Electrochimica Acta - 2016 PDF
Electrochimica Acta - 2016 PDF
Electrochimica Acta - 2016 PDF
Electrochimica Acta
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Article history:
Received 18 September 2016 Highly electrocatalytic activity and strong stability towards both oxygen evolution (OER) and oxygen
Received in revised form 8 October 2016 reduction reaction (ORR) have been regarded as the critical factors in widespread application for the
Accepted 11 October 2016 renewable energy technologies. It still remains a huge challenge for developing bifunctional catalysts
Available online 13 October 2016 with low cost, efficiently electrocatalytic activity and strong stability. In this paper, FeCo alloy
nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon are synthesized through a simple thermal
Keywords: decomposition of Co-Fe Prussian Blue Analogue (Co-Fe PBA) in Ar atmosphere, during which the
oxygen evolution organic ligand of CN in Co-Fe PBA provides both carbon and nitrogen sources for forming nitrogen-
oxygen reduction
doped carbon and FeCo alloy nanoparticles were formed, and thus producing a core-shell structure
FeCo alloy nanoparticles
(FeCo@NC). According to a set of electrochemical tests, the obtained FeCo@NC can function as a Janus to
Zn-air battery
drive OER and ORR with desirable activities and stabilities in alkaline media. Specifically, the FeCo@NC
presents an onset-potential of 1.45 V, a potential of 1.49 V at 10 mA cm2, a Tafel slope of 62 mV dec1 as
OER catalyst, and an onset potential of 0.94 V, a half-wave potential of 0.8 V as ORR catalyst. The
performance is comparable to those of precious metal based electrocatalysts, making it possible for
potential application in the renewable energy devices, especially Zn-air battery.
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction based materials, i.e., Pt and RuO2, have been recognized as the best
electrocatalysts for ORR and OER, respectively. However, the high
Increasing concerns have been raised on the growing energy costs and instability of these noble metals-based catalysts have
needs and environmental pollution caused by the depletion of dramatically impeded their widespread application. Therefore, it is
fossil fuels, which stimulate an intense interest in many energy an urgent target to develop noble-metal free bifunctional catalysts
conversion and storage systems including rechargeable metal-air with superior electrocatalytic activity for both OER and ORR.
batteries [1], fuel cells [2], carbon dioxide reduction [3] and full Over the past years, numerous efforts have been devoted to
water splitting [4]. Metal-air batteries are figured to be excellent develop earth-abundant materials as bifunctional catalysts
candidates for next generation electrical vehicles (EVs) and hybrid towards both OER and ORR. On one hand, most noble metal free
electrical vehicles (HEVs) due to their highest energy density [5,6]. electrocatalysts for OER reported so far are based transition-metal
Whereas, the exploration of high-activity and good-stability oxides [7–11], phosphides [12–15], sulphides [16,17], nitrides [18],
electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen selenides [19–23], carbides [24], and their alloys [25–27], but they
reduction reaction (ORR) is still the major challenge. Noble metals easily suffered from high over-potential, sluggish kinetics and
instability [28–30]. On the other hand, researchers found that
carbon nanomaterials (e.g. carbon nanotubes, graphene) with
* Corresponding authors at: Key Laboratory of Jiangxi Province for Persistent heteroatom doping could be an efficient, low-cost, metal-free and
Pollutants Control and Resources Recycle, Nanchang Hangkong University, environmental alternative to Pt for ORR [31–37]. Accordingly, the
Nanchang 330063, China. combination of transition metal-based materials and carbon
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Ci), [email protected], matrix was proposed to be a prospective strategy not only to
[email protected] (Z. Wen).
0013-4686/ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362 355
improve the stability of metal-based materials [38,39], but also to 2.3. Characterizations
endow the hybrids with favourable electrocatalytic activity for
both OER and ORR [40,41]. However, the multi-step synthetic X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns were performed on
procedures and high fabricating cost hindered the large scale X-ray diffractometer (Miniflex6000, Rigaku) at 40 kV and 15 mA
commercialization [42]. using Cu-Ka radiation (l= 1.54178 Å). The field-emission scanning
Herein, integrating the advantages of both alloys and nitrogen- electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images were obtained on Hitachi
doped carbon, we report a simple synthetic strategy for fabricating SU8010 at high vacuum with an acceleration voltage of 5 kV. The
core-shell nanohybrids with nitrogen-doped carbon encapsulating transmission emission electron microscopy (TEM) was carried out
FeCo alloy nanoparticles (FeCo@NC). The resultant FeCo@NC not on FEI F20 microscopeat an acceleration voltage of 200 kV. X-ray
only show excellent bifunctional catalytic propeties toward OER photoelectron spectra (XPS) were taken on ESCALAB 250Xi
and ORR with high activities, but also hold the initial performance (Thermo Scientific) XPS spectrometer with an Al Ka as the
with good stability, due to the synergetic effect between alloy excitation source (1486.6 eV). The C-C component may be set to a
nanoparticles and carbon shell. As a result, when applied in Zn-air binding energy of 284.8 eV, by default. Make sure the offset
battery, the FeCo@NC air-cathode exhibits favourable performance between measured binding energy of C-C and charge correction
compared to other counterparts. reference of 284.8 eV. For other elements, the binding energy were
obtained by adding or minusing the offset. Specific surface area and
2. Experimental section pore size distribution of the products was examined by the
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method using nitrogen adsorption
2.1. Materials and desorption isotherms on a Micromeritics Instrument Corpo-
ration sorption analyzer (Micromeritics TriStar II 3020).
Cobalt nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)26H2O, 99%), potassium
hexacyano-ferrate, potassium hexacyano-percobaltate and KOH 2.4. Electrochemical measurements
were purchased from Shanghai Chemical Reagents, China. Nafion
(5%) and sodium citrate was obtained from Aladdin. All of the Briefly, 5 mg of as synthesized samples, 50 ul of 5% Nafion
reagents related in this experiment were analytical grade and solution, 30 ul of ethanol and 400 ul of DI water were added into a
directly used without further purification. microcentrifuge in sequence to form a homogeneous ink with the
assistance of ultrasonication. Then, 6 ul of the ink was dropped
2.2. Synthesis onto the surface of glass carbon electrode (GCE, 3 mm and RRDE,
4 mm). The mass loading of active materials are about 0.8 mg cm2
Synthesis of Co-Fe and Co-Co Prussian Blue Analogues (PBA): and 0.4 mg cm2 respectively. All the electrochemical measure-
Typically, 10 mmol of potassium hexacyano-ferrate was dissolved ments were carried out using a CHI 760E electrochemical
in 500 ml deionized (DI) water to form a clean solution, then pour workstation in a three-electrode system which modified GCE,
into 500 ml solution containing 15 mmol of cobalt nitrate and platinum wire and Ag/AgCl in saturated KCl solution served as
22.5 mmol of sodium citrate with continuous magnetic stirring. working electrode, counter electrode and reference electrode
After 10 min, the mixed solution was aged for another 24 h at room respectively. The measured potentials vs. Ag/AgCl were convert to a
temperature. Centrifugation and washed with water and absolute reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) based on the Equation
ethanol for several times to remove the soluble impurities, The red (ERHE = EAg/AgCl + 0.059 pH + 0.197). The data for polarization
Co-Fe PBA nanocubes were obtained by drying at 70 C overnight curves and cyclic voltammograms were captured before activation
under vacuum. The Co-Co PBA nanocubes were prepared in the and stabilization of the working electrodes by running cyclic
same method expect for replacing potassium hexacyano-ferrate voltammetry many segments.
with potassium hexacyano-percobaltate.
Synthesis of FeCo@NC and Co@NC-750 core-shell nanopar-
ticles: The FeCo@NC core-shell nanoparticles were prepared by 2.4.1. OER test:
calcination the as synthesized Co-Fe PBA. In a typical method, The electrochemical catalytic activity towards oxygen evolution
200 mg of obtained Co-Fe PBA were placed in a combustion boat, reaction was characterized by polarization curves using linear
transferred into a furnace and then calcinated in Ar atmosphere at sweep voltammetry (LSV) at a scan rate of 5 mV s1 in 1 M KOH
the temperature of 550, 650, 750 C for 4 h with a heating rate of under sustained O2 to ensure the O2/H2O equilibrium at 1.23 V vs.
2 C min1, denoted as FeCo@NC-550, FeCo@NC-650 and RHE. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were obtained
FeCo@NC-750 respectively. The FeCo@NC core-shell nanoparticles by applying an AC voltage with 5 mV amplitude in a frequency
were obtained after cooling to ambient temperature under Ar range from 105 to 102 Hz and recorded at 1.505 V vs. RHE in the
atmosphere naturally. The Co@NC-750 core-shell nanoparticles same conditions. The electrical double layer specific capacitor (Cdl)
were obtained by the same method except for replacing the Co-Fe of the materials were measured from double-layer charging curves
PBA with Co-Co PBA at the calcination temperature of 750 C. using the cyclic voltammograms (CVs) in a small potential range at
Synthesis of NC-750 alloy and FeCo-750 nanoparticles: different scan rate (2 mV s1 to 10 mV s1). The plot current density
Typically, 200 mg of as prepared FeCo@NC-750 were immersed against scan rate has a liner relationship and its slope is the Cdl.
in 20 ml 3 M HCl, and then ultrasonication for 1 h continuously. RRDE voltammogrames were applied to monitor the intermediate
Centrifugation and washed with water and absolute ethanol for products (H2O2) during the process of water oxidation with a scan
several times to remove the soluble impurities. The samples rate of 5 mV s1 and a rotation rate of 1500 rpm. Specifically, in
(denoted as NC-750) were obtained by drying at 70 C overnight order to conform the reaction pathway for OER, the Pt ring
under vacuum. To obtain the FeCo-750 nanoparticles, 200 mg of electrode potential was set as 1.505 V vs. RHE for the detection of
obtained Co-Fe PBA were placed in a combustion boat and then H2O2 oxidation in 1.0 M KOH at a potential ranging from 1.005 to
transferred into a furnace and was calcinated in H2/Ar hybrid 1.805 V. Stability is a key factor for the performance of OER
atmosphere [43,44] at the temperature of 750 C for 4 h with a electrocatalysts. Herein, the stability was characterized by the
heating rate of 2 C/min. The FeCo-750 nanoparticles were Chronoamperometry performed at 1.505 V for 20000 s which as
obtained after cooling to ambient temperature under Ar atmo- synthesized samples were coated on Ni foam as working electrode
sphere naturally. with a loading mass of 0.8 mg cm2.
356 P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362
Fig. 1. (a) SEM image of Co-Fe PBA, (b) TEM image, (c) HRTEM image, (d) SADE pattern of FeCo@NC-750.
much lower Tafel slope (52 mV dec1) than that of FeCo@NC-550 (288.5 ohm) and FeCo@NC-650 (103.2 ohm), indicating the high
(119 mV dec1), FeCo@NC-650 (85 mV dec1) and RuO2 (69 mV electrochemical activity of the FeCo@NC-750. The Cdl of the
dec1), and also shows comparable to the previously reported OER samples were measured from double-layer charging curves using
catalysts [57,58], demonstrating a fast OER kinetic and high activity the CVs at the potential range of 1.305-1.405 V (Fig. 4b and S6). The
of FeCo@NC-750. A detailed comparisons of various OER catalysts plot current density against scan rate has a linear relationship and
towards the OER activities is listed (Table S1), further manifesting its slope corresponds to the Cdl (Fig. 4c). The Cdl of the FeCo@NC-
the excellent performance to catalyze OER for the FeCo@NC-750. 750 is calculated to be 60 mF cm2, which is much higher than that
Stability is a crucial parameter to elevate the performance of of FeCo@NC-550 (1.32 mF cm2) and FeCo@NC-650 (20.05 mF
catalysts. The amperometric i-t curve (Fig. 3c) manifests high cm2), indicating that the FeCo@NC-750 can expose more
stability of FeCo@NC-750, it could deliver a current density of electroactive site and thus achieve an ultrahigh electrocatalytic
22 mA cm2 and keep 88.2% of the original catalytic current after activity for OER, which is basically consistent with the result of the
continuous test for 6 h (Fig. S5a), which is also evidenced by the BET surface area (Fig. 4d). It is noted that when the calcination
polarization curve operated before and after stability test temperature increased to 850 C, the samples agglomerated with
(Fig. S5b). To further investigate the mechanism for OER, RRDE the combustion boat, perhaps, due to some reactions occurred
was applied to monitor the intermediate (H2O2) originating from between FeCo alloy and combustion boat.
the process of water oxidation. As shown in Fig. 3d, the ring It should be noted that the Co@NC-750 (Fig. S7a) synthesized
electrode shows a very slight enhance in current upon the testing from the Co-Co PBA (Fig. S7b) exhibits an onset-potential of 1.55 V,
process, demonstrating the negligible intermediate formation and a potential of 1.60 V at the current density of 10 mA cm2, a Tafel
then a desirable four-electron pathway for the OER at the slope of 76 mV dec1 and a Cdl of 33.7 mF cm2 (Fig. S8); these
FeCo@NC-750. parameters fall far behind those of FeCo@NC nanoparticles,
In order to get a deep insight about the effect of calcination indicting the synergistic effect between Co and Fe in the
temperature on the performance towards OER, the EIS and CVs FeCo@NC-750.
with different scan rate were recorded. Fig. 4a shows the Nyquist Furthermore, to illustrate the synergistic effect between FeCo
plots of the three samples, all of them are composed of two alloy and Nitrogen-doped Carbon, FeCo-750 and NC-750 were
semicircles, which is proved by the magnified images of Nyquist prepared adopting a similar method to prepare FeCo@NC. The
plots and the corresponding equivalent circuit (Fig. 4a inset). As FeCo-750 and NC-750 display onset-potentials of 1.5 and 1.58 V,
shown in Table S2, the FeCo@NC-750 exhibits a charge transfer and require potential of 1.57 and 1.64 V to reach a current density of
resistance of 91.7 ohm, smaller than that of CoFe@NC-550 10 mA cm2. In addition, the FeCo-750 and NC-750 show Tafel
358 P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362
Fig. 2. (a) XRD pattern, (b) N2 adsorption isotherm and (inset) the corresponding pore size distribution, (c) survey spectra and (d) C 1 s spectra of FeCo@NC-750.
Fig. 3. (a) Polarization cures and (b) Tafel plots of FeCo@NC-550, FeCo@NC-650, FeCo@NC-750. (c) Amperometric i-t curve and (d) polarization curves of disk and ring current
on an RRDE at the rotating speed of 1500 rpm of FeCo@NC-750.
slope of 216 and 88 mV dec1 and Cdl of 9.2 and 7.4 mF cm2 synergistic effects between FeCo alloy and Nitrogen-doped Carbon
respectively (Fig. S9). All of the performances are inferior to those for FeCo@NC-750 electrocatalyst. Moreover, the nitrogen-doped
of FeCo@NC-750, further demonstrating the key roles and carbon in here play a key role to protect the FeCo alloy due to the
P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362 359
Fig. 4. (a) EIS and (inset) magnified EIS recorded at 1.505 V. (b) CVs of FeCo@NC-750 at different scan rate from 2 to 10 mV s1. (c) Plots of the current density at 1.32 V vs. the
scan rate and (d) N2 adsorption isotherm of FeCo@NC-550, FeCo@NC-650 and FeCo@NC-750 respectively.
formation of chemical interaction between metal and carbon, such at 0.79 V (vs. RHE) implies a good catalytic activity for FeCo@NC-
robust structure endows the as-developed electrocatalyst with 750 catalyst. The control experiments for the commercial Pt/C
excellent stability. catalyst (20.wt% Pt loading), FeCo@NC-650 and FeCo@NC-550
To test the ORR electrocatalytic activity of the as-obtained were also carried out under the same condition, as shown in Fig. 5a.
FeCo@NC-750 and control samples, CV, rotating disk electrode The FeCo@NC-750 shows a significantly enhanced reduction peak
(RDE) and RRDE was carried out in alkaline solution (0.1 M KOH), current density compared with the other two FeCo@NC samples,
respectively. The compared CVs in O2 and Ar-saturated solution are suggesting a higher catalytic activity. The LSV curves were
presented in Fig. 5a, a well-defined oxygen reduction peak centred additionally recorded at a RDE in O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH at a
Fig. 5. (a) CVs in atmosphere of Ar (black line) and O2 (red line), (b) polarization cures at the speed of 1600 rpm in O2 atmosphere, (c) Tafel plots of FeCo@NC and 20% Pt/C
360 P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362
scan rate of 5 mV s1 with the rotation rate of 1600 rpm (Fig. 5b). samples at different potentials can be obtained according to disk
The FeCo@NC-750 exhibits an onset potential (0.94 V vs. RHE), a current (id) and ring current (ir) on the basis of the RRDE
half-wave potential of 0.80 V (vs. RHE), and a diffusion-limited measurements. The electron transfer number (n) was calculated to
current density of 4.82 mA cm2; these values are even comparable be about 3.9 for FeCo@NC-750 according to RRDE measurements
to the commercial Pt/C and outperform those of FeCo@NC-650 and (Fig. 6d, e), consistent with the result obtained from the Koutecky-
FeCo@NC-550. The much smaller Tafel slope of 54.6 mV dec1 for Levich plots, suggesting the ORR catalyzed by the FeCo@NC-750 is
FeCo@NC-750 than other comparison samples further confirm its dominated by a 4e reduction pathway. A detailed comparisons of
excellent ORR activity (Fig. 5c). various ORR catalysts towards the ORR activities is listed (Table S3),
The electron-transfer number (n) can be calculated from the the excellent performance parameters further demonstrate the
slopes of Koutecky-Levich plots at various potentials. RDE favourable ORR performance of as-synthesized sample.
measurements were recorded from 400 rpm to 2500 rpm in O2 Fig. 6f shows the time dependent current density curves of the
saturated electrolyte. Fig. S10a, d display the polarization cures and FeCo@NC-750 and Pt/C electrodes at static potential of 0.7 V (vs.
corresponding K-L curves for Pt/C. The transfer electron number (n) RHE) in O2 saturated 0.1 M KOH, the FeCo@NC-750 electrode only
is determined to be 4 according to the Koutecky-Levich Equation, shows 13% loss of the initial current after a continuous running of
which is in good agreement with some reports[31,37,47,59], 20000 s, much better than 30% current loss at the commercial Pt/C
suggesting clearly four-electron pathway for ORR. As can be seen catalyst, indicating that the FeCo@NC-750 exhibits superior
in Fig. 6a, b and S10, when the potential was polarized in the more durability to Pt/C catalyst. Also, LSV curves was carried out to
negative position, the electron transfer number are ranged in the test the stability of all the catalysts after i-t tests at a applied
region 3.38-3.79, being very close to that of the commercial Pt/C potential for 20000 s, the FeCo@NC-750 show a negative shift of
and being higher than the other reference catalysts (Fig. 6c). 3 mV in half-wave potential, in contrast, the Pt/C shows a negative
To further validate the ORR catalytic pathways upon electro- shift of 13 mV (Fig. S11). For the reasonable reason, the carbon layer
catalysis, RRDE was conducted to determine the selectivity of the could not only efficiently confine the FeCo alloy nanoparticles in
four-electron reduction of oxygen. The disk potential was scanned limited space to avoid agglomeration, but also protect FeCo alloy
at 5 mV s1 and the Pt ring was polarized at 1.5 V (vs. RHE) in nanoparticles from corrosion of electrolyte, avoiding the process of
alkaline electrolyte. The electron-transfer numbers (n) of all the the dissolution and re-deposition.
Fig. 6. (a) Polarization curves at the rotating speed from 400 to 2500 rpm, (b) responding K-L plots. (c) Electron transfer number (n) calculated from K-L equation at different
potential of FeCo@NC and 20% Pt/C. (d) Polarization curves of disk and ring current density on an RRDE at the rotating speed of 1500 rpm of FeCo@NC-750. (e) Electron transfer
number (n) at various potential obtained from RRDE. (f) Chronoperometric responds of FeCo@NC-750 and 20% Pt/C at 0.7 V.
P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362 361
To evaluate the performance of FeCo@NC-750 as catalyst in showed voltage plateaus of 1.275 V and 1.30 V, with specific
Zn-air batteries, a home-mad Zn-air battery was constructed, in capacitors of 763 and 743 mAh g1 respectively when normalized
which a zinc plate and the FeCo@NC-750 dual functional catalyst to the weight of consumed zinc electrode [60]. Fig. 7e shows the
loaded on carbon paper were used as the anode and air-cathode discharge-charge cycling curves at the constant current density of
respectively, and a high open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.38 V was 10 mA cm2 for Zn-air battery. The change of voltage gap for
achieved (Fig. 7a). Fig. 7b shows the galvanodynamic behaviors of FeCo@NC-750 air-cathode was lower than that of Pt/C air-cathode,
the FeCo@NC-750 and Pt/C catalysts during Zn-air batteries indicating the better cycling performance than that of Pt/C,
discharge and charge processes. Zn-air battery with FeCo@NC- possibly, due to the core-shell structure and the protection of
750 bifunctional catalyst air-cathode had a lower charge-discharge carbon layer [61].
voltage gap compared to the battery with a Pt/C air-cathode, Based on the aforementioned experimental results and
demonstrating a better rechargeability. Fig. 7c reproduces the discussions, the superior electrocatalytic activities and strong
power density curves for Zn-air batteries with FeCo@NC-750 and stability of FeCo@NC for OER and ORR are probably contribute to
Pt/C catalysts. The maximum power density of the Zn-air battery the synergetic effect from each unit: (1) the core-shell structure
using FeCo@NC-750 catalyst was calculated to be 132 mW cm2, could not only provide more active sites and reduce the resistance,
which is comparable to that of Pt/C (136 mW cm2). The improving the catalytic performance, but also efficiently avoid
galvanostatic discharge curves at 2 mA cm2 are presented in FeCo alloy nanoparticles agglomeration and dissolution/re-depo-
Fig. 7d. The battery with the FeCo@NC-750 and Pt/C air cathode sition, maintaining the highly electrocatalytic stability; (2) the
Fig. 7. (a) Photograph of home-made Zn-air battery with an open circuit voltage of 1.38 V, (b) Charge-discharge polarization curves; (c) Power density curves; (d)
Galvanostatic discharge curves at 2 mA cm2; (e) Galvanostatic discharge-charge cycling curves at 10 mA cm-2 of Zn-air batteries with the FeCo@NC-750 and 20% Pt/C as
catalyst respectively.
362 P. Cai et al. / Electrochimica Acta 220 (2016) 354–362
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