Advanced Energy Materials - 2023 - Schmid - Rechargeable Oxide Ion Batteries Based On Mixed Conducting Oxide Electrodes
Advanced Energy Materials - 2023 - Schmid - Rechargeable Oxide Ion Batteries Based On Mixed Conducting Oxide Electrodes
Advanced Energy Materials - 2023 - Schmid - Rechargeable Oxide Ion Batteries Based On Mixed Conducting Oxide Electrodes
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (1 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (2 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 3. a) Charge–voltage curves of an LSF half cell measured at 350 °C in 0.25 mbar O2 over 19 reduction/oxidation cycles in galvanostatic mode
with a current of 58 µA cm−2 (i.e., 5 C) between −0.01 to −1.07 V versus 1 bar O2; all curves are virtually identical. During reduction oxygen is pumped
out of the electrode. The initial cycle is not shown. b) Electrode capacity extracted from data in panel (a). c) Corresponding coulomb efficiency.
which means that by reduction and oxidation, we switch layer at the electrode surface, allowing small amounts of oxygen
between hole (h•) and vacancy ( VO••) dominated LSF. The stoichi- to leak from the surrounding atmosphere into the electrode.
ometry in Equation (2) assumes that we switch from virtually Similar measurements were performed at different temper-
complete hole compensation of the Sr doping to almost com- atures and with different currents (i.e., charge rates) and the
plete oxygen vacancy compensation. According to the Brouwer corresponding capacities and coulomb efficiencies are listed in
diagram of LSF (see below), this can be expected when oper- Table 1. For lower currents (29 µA cm−2 at 350 °C), we reach
ating in a range between 0 and 0.4 V versus O2 and should even higher capacities of ≈94 % of the theoretical capacity
result in a volumetric capacity of 295 mA h cm−3. according to Equation (2). At higher currents and especially
The volumetric charge of our electrodes was calculated by at low temperatures the overpotential losses in the thick elec-
integrating the measured current and normalizing to the total trolyte dominate the voltage and thus also strongly limit the
thin film electrode volume. Between 0 V and the sharp voltage
drop from −0.3 to −0.9 V at 58 µA cm−2, we get 253 mA h cm−3 Table 1. Electrode capacity and coulomb efficiency of an LSF half cell
electrode at different temperatures and at different charge rates. Mean
and thus 86 % of the theoretical value. The experimental value values and standard deviations over 19 cycles are listed.
corresponds to a gravimetric capacity of ≈40 mA h g−1. For com-
parison, this is ≈29 % of the volumetric and 37 % of the gravi- Temperature Current Cut-off potential Capacity Coulomb
metric capacity of the common lithium ion battery electrode [°C] [µA cm−2] efficiency [%]
material LixCoO2 with 670 and 140 mA h g−1 and x between 0.5
Lower [V] Upper [V] [mA h cm−3]
and 1, respectively.[55]
Reduction and oxidation cycles are distinctly separated by 350 29 -1.06 0.04 276.7 ± 0.1 99.5 ± 0.1
≈200 mV due to transport resistances and a corresponding 350 58 -1.07 -0.01 253.4 ± 0.3 99.6 ± 0.1
overpotential of 100 mV in each direction. From the ionic 350 115 -0.87 -0.06 151.3 ± 0.8 99.3 ± 0.7
transport resistance of the YSZ electrolyte (determined by 400 58 -0.88 -0.07 260.9 ± 0.1 97.1 ± 0.1
impedance spectroscopy, see below) we can estimate the YSZ
400 115 -0.90 -0.07 257.0 ± 0.1 98.5 ± 0.1
contribution to the overpotential to be ≈80 mV. Thus, it consti-
tutes the major part of the total overpotential. The remaining 400 288 -0.92 -0.07 230.4 ± 0.3 99.2 ± 0.1
20 mV correspond to an intermediate frequency feature in the 400 570 -0.92 -0.07 151.3 ± 0.6 99.3 ± 0.4
impedance spectra, likely caused by an interfacial resistance 400 1152 -1.11 0.18 179.2 ± 0.8 99.5 ± 0.5
between electrolyte and electrode or contributions from the
450 288 -0.90 -0.10 228.2 ± 0.3 97.8 ± 0.1
current collector.
Figure 3b displays the capacities resulting for the reduction 450 570 -0.93 -0.10 191.6 ± 1.1 98.6 ± 0.2
and oxidation steps extracted from Figure 3a. The capacity is 450 1152 -1.10 -0.10 80.5 ± 0.8 98.5 ± 1.5
virtually constant, decreasing by <0.25 % over 19 cycles. The 450 2880 -1.15 0.38 142.5 ± 1.0 100.0 ± 0.2
corresponding coulomb efficiencies of ≈99.6 % are shown in 500 288 -0.69 -0.09 235.7 ± 0.2 92.9 ± 0.2
Figure 3c. The very small loss of charge in each cycle is most
500 576 -0.77 -0.08 230.1 ± 0.8 96.2 ± 0.3
probably a consequence of the yet non-ideal oxygen blocking
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (3 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 4. a) Charge–voltage curves of an LSF half cell measured at 350 °C in 0.25 mbar O2 with currents between 29 and 115 µA cm−2 (i.e., 2.5 to 10 C).
b) Charge–voltage curves of an LSF half cell measured between 400 and 500 °C in 0.25 mbar O2 with a current of 288 µA cm−2.
accessible capacity range.Exemplary, charge–voltage curves semicircle at intermediate frequencies is likely caused by an
measured for different C-rates are shown in Figure 4a. Not interface impedance (i.e., charge transfer between electrolyte
surprisingly, the voltage gap between reduction and oxidation and electrode), but may also include contributions from the cur-
increases with increasing current due to the internal resist- rent collector.[20] At low frequencies, the onset of an additional
ances. Moreover, the accessible charge decreases with higher feature is visible, which is more or less capacitive. However,
C-rates. Figure 4b displays charge–voltage curves at different due to very long relaxation times at these low temperatures,
temperatures. Curves at 400 and 450 °C differ only in the only very few points could be measured within reasonable time.
overpotential (visible as the difference between charge and Thus, only a rough estimation of the corresponding capacitance
discharge curve). At 500 °C, also the capacity of the reduction is possible. The approximate value of this capacitance is rather
curve appears to be higher than at lower temperatures, and fur- high (several mF cm−2) clearly suggesting a chemical origin, i.e.
thermore, the oxidation curve does not reach its starting point this is the chemical capacitance of the MIEC electrode.
at zero volumetric charge. However, this is due to significant At higher temperatures, the YSZ high frequency semicircle is
parasitic oxygen exchange with the atmosphere leading to a loss largely lost (due to the high relaxation frequency), but a larger
of charge during the measurement. Therefore, more charge is part of the low frequency feature becomes accessible, which
required to reach the cut-off potential during charging and less develops into a semicircle. Especially at very negative potentials,
charge can be retrieved during oxidation. almost the entire low frequency semicircle is visible in the given
frequency range, see Figure 5b. The diameter of this semicircle
is several orders of magnitude larger than the electrolyte resist-
3. Impedance Measurements of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ ance and corresponds to the differential resistance of not yet fully
known parasitic current paths. (Please note that the small electro-
Half Cells
lyte resistance largely determines the overpotential in the charge–
Additionally, impedance spectra were recorded in a three elec- discharge curves.) However, the capacitance of the low frequency
trode arrangement at different temperatures and potentials. arc can still be interpreted in terms of a chemical capacitance of
Figure 5a shows impedance spectra of an LSF half cell meas- the electrode. This was extracted by fitting the low frequency arc
ured at 350 °C. The high frequency semicircle is independent to an equivalent circuit consisting of an R||CPE element with a
of potential and its resistance corresponds to the ionic trans- series resistor; the CPE with impedance ZCPE = T−1(iω)−P was
port resistance of the YSZ electrolyte.[56] A small depressed used to model an imperfect capacitor with C = (R1 −PT)1/P. Typical
Figure 5. Impedance spectra of an LSF electrode (550 nm) half cell sample at a) 350 °C and b) 500 °C and varying potentials versus 1 bar O2, measured
in 0.25 mbar oxygen versus a reference electrode. Markers indicate measured data points, lines represent fits to an equivalent circuit consisting of an
R||CPE element in series with a resistor.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (4 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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P values are between 0.9 and 0.95. The chemical capacitances potential of a mixed conducting electrode with high electronic
were normalized to the entire electrode film volume including conductivity and slow or blocked oxygen exchange at the sur-
the volume atop the current collector grid, since the inhibition kT p∗
face is given by µO = µO0 + ln O2 and can be varied by the
of the surface exchange causes the entire film to contribute to 2 1bar 4 eU
the capacitive response. Values between 1940 mF cm−2 at open potential versus 1 bar O2, U, according to pO2 = 1bar exp .
circuit and 23 mF cm−2 at a potential of −0.8 V versus 1 bar O2 ∗
The effective oxygen partial pressure pO2 in the electrode is,
result, which agrees excellently with chemical capacitance meas- thus, directly related to the electrode potential and fort given
urements on similar LSF thin films without oxygen blocking zir- thermodynamic data can be used to calculate [VO•• ] as a function
conia layer,[48] confirming our assignment of the low frequency of the potential. As a reference point, we define the oxidized
capacitance to the electrode chemical capacitance. state (Q = 0) of the electrode at a potential of 0 V, i.e. pO∗ 2 = 1 bar
([VO•• ] = 1.5 × 1017 cm −3 at 350 °C, according to data in Refs. [28, 48]).
Thus, we obtain
4. Reconstruction of the Charge/Voltage
Characteristics from the Chemical Capacitance (
Q (U ) = 2e VO•• (U ) − VO•• ( 0V ) ) (4)
In the following, we show how the charge–voltage curve of LSF This is illustrated in Figure 6b. Hence, from the p (i.e., O2
can be directly predicted and understood from its defect model. potential) dependency of the oxygen vacancy concentration,
The defect chemistry of LSF has been investigated extensively we directly get the theoretical charge–voltage curve (with inter-
by a multitude of techniques, including coulometric titration, changed axes) in Figure 6b.
thermogravimetry, statistical thermodynamics calculations, Figure 7a shows the calculated curve from Figure 6b in the
carrier gas titration, electronic conductivity measurements conventional charge/voltage plot, together with measured data
and chemical capacitance measurements.[22,23,28,29,32,48,57–60] at 350 °C. The observed charge/voltage characteristics fit the
Generally, LSF defect thermodynamics is described by defect defect chemical predictions very well. The calculated curve
models including (doubly charged) oxygen vacancies ( VO••), is largely in between the measured reduction and oxidation
electron holes (h•) and, at low oxygen chemical potentials, curves, since it does not include the overpotential in the electro-
electrons (e′). The corresponding Brouwer diagram (defect lyte. Figure 7b displays similar data at 500 °C and here we also
concentrations versus pO2 ) is shown in Figure 6a. A refined demonstrate that the charge/voltage curve can be reconstructed
model may also consider singly charged oxygen vacancies at from the determined chemical capacitance values (measured by
low oxygen partial pressures. However, in our case, we can stay impedance spectroscopy). This chemical capacitance is nothing
with the given model since LSF is only operated in the hole but the differential capacitance dQ/dU often discussed for bat-
conducting regime. Generally, the change in electrode charge teries, and thus we can use
ΔQ is given by the sum of the changes of electronic charge car-
rier concentrations times their respective charges, which is pro- dQ (υ )
portional to the change in vacancy concentration of LSF, i.e., Q (U ) = ∫Cchem (υ )dυ = ∫ dυ (5)
0 0
∆Q = e∆[e′ ] − e∆[h • ] = 2e∆[VO ] . From the Brouwer diagram, the
oxygen vacancy concentration is known as a function of oxygen to reconstruct the charge–voltage curve (υ is the electrode poten-
partial pressure. More generally, the effective oxygen chemical tial versus 1 bar). The agreement with measured charge–voltage
Figure 6. a) Brouwer diagram of LSF at 350 °C calculated from defect data in Ref. [48]. b) Equivalence of charge/voltage characteristics and Brouwer
diagram. The curve shows the oxygen vacancy concentration from panel (a) on a linear scale. The upper and right axes indicate the corresponding
voltage and charge, respectively, i.e., a rotated charge–voltage curve. Exemplary, the charge at −400 mV is shown (dashed lines), relative to our chosen
reference state at 0 V (dotted lines).
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (5 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 7. Charge/voltage characteristics of an LSF half cell measured at a) 350 °C/29 µA cm−2 and b) 500 °C/288 µA cm−2, together with curves cal-
culated from the defect model (Brouwer diagram). For 500 °C reconstructed data were also determined from chemical capacitance measurements by
integration, see Equation (5).
curves and the curve from the Brouwer diagram is excellent. or again
Altogether, we can conclude that LSF is a highly promising
cathode material for solid state oxygen ion batteries. OOx + 2 e cc− + 2h • VO•• + O2YSZ
in defect notation.
5. La0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2Mn0.8O3−δ Half Cell Measurements The reduction/oxidation characteristics at 400 °C are
shown in Figure 8. Notably, the electrode capacity for
As an anode in an oxygen ion battery, a material is required 16.9 µA cm−2 is very high (338 mA h cm−3), even surpassing
which is much harder to reduce than LSF. Chromium and that of LSF. This value is again reasonably close to the theo-
manganese are known to be much less reducible than iron and retical capacity according to Equation (6) (385 mA h cm−3),
thus (La,Sr)(Cr,Mn)O3−δ (LSCrMn) is a potential anode material. which is more than for LSF due to the increased Sr content
Here, La0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2Mn0.8O3−δ thin film electrodes were investi- (50 % Sr on the A site). Even higher capacities are achieved
gated; the corresponding redox reaction nominally reads at lower currents, see Table 2. The capacity of 392 mA h cm−3
(1404 C cm−3) at 8.5 µA cm−2 for example, corresponds to
4La 0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2 Mn 0.8 O3 + 2e cc− 4La 0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2 Mn 0.8 O2.75 + O2YSZ
(6) 7.28 mmol cm−3 of oxygen vacancies transferred between
Figure 8. a) Charge/voltage characteristics of an LSCrMn electrode measured in a half cell configuration at 400 °C in 0.25 mbar O2 using a current
of 16.9 µA cm−2 (0.8 C). Nineteen cycles between −0.12 and −1.12 V versus 1 bar O2 are shown. b) Extracted capacities. c) Corresponding coulomb
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (6 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Table 2. Electrode capacity and coulomb efficiency (per cycle) of an 6. Full Cells Measurements
LSCrMn half cell at different temperatures and using different currents.
Mean values and standard deviations over 19 cycles are listed.
Full cells of solid state oxide ion batteries were fabricated by
combining two electrodes with different oxygen insertion (i.e.,
Temperature Current Cut-off potential Capacity Coulomb
half cell) potentials. Charge can then be reversibly stored and
[°C] [µA cm−2] [mA h cm−3] efficiency [%]
retrieved by pumping oxide ions between the two electrodes.
Lower [V] Upper [V] Ideally, and for matching electrode volumes, full charging and
350 8.5 −1.11 −0.11 296.3 ± 16.9 97.0 ± 0.9 discharging corresponds to oxygen insertion/removal according
to the nominal cell reaction
350 16.9 −1.11 −0.11 263.2 ± 4.7 99.7 ± 0.4
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (7 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 9. a) Initial conditioning: Oxygen is pumped out of the LSF cathode into the atmosphere, creating oxygen vacancies at the expense of electron
holes. b) Charging: Oxide ions are pumped from the LSCrMn anode to the LSF cathode, filling the vacancies and forming holes. c) Discharging: Oxide
ions flow from the LSF cathode to the LSCrMn anode.
higher temperatures or lower currents. Up to 119 mA h cm−3 achievable with improved electrodes, e.g., highly doped (La,Sr)
(20 mA h g−1) and 69 mW h cm−3 (11 mW h g−1) were measured CrO3 anodes and optimized cathodes. For the electrolyte we
at 400 °C using a current of 8.5 µA cm−2, which corresponds to assume a thin film of Sm:CeO2, which has a higher conduc-
a rate of 1.3 C. Again, the overpotential can be mostly attributed tivity than YSZ and has also reduced interfacial resistances at
to the thick electrolyte. Exemplary charge/voltage curves for cathodes.[61–63] To estimate the internal resistance of such a cell
different current densities and temperatures are shown in we take the ionic conductivities of Sm:CeO2 and La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ
Figure 11, and Table 3 lists the cell capacity, volumetric energy from Refs. [61] and [16], respectively. Since the conductivity
density and coulomb efficiency under varying conditions. of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ depends on oxygen vacancy concentra-
tion, i.e., the electrode charge state, we use the conductivity
at δ = 0.043 which corresponds to an electrode where 78.5%
7. Predicted Performance of an Optimized Thin of vacancies are filled. This is the logarithmic mean between
completely empty (δ = 0.2) and 99 % filled (δ = 0.002). For
Film Cell
example, the assumed ionic conductivity of both electrodes is
Finally, we extrapolate these data to predict the performance of 2.8 × 10−4 S cm−1 at 350 °C. Additionally, we include an extra
an optimized solid state oxide ion battery. We assume anode 25 % of the cell volume to account for thin film electrolyte, elec-
and cathode materials with a volumetric charge density of trical contacts and packaging.
350 mA h cm−3 each and for both an ionic conductivity sim- For a cell with an electrolyte being much thinner than the
ilar to that of LSF. An open circuit cell voltage of 1 V is likely electrodes, this results in volumetric energy densities of up to
Figure 10. a) Charge–voltage curves of a full cell with La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ cathode and La0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2Mn0.8O3−δ anode, measured at 350 °C in 0.25 mbar
O2 with a current of 8.5 µA cm−2 (1.6 C) between 0 and 1 V. 9 cycles are shown; the initial charging step is excluded. Capacities are normalized to the
combined volume of both electrodes. b) Electrode capacity extracted from data in panel (a). c) Corresponding coulomb efficiency.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (8 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 11. a) Charge–voltage curves of a full cell with La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ cathode and La0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2Mn0.8O3−δ anode measured with different currents at
400 °C. b) Charge–voltage curves of a full cell measured with a current of 8.5 µA cm−2 at different temperatures.
140 mW h cm−3, which corresponds to gravimetric energy den- on electrode thickness and cycling rate is also visualized in
sities of up to 30 mW h g−1. For comparison, this is ≈30 % of Figure S2 (Supporting Information). Ideal geometries of prac-
the volumetric energy density of current lithium ion batteries tical devices may depend on the specific applications. Multi-
at 450 mW h cm−3.[51] Depending on cycling rate and operating layer stacks similar to multilayer ceramics capacitors are fea-
temperature, the internal cell resistance limits the electrode sible, with the individual electrode thickness determining the
thickness, but this can be coped with by stacking multiple thin achievable power density.
film cells. Figure 12a shows the predicted volumetric energy
and power densities for a single cell or a stack, both with 10 µm
thick electrodes and a 200 nm electrolyte layer in the tempera- 8. Conclusion
ture range of 200–350 °C. At higher temperatures, electrode
thicknesses up to 50 µm should be possible, see Figure 12b. MIEC oxides can act as electrochemical oxygen storage elec-
For example, cycle rates up to 10 C at 200 °C would corre- trodes if oxygen exchange with the atmosphere is inhibited. This
spond to power densities up to 700 mW cm−3 (145 mW g−1). At was shown for different MIEC thin film electrodes, grown on
350 °C and above up to 12 W cm−3 (2.5 W g−1) are predicted. YSZ electrolyte substrates, covered by an oxygen blocking zir-
Operation much below 200 °C is hardly feasible with common conia layer and characterized at 350 to 500 °C. La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ
electrode/electrolyte materials due to the high resistances of (LSF) was investigated as a model cathode and the charge/voltage
ion transport. At room temperature, for example, power den- characteristics were in very good agreement with those pre-
sities below 1 mW cm−3 are expected. However, these slug- dicted by chemical capacitance measurements and defect chem-
gish kinetics should also largely prevent self discharge after ical models. Capacities of up to 277 mA h cm−3 (45 mA h g−1)
cooling down. The dependence of energy and power density were found at a half cell potential of −0.3 V vs. 1 bar O2.
Table 3. Cell capacity, volumetric energy density and coulomb efficiency of an LSF/LSCrMn full cell extracted from charge/voltage measurements at
different temperatures and using different currents. Mean values and standard deviations over 9 cycles are listed.
Temperature [°C] Current [µA cm−2] Cut-off voltage Capacity [mA h cm−3] Energy density [mW h cm−3] Coulomb efficiency [%]
Lower [V] Upper [V]
350 3.4 0 1.0 117.3 ± 0.2 68.0 ± 0.1 98.8 ± 0.1
350 8.5 0 1.0 98.3 ± 0.7 55.3 ± 0.4 99.2 ± 0.6
350 16.9 0 1.0 88.9 ± 0.6 45.1 ± 0.4 99.6 ± 1.0
350 33.9 0 1.0 70.2 ± 1.0 29.7 ± 0.6 99.1 ± 2.7
400 8.5 0 1.0 118.9 ± 0.9 69.3 ± 0.5 99.9 ± 0.1
400 16.9 0 1.0 113.9 ± 0.5 65.1 ± 0.3 99.9 ± 0.2
400 33.9 0 1.0 102.2 ± 0.6 56.8 ± 0.4 99.9 ± 0.3
400 84.7 0 1.0 84.1 ± 0.7 42.1 ± 0.4 99.6 ± 1.1
400 84.7 0 1.25 102.9 ± 1.1 56.5 ± 0.7 99.7 ± 0.5
400 169.5 0 1.0 68.3 ± 0.9 27.9 ± 0.6 98.9 ± 2.8
400 339.0 0 1.2 60.5 ± 0.2 18.2 ± 0.4 98.1 ± 3.3
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2203789 2203789 (9 of 12) © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Energy Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 12. Predicted energy densities (solid lines) and power densities (dashed lines) of optimized oxygen ion batteries with thin film electrolytes.
a) 10 µm electrodes and 200 nm electrolyte. b) 50 µm electrodes and 1 µm electrolyte.
La0.5Sr0.5Cr0.2Mn0.8O3−δ (LSCrMn) anodes exhibited even higher PLD parameters for the different materials are summarized in
capacities of up to 390 mA h cm−3 (65 mA h g−1) at a half cell Table 4 and a sketch of the resulting geometry is shown in Figure 13a.
Figure 13c,d shows a microscope image of the sample surface and a
potential of −0.65 V. Both electrodes showed very good cycling
SEM image of the sample cross section, respectively.
performance with coulomb efficiencies above 99 %. Ablation targets were produced from powders by pressing and
A full oxide ion battery was fabricated with LSF cathode sintering in air at 1200 °C for 12 h. Pure zirconia powder was purchased
and LSCrMn anode. DC measurements on this cell showed from Alfa Aeser (99.7 %), perovskite powder Pechini synthesis: Metal
capacities as high as 120 mA h cm−3 (normalized to the elec- precursors (SrCO3, La2O3, Fe, Cr(NO3)3, MnCO3, all Sigma–Aldrich
trode volume) at a cell voltage of 0.6 V at 350–400 °C. Again >99.995%) were dissolved in nitric acid and citric acid was added in a 1:1
ratio with respect to total cation amount. The solution was then heated
excellent cycling performance was found with <1 % of the
and evaporated until ignition and self combustion took place, and the
charge being lost per cycle. An additional auxiliary electrode is obtained powder was calcined in air at 850 °C for 8 h. Pe purity of the
required during the initial conditioning cycle, but may also be sintered targets was confirmed by X-ray diffraction.
used to regenerate lost charge. Altogether, these results dem- Electrochemical Measurements: Working and counter electrodes were
onstrate that MIEC based oxide ion batteries are a viable novel contacted by clamping the sample between two platinum meshes, the
electrochemical energy storage device operating at elevated reference electrode was contacted with a fine Pt wire loop around the
temperatures of typically 200–500 °C. Further optimization by sample circumference. The sample holder was then placed in a sealed
tube of fused silica inside a tube furnace. Figure 13b shows a sketch of
increasing the cell voltage using other electrode materials is the sample mounted inside the sample holder.
highly realistic and promises power and energy densities of up Samples were allowed to equilibrate with the measurement
to 12 W cm−3 (at 350 °C) and 140 mW h cm−3, respectively. atmosphere prior to electrochemical measurements by connecting all
three electrode leads and keeping the sample at elevated temperature
until no current was detectable between the electrodes. This was
done in order to establish a defined oxidation state of all electrodes
9. Experimental Section independent of thermal history and oxygen partial pressure during
Sample Preparation: Samples were made from yttria stabilized electrode deposition.
zirconia (YSZ) single crystals (5 × 5 × 1 mm3), with the (100) direction DC current voltage measurements were performed with a Keithly
perpendicular to the square sides and a notch (300 × 300 µm2) carved 2600 source meter in galvanostatic mode in a 4-wire configuration,
around the circumference. A reference electrode was prepared by with currents from 5 to 500 µA and at temperatures from 350 to 500 °C
brushing Pt paste into this notch and sintering in air at 1200 °C for 2 h. in 0.25 mbar O2. Half cells as well as full cells were typically cycled
Platinum current collector grids of 100 nm thickness and 15/35 µm
strip/mesh width were prepared on both large sides of the electrolyte Table 4. Pulsed laser deposition parameters for oxide thin films.
by magnetron sputtering and subsequent photo-lithography and
ion beam etching. A 5 nm thick Ti layer was deposited beneath the Pt LSF LSCr LSCrMn LSC (porous) ZrO2
for better adhesion. Mixed conducting perovskite thin film electrodes Laser pules 43 35 31 25 38 [nm−1]
(300 to 600 nm thickness) were then grown on top of the current collector
grids by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Finally, a dense layer of undoped Laser fluence 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.1 [J cm2]
zirconia (1 µm thick) was deposited on top of the electrodes by PLD to Pulse frequency 10 10 10 5 10 [Hz]
isolate them from the outer atmosphere. Two types of cells were produced:
Oxygen pressure 0.04 0.015 0.015 0.4 0.015 [mbar]
1) Half cell samples consisting of a dense working electrode with Substrate 600 700 700 450 650 [°C]
oxygen barrier layer (as described above) and a catalytically highly temperature
active counter electrode of nano-porous PLD grown La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ.
Target to substrate 6 6 6 6 6 [cm]
2) Full cells with dense working and counter electrodes both covered by
a zirconia oxygen barrier layer.
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chemical capacitance, electrochemical energy storage, intercalation
batteries, mixed ionic electronic conducting oxides, solid state batteries
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