Electrolysis.—The materials, generally small sheets of metal, which are employed to pass an electric current through an electrolytic solution, are called electrodes; the one at which the positive current enters is referred to as the positive electrode or anode, whereas the electrode at which current leaves is called the negative electrode, or cathode. The passage of current through solutions of salts of such metals as zinc, iron, nickel, cadmium, lead, copper, silver and mercury results in the liberation of these metals at the cathode; from solutions of salts of the very base metals, e.g., the alkali and alkaline earth metals, and from solutions of acids the substance set free is hydrogen gas. If the anode consists of an attackable metal, such as one of those just enumerated, the flow of the current is accompanied by the passage of the metal into solution. When the anode is made of an inert metal, e.g., platinum, an element is generally set free at this electrode; from solutions of nitrates, sulfates, phosphates, etc., oxygen gas is liberated, whereas from halide solutions, other than fluorides, the free halogen is produced. The decomposition of solutions by the electric current, resulting in the liberation of gases or metals, as described above, is known as electrolysis.
FIG. 1. Mechanism of Grotthuss conduction
The first definite proposals concerning the mechanism of electrolytic conduction and electrolysis were made by Grotthuss (1806); he suggested that the dissolved substance consisted of particles with positive and negative ends, these particles being distributed in a random manner throughout the solution. When a potential was applied it was believed that the particles (molecules) became oriented in the form of chains with the positive parts pointing in one direction and the negative parts in the opposite direction (Fig. 1, I). It was supposed that the positive electrode attracts the negative part of one end particle in the chain, resulting in the liberation of the corresponding material, e.g., oxygen in the electrolysis of water. Similarly, the negative electrode attracts the positive portion of the particle, e.g., the hydrogen of water, at the other end of the chain, and sets it free (Fig. 1, II). The residual parts of the end units were then imagined to exchange partners with adjacent molecules, this interchange being carried on until a complete series of new particles is formed (Fig. 1, III). These are now rotated by the current to give the correct orientation (Fig. 1, IV), followed by their splitting up, and so on. The chief objection to the theory of Grotthuss is that it would require a relatively high E.M.F., sufficient to break up the molecules, before any appreciable current was able to flow, whereas many solutions can be electrolyzed by the application of quite small potentials. Although the proposed mechanism has been discarded, as far as most electrolytic conduction is concerned, it will be seen later (p. 66) that a type of Grotthuss conduction occurs in solutions of acids and bases.
In order to account for the phenomena observed during the passage of an electric current through solutions, Faraday (1833) assumed that the flow of electricity was associated with the movement of particles of matter carrying either positive or negative charges. These charged particles were called ions; the ions carrying positive charges and moving in the direction of the current, i.e., towards the cathode, were referred to as cations, and those carrying a negative charge and moving in the opposite direction, i.e., towards the anode, were called anions* (see Fig. 2). The function of the applied E.M.F. is to direct the ions towards the appropriate electrodes where their charges are neutralized and they are set free as atoms or molecules. It may be noted that since hydrogen and metals are discharged at the cathode, the metallic part of a salt or base and the hydrogen of an acid form cations and carry positive charges. The acidic portion of a salt and the hydroxyl ion of a base consequently carry negative charges and constitute the anions.
FIG. 2. Illustration of electrochemical terms
Although Faraday postulated the existence of charged material particles, or ions, in solution, he offered no explanation of their origin: it was suggested, however, by Clausius (1857) that the positive and negative parts of the solute molecules were not firmly connected, but were each in a state of vibration that often became vigorous enough to cause the portions to separate. These separated charged parts, or ions, were believed to have relatively short periods of free existence; while free they were supposed to carry the current. According to Clausius, a small fraction only of the total number of dissolved molecules was split into ions at any instant, but sufficient ions were always available for carrying the current and hence for discharge at the electrodes. Since no electrical energy is required to break up the molecules, this theory is in agreement with the fact that small E.M.F.’s are generally adequate to cause electrolysis to occur; the applied potential serves merely to guide the ions to the electrodes where their charges are neutralized.
The Electrolytic Dissociation Theory.¹—From his studies of the conductances of aqueous solutions of acids and their chemical activity, Arrhenius (1883) concluded that an electrolytic solution contained two kinds of solute molecules; these were supposed to be active
molecules, responsible for electrical conduction and chemical action, and inactive molecules, respectively. It was believed that when an acid, base or salt was dissolved in water a considerable portion, consisting of the so-called active molecules, was spontaneously split up, or dissociated, into positive and negative ions; it was suggested that these ions are free to move independently and are directed towards the appropriate electrodes under the influence of an electric field. The proportion of active, or dissociated, molecules to the total number of molecules, later called the degree of dissociation,
was considered to vary with the concentration of the electrolyte, and to be equal to unity in dilute solutions.
This theory of electrolytic dissociation, or the ionic theory, attracted little attention until 1887 when van’t Hoff’s classical paper on the theory of solutions was published. The latter author had shown that the ideal gas law equation, with osmotic pressure in place of gas pressure, was applicable to dilute solutions of non-electrolytes, but that electrolytic solutions showed considerable deviations. For example, the osmotic effect, as measured by depression of the freezing point or in other ways, of hydrochloric acid, alkali chlorides and hydroxides was nearly twice as great as the value to be expected from the gas law equation; in some cases, e.g., barium hydroxide, and potassium sulfate and oxalate, the discrepancy was even greater. No explanation of these facts was offered by van’t Hoff, but he introduced an empirical factor i into the gas law equation for electrolytic solutions, thus
where Π is the observed osmotic pressure of the solution of concentration c; the temperature is T, and R is the gas constant. According to this equation, the van’t Hoff factor i is equal to the ratio of the experimental osmotic effect to the theoretical osmotic effect, based on the ideal gas laws, for the given solution. Since the osmotic effect is, at least approximately, proportional to the number of individual molecular particles, a value of two for the van’t Hoff factor means that the solution contains about twice the number of particles to be expected. This result is clearly in agreement with the views of Arrhenius, if the ions are regarded as having the same osmotic effect as uncharged particles.
The concept of active molecules,
which was part of the original theory, was later discarded by Arrhenius as being unnecessary; he suggested that whenever a substance capable of yielding a conducting solution was dissolved in water, it dissociated spontaneously into ions, the extent of the dissociation being very considerable with salts and with strong acids and bases, especially in dilute solution. Thus, a molecule of potassium chloride should, according to the theory of electrolytic dissociation, be split up into potassium and chloride ions in the following manner:
If dissociation is complete, then each molecular particle
of solid potassium chloride should give two particles in solution; the osmotic effect will thus approach twice the expected value, as has actually been found. A bi-univalent salt, such as barium chloride, will dissociate spontaneously according to the equation
and hence the van’t Hoff factor should be approximately 3, in agreement with experiment.
Suppose a solution is made up by dissolving m molecules in a given volume and α is the fraction of these molecules dissociated into ions; if each molecule produces v ions on dissociation, there will be present in the solution m(1 − α) undissociated molecules and vmα ions, making a total of m − ma + vmα particles. If the van’t Hoff factor is equal to the ratio of the number of molecular particles actually present to the number that would have been in the solution if there had been no dissociation, then
Since the van’t Hoff factor is obtainable from freezing-point, or analogous, measurements, the value of α, the so-called degree of dissociation, in the given solution can be calculated from equation (6). An alternative method of evaluating α, using conductance measurements (see p. 51), was proposed by Arrhenius (1887), and he showed that the results obtained by the two methods were in excellent agreement: this agreement was accepted as strong evidence for the theory of electrolytic dissociation, which has played such an important rôle in the development of electrochemistry.
It is now known that the agreement referred to above, which convinced many scientists of the value of the Arrhenius theory, was to a great extent fortuitous; the conductance method for calculating the degree of dissociation is not applicable to salt solutions, and such solutions would, in any case, not be expected to obey the ideal gas law equation. Nevertheless, the theory of electrolytic dissociation, with certain modifications, is now universally accepted; it is believed that when a solute, capable of forming a conducting solution, is dissolved in a suitable solvent, it dissociates spontaneously into ions. If the solute is a salt or a strong acid or base the extent of dissociation is very considerable, it being almost complete in many cases provided the solution is not too concentrated; substances of this kind, which are highly dissociated and which give good conducting solutions in water, are called strong electrolytes. Weak acids and weak bases, e.g., amines, phenols, most carboxylic acids and some inorganic acids and bases, such as hydrocyanic acid and ammonia, and a few salts, e.g., mercuric chloride and cyanide, are dissociated only to a small extent at reasonable concentrations; these compounds constitute the weak electrolytes.* Salts of weak acids or bases, or of both, are generally strong electrolytes, in spite of the fact that one or both constituents are weak. These results are in harmony with modern developments of the ionic theory, as will be evident in later chapters. As is to be expected, it is impossible to classify all electrolytes as strong
or weak,
although this forms a convenient rough division which is satisfactory for most purposes. Certain substances, e.g., trichloroacetic acid, exhibit an intermediate behavior, but the number of intermediate electrolytes is not large, at least in aqueous solution. It may be noted, too, that the nature of the solvent is often important; a particular compound may be a strong electrolyte, being dissociated to a large extent, in one solvent, but may be only feebly dissociated, and hence is a weak electrolyte, in another medium (cf. p. 13).
Evidence for the Ionic Theory.—There is hardly any branch of electrochemistry, especially in its quantitative aspects, which does not provide arguments in favor of the theory of electrolytic dissociation; without the ionic concept the remarkable systematization of the experimental results which has been achieved during the past fifty years would certainly not have been possible. It is of interest, however, to review briefly some of the lines of evidence which support the ionic theory.
Although exception may be taken to the quantitative treatment given by Arrhenius, the fact of the abnormal osmotic properties of electrolytic solutions still remains; the simplest explanation of the high values can be given by postulating dissociation into ions. This, in conjunction with the ability of solutions to conduct the electric current, is one of the strongest arguments for the ionic theory. Another powerful argument is based on the realization in recent years, as a result of X-ray diffraction studies, that the structural unit of solid salts is the ion rather than the molecule. That is to say, salts are actually ionized in the solid state, and it is only the restriction to movement in the crystal lattice that prevents solid salts from being good electrical conductors. When fused or dissolved in a suitable solvent, the ions, which are already present, can move relatively easily under the influence of an applied E.M.F., and conductance is observed. The concept that salts consist of ions held together by forces of electrostatic attraction is also in harmony with modern views concerning the nature of valence.
Many properties of electrolytic solutions are additive functions of the properties of the respective ions; this is at once evident from the fact that the chemical properties of a salt solution are those of its constituent ions. For example, potassium chloride in solution has no chemical reactions which are characteristic of the compound itself, but only those of potassium and chloride ions. These properties are possessed equally by almost all potassium salts and all chlorides, respectively. Similarly, the characteristic chemical properties of acids and alkalis, in aqueous solution, are those of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, respectively. Certain physical properties of electrolytes are also additive in nature; the most outstanding example is the electrical conductance at infinite dilution. It will be seen in Chap. II that conductance values can be ascribed to all ions, and the appropriate conductance of any electrolyte is equal to the sum of the values for the individual ions. The densities of electrolytic solutions have also been found to be additive functions of the properties of the constituent ions. The catalytic effects of various acids and bases, and of mixtures with their salts, can be accounted for by associating a definite catalytic coefficient with each type of ion; since undissociated molecules often have appreciable catalytic properties due allowance must be made for their contribution.
Certain thermal properties of electrolytes are in harmony with the theory of ionic dissociation; for example, the heat of neutralization of a strong acid by an equivalent amount of a strong base in dilute solution is about 13.7 kcal. at 20° irrespective of the exact nature of the acid or base.² If the acid is hydrochloric acid and the base is sodium hydroxide, then according to the ionic theory the neutralization reaction should be written
the acid, base and the resulting salt being highly dissociated, whereas the water is almost completely undissociated. Since Na+ and Cl− appear on both sides of this equation, the essential reaction is
and this is obviously independent of the particular acid or base employed: the heat of neutralization would thus be expected to be constant. It is of interest to mention that the heat of the reaction between hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in aqueous solution has been calculated by an entirely independent method (see p. 344) and found to be almost identical with the value obtained from neutralization experiments. The heat of neutralization of a weak acid or a weak base is generally different from 13.7 kcal., since the acid or base must dissociate completely in order that it may be neutralized and the process of ionization is generally accompanied by the absorption of heat.
Influence of the Solvent on Dissociation.³—The nature of the solvent often plays an important part in determining the degree of dissociation of a given substance, and hence in deciding whether the solution shall behave as a strong or as a weak electrolyte. Experiments have been made on solutions of tetraisoamylammonium nitrate in a series of mixtures of water and dioxane (see p. 64). In the water-rich solvents the system behaves like a strong electrolyte, but in the solvents containing relatively large proportions of dioxane the properties are essentially those of a weak electrolyte. In this case, and in analogous cases where the solute consists of units which are held together by bonds that are almost exclusively electrovalent in character, it is probable that the dielectric constant is the particular property of the solvent that influences the dissociation (cf. Chaps. II and III). The higher the dielectric constant of the medium, the smaller is the electrostatic attraction between the ions and hence the greater is the probability of their existence in the free state. Since the dielectric constant of water at 25° is 78.6, compared with a value of about 2.2 for dioxane, the results described above can be readily understood.
It should be noted, however, that there are many instances in which the dielectric constant of the solvent plays a secondary part: for example, hydrogen chloride dissolves in ethyl alcohol to form a solution which behaves as a strong electrolyte, but in nitrobenzene, having a dielectric constant differing little from that of alcohol, the solution is a weak electrolyte. As will be seen in Chap. IX the explanation of this difference lies in the ability of a molecule of ethyl alcohol to combine readily with a bare hydrogen ion, i.e., a proton, to form the ion C2H5OH+2, and this represents the form in which the hydrogen ion exists in the alcohol solution. Nitrobenzene, however, does not form such a combination to any great extent; hence the degree of dissociation of the acid is small and the solution of hydrogen chloride behaves as a weak electrolyte. The ability of oxygen compounds, such as ethers, ketones and even sugars, to accept a proton from a strongly acidic substance, thus forming an ion, e.g., R2OH+ or R2COH+, accounts for the fact that solutions of such compounds in pure sulfuric acid or in liquid hydrogen fluoride are relatively strong electrolytes.
Another aspect of the formation of compounds and its influence on electrolytic dissociation is seen in connection with substituted ammonium salts of the type R3NHX; although they are strong electrolytes in hydroxylic solvents, e.g., in water and alcohols, they are dissociated to only a small extent in nitrobenzene, nitromethane, acetone and acetonitrile. It appears that in the salts under consideration the hydrogen atom can act as a link between the nitrogen atom and the acid radical X, so that the molecule R3N · H · X exists in acid solution. If the solvent S is of such a nature, however, that its molecules tend to form strong hydrogen bonds, it can displace the X– ions, thus
so that ionization of the salt is facilitated. Hydroxylic solvents, in virtue of the type of oxygen atom which they contain, form hydrogen bonds more readily than do nitro-compounds, nitriles, etc.; the difference in behavior of the two groups of solvents can thus be understood.
Salts of the type R4NX function as strong electrolytes in both groups of solvents, since the dielectric constants are relatively high, and the question of compound formation with the solvent is of secondary importance. The fact that salts of different types show relatively little difference of behavior in hydroxylic solvents has led to these substances being called levelling solvents. On the other hand, solvents of the other group, e.g., nitro-compounds and nitriles, are referred to as differentiating solvents because they bring out the differences between salts of different types. The characteristic properties of the levelling solvents are due partly to their high dielectric constants and partly to their ability to act both as electron donors and acceptors, so that they are capable of forming compounds with either anions or cations.
The formation of a combination of some kind between the ion and a molecule of solvent, known as solvation, is an important factor in enhancing the dissociation of a given electrolyte. The solvated ions are relatively large and hence their distance of closest approach is very much greater than the bare unsolvated ions. It will be seen in Chap. V that when the distance between the centers of two oppositely charged ions is less than a certain limiting value the system behaves as if it consisted of undissociated molecules. The effective degree of dissociation thus increases as the distance of closest approach becomes larger; hence solvation may be of direct importance in increasing the extent of dissociation of a salt in a particular solvent. It may be noted that solvation does not necessarily involve a covalent bond, e.g., as is the case in and ; there is reason for believing that solvation is frequently electrostatic in character and is due to the orientation of solvent molecule dipoles about the ion. A solvent with a large dipole moment will thus tend to facilitate solvation and it will consequently increase the degree of dissociation.
It was mentioned earlier in this chapter that acid amides and nitro-compounds form conducting solutions in liquid ammonia and hydrazine; the ionization in these cases is undoubtedly accompanied by, and is associated with, compound formation between solute and solvent. The same is true of triphenylmethyl chloride which is a fair electrolytic conductor when dissolved in liquid sulfur dioxide; it also conducts to some extent in nitromethane, nitrobenzene and acetone solutions. In chloroform and benzene, however, there is no compound formation and no conductance. The electrolytic conduction of triphenylmethyl chloride in fused aluminum chloride, which is itself a poor conductor, appears to be due to the reaction
this process is not essentially different from that involved in the ionization of an acid, where the H+ ion, instead of a Cl– ion, is transferred from one molecule to another.
Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis.—During the years 1833 and 1834, Faraday published the results of an extended series of investigations on the relationship between the quantity of electricity passing through a solution and the amount of metal, or other substance, liberated at the electrodes: the conclusions may be expressed in the form of the two following laws.
I. The amount of chemical decomposition produced by a current is proportional to the quantity of electricity passing through the electrolytic solution.
II. The amounts of different substances liberated by the same quantity of electricity are proportional to their chemical equivalent weights.
The first law can be tested by passing a current of constant strength through a given electrolyte for various periods of time and determining the amounts of material deposited, on the cathode, for example; the weights should be proportional to the time in each case. Further, the time may be kept constant and the current varied; in these experiments the quantity of deposit should be proportional to the current strength. The second law of electrolysis may be confirmed by passing the same quantity of electricity through a number of different solutions, e.g., dilute sulfuric acid, silver nitrate and copper sulfate; if a current of one ampere flows for one hour the weights liberated at the respective cathodes should be 0.0379 gram of hydrogen, 4.0248 grams of silver and 1.186 grams of copper. These quantities are in the ratio of 1.008 to 107.88 to 31.78, which is the ratio of the equivalent weights. As the result of many experiments, in both aqueous and non-aqueous media, some of which will be described below, much evidence has been obtained for the accuracy of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis within the limits of reasonable experimental error. Apart from small deviations, which can be readily explained by the difficulty of obtaining pure deposits on by similar analytical problems, there are a number of instances of more serious apparent exceptions to the laws of electrolysis. The amount of sodium liberated in the electrolysis of a solution of the metal in liquid ammonia is less than would be expected. It must be remembered, however, that Faraday’s laws are applicable only when the whole of the conduction is electrolytic in character; in the sodium solutions in liquid ammonia some of the conduction is electronic in nature. The quantities of metal deposited from solutions of lead or antimony in liquid ammonia containing sodium are in excess of those required by the laws of electrolysis; in these solutions the metals exist in the form of complexes and the ions are quite different from those present in aqueous solution. It is consequently not possible to calculate the weights of the deposits to be expected from Faraday’s laws.
The applicability of the laws has been confirmed under extreme conditions: for example, Richards and Stull (1902) found that a given quantity of electricity deposited the same weight of silver, within 0.005 per cent, from an aqueous solution of silver nitrate at 20° and from a solution of this salt in a fused mixture of sodium and potassium nitrates at 260°. The experimental results are quoted in Table II.
A solution of silver nitrate in pyridine at – 55° also gives the same weight of silver on the cathode as does an aqueous solution of this salt at ordinary temperatures. Pressures up to 1500 atmospheres have no effect on the quantity of silver deposited from a solution of silver nitrate in water.
Faraday’s law holds for solid electrolytic conductors as well as for fused electrolytes and solutions; this is shown by the results of Tubandt and Eggert (1920) on the electrolysis of the cubic form of silver iodide quoted in Table III. The quantities of silver deposited in an ordinary silver coulometer in the various experiments are recorded, together with the amounts of silver gained by the cathode and lost by the anode, respectively, when solid silver iodide was used as the electrolyte.
The Faraday and its Determination.—The quantity of electricity required to liberate 1 equiv. of any substance should, according to the second of Faraday’s laws, be independent of its nature; this quantity is called the faraday ; it is given the symbol F and, as will be seen shortly, is equal to 96,500 coulombs, within the limits of experimental error. If e is the equivalent weight of any material set free at an electrode, then 96,500 amperes flowing for one second liberate e grams of this substance; it follows, therefore, from the first of Faraday’s laws, that I amperes flowing for t seconds will cause the deposition of w grams, where
If the product It is unity, i.e., the quantity of electricity passed is 1 coulomb, the weight of substance deposited is e/96,500; the result is known as the electrochemical equivalent of the deposited element. If this quantity is given the symbol e, it follows that
The electrochemical equivalents of some of the more common elements are recorded in Table IV;* since the value for any given element depends on the valence of the ions from which it is being deposited, the actual valence for which the results were calculated is given in each case.
The results given above, and equation (7) or (7a), are the quantitative expression of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; they can be employed either to calculate the weight of any substance deposited by a given quantity of electricity, or to find the quantity of electricity passing through a circuit by determining the weight of a given metal set free by electrolysis. The apparatus used for the latter purpose was at one time referred to as a voltameter,
but the name coulometer, i.e., coulomb measurer, proposed by Richards and Heimrod (1902), is now widely employed.
The most accurate determinations of the faraday have been made by means of the silver coulometer in which the amount of pure silver deposited from an aqueous solution of silver nitrate is measured. The first reliable observations with the silver coulometer were those of Kohlrausch in 1886, but the most accurate measurements in recent years were made by Smith, Mather and Lowry (1908) at the National Physical Laboratory in England, by Richards and Anderegg (1915–16) at Harvard University, and by Rosa and Vinal, ⁴ and others, at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D. C. (1914–16). The conditions for obtaining precise results have been given particularly by Rosa and Vinal (1914): these are based on the necessity of insuring purity of the silver nitrate, of preventing particles of silver from the anode, often known as the anode slime,
from falling on to the cathode, and of avoiding the inclusion of water and silver nitrate in the deposited silver.
The silver nitrate is purified by repeated crystallization from acidified solutions, followed by fusion. The purity of the salt is proved by the absence of the so-called volume effect,
the weight of silver deposited by a given quantity of electricity being independent of the volume of liquid in the coulometer: this means that no extraneous impurities are included in the deposit. The solution of silver nitrate employed for the actual measurements should contain between 10 and 20 g. of the salt in 100 cc.; it should be neutral or slightly acid to methyl red indicator, after removal of the silver by neutral potassium chloride, both at the beginning and end of the electrolysis. The anode should be of pure silver with an area as large as the apparatus permits; the current density at the anode should not exceed 0.2 amp. per sq. cm. To prevent the anode slime from reaching the cathode, the former electrode(A in Fig. 3), is inserted in a cup of porous porcclain, as shown at B in Fig. 3, I (Richards, 1900), or is surrounded by a glass vessel, B in Fig. 3, II (Smith, 1908). The cathode is a platinum dish or cup (C) and its area should be such as to make the cathodic current density less than 0.02 amp. per sq. cm. After electrolysis the solution is removed by a siphon, the deposited silver is washed thoroughly and then the platinum dish and deposit are dried at 150° and weighed. The gain in weight gives the amount of silver deposited by the current; if the conditions described are employed, the impurities should not be more than 0.004 per cent.
FIG. 3. Silver coulometers
If the observations are to be used for the determination of the faraday, it is necessary to know exactly the quantity of electricity passed or the current strength, provided it is kept constant during the experiment. In the work carried out at the National Physical Laboratory the absolute value of the current was determined by means of a magnetic balance, but at the Bureau of Standards the current strength was estimated from the known value of the applied E.M.F ., based on the Weston standard cell as 1.01830 international volt at 20° (see p. 193), and the measured resistance of the circuit. According to the experiments of Smith, Mather and Lowry, one absolute coulomb deposits 1.11827 milligrams of silver, while Rosa and Vinal (1916) found that one international coulomb deposits 1.1180 milligrams of silver. The latter figure is identical with the one used for the definition of the international coulomb (p. 4) and since it is based on the agreed value of the E.M.F. of the Weston cell it means that these definitions are consistent with one another within the limits of experimental accuracy. If the atomic weight of silver is taken as 107.88, it follows that
are required to liberate one gram equivalent of silver. If allowance is made for the 0.004 per cent of impurity in the deposit, this result becomes 96,498 coulombs. Since the atomic weight of silver is not known with an accuracy of more than about one part in 10,000, the figure is rounded off to 96,500 coulombs. It follows, therefore, that this quantity of electricity is required to liberate 1 gram equivalent of any substance: hence
FIG. 4. Iodine coulometer (Washburn and Bates)
1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs:
The reliability of this value of the faraday has been confirmed by measurements with the iodine coulometer designed by Washburn and Bates, and employed by Bates and Vinal.⁵ The apparatus is shown in Fig. 4; it consists of two vertical tubes, containing the anode (A) and cathode (C) of platinum-iridium foil, joined by a V-shaped portion. A 10 per cent solution of potassium iodide is first placed in the limbs and then by means of the filling tubes D and D′ a concentrated solution of potassium iodide is introduced carefully beneath the dilute solution in the anode compartment, and a standardized solution of iodine in potassium iodide is similarly introduced into the cathode compartment. During the passage of current iodine is liberated at the anode while an equivalent amount is reduced to iodide ions at the cathode. After the completion of electrolysis the anode and cathode liquids are withdrawn, through D and D′, and titrated with an accurately standardized solution of arsenious acid. In this way the amounts of iodine formed at one electrode and removed at the other can be determined; the agreement between the two results provides confirmation of the accuracy of the measurements. The results obtained by Bates and Vinal in a number of experiments, in which a silver and an iodine coulometer were in series, are given in Table V; the first column records the weight of silver deposited and the second the mean quantity of iodine liberated or removed; in the third column are the number of coulombs passed, calculated from the data in the first column assuming the faraday to be 96,494 coulombs, and in the fourth are the corresponding values derived from the E.M.F. of the cell employed, that of the Weston standard cell being 1.01830 volt at 25°, and the resistance of the circuit. The agreement between the figures in these two columns shows that the silver coulometer was functioning satisfactorily. The fifth column gives the electrochemical equivalent of iodine in milligrams per coulomb, and the last column is the value of the faraday, i.e., the number of coulombs required to deposit 1 equiv. of iodine, the atomic weight being taken as 126.92.
The faraday, calculated from the work on the iodine coulometer, is thus 96,514 coulombs compared with 96,494 coulombs from the silver coulometer; the agreement is within the limits of accuracy of the known atomic weights of silver and iodine. In view of the small difference between the two values of the faraday given above, the mean figure 96,500 coulombs is probably best for general use.
Measurement of Quantities of Electricity.—Since the magnitude of the faraday is known, it is possible, by means of equation (7), to determine the quantity of electricity passing through any circuit by including in it a coulometer in which an element of known equivalent weight is deposited. Several coulometers, of varying degrees of accuracy and convenience of manipulation, have been described. Since the silver and iodine coulometers have been employed to determine the faraday, these are evidently capable of giving the most accurate results; the iodine coulometer is, however, rarely used in practice because of the difficulty of manipulation. One of the disadvantages of the ordinary form of the silver coulometer is that the deposits are coarse-grained and do not adhere to the cathode; a method of overcoming this is to use an electrolyte made by dissolving silver oxide in a solution of hydrofluoric and boric acids.⁶
In a simplified form of the silver coulometer, which is claimed to give results accurate to within 0.1 per cent, the amount of silver dissolved from the anode into a potassium nitrate solution during the passage of current is determined volumetrically.⁷
For general laboratory purposes the copper coulometer is the one most frequently employed;⁸ it contains a solution of copper sulfate, and the metallic copper deposited on the cathode is weighted. The chief sources of error are attack of the cathode in acid solution, especially in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, and formation of cuprous oxide in neutral solution. In practice slightly acid solutions are employed and the errors are minimized by using cathodes of small area and operating at relatively low temperatures; the danger of oxidation is obviated to a great extent by the presence of ethyl alcohol or of tartaric acid in the electrolyte. The cathode, which is a sheet of copper, is placed midway between two similar sheets which act as anodes; the current density at the cathode should be between 0.002 and 0.02 ampere per sq. cm. At the conclusion of the experiment the cathode is removed, washed with water and dried at 100°. It can be calculated from equation (7) that one coulomb of electricity should deposit 0.3294 milligram of copper.
In a careful study of the copper coulometer, in which electrolysis was carried out at about 0° in an atmosphere of hydrogen, and allowance made for the copper dissolved from the cathode by the acid solution, Richards, Collins and Heimrod (1900) found the results to be within 0.03 per cent of those obtained from a silver coulometer in the same circuit.
The electrolytic gas coulometer is useful for the approximate measurement of small quantities of electricity; the total volume of hydrogen and oxygen liberated in the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid or of sodium, potassium or barium hydroxide can be measured, and from this the quantity of electricity passed can be estimated. If the electrolyte is dilute acid it is necessary to employ platinum electrodes, but with alkaline electrolytes nickel electrodes are frequently used. One faraday of electricity should liberate one gram equivalent of hydrogen at the cathode and an equivalent of oxygen at the anode, i.e., there should be produced 1 gram of hydrogen and 8 grams of oxygen. Allowing for the water vapor present in the liberated gases and for the decrease in volume of the solution as the water is electrolyzed, the passage of one coulomb of electricity should be accompanied by the formation of 0.174 cc. of mixed hydrogen and oxygen at S.T.P., assuming the gases to behave ideally.
FIG. 5. Mercury coulometer electricity meter
The mercury coulometer has been employed chiefly for the measurement of quantities of electricity for commercial purposes, e.g., in electricity meters.⁹ The form of apparatus used is shown in Fig. 5; the anode consists of an annular ring of mercury (A) surrounding the carbon cathode (C); the electrolyte is a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide. The mercury liberated at the cathode falls off, under the influence of gravity, and is collected in the graduated tube D. From the height of the mercury in this tube the quantity of electricity passed may be read off directly. When the tube has become filled with mercury the apparatus is inverted and the mercury flows back to the reservoir B. In actual practice a definite fraction only of the current to be measured is shunted through the meter, so that the life of the latter is prolonged. The accuracy of the mercury electricity meter is said to be within 1 to 2 per cent.
A form of mercury coulometer suitable for the measurement of small currents of long duration has also been described.¹⁰
FIG. 6. Sodium coulometer (Stewart)
An interesting form of coulometer, for which an accuracy of 0.01 per cent has been claimed, is the sodium coulometer; it involves the passage of sodium ions through glass.¹¹ The electrolyte is fused sodium nitrate at 340° and the electrodes are tubes of highly conducting glass, electrical contact being made by means of a platinum wire sealed through the glass and dipping into cadmium in the cathode, and cadmium containing some sodium in the anode (Fig. 6). When current is passed, sodium is deposited in the glass of the cathode and an equal amount moves out of the anode tube. From the change in weight the quantity of electricity passing may be determined; the anode gives the most reliable results, for with the cathode there is a possibility of the loss of silicate ions from the glass. In spite of the great accuracy that has been reported, it is doubtful if the sodium coulometer as described here will find any considerable application because of experimental difficulties; its chief interest lies in the fact that it shows Faraday’s laws hold under extreme conditions.
General Applicability of Faraday’s Laws.—The discussion so far has been concerned mainly with the application of Faraday’s laws to the material deposited at a cathode, but the laws are applicable to all types of processes occurring at both anode and cathode. The experiments on the iodine coulometer proved that the amount of iodine liberated at the anode was equal to that converted into iodide ions at the cathode, both quantities being in close agreement with the requirements of Faraday’s laws. Similarly, provided there are no secondary processes to interfere, the volume of oxygen evolved at an anode in the electrolysis of a solution of dilute acid or alkali is half the volume of hydrogen set free at the cathode.
In the cases referred to above, the anode consists of a metal which is not attacked during the passage of current, but if an attackable metal, e.g., zinc, silver, copper or mercury, is used as the anode, the latter dissolves in amounts exactly equal to that which would be deposited on the cathode by the same quantity of electricity. The results obtained by Bovard and Hulett¹² for the loss in weight of a silver anode and for the amount of silver deposited on the cathode by the same current are given in Table VI; the agreement between the values in the eight experiments shows that Faraday’s laws are applicable to the anode as well as to the cathode.
The results obtained at the cathode in the iodine coulometer show that Faraday’s laws hold for the reduction of iodine to iodide ions; the laws apply, in fact, to all types of electrolytic reduction occurring at the cathode, e.g., reduction of ferric to ferrous ions, ferricyanide to ferrocyanide, quinone to hydroquinone, etc. The laws are applicable similarly to the reverse process of electrolytic oxidation at the anode. The equivalent weight in these cases is based, of course, on the nature of the oxidation-reduction process.
In the discussion hitherto it has been supposed that only one process occurs at each electrode; there are numerous instances, however, of two or more reactions occurring simultaneously. For example, in the electrolysis of nickel salt solutions the deposition of the metal is almost invariably accompanied by the evolution of some hydrogen; when current is passed through a solution of a stannic salt there may be simultaneous reduction of the stannic ions to stannous ions, deposition of tin and liberation of hydrogen at the cathode. Similarly, the electrolysis of a dilute hydrochloric acid