FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report: Nuclear Engineering Division

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FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report

Nuclear Engineering Division

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FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report

Prepared by
C. Grandy, H. Belch, A. J. Brunett, F. Heidet, R. Hill, E. Hoffman, E. Jin, W. Mohamed, A.
Moisseytsev, S. Passerini, J. Sienicki, T. Sumner, R. Vilim, S. Hayes*

Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory

*Nuclear Fuels and Materials Division, Idaho National Laboratory

March 31, 2016

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The FASTER test reactor plant is a sodium-cooled fast spectrum test reactor that provides high
levels of fast and thermal neutron flux for scientific research and development. The 120MWe
FASTER reactor plant has a superheated steam power conversion system which provides
electrical power to a local grid allowing for recovery of operating costs for the reactor plant. In
addition, the FASTER reactor plant could be used for isotope production or as a heat source, if
desired. The FASTER reactor plant has the following main attributes (Table 1):

Table 1 – FASTER Reactor Plant Summary Characteristics

Reactor Power 300MWt / 120MWe/40% efficiency
Coolant Sodium
Coolant Temperature, inlet/outlet 355°C / 510°C
Coolant Pressure (cover gas pressure) Cover Gas pressure – few inches of water
Fuel, Cladding, Duct U-Pu-Zr metal fueled core, HT-9, HT-9
Cycle Length 100 days
Average/peak burnup 34.3 GWd/t
Power density (average, peak) 558.8 W/cc, 917 W/cc
Plant Life 30 years with expectation of life extension
PHTS Configuration Pool plant geometry
Reactor vessel structural materials Austenitic stainless steel
Primary and Secondary Pumps Mechanical centrifugal pumps (2)
Intermediate Heat Exchanger Tube-and-Shell heat exchanger (4)
Reactor Vessel Support Conical Ring – Top Support
Emergency Decay Heat Removal Direct Reactor Auxiliary Heat Exchanger in cold pool (3)
Primary Purification System Conventional cold and nuclide trap technology
Power Conversion System Superheated steam cycle
Containment Steel reinforced concrete containment
In-vessel Fuel Handling Mechanism Single Rotatable Plug with pantograph FHM (3)

The reactor power level is the minimum that assures achievement of the neutron flux goals. In its
current configuration (Figure 1), the FASTER reactor provides 33 fast flux test locations, three
(3) thermal flux test locations, two (2) fast flux closed loops and one (1) thermal flux closed loop
(Table 2 and Table 3). Among the fast spectrum test locations, four of them are located near the
core center and cannot be repositioned without affecting the core neutronics performance.
It is anticipated that the FASTER reactor plant will be utilized by domestic and international
researchers with its broad appeal to many different reactor types: sodium-cooled fast reactors,
lead-cooled fast reactors, gas-cooled fast reactors, and thermal spectrum reactors.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 1 – FASTER Reactor Core Layout

Table 2 – Summary of Fast Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies

Number of Peak fast flux range Fast flux*Volume range Total fast flux*Volume
assemblies (1015 n/cm2-s) (1019 n-cm/s) (1019 n-cm/s)
A 4 4.7-5.2 4.0-4.9 17.9
Closed loops 2 2.3 1.7 3.4
B 10 1.9-2.7 1.4-2.1 15.8
C 19 0.3-1.3 0.2-0.9 10.3

Table 3 – Summary of Thermal Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies

Location Peak thermal flux (1014 n/cm2-s) Thermal flux*Volume (1018 n-cm/s)
Closed loop 5.8 3.7
A1 1.9 1.2
A2 1.9 1.2
B 1.7 1.1

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Test Reactor Objectives and Motivation for Concept Selection - The FASTER plant has been
designed with extended testing capabilities in mind, while trying to keep it as simple as possible
in order to make it attractive and cost efficient. The main function of the reactor is to provide
neutrons for irradiation testing and thus no significant technology innovations were adopted for
the FASTER reactor plant to maintain a high technology readiness level. The FASTER reactor
plant will rely upon the liquid metal base technology developed in the U.S. for EBR-II, FFTF,
CRBR, and the ALMR program with a special emphasis on the irradiation testing capabilities
developed for EBR-II and FFTF. The reactor core design discussed here is not based on any
previously existing fast reactor, but uses materials and dimensions consistent with the U.S. base
technology program. The main objective of the FASTER reactor design efforts was to achieve a
very high fast flux as well as a significant thermal flux while offering a large number of test
Ternary metallic fuel, U-Pu-Zr, is used with HT-9 stainless steel for cladding and structural
material. Although there is no mandated limit on the weight fraction of Pu that can be used in the
fuel, it was decided to limit it to 20wt% based on the availability of irradiation data. Another
incentive for not resorting to higher Pu wt% is the degradation of the fuel thermal conductivity
as Pu content is increased. This is of particular importance for the FASTER reactor due to the
high power density during operations.

In order to optimize the reactor performance and obtain a relatively compact core, the Zr wt% in
the fuel is assumed to be 6wt% and the fuel smear density is assumed to be 85%. Using 6wt%
instead of the more traditional 10wt% does not affect the characteristics of the ternary fuel and
irradiation tests have previously been performed for such a fuel type. The decision to use an 85%
smear density, instead of the 75% typically used for metallic fuel, is based on the relatively low
peak burnup that will be achieved. Because of the lower fuel burnup, the internal stress applied
by the fuel on the cladding, as a result of irradiation swelling, will be less important than
typically observed in metallic fuel that reaches a high burnup. Furthermore, the fission gas
plenum length relative to the active fuel length does not need to be as long as what is typically
used in SFR core designs, because of the lower fuel burnup achieved. For the FASTER core
design the fission gas plenum length is set to be 65% of the active fuel length.

Core Layout and Assemblies Description - The 300 MWth FASTER core, shown in Figure 1, is
composed of 55 fuel assemblies, each with the same Pu wt fraction. The fuel, coolant and
structural material volume fractions are 30.93%, 37.36%, and 23.65%, respectively. The active
fuel height is 80 cm. Six primary control rod assemblies and three secondary control rod
assemblies composed of B4C rods ensure the safe shutdown of the core. There are 33 fast
neutron flux test locations, in addition to the two closed loops also being exposed to a fast
neutron flux. The fuel assembly positions have been chosen to enhance neutron leakage
probability toward the moderated zone (brown in Figure 1). The purpose of the moderator is to
take advantage of the neutrons leaking out of the active core region and thermalize them in order
to provide thermal spectrum testing capabilities. With the current design, fast neutrons are
thermalized by the moderator and do not return into the active core region because of the
reflector layer between the two regions. This design approach prevents a number of potential
issues. There are three thermal test locations and one closed loop having a thermal neutron flux.
Canned beryllium is used as the moderator and zircaloy is used as the structural material in that
region to avoid parasitic absorption of thermal neutrons in iron. The moderated region does not
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

contain any fuel and is cooled with sodium. The assembly descriptions and dimensions are
provided in Table 4.

Table 4 – Assembly Descriptions and Dimensions

Assembly type Fuel Reflector Test Control Shield
Assembly pitch (hot) 11.870 11.870 11.870 11.870 11.870
Smear density 85 100 100 85 81
Pins/assembly 271 91 91 91 61
Pin Outside Diameter (mm) 5.405 11.072 11.072 9.512 13.462
Cladding Thickness (mm) 0.35 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.4
Pin Pitch/Diameter Ratio 1.210 1.023 1.023 1.024 1.012
Clad inner diameter (mm) 4.701 9.059 9.059 8.941 12.833
Outer Flat-to-Flat Distance (cm) 11.568 11.568 11.568 11.568 11.568
Duct Wall Thickness (mm) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Duct inside flat-to-flat distance (cm) 10.964 10.964 10.964 10.964 10.964
Duct Bundle Clearance (mm) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Inter-assembly Gap (mm) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Inlet coolant height (cm) 35.0 35.0 N/A N/A 35.0
Lower reflector height (cm) 95.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Fuel length (cm) 80.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Fission gas plenum (flooded) height (cm) 12.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Fission gas plenum (empty) height (cm) 40.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Upper shield height (cm) 50.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Outlet coolant height (cm) 30.0 30.0 N/A N/A 30.0

For the purpose of the point design activity, the test locations have been modeled as entirely
filled with sodium when determining the core neutronics performance characteristics, in order to
maximize the neutron leakage probability and therefore the Pu wt% required in the fuel. For the
safety analysis, including calculation of reactivity coefficients, the test locations have been filled
will reflector assemblies in order to minimize the neutron leakage probability and not to
overestimate the favorable effect resulting from sodium voiding.

The reactor is to be operated in a three fuel batch management scheme with a cycle length of 100
effective full power days (EFPD). At the end of a cycle, one third of the fuel assemblies, having
the highest burnup, are discharged and replaced with fresh fuel assemblies. The fuel assemblies
remaining in the core are not shuffled.

FASTER Reactor Performance Characteristics - The core performance characteristics at

equilibrium are provided in Table 3-2. It should be noted that most of those characteristics will
vary slightly based on the type and amount of materials loaded in the test locations, in particular
those located in the active core region. In practice, a new core analysis will be required for every
new core configuration, including each time a new test assembly is inserted. However, the
results presented here are expected to be conservative and not to vary significantly. The reactor
power level of 300 MWth is the minimum that assures that the neutron flux goals can be met.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The required Pu wt% is 19.4%, which is slightly lower than the 20% limit used. The average fuel
discharge burnup is about 34 GWd/t while the peak discharge burnup is less than 50 GWd/t. This
is consistent with the assumptions made for the fuel smear density and plenum length, which
were based on a low fuel burnup. It is important to note that the average core power density is
about 560 W/cm3 over the active fuel region. When normalized only over the fuel volume, this
corresponds to an average power density of 1580 W/cm3 and a peak value of almost 3000
W/cm3. This is larger than what is typically observed in SFRs, and proper cooling of the core will
need to be ensured. The thermal flux provided in this table is calculated for the moderated
Table 5 – Core Performance Characteristics
Characteristic FASTER
Nominal power, MWth 300
Required enrichment 19.41%
BOC/EOC keff 1.02672/1.00080
Average discharge burnup, GWd/t 34.3
Total HM mass, kg 2621
HM charge per cycle, kg 874
Average power density, W/cm3 558.8
Peak power density, W/cm3 917.0
Specific power, W/g 114.5
Average linear power, kW/m 25.2
Axial/radial leakage 11.36%/30.17%
Total flux, 1015 n/cm2-s 3.74
Peak total flux, 1015 n/cm2-s 6.78
Fast flux (>0.1 MeV), 1015 n/cm2-s 2.70
Peak fast flux (>0.1 MeV), 1015 n/cm2-s 5.19
Peak thermal flux (<0.1 eV), 1014 n/cm2-s 6.19
Peak thermal flux (<0.625eV), 1014 n/cm2-s

The core power density distribution is shown in Figure 3-2, and since almost no energy is
deposited in the moderated region it does not show up in this figure. It is also observed that the
peak value is reached at the core center and not at the interface between the fast and moderated
region, indicating that no thermal neutrons are returning from the moderated region.

The fast flux and thermal flux distributions are shown together in Figure 3-3. Different scales are
used in the two regions. The thermal flux is only significant on the right-end side of the figure,
corresponding to the moderated region of the core, while the fast flux is only largest in the active
core region where neutrons are produced. Although not shown in Figure 3 because of the
threshold value used, the fast flux remains significant in the entire reflector region. It is reduced
by a factor of ~50 between its peak value at the core center and the values observed in the test
assemblies located the farthest away from the core center (i.e., in the reflector).

The only region in which a significant thermal flux is observed is the moderated region. All the
neutrons present in this region are neutrons leaking from the active core region and being
moderated. Although this region is not fully optimized, a peak thermal flux of at least 6.0x1014
n/cm2-s is achievable solely by using leaking neutrons. In this study, the energy threshold used
for thermal neutrons is taken to be 0.1 eV. However, the metrics used to evaluate the test reactor
performance later stated that the threshold energy for thermal neutrons should be taken as 0.625
eV. This means that the thermal fluxes claimed in this document are conservative and would be
two to three times larger when using the energy threshold (0.625eV) stated in the ATDR study.
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

FASTER Plant Design - Within the primary pool plant geometry, the primary heat transport
system (PHTS) includes the primary pumps (2), the reactor core, the intermediate heat
exchangers (4), and various structures and connections between these components (Figure 2).
The primary pumps are mechanical centrifugal pumps with the characteristics shown in Table 6.

Table 6 – Primary Pump Design Characteristics

Flow rate, m3/s 758.3
Pump head, kPa 704
Power, kW 950
Efficiency, % 90
Pump length, m 9.18
Pump diameter (case), m 0.889

The IHXs are conventional sodium tube-and-shell heat exchangers that allow the primary (hot)
sodium to flow through the shell side of the IHX and provide sensible heat to the secondary
sodium that flows through the tube side of the IHX. The design characteristics of the IHX are
provided in Table 7.

Table 7 – IHX Design Parameters

Heat transfer capacity, MW 75
Thermal Design Margin, (for average case) ±%25
Heat transfer area, m2 231
Primary sodium temperature, inlet, °C/outlet, °C 355 / 510
Primary sodium mass flowrate, kg/s 379.15
Secondary sodium temperature, inlet, °C/outlet, °C 279 / 499
Secondary side sodium mass flowrate, kg/s 265
Tube outer diameter, cm 1.59
Tube wall thickness, mm 0.889
Tube pitch, cm 2.5
Effective tube length, m 3.85
Number of tubes 1,200
Tube sheet thickness, mm 100
Downcomer piping-OD, cm 32.385
Downcomer piping-thickness, mm 9.525
Downcomer piping-length, m TBD
Outlet piping –OD, cm 45.72
Outlet piping –thickness, mm 9.525
Outlet piping –length, m TBD
Shell (primary ) side pressure drop, kPa 15.96
Tube (secondary) side pressure drop, kPa 30.76
Shell height, m 4.96
Shell outside diameter, m, main body/maximum 1.038/1.145
Shell thickness, mm 19
Tube material 9 Cr-1Mo

The intermediate heat transport system (IHTS) (Figure 3) consists of centrifugal (2) mechanical
pumps, two helical coil steam generators (HCSGs), the tube side of the IHX, and interconnected
piping. The IHTS is protected from overpressure by a sodium-water reaction protection system
in case of a steam generator tube leak. The components are connected via the IHTS piping.
The normal shutdown heat removal path is through the PHTS, through the IHTS, and through
the steam plant bypassing the turbine and dumping the steam to the main condenser. This heat
removal path can provide for all heat removal capabilities needed when electrical power exists.
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Primary and secondary sodium coolant is purified in separate cold traps located in the primary
and intermediate coolant systems. These cold traps will remove oxygen, hydrogen, and other
impurities via conventional crystallization techniques. In addition, the primary sodium system
has a nuclide trap for the specific removal of cesium and other radionuclides that may result
from cladding breach testing. The cover gas purity is maintained by an argon cover gas supply
and purification system, for both the PHTS and IHTS.

Figure 2 – Elevation View of PHTS

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The containment design is a low leakage steel reinforced concrete containment that is designed
for all internal and external threats while minimizing the release of radionuclides to the
environment during design basis and beyond design basis accidents. The containment and those
parts of the nuclear island (NI) containing sodium piping and components incorporate design
features to mitigate the effects of postulated sodium leakages and sodium fires such that
temperature and pressure loadings following sodium leakage remain small or negligible. These
features include sodium leak detectors, detecting a sodium leak when it is small before it can
grow, shutting down the pump and draining the sodium from a failed sodium loop into the loop
sodium dump tank to limit the amount of sodium released upon detection of a sodium leak or
sodium burning, automatic isolation of ventilation lines serving a compartment upon detection of
aerosols in the outlet duct, compartmentalization to reduce the volume of an air-filled partially-
sealed compartment housing sodium piping or components thereby reducing the amount of
available oxygen such that a sodium fire will rapidly consume the available oxygen and burn
itself out, use of sodium catch pan fire suppression decks to significantly reduce the sodium
burning rate from a sodium pool and protect the underlying concrete, confining sodium released
from a failed pipe inside the gap between the pipe and surrounding thermal insulation and
draining it through drain pipes to eliminate or significantly reduce the potential for formation of
sodium jets or sprays, and the use of steel liners on compartment inner surfaces to further protect
concrete. These mitigation approaches were previously developed and tested as part of the
CRBR, PRISM, and SAFR design activities.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3 – FASTER NSSS – Elevation View

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Emergency decay heat removal is provided through three independent direct reactor auxiliary
cooling system (DRACS) loops that allow for the passive removal of emergency decay heat from the
primary heat transport system. The DRACS heat exchanger (3) (a tube-and-shell HX) is submerged
in the FASTER reactor vessel cold pool. It is connected via piping to an air dump heat exchanger
(ADHX) located outside of containment. Dampers on the ADHX minimize the parasitic losses from
the emergency decay heat removal system during normal operation and will open fully upon a
protective signal or loss of power.
Table 8 – DRACS HX - each
Heat transfer capacity, KW 750
Heat transfer area, m2 7.64
Primary sodium temperature, inlet, C°/outlet, C° 510/355
Primary sodium mass flowrate, kg/s 3.793
Secondary NaK temperature, inlet, C°/outlet, C° 328/484
Secondary NaK mass flowrate, kg/s 5.47
Tube outer diameter, cm 2.22
Tube wall thickness, mm 0.9
Tube pitch, cm 3.79
Effective tube length, m 2.489
Number of tubes 44
Shell OD, cm 32.26
Shell wall thickness, mm 9.525
Material 9Cr-1Mo

The balance of plant consists of a conventional superheated steam cycle attached to the (2) once-
through sodium heated steam generators. Conditions are calculated with the GateCycle software
[1] (Figure 4).

Figure 4 – FASTER Thermodynamic Cycle and Balance of Plant

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Test Assembly Flux Levels and Volumes – as mentioned above, in its current configuration
(Figure 1), the FASTER core provides 33 fast flux test locations, three (3) thermal flux test
locations, two (2) fast flux closed loops and one thermal flux closed loop. Among the fast
spectrum test locations, four of them are located near the core center and cannot be repositioned
without affecting the core neutronics performance. The other 29 fast flux test locations are
located in the radial reflector region and their position can be changed without significantly
affecting the core performance. In fact, any of the reflector assembly locations could be used as a
test location without having any significant impact on the core performance. In a similar way,
the number of thermal flux test locations could be increased by replacing reflector assemblies
with moderator and thermal test assemblies. This would result in a reduction of the number of
fast flux test locations. It is important to note that the closed loop and instrumented irradiation
positions are fixed because the fuel handling machines and instrumentation trees have been
designed around these fixed core positions.
The core assembly length is estimated to be ~2.77 m. The actual test length will depend on the
test assembly design; in particular, the length of the lower adaptor and core handling socket. The
likely resulting effective test length will be around two meters, corresponding to an available test
volume of ~24 liters in each test location. The total test volume in the current core configuration
is about 0.95 m3. The flux level achieved in a test assembly depends on its distance from the core
center, as well as on its composition. Given that the materials to be tested are currently
undetermined, the flux levels provided here were obtained when test locations are filled with a
reflector assembly (80% steel, 20% coolant).
The normalized axial fast flux profile is shown in Figure 5 for a test assembly located in the
active core region and for a test assembly located in the reflector region. The characteristics of
the fast flux test assemblies based on their flux values and their characteristics are summarized in
Table 9. In order to provide a measure of the total irradiation capacity available, the total fast
fluxes are multiplied by the test volumes. This captures the fact that the fast flux near the
extremities of the test location is significantly smaller than near the center and that increasing the
test length without increasing the active core length will not significantly increase the irradiation
Located in active core
Located in reflector
Normalized flux

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Axial position from the core bottom, cm
Figure 5 – Normalized axial fast flux distribution in test locations

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 9 – Summary of Fast Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies

Number of Peak fast flux range Fast flux*Volume Total fast flux*Volume (1019
assemblies (1015 n/cm2·s) range (1019 n·cm/s) n·cm/s)
A 4 4.7-5.2 4.0-4.9 17.9
Closed loops 2 2.3 1.7 3.4
B 10 1.9-2.7 1.4-2.1 15.8
C 19 0.3-1.3 0.2-0.9 10.3

In the thermal flux test assemblies and thermal closed loop, the fast flux level is not relevant and
the thermal flux level is provided instead. It is important to note that the thermal neutrons were
defined as all neutrons having an energy lower than 0.1 eV. By using the energy threshold later
established as part of the ATDR study framework (0.625 eV), these thermal flux values would
be two to three times larger.

The peak thermal flux values calculated in the closed loop and three test assemblies located in
the moderated region are provided in Table 3-9 for each location individually. The peak value is
typically achieved near the side of the assembly that is facing the active core region (i.e., where
the neutrons are coming from). The thermal flux is radially reduced by a factor of ~2 across an
assembly, for a given axial position. The normalized axial thermal flux distribution is shown in
Figure 3-7. The rough aspect of the curve is due to the uncertainties of the calculations
performed with MCNP.

Table 10 – Summary of Thermal Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies

Location Peak thermal flux (1014 n/cm2·s) Thermal flux*Volume (1018 n/cm2·s)
Closed loop 5.8 3.7
A1 1.9 1.2
A2 1.9 1.2
B 1.7 1.1

Normalized flux

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Axial position from the core bottom, cm
Figure 6 – Normalized axial thermal flux distribution in the test locations
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Closed Loop Systems - The three closed loop systems (CLS) are an important capability of
FASTER and part of the study metrics. They enable FASTER to be utilized to irradiate and test
fuels and materials in a prototypical flowing coolant environment with different coolants for
different reactor types. The closed loop (CL) testing capability goes beyond just fuels and
materials testing. Each CLS with a different coolant is a demonstration of that coolant and its
technology inside of an operating nuclear reactor. Thus, one has an integrated demonstration of
fuel, core materials, coolant, coolant chemistry control, and optionally coolant cleanup
technologies under prototypical conditions in either a fast or thermalized neutron spectrum, as
appropriate. For a different reactor coolant than sodium, this can be a test and demonstration as
well as an approach to increasing the TRL level for the fuel, materials, and coolant technologies
for far less cost than designing, building, and operating a separate nuclear reactor with those
fuel, materials, and coolant technologies. The closed loop approach might reveal unanticipated
problems with a different reactor technology for a far less expense than designing, building, and
operating a separate reactor.
CLSs incorporating sodium were an integral part of the FFTF design [2], [3] that could have
simultaneously incorporated four such CLs. Two compact integrated closed loop primary
modules were actually built and one was installed in a cell inerted with nitrogen inside of the
FFTF containment. None of the CLs at FFTF were actually used, however, during its 10 year
operating life. For irradiation and testing with flowing coolants at different conditions other than
the main primary coolant flow, the closed loop approach is essential. Pressurized water CLs are
also an integral part of the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) design and are utilized for irradiation
and testing [4].

For FASTER, heat removal requirements for different coolants and reactor configurations were
first investigated assuming that each CLS can accommodate a test section inside of a flow tube
having an inner diameter of 6.985 cm (2.75 inch) and a closed loop heat rejection rate capability
of 2.3 MWt per loop, similar to the CLS designs for FFTF [2], [3]. Heat removal rate and
coolant flowrate requirements for different coolants for different example reactor designs are
shown in Table 11 for test sections simulating a small portion of each reactor core inside of the
flow tube. For nominal steady state temperature and velocity conditions, the heat removal rate
capability of 2.3 MWt is sufficient. A single possible exception is the Pebble Bed Fluoride-Salt-
Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (PB-FHR) for which it might be necessary to slightly reduce
the size of the core mockup to reduce the power deposition below the indicated 2.2 MWt. The
2.3 MWt heat rejection rate generally provides some margin for transient testing that can include
greater power deposition rates than at nominal steady state.

Table 11 - Heat Rejection Rate and Flowrate Requirements for Closed Loops for Different Reactor
Coolants and Example Reactor Designs
Coolant Sodium Sodium Lead, Pb Liquid Salt, Liquid Salt, Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized
FLiBe, FLiBe, Helium Water Water
2LiF-BeF2 2LiF-BeF2
Reactor PGSFR for PGSFR for LFR with ORNL UCB Pebble GA WEC High Flux
Nominal Unprotected High Core AHTR Bed FHR Prismatic AP1000 Isotope
Conditions Transient Outlet HTGR Reactor
Overpower Temperature (HFIR)
Flow Up Up Up Up Up Down Up Down
Flow Area 0.38 0.38 0.599 0.15 0.60 0.187 0.531 0.50

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Reactor Core
Coolant Inlet Near Near Near Near Near 6.39 15.5 2.24
Pressure, Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric
Coolant 547/395 738/395 650/400 700/650 700/600 750/322 321/281 67.8/57.2
Coolant Inlet 5.52 5.52 2.0 1.94 2.0 20.2 4.85 15.5
Velocity, m/s
Coolant Mass 6.91 6.91 48.5 2.18 9.14 0.0737 7.53 29.4
Flowrate, kg/s
Coolant 0.00804 0.00804 0.00459 0.00111 0.00460 0.0145 0.00986 0.0298
Volume (127) (127) (72.8) (17.6) (72.9) (229) (156) (472)
m3/s (gpm)
Power 1.33 2.98 1.75 0.263 2.21 0.164 1.66 1.30
Removed by

Next, the feasibility of designing closed loop in-reactor assemblies for different coolants and
reactor configurations was examined. It is assumed that the pressure boundary of the in-reactor
assembly is a double-walled pressure tube. The incorporation of a double-walled pressure tube
is viewed as a necessary and sufficient approach to incorporate coolants other than sodium inside
of a SFR. Required wall thicknesses for each of the two pressure tubes were calculated using the
formulae and tables in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, “Rules for
Construction of Nuclear Facility Components,” Division 1-Subsection NH, “Class 1
Components in Elevated Temperature Service,” 2001 Edition. The lifetime of each in-reactor
assembly is assumed to be 10,000 hours which is a 4 % margin over the duration of four
FASTER operating cycles. The outer tube outer diameter of 11.26 cm (4.44 inches) is assumed
identical to that of the hexcan duct-to-duct inner distance for a FASTER fuel assembly. The
outer tube outer diameter is the largest value that can fit inside of an assembly location in the
FASTER core with clearances filled with sodium between the outer tube and the hexcans of the
six neighboring core assembles. For the low pressure coolants (sodium, lead, and pressurized
water under HFIR conditions), the design pressure is taken equal to the same value for the in-
reactor assemblies in FFTF (2.5 MPa = 363 psig). The case of liquid salt coolant is not analyzed
because a suitable structural material has not yet been codified in the ASME code. For helium
and pressurized water under PWR conditions, the design pressure is assumed to be 10 % greater
than the values assumed in Table 11. The required pressure tube dimensions for a design
temperature of 649 °C (1200 F) are shown in Table 12. For the low pressure coolants, the
required wall thicknesses of the outer pressure and inner pressure tubes are 2.51 mm (0.0986 in)
and 2.25 mm (0.0887 in), respectively. To insure against concerns about potential buckling of
the pressure tubes under external pressure, effects of irradiation, and other uncertainties, the wall
thicknesses are increased to a minimum of 6.35 mm (0.25 in). The inner tube inner diameter of
8.09 cm (3.18 in) provides plenty of space for a flow tube to separate downward and upward
flows and a test section inside of the flow tube. For pressurized helium coolant, the inner tube
inner diameter of 8.16 cm (3.21 in) also provides ample space. For pressurized water under
PWR conditions, there is space for a flow tube and test section but the number of fuel pins would
need to be reduced below that implied by the assumptions in Table 11.
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 12 – Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 649 °C (1200° F) Design Temperature
Coolant Sodium, Lead, or Sodium, Lead, or Pressurized Highly
Low Pressurized Low Pressurized Helium Pressurized
Water Water with 0.25 in Water
Wall Thicknesses
Pressure Tube Material 316 316 800H 316
Design Gauge Pressure, MPa (psig) 2.50 (363) 2.50 (363) 7.82 (1019) 17.05 (2473)
Design Temperature, °C (F) 649 (1200) 649 (1200) 649 (1200) 649 (1200)
Design Lifetime, hours 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Outer Pressure Outer Diameter, cm (in) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443)
Outer Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.251 (0.0986) 0.635 (0.25) 0.677 (0.266) 1.850 (0.728)
Outer Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 10.76 (4.236) 9.990 (3.933) 9.907 (3.900) 7.560 (2.976)
Gap Between Pressure Tubes, cm (in) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125)
Inner Pressure Tube Outer Diameter, cm (in) 10.12(3.986) 9.355 (3.683) 9.272 (3.650) 6.925 (2.726)
Inner Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.225 (0.0887) 0.635 (0.25) 0.557 (0.219) 1.14 (0.448)
Inner Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 9.673 (3.808) 8.085 (3.183) 8.157 (3.212) 4.649 (1.830)

For liquid salt and pressurized helium coolant, it is desirable to achieve higher temperatures. For
a design temperature of 704 °C (1300 F), ample space is still available with the low pressure and
pressurized helium coolants (Table 13). There still remains space when the design temperature
is further increased to 760 °C (1400 F) as shown in Table 14. The test sections in the FFTF
closed loop in-reactor assemblies were designed for a sodium outlet temperature of 760 °C (1400
F) while the double-walled pressure tube and other closed loop hardware was designed for 649
°C (1200 F). This was achieved by bypassing part of the upward sodium flow around the test
section in the annular space between a cylindrical thermal baffle surrounding the test section and
the flow tube separating the downward and upward sodium flows inside of the pressure tube. An
alternate approach that permits more space for a test section is to design the entire in-reactor
assembly for a greater temperature and mix the outlet coolant with a cooler coolant bypass
stream inside of a mixing component outside of the reactor.

Table 13 – Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 704 °C (1300 F) Design Temperature
Coolant Sodium, Lead, or Sodium, Lead, or Pressurized Highly
Low Pressurized Low Pressurized Helium Pressurized
Water Water with 0.25 in Water
Wall Thicknesses
Pressure Tube Material 316 316 800H 316
Design Gauge Pressure, MPa (psig) 2.50 (363) 2.50 (363) 7.82 (1019) 17.05 (2473)
Design Temperature, °C (F) 704 (1300) 704 (1300) 704 (1300) 704 (1300)
Design Lifetime, hours 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Outer Pressure Outer Diameter, cm (in) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443)
Outer Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.456 (0.179) 0.635 (0.25) 1.08 (0.427) 3.61 (1.42)
Outer Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 10.35 (4.074) 9.990 (3.933) 9.091 (3.579) 4.033 (1.588)
Gap Between Pressure Tubes, cm (in) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125)
Inner Pressure Tube Outer Diameter, cm (in) 9.714 (3.824) 9.355 (3.683) 8.456 (3.329) 3.398 (1.338)
Inner Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.393 (0.155) 0.635 (0.25) 0.814 (0.321) 1.09 (0.429)
Inner Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 8.928 (3.515) 8.085 (3.183) 6.827 (2.688) 1.217 (0.4793)

Table 14 - Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 760 °C (1400 F) Design Temperature
Coolant Sodium, Lead, or Pressurized
Low Pressurized Helium
Pressure Tube Material 316 800H
Design Gauge Pressure, MPa (psig) 2.50 (363) 7.82 (1019)
Design Temperature, °C (F) 760 (1400) 760 (1400)
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Design Lifetime, hours 10,000 10,000

Outer Pressure Outer Diameter, cm (in) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443)
Outer Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.905 (0.356) 1.85 (0.726)
Outer Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 9.450 (3.720) 7.569 (2.980)
Gap Between Pressure Tubes, cm (in) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125)
Inner Pressure Tube Outer Diameter, cm (in) 8.815 (3.470) 6.934 (2.730)
Inner Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.709 (0.279) 1.14 (0.447)
Inner Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 7.398 (2.913) 4.662 (1.835)

The CLS for each alternative (non-sodium) coolant incorporates an in-reactor assembly with a
test section, a primary loop with the particular coolant for irradiation and testing, a secondary
loop with an appropriate secondary coolant for heat transport, a primary coolant-to-secondary
coolant IHX, a secondary coolant-to-air DHX for heat rejection to the atmospheric heat sink, and
interconnecting piping. Six different CL primary coolants have been included thus far in the
FASTER design; others can be added in the future. The six primary coolants and the major
features of the CLS for each are shown in Table 15. For sodium, lead or lead-bismuth eutectic
(LBE), liquid salt, and helium, each primary CL in-reactor assembly is designed for a maximum
temperature of 760 °C (1400 °F). For sodium, lead or LBE, liquid salt, and helium primary
coolants, sodium is used as the secondary coolant to reject heat to air. A single secondary
coolant, sodium, is utilized because it is a low pressure coolant and because of its low freezing
temperature, excellent heat transfer properties, excellent compatibility with stainless steel and
other alloys, and to avoid the cost of designing and installing a secondary loop and secondary
DHX for a different fluid. Sodium is not used for the pressurized water primary coolants to
provide separation between sodium and water components and piping, and because heat
rejection for primary water coolant can occur at temperatures below or above but near the
sodium freezing temperature.

Table 15 - Closed Loop System Primary Coolants and Major Features

Primary Sodium Lead, Pb, or Liquid Salt, Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized
Coolant for Lead-Bismuth FLiBe, Helium Water for NPP Water for
In-Reactor Eutectic, 45 wt 2LiF-BeF2 Conditions Research and
Irradiation % Pb-55 wt % Test Reactor
and Testing Bi Conditions
Secondary Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Pressurized Pressurized
Coolant Water Water
Primary 316H, 316 ALD-Coated Hastelloy N 800H Low Alloy and Low Alloy and
Materials 316H and 316 Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
with Stainless with Stainless
Steel Cladding Steel Cladding
Secondary 316H, 316 316H, 316 316H, 316 316H, 316 Low Alloy and Low Alloy and
Materials Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
with Stainless with Stainless
Steel Cladding Steel Cladding
Intermediat Single-Walled Double-Walled Double-Walled Double-Walled Single-Walled Single-Walled
e Heat Tube Helical Straight Tube to Straight Tube Straight Tube to Tube Helical Tube Helical
Exchanger Coil Similar to Preclude with Hastelloy Preclude Leakage Coil Coil
FFTF Closed Leakage N Tubes to
Loop System Preclude
Design Leakage
In-Reactor Single-Wall Double-Wall Double-Wall Double-Wall Double-Wall Double-Wall
Assembly Flow Tube Flow Tube with Flow Tube with Flow Tube with Flow Tube Flow Tube
Monitored Gap Monitored Gap Monitored Gap to with Monitored with Monitored
to Preclude to Preclude Preclude Leakage Gap to Gap to
Leakage Leakage Preclude Preclude
Leakage and Leakage and
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

for Thermal for Thermal

Insulation Insulation
Primary Electromagneti Electromagneti Electromagneti Centrifugal/Radia Canned Rotor Canned Rotor
Coolant c c c l Pump
Primary Cold Trap, Intermixing Redox Potential Makeup for pH Control, pH Control,
Coolant Plugging Meter with Hydrogen Control, Coolant Mixed Bed Mixed Bed
Chemistry Measurements to Reduce Tritium Leakages, Demineralizers Demineralizers
Control and Oxygen Stripping and Minimal , Cation Bed , Cation Bed
Cleanup Content, Capture Chemistry Demineralizer, Demineralizer,
Oxygen Sensor Control Control of Control of
Measurements Radiolysis Radiolysis
Reactions Reactions
Primary 1 1 3 1 3 3
Loop Cell

It is necessary to prevent leakages of other primary coolants into sodium. Lead, LBE, or liquid
salt leaking into sodium could attack structural materials such as 316SS. To preclude leakages,
the pressure tube of the in-reactor assembly is made double-walled with a gap between the two
walls that is monitored for leakage. The primary coolant-to-sodium IHX is a double-walled
straight tube (DWST) HX to preclude leakage. For helium primary coolant, a double-walled
pressure tube with a gap is provided to preclude leakage of helium into sodium that might result
in the formation of bubbles that could enter the core with reactivity effects and to preclude a
blowdown of high pressure helium into the reactor vessel sodium. A DWST IHX is utilized to
preclude a blowdown of high pressure helium into secondary sodium. For pressurized water
primary coolant, a double-walled pressure tube is needed to preclude water/steam leakage into
reactor vessel sodium or a blowdown of high pressure water/steam into surrounding sodium and
sodium-water reactions. The gap between the two walls will also incorporate a vacuum to
reduce heat transfer from the hotter surrounding sodium to water. In particular water at research
and test reactor conditions will be significantly cooler than the surrounding reactor vessel
sodium. The gap between the two walls will be monitored for leaks.

Details of the closed loop modules are provided in the Table 15 and in the main report.
The CLS design for each coolant type and the fast reactor containment design must
accommodate the effects of postulated CLS accidents resulting in the inability to remove heat
from the in-reactor assembly. For the FFTF CLS design, the in-reactor assembly was designed
to accommodate a Test Section Meltdown Accident (TSMDA) [3]. A meltdown cup was
provided below the bottom cup end of the pressure tube. The meltdown cup was designed to
contain 0.75 liter (46 inch3) of molten UO2 fuel. It incorporated a tungsten funnel to collect fuel,
a TZM molybdenum alloy cup with six inwardly projecting fins to contain molten fuel, and a
tungsten washer followed by a borated graphite shield block beneath the TZM cup. For each
individual CLS primary coolant type and reactor type core simulation, an assessment will to be
carried out of the accident phenomena and an approach to contain the test section materials as

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

well as mitigate the release of radionuclides from the in-reactor assembly will be engineered.
This type of analysis could not be carried out during the time frame of this study.

Testing Under Prototypical Conditions - Specific core locations and their associated
instrumented assemblies provide an online monitoring and measurement capability for
irradiation experiments. This meets the basic requirement of an irradiation testing facility, that it
provide for irradiation and testing of fuels, materials and specimens under prototypical reactor
conditions with continuous monitoring of quantities of interest (e.g., temperature and flow rate).
The monitoring capability is enabled by dedicated instrument lines which reach each assembly
through dedicated experimenters’ leads from the center island of the reactor head. Seven
locations for independently instrumented assemblies are envisioned for the FASTER design.
Instrumented assemblies use a standard fuel duct with an attached stalk to guide the
instrumented lines. Flow is controlled with an inlet orifice. Instrumented assemblies were also
part of the FFTF design (there they were referred to as open test assemblies) which represents a
good starting point as the base technology for the FASTER instrumented assemblies. In
FASTER, the instrumented subassemblies will support three types of experiments:
1. Encapsulated Fuel Element Experiments
2. Un-encapsulated Fuel Element Experiments
3. Encapsulated Structural Material Experiments

Rabbit tubes to provide for the insertion and retrieval of specimen can be located at the
instrumented test assembly locations and in the closed loop locations. The rabbit tubes will be
inserted through the head of the reactor vessel down to the core and grid plate structure. The
rabbit tubes will be filled with inert gas (argon) to facilitate rapid insert and retrieval of
irradiation specimens.

FASTER Test Reactor Safety Performance - The normal process of performing safety
assessments considers a spectrum of DBAs as tests of the various safety systems. These DBAs
generally assume single failures. Accidents within the design basis must be accommodated by
the design and shown to present risks to the public that are within regulatory standards. Beyond
the design basis, there exists a class of accidents of such low probability that they have been
termed “hypothetical.” These events involve multiple failures of safety grade systems, and
usually are considered to have a frequency of less than 10-6 per reactor-year. Because of the
potentially severe consequences of accidents in this class, they have received significant
regulatory scrutiny in prior sodium-cooled fast reactor licensing reviews for the purpose of
characterizing thermal and structural safety margins beyond the design basis. These accidents are
currently referred to as design extension conditions (DECs, between 10-6 and 10-8 per reactor-
year) or severe accidents (SAs, less than 10-8 per reactor-year) depending upon the specific
Three DECs calculated here, each involving failure of both reactor scram systems, have received
attention in past licensing safety assessments. In the unprotected loss-of-flow (ULOF) sequence,
it is assumed that power is lost to all primary and secondary coolant pumps and the reactor scram
systems fail to activate. In the unprotected transient overpower (UTOP) sequence, it is assumed
that one or more inserted control rods are withdrawn, and the reactor scram systems fail to
operate. In the unprotected loss-of-heat-sink (LOHS) accident, it is assumed that heat removal
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

through the power conversion system is lost, and the reactor scram systems do not activate.
Taken collectively, these three accident initiators encompass all the ways that an operating
reactor can be perturbed, i.e. by a change in coolant flow, by a change in reactivity, or by a
change in coolant inlet temperature. A preliminary safety analysis was performed for FASTER
using the systems analysis code SAS4A/SASSYS-1 to assess the reactor’s safety performance
during the transients. [5] A series of ULOF, ULOHS, and UTOP transients were simulated at
both beginning of cycle (BOC) and end of cycle (EOC) conditions, except for the UTOP, which
was only simulated at BOC because the control rods are already withdrawn at end of cycle.
Maintaining coolable geometry within the core is the primary consideration when evaluating
events with such low frequencies. For example, fuel melting can be tolerated at the center of the
fuel pin as long as molten fuel is not breaching the cladding and entering the coolant channel.
However, the favorable features of FASTER, and SFRs in general (i.e., strong inherent reactivity
feedbacks, the excellent heat transfer capabilities of sodium, and the large heat sink of multiple
sodium regions inside of the pool-type reactor vessel), lead to such large safety margins that the
transient scenarios can be evaluated under higher scrutiny. For this analysis, the results of a
transient are considered acceptable when reasonably large margins to sodium boiling and fuel
melting are maintained.

Best estimate simulations of ULOF, UTOP, and ULOHS transients were performed to determine
the margins to sodium boiling and fuel melting, with an assumed fuel melting temperature of
1071°C. Additionally, low enough temperatures in the primary system must be maintained to
ensure prolonged structural stability of the major components. Of all the structures, maintaining
the integrity of the reactor vessel is the most important as it provides the boundary for the
primary sodium circuit. The maximum allowable temperature for the reactor vessel and sodium
pool is assumed to be 732°C, which is the Service Level D limit used in the SAFR PSID. [6]
Results from the ULOF, ULOHS, and UTOP transient simulations are summarized in the tables
below. Adequate safety margins are maintained during each of the analyzed transients. In the
UTOP scenario, a single control rod is assumed to be unintentionally withdrawn until it reaches
its rod stop, 6 cm above the critical insertion depth, limiting the reactivity insertion to 0.5 $. The
UTOP scenario attains the highest fuel temperatures of all of the transients, with a peak fuel
temperature of 889°C; a fuel melting margin of 182°C is maintained.

Technology Readiness of Test Reactor Concept - The FASTER reactor plant, with its sodium
coolant, pool plant geometry, and metallic fuel can trace its heritage to the beginning of fast
reactor technology with the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II. Base sodium-cooled fast reactor
technology has been utilized in the FASTER reactor concept to increase the technology
readiness of the system and components.

Table 16 – TRL Evaluation of FASTER Reactor Plant Systems and Components

Component TRL Risk Description

TRL8 U-19Pu-6Zr - Reestablishment of domestic fabrication capability or
foreign supply required. The preferred option would be to reestablish the
Driver Fuel capability of fabricating this fuel at a collocated facility with the FASTER
reactor plant. Assumes that prior irradiation testing data is suitable for

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Component TRL Risk Description

TRL8 Reflector assemblies made from metal pins or blocks are conventional
Reflector Assemblies sodium fast reactor technology and thus achieve a high TRL level.
TRL8 Shield assemblies made from clad boron carbide pins are conventional
Shield Assemblies sodium fast reactor technology and thus achieve a high TRL level.
TRL8 The FASTER control rod assemblies are constructed of boron carbide rods
Control Rod Assemblies clad in HT-9. This technology is conventional sodium fast reactor
technology and thus achieves a high TRL level.
TRL8 Demonstrated at full scale. Burnup is very low so there will be zero issue
Core Structural Materials –
using HT-9 as the core structural materials in the fast neutron spectrum
Fast Zone
TRL5 Literature review will need to be performed for structural materials in
thermal zone. Zircaloy is compatible with sodium but is typically not used
Core Structural Materials – as core structural materials for fast reactor cores (cladding and ducting).
Thermal Zone Zircaloy is also an oxygen getter – so time in service will need to be
understood and evaluated, but is not expected to be an issue. The zircaloy
will also clad beryllium with the beryllium being a moderator.
TRL9 Coolant control technology using cold traps and nuclide traps is
conventional proven sodium coolant control technology and has been
Coolant Control
demonstrated and operated at full scale. Coolant control technology used
in EBR-II, FFTF, and developed for CRBRP can be adopted for use in the
FASTER reactor plant.
TRL9 Argon cover gas is conventional proven technology and this will be used
Cover Gas Technology in the FASTER reactor plant systems. Nitrogen may also be used in some
locations where needed for space inerting.
TRL8-9 The cover gas cleanup technology will be initially based upon that used at
Cover Gas Cleanup EBR-II and FFTF and proposed for CRBRP with updates to technologies
Technology that may be used today for cleaning radioactively contaminated argon
cover gas.
TRL7 Gas seal technology is known, but will need to be updated/evaluated from
the 1970-1980’s technology used in FFTF and EBR-II to determine
Gas Seal Technology
whether advancements in elastomers and other gas seal technologies are
suitable and perform better than the technologies used in the past.
TRL7 Several components must be adapted from previous fast reactor designs,
however, a pool plant geometry has proven to be most cost effective.
Primary System
However, no pool plant geometry has included 3 closed loops and multiple
instrumented test assembly locations that stay in the reactor greater than
one cycle.
Reactor Vessel and TRL8 For pool configuration, certain features such as the redan and reactor
Structures enclosure must be adapted for the particular geometry
TRL8 The primary and secondary pumps are based upon mechanical centrifugal
pump technology which has been deployed successfully in EBR-II, FFTF,
Primary and Secondary
and developed and tested for CRBRP. The exact pump will have
characteristics that are specific for the FASTER reactor plant, but is
expected to be smaller in capacity to the FFTF reactor plant.
TRL8 The (4) IHX are tube-and-shell heat exchangers and are conventional
Intermediate Heat sodium-to-sodium heat exchangers with a high TRL level. 9Cr-1Mo heat
exchangers exchangers have been developed and installed in the Indian reactor. 9Cr-
1Mo is a code qualified materials.
Direct Reactor Auxiliary TRL8 DRACS emergency decay heat removal systems have been used in EBR-II
Cooling System and other sodium cooled fast reactors.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Component TRL Risk Description

TRL8 The (3) DRACS heat exchangers are tube-and-shell heat exchangers and
are based on conventional sodium-to-sodium heat exchangers with a high
Direct Reactor Heat
TRL level. These heat exchangers will have to be scaled appropriately for
the size requirements for the FASTER reactor plant, but besides this, that
is the only issue.
TRL8 The (3) DRACS system each have one sodium-to-air heat exchanger
Air dump heat exchangers which will be based upon the technology developed for FFTF, EBR-II,
and CRBRP.
TRL7 The steam generator adopted for the FASTER reactor plant is the helical
coil steam generator (HSCG). There are two HCSGs that each provide
150MWth of superheated steam for the steam turbine. The HCSG is
approximately twice the size of the HSCG that was developed by Babcock
Steam Generator and Wilcox and tested at ETEC. That HCSG used 2.25Cr-1Mo steel for
the tubes. The FASTER HCSG uses 9Cr-1Mo steel which is an acceptable
alternative for heat exchanger materials. Superphenix installed a HCSG
that was larger than needed for the FASTER reactor plant, but was made
from Alloy600.
TRL7 The technology for accommodating the sodium-water reaction resulting
Sodium Water Reaction from a tube leak in a sodium-heated steam generator was developed in the
Protection System past liquid metal technology development programs and tested at the
Energy Technology Engineering Center.
Sodium Fire Mitigation TRL8 The technology for mitigation of sodium fires has been developed in past
System liquid metal technology programs.
TRL8 Superheated steam BOP is a conventional technology used with sodium-
Balance of Plant cooled fast reactor technologies around the world.
TRL8 Steel-reinforced concrete containment technology has been demonstrated
Containment at full scale both domestically and internationally.
TRL8 Seismic restraints for piping and other components are expected to be
Seismic Restraints conventional reactor technology.
Reactor Instrumentation TRL7 Demonstrated at full scale. The reactor project expects to adopt digital
and Control controls as appropriate.
TRL7 The primary control rod drive system will be similar to the system for the
AFR-100 plant which is an adaptation of the PCRDS from FFTF and
Primary Control Rod Drive TRL4 – Rod CRBR. Interface between the PCRDS and the three instrumentation trees
System Stops for will need to be determined, but will be similar to technology developed for
UTOP FFTF. Control rod stops will need to be implemented into the PCRDS
TRL6 The secondary control rod drive system is similar to the system for AFR-
Secondary Control Rod 100 plant and the SCRDS for CRBR and ALMR. Engineering will have to
Drive System be performed to ensure that the SCRDS will interface successfully with
the three instrumentation trees in the FASTER reactor vessel.
TRL5 The starting point for the FASTER in-vessel refueling machines will be
the machine developed for the AFR-100 plant. Mechanisms related to the
Fuel Handling in-vessel refueling machine will need to be evaluated to ensure that the
machine will function as designed. If FFTF IVHM system was adopted a
higher TRL would be assigned.
TRL5 New techniques for in-service inspection, especially under sodium
Maintenance and
inspection, needs to be demonstrated. Technologies developed for FFTF
and EBR-II need to be redeveloped.
FASTER Irradiation Capability

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Component TRL Risk Description

TRL8 for The starting point for the closed loop technology will be the designs that
sodium were created by Westinghouse for the FFTF reactor. There are three
closed loops in the FASTER reactor plant – two fast closed loops and one
TRL3-6 for thermal closed loop. The power/heat removal rate capability of the sodium
other fast closed loop will be identical to the FFTF reactor closed loop in-reactor
reactor assembly and primary module. It is expected that the two fast closed loops
Closed Loop Technology
coolants will be very similar in technology design to FFTF and thus will have a
very high TRL.
TRL3-6 for
the thermal The thermal spectrum close loop will have a lower TRL mainly to reflect
reactor the design of the module that supplies the primary (in-loop) coolant for the
coolants. thermal closed loop.
TRL7 The starting point for the instrumented test assembly technology will be
the technology used in EBR-II and FFTF. The technology will be updated
Instrumented test assembly
with modern sensors for temperature, flow, and other parameters as
appropriate, but the technological foundation will be EBR-II, FFTF, and
CRBR technologies and will evolve from there. Test
TRL8 Non-instrumented test assembly technology are configured identical to a
Non-instrumented test fuel, reflector, and shield test assemblies. The technology to include test
assembly technology pins in fueled core assemblies is known and thus they are evaluated with a
high TRL level.

Technical criteria for advanced reactor licensing needs to be clarified and

Licensing the regulatory structure re-established. It is expected that the selected
ATDR reactor will be licensed by the U.S. NRC.
Infrastructure for manufacturing fast reactor components will need to be
Fast Reactor
reestablished domestically if this is important to DOE, otherwise, there are
international sources of liquid metal technology components such as
pumps, valves, heat exchangers, etc.

Test Reactor Licensing, Development and Deployment Plans - FASTER will be licensed under
10 CFR Part 50 as a testing facility that also produces electricity onto an electrical grid. The
Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) must include the principal design criteria for the
facility. 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix A, “General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,”
establishes minimum requirements for the principal design criteria for water-cooled nuclear
power plants similar in design and location to plants for which construction permits have
previously been issued by the NRC and provides guidance to applicants for construction permits
in establishing principal design criteria for other types of nuclear power units. Historically,
specific SFR principal design criteria were developed for CRBR, PRISM, and SAFR, instead of
directly utilizing the General Design Criteria (GDC) from 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix A. A set of
draft SFR design criteria has been developed under a joint initiative between DOE and the NRC.
The criteria include five new criteria specific to SFRs. A report containing the SFR criteria was
prepared by DOE and transmitted to the NRC. The NRC internally reviewed the criteria and is
expected to soon issue a report for public comment. It is expected that this will be followed by
NRC guidance including SFR principal design criteria. The FASTER design satisfies the current
draft SFR principal design criteria and will satisfy the final criteria included in the NRC

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Under the DOE-funded Regulatory Technology Development Plan, work has been launched to
develop the SFR safety analysis codes and methods required for use in a licensing framework,
and to identify the Quality Assurance (QA) requirements for licensing applications. A report,
ANL-ART-37, was recently prepared that identifies the types of safety analysis computer codes
that may be required for licensing of metallic-fueled SFRs and assesses the current status of
existing relevant safety analysis codes including existing QA practices.

Pre-conceptual, conceptual, and final design will be carried out consistent with the DOE CD-0,
CD-1, etc. process. A licensing strategy and schedule will be developed for FASTER.
Preapplication meetings will be held with the NRC. As required, a PSID will be prepared.
Interactions will be conducted with the NRC to pursue applications for a construction permit and
operating license. A Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) will be prepared as part of an
application for a construction permit. A Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) will be prepared
as part of an application for an operating license. Testing of the particular metallic fuel type
used in FASTER shall be carried out to obtain the data needed to enable the use of this fuel. The
FASTER design utilizes structural materials that are currently qualified for use by the
appropriate ASME codes, with the exception of the Hastelloy-N alloy envisioned for use in
closed loop systems for liquid salt. If a need for closed loop testing with liquid salt continues,
then effort will be devoted to developing and submitting a code case for Hastelloy-N.
Development of required safety analysis computer codes meeting QA requirements for licensing
use shall be completed, and the codes will be used in preparation of the PSAR and FSAR. The
FASTER design shall incorporate instrumentation to detect postulated sodium leakages from
sodium piping and components consistent with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
requirements for Nuclear Power Plant components.

The licensing strategy will include a strategy for testing of components for FASTER including
fuel assemblies, control rods and control rod drive systems, fuel handling systems, steam
generators, intermediate heat exchangers, sodium pumps, as well as instrumentation for use in
FASTER. Testing will be carried out, where feasible, in existing testing facilities, as well as
new testing facilities that will be identified and assembled. Appropriate QA requirements for
test data will be identified and followed.

Following the granting of an operating license, fabrication of the first core and loading of the
first core, then criticality, low power testing and ascent to full power shall be carried out. During
the ascent to full power, transient testing shall be carried out to determine the actual FASTER
reactivity feedback behavior and to verify that it meets the requirements for inherent passive
safety and inherent passive shutdown.

Economics and Schedule - It is expected that the following notional schedule will be used for
the design and construction of FASTER.
 1 year for conceptual design
 2 years for preliminary design
 3-5 years for detailed design, licensing, and long-lead item fabrication
 <5 years for construction and final licensing

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Total of 11 to 13 years for the FASTER reactor project from CD-0 with the assumption that
there are no constraints on cash flow for the project and that licensing will not be the limiting
factor. The schedule that includes the remaining research and development to get the FASTER
power plant up and running will extend the schedule to 15 years or less with a concurrent R&D
program. This schedule is consistent with a small modular advanced demo plant such as PRISM
Mod A which has a power level slightly greater than FASTER. The sodium closed loop
technology development will run in parallel with the schedule to construct and startup FASTER
and use as its starting base, the sodium closed loop technology developed for FFTF. The non-
sodium closed loop technology development will be independent of the main FASTER power
plant construction, licensing, and operations and will not impact the schedule to startup

It is estimated that the FASTER test reactor with the steam plant will cost approximately $2.8B
(with a 30% contingency) to design (~$1.1B) and construct (with each closed loop contributing
~$100M (includes contingency) to overall estimated TPC). If it was decided to remove the steam
plant and just dump the 300MWth of heat to the atmosphere, then the TPC cost (design and
construction) would be significantly less than $2.5B because the project would save both the cost
for design, equipment, and construction for the steam plant (everything from the steam
generators through the steam plant and electrical yard). In addition, the FASTER design team
did not take any explicit credit during the cost estimate for prior design work and technology
development work that may have been performed that would relate to the FASTER reactor plant.
So, as the FASTER test reactor moves forward, more detailed cost estimates will better refine
these cost figures.

The annual FASTER reactor plant operating costs in power generation mode are estimated to be
less than $100M. The FASTER reactor plant annual operating costs including irradiation
operations are expected to be less than $150M (using FFTF as the high end basis) [7]. All
estimates are in 2016 dollars. The replacement fuel is estimated to cost about $20M/year.
The FASTER reactor will provide 120MWe to the electrical grid at the location of installation.
The FASTER reactor is expected to achieve a capacity factor of 80% or greater while putting
power on the grid. The sales from this power are expected to be around $89M to $100M per year
depending upon overall electrical generation capacity and power purchasing agreements,
offsetting the operational and fuels costs.
The cost and schedule estimates are based upon the best available information from the ALMR
program, the FFTF project, and current consumer price index and construction cost index
escalation factors averaged to 2016.

Operating and Maintenance Costs - The cost estimate to operate and maintain the FASTER
reactor is divided into two estimated costs. One to operate the reactor and provide power and
maintain the reactor and one that includes those costs and the costs to run experiments in
FASTER. The costs to run experiments in FASTER include the costs related to operating and
maintaining any experiments, secondary loops or other aspects of the facility such as hot cell
facilities that are not related to the functions of the FASTER reactor which provide the
experiment conditions (i.e., flux, temperature, etc.) and produce electrical power. Given the
purpose of the FASTER reactor as a test reactor, it will be capable of supporting multiple large
experiment programs simultaneously which may have significant costs associated with them.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

These costs are not included as part of the FASTER reactor operation and maintenance (O&M)
costs. Those costs are assumed to be part of the larger annual operating costs.

Estimating the O&M costs is difficult because there are no directly comparable sources of data.
The estimates must be extrapolated from a variety of sources, each of which has obvious issues
with extrapolation to the FASTER reactor. There are three categories of cost. The smaller of the
two are consumables (i.e., materials, supplies, etc.) and mandated fees (i.e., NRC fees, insurance,
etc.). The largest cost is personnel.

The cost of consumables and fees is expected to be no more than $15M to $20M per year. These
estimates are based on the costs associated with power reactors. The fees are not assumed to
scale. The consumables are expected to scale, but far from linearly resulting in only modest
reductions relative to a larger commercial-scale reactor.

The cost of personnel is based on the number of personnel required and the average cost of those
personnel. These estimates are generally broken down to onsite and offsite staff. The onsite staff
consisting of the technicians, maintenance, training, and other personnel involved primarily in
the direct operation and maintenance of the plant. The offsite staff, which is not necessarily
physically offsite, mostly provides the technical support and is a much smaller contributor to
cost than the onsite staff.

The nature of the work done by these two manpower groups results in the average cost of onsite
staff generally being significantly lower than the average cost of offsite staff. The specific mix
for a given power plant will also impact this. The average salaries are expected to average
around $100k per year for onsite staff and around $200k per year for offsite staff. For each, there
will be a multiplier on these costs for benefits and other related staffing costs of no more than
two times and more likely around 1.6 to 1.8.

The AP1000, a large commercial LWR is estimated to require an onsite staff of between 386 and
502, depending on whether it is located on an existing operational nuclear site or on its own. The
commercial-scale S-PRISM is expected to have a total staff of roughly 650 for a twin-unit power
plant. There are a lot of data on the variation in O&M costs for LWR stations as a function of
size and units at the commercial scale. This information is used to identify where there will be
cost savings for a smaller unit (e.g., annualized maintenance) and where there will not (e.g., one
plant manager regardless). By combining this information and extrapolating it to a much reduced
size, it suggests that a reactor of this size could be operated and maintained by a staff of
significantly less than 200. To be conservative, since this is an extrapolation, the upper bound
was assumed to be a total staff of 250 split into 210 onsite and 40 offsite personnel. This
assumes a standalone site that receives no cost benefit from being on an existing nuclear site
which will share a lot of resources, particularly related to security. This results in personnel costs
in the $40M (staff of 200) to $60M (staff of 250) per year range.

The decommissioning and decontamination (D&D) costs are typically covered by a sinking fund
payment. The annual cost of payments to such a fund will be a small fraction of the annual O&M
cost assuming that the facility operates for decades. As a result, the D&D funds are within the
overall uncertainty and do not impact the estimate at the current level of design detail.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The total O&M costs are expected to be in the range of $55M to $80M per year and certainly
could be significantly lower. There may be significant additional costs associated with
experiments conducted at this facility that are not included.

Fuel Cost Estimate - The cost associated with fueling the reactor is even more challenging to
estimate than the O&M costs. The fuel cost estimate assumes that a fixed unit cost ($ per kg of
heavy metal) is charged to the FASTER reactor that is equivalent to the cost of producing the
fuel. This unit or levelized cost as it is typical referred to includes the capital investment, O&M,
and cost of materials (e.g., plutonium, cladding, etc.). Like most nuclear facilities, the capital
investment will be the largest contributor if a new facility must be built to supply the fuel. The
other major contributors to cost are the cost of the fissile material and the O&M of the facility. It
is assumed that the plutonium will be provided at no cost. The other materials (e.g., cladding and
other assembly hardware) tend to be a relatively small cost contributor, although this needs to
ultimately be confirmed since producing unique materials in small quantities can result in far
higher unit costs.

The cost of manufacturing plutonium fuels on a commercial scale is estimated to be in the range
of $2,500 to $7,000 per kg of heavy metal. This includes all costs except the cost of the heavy
metal itself (i.e., cladding, assembly hardware, etc.), which is assumed to be negligible (Pu is
free and DU will be at very small fraction at most). The assumption is that the manufacture of
the FASTER reactor fuel will not require the construction of a standalone fabrication facility like
the MOX plant at Savannah River Site, but will be done by upgrading an existing national
laboratory facility to produce the relatively small quantities (~60 assemblies per year). There will
be significant investment into this facility, but it was assumed that this would be bounded by the
upper cost estimate of $7,000 per kg, which results in a cost estimate of approximately $300k
per assembly. This would result in the fuel costs being no more than $20M per year. This
equivalent annual cost implies an upfront investment in fuel fabrication capabilities in the
$100M to $200M range.

Annual Operational Cost Estimate - When the O&M and fuel costs are added together, this
results in an annual cost of no more than $100M per year and likely significantly less than that.
The annual costs of FFTF escalated for inflation would be on the order of $150M per year, but
this seems to include all costs associated with the experimental programs that were utilizing
FFTF and not just the operational cost of the reactor. Given the labor intense nature of the FFTF
experience and the high costs of irradiation experiments, this value seems consistent with the
expectation that the annual operational costs of the FASTER reactor will be between less than
$150M per year.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overall Objectives .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Preliminary Considerations of Low Enriched Uranium ..................................................................... 3
2 FASTER Mission ............................................................................................................................ 4
3 Primary Plant Design Description ......................................................................................... 5
3.1 Reactor Assembly System............................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Core Design Approach ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.2 Core Layout and Assemblies .................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.3 Reactor Performance Characteristics ................................................................................................... 8
3.1.4 Neutron Thermalization .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.5 Reactivity Coefficients and Quasi-Static Balance ........................................................................... 11
3.1.6 Test Locations .............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.7 Closed Loops ................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.1.8 Inlet Plenum Module ................................................................................................................................. 45
3.1.9 Core Orificing Approach and Analysis................................................................................................ 46
3.1.10 Lower Internals Structure Assembly............................................................................................. 48
3.1.11 Core Barrel Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 48
3.1.12 Redan Assembly ..................................................................................................................................... 48
3.1.13 Upper Internal Structure (UIS) and Instrumentation Trees ................................................ 50
3.1.14 Core Restraint System Design .......................................................................................................... 69
3.2 Reactivity Control and Shutdown Systems............................................................................................ 71
3.2.1 Primary Control Rod System.................................................................................................................. 71
3.2.2 Secondary Control Rod System ............................................................................................................. 71
3.3 Reactor Vessel and Enclosure System ..................................................................................................... 72
3.3.1 Reactor Vessel .............................................................................................................................................. 72
3.3.2 Reactor Vessel Enclosure......................................................................................................................... 73
3.3.3 Guard Vessel.................................................................................................................................................. 74
3.3.4 Reactor Containment Boundary and Structure .............................................................................. 74
3.4 Primary Heat Transport System ................................................................................................................ 74
3.4.1 Primary Reactor Coolant Pumps .......................................................................................................... 77
3.4.2 Intermediate Heat Exchanger ................................................................................................................ 78
3.4.3 Primary Internal Piping System............................................................................................................ 83
3.5 Intermediate Heat Transport System ...................................................................................................... 84
3.5.1 System Requirements and Description ............................................................................................. 84
3.5.2 Intermediate Sodium Pump ................................................................................................................... 87
3.5.3 IHTS Piping .................................................................................................................................................... 87
3.5.4 IHTS Storage and Expansion Tanks..................................................................................................... 88
4 Power Conversion System ....................................................................................................... 89
4.1 Steam Rankine Cycle ....................................................................................................................................... 89
5 Shutdown Heat Removal System .......................................................................................... 95
6 Fuel Handling System ............................................................................................................ 100
6.1 Pantograph FHM............................................................................................................................................ 100
6.1.1 FHM Driving Mechanism ...................................................................................................................... 123
6.1.2 Gear and Motor Sizing ............................................................................................................................ 124
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

6.2 Time required for fuel handling operations ...................................................................................... 131

6.3 Typical FHM Cycle Operations inside the Reactor Vessel ............................................................ 132
6.4 Control System Design Recommendations......................................................................................... 135
6.4.1 Positional Tolerances for the FHM ................................................................................................... 138
6.4.2 Core Hold-Down Control System using Force Control ............................................................. 141
6.4.3 Uncertainty and Error in Position..................................................................................................... 145
6.5 Sealing and Insulation ................................................................................................................................. 146
6.6 FHM Mockup Test ......................................................................................................................................... 148
7 Ex-Vessel Refueling Operations ......................................................................................... 150
7.1 Functions .......................................................................................................................................................... 151
7.2 Overall Requirements for the FASTER EVTM ................................................................................... 152
7.2.1 Process Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 152
7.2.2 Mechanical Requirements .................................................................................................................... 152
7.2.3 Structural Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 153
7.2.4 Thermal Requirements.......................................................................................................................... 153
7.2.5 Tornado Requirements (reserved) .................................................................................................. 154
7.2.6 Seismic Requirements............................................................................................................................ 154
7.2.7 Radiation Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 154
7.2.8 Safety Requirements............................................................................................................................... 154
7.2.9 Design Life – reserved............................................................................................................................ 155
7.2.10 Maintenance – reserved ................................................................................................................... 155
7.2.11 Instrumentation and Controls – reserved ................................................................................ 155
7.2.12 Interface Requirements ................................................................................................................... 155
7.2.13 Equipment Interfaces........................................................................................................................ 156
7.2.14 Handling Interfaces............................................................................................................................ 157
7.3 Fuel Transfer Ports ....................................................................................................................................... 159
7.4 Inter-Building Transfer Cask Design Requirements....................................................................... 160
8 Sodium Purification Systems .............................................................................................. 161
8.1 Primary Sodium Purification System .................................................................................................... 161
8.1.1 PSPS Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................... 161
8.1.2 Overall System Description ................................................................................................................. 165
8.2 Intermediate Sodium Purification System.......................................................................................... 170
8.2.1 ISPS Performance Requirements and Design Considerations .............................................. 170
8.2.2 Overall System Description ................................................................................................................. 175
8.2.3 Functions and Specifications of Major Components ................................................................. 178
9 Instrumentation and Control .............................................................................................. 188
9.1 Plant Monitoring System ............................................................................................................................ 188
9.1.1 Primary Heat Transport System ........................................................................................................ 188
9.1.2 Intermediate Heat Transport System .............................................................................................. 192
9.1.3 Decay Heat Removal System ............................................................................................................... 194
9.1.4 Sodium-Water Pressure Relief System ........................................................................................... 195
9.2 Plant Control System ................................................................................................................................... 196
9.2.1 Principles of Operation .......................................................................................................................... 197
9.2.2 Operating Strategy .................................................................................................................................. 198
9.2.3 Architecture ............................................................................................................................................... 200
9.2.4 Operating Mode Logic ............................................................................................................................ 205
9.2.5 Load Schedule............................................................................................................................................ 207
9.3 Plant Protection System ............................................................................................................................. 209
FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

9.3.1 Engineered Safety System Actuation ............................................................................................... 210

9.3.2 Reactor Trip Signals ................................................................................................................................ 211
9.4 Test Assembly and Loop Instrumentation.......................................................................................... 212
9.5 Advanced Instrumentation Test Capability ....................................................................................... 214
9.5.1 In-Core .......................................................................................................................................................... 215
9.5.2 Out-of-Core ................................................................................................................................................. 215
9.6 Data Handling and Signal Transmission System .............................................................................. 216
9.7 Communications System ............................................................................................................................ 216
9.8 On-Line Fault Detection and Diagnosis ................................................................................................ 216
9.9 Industrial Security and Safeguards System ........................................................................................ 217
10 Auxiliary Sodium Systems .................................................................................................... 218
11 Reactor Containment Building and Site .......................................................................... 219
12 FASTER Test Reactor Safety................................................................................................. 223
12.1 Safety Basis ...................................................................................................................................................... 223
12.2 Identification of Accident Sequences .................................................................................................... 226
12.3 Source Term .................................................................................................................................................... 229
12.3.1 In-Core Transport and Retention Phenomena ....................................................................... 230
12.3.2 Ex-Core Transport and Release Phenomena........................................................................... 233
12.4 Safety Performance ...................................................................................................................................... 235
12.4.1 SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Model ................................................................................................................... 235
12.4.2 Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 259
12.4.3 Summary of Unprotected Transient Analyses ........................................................................ 277
13 Balance of Plant Systems (Various) .................................................................................. 278
13.1 Compressed Gas System ............................................................................................................................. 278
13.2 Chilled Water System .................................................................................................................................. 279
13.3 Radioactive Waste System......................................................................................................................... 279
13.4 Nuclear Island Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System .......................................... 280
13.5 Balance of Plant Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System ....................................... 281
13.6 Fire Protection System................................................................................................................................ 282
13.7 Re-circulating Gas Cooling System......................................................................................................... 283
13.8 Fuel Receiving, Storage, and Shipping System .................................................................................. 283
13.9 Circulating Water System .......................................................................................................................... 284
13.10 Service Water System............................................................................................................................. 284
13.11 Treated Water System ........................................................................................................................... 285
13.12 Industrial Waste Water Treatment System .................................................................................. 285
13.13 Liquid Metal Auxiliaries System ........................................................................................................ 286
13.14 Inert Gas Receiving and Processing System ................................................................................. 287
13.15 Other Auxiliary Systems........................................................................................................................ 288
13.15.1 Reactor Vessel Heating System ..................................................................................................... 288
13.16 Emergency and Backup Systems ....................................................................................................... 288
14 Licensing Strategy ................................................................................................................... 290
15 Cost and Schedule ................................................................................................................... 292
15.1 Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................ 292
15.2 Design, Licensing, and Construction Costs ......................................................................................... 292
15.2.1 Initial Core Load .................................................................................................................................. 293
15.3 Operation, Maintenance and Fuel Cost ................................................................................................ 294

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

15.3.1 Operation and Maintenance Cost ................................................................................................. 294

15.3.2 Fuel Cost ................................................................................................................................................. 295
15.3.3 Decommissioning and Decontamination Cost ........................................................................ 295
16 Works Cited ............................................................................................................................... 298

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 1 – FASTER Reactor Core Layout ......................................................................................ii
Figure 2 – Elevation View of PHTS .............................................................................................vii
Figure 3 – FASTER NSSS – Elevation View ................................................................................ ix
Figure 4 – FASTER Thermodynamic Cycle and Balance of Plant ................................................ x
Figure 5 – Normalized axial fast flux distribution in test locations ............................................... xi
Figure 6 – Normalized axial thermal flux distribution in the test locations..................................xii
Figure 3-1: FASTER Core Layout .................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3-2: Power Density Distribution (in W/cm3) ..................................................................... 10
Figure 3-3: Fast and Thermal Flux Distributions (in n/cm2-s)...................................................... 10
Figure 3-4: Single Rod Worth and Core Reactivity for the Primary Control System .................. 13
Figure 3-5: Single Rod Worth and Core Reactivity for the Secondary Control System .............. 13
Figure 3-6: Normalized Axial Fast Flux Distribution in Test Locations ...................................... 16
Figure 3-7: Normalized Axial Thermal Flux Distribution in the Test Locations ......................... 18
Figure 3-8: Spectra Comparison in Fast and Thermal Test Assemblies ....................................... 19
Figure 3-9: Ns-Ds Diagram for Pumps with Selected Helium Pump Operating Point Highlighted
....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3-10: FASTER Orifice Groups .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 3-11: Redan Structure ........................................................................................................ 49
Figure 3-12: Detailed Section View through the FASTER Vessel Cover .................................... 50
Figure 3-13: Plan View of FASTER Reactor Vessel Arrangement (Translucent Vessel Cover). 51
Figure 3-14: Perspective View of Vessel Cover, Fixed UIS, Instrument Trees, and FHMs ........ 53
Figure 3-15: Instrument Tree with Control Rod Drive Segment .................................................. 54
Figure 3-16: Instrument Tree Rotation Drive Motor and Housing ............................................... 55
Figure 3-17: Section Below Fixed UIS Showing Location of Instrument Trees During Reactor
Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3-18: Section Below Fixed UIS Showing Location of Instrument Trees During Refueling
....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3-19: Stress Results for Instrument Tree under Gravity Loading...................................... 58
Figure 3-20: Displacement Results for Instrument Tree under Gravity Loading ......................... 59
Figure 3-21: Section through Instrument Trees Showing Instrumentation Conduit Routing
Pathways ....................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 3-22: Section through Sensor Assembly, Seals, and Instrument Tree ............................... 61
Figure 3-23: Instrumentation Post for FASTER ........................................................................... 62
Figure 3-24: View Looking Upward from the Top of Core Showing Instrument Trees and Fixed
UIS ................................................................................................................................................ 63
Figure 3-25: Perspective View Above Core Centerline During Reactor Operation ..................... 64
Figure 3-26: Program for Calculation of Successive Roots of an Infinite Series ......................... 66
Figure 3-27: Transient Temperature Distribution in Heat Shield ................................................. 67
Figure 3-28: Maximum Transient Stress in the Bottom Inconel 718 Heat Shield ........................ 68
Figure 3-29: Transient Stress Distribution in the Bottom Inconel 718 Heat Shield Plate ............ 69
Figure 3-30: Vertical View of Primary System ............................................................................ 75
Figure 3-31: Plan View of the Primary System ............................................................................ 76
Figure 3-32: Schematic Comparison of FASTER and EBR-II Pumps ......................................... 78
Figure 3-33: Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design ....................................................................... 80

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-34: Plan View of Orifice Baffle Plate Design ................................................................ 82

Figure 3-35: Plan View of IHTS Layout ...................................................................................... 85
Figure 3-36: Elevation View of IHTS Layout .............................................................................. 86
Figure 4-1: FASTER Steam Cycle Power Conversion ................................................................. 90
Figure 4-2: Temperature-Entropy Diagram of FASTER Steam Cycle ......................................... 93
Figure 5-1: Schematic Diagram of Shutdown Heat Removal System .......................................... 95
Figure 5-2: Details of DRACS Design ......................................................................................... 98
Figure 6-1: FHM Located Above the Core Assembly (1 - Instrument Tree and 1 - FHM
Removed for Clarity) .................................................................................................................. 100
Figure 6-2: FHM in Fully Extended and Retracted Positions ..................................................... 101
Figure 6-3: Overall Exploded Assembly View of Pantograph FHM .......................................... 102
Figure 6-4: Pantograph FHM Drive System Component Arrangement ..................................... 105
Figure 6-5: Assembly view of the pantograph FHM showing its major components. ............... 107
Figure 6-6: Upper Universal Joints for FHM Drive System ....................................................... 108
Figure 6-7: The Velocity Ratio Variation through a Universal Joint with Angle of Bend ......... 109
Figure 6-8: Details of Extension Shaft Arrangement .................................................................. 110
Figure 6-9: Lower Universal Joint Connections to Pantograph Arm Gearbox ........................... 111
Figure 6-10: Core Assembly Spreader and Hold Down Interface at the Surrounding Core
Assemblies .................................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 6-11: Matching Tapered Features on Top of Core Handling Socket Required for Spreader
Feature Operation ........................................................................................................................ 113
Figure 6-12: AFBMA Load Ratings for Tapered Roller Bearings ............................................. 114
Figure 6-13: Typical Analysis for Hydrodynamic Bearing Design Based on Sommerfield
Number........................................................................................................................................ 115
Figure 6-14: Gripper Drive Mechanism at Top of Pantograph Arm .......................................... 116
Figure 6-15: Section View through Gripper Head Assembly ..................................................... 117
Figure 6-16: Gripper Jaws in the Extended and Retracted Positions using Jaw Actuator .......... 118
Figure 6-17: Exploded Assembly View of FASTER Gripper Assembly ................................... 118
Figure 6-18: Static Deflection and Stress Results for 6000 lb Force on Hold Down Surface .... 120
Figure 6-19: Modal Analysis Results for the FASTER FHM (First Modal Frequency 3.39 Hertz)
..................................................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 6-20: Finite Element Analysis Results of Linear Buckling Analysis for FASTER FHM
..................................................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 6-21: Stress Analysis Results for the Gripper Assembly using Different Jaw Designs .. 123
Figure 6-22: Dynamic Analysis basis of the Spline Shaft Based on Acceleration of the Mass . 124
Figure 6-23: Finite Element Analysis Severely Underestimates Gear Contact and Bending
Stresses ........................................................................................................................................ 125
Figure 6-24: Hertz Contact Stress Distribution Indicates Peak Stress below Contact Surface .. 126
Figure 6-25: AGMA Defined Safety Factors for Contact and Bending Fatigue ........................ 127
Figure 6-26: Typical Motor Sizing Calculation Based on Required Torque .............................. 129
Figure 6-27: Conceptual Design of the Manual Drive Back-up and Visual Position Indicator . 130
Figure 6-28: Elevation Views of the Manual Drive Back-up and Rotary Position Indicator ..... 131
Figure 6-29: Preliminary Time Estimate for Initial Shift Fuel Handling Operations ................. 134
Figure 6-30: Preliminary Time Estimate for Subsequent Shift Fuel Handling Operations ........ 134
Figure 6-31: Conceptual FASTER - FHM Operators Display Pane ........................................... 137
Figure 6-32: FHM Control System Programming Flowchart ..................................................... 140

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-33: Conceptual Design of a Load Limiting Device used in the Core Hold Down System
..................................................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 6-34: Analysis of Conceptual Load Limiting Device for Core Hold Down.................... 143
Figure 6-35: General Positioning System with Feedback ........................................................... 143
Figure 6-36: General Block Diagram for a Positioning System with Feedback ......................... 144
Figure 6-37: Transfer Functions for the General Positioning System with Feedback ................ 145
Figure 6-38: Sealing Arrangement for Shaft Penetrations in Reactor Vessel Head ................... 147
Figure 6-39: Typical Belleville Washer Design Parameters ....................................................... 148
Figure 7-1: Instrumented, Closed Loop Assemblies, and Fuel Transfer Positions in Reactor Head
..................................................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 7-2: Preliminary layout of the EVTM in position over a Fuel Transfer Port .................. 158
Figure 8-1: Estimate Oxide-Hydride Deposition in the Primary Sodium to be Removed by the
PSPS Over the Plant Lifetime ..................................................................................................... 163
Figure 8-2: Preliminary Piping Diagram of FASTER Primary Sodium Purification System .... 167
Figure 8-3: FASTER Primary Sodium Plugging Loop ............................................................... 168
Figure 8-4: Primary Sodium Sampling Station ........................................................................... 169
Figure 8-5: Preliminary Piping Diagram of PGSFR ISPS- Normal Operation with CT1 on Line
..................................................................................................................................................... 176
Figure 8-6: Preliminary Piping Diagram of PGSFR ISPS- Normal Operation with CT 2 on Line
..................................................................................................................................................... 177
Figure 8-7: IHTS Cold Trap Dimensions ................................................................................... 181
Figure 8-8: IHTS Plugging Meter Dimensions ........................................................................... 185
Figure 8-9: FASTER Secondary Sodium Plugging Loop ........................................................... 186
Figure 9-1: Schematic of Plant Showing Control and Controlled Variables .............................. 199
Figure 9-2: Schematic of Supervisory Control System............................................................... 200
Figure 9-3: Supervisory Control System. SP = Setpoint, PV = Process variable, CV = Controlled
Variable ....................................................................................................................................... 201
Figure 9-4: Core Power Subsystem Controller ........................................................................... 202
Figure 9-5: Core Outlet Temperature Controller ........................................................................ 202
Figure 9-6: Steam Temperature Controller ................................................................................. 203
Figure 9-7: Core Outlet Temperature Controller with Actuator-Local Controller ..................... 204
Figure 9-8: Steam Temperature Controller with Actuator-Local Controller .............................. 205
Figure 9-9: Representative Control Logic for the Supervisory Control System ......................... 207
Figure 9-10: Temperature Profiles During Plant Startup ............................................................ 208
Figure 9-11: Flowrate Profiles during Plant Startup ................................................................... 208
Figure 12 - FASTER Reactor Site .............................................................................................. 220
Figure 13 – Reactor Building ...................................................................................................... 221
Figure 12-1: Transport and Retention Phenomena for In-Core Releases ................................... 233
Figure 12-2: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Primary Sodium Heat Transport System ...................... 237
Figure 12-3: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Core Channels and Heat Transfer Areas ................................ 239
Figure 12-4: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Core Channels Axial Geometry ............................................. 241
Figure 12-5: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Simple Radial Expansion Model ........................................... 246
Figure 12-6: Obtaining Coefficients for CRDL Feedback, All Transients Except UTOP ......... 248
Figure 12-7: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 PRIMAR-4 Modeling ............................................................ 249
Figure 12-8: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Primary Sodium Heat Transport System ...................... 251
Figure 12-9: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Intermediate Sodium Heat Transport System ............... 252

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-10: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System .................. 253
Figure 12-11: Components in Control Rod Driveline and Reactor Vessel Expansion Model ... 258
Figure 12-12: BOEC UTOP with 2 DRACS Units: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power
Production ................................................................................................................................... 262
Figure 12-13: BOEC UTOP with 2 DRACS Units: Reactivity Feedbacks ................................ 263
Figure 12-14: BOEC UTOP with 2 DRACS Units: Peak In-Core Temperatures ...................... 264
Figure 12-15: BOEC ULOHS: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production ................... 266
Figure 12-16: BOEC ULOHS: Reactivity Feedbacks ................................................................ 266
Figure 12-17: BOEC ULOHS: Peak In-Core Temperatures....................................................... 267
Figure 12-18: BOEC ULOHS: Primary System Temperatures .................................................. 268
Figure 12-19: EOEC ULOHS: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production .................... 269
Figure 12-20: EOEC ULOHS: Primary System Temperatures .................................................. 270
Figure 12-21: EOEC ULOHS: Peak In-Core Temperatures ....................................................... 270
Figure 12-22: BOEC USBO: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production ...................... 272
Figure 12-23: BOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Short-Term .............................................. 272
Figure 12-24: BOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Long-Term ............................................... 273
Figure 12-25: BOEC USBO: Peak In-Core Temperatures ......................................................... 273
Figure 12-26: EOEC USBO: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production ...................... 275
Figure 12-27: EOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Short-Term............................................... 275
Figure 12-28: EOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Long-Term ............................................... 276
Figure 12-29: EOEC USBO: Peak In-Core Temperatures ......................................................... 276

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 1 – FASTER Reactor Plant Summary Characteristics ........................................................... i
Table 2 – Summary of Fast Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies .............................................ii
Table 3 – Summary of Thermal Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies ......................................ii
Table 4 – Assembly Descriptions and Dimensions........................................................................ iv
Table 5 – Core Performance Characteristics ................................................................................... v
Table 6 – Primary Pump Design Characteristics ........................................................................... vi
Table 7 – IHX Design Parameters ................................................................................................. vi
Table 8 – DRACS HX - each .......................................................................................................... x
Table 9 – Summary of Fast Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies ...........................................xii
Table 10 – Summary of Thermal Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies ..................................xii
Table 11 - Heat Rejection Rate and Flowrate Requirements for Closed Loops for Different
Reactor Coolants and Example Reactor Designs .........................................................................xiii
Table 12 – Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 649 °C (1200° F) Design Temperature ...... xv
Table 13 – Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 704 °C (1300 F) Design Temperature ....... xv
Table 14 - Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 760 °C (1400 F) Design Temperature ........ xv
Table 15 - Closed Loop System Primary Coolants and Major Features ...................................... xvi
Table 16 – TRL Evaluation of FASTER Reactor Plant Systems and Components..................... xix
Table 1-1: FASTER Reactor Plant Summary Characteristics ........................................................ 1
Table 1-2: LEU Core Performance Characteristics ........................................................................ 3
Table 3-1: Assembly Dimensions by Type ..................................................................................... 7
Table 3-2: Core Performance Characteristics ................................................................................. 9
Table 3-3: Reactivity Worth of the Primary and Secondary Control Systems ............................. 12
Table 3-4: Reactivity Worths and Shutdown Margins of the Primary Control System................ 14
Table 3-5: Reactivity Worths and Shutdown Margins of the Secondary Control System............ 14
Table 3-6: FASTER Reactivity Coefficients ................................................................................ 15
Table 3-7: Quasi-static Reactivity Balance Coefficients and Conditions ..................................... 15
Table 3-8: Summary of Fast Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies ......................................... 17
Table 3-9: Summary of Thermal Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies................................... 17
Table 3-10: Heat Rejection Rates and Flowrate Requirements for Closed Loops for Different
Reactor Coolants and Example Reactor Designs .......................................................................... 23
Table 3-11: Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 649°C (1200°F) Design Temperature ...... 25
Table 3-12: Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 704°C (1300°F) Design Temperature ...... 25
Table 3-13: Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 760°C (1400°F) Design Temperature ...... 26
Table 3-14: Closed Loop System Primary Coolants and Major Features ..................................... 28
Table 3-15: IHX Design Calculations for Required Tube Length for Seventeen-Tube Helical
Coil IHX or Number of Tubes and Shell Inner Diameter for DWST IHX or Larger Helical Coil
IHX Assuming 2.3 MWt Heat Exchange Rate .............................................................................. 36
Table 3-16: Coolant Flow Characteristics for Each Orifice Group (4 Fuel Groups) .................... 47
Table 3-17: Maximum Temperatures (°C) for Various Numbers of Fuel Orifice Groups ........... 48
Table 3-18: Comparison of Room Temperature Properties of 316 Stainless & Inconel 718 ....... 64
Table 3-19: Mechanical Pump Design Parameters ....................................................................... 77
Table 3-20: Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design Parameters ..................................................... 81
Table 3-21: IHTS Pump Design Parameters ................................................................................. 87
Table 4-1: Assumptions for GateCycle Model of Steam Cycle .................................................... 91

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 4-2: Stream Conditions from GateCycle Model ................................................................. 92

Table 4-3: Steam Cycle Power Balance ........................................................................................ 93
Table 4-4: Heat Transfer Surface Area ......................................................................................... 94
Table 5-1: DRACS Design Parameters ......................................................................................... 97
Table 5-2: NDHX Design Parameters........................................................................................... 99
Table 6-1: Estimated Times for General Fuel Handling Operations .......................................... 132
Table 6-2: Estimated Time Required for Individual FHM Motions ........................................... 133
Table 8-1: Cold Trap Oxygen-Oxide Removal Requirements from Primary Sodium Integrated
Over the Plant Lifetime ............................................................................................................... 162
Table 8-2: EBR-II Primary Sodium Steady-State Impurity Levels at Full Power (62.5 MWth)
(Osterhout, 1978) ........................................................................................................................ 162
Table 8-3: Cesium-134 and -137 Deposition in Primary Sodium per Fuel Pin Failure (Farmer,
Jin., & Momozaki, 2016) (Jin, Feb. 24, 2016) ............................................................................ 163
Table 8-4: Summary of High Level FASTER PSPS Performance Requirements ...................... 165
Table 8-5: Steam Generator Tube Designs from Different Reactor Designs ............................. 171
Table 8-6: Initial Impurity Levels in EBR-II Reactor Grade Sodium ........................................ 173
Table 8-7: Estimated FASTER IHTS Loop Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Tritium Source Rates ..... 174
Table 8-8: Total Accumulated Impurity Mass for IHTS Sodium Loop*.................................... 174
Table 8-9: FASTER IHTS Cold Trap Design Dimensions ......................................................... 180
Table 8-10: FASTER IHTS Economizer Design Dimensions .................................................... 182
Table 8-11: FASTER IHTS Plugging Meter Design Dimensions .............................................. 184
Table 9-1: Comparison for Metal and Oxide Cores of Tendency of Core Power to Inherently
Follow Flow Rate ........................................................................................................................ 198
Table 9-2: Controllers and Process Variables Controlled as a Function of Operating Mode ..... 206
Table 9-3: Plant Transition Phases .............................................................................................. 208
Table 9-4: Trip Parameters for Representative Design Basis Events ......................................... 212
Table 12-1: Preliminary List of AOOs for FASTER .................................................................. 226
Table 12-2: Preliminary List of DBAs for FASTER .................................................................. 227
Table 12-3: Preliminary List of DECs for FASTER ................................................................... 228
Table 12-4: Preliminary List of SAs for FASTER ..................................................................... 228
Table 12-5: Core Channels ......................................................................................................... 238
Table 12-6: Number of Assembly Sides Participating in the Channel-to-Channel Heat Transfer
..................................................................................................................................................... 243
Table 12-7: Reactivity Coefficients by Channel ......................................................................... 245
Table 12-8: Core Radial Expansion Reactivity Feedback Coefficient ....................................... 246
Table 12-9: CRDL Reactivity Feedback Coefficients ................................................................ 248
Table 12-10: Primary System Element and Compressible Volume Input Parameters ............... 254
Table 12-11: Intermediate Heat Transport System Element and Compressible Volume Input
Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 255
Table 12-12: Decay Heat Removal System Element and Compressible Volume Input Parameters
..................................................................................................................................................... 255
Table 12-13: Transient Initiators................................................................................................. 259
Table 12-14: Peak Temperatures for BOEC and EOEC Transients ........................................... 277
Table 12-15: Safety Margins for BOEC and EOEC Transients ................................................. 277
Table 15-1: Estimate of FASTER Reactor Plant Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost .Error!
Bookmark not defined.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

1 Introduction
The FASTER reactor plant is a sodium-cooled fast spectrum test reactor that provides high levels
of fast and thermal neutron flux for scientific research and development. The 120 MWe FASTER
reactor plant has a superheated steam power conversion system which provides electrical power
to a local grid allowing for recovery of operating costs for the reactor plant. In addition, the
FASTER reactor plant could be used for isotope production or as a heat source, if desired. The
FASTER reactor plant has the main attributes listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: FASTER Reactor Plant Summary Characteristics

Reactor Power 300MWt / 120MWe/ 40% efficiency
Coolant Sodium
Coolant Temperature, Inlet/Outlet 355°C / 510°C
Coolant Pressure (cover gas pressure) Cover Gas pressure – few inches of water
Fuel, Cladding, Duct U-Pu-Zr metal fueled core, HT-9, HT-9
Cycle Length 100 days
Average/Peak Burnup 34.3 GWd/t
Power Density (Average, Peak) 558.8 W/cc, 917 W/cc
Plant Life 30 years with expectation of life extension
PHTS Configuration Pool plant geometry
Reactor Vessel Structural Materials Austenitic stainless steel
Primary and Secondary Pumps Mechanical centrifugal pumps (2)
Intermediate Heat Exchanger Tube-and-Shell heat exchanger (4)
Reactor Vessel Support Conical Ring – Top Support
Emergency Decay Heat Removal Direct Reactor Auxiliary Heat Exchanger in cold pool (3)
Primary Purification System Conventional cold and nuclide trap technology
Power Conversion System Superheated steam cycle
Containment Steel reinforced concrete containment
In-vessel Fuel Handling Mechanism Single Rotatable Plug with pantograph FHM (3)

The reactor power level is the minimum that assures achievement of the neutron flux goals. In its
current configuration, the FASTER reactor provides 33 fast flux test locations, three (3) thermal
flux test locations, two (2) fast flux closed loops and one (1) thermal flux closed loop. Among
the fast spectrum test locations, four of them are located near the core center and cannot be
repositioned without affecting the core neutronics performance.

It is anticipated that the FASTER reactor plant will be utilized by domestic and international
researchers with its broad appeal to many different reactor types: sodium-cooled fast reactors,
lead-cooled fast reactors, gas-cooled fast reactors, and thermal spectrum reactors.

It is estimated that the FASTER test reactor will require approximately 11 to 13 years from the
issuance of CD-0 to the core startup, assuming funding and licensing are not limiting factors. In

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

addition, the FASTER test reactor with the steam plant will cost approximately $2.8B (with a
30% contingency) to design (~$1.1B) and construct (with each closed loop contributing ~$100M
(includes contingency) to overall estimated TPC). If it was decided to remove the steam plant
and just reject the 300MWt of heat to the atmosphere, then the cost will be significantly less than
$2.5B. The annual FASTER reactor plant operating costs are estimated to be less than $100M.
The FASTER reactor plant annual operating costs including irradiation operations are expected
to be less than $150M (using FFTF as the high end basis). All estimates are in 2016 dollars. The
replacement fuel is estimated to cost about $20M/year. The FASTER reactor is expected to
achieve a capacity factor of 80% or greater while putting power on the grid. The sales from this
power are expected to be around $89M to $100M per year depending upon overall electrical
generation capacity and power purchasing agreements, offsetting the operational and fuels costs.

1.1 Overall Objectives

While the FASTER plant has been designed with extended testing capabilities in mind, a simple
design with proven components and technology has been utilized as a framework in order to
promote the attractiveness and cost efficiency of the facility. The main function of the reactor is
to provide neutrons for irradiation testing and thus no significant technology innovations were
adopted for the FASTER plant to maintain a high technology readiness level. The FASTER plant
will rely upon the liquid metal base technology developed in the U.S. for EBR-II, FFTF, CRBR,
and the ALMR program with a special emphasis on the irradiation testing capabilities developed
for EBR-II and FFTF. The reactor core design discussed here is not based on any previously
existing fast reactor, but uses materials and dimensions consistent with the U.S. base technology
program. The main objective of the FASTER reactor design efforts was to achieve a very high
fast flux as well as a significant thermal flux while offering a large number of test locations.

Ternary metallic fuel, U-Pu-Zr, is used with HT-9 stainless steel for cladding and structural
material. Although there is no mandated limit on the weight fraction of Pu that can be used in the
fuel, it was decided to limit it to 20wt% based on the availability of irradiation data. Another
incentive for not resorting to higher Pu wt% is the degradation of the fuel thermal conductivity as
Pu content is increased. This is of particular importance for the FASTER reactor due to the high
power density during operations.

In order to optimize the reactor performance and obtain a relatively compact core, the Zr wt% in
the fuel is assumed to be 6wt% and the fuel smear density is assumed to be 85%. Using 6wt%
instead of the more traditional 10wt% does not affect the characteristics of the ternary fuel;
additionally, irradiation tests have previously been performed for such a fuel type. The decision
to use an 85% smear density, instead of the 75% typically used for metallic fuel, is based on the
relatively low peak burnup that will be achieved. Because of the lower fuel burnup, the internal
stress applied by the fuel on the cladding as a result of irradiation swelling will be less important
than typically observed in metallic fuel that reaches a high burnup. Furthermore, the fission gas
plenum length relative to the active fuel length does not need to be as long as what is typically
used in SFR core designs, because of the lower fuel burnup achieved. For the FASTER core
design the fission gas plenum length is set to be 65% of the active fuel length.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

1.2 Preliminary Considerations of Low Enriched Uranium

At the very beginning of the study, the performance which could be achieved by using LEU fuel
in a sodium-cooled test reactor was examined at a high level. The first core layout used to initiate
the design of the test reactor was used with LEU fuel having an enrichment of less than 20%
U. The same core layout and dimensions were used to examine two different scenarios using
LEU fuel. The size of the core model used corresponds approximately to the minimum critical
core size. In the first scenario, the power level was arbitrarily limited to 500 MWt, and the
maximum achievable peak fast flux was determined. In the second scenario, the power level was
increased until the targeted peak fast flux (5.0x1015 n/cm2-s) was achieved, and the cycle length
reduced to maintain roughly the same discharge burnup. Results obtained for this very
preliminary analysis are compared in Table 1-2. Preliminary calculations were also performed
for a plutonium-based core and are included in Table 1-2 for comparison. It is important to note
that the results shown in this table for the plutonium-based core are not related to the
characteristics of the FASTER core discussed in this report. These results clearly show that when
using plutonium instead of LEU it is possible to reduce the core power rating by at least a factor
2, to achieve the same peak fast flux level. Subsequent efforts have therefore been focused on the
plutonium-based core for FASTER.

Table 1-2: LEU Core Performance Characteristics

Characteristic LEU-case 1 LEU-case 2 UPu
Nominal power, MWth 500 715 300
Required enrichment 18.90% 19.77% 19.25%
BOC/EOC keff 1.0108/1.0000 1.01622/1.00017 1.0262/1.0000
Average discharge burnup, GWd/t 22.8 21.7 35.0
Heavy metal inventory, kg 6575 6575 2570
Heavy metal charge per cycle, kg 2192 3288 857
Average power density, W/cm3 321.3 459.5 570.0
Peak power density, W/cm3 574.9 787.9 914.6
Specific power, W/g 76.0 108.7 116.7
Average linear power, kW/m 16.3 23.3 36.1
Axial/radial leakage 9.42%/19.46% 13.86%/16.02% 16.01%/26.04%
Total flux, 1E+15 n/cm2-s 2.89 3.91 4.05
Peak total flux, 1E+15 n/cm2-s 5.42 7.07 6.83
Fast flux, 1E+15 n/cm2-s 2.04 2.78 2.95
Peak fast flux, 1E+15 n/cm2-s 3.87 5.12 5.06

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

2 FASTER Mission
Research and development of advanced nuclear fuels and materials within the various DOE
Nuclear Energy programs requires an adequate fast-neutron irradiation capability to test
candidate fuels and materials samples in a prototypic environment and to provide irradiated fuels
and materials for transient testing. Testing is necessary to ensure the adequate performance of the
fuels and materials prior to their implementation in an advanced reactor system. The irradiation
facility must meet certain requirements for test volume, instrumentation, neutron spectrum, and
physical conditions characteristic of the anticipated operating environment. It is recognized that a
user facility of this type will also benefit other DOE programs such as the space reactor and
fusion energy programs. Therefore, to address the performance gap in irradiation test facilities,
FASTER will meet the following mission needs and have the following benefits:
 Provide a domestic capability to irradiate advanced fuels and materials in a fast-neutron
spectrum and a prototypic environment to meet the technology needs of the DOE Nuclear
Energy programs and thereby allow them to perform the necessary fuels and materials
development work and proof-of-performance and safety demonstrations.
 Provide a facility for the testing of reactor systems and components of various types in a
prototypic environment at or near commercial scale. (Such systems and components may
include advanced power conversion systems, compact self-cooled electromagnetic
pumps, compact fuel handling systems, advanced heat exchanges, large steam generators,
for example.)
 Provide a user facility for the DOE to perform fast-neutron spectrum irradiations for
university, industrial, and international researchers, including those of other U.S.
programs. In addition, the “user” facility could be used for the testing of advanced
systems and components depending upon the functionality and design of the FASTER.
 Provide a wide range of practical opportunities for next generation U.S. scientists and
engineers to become involved in the development of an advanced reactor from system
conception to operation, including the development and evaluation of component and
system design options, performance of operational and safety analyses, etc., leading to a
greater participation of those personnel within the international advanced-reactor
development community. FASTER will also allow for engagement of the regulatory
authority to support future fast reactor licensing decisions.
 Provide a project that will engage the U.S. industrial base for building systems and
components for fast reactor applications.
 Provide a “full”-scale prototypic system for the verification of advanced computer
modeling and simulation codes for fast reactors.
 Provide impetus for stronger U.S.-international collaborations in fast reactor development
and commercialization.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

3 Primary Plant Design Description

This section provides details on the primary plant design. This includes descriptions of the
reactor assembly system (Section 3.1), control and shutdown systems (Section 3.2), reactor
vessel (Section 3.3), and the primary (Section 3.4) and intermediate (Section 3.5) heat transport

3.1 Reactor Assembly System

The reactor assembly system consists of the core assemblies, test loop locations, inlet plenum,
lower internals, core barrel, redan, instrumentation trees, and core restraint system. These are
described in the following sections.

3.1.1 Core Design Approach

The proposed FASTER core layout and design characteristics are the result of a multi-step
design process. Initially the smallest core volume resulting in a critical core was determined,
using 20wt% plutonium or less. Then the power of the core was increased until the desired peak
fast flux level was achieved. Thermal hydraulic and safety analyses were performed for that core
configuration, and the core layout and dimensions were progressively modified in order to
achieve inherent passive safety and meet thermal hydraulics constraints. This required slightly
flattening the core and therefore the volume of the proposed core is larger than the minimum
volume needed for criticality.

The Argonne code suite for fast reactor analysis (DIF3D/REBUS) and MCNP6 are used to
perform the neutronics and depletion calculations. A different set of cross sections is used in the
different regions of the core in order to properly capture all the spectra changes, and have been
generated using MC2-3 associated with TWODANT, based on the ENDF/B.VII library. All
assemblies are modeled as having a homogenous composition, which might introduce some
slight bias in the region where neutrons are moderated, and might require more detailed

3.1.2 Core Layout and Assemblies

The 300 MWt FASTER core, shown in Figure 3-1, is composed of 55 fuel assemblies, each with
the same Pu wt fraction. The fuel, coolant and structural material volume fractions are 30.93%,
37.36%, and 23.65%, respectively. The active fuel height is 80 cm. Six primary control rod
assemblies and three secondary control rod assemblies composed of B4C rods ensure the safe
shutdown of the core. There are 33 fast neutron flux test locations, in addition to the two closed
loops also being exposed to a fast neutron flux.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-1: FASTER Core Layout

The fuel assembly positions have been chosen to enhance neutron leakage probability toward the
moderated zone (brown in Figure 3-1). The purpose of the moderator is to take advantage of the
neutrons leaking out of the active core region and thermalize them in order to provide thermal
spectrum testing capabilities. With the current design, fast neutrons are thermalized by the
moderator and do not return into the active core region because of the reflector layer between the
two regions. This design approach prevents a number of potential issues. There are three thermal
test locations and one closed loop having a thermal neutron flux. Canned beryllium is used as the
moderator and zircaloy is used as the structural material in that region to avoid parasitic
absorption of thermal neutrons in iron. The moderated region does not contain any fuel and is
cooled with sodium. The assembly descriptions and dimensions are provided in Table 3-1.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-1: Assembly Dimensions by Type

Assembly Type Fuel Reflector Test Control Shield
Assembly pitch (hot) 11.870 11.870 11.870 11.870 11.870
Smear density 85 100 100 85 81
Pins/assembly 271 91 91 91 61
Pin Outside Diameter (mm) 5.405 11.072 11.072 9.512 13.462
Cladding Thickness (mm) 0.35 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.4
Pin Pitch/Diameter Ratio 1.210 1.023 1.023 1.024 1.012
Clad inner diameter (mm) 4.701 9.059 9.059 8.941 12.833
Outer Flat-to-Flat Distance (cm) 11.568 11.568 11.568 11.568 11.568
Duct Wall Thickness (mm) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Duct inside flat-to-flat distance (cm) 10.964 10.964 10.964 10.964 10.964
Duct Bundle Clearance (mm) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Inter-assembly Gap (mm) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Inlet coolant height (cm) 35.0 35.0 N/A N/A 35.0
Lower reflector height (cm) 95.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Fuel length (cm) 80.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Fission gas plenum (flooded) height (cm) 12.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Fission gas plenum (empty) height (cm) 40.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Upper shield height (cm) 50.0 277.0 N/A N/A 277.0
Outlet coolant height (cm) 30.0 30.0 N/A N/A 30.0

For the purpose of the preconceptual design activity, the test locations have been modeled as
entirely filled with sodium when determining the core neutronics performance characteristics, in
order to maximize the neutron leakage probability and therefore the Pu wt% required in the fuel.
For the safety analyses, including calculation of reactivity coefficients, the test locations have
been filled will reflector assemblies in order to minimize the neutron leakage probability and not
to overestimate the favorable effect resulting from sodium voiding.

The reactor is to be operated in a three-fuel batch management scheme with a cycle length of 100
effective full power days (EFPD). At the end of a cycle, one third of the fuel assemblies, having
the highest burnup, are discharged and replaced with fresh fuel assemblies. The fuel assemblies
remaining in the core are not shuffled. In order to keep the simulation relatively simple and limit
computation time, the fuel management scheme is not represented discretely. Instead, any given
fuel assembly has a composition corresponding to the average of that of a fresh fuel assembly, of
an assembly having resided in the core one cycle, and of an assembly having resided in the core
two cycles. This approach, although not realistic, is commonly used to model fast reactors as it is
practical and core performance characteristics obtained have been shown to be very close to
those obtained with a discrete fuel management model.

Although the proposed cycle length for FASTER is 100 days, by using a plutonium weight
fraction of 20% instead of the 19.4% currently used, it would be possible to increase the cycle
length to about 135 days. In fact the cycle length will be dependent on the type of materials

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

present in the test locations. If strongly absorbing materials are present, especially in the
locations near the core center, the core reactivity will likely become lower than unity before the
intended 100 days, assuming the plutonium weight fraction used in the fuel is unchanged. There
are a number of approaches to overcome this effect which, for instance, includes replacing more
than 1/3rd of the fuel assemblies every cycle. However, a new analysis will need to be performed
for every new experiment being loaded in the FASTER core to determine the core performance
and ensure its safe behavior.

The height of the fission gas plenum is not directly proportional to the active fuel height. Since
the bond sodium, initially located between the fuel and the cladding, is squeezed out of the active
core region, it ends up in the lower region of the fission gas plenum. Fission gas will accumulate
in the upper region of the plenum, and this available space is typically proportional to the fuel
active length and peak burnup expected. Typically, for fuel reaching 100 GWd/t and having an
active length of 100 cm, the fission gas plenum is assumed to be approximately 125 cm, and the
bond sodium occupies up to 25 cm of that plenum, leaving about 100 cm for the fission gases –
equal to the active fuel length. In case of FASTER, the active fuel length is 80 cm and the peak
burnup is only ~45 GWd/t, which mean that the plenum length needed for the fission products is
about 36 cm. Due to the 85% smear density used, the displaced bond sodium will occupy about
12 cm of the plenum length (shown in Table 1-1). In order to account for the axial fuel swelling
and larger fuel density (compared to U-10Zr) the total plenum length is taken to be 52 cm.

3.1.3 Reactor Performance Characteristics

The core performance characteristics at equilibrium are provided in Table 3-2. It should be noted
that most of those characteristics will vary slightly based on the type and amount of materials
loaded in the test locations, in particular those located in the active core region. In practice, a
new core analysis will be required for every new core configuration, including each time a new
test assembly is inserted. The results presented in this section have been obtained by modeling an
empty assembly duct in all the test locations such as to maximize the neutron leakage probability
and therefore determine the higher bound for the required plutonium weight fraction. This is a
conservative assumption with the exception that when highly absorbing test assemblies are
inserted, the required plutonium weight fraction will be larger, or the achievable cycle length
reduced. Except in the case where highly absorbing materials are tested, the core performance
characteristics reported here are not expected to vary significantly. The reactor power level of
300 MWt is the minimum that assures that the neutron flux goals can be met.

The required Pu wt% is 19.4%, which is slightly lower than the 20% limit used. The average fuel
discharge burnup is about 34 GWd/t while the peak discharge burnup is less than 50 GWd/t. This
is consistent with the assumptions made for the fuel smear density and plenum length, which
were based on a low fuel burnup. Fuel burnup could be increased by up to 35% by increasing the
plutonium weight fraction and the cycle length or number of fuel batches used. However, the
fuel considered has a high smear density and short fission gas plenum which are both related to
the peak burnup the fuel is expected to experience. Although increasing fuel burnup could reduce
fuel cost, it might make it necessary to use a longer fission gas plenum (increasing the total
reactor height) and lower smear density.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

It is important to note that the average core power density is approximately 560 W/cm3 over the
active fuel region. When normalized only over the fuel volume, this corresponds to an average
power density of 1580 W/cm3 and a peak value of almost 3000 W/cm3. This is larger than what
is typically observed in SFRs, and proper cooling of the core will need to be ensured. The
thermal flux provided in Table 3-2 is calculated for the moderated region.

The core power density distribution is shown in Figure 3-2, and since almost no energy is
deposited in the moderated region it is not visible in this figure. It is also observed that the peak
value is reached at the core center and not at the interface between the fast and moderated region,
indicating that no thermal neutrons are returning from the moderated region. The empty locations
shown in this figure correspond to the test assemblies and reactivity control assembly locations
since only little power is deposited in those assemblies. It is worth noting that the peak power
density value shown in Figure 3-2 is lower than the value reported in Table 3-2 which is due to
the coarse mesh used in the figure. The figure shows the average power density each mesh
volume and does not account for the peaking within that volume.

Table 3-2: Core Performance Characteristics

Characteristic FASTER
Nominal power, MWt 300
Required enrichment 19.41%
BOC/EOC keff 1.02672/1.00080
Average discharge burnup, GWd/t 34.3
Total HM mass, kg 2621
HM charge per cycle, kg 874
Average power density, W/cm 558.8
Peak power density, W/cm 917.0
Specific power, W/g 114.5
Average linear power, kW/m 25.2
Axial/radial leakage 11.36%/30.17%
15 2
Total flux, 10 n/cm -s 3.74
Peak total flux, 1015 n/cm2-s 6.78
Fast flux (>0.1 MeV), 1015 n/cm2-s 2.70
15 2
Peak fast flux (>0.1 MeV), 10 n/cm -s 5.19
14 2
Peak thermal flux (<0.1 eV), 10 n/cm -s 6.19
14 2
Peak thermal flux (<0.625eV), 10 n/cm -s >12.0

The fast flux and thermal flux distributions are shown together in Figure 3-3. Note that different
scales are used in the two regions. The thermal flux is only significant on the right-end side of
the figure, corresponding to the moderated region of the core, while the fast flux is only largest
in the active core region where neutrons are produced. Although not shown in Figure 3-3
because of the threshold value used, the fast flux remains significant in the entire reflector
region. It is reduced by a factor of ~50 between its peak value at the core center and the values
observed in the test assemblies located the farthest away from the core center (i.e., in the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

reflector). One can observe flux depressions near the core center which are caused by the test and
reactivity control assemblies. At the interface between the fast flux and thermal flux regions, it is
observed that the fast flux is being reduced very abruptly (compared to the opposite side) due to
the moderating material used in the thermal region.

Figure 3-2: Power Density Distribution (in W/cm3)

Figure 3-3: Fast and Thermal Flux Distributions (in n/cm2-s)

The only region in which a significant thermal flux is observed is the moderated region. All
neutrons present in this region are neutrons leaking from the active core region and being
moderated. Although this region is not fully optimized, a peak thermal flux of at least 6.0x1014
n/cm2-s is achievable solely by using leaking neutrons. In this study, the energy threshold used
for thermal neutrons is assumed to be 0.1 eV. However, the metrics used to evaluate the test
reactor performance later stated that the threshold energy for thermal neutrons should be taken as
0.625 eV. This means that the thermal fluxes claimed in this document are conservative and
would be two to three times larger when using the energy threshold stated in the main Advanced
Test Demo Reactor (ATDR) study (to be published).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

3.1.4 Neutron Thermalization

One of the unique features of FASTER is its ability to offer both a very high fast flux and very
high thermal flux for irradiation purposes. Although high fast fluxes are common features of fast
reactors, the thermal flux in these systems is usually negligible. FASTER is taking advantage of
its very compact core configuration, resulting in a very large neutron leakage probability, to
thermalize some of the leaking neutrons and enable thermal flux irradiation capabilities.

The first key consideration to achieve this objective is to identify materials that enable
achievement of the desired neutron moderation. The second key consideration is to ensure that
no thermalized neutrons are returning into the fuel region in order to prevent very large power
peaking which would result in fuel melting.

Numerous parametric studies have been performed with a simple core model in order to assess
the performance expected when using graphite, beryllium, or yttrium-hydride as moderators. The
impact of the buffer thickness and moderator thickness of the flux levels has also been assessed
as part of the parametric studies. The buffer region is located in a layer of material between the
fuel region and the moderated region. Its function is to allow fast neutrons to leak through but act
as a sink for thermal neutrons. It was found that using one layer of reflector assemblies (mostly
containing HT-9) makes for a sufficient buffer. Iron isotopes have a low capture cross-section in
the fast energy range but have a significant capture cross-section in the thermal energy range.
This is the reason HT-9 is used as cladding in fast reactors and that light water reactors are using
iron-free alloys.

Regarding the material used for neutron thermalization, it was found that when graphite is used,
a very large amount is needed, resulting in very large volume. As beryllium has a significantly
larger moderating power than graphite, a smaller volume of it is required to achieve the desired
neutron thermalization. Having one or two rows of assemblies made mostly of beryllium (~60%
vol. fraction) between the buffer and the thermal test locations was found to create thermal fluxes
on the order of 1015 n/cm2-s and higher. The last material considered is yttrium-hydride. It has a
very strong moderating power and it was found that when a single row of assemblies containing
large amounts of yttrium-hydride is located between the buffer and the thermal test location too
much moderation is achieved and thermalized neutrons having very low energies are
immediately absorbed, making for poor irradiation conditions. By significantly reducing the
amount of yttrium-hydride contained in the assemblies (to <10% vol. fraction) thermal flux
levels comparable to those obtained with beryllium were generated. These results regarding
yttrium-hydride are not surprising as this material was considered for use in FFTF as a means to
thermalize neutrons at the pin level and enable medical isotope production in the pin.

3.1.5 Reactivity Coefficients and Quasi-Static Balance

The reactivity worth of the primary and secondary control rod assemblies (PCRA and SCRA)
has been determined for the FASTER core in order to ensure that the core can be safely shut
down from any operating condition. All nine control rods present in the core are composed of a
90 cm tall region containing a 47.58% by volume of B4C, as well as 29.4% sodium and 23.1%
HT-9. The B4C is assumed to have an 85% smear density (i.e., the effective B4C vol% is 39.8%).
Natural boron is used in both the primary and secondary control systems. The length of
absorbing material in the control elements is purposely 10 cm longer than the height of the active

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

fuel region. This is done in part to make up for the irradiation fuel swelling as well as due to the
fact that fast neutrons do not get absorbed as soon as they leak out of the fuel region. This results
in slightly more reactivity worth than if the absorbing material was equal to the active fuel
height. During nominal operations, the secondary control rods are fully withdrawn and only the
primary control rods are used to compensate for the burnup reactivity swing. In fact, when
control rods are located exactly at the top of the active core region (i.e. such should be the case at
the end of a cycle), withdrawing them further would result in a small increase of the core
reactivity which could be useful if the core was to run out of reactivity sooner than anticipated as
a result of uncertainties. This is assuming that control rod mechanism has been design to allow
withdrawing control rods past the top of the active core region.

At the beginning of the equilibrium cycle (BOEC), the PCRAs need to be inserted by
approximately 34 cm to make up for the initial excess reactivity, and by the end of the
equilibrium cycle (EOEC) PCRAs are fully withdrawn from the core. Although the requirement
is that any of the control systems must be able to safely shut down the core with the highest
worth control rod being stuck in the operating condition, the total worth of each system has also
been evaluated when no rod is stuck. The results are shown in Table 3-3. For the rod having the
highest worth, the single rod worth for the primary system is about 3.9$ and it is about 4.9$ for
the secondary system. The single rod worth and the total core reactivity as a function of the
control rods position are shown at BOEC in Figure 3-4 for the primary reactivity control system
and in Figure 3-5 for the secondary reactivity control system. The secondary system having one
of its control rod nearer to the core center than the primary system, its maximum single rod
worth for the secondary system is larger.

Table 3-3: Reactivity Worth of the Primary and Secondary Control Systems
Worth at Worth at
Control Rod System BOEC ($) EOEC ($)
Primary 21.1 22.0
Primary –rod stuck 17.3 17.9
Secondary 10.6 11.2
Secondary –rod stuck 5.7 6.1

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

6.0 8
Maximum single CR worth [$] 2

Core reactivity [$]

3.0 -2
Maximum single CR worth
2.0 Core reactivity
0.0 -12
-5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
CR position [cm] (0=withdrawn; 85=fully inserted)
Figure 3-4: Single Rod Worth and Core Reactivity for the Primary Control System

6.0 2

5.0 1
Maximum single CR worth [$]

Core reactivity [$]

Maximum single CR worth -2
2.0 Core reactivity

1.0 -4

0.0 -5
-5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
CR position [cm] (0=withdrawn; 85=fully inserted)
Figure 3-5: Single Rod Worth and Core Reactivity for the Secondary Control System

The methodology used to determine the shutdown margins for each reactivity control system is
not detailed here, but it is the methodology typically used for fast reactor analysis. In particular,
it accounts for the reactivity change between the “resting state of the core” and its operating
condition, for a single rod reactivity fault (ejection), considering uncertainties and a number of
other factors. The detailed worths, total worth requirement, and shutdown margins, with the
highest worth control rod being stuck, are provided in Table 3-4 for the primary control system
and in Figure 3-5 for the secondary control system. As the function of the secondary system is
not to compensate for the initial excess reactivity of the fuel (“burnup reactivity swing”), the
total worth requirements are significantly smaller than for the primary control system. Given that
the core has the most excess reactivity at BOEC, this is when the shutdown margins are the
smallest. The margins obtained are large and could allow for reducing the B4C volume fraction
used, if needed.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-4: Reactivity Worths and Shutdown Margins of the Primary Control System
Primary system ($) BOEC EOEC
Worth All in 21.13 21.97
Worth All in except one (stuck) 18.38 17.98
HFP to CZP - temperature defect 1.91 1.93
Overpower (+15%) - 15% of HFP to HZP 0.11 0.11
Excess reactivity 9.05 0.29
Burnup 7.83 0.29
Axial growth (<4%) 1.22 0
Uncertainties 2.98 0.47
Temperature defect (20%) 0.38 0.39
Burnup reactivity (30%) 2.35 0.09
Fuel axial growth (20%) 0.24 0.00
Reactivity fault (CR withdrawn) 1.13 0.03
Maximum worth requirement 15.18 2.84
Shutdown margin 3.21 15.14

Table 3-5: Reactivity Worths and Shutdown Margins of the Secondary Control System
Secondary system ($) BOEC EOEC
Worth All in 10.59 11.25
Worth All in except one (stuck) 5.72 6.08
HFP to HZP - temperature defect 0.74 0.75
Overpower (+15%) - 15% of temperature defect 0.11 0.11
Uncertainties 0.15 0.15
Temperature defect (20%) 0.15 0.15
Reactivity fault (CR withdrawn) 1.13 0
Maximum worth requirement 2.13 1.04
Shutdown margin 3.59 5.04

The reactivity coefficients required for the safety analysis have been determined at BOEC and
EOEC using the PERSENT [8] code coupled with DIF3D [9]. Although not detailed here, the
assumptions used for determining these coefficients are commonly used for fast reactor analysis.
The various reactivity coefficients calculated are summarized in Table 3-6. It is important to note
that the sodium void worth is negative during the entire cycle despite using Pu-based fuel. This is
due to the very large neutron leakage probability and high quality Pu being used. Another
noteworthy reactivity coefficient is the radial expansion which is observed to be very negative
due the active fuel region having a relatively small height-to-diameter ratio and very large
neutron leakage probability. Other reactivity coefficients are typical of a SFR fueled with metal

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-6: FASTER Reactivity Coefficients

βeff 0.00332 0.00333
Prompt Lifetime, μs 0.349 0.373
Generation Time, μs 0.348 0.373
Radial Expansion, cent/°C -0.445 -0.451
Axial Expansion, cent/°C -0.126 -0.118
Sodium Void Worth, $ -2.242 -2.420
Sodium Density, cent/°C -0.063 -0.067
Doppler, cent/°C -0.109 -0.119
Sodium Voided Doppler, cent/°C -0.089 -0.097
Fuel Density, cent/°C -0.820 -0.800
Structure Density, cent/°C 0.009 0.010

The quasi-static reactivity balance [10] has been performed for the FASTER core, using the
reactivity coefficients previously discussed. The results are provided in Table 3-7. The single rod
reactivity fault, Δρ, is approximately 1.13$ at BOEC and nearly 0.0$ at EOEC. Although the
results indicate that all three required conditions are met and that the core is expected to be
inherently safe, it may still be necessary to use control rod stops in order to reduce the single rod
reactivity fault and limit the maximum temperatures reached during unprotected transients.

Table 3-7: Quasi-static Reactivity Balance Coefficients and Conditions

A - Power/flow reactivity decrement (cents) -33.9 -34.2
B - Power/flow coefficient (cents) -141.4 -106.4
C - Inlet temperature coefficient (cents/°C) -1.4 -0.9
Quasi-static reactivity conditions
A/B <= 1 0.24 0.32
1 <= CDTc/B <= 2 1.51 1.34
Δρ/|B| <= 1 0.80 0.03

3.1.6 Test Locations

In its current configuration (Figure 3-1), the FASTER core provides 33 fast flux test locations,
three (3) thermal flux test locations, two (2) fast flux closed loops and one thermal flux closed
loop. Among the fast spectrum test locations, four of them are located near the core center and
cannot be repositioned without affecting the core neutronics performance. The other 29 fast flux
test locations are located in the radial reflector region and their position can be changed without
significantly affecting the core performance. In fact, any of the reflector assembly locations
could be used as a test location without having any significant impact on the core performance.
In a similar way, the number of thermal flux test locations could be increased by replacing
reflector assemblies with moderator and thermal test assemblies. This would result in a reduction
of the number of fast flux test locations. It is important to note that the closed loop and

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

instrumented irradiation positions are fixed because the fuel handling machines and
instrumentation trees have been designed around these fixed core positions.

The core assembly length is estimated to be ~2.77 m. The actual test length will depend on the
test assembly design; in particular, the length of the lower adaptor and core handling socket. The
likely resulting effective test length will be around two meters, corresponding to an available test
volume of ~24 liters in each test location. The total test volume in the current core configuration
is about 0.95 m3. The flux level achieved in a test assembly depends on its distance from the core
center, as well as on its composition. Given that the materials to be tested are currently
undetermined, the flux levels provided here were obtained when test locations are filled with a
reflector assembly (80% steel, 20% coolant). For the test assemblies located in the thermalized
region, the steel was replaced with a zirconium-based alloy to prevent excess parasitic neutron
capture in iron.

The normalized axial fast flux profile is shown in Figure 3-6 for a test assembly located in the
active core region and for a test assembly located in the reflector region. This figure clearly
illustrates the fact that the neutron flux does not suddenly decrease as neutrons are exiting the
active fuel region. When taking an arbitrarily low flux level of 5% the peak flux value, the usable
irradiation length is approximately 170 cm for a test assembly located at the core center and
approximately 200 cm for those located in the reflector region. The flux distribution expands
axially with increasing distance from the fuel assemblies due to neutron leakage; while neutrons
leak radially from the core, they also spread axially.

The characteristics of the fast flux test assemblies based on their flux values and their
characteristics are summarized in Table 3-8. In order to provide a measure of the total irradiation
capacity available, the total fast fluxes are multiplied by the test volumes. This captures the fact
that the fast flux near the extremities of the test location is significantly smaller than near the
center and that increasing the test length without increasing the active core length will not
significantly increase the irradiation capacity.

Located in active core
Located in reflector
Normalized flux

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Axial position from the core bottom, cm
Figure 3-6: Normalized Axial Fast Flux Distribution in Test Locations

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-8: Summary of Fast Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies

Peak Fast Flux Fast Flux*Volume Total Fast
Number of Range Range Flux*Volume
Group Assemblies (1015 n/cm2·s) (1019 n·cm/s) (1019 n·cm/s)
A 4 4.7-5.2 4.0-4.9 17.9
Closed Loops 2 2.3 1.7 3.4
B 10 1.9-2.7 1.4-2.1 15.8
C 19 0.3-1.3 0.2-0.9 10.3

In the thermal flux test assemblies and thermal closed loop, the fast flux level is not relevant and
the thermal flux level is provided instead. It is important to note that the thermal neutrons were
defined as all neutrons having an energy lower than 0.1 eV. By using the energy threshold later
established as part of the ATDR study framework (0.625 eV), these thermal flux values would be
two to three times larger.

The peak thermal flux values calculated in the closed loop and three test assemblies located in
the moderated region are provided in Table 3-9 for each location individually. The peak value is
typically achieved near the side of the assembly that is facing the active core region (i.e., where
the neutrons originate from). The thermal flux is radially reduced by a factor of ~2 across an
assembly, for a given axial position. The normalized axial thermal flux distribution is shown in
Figure 3-7. The rough aspect of the curve is due to the uncertainties of the calculations
performed with MCNP.

Table 3-9: Summary of Thermal Flux Conditions in the Test Assemblies

Peak Thermal Flux Thermal Flux*Volume
Location (1014 n/cm2·s) (1018 n/cm2·s)
Closed loop 5.8 3.7
A1 1.9 1.2
A2 1.9 1.2
B 1.7 1.1

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Normalized flux 0.7
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Axial position from the core bottom, cm
Figure 3-7: Normalized Axial Thermal Flux Distribution in the Test Locations

The neutron spectrum obtained in the test assembly nearest the core center is compared to the
spectrum obtained for a test assembly located in the thermalized region in Figure 3-8. In this
figure the vertical lines indicate the various energy thresholds used, that is 0.1 eV and 0.625 eV
for the thermal energy upper threshold, and 0.1 MeV for the fast energy lower threshold. In the
test assembly located in the fast flux region, the spectrum is typical of an SFR with more than
70% of the neutrons in the fast energy range and virtually no neutrons in the thermal energy
range. For the test assembly located in the thermalized region, only about 6% of the neutrons are
fast, and most of the neutrons are in the epithermal region. Using the 0.1 eV threshold, about
13% of neutrons are thermal. By using the 0.625 eV threshold, this fraction goes up to about
35%. The fact that almost no neutrons are in the fast energy range is due to the fact that no
neutrons are produced in the thermalized region, and they have been thermalized before reaching
the test assembly.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Thermal test assembly
0.010 Fast test assembly

Normalized flux




1.00E-09 1.00E-07 1.00E-05 1.00E-03 1.00E-01 1.00E+01
Neutron energy, MeV
Figure 3-8: Spectra Comparison in Fast and Thermal Test Assemblies

3.1.7 Closed Loops

The three closed loop systems are an important capability of FASTER. They enable FASTER to
be utilized to irradiate and test fuels and materials in a prototypical flowing coolant environment
with different coolants of different reactor types. The closed loop testing capability goes beyond
just fuels and materials testing. Each closed loop system, with a different coolant, is a
demonstration of that coolant and its technology inside of an operating nuclear reactor. Thus, one
has an integrated demonstration of fuel, core materials, coolant, coolant chemistry control, and
optionally coolant cleanup technologies under prototypical conditions and either a fast or
thermalized neutron spectrum, as appropriate. For a different reactor coolant than sodium, this
can be a test and demonstration as well as an approach to raise the Technology Readiness Levels
(TRLs) for the fuel, materials, and coolant technologies for far less cost than designing, building,
and operating a separate nuclear reactor with those fuel, materials, and coolant technologies. The
closed loop approach might reveal unanticipated problems with a different reactor technology for
far less expense than designing, building, and operating a separate reactor.

While the principal purpose of the closed loops is testing under normal steady state operating
conditions, the closed loops system approach also enables transient testing by changing the
closed loop primary coolant flowrate, the heat removal from the closed loop primary coolant, or
the reactor core power in the vicinity of the closed loop test section. Transient testing including
melting of fuel was a capability of the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) closed loop system design.

Closed loops incorporating sodium were an integral part of the FFTF design [11,3] that could
have simultaneously incorporated four such closed loops. Two integrated closed loop primary
modules were built and one was installed in a cell inerted with nitrogen inside of the FFTF
containment. None of the closed loops at FFTF were actually used, however. The FFTF closed
loops incorporated sodium coolant and that may have been a factor in their lack of use as

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

irradiation of fuels and materials in a fast neutron spectrum could still be performed in sodium
without a closed loop. However, for irradiation and testing with flowing coolants other than
sodium, the closed loop approach is essential. Pressurized water closed loops are also an integral
part of the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) design and are utilized for irradiation and testing [12].

For each of the FFTF closed loops, a Closed Loop In-Reactor Assembly (CLIRA) would be
installed inside of the reactor. Inside of the CLIRA, a test section (e.g., a hexcan with wire-
wrapped fuel pins arranged on a triangular pitch) was envisioned to fit inside of a surrounding
innermost flow tube having a 6.985 cm (2.75 inch) inner diameter [11]. The heat rejection rate
capability per closed loop was 2.3 MWt of which 2.0 MWt could be removed from the test
section [11]. The FFTF closed loop systems were designed and incorporated features that could
later enable the heat rejection per loop to be increased to 4.3 MWt. Specifically, many of the
components could still be utilized while the interconnecting 3 inch sodium piping could be cut
off at the nozzles and replaced by 4 inch piping to facilitate transport of a greater power. Each
FFTF closed loop system could provide a primary sodium flowrate of 1.44 to 16.5 kg/s
equivalent to 0.00167 to 0.0192 m3/s (26.5 to 305 gpm). The FFTF maximum closed loop
system, primary sodium coolant test section outlet temperature was 760°C (1400°F), although
the maximum mean mixed outlet temperature from a CLIRA housing the test section was 649°C
(1200°F). Higher temperatures inside of the test section (up to 760°C) that exceed the design
temperature of the primary sodium module (649°C) would be achieved by bypassing part of the
upward cooler inlet sodium flow through an annulus outside of the innermost flow tube
surrounding the test section, and intermixing hotter sodium exiting the test section with the
cooler bypass sodium to reduce the intermixed sodium temperature. The maximum sodium
coolant temperature rise through a test section was 222°C (400°F). The closed loop system
secondary sodium-to-air heat exchanger was designed for a secondary sodium inlet temperature
of 327°C (620°F) and a secondary sodium outlet temperature of 216°C (420°F) at the maximum
sodium flowrate (16.5 kg/s).

The FASTER closed loop system for each alternative coolant incorporates an in-reactor
assembly with a test section, a primary loop with the particular coolant for irradiation and
testing, a secondary loop with an appropriate secondary coolant for heat transport, a primary
coolant-to-secondary coolant Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX), a secondary coolant-to-air
Dump Heat Exchanger (DHX) for heat rejection to the atmosphere heat sink, and interconnecting
piping. Closed Loop Heat Rejection Rate Requirements for Different Coolants and Different
Reactor Types
For FASTER, heat removal requirements for different coolants and reactor configurations were
investigated assuming that each closed loop can accommodate a test section inside of a flow tube
having an inner diameter of 6.985 cm (2.75 inch) and a closed loop heat rejection rate capability
of 2.3 MWt per loop, the same as the closed loop system design for FFTF [11].

Results of the investigation of heat rejection rate requirements for alternate primary coolants and
different reactor types are shown in Table 3-10. It is assumed that for each coolant and reactor
type that a small portion of a core is simulated across the available cross-sectional area inside of
the flow tube. It is found that a key factor is the flow area fraction through the core. For a fixed

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

coolant velocity in the core, those designs having a greater flow area fraction can remove a
greater power due to the greater coolant flowrate. For sodium coolant, the core design and
conditions for the KAERI-ANL Prototype Generation IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (PGSFR)
are assumed as typical of advanced SFR core designs. The flow area fraction of 0.38 is typical of
SFR core designs that typically have a high power density. For nominal steady state temperature
and velocity conditions, the required heat removal rate capability from the core mockup is 1.3
MWt. This fits well within the assumed 2.0 MWt envelope. The required volumetric flowrate is
also well within the assumed loop capability.

For the sodium PGSFR design, simulation of postulated accident conditions inside of a closed
loop is also of interest. As an example, for an assumed unprotected transient overpower accident
involving the insertion of 30 cents of reactivity over 15 seconds, the reactor eventually
transitions to a new quasi-steady state at a higher power. The core outlet temperature rises to a
transient peak value of 738°C and then falls to a quasi-steady value of 670°C after fifteen
minutes versus the nominal core outlet temperature of 547°C. The greater power deposition
requires a greater heat removal rate capability of 3.0 MWt. This exceeds the 2.0 MWt capability
of the FFTF closed loop design. For simulation of unprotected transient overpower accident
conditions, either the amount of the simulated total reactivity insertion would need to be reduced
or the number of fuel pins in the core mockup would need to be reduced, if the heat rejection
capability is maintained at 2.0 MWt.

Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) designs have been developed for lead (Pb) and lead-bismuth
eutectic (LBE, 44.5 wt % Pb – 55.5 wt % Bi) coolants. They are collectively referred to as Heavy
Liquid Metal Coolants (HLMCs). For LFRs, the neutronic properties of Pb or LBE relative to
sodium allow the core flow area fraction to be increased. A value of 0.60 is assumed, typical of
ANL LFR designs. A high core outlet temperature of 650°C is assumed which would require
demonstration of an effective new coating for cladding or a new cladding material resistant to
attack by molten Pb or LBE up to higher temperatures. There is interest in material approaches
that would enable LFR core outlet temperatures this high or even higher in order to take
advantage of the greater efficiency that can be achieved with advanced power conversion
approaches such as the supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle. For the traditional ferritic-
martensitic steel materials considered for LFR designs, it has been found that the lead coolant
velocity must be limited. A value of 2.0 m/s is therefore assumed. The required heat removal rate
is 1.8 MWt which fits inside of the 2.0 MWt envelope.

For liquid salt coolant, two reactor designs are investigated. The first incorporates coolant flow
channels inside of prismatic graphite blocks while the second incorporates coolant flow through
a pebble bed of large spherical fuel particles. The first case is based upon the ORNL Advanced
High Temperature Reactor (AHTR) concept using FLiBe (a mixture of 2Lif and BeF2 salts also
denoted as Li2BeF4) coolant. The flow area fraction is only 0.15 mainly due to the need to
accommodate a significant amount of graphite moderator across the core. The heat removal rate
requirement is only 0.26 MWt. The second case is based upon the University of California,
Berkeley Pebble Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (PB-FHR) that also uses
FLiBe coolant and has a high flow fraction of 0.6 through the pebble bed. The velocity is
deliberately limited to 2.0 m/s in the PB-FHR design. The required closed loop heat removal rate
capability is 2.2 MWt which somewhat exceeds the assumed 2.0 MWt capability. Thus, it might

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

be necessary to slightly reduce the size of the core mockup to reduce the power deposition below
the indicated 2.2 MWt.

For helium coolant, conditions for the General Atomics Prismatic High Temperature Gas Cooled
Reactor (HTGR) with prismatic graphite blocks and downward coolant flow through the core are
assumed. The flow area fraction is 0.19 which results in a heat removal rate requirement of only
0.16 MWt.

For testing of advanced fuel and cladding under Light Water Reactor (LWR) conditions, core
conditions for the Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC AP1000 Pressurized Water Reactor
(PWR) are assumed. The flow area fraction is 0.53 and the required heat rate removal capability
is 1.7 MWt which is within the 2.0 MWt envelope.

Another case of pressurized water coolant investigated is water-cooled, water-moderated

research and test reactor conditions. Irradiation and testing leading to qualification of Low
Enriched Uranium (LEU) aluminum alloy-clad U-10Mo fuel for such reactors is expected to be
an ongoing requirement. Conditions for the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at ORNL which is
a low pressure PWR with downward coolant flow through the core are assumed. The HFIR has a
coolant flow fraction of 0.50 and a high coolant velocity. Thus, although the coolant temperature
rise is small, HFIR has a high power density core and the heat removal rate requirement for a
closed loop is 1.3 MWt.

Thus, it is found that the assumed test assembly heat removal rate capability of 2.0 MWt is
sufficient for irradiation and testing at nominal steady state conditions for the different coolants
and different reactor designs with the possible exception of a pebble bed liquid salt-cooled
reactor. In that case, a slightly greater heat removal rate capability of 2.2 MWt is indicated. For
testing under transient and accident conditions, only the case of a SFR was examined. For an
assumed unprotected transient overpower accident, the reactor power increases resulting in a
significantly higher core outlet temperature, raising the heat removal rate requirement to 3.0
MWt which is significantly greater than the assumed 2.0 MWt capability. If the 2.0 MWt heat
removal rate capability is retained, then either the simulated total reactivity insertion would need
to be reduced or the size of the test assembly (i.e., the number of fuel pins) would need to be
reduced. Other than those exceptions, the 2.3 MWt heat rejection rate generally provides some
margin for transient testing that can include greater power deposition rates than at nominal
steady state.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-10: Heat Rejection Rates and Flowrate Requirements for Closed Loops for Different Reactor
Coolants and Example Reactor Designs
Liquid Salt, Liquid Salt,
Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized
Coolant Sodium Sodium Lead, Pb FLiBe, FLiBe,
Helium Water Water
2LiF-BeF2 2LiF-BeF2
LFR with High Flux
PGSFR for Unprotected GA
High Core ORNL UCB Pebble WEC Isotope
Reactor Nominal Transient Prismatic
Outlet AHTR Bed FHR AP1000 Reactor
Conditions Overpower HTGR
Temperature (HFIR)
Up Up Up Up Up Down Up Down
Area Inside
0.00383 0.00383 0.00383 0.00383 0.00383 0.00383 0.00383 0.00383
Closed Loop
Flow Tube,
Flow Area
0.38 0.38 0.599 0.15 0.60 0.187 0.531 0.50
Reactor Core
Flow Area
Inside Closed
0.00146 0.00146 0.00230 0.000573 0.0023 0.000715 0.00203 0.00192
Loop Flow
Tube, m2
Coolant Inlet
Near Near Near Near Near
Pressure, 6.39 15.5 2.24
Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric
547/395 738/395 650/400 700/650 700/600 750/322 321/281 67.8/57.2
Coolant Inlet
Density, 859 859 10,563 1,963 1,987 5.10 763 986
Coolant Inlet
Viscosity, 0000280 0.000280 0.00223 0.0056 0.0056 0.0000321 0.0000961 0.000487
Coolant Inlet
69.7 69.7 16.6 1.0 1.0 0.254 0.595 0.653
Specific Heat, 1.268 1.256 1.26 2.41 2.41 5.189 5.46 4.18
Prandtl 0.00509 0.00509 0.0194 13.5 13.5 0.655 0.881 3.12
Coolant Inlet
5.52 5.52 2.0 1.94 2.0 20.2 4.85 15.5
Velocity, m/s
0.193 0.431 0.0362 0.121 0.241 2.22 0.221 0.0441
Rise, MJ/kg
Coolant Mass
6.91 6.91 48.5 2.18 9.14 0.0737 7.53 29.4
Flowrate, kg/s
Volume 0.00804 0.00804 0.00459 0.00111 0.00460 0.0145 0.00986 0.0298
Flowrate, (127) (127) (72.8) (17.6) (72.9) (229) (156) (472)
m3/s (gpm)
Removed by 1.33 2.98 1.75 0.263 2.21 0.164 1.66 1.30
Coolant, MWt

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016 Feasibility of Closed Loop In-Reactor Assemblies for Different Coolants and Reactor
Next, the feasibility of designing closed loop in-reactor assemblies for different coolants and
reactor configurations was examined. It is assumed that the pressure boundary of the in-reactor
assembly is a double-walled pressure tube. The incorporation of a double-walled pressure tube is
viewed as a necessary and sufficient approach to incorporate coolants other than sodium inside
of an SFR. Required wall thicknesses for each of the two pressure tubes were calculated using
the formulae and tables in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, “Rules for
Construction of Nuclear Facility Components,” Division 1-Subsection NH, “Class 1 Components
in Elevated Temperature Service,” 2001 Edition. The lifetime of each in-reactor assembly is
assumed to be 10,000 hours (417 days) which is a margin of 4% greater than the duration of four
FASTER 100-day operating cycles. The outer tube outer diameter of 11.26 cm (4.44 inches) is
assumed identical to that of the hexcan duct-to-duct inner distance for a FASTER fuel assembly.
The outer tube outer diameter is the largest value that can fit inside of an assembly location in the
FASTER core with clearances filled with sodium between the outer tube and the hexcans of the
six neighboring core assembles. For the low pressure coolants (sodium, lead or LBE, and
pressurized water under HFIR conditions), the design pressure is taken equal to the same value
for the CLIRAs in FFTF (2.5 MPa = 363 psig). The case of liquid salt coolant is not analyzed
here because a suitable structural material for use with liquid salt has not yet been codified in the
ASME code. For helium and pressurized water under PWR conditions, the design pressure is
assumed to be 10% greater than the values assumed in Table 3-10. The required pressure tube
dimensions for a design temperature of 649°C (1200°F) are shown in Table 3-11. For the low
pressure coolants, the required wall thicknesses of the outer pressure and inner pressure tubes are
2.51 mm (0.0986 in) and 2.25 mm (0.0887 in), respectively. To ensure against concerns about
potential buckling of the pressure tubes under external pressure, effects of irradiation, and other
uncertainties, the wall thicknesses are increased to a minimum of 6.35 mm (0.25 in). The inner
tube inner diameter of 8.09 cm (3.18 in) provides plenty of space for a flow tube to separate
downward and upward flows and a test section inside of the flow tube. For pressurized helium
coolant, the inner tube inner diameter of 8.16 cm (3.21 in) also provides ample space. For
pressurized water under PWR conditions, there is space for a flow tube and test section but the
number of fuel pins would need to be reduced below that implied by the assumptions in Table

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-11: Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 649°C (1200°F) Design Temperature
Sodium, Lead, or
Low Pressurized
Sodium, Lead, or Water with 0.25 Highly
Low Pressurized in Wall Pressurized Pressurized
Coolant Water Thicknesses Helium Water
Pressure Tube Material 316 316 800H 316
Design Gauge Pressure, MPa (psig) 2.50 (363) 2.50 (363) 7.82 (1019) 17.05 (2473)
Design Temperature, °C (F) 649 (1200) 649 (1200) 649 (1200) 649 (1200)
Design Lifetime, hours 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Outer Pressure Outer Diameter, cm (in) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443)
Outer Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.251 (0.0986) 0.635 (0.25) 0.677 (0.266) 1.850 (0.728)
Outer Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 10.76 (4.236) 9.990 (3.933) 9.907 (3.900) 7.560 (2.976)
Gap Between Pressure Tubes, cm (in) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125)
Inner Pressure Tube Outer Diameter, cm (in) 10.12(3.986) 9.355 (3.683) 9.272 (3.650) 6.925 (2.726)
Inner Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.225 (0.0887) 0.635 (0.25) 0.557 (0.219) 1.14 (0.448)
Inner Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 9.673 (3.808) 8.085 (3.183) 8.157 (3.212) 4.649 (1.830)

For liquid salt and pressurized helium coolant, it is desirable to achieve higher temperatures. For
a design temperature of 704°C (1300°F), space is still available with the low pressure and
pressurized helium coolants (Table 3-12). There still remains space when the design temperature
is further increased to 760°C (1400°F) as shown in Table 3-13.

Table 3-12: Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 704°C (1300°F) Design Temperature
Sodium, Lead, or
Low Pressurized
Sodium, Lead, or Water with 0.25 Highly
Low Pressurized in Wall Pressurized Pressurized
Coolant Water Thicknesses Helium Water
Pressure Tube Material 316 316 800H 316
Design Gauge Pressure, MPa (psig) 2.50 (363) 2.50 (363) 7.82 (1019) 17.05 (2473)
Design Temperature, °C (F) 704 (1300) 704 (1300) 704 (1300) 704 (1300)
Design Lifetime, hours 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Outer Pressure Outer Diameter, cm (in) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443)
Outer Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.456 (0.179) 0.635 (0.25) 1.08 (0.427) 3.61 (1.42)
Outer Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 10.35 (4.074) 9.990 (3.933) 9.091 (3.579) 4.033 (1.588)
Gap Between Pressure Tubes, cm (in) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125)
Inner Pressure Tube Outer Diameter, cm (in) 9.714 (3.824) 9.355 (3.683) 8.456 (3.329) 3.398 (1.338)
Inner Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.393 (0.155) 0.635 (0.25) 0.814 (0.321) 1.09 (0.429)
Inner Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 8.928 (3.515) 8.085 (3.183) 6.827 (2.688) 1.217 (0.4793)

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-13: Required Pressure Tube Dimensions for 760°C (1400°F) Design Temperature
Sodium, Lead, or Low Pressurized
Coolant Pressurized Water Helium
Pressure Tube Material 316 800H
Design Gauge Pressure, MPa (psig) 2.50 (363) 7.82 (1019)
Design Temperature, °C (F) 760 (1400) 760 (1400)
Design Lifetime, hours 10,000 10,000
Outer Pressure Outer Diameter, cm (in) 11.26 (4.443) 11.26 (4.443)
Outer Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.905 (0.356) 1.85 (0.726)
Outer Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 9.450 (3.720) 7.569 (2.980)
Gap Between Pressure Tubes, cm (in) 0.318 (0.125) 0.318 (0.125)
Inner Pressure Tube Outer Diameter, cm (in) 8.815 (3.470) 6.934 (2.730)
Inner Pressure Tube Wall Thickness, cm (in) 0.709 (0.279) 1.14 (0.447)
Inner Pressure Tube Inner Diameter, cm (in) 7.398 (2.913) 4.662 (1.835)

The test sections in the FFTF CLIRAs were designed for a sodium outlet temperature of 760°C
(1400°F) while the double-walled pressure tube and other closed loop hardware was designed for
649°C (1200°F) [11,13]. This was achieved by bypassing part of the upward sodium flow around
the test section in the annular space between a cylindrical thermal baffle surrounding the test
section and the flow tube separating the downward and upward sodium flows inside of the
pressure tube. An alternate approach that permits more space for a test section is to design the
entire in-reactor assembly for a greater temperature and mix the outlet coolant with a cooler
coolant bypass stream inside of a mixing component outside of the reactor. Overview of FASTER Closed Loop System Designs

The closed loop system for each alternative coolant incorporates an in-reactor assembly with a
test section, a primary loop with the particular coolant for irradiation and testing, a secondary
loop with an appropriate secondary coolant for heat transport, a primary coolant-to-secondary
coolant IHX, a secondary coolant-to-air DHX for heat rejection to the atmosphere heat sink, and
interconnecting piping. The primary sodium loops for the FFTF closed loop systems were
cleverly designed as remarkably compact integrated modules that fit through the containment
equipment airlock and were inserted into the compact cell for that particular loop located beneath
the containment operating floor through a removable concrete access plug in the operating floor
using the containment polar crane. The access plug was sealed during operation. FASTER
incorporates provisions for three closed loops operating simultaneously; two in the fast neutron
region and one in the thermalized neutron region. A goal is to just as cleverly design a compact
transportable and replaceable primary coolant loop module for each of the different closed loop
primary coolants in FASTER.

Six different closed loop primary coolants have been included thus far in FASTER; others may
be added in the future. The six primary coolants and the major features of the closed loop system
for each are shown in Table 3-14. For sodium, lead or lead-bismuth eutectic, liquid salt, and
helium primary coolants, sodium is used as the secondary coolant to reject heat to air. A single
secondary coolant, sodium, is utilized because it is a low pressure coolant and because of its low
freezing temperature, excellent heat transfer properties, excellent compatibility with stainless
steel and other alloys, and to avoid the cost of designing and installing a secondary loop and

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

secondary coolant-to-air heat exchanger for a different fluid. Sodium is not used for the
pressurized water primary coolants to provide separation between sodium and water components
and piping, and because heat rejection for primary water coolant can occur at temperatures below
or above but near the sodium freezing temperature.

It is necessary to prevent leakages of other primary coolants into sodium. Lead, lead-bismuth
eutectic, or liquid salt leaking into sodium could attack structural materials such as 316. To
preclude leakages, the pressure tube of the in-reactor assembly is made double-walled with a gap
between the two walls that is monitored for leakage. The primary coolant-to-sodium IHX is a
double-walled straight tube (DWST) heat exchanger to preclude leakage. For helium primary
coolant, a double-walled pressure tube with a gap is provided to preclude leakage of helium into
sodium that might result in the formation of bubbles that could enter the core with reactivity
effects and to preclude a blowdown of high pressure helium into the reactor vessel sodium. A
DWST IHX is utilized to preclude a blowdown of high pressure helium into secondary sodium.
For pressurized water primary coolant, a double-walled pressure tube is needed to preclude
water/steam leakage into reactor vessel sodium or a blowdown of high pressure water/steam into
surrounding sodium and sodium-water reactions. The gap between the two walls shall also
incorporate a vacuum to reduce heat transfer from hotter surrounding sodium to water. In
particular, water at research and test reactor conditions will be significantly cooler than the
surrounding reactor vessel sodium. The gap between the two walls will be monitored for leaks.

Pressurized water primary coolant conditions for water-cooled and water-moderated research and
test reactor conditions lie in a significantly different regime than the conditions for Water-Cooled
Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Instead of attempting to design a single pressurized water closed
loop system that can encompass both regimes, it is better to design and install a separate closed
loop system for research and test reactor conditions because of the requirements for a
significantly greater heat exchange area in the IHX, a significantly greater heat exchange area in
the DHX, and the need for larger diameter piping.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-14: Closed Loop System Primary Coolants and Major Features
Lead, Pb, or Liquid Salt, Pressurized Water
Coolant for Pressurized Water
Lead-Bismuth Pressurized for Research and
In-Reactor Sodium FLiBe, for NPP
Eutectic, 45 wt Helium Test Reactor
Irradiation 2LiF-BeF2 Conditions
% Pb-55 wt % Bi Conditions
and Testing
Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Pressurized Water Pressurized Water
Low Alloy and Low Alloy and
Primary ALD-Coated Carbon Steel with Carbon Steel with
316H, 316 Hastelloy N 800H
Materials 316H and 316 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Cladding Cladding
Low Alloy and Low Alloy and
Secondary Carbon Steel with Carbon Steel with
316H, 316 316H, 316 316H, 316 316H, 316
Materials Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Cladding Cladding
Single-Walled Double-Walled
Tube Helical Double-Walled Straight Tube
Intermediate Double-Walled
Coil Similar to Straight Tube to with Hastelloy Single-Walled Single-Walled
Heat Straight Tube to
FFTF Closed Preclude N Tubes to Tube Helical Coil Tube Helical Coil
Exchanger Preclude Leakage
Loop System Leakage Preclude
Design Leakage
Double-Wall Flow Double-Wall Flow
Double-Wall Double-Wall
Double-Wall Tube with Tube with
Flow Tube with Flow Tube with
In-Reactor Single-Wall Flow Tube with Monitored Gap to Monitored Gap to
Monitored Gap Monitored Gap
Assembly Flow Tube Monitored Gap to Preclude Leakage Preclude Leakage
to Preclude to Preclude
Preclude Leakage and for Thermal and for Thermal
Leakage Leakage
Insulation Insulation
Coolant Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Canned Rotor Canned Rotor
pH Control, pH Control,
Intermixing with Mixed Bed Mixed Bed
Primary Redox Potential Makeup for
Hydrogen to Demineralizers, Demineralizers,
Coolant Cold Trap, Control, Coolant Leakages,
Reduce Oxygen Cation Bed Cation Bed
Chemistry Plugging Meter Tritium Minimal
Content, Oxygen Demineralizer, Demineralizer,
Control and Measurements Stripping and Chemistry
Sensor Control of Control of
Cleanup Capture Control
Measurements Radiolysis Radiolysis
Reactions Reactions
Coolant Loop
Cell Volume
Normalized by 1 1 3 1 3 3
FFTF Closed
Loop Primary
Cell Volume

Electromagnetic pumps are used for sodium, lead or lead-bismuth eutectic, and liquid salt to
preclude pump leakages. Canned rotor pumps are used with the water loops to preclude leakages.
Helium at high pressure is circulated with a small centrifugal pump having a high rotational

The primary loop materials selected are currently codified under the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code Section III with the exception of Hastelloy N that is required to resist corrosion by
liquid salt. Until a code case for Hastelloy N has been prepared and accepted, a closed loop
incorporating this material as the pressure boundary cannot be used in FASTER.

The liquid salt primary loop needs to incorporate a system to strip and capture tritium formed by
neutron reactions with lithium and beryllium as well as systems to control the salt redox potential

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

and to clean up the salt of contaminants and other radionuclides. The pressurized water system
primary loops need to incorporate bed demineralizers to remove ionic corrosion products and
certain ionic fission products, a cation bed demineralizer to remove mainly lithium and cesium
isotopes in the event of fuel failure as well as control the coolant pH, and a system to inject
hydrogen to control water decomposition from radiolysis. The pressurized water system primary
loop for research and test reactor conditions also needs to provide chemistry control for
aluminum alloy clad research and test reactor fuels and aluminum alloy structures. In addition,
the primary water loop incorporates a heater to preheat water before it is introduced into the in-
reactor assembly and a regenerative let down heat exchanger.

Because of their unique chemistry control and cleanup requirements, the liquid salt and
pressurized water primary loops have more components and require a larger volume for the cell
in which they are housed inside of the fast test reactor containment. The primary sodium loops
for FFTF were cleverly designed as remarkably compact transportable modules that fit through
the containment equipment airlock and were inserted into the compact cell for that particular
loop located beneath the containment operating floor through a removable concrete access plug
in the operating floor using the containment polar crane. The access plug was sealed during
operation. It is expected that for FASTER, for the lead or lead bismuth eutectic, as well as the
helium primary loops, that similarly clever equipment layouts can be achieved such that the cell
volume required for each of the modules shall be similar to that of FFTF. However, for the liquid
salt and each of the pressurized water loops, it is roughly estimated that for clever equipment
layouts that three times the volume of an FFTF cell shall be needed. For flexibility in
interchanging primary coolant modules, the primary loop volume requirement for each cell is
thus three times that of FFTF. Since those are thermal reactor coolants, space to accommodate
the larger required primary coolant module is provided in the thermalized neutron region. To
accommodate pressurized water loops, the cell also has a sump and water leakage collection

The cell and containment designs must also accommodate the effects of a postulated pressurized
helium or pressurized water pipe rupture and primary coolant release resulting in pressure and
temperature loadings in the cell atmosphere. For sodium, lead or lead-bismuth eutectic, and
liquid salt primary coolants, the cell and containment designs must accommodate the effects of a
postulated pipe leak and primary coolant release. Release of lead-bismuth eutectic, and to a
significantly lesser extent lead, will be accompanied by the release of 210Po that has accumulated
in the primary coolant. Release of liquid salt will be accompanied by the release of tritium
present in the primary coolant.

The closed loop system design for each coolant type and the FASTER containment design must
accommodate the effects of postulated closed loop system accidents resulting in the inability to
remove heat from the in-reactor assembly. For the FFTF closed loop system design, the CLIRA
was designed to accommodate a Test Section Meltdown Accident (TSMDA). A meltdown cup
was provided below the bottom end of the pressure tube. The meltdown cup was designed to
contain 0.75 liter (46 inch3) of molten UO2 fuel. It incorporated a tungsten funnel to collect fuel,
a TZM molybdenum alloy cup with six inwardly projecting fins to contain molten fuel, and a
tungsten washer followed by a borated graphite shield block beneath the TZM cup. For each
individual closed loop system primary coolant type and reactor type core simulation, an

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

assessment needs to be carried out of the accident phenomena and an approach to contain the test
section materials as well as mitigate the release of radionuclides from the in-reactor assembly
needs to be engineered.

The following discusses in greater detail main considerations for each of the closed loop
systems. The first consideration is the physical size requirement of the primary coolant module
for each primary coolant type. This includes the physical space requirements for the coolant
chemistry control system as well as any optional coolant cleanup system. A second consideration
is the materials for piping and components for use with each of the different coolants. A third is
what coolant to use in the secondary heat transport circuit between the primary coolant delivered
to the test section inside of the in-reactor assembly installed in the reactor and the atmospheric
heat sink. It is of interest to limit the number of different types of secondary coolants, if practical. Detailed Investigations of FASTER Closed Loop System Designs

To design the FASTER reactor containment and building structures, it is necessary to determine
the physical space requirements for the closed loop systems for the different primary coolants.
To allow for interchangeability of closed loop primary coolant modules, the space provided must
be able to accommodate the closed loop hardware for the coolant type having the largest space

The sodium closed loop system primary and secondary sodium loops for FASTER are assumed
to essentially be replicas of the ones developed for FFTF. Those designs were clearly optimized
to save space and were successfully designed to the appropriate ASME codes including the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III for the primary coolant module components.
The maximum temperature of 649°C is retained for FASTER. The loops were designed for a
heat removal rate capacity of 2.3 MWt. However, the designs also incorporated features that
would enable the heat removal capacity to later be increased to 4.3 MWt using many of the same
components such as the primary-to-secondary sodium IHX and the secondary sodium-to-air
DHX but increasing the size of piping from 3 inch to 4 inch piping. This was accomplished by
welding 4 inch nozzles with reducers onto the components. If needed, the reducers and 3 inch
piping could later be cut off and 4 inch piping welded to the nozzles. Piping and components
were generally fabricated from 316H for the hot leg and 316 for the cold leg.

The primary sodium system for each of the closed loops was designed as a compact module that
fit inside of a compact cell inerted with nitrogen inside of the containment beneath the FFTF
containment operating floor. Access to the cell was through a removable concrete access plug in
the operating floor; the access plug was sealed during operation. The primary module was
installed and could be removed using the polar crane inside of the containment dome.

Each primary module was assembled in a frame 8.69 m (28.5 feet) high by 2.90 m (9.50 feet) by
3.00 m (9.83 feet). It fit tightly into a cell 8.84 m (29.0 feet) high by 3.05 m (10.0 feet) by 3.66 m
(12.0 feet). The module laid on one of its sides could fit through the FFTF containment 7.62 m
(25.0 feet) diameter equipment airlock. Branch arm piping for hot and cold sodium connected to
the CLIRA above the reactor vessel head. The module included the primary-to-secondary
sodium IHX.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Secondary sodium loop components would have been housed inside of a compact service
building outside of the containment and both partially above and partially below grade with
secondary sodium hot and cold leg piping passing through the containment boundary to the IHX
as well as hot and cold leg piping routed largely below grade to the secondary sodium-to air

The design of the sodium-to-sodium IHX is crucial to the closed loop approach. Detailed
multinodal heat exchange calculations were carried out to examine and confirm the thermal
hydraulic performance of the IHX design developed for the FFTF closed loops applied to SFR
conditions of current interest. The FFTF IHX design was a helical coil shell-and-tube heat
exchanger with seventeen tubes. Although for nominal PGSFR conditions, the required heat
removal rate is 1.3 MWt (Table 3-10), the calculations assume the maximum heat duty of 2.3
MWt. The exact tube size, pitch-to-diameter ratio, and length are not known, although the total
heat exchange area and the IHX primary and secondary sodium volumes are known. Consistent
with those values, it is assumed that each tube has an outer diameter of 2.54 cm (1 inch) and a
wall thickness of 1.0 mm, and that the tubes are arranged with a pitch-to-diameter ratio of 1.9.
The heat transfer coefficient on each sodium side is assumed to be given by the liquid metal
(LM) Nusselt number correlation of Seban and Shimazaki:

Nu   5.0  0.025 (Re Pr)
Eq. 3-1

For the stated FFTF design conditions that specify a temperature change on each of the primary
and secondary sodium sides of 222°C (400°F) for primary and secondary flowrates of 8.176 and
8.159 kg/s, respectively, at 2.3 MWt heat duty, a tube length of 8.04 m is calculated as that which
provides the required heat duty as shown in the first entry in Table 3-15. This is a reasonable
number when compared with available information.

The design flowrates are one-half of the maximum value for the FFTF closed loop system
design. For one-half of the design temperature change at the maximum flowrates together with
the different resulting secondary sodium inlet and outlet temperatures, a tube length of 8.34 m is
calculated (Table 3-15).

For the tube length of 8.04 m calculated for the stated FFTF IHX design conditions, the
performance of the assumed IHX design was examined for PGSFR nominal inlet and outlet
temperature conditions but with 2.3 MWt heat removal. The secondary sodium flowrate was
assumed equal to the primary sodium flowrate. The secondary sodium inlet temperature to the
IHX was adjusted to enable the required heat duty. As shown in the third entry in Table 3-15, the
secondary inlet temperature of 352°C is reasonable. For a similar calculation assuming PGSFR
inlet and outlet temperatures for the transient overpower event (Table 3-10) with 2.3 MWt heat
removal, a secondary sodium inlet temperature of 340°C is calculated. Thus, the sodium-to-
sodium IHX design is robust over a range of conditions at the maximum heat duty.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The primary and secondary sodium loops for the FFTF design each incorporated cold traps to
purify the sodium and sodium plugging meters to measure the plugging temperature from which
the sodium purity is determined. The primary cold trap was part of the primary coolant module.
Cold trapping will also be used for the primary and secondary sodium loops of the FASTER
closed loop systems.

The primary cell and containment designs must accommodate a postulated leak from a sodium
pipe and the release of sodium into the cell. In the FFTF design, the primary cell was inerted
with nitrogen to prevent sodium burning, heat release from sodium combustion, and aerosol
formation from sodium burning.

Lead or Lead-Bismuth Eutectic

For a lead (Pb) or LBE closed loop system primary module, the maximum test section
temperature requirement is retained as the FFTF value of 760°C. This is consistent with
advanced LFR designs that seek to achieve higher core outlet temperatures for improved plant
efficiency and optional process heat applications. For lead or alternate LBE HLMCs, a key
challenge is identification of a suitable structural material to use for piping and components
exposed to the primary coolant. Austenitic stainless steel is resistant to attack by HLMC up to
about 400°C. The traditional approach to go to higher temperatures of about 550°C involves the
use of ferritic-martensitic steel together with dissolution of oxygen inside of the coolant to
provide a sufficient amount of oxygen to form an oxide layer on the steel surface to reduce the
erosion/corrosion rate but not so high as to precipitate solid lead oxide (PbO). The oxygen
concentration is typically measured with an oxygen sensor that measures the potential drop
across an electrolyte that depends upon the diffusion rate of oxygen ions through the electrolyte.
The oxygen concentration in HLMC test loops is typically reduced by intermixing flowing
coolant with hydrogen gas and increased by flowing coolant through a bed of lead oxide particles
that are dissolved into the coolant. The use of ferritic-martensitic steel would not be expected to
enable primary coolant temperatures as high as 760°C.

There are approaches that could potentially allow the realization of such high temperatures for
the lead or LBE test section as well as for LFR designs. One is to coat steel with silicon carbide
or another suitable coating material by means of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). Coating by
means of ALD is currently under development at Argonne but not specifically for use with
HLMCs. The main virtue of the ALD approach is that it is carried out inside of a vessel at low
temperature. As a result, existing codified materials such as 316H and 316 could presumably be
coated without undergoing heating during the process that might otherwise alter their properties.
Another virtue is that the coating is effectively realized over the entire exposed metal alloy
surface enabling the coating of complex alloy shapes. A new development program shall be
needed to produce coated stainless steel having different shapes and to demonstrate its corrosion
resistance to HLMCs. If successful in preventing corrosion, the coating approach would be
expected not to require the presence of dissolved oxygen inside of the coolant such that the
oxygen concentration could be maintained at a low value.

Another approach is to line 316H and 316 with a suitable liner material that is resistant to attack
by HLMC. Such a material is expected to be Ti3SiC2 (3-ONE-2, LLC). It is stated that it can be
pressed, slip cast, and injection molded. It is machinable or can be thermally sprayed onto metals

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

to form coatings. It is described as stiff, thermal shock resistant, damage tolerant, tough, and
fatigue resistant. Its corrosion resistance has been tested at Argonne by exposure to Pb with low
oxygen potential at 800 and 650C for 1000 hours in a quartz Harp loop. No evidence of Ti3SiC2
attack by Pb was observed.

While the goal is to achieve a test section temperature as high as 760°C, the primary loop module
outside of the in-reactor assembly is designed for a temperature of 649°C. Part of the primary
coolant inlet flow from the IHX can be bypassed instead of flowing through the in-reactor
assembly and then intermixed with the exit flow from the in-reactor assembly inside of a mixing

The oxygen content of the lead or LBE coolant can be decreased, if necessary, through
intermixing of flowing lead with hydrogen gas in a mixer. The required mixer and hydrogen
system should not require significant physical space. The hydrogen would likely be mixed with
helium or another inert gas such that the hydrogen concentration remains below the flammability
limit eliminating the risk of hydrogen burning. The lead primary loop does not need a cold trap
as does a sodium loop which actually saves space.

Lead is a low pressure coolant but has a freezing temperature of 327°C. This is too high for
effective heat rejection to air without the risk of freezing. Therefore, sodium with a freezing
temperature of 97.85°C is retained as the secondary coolant. Lead-bismuth eutectic is also a low
pressure coolant with a freezing temperature of 125°C and could also be utilized as a secondary
coolant. However, sodium is preferred for its low freezing temperature, excellent heat transfer
properties, excellent compatibility with stainless steel and other alloys, and it eliminates the need
for the design and installation of a separate dedicated LBE secondary loop and a separate
dedicated LBE-to-air heat exchanger.

The IHX model was applied for lead primary coolant at the assumed nominal LFR inlet and
outlet temperature conditions shown in Table 3-10 at a heat removal rate of 2.3 MWt. It was
found that a lead primary-to-sodium secondary helical coil IHX requires about twice the heat
exchange area of a sodium primary-to-sodium secondary IHX (Table 3-15). The need for greater
heat exchange area could be accommodated by increasing the number of IHX helical coil tubes
from seventeen by somewhat increasing the diameter of the IHX shell. This would not
significantly increase the physical size of the IHX. Thus, a lead or LBE primary loop with a
helical coil IHX would still fit into the space for a sodium primary loop.

However, a helical coil IHX would incorporate single-walled tubes with the risk of leakage
between the lead or LBE primary and sodium secondary coolants. Detection of small leaks of
one coolant into the other might be difficult. If lead or LBE were to leak into sodium, then it
could corrode the 316H or 316 of the secondary loop. This could increase the risk of sodium
leakage from piping and a sodium fire. If the dissolved oxygen were controlled to support oxide
formation upon exposed steel, the leakage of sodium into lead or LBE could result in reduction
of the oxygen concentration. The sodium intermixed with lead or LBE would act as a getter for
oxygen. However, if the intent is to maintain a low oxygen concentration, then the presence of
sodium might not adversely affect the oxygen level.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The risk of a leak in the IHX can be significantly reduced through the use of double-walled
tubes. EBR-II successfully incorporated double-walled tubes in its steam generators. Both
mechanically bonded and metallurgically bonded tubes were utilized in the EBR-II steam
generators. Double-walled tubes need to be straight. This will increase the height of the IHX
relative to an IHX with helical coiled tubes.

The IHX model was extended to also include a DWST IHX. A fixed tube length of 2.0 m is
assumed which matches the FFTF IHX height. A tube length of 2.0 m is also expected to permit
the practical fabrication of double-walled tubes. The IHX model calculates the required number
of tubes. The tube size of 2.54 cm outer diameter and a tube pitch-to-diameter ratio of 1.9 are
retained. However, because the tubes are double-walled, the total wall thickness is increased to 2
mm. The FFTF secondary side sodium conditions with respect to inlet and outlet temperatures
and flowrate are also retained to enable effective heat rejection to air. It is found that 257 double-
walled straight tubes are required (Table 3-15). However, this only increases the IHX shell inner
diameter from 0.74 m for the helical coil design to 0.80 m for the DWST design. Thus, the lead-
to-sodium IHX will fit into essentially the same space.

Similar considerations about leakage of HLMC into sodium apply to the portion of the closed
loop inside of the reactor vessel. One would not want to risk the investment in FASTER because
of the potential of a lead or LBE leak into the reactor vessel sodium. The portion of the primary
loop residing inside of the reactor vessel thus needs to incorporate a double wall. There will be a
gap between the two walls to monitor for the effects of leakage.

Electromagnetic (EM) pumps will be utilized to circulate the HLMC. The efficiency of an EM
pump is significantly less with HLMC than with sodium. However, it is still sufficient to make
the use of EM pumps practical, avoids the need for mechanical pumps that would need an
impeller material resistant to attack by HLMC at high rotational speeds, and eliminates the
possibility of leakage from a mechanical pump.

For 316H and 316 that are ALD coated, the coolant chemistry control system would incorporate
components to mix hydrogen and an inert carrier gas with the HLMC coolant. This could be
accomplished by passing primary coolant flow through a Venturi-type mixer into which the gas
mixture is injected. This hardware would not take up significant space in the primary module.
The HLMC dissolved oxygen level would be determined from oxygen sensor measurements.
The oxygen sensors may be installed on piping and take up little space.

The primary cell and containment designs must accommodate a postulated leak from a primary
coolant pipe and the release of lead or LBE. Neither HLMC is combustible in air. Neutron
capture in 209Bi leads directly to production of the isotope 210Po (209Bi + n → 210Po + e-). The
Po is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 138 days. Elemental Po is a solid at room temperature
and has a melting temperature of 254C and an atmospheric boiling temperature of 962C.
Despite the high boiling temperature, polonium has a high volatility. In HLMC, the 210Po is
retained in the form of the compound lead polonide, PbPo. However, contact with moisture can
result in the formation of polonium hydride, PoH2, with a melting temperature of -36.1C and
atmospheric boiling temperature of 35.3C, which is volatile. Thus, the release of LBE and
reaction with moisture in the cell atmosphere results in gaseous compounds and aerosols

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

containing 210Po including polonium hydride which represent a health hazard in terms of
transport and inhalation. The generation of 210Po with LBE is the main reason for selecting Pb
coolant for some LFR design concepts for which the amount of 210Po is calculated to be reduced
by two to four orders of magnitude relative to LBE. However, 210Po is not completely eliminated
due to Bi impurities as well as creation of 209Bi from transmutation reactions (208Pb + n → 209Pb
→ 209Bi + e-). Thus, the fast test reactor design needs to accommodate potential 210Po releases
accompanying postulated LBE releases.

One approach to mitigating 210Po releases is to incorporate an online system to continuously

remove it from the HLMC coolant. This would require the development and demonstration of a
suitable process.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-15: IHX Design Calculations for Required Tube Length for Seventeen-Tube Helical Coil IHX or
Number of Tubes and Shell Inner Diameter for DWST IHX or Larger Helical Coil IHX Assuming 2.3 MWt
Heat Exchange Rate
Tube No. of
Inlet Outlet Flow HT OD Tubes
Pres., Tube Shell
Side Fluid Case Description Temp., Temp., Rate, Corel and and
MPa Mat. ID,
°C °C kg/s . Wall, Length,
mm m
Pri Na 650 427.8 8.176 0.1 LM 316 25 17
8.1 0.74
Sec Na Conditions (400 °F) 379.4 602 0.1 LM 1 8.04

Pri Na FFTF IHX Full 650 537.8 16.384 0.1 LM 316 25 17

Sec Na Flow (200 °F) 498.9 610 16.367 0.1 LM 1 8.34

Pri Na PGSFR Nominal 547 395 11.92 0.1 LM 316 25 17

Conditions with
FFTF IHX. Adjust
Sec Na 352 503 11.92 0.1 LM 1 8.04
Sec. Inlet T

Pri Na PGSFR TOP with 738 395 5.297 0.1 LM 316 25 17

FFTF IHX. Adjust 0.74
Sec Na Sec. Inlet T 340 683 5.297 0.1 LM 1 8.04

Pri Na 547 395 11.92 0.1 LM 316 25 17

PGSFR Nominal
Conditions on Pri, Doesn’t
Side. FFTF IHX Work 0.74
Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 8.159 0.1 LM 1 Due to
on Sec. Side Pinch

Pri Pb LFR Nominal 650 400 63.63 0.1 LM 316 25 17

Conditions on Pri.
Side. FFTF IHX 0.74
Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 602 8.159 0.1 LM 1 15.26
on Sec. Side

Pri Pb LFR Nominal 650 400 63.63 0.1 LM 316 25 257
Conditions on Pri.
Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 602 8.159 0.1 LM 2 2.0
on Sec. Side

AHTR Nominal Gnie-

Pri FLiBe 700 650 19.28 0.1 Hast.N 25 17
Conditions on Pri. linski
Side. FFTF IHX 0.74
Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 602 8.159 0.1 LM 1 4.07
on Sec. Side

DWST IHX Gnie- Hast.

Pri FLiBe AHTR Nominal 700 650 19.28 0.1 25 475
linski N
Conditions on Pri.
Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 602 8.159 0.1 LM 2 2.0
on Sec. Side

PB FHR Nominal Gnie- Hast.

Pri FLiBe 700 600 9.64 0.1 25 17 0.74
Conditions on Pri. linski N

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016


Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 602 8.159 0.1 LM 1 7.45
on Sec. Side

DWST IHX Gnie- Hast.

Pri FLiBe PB FHR Nominal 700 600 9.64 0.1 25 536
linski N
Conditions on Pri.
Sec Na Design Conditions 379.4 602 8.159 0.1 LM 2 2.0
on Sec. Side

HTGR Nominal Gnie- Hast.

Pri He Conditions on Pri. 750 322 1.035 6.4 33.4 17
linski N
Side. FFTF Min. Na
T (216 °C) and
Sec Na 8.159 kg/s on 216 432 8.159 0.1 LM 6.4 8.715

Increased Wall Gnie- Hast.
Pri He 750 322 1.035 6.4 45 1509
Thick. On Outer linski N
Tube. HTGR
Nominal Conditions 3.49
on Pri. Side. FFTF
Sec Na Min. Na T (216 °C) 216 432 8.159 0.1 LM 12 2.0
and 8.159 kg/s on
Sec. Side

Increased Wall Gnie- Hast.
Pri He 750 322 1.035 6.4 45 107
Thick. On Outer linski N
Tube. HTGR
Nominal Conditions 0.93
on Pri. Side. FFTF
Sec Na Min. Na T (216 °C) 216 432 8.159 0.1 LM 12 4.0
and 8.159 kg/s on
Sec. Side

AP1000 Nominal Gnie-

Pri H2O Conditions on Pri. 321 281 10.4 15.5 316 33.4 17
Side. FFTF Min. Na
T (216 °C) and 8
MPa on Sec. Side. Gnie-
Sec H2O 216 257 12.0 8.0 6.4 17.6
Same ΔT (40 °C) linski

HFIR Nominal Gnie-

Pri H2O Conditions on Pri. 67.8 57.2 51.8 2.24 316 33.4 115
Side. 40 °C Inlet T
and 8 MPa on Sec.
Side. Same ΔT (10 Gnie-
Sec H2O 40 50 54.9 8.0 6.4 17.6
°C) linski

Liquid Salt
The liquid salt is assumed to be FLiBe which is a mixture of LiF and BeF2 in the proportions
2LiF-BeF2, which is sometimes written as Li2BeF4. FLiBe is a low pressure coolant but has a
freezing temperature of 460°C. In view of the high liquid salt freezing temperature, sodium is
retained as the secondary coolant for heat rejection to air. Liquid salt containing fluorine,
including FLiBe, is corrosive to stainless steel as well as many other structural materials. The
nickel alloy, Hastelloy N, was developed as part of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE)

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Program and is resistant to attack up to 700°C. Thus, it is selected as the structural material for
the primary portion of the closed loop.

Hastelloy N is not currently a codified material under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code Section III. A code case would need to be prepared and accepted before a primary closed
loop fabricated from Hastelloy N could be operated inside of FASTER.

Due to the corrosive nature of liquid salt, the liquid salt-to-sodium IHX must incorporate double-
walled straight Hastelloy N tubes and in-reactor assembly must also be double-walled Hastelloy
N. Data on the compatibility of Hastelloy N with sodium is currently unknown. It would be
straightforward to generate such data in the high temperature sodium loop for material
compatibility testing with sodium at Argonne. If Hastelloy N turns out to undergo corrosion in
sodium at high temperatures, then an option might be to use stainless steel for the IHX tube on
the sodium side together with a Hastelloy N tube on the liquid salt side.

The IHX model was applied to the temperature conditions for both the AHTR and the Pebble
Bed FHR. Liquid salt does not behave like a liquid metal such as sodium with a Prandtl number
of 0.005 or lead with a Prandtl number of 0.02. Liquid salt has a large Prandtl number of 14
(Table 3-10) and behaves more like an ordinary fluid. The heat transfer coefficient on the liquid
salt side is thus modeled with a correlation for an ordinary fluid. The local Nusselt number is
assumed to be given by the Gnielinski correlation for the mean heat transfer coefficient along a

 
(Re  1000) Pr 0.11
 Pr 
1   h   
hDh 2 D 3
Nu   
   Eq. 3-2
 L    Pr wall
k 2

 f 2  
1  12.7   (Pr 3
 1)
 2

where the friction factor is given by the Blasius friction factor, and

f  1 Eq. 3-3

and L is the length of the heat exchange channel.

For the AHTR liquid salt inlet and outlet temperatures, a heat removal rate of 2.3 MWt, and
FFTF secondary sodium design conditions, it is found that 475 double-walled straight tubes are
required (Table 3-15). The resulting IHX shell inner diameter is 1.09 m. For Pebble Bed FHR
inlet and outlet liquid salt temperatures, 536 tubes are required increasing the shell inner
diameter to 1.16 m.

To mitigate corrosion and assure compatibility of the liquid salt with Hastelloy N, it is necessary
to control the redox potential of the salt. This may be accomplished through the addition of
metallic constituents such as zirconium or through the introduction of hydrogen or hydrogen
fluoride gas.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

When irradiated with neutrons, the lithium and beryllium in FLiBe are both transmuted by
reactions that form tritium. The amount of tritium generated is significant. While some may be
retained in graphite moderator or graphite in TRISO fuel particles, tritium could diffuse through
the Hastelloy N primary coolant piping, the IHX tubes, or the double-walled pressure tube inside
of the reactor. It is therefore necessary to actively remove tritium from the liquid salt. This could
be done by circulating a fraction of the liquid salt flow through a bypass loop containing a shell-
and-tube tritium stripper. It is also necessary to capture and trap the stripped tritium; this might
be done in a second shell-and-tube reactor. This approach for removing and capturing tritium is
similar to that considered for the ORNL AHTR.

In SFRs, tritium is normally cold trapped from the secondary sodium. Cold trapping is effective
because for a SFR with a steam cycle power converter, there is a significant diffusion rate of
hydrogen from the steam side of the steam generator through the steam generator tube walls into
the secondary sodium. The diffusion of hydrogen through the steam generator tube walls results
in a significant concentration of hydrogen which is cold trapped together with tritium when the
sodium temperature is reduced inside of the cold trap. However, the secondary sodium of a
closed loop rejects heat to air. Thus, the amount of dissolved hydrogen in the secondary sodium
is too low for the concentration of hydrogen and tritium to exceed the solubility limit at the low
cold trap temperature. Deliberately adding hydrogen to the secondary sodium and cold trapping
might be an approach to reducing potential tritium releases from the secondary sodium loop
boundary especially the sodium-to-air heat exchanger tubes. By itself, it is not a desirable overall
approach at tritium trapping for the primary circuit as it would not be effective at stopping
tritium diffusion through the liquid salt primary structural boundary.

In addition, there is a need for a cleanup system for the liquid salt to remove contaminants such
as small graphite particles, radionuclides potentially released from failed TRISO fuel particles, as
well as corrosion products such as nickel, chromium, and iron dissolved in the liquid salt.

Similar to HLMC, it is planned to use two EM pumps with liquid salt in the primary loop. The
circuit for stripping and trapping tritium as well as cleaning the liquid salt will also need one or
more EM pumps. Although the efficiency of an EM pump used with liquid salt might be low, it
is expected to be sufficient to be practical.

It is roughly estimated that the larger IHX, redox potential control, tritium stripping and capture,
and cleanup systems would require at least as much volume space as the original sodium primary
cell in FFTF. Thus, the space requirement is assumed to be three times that of a sodium primary
closed loop. In FASTER, this requirement is accommodated by increasing the width of the
closed loop primary cell in one dimension while maintaining the height and the width in the
other dimension.

The primary coolant loop cell and the containment designs must accommodate a postulated
rupture of liquid salt primary pipe and release of liquid salt. FLiBe is not combustible in air.
However, as noted above, a significant amount of tritium is produced in the liquid salt. Although
tritium will be stripped from the liquid salt during operation of the closed loop system, there will
still be some level of tritium in the salt entering the stripper that is not zero. Without knowing

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

what the tritium stripping process is, it is not possible to currently estimate what that tritium level
is. Thus, the release of liquid salt would be accompanied by the release of tritium into the cell
atmosphere. The FASTER design needs to accommodate the release of tritium from released
liquid salt that represents a health hazard in terms of transport and inhalation. Released liquid salt
contains beryllium which is also a health hazard and would complicate any salt cleanup efforts.

Pressurized Helium
For pressurized helium coolant, it is necessary to provide double walls for the pressure tube of
the in-reactor assembly inside of the reactor vessel to preclude small leaks of helium or a high
pressure blowdown of pressurized helium into surrounding sodium. The former might potentially
result in the transportation of small bubbles through the core with reactivity effects while the
latter could result in the formation of void as well as pressurization of the reactor vessel.
Similarly, a double-walled straight tube IHX is employed to preclude a blowdown of high
pressure helium into the sodium secondary coolant.

The pressurized helium primary loop is fabricated from 800H. Incoloy 800H is the only high
temperature and high strength alloy that is currently codified for use under the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code Section III and is selected for that reason.

Helium is the only closed loop primary coolant considered that is in a gaseous state. Because of
the low gas density even at a pressure of 6.39 MPa, it has the highest volumetric flowrate and
velocity. Removing 2.3 MWt at the GA HTGR inlet and outlet temperature conditions would
require high helium velocities through 3 inch piping. It is desired to limit the helium velocities.
Assuming a limit of 20 m/s, it is calculated that the primary loop hot leg piping inner diameter
would need to be enlarged to 0.15 m (5.8 inch). For a 6 inch Schedule 160 pipe, the inner
diameter is 0.13 m (5.2 inch). Using such a pipe size could increase the maximum helium
velocity by 26 % from the 20 m/s value to 25 m/s. This is regarded as acceptable. Thus, for
helium coolant, the primary coolant pipe size would need to be increased to 6 inches.

The DWST IHX model was applied for the removal of 2.3 MWt assuming the FFTF sodium
secondary design inlet temperature and flowrate but lowering the outlet temperature to 432°C.
For each double-walled tube, it is assumed that the inner tube is a 1 inch Schedule 160 tube and
that the outer tube has the same wall thickness. Thus, the double-walled tube outer diameter is
4.5 cm and the total wall thickness is 12 mm. It is found that 1509 double-walled tubes of 2.0 m
length are required resulting in an IHX shell inner diameter of 3.49 m. This is a large diameter.
The calculation assumes that the tube surface on the helium side is bare. By incorporating fins on
the helium surface, the effective heat transfer area from helium could be enhanced, reducing the
required number of tubes. However, this was not done. Instead, the DWST length was increased
to 4.0 m. This allows the number of tubes to be dramatically reduced to 107 and the shell inner
diameter to be reduced to 0.93 m.

Assuming the calculated required piping dimensions for the 20 m/s velocity limit, pressure drops
were estimated for the piping lengths, IHX, and test section for the flow conditions at 2.3 MWt
heat removal rate. Most of the pressure drop occurs inside of the test section inside of the in-
reactor assembly due to the relatively small hydraulic diameter of the coolant flow channels

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

through the graphite. A test section pressure drop of 0.21 MPa is estimated. The total pressure
drop is estimated to be 0.28 MPa.

A helium circulator is required to circulate the pressurized helium through the primary loop. It is
possible to size the circulator by selecting a desired circulator design (e.g., a high efficiency
centrifugal/radial circulator) and non-dimensional specific diameter (Ds) plus non-dimensional
specific speed (Ns) from a Ns-Ds diagram appropriate for that design. A Ns-Ds diagram is shown
in Figure 3-9 together with the selected operating point for a radial circulator. For the selected
values of Ns = 60 and Ds = 2, it is calculated that the required rotor diameter is 0.14 m (5.5
inches) and the required shaft speed is 25,000 revolutions per minute (rpm). The circulator
casing outer diameter would be about twice the rotor diameter or about 0.28 m (11 inches). Thus,
the circulator size is physically small. The shaft speed is high but small compressors have been
designed, built, and installed in supercritical carbon dioxide test loops for shaft speeds up to
75,000 rpm. Thus, the required helium circulator is judged to be within existing technology. The
circulator impeller and other internal parts can be fabricated from materials other than 800H,
since they are not part of the pressure boundary.

A system is needed to charge the helium primary loop with helium and to make up for leakages.
That system will include a helium storage vessel/tank, a charging helium compressor, valves, and
interconnecting piping. The storage vessel and charging compressor can be located outside of the
containment with piping passing through the containment boundary into the primary loop cell. A
high pressure helium system may be inherently leaky. Helium leakage was significant at the Fort
St. Vrain Nuclear Power Plant. Thus, there might be a need to regularly make up for helium
losses from the primary helium loop.

Because helium does not react significantly with structural materials, the chemistry control and
cleanup system requirements for the helium primary loop are expected to be relatively minimal.

It is expected that a helium primary coolant loop can be designed to fit inside of the same cell
volume as one of the FFTF primary closed loops.

The primary cell and containment designs must accommodate a postulated rupture of a primary
helium pipe. Helium is an inert gas but the release could pressurize the cell as well as raise the
temperature of the cell atmosphere.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-9: Ns-Ds Diagram for Pumps with Selected Helium Pump Operating Point Highlighted

Pressurized Water for LWR NPP Conditions

For pressurized water closed loop systems, it is necessary to provide a double wall between the
water and the reactor vessel sodium to preclude the leakage of water/steam into the reactor vessel
sodium or a blowdown of high pressure water/steam into the surrounding sodium together with
sodium-water reactions. It is also prudent to create a vacuum between the two walls to reduce
heat transfer from the hotter surrounding sodium to the flowing water. The gap between the two
walls will be monitored for leaks. The primary water loop transfers heat to a secondary
pressurized water loop that rejects heat to the atmosphere heat sink. A secondary sodium loop is
not used to further eliminate the possibility of sodium-water reactions. In addition to eliminating
the risk of sodium-water reactions inside of a heat exchanger, this choice also eliminates the
presence of both water and sodium piping inside of the primary closed loop cell. Only water
piping and components are present inside of the primary closed loop cell. Another reason to use
water as the secondary coolant is that for some applications heat may be rejected to the
atmosphere at temperatures below the sodium freezing temperature or above but near to the
sodium freezing temperature.

PWRs typically utilize ferrtic low alloy and carbon steels clad with stainless steel for corrosion
resistance. It is expected that the same materials would be used for the primary and secondary
water closed loops.

The primary water coolant loop is similar to the primary coolant circuit of a PWR. It
incorporates a pressurizer to pressurize the loop and maintain the pressure together with two or
more mechanical pumps to circulate the water at pressure. At least two pumps are provided such
that flow can be maintained, in the event that one of the pumps fails. Canned rotor pumps will be

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

used as they eliminate water leakages. It is desired to minimize the likelihood of water releases
inside of the cell.

The IHX model was applied with pressurized water on both the primary and secondary sides. It
is not necessary to use a double-walled straight tube IHX. A helical coil IHX similar to the FFTF
IHX design is assumed with seventeen thick-walled 316 tubes to withstand the high primary loop
pressure. Each tube is assumed to be a 1 inch Schedule 160 pipe having an outer diameter of 3.34
cm and a wall thickness of 6.4 mm. The AP1000 primary coolant inlet and outlet temperatures
are assumed together with the flowrate for 2.3 MWt heat removal rate. A pressure of 8 MPa is
assumed on the secondary water side as well as the FFTF secondary inlet temperature to the IHX
of 216°C. It is found that with a tube length of 17.6 m that a secondary outlet temperature of
257°C is calculated (Table 3-15). This is a reasonable temperature. The tube length is a little
more than twice the tube length calculated for the FFTF IHX such that a compact helical coil
water-to-water IHX design is practical.

The primary pressurized water loop also incorporates a heater and a bypass line that can be used
to preheat the water before it is introduced to the test section inside of the reactor vessel. This is
necessary to avoid thermal shocking of the in-reactor assembly and the test section when flowing
water at a prototypical inlet temperature is introduced to the in-reactor assembly after it has
resided inside of the reactor vessel and has been heated to the higher temperature of the

Similar to a PWR, the primary pressurized water loop needs a system to compensate for
leakages, control the coolant chemistry, and clean up unwanted radionuclides from the coolant.
The Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) for the primary coolant loops is similar in
principle to that of the AP1000 PWR where it is denoted as the CVS. The CVCS is needed to
control the pH of the coolant, scavenge oxygen from the coolant during heatup, and control
radiolysis reactions involving hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The CVCS incorporates a
regenerative heat exchanger to cool water let down from the primary loop cold leg and preheat
treated water prior to returning it to the suction side of the primary loop pumps. The CVCS also
incorporates mixed bed demineralizers, a cation bed demineralizer, and filters. Similar to the
AP1000, the CVCS does not incorporate a pump. Instead the head provided by the primary loop
pumps is utilized to circulate the coolant through the CVCS. In the AP1000 design, this was
done to eliminate the possibility of pump failure; otherwise the pump would have had to be
safety grade.

The mixed bed demineralizers have the external shape of cylindrical vessels. One is normally
always in service. They remove ionic corrosion products as well as certain ionic fission products
and also act as filters. The cation bed demineralizer also has the external shape of a cylindrical
vessel. In the event of fuel failure, it is used to remove mainly lithium and cesium isotopes. It is
also used to control the primary coolant pH. The AP1000 CVS controls pH through the addition
of lithium hydroxide enriched to 99.9 % in 7Li. The AP1000 uses hydrazine to scavenge oxygen
from the coolant. High pressure hydrogen is injected into the coolant to control water
decomposition from radiolysis; hydrogen reacts with oxygen formed by radiolysis. Ideally, the
coolant will also contain boron to be prototypical of PWR coolant. This needs to be examined in
terms of its effects on the thermalized neutron flux.

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The CVCS is connected to a liquid radwaste system and a coolant makeup system providing
demineralized water with suitable chemicals added located outside of the containment. Some
components of those systems can be housed together with the water secondary loop components
outside of the containment.

The primary water loop cell and the secondary water loop compartment or building will
incorporate floor sumps and drains to collect any water leakages for processing by a water
leakage collection system.

The primary coolant loop and the CVCS incorporate a number of components with space
requirements including the pressurizer, IHX, heater, pumps, and the demineralizers. It is roughly
estimated that the primary loop needs three times the volume of a primary coolant system cell in
the FFTF. In FASTER, this volume requirement is accommodated by increasing the width of the
closed loop primary cell in one dimension while maintaining the height and the width in the
other dimension.

The primary loop cell and containment designs must accommodate a postulated pressurized
water pipe rupture and the release of pressurized water and steam. Flashing of pressurized water
will result in pressure and temperature loadings inside of the cell atmosphere.

Pressurized Water for Water-Cooled and Water Moderated Research and Test Reactor
For the HFIR research and test reactor conditions in Table 3-10, it is observed that the
temperatures are significantly lower and the water coolant flowrate significantly higher than for a
PWR Nuclear Power Plant. Ideally, one would want to design a primary pressurized water closed
loop, IHX, secondary pressurized water closed loop, and DHX that could encompass testing for
both reactor types and both sets of pressurized water conditions.

The IHX model was applied to determine if the IHX design in Table 3-15 developed for AP1000
temperature conditions could also work for HFIR temperature conditions for a heat duty of 2.3
MWt. A negative answer was obtained. In particular, if the secondary water flowrate is assumed
equal to the primary water flowrate and the secondary coolant temperature rise is assumed to be
10°C, then the secondary water inlet temperature to the IHX would need to be 0°C. This result
indicates that a significantly greater heat exchange area is required in the IHX.

Holding the IHX tube length fixed at 17.6 m and the tube outer diameter and wall thickness fixed
at 3.34 cm and 6.4 mm, the number of rows of tubes inside of the IHX was increased. It is
thought that the seventeen-tube FFTF IHX design incorporated two rows of helical coil tubes
with eight tubes in the first row and nine tubes in the second row. Thus, the number of tubes in
each row increases by one as a row is added. It is assumed that the secondary pressurized water
inlet temperature to the IHX is 40°C and that the temperature rise is 10°C. It is found that an
IHX design with 115 helical coil tubes in ten rows is needed. The shell inner diameter is 1.35 m.
A significantly larger DHX would also be required due to the low secondary coolant
temperatures. The high water flowrates for HFIR conditions would also require larger piping

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diameters. Thus, the need for a separate closed loop system design is indicated for research and
test reactor conditions.

For the low primary pressurized water temperatures, it is necessary to create a vacuum between
the double walls of the pressure tubes inside of the reactor vessel or otherwise thermally insulate
the test section from the hotter temperatures of the surroundings.

The requirements for a CVCS are expected to be similar to those described above. In addition,
the pressurized water system primary loop for research and test reactor conditions also needs to
provide chemistry control for aluminum alloy clad research and test reactor fuels and aluminum
alloy structures. The cell volume requirement for the primary coolant loop is estimated to be
three times that of the primary coolant cell in FFTF.

The primary loop cell and containment designs must accommodate a postulated pressurized
water pipe rupture and the release of pressurized water and steam. Flashing of pressurized water
will result in pressure and temperature loadings inside of the cell atmosphere.

3.1.8 Inlet Plenum Module

The primary coolant flow into the FASTER core assemblies is via the inlet plenum modules.
These modules are designed with multiple inlets to prevent plugging in case of loose parts in the
reactor vessel and provide for the necessary flow to each of the core assemblies. The individual
core assemblies do not have (in general) their own individual orificing to balance the sodium
coolant flow across the core – this is accomplished by the inlet plenum modules. Similar to the
PRISM inlet module concept, the inlet plenum modules have a location for orifice plates to be
inserted into the inlet module to provide for the necessary flow balancing. A discrimination post
is located in the module to ensure that only core assemblies that are a match for the particular
inlet plenum module are actually inserted into the module. The core assemblies that are inserted
in the wrong inlet module will not be fully inserted into the inlet modules – this condition will be
noticed by the in-vessel fuel handling machine(s) during the insertion of the new or used core
assembly. The in-vessel fuel handling machine(s) has instrumentation and features to monitor the
azimuthal and vertical location of the core assemblies in relation to other permanent structures
within the reactor vessel.

The inlet plenum modules have an outer receptacle body which forms the overall module and
spans the distance between the two grid plate structures. Inner chamfers in the outer receptacle
body provide for alignment and guides during insertion of the core assemblies into the
receptacles when using the pantograph in-vessel fuel handling machine. Piston rings located at
the lower end of the outer receptacle body seal the receptacle body to the lower grid plate
structures. The receptacle body has multiple inlet flow holes that provide for high pressure
sodium flow into the receptacle body even if one or more of the flow holes are blocked. When
the sodium coolant enters the inlet module through the flow holes, it makes a 90° turn from a
radial (horizontal) direction to the axial (vertical) direction and flows up into the receptacle body.
Depending upon the zone of the core assembly, the sodium will flow through a series of (zero to
9) stacked orifice plates which provide for flow balancing across the core. Each orifice plate has
multiple holes to ensure the core assembly receives flow in the event that one or more of the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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orifice plate holes are plugged. After exiting the stacked orifice plate (depending upon the flow
zone), the sodium flows into the bottom of the core assembly lower adaptor. The lower adaptor
contains multiple inlet flow holes to ensure that if one or two of the inlet flow holes are plugged
that the core assembly is not starved for coolant flow. The core assembly is sealed to the inlet
plenum module with piston rings located in the core assembly lower adaptor. A flow balancing
hole is drilled axially through the center of the inlet module body (inner receptacle body) to
allow for hydraulic hold-down of the individual core assemblies. The core assemblies are held in
place vertically by a combination of their own weight and hydraulic hold-down.

3.1.9 Core Orificing Approach and Analysis

In order to achieve the desired flux levels, the FASTER core has been designed with a very high
power density and therefore adequate coolability of the core needs to be ensured. The multi-
assembly steady state thermal hydraulic code SE2-ANL [14] is used to determine orifice groups
and calculate the required coolant flow rates and temperature distributions. The inlet coolant
temperature is 355°C and the bulk outlet coolant temperature is 510°C, corresponding to an
average coolant temperature rise of 155°C. These temperatures are typical for SFRs with metallic

In order to limit the peak coolant and peak mid-wall cladding temperatures to acceptable values
it was found that using four orifice groups for the fuel assemblies is sufficient. The temperature
distribution has also been determined when using a larger number of groups, but this resulted in
a reduction of the peak temperatures of only a few degrees. The proposed orifice groups are
represented in Figure 3-10.

Seven orifice groups are used for the non-fuel assemblies, but the flow rates in those assemblies
are significantly smaller than in the fuel assemblies, meaning it is possible to use more or fewer
groups without significantly affecting the bulk outlet coolant temperature. Additionally, test
assemblies and closed loop locations are currently modeled with reflector assemblies and will
likely require specific orifice sizes depending on the desired test conditions.

The coolant flow rate, velocity, number of assemblies, and other characteristics are provided in
Table 3-16 for each orifice group shown in Figure 3-10. The temperatures are provided in °C.
The coolant velocity required in the orifice group containing the highest power assemblies is ~10
m/s. This is only the coolant velocity required inside the active fuel region, and is different from
the velocity of the coolant exiting the core and going to the heat exchanger. The peak 2σ mid-
wall temperature for the non-fuel assemblies is larger than for the fuel assemblies, but this is not
a concern since no fuel-cladding interaction will occur in those assemblies. By increasing the
coolant flow rate in those non-fuel assemblies, the mid-wall temperature could be easily reduced,
but this would also result in a lower coolant outlet temperature. This would in turn slightly
reduce the average core outlet temperature, but only by a few tenths of a degree given the
significantly lower flow rate in the non-fuel assemblies compared to the fuel assemblies.

The large required coolant velocity in the fuel assemblies is a direct result of the large power
density of the FASTER core. Although this velocity is larger than typically reported in more
conventional fast reactor designs, there is no counter-indication to this value. Velocities reported

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in Table 3-16 should not be confused with the coolant velocity on the piping of the primary
system, as it typically requires lower velocities to prevent adverse mechanical issues. The only
potential issue of a large core coolant velocity is the resulting large pressure drop, which might
make it difficult to establish natural circulation in some accident scenarios when it gets too large.
Initial safety analyses of the FASTER core indicated that no such issue was encountered.

Figure 3-10: FASTER Orifice Groups

Table 3-16: Coolant Flow Characteristics for Each Orifice Group (4 Fuel Groups)
Avg. Outlet Peak Outlet Peak 2σ
Assembly Flow Rate Total Flow Velocity, Coolant Coolant Mid-Wall
Group # /Assy, kg/s Rate, kg/s m/s Temp., °C Temp., °C Temp., °C
1 18 34.53 621.5 10.3 510 549 587
2 14 28.07 392.9 8.4 510 548 587

3 17 21.43 364.3 6.4 510 549 587

4 6 16.77 100.6 5.0 513 550 587
5 9 0.55 4.95 <1 506 744 n.a
6 26 0.55 14.3 <1 514 779 1039
7 67 0.22 14.9 <1 499 667 909

8 56 0.068 3.82 <1 495 589 786

9 37 0.018 0.68 <1 480 553 739
10 46 0.006 0.28 <1 473 525 620
11 17 0.001 0.02 <1 489 533 636

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The various peak temperatures obtained by using a different number of orifice zones for the fuel
assemblies are summarized in Table 3-17. The values provided for the “4 groups” case
correspond to the proposed orifice layout and are consistent with the results shown in Table 3-16.
By using 6 groups instead of 5, the coolant and mid-wall cladding temperatures are reduced by
only a few degrees, while when using fewer groups these temperatures are increased by about
+8°C. Although the temperatures obtained for the steady-state using 3 orifice groups (for fuel
assemblies) seem acceptable, temperatures reached during transients will be higher and might be
limiting. Additional transient calculations would be required to verify whether or not 3 orifice
groups could be used.

Table 3-17: Maximum Temperatures (°C) for Various Numbers of Fuel Orifice Groups
Nominal coolant out Peak coolant out 2σ mid-wall clad
Fuel orifices BOC EOC BOC EOC BOC EOC Peak
3 groups 535 532 556 556 595 595 595
4 groups 529 527 549 550 587 587 587
5 groups 522 521 542 543 579 579 579
6 groups 521 518 540 540 577 577 577

3.1.10 Lower Internals Structure Assembly

The lower internals structure supports the reactor inlet plenum, the core assemblies, the fixed
radial shielding, the 4 sodium inlet pipes, and various shields, brackets and baffles. It is designed
to withstand seismic events with acceptable stresses and deflections. The lower internal structure
contains the inlet coolant flow distribution system that controls the rate of flow to the core
assemblies. This distribution system consists of an annular-shaped manifold and associated
piping that encircles the inlet coolant plenum. The plenum or grid assembly does not have a high
and low pressure plenum. The core assemblies are individually orificed as discussed above to
provide sufficient flow through the fuel assemblies, reflector assemblies, and shield assemblies.
Four large pipes carry coolant from the primary pumps into the inlet manifold.

3.1.11 Core Barrel Assembly

The core barrel assembly is a single integrated unit that provides the internal structure for the
reactor core assemblies and provides a barrier between the hot and cold sodium pools. The core
barrel is a right circular cylinder fabricated from stainless steel. It is attached to the inlet plenum
and lower support structure. It also provides support for the core restraint system.

3.1.12 Redan Assembly

The core barrel and redan assembly, illustrated in Figure 3-11 is a single integrated unit that
provides the internal structure for the reactor core assemblies and provides a barrier between the
hot and cold sodium pools. The core barrel is a right circular cylinder fabricated from stainless
steel. It is attached to the inlet plenum and lower support structure. The upper portion of the
redan consists of a conical shell and cylindrical shell with lobes that encircle the IHXs. The IHXs
penetrate through the conical portion of the redan from the inside (sodium hot pool) to the
outside (sodium cold pool). The penetrations are sealed to prevent mixing of hot and cold

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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sodium. All other major components, primary pumps, and the Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling
System (DRACS) are located outside of the redan and in the cold pool of the reactor. This
arrangement enables the maximum amount of cold sodium to exist within the reactor vessel for
absorption of heat during transients.

H e a t e r S h e ll ( 5 )

D H X S h e ll ( 3 )

P u m p S h e ll ( 2 )

R e a c to r V e s s e l


I H X P e n e t r a t io n ( 4 )

C o re B a rre l

C o r e S u b a s s e m b ly

C o re S u p p o rt

Figure 3-11: Redan Structure

The use of an open-sodium outlet-plenum concept, such as use of the redan to direct the hot
outlet coolant to the IHXs results in several key design features:

 An instrument tree(s), is (are) required for flow, temperature, and monitoring of the core
outlet coolant.
 Space used for closed outlet sodium piping (such as that used on EBR-II and Phenix) is
not required, thus leading to a less complicated reactor primary system.
 The vertical lift distance required for handling fuel subassemblies is reduced when using
the open-outlet-plenum.
 The reactor vessel top closure (deck) is exposed to hot primary sodium (950°F/510°C),
which presents certain major structural design challenges for the reactor vessel and deck.
 Insulation and cooling of the deck is required.
 Insulation and cooling of the reactor vessel wall is a special concern.

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 Flow baffles are required above the core outlet sodium in order to obtain a quiescent hot
sodium pool free surface.
 Low differential liquid levels between the hot and cold sodium requires a low pressure
drop through the IHX.

3.1.13 Upper Internal Structure (UIS) and Instrumentation Trees

The Upper Internal Structure for FASTER consists of several components, a short fixed
structural assembly which is located in the hot pool above the reactor core, and three rotatable
structural assemblies called “Instrument Trees” (located below the fixed UIS) which contain
segments of the control rod drivelines and the instrumentation for monitoring the core outlet
temperatures. The fixed portion of the upper internal structure is a cylindrical stainless steel
assembly welded to the vessel cover (Figure 3-12). Sensor assemblies are mounted to the
underside of the instrument trees and locate sensors within three inches of the core assembly
coolant outlets during operational mode to monitor the coolant temperature and flow parameters.
Instrumentation conduits are routed from the top of the vessel cover (for maintenance or
replacement access) through the instrument tree support columns and attach to the top of the
sensor assemblies which extend below the bottom of the instrument tree.

Figure 3-12: Detailed Section View through the FASTER Vessel Cover

Several penetrations are located in the vessel cover (Figure 3-13) for mechanical and electrical
connections which support fuel handling systems for FASTER. The penetrations which pass
through the FASTER vessel cover consist of:

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

 Nine - 7.5” (19.1 cm) diameter penetrations for the control rods,
 Three - Large penetrations for removal or replacement of the instrument trees,
 Ten – 8” (20.3 cm) diameter penetrations for the closed loop and instrumented test
 Three - 8” (20.3 cm) diameter penetrations for fuel transfer positions, and
 Three - 28.0” (71.1 cm) diameter penetration for the Fuel Handling Machines.

Figure 3-13: Plan View of FASTER Reactor Vessel Arrangement (Translucent Vessel Cover)

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The functional requirements of the upper internal structure and instrument trees are:

1. Provide secondary core hold down for the fuel, blanket (if any), reflector, shield and
control assemblies.
2. Maintain vertical alignment between the core assemblies, the UIS, instrument trees and
the reactor closure head assembly.
3. Align the Control Rod Drivelines (CRDL) horizontally to the control rod positions in the
core to within 1/8” (0.32 cm).
4. Provide some flow into the control rod drivelines to ensure negative reactivity feedback
during overheating transients.
5. Limit flow induced vibration and mechanical loading on the control rod drivelines due to
cross flow in the outlet plenum.
6. Provide for mixing of the coolant thermal environment to the IHX less than 550°C.
7. Provide for a quiescent pool of sodium within the reactor vessel.
8. Support the control system dashpots and react to the scram arrest dashpot loads.
9. Limit leakage of cover gas through all UIS to head penetrations to as low as reasonably
10. Provide radiation shielding for all UIS to head penetrations.
11. Provide support for routing “in-vessel instrumentation” to selected core assemblies.
12. Operate for 60 years without replacement of components exclusive of instrumentation
and design the routes to allow replacement of thermocouples, etc.
13. Capability of UIS removal after installation and/or operation of the reactor.
14. Provide access to reactor assemblies for the Fuel Handling Machine (FHM) and provide
passage for removable reactor assemblies and components.
15. Provide a plug with shielding and sealing capabilities to occupy the FHM access passage.
16. Provide a source of material (sample coupons) for surveillance of the UIS.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 3-14: Perspective View of Vessel Cover, Fixed UIS, Instrument Trees, and FHMs

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Each of the three instrument trees contains (3) segments of the control rod drivelines which
separate from the main control rod drivelines during reactor refueling operations. Each segment
of the control rod driveline is mechanically supported inside the instrument tree control rod guide
tubes (chimneys) and move with the instrument tree when it rotates for fuel handling operations.
When the main control rod disconnects from the control rod segment inside the instrument tree,
either mechanical support features may be extended or the control segment may be rotated to
engage support features which hold the control rod segment securely inside the instrument tree.
The main control rod drive lines may then be withdrawn fully from the segments inside the
instrument tree to provide the necessary clearance before the instrument trees are rotated.

Figure 3-15: Instrument Tree with Control Rod Drive Segment

Each of the instrument trees is rotated using a DC servo motor with a planetary reduction gear
which is mounted to a sealed housing on top of the reactor cover. The instrument tree is
supported inside the vessel cover plug using sets of tapered roller bearings. A flange on the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

support column transfers the entire weight of the instrument tree onto the lower tapered roller
bearing while the upper bearing is used to maintain its angular alignment inside the vessel. The
lower support column fits into a socket located on top of the grid plenum for radial support and
alignment. A set of inflatable seals is used to isolate the cover gas inside the reactor vessel from
maintenance areas above the reactor head; inert gas is used to pressurize the volume between the
inflatable seals to prevent escape of the cover gas. A labyrinth seal is used below the inflatable
seals between the support column and the vessel cover plug to further prevent the escape of
cover gas. Inert gas is used to slowly purge the volume below the inflatable seals to assure that
the labyrinth seals remain free of sodium frost.

Figure 3-16: Instrument Tree Rotation Drive Motor and Housing

The following images show the instrument trees in the reactor operation (Figure 3-17) and
refueling (Figure 3-18) positions. The views are taken just below the bottom of the fixed portion
of the UIS and show the locations of the three fuel handling machines as well as the in-vessel
storage positions.

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Figure 3-17: Section Below Fixed UIS Showing Location of Instrument Trees During Reactor Operation

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-18: Section Below Fixed UIS Showing Location of Instrument Trees During Refueling

Several rounds of preliminary stress analyses were performed on the largest instrument tree
(neglecting structural support from other reactor internal components) assuming twice gravity
loading on the preliminary structural model. Fixed supports were located at the top and bottom of
the instrument tree support column (preliminarily located at the vessel cover and the top of the
grid plenum). The results of the simulations performed indicate that peak stresses (Figure 3-19)
are below the allowable values given in Table 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for the selected material. Additional analyses will need to be performed in the future as updated
maximum core outlet flow rates are obtained to optimize the design.

The results of the analyses performed thus far indicate less than 0.05” maximum deflection
(Figure 3-20) in the instrument tree based upon the preliminary load used in the analyses. The
support column diameter will be increased to reduce the overall deflection of the instrument tree
assemblies. Additional stiffeners and structural supports are also being considered to reduce
deflections in the preliminary design.

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Figure 3-19: Stress Results for Instrument Tree under Gravity Loading

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-20: Displacement Results for Instrument Tree under Gravity Loading

The instrumentation conduits (Figure 3-21) route the sensor guide tubes from the sensor
assemblies into the instrumentation support columns (through openings), up through stepped
shielding (inside the columns) to above the fixed vessel cover. The conduits follow a “non-
straight” path through the shielding inside the upper portion of the support columns to eliminate
radiation streaming paths to the head access area. Each of the support conduits contains a single
(or several) sealed and helium filled instrumentation guide tubes through which the sensor
assembly is inserted (from above the vessel cover) at room temperature. Conduit supports (pipe
hangers) will be incorporated in the final design to limit stresses and prevent damage due to
mechanical and flow induced vibrations experienced during reactor operation.

The instrumentation conduits and guide tubes have large radius bends at locations of directional
changes to assure easy replacement of sensors through the instrument trees. The instrumentation
guide tubes mechanically attach to the top of the instrumentation posts and are seal welded to
provide a “snag free” installation path for sensor assemblies.

The conduits in each instrumentation tree are routed to instrumentation support columns at the
top baffle plate of the instrument tree to minimize the number of bends in the conduits (otherwise
required to avoid interference with the control rod drive lines).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-21: Section through Instrument Trees Showing Instrumentation Conduit Routing Pathways

The instrumentation posts attach mechanically to the instrumentation tree and are designed to
support the Inconel 718 heat shield plates. Clearances between the posts and shield plates are
incorporated into the design to allow for free horizontal thermal expansion or contraction of the
Inconel heat shield plates when exposed to variations in the coolant temperature (due to changes
in the operational state of the reactor). By allowing the plates to freely expand or contract
horizontally, the thermal-mechanical stresses experienced by the plates are minimized. The
shield plates are supported in the vertical direction to reduce mechanical vibrations.

The mechanical connections between the instrument posts and the cover plate on the UIS (and
conduit connectors) are represented in Figure 3-22 as threaded connections for ease and brevity
although, in the actual assembly, an alternative method of mechanical fastening may be used
which will provide the required location and load support based upon various analyses.
Preloaded metallic seal rings will be used in all joints to prevent leakage of sodium coolant into

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the conduits or helium filled tubes and seal welds will be used as a secondary boundary to
provide assurance against leakage.

Figure 3-22: Section through Sensor Assembly, Seals, and Instrument Tree

The instrumentation post is a welded Inconel 718 assembly (Figure 3-23). The instrumentation
post contains guide tube(s) for the sensor (thermocouple) assemblies which are incorporated into
the weldment. The guide tubes terminate at thin walled spherically shaped receptacles which are
positioned above the centerlines of the core assembly coolant outlet ports. During reactor
operation, the instrumentation post is located within four inches above the core assembly
handling socket to provide monitoring data to reactor monitoring computers and personnel.

Thermocouple sensors inside the instrumentation post tubes are surrounded by helium gas
because of its high thermal conductivity to provide an acceptable response time to changes in
temperature of the flowing liquid sodium coolant. The sensor assemblies are wrapped in a
flexible metal jacket which allows them to be inserted efficiently and assure effective contact
between the receptacle and the thermocouple.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 3-23: Instrumentation Post for FASTER

The instrumentation trees are located directly in the path of the hot liquid sodium coolant that
exits the reactor core assemblies. The main structure is manufactured and assembled at room
temperature and when installed into the reactor is then exposed to the hot flowing liquid sodium
coolant at temperatures up to 550°C (1022°F). Figure 3-24 shows a view of the instrumentation
trees viewed looking upward from just above the core assembly coolant outlet openings. Sudden
changes in the temperature of the liquid sodium coolant will affect the instrument post
assemblies and then continue to the underside of the instrument tree structural plate.

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Figure 3-24: View Looking Upward from the Top of Core Showing Instrument Trees and Fixed UIS

The upper internal structure assembly (Figure 3-25) is protected from transient temperature
changes caused by sudden changes in the sodium coolant during changes in reactor operation
(insertion of the control rods or “scram the reactor” for example). Components which are
manufactured from Inconel 718 are used to shield the 316 stainless steel structure from rapid
temperature changes due to its higher strength properties. Table 3-18 lists the room temperature
properties of 316 stainless steel and Inconel 718.

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Figure 3-25: Perspective View Above Core Centerline During Reactor Operation

Using data generated by SAS4A/SASSYS-1 for the core configuration, the temperature of the
flowing sodium at the core assembly outlet (during reactor scram) can change by approximately
100°C in approximately 6 seconds with a maximum drop in temperature of 160°C in
approximately 20 seconds. The temperature of the liquid sodium can oscillate rapidly due to
mixing and turbulence during the initiation of a scram and can cause cyclic stresses (thermal
striping) in the structural material.

Table 3-18: Comparison of Room Temperature Properties of 316 Stainless & Inconel 718
Yield Strength Fracture Toughness Endurance Limit
Material (RT) KIC (RT) (RT)
316L Stainless
170 MPa 100 MPa∗ √𝑚 169 MPa
Inconel 718 1100 MPa 120 MPa*√𝑚 458 MPa

Transient thermal analyses were performed to evaluate the transient temperature distribution in
the Inconel 718 components attached to the bottom of the instrumentation trees. The flow of the
liquid sodium (at 2.46 m/s) from the simulated core assembly exit was assumed to “step” change
in temperature by approximately 200°C at the flow inlet.

The convection coefficient used was calculated based upon the geometry for the liquid sodium
flow conditions using a 200°C temperature difference. Fluid properties of the liquid sodium
coolant were calculated at the film temperature and used to determine the Prandtl number. The
Reynolds and Peclet numbers were calculated based upon the case of external liquid metal

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

coolant flowing over a flat plate. The flow conditions were estimated using a converged
computational fluid dynamics solution for the flow configuration under investigation.

A general transient solution (for a constant convection coefficient) was developed using the
method of separation of variables. The second order partial differential equation (which
conservatively simulates the transient thermal conditions experienced in the Inconel plate) was
solved. The hand calculation was used to determine the one dimensional temperature profile and
stress distribution in the plate based upon convection boundary conditions at the surface of the

Several one dimensional transient thermal cases were solved by hand for comparison to the
computational fluid dynamic results. The one dimensional heat equation (second order partial
differential equations) was solved for various cases which included: insulated boundary
conditions on one end of the Inconel component and convection on the other end; or fixed
temperature on one end and convection condition on the other end. Reviews of the results
confirm that the largest temperature difference is provided by the fixed end temperature case.

A simple program (Figure 3-26) was written to calculate the roots of the infinite series solution.
Roots were calculated out to 10,000 terms to increase the accuracy of the result. The difference
in temperature between the initial temperature condition and the calculated temperature at time
equal to zero at the convection boundary was negligible.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-26: Program for Calculation of Successive Roots of an Infinite Series

The transient temperature profile was plotted using the first five hundred terms of the infinite
series solution (Figure 3-27).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-27: Transient Temperature Distribution in Heat Shield

Polynomial curve fits of temperature dependent material properties of liquid sodium (density,
specific heat, thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity, volumetric expansion, and enthalpy) were
developed from data obtained from ANL/RE-95/2 “Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of
Liquid Sodium and Vapor” [15] for use in future analyses to provide more accurate results.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Standard unrestrained plate theory was used to calculate the one dimensional stress distribution
in the plate (Figure 3-28 & Figure 3-29). The first Inconel 718 heat shield plate is set at one-half
inch (12.7 mm) thick. The “x” axis is parallel to the direction of the plate thickness and the “y”
and “z” axes are tangent to the plate surface. An assumption of the unrestrained plate stress
theory is that the temperature varies only through the thickness of the plate. The transient
“surface” stresses (in the “y” and “z” directions) are determined in the plate using the equations
shown in the Figure 3-28. The maximum stress in the half inch thick Inconel plate occurred at
approximately 0.17 seconds.

Figure 3-28: Maximum Transient Stress in the Bottom Inconel 718 Heat Shield

The transient stress analysis results generated for this “worst case” scenario being considered for
this series of calculations (Figure 3-29) indicate that the one dimensional stresses are below the
room temperature yield point in the Inconel 718 plate material.

Preliminary fatigue life calculations performed using Inconel 718 endurance limit data for
completely reversed bending and assuming 100 scrams per year have determined an approximate
60 year lifetime of the bottom heat shield.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-29: Transient Stress Distribution in the Bottom Inconel 718 Heat Shield Plate

3.1.14 Core Restraint System Design

The core restraint system consists of distributed passive hardware features which, acting
together, must meet the following functional requirements:

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

 Establish the positions of the individual core assemblies in the horizontal plane;
 Control horizontal movements of core assemblies arising from thermal expansion effects,
irradiation-induced swelling, and irradiation-enhanced creep, in such a way that reactivity
effects are acceptable and control rod driveline alignments are maintained within
specified tolerances;
 Accommodate horizontal seismic motions within alignment and stress specifications; and
 Maintain sufficient clearances in the horizontal plane to allow for fuel handling within
specified vertical withdrawal and insertion force limits.

The design choices representing the major decisions in the design of a passive core restraint
system are:

 Length and stiffness of the core assembly lower adapters;

 Lower Internals Structure interface with the core assembly lower adapters -- clearances,
seals, and number of support points (1 or 2);
 Number, location, configuration and height of the core assembly load pads;
 Rigidity of the peripheral boundary -- stiff radial shield assemblies or a rigid, shaped,
core former ring attached to the core barrel;
 Allowable vertical core assembly insertion and withdrawal loads.

The major challenge in core restraint design is to find the "design window" which contains
sufficient clearance for fuel handling (even when core assemblies are bowed due to swelling and
creep effects) and sufficient tightness or stiffness for adequate radial- position control. The
thermal contraction produced by the cooldown to refueling conditions is very important in
creating this window of design feasibility. The tool used in core restraint design is the NUBOW-
3D computer code. It calculates the elastic and inelastic effects on the shape of individual core
assemblies in a three-dimensional representation of the whole core or typical sector thereof, the
reactivity effects associated with short- or long-term movements from one set of equilibrium
positions to another, and the side loads at all contact points. Under refueling conditions, the sum
of these side loads, times the coefficient of friction yields the required initial withdrawal force
over and above the dead weight.

The two core restraint system design strategies are referred to as the "limited free bow" approach
and the "free-flowering core." The first, used in FFTF and CRBR, employs a short lower adapter
horizontally restrained in the lower internals structure (LIS) at one point (the lower end), and
rigid core formers at the two elevations of core assembly load pads -- one near the top end and
one about 4 in. above the fueled zone. The second, used in EBR-II, Phenix and SuperPhenix,
employs a long lower adapter horizontally restrained in the LIS at two points, and the "fence" of
stiff and essentially isothermal radial shield assemblies constitutes the peripheral restraint.
The FASTER reactor adopts the limited free bow approach.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

A rigid core former ring at the elevation of the top load pads provides positive peripheral
restraint. The ring has enough clearance, relative to a tight array of assemblies, to permit removal
and replacement of individual assemblies by the in-vessel transfer machine (IVTM), yet is tight
enough so that the freedom of assemblies to move does not have adverse reactivity or alignment
implications. The inner diameter of the ring is shaped so as to achieve flush contact with the
outermost assemblies. The core former ring is welded to the inner diameter of the core barrel.
Each core assembly is equipped with a second load pad centered 4 in. above the fueled zone of
the reactor and a peripheral core former ring is present at this elevation. Normally the core
assemblies contact one another only at the two load pads, which completely circumscribe the
hexagonal ducts. The clearance between ducts is provided to prevent general contact at end of
life due to swelling, creep (rounding of the flats), and differential bowing, but the exact clearance
will need to be confirmed by analysis.

3.2 Reactivity Control and Shutdown Systems

As mentioned above, two independent safety-grade reactivity control systems were employed: a
primary and a secondary reactivity control system. The primary system is required to have
sufficient reactivity worth to bring the reactor from any operating condition to cold sub-critical at
the refueling temperature with the most reactive control assembly stuck at the full power
operating position. Any operating condition means an overpower condition together with a
reactivity fault. The maximum worth of a control assembly is used as the base of this reactivity
fault. The primary system also serves to compensate for the reactivity effects of the fuel burnup
and axial growth of metal fuel. The reactivity associated with uncertainties in criticality and
fissile loading is accommodated by the primary control system.

The secondary system is required to shut down the reactor from any operating condition to the
hot standby condition, also with the most reactive assembly inoperative. It does not have to
duplicate the primary system capability to hold down the excess reactivity for the fuel cycle
since this excess reactivity is not additional reactivity to be overridden at an accident. Although
the secondary system must shut down the reactor without insertion of the primary control
assemblies, it is not necessary to assume that the primary assemblies are removed from the core
during an accident situation. Since reactivity uncertainties are accommodated by the primary
system, they are not a part of the secondary system requirements. However, the reactivity fault is
included in the secondary system requirements since the secondary system should override the
uncontrollable withdrawal of one primary control assembly that is being used for burnup control.

3.2.1 Primary Control Rod System


3.2.2 Secondary Control Rod System


FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

3.3 Reactor Vessel and Enclosure System

3.3.1 Reactor Vessel

The reactor vessel assembly is comprised of the reactor vessel, top closure head (or deck), the
rotatable plugs. the guard vessel, the vessel/deck support structure, the core support structure,
core barrel, thermal barriers, shielding, the redan, and other permanent internal structures. The
design is based on the experience of the reactor vessels used for the EBR-II, Phenix, PFR, and
SuperPhenix LMR reactor plants. A major difference, however, is that the design concept shown
here separates the reactor and guard vessels, and also employs a conical ring support structure
that avoids the need for welding dissimilar metals. There are no penetrations in the reactor
vessel; all equipment—IHXs, pumps, piping, instrumentation, cold traps, fuel handling
equipment, and other components---penetrate the top closure head, or deck. The entire reactor
vessel assembly is located in a steel-lined concrete cavity in the reactor containment building.
The top of the reactor vessel deck is approximately at grade level. The reactor vessel assembly
constitutes the primary sodium coolant system boundary that envelopes and supports the reactor
core, reactor vessel internals, and all of the primary system components. There is an inert gas
(argon) blanket between the reactor vessel deck and the bulk sodium free surface.

The design of the reactor vessel assembly incorporates appropriate measures and details that will
facilitate fabrication, construction, and operational maintenance. The design incorporates
recommendations made by an experienced reactor vessel fabricator on a similar concept
developed at ANL. In addition, removal of any component for repair or replacement follows a
common scheme, i.e., use of a heavy-shielded cask placed over the piece of equipment, sealed to
the component support flange in the deck, and lifting the equipment up into the cask.
The reactor vessel assembly is designed to:

 Provide a very high level of reliability of primary sodium containment.

 Provide support for the reactor core, reactor vessel internals, primary system components,
and certain components of the fuel handling system
 Accommodate high static loads at design temperatures.
 Accommodate loads from design basis natural hazards.
 Accommodate loads from design basis accidents, including dynamic loads and thermal
 Minimize the dead load deflections and thermal distortions (e.g., bowing of the deck
structure) to assure positive equipment alignment.
 Provide a structure that can be field-erected to stringent tolerances,
 Ensure symmetrical radial thermal expansion of the reactor vessel assembly about its
vertical center axis.
 Provide reliable positioning of supported components (e.g., pumps, IHXs, etc.).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

3.3.2 Reactor Vessel Enclosure

The reactor vessel enclosure forms the top closure for the reactor vessel. It supports the primary
pumps, intermediate heat exchangers (IHXs), cold trap nozzles, rotatable plugs, the direct reactor
auxiliary system heat exchangers, and other equipment. The individual rotatable plugs, in turn,
supports the three instrument trees and the three in-vessel fuel handling machines, the control rod
drivelines, as well as various instruments needed to monitor conditions inside the reactor vessel.

The reactor vessel enclosure is constructed of austenitic stainless steel. The enclosure, along with
the reactor vessel, is supported by the conical support skirt that transfers the entire weight of the
enclosure and the reactor vessel to the concrete support structure. The enclosure is bolted to the
reactor vessel and there are seals welded around the interface between the enclosure and the
reactor vessel to eliminate the release of cover gases through the reactor vessel/enclosure

The reactor vessel enclosure is a solid piece of stainless steel about <TBD> inches in thickness.
It is <TBD> feet in outer diameter. Openings are machined in the cover for those primary
systems components that penetrate through to the primary vessel, such as the components
mentioned above. Nozzles are welded to these openings that provide support for the primary
system components and a location for sealing the components to the vessel enclosure. Reflective
thermal insulation is attached to the bottom of the reactor vessel enclosure to reduce the amount
of heat being conducted through the enclosure itself. Fiberglass insulation is added above the
cover to reduce the amount of heat lost to the surrounding concrete.

The reactor vessel enclosure fulfills several important functions. These are:

 The reactor vessel and some portion of the enclosure form the primary coolant boundary,
and contain all of the radioactive materials produced by the reactor during operation.
These materials include the sodium coolant and any gaseous or solid radioactive
materials released from the fuel elements due to cladding failure.
 Provides support for four IHXs, two primary pumps, three DRACS heat exchangers, two
cold trap nozzles, the rotatable plugs, and various other equipment and instrumentation.
A gas tight seal is provided between the enclosure and all penetrations.
 Provides sufficient stiffness to limit the vertical deformation during the safe shutdown
earthquake (SSE) to a very small number (TBD).
 Minimize heat loss to the inside of the reactor building.
 Provide adequate rigidity to meet alignment needs for the primary sodium pumps,
intermediate heat exchangers, rotatable plug, and the upper internal structure.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

3.3.3 Guard Vessel

The guard vessel provides the secondary containment for the primary sodium in the very unlikely
event that the reactor vessel develops a leak. The guard vessel is sized such that the gap (8.5
inches) between it and the reactor vessel is:

 Wide enough to accommodate in-service inspection devices

 Narrow enough to prevent the primary sodium from dropping to an unacceptable level
within the reactor vessel if the reactor vessel should develop a leak. The sodium level
must remain high enough to keep the IHX and DRACS HX inlets covered to provide a
path for natural convection cooling of the core during a leak in the reactor vessel.

The guard vessel is constructed of austenitic stainless steel. If carbon steel were acceptable, it
would facilitate the use of magnetically-operated remote devices needed to carry out the periodic
in-service inspection (ISI) required for the reactor vessel and associated structures and
components. With austenitic stainless steel, the equipment used for ISI would require use of
friction or scissors-like devices to scan the entire outer surface of the reactor vessel.

Insulation is provided on the exterior of the guard vessel to reduce the heat lost to the guard
vessel cooling system. A guard cooling shroud is provided on the outside of the insulation that
forces air to flow around the supporting concrete structure and up over the guard vessel
insulation to prevent overheating of the concrete support structure during normal and off-normal

3.3.4 Reactor Containment Boundary and Structure


3.4 Primary Heat Transport System

The basic function of the primary heat transport system (PHTS) is to transport heat from the
reactor to the intermediate heat transport system (IHTS) under normal and off- normal operating
conditions. The arrangement of the PHTS is shown in Figure 3-30 and Figure 3-31.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 3-30: Vertical View of Primary System

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016


Figure 3-31: Plan View of the Primary System

The PHTS is located inside of the primary vessel. The coolant used for heat transport in the
PHTS is sodium. The sodium in the primary vessel is divided into a hot pool and cold pool by a
cylindrical and lobed structure, called the redan. The PHTS consists of two primary pumps, four
intermediate heat exchangers (IHXs), and expansion joints between the pumps and the reactor
inlet plenum. The two pumps and four IHXs are located symmetrically around the reactor. The
two pumps are located in the cold pool, and each of the four IHXs is located within the redan and
penetrates through the redan from the hot pool to the cold pool. The IHXs have no primary
piping associated with them; the hot primary sodium enters the IHX inlet through openings in the
IHX shell side at the top of the IHX and is discharged to the cold region at the bottom of the
IHX. The hydraulic difference between the hot pool and cold pool is the driving force of flow
through the IHXs.

In this pool configuration the pumps as well as the IHXs are supported from the reactor vessel
deck, which is maintained near ambient temperature. The flexible seal between each IHX and the
redan accommodates thermal and seismic motions. The flexible coupling between the discharge
of each pump and the reactor inlet plenum, which is fixed to the lower core support structure,
also accommodates thermal and seismic motions. The flexible coupling is designed to
accommodate the small amount of differential thermal expansion between the pump and the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

lower support structure, including the differential thermal expansion of these items from
shutdown to full power conditions.

A total sodium flow of 3,344 lbs/s removes the heat from the core and passes into the upper
plenum at an average temperature of 510°C. The core effluent mixes with the hot sodium in the
plenum and flows up into the redan to four IHXs. Approximately 75 MWt of heat is transferred
from the primary to the secondary coolant in each IHX. The primary sodium leaves the IHX at
355°C and enters the cold pool region of the reactor vessel. Two pumps take the sodium from the
cold pool and discharge it through inlet piping to the inlet plenum below the reactor core.

The PHTS must satisfy all normal and off-normal conditions specified in the duty cycle for the
plant. In addition to full power 2-loop operation, the PHTS must provide heat removal for 50%
power operation when only one IHTS loop is available or 50% when one primary pump is out-
of-service. The system, along with the core and the IHX, is arranged to remove decay heat under
natural circulation conditions. Maintainability and inspectability are important considerations in
the design of the PHTS.

3.4.1 Primary Reactor Coolant Pumps

This subsection provides details on the primary reactor coolant pumps. Characteristics of the
mechanical pumps are described below, and a description of the design analysis follows the
pump characteristics. Mechanical Pump Characteristics

The FASTER primary and secondary pumps are mechanical centrifugal pumps located in the
cold pool of the primary system and the cold leg of the intermediate heat transport system.

The resulting design parameters are summarized in Table 3-19 and the FASTER mechanical
pump is schematically compared with that of EBR-II in Figure 3-32.

Table 3-19: Mechanical Pump Design Parameters

Mass flow rate, kg/s 758.3
Vol. flow rate, m3/s (868kg/m3 Na density) 0.88
Pump head, kPa 704
Power, kW 950
Efficiency, % 85
Pump length, m 9.18
Pump diameter, m 0.889
Suction nozzle diameter, cm 60.96
Discharge nozzle diameter, cm 50.8

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-32: Schematic Comparison of FASTER and EBR-II Pumps

3.4.2 Intermediate Heat Exchanger

The IHXs transfer heat from the radioactive sodium coolant in the primary heat transport system
to the nonradioactive sodium coolant in the intermediate heat transport system. Four sodium-to-
sodium heat exchangers rated at 75 MWt each are used to transfer the 300 MWt core power at
full-power conditions corresponding to core inlet and outlet temperatures of 355°C and 510°C,

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

There are several factors that are important in the evaluation of the overall IHX design. These
factors include materials of construction, tube configuration (straight vs. bent), shell vs. tube-side
primary flow, elevation of the IHX within the primary system, shape of the IHX (in plan view),
and primary flow-side pressure drop (i.e., low pressure loss is needed to ensure adequate natural
convection primary sodium flow during loss-of-flow events). The various design choices that
have been made, along with the underlying rationale for these choices, are described below.

The heat exchanger arrangement selected is a shell-and-tube counter-current flow arrangement

with the primary flow on the shell-side, and secondary sodium flow on the tube side. Major
features of these heat exchangers are graphically depicted in Figure 3-33, while key design
information is provided in Table 3-20. The tube-side secondary flow was selected to simplify
cleaning of the heat exchanger tubes in the event of a leak in the water Rankine superheated
steam cycle system. Moreover, this configuration maximizes the ability of the IHX to
accommodate any pressure transients that may arise if a secondary heat exchanger tube were to
rupture, since for a given tube wall thickness the tubing is much stronger in tension (internal
pressure source) versus compression (external pressure source).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 3-33: Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design

The installation of the IHXs inside the reactor vessel is illustrated in Figure 3-30. Each unit is
vertically suspended from two rigid pipes that are welded to the IHX shroud. These pipes extend
upward from the hot pool and are welded to the underside of a removable integral plug in the
reactor vessel head. The IHXs pass through horizontal plate sections of the redan, which is
contoured (in plan view) to accommodate the kidney-shaped IHX design that has been selected
to minimize the reactor vessel diameter.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 3-20: Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design Parameters

Heat transfer capacity, MW 75
Thermal design margin +25%
Heat transfer area, m2 231
Primary sodium temperature, inlet ˚C /outlet ˚C 510/355
Primary sodium mass flowrate, kg/s 379.15
Secondary sodium temperature, inlet ˚C /outlet ˚C 279/499
Secondary side sodium mass flowrate, kg/s 265
Tube outer diameter, cm 1.59
Tube wall thickness, mm 0.889
Tube pitch, cm 2.5
Active Tube Length, m 3.85
Number of tubes 1,200
Tube sheet – thickness, mm 100
Downc omer piping – OD, cm 32.39
Downcomer piping– thickness, mm 9.525
Downcomer piping – length, m 11.89
Riser piping – OD, cm 45.72
Riser piping – thickness, mm 9.525
Riser piping – length, m 7.14
Shell (primary) side pressure drop, KPa 15.96
Tube (secondary) side pressure drop, KPa 30.76
Shell height, m 4.96
Shell outside diameter, main body, m / maximum, m 1.038/1.145
Shell thickness, mm 19
Tube material 9Cr-1Mo

Primary sodium enters the shell side of each IHX through a series of 20 cm diameter circular
openings in the shell approximately 30 cm below the upper tube sheet. These openings allow
sodium from the hot plenum to enter the IHX with minimal head loss. Also, introduction of the
sodium below the upper tube sheet minimizes the thermal shock to this relatively thick
component during transients. The sodium then flows downward through the shell and vents
through a 10 cm wide gap around the lower tube sheet that leads to a 32 cm diameter exit nozzle
that discharge directly into the cold pool.

A seal mechanism between the IHX vertical outer wall and the vertical inner wall of the neutron
shielding well is provided to prevent sodium bypass from the hot pool to the cold pool. Minor
leakage of these seals is permissible. As shown in Figure 3-33, the shell side includes a series of
horizontally mounted, disk and donut-type baffle plates uniformly spaced at 77 cm intervals
along the length of the tube bank. Aside from providing lateral support for the tubes, these plates
promote cross-flow and mixing that enhances thermal performance on the shell (primary) side.
The plates are made from 6.4 mm steel plate and occlude 55 % of the vertical flow path at each

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

plate location. As shown Table 3-20, the plates are orificed (45 % equivalent porosity) to reduce
flow pressure drop; a schematic
IH X O showing
R IF ICthe
E Borifice
AFFL design
E is provided in Figure 3-34. This
approach is similar to that P
used in the GE PRISM
L A TE D E S IG N Mod B IHX design.


T U B E D IA M E T E R , D

F L O W H O L E D IA M E TE R , D h



Figure 3-34: Plan View Fof

A R MOrifice Baffle
E R _ IH X _ O R IF IC E _ B A F F LPlate
E _ P L A TE _Design
A C (1 1 4 )_ 5 / 3 1 / 0 6

As shown in Figure 3-33, cold intermediate sodium enters the IHX through a central 32.4 cm
downcomer. The downcomer delivers the cold sodium through the lower tube sheet into a header
manifold, where it then turns 180° and rises through the tube bank in counter current flow to the
shell side primary sodium. The hot intermediate sodium exits the tubes into an upper header
manifold, and then flows through an annular riser which is concentric to the downcomer. The
downcomer is double walled with an annular gap for thermal insulation between the hot and cold
streams. As shown in Figure 3-33, both the downcomer and the 45.7 cm OD annular riser pipes
are equipped with bellows just above the shroud to accommodate any differences in thermal
expansion between the piping and the body of the IHX itself (each unit is rigidly attached to the
removable plug in the reactor vessel head). The upper tube sheet is welded to the shroud, while
the lower tube sheet floats. Thus, the design accommodates differential thermal expansion within
the tube bank also.

The inner wall of the shell operates near the bulk temperature of the sodium in the hot plenum.
Since primary sodium flow is on the shell side of the IHX, there is no need for an insulating
annulus to eliminate heat losses to the bulk sodium or to alleviate high thermal stresses in the

Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel was chosen as the material of construction primarily because the
thermal conductivity is higher than that of the austenitic steels such as Type 304 stainless steel.
Since the heat transfer in sodium-to-sodium heat exchangers can be dominated by the tube wall
thermal resistance, using modified 9Cr-1Mo steel results in considerable reduction in the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

required heat transfer area. The use of Type 304 stainless steel tubes would result in the need for
as much as 20% more heat transfer area as compared to modified 9Cr-1Mo tubes with the same
design characteristics. In addition, modified 9Cr-1Mo has a lower thermal expansion coefficient
compared to Type 304 stainless steel. The higher thermal conductivity material results in lower
temperature differences in component sections and, coupled with the reduced thermal expansion,
results in lower thermal stresses in structural members. This is advantageous during thermal
transients. Straight tubes are selected to simplify fabrication and reduce flow induced vibration

The design of the IHX has been selected such that the primary flow of sodium on the shell side
provides a low pressure drop. Low pressure drop on the primary side is important from two
viewpoints: 1) minimizing the pressure-related structural requirements for the IHX shell, and 2)
promoting the ability to establish natural circulation of the primary sodium in the case of a loss-
of-flow event. Adequate natural convection flow for shutdown heat removal is essential. One key
element of the direct reactor auxiliary cooling system (DRACS) shutdown heat removal system
relies on natural circulation of the primary sodium through the core and IHX to the sodium pool
surrounding the core barrel. Thus, the IHX has been sized and positioned to locate the primary
sodium inlet below the faulted sodium level (primary sodium leak from the primary vessel to the
annulus between it and the guard vessel).

Aside from the overall thermal-hydraulic design of the IHXs, additional analysis is needed to
verify that the thermal stresses in various regions of these units will remain below acceptable
levels to ensure that the plant design lifetime requirement can be met without undue risk of
stress-related failure(s). Furthermore, shielding may need to be incorporated into the design if
calculations indicate excessive activation of the secondary sodium by virtue of the close
proximity of the IHXs to the core.

Note that as part of the design process, thermal-hydraulic calculations were performed that
formed the technical basis for sizing of these units such that they would fit within the available
space between the redan and reactor vessel inner surface, while achieving the desired 75 MWt
rating. In addition, a specialized model was developed in order to accurately evaluate flow
pressure drop on the shell side of the IHX, including the effect of the orificed baffle plates.

3.4.3 Primary Internal Piping System

There is very little primary piping within the reactor vessel assembly for the mechanical pump
connections with the inlet plenum. The discharge of the mechanical centrifugal pump flows into
an articulated coupling that connects the primary pump to the inlet plenum structure. This
primary piping would consist of a main header for each pump with multiple pipes leading from
each pump header into the inlet plenum structure. The main header is connected to a flexible
coupling. The other end of the internal piping is welded to the core inlet plenum.

Each primary piping assembly is supported to take the appropriate mechanical, thermal and
hydraulic loads. The pump hangs from the reactor vessel enclosure and is connected to the inlet
plenum or inlet pipe header (depending upon pump application) by a special, nonrigid, easily
disconnected, low leakage articulated coupling. The flexible coupling allows lateral and vertical

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

movement without losing metal-to-metal contact and accommodates relative displacements

between the pump and the inlet plenum. The coupling has a slip joint to extend or retract the
coupling length with a ball joint at the bottom end. The ball joint at the bottom end is unattached
and connects with the mating seat on the reactor core vessel inlet plenum. During installation, the
pump is lowered vertically into the reactor vessel. When the bottom ball joint contacts with the
mating seat on the inlet plenum, the coupling is compressed, creating spring pressure in the
coupling. The spring pressure maintains the coupling in position and seals the ball joint against
the mating joint of the inlet plenum.

The coupling allows the pump to be removed or installed without cutting the inlet interface. The
coupling can permit some leakage but must provide flexibility to accommodate thermal
movements, be sufficiently stable to avoid flow induced vibrations, and accommodate seismic
loads. No valves or movable flow control devices are part of the inlet piping or flexible coupling.
Pipe insulation is not required.

3.5 Intermediate Heat Transport System

This section provides details on the Intermediate Heat Transport System (IHTS). Requirements
of the IHTS and a general description are provided in Section 3.5.1. The intermediate sodium
pump is described in Section 3.5.2. Associated piping is described in Section 3.5.3, and a
description of the IHTS storage and expansion tanks is provided in Section 3.5.4.

3.5.1 System Requirements and Description

The intermediate heat transport system (IHTS) circulates secondary sodium coolant, transporting
heat from the radioactive sodium in the primary heat transport system (PHTS) to the power
generation system. Currently, Rankine steam cycle power generation system is adopted for

The IHTS is composed of two completely independent loops, as shown in Figure 3-35. This
figure shows the plan view of the piping runs to the secondary steam generator. The flowrate
through both loops is controlled to maintain the primary sodium coolant temperature at design
operation conditions. With the exception of the short pipe runs of the hot and cold sodium piping
connected to the IHX and running from the IHX to the steam generator, the entire IHTS is
contained within the steam generator facility that is part of the reactor building.

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Figure 3-35: Plan View of IHTS Layout

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March 31, 2016

Figure 3-36: Elevation View of IHTS Layout

The secondary sodium exits the upper portion of the IHX after being heated to 499°C. The
sodium then exits the reactor containment and traverses the short distance to the adjacent steam
generator production facility inside the reactor building. Here, the hot sodium enters the top of
the steam generators and transfers heat to the water before exiting at the bottom of these units.
After exiting at the bottom of the steam generator, the secondary sodium circulates to the IHTS
mechanical pump where it is pumped back to the reactor containment and cold side of the IHX.
The tube walls of the IHX constitute the principal barrier for isolation of the activated primary
sodium from the sodium in the secondary system. In the unlikely event of an IHX tube leak,
sodium leakage will occur from the IHTS to the PHTS due to the fact that the secondary system
is maintained at a pressure of at least 1.72 bar (24.9 psig) in excess of the primary system. The
excess pressure is due to sodium hydrostatic head (~20.6 m) that is provided by the higher
elevation of the secondary loop relative to the primary loop (see Figure 3-36). Radiation
detectors on the outlet (hot leg) piping from the IHX monitor for indications of contamination of
the secondary loop sodium.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Major components in each of the two loops include a mechanical pump, a steam generator, a
sodium storage tank, two IHXs (tube side) and the piping connecting these components to each
as well as the IHX and steam generator. Details regarding the balance of key system components
are provided below.

Auxiliary systems that connect to the IHTS main loop that are necessary to achieve operational
requirements include a circulating sodium purification system, trace heating, thermal insulation,
and instrumentation that monitors key system parameters including flowrate (with permanently
installed magnetic flowmeter in each cold leg), and temperature differential across the IHTS
(with thermocouples installed at the steam generator inlet and outlet legs).

3.5.2 Intermediate Sodium Pump

One sodium pump is used in each IHTS loop. Each vertically mounted mechanical pump is
submerged in an expansion tank. The pump operates in the cold leg at nominally 279°C.
The pump installation location is shown in the plant elevation view provided in Figure 3-36,
where design details are summarized in Table 3-21. The pump design is very similar to primary
mechanical pump (Section 3.4.1), which minimizes the developmental requirements for

Table 3-21: IHTS Pump Design Parameters

Flow rate, m3/s 758.3
Pump head, KPa 266
Power, kW 260
Efficiency, % 85
Pump length, m (without motor) 4.5
Pump diameter (case), m 0.635
Suction nozzle diameter, cm 53.3
Discharge nozzle diameter, cm 53.3
Drive motor length, m 1.4
Drive motor diameter, m 0.75

Each pump is installed in the expansion tank with controlled cover gas pressure in the gas space
of the tank. The discharge nozzle of the pump is connected to the outlet pipe of the expansion
tank which in turn is connected to the down comer manifold of the two IHXs. The suction nozzle
of the pump is located 2.03 m below the sodium surface in the expansion tank to keep from
forming of vortex in the sodium during the normal pump operation. This sodium level is
maintained through proper cover gas control in the expansion tank and the steam generator.

3.5.3 IHTS Piping

The IHTS piping consists primarily of the main system hot and cold legs which make the
necessary connections between the IHX and the steam generator. The hot leg piping connects to
the secondary sodium outlet of the IHX directly to the steam generator sodium inlet. The IHTS

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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cold leg piping connects the sodium outlet from the steam generator to the EM pump tank inlet
and then from the pump tank discharge to the secondary cold sodium inlet to the IHX.

The IHTS piping is constructed from 45.7 cm OD, 0.952 cm thick-walled (18 inch Schedule
40S) 304 stainless steel piping, primarily because of the lack of corrosion issues for sodium and
the ease of fabrication with this material. The use of this piping diameter and schedule maintains
the sodium flow velocity through the secondary piping system below ~ 7 m/sec (actual value is
6.5 m/sec at full power conditions), which is a rule-of- thumb design criterion for these types of
systems. The use of 304 stainless steel requires dissimilar metal welds connecting the austenitic
Type 304 stainless steel to the ferritic steels used in the IHX. The welding technology for joining
these dissimilar metals is well established.

3.5.4 IHTS Storage and Expansion Tanks

A small secondary loop is included in the IHTS to maintain sodium volume and to provide a
purification pathway for the secondary sodium. The loop supplies sodium from a cold trap to the
IHTS pump tank to maintain a constant level of sodium in the IHTS loop. The recirculation
system uses a fill and overflow approach to maintain the sodium level constant. Spillover into the
pump tank overflow line flows through the secondary piping to the storage tank. Sodium is then
pumped from the storage tank by a small recirculation pump through interconnecting piping to
the cold trap. After circulating through the trap, the sodium circulates back to the pump tank.

The circulating sodium to the storage tank keeps the tank at system temperature during normal
operations. When flow is not available, trace heating is used to keep system components above
the sodium freezing point.

Pressurized argon cover gas is maintained in the pump tank upper plenum. Subsystems must also
be provided to control the argon cover gas pressure and supply.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

4 Power Conversion System

The FASTER reactor incorporates a Rankine superheated steam cycle power converter to
provide electrical power to the grid. Revenue earned through the sale of electricity will be
substantial and may more than offset the annual operating and maintenance costs as well as
defraying part of the construction cost.

4.1 Steam Rankine Cycle

The FASTER power conversion superheated steam cycle is based on the steam cycle previously
developed for the ABR-1000 concept [16,17]. The same cycle layout, developed for ABR-1000,
is currently adopted for FASTER. The steam cycle (Figure 4-1) is assumed to have three stages
of a high pressure turbine, intermediate pressure turbine, and low pressure turbine with moisture
separation and reheat before the last stage, five stages of feedwater heating with steam extraction
lines from the intermediate and low pressure turbines, and three stages of condensate/feedwater

The FASTER steam cycle performance was analyzed using the GateCycle software [18]. The
main assumptions for the model are presented in Table 4-1. Because the FASTER and ABR-
1000 concepts have the same reactor coolant temperature, the same water-side conditions at the
steam generator, 246°C and 16.7 MPa at the inlet and 454°C and 15.5 MPa at the outlet, are
preserved for the FASTER steam cycle from the ABR-1000 design. Similarly, the condenser
back pressure of 0.01 MPa (with a saturation temperature of 46.5°C) and cooling water
temperature of 15.5°C (60°F) are retained for the FASTER steam plant from the ABR-1000

Selected GateCycle results are shown in Figure 4-1. The detailed calculated conditions for each
stream are presented in Table 4-2. Figure 4-2 shows the conditions around the cycle on a
temperature-entropy diagram. Table 4-3 presents the calculated power levels for the turbines,
compressors, and generator. The net power available from the cycle is 122 MWe, which, for the
300 MWth heat input, corresponds to 40.7% of net cycle efficiency. The gross cycle efficiency
equal to the power delivered by the electric generator divided by the heat rate input to the cycle
is equal to 41.8%. The net power and net efficiency values account only for the components
modeled in the cycle in Figure 4-1, such as feedwater pumps. They do not include other plant
loads, such as primary and intermediate sodium pumps, cooling water pumps, closed loop pumps
and air fans, and other electrical plant loads. Therefore, the net plant output and the net plant
efficiency will be less than 122 MWe and 40.7%, respectively. The net plant values may be
calculated later when information on those additional loads becomes available.

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Figure 4-1: FASTER Steam Cycle Power Conversion

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March 31, 2016

Table 4-1: Assumptions for GateCycle Model of Steam Cycle

Component Parameter/Assumption Value
Generator efficiency 98 %
BOP power loss 0
Three turbines are used in the cycle HP, IP, LP
Turbine isentropic efficiency 90 % (all turbines)
Number of extraction lines HP–0, IP–1, LP–3
Shaft/gearbox losses 0
Isentropic efficiency 85 %
Motor/gearbox losses 0
Terminal temperature difference a 5 °F (2.8 °C)
Drain cooler approach a 10 °F (5.6 °C)
Feed Water
Pressure drop 0 (both sides)
Energy loss 1%
Fouling factor 0
Condenser pressure 1.5 psia (0.1 bar)
Condenser Cooling water temperature rise 20 °F (11.1 °C)
Pressure drop 0 (both sides)
Desired duty (to calculate steam flow rate) 300 MW
Steam exit temperature 850 °F (454 °C)
Steam side pressure drop 174 psi (12 bar)
Pipes Pressure drop in pipes 0
[The following definitions are from GateCycle Help] Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD) is
defined as the difference between cold outlet temperature and hot-side saturation temperature (see
figure below). In the TTD design method, the hot inlet stream flow will be demanded from upstream
based on the calculated feedwater heater performance. This is the usual design-point method for the
feedwater heater performance. Drain Cooler Approach Temperature (DCA) is defined in the figure
below. The drain cooler represents a heat exchanger section between the exiting hot stream flow and
the incoming cold stream flow. The input DCA is therefore the desired temperature difference between
these two streams. A typical value for this is 10 °F.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 4-2: Stream Conditions from GateCycle Model

Stream From To Flow Pressure Temperature Enthalpy Quality
kg/sec MPa C kJ/kg
S1 PUMP2 GLD1 103.4113 2.1029 46.65 197.079 0
S10 FWH2 FWH3 103.411 2.1029 97.80 411.2929 0
S11 ST3 M2 3.2425 0.0483 80.47 2465.539 0.9224
S12 SSR1 M2 1.5709 0.1379 239.02 2951.358 1
S13 FWH1 M1 20.0093 0.0483 52.21 218.5222 0
S14 M3 V1 1.7514 1.0342 288.94 3027.404 1
S15 FWH2 FWH1 15.1957 0.1034 83.25 348.5841 0
S16 SP1 SEAL2 130.0203 3.9093 268.68 2869.771 1
S17 FWH3 FWH2 11.6724 0.2551 103.35 433.32 0
S18 PUMP3 FWH5 143.1892 16.712 222.55 959.6943 0
S19 FWH5 FWH4 8.3318 3.9093 228.11 981.6572 0
S2 CND1 PUMP2 103.4113 0.0103 46.49 194.5912 0
S20 FWH3 DA1 103.4104 2.1029 125.32 527.6408 0
S21 ST3 CND1 82.595 0.0103 46.49 2275.106 0.87
S22 ST2 SP2 110.862 0.9446 177.42 2626.777 0.9272
S23 FWH4 DA1 28.1986 2.4132 183.37 778.6751 0
S24 RH2 ST3 93.6771 0.9446 243.98 2931.737 1
S25 SP1 RH2 3.2374 3.9093 268.68 2869.771 1
S26 M6 FWH4 8.2209 2.4132 222.07 1003.499 0.0272
S27 SSR1 CND1 0.4788 0.1379 239.02 2951.358 1
S28 ST2 SP3 16.6296 2.4132 222.07 2785.476 0.9919
S29 GLD1 FWH1 103.4113 2.1029 46.65 197.079 0
S3 FWH1 FWH2 103.411 2.1029 77.69 326.8663 0
S30 GLD1 M1 0.3276 0.1 238.34 2951.358 1
S31 M1 CND1 20.3369 0.0483 62.73 262.5437 0
S32 SSR1 GLD1 0.3276 0.1379 239.02 2951.358 1
S33 FWH4 PUMP3 143.1892 3.0682 219.29 940.6294 0
S34 M2 FWH1 4.8134 0.0483 80.47 2624.093 0.9911
S35 SRC2 SSR1 0 0.0965 148.89 2774.395 1
S36 SP1 FWH5 8.3318 3.9093 268.68 2869.771 1
S37 SEAL2 ST2 127.4913 3.9093 268.68 2869.771 1
S38 V1 DA1 1.7514 1.0342 288.94 3027.404 1
S39 SEAL2 M3 0.8118 1.0342 218.67 2869.771 1
S4 DA1 PUMP1 143.1892 0.9446 177.42 751.7422 0
S40 SEAL1 M3 0.9396 1.0342 352.70 3163.602 1
S41 SEAL1 M4 0.6601 0.1379 344.44 3163.602 1
S42 SEAL2 M4 1.7172 0.8274 214.19 2869.771 1
S43 M4 SSR1 2.3773 0.1379 239.02 2951.358 1
S44 FWH5 SG 143.1892 16.712 246.20 1068.471 0
S45 SP3 RH1 4.9835 2.4132 222.07 2785.476 0.9919
S46 RH1 RH2 93.6771 0.9446 217.07 2870.524 1
S47 MSEP1 RH1 93.6771 0.9446 177.42 2774.018 1
S48 ST1 SP1 141.5895 3.9093 268.68 2869.771 1
S49 SP3 FWH4 11.6461 2.4132 222.07 2785.476 0.9919
S5 SG SEAL1 143.1892 15.512 454.00 3163.602 1
S50 M5 FWH3 11.6726 0.2551 128.10 1474.399 0.4296
S51 MSEP1 M5 7.3562 0.9446 177.42 751.7422 0
S52 RH1 M6 4.9835 2.4132 222.07 953.271 0
S53 RH2 M6 3.2374 3.9093 248.98 1080.818 0
S54 SP2 MSEP1 101.0332 0.9446 177.42 2626.777 0.9272
S55 SP2 DA1 9.8288 0.9446 177.42 2626.777 0.9272
S6 PUMP1 FWH4 143.1892 3.0682 177.81 754.5505 0
S7 ST3 M5 4.3164 0.2551 128.10 2705.985 0.9948
S8 SEAL1 ST1 141.5895 15.512 454.00 3163.602 1
S9 ST3 FWH2 3.5233 0.1034 100.57 2570.618 0.9529
Cooling Water Inlet CND1 CND1 3756.721 0.1034 15.56 65.3944 0
Cooling Water Exit CND1 CND1 3756.721 0.1034 26.67 111.8556 0

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Main Loop
450 Extraction Lines
Saturation (Liguid)
400 Saturation (Vapor)

Temperature, oC

250 ST2



100 FWH2
0 2 4 6 8 10
Entropy, kJ/kg-K
Figure 4-2: Temperature-Entropy Diagram of FASTER Steam Cycle

Table 4-3: Steam Cycle Power Balance

Equipment GateCycle Icon Power, MW
High Pressure Turbine ST1 41.605
Intermediate Pressure Turbine ST2 28.342
Low Pressure Turbine ST3 57.995
Total Shaft Power - 127.942
Generator Output - 125.383
Condensate Pump PUMP2 -0.257
Feedwater Low Pressure Pump PUMP1 -0.402
Feedwater High Pressure Pump PUMP3 -2.730
Net Steam Cycle Power 121.993

The FASTER steam cycle has not yet been optimized. In fact, the entire steam plant layout in
Figure 4-1 may not be optimal. This cycle layout, with three turbine stages and moisture
separation and reheat between the stages, was developed for commercial applications, such as
the ABR-1000, to maximize the cycle efficiency. The maximum cycle efficiency and, therefore,
maximum plant output are not the primary missions of the test FASTER reactor and, therefore,
may not be required for this plant. The capital cost of the cycle may be a more important factor
in selecting the steam plant design and operating conditions. Thus, it is possible that the steam
plant layout in Figure 4-1 may be changed later as a result of the FASTER plant cost analysis.

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March 31, 2016

One particular area of the tradeoff between the steam cycle cost and performance is the moisture
separation with reheat between the turbine stages. Table 4-4 shows the required heat transfer
areas (tube surface) as calculated by GateCycle for the steam plant heat exchangers. By far, the
two largest heat exchangers are the two stages of the steam reheater. Therefore, these two
components are expected to be the most expensive heat exchangers in the steam plant (with the
exception of the steam generator, the design of which is not included into the GateCycle model).
So, if the capital cost limitations become more important for the FASTER testing facility than
the amount of power delivered to the grid, these two heat exchangers will be the primary
candidates for size reduction or even elimination. In either case, both the cycle layout and
conditions (such as main steam pressure) may be changed from those presented in Figure 4-1.

For similar reasons, and also due to site-specific environmental conditions, the design of the
condenser in Table 4-4 and the condenser pressure in Figure 4-1 should only be considered
preliminary in this report and could change in the future.

The U.S. DOE is currently supporting the development of the supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) Brayton
cycle with the goal of demonstration through pre-commercial scale. If significant reductions in
cost can be demonstrated by switching from a superheated steam cycle to a S-CO2 Brayton cycle
and the S-CO2 Brayton cycle will be ready in time for deployment with FASTER, then the S-
CO2 Brayton cycle may be considered as a less costly power conversion alternative for FASTER.

Table 4-4: Heat Transfer Surface Area

Equipment GateCycle Icon Area, m2
Condenser CND1 2,454
Feedwater Heater, Stage 1 FWH1 379
Feedwater Heater, Stage 2 FWH2 301
Feedwater Heater, Stage 3 FWH3 340
Feedwater Heater, Stage 4 FWH4 636
Feedwater Heater, Stage 5 FWH5 460
Reheater, Stage 1 RH1 10,360
Reheater, Stage 2 RH2 7,947

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

5 Shutdown Heat Removal System

The shutdown heat removal system is completely independent from the normal decay heat
removal through the intermediate heat transport system, and is activated only when the normal
heat removal system is disabled. The system consists of three independent, redundant, and
diverse heat removal loops. Each loop consists of a small in-vessel direct reactor auxiliary
cooling system (DRACS), a secondary natural draft heat exchanger (NDHX), an expansion tank,
and an exterior stack that forms the natural draft pathway for dissipating the decay heat to the
atmosphere. A schematic diagram showing key elements of the system is shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1: Schematic Diagram of Shutdown Heat Removal System

The DRACS heat exchangers are positioned directly in the sodium cold pool. Moreover, there
are no valves or other mechanical devices that isolate the primary sodium from the DRACS.
Thus, during full power operation, primary cold pool sodium circulates at a modest flow rate
through the shell side of the DRACS. However, when activated, buoyancy-driven natural
convection flow of the primary sodium through the DRACS is initiated.

The core decay heat is transferred by natural convection flow of primary sodium from the reactor
hot pool through the IHX flow path to the cold pool. Heat from the primary sodium cold pool is
then transferred through the DRACS to the secondary sodium-potassium (NaK) eutectic passing
through the heat exchanger tubes. All three loops are capable of operating in a natural convection
mode, in which buoyancy driven convection causes the secondary NaK to circulate through the
natural draft heat exchangers where the airflow transfers the heat from the NaK to the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

atmosphere. The secondary NaK flow circuits (one for each of the three independent systems)
are completely passive without any valves or constrictions to limit the flow during normal
operation or shutdown conditions.

On the tertiary (air) side of the systems, the natural convection circuits are passive except for
magnetically latched dampers that prevent air flow on the air inlet side of the three NDHXs.
Upon loss of electrical power to the electro-magnetic latch, the dampers fail by gravity in the
open position. The DRACS are brought into full operation by opening of these dampers. The
dampers are designed to provide an air leak rate that corresponds to nominally 1% of the full
design flow rate in the closed position, which results in a parasitic heat loss of ~ 22.5 kW during
full power operation. This minor heat loss is included in the design to maintain the correct
natural convection flow patterns in the primary, secondary, and tertiary sides of the system so
that proper natural convection flow patterns are established immediately upon system activation.
Moreover, continuous heat addition to the system is desirable in regions where the ambient
temperature can fall below the NaK freezing temperature of nominally -13°C.

Alternatively, two of the three DRACS loops are capable of operating in a forced convection
mode to control (i.e., limit) the heat removal rate from the reactor vessel during planned
shutdowns (e.g., fuel shuffling operations). As shown in Figure 5-1, the secondary NaK sides of
these two loops are equipped with EM pumps, so that the loop flowrates can be modulated by
adjusting the applied voltage to the pumps. The tertiary air loops on these two units are also
equipped with fans so that the heat removal rate through the NDHXs can be adjusted as needed.
The EM pumps and fans are selected since these devices have large open flow areas that do not
significantly impede natural convection when the loops are operated in that manner.

The three DRACS are designed to remove 750 kW each at normal operating conditions. The
thermal rating for each DRACS thus corresponds to 0.25% of the core full power rating of 300
MWt. The three DRACS are thus capable of removing 2.25 MW of decay heat at design
conditions. Since the DRACS are located inside the reactor vessel, any leakage from the DRACS
or ancillary piping will not lead to coolant drain down. The DRACS are annular in shape, and are
mounted inside of the well of cold pool in the redan.

Key design parameters for the DRACS are summarized in Table 5-1, while a drawing that
illustrates key features is provided in Figure 5-2. The DRACS is a shell- and-tube, counter-
current flow-type heat exchanger with primary flow on the shell-side, and NaK flow on the tube
side. Primary sodium from the cold pool enters the shell side of the DRACS through an annular
ring opening in the shroud located just below the upper tube sheet. The sodium flows by natural
convection down through the tube bundle while dissipating heat. The sodium then returns to the
cold pool through a second annular ring opening located just above the lower tube sheet. Cold
secondary NaK enters the DRACS through a 6.03 cm diameter downcomer. The downcomer
delivers the cold NaK through the lower tube sheet into a header manifold, where it then turns
180° and rises through the tube bank in counter current flow to the shell side primary sodium.
The hot secondary NaK exits the tubes into an upper header manifold, and then flows through an
annular riser which is concentric to the downcomer. The downcomer is double walled with an
annular gap for thermal insulation between the hot and cold streams.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 5-1: DRACS Design Parameters

Heat transfer capacity, kW 750
Heat transfer area, m2 7.64
Primary sodium temperature, inlet, C°/outlet, C° 510/355
Primary sodium mass flowrate, kg/s 3.793
Secondary NaK temperature, inlet, C°/outlet, C° 328/484
Secondary NaK mass flowrate, kg/s 5.47
Tube outer diameter, cm 2.22
Tube wall thickness, mm 0.9
Tube pitch, cm 3.79
Effective tube length, m 2.489
Number of tubes 44
Upper tubes sheet area, m2 0.053
Upper tube sheet thickness, mm 25
Lower tube sheet area, m2 0.053
Lower tube sheet thickness, mm 25
Riser piping-OD, cm 8.89
Riser piping thickness, mm 5.49
Down comer piping OD, cm 6.03
Down comer piping thickness, mm 3.912
Shell OD, cm 32.26
Shell wall thickness, mm 9.525
Material 9Cr-1Mo

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Ø 1 2 .8
Ø 1 2 .0 0 0 0

R is e r O D 3 .5

D ow n C om er O D

9 8 .0

Figure 5-2: Details of DRACS Design

Both the downcomer and the annular riser pipes are equipped with bellows just above the shroud
to accommodate any differences in thermal expansion between the piping and the body of the
DRACS itself. The upper tube sheet is welded to the shroud, while the lower tube sheet floats.
Thus, the design accommodates differential thermal expansion within the tube bank.

Consistent with the thermal rating of the DRACS, each NaK-to-air NDHX is designed to remove
750 kW decay heat. The unit is a horizontal tube, cross-flow design. Key design parameters are
summarized in Table 5-2. The unit is equipped with a fire suppression plate and catch basin to
mitigate the effects of a NaK tube bundle leak. The damper to the unit is magnetically latched to
fail open under gravity upon loss of electric power. The unit will also have a manual hand-wheel
operation capability.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 5-2: NDHX Design Parameters

Heat transfer capacity 750 kW
Transverse-finned tube
cross-flow, four pass
Active tube length 7.8 m
Number of tubes 34
HX tube OD 4.22 cm
Tube wall thickness 3.55 mm
Fin height 3.2 mm
Tube horizontal center-to-center spacing 7.62 cm
Tube vertical center-to-center spacing 10.2 cm
Stack riser cross-sectional area 4.34 m2
Stack height 5.0 m
Type 304
stainless steel

Air flow through each NDHX is induced through a dedicated exhaust stack, one for each unit.
Each stack is 5 m high and 4.34 m2 in cross section. The stacks are of lightweight steel
construction and are insulated. Each secondary NaK loop contains an expansion tank to
accommodate changes in system volume due to variations in temperature. The tank has one NaK
nozzle on the bottom and one gas nozzle on the top, which supplies argon cover gas to the tank
and permits pressure control. The tank is located at the high point in the loop. The resultant NaK
static head is sufficient to operate the loop with expansion tank cover gas pressures at, or slightly
below, atmospheric pressure. In the event of a leak in the DRACS, loss of radioactive primary
sodium into the secondary NaK loop will not occur. In the event of a leak in the NDHX, the
resultant spill is minimized because of the low expansion tank operating pressure.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

6 Fuel Handling System

A conceptual design for a pantograph type Fuel Handling Machine (FHM) has been developed
for FASTER. The FHM is a mechanical system which is operated using several computer
controlled direct current servo motors located above the reactor head. The FHM is designed as a
removable mechanism which can be exchanged during reactor shutdown to perform scheduled
maintenance on the system’s mechanical components. The FHM is supported by the primary
reactor vessel cover.

The cover gas space above the liquid sodium inside the reactor vessel determines the overall
height of the FHM main structural support tube to assure that all of the moving mechanical
components (other than bare rotating shafts) are submerged in the liquid sodium at all times.
Exposed surfaces inside the cover gas space may be subjected to condensation and freezing of
sodium vapor (sodium frost) and possible deposition of sodium oxides.

Figure 6-1: FHM Located Above the Core Assembly (1 - Instrument Tree and 1 - FHM Removed for

6.1 Pantograph FHM

The FHM design was developed to reduce the height of the mechanism to suit a smaller sized
primary vessel due to the planned compact nature of FASTER. Figure 6-2 shows the overall
assembly of the pantograph mechanism concept in the fully extended and retracted positions.
Although preliminary, enough detail has been incorporated to simulate and evaluate its overall
operational characteristics.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The FHM design concept presented here does not attach to the grid plenum near the lower end of
the main structural support tube, although a configuration which does attach may be developed
in the future if detailed structural analyses indicate that it is required. A tapered feature on the
core hold down assembly engages features in the top of the core assemblies and may help to
reduce the deflections at the bottom of the main structural support tube while under refueling
loads (this has to be investigated further with more detailed analyses performed).

The FHM remains in the reactor vessel during reactor operation. The design intention is to
remove the fuel handling system for scheduled maintenance periods (and replace with a
removable plug) for cleaning and inspection of the primary structures and mechanical drive
system components.

Figure 6-2: FHM in Fully Extended and Retracted Positions

Figure 6-3 shows an exploded assembly view of the pantograph FHM, which identifies the major
components of this conceptual design.

The pantograph is controlled by a computerized drive system which provides several distinct and
isolated motions to manipulate the fuel, control rod, reflector, and shielded assemblies inside of
the reactor vessel. The drive motors utilize planetary reduction gear sets to achieve the required
torque to move the simulated core assembly while under the maximum design loads.
Calculations for the maximum forces required to operate the mechanism have been used to
estimate the size of various components based on expected frictional resisting forces.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-3: Overall Exploded Assembly View of Pantograph FHM

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The design of the FASTER FHM requires attention to several parameters in its operation; a
preliminary list of the design requirements is provided here (additional requirements may be
identified or requirements may be removed as the design matures):

 3 Removable FHMs mounted in the fixed reactor head enclosure.

 Ability to transfer straight or bowed core assemblies in liquid sodium between core,
storage and transfer positions inside FASTER.
 Minimize the height of FHM to fit small compact reactor vessels.
 Required (Isolated) Control Motions of Core Assembly using FHM.
 Rotate FHM with respect to the vessel cover.
 Apply “hold down and spreading forces” to surrounding core assemblies by raising or
lowering the FHM from above the vessel cover.
 Extend or retract the pantograph arm horizontally to reach all required positions inside
the reactor vessel.
 Raise and lower the core assembly into pantograph arm (6,000 lbs. (6,690 N) max load).
 Rotate core assembly while it is fully removed from reactor core.
 Open and close gripper jaws while lowered to engage/disengage core assembly.
 Utilize simple (standard) mechanisms wherever possible to reduce number of
 Design to allow provisions for manual operation and visual position feedback above
vessel cover.
 Utilize multiple redundant positional feedback encoders.
 Minimize the number and types of penetrations and seals required for operation.
 Be mindful of the design requirements for the UIS and other internal reactor components
to eliminate interferences during operation.
 Handle bowed core assemblies of up to 38mm (1.5”) free bow.
 Positional accuracy of +/- 2.5 mm Horizontal and Vertical at Hold Down.
 Each gripper jaw is designed to individually support entire design load.
 Design control system and structural components for refueling motion times (including
dynamic response).
 Incorporate shielding and eliminate steaming paths using stepped components.
 Design seals to minimize the leakage rates of the cover gas.
 Design in accordance with the material temperature dependent allowable stress values
from Table 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
 Material selections and heat treatments based upon performance in liquid sodium cooled
fast reactor environment (including radiation damage).
 Provide the ability to manually recover from malfunctions during fuel handling
operations from above the reactor cover.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

 Allow for easy inspection and maintenance of drive system components above the reactor
 Control load rates, directions and notify operator of out-of-limit conditions.
 Monitor seal leakage rates on operator panel.

The complexity of the compact FHM and its driving mechanism is increased over the original
PFR and PRISM type refueling machines due to the relocation of drive shaft connections from
the top of the pantograph arm, to a gearbox at the bottom of the pantograph arm in the current
concept. The re-location of these connections reduced the overall height of the pantograph FHM
by approximately 1.75 meters (~6 feet).

A stepped shielded circular plug rotates on a set of bearings which support the entire weight of
the mechanism from the vessel cover. Bi-directional servo gear motors which drive the
mechanism motions are placed above this shielded plug for ease of inspection, maintenance,
manual control access, and increased reliability. Manual connections for operating the
pantograph (in case of computer or electrical failure) are located on the top of the stepped
circular plug. Mechanical and electronic visual indicators show the positions and orientations of
all mechanism components during fuel handling operations.

The pantograph FHM is controlled by a computerized drive system which provides several
distinct and separate motions to move the fuel, control rod, reflector, and shielded assemblies
inside of the reactor vessel. Accelerations provided by the drive motors are ramped up (or slowed
down) at a controlled rate to their maximum velocities to reduce the effects of shock loading on
the mechanical components and maximize their useful lifetimes. The FHM must be designed
such that actuation of any of the single isolated motions does not affect (change) the others.

The controlled motions provided are:

 Raising or lowering of the entire mechanism to apply a required hold down and spreading
forces to the core assemblies surrounding the core assembly being inserted or removed
from the core (this action is performed only when the pantograph arm is located above
the position of interest).
 Horizontal positioning of the pantograph arm above the core assembly of interest via
extension or retraction of the pantograph arm linkages (this action is performed only
while the entire mechanism is lifted above the core).
 Rotation of the pantograph inside the vessel to reach various positions above the core by
rotation of the mechanism on the bearings between the vessel cover and stepped plug
(performed only while the entire mechanism is lifted above the core and the arm is
retracted into the main structural support tube).
 Raising or lowering the core assembly by rotation of a screw mechanism in the gripper
head which uses a series of shafts and gears inside the pantograph arm (performed when
the FHM assembly is in the lowered or “hold down” position).
 Rotation of the core assembly inside the pantograph arm by rotating the gripper using a
series of shafts and gears (this is performed only while the core assembly is fully lifted).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

 Opening or closing of the gripper to engage or release the core assembly being serviced
through a series of shafts and gears (this is performed only with the core assembly fully

Forces applied by the motors are transmitted through stepped shafts which penetrate the shielded
plug to operate the pantograph mechanism (Figure 6-4). The plug and shafts have several types
and sets of seals to assure that the argon cover gas atmosphere inside the reactor vessel is not
contaminated by the air atmosphere inside the reactor building. The main structural support for
the pantograph arm is a hollow tube with a U-shaped welded insert which the pantograph arm
retracts into. This tube is attached to the underside of the stepped shield plug.

Several concepts were evaluated for the external drive system component arrangements, a final
optimized design has yet to be selected and generated for the FASTER FHM drive systems.

Figure 6-4: Pantograph FHM Drive System Component Arrangement

The theory of mechanism design defines all of the kinematic and kinetic properties of
mechanical systems. Kinematics is concerned with the analysis of the relative motion of
components in mechanical systems. The kinematics of the FHM and its components will be
analyzed to evaluate the coordination of input and output positions, velocities and accelerations,
the associated generated motions, transmission angles, and mechanical advantage throughout its
entire range of motion.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Kinetics is concerned with the analysis of motions and responses of mechanisms by externally
applied forces and masses of the mechanism components. The FHM and its components will be
analyzed to include the evaluation of effects on the mechanism due to inertial forces
(acceleration of masses and vibrations), motion time response, elastic body dynamics (stresses,
deformations and buckling), the effects of unbalance and impact due to design (component
tolerances) and wear driven clearances.

The extension/retraction motion is actuated by raising or lowering a shaft using a drive screw
outside of the sodium vessel. The shaft is connected to the top of an extension actuator located
inside the U-shaped support tube. The extension actuator is designed for a clearance fit inside the
U-shaped insert and connects using sliding joints. The mechanical advantage of the mechanism
changes based upon the angle between the primary drive linkage connections and the drive shaft
when the pantograph arm is fully retracted to the angle between the primary linkage connections
and the drive shaft when the pantograph is fully extended.

The mass of the pantograph arm and linkages are accelerated based upon the force which is
transmitted by the extension actuator drive shaft. The acceleration of the mass is not constant if
the force applied remains unchanged and therefore must be analyzed and controlled using the
computerized control system. Appropriate proportional, integral, and differential gains must be
calculated and input into the control system algorithms to assure accuracy of position, limit
component velocities, and minimize shock loading. This preliminary layout of the pantograph
will be optimized in the future to take full advantage of the finalized geometric constraints.

Primary horizontal drive linkages (which are designed to provide the horizontal motion of the
pantograph arm) connect to the pantograph arm using revolute joints and to the U-shaped
structural tube using revolute and sliding bearing joints (Figure 6-5). The secondary drive
linkages connect to the primary linkages (at the midpoint between the primary linkage end
connections) and the U-shaped support tube using simple revolute joints.

Extension drive shafts which operate the gripper jaw open/close, gripper rotation, and gripper
insert/remove motions are located in the space between the horizontal drive linkages of the
pantograph FHM assembly (Figure 6-6).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-5: Assembly view of the pantograph FHM showing its major components.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

As the pantograph arm extends, the extension shafts which control the gripper vertical motion,
rotation, and open/close actuation are allowed to rotate at the ends via the universal joints and
extend in the middle using a spline shaft and recirculating spline nut arrangement. The maximum
angle of rotation of the universal joints when the pantograph arm is fully extended is less than
17.5 degrees.

The gripper is operated using a set of circular extension drive shafts which transmit the forces
from the stepped drive shafts in the shielded plug assembly. The circular extension drive shafts
are connected at the top (to the stepped drive shafts) using universal joints (Figure 6-6). The
shafts and upper universal joints are connected to a welded foundation which is located inside
the U-shaped structural support tube.

Figure 6-6: Upper Universal Joints for FHM Drive System

The rotation of a single universal joint causes non-uniformity in the transmitted motion through
the joint due to a cyclically varying angular velocity ratio (Figure 6-7) between the input and
output shaft. As a remedy, the lower universal joint is appropriately phased to eliminate the
transmission of the cyclically varying angular velocity going into the gear box on the lower end
of the pantograph arm. The extension shafts, however, are subjected to the cyclically varying
angular velocity and this should be taken into account in their design.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-7: The Velocity Ratio Variation through a Universal Joint with Angle of Bend

Universal joints also experience secondary couples or “rocking torques” in the plane of the yokes
which tend to bend the shafts and rock them about their support bearings. The loads calculated
by evaluating the rocking torques while the components are under their maximum design loads
will be used to size the support bearings located at the ends of the universal joints in the welded
foundation and top of the gearbox in the pantograph arm.

The extension shafts use sets of spline shafts and spline nuts located near the middle of the drive
shafts which allow the length of the drive shafts to change as the pantograph arm is extended or
retracted (Figure 6-8). The spline nuts are held inside the upper shaft using spacer tubes to
control their axial location and standard shaft keys are used to control the angular orientation
inside the outer shaft. A welded cap secures the components inside the shaft.

The lower shaft has a spline shaft which engages the spline nuts in the upper (outer) shaft
assembly torque and power is transmitted to the lower shaft through the spline shaft and spline
nut assemblies. The lower shaft is connected (at the bottom) to the gear box on the pantograph
arm using a second set of universal joints which are phased to the universal joints at the top of
the upper shafts to eliminate transmitted angular velocity variations to the drive gears in the gear
box at the bottom of the pantograph arm.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-8: Details of Extension Shaft Arrangement

The lower universal joints then attach to another set of shafts which penetrate the gear box on the
bottom of the pantograph arm (Figure 6-9) and transmit the rotational forces to the gear sets
using standard shaft keys. The main (larger) gears drive the gripper head up and down inside the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

machined pantograph arm assembly using a screw type drive. The remaining two gear sets
provide the gripper jaw open/close actuation and gripper rotation using spline shafts which are
located inside the pantograph arm assembly. The gear box is designed using several machined
components for easy manufacturing and assembly. Drain holes will be designed into the gearbox
to prevent trapping of liquid sodium when the FHM is removed for inspection and maintenance.

Figure 6-9: Lower Universal Joint Connections to Pantograph Arm Gearbox

The bottom of the pantograph arm has a tapered feature machined into it at the interface where it
contacts the surrounding core assemblies when the hold down is engaged (Figure 6-10). The top
of the core assemblies are designed with a mating tapered feature (Figure 6-11), as the hold
down is lowered onto the core assemblies, the machined tapered features mate. Continued
lowering of the pantograph causes a slight spreading of the surrounding core assemblies. This
slight spreading of the surrounding core assemblies helps reduce the loads required to insert or
remove a core assembly from the reactor core. The tapered feature also assures accurate
alignment of the gripper to the handling socket of the core assembly being handled when the
hold down is engaged. Depending on the angles of the mating tapers of the core spreader of the
FHM and the machined tapers in the top of the reactor core assemblies, the horizontal
positioning accuracy of the FHM can easily be increased to +/- 5 millimeters (or more) and still
accurately engage the assemblies in the reactor core as the hold down is lowered. This unique
design feature also acts as a radial support at the bottom of the Fuel Handling Machine greatly

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

reducing deflections and stresses as the feature is engaged and fuel handling loads are applied by
the machine.

Figure 6-10: Core Assembly Spreader and Hold Down Interface at the Surrounding Core Assemblies

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-11: Matching Tapered Features on Top of Core Handling Socket Required for Spreader
Feature Operation

Spline shafts which are used to operate the gripper jaws and gripper rotation are supported at the
bottom by the lower gear box assembly and at the top by the upper bearing support block (Figure
6-9 and Figure 6-14). The spline shafts penetrate through clearance holes in the gripper drive
head assembly which allow the head to move vertically while inserting or removing a core
assembly from the reactor core. Appropriately sized radial and thrust bearings support the spline
shafts based on the maximum calculated loads expected during operation.

Operation of all gripper motions can be actuated manually through a set of socket type
connections in the top of the drive shafts in the upper bearing support block. These connections
can be accessed using tools which extend through the vessel cover as a secondary manual back-

Figure 6-14 shows an isometric view of the upper pantograph arm assembly with a socket type
core assembly fully raised inside. When a core assembly is fully raised into the pantograph arm,
the top of the pantograph arm assembly is approximately 530 mm (21 inches) from the top
surface of the raised core assembly (this may be reduced with further optimization). The overall
height of the pantograph arm is 530 mm longer than the core assembly itself (as the bottom of
the core assembly is raised above the hold down contact surface). The gripper jaws are shown
engaging the cylindrical slot inside the top of the socket type core assembly.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The current concept utilizes tapered roller and thrust bearings at the shaft support points. These
bearings have been sized based on calculated loads for the combined weights and loads applied
to the structure during operation (Figure 6-12).

Figure 6-12: AFBMA Load Ratings for Tapered Roller Bearings

Solid sleeve type radial and thrust bearings are an option which will easily fit into the space
reserved for the roller bearings being utilized and are being considered as an alternative (Figure
6-13) should the testing of roller bearings in the Mechanisms Engineering Test Laboratory
(METL) facility indicate excessive wear or inadequate bearing life in the liquid sodium

The hydrodynamic bearings would use the liquid sodium coolant as the lubricant. Preliminary
calculations for these types of bearings have been performed using the properties of liquid
sodium at the anticipated refueling temperatures. The gap between radial bearings is calculated
based upon the Sommerfield number for the bearing dimensions (diameter and length) and is
chosen to minimize journal friction based upon the calculated maximum bearing load, fluid
viscosity and shaft rotation speed (as possible considering manufacturing tolerances and
operating conditions).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-13: Typical Analysis for Hydrodynamic Bearing Design Based on Sommerfield Number

Gears which transmit forces to the open/close and rotation stages from the spline shafts have
been attached to the top of the spline nut retainer assemblies. The spline nuts are held inside the
retainer assemblies using standard shaft keys. The spline nut retainer assemblies are supported
using radial bearings captured in the gripper head assembly (Figure 6-14). These spline nuts ride
on the spline shafts as the gripper drive head moves vertically in the machined pantograph arm
assembly. Forces are transmitted through these gear sets to rotate and open or close the gripper
assembly. Holding forces between the spline nuts and the spline shaft contacting surfaces should
be minimal as the actuation of the gripper jaw open/close motion occurs only while the core
assembly is fully lowered and gripper rotation motion is applied only while the core assembly is
in the fully raised position.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-14: Gripper Drive Mechanism at Top of Pantograph Arm

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The spline shaft which controls the opening and closing of the gripper jaws operates a set of
gears which engage a gripper jaw actuator shaft. The gripper jaw actuator shaft is keyed into the
gripper actuator shaft guide (Figure 6-15). The gripper jaw actuator shaft and gear through which
it passes are threaded, so as the gear turns, the gripper actuator shaft is raised. The gripper
actuator shaft is attached to the jaw actuator (Figure 6-15) using a revolute joint which allows the
gripper rotation stage to be isolated from the open/close operation.

Figure 6-15: Section View through Gripper Head Assembly

The spline shaft which controls the rotational orientation of the core assembly inside the
pantograph arm operates a set of gears, the last of which is keyed to the top of the gripper post
(Figure 6-15). The gripper assembly is supported inside the gripper head on a tapered roller
bearing which allows ease of rotation during operation (Figure 6-15 and Figure 6-17).

The gripper assembly is designed to fit and operate inside the confines of the pantograph arm
assembly. Figure 6-16 shows the gripper assembly in the closed and open positions (jaws
extended and retracted). The gripper assembly is designed for easy assembly and maintenance
access inside the pantograph arm assembly. As the jaw actuator is raised or lowered it changes
the angle of the jaws to the open (retracted) or closed (extended) positions through a sliding
contact motion. A unique gripper jaw support feature engages the base of the jaws behind the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

location where the jaws contact the fuel assembly. The support of the gripper jaws at the bottom
by the jaw actuator has been show to significantly reduce bending stresses in the gripper jaw.

Figure 6-16: Gripper Jaws in the Extended and Retracted Positions using Jaw Actuator

Figure 6-17: Exploded Assembly View of FASTER Gripper Assembly

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The pantograph arm was designed with sufficient clearances to operate in the region between an
instrumented assembly and closed loop assembly at the maximum angle of attack. The operation
was verified in the model of the reactor vessel and internal components. Removal of the
pantograph assembly is easily achieved by retracting the pantograph arm and rotating it to the
park position. Control cables, wiring and other external connections are removed, then a cask is
placed over the port in the reactor vessel cover. The assembly is then lifted into the cask and a
temporary plug is installed in the reactor vessel cover. The cask is then moved to a maintenance
facility in a separate building for cleaning and maintenance operations. A spare back-up
pantograph may then be installed into the vessel cover port for continued operation if required.

The material choices for the pantograph components are based on data from operational
experience of EBR-II. For the major structural components, 304 or 316 stainless steel has been
shown to perform well in the liquid sodium environment. For components which slide past each
other (bearing surfaces) investigations show that Inconel 718, various stellite alloys and hastelloy
performed well in tests of self-welding.

Design loads of 6000 lbs for insertion or removal of a fuel assembly were used to analyze a
simplified structural assembly by applying a vertical load to the hold down surface on the bottom
of the fully extended pantograph arm (Figure 6-18). Stresses and deflections were calculated for
the linkages and support tube structural members.

The calculated maximum stresses were below ASME Table 1A maximum allowable stresses for
the chosen structural materials operating at elevated temperatures of 250 and 650°C (further
optimization of the structural components should help reduce the weight of the fuel handling
machine). The maximum calculated deflection of the structure due to the applied loads was less
than 2.8mm.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-18: Static Deflection and Stress Results for 6000 lb Force on Hold Down Surface

A modal analysis was performed on the structural assembly of the FHM to preliminarily evaluate
its natural frequencies (assuming no damping factor applied from the sodium liquid). The results
of the preliminary analyses (Figure 6-19) show the first natural frequency of the structure (3.39
hertz as the lowest calculated natural structural frequency). With the damping forces from
motion in the sodium applied, as well as slight design modifications to the support structure, the
minimum natural frequency should be increased (these damping forces are to be calculated and
added to a future analysis).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-19: Modal Analysis Results for the FASTER FHM (First Modal Frequency 3.39 Hertz)

Critical buckling loads were calculated for a preliminary FHM assembly based on the load case
of 6,000 lbs force applied vertically to the hold down face. The critical buckling load from the
results of the linear elastic analysis performed in ANSYS was calculated as 37.8 times the
applied load (Figure 6-20). The finalized design of the structure will be analyzed to evaluate both
linear elastic and non-linear (plastic) buckling loads to assure adequate factors of safety.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-20: Finite Element Analysis Results of Linear Buckling Analysis for FASTER FHM

Seismic analysis is yet to be performed for the pantograph while immersed in the sodium fluid.
The sloshing forces of the sodium fluid in the reactor vessel will be included in the seismic
analysis of the fuel handling system.

Transient dynamic analysis of the overall structure in sodium will be performed based on the
transient fluid forces caused by the sodium flow past the structure. A 2-way fluid structure
interaction analysis will be performed on the finalized structure inside the reactor vessel to verify
the vibrational response of the FHM structure to the flowing sodium.

The gripper assembly was analyzed by engaging a fuel element with the gripper jaws and
applying the 6000 pound vertical load to the fuel element. Frictionless contact constraints were
defined between all components in the assembly. The applied load causes a higher stress in the
corners of the jaws nearest the contact point of the fuel assembly (Figure 6-21) due to stress
concentration effects. An alternative jaw design (using a flat jaw top surface in lieu of a curved
surface) was evaluated in an attempt to reduce the stress concentration effects at the top surface
of the jaw. Results of the preliminary analyses are presented for comparison, but further design
optimization needs to be performed before a final design configuration is chosen.

Performing these analyses with the jaw support feature installed at the bottom of the jaw actuator
reduced the maximum bending stress in the jaw by more than a factor of two versus an
unsupported jaw design concept which had been evaluated for comparison.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-21: Stress Analysis Results for the Gripper Assembly using Different Jaw Designs

6.1.1 FHM Driving Mechanism

Hand calculations were performed to determine the torques required to rotate a core assembly
inside the pantograph arm using the spline shaft drive assemblies. The calculations provided an
estimate on the maximum angular displacement difference between the core assembly held in the
gripper jaws and the bottom of the spline shaft housed inside the pantograph arm. Based on the
mass moment of inertia of the core assembly, gripper core, gears, and spline shafts (Figure 6-22),
the angular deviation through the spline shaft was calculated based on a constant acceleration
from zero to 6 revolutions per minute in 1 second. Assuming a 0.1 coefficient of friction between
the support bearings and recirculating ball spline nut and 0.2 between the gear contact faces
during rotation, the torque required to rotate the raised core assembly was determined. The
calculated torsional load was applied to the gear sets, spline shafts, universal joints and drive
shafts for preliminary sizing purposes. Maximum stresses and deflections were calculated for all
of the components to assure strength and verify (minimize) angular deviations through the drive
system due to the applied loads. The calculated angular deformations were summed to determine
the maximum deviation between the drive motor shafts and the core assembly connection which
was less than 2 degrees.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-22: Dynamic Analysis basis of the Spline Shaft Based on Acceleration of the Mass

6.1.2 Gear and Motor Sizing

Gears were analyzed and sized in accordance with ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04:2005 standards for
the calculated loading conditions assuming a continuous service life exceeding 20,000 hours of

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

continuous operation. Deflections of the gears under the expected loading conditions were
calculated based on the properties of the materials under consideration at the expected operating

Finite element analyses using adaptive re-meshing were performed on a pair of gears subjected
to the maximum torques in the pantograph assembly (Figure 6-23). Although the convergence
parameter was set to a very low value, the maximum stresses calculated using the finite element
method were far below those calculated using the American Gear Manufacturers Association
standard calculation methodology.

Figure 6-23: Finite Element Analysis Severely Underestimates Gear Contact and Bending Stresses

Hertz contact stresses were calculated for a pair of cylinders (matching the radius of the gear
contact faces) contacting under compressive loading. The principal contact stresses and the
equivalent contact stresses were calculated and plotted through the depth of the gear tooth
(Figure 6-24). The results of the analysis indicate peak equivalent stresses below the contact
surface. These results help explain gear tooth pitting as cracks initiate sub-surface and propagate
outward causing small pieces of material to “flake” from the gear contact surface.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-24: Hertz Contact Stress Distribution Indicates Peak Stress below Contact Surface

The equations for the safety factors for contact fatigue and bending fatigue are show in Figure
6-25. The primary gears in the FHM were preliminarily analyzed in accordance with the
requirements of the ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04:2005 standards as a reference. The material
properties chosen for the gear materials in the calculations were conservatively estimated based
upon the properties of Inconel 718.

Sizing and estimates of gear lifetimes for continuous operation based upon expected operation
cycles of the FHM can be generated once the finalized refueling schedule is generated.

Gear clearances due to manufacturing tolerances and wear may cause varying contact vibration
over time. By controlling manufacturing tolerances, gear material, the type of gears used in the
assembly and the control system parameters, the effects of these vibrations can be anticipated
and minimized.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-25: AGMA Defined Safety Factors for Contact and Bending Fatigue

The lifetime reduction factors used in the AGMA safety factor equations include:

 I – Geometry factors for pitting resistance

 Zn12 – Stress cycle factor for pitting resistance
 CH12 – Hardness ratio factor
 KO – Overload factor
 KV – Dynamic Factor
 KS12 – Size factor
 Km12 – Load distribution factor
 J12 – Geometry factor for bending strength
 YN12 – Stress cycle factor for bending strength
 YA12 – Reverse loading factor
 Cf12 – Surface condition factor
 KB12 – Rim thickness factor
 KR – Reliability factor
 KT – Temperature factor
 CP – Material factor

sac – Allowable contact stress number
sat12 – Allowable bending stress number
Ft – Nominal tangential force acting on teeth
dw1 – Operating pitch diameter of gear
bw – Operating tooth width
P – Normal pitch

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

bwF12 – Operating tooth width

Lifetime reduction factors for gear materials which operate in a liquid sodium environment have
not yet been developed and therefore tests must be performed to select appropriate materials and
sizing requirements before the next advanced fast reactor fuel handling system design is

The motor which drives the gripper head vertically in the pantograph arm has been preliminarily
sized based on an expected raising or lowering time of the core assembly of approximately 1
minute. Calculations were performed to preliminarily size the motor which provides the torque
required to raise or lower a “stuck” core assembly based upon the use of an ACME type screw
drive mechanism using a conservative friction coefficient in the lead screw (Figure 6-26).

The calculation was used to select a DC servo reduction gear motor which would apply the
required torque at a shaft output speed which would fully raise a “stuck” core assembly in
approximately one minute. Although the current design utilizes ball screws in the design (which
would require much lower torque to operate), a worst case approach was used to size the motor.
Typical friction coefficients for ball screw assemblies (~0.08) are a fraction of that used in this
motor sizing calculation as an example. In the final design analysis, all of the frictional loads and
energy losses of bearings, ball screws, spline nuts, gears and other rolling/sliding and mechanical
components should be included for the final motor sizing calculations.

The effects of shock loading on the motor and reduction gear unit due to dynamic elastic
structural responses of the FHM should also be included in the sizing.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-26: Typical Motor Sizing Calculation Based on Required Torque

The FHM must have manual back-up drive ability in case any of the components fail during fuel
handling operations. The manual back-up drive system will be located in the maintenance area
above the reactor vessel cover. The manual drive system will be capable of the following

 Raise or lower the FHM (hold down)

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

 Raise or lower core assembly inside the FHM arm

 Retract or extend the FHM arm into the structural tube
 Engage or disengage the gripper jaws
 Rotate the gripper

The FHM must be able to be operated manually from above the reactor vessel cover
(maintenance area) in case of power failure, this can be accomplished by adding 90 degree drive
components for operation by hand crank or using a portable drive motor (Figure 6-27). Geared
down indicators display visual position information (Figure 6-28) to the manual drive system

Braking systems may be incorporated to secure the FHM components during operation to assure
mechanical components not being operated will not drift due to mechanical vibrations imparted
from the environment.

Figure 6-27: Conceptual Design of the Manual Drive Back-up and Visual Position Indicator

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-28: Elevation Views of the Manual Drive Back-up and Rotary Position Indicator

6.2 Time required for fuel handling operations

The time required for fuel handling operations for FASTER is based upon a specific sequence of
events (or operations) which are performed after the shutdown of the reactor. The following
estimates are based upon refueling times for EBR-II and calculations performed for the latest
FHM design.

 After shutdown, the reactor is prepared for fuel handling operations.

 The fuel handling procedure includes transfer of core assemblies between the reactor
vessel core positions, the fuel transfer position, into the fuel unloading machine through
the fuel transfer port and to the transport cask for transfer to the fuel cleaning and
examination facility.
 Several transport casks will be required for efficient handling operations.
 The fuel unloading machine and transport casks must be shielded, leak tight, and have
argon gas purge systems with shielded filters for particulate removal.
 The fuel unloading machine and transport casks must have cooling capabilities to remove
heat from a spent core assembly of a maximum 2.0 kW.
 The fuel unloading machine must also have the ability to preheat a new core assembly
(from the top down) to 200°C before insertion into the reactor vessel.

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March 31, 2016

 The fuel unloading machine and transport casks must have battery back-up for the argon
gas heat removal systems.
 The fuel unloading machine must precisely align with the fuel transfer port and transport
cask located in the pit.
 Estimated times provided are based upon EBR-II fuel handling times.
 Reactor has been shut down and reactor temperature has been reduced to 200°C.

Table 6-1: Estimated Times for General Fuel Handling Operations

Task Duration Source
Preparatory Procedures 2.5 hours EBRII
Prepare Core Operation 1.5 hours EBRII
*Prepare and Preheat EVTM 90 minutes (initial) EBRII
*Load New CA into Transfer Cask and move to pit 30 minutes EBRII
Move/Connect EVTM to Transfer Cask 20 minutes EBRII
Load New Core Assembly into EVTM and Disconnect 15 minutes EBRII
Preheat Core Assembly in EVTM using heated argon 3.5 hours EBRII
Move EVTM, Align & Connect to FTP 23 minutes EBRII
Insert New core assembly (CA) into reactor Transfer
33 minutes EBRII
Move New CA to ISV or core using FHM 48 minutes Calculated
*Load New CA into Transfer Cask & move to pit 30 minutes EBRII
Disconnect EVTM from FTP and move to Transfer
15 minutes EBRII
Cask (TC)
*indicates operation which may be performed simultaneously with others

6.3 Typical FHM Cycle Operations inside the Reactor Vessel

Fuel handling operations consist of the following sequence of tasks (which occur in the sequence
listed) to reposition a core assembly inside the reactor vessel:

1. Rotate the FHM plug to the appropriate angular location.

2. Extend the FHM arm above the appropriate core assembly.
3. Lower the FHM to engage the hold down to surrounding core assemblies.
4. Rotate the gripper to the appropriate angular orientation.
5. Lower the gripper to engage the core assembly handling socket.
6. Extend the gripper jaws into the handling socket jaw keyways.
7. Raise the gripper to lift the core assembly inside the FHM arm.

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March 31, 2016

8. Raise the FHM to disengage the hold down from reactor core.
9. Retract the FHM arm fully inside the structural support tube.
10. Rotate the FHM plug to align FHM arm with appropriate storage location.
11. Rotate the gripper to the appropriate storage angular orientation.
12. Extend the FHM arm above the appropriate storage location.
13. Lower the FHM to engage the hold down to the storage position.
14. Lower the gripper to insert the core assembly into the storage position.
15. Retract the gripper jaws to disengage from the core handling socket keyways.
16. Raise the gripper to disengage the gripper from the core handling socket.
17. Raise the FHM to disengage the hold down from the storage position.
18. Retract the FHM arm fully into the FHM structural support tube.

Table 6-2: Estimated Time Required for Individual FHM Motions

Task Time Required
Preparation for Fuel Handling 2 hours, 30 minutes *
Connect/Disconnect CRDL Gripper 5 minutes*
Remove/Insert CRDL 5 minutes*
Connect/Disconnect CRDL at top of Instrument Tree 10 minutes
Rotate Instrument Trees for refueling 15 minutes
4 min/rev (fast),
Rotate FHM Plug
8 min/rev (slow)
Extend/Retract Arm (1650 mm - maximum) 4 minutes (calculated)
Raise/Lower Hold Down
5 minutes
(300 mm @ 1mm/sec)
Rotate Gripper 6 RPM (1 revolution in 10 seconds)
Raise/Lower Gripper (~5,000 mm) 2 minutes
Extend/Retract Jaws 1 minute
*Indicates time based on EBR-II fuel handling records

The following preliminary schedules for fuel handling operations have been developed based
upon the individual operation times listed above. Preliminary schedules have been developed for
fuel handling operations assuming a standard 8 hour work shift. Figure 6-29 shows the schedule
of events during the first shift of fuel handling operations, Figure 6-30 shows the schedule of
events which occur during each subsequent shift.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 6-29: Preliminary Time Estimate for Initial Shift Fuel Handling Operations

Figure 6-30: Preliminary Time Estimate for Subsequent Shift Fuel Handling Operations

During a nominal re-fueling cycle for FASTER, 20 driver (fuel) assemblies will be removed and
replaced. The number of core assemblies to be replaced during the re-fueling cycle is based upon
the current planned layout which consists of:

 55 fuel core assemblies

 39 test assemblies
 22 moderator assemblies
 77 reflector assemblies
 111 shield assemblies
 9 control rod assemblies

The total number of assemblies inside the reactor core is 313.

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March 31, 2016

Fuel Loading Operations

For fuel loading operations with 1.6 core assemblies loaded for the first shift and 1.6 loaded each
additional shift, the overall time (in work shifts) for loading 20 new core assemblies is
approximately 13 normal work shifts (assuming the required manpower is available).

 17 days for single shift per day operation (including weekends)

 9 days for two work shifts per day operation (including weekends)
 5 days for three shift per day operation

Fuel Unloading Operations

For fuel unloading operations with 1.6 core assemblies loaded per shift (assuming that all of the
preparation and core procedures have been performed prior to the fuel loading operations), the
overall time (in work shifts) for unloading 20 spent core assemblies is approximately 13 normal
work shifts (assuming the required manpower is available).

 17 days for single shift per day operation (including weekends)

 9 days for two work shifts per day operation (including weekends)
 5 days for three shift per day operation
Heating time for a new core assembly (at loading) using heated argon in EBR-II EVTM listed as
90 minutes. The actual time to preheat a core assembly is estimated to be 3.5 hours, but the core
assemblies may be preheated before loading into the EVTM.

6.4 Control System Design Recommendations

The computer controlled system will utilize feedback sensors to measure forces during core
assembly handling procedures. Feedback sensors available vary widely, but they should be
chosen while considering their operation in an elevated temperature and radiation environment
while subject to mechanical vibrations and shock. Accelerometers can be placed on the FHM
structure to monitor vibrations experienced during use. Load cells may be used to monitor the
forces applied to the FHM from the drive motor system. Monitoring the current drawn by the
motors during FHM operation gives another indication of loads encountered by the system.

Mechanical contact sensing rods may also be incorporated into the FHM design to indicate that
the gripper is fully engaged into the top of the core assembly before engaging the gripper jaws.

Intelligent programming will allow the system to orient the core assembly correctly by
estimating the angular variance between the drive motor and core assembly due to elastic
deformations of the drive mechanism components under load.

The computer control system must have programmed “no-go” zones to prevent contact with
reactor internal components during refueling operations. The refueling system should be disabled
during reactor operation and only enabled after all of the reactor shut down interlocks have been
established and refueling system operational parameters are met.

The control system must sense and display the following information on the operator’s panel:

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March 31, 2016

 FHM angular position with respect to the vessel cover.

 Hold down location (height above core assemblies and weight (force) applied to core).
 FHM arm position (extended location) and dynamic forces.
 Gripper vertical position and rotation angle with respect to the reactor core and dynamic
 Gripper jaw engagement status (jaws extended or retracted with force monitoring).

Forces applied by the FHM drive system are monitored and alarms (with automatic stop motion
signals) are used to notify the operator out of limit conditions and prevent damage to FHM
components. A conceptual layout for the operators display panel is shown in Figure 6-31. The
active FHM should be highlighted on the operators screen to indicate it is the FHM being
controlled and the instrument tree orientation should also be displayed.

The control system for the FHM should be designed for fully automatic operation from a
predefined database with minimal input from the operator, but, must also have the ability to be
operated in a stepwise fashion by the operator.

From the operator’s panel, the user should be able to manually select any core assembly (using
the mouse), the core assembly should highlight and a small window should open which lists all
of the pertinent data for that core assembly.

The data for the core assembly may include (but not be limited to):

 Core position,
 Core assembly Serial Number,
 Core assembly angular orientation,
 Core assembly age and history (where and how long in core), and
 Failed fuel pin status.

The user should then be able to select a storage position using the mouse and the fuel handling
system (if the position is available to accept a core assembly) should automatically perform all
actions required to move the core assembly to the new position and orientation.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 6-31: Conceptual FASTER - FHM Operators Display Pane

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

6.4.1 Positional Tolerances for the FHM

The control system for the fuel handling system should receive information from the reactor
system which identifies that it is ready for fuel handling. The program which operates the fuel
handling control system should read this data and verify the reactor status before it allows fuel
handling operations to commence.

The software should also read the status of the fuel handling system by performing diagnostic
checks and system tests to identify problems in the system before fuel handling operations are
allowed, these tests may check the status of communications, load cell and other sensor status,
perform preliminary motion operational checks (in the park position) to assure that potential
build-up of sodium oxides does not impair the FHM performance and other system checks.

A simplified programming flowchart is shown in Figure 6-32. This flowchart forms a basis for
the program which is needed to perform refueling operations during reactor shutdown
(maintenance) periods. The flowchart shows all of the steps required by the fuel handling system
to move core assemblies to the in-vessel storage positions, shuffle fuel positions in the reactor
core and move fresh core assemblies from the in-vessel storage positions to positions inside the
reactor core. The flowchart may also be used to transfer core assemblies from the in-vessel
storage to the fuel transfer position (and vice versa) for removal of spent fuel or installation of
new fuel assemblies using the ex-vessel fuel handling machine.

Each “block” in the program flowchart which represents a single controlled motion of the fuel
handling system (highlighted in yellow in Figure 6-32) is actually a separate program subroutine
which incorporates force monitoring and position feedback parameters (for the specific
movement function) which assure that prescribed load limits during fuel handling operations are
not exceeded and provide for accurate positioning of the FHM inside the reactor vessel.

The following individual motions are to be controlled in the FHM fuel handling system:

 Rotation of the FHM plug (angular control accuracy of 0.14 degrees),

 Extension/Retraction of the FHM arm (linear accuracy of +/- 2.5 mm),
 Raise or lower FHM plug (hold down load accuracy of 27kN +/- 3%),
 Gripper rotation (angular accuracy of 0.5 degrees),
 Raising/Lower the gripper head (positon accuracy +/- 2.5 mm), and
 Engage/Disengage the gripper jaws (2 position control).

Each of these drive systems will require force and position feedback monitoring while velocities
and accelerations will be limited through the system design and proper definition of control

The control parameters for a single FHM motion (in this case the hold down motion by raising or
lowering the FHM plug) is discussed here as an example. The FHM is located in the reactor
vessel cover and has a series of inflatable seals which isolate the cover gas atmosphere inside the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

reactor vessel. The mass of the FHM is supported by a load limiter assembly. The load limiter
assembly is an arrangement of compression springs which compress approximately 10.6 mm
while supporting the entire estimated 78kN weight of the FHM. A load cell which is connected
to the top of the load limiter assembly provides multiple redundant feedback signals to the
control system which measures the total amount of load applied by the FHM to the surrounding
core assemblies in the reactor core. The load cell is connected to a ball screw which is sized to
support the load of the FHM for an appropriate lifetime. The ball screw is supported through a
recirculating ball nut assembly which is connected through a planetary reduction gear assembly
to a DC servo motor which applies the torque required to raise or lower the FHM and apply the
specified hold down force to the surrounding core assemblies in the reactor.

At some point as the FHM is lowered to a vertical position (depending on the relative thermal
expansions of components in the reactor vessel), the hold down contacts surrounding core
assemblies and begins to transfer load as the springs in the load limiter decompress. The
estimated load applied to the surrounding core assemblies should be at least equal to the
maximum fuel handling load for insertion of a stuck core assembly to assure the FHM hold down
does not lift off of the surrounding core assemblies. The rate at which the FHM moves vertically
should be limited to approximately 1 mm per second to allow the control system time to measure
the rate at which the load is changing as the load is transferred and adjust the speed of the motor
so the system halts at the set hold down load (within a specified tolerance range). It is assumed
that the control system measures the load cell data at least 10 times per second so it can make
appropriate adjustments and slow the motor speed gradually to minimize shock loading to the
drive system components.

The damping in this system will be small due to losses and friction in the inflatable seals and
linear slide rails which support and guide the FHM plug to prevent metal to metal contact
between the FHM plug and the reactor head, therefore the type of control scheme chosen must be
evaluated through careful analysis of the response of each drive system.

Sensors such as accelerometers are located on the FHM structure to monitor vibrations in the
mechanical system and may be used to help predict failures of mechanical components in the
FHM. Thermocouples are mounted at various locations on the FHM structure to measure the
temperature of the components. The temperature feedback information will be used in the
position control systems as required to increase the accuracy of the positioned component.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 6-32: FHM Control System Programming Flowchart

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

6.4.2 Core Hold-Down Control System using Force Control

The computer controlled system will utilize feedback sensors to measure forces during core
assembly handling procedures. Feedback sensors available vary widely, but they should be
chosen while considering their operation in an elevated temperature and radiation environment
while subject to mechanical vibrations and shock. Accelerometers can be placed on the FHM
structure to monitor vibrations experienced during operation. Load cells may be used to monitor
the forces applied to the FHM from the drive motor system. Monitoring the current drawn by the
motors during FHM operation gives another indication of loads encountered by the system. The
proper calculation and definition of the proportional, differential, and integral gains (as required)
used in the various individual driven motions of the computer control system coupled with the
signals from the feedback sensors will assure accurate location of the FHM inside the reactor
vessel and reduce shock loading experienced by the mechanical components which make up the
FHM. Intelligent programming will allow the system to automatically orient the core assembly
correctly by estimating the angular variance between the drive motor and core assembly due to
elastic deformations of the drive mechanism components under load, while feedback sensors will
verify positions of the components in the fuel handling system.

The loads applied to the top of the surrounding core assemblies by the FHM hold down feature
can be controlled using a compression die spring assembly to slowly transfer weight of the FHM
after initial contact (Figure 6-33). Without a load limiter, the weight of the FHM is transferred to
the surrounding core assemblies almost instantaneously at the point of contact. The use of a load
limiter prevents overload and shock loading of the mechanical components in the FHM drive

The load limiter supports the entire weight (80,000 Newton) of the FHM from above the reactor
vessel cover. Multiple redundant sensors in the load limiter can be used to measure the force
transferred to the core assemblies as a reduction in weight supported by the load cell.

Loads applied to the surrounding core assemblies are controlled using the variable speed of the
motor which raises and lowers the FHM.

A load limiter should also be included in the gripper jaw actuator; the Scott Russell straight line
mechanism extension actuator and the raise/lower gripper drive systems to limit the load applied
to the mechanical components at the end of travel positions and minimize shock loading. The
rotation stage of the gripper has no “hard” stops and therefore does not require a load limiter, the
rate at which the gripper rotation stage accelerates the mass will be controlled through the
proportional, differential and integral gains which are defined in the computer control system.

Mechanical contact sensing rods may also be incorporated into the FHM design to indicate that
the gripper is fully engaged into the top of the core assembly before engaging the gripper jaws
although load limiting devices and force feedback sensors will indicate if the jaws make contact
with the core handling socket inner surface before the jaws are fully extended into the jaw sockets
in the core assembly handling socket (this indicates that the gripper is in the incorrect angular
position with respect to the jaw sockets in the core assembly being handled).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-33: Conceptual Design of a Load Limiting Device used in the Core Hold Down System

Preliminary analyses have been performed on the load limiter concept to size an array of
supporting springs which are compressed by approximately 10 mm while supporting the weight
of the FHM (Figure 6-34). As the FHM is slowly lowered using the drive motors above the FHM
plug, load is gradually transferred from the load limiter to the surrounding core assemblies
through the hold down feature on the bottom of the FHM arm.

The load limiter concept uses a circular array of eight compression die springs held inside a pair
of welded and machined assemblies to support the weight of the FHM. The springs are
compressed 10.6 mm while supporting the entire weight of the FHM, as load is transferred to the
surrounding core assemblies, the springs decompress by 3.8 mm when 27 kN of the FHM weight
is supported by the core.

The die springs are located using an array of slide pins installed through holes in the outer
support. The slide pins are threaded into an array of holes in the inner support to secure the die
springs in their required positions. Preliminary analyses have been performed to verify the
lifetime of the spring design used in the load limiter.

The type of control system parameters (proportional, integral, and derivative controller gains)
calculated for each individual drive systems will vary based upon its physical makeup, positional
or load accuracy requirements. An example of a basic positioning system with feedback for the
core hold down system is shown in Figure 6-35.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-34: Analysis of Conceptual Load Limiting Device for Core Hold Down

Figure 6-35: General Positioning System with Feedback

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Proportional control schemes use a feedback signal to adjust the controlled parameter in
proportion to the error that exists between the measured versus input value. Using a proportional
control scheme may allow a constant error to exist between the command input and controlled
output variable unless feedforward compensation is used.

PI (Proportional Integral) control schemes uses feedback signals to adjust the controlled
parameter by increasing the control signal as long as the error is non-zero to “accelerate the error
back to zero” and eliminates the offset error experienced when using only proportional control

PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control schemes use feedback signals to additionally adjust
the controlled parameter based on the rate at which the controlled parameter error is changing to
reduce the error back to zero. PID controllers offer the most robust control strategy and most
commercially available motion control computers are designed to operate in this mode.
The three gain factors (KP, KI and KD) for each controlled FHM motion are calculated based upon
the physical system design parameters to optimize the system response time, eliminate overshoot
and oscillations around the input set point and increase system accuracy. A standard single
motion feedback control system block diagram is shown in Figure 6-36, the associated primary,
disturbance and error signal transfer functions for the block diagram are shown in Figure 6-37.

Figure 6-36: General Block Diagram for a Positioning System with Feedback

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-37: Transfer Functions for the General Positioning System with Feedback

6.4.3 Uncertainty and Error in Position

Errors and uncertainty in the controlled parameters must be considered in the control system
design to help determine the actual position tolerance for the components being controlled.

Tolerances in measured positions and forces using various transducers will add to the uncertainty
of the controlled parameter. Variations in the reactor environmental temperatures during fuel
handling operations will affect the position of the controlled parameter with respect to the drive
system input.

As an example, the drive system which raises or lowers the gripper contains gears, circular drive
shafts, recirculating ball splines and shafts, ball screws and recirculating ball nuts and roller

Loads through the drive system will cause elastic deformations in the mechanical components
which will cause a relative position error seen from the drive motors. Friction in drive
components will cause the retention of a small amount of positional inaccuracy due to retained
elastic strains at the controlled component after the driving load is removed.

All of the mechanical components in the drive system have small clearances in their design to
allow relative motion. Gears are designed with “backlash” (a radial clearance at the pitch
diameter) which provides clearance allowances for thermal expansion etc. during operation. The
tolerances of these components at manufacture must be evaluated to determine the total
uncertainty in position of the controlled parameter with respect to the position of the drive motor.

Once all of the uncertainties are combined as each physical system dictates, the overall system
control parameters and appropriate controller gains may be determined.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The individual motion system response time constant, damping ratio, and natural frequency are
the primary measures of transient performance of the dynamic system. By adjusting the gains in
the computer controller which operates the particular motion system being driven, the transient
response of the particular motion system can be optimized based upon command control inputs.

The control system is able to respond to a user input command from the control panel based upon
the calculated controller gains and keep the controlled variable near the set value in spite of
externally applied disturbances. Mechanical vibrations are one example of externally applied
disturbances which could affect the position of the driven components inside the reactor vessel.

The mechanical components will experience wear during use which will increase the uncertainty
in position of the controlled parameters over time. The rates at which the various mechanical
components (gears, bearings, recirculating ball screws, recirculating ball splines and universal
joints) wear in the liquid sodium environment must be evaluated and understood to allow for
proper material selection and system design for fuel handling systems used in liquid metal cooled

6.5 Sealing and Insulation

The proposed seal design used to isolate the cover gas inside the reactor vessel from the
environment in the reactor maintenance area uses a pressurized inert gas chamber attached to the
top of the vessel cover (in the maintenance area). The welded pressurized gas seal vessel uses a
standard blind flange as the base component; it is sealed to the vessel cover using a standard
metallic gasket ring to seal against the vessel cover top surface. The blind flange which makes up
the base of the vessel has a clearance hole drilled through it to allow the drive shaft to penetrate
(without contact). The blind flange, when secured to the top of the vessel cover (using standard
bolt pattern) compresses a stack of alternating heat treated inconel 718 Belleville washers and
graphite seals (Figure 6-38) which are used in areas which exceed 200 degrees C. The Belleville
washers (Figure 6-39) apply a compressive load to the graphite seals which assures a consistent
seal between the drive shaft and vessel cover as the seals wear under use. The drive shafts should
be highly polished in the region where the seals contact the shaft to reduce wear and shedding of
seal material. The top of the inert gas pressurized seal chambers utilizes multiple elastomeric
seals between the highly polished shaft surface and the seal chamber. The temperature of the seal
chamber and drive shaft in the area of the elastomeric seals can be controlled by changing the
length of the seal chamber (and shaft) above the reactor plug.

To reduce the possibility of seal material particles from entering the high temperature liquid
coolant, a formed metal ring which has a formed inner edge shaped like a “cup” is attached to the
shaft at assembly. The purpose of the formed ring is to catch any seal material particles that
separate during operation and fall into the pressure vessel. During normal maintenance periods

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

between reactor operation runs, the components may be cleaned and polished, worn components
may be replaced and then components are re-assembled to promote trouble free operation.

The pressurized inert gas chamber is a welded assembly consisting of the stainless steel base
flange, a piece of standard stainless steel tube (or pipe) and a welded top flange which houses
several elastomeric seals. The top flange is machined with features for multiple seals and a
pattern of blind holes which are used to secure the retainer for upper seals.

Figure 6-38: Sealing Arrangement for Shaft Penetrations in Reactor Vessel Head

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 6-39: Typical Belleville Washer Design Parameters

Insulation of the FHM assembly on top of the vessel cover to limit heat loss into maintenance
areas can be accomplished using various appropriate insulating materials and will be specified at
a future date.

6.6 FHM Mockup Test

There is insufficient test data available which verifies the operation of many of these mechanical
components in a high temperature flowing liquid sodium environment. Most of the tests
performed to date have been tests of rubbing a pin on a plate under load in a high temperature
flowing liquid sodium environment to evaluate self-welding of various material combinations.

A testing program at Argonne National Laboratory (METL – Mechanisms Engineering Testing

Laboratory) has been initiated to test various types of mechanical components (bearings, gears,
universal joints, etc.) manufactured from various materials under design loading conditions in an
elevated temperature flowing liquid sodium environment. These components, tested under actual
loading conditions will provide sufficient data for the development of future advanced reactor
fuel handling mechanisms. The facility will be available for testing mechanical components for
FASTER in the near future.

Experiments performed will be designed to measure:

 Increases in wear rates for mechanical components,

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March 31, 2016

 Increases in friction between mechanical components,

 Changes to mechanical component alloy (surface and core),
 Changes to component material micro crystal structures,
 Self-welding (galling) evaluation through measurement of component separation force
 Changes to material hardness,
 Corrosion rates of component materials,
 Decreases in fatigue life for materials,
 Increases in creep rates for materials, and
 Additional tests to be defined.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

7 Ex-Vessel Refueling Operations

Core assembly handling operations outside of a sodium-cooled fast reactor primary vessel are
performed using heavily shielded gas-tight casks which transport the new and spent core
assemblies through maintenance areas inside the reactor containment building. The core
assemblies must be moved from transfer positions located high inside the reactor vessel, through
sealed Fuel Transfer Ports (FTP) - (valves which are located above the reactor head) and into a
mobile Ex-Vessel Transfer Machine (EVTM). The EVTM is used to move the core assemblies
between the fuel transfer ports (and interim decay storage vessel or core conditioning station – if
applicable) and a transfer tunnel which houses an Inter Building Cask (IBC) used to transfer the
core assemblies out of the reactor containment building.

Spent fuel assemblies which have been stored inside the reactor vessel for up to a year (to provide
a reduction in decay heat generated to a maximum of approximately 2 kilowatts per assembly) are
capable of being handled by the EVTM. The spent fuel assemblies will also be coated with a thin
film of liquid sodium which would react if exposed to air, so an inert gas (argon) must be used to
isolate the core assemblies during transfer operations and prevent ingress of air into the reactor
vessel. Personnel working in maintenance areas inside the reactor containment building must be
protected from excessive radiation exposure levels (to ensure doses are as low as reasonably
achievable) using shielding throughout all fuel handling operations.

The Ex Vessel Transfer Machine for FASTER is used to insert new (or remove spent) core
assemblies (between one of the three fuel transfer positions inside the reactor vessel),
instrumented assemblies, and closed loop assemblies (from their fixed positions in the reactor
vessel head) (Figure 7-1) into the interim storage vessel or a core component conditioning station
(if applicable). The largest component to be handled is the closed loop assembly. The closed loop
assembly is disconnected above the reactor vessel cover when it is to be replaced. The height of
the section of the closed loop assembly to be removed using the EVTM is equal to the height of
the section above the vessel cover plus the distance from the top of the vessel cover to the bottom
of the closed loop assembly inside the reactor vessel inlet plenum.

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March 31, 2016

Figure 7-1: Instrumented, Closed Loop Assemblies, and Fuel Transfer Positions in Reactor Head

7.1 Functions
The ex-vessel transfer machine for the FASTER shall provide the capability to handle routinely
removable core components by:

 Preheating non-irradiated core component that are destined for insertion into the reactor
 Transfer non-irradiated core components between the inter-building cask loading station
and the fuel transfer port (and Interim Decay Storage Tank (IDS) or Conditioning
 Transfer bare, irradiated and decayed fuel assemblies between fuel transfer port and the
inter-building cask (and IDS or Conditioning Station).
 Transfer bare, irradiated non-fueled core components between fuel transfer port and the
inter-building cask (and IDS or Conditioning Station).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

7.2 Overall Requirements for the FASTER EVTM

7.2.1 Process Requirements

The EVTM shall perform the functions of the above section while participating in the FASTER
reactor refueling task. Each year about 55-60 core components will be handled by the EVTM.
The EVTM shall provide the following features:

 Self-propelled electro-mechanical carriage

 Shielded cask to minimize personnel radiation exposure
 Provide argon gas blanket in a leak tight vessel
 Thermally monitored and controlled environment inside vessel
– Preheat new core assemblies with flowing argon gas before insertion into reactor
– Active cooling of spent core assemblies
 Ability to handle bowed core assemblies
 Moves on linear guide rails between FTP and IBC
 Accurately aligns to FTP and IBC using alignment pins
 Rotating plug port at bottom of the shielded vessel
 Seals to FTP and IBC
 Battery back-up provides temporary power to cooling and drive systems
 Molecular sieve and vapor filter removes contaminants from argon gas
 Scrapers clean ports during operation
 Provides argon gas purge to remove liquid sodium from spent core assemblies
 Safety interlocks prevent unintended system component operation
 Control panel which indicates status of all system components

7.2.2 Mechanical Requirements

The EVTM shall meet the following mechanical design requirements:

1. Protect and preserve the integrity of core components and experimental data (if necessary)
during handling and transfer operations.
2. The EVTM gripper shall:
 Provide normal gripper operating capacities of 680 kg [TBD – 1,500lbs] pull and about
[TBD] kg push .
 Provide an emergency pull capability of [TBD] kg.
3. The EVTM cask interior cavity pressure shall be controlled in a manner that is compatible
with the interfacing argon systems while mated to the transfer port.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

4. The EVTM cask shall have the capability of catching, storing, and discharging dripping
sodium as a routine operation.
5. Guide pins or similar devices shall be provided to facilitate precise alignment between
fuel transfer port and IVTM and IBC and IVTM.
6. The materials of construction in the EVTM shall not react chemically or galvanically with
each other, or with components handled by the EVTM.

7.2.3 Structural Requirements

The EVTM cask shall have the structural integrity to:

 Be removed from the carriage by use of the facility crane.

 Withstand a free drop of [TBD] meters onto a surface which shall be designed to protect
against the loss of shielding and containment integrity.
 Withstand a free drop of [TBD] cm onto the containment floor without the loss of
shielding or containment integrity.
 Withstand and transmit tornado loads (if applicable) into the carriage.
 Withstand and transmit seismic loads from the EVTM cask to the carriage and/or transfer

The carriage assembly shall have the structural capability to:

 Support the EVTM cask .and control system during core component operations
 Withstand and transmit tornado loads into the facility floor through the outriggers and
 Withstand and transmit seismic loads in the facility floor through outriggers and wheels.

7.2.4 Thermal Requirements

The EVTM shall provide temperature control of the contained core components to the following

 Remove 2 kW [TBD] of decay heat from [TBD] day decay cycle during normal handling
operations while keeping the fuel pin cladding temperature below [TBD]°C.
 Keep the cladding temperature of heat producing core components below [TBD] °C
during emergency conditions.
 Maintain the preheat temperature on non-irradiated core components while transferring
them to the in-vessel storage location.
 Limit the peak fuel pin temperature of bare fuel assemblies being transferred into the IBC
to a [TBD] °C thermal shock differential.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

7.2.5 Tornado Requirements (reserved)

7.2.6 Seismic Requirements

The EVTM shall be designed in accordance with seismic criteria as defined in [TBD] and
FASTER structural response curves for seismic design of FASTER equipment, as follows:

 The EVTM shall be classified as a Seismic Category I item.

 The EVTM shall not damage other FASTER equipment which must meet Category I
seismic requirements during:
i. In-transit operations with the cask closure valve shut.
ii. Non-transit fuel transfer operations between the EVTM and floor stations
with cask closure valve open.

7.2.7 Radiation Requirements

 The EVTM pressure retaining boundary shall be designed to prevent the release of
radioactivity in excess of the limits specified in [TBD].
 The EVTM shielding shall be design to reduce radiation levels to 2mr/hour at the cask
surface, and 20mr/hour at the bottom of the cask closure valve and 200mr/hour streaming
during transfer through the mating fuel transfer port.
 The EVTM pressure retaining boundary and shielding design shall be based on holding
the following core components:
o As a minimum, a 2 kW (or TBD) decay-heat driver fuel assembly with
the following gamma ray and neutron source strength:
o As a minimum, an irradiated reflector assembly with [TBD] day cobalt
activity levels as shown in #.

7.2.8 Safety Requirements

The EVTM shall meet the following safety requirements:

 The EVTM shall be designed to be returned to a safe state should any system or
component failure occur.
 Redundant or backup systems shall be provided such that accident sensing devices shall
remain functional under accident conditions.
 Manually initiated EVTM functions shall be interlocked to prevent simultaneous actions
which would result in major operational interferences, except during override operations.
 Redundant internal gas circulation systems shall be provided to meet the operating
temperature limits when handling 2 kW core components. These systems shall be limited
to compressed argon gas bottles and a redundant argon pump/motor with associated
piping and controls.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

 The integrity of the cask pressure retaining boundary shall be maintained by pressurizing
between the seals as each separable surface with clean argon as the buffer gas.
 The EVTM braking system design shall assure that the physical integrity of the cask
contents is maintained during stops.
 The status of each EVTM subsystem shall be monitored and an alarm shall sound if any
critical parameter exceeds the safe operations level.
 An alarm shall indicate off-normal condition upon initiation of improper operating
sequence by unlocking override panel.
 Emergency power shall be supplied to the EVTM through its power cable and facility
floor outlet from the facility diesel electrical bus. The required emergency power level
shall be that required to reestablish and maintain safe EVTM conditions. Battery backup
power may also be provided as necessary.
 Noncombustible and fire resistant material shall be used where practical. Sodium contact
with nonmetallic items (insulation, electrical equipment) shall be prevented by proper
design. Firefighting equipment shall be supplied.
 EVTM braking system and rail stops shall ensure physical protection of plant personnel
and equipment.
 Visual and audible annunciators and key lockouts shall be provided on access to all
control system override control panels.
 Manual override features shall be incorporated in the EVTM to permit electrical or
mechanical override if malfunctions occur. Selection of the override mode shall be based
on providing the capability of continuing normal operations or to return to stabilized safe
 Single component failure that will result in subsequent damage to core components shall
be minimized by design to maximum extent possible.

7.2.9 Design Life – reserved

7.2.10 Maintenance – reserved

7.2.11 Instrumentation and Controls – reserved

7.2.12 Interface Requirements

Facility Interfaces:
 The EVTM shall be designed to be disassembled into components sized for transfer
through the equipment airlock.
 During normal operations, the EVTM shall interface with the following system and
o The Inter-Building Cask Station,
o The EVTM cask interface seal to the fuel transfer port,
o The carriage wheels to the fuel transfer port/EVTM rail clearances,

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

o The EVTM cask cavity alignment with the fuel transfer port,
o The EVTM control system with the fuel transfer port power and control,
communications, and operational interlocks,
o The EVTM control system with the building floor receptacles for EVTM electrical
power, and
o The EVTM argon gas hoses with the fuel transfer port for radioactive argon exhaust
and clean argon supply.
 The EVTM carriage shall position the cask vertically by means of the cask elevator for the
following conditions:
o To clear the fuel transfer port upon approaching the transfer port station,
o To align/seal the cask to the fuel transfer port at the transfer station, and
o To facilitate drip pan and gripper change out at the drip pan/gripper change station.
 The cask shall interface with the internal atmospheres of the fuel transfer port and the
inter-building cask.
 The EVTM cask shall interface with the overhead crane in the Reactor Containment
 The EVTM shall be designed to operate on a standard rail system. The line, grade, and
parallelism of the rails shall be within the following tolerances: TBD

The following FASTER systems interface with the EVTM:

 Building electrical power,

 Communications,
 Reactor Containment Building,
 Service piping,
 Heating and Ventilation,
 Plant Fire Protection,
 Reactor Vessel,
 Reactor Refueling System,
 Maintenance System, and
 Argon gas supply and processing system.

7.2.13 Equipment Interfaces

The following equipment interfaces have been identified:

 The EVTM gripper shall interface with the:

o Fueled core assembly,
o Reflector assembly,
o Shield assembly,

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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o Control rod assembly, and

o Instrumented core assembly.
 The EVTM gripper shall be capable of removing a core component (with up to a ~2.54 cm
(or TBD) bow) from the in-vessel transfer station through the fuel transfer port.
 The EVTM shall be capable of depositing and removing core components from the
following locations:
o In-vessel fuel transfer station and
o Inter-building cask transfer station.
 The EVTM gripper shall be designed to no bind with the inner surfaces of the core
component while gripping or releasing a core component.

7.2.14 Handling Interfaces

The following handling interface requirements have been identified:

 The core components shall have a handling interface compatible with the EVTM gripper.
 The EVTM cask shall include lifting devices to facilitate handling by the overhead crane.
 The design features of handling equipment such as lifting fixtures, bails, alignment
devices, and connects to facilitate radioactive maintenance shall be coordinated with the
design of similar features and other reactor refueling system items.
 EVTM components shall be provided with features to facilitate lifting and positioning
with a minimum of personnel contact. Pick-up points shall be located so as to distribute
the supporting force uniformly to hold the module in the desired attitude for assembly.
Preference shall be given to permanently installed lifting bails over the use of removable
bails and fixed eye or trunnion type pick-up points.

The FASTER EVTM consists of a shielded cask with a core assembly gripper and associated
drive system, inert gas cooling system designed for 2,000 watts of heat removal, an inert gas
purification system, and battery back-up system which are mounted on an electromechanically
propelled carriage. The EVTM operates on an “x-y” frame and track structure (Figure 7-2) which
can accurately and repeatedly position the shielded cask centerline over any of the fuel transfer
port centerlines (3), the closed loop positions (3), the fixed instrumented assembly positions (7),
the inter-building transfer cask port, the interim decay storage vessel transfer port centerline, or
the core conditioning station transfer port centerline (if applicable). The EVTM cask positioning
system will be computer controlled using servo motors with feedback sensors and appropriate
safety interlocks. The EVTM will have a battery back-up system in case of the loss of offsite
power. The “x-y” carriage may also be manually operated using hand cranks attached to the drive
motors in case of an extended loss of off-site power.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 7-2: Preliminary layout of the EVTM in position over a Fuel Transfer Port

The FASTER EVTM shielded cask is adequately shielded to safely handle core assemblies with
radiation levels up to 106 R measured at a distance of 12 inches from the sub-assembly. Purified
(and thermally controlled) argon is passed through the inside of the shielded cask from the top to
control the temperature of the component being transported. The argon gas is vented through the
bottom of the cask and returned to the purification system. The EVTM uses a molecular sieve and
vapor filter which utilizes a two stage filtration process which accepts contaminated gas from the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

shielded cask and passes it through a 304 stainless steel knitted wire mesh to remove sodium
vapor and droplets by a cold trapping process. The still contaminated gas is then passed through a
second filter stage which consists of a packed bed of 1/8” diameter sodium alumino-silicate
pellets which removes the sodium and fission product gasses which are entrained in the argon

The EVTM raises or lowers the shielded cask to seal and engages mechanical interlocks to any of
the transfer ports listed above. The EVTM purges any trapped volume of air with inert gas before
the EVTM cask or transfer port valves are opened. Core assemblies are transferred using a
“sodium pot (as appropriate)” which is transferred to or from the EVTM cask using various
mechanisms inside the reactor vessel and EVTM cask. Transfer port valves and EVTM cask
valves are then closed and any trapped volume of cover gas in the space between the EVTM and
transfer port valves is collected, filtered and stored in a shielded decay storage tank. The EVTM
cask is raised and the cask is repositioned over the target port using the “x-y” frame and track
structure and the process is repeated until fuel handling operations are completed.

As the reactor has three fuel handling machines, the EVTM can utilize the three fuel transfer ports
successively while the fuel handling machines inside the reactor vessel are transferring new core
assemblies from the sodium pots and replacing them with spent core assemblies before removal
by the EVTM. This design allows continuous operation of the fuel handling system while
minimizing wait time.

7.3 Fuel Transfer Ports

The fuel transfer ports for FASTER will be designed to align and provide a gas tight seal to the
bottom surface of the EVTM shielded cask. An auxiliary shield ring on the EVTM cask will be
used to shield around the connection to the fuel transfer port to prevent radiation streaming as an
activated core assembly is passed through the connection region.

The fuel transfer port valve is attached to the top of the primary vessel cover and incorporates a
hole which is sized to allow any core assembly and the EVTM gripper to pass through. The fuel
transfer ports for FASTER will be computer controlled using servo motors with feedback sensors
and appropriate safety interlocks. Battery back-up drive systems will be incorporated in the event
of power disruption. The valve is operated by rotating 90 degrees to either open or close. The
valve consists of a shielded cylindrical weldment which fits inside a split lead shielded support
assembly and uses roller bearings between its stub shafts and the fixed supports in the bearing
housing. The valve is located above the biological shield on top of the vessel cover and
incorporates argon gas purge lines which are used to permit the flow of purified argon purge gas
during the subassembly heating cycles. Exhaust of argon gas is sent through the cover gas clean-
up system nozzle of the primary vessel.

A manual back-up drive system is incorporated in the design in case of an extended loss of off-
site power. When not in use, a protective shielded plug is inserted onto the top of the valve body
to protect the fuel unloading machine sealing surface.

The FASTER fuel transfer port will utilize a solenoid operated mechanical interlock system
which uses index pins to ensure the valve is in the proper orientation (open or closed positions).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The valve operation is coordinated using the fuel handling control system: a signal from the
control system energizes a solenoid (which withdraws the indexing pin) and allows actuation of
the fuel transfer port valve. A manual release for the indexing pin is incorporated in the interlock
system design. A pair of limit switches is used to indicate whether the valve is in the open or
closed positions. A second pair of limit switches is used on the valve housing for redundancy.
Another interlock prevents lifting of the EVTM cask until both of the valves are closed and
locked conditions are met through the control system.

A six bladed (spaced at 60 degrees) scraper tool will be incorporated into the EVTM gripper to
clean the hex shaped opening in the gripper guide tube. The purpose of the tool is to remove the
build-up of any sodium frost on the guide tube inner surface before components are removed.

When replacement of silicone rubber O-ring seals in the fuel transfer port is required, a Lucite
glovebox (which seals to the vessel cover) is placed over the top of the fuel transfer port housing
and purged with argon. The valve is then opened and a shield plug is installed in the transfer tube.
The upper valve seat is then removed for replacement of the seals.

7.4 Inter-Building Transfer Cask Design Requirements

The following requirements have been identified for the inter-building transfer cask:

 Use of shielded coffin to minimize personnel radiation exposure,

 Mate and precisely align with EVTM,
 Provide leak tight sealing to maintain argon gas blanket,
 Monitor temperatures and provide active cooling of spent core assemblies (2 kilowatts
decay heat per core assembly) using the cooling system,
 A battery backup for temporary cooling system operation shall be included,
 Argon shall be filtered and purified using the gas cooling system, and
 Ability to connect to the wash station for excess sodium coating removal.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

8 Sodium Purification Systems

This section provides a description of the sodium purification systems that will be utilized in
FASTER. Section 8.1 describes the primary sodium purification system (PSPS). The secondary
purification system is described in Section 8.2.

8.1 Primary Sodium Purification System

The primary sodium purification system (PSPS) provides continuous purification of the primary
sodium and consists of the following loops: 1) primary sodium recirculating loop – cold trapping
loop, 2) sodium-potassium alloy (NaK) loop, and 3) silicone loop.

The purification system provides control of impurity concentrations of sodium hydride, sodium
monoxide, cesium, and possible other fission products at temperatures just above the melting
point of sodium. The control of impurities in sodium is required to lessen the corrosion rate of
reactor vessel, piping, and materials since sodium impurities could cause metal surface removal
(which could affect the load-carrying capability of reactor materials), fouling of heat- transfer
surfaces through surface deposits, and reduced mechanical properties of materials caused by
changes in base alloy composition.

Major components of the sodium purification system are the primary sodium purification plug
containing the sodium suction and return lines, sodium surge tank, electromagnetic pump, nuclide
trap, cold trap (an economizer and crystallizer tank), a NaK loop, and a silicone loop.

The nuclide trap is designed to trap Cs-137 and possibly other fission products from the incoming
sodium, upstream of the cold trap. The nuclide trap consists of a type 304 stainless steel cylinder
that contains reticulated vitreous carbon, a very porous, low-density carbon filter material, to
adsorb fission products. Depending upon shielding design, the trap can contain a significant curie
count of Cs-137. A second filter mounted inside the cylinder contains a sintered stainless steel
filter to prevent any of the carbon material from being carried out of the nuclide trap and into the
main sodium coolant.

The cold trap consists of a regenerative heat exchanger to minimize overall heat losses and a
crystallizer tank to cold trap the sodium impurities. The heat exchanger is on the wall near the
crystallizer within the shielded cell. The regenerative heat exchanger is intended to reduce the
heat losses resulting from cooling the primary sodium from 355°C down to cold-trapping
temperatures. It is also intended to heat up the purified sodium from the cold trap to
approximately bulk sodium temperature for return to the primary tank. The sodium crystallizer
tank removes the sodium oxide and other impurities from the primary sodium through
precipitation on wire-mesh cylinders and in stilling baffles. It is cooled by the NaK loop.

8.1.1 PSPS Performance Requirements

The above background was provided as a basis for developing preliminary performance
specifications for the FASTER PSPS. As noted, under steady state operating conditions the PSPS
should be functionally capable of maintaining the sodium plugging temperature (as measured
with a plugging meter) at ≤ 150⁰C. Under these conditions, there will be no material compatibility
issues with austenitic stainless steels comprising the primary heat transport system. Consistent

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

with this specification, the practical limits on oxygen and hydrogen levels in the primary sodium
loop are set at 2.5 ppm and 0.2 ppm, respectively.

Regarding the overall capacity of the PSPS cold trapping system to remove impurities, the
estimated cumulative amount of oxygen and hydrogen (in the form of Na2O and NaH) introduced
into the primary system over the design plant lifetime of 30 years is summarized in Table 8-1.
The same information is shown graphically in Figure 8-1. The technical bases for these estimates
are also summarized in Table 8-2. As indicated, the design basis total oxide mass to remove from
the primary sodium over the plant lifetime amounts to 1050 kg Na2O (equivalent to 271.1 kg of
oxygen), whereas the total hydride mass is 520.2 kg NaH (equivalent to 21.7 kg hydrogen). Note
that these estimates cover removal of the initial impurities present in the sodium received on site,
as well as that expected to accumulate as a result of annual refueling operations assuming 55
assembly replacements per year [19]. The estimates do not include any impurities that may be
introduced by off-normal operating conditions such as pump lubricant leakage or accident air
ingress into the system as well as any test activity involved in the operation.

Table 8-1: Cold Trap Oxygen-Oxide Removal Requirements from Primary Sodium Integrated Over the
Plant Lifetime
Time from
Startup Na2O NaH Total (Na2O-
(years) Mass (kg) Mass (kg) NaH) Mass (kg) Technical Basis/Rationale
Equivalent to the oxygen mass in 534 MT
of sodium inventory at a initial level of 50
ppm, plus conservatively estimated initial
0 167.8 129.9 297.7
hydrogen content from the surface of the
system (assuming the oxygen arises from
H2O on the surface).
10 462.0 260.0 722 Assumes 55 fuel assembly replacements
per year [5], each leading to 138 g of
30 1,050 520 1,570 oxygen and 9.9 g of hydrogen ingress; see
Table 8-2.

Table 8-2: EBR-II Primary Sodium Steady-State Impurity Levels at Full Power (62.5 MWth) [20]
Impurity Level
Oxygen 1.2 ppm
Hydrogen 80 ppb
Tritium 3.0 kBq/g

The above discussion provides the principle specifications for the PSPS. However, it is also
necessary to quantify the impurity levels and reduction rates for a few key operational periods.
The first deals with initial plant startup. As noted in Table 8-1, an initial oxygen concentration of
50 ppm in the primary sodium inventory is assumed plus estimated initial hydrogen content from
the surface of the system as a preliminary design basis for the FASTER PSPS. On this basis, the
design maximum sodium flowrate through the FASTER PSPS is set at 492 lpm, Given the
primary sodium volume of 655 m3, analysis indicates that with a cold trapping efficiency of 50%,

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

then it would take approximately < 240 hours (or 10 days) of PSPS operations to reduce the
oxygen concentration in the primary sodium to the 2.5 ppm.

CT Operating Time vs. Trap Impurity Mass

2  10
1.833  10 Na2O
1.667  10 NaH
1.5  10 Total
1.333  10
M as s (k g )

Mna2o 3
1.167  10
Mnah 3
1  10
Mt 833.333





0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 16.5 18 19.5 21 22.5 24 25.5 27 28.5 30

Operating Time (Years)

Figure 8-1: Estimate Oxide-Hydride Deposition in the Primary Sodium to be Removed by the PSPS Over
the Plant Lifetime

The other operational period in which oxygen concentration is expected to increase is during fuel
handling. Assuming an upper bound of 55 fuel handling operations per year [19], then from Table
8-1 the conservative estimate of oxygen ingress is 7.59 kg during this stage. Under the same
assumption regarding cold trap efficiency and using system flowrate of 227 lpm, then it also
would take less than total of 10 days to reduce the oxygen concentration in the primary system
back below 2.5 ppm. This time scale is not expected to impact or limit reactor restart following
refueling operations.

The final preliminary specification on the PSPS required to carry out a pre-conceptual design is
the capacity of the fission product nuclide trap. The expected average cesium deposition in the
primary sodium is provided in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3: Cesium-134 and -137 Deposition in Primary Sodium per Fuel Pin Failure [21] [22]
Isotope Activity, Ci t1/2, years
Cs -134 32.5 2.06
Cs -137 60.4 30.17
Total 92.6 n/a

As noted, up to 92.6 Ci of Cs-134 and Cs-137 could be deposited as a result of a fuel pin failure.
However, the operational experience from EBR-II indicates that for metallic fuel, unintended pin
failures are extremely rare. In lieu of a specification on the expected fuel pin failure rate, it is
assumed that up to 48 pins could fail over the plant lifetime (This assumption is based on the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

world-wide fast reactor operating experience that indicates a nominal pin failure rate of 1
pin/year. Therefore, there are 30 pin failures per thirty (30) years of plant life time. Also by
considering the design margin of 18 pin failures for plant life due to testing, this will give 48 pin
failures). This would require a total nuclide trapping capacity of ~4,445 Ci for cesium). As
background, the EBR-II fission product trap was designed for up to 10 pin failures (i.e., 500 Ci
capacity). Also note that fuel pins were deliberately failed in EBR-II as part of the RBCB
program. The choice of 2,230 Ci as the design basis for the FASTER nuclide trap assumes a
scaling up of the EBR-II nuclide trap design by a factor of 4.5, which is less than the approximate
scaling up factor of 6 based on power level between the two plants. The nuclide trap is designed
to be replaceable. With this provision, the 2,230 Ci nuclide trap has a 15 year design lifetime.
The trap thus provides extensive fission product retention capability, as well as the flexibility to
cover unforeseen events that may lead to additional pin failures over the course of the plant
lifetime (i.e. the trap can be replaced).
The operational data for EBR-II indicates that with a well-designed nuclide trap [23], the cesium
level in the primary sodium will be reduced back down to equilibrium levels after approximately
four passes through the trap, which given the preliminary PSPS design flowrate of 0.49 m3/min,
would be less than 4 days.

Based on the above discussion, a summary of high level performance requirements for the
FASTER PSPS are provided in Table 8-4.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-4: Summary of High Level FASTER PSPS Performance Requirements

No. Specification Functional Requirement Basis/Approach
Equivalent to the oxygen mass in 534 MT
of sodium inventory at an initial level of 50
Purify sodium after installation in Reduce sodium plugging ppm, plus conservatively estimated initial
the reactor vessel in a timely temperature in as-received hydrogen content from the surface of the
manner so as not to impede plant sodium to < 150⁰C within system (assuming the oxygen arises from
operations or degrade SSCs. 10 days. H2O on the surface).
Plugging meter required for verification
Maintain sodium purity during Plugging meter required for verification
Maintain sodium plugging
2 normal steady state plant System design to meet Req. # 1 will
temperature < 150⁰C
operation envelope this case.
55 assembly replacements; see Table 2 for
At completion of refueling Reduce sodium plugging O/H ingress.
3 operations, reestablish sodium temperature to < 150⁰C Plugging meter required for verification
purity in a timely manner within 2 days. System design to meet Req. # 1 will
envelope this case.
Impurity basis is provided under Req. #’s 1
& 3.
Provide capability to remove
Cold trap design for the Incorporate sufficient cold trap capability
oxide and hydride from the
plant life of 30 years to initially (i.e., provide a startup trap plus at
4 primary sodium over the 30 year
manage up to 1570 kg of least one backup), or
plant design lifetime without
oxide/hydride. Plan for change-out of the cold trap once it
impeding plant operations
becomes plugged over a timescale of one
refueling outage
92.6 Ci Cs-134 & Cs-137 release per pin
Design nuclide traps to accommodate 48
Provide capability to trap out pin failures, viz. equivalent to 4,445 Ci of
cesium from failed fuel pins from Cs-134 & Cs-137.
Provide trapping capability
primary sodium in a timely
5 for up to 48 pin failures Trap is replaceable.
manner to maintain plant dose
over the plant lifetime
rates at acceptable levels & Nuclide trap trapping capacity scaled up
reduce potential source term from the EBR-II nuclide trap design by a
factor of 4.5 , which is less than the
approximate scaling up factor of 6 based
on power level between the two plants.

8.1.2 Overall System Description

Major components of the PSPS system are shown in Figure 8-2; the layout adopts most of the
major features of the EBR-II primary sodium purification system.

The major components are the nozzle plug penetration through the reactor vessel head, the
sodium surge tank, an economizer, a cold trap, and a nuclide trap. There are three subsystems that
are also part of the main purification loop: i) a sodium sampling loop, ii) the surge tank syphon
break system, and iii) a plugging loop. The nozzle penetration and sodium surge tank are located
above the reactor vessel, while the balance of the equipment is positioned in a sodium purification

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

and sampling cell located below the sodium level in the reactor building. The equipment is
positioned in this manner so that sodium will drain by gravity from the piping connecting the
reactor vessel to the primary sodium purification system under either normal or off-normal
conditions when they syphon break system is activated.

During normal operation, sodium flows from the nozzle through piping to the surge tank inlet.
Thereafter the flow continues out of the bottom of the surge tank to the EM pump in the
purification cell. The surge tank and piping are heavily shielded, and all piping is insulated and
trace heated. Within the purification cell, sodium flows through the pump to the cold trap and
back to the reactor vessel through the nozzle.

The system also includes a nuclide trap designed to retain Cs-134, Cs-137, and other fission
products. The cold trap system features a regenerative heat exchanger (economizer) to minimize
unrecoverable heat losses associated with cooling the sodium to a temperature at which impurities
will precipitate out. In this concept, additional heat sink for the trap is provided by a nitrogen gas
cooling system.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016







D . C . - EM








N 2 G AS

Figure 8-2: Preliminary Piping Diagram of FASTER Primary Sodium Purification System
F A R M E R _ P R IM A R Y_ S O D IU M _ P U R IF IC A TIO N _ S YS TE M _ 4 _ A C _ (1 5 4 )_ 3 / 1 7 / 1 5

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Finally, the EBR-II primary sodium purification system only used one cold trap, and one cold trap
is shown in this pre-specific design concept. As described in previous section, based on the
estimated impurity generations rates expected over the 30 year plant design lifetime, two or more
cold traps will most likely be required to meet the plant purification system requirements for a
cold trap mesh volume of 2.8 m3. Thus, as for EBR-II, change-out of the cold trap would be
required after several years of plant operations if the single cold-trap design is adopted. A further
design option would be to add a second redundant cold trap as is being adopted for the secondary
loop in FASTER.

In addition to purifying sodium, another function of the primary purification system is to measure
the impurity level (e.g. plugging temperature) of the primary sodium (Figure 8-2 and Figure 8-3).
The plugging loop draws sodium from downstream of the surge tank outlet, and returns sodium to
the primary loop return line to the reactor vessel. Pressure head driving flow through the plugging
loop is provided by the main line EM pump. The sodium plugging temperature is measured by a
plugging temperature indicator in the loop.

FM 1

FM 2

P lu g g in g T e m p e r a tu r e
I n d ic a to r

t o t h e o u le t o f c o ld tr a p f r o m t h e in le t o f c o ld tr a p
s o d iu m b y p a s s lin e s o d iu m b y p a s s lin e

Figure 8-3: FASTER Primary Sodium Plugging Loop

In order to provide the capability to analyze the chemical content of the primary sodium, a
sampling loop is also provided (see Figure 8-2 and Figure 8-4). Similar to the plugging loop, the
sampling station loop draws sodium from downstream of the sodium surge tank outlet, and
returns sodium to the primary loop return line to the reactor vessel. Pressure head driving sodium
through the plugging loop is provided by the main line EM pump. The impurity contents of the
sodium in the primary loop can either be analyzed off-line from the sodium samples collected in
the sodium sampling station, or online by an oxygen-hydrogen meter module /equilibration

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 8-4: Primary Sodium Sampling Station

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

8.2 Intermediate Sodium Purification System

This subsection provides details on the intermediate sodium purification system (ISPS), or
secondary purification system. Similar to the PSPS, the ISPS must provide continuous
purification of the intermediate sodium by controlling impurity levels.

8.2.1 ISPS Performance Requirements and Design Considerations

In order to have a solid design basis for sizing the cold trap, estimates of sodium impurity source
rates are essential for the different reactor operating modes.

There are various operation modes for FASTER, and sodium impurity source rates are different
for these various modes. The oxygen and hydrogen concentrations in the IHTS loop can be
estimated during normal power operation, initial startup operation, and refueling operations based
on past operating experience for sodium fast reactors. On the other hand, the impurity
concentrations in the IHTS loop have to be estimated based on postulated conditions for abnormal
events during the life of the reactor. Impurity Source Rates for Normal Power Operation

The main source of impurity during power operation in the IHTS loop is hydrogen permeated
through tube walls from the steam side of the steam generator (SG). The steel tube used in the
steam generator(s) oxidizes slowly in the steam environment, releasing nascent hydrogen, which
defuses through the steel into the sodium. Most of this hydrogen defuses through the tubes into
the sodium coolant and must be continuously removed [24]. Since the hydrogen permeation
through the tube walls is the dominant source of contamination for the secondary sodium during
normal operation, a fair estimate of the hydrogen source rate from the SG is essential for sizing
the secondary cold trap of FASTER.

Two data references from previously designed reactors are available for use as a technical basis
for estimating the sodium impurity source rate for FASTER (see Table 8-5).

The first data source is from the EBR-II program design at Argonne National Laboratory. This
reactor had a power level of 62.5 MWt and had one IHTS loop with a steam generator. The steam
generator consisted of eight parallel natural circulation evaporators, a conventional steam drum,
and two parallel once-through super heaters. The tubes used in the EBR-II steam generators were
double wall tubes constructed with 2 1/4Cr-1Mo material. The hydrogen source rate during
normal operation was 1.1 x 10 -12 g/cm2-sec [20].

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-5: Steam Generator Tube Designs from Different Reactor Designs
Hydrogen Oxygen Thermal Total SG
Source Rate Source power Tube Wall
Reactor (g (H)/cm2- Rate (MW) per Thickness SG Tube
Plant sec) (g (O)/day) loop (mm) Material Note
2.25 Cr-1
EBR-II 1.1 x 10-12 0.3 62.5 4.57 See [20,25]

2.25 Cr-1
CRBRP 9.765 x 10-12 325 2.77 See [25]

Scale up
based on
the ABTR
Mod 9
FASTER 7.8 x 10-12 0.72 300 5.9 steam
Cr-1 Mo
design See

The second data source is the CRBR program in the US. This reactor was designed with a power
level of 975 MWt with three (3) IHTS loops. The steam generators for each loop were integral
units containing the evaporators and super heaters. The steam generators for CRBR were
constructed with single wall tubes and the tube material was also 2 1/4Cr-1Mo. The nominal
hydrogen source rate for the IHTS loops was estimated as 2 x 10-11 lb/ft2-sec (9.765 x 10-12 g/cm2-
sec) [27]. This rate is almost an order of magnitude higher than that of EBR-II. There are various
factors that contribute to the hydrogen diffusive transport rate, including the tube wall thickness,
hydrogen concentration in the coolant, the solution constant of hydrogen in the sodium, the
temperature in the steam generator and the permeability of hydrogen in the tube wall material. In
other words, the design of a steam generator largely dictates the hydrogen source rate for the
IHTS loop. It appears in this case that the double wall tubes used in EBR-II steam generator (with
a tube wall thickness twice as thick as that for CRBR) is one of the reason why the secondary
hydrogen source rate for EBR-II is less than that for CRBR.

The overall thermal power of the FASTER is 300 MWt. The steam generator of the FASTER is
constructed with single wall tubes made with 9Cr-1Mo. The FASTER tube wall thickness is
comparable to the CRBR tube wall thickness. Even though the design of the SG in FASTER is an
integrated type, the overall surface area for hydrogen permeation through the SG tubes should be
proportional to the thermal power for either CRBR or EBR-II given the respective steam
generator thermal ratings. From this perspective, the SG design of the FASTER is more similar to
the SG design in CRBR than in EBR-II. Therefore, the IHTS hydrogen source rate for CRBR is
chosen as the reference point for the FASTER design.

Another consideration is the material used for the SG tubes. The assumption that the hydrogen
permeation rate through the 2 ¼ Cr-1Mo steel is higher than 9Cr-1Mo steel is based on two
reports. Jurgen and Riecke [28] reported that the chromium content in steel has a positive impact
on reducing the hydrogen diffusion through the steel. In addition, Beaver and Leitten [29]

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

indicated that the corrosion rates of low-alloy steels appear to be an order of magnitude higher
than those of the martensitic, ferritic steels, which means more hydrogen is generated in 2 ¼ Cr-
1Mo steel than in 9Cr-1Mo steel.

Based on the hydrogen source rate of 2 x 10-11 lb/ft2-sec (9.765 x 10-12 g/cm2-sec) for the IHTS
loop of CRBR, the IHTS hydrogen source rate from the SG is therefore estimated as ~ 7.8 x 10-12
g(H)/cm -sec by considering all factors mentioned above that impact hydrogen permeation
through steels. Tritium is also produced during reactor operation in the primary loop through
ternary fission in the fuel and subsequent diffusion of the tritium through the cladding into the
sodium. Tritium may also form by activation of boron in the control rods present in the reactor
core. A certain portion of the tritium from this fission/activation process will permeate through
tube walls in the IHX (intermediate heat exchanger) tubes into the secondary side of FASTER. It
is noted that although production of tritium by ternary fission is significant from a dose
perspective, the corresponding amount of hydrogen (eventually forming NaH) produced by this
process is small compared to that introduced by permeation through the tube wall of the SGs and
is therefore neglected in this study for cold trap sizing.

Finally, the small but measurable oxygen source rate introduced into the IHTS loop is most likely
due to oxygen contamination in the cover gas. An average oxygen ingress rate of 0.3 g/day was
estimated for the EBR-II IHTS loop [20]. Therefore, the source rate of oxygen for the IHTS loop
of FASTER can be approximately scaled up to 7.3 g/day by considering the power levels of 300
MWt and 62.5.MWt for FASTER and EBR-II respectively. Impurity Source Rates During Initial Startup Operation

The impurity sources for the IHTS loop during initial startup mainly come from the residual
moisture on the sodium wet surface of components and piping of the IHTS loop. The surface area
for the FASTER IHTS loop has been estimated. The impurity of oxygen per unit area is adopted
as 2 g/m2 [30]. The assumption was made that all hydrogen in the sodium is produced from
moisture (H2O) reacting with sodium that can continue to react with sodium completely since
unlimited sodium supply for the reaction, therefore the impurity of hydrogen per unit area can
also be estimated as 0.25 g/m2 based on the stoichiometric relationship between the mass of
hydrogen in water released in the Na-H2O reaction. Another source of impurities during this
operation is due to impurities present in the sodium inventory from the vendor as mentioned in
PSPS. To provide an indication of the level of impurities that may be present during this stage,
the EBR-II procurement specifications for reactor grade sodium are shown in Table 8-6, along
with the actual levels in the material in the as-received condition. Oxygen was not included in the
initial specifications, most likely due to the fact that oxygen level can be influenced by handling
procedures once the material leaves the factory, as well as the fact that the operators intended to
reduce the oxygen content to an acceptable level using the ISPS once the secondary system was
filled. As an indication of the potential levels, other reactor programs have placed specifications
on the maximum oxygen content in procured reactor grade sodium in the range of 50 to 100 ppm.
Furthermore, suppliers have published specifications on oxygen levels in reactor grade sodium to
be <50 ppm. On these various bases, an oxygen concentration of 50 ppm in the initial secondary
sodium inventory is assumed as mentioned in Section 8.1.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-6: Initial Impurity Levels in EBR-II Reactor Grade Sodium

Specification As-Received
Impurity (ppm) (ppm)
Boron 5 <1 to 2
Cadmium 20 <1
Calcium 10 <2 to 8
Carbon 50 5 to 29
Indium 30 7 to 12
Lithium 20 <1
Oxygen <50 ppm [31]
Hydrogen Not available Impurity Sources from Other Operations

For the IHTS loop, hydrogen permeation from the primary side of the FASTER reactor is very
small during fuel handling compared with the hydrogen permeation from the steam generator
during normal power operation. Therefore, using the normal operation hydrogen source rate for
the IHTS loop during fuel handling operations provides a conservative basis for sizing the
secondary cold trap.

The impurity source rates after accidents will be refined after SG tube rupture analyses are

Based on the above discussion Table 8-7 summarizes the impurity source rates of oxygen,
hydrogen, and tritium for various operational phases as well as the technical basis for these

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-7: Estimated FASTER IHTS Loop Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Tritium Source Rates
Impurity Stage Source Technical Basis
Maximum oxygen concentration in “R” grade sodium inventory
Oxygen 50 ppm
Initial [31].
Oxygen IHTS loop 2 g/m2 Initial oxygen concentration on the surface of component [30]
Sodium Fill Based on stoichiometric relation of the water and hydrogen in the
Hydrogen 0.25 g/m2
reaction of sodium and moisture (H2O)
Scaled up from EBR-II [20] oxygen source rate of secondary
Oxygen 0.72 g/day
sodium loop from the power level of 62.5 MW t to 150 MWt
Normal Estimated based on CRBRP nominal hydrogen source flux rate
Hydrogen Power 7.3 g/day [27] of 9.8x10-12 g/cm2-sec with SG heat transfer surface area of
Operation 1,084m2.
EBR-II operations [20], linearly scaled up from power of the
Tritium 2.2 GBq/day a)
Oxygen ~0 The impurity sources due to refueling operation are insignificant,
Hydrogen ~0 and the operation period itself has much shorter duration
comparing with the period of normal operation. Therefore,
Tritium insignificant impurity sources of refueling can be ignored for this operation.
Equivalent to 0.006 mg/day, or 2.2 mg/year based on 290 EFPD, given the tritium specific activity of 9,600 Ci/g. Impurity Mass Accumulations for IHTS loop Through the Lifetime of the Plant
Based on the estimated impurity source rates of oxygen, hydrogen, and tritium for the FASTER
secondary sodium system (see Table 8-7) during routine operations, the total mass of each
impurity can be calculated for the 30 year design lifetime of FASTER (see Table 8-8).

Table 8-8: Total Accumulated Impurity Mass for IHTS Sodium Loop*
Time from
Reactor Na2O
Startup Mass NaH Total (Na2O-
(years) (kg) Mass (kg) NaH) Mass (kg) Technical Basis/Rationale
Impurities present in initial sodium
inventory: equivalent to the oxygen mass
in 86.92 MT of sodium at a level of 50
0 16.9 38.1 55.0
ppm. Initial hydrogen content
conservatively estimated assuming the
oxygen arises from H2O.
From initial moisture on the IHTS
0 13.0 29.5 42.5
Total from initial sodium inventory and
0 29.9 67.6 97.5
surface moisture.
10 65.1 683.6 748.7 The source rate of hydrogen during
normal operation is 7.8x10-12 g/cm2-sec,
30 85.5 1,966 2,051 and for oxygen the rate is 0.72g/day.
Also see Table 8-7.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

8.2.2 Overall System Description

Two main features have been adopted from the EBR-II secondary purification system for the
design of the FASTER purification system. The first feature is the inclusion of a recirculating
loop to keep the sodium level in the expansion tank constant. This feature provides a stable
hydraulic environment for the main intermediate heat transport EM pump in the secondary loop.
The cold trap (CT) and plugging temperature indicator (PTI) units are also incorporated into the
system to purify the sodium by piping the sodium from the expansion tank. The second feature is
the use of a passive syphon break to terminate the hydraulic connection in the expansion tank in
case of a sodium leak in the purification system. This feature prevents emptying the contents of
the expansion tank and the IHTS loop in the event of sodium leakage from the purification
system. The advantage of passive syphon break system is that the system is passive. It is
mechanically designed into the expansion tank, which only allows sodium from the recirculating
loop to flow into the expansion tank in one direction by pumping force from the inlet tube.
Whenever a leakage happens in the sodium recirculating loop, the sodium level in the expansion
tank will become lower. This will break the syphon mechanism at the top of the inlet tube to
prevent the sodium from being sucked back into the recirculating system. A level indicator should
be installed in the expansion tank to detect minimum sodium level in the tank. An alarm should
go off if the sodium in the expansion tank drops below a set point to check the possibility of
leakage in the recirculating and purification systems.

The main function of the secondary purification system is to purify the IHTS sodium in which
contamination from the steam generator (SG) is continuously introduced, along with other
sources. The FASTER secondary purification system is designed to achieve the objectives of
robustness and reliability.

To support a robust and redundant operating environment, each of the two (2) IHTS loops is
served by one purification loop with the goal of having one cold trap in operation during normal
operations, with one cold trap in reserve. Therefore, two (2) cold traps are included in each of the
secondary sodium purification loops.

For each sodium purification loop, one cold trap is used for cleaning of the system during initial
fill and commissioning, or post-accident cleaning in the case of the sodium-water reaction in the
IHTS. The other cold trap is for the normal operations.

There are two basic operational modes for this design; namely, normal operation with CT1 on
line, and normal operation with CT2 on line.

For the operation with CT1 on line(See Figure 8-5 ), sodium flows from the weir in the storage
tank through an EM-pump to the cold trap with flow to the PTI and the sampling station in
parallel. The purified sodium then continues to flow into the expansion tank (ET) and through an
overflow line in the tank before returning back to the sodium storage tank. This completes the
sodium recirculation in the loop.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016








CT 1 C T2



EM PUMP S o d iu m L in e

G a s L in e

Figure 8-5: Preliminary Piping Diagram of PGSFR ISPS- Normal Operation with CT1 on Line

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016







CT 1 C T2



S o d iu m L in e

G a s L in e

Figure 8-6: Preliminary Piping Diagram of PGSFR ISPS- Normal Operation with CT 2 on Line

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The operation with CT2 on line (see Figure 8-6) is initiated by setting valves in the system to
change the sodium flow path. In this case, sodium follows the same flow path as the first choice
except that cold trap CT1 is removed from the circulation path in the purification system, and
cold trap CT2 is switched (by valve actuation) into operation thus allowing sodium to flow
through CT2 . Either of these two cold traps can be used as a backup if another one is out of
service for maintenance, regeneration, or replacement.

In addition to purifying sodium, another function of the secondary purification system is to

measure the plugging temperature of the IHTS loops. There is one (1) sodium plugging loop for
each secondary purification loop (see Figure 8-5). The plugging loop is piped in parallel with the
cold trap loop and sampling station. The EM pump pushes a portion of the sodium from the
recirculating loop through the plugging loop. The sodium plugging temperature is measured by a
plugging temperature indicator in the loop. See Figure 8-2 for additional details.

To provide capability to analyze the actual chemical contents in the sodium, each secondary
purification loop includes one (1) sampling station loop (see Figure 8-4). The sampling station
loop that is parallel with the cold trap and plugging loops can be put on- or off-line by using
various valves in the loop. The pressure difference on the bypass line of the cold trap forces the
sodium from the recirculation loop into the sampling station. The impurity contents of the sodium
in the IHTS loop can be either analyzed off-line from the sodium samples collected in the sodium
sampling station, or online by the Oxygen-Hydrogen meter module /equilibration module.

Finally, other than the above mentioned functions, there are some additional features in the
FASTER design that will make the system more reliable and robust.

A bypass line between the inlet and outlet of the cold trap allows sodium to bypass the cold trap,
the PTI and the sampling station. This feature ensures that the sodium in the expansion tank can
always be kept at a constant level even if the cold trap, plugging temperature indicator, or
sampling station has been taken off-line from the loop.

At some point it may be necessary to drain the IHTS sodium contents into the storage tank. If this
occurs, the sodium in the storage tank could be purified by circulating sodium between the cold
trap and storage tank without passing though the expansion tank. This is achieved by opening the
valve on the by-pass line between the inlet of the expansion tank and the storage tank.

8.2.3 Functions and Specifications of Major Components

Each IHTS sodium purification loop consists of two (2) cold traps, two (2) economizers, a
plugging loop, a sampling station, and a portion of the sodium recirculation loop. Only the
functions and specifications of the cold trap, economizer, plugging meter are presented in this
report. Also, the characteristics of the EM pump and flow meter in the recirculating loop are
briefly described. The IHTS purification system is preliminarily specified according to ASME
pressure vessel code.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016 Cold Trap

The cold trap is a major component in the sodium purification system. For the FASTER IHTS
loop, the cold trap removes sodium impurities (mostly sodium hydride) from the main
intermediate loop by precipitation. The main impurity to cold trap out of the IHTS sodium loop is
sodium hydride. The source rate of this impurity is almost constant, and arises due to hydrogen
diffusion through the tubes on the water-side of the steam generator. Also, there is a small oxygen
source rate into the IHTS sodium loop that forms sodium oxide. The possible predominant source
of this impurity is cover gas contamination. Finally, tritium diffuses from the primary side of the
sodium loop through the tubes of the IHXs; the tritium is produced by ternary fission in the fuel,
and formed by neutron activation of boron carbide control rods. All these impurities can be
effectively taken out from the sodium in the secondary loop by means of cold trapping. The
effectiveness of the purification process is determined by the sodium flow rate to the cold trap,
the source rate of the impurities, and finally the efficiency of the cold trap. The capacity of the
cold trap is predominately determined by the size of the cold trap. Due to the nature of the
impurity sources in the FASTER secondary loop, the cold traps in the IHTS system are operated
continuously during normal operations. The limit for the hydrogen in the secondary sodium loop
is set at 0.2 ppm and 5 ppm for oxygen.

Design Dimensions
A typical cold trap design is shown in Table 8-9 and Figure 8-7, which is in the ISPS system of
FASTER. The cold trap is a cylindrical shaped ASME compliant pressure vessel. The outer
diameter is 1.372 m (54 inch), overall length is 3.27 m (128.8 inch), and 190 longitudinal cooling
fins are welded on the cylinder outer surface. The interior of the cold trap is divided vertically by
a cylindrical wall into two concentric sections. The top of the cylindrical wall is welded to the
inside surface of the cold trap top head. The bottom of the wall is open to both the central and
annular regions. The sodium inlet and outlet are positioned on the top head and radially centered
in the annular and central regions, respectively. Both the annular and central regions are filled
with the stainless steel wire mesh. The wire mesh in these two regions affectively increases the
surface area for impurity precipitation. The length of the meshed section is about 2.03 m (80
inch), which leaves the top and bottom of the cold trap regions free of packing material. The
flange near the top head of the cold trap allows the finned portion of the cold trap to sit in an air
jacket enclosure. The opening on the bottom of the air jacket is connected to an air blower
through an air duct. The 0.66 m (26in) diameter of the air jacket inlet is sized to minimize the
noise and pressure drop of the system. The openings on the flange are for air outlets. To reduce
the channeling behavior of the sodium in the cold trap due to the low sodium flow rate, a set of
baffles is implemented in the annular region. Four (4) thermocouples are implemented in the
annulus and two (2) are implemented in the central region through the top head to provide
multiple measuring points.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-9: FASTER IHTS Cold Trap Design Dimensions

 Design parameters  Design values
 Shell OD, m (inch)  1.37 (54)
 Shell Thickness, mm (inch)  9.53 (0.375)
 Shell ID, m (inch)  1.346(53)
 Shell Overall Length, m (inch)  3.27(128.8)
 Vertical Cylinder wall OD, m (inch)  0.533(21)
 Vertical Cylinder Wall Thickness, mm
 12.7 (0.5)
 Vertical Cylinder ID, m (inch)  0.508 (20)
 Overall Length of the Vertical Cylinder,
 2.78 (109.4)
m (inch)
 Number of Baffles, Inner (outer)  3 (2)
 Baffle Thickness, mm (inch)  12.7 (0.5)
 OD of the Inner Baffle, m (inch)  1.12 (44)
 ID of the Outer Baffle, m (inch)  0.89 (35)
 Baffle Pitch, cm (inch)  51 (20)
 Fin Height, cm (inch)  6.35 (2.5)
 Fin Thickness, mm (inch)  3.429 (0.135)
 Fin Length, m (inch)  2.286 (90)
 Number of Fins  190
 Material for Cold Trap  9Cr-1Mo-V
 3
Mesh volume, m (inch ) 3
 2.8
 Mesh wire diameter, mm (inch)  0.28(0.011)
 3
Mesh Density, kg/m (lbm/ft ) 3
 400 (24.97)
 304 Stainless Steel, soft
 Material for Mesh
 Air jacket ID, m (inch)  1.5386 (60.575)
 Air Jacket Inlet ID, m (inch)  0.66 (26)
 Air Jacket outlet ID, m (inch)  0.32 (12.5)
 Number of Air Jacket Outlets  4
 304 stainless steel or
 Material for Air Jacket
carbon steel

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Ø 0 . 9 8 4 in 1 0 9 p l
Ø 0 . 8 6 6 in 1 0 9 p l

1 . 2 5 in t y p .
0 .0 1 m
[ 0 . 3 7 in ]
Ø 0 .3 9 m
Ø 0 .4 1 m
[ Ø 1 5 . 2 5 in ]
[ Ø 1 6 . 0 0 in ]
L 5 : 0 .1 8 m
[ 7 . 0 1 in ] ( 2 )
B a f f le ( 7 )
0 .2 9 m
0 .1 5 m [ 1 1 . 4 5 in ]
1 .8 3 m [ 6 . 0 0 in ] (7) L 1 : 1 .0 7 m L 4 : 1 .4 2 m
[ 7 2 . 1 1 in ] (6) [ 4 2 . 0 0 in ] [ 5 6 . 0 2 in ]

E c o n o m iz e r S h e ll
D i8 : 0 . 3 0 5 m 0 .5 1 m
1 2 in [ 2 0 . 0 0 in ] T h e r m a l c o u p le ( 3 )
A ir J a c k e t O u t le t ( 4 ) ]
F la n g e
0 .5 1 m 0 .4 2 m
[ 2 0 . 0 0 in ] , 2 P L [ 1 6 . 6 1 in ]
F in ( 1 0 9 )
S S m es h
0 .8 9 m
0 .5 1 m [ 3 5 . 0 0 in ] , 2 P L
[ 2 0 . 0 0 in ] , 2 P L 2 .7 8 m
[ 1 0 9 . 3 6 in ]
3 .2 7 m 0 .0 1 m
L 7 : 2 .0 3 m o u t e r b a f f le ( 2 ) [ 0 . 5 0 in ] T Y P .
[ 1 2 8 . 7 6 in ] L 2 : 2 . 2 9 m
[ 8 0 . 0 0 in ] D i3 : 0 . 5 1 m
[ 9 0 . 0 0 in ]
A ir J a c k e t [ 2 0 . 0 0 in ]
1 .1 2 m
I n n e r B a f f le ( 3 )
[ 4 4 . 0 0 in ] , 3 P L

C e n t r a l C y lin d r ic a l W a ll
C o ld t r a p s h e ll

A ir b lo w e r

A ir d u c t
L 1 0 : 2 .5 4 m L 8 : 2 .5 4 m L 9 : 5 .0 8 m
1 0 0 in 1 0 0 in 2 0 0 in

D i6 : 0 . 6 6 m
[ 2 6 . 0 0 in ] D i7 : 0 . 7 4 m
[ 2 9 . 0 0 in ]
Ø 1 .3 7 m
[ Ø 5 4 . 0 0 in ]

Ø 1 .5 6 m
[ Ø 6 1 . 3 2 in ]

Figure 8-7: IHTS Cold Trap Dimensions Economizer

The function of the economizer is to recuperate the heat during the process of cold trapping. The
economizer is a regenerative heat exchanger used as part of the forced-air cooled cold trap
assembly to minimize system heat losses, reduce thermal shock, and reduce total heat removal
requirements of the trap.

Design Dimensions
Table 8-10 and Figure 8-7 show a typical design of an economizer for FASTER. The economizer
is a tube in shell heat exchanger. The outer diameter of the shell is 0.41 m (16 inch) and the
overall shell length is 1.83 m (72.1 inch). There are 109 tubes with an effective tube length of
1.07 m (42 inch) and outer diameter of 25 mm (0.984 inch). Seven (7) 25% cut baffles are
implemented in the economizer to augment mixing and heat transfer of the unit.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-10: FASTER IHTS Economizer Design Dimensions

 Design Parameters  Design Values
 Shell OD, m (inch)  0.406 (16)
 Shell Thickness, mm (inch)  9.53 (0.375)
 Shell ID, m (inch)  0.387(15.25)
 Shell Overall Length, m
 1.83(72)
 Tube OD, mm (inch)  25(0.984)
 Tube Wall Thickness, mm
 1.5 (0.059)
 Tube ID, mm (inch)  22 (0.866)
 Tube Pitch, mm (inch)  31.75 (1.25)
 Effective Tube Length, m
 1.067 (42)
 Tube Length, m (inch)  1.423 (56)
 Number of Tubes  109
 Type of Baffle  25% cut
 Baffle Thickness, mm (inch)  9.53 (0.375)
 Baffle Pitch, cm (inch)  15.24 (6)
 Number of Baffles  7 Plugging Meter

The major requirement of plugging meter for FASTER sodium system is to be able to measure
sodium plugging temperature which reflects the required limit of impurities of oxygen and/or
hydrogen in the sodium. Many variations of plugging meter design existed today, but there are
two basic forms of design. The first form is a fluted valve or orifice plate type, and the second
form is a Frit type (EBR-II). From the experiences of EBR-II, the Frit-type PTI has proved to be
very sensitive device for measuring plugging temperatures in the EBR-II primary and secondary
sodium systems [32]. By employing the continuous method or/and oscillating method of
measuring, the Frit-type plugging meter is able to measure 121°C (250°F) or lower plugging
temperature in the sodium system. By contrast, the plugging temperature can be measured by a
fluted valve plugging meter is higher due to impact of sodium flow changes to the temperature
readout during the measuring.

The function of the plugging meter in the secondary loop is to determine the plugging
temperature of the sodium. It is basically a sodium-to-sodium (economizer) and sodium-to-air
regenerative heat exchanger. Sodium entering the plugging loop from the recirculating system
flows through an inlet filter and a permanent magnet flow meter. The sodium then enters the side

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

of the regenerative heat exchanger near the top. The sodium flows downward through the outer
annulus where an air blower induces flow on the outside of the heat exchanger that cools the
sodium in the outer annulus. The sodium reverses at the bottom and flows upward into two flow
paths; one through the plugging filter, the other bypassing the plugging filter. The plugging and
bypassing flows pass through individual flowmeters and throttling valves. They combine
downstream of the throttle valves to flow back to the recirculating system.

Design Dimensions
Table 8-11 and Figure 8-8 show a typical plugging meter design for PGSFR. The plugging meter
is a tube in tube type of heat exchanger. The outer diameter of the outer pipe is 4.22 cm (1.66
inch), the outer diameter of the intermediate tube is 2.54 cm (1 inch), and the outer diameter of
the inner tube is 1.27 cm (0.5 inch). The overall length of plugging meter is 87 cm (34.3 inch).
The plugging filter is located at the bottom of the annulus between the intermediate tube and
inner tube, where a thermocouple in a thermo well is located. All the sodium inlet and outlet ports
are 1.71 cm (0.68 inch). There are 18 longitudinal cooling fins in the cooling section of the
plugging meter. The purpose of cooling fins is to increase surface area of cooling on the air
coolant side due to low thermal heat transfer coefficient of air. The fins are 0.95 cm (0.38 inch)
high, 25.4 cm (10 inch) long, and have a thickness of 0.26 cm (0.1 inch). The inner diameter of
the air jacket is 6.88 cm (2.71 inch), which guides the flow around the finned section of the
plugging meter. An air blower is connected at the bottom of the air jacket through a 6.4 cm (2-1/2
inch) duct. The outlet diameter of the air jacket is a 4.5 cm (1.77 inch) pipe.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 8-11: FASTER IHTS Plugging Meter Design Dimensions

 Design parameters  Design values
 Inner tube OD, cm (inch)  1.27 (0.5)
 Inner tube ID, cm (inch)  1.09 (0.43)
 Inner tube wall thickness, mm (inch)  0.889(0.035)
 Intermediate tube OD, cm (inch)  2.54 (1.00)
 Intermediate tube ID, cm (inch)  2.36 (0.93)
 Intermediate tube wall thickness,
 0.889(0.035)
mm (inch)
 Outer tube OD, cm (inch)  4.22 (1.66)
 Outer tube ID, cm (inch)  3.66 (1.44)
 Outer tube wall thickness, mm
 2.77(0.109)
 Fin type  Longitudinal rectangular
 Fin surface area m2/m (ft2/ft)  0.347 (1.14)
 Fin Height, cm (inch)  0.95 (0.38)
 Fin Thickness, mm (inch)  2.54 ( 0.1)
 Fin Length, cm (inch)  25.4 (10)
 Number of Fins  18
 Material for plugging meter  9Cr-1Mo-V
 Plugging filter wire diameter, mm
 Plugging filter density, kg/m3
 Plugging filter material  TBD
 Air Jacket OD, cm (inch)  7.30 (2.88)
 Air Jacket ID, cm (inch)  6.88 (2.71)
 Air Jacket wall thickness, mm (inch)  0.21(0.08)
 Air Jacket Inlet ID, cm (inch)  4.5 (1.77)
 Number of Air Jacket Outlets  1
 304 stainless steel or carbon
 Material for Air Jacket

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

D i6 :Ø 0 .4 3 in c h [Ø 1 .0 9 c m ]

D i3 ,D i4 :Ø 0 .9 3 in c h [Ø 2 .3 6 c m ] D o 6 :Ø 0 .5 0 in c h [Ø 1 .2 7 c m ]
D o 3 ,D o 4 :Ø 1 .0 0 in c h [Ø 2 .5 4 c m ] H fin :0 .3 8 in c h [0 .9 5 c m ]
tfin :0 .1 0 in c h [0 .2 6 c m ] ( 1 8 )

D o 5 :Ø 2 .8 8 in c h [Ø 7 .3 0 c m ] D i1 ,D i2 :Ø 1 .4 4 in c h [Ø 3 .6 6 c m ]
D o 1 ,D o 2 :Ø 1 .6 6 in c h [Ø 4 .2 2 c m ]
D i5 :Ø 2 .7 1 in c h [Ø 6 .8 8 c m ]

0 .6 8 in c h [1 .7 1 c m ]
0 .1 1 in c h [0 .2 8 c m ]

1 .9 8 in c h [5 .0 3 c m ]

L 5 = 3 .0 0 in c h [7 .6 2 c m ]
S o d iu m in le t p o r t

Ø 1 .6 6 in c h [4 .2 2 c m ]

L 1 = 1 7 .0 0 in c h [4 3 .1 8 c m ]

Ø 2 .8 8 in c h [7 .3 0 c m ]
3 4 .2 5 in c h [8 7 .0 0 c m ]
0 .0 8 in c h [0 .2 1 c m ]

1 .8 9 in c h [4 .8 1 c m ]
D i8 : 1 .7 7 in c h [4 .5 0 c m ]

0 .3 8 in c h [0 .9 5 c m ]

L 2 ,L 3 = 1 0 .0 0 in c h [2 5 .4 0 c m ]

B lo w e r

P lu g g in g filte r

T h e r m a l C o u p le

L 8 : 1 4 .9 7 in c h [3 8 .0 1 c m ]
L 1 0 : 6 .0 0 in c h [1 5 .2 4 c m ]

D i7 :2 .7 1 in c h [6 .8 8 c m ]

Figure 8-8: IHTS Plugging Meter Dimensions EM Pumps for the Recirculating Loops

An EM pump in the recirculating loop provides a stable sodium pressure head for the IHTS loop
through the expansion tank. The pump also provides the driving head to transport sodium from

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

the main IHTS loop to the cold trap, plugging meter and sampling station. Lastly, the EM pump
can provide the pressure head to refill the IHTS system after a sodium dump. The major pressure
head loss the pump has to overcome are the pressure drop from the cold trap, the hydraulic head
between the storage tank and the expansion tank, and the frictional losses from the pipes and
components in the recirculating system. During normal sodium purification in the IHTS, the
pump can provide a flow rate of up to 75 gpm (284 L/min). The required pressure head for the
pump is estimated to be about 70 psig (483 kPa) at that flow rate. During sodium filling for the
IHTS loop, two such pumps, connected in parallel, can be used for one loop to speed up the
sodium filling process, or during emergency purification after an event such as a sodium-water
reaction in the SG. Therefore, there are two design options for recirculating the sodium in the
loop. The first option is to use two EM-pumps with flow rate of 75 gpm (284 L/min) each and the
head pressure of 70 psig (483 kPa). The second option is to use one EM-pump with flow rate of
150 gpm (568 L/min) and the head pressure of 70 psig (483 kPa). The first option has the feature
of redundancy and the second option may be more cost effective. In any case, the pump should be
able to work in a range of near 0 to nominal full flow rate at a maximum temperature of 370°C
(700°F). Flow Meter for the Recirculating Loop

Flow Meters for Plugging Loops

There are three (3) flowmeters in the plugging loop. The two flowmeters installed in the plugging
line and bypass line are highly sensitive because the accuracy of the plugging temperature
critically depends on sensing flow changes in these two loops. See FM1 and FM2 in Figure 8-9.
The flow meter should be able to work in flow rate range of 0~68 L/hr (0~0.3 gpm). The flow
meter which measures the total flow through the plugging loop does not have to be as sensitive as
FM1 and FM2. See FM in Figure 8-3. The flow rate range of this meter should also be of 0~68
L/hr. (0~0.3 gpm). All three flow meters should be able to work at maximum temperature of
370°C (700°F).

FM 1

FM 2

P lu g g in g T e m p e r a tu r e
I n d ic a to r

t o t h e o u le t o f c o ld tr a p f r o m t h e in le t o f c o ld tr a p
s o d iu m b y p a s s lin e s o d iu m b y p a s s lin e

Figure 8-9: FASTER Secondary Sodium Plugging Loop

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Flow Meters for the Recirculating Loop

The flow meters in the recirculating loop monitor the sodium flow rate at up to 150 gpm. The
temperature control of the cold trap is achieved by changing the sodium flow rate through the
cold trap and changing the air flow rate in the air jacket. Sodium temperature can be adjusted by
controlling sodium flow through the cold trap. The maximum temperature for the meters should
be 370°C (700°F).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

9 Instrumentation and Control

9.1 Plant Monitoring System

The Plant Monitoring System (PMS) displays and logs plant process variables for use in
determining plant state with respect to operation and safety. The process variables measured in
the following four major systems are identified and described: the primary heat transport system,
the intermediate heat transport system, the decay heat removal system, and the sodium-water
pressure relief system. A description of the Balance of Plant (BOP) instrumentation is omitted as
it is considered conventional technology.

9.1.1 Primary Heat Transport System

The Primary Heat Transport System (PHTS) removes heat from the reactor core and transfers it to
the Intermediate Heat Transport System during normal operation. The primary system
components are arranged in a pool-type layout with all the components residing within the reactor
vessel. Sodium coolant is delivered to the core inlet plenum by mechanical pumps that take their
suction from the cold pool. The sodium is heated as it passes through the core fuel subassemblies
and then exits into the hot pool. From the hot pool the sodium flows into the primary side of the
intermediate heat exchanger. The sodium exits the heat exchanger where it mixes with the coolant
in the cold pool completing the coolant flow circuit. A capability to remove decay heat from the
primary system is provided by the Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System.

Monitoring systems are provided to enable the operator to determine that the PHTS is
maintaining plant process variables in the design range for each mode of operation including
regular operation, maintenance, shutdown, and refueling. A measured value is output to different
locations according to its use. These locations can include the control room, the remote shutdown
location, and panels local to the equipment where the value is measured. All sensors have an
accompanying performance specification. This specification is derived from the intended use of
the measured value. The specification for a sensor is determined by considering measurement
requirements. Consideration is given to the following:

 Environment – The conditions (temperature, radiation, etc.) the sensor will need to operate
 Accuracy – An upper bound for the allowable uncertainty in the measured value.
 Range – The process variable range over which the sensor will need to operate while
meeting accuracy and reliability requirements.
 Service Life – The value chosen should reflect how accessible the sensor is for
maintenance and replacement tasks.
 Reliability – The probability that the sensor remains within specifications for its service
life given the local environment.

Measurements are made of the following process variables that are important from an operation
and safety standpoint.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Neutron Flux
The neutron flux monitoring system has several functions: to provide measurements that aid in
reactor startup and enable efficient plant control, to monitor reactivity changes during core
operation, and to detect abnormal power conditions that could threaten the integrity of the fuel.
As part of a test reactor, this system also provides neutron flux measurement to characterize
irradiation conditions for test locations and assemblies. Thus, the flux monitoring system provides
control signals for normal plant operation, signals to the plant protection system to initiate reactor
protective trips, and measurements for the testing program. The system is capable of measuring
the neutron flux level at all times and power levels from subcritical operations to above 150% of
rated power.

Typically, fission chamber detectors will monitor neutron source flux level on a linear scale
during startup and also on a wide-range log scale that covers a range of operation of
approximately ten decades. A compensated ion chamber detector will monitor the neutron flux
levels on a linear scale that covers power operation from approximately 1% up to 150%. The
power range detectors are used for reactor power control and for detecting the over-power
condition for protection. Detectors are housed in air-cooled thimbles located on the outside
periphery of the core shield.

A temperature measurement system is used to sense process temperatures for indication of all
important components and for forwarding signals for control functions, safety functions, and for
continuous trend monitoring and plant heat balance and sodium inventory calculations.

Specific sensors include those to measure the sodium coolant temperatures exiting the fuel
assemblies for control of reactor outlet temperature and for protection to detect coolant over-
temperature; those for measuring reactor cold-leg and hot-leg temperatures for heat balance
calculations; and those for measuring core inlet temperature for control and to detect high core
inlet temperature for protection. The hot-leg temperatures for heat balance calculations are taken
at the inlet of each intermediate heat exchanger. Additional sensors are provided for indication
only. These are located at the IHX shell side outlet, at the decay heat exchanger shell-side inlet
and decay heat exchanger shell-side outlet, in the upper internal structure region, on the reactor
vessel surface, on the reactor head surface, in the PHTS cover gas, at the PHTS pump inlet, on the
pump motor, on the reactor shield surface, and axially in the cold-pool sodium.

Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are used as the sensing elements to provide the accuracy
required for heat balance calculations. They are installed in pairs to provide redundant
measurements in the event of RTD failure. This is necessary due to inaccessibility of element
locations during normal plant operation. For assemblies where the fuel handling machine prevents
placement of thermocouples at their outlet, an indication of temperature conditions is obtained
from neighboring subassemblies.

A pressure measurement system is used to sense process pressures for indication of all important
components and for forwarding signals for control functions and for safety functions.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

In additions, sensors will be provided to measure PHTS pump pressures for indication only.
These sensors are provided for monitoring the hydraulic performance of the pump. The
measurements will be taken at the outlet of the pump and the inlet of the pump. Additional
indication measurements will be taken above the PHTS sodium in the cover gas, between the
reactor and guard vessel, and in the fully-mixed region of the hot pool for use in calculating core
pressure drop. IHX primary-side inlet pressure signal is also provided for comparison with the
IHX intermediate-side outlet pressure signal. An alarm circuit monitors the differential pressure
and alarms if the indicated IHTS to PHTS differential pressure drops below the alarm set point.
This is to alert the operator that a minimum differential pressure has been violated.

Typically, sodium pressure is measured by transferring fluid pressure from the high temperature
sodium process to a remotely mounted pressure sensor transmitter via an intermediate fluid
(NaK). Redundancy is provided where sensors are inaccessible during normal operation.

Mass Flow Rate

A coolant flow rate measurement system is used to sense process flow rate for indication and for
forwarding signals for control functions and for safety functions. Sensors are provided to measure
the sodium flow rate in each primary pump outlet pipe for use in indication, as a flow feedback
signal to the PHTS controller (which is part of the plant control system), and for utilization in the
protection system. The coolant flow rate is measured by a permanent magnet (PM) flow meter.
Each flow magnet is provided with a thermocouple to detect over temperature. A flux
measurement coil is also provided in each flow meter assembly. This device terminates at a local
panel for utilization by a portable test instrument. For mechanical pumps, the flow rate can be
inferred from measurements of pump motor speed and the pump performance curve. Additional
flow rate sensors of ultrasonic or Venturi-type may be provided for diversity and redundancy in
event of failure of the magnetic flow meter.

A sodium level measurement system is used to sense the sodium level in the primary vessel hot
pool and cold pool. The system is provided with both wide-range type and narrow-range sensors
for indication and alarming. The wide-range probe is used to indicate during fill and drain and to
provide maximum and minimum level alarm functions. The narrow-range probe is used for more
accurate measurement of sodium level during normal power range operation for sodium inventory
monitoring. The narrow-range probe signal is monitored by high and low level alarm units which
alert the operator when normal operational limits have been exceeded. Some sensors are reserved
for the plant protection system to measure hot-to-cold pool level differences. For level
measurements, probes of the inductive type and acoustic type are typically used.

Primary Pump
The primary pump is of the centrifugal type and is driven by a coupled motor-generator set. A
primary pump monitoring system is required to sense pump variables for indication, for
forwarding signals to the plant control system for control functions, and to the plant protection
system. Sensors to measure shaft speed for indication, control, and protection are provided. In
particular, pump speed is an input signal to the primary coolant flow rate controller. The signal
also serves as a diverse measurement of coolant flow rate for input to the high reactor flux/flow
trip. Additional sensors are also needed to measure the following variables for indication and

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

annunciation: motor voltage, motor current, motor vibration, stator temperature, and bearing
temperature. These variables provide a measure of pump motor-generator health. The pump will
be automatically tripped when an anomalous speed indication or operating condition is sensed.
These conditions can be inferred by comparing the actual measurements against known
relationships that exist during normal operation of the pump. The intent is to avoid conditions that
lead to a pump shaft seizure.

Sodium Leaks
The primary system employs a double wall to ensure containment of the radioactive primary
sodium. The reactor vessel (inner wall) contains the sodium and the guard vessel (outer wall) acts
as a double containment in the event of a leak in the primary vessel. The annulus between the
reactor and guard vessel walls is filled with an inert gas. This gas prevents fire in the annulus in
the event of a leak in the reactor vessel. Sensors will be provided to detect any leakage of primary
sodium from the reactor vessel into the annulus. The detector system consists of a contact probe
and an associated electrical circuit. The probe is extended to the bottom of the annulus.

Sensors will be provided to detect abnormal activity in the sodium cover gas. The detector system
consists of gamma radiation detectors and an associated electrical circuit.

Delayed Neutrons
A Failed Fuel Detection and Location System (FFDLS) is provided to detect and locate a breach
of the cladding of a fuel pin. The operation of the FFDLS relies on detecting phenomena
associated with a breach. Any type of breach (other than from a fabrication defect) results from
stress caused either by fission-gas pressure or by fuel-cladding mechanical interaction due to fuel
swelling at high burn-up. A mechanistic sequence of fission-product release occurs to the primary
system upon breach of cladding. Bond sodium above the breach site will be expelled by the
pressure of stored gas in the plenum, bringing with it any surviving short-lived (< 55 s) delayed-
neutron (DN) pre-cursors of Cs, I, and Br that were released from the fuel by recoil and local
diffusion and were dissolved in the bond. Subsequently, stable and long-lived fission gas will
escape to the primary sodium and be entrained therein, both Xe and Kr being insoluble in sodium.
The sodium containing the dissolved delayed-neutron precursors and the entrained fission gases
ultimately enters the intermediate heat exchangers. On exiting the IHXs, radioactive Xe and Kr
released from the breach will escape to the argon cover gas space and be detected, while the DN
activity will rapidly dissipate.

The system consists of sensors for the detection and localization of a breach of the cladding of a
fuel element for indication. The implementation of the failed-fuel localization capability requires
that during fuel element fabrication the plenum region of each fuel element be charged with 1-2
mL of a mixture of stable Xe and Kr isotopes, each mixture unique to one core fuel assembly, or
possibly to a group of fuel assemblies. An online mass spectrometer capable of accurately
measuring the isotopic content of these noble gases will sample gas from an ancillary Cover Gas
Cleanup System (CGCS) in order to identify which in-reactor assembly (or group of assemblies)
contains the breached element. The CGCS will be required to control activity of the primary
system at times of fuel failure.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The FFDLS might potentially employ two different sensors to detect a breach: a Ge-Li γ detector
and its associated electronics to detect (and identify) a release of radioactive fission-gas isotopes;
and a set of fission-chamber detectors along each of the four IHXs to monitor release of delayed-
neutron precursors. However, for the latter system the transport time of delayed-neutron
precursors from the breach site through the hot pool to the IHX is significant compared to the
half-lives of the precursors. Consequently the signal-to-noise ratio for detecting precursor
emissions among the neutron background will be diminished. Additionally, the breach signal is
limited to the initial blowdown of the sodium bond from a breach by pressurized stored fission
gas in the plenum. The bond sodium that is ejected contains precursors present through diffusion
and recoil which are in comparatively small concentrations compared to the fuel which stays
behind. It is therefore judged impractical to attempt to sense a breach through delayed neutron
detection. The FFDLS will additionally employ a mass spectrometer to provide a failed-fuel
localization capability. The FFDLS system will be designed to interrogate a supply of cover gas
that has been aged for ≥ 5 min in order to suppress the activity of short-lived (37 sec) 23Ne (an
activation product of primary sodium).

Sensors will be provided to detect seismic motion for input to the plant protection system for
reactor shutdown function. Detectors for both horizontal and vertical motion will be provided for
sensing seismic activity.

Control Rod Position

Sensors will be provided to detect control rod position for indication and for input to PHTS power
control system. Diverse detectors to measure control rod position will be adopted.

9.1.2 Intermediate Heat Transport System

The Intermediate Heat Transport System (IHTS) transfers heat from the primary system to the
balance of plant during normal operation. The IHTS serves to isolate the radioactive primary
system sodium from the water coolant in the balance of plant. The IHTS is equipped with a
pressure relief system to prevent pressurization of the primary system in the event of a steam
generator tube leak. High pressure water would flow into the IHTS and react chemically with the
sodium to produce hydrogen gas and produce an increase in pressure. Measurements are made of
the following process variables that are important from an operational and safety standpoint.

A temperature measurement system is used to sense process temperatures for indication of all
important components and for forwarding signals for control functions, for safety functions, and
for continuous trend monitoring and plant heat balance and sodium inventory calculations. More
specifically, sensors will be provided to measure sodium temperatures at the steam generator
shell-side outlet for display and for input to the reactor shutdown logic to detect the loss of heat
sink event. Additional sensors measure for display of sodium temperatures at the steam generator
shell-side inlet. The intermediate system flow rate measurement will be calibrated by means of an
IHTS heat balance by measuring sodium temperatures at the IHX tube-side inlet and outlet.
Additional sensors are provided to measure sodium temperatures in the Sodium Storage Tank,
Sodium Expansion Tank, Sodium Expansion Tank cover gas, and Sodium Storage Tank cover

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Sodium temperatures are measured at the inlet and outlet pipes of each steam generator. Dual
element RTDs are used at each location as the sensing device to provide the accuracy required for
heat balance and sodium inventory calculations. RTDs provide relatively slow response and high
accuracy and are installed in thermowells. The dual element feature provides an operational spare
in the event of an RTD failure.

A pressure measurement system is required to sense process pressures for indication of all
important components and for forwarding signals to the plant control system for control functions
and to the plant protection system for safety functions. Sensors are provided for measuring the
sodium pressure at the sodium pump inlet and outlet in each loop and for monitoring pump
hydraulic performance. Additional sensors measure the expansion tank (ET) cover gas pressure
and sodium storage tank cover gas pressure as well as sodium pressure at the IHX tube-side outlet
for alarming on low intermediate-to-primary system pressure differential and for monitoring
differential pressures between intermediate loops.

For each location, pressure is measured by transferring fluid pressure from the high temperature
sodium process to a remote mounted pressure sensor transmitter via an alternative fluid (NaK).

Mass Flow Rate

A coolant mass flow rate measurement system is used to sense process flow rate for indication of
the intermediate system and for forwarding signals for control functions and for safety functions.
Sensors are provided to measure IHTS sodium flow rate for display, for input to the IHTS flow
control system, and for input to the PCS for PHTS/IHTS flow ratio trip/alarm signal. The sodium
flow rate is measured with a PM flow meter. The flow meter is installed around piping. A flux
measurement coil is also provided in each flow meter assembly. This device terminates at a local
panel for utilization by a portable test instrument.

Sensors are provided to measure sodium level in the IHTS expansion tank and sodium storage
tank for each IHTS loop. These measurements are used to determine the fill and normal operating
levels for: information to the plant operator of the sodium level in each loop for normal plant
control, evaluation of the IHTS leakage, sodium inventory calculations, and detection/alarm of
off-normal high/low levels. For the expansion tank an alarm signal indicating achievement of the
IHTS fill level from the narrow range level probe or an excessive level drop from the wide range
level probe is sent to the PCS. The PCS alerts the operator to terminate the IHTS fill via the pump
control system and the alignment of the valves. Each expansion tank has a separate high level
alarm which is used for indication of high sodium level due to an intermediate size sodium/water
reaction event. Sodium inductive level probes are used to measure level.

Sodium Leak
Several probe type leak detectors are installed in intermediate system components to detect the
leakage of sodium due to failure of components and pipes. Failure of a component may result in
the leakage of sodium into the bottom of the component casing. If sufficient sodium accumulates,

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

it will cause an electrical circuit shortage between the leak detector electrode and the component
casing. The electrical shortage will actuate an alarm in the control room.

Sensors are provided for monitoring hot-leg leakage, cold-leg leakage, expansion tank piping
leakage, expansion tank leakage, and sodium storage tank leakage. Additional sensor monitor
leakage on bellows sealed valves to detect bellows failure. All leak detectors consist of electrode
type probes located near the bottom of a component and connected to an electrical circuit.

Hydrogen Concentration
The presence of hydrogen in significant concentrations in the IHTS is an indicator of a sodium-
water reaction resulting from a steam generator tube leak. Sensors are provided to measure for
display and annunciation of the hydrogen gas concentration in the intermediate sodium in the pipe
exiting the steam generator and in the shell near the exit of the steam generator and in the cover
gas of the expansion tank.

Intermediate Pumps
The IHTS pump is an electromagnetic pump. An intermediate system pump monitoring system is
required to sense pump variables for display and for forwarding signals to the plant control
system for control functions.

Sensors are provided to detect seismic motion for input to plant protection system for reactor
shutdown function. Sensors are to monitor both in-containment and out-of-containment piping.
Detectors for both horizontal and vertical motion will be provided for sensing seismic activity.

9.1.3 Decay Heat Removal System

The Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (DRACS) provides a means for removing heat
from the primary system after reactor shutdown. The DRACS heat exchanger (3) (a tube-and-
shell HX) is submerged in the FASTER reactor vessel cold pool. It is connected via piping to an
air dump heat exchanger (AHX) located outside of containment. Dampers on the AHX minimize
the parasitic losses from the emergency decay heat removal system during normal operation and
will open fully upon a protective signal or loss of power. Measurements are made of the
following process variables that are important from a safety standpoint.

Sensors are provided to measure the temperatures of the three in-vessel decay heat exchangers.
These sensors are mounted immediately above where the DRACS piping penetrates the vessel
deck. These sensors are not subjected to high radiation fields since the DRACS coolant does not
become significantly radioactive while inside the primary vessel. However, these sensors are
exposed to relatively high-temperatures associated with the primary vessel sodium. Additional
sensors measure the temperature of the three air heat exchangers at the air inlet to the shell-side of
the air natural convection heat exchanger and at the outlet. Sensors are also needed to measure the
sodium temperature in the DRACS sodium expansion tank and the cover gas temperature in the
DRACS sodium expansion tank.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Finally, additional sensors measure the air temperature at the outlet of the DRACS stacks. All
temperatures are measured with thermocouples.

Sensors are provided to measure the expansion tank cover gas pressure and to measure the
differential pressure across the DRACS. Pressure is measured by transferring fluid pressure from
the high temperature sodium process to a remote mounted pressure sensor transmitter via NaK

Mass Flow Rate

Sensors are provided to measure the sodium flow rate in the DRACS coolant circuit as well as the
air flow rate in the stack of each of the four DRACS air heat exchangers. The sodium flow rate is
measured with a permanent magnet flow meter. The flow meter is installed around piping. A flux
measurement coil is also provided in each flow meter assembly.

A level measuring system on the expansion tank of each DRACS coolant circuit is able to detect a
leak in the DRACS coolant circuit to be inferred through a change in level. Sodium inductive
level probes are used to measure level.

Sodium Leak
Several probe type leak detectors are installed in DRACS components to detect for the leakage of
sodium due to failure of components and pipes. Failure of a component may result in the leakage
of sodium into the bottom of the component casing. If sufficient sodium accumulates, it will
cause an electrical circuit shortage between the leak detector electrode and the component casing.
The electrical shortage will actuate an alarm in the control room. All leak detectors consist of
electrode type probes located near the bottom of a component and connected to an electrical

Louver Position
A dedicated sensor measures mechanical position of the louvers on each air dump heat exchanger.
This measurement is provided as an input signal to the louver position controller.

9.1.4 Sodium-Water Pressure Relief System

The sodium-water pressure relief system is designed to accommodate a pressure surge in the
IHTS in the event of a sodium-water reaction in a steam generator. The pressure relief capability
is enabled by rupture-disc assemblies. Each assembly contains two rupture discs in series. In the
event of a small water-sodium reaction, the IHTS expansion tank is provided with a rupture-disc
assembly for IHTS pressure relief. A line connects the cover gas region of the IHTS expansion
tank with the cover gas region of the IHTS Sodium Storage Tank (SST). The rupture-disc
assembly in this line normally prevents the two regions from communicating hydraulically
through this line. However, upon a water-sodium reaction event, the pressure in the expansion
tank would increase along with the pressure in rest of the IHTS. The rupture disc bursts (the SST
was up to this point isolated from the IHTS through rupture disc assemblies) and opens a path to
the SST for IHTS pressure relief. In the event of a large water-to-sodium reaction, a Sodium
Dump Tank (SDT) (also known as a Reaction Product Separator Tank) is provided in each IHTS

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March 31, 2016

loop for discharge of sodium from the IHTS after the sodium has been contaminated by sodium-
water reaction products. A rupture-disc assembly is installed in a pipe line (Reaction Products
Vent Line) that tees off of the main IHTS loop piping. IHTS sodium is present on that side of the
assembly that connects to the loop piping. The rupture discs are designed to rupture upon over-
pressure of IHTS sodium providing a path for the sodium to flow through the assembly. Multiple
assemblies are strategically located in the main IHTS loop piping to provide a path for sodium to
flow to the SDT to relieve the pressure. The reaction products that accumulate in the SDT are
propelled into a cyclone separator upon rupture of a downstream rupture-disc assembly. Solids
that separate out are returned to the SDT while gases pass on through this ruptured rupture-disk
assembly, through a hydrogen igniter, and out a stack to the atmosphere. Several instrumentation
and control systems are dedicated to the quantities of greater relevance and interest such as:

A series of temperature measurements for display is to be provided along a path that traces the
egress of water-sodium reaction products out of the IHTS piping. The path begins upstream of
one of the rupture-disc assemblies that tees off of the main IHTS piping circuit. The path
continues through the assembly, on to the sodium dump tank, through an exit pipe to a liquid-
vapor cyclone separator, through a rupture-disk assembly, through a hydrogen igniter, and out a
flare stack. All temperatures are measured with thermocouples.

Sensors are provided for pressure measurement immediately downstream from the rupture-disk
assembly in the Reaction Products Vent Line and in the Sodium Dump Tank. The signals are
transmitted to the plant protection system for shutdown. The pressure is sensed by a pressure
indicating switch which provides a signal for annunciation.

Sodium inductive level probes are provided for level measurement in the Sodium Dump Tank.

Sodium Leak
Sensors are provided in the gas space between each rupture disk pair to detect leakage past the
first rupture disk and downstream of the rupture disc in the pipes leading to the Sodium Dump
Tank. The leak detectors will be of the spark-plug type.

9.2 Plant Control System

The purpose of the Plant Control System (PCS) is to maintain the neutron flux, coolant flow rates,
and other plant processes at levels that meet requirements imposed to ensure safety, efficiency
and protection of plant equipment. The PCS is responsible for plant control during start-up, power
generation, shutdown, and standby. It monitors and regulates the neutron flux and compensates
reactivity changes resulting from fuel burnup, temperature effects, and other factors. The PCS is
responsible for coordinating the operation of the nuclear island systems with those of the power
conversion system and the auxiliary systems. The PCS shall provide a Supervisory Control
System (SCS) to manage the actions of low-level control systems so as to achieve overall plant
operating objectives. The SCS shall have the capability to coordinate, as a function of plant state
and target state, the setpoints of the individual lower-level controllers. It also has the capability to
enable/disable through interlocks the plant control systems whose operation is operating-mode

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(i.e., startup, at-power operation, shutdown maintenance, and refueling) dependent. It is required
that when the plant is at-power and generating electricity, the SCS is controlling the plant
operation. However, the operator shall have the capability to take manual control of the plant.
This will satisfy the regulatory requirement that the operator be ultimately responsible for control
of the plant.

9.2.1 Principles of Operation

The function of the plant control system is to regulate the plant variables consistent with
irradiation needs and electricity production while maintaining a balance between power
production and heat removal so that plant temperatures remain within safe limits. This is achieved
by sensing plant process variables and appropriately commanding actuators. Reactor heat
production is managed by motor driven neutron absorbers while heat removal is managed by
variable flow rate pumps. By combining rod reactivity and flow rate changes it is possible to keep
the reactor coolant inlet and outlet temperatures essentially constant over the assigned load range.
All licensed reactors exhibit a degree of self-regulation when it comes to maintaining core power
in balance with heat removal rate. In the case of FASTER this inherent property is particularly
pronounced. The feedback control systems that are developed in this report take advantage of this
to improve safety and operability. On a very basic level these improvements stem from the need
for less control rod motion compared to other reactor types. This is largely a result of a small fuel
temperature rise compared to the coolant temperature rise, a characteristic of metal fuel. The
quasi-static reactivity model provides a clear and easily understood representation for how core
power and temperature are linked and the role of control rods for controlling reactor power. The
time constants of the temperature feedback processes are such that the temperatures that are
responsible for feedbacks are essentially in equilibrium with the instantaneous power, flow rate,
and inlet temperature. A quasi-static reactivity balance on the reactor gives, relative to some
equilibrium zero-reactivity reference state

 P 
 net  A  P - 1   B  - 1   C  Ti   ext Eq. 9-1
W 

P  p / p0 , W  wp / wp ,  Ti  Ti  Ti ,
0 0

A   d Tf 0 ,

  Na d e 
B   r   cr      b   Tc 0 ,
 2 2 2 2 

C   r   cr   v   Na
 d  e

where p is power, wp is primary flow rate, Ti is reactor inlet temperature, and a reference state is
identified by the subscript 0. The subscript ext denotes external reactivity; α is a temperature
reactivity feedback coefficient with d, r, cr, v, Na, e, and b denoting Doppler feedback, core radial
expansion, control rod expansion, vessel expansion, coolant density, fuel axial expansion, and
bowing, respectively. ΔT is core temperature rise, and subscripts f and c denote fuel and coolant

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

An ideal scenario for control of reactor power in an SFR is for normalized power to very nearly
equal normalized coolant mass flow rate over the operating power range without the need for
control rod reactivity. Then reactor temperature rise is near constant with power, and temperature
variation with load is avoided so that thermal fatigue of structures is minimized. Further, the need
for rod motion is minimized, which has safety advantages. The condition under which this
scenario is approached is deduced by inspection of Eq. 9-2. It occurs for a large value of B
compared to A which implies that the power-to-flow ratio (P/W) will remain near unity over the
mass flow rate range, and hence power range, without the need for significant control rod
reactivity. The power-to-flow ratio with no control rod motion over the load range then is a
convenient figure of merit for assessing the degree to which power inherently follows flow. A
value of unity gives the ideal scenario described above. An expression for the normalized power-
to-flow ratio is obtained from Eq. (7.1),

P A B
 Eq. 9-2
W AW  B

where it is assumed inlet temperature and rod reactivity remain constant. This figure of merit as
calculated for the FASTER core, which uses metal fuel, is compared with that of a representative
oxide-fueled core. The comparison, presented in Table 9-1, indicates that the metal core has a
much greater natural tendency for its power to follow coolant mass flow rate. That is, the core
power can be maneuvered over the load range using flow rate alone while maintaining near-
constant core temperature rise i.e., without the need for control rod reactivity addition.

Table 9-1: Comparison for Metal and Oxide Cores of Tendency of Core Power to Inherently Follow Flow
Metal Oxide
A, $ -0.339 -1.24
B, $ -1.414 -0.50
P W = 100% 1 1
W W = 30% 1.15 2.00

9.2.2 Operating Strategy

The design strategy for the control system decomposes the plant response to a change in electric
generator load into two components. Different physical phenomena control each. There is the
equilibrium state the plant will reach asymptotically in time (i.e., steady-state) in response to the
perturbed condition, and there is the dynamic component of the response (i.e., transient) which
can be regarded as superimposed on the asymptotic state. In turn, the plant temperature response
is regarded as being controlled by two different controllers. The steady-state control algorithm, or
load schedule as it is known, manages steady state temperatures. The dynamic controller manages
the dynamic response component.

The load schedule specifies over the load range how the control variables, e.g., steam, primary
and intermediate system flow rate, and control rod position – are coordinated as functions of

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steady-state electric load. The load schedule also identifies the resulting plant temperatures and
pressures including the values of the controlled variables, i.e., those variables called out as
requiring that their values be explicitly set over the load range. The number of controlled
variables is equal to the number of actuators that can be independently varied. If there are four
actuators, then the values of four process variables can be set arbitrarily and independently of one
another, to the extent that the plant physics permit. Plant power is normally included as a
controlled variable.

The selection of controlled variables is as follows:

 Steam temperature is to be maintained constant to minimize thermal stress in the turbine.

 Primary cold pool temperature is to be maintained constant since it has a large thermal
mass and is not readily maneuvered.
 Reactor outlet temperature is to be maintained constant to avoid thermal stresses in the
upper internal structures and the hot side temperatures of the nuclear steam supply system
(NSSS). Or equivalently, the core power-to-flow ratio is to be maintained constant.

The values of these three variables (and plant power) are controlled through primary,
intermediate, and steam flow rates, and control rod reactivity. The feedwater pressure is a
boundary condition and is held constant over the load range. The feed water temperature is also a
boundary condition. Its effect on the load schedule is, however, examined parametrically.
The controlled and control variables are summarized in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1: Schematic of Plant Showing Control and Controlled Variables

The transient component of the plant response is shaped by the dynamic sub-system controllers.
These controllers use feedback control loops to reshape the inherent dynamic response of the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

plant which is a function of plant component time constants and natural feedback mechanisms.
The objective of the dynamic controllers is to limit rapid changes in temperature that would
otherwise occur during transients as a result of imbalances between power production and heat
removal rate. The approach is to try to keep the controlled process variables near their load
schedule value given the instantaneous electric power. As steam power changes in time, the
instantaneous value is used to index into the load schedule to return the values of controlled
variables. The feedback controllers are designed to force the value of the controlled variable back
to the instantaneous load-schedule value.

9.2.3 Architecture
The supervisory control system uses a hierarchical structure for coordinating actuators so that the
steady state and transient objectives described above are met. The supervisory control system
design as it presently exists for FASTER is shown in Figure 9-2. The design has four levels of
functionality, hence the term “hierarchical”. The levels are: supervisory controller, subsystem
controllers, actuator-local controllers, and actuators. The design specific details of each level are
described in this section.












Figure 9-2: Schematic of Supervisory Control System

The general concept of operation of the supervisory control system, based on a level-by-level
description, is as follows. A demand signal for steam is received. The demand value is input to
the supervisory controller which in turn provides an appropriate setpoint value for each of the
subsystem controllers at the level below. The subsystem controllers in turn command actuators
such that the actuators deliver on the setpoint value. The setpoint has units of a controlled process
variable, for example mass flow rate or reactivity. The actuators themselves are driven by inputs

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March 31, 2016

that typically have units different from the setpoint signal coming from the subsystem controller.
Typical units are voltage or current if the commanding signal is electrical in nature. Or for an
actuator whose mechanical behavior is known but perhaps its electromotive characteristics are not
yet known (early design stage), or are not modeled, then the commanding signal might be
mechanical torque or power. The job of the actuator-local controller is to make this unit
conversion and deliver the controlled process variable value by accepting the subsystem process
variable setpoint and appropriately commanding the actuator at the lowest level.

Supervisory Controller
The supervisory controller accepts the current demand for steam flow demand and uses this to
index into the load schedule to retrieve values for the controlled variables. These values act as
setpoints for lower level subsystem controllers. This is illustrated schematically in Figure
9-3where the setpoints into the subsystem controllers are labeled.

Figure 9-3: Supervisory Control System. SP = Setpoint, PV = Process variable, CV = Controlled Variable

The load schedule specifies the values of the control variables needed to achieve the desired
values for the controlled variables at each steady-state power in the 30 -100% normal operating
range. The load schedule is prepared by providing values for the controlled variables (knowns)
and solving the plant thermal-hydraulic equations for the values of the controlled variables
(unknowns). A series of such calculations over the load range yields the load schedule.

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March 31, 2016

Subsystem Controllers
The subsystem controllers each individually regulate one controlled variable to maintain its value
close to the load schedule during a transient. The controller compares the setpoint with the
measured process variable to generate an error signal. The error signal is input to a proportional-
integral (PI) controller that generates an output signal for the associated controlled variable that
acts to drive the error to zero over time. Then operating simultaneously but independently of each
other, as shown in Figure 9-3, the entire plant is maintained at approximately the load schedule.
Each of the three subsystem controllers is described below. The core power controller is shown in
Figure 9-4. Core power is directly controlled by control rod action. By comparing current core
power and set point core power from the load schedule, core power error is estimated forwarded
to a PI controller which calculates control rod reactivity to drive the error to zero.

 rod

+ +
+ KP +
+  rod
- +

 KI
Figure 9-4: Core Power Subsystem Controller

The core outlet temperature controller is shown in Figure 9-5. Core outlet temperature is
controlled by varying the primary sodium pump flow rate. By comparing current core outlet
temperature with its set point value from the load schedule, core outlet temperature error is
calculated and is forwarded to a PI controller to control the pump primary.


Tcore .out
- +
+ KP +
+ + WPCV
+ +
Tcore .out

 KI
Figure 9-5: Core Outlet Temperature Controller

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The steam temperature controller is shown in Figure 9-6. To control the steam temperature,
intermediate sodium flow rate is varied. By comparing current steam temperature with its set
point value from load schedule, steam temperature error is calculated and is forwarded to a PI
controller to vary the intermediate system mass flow rate to regulate the steam temperature.

- +
+ KP +
+ +
+ +
T steam

 KI
Figure 9-6: Steam Temperature Controller

Actuator-Local Controllers
An actuator that is required to control a process variable does not normally come equipped with a
setpoint-driven feedback controller to accomplish this. Such a controller tends to be application
specific as it requires (1) a sensor to measure the variable to be controlled (such a sensor is
application specific), and (2) the units of the signal commanding the actuator are in general
different from the controlled process variable. A case in point is the primary and intermediate
system pumps. Typically these pumps are driven by voltage while flowrate is the controlled
variable. An application-specific feedback controller therefore is needed that accepts a mass flow
rate setpoint while driving the voltage in a manner that forces the mass flowrate error signal to go
to zero. The introduction of the actuator-local controller for the core outlet temperature controller
and the steam temperature controller are shown in Figure 9-7 and Figure 9-8, respectively.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Tcore .out

Tcore .out

 KI




 KI
Figure 9-7: Core Outlet Temperature Controller with Actuator-Local Controller

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016




 KI




 KI
Figure 9-8: Steam Temperature Controller with Actuator-Local Controller

9.2.4 Operating Mode Logic

Three different plant operating conditions are normally associated with the startup of an SFR;
these conditions are described below.

Ambient Condition
The Ambient Condition is an isothermal plant state at the standard temperature and pressure
(STP) condition. Primary and intermediate systems are not filled with sodium while the steam
generator system is filled with water. Fuel is not loaded yet.

Refueling Condition
The Refueling Condition is an isothermal plant state with the sodium temperature sufficiently
above the solidus temperature to prevent the sodium from freezing. To maintain sodium in the
liquid state in the steam generator shell, the water in the tubes is maintained at 200°C saturated
liquid conditions. In-service inspection of the steam generator is performed at ambient conditions
and coincides with a refueling outage. To prevent freezing of sodium in the steam generator the
intermediate heat transport system must be drained. The steam generator water must also be
drained to provide for probe access during in-service inspection.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Hot Standby Condition

The Hot Standby Condition is the plant condition at which the reactor is sub-critical with the
NSSS isothermal at the temperature of saturated water at the operating pressure. The reactor is
ready to be critical.

The Startup mode takes the plant from the ambient to the hot standby condition by using pump
work and heater power to raise the temperature of the NSSS. Upon exiting the Startup mode the
Reactor-Leading mode is entered. During this mode the grid is charged with accepting the electric
power output of the plant. This mode extends from nominally zero electric power to the low end
of the normal electric power range, 30%. The operator is free of having to meet grid demands.
This provides the flexibility needed to raise power to the low end of the normal power range,
30%, at which this point is exited. In Load-Following mode the plant is designed to meet changes
in grid demand over the normal electric power range, 30 to 100%.

Table 9-2 lists controllers and process variables controlled as a function of the operating mode
while Figure 9-9 shows the control logic for the supervisory control system.

Table 9-2: Controllers and Process Variables Controlled as a Function of Operating Mode
Operating Mode
Controller Startup Reactor-Leading Load-Following
Control Rod Position Reactor Criticality Reactor Power Reactor Power
Primary Pump Primary Flowrate Primary Flowrate Primary Flowrate
Intermediate Pump Intermediate Flowrate Intermediate Flowrate Intermediate Flowrate
Recirculation Recirculation
Recirculation Pump -
Flowrate Flowrate
Primary Pool Heater Heater Power - -
Aux. Vessel Outlet Valve Steam Pressure Steam Pressure -
Feedwater Pump - SG Flowrate Steam Flowrate
Feedwater Control Steam Pressure (SG
- -
Valve outlet)
Turbine Admission
- - Steam Pressure (Turbine)
Steam Generator Level SG Level SG Level SG Level
Aux. Vessel Level Aux. Vessel Level Aux. Vessel Level -

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 9-9: Representative Control Logic for the Supervisory Control System

9.2.5 Load Schedule

Starting from the ambient condition, the plant passes through the refueling condition and the hot
standby condition before finally reaching the condition at the bottom of the load-following range
of operation. Table 9-3 summarizes the transition phases and associated mode of plant operation.

The following sub-sections describe the startup sequences from the ambient condition to the
power operation at the rated power. The description does not include the details regarding
operation of the auxiliary systems such as sodium purification system, decay heat removal
system, etc., but focuses on the quasi-equilibrium states of primary, intermediate, and steam
generator systems. Simplified parameter profiles (temperature and flowrate) during the plant
startup are provided in Figure 9-10 and Figure 9-11.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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Table 9-3: Plant Transition Phases

Transition Phase Reactor Power SG Flow SG Outlet Condition
Refueling to Hot Saturated Water
Standby (Startup 0% Recirculation 200 to 351°C
Mode) 1.55 to 16.7 MPa
Saturated Water
Hot Standby to 30%
to Superheated Steam
Power (Reactor 0 to 30% Recirculation to Once-Through
351 to 503°C
Leading Mode)
16.7 MPa
Power Ascension
Superheated Steam
(Load Following 30 to 100% Once-Through
503°C, 16.7 MPa

Hot Core out
Standby IHTS hotleg
SG out
Core in
Temperature, °C

Refueling C
IHTS coldleg

200 SG in

Startup Reactor-Leading Load-Following
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 9-10: Temperature Profiles During Plant Startup

Pump Flowrate, normalized




0.40 Primary
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 9-11: Flowrate Profiles during Plant Startup

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

9.3 Plant Protection System

The Plant Protection System (PPS) provides an automated capability for energizing safety
equipment to maintain the plant state within safe limits. The PPS functions independent of the
PCS and provides alarm signals to alert the operator to adverse conditions and provide trip signals
to actuate safety systems. The PCS provides logic to enable/disable alarms and trip signals as a
function of the selected operating mode of the plant. The plant protection system is designed to
shut down the reactor when one or more process variables move beyond predetermined
thresholds. The system, therefore, limits damage to the reactor, including the fuel, and prevents
the release of radioactive materials to the environment by retaining them within either the reactor
vessel or primary containment. The plant protection system operates independently of the plant
control system.

The sensors used for the plant protection system are separate from those used for plant control
and are similar to those used in the FFTF design. Among the reactor head major penetrations, one
will be dedicated to a ‘proximity test plug’ consisting of a flange, plug, seals, drywells,
thermocouples, fittings and attaching hardware. Such assembly houses the instrumentation
supplies to measure coolant outlet temperature for the Plant Protection System and also monitors
the temperature of the reactor head.

The following parameters are monitored by the plant protection system and are used to trip the
reactor when an abnormal condition is detected:

 Neutron flux and coolant temperature at core outlet: protect against overpower
transients and prevent high fuel temperatures.
 Sodium level: scram the reactor upon low pool level indicating coolant leakage from
reactor vessel into guard vessel. Scram the reactor on low level in the intermediate heat
transport loop expansion tank indicating loss of coolant from the loop.
 Pump status and rate of change of flow rate: protect against loss of flow and
uncontrolled flow changes.
 Intermediate loop pressure and SG hydrogen levels: loss of steam generator (SG)
integrity would be indicated by an abnormal pressure increase on the shell side of the SG
and/or detection of hydrogen produced by sodium/water reactions.
 Delayed neutron emission levels in the primary coolant and fission gas concentration in
the cover gas: these parameters are indicators of fuel integrity.
 Acoustic signals: ultrasonic sensors detect the presence of subcooled boiling, which can
indicate flow blockages within subassemblies.

The plant protection system also allows the reactor to be scrammed manually. Switches in the
control room can be used by the operator to shut down the reactor at any time.

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9.3.1 Engineered Safety System Actuation

The two major engineered safety system actuation signals (ESSAS) are:

Decay Heat Removal Actuation Signal (DHRAS)

The DHRAS shall be provided to actuate the components of DRACS necessary to remove decay
heat and sensible heat from the PHTS right after reactor shutdown when the cooling of PHTS
using the steam/feedwater system is unavailable. The DHRAS actuates the dampers of sodium-air
heat exchangers in DRACS to be opened. This provides continuous adequate core cooling which
limits core damage and assures the integrity of reactor coolant boundary. The DHRAS shall be
initiated by any of the following setpoints: high subassembly outlet temperature signal, high
power to PHTS flow ratio signal, high core inlet temperature signal, high SG shell outlet
temperature signal, low hot pool sodium level signal, reactor vessel sodium leak signal, high
neutron flux signal, or high neutron flux change rate signal. Provisions for manual initiation from
the control room and remote shutdown panel are required.

Containment Isolation Actuation Signal (CIAS)

The CIAS shall be provided to mitigate the consequences of a release of radioactive material. The
CIAS isolates the containment structure by closing the valves of process lines penetrating the
containment. The CIAS shall be initiated by any of the following: high neutron flux signal, high
neutron flux change rate signal, or a high radiation inside containment signal. Provisions for
manual initiation from the control room and remote shutdown panel are required.

The Engineered Safety Features Actuation Signals shall be generated as specified below:

 High subassembly outlet temperature: the high subassembly outlet temperature signal
is generated to initiate the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of
a loss of PHTS flow rate.
 High power to PHTS flow ratio: the high power to PHTS flow ratio signal is generated
to initiate the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of a loss of
PHTS flow rate.
 High core inlet temperature: the high core inlet temperature signal is generated to
initiate the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of a loss of heat
sink in IHTS) or steam/feedwater system.
 High SG shell outlet temperature: the high SG shell outlet temperature signal is
generated to initiate the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of a
loss of heat sink in IHTS or steam/feedwater system.
 Low hot pool sodium level: the low hot pool sodium level signal is generated to initiate
the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of primary sodium leak.
 Reactor vessel sodium leak: the reactor vessel sodium leak signal is generated to initiate
the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of primary sodium leak.
 High neutron flux: the high neutron flux signal is generated to initiate the operation of
DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of transient overpower. CIAS is also
generated to close containment isolation valves to mitigate the release of radioactive
materials to the environment.

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 High neutron flux change rate: the high neutron flux change rate signal is generated to
initiate the operation of DRACS which cool the reactor core in the event of transient
overpower. CIAS is also generated to close containment isolation valves to mitigate the
release of radioactive materials to the environment.

9.3.2 Reactor Trip Signals

The Reactor Trip Signals shall be generated as specified below:

 High subassembly outlet temperature trip: high subassembly outlet temperature trip
shall be provided in conjunction with the ESSAS to protect against the loss of PHTS flow
rate (e.g., PHTS pump stuck or trip, pump discharge pipe break).
 High power to PHTS flow ratio trip: high power to PHTS flow ratio trip shall be
provided in conjunction with the ESSAS as a diverse trip parameter for loss of PHTS flow
rate. It shall also be provided by the Diverse Protection System (DPS) to protect against
Anticipated Transient without Scram (ATWS) and Common Cause Failure (CCF).
 High core inlet temperature trip: high core inlet temperature trip shall be provided in
conjunction with the ESSAS to protect reactor from the loss of heat sink in IHTS or
steam/feedwater system (ex. IHTS pump trip, loss of feedwater).
 High SG shell outlet temperature trip: high SG shell outlet temperature trip shall be
provided in conjunction with the ESSAS as a diverse trip parameter for loss of heat sink in
IHTS or steam/feedwater system.
 Low hot pool sodium level trip: low hot pool sodium level trip shall be provided in
conjunction with the ESSAS to protect against the loss of primary coolant and ensure the
core cooling capability.
 Reactor vessel sodium leak trip: reactor vessel sodium leak trip shall be provided in
conjunction with the ESSAS as a diverse trip parameter for the reactor vessel leak. The
sodium leak of reactor vessel into guard vessel is detected in the gap between reactor
vessel and guard vessel.
 Overpower trip: overpower trip shall be provided in conjunction with the ESSAS to limit
the maximum power and to ensure the integrity of fuel and reactor coolant boundary from
unplanned overpower transient.
 Variable overpower trip: variable overpower trip shall be provided in conjunction with
the ESSAS to limit the power change rate and help mitigate the consequences of control
assembly withdrawal.
 Diverse Protection System (DPS): the DPS shall be designed for reduction of risk from

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 9-4: Trip Parameters for Representative Design Basis Events

Design Basis Events
Loss of Heat Sink in
Loss of IHTS or Primary
PHTS Steam/Feedwater Sodium Transient
Trip Parameters Flow Rate system or SG leak Leak Overpower
Power to PHTS flow ratio (1st) O
Subassembly outlet temp. (2nd) O
Core inlet temp. (1st) O
SG shell outlet temp. (2nd) O
Reactor vessel sodium leak (1st) O
Hot pool sodium level (2nd) O
Power (Neutron flux) (1st) O
Variable power (Neutron flux
change rate) (2nd)

9.4 Test Assembly and Loop Instrumentation

The instrumented assemblies (also called open test assemblies) provide for the irradiation and
testing of fuels, materials, and specimens under prototypical reactor conditions with continuous
monitoring of quantities of interest (such as temperature, pressure, etc.). These parameters are
measure via dedicated instrument lines which reach each assembly through dedicated
experimenters’ leads from the center island of the reactor head. Seven locations for independently
instrumented open test assemblies are envisioned for the FASTER design. Instrumented
assemblies use a standard fuel duct with an attached stalk to guide the instrumented lines. Flow is
controlled with an inlet orifice. Open test assemblies were also part of the FFTF design which
represents a good starting point for the design and engineering of instrumented assemblies for
FASTER. In FFTF three types of specimens were compatible with the open test assembly design:

1. Un-encapsulated Fuel Element Experiments: this category includes fissile and control
materials encased in cladding, but not encapsulated within another boundary.
Experimental procedure stated that 31 experimental fuel elements had to be extensively
tested in the encapsulated configuration before being accepted for testing in the un-
encapsulated configuration.
2. Encapsulated Fuel Element Experiments: this category includes capsules that: a)
contain fissile materials; b) were intentionally pressurized during assembly; c) contain
absorber materials; d) contain non-fissile materials that may generate significant quantities
of gas during irradiation; and e) contain non-fissile materials whose compatibility with the
primary coolant is unknown.
3. Encapsulated Structural Materials Experiments: this category includes capsules not
intentionally pressurized prior to irradiation and which contain materials that: a) were
known to be compatible with the primary coolant; and b) did not generate significant
quantities of gas under irradiation. These experiments also included "weeper" capsules
which allowed intentional ingress of primary coolant sodium into the capsule.

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Similar to the FFTF design, instrumented assemblies loaded with fuel elements allow for
monitoring of parameters such as sodium temperature within the fuel bundle, cladding
temperature, duct temperature, fuel centerline temperature, and fission gas pressure within the
pin. Transducers can also be used to measure differential pressure within the fuel bundle. In
FFTF, up to fifty-one leads for pressure, temperature, and electrical connections were used; this
number is assumed to be a lower bound for FASTER instrumented assemblies. In FFTF, in
addition, open test assemblies could be removed from the core by severing the instrumentation
leads, and then reinserted in the core for a post-irradiation open test. Instrumented assemblies
loaded with encapsulated structural experiments allow for evaluating the irradiation behavior of
structural materials. Similarly to the FFTF design, those assemblies provide detailed temperature
control and measurements during irradiation as well as density and dimensional measurements on
test specimens during reactor shutdown. In FFTF the open test assemblies, loaded with material
specimens, could contain up to forty-eight canisters, thirty of which with independent temperature
control and a total of 2500 cm3 of in-core irradiation volume per assembly. In addition, up to
eighty-two leads for pressure, temperature, and electrical connections were available. Again, this
is considered a lower bound for FASTER instrumented assemblies. Instrumented assemblies
loaded with structural material specimens are also designed to be removed from the core at the
end of an operating cycle, the test specimens can be examined and the experiment can be
reinserted into the core for the start of the next cycle.

In terms of operability of instrumented assemblies, it should be noted that the exit coolant
temperature from an open test position experimental subassembly should not differ more than
40°C from the average exit coolant temperature for driver fuel or blanket subassemblies assumed
to be in the core positions surrounding the experimental subassembly. This requirement is based
on maximum allowable alternating stresses in the upper structure of the reactor resulting from
sodium mixing effects.

The testing capability offered by instrumented assemblies is not limited simply to fuels and
materials irradiation testing. The opportunity for online monitoring of quantities of interest not
just at channel inlet or outlet but along the core axis offers the potential for advanced
instrumentation test capability. In particular, open test assemblies can be used for online and
direct measurements of parameters of interest (such as temperature and pressure); such
assemblies could then be engineered to host traditional instrumentation and advanced
instrumentation for a head-to-head comparison of performance under irradiation and harsh
environmental conditions. Proper protocols for experimental procedure, verification and
validation of instrumentation probes can be developed and applied to specific conditions, test
assemblies, and core locations. The types of probes that could be tested include ones adopting
innovative physical principles for either the measurement itself (e.g., acoustic sensors) or for the
data acquisition and transmission (wireless sensors). In addition in-core tests could also be
focused on self-powered instrumentation (through either heat or radiation) to be used under
accident conditions such as station blackout. Such sensors could be of vital importance in the
performance of long term plant diagnosis during beyond design basis accidents when power
supply to traditional instrumentation lines may not be available for extended periods of time.
Finally, extensive data processing will be required for all the above mentioned testing capabilities

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to characterize performance curves of advanced instrumentation under different experimental

conditions and radiation fields.

The closed test loops will provide the same instrumentation capabilities envisioned for the
instrumented test assemblies. In addition, dedicated instrumentation and controllers will also be
needed out of core for the operation of the loop itself, depending on the specific design and
operating parameters of each fluid to be tested within the loop (see also Section 3.1.7 for more
details on preliminary design for different coolant options). Control of temperature, pressure, and
flow rates will be crucial to allow for monitoring of the test conditions under which irradiation in
the experimental loops is to be performed. Closed test loops may also allow for simulation of
postulated accident conditions, and ad-hoc instrumentation for such experimental capability is

9.5 Advanced Instrumentation Test Capability

The instrumentation and control (I&C) hardware, software, and configuration in FASTER will
reflect the state of the art to ensure the test reactor achieves the primary mission of being an
irradiation facility. I&C shall be designed to maximize the system availability while facilitating
extended operation and monitoring of the facility, reactor, and test conditions. However, the test
reactor will also offer several capabilities for testing advanced instrumentation which, while not
necessary for the mission of the facility itself, do provide significant technological value and the
potential for technological breakthrough demonstration in fields very important for the future of
nuclear technologies such as sensors, instrumentation, and control systems.

There are two major areas of advanced instrumentation test capability: in-core and ex-core. In-
core refers to all testing of instrumentation purposely placed under irradiation to characterize the
behavior and test the performance under severe environmental conditions. Ex-core, on the other
hand, refers to all conditions that while potentially still characterized by the presence of ionizing
radiation, are focused on sensors and instrumentations meant for application outside the nuclear
reactor core and more in general to any other region, system, or component of the facility
including the control system architecture itself. This separation is important not only under the
functional point of view, but also to illustrate how the facility can be used for demonstration of
instrumentation technologies for a wide variety of plant needs not limited just to the nuclear
island and the primary circuit but extended also to the balance of plant and auxiliary systems. The
full set of advanced instrumentation testing capabilities will serve therefore both as testing and
technological demonstration, significantly extending the scientific and technological benefits
provided by the test reactor as irradiation facility.

The instrumented assembly and experimental loops will provide a one-of-a-kind capability for
validation of advanced simulation tools. Fuel pin wire wraps induce complex three-dimensional
mixing that has historically has not been accurately represented in design calculations. Designers
understood the limitations of their models and correspondingly introduced uncertainty factors to
account for lack of fidelity. In turn this leads to a derating of the core. Ongoing research and
development of multi-physics simulations for improving fast reactor economics is specifically
targeting improved prediction of subassembly temperatures by better modeling the effect of wire
wrapped induced mixing. The usefulness of these models for future design work and recovery of

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thermal margin is critically dependent on validating these models against prototypic experiment

The instrumented assembly and experimental loops offer then a unique opportunity to generate
prototypic experiment data for validation of these advanced computational design tools. With the
multi-lead capability provided by the instrumented subassembly, it is possible to provide a
spatially rich set of temperature measurements within the fueled assembly. The needed
measurements can be acquired using two different measurement capabilities. The first uses
thermocouples embedded in wire wraps to sense local coolant temperature. The second approach
replaces the wire wrap with a stainless steel capillary of the same outside diameter through which
is threaded an optical fiber. This so-called Bragg fiber is capable of generating temperature data
to the sub-centimeter level along its length yielding here-to-fore unrealized spatial resolution of
coolant temperature within a fueled assembly. The development of these fibers for higher
temperature applications is ongoing. It is not unexpected that soon there will be a fiber capable of
operating at SFR temperatures for the short time needed at full power to acquire the needed
steady-state temperature data.

9.5.1 In-Core
To test advanced instrumentation in-core, the test locations provided by the facility can be used.
In particular, open test assemblies can be used for online and direct measurements of parameters
of interest (such as temperature and pressure); such assemblies could then be engineered to host
traditional instrumentation and advanced instrumentation for a head-to-head comparison of
performances under irradiation and harsh environmental conditions.

The types of sensors that could be tested include ones adopting innovative physical principles for
either the measurement itself (e.g., acoustic sensors) or for the data acquisition and transmission
(wireless sensors). In addition in-core tests could also be focused on self-powered instrumentation
(through either heat or radiation) to be used under accident conditions such as station blackout.
Such sensors could be of vital importance to be able to perform long term plant diagnosis during
beyond design basis accidents when power supply to traditional instrumentation lines may not be
available for extended periods of time.

9.5.2 Out-of-Core
To test advanced instrumentation ex-core, the test reactor will present several out-of-core
locations and components that could be engineered to accommodate advanced instrumentation.
Similar to the in-core testing capability, new sensors that could be tested include ones adopting
innovative physical principles for either the measurement itself (e.g., acoustic sensors) or for the
data acquisition and transmission (wireless sensors).

The following list summarizes the in-core and out-of-core advanced instrumentation needs that
could be addressed by experimental campaigns in FASTER:

 Instrumentation able to measure the subassembly outlet temperature providing fast

response and no instrumentation leads.
 Instrumentation for liquid sodium flow rate able to improve the accessibility and
reliability issues.

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 Testing advanced instrumentation in instrumented assemblies and experimental loops.

 Instrumentation for sodium level indicator less bulky than the actual one, based on old
inductive technology.
 Instrumentation based on new technologies such as acoustic or microwave.
 Use of laser spectroscopy for hydrogen leak detection and possibly any type of leak using
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.
 Acoustic surveillance coupled with virtual reality for In Service Inspection and early
identification of loose parts.
 Development of instrumentation for monitoring and diagnostic of inherent safety
capabilities with the potential of altering the qualification needs of instrumentation
possibly reducing the number of instruments required and/or reducing the cost.

9.6 Data Handling and Signal Transmission System

The data handling and transmission system is a distributed computing system linking the plant
control system with all remaining aspects of plant monitoring, trending, and data analysis. It also
provides remote access to plant data and operational status.

9.7 Communications System

A diverse set of equipment will be available for communication among plant personnel and
between the plant and outside agencies. Diversification ensures the ability to communicate during
both normal plant operations and in the event of severe plant disruptions. The communication
system consists of:

 Public address system for intra-plant communications. The system delivers site-wide or
localized messages along with alarms such as fire, high radiation, and evacuation alarms.
 Microwave communications system to provide a wireless link between the plant and
neighboring DOE facilities.
 Portable radio systems for two-way communications at any plant location. These systems
are used for maintenance operations, traffic control, and fire protection. A separate system
is used by plant security personnel.
 Security intercom system for closed communications between security personnel at the
main security station and remote security stations.
 Offsite law enforcement radio system for communication with outside law enforcement
 Conventional telephone network for routine intra-plant and inter-office communications.

9.8 On-Line Fault Detection and Diagnosis

In addition to testing advanced instrumentation there is the opportunity for testing advanced
operator aids. With the advances made in computer hardware, software, and automated reasoning
algorithms it is now possible to consider an operator advisory system as a means to manage the
enormous amount of information an operator must process. The operator advisory system will
have sensor validation and component fault diagnosis capabilities.

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The objective of the sensor validation capability is to:

 Detect sensor output drift or failure due to sensor degradation.

 Correct the sensor output until such time as the sensor can be either re-calibrated or
replaced, such as during a planned shutdown, recognizing that sensors are not readily
accessible for maintenance during operation.

The objective of the fault diagnosis capability is to:

 Reason from sensor data the origin of a fault.

 Be sufficiently general in approach that the heart of the algorithm does not need to be
reworked with each new application.

9.9 Industrial Security and Safeguards System

The industrial security and safeguards system is designed to protect plant equipment and
personnel, and to prevent the theft of special nuclear materials. The system is designed to defend
against the design basis threats specified in regulations. The key requirements for the security and
safeguards systems are:

 Allow plant access only to authorized personnel and material

 Prevent the theft of special nuclear materials
 Prevent the sabotage of critical plant equipment
 Deter, detect, and delay unauthorized activities and assaults on the plant

To minimize the required size of the security force, the plant is divided into nuclear and non-
nuclear areas, each operated with appropriate levels of security. All safety grade components and
systems are located within the nuclear island to minimize the area requiring the highest level of

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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10 Auxiliary Sodium Systems

In order to ensure long term, safe operations of the sodium systems, the chemistry of the system
must be controlled and monitored by a set of auxiliary systems that are common to all liquid
metal reactors. Although the chemistry does not affect the nuclear operation directly, it is
important for the hydrodynamics of the system as well as for the corrosion and contamination
control. One goal is to ensure stable hydrodynamics on the long term to promote an efficient and
constant heat transfer, which can be affected by oxide formation or mass transfer within the non-
isothermal circuit. Another goal is to ensure the maintenance and component handling easiness by
reducing the activated corrosion products.

The following auxiliary sodium systems are included:

 Sodium purification system for purification and monitoring of sodium circuits, such as
crystallization and plugging indicators
 Cover gas purification system for purification and monitoring of the argon cover gas
 Sodium sampling and analysis system for contamination monitoring primary and
secondary sodium storage system.
 Sodium reaction system for component handling, cleaning, and decontamination (located
in the Maintenance Building)
The sodium purification system deals not only with the hydrogen and oxygen impurities
introduced during the initial startup or maintenance operations, but also with other potential
source of impurities such as the sodium/water interaction products.

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11 Reactor Containment Building and Site

Figures II.9-1 shows the overall site plan for the FASTER site. Table II.9-1 lists all the site
buildings and provides their dimensions and footprint. This site plan is independent of the
ultimate FASTER site and does not take into account (or credit) for any existing facilities at a
particular DOE site.

Table II.9-1 Site Buildings with Dimensions

Building Name Footprint (ft2) Length (ft) Width (ft) Height (ft)
Security Gate House 1,350 41 33 16
Administrative Building 6,230 89 70 37
Reactor Building 9,217 108 dia 190
Reactor Auxiliary Building – 3,666 78 47 100
Reactor Auxiliary Building – 3,666 78 47 100
Reactor Auxiliary Building – 6,390 83 77 100
Turbine Building 2,850 219 129 93
Reactor Service Building 10,560 110 96 91
Emergency Generator Building 375 25 15 12
Cooling Towers (each) 140 16.5 8.5 18.5
Pump House (each) 1,550 50 31 32
Wastewater Treatment Plant 1,200 40 30 16
Interior Security Fence #1 31,460 286 110 -
Interior Security Fence #2 39,676 218 182
Exterior Security Perimeter Fence 750,360 1,110 676 -

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Figure 12 - FASTER Reactor Site

The reactor building, as schematically indicated in Figure II.9-2, encloses the entire primary
reactor system and is constructed on a seismically stable basemat. The building is a reinforced-
concrete containment structure that contains an inner reactor containment dome, and is designed
for a maximum leak rate of 0.1 %/day at an internal pressure of 10 psig. The reactor building is a
conventional reactor containment structure with the reactor vessel assembly located mostly below
grade. All of the primary radioactive systems are located mostly below grade within the reactor

The major functions of the reactor building are as follows:

 Contain radioactive material following the unlikely event of an accidental radioactivity

release from the primary reactor system.
 House and structurally support the reactor vessel, guard vessel, the shield/air baffle
cooling system, support structure of the primary system and temporary fuel handling
equipment, biological shielding, and associated equipment and structures.
 Provide adequate space for the operation, maintenance, and removal of equipment housed
within the containment structure during periodic maintenance.
 Facilitate sodium and non-sodium fire protection for all safety equipment; this includes
separation of redundant systems required for safe shutdown and for maintaining the
reactor in safe shutdown condition.
 Provide protection for all safety equipment from the environment and natural phenomena
such as floods, winds, tornadoes, and earthquakes.

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 Maintain pressure within the containment boundary at less than 0.5 psig negative with
respect to the exterior, except during pressurization accidents.
 Limit leakage from the containment boundary to no more than 0.1% of its contained
volume per day at an internal pressure of 10 psig.
 Maintain the integrity of the containment boundary during all design loadings, including a
maximum long term containment atmosphere temperature of 50C under normal
operating and design basis accident containment atmosphere conditions.

Figure 13 – Reactor Building

Containment Design Requirements

The reactor building will be designed to the rules of the current ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section III, Division 2, “Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments,”
Subsection CC for concrete containment. These rules provide for: material, design, fabrication,

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construction, examination, testing, marking, stamping, and preparation of reports for prestressed
and reinforced concrete containment. The containment components covered by the ASME B&PV
Code include: (1) structural concrete pressure resisting shells and shell components; (2) shell
metallic liners; (3) and penetration liners extending the containment liner through the surrounding
shell concrete.

Additionally, the reactor building must be designed for natural hazards, such as an earthquake,
wind and flood. The design must also conform to the NRC regulatory guides (Federal Regulations
10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 100) for seismic and other natural hazards.

Penetrations and Transfer Openings

A large number of penetrations through the reactor building shell are required for access of
personnel, equipment, freight, electrical conductors, and service fluids. These penetrations are
grouped into three broad classifications: large mechanical penetrations, small mechanical
penetrations, and electrical penetrations. These penetrations use pressure-tight seals consisting of
appropriate materials. These seals are protected from the building atmosphere since this
atmosphere could become hot enough to destroy the seals should a major sodium/air reaction
occur. All seals are designed to withstand the same maximum pressure of 10 psig for the building.
To provide adequate assurance that the total leak rate of the reactor containment boundary
remains less than the design value of 0.1% of the free volume per day, selected penetrations are
leak tested annually.

The large penetrations are comprised of three airlocks (personnel, emergency personnel, and
equipment airlocks). The airlocks allow equipment and personnel access to the reactor plant while
maintaining building containment integrity at all times. All airlocks are cylindrical steel-welded
shells that have a sealed door at each end. The doors are electrically or mechanically interlocked
to allow only one door at a time to be opened. The equipment airlock is the largest of the three; it
connects the reactor building to an equipment transfer location outside the facility. The personnel
airlock is smaller than the equipment airlock; it connects the operating floor area of the reactor
plant to the control/personnel service building and serves as the normal personnel entrance and
exit. The emergency airlock is the smallest of the three. It provides an emergency exit from the
reactor building should the personnel airlock become blocked. All airlock doors are periodically
pressure tested.

Cooling Requirements

The shutdown heat removal system transfers the decay heat from the bulk sodium in the reactor
vessel directly to the atmosphere through heat exchangers located on the outside of the reactor
building. Therefore, there are no unusual cooling requirements for the reactor building internal
atmosphere. A standard heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system maintains the
internal atmosphere around 22C at all times.

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12 FASTER Test Reactor Safety

This section provides an overview of the safety basis and analyses adopted and completed for the
FASTER design. Section 12.1 provides an overview of the FASTER safety basis, accident
sequences relevant to FASTER are identified in Section 12.2, an overview of a mechanistic
FASTER source term is provided in Section 12.3, and results of safety analyses are provided in
Section 12.4.

12.1 Safety Basis

The safety goals in nuclear power reactor design and operation are to ensure the health and safety
of the public, to protect the plant operating staff from harm, and to prevent plant damage.
Traditionally, these goals have been fulfilled by an approach that 1) minimizes risk by
maximizing safety margins in design and operation, 2) reduces the likelihood of potentially
harmful events by providing safety systems to deal with anticipated events, and 3) provides
additional design features to mitigate the harmful consequences of low probability events. This
approach is usually identified as “defense in depth.”

The basic principle of “defense in depth” is to provide multiple levels of protection against
release of radioactive material. One part of defense-in-depth is physical barriers, like the multiple
barriers to release of radioactivity provided by the fuel cladding, the primary coolant system
boundary, and the reactor containment building. Generally, active or passive safety systems are
provided to protect the physical barriers. These include the reactor shutdown systems and the
reactor cooling systems. Inherent characteristics of the design, such as negative reactivity
feedback and long flow coast-down, may provide an additional level of protection. Emergency
planning provides an additional layer of defense-in-depth, should the other barriers be threatened.
However, in all instances, the “defense in depth” strategy depends on the independence of the
protective measures, so that no single event can breach more than one protective level.

The FASTER safety design approach implements the “defense in depth” strategy by adopting the
traditional three levels of safety. In addition, the FASTER design features have been selected to
provide significant safety margin enhancements by inherent passive safety responses to upset
conditions and equipment failures.

At the first level, FASTER is designed to operate with a high level of reliability, so that accident
initiators are prevented from occurring. The first level of safety is ensured in part by selection of
fuel, cladding, coolant, and structural materials that are stable and compatible, and provide large
margins between normal operating conditions and limiting failure conditions. An arrangement of
components was adopted that allows monitoring, inspection, and testing for performance changes
or degradation. Finally, the FASTER design provides for repair and replacement of components
as necessary to ensure that safety margins are not degraded.

The selection of liquid sodium coolant and metallic fuel with a pool-type primary system
arrangement provides a highly reliable reactor system with large operational safety margins. The
coolant thermophysical properties provide superior heat removal and transport characteristics at
low operating pressure with a large temperature margin to boiling. The metallic fuel operates at a
relatively low temperature, below the coolant boiling point, due to its high thermal conductivity.
The pool-type primary system confines all significantly radioactive materials within a single

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vessel, allows for easy removal and replacement of components, and shutdown heat removal by
natural circulation.

At the second level of safety, FASTER is designed to provide protection in the event of
equipment failure or operating error. This level of protection is provided by engineered safety
systems for reactor shutdown, reactor heat removal, and emergency power. Each of these safety-
grade backup systems functions in the event of failure in the corresponding operating system, and
are subjected to continuous monitoring and periodic testing and inspection.

The FASTER design provides an independently powered and instrumented secondary reactor
shutdown system that operates automatically to reduce reactor power rapidly in the event that the
primary shutdown system fails. For shutdown cooling, the FASTER design includes a safety-
grade emergency heat removal system, independent from the normal heat removal system and
capable of removing residual decay heat by natural circulation. In addition to the normal offsite
power supply, FASTER is equipped with a second independent offsite power connection. The
two offsite power connections are supplemented by a safety-grade onsite emergency power

The third level of safety provides additional protection of the public health and safety in an
extremely unlikely event that is not expected to occur in the life of the plant, or which was not
foreseen at the time the plant was designed and constructed. In the FASTER design, the Level 3
protections for cooling assurance and containment of radioactivity are provided by the reactor
guard vessel and the reactor containment building. The reactor guard vessel is designed to hold
primary coolant in the event of a leak in the primary coolant system. The reactor guard vessel
ensures that the reactor core and the primary and emergency heat removal paths remain covered
with primary sodium and cooled by the emergency heat removal system, even if the primary
reactor vessel fails. If primary coolant leaks and oxidizes in the reactor building air atmosphere,
or if failures of the cladding and the primary system barriers lead to release of gaseous fission
products, the reactor containment building provides a final low-leakage barrier to release of
radioactivity to the environment.

The three levels of safety together are the safety design basis for FASTER. For the purposes of
subsequent safety design development, qualification, and documentation, it is customary during
the conceptual design phase to identify general design criteria (GDC) that collectively serve as
the basis for safety assessment of the design. GDCs for advanced reactors, and SFRs in particular,
are currently being developed in a joint DOE and NRC initiative. The FASTER design satisfies
all of those currently existing draft SFR advanced GDCs.

The proposed FASTER design is capable of accommodating various beyond-design-basis

accident initiators without producing high temperatures and conditions that might lead to a severe
accident, such as coolant boiling, cladding failures, or fuel melting. The inherent neutronic,
hydraulic, and thermal performance characteristics of the FASTER design provide self-protection
in beyond-design-basis sequences to limit accident consequences without activation of engineered
systems or operator actions. This characteristic has been termed ‘inherent passive safety.’

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The efficacy of such passive safety was demonstrated through two landmark tests conducted on
the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II), namely SHRT-45R, a loss-of-flow without scram
test, and BOP-302R, a loss-of-heat-sink without scram test. With the automated safety systems
disabled, the two most demanding accident initiating events were deliberately induced with the
reactor at full power, first one then the other. Each time the reactor simply coasted to a safe low
power state without any damage at all to the fuel or any reactor component. These tests proved
conclusively that passive safety design is achievable for metallic-fueled fast reactors with sodium

Within the overall safety framework for FASTER, passive safety serves to provide additional
margins for public protection in the event of very low probability events whose frequency of
occurrence is lower than the normal threshold for deterministic assessment. The FASTER passive
safety performance characteristic ensures that no abnormal radioactivity releases will occur in the
event of beyond-design-basis accidents, and that all of the multiple defense-in-depth barriers (fuel
cladding, reactor vessel, containment building) for public protection will remain intact, just as for
design basis accidents. The passive safety performance of FASTER eliminates the potential for
severe accident consequences in very low frequency, beyond-design-basis sequences.
Consequently, for FASTER, beyond-design-basis accidents need to be considered only in the
context of probabilistic risk assessments.

Security must now be considered as an integral part of the design. The inherent and passive safety
features of FASTER offer a high level of protection against malevolent events, as well as against
accidents. Since the inherent and passive features do not rely on operator action, external power
or functioning of active components, they remove these potential vulnerabilities. In addition, the
location of the reactor vessel, the core, and the primary heat transport system mostly below grade
within a strong containment structure provides protection against external threats.

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12.2 Identification of Accident Sequences

It is necessary to calculate a set of Anticipated Operating Occurrences (AOOs), Design Basis
Accidents (DBAs), Design Extension Conditions (DECs), and Severe Accidents (SAs) for the
Preliminary Safety Information Document (PSID), the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), the
Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR), and the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 systems analysis code [33] will be the main analysis tool utilized in carrying
out analyses of plant transients and postulated accidents.

A preliminary list of AOOs (Table 12-1), DBAs (Table 12-2), DECs (Table 12-3), and SAs
(Table 12-4) has been formulated for FASTER. The AOOs, DBAs, DECs, and SAs for FASTER
include those that have been previously identified for metallic-fueled SFRs together with those
particular to the closed loop systems. A category for Severe Accidents is included in part to
indicate the proper categorization of an unprotected station blackout accident.

Table 12-1: Preliminary List of AOOs for FASTER

 Reactor trip from full power
 Reactor trip from full power with minimum decay heat
 Reactor trip from partial power
 Uncontrolled rod insertion
 Uncontrolled rod withdrawal from full power
 Uncontrolled rod withdrawal from 30 percent power
 Uncontrolled rod withdrawal from startup with
automatic trip
 Change in flowrate of one primary coolant pump
 Loss-of-power to one primary coolant pump
 Change in flowrate of one intermediate coolant pump
 Loss-of-power to one intermediate coolant pump
 Loss of a feedwater pump
 Loss of all feedwater to a steam generator
 Increase in feedwater flow to a steam generator
 Water-side isolation and blowdown of a steam
 Inadvertent opening of turbine bypass valve
 Turbine trip without reactor trip
 Turbine trip with reactor trip
 Loss of all offsite power
 Inadvertent actuation of decay heat removal system
 Operating basis earthquake reactivity insertion

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Table 12-2: Preliminary List of DBAs for FASTER

 Primary coolant pump mechanical failure (sudden pump seizure)
 Intermediate coolant pump electrical failure
 Main feedwater line rupture
 Main steam line rupture
 Reactor trip without pump trip
 Rupture disc failure in Sodium Water Reaction Pressure Relief System
 Water-side isolation and blowdown of a steam generator with failure of inlet isolation valve
to close
 Water-side isolation of a steam generator with failure of water dump valve to open
 Water-side isolation of a steam generator with failure of one steam relief valve to open
 Inadvertent draining of an intermediate sodium loop
 Intermediate-to-primary sodium leak in one Intermediate Heat Exchanger
 Decay heat removal system-to-primary sodium leak in one Direct Heat Exchanger
 Primary sodium leak from sodium purification circuit
 Small sodium leak from an Intermediate Heat Transport System loop
 Air ingression leakage into the primary sodium cover gas circuit
 Leakage through reactor vessel upper head closure penetration seals
 Air ingression leakage into the Intermediate Heat Transport System sodium cover gas
 Fuel element loading error in fuel assembly
 Fuel assembly loading error in core
 Loss of all offsite power and failure of emergency diesel generators
 Station blackout
 Design basis fuel handling accident
 Closed Loop System loss-of-power to one primary loop pump
 Closed Loop System loss-of-power to all primary loop pumps
 Closed Loop System loss-of-power to one secondary loop pump
 Closed Loop System loss-of-power to all secondary loop pumps
 Closed Loop System primary circuit pipe rupture
 Closed Loop System secondary circuit pipe rupture

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 12-3: Preliminary List of DECs for FASTER

 Safe shutdown earthquake
 Intermediate heat transport system sodium line rupture
 Design basis steam generator sodium-water reaction
 Reactor vessel leak
 Rupture of primary coolant circuit between primary coolant pump and core
 Unprotected uncontrolled single rod withdrawal from full power
 Unprotected loss of power to all Primary Heat Transport System pumps
 Unprotected loss of power to all Intermediate Heat Transport System pumps
 Unprotected loss of feedwater to all steam generators
 Unprotected spurious trip of one Primary Heat Transport System pump
 Unprotected spurious trip of one Intermediate Heat Transport System pump

Table 12-4: Preliminary List of SAs for FASTER

 Unprotected station blackout
 Large partial inlet blockage

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

12.3 Source Term

Development of a source term and assessment of the offsite consequences that can result from a
radionuclide release are typically the final components of an integrated safety analysis for a
reactor. Historically, source term analyses for LWRs have utilized bounding, deterministic
assumptions, where the inventories and release fractions are based on LWR fuel forms and
accident scenarios. A series of LWR-derived source terms has been developed by the NRC
beginning in the 1960s.

Currently, existing guidance from the NRC on acceptable source term methodologies and release
fractions can be found in TID-14844, “Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test
Reactor Sites” [34], NUREG-1465, “Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power
Plants” [35], and Regulatory Guide 1.183, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating
Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors” [36]. TID-14844, released in 1962, provides
a bounding source term for oxide fuel that reflected the state of knowledge at the time of the
document’s release. To address the shortcomings of TID-14844, NUREG-1465 and RG 1.183
were released in 1995 and 2000, respectively. The modern source terms were developed for a
range of LWR accident scenarios, and reflected improvements in the knowledge state such that
actual LWR fuel inventories and consideration of core melt progression and radionuclide
retention phenomena were included in the best-estimate source terms.

Despite improvements in the NRC-supported source term methodologies, TID-14844, NUREG-

1465, and RG 1.183 are considered to be inappropriate for use in development of an SFR source
term. Each of these source terms is based on LWR-specific accident scenarios which are not
directly translatable to SFRs, as the dominant accident sequences and severe accident progression
phenomena vary significantly between designs. Also, many of the assumptions utilized in these
source terms are deterministic, if not bounding. Improvements in the knowledge state and
computational capabilities have led to renewed interest in development of a mechanistic source
term (MST) that includes more realistic treatment of release and retention phenomena and
consideration of important uncertainties.

To that end, ongoing work at Argonne on development of an MST for a pool-type, metal-fuel
SFR has resulted in identification of the significant sources and important transport and retention
mechanisms for releases from core damage and fuel handling accidents [37]. To facilitate the
development of an SFR MST, the effort in [37] defined an MST as follows:

An SFR MST is the result of an analysis of radionuclide release, in terms of quantities, timing,
and other characteristics, resulting from the specific event sequences being evaluated. It is
developed using best-estimate phenomenological models of the transport of radionuclides
from the source through all holdup volumes and barriers, taking into account mitigation
features, and finally, into the environs.

The preliminary MST effort found that the majority of transport and retention mechanisms are
well understood, however, uncertainty remains in the understanding of radionuclide formation,
transport, and release in-pin as a function of burnup, particularly high burnup. The next stages of
the Argonne MST effort include quantification of releases from fuel as a function of temperature
and burnup, and a demonstration calculation of an MST which will predict the release to the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

environment beginning from the onset of a characteristic SFR accident. The following
subsections provide a brief description of the source term phenomena for in-core and ex-core
releases. Additional details on these processes can be found in [37].

12.3.1 In-Core Transport and Retention Phenomena

Key transport and retention phenomena for an in-core release in an SFR are briefly discussed in
this subsection. Fuel melting, relocation, freezing, and retention within the core are not discussed,
however a detailed review of these phenomena can be found in [38]. For a pool-type SFR, the key
barriers to release include:

1. Fuel Matrix,
2. Cladding,
3. Primary Sodium,
4. Primary Circuit Boundary, and
5. Containment.

Transport and retention phenomena expected to be encountered within each boundary are
described below. Discussion of the unique phenomena affecting both particulates and vapors is
included. A diagram of the release and transport processes that will occur following an in-core
release can be found in Figure 12-1.

The processes described below indicate that there is significant radionuclide retention in the
primary sodium for all radionuclide groups other than the noble gases. Subsequent vaporization to
the cover gas region is very small, and requires an extended period of time to occur. These
phenomena, along with radionuclide retention within the fuel matrix, are important as they can
significantly reduce the radionuclide inventory that is available for release from subsequent
barriers in the defense-in-depth philosophy.

Retention within the Fuel Pin

The creation of fission gases during normal operation causes the fuel to swell, reducing and
removing the fuel-clad gap and displacing bond sodium. Subsequently, fission gas pockets will
interconnect to form pathways to the fission gas plenum. Some fission products will migrate to
the bond sodium, which will be displaced to the fission gas plenum as the result of fuel swelling.
Any fission gas release from the fuel matrix will travel through the displaced bond sodium. In the
case of FASTER, fission gas generation is expected to occur in lower quantities due to the
relative decrease in maximum burnup.

Pin failure can occur as the result of eutectic formation or excessive hoop stress. If fuel
temperatures remain near the eutectic formation temperature, only localized fuel melting can be
expected; significantly higher temperatures are required for fuel melting to occur beyond the
eutectic regions. At extreme accident temperatures, rapid rates of eutectic penetration can be

Upon cladding breach, gases and vapors contained within the fission gas plenum will be released
to the primary sodium, along with the bond sodium and any fission products that have dissolved

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

in the bond sodium. If fuel pin failure is the result of eutectic penetration of cladding, only the
outermost eutectic region will be molten. If pin failure is the result of excessive hoop stress, and
the failure precludes fuel melting at the periphery of the pin, fuel ejection cannot occur. Without
significant additional fuel melting, the release from fuel is expected to be minimal due to the
compatibility between metal fuel and sodium. Many radionuclides will be retained in the fuel
matrix, as uranium is an excellent solvent.

Retention within the Primary Sodium

Prediction of the behavior of radionuclides within primary sodium requires the consideration of
numerous chemical thermodynamic processes which are dependent on the phase of the element or
compound. Additionally, radionuclides in the solid (particulate) phase will experience varying
phenomena depending on their chemical composition (e.g. element versus compound) and
solubility in sodium.

Gases and vapors with high vapor pressure and low sodium solubility (e.g. noble gases) will
travel directly to the cover gas and not condense or dissolve in sodium. The remaining vapors
may condense to the liquid phase and dissolve upon contact with cooler sodium, or they may
nucleate within a bubble and be transported as aerosols. Vapors that have high solubility in
sodium will dissolve directly in sodium. Dissolved vapors may then adsorb onto primary system
structure, depending on the properties of the dissolved element/compound and material of the

Particulates that are released from the pin may become entrapped within a vapor or gas bubble.
Interaction of these particulates with sodium can occur if the particulates migrate to the surface of
the bubble or the bubble collapses and the vapor condenses. Particulates can also dissolve in
sodium and be transported with the flowing sodium; entrainment of particulates in the moving
sodium stream can also occur. Adsorption onto structure may occur, particularly in regions of the
primary system with relatively cooler temperatures. Mechanical deposition can also occur, where
entrained particulates would be the primary candidates for this transport mechanism. For
particulates that have adsorbed onto structure, redissolution is possible if there is a change in
primary system temperature, as solubility is highly dependent on temperature. Resuspension of
mechanically deposited particulates can occur if flow conditions adjacent to the structure change.

Behavior in Cover Gas

Vapors and gases that were transported directly through primary sodium in bubbles will be
released to the cover gas region upon reaching the primary sodium and cover gas interface. Any
particles entrapped within the bubbles may also be released to the cover gas region when the
bubble bursts at the surface. Vapors, gases, and particulates dissolved in sodium must vaporize to
escape the sodium; in the absence of sodium boiling, evaporation is the only mechanism by which
this can occur, where the vapor pressure of a substance is the dominant characteristic affecting
evaporation rates.

Radionuclides that do vaporize and enter the cover gas are likely to condense onto the surfaces of
structures or particulates due to the relatively cooler environment in the cover gas. However, it
should be noted that highly volatile vapors and gases will not condense. Airborne particulates can
be removed from the cover gas by mechanical deposition onto structure, or by gravitational

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

settling. Since volatility typically increases with temperature, resuspension and revaporization of
particulates is possible if the temperature in the cover gas region increases. Resuspension of
mechanically deposited particles can occur as the result of mechanical shock or vapor flow

Behavior in Containment
Airborne radionuclides may transport to the upper containment area through leakage pathways in
the reactor head. Typically, a reactor head has a design basis leak rate on the order of 0.1%
volume per day, however, accident conditions that result in increased cover gas temperatures may
lead to an increased reactor head leak rate. The phenomena anticipated to occur in the cover gas is
expected to also occur in containment, although the presence of oxygen and water vapor can lead
to the creation of additional compounds and aerosol particles, where agglomeration of particles
can lead to the removal of vapors or particulates.

Similar to the reactor head, the containment is expected to have a small design basis leak rate,
which can allow for the leakage of airborne radionuclides. However, thermal conditions in
containment are not expected deviate significantly from ambient atmospheric conditions
assuming a sodium fire or similar associated accident does not occur, meaning the design basis
leak rate is assumed to be the limiting leak rate. Leak plugging of release pathways can limit the
release from containment, where the aerosols formed in containment due to condensation and
reactions with oxygen and water vapor can mechanically deposit near and in the leakage
pathways, therefore reducing the flow area.

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Figure 12-1: Transport and Retention Phenomena for In-Core Releases

12.3.2 Ex-Core Transport and Release Phenomena

This section briefly describes the transport and retention phenomena associated with radionuclide
releases originating from locations outside the core. In the case of an SFR, it is likely that the
largest releases will result from accidents that occur beyond the primary system boundary, as two
key retention barriers, the primary sodium and cover gas, are already bypassed. Accidents
considered here include a primary sodium fire, a spent fuel handling accident, and releases from
cleanup systems.

In an SFR, a primary sodium fire is most likely to occur as the result of maintenance error during
shutdown that allows air to ingress into the cover gas region, penetrate the argon (which is denser
than air), and interact with the primary coolant. The transport and deposition mechanisms that
would normally occur in the cover gas and containment are expected to take place. However,
increased vaporization rates of sodium and dissolved radionuclides can occur as the result of
increased temperatures at the surface of the sodium pool. Also, additional radionuclides are

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

expected to be transported from the sodium directly by the sodium oxides that are formed during
burning. Condensation in the cover gas is not expected as local temperatures will likely be higher
due to the energy released by the sodium fire. A sodium oxide layer will form near the surface of
the pool as the result of the fire, but the combustion of sodium near the core is not likely due to
the depth of the sodium pool. Radionuclide release rates will be highly dependent on atmospheric
conditions and the quantity of sodium burned.

In the event a spent fuel handling accident, breach of the sodium-filled cask can allow air ingress,
which presents the opportunity for a sodium fire. Self-ignition of sodium at low temperatures (<
200°C) is not expected [39]. In the event of ignition, the transport mechanisms expected to occur
during a primary sodium fire would also apply. In addition, fuel pins could experience increased
temperatures due to their proximity to the fire. Radionuclides that escape the pins are likely to
vaporize due to increased temperatures. In the absence of a sodium fire, the vaporization,
deposition, and condensation phenomena that occur in the cover gas region are expected to occur.

In the case of FASTER, release from the primary sodium purification system can originate from
either the cesium trap or cold trap. The most challenging scenario would involve a sodium fire in
which vaporization of sodium and the contents of the traps occurs; in this scenario, phenomena
similar to that of a primary sodium fire would occur. However, a limited source of oxygen for the
combustion process is expected as the traps will be located within a sealed, robust vault that is
constructed to withstand sodium leaks and fires. In the absence of a sodium fire within the vault,
and without vault breach, limited releases are expected. A steel-lined vault prevents the
interaction of sodium and concrete. Also, it should be noted that the vault is housed within
containment, providing an additional barrier to release.

Contents of the distillation column of the cover gas cleanup system are expected to primarily be
krypton, xenon, and any activated argon that has been removed from the cover gas. Krypton and
xenon will only be present if pin failure occurs, as a noble gas tagging system is utilized to track
pin breach. Neon-23 may also be present in the column as it is the decay product of activated
sodium. The distillation column, and the cold box in which it is housed, is likely to be located
outside containment. Because the contents of the column are primarily noble gases with relatively
short half-lives, any holdup before release to the environment will reduce the source term. The
magnitude of the source term will be strongly dependent on the operating history and duration,
including the number of pin failures and the time-in-cycle for the driver fuel.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

12.4 Safety Performance

The normal process of performing safety assessments considers a spectrum of design basis
accidents (DBAs) as tests of the various safety systems. These DBAs generally assume single
failures. Accidents within the design basis must be accommodated by the design and shown to
present risks to the public that are within regulatory limits. Beyond the design basis, there exists a
class of accidents of such low probability that they have been termed “hypothetical.” These
events involve multiple failures of safety grade systems, and usually are considered to have a
frequency of less than 10-6 per reactor-year. Because of the potentially severe consequences of
accidents in this class, they have received significant regulatory scrutiny in prior sodium-cooled
fast reactor licensing reviews for the purpose of characterizing thermal and structural safety
margins beyond the design basis. These accidents are referred to as design extension conditions

Three accident scenarios, each involving failure of both reactor scram systems, have received
attention in past licensing safety assessments. In the unprotected transient overpower (UTOP)
sequence, it is assumed that one control rod is withdrawn and the reactor scram systems fail to
operate. In the unprotected loss-of-heat-sink (ULOHS) accident, it is assumed that heat removal
through the power conversion system is lost and the reactor scram systems do not activate. The
UTOP and ULOHS transients are classified as design extension conditions. In the unprotected
station blackout (USBO) sequence, it is assumed that power is lost to all primary and secondary
coolant pumps and the reactor scram systems fail to activate. The USBO transient has an even
lower frequency of occurrence than the other two and is classified as a severe accident (SA). As
the USBO transient is the maximum hypothetical accident, it was included in these analyses to be
a bounding case. Taken collectively, these three accident initiators encompass the three primary
ways that an operating reactor can be perturbed, i.e., by a change in coolant flow, by a change in
reactivity, or by a change in coolant inlet temperature.

A preliminary safety analysis was performed of the FASTER design using the systems analysis
code SAS4A/SASSYS-1 [33] to assess the reactor’s safety performance during DEC transients. A
series of USBO, UTOP, and ULOHS transients were simulated at both beginning-of-equilibrium
cycle (BOEC) and end-of-equilibrium cycle (EOEC) conditions, except for the UTOP, which was
only simulated at BOEC because the control rods are already withdrawn at end-of-equilibrium
cycle. The model used to analyze these transient scenarios is described in Section 12.4.1. Section
12.4.2 presents the safety limits and the results of the transient scenarios.

The transient scenarios were simulated with a nominal direct reactor auxiliary cooling system
(DRACS) heat rejection rate of 0.25% per DRACS unit. The transients were also simulated with
DRACS heat rejection rates as high as 0.5% per unit to quantify the benefits of higher heat
rejection rates and whether or not the cost of a larger direct reactor auxiliary cooling system
would be justified by an improved safety performance.

12.4.1 SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Model

Because the FASTER concept is still in the preconceptual design phase, the design itself is
constantly evolving. The core and PHTS models were created based on the current design.
Existing models of the IHTS and DRACS for a similar SFR design were modified for the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

preliminary FASTER safety analyses. The SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model used for the FASTER
safety analysis is described in the sections below.

In SAS4A/SASSYS-1, the thermal-hydraulic performance of a reactor core is analyzed with a
model consisting of a number of single-pin channels. The channel model provides input to specify
a single fuel pin and its associated coolant and structure. A single-pin model represents the
average pin in an assembly, and assemblies with similar reactor physics and thermal-hydraulic
characteristics are grouped together. A number of channels are selected to represent all
assemblies in the reactor core.

Figure 12-2 illustrates the geometry used in the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 channel thermal-hydraulic
model. Heat generated in the fuel is assumed to travel radially through the cylindrically
symmetric pin into the coolant. SAS4A/SASSYS-1 models include axial zones to represent the
fueled and gas plenum regions as well as up to six upper and lower reflector zones. Each axial
zone is also connected to a structure region, which can be used to model components such as the
wire-wrap or duct walls. Two-node slab geometry is used to represent both the reflector and
structure regions.

At each axial location, temperatures are calculated at multiple radial nodes in the fuel, cladding,
reflectors, and structure. A single bulk coolant temperature is assumed at each axial location.
One-dimensional, radial heat transport calculations are performed at each axial segment from the
fuel, through the cladding, and into the coolant. Heat transfer is also calculated from the coolant
to the gas plenum, reflector, and structure regions. The momentum equation is solved to
determine the axial coolant flow. Convective heat transfer is assumed to dominate so axial heat
conduction is neglected.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Axial Axial
Zones Nodes Elevations



1 ZFM(1)
ZFI(1), Z = 0


Figure 12-2: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Primary Sodium Heat Transport System

Number of Core Channels

For the preliminary FASTER safety analysis, a simple representation of all core assemblies was
used where each SAS4A/SASSYS-1 channel represents all assemblies of one type (fuel, reflector,
test, shield, control, and graphite). The one exception is for the fuel assemblies, where the inner
core and outer core assemblies were represented by two channels. In addition to these “regular”
channels, a peak channel was added to calculate peak temperatures during the transients.

Table 12-5 lists the 7 regular channels and 1 peak channel and also provides the power and flow
per assembly for each channel. The steady-state assembly power and flow values were calculated
with PERSENT [8] and SuperEnergy-2 [14], respectively. Channel powers and flow rates were
calculated as an average over all assemblies in the channel. The assembly-outlet temperatures,
given for both BOEC and EOEC conditions, represent assembly power-to-flow ratios as well as
heat transfer between adjacent assemblies. The flow orifice zones are fixed, so the steady-state
assembly flow distribution is the same for BOEC and EOEC conditions for the regular channels.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 12-5: Core Channels

Flow per Outlet Temp.
Pins Per Power per Assembly Assembly BOEC/EOEC
Type Assembly Assemblies BOEC/EOEC (MW) (kg/s) (°C)a
1 Inner Core 271 30 6.30 / 6.25 31.6 512.4 / 511.3
2 Outer Core 271 25 4.15 / 4.19 21.4 507.3 / 509.0
3 Control 91 9 0.078 / 0.080 0.359 504.1 / 505.3
4 Test 91 39 0.065 / 0.068 0.327 506.8 / 510.5
5 Reflector 91 77 0.047 / 0.048 0.231 502.9 / 507.4
6 Graphite 91 22 0.0006 / 0.0007 0.004 472.5 / 476.2
7 Shield 61 111 0.005 / 0.005 0.031 480.8 / 485.1
8 Peak Core 1 1 7.61 / 3.70b 30.9/14.9a,b 548.9 / 550.0
Calculated by SUPERENERGY-2 with heat transfer between assemblies
Equivalent 217-pin assembly power and flow values
BOEC/EOEC values are different since peak temperatures occur in different assemblies

The inner and outer core fuel assemblies have identical geometries. Differences in the
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 input for the inner and outer core fuel channels is limited to the plutonium
content of the fuel, which affects fuel properties such as thermal conductivity, the assembly-wise
power production and flow rate, and the reactivity feedback coefficients. The core channel map is
shown in Figure 12-3.

Peak Channels
The peak channel in the FASTER SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model was introduced to calculate
maximum temperatures in the core. The peak channel is represented by a single pin. Because the
geometric channel input is entered on a per-pin basis, the peak channel geometric input is
identical to the input for the regular core channels.

The power production and flow rate in the peak channel were selected to match the peak coolant
temperature calculated by the SuperEnergy-2 sub-channel code. The peak coolant temperature is
shown in the final column for the peak channel in Table 12-5. The power used to represent the
peak channel is the average per-pin power of the assembly where this peak coolant temperature
was calculated. The flow rate in the peak channel was reduced from the average assembly flow
rate so that the coolant outlet temperature for the peak pin matches the maximum coolant outlet
temperature calculated in the SuperEnergy-2 calculations. This was done to account for sub-
channel flow variations within the assemblies.

The peak coolant temperature locations (assemblies) are calculated to be different for the BOEC
and EOEC conditions. Therefore, both the power and flow rate for the peak pin are different for
BOEC and EOEC core models.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-3: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Core Channels and Heat Transfer Areas

Because SAS4A/SASSYS-1 requires an integer number of pins per assembly in a channel, a

single pin cannot easily be separated from the rest of the pins in a regular channel. Therefore, as
shown in Table 12-5 the total number of pins in the regular channels is preserved, and the peak
channel adds an extra pin to the core, along with the corresponding power and flow for each of
these pins. To preserve the total core power and flow, the power and flow rates in the regular
channels were adjusted for the “removed” power and flow fractions from the peak pin. However,
since the peak channel only represents one pin out of 30 assemblies, each with 271 pins, those
adjustments are very small, around 0.01%, and do not significantly affect temperatures or
reactivity feedbacks in the regular channels.

Since the total number of pins in the main channels is preserved, the coolant, cladding, fuel, and
structure masses in the regular channels are not affected by the addition of the peak channel.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Therefore, the reactivity feedbacks calculated for the regular channels will represent the feedback
from those assemblies. Any feedback from the peak channel would be an addition to that. In order
to avoid calculating that “extra” feedback, all the reactivity input for the peak channel is ignored
in the calculations (i.e., zeros are entered in the input).

The peak pin channel is also excluded from the channel-to-channel heat transfer calculations,
which are discussed below. For the reasons discussed above, the peak channel is only introduced
to calculate and track peak coolant, cladding, and fuel temperatures in the core. The peak channel
has a negligible effect on the power and flow results in the core and has no effect on the core
reactivity feedbacks.

Core Geometry
Figure 12-4 illustrates the axial geometry of the different channel types in the core model. Most
of the core model dimensions were provided by the neutronics analysis (Section 3.1). Several
dimensions had to be assumed or inferred. An example is the transition region from the block-
type reflector to the fuel pin region, which is not explicitly modeled in the current neutronics
analysis. The SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model simulates this region, but with assumed dimensions and
the understanding that these dimensions are likely to change when more detailed assembly design
is developed. In Figure 12-4, Zones 1 and 2 represent the lower reflector in the fuel channels.
Zone 1 is a 0.85 m long block-type reflector with three semi-circular coolant channels. The
channel diameters are calculated to be 58.5 mm to preserve the 33% coolant volume fraction used
in the neutronics analysis. Zone 2 is a 10 cm long transition zone from the block-type reflector to
the fuel pins. It is modeled as solid structure with a central coolant channel. The channel diameter
is calculated as 71.6 mm to preserve the same 33% coolant volume fraction in this region.

Zone 3 includes the fuel and fission gas plenum, which are 0.8 m and 0.52 m tall, respectively.
These heights reflect the hot (i.e., at operating temperature) dimensions for irradiated fuel. There
are 20 axial segments in the fuel zone and 5 axial segments in the fission gas plenum. Because a
multiple-zone fission gas plenum is not currently supported by SAS4A/SASSYS-1, the model
neglects the effects of the bond sodium pushed up into the bottom of the fission gas plenum. In
future model updates the portion of the gas plenum that is filled with sodium could be modeled as
a blanket, which would allow for sodium expansion into that region to be accounted for. For the
current model, the reactivity feedback of sodium in the gas plenum region is neglected because
even as the temperature changes, the total mass of the sodium remains the same.

Zones 4-6 represent the upper reflector. The first two zones are similar to the lower reflector
zones, but inverted. Zone 4 is the transition from fuel pins to the block-type upper reflector. Zone
5 has the same geometry as the lower block-type reflector zone, Zone 1. The last upper reflector
zone, Zone 6, is the fuel handling socket region. It was modeled as a solid structure with a single
105 mm diameter circular coolant channel to conserve the 71% coolant volume fraction used in
the neutronics analysis. The lengths of Zones 4-6 are 0.1, 0.4, and 0.3 m, respectively.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Control, Reflector,
Fuel Test, Graphite Shield

30 cm 6
40 cm reflector 5
(3 zones)
10 cm 4

52 cm
Load plenum
pads 3

x271 x91 x61

80 cm

10 cm 2
85 cm reflector 1
(2 zones)

Core support plate

Figure 12-4: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Core Channels Axial Geometry

The following form loss coefficients are currently assumed in the fuel channels:

 1.0 at the assembly inlet,

 0.6 at the transition from the block-type reflector,
 0.8 at the pin zone inlet, and
 1.0 at the assembly outlet.

These coefficients will need to be updated when the detailed assembly design is available. With
the current values, the highest pressure drop is calculated for Channel 1 at 0.51 MPa. The
assembly-inlet orifice coefficients are adjusted by SAS4A/SASSYS-1 for the other channels to
obtain the same pressure drop across all channels.

The assembly load pads are assumed to be located immediately above the fuel pins at the border
of fuel and fission gas plenum regions. Although the height of the load pads is neglected, the load
pads elevation is important for the radial expansion feedback calculation. The sodium in the inter-
assembly gap is assumed to be stagnant and is modeled as a part of the structure region smeared
with the assembly duct wall.

The fuel channel geometry is identical for BOEC and EOEC conditions. In both cases, the fuel is
conservatively assumed to have expanded into contact with the cladding inner surface, which
increases the fuel centerline temperature by reducing the fuel thermal conductivity and displacing
the very high thermal conductivity sodium from the gap. For BOEC conditions, assuming fuel-

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

cladding contact corresponds to a minimum fuel burnup of 1%, rather than fresh fuel. Only a
fraction of the fuel will be fresh at the very beginning of the BOEC cycle.

The axial geometry of the reflector, test, graphite, and shield channels are illustrated in Figure
12-4. As shown in Table 12-5, the test and graphite assemblies have very small contributions to
the total core power and flow. Therefore, uncertainties in the geometry of these assemblies, which
are still being developed for FASTER, will not significantly affect the results of the safety
analysis. An exception to this could be the use of fuel in the test assemblies; these cases should be
analyzed in the future on a case-by-case basis. Because they produce very little power and have
very little flow, both the graphite and test assemblies are assumed to have exactly the same
geometry as the reflector assemblies, i.e., 91 HT9 rods spanning the entire assembly height,
except for the assembly handling socket, as shown in Figure 12-4. Modeling the test assemblies
with steel rods, rather than just sodium volume, will also lead to conservative safety analysis
results. A negative coolant void worth was calculated for these assemblies, such that replacing a
portion of the coolant with structure in these assemblies will result in less negative coolant
density reactivity feedback for transients where the coolant temperature increases.

The control assemblies are currently modeled as being at the fully insertion position, as illustrated
in Figure 12-4. This approach preserves the geometry of the control assemblies, but does not
account for the fact there will be more sodium in the core region when the control rods are
withdrawn. To account for this difference, the coolant void reactivity input for the control channel
was corrected by a multiplication factor to preserve the total coolant void worth in the
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 steady-state calculations, compared to that obtained in the neutronics analysis
which was done at the actual control rod position. Further refinements to the control channel
model to reflect the actual positions in the core will be implemented later, when the control rod
design is finalized for FASTER.

For all non-fueled assemblies, Zone 6 represents the assembly-handling region, which is assumed
to be identical to the assembly handling region for the fuel assemblies. Zones 1-5 represent the
solid pin bundle regions in these assemblies. The number of pins and pin diameters are different
for the control, shield, and reflector (and test and graphite) assemblies. For assembly-to-assembly
heat transfer calculations, the axial mesh is identical to the fuel assemblies. For example, Zones 1
and 2 in the non-fueled channels have the same heights and axial segments as Zones 1 and 2 for
the fuel channel. Because SAS4A/SASSYS-1 requires a fuel pin region for all channels, even
channels representing assemblies without fuel, the “fuel” pins are assumed to be solid HT9 for all
non-fueled assemblies.

Channel-to-Channel Heat Transfer

The core model includes heat transfer between neighboring assemblies. Heat transfer areas were
calculated based on the corresponding number of assembly sides in contact for different channels.
The complete number of assembly sides participating in the heat transfer between channels is
listed in Table 12-6 for all channel pairs. As discussed above, Channel 8 is not included in the
heat transfer calculations. The number of assembly sides was used to calculate the total heat
transfer perimeter (or area per unit height) based on the assembly dimensions.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The heat transfer coefficient was calculated to account for the thermal resistance of the nominal 3
mm inter-assembly sodium gap, which is assumed to be filled with stagnant sodium, and two
halves of the outer duct wall node thickness, one on each side of the gap. The resulting heat
transfer coefficient per unit area for the channel-to-channel heat transfer was calculated to be 6.85
kW/m2-K. With this heat transfer coefficient, it was found that the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model
predicts more heat transfer than the SuperEnergy-2 simulation does. This overprediction is mainly
due to temperature variations between the six assembly sides for each channel (or assembly),
which are not accounted for in a single-structure-temperature approach in SAS4A/SASSYS-1. To
better match the outlet temperatures in non-fueled assemblies calculated by SuperEnergy-2,
which are shown in Table 12-5, the heat transfer coefficient was multiplied by a factor of 0.1 for
all channels. It should be noted that channel-to-channel heat transfer mostly affects the
temperatures in the non-fueled assemblies, which do not represent any limiting conditions in the
unprotected transients. For the fuel assemblies, the assembly-to-assembly heat transfer rate is
small compared to the power generation with the channel-to-channel heat transfer model only
affecting steady-state temperatures by 1°C. Additionally, the fuel assemblies do not show as large
of a temperature variation between the assembly sides as the SuperEnergy-2 results. Still, in
future model updates, methods to improve heat transfer to non-fueled assemblies need to be

Table 12-6: Number of Assembly Sides Participating in the Channel-to-Channel Heat Transfer
Channels 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 20 27 23 6 0 0
2 23 32 27 0 0
3 0 4 0 0
4 137 24 18
5 23 69
6 15

Reactivity Feedbacks
The SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model calculates the following reactivity feedbacks:

 Fuel Doppler,
 Fuel density (and axial expansion),
 Cladding (structure) density,
 Coolant density,
 Control rod movement, including control rod driveline, reactor vessel, and below-the-core
structures expansion, and
 Core radial expansion.

The Doppler, axial expansion, cladding density, and coolant density reactivity feedback
coefficients that are used in the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model were generated using first order
perturbation theory by the PRESENT code (version 11.0) utilizing P5 transport calculations from
DIF3D-VARIANT [40]. The radial expansion and control rod expansion feedbacks were

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

calculated based on the differences in keff values. The first three feedbacks are applicable to the
fueled assemblies only (Channels 1 and 2).

The fuel Doppler feedback was calculated from the average fuel temperature change at each axial
segment. A 1/T dependence is assumed for the change in reactivity. Input parameters are entered
for two Doppler coefficients, one with coolant present and the other with coolant voided.
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 linearly interpolates between these two values during the transient based on
the sodium density to calculate the Doppler feedback.

The calculations for the reactivity feedbacks due to fuel, cladding, and coolant density changes
are similar to each other. The coolant feedback is calculated in each zone for all channels but the
fuel and cladding feedbacks are calculated in the fuel zone for only the fuel channels. The
cladding temperature was used for the feedback due to both cladding and structure density
changes under the assumption that the temperature changes in the cladding and structure are
similar during a transient.

Core axial expansion was calculated based on fuel and cladding density changes. As densities
decrease, the fuel and cladding expand and push the mass higher up. The displaced mass in each
pin is relocated above the fuel to conserve mass. The change in mass at each segment is then
converted to a reactivity change based on user-input fuel and cladding axial worth distributions.
Since fuel has a higher worth in the center of the core, axial expansion will move the fuel from a
region of high worth (center of the core) to a region of low worth (top of the core) introducing a
negative reactivity feedback.

During each transient, an assumption of “soft” fuel in contact with cladding is used. This
assumption is implemented by using the force balance model for the coupled fuel and cladding
expansion, but by providing zero for the fuel’s Young’s modulus. With this input, the amount of
axial expansion for both the fuel and the cladding will be defined by the cladding thermal
expansion. Additionally, the control rod positions are fixed during the calculation of fuel and
cladding feedback coefficients so the fuel density feedback also accounts for the axial expansion
of fuel relative to the control rods.

The total calculated worths for the coolant (shown as void), cladding (and structure), and fuel are
shown in Table 12-7 for each channel at BOEC and EOEC conditions. Note that these results are
the total worths for each channel, not per assembly. The cladding and fuel worths are calculated
for the fueled channels, Channels 1 and 2. Channel 3 has the largest coolant worth due to the
large coolant volume fraction, especially at EOEC conditions when the control rods are
withdrawn. It can also be observed that the individual and reactor total reactivity coefficients are
similar for BOEC and EOEC conditions. The only noticeable exception is the coolant worth in
the control channels, where some portion of the coolant is displaced from the core zone by
partially inserted control rods at BOEC conditions.

The channel-dependent reactivity input described above was partially verified by comparing the
total coolant, cladding (and structure), and fuel worths calculated by SAS4A/SASSYS-1 for each
channel with the neutronics results that would be obtained with 100% mass change assuming
linear feedback. For all coefficients and all channels, the difference is limited by +/-5%, which

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

can be explained by differences in assumed density. For the fuel, the difference is small, less than
1% for all channels, confirming consistent fuel mass assumptions. For the coolant,
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 uses the steady-state temperatures and densities, so assuming an average
density for all nodes, which is the assumption for the neutronics calculations, will result in less
mass in the lower segments and more mass in the higher segments. For the cladding (structure)
worth, the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 results include the inter-assembly sodium gap.

Table 12-7: Reactivity Coefficients by Channel

BOEC Conditions
Unvoided Voided
Void Clad. Fuel Doppler Doppler
Channel Type ($) ($) ($)
1 Inner Core -0.67 -3.51 116.2 -0.0020 -0.0016
2 Outer Core -1.17 1.27 40.6 -0.0010 -0.0009
3 Control -2.17 0 0 0 0
4 Test -0.41 0 0 0 0
5 Reflector -0.59 0 0 0 0
6 Graphite -8E-07 0 0 0 0
7 Shield -0.02 0 0 0 0
Reactor Total -5.03 -2.24 156.8 -0.0031 -0.0025

EOEC Conditions
Unvoided Voided
Void Clad. Fuel Doppler Doppler
Channel Type ($) ($) ($)
1 Inner Core -0.51 -4.04 110.2 -0.0022 -0.0017
2 Outer Core -1.35 1.38 42.8 -0.0012 -0.0010
3 Control -2.66 0 0 0 0
4 Test -0.43 0 0 0 0
5 Reflector -0.66 0 0 0 0
6 Graphite -7E-07 0 0 0 0
7 Shield -0.02 0 0 0 0
Reactor Total -5.62 -2.66 153.0 -0.0034 -0.0027

The core radial expansion feedback in the transient simulations was calculated using the simple
radial expansion model. This model neglects assembly bowing and assumes straight-line
expansion between the core support plate and above-core load pads, as illustrated in Figure 12-5.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-5: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Simple Radial Expansion Model

The coefficient Cre was calculated based on the core reactivity change for an assumed 1%
increase in the assembly pitch with a corresponding decrease in atom density of the structures and
fuel to preserve mass. The 1% change in pitch is then converted to a change in temperature based
on the thermal expansion coefficient for the selected structural material.

Because the simple radial expansion model supports only a single input for Cre, the value of Cre
that was input for each transient depends on the expected dominant component. For station
blackout and transient overpower accidents, core radial expansion is dominated by the
temperature rise in the core and, therefore, the expansion of the load pads. The thermal expansion
coefficient for the load pad material, HT9, evaluated at the steady-state core-outlet temperature
(1.37910-5 1/K) was selected for the Cre input for these transients. For loss of heat sink transients,
the core-inlet temperature changes faster than the core-outlet temperature so the core radial
expansion feedback is dominated by the expansion of the core support plate. Therefore, the
material properties of the Type 316 stainless steel support plate, evaluated at the steady-state
core-inlet temperature, were used for the thermal expansion coefficient (1.91910-5 1/K) and the
Cre input. Additionally, for the ULOHS transient it was conservatively assumed that the above-
core load pads remain in contact even when the core support plate expands. The values of the Cre
coefficient for each transient are presented in Table 12-8.

Table 12-8: Core Radial Expansion Reactivity Feedback Coefficient

USBO and UTOP -0.003150 -0.003193
ULOHS -0.004383 -0.004441

The distances XAC and XMC in Figure 12-5 were calculated based on the hot dimensions. It was
assumed that the load pads are located immediately above the fuel region, so XAC is equal to the
sum of the lower reflector zone heights and the fuel column height. XMC is equal to the sum of
the lower reflector zone heights plus one-half of the fuel column height. The XMC/XAC ratio
was calculated to be 0.771.

The option to use the inlet plenum wall temperature rather than the coolant temperature was used
to calculate the core radial expansion feedback. The load pad temperature was assumed to be the
structure temperature in the first fission gas plenum segment. To calculate the radial expansion of
the active core, only the fuel channels, Channels 1 and 2, were included into the calculation of the
average load pads temperatures.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The control rod driveline (CRDL) expansion feedback is calculated in SAS4A/SASSYS-1 based
on a second-order approximation of the control rod position relative to the core:

𝛿𝑘𝐶𝑅 = 𝐴𝐶𝑅𝐷𝐸𝑋 Δ𝑧 + 𝐵𝐶𝑅𝐷𝐸𝑋 Δ𝑧2 Eq. 12-1

where Δz in is the relative change in the control rod position in the core as a function of time.
Vessel expansion, which causes the bottom-supported core to be pulled away from the control
rods, was calculated using the control system module.

The coefficients ACRDEX and BCRDEX were obtained using a quadratic fit of the control rod worth
curve (S-curve). Figure 12-6 shows how the primary and secondary control rod curves were fit
around their corresponding critical positions to obtain the coefficients for CRDL feedback for
BOEC and EOEC conditions.

For the UTOP transient, the single most reactive control rod is assumed to have withdrawn from
the core, so the ACRDEX and BCRDEX coefficients for primary control rods are calculated based on
the “All-minus-one” control rod worth curve, which accounts for movement of all control rods
except for the rod already withdrawing from the core. No calculations were done for the UTOP
transient at EOEC conditions because the control rods are already withdrawn from the core.

Because the control rods are partially inserted at BOEC conditions, the CRDL feedback is much
stronger at this point in the fuel cycle. This effect represents the most significant difference
between the BOEC and EOEC results for the unprotected transient simulation presented below,
since the rest of the reactivity feedbacks are similar for BOEC and EOEC conditions.

The CRDL expansion in SAS4A/SASSYS-1 is calculated based on the coolant and CRDL
structure temperature changes in the upper internal structure (UIS) volume, which is treated
separately from the hot pool volume. Until a more detailed analysis of the coolant flow from the
core into the UIS is performed, only the flow from Inner Core assemblies (Channel 1) will be
included into the calculations of coolant temperatures in the UIS.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

15 5
Reactivity Reactivity
Fit Points Fit Points
10 0
Fit Fit
Critical Position Critical Position
5 -5
Reactivity, $

Reactivity, $
0 -10

-5 -15
y = -7.513x² -45.655x -4.4E-16
y = -34.617x² -27.281x +1.3E-15
x = Position - Crit.Position
x = Position - Crit.Position
-10 -20

-15 -25
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Position, m Position, m


2 1
Reactivity Reactivity
1 0
Fit Points Fit Points
Fit Fit
Critical Position Critical Position
Reactivity, $

Reactivity, $

y = -3.447x² -23.237x -1.2E-02
-4 x = Position - Crit.Position
y = -2.063x² -21.573x +8.7E-01 -6
x = Position - Crit.Position
-5 -7

-6 -8
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Position, m Position, m

Figure 12-6: Obtaining Coefficients for CRDL Feedback, All Transients Except UTOP

Table 12-9: CRDL Reactivity Feedback Coefficients

ACRDEX ($/m) -36.67939 -10.96056
BCRDEX ($/m2) -48.85333 -68.89136
ACRDEX ($/m) -30.47011
BCRDEX ($/m2) -42.65949

PRIMAR-4 Heat Removal Systems Model

The PRIMAR-4 module simulates the thermal hydraulics of the primary, intermediate, and direct
reactor auxiliary cooling systems in SAS4A/SASSYS-1. A simplified example of PRIMAR-4
geometry is illustrated in Figure 12-7. Compressible volumes, or CVs, are zero-dimensional
volumes that are used to represent larger volumes of coolant, typically inlet and outlet plena

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

pools, as well as pipe tees. CVs are characterized by their pressure, temperature, elevation, and

Compressible volumes are connected by liquid segments, which are composed of one or more
elements. Elements are modeled by one-dimensional, incompressible, single-phase flow and can
be used to model pipes, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, steam generators, and more. Elements
are characterized by their pressure, temperature, elevation, and mass flow rate.





Figure 12-7: SAS4A/SASSYS-1 PRIMAR-4 Modeling

PRIMAR-4 Geometry
Figure 12-8, Figure 12-9, and Figure 12-10 illustrate the PRIMAR-4 models of the primary heat
transport system (PHTS), intermediate heat transport system (IHTS), and direct reactor auxiliary
cooling system (DRACS), respectively. Selected input parameters for the elements and
compressible volumes in these systems are listed in Table 12-10, Table 12-11, and Table 12-12.

Element 1 represents the eight core channels. At steady-state, sodium enters the core from the
inlet plenum (CV1) at a temperature of 355°C and discharges into the hot pool (CV2) at an
average of 510°C. Element 2 represents the primary-side, i.e., shell-side, of IHXs 1 and 2 and
Element 4 represents the primary side of IHXs 3 and 4. Because the heat exchangers are identical,
multiplicity is used to represent the first two heat exchangers with one element and the other two
heat exchangers with another element. SAS4A/SASSYS-1 has a limit of 4 heat exchangers so in
order to model the decay heat exchangers, the number of IHXs modeled was reduced. Elements 3

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

and 5 represent the IHX outlets with sodium discharged into CV4, the bulk portion of the cold

CV3 represents the upper portion of the cold pool and feeds the decay heat exchangers. In pool
type SFRs, thermal stratification and heat transfer between the hot and cold pools through the
redan produce higher temperatures in the upper portion of the cold pool. The component-to-
component heat transfer model was used to specify heat transfer between the upper cold pool and
the hot pool, which produces higher temperatures in CV3 than in CV4. Additional analysis
beyond the scope of this work is necessary to determine the proper heat transfer rate to capture
the higher temperatures at the top of the cold pool.

CV5 represents a very small portion of sodium at the bottom of the cold pool. This volume does
not play a significant role in the transients analyzed but was reserved for modeling the stagnant
sodium at the bottom of the cold pool. Additional analysis is required to determine exactly how
sodium stagnates after the primary sodium pumps trip.

In the intermediate heat transport systems, Segments 9-12 represent IHTS 1 and Segments 13-16
represent IHTS 2. A simple steam generator model provides the boundary for both loops. In most
transients, the steam generator is represented by a normalized sodium temperature drop that either
remains at 100% or drops to 0%.

Element 15 represents the shell side of the decay heat exchangers for the direct reactor auxiliary
cooling system. As with the IHXs, multiplicity is used to model two heat exchangers with one
element. The third decay heat exchanger is not modeled as one of the DRACS units is assumed to
be unavailable.

Segment 17 and CV14 represent the intermediate side of the decay reactor auxiliary cooling
system. Since sodium in the DRACS operates under natural circulation conditions, there is no
pump. Element 40 is the air dump heat exchanger (AHX) and the air mass flow rate is governed
by natural circulation. The user provides an air loss coefficient and SAS4A/SASSYS-1 calculates
the air flow rate along the outside of the tubes, providing the boundary for the passive DRACS.
When fully operational at nominal reactor side temperatures, a single AHX rejects 0.25% power
(0.75 MW) for a total of 0.5%.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016


6.385 m

E4 S2

3.960 m
E6 S8
S4 E16
E7 2.565 m
2.120 m
E5 E12
1.800 m
1.800 m
CV4 S1
0.0 m

-0.95 m
S5 S6
-1.440 m


Figure 12-8: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Primary Sodium Heat Transport System

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Generator 20.088 m

CV with
Cover Gas
CV8 E22


E26 E37 E36
15.115 m
S12 CV9 CV13
14.888 m
E20 E31
12.603 m S10 S14
12.376 m


9.888 m


7.888 m
7.513 m Pump
6.385 m
Modeled with multiplicity
3.823 m

E17 E23
E28 E34

S9 S11 S15 2.988 m


2.465 m
1.985 m

Figure 12-9: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Intermediate Sodium Heat Transport System

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

CV with
Cover Gas

27.310 m
E40 27.520 m



E41 E42
21.225 m

11.535 m

10.320 m


3.960 m
2.16 m


1.800 m

Figure 12-10: PRIMAR-4 Model of the Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 12-10: Primary System Element and Compressible Volume Input Parameters
Hydraulic Flow
Elevations (m) Diameter Area Length
Element # Description Inlet Outlet (m) (m2) (m)
1 Core -0.95 2.120 - - 3.070
2 IHX 1 and 2, Primary-Side 6.385 2.562 0.029 0.409 3.920
3 IHX 1 and IHX 2 Discharge 2.562 1.800 0.165 0.184 0.815
4 IHX 3 and 4, Primary-Side 6.385 2.562 0.029 0.409 3.920
5 IHX 4 and IHX 4 Discharge 2.562 1.800 0.165 0.184 0.815
Flow from Upper to Bulk
6 2.880 2.880 0.798 2.0 0.100
Cold Pool
7 Pump 1 Inlet 2.565 2.565 0.623 1.357 1.205
8 Pump 1 2.565 2.565 - - 0.001
9 Pump 1 Discharge 2.565 -1.440 0.314 0.101 4.005
10 Core Inlet Pipe -1.440 -1.440 0.248 0.126 1.668
11 Pump 2 Inlet 2.565 2.565 0.623 1.357 1.205
12 Pump 2 2.565 2.565 - - 0.001
13 Pump 2 Discharge 2.565 -1.440 0.314 0.101 4.005
14 Core Inlet Pipe -1.440 -1.440 0.248 0.126 1.668
Flow from Bulk to Lower
15 -2.700 -2.700 1.000 17.929 0.001
(Stagnant) Cold Pool
16 DHX Primary-Side 3.960 1.800 0.044 0.053 2.880

Gas Volume Total Volume

CV # Description Sodium Volume (m3) (m3) (m3)
1 Inlet Plenum 8.20 - 8.20
2 Hot Pool 343.20 27.62 370.82
3 Upper Cold Pool 44.80 61.45 106.25
4 Bulk Cold Pool 173.00 - 173.00
5 Lower (Stagnant) Cold Pool 1.0 - 1.0

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Table 12-11: Intermediate Heat Transport System Element and Compressible Volume Input
Hydraulic Flow
Elevations (m) Diameter Area Length
Element # Description Inlet Outlet (m) (m2) (m)
17, 28 IHX, Intermediate-Side 2.465 6.385 0.014 0.252 3.920
18, 29 IHX Discharge 6.385 7.513 0.422 0.560 1.148
19, 30 Hot Leg 7.513 12.603 0.457 0.164 5.090
20, 31 Hot Leg 12.603 12.376 0.457 0.164 5.068
21, 32 Hot Leg 12.376 20.088 0.457 0.164 25.320
22, 33 Steam Generator 20.088 2.988 0.051 0.051 25.100
23, 34 Cold Leg 2.988 7.888 0.457 0.164 9.163
24, 35 Pump 7.888 9.888 - - 2.000
25, 36 Cold Leg 9.888 14.888 0.457 0.164 17.094
26, 37 Cold Leg 14.888 15.115 0.457 0.164 5.068
27, 38 IHX Downcomer 15.115 1.985 0.457 0.164 13.130

Sodium Gas Volume Total Volume

CV # Description Volume (m3) (m3) (m3)
6, 10 IHX Inlet Plenum 0.360 - 0.360
7, 11 Hot Leg Manifold 0.540 - 0.540
8, 12 Expansion Volume 2.359 2.523 4.882
9, 13 Cold Leg Manifold 0.540 - 0.540

Table 12-12: Decay Heat Removal System Element and Compressible Volume Input Parameters
Hydraulic Flow
Elevations (m) Diameter Area Length
Element # Description Inlet Outlet (m) (m2) (m)
39 Cold Leg 27.520 27.310 0.090 0.006 5.503
40 AHX, Sodium-Side 27.310 21.330 0.031 0.048 8.978
41 Cold Leg 21.330 21.225 0.090 0.006 2.000
42 Pump 21.225 21.225 0.090 0.006 0.001
43 Cold Leg 21.225 11.535 0.090 0.006 33.039
44 Cold Leg and DHX Downcomer 11.535 1.800 0.085 0.006 9.674
45 DHX Inlet Plenum 1.800 1.800 1.000 0.076 0.218
46 DHX, Intermediate-Side 1.800 3.960 0.009 0.007 2.880
47 Hot Leg 3.960 10.320 0.174 0.089 6.360
48 Hot Leg 10.320 27.310 0.090 0.006 35.799

Sodium Gas Volume Total Volume

CV # Description Volume (m3) (m3) (m3)
14 Expansion Volume 0.468 4.627 5.095

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Control Rod Driveline and Reactor Vessel Expansion

The control rod insertion depth in the core is affected by expansions of the control rod drivelines,
reactor vessel, and core support structures. For transients where the cold pool temperature rises,
reactor vessel expansion lowers the core away from the control rods, which effectively withdraws
the control rods. For the ULOHS and USBO transients, this effect provides the most significant
positive reactivity feedback. As the drivelines expand, the control rods are inserted further into
the core. To properly track the control rod insertion depth during a transient, a model was created
utilizing both the traditional CRDL model and the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 control system module. It
was assumed that below the bottom of the active fuel, reactor vessel expansion and core support
structure expansion occur at the same rate and magnitude and they therefore cancel each other

The traditional CRDL model, which is described above in the core model section, was used to
calculate expansion of the control rod drivelines based on heat transfer with sodium discharged
from specified core channels flowing through a representative UIS. For this analysis, the control
rod and control rod drivelines were expanded together as one component with a nominal length of
9.92 m.

The control system was used to model reactor vessel expansion. Although the traditional CRDL
model allows users to model reactor vessel expansion, the control system was used for reactor
vessel expansion so both components of the control rod insertion depth feedback could be
examined individually.

The total length of the reactor vessel that was considered to expand was 8.08 m, which is the
length from the cold pool sodium level to the bottom of the active fuel. Because the cold pool was
represented by multiple CVs, the reactor vessel expansion calculation was based on multiple
compressible volume wall temperatures. The wall temperature of CV3, which represents the
upper portion of the cold pool, was used to calculate the expansion of the 5.2 meters of reactor
vessel above the midplane of the decay heat exchanger up to the cold pool level. The wall
temperature of CV4, which represents the bulk portion of the cold pool, was used to calculate the
expansion of the 2.88 meters of reactor vessel between the bottom of the active fuel and the decay
heat exchanger midplane. Figure 12-11 illustrates the components in the CRDL and vessel
expansion model.

The upper reactor vessel and lower reactor vessel expansions were calculated using the same

𝛥𝑧 = 𝛼 𝐻 𝛥𝑇(𝑡) Eq. 12-2

α = thermal expansion coefficient (1/K),
H = nominal height (m), and
ΔT = temperature change from steady-state conditions (K).

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

A thermal expansion coefficient of 2.0 x 10-5 1/K was assumed. For the portion of the reactor
vessel expansion corresponding to the bulk cold pool, the change in temperature of the wall for
CV4 was used.

ΔT is represented slightly differently for CV3 to account for the elevated temperatures at the top
of the cold pool that have been predicted by CFD analysis of other pool-type SFRs. Accounting
for higher temperature at the top of the cold pool is important because it changes the amount of
reactor vessel expansion that occurs in transients where the difference between the hot pool
temperature and cold pool temperature changes. Consider a loss of heat sink transient where the
entire primary system equilibrates at the hot pool temperature. Because the vessel wall at the top
of the cold pool starts at a higher temperature than the rest of the vessel, the temperature rise there
will not be as large, and the reactor vessel expansion will be smaller. For the control system
model, the CV3 wall temperature was approximated as:

𝑇𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑙,𝐶𝑉3 (𝑡) = 𝑎 𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑙 (𝑡) + (1 − 𝑎) 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑙 (𝑡) Eq. 12-3

α = 0.437.

This coefficient was calculated for a pool-type SFR of a similar design. Further analysis is
required to determine the appropriate value for FASTER. Future updates to the model would be
necessary to better capture heat transfer from the hot pool using the component-to-component
heat transfer model as well as heat transfer between CV3 and the reactor vessel wall. Expansion
of the fuel also moves the top of the fuel past the control rods. As discussed in the core model
section above, this expansion is accounted for in the axial fuel expansion calculation.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016


9.92 m

5.20 m



2.88 m



Figure 12-11: Components in Control Rod Driveline and Reactor Vessel Expansion Model

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

12.4.2 Results
Three types of transients were simulated on a Mac Pro running OS X Version 10.9.5 with the
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 fast reactor safety analysis code, Developmental Version 5.1, Revision 1915:

 Unprotected transient overpower (UTOP),

 Unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS), and
 Unprotected station blackout (USBO).

In each scenario, it was assumed that the Reactor Protection System (RPS) fails to scram the
control rods. Best estimate simulations were performed to determine the maximum temperatures
that occur during each transient and ensure that acceptable margins to various safety limits are
maintained. The transient initiators are summarized in Table 12-13 and each transient is fully
defined in the sections below. Safety margins are defined below.

Table 12-13: Transient Initiators

PHTS Pumps Trip X
IHTS Pumps Trip X X
Feedwater Pumps Trip X X
Single Control Rod Withdrawal X

A primary pump trip is initiated by quickly decreasing the pump torque to zero. The sodium flow
rate coasts down according to the inertia of the pumps and, following the flow coast down,
natural circulation flow is established. An intermediate pump trip is simulated in the same way as
a primary pump trip.

Because the steam generators represent the boundary conditions in the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model,
the feedwater pumps are not modeled. To model the loss of heat rejection through the steam
generators, which accompanies a feedwater pump trip, the temperature drop across the steam
generators is quickly reduced to zero at the beginning of the ULOHS and USBO transients. For
the UTOP scenario, the steam generator was conservatively assumed to maintain the steady-state
heat rejection rate throughout the transient. In reality, increased sodium temperatures in the IHTS
would produce higher steam generator heat rejection rates so this assumption leads to higher

Each transient scenario was simulated at BOEC conditions. The ULOHS and USBO transients
were also simulated at EOEC conditions. Because the primary and secondary control rods are
already withdrawn at EOEC conditions, the UTOP transient initiator does not apply at EOEC.

FASTER has three DRACS units, each providing a nominal heat rejection rate of 0.25% of the
initial total reactor power level when fully activated. During the transient simulations, the
DRACS air dampers are assumed to activate five seconds after the transient begins, representing a
short delay between flow rate, temperature or power measurements exceeding allowable limits,
and the reactor protection system providing the signal to activate the DRACS units. DRACS
activation is assumed to occur over a five-second period. Before the DRACS units are activated

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

and the air dampers open, the steady-state DRACS heat rejection rate predicted by
SAS4A/SASSYS-1 is 0.09% per DRACS unit. The steady-state heat rejection rate depends on the
position of the air dampers when the DRACS are in standby mode, which has not yet been
determined. Because the DRACS units are assumed to activate promptly after the start of each
transient, the steady-state DRACS heat rejection rate does not significantly affect the transient
results. All heat rejection rates correspond to a decay heat exchanger primary-side sodium inlet
temperature of 355°C.

For each transient, it was assumed that the air dampers in one of the DRACS units fail to open.
To be conservative, it was assumed that zero heat rejection was available through that DRACS
unit. In reality, a DRACS unit would provide a small amount of heat rejection, even if the air
damper were completely closed. With only two DRACS units available, the nominal heat
rejection rate is 0.5% for each transient. The heat rejection rate increases during the transient
scenarios as the cold pool temperature increases.

Safety Margins
For each transient scenario, the following safety margins were considered:

 Coolant boiling,
 Fuel melting,
 Cladding integrity, and
 Reactor vessel integrity.

Because severe accidents have a lower frequency of occurrence, they can be analyzed with higher
allowable temperatures. However, for these analyses, the USBO transient was scrutinized under
the same limits as the two design extension conditions.

SAS4A/SASSYS-1 automatically calculates the peak in-core fuel, cladding, and coolant
temperatures, and these temperatures are reported for each transient below along with the
saturation temperature at the location of the peak coolant temperature. SAS4A/SASSYS-1 also
reports the minimum margin to sodium boiling, which, because the sodium saturation temperature
depends on pressure, may occur at a different location than the peak sodium temperature.

The FASTER model uses fuel property models built into SAS4A/SASSYS-1 for the fuel thermal
conductivity, specific heat, and density. For the transient analysis, a fuel melting temperature of
1071°C, which is provided in [41], was assumed for FASTER’s U-Pu-6Zr fuel.

For the cladding integrity limit, the peak cladding temperature can be used to estimate cladding
wastage due to fuel-cladding eutectic formation. Cladding degradation due to eutectic penetration
is a threshold reaction. The threshold for FASTER’s U-Pu-6Zr fuel was not available; however,
for U-Zr fuel the eutectic formation has a threshold of 715°C. At temperatures near 715°C, the
reaction is slow and it may take several hours for the cladding to fully degrade. At higher
temperatures, around 1075°C, fuel-cladding eutectic penetration occurs much more rapidly.
However, for the transients that were analyzed, cladding temperatures exceeded the long-term

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
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715°C threshold for less than 30 seconds. Therefore, only a negligible amount of eutectic
penetration will occur.

Structural analysis will be needed to calculate damage to the reactor structures, such as the reactor
vessel, redan, or upper internal structures, due to elevated temperatures during each transient. Of
all the structures, the integrity of the reactor vessel is of the most concern since it provides the
boundary for the primary circuit coolant. 1350°F (732°C) was used in the SAFR Preliminary
Safety Information Document [6]. In the absence of a detailed structural analysis, this value was
assumed for the structure and pool temperature limit.

The unprotected transient overpower accident is initiated by an unintended withdrawal of the
most reactive control rod over 15 seconds until it reaches a rod stop, which limits the reactivity
insertion to 50¢. For the most reactive control rod, the rod stop would have to limit the control
rod withdrawal to 8.6 cm. A 50¢ rod stop limit is larger than is typically assumed for SFR
analyses. The 50¢ limit was initially selected because the worth per unit length of the control rods
early in the FASTER design process was larger than for more traditional SFR designs. The
control rod worth per unit length was decreased later in the design process but the 50¢ rod stop
limit was maintained as a conservative assumption. For this UTOP analysis, the feedback
coefficients due to control rod driveline and reactor vessel expansion were reduced to account for
the control rod that has withdrawn and, therefore, does not contribute to those feedback effects.

Beginning of Equilibrium Cycle

At the start of the BOEC UTOP transient, fission power increases due to the sudden reactivity
insertion. After 15 seconds, a total of 50¢ has been inserted and the external reactivity insertion
stops. As power increases, temperatures in the core increase quickly, introducing negative
feedbacks that act to reduce the reactivity. When the external reactivity insertion stops at 15
seconds, total power has peaked at 155% and the net reactivity is at 12¢. Net reactivity then
begins to decrease as the reactivity feedbacks become more negative.

Fuel and cladding temperatures increase the fastest, producing -9¢ of reactivity from Doppler
feedback and -8¢ from axial core expansion. As sodium temperatures increase, the coolant
density reactivity feedback introduces another -3¢ within the first minute. Twenty-five seconds
into the transient, the increased structure temperatures at the above core load pads cause the core
to expand radially, which inserts another -21¢ of reactivity. After 30 seconds, sodium
temperatures in the upper internal structure increase and the drivelines begin to expand. The
drivelines continue to expand, producing a reactivity feedback of -27¢. Within the first 60
seconds of the transient, net reactivity becomes negative and total power starts to decrease back
towards 100%.

After 5 minutes, the hot pool temperature is leveling off while temperatures in the cold pool are
still increasing. The reactor vessel expands as the cold pool heats up, which pulls the bottom-
supported core away from the control rods and produces a positive reactivity feedback. The
temperature rise in the hot pool is a few degrees larger than the cold pool temperature rise so the
control rod driveline expansion feedback produces more negative reactivity than the positive
reactivity vessel expansion. The remainder of the transient is uneventful as net reactivity remains

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

at zero and total power returns to 100%. Figure 12-12 and Figure 12-13 illustrate power
production and the reactivity feedbacks during this transient.

Figure 12-12: BOEC UTOP with 2 DRACS Units: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-13: BOEC UTOP with 2 DRACS Units: Reactivity Feedbacks

Fuel, cladding, and cooling temperatures, which are illustrated in Figure 12-14, were highest in
Channel 8. The peak fuel temperature was 889°C 23 seconds into the transient, and the minimum
fuel melting margin decreased from 359°C to 182°C. At the same time, cladding temperatures
peaked at 688°C, remaining below the 715°C threshold for slow eutectic formation. Coolant
temperatures also peaked 23 seconds into the transient, reaching a maximum temperature of
657°C. Figure 12-14 shows the saturation temperature at the location of the peak sodium
temperature. During the UTOP transient, the peak sodium temperature occurred near the top of
the fuel region. The minimum margin to boiling was 292°C during the UTOP, occurring near the
top of the assembly where the saturation temperature was lower due to the lower pressure.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-14: BOEC UTOP with 2 DRACS Units: Peak In-Core Temperatures

This UTOP scenario progresses very quickly with temperatures peaking during the first half-
minute and power nearly decreasing back to 100% after five minutes. For the rest of the transient,
the peak temperatures in the core remain approximately 60°C higher than the initial steady-state

Because the core is producing more than 100% of the steady-state power and the steam generators
are rejecting most of that, the DRACS heat rejection rate does not significantly affect the results.
The transient progression with a total of 1.0% DRACS heat rejection instead of 0.5% produced
nearly identical results.

End of Equilibrium Cycle

The control rods are withdrawn at end of equilibrium cycle conditions so the transient initiator for
this case does not apply.

The unprotected loss of heat sink accident is initiated by the intermediate sodium and feedwater
pumps tripping. Because the steam generators are the boundary of the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 model,
the resulting loss of heat rejection through the steam generators was modeled by quickly reducing
the temperature drop across the steam generators to zero at the start of the transient. This
assumption is conservative as there would still be a small amount of heat rejection even after the
feedwater pumps trip.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Beginning of Equilibrium Cycle

After the intermediate pumps trip, heat rejection through the intermediate heat exchangers
decreases rapidly. The IHX primary-side outlet temperature begins to increase, causing the cold
pool to heat up. The cold pool sodium mass is very large so the temperature increases slowly. The
core inlet temperature increases at the same rate, introducing small but prompt negative
feedbacks. The axial core expansion and sodium density feedbacks are the strongest effects
during the first two minutes, reaching -6¢ and -5¢, respectively. Together, these two feedbacks
provide sufficient negative reactivity to drive the fission power down. At the same time, the
reactor vessel begins to heat up and expand, which slowly pulls the core away from the control
rods. Because the reactor vessel mass is so large, its temperature lags behind the increasing cold
pool temperature so the reactor vessel expansion feedback is introduced slower than the in-core
feedbacks. Before the reactor vessel expansion feedback exceeds 5¢, the net reactivity has been
less than -13¢ for more than four minutes.

Even as the core inlet temperature increases, the temperature rise across the core is decreasing,
and the control rod drivelines are exposed to the colder sodium discharged from the core. This
introduces a positive reactivity feedback as the drivelines contract, partially withdrawing the
control rods from the core. The control rod driveline temperature increases and decreases out of
phase with the core inlet temperature, which introduces power oscillations during the beginning
of the transient. Fifteen minutes into the transient, when fission power is around 1%, the net
reactivity becomes positive, and fission power increases to 3.6%. The core outlet temperature
begins to increase again, causing the drivelines to heat up, which expands the control rods back
into the core. Net reactivity returns to zero 40 minutes into the transient after the control rod
driveline and core inlet temperatures come into phase with one another.

During the rest of the first hour, temperatures throughout the primary system converge and they
gradually increase as total power production is slightly larger than the DRACS heat rejection rate.
The cold pool experiences the largest temperature increase, so the largest reactivity feedback
effect is due to reactor vessel expansion. Approximately 8 hours into the transient, the cold pool
temperature has leveled off and the reactor vessel expansion reactivity feedback stabilizes at
approximately 1.2$. The radial core expansion and control rod driveline expansion feedbacks, and
to a lesser degree the axial core expansion and sodium density feedbacks, are sufficiently large to
balance out the very positive vessel expansion feedback and maintain a critical core. Within 10
hours, the cold pool is hot enough that the DRACS heat rejection rate matches the total power
production. As the transient continues, fission power is small enough that decay heat production
gradually decreases. Fission power increases to compensate for the decreasing decay heat and the
system remains in equilibrium with a power level of 0.9%. Figure 12-15 and Figure 12-16
illustrate power production and the reactivity feedbacks during this transient.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-15: BOEC ULOHS: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production

Figure 12-16: BOEC ULOHS: Reactivity Feedbacks

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Peak temperatures within the core are illustrated in Figure 12-17 and sodium outlet temperatures
and temperatures throughout the primary system are illustrated in Figure 12-18. The black line in
Figure 12-17 represents the saturation temperature at the location of the peak sodium temperature.
The location of the peak sodium temperature changes during the transient, and the saturation
temperature is lower as the peak temperature moves higher in the core to areas with a lower
pressure. Because net reactivity remains negative for the 13 minutes of the transient and the
primary pumps are still running, the peak fuel temperature never increases during the transient.
The peak cladding and coolant temperatures only rise 1°C and 15°C, respectively. There is no
significant decrease in the fuel melting or sodium boiling margins. Clad temperatures have not
increased enough for eutectic formation to be a concern and the maximum cold pool temperature
is 562°C, well below the 732°C limit.

Figure 12-17: BOEC ULOHS: Peak In-Core Temperatures

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-18: BOEC ULOHS: Primary System Temperatures

Analysis of the ULOHS transient at BOEC conditions was repeated with a nominal 1.0% DRACS
heat rejection rate. Results with the increased heat rejection were not significantly different. The
DRACS heat rejection rate reached the total power production around 6 hours instead of 10
hours, and the system equilibrated at approximately 560°C instead of 562°C. Temperatures in the
core decreased at the same rate at the beginning of the transient so the peak temperatures were
nearly identical with the higher rejection rate. These results demonstrated that a 0.5% total
DRACS heat rejection rate is sufficient and there is limited benefit of increasing to 1.0%.

End of Equilibrium Cycle

Because the control rods are withdrawn at EOEC, the EOEC ULOHS transient is much more
benign than at BOEC conditions. Vessel expansion drives the ULOHS during BOEC conditions.
But with the control rods are already withdrawn at EOEC, the magnitudes of the vessel expansion
and control rod driveline expansion feedbacks are significantly reduced. Temperatures throughout
the primary system still converge around the steady-state hot pool temperature, but instead of
having to work against a large positive vessel expansion reactivity insertion, the negative
feedback effects, particularly the coolant density and axial expansion feedbacks, drive net
reactivity as low as -13¢ very quickly. Net reactivity remains negative until after the DRACS heat
rejection rate exceeds the total core power production.

With the net reactivity remaining negative for several hours, instead of returning to zero as it does
at BOEC conditions, fission power drops to zero within 20 minutes, leaving only the heat
generated by decay heat. The DRACS heat rejection rate is sufficiently large that decay heat

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

decreases below the heat rejection rate in less than 4 hours, and temperatures throughout the
system begin to decrease. Power production and rejection are illustrated in Figure 12-19.

Figure 12-19: EOEC ULOHS: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production

In-core temperatures barely increase at the beginning of the transient. A boiling margin of 396°C
is maintained. As with the BOEC cases, there is no significant decrease in the fuel melting margin
and primary system pool temperatures remain well below the 732°C limit with the cold pool
temperature peaking at 500°C. Cladding temperatures have also not increased enough for any
eutectic formation. Peak in-core temperatures are illustrated in Figure 12-20 and the hot and cold
pool temperatures are illustrated in Figure 12-21.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-20: EOEC ULOHS: Primary System Temperatures

Figure 12-21: EOEC ULOHS: Peak In-Core Temperatures

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The unprotected station blackout transient is initiated by the primary, intermediate, and feedwater
pumps tripping. As the primary sodium pump has not yet been designed, the USBO was
simulated with an approximate primary flow halving time of 10 seconds. As with the ULOHS
transient, the loss of heat rejection through the steam generators was modeled by reducing the
temperature drop across the steam generators to zero at the start of the transient.

Beginning of Equilibrium Cycle

The beginning of this transient is driven by an increasing power-to-flow ratio as the primary
sodium flow rate decreases. Elevated core temperatures induce axial fuel and cladding expansion,
producing a reactivity feedback of -8¢. Radial core expansion, which is driven by elevated
structure temperatures at the above core load pads, reaches -31¢. As the fission power decreases,
temperatures in the core begin to decrease and the net reactivity starts to become less negative.
While the core is cooling down, hot sodium has been washing over the control rod drivelines,
causing them to expand and push the control rods further into the core. Five minutes into the
transient, the CRDL feedback reaches -54¢.

As with the ULOHS, the core begins to cool down. The control rod driveline temperature
decreases and the CRDL feedback becomes less negative. The out-of-phase temperature changes
in the core and for the drivelines cause the net reactivity to become positive at 11 minutes.
Doppler, radial core expansion, axial expansion, and the coolant density feedbacks are all
positive. Net reactivity peaks at 10¢ before the hotter temperatures in the core induce a negative
response from the in-core reactivity feedbacks, particularly radial expansion. The 8-minute period
of positive net reactivity causes fission power to increase from approximately zero to 3 MW
before the net reactivity becomes negative again and the fission power begins to decrease.

Because the feedwater pumps have tripped, the only heat rejection is through the DRACS units.
For the remainder of the transient, net reactivity remains very slightly negative and fission power
decreases gradually. Decay heat also continues to decrease until total power matches the heat
rejection capacity of the decay heat removal system around 17 hours. The amount of time before
heat rejection matches total power production is longer than for the ULOHS transient because
lower cold pool temperatures are maintained during the USBO transient, and so the DRACS heat
rejection rate is lower. More time is required for the cold pool temperatures to gradually increase
and decay heat production to decay away.

The highest in-core temperatures occur during the first minute of the transient. The peak fuel
temperature only increases from 712°C to 741°C, so a very large fuel melting margin is
maintained. Cladding temperatures increase close to the fuel temperatures, reaching a peak of
720°C. This is slightly above the threshold for slow eutectic formation; however, cladding
temperatures only remain above the threshold for less than 30 seconds so there is no significant
cladding reduction due to fuel-cladding eutectic penetration. Sodium temperatures in the core
peak at 719°C and a sodium boiling margin of 234°C is maintained. With a maximum cold pool
temperature of 462°C, long-term structural stability is not a concern for the reactor vessel. Figure
12-22 illustrates power production and rejection, Figure 12-23 and Figure 12-24 illustrates the
reactivity feedbacks, and Figure 12-25 illustrates the peak in-core temperatures at the beginning
of the transient.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-22: BOEC USBO: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production

Figure 12-23: BOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Short-Term

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-24: BOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Long-Term

Figure 12-25: BOEC USBO: Peak In-Core Temperatures

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The BOEC USBO transient was also simulated with a nominal heat DRACS heat rejection rate of
1.0%. With a heat rejection rate 0.5%, fission power remained at approximately 0.2% in order to
maintain equilibrium between heat rejection and total power. With 1.0% DRACS heat rejection,
decay heat coasts down at a similar rate so fission power needs to be higher to maintain the power
balance. After one day, fission power is more than 3 times larger than for the 0.5% DRACS case.

Even with the fission power level at the end of the transient, however, the peak fuel, cladding, and
coolant temperatures are unchanged. Temperatures peak during the USBO during the first minute
of the transient, before the heat rejection rate affects the core. The smaller 0.5% heat rejection rate
was sufficient because it produced very large safety margins, with the reactor equilibrating at a
lower power level than for a 1.0% heat rejection rate.

End of Equilibrium Cycle

The USBO was simulated at EOEC, and the results are very similar to the BOEC results. The
cold pool temperature increases more than the hot pool temperature so reactor vessel expansion is
larger than the control rod driveline expansion. However, because the control rods are already
withdrawn, the reactivity feedback due to the change in the control rod insertion depth is very
small. Net reactivity decreases to -48¢ within the first minute, and because the driveline
expansion feedback is less, the out-of-phase driveline and core inlet temperatures do not produce
as large fission power swings. Where net reactivity rebounded to 10¢ for the BOEC case, net
reactivity rebounds only to 1.5¢ at EOEC. Within 4 hours, fission power is essentially zero and
decay heat slowly decreases until total power drops below the DRACS heat rejection capacity at 8

As with the BOEC case, the peak temperatures occur within the first minute. The safety margins
are all larger at EOEC with fuel, cladding, and coolant temperatures all remaining below 700°C
for the EOEC USBO. Figure 12-26 illustrates power production and DRACS heat rejection.
Figure 12-27 and Figure 12-28 illustrate the reactivity feedbacks. Figure 12-29 illustrates the peak
in-core temperatures.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-26: EOEC USBO: Total, Fission, and Decay Heat Power Production

Figure 12-27: EOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Short-Term

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Figure 12-28: EOEC USBO: Reactivity Feedbacks, Long-Term

Figure 12-29: EOEC USBO: Peak In-Core Temperatures

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

12.4.3 Summary of Unprotected Transient Analyses

Three types of transient scenarios were analyzed for the FASTER design: unprotected transient
overpower, unprotected loss of heat sink, and unprotected station blackout. These transients were
simulated using SAS4A/SASSYS-1 at both beginning of equilibrium cycle and end of
equilibrium cycle conditions, except for the UTOP scenario, which was only simulated at BOEC
conditions. For each transient, failures of both the primary and secondary reactor scram systems
were assumed. Because of the favorable reactivity feedbacks, relatively low peak fuel, cladding,
and coolant temperatures were obtained during the transients and the reactor vessel temperature
remained well below the limit for ensuring structural stability. Table 12-14 and Table 12-15 list
the predicted peak temperatures and safety margins, respectively, for the BOEC transients and
EOEC transients.

Table 12-14: Peak Temperatures for BOEC and EOEC Transients

Beginning of Equilibrium Cycle
Coolant Cladding Fuel Vessel
Nominal 549°C 568°C 712°C 355°C
UTOP 657°C 688°C 889°C 415°C
ULOHS 564°C 569°C 712°C 562°C
USBO 719°C 720°C 741°C 462°C

End of Equilibrium Cycle

Coolant Cladding Fuel Vessel
Nominal 550°C 560°C 652°C 355°C
ULOHS 551°C 561°C 653°C 500°C
USBO 684°C 684°C 694°C 431°C

Table 12-15: Safety Margins for BOEC and EOEC Transients

Beginning of Equilibrium Cycle
Sodium Rapid Clad Fuel Reactor Vessel
Boiling Eutectic Melting Service Level D
Nominal 399°C 507°C 359°C 377°C
UTOP 292°C 387°C 182°C 317°C
ULOHS 391°C 506°C 359°C 170°C
USBO 234°C 355°C 330°C 270°C

End of Equilibrium Cycle

Sodium Rapid Clad Fuel Reactor Vessel
Boiling Eutectic Melting Service Level D
Nominal 398°C 515°C 419°C 377°C
ULOHS 396°C 514°C 418°C 232°C
USBO 268°C 391°C 377°C 301°C

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

13 Balance of Plant Systems (Various)

13.1 Compressed Gas System

The compressed gas system distributes compressed gases throughout the reactor plant from the
point of storage or compression to the point of use. Four subsystems comprise this compressed
gas system. They are 1) Service Air System, 2) Instrument Air System, 3) Hydrogen System, and
4) Carbon Dioxide System.

System Requirements
The service air system shall provide the following:
 Air for various plant fuel handling systems.
 Air for maintenance systems, unloading devices, tools, miscellaneous cleaning, and
inspection services.
 Breathable air for required stations.

The instrument air system shall supply the following:

 Clean dry air to instrumentation, controls, pneumatic piston and diaphragm valve
operators, and air locks located in all areas of the plant.
 The service air system.

The hydrogen system shall provide hydrogen gas to the main generator for cooling the stator core
and rotating field. The carbon dioxide system shall provide carbon dioxide gas for generator

System Description
The service air system provides compressed air for use by various plant systems such as the fuel
handling system, maintenance systems, unloading devices, tools, miscellaneous cleaning, and
inspection services. The system also delivers breathable air to required stations. The service air
system receives compressed air from the instrument air system. The service air system is a
distribution system of piping and valves that takes compressed air from the instrument air header
and distributes it to the users.

The service air system operates at all times providing compressed air during normal plant
operation or when the plant is shut down. The service air system is not safety related. The
instrument air system provides clean, oil-free dry air for operation of instruments and controls,
pneumatic piston and diaphragm valve operators and air locks in all areas of the plant. The
instrument air system operates at all times to provide compressed air during normal plant
operation or when the plant is shutdown, since compressed air is required during plant shutdown
as well as during normal plant operation.

The instrument air system also supplies the service air system, as needed. The instrument air
system is not safety related. Safety-related items requiring instrument air are supplied from local
safety-class accumulators. The hydrogen system stores and supplies hydrogen gas to the main

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

generator for cooling of the generator stator core and rotor during operation. The hydrogen
system is not safety related.

The carbon dioxide system stores carbon dioxide in liquid form, processes the carbon dioxide
liquid to carbon dioxide gas, and supplies the gas to the main generator for purging. The carbon
dioxide system is not safety related.

13.2 Chilled Water System

The chilled water system provides chilled water during normal plant operation for air
conditioning and removal of heat from the following areas or systems:

 Nuclear island (NI) HVAC and balance of plant (BOP) HVAC system.
 Process cooling in the NI maintenance building.
 Recirculating gas system.

The system includes chillers, pumps, expansion tanks, piping, valves, and related components. A
refrigerant pumpout and storage system is also provided for maintenance. The system does not
include air cooling coils in air conditioning units nor heat transfer equipment in process cooling
systems. Cooling water for the chiller condensers is provided by the plant service water system.

13.3 Radioactive Waste System

The radioactive waste system (RWS) provides the equipment and facilities for collecting,
processing, monitoring, storing, and disposing of liquid and solid radioactive wastes. The RWS
processes both liquid radioactive wastes and solid radioactive wastes.

System Requirements
The following functions shall be provided by the RWS:

 Liquid Radioactive Waste Subsystem (LRWS)

o Collect radioactive liquid waste for processing, recycle, or disposal.
o Provide sample points and equipment to monitor the chemical and radioactive
content of liquid wastes.
o Process and concentrate radioactive liquid waste.
o Store processed or reclaimed liquid for reuse or disposal.
o Control discharges to assure compliance with applicable regulatory standards.

 Solid Radioactive Waste Subsystem (SRWS)

o Radwaste Solidification System – 1) Receive and measure the radiation levels of
small low activity level components from other systems and determine temporary
storage, processing or disposal requirements. 2) Compact, package, and prepare
compactible radioactive solid wastes for disposal.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

o Radwaste Disposal Management System – 1) Establish the necessary interfaces

with other systems for packaging and disposal of large non-compactible
radioactive solids. 2) Develop an inventory control system that provides for
accountability of radioactive materials.

The following general design requirements shall apply:

• The general system design shall provide as-low-as-reasonably achievable (ALARA)
radiation protection for maintenance and plant operating personnel.
• The system shall have the capability to monitor and record discharges to the environment.
• The equipment and its associated supports are to be classified as nonseismic.
• The quality of the discharged water shall comply with the governing water quality

Prior to discharge to the environment, a laboratory analysis of all liquids to be discharged to the
environs shall be performed to assure that the activity requirements for such discharges are met.
An acid and caustic solution supply, neutralization and pH control system shall be provided, with
the capability to adjust the pH of all liquid wastes which are collected, prior to further processing.

Receive radioactive sodium generated by the fuel handling and fuel receiving, storage and
shipping systems. Provide control functions for the LRWS and SRWS to maintain the design,
operating and performance parameters during all operating modes.

System Description
The RWS provides the equipment and facilities for collecting, processing, monitoring, storing and
disposing of liquid and solid radioactive waste. The RWS consists of two subsystems: (1) the
LRWS and (2) the SRWS. The LRWS collects and processes radioactive liquid wastes in order to
reduce the volume of radioactive wastes which must ultimately be disposed of. This volume
reduction is performed by extracting the solid contaminants from the collected liquids and then
concentrating the extracted contaminants. The liquids, less solid content, are processed to produce
a purified, decontaminated effluent in accordance with the regulatory requirements for discharge
off-site. The SRWS collects and processes both concentrated liquid and solid wastes which are
radioactive and prepares these waste substances for storage and disposal.
The RWS facilities are located adjacent within the radwaste/maintenance building. Equipment
within the buildings has been located and arranged in a manner which isolates the operating and
maintenance galleries from the equipment to achieve as low a level of personnel radiation
exposure as is reasonably achievable.

13.4 Nuclear Island Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System

The nuclear island (NI) heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system maintains
environmental conditions within design limits throughout the noninert areas of the NI buildings,
and in conjunction with the radiation monitoring system and plant protection system (PPS) limits
the release of radioactive materials from the NI buildings.

System Requirements

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March 31, 2016

The NI HVAC system shall serve the following buildings:

 Reactor Building
 Control Building (CB)
 Steam Generator/Aux Building

and shall perform the following functions:

 Maintain the temperature, humidity, pressure, and cleanliness of the air atmospheres in
the various building spaces during normal plant operation.
 Maintain, as necessary, the temperature, humidity, pressure, and cleanliness of the air
atmospheres in the areas containing safety-related equipment during normal plant
operation and during off-normal conditions.
 In conjunction with the radiation monitoring system and PPS, maintain the release of
airborne radioactive materials to the outside environment below the acceptable limits
during normal operation and off-normal conditions.
 Limit the intake of hazardous airborne materials into certain safety-related and
occupied areas, such as the control room.

All safety-related ventilation trains shall consist of two redundant 100% capacity equipment
trains, and designed to Seismic Category I requirements. No single failure of any active
component of the safety-related subsystems will result in loss of that subsystem's safety-related

System Description
The nuclear island HVAC system serves the Reactor Building, Control Building, and Steam
Generator Building. The NI HVAC system provides heating, ventilating, and air conditioning for
the various non-inerted atmospheric areas of the Nuclear Island buildings during normal and
abnormal conditions. The system maintains the temperature, humidity, pressure, and air
cleanliness as required. The NI HVAC system, in conjunction with the radiation monitoring
system and PPS, limits the release of radioactive materials from the buildings by filtration of
exhausted air and/or by isolation of the buildings.

13.5 Balance of Plant Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System

The BOP HVAC systems provide heat, ventilation, cooling, humidity control, and control of
airborne contamination as required for the equipment and activities in the BOP buildings.

System Requirements
The BOP HVAC systems shall provide heat, ventilation, cooling, humidity control, pressure, and
control of airborne contamination or any combination of these functions to the BOP buildings or
portions of buildings as required for proper operation of equipment and for personnel comfort.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

System Description
The BOP HVAC system consists of several subsystems serving various areas of the BOP
buildings, each performing specialized functions as required for the area served. Each subsystem
consists of combinations of various basic components as required to satisfy the performance
requirements for that sub-system. These basic components include air handling units, fans or
blowers, cooling and heating coils, filters of various efficiencies, duct work, dampers, isolation
valves, carbon absorbers, instrumentation and controls, and other accessories as required.

Facilities served by the BOP HVAC System include:

 Turbine Generator Building
 Balance of Plant Services Building
 Radwaste/Maintenance Building
 Cooling Tower Pumphouse
 Fire Protection Pumphouse
 Switchyard Relay House
 Circulating Water Pumphouse
 Gate House
 Emergency Generator Buildings
 Auxiliary Boiler House
 Water Treatment Plant
 Sewage Treatment Plant
 Well Water Pumphouse

13.6 Fire Protection System

System Requirements
The FPS provides the means to detect, and in some cases, anticipate, fires throughout the reactor
plant, and to minimize the fire hazard to personnel and equipment. The FPS shall provide the
means to prevent, control, and mitigate the consequences of plant fires through the following
general functions:

 Detect fires, or incipient fires, activate alarms, suppress fires, extinguish fires, isolate and
confine fires, protect personnel from smoke and heat and protect safety-related systems
and components to assure continued readiness and operation.

The FPS shall be comprised of two subsystems: the sodium fire protection system (SFPS), which
addresses sodium or sodium-potassium fires; and the non-sodium fire protection system (NSFPS),
which addresses fires of non-alkali metal origin or involvement.

System Description
The SFPS provides the means for detecting, locating, confining, suppressing, and extinguishing
sodium and NaK fires. Special requirements imposed by the presence of sodium and NaK in the
plant result in employing special fire protection methods in the SFPS. These methods include
passive catch pans and fire-suppression decks, and manually operated, portable fire extinguishers.

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March 31, 2016

Fire detectors and associated instrumentation are used to inform the plant operator of the
existence and location of a fire. The effectiveness of these fire protection methods for limiting fire
losses and the spread of airborne contaminants is augmented by fire barriers, fire doors, fire
dampers, low-leakage penetrations, and similar isolation devices provided by the building design,
and by the heating and ventilation system.

The fire protection water supply system provides water at the design pressure and quantity to the
sprinkler, deluge, and water spray systems, and the yard hydrants. The water storage tanks, fire
pumps, and hydrants are all nonseismic Category I components. One (1) seismically qualified
(Seismic Category I) pump, taking its suction from two (2) seismically qualified (Seismic
Category I) storage tanks, provides water at the design pressure and quantity to special service
wet standpipes located in buildings and areas of the plant containing systems, equipment and
components essential for reactor safe shutdown.

13.7 Re-circulating Gas Cooling System


13.8 Fuel Receiving, Storage, and Shipping System

The fuel receiving, storage, and shipping system (FRSSS) provides for the receiving and
unloading of new core assemblies, inspection, temporary storage, provision for inventory control
of all core assemblies, examination of irradiated core assemblies, and preparation and loading of
irradiated core assemblies for shipment off-site. Also provided is the instrumentation and control
system that is used to operate the FRSSS and the fuel handling system. This system interfaces
closely with the fuel handling system, the fuel handling facility, and the liquid metal auxiliary

System Requirements
The primary requirements of the fuel receiving, storage, and shipping system (FRSSS) are as

 Receive, inspect, store, and prepare new core assemblies for insertion into the reactor.
Core assemblies are defined as fuel, reflector, control, and radial shield assemblies.
 Make selected measurements on irradiated core assemblies and prepare irradiated core
assemblies for shipment to an off-site location.
 Provide inventory control for all core assemblies at all times within the plant.
 During transfer operations, the FRSSS shall be capable of cooling fuel assemblies for an
indefinite period.
 Total storage capacity in air cell shall be about ~1200 positions.
 A fuel handling cell (FHC) shall provide for preparation of irradiated core assemblies for

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

System Description
The fuel receiving, storage, and shipping system (FRSSS) provides the means of receiving,
storing, inspecting, and shipping reactor core assemblies, including fuel, blanket, control, and
radial shield assemblies, within the reactor facility. The FRSSS also assists in the refueling of the
reactor. The FRSSS is located in the Fuel Handling Facility. New core assemblies enter the fuel
handling facility, are unloaded from their shipping containers and inspected, and are temporarily
stored in the FHC. See fuel handing section for more details on refueling operations.

13.9 Circulating Water System

The circulating water system provides cooling water flow to the main condenser and the turbine
plant component cooling water heat exchangers to remove waste heat rejected by the turbine-
generator cycle. The circulating water rejects this waste heat to the atmosphere by means of
mechanical draft cooling towers.

System Requirements
 The circulating water system shall be capable of removing the design heat load placed on
the turbine condenser. The system shall also remove the heat load rejected through the
turbine plant component cooling water heat exchangers.
 The circulating water system shall be capable of removing the heat load from a 50 percent
steam dump occurring at summer design condition.

The safety classification of the circulating water system piping, equipment, and components shall
be nonsafety. Provisions shall be made to isolate portions of the system for major maintenance
without removing the generating unit from operation.

System Design
The circulating water system provides cooling water for the main condenser and the turbine plant
component cooling water heat exchangers. Circulating water pumps in separate bays in a pump
house take suction from a flume connecting the cold water basins of the mechanical draft cooling
towers. Cooled water is pumped through a pipeline to the main condenser and back to the cooling
towers. Turbine plant component cooling water pumps, in a separate bay, pump water through a
pipeline to the turbine plant heat exchangers and discharge into the circulating water pipe
downstream of the main condenser.

13.10 Service Water System

The service water system consists of three subsystems, namely: the turbine plant water, the
nuclear island service water, and the turbine plant component cooling water. All three of these
subsystems are closed loop cooling systems and in total their function is to provide cooling for all
plant systems and components except the main turbine condenser. With the exception of the
nuclear island service water subsystem, the heat load is rejected to the recirculating water system.
The nuclear island service water subsystem rejects heat to two separate cooling towers.

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March 31, 2016

System Requirements
 The turbine plant water and turbine plant component cooling water subsystems are
nonsafety grade.
 The NI service water subsystem is safety grade.
 It shall be possible to isolate portions of the system for major maintenance without
removing the generating unit from operation.
 The NI service water subsystem shall be designed to meet the single failure criteria.

System Design
It is expected, based upon prior concepts, that the service water flowrate of approximately 1,600
gpm will suffice for a 300MWth pool-concept plant (5,000gpm service water flowrate can
accommodate the needs of a 1000MWth plant).

13.11 Treated Water System

The treated water system receives raw water from the well water system and supplies various
levels of treated water for the entire plant needs. The principle plant water needs are: (1) makeup
water for the main cooling towers, (2) demineralized water, and (3) potable water.

System Requirements
To provide water at the appropriate specifications to the following systems and components:
 Potable water
 Fire Protection Water Demineralized Water Condensate
 Makeup
 Auxiliary Boiler Makeup
 Turbine Component Cooling Makeup
 Sodium Cleanup System Decontamination Facility

The treated water system is not safety grade.

System Design
This system consists of piping, tanks, valves, instrumentation, and controls necessary to supply
the quantity and quality of water to operate, maintain, and protect the plant.

13.12 Industrial Waste Water Treatment System

The waste water treatment system collects, treats, and disposes of all nonradioactive liquid plant
wastes originating from the plant floor drain system, lube oil storage area drains, auxiliary boiler,
chemical storage area drains, the makeup water treatment system, the condensate polishing
system, and sanitary waste system.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

System Requirements
 This system is not safety grade.
 The system shall receive, handle, and treat the following liquid wastes:
o All demineralizer regeneration waste water
o M/U gravity mixed media filter backwash
o M/U activated carbon filter backwash
o All plant floor drains
o Cooling coil drainage
o M/U clarifier blowdown
o Auxiliary boiler blowdown
o All plant sewage during plant construction and operating lifetime.

System Design
The system consists of a system of piping, valves, storage tanks, polishers, and components for
treating the industrial wastewater generated on the FASTER site.

13.13 Liquid Metal Auxiliaries System

The liquid metal auxiliaries system (LMAS) consists of the following:

 Sodium and NaK Receiving System – Provides for receipt, transfer to storage, and
unloading of plant liquid metals.
 Primary Auxiliary Liquid Metal System – Provides reactor sodium purification and
facilities for EVST sodium storage and draining.
 EVST Auxiliary Liquid Metal System – Provides EVST sodium purification and cooling
for fuel stored in the EVST.
 Intermediate Auxiliary Liquid Metal System – Provides purification of intermediate

System Requirements
The liquid metal auxiliaries system shall be designed to meet the following general requirements:
 Receives, melts, and transfers to storage all sodium delivered to the site.
 Receives, stores, purifies, and distributes all NaK.
 Provides the pumps and piping to transfer sodium and NaK.
 Provides the pumps and piping to fill and drain all sodium and NaK systems.
 Separate, independent, purification capability shall be provided, as necessary, for the
primary sodium and for the sodium in each of the four intermediate heat transport system
loops. There shall be no permanent connection between primary sodium components and
intermediate sodium components.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

System Description
The various subsystems of the liquid metal auxiliaries system are described in the following
 Sodium and NaK Receiving System –The sodium and NaK receiving system receives all
sodium and NaK needed by the plant. The sodium receiving system provides the
capability to melt the contents of a sodium tank car, or sodium drum, and transfer it to the
system to be filled. The capability to transfer NaK from drums to storage vessels and to
circulate and purify NaK during system loading and cleanup is also provided by the

13.14 Inert Gas Receiving and Processing System

The inert gas receiving and processing system (IGRPS) provides inert gases and vacuum, as
required by other systems of FASTER, including: (1) cover gas, (2) cell-inerting atmospheres, (3)
valve actuation gas in inerted cells, (4) cooling gas, (5) gas for certain seals, for component
cleaning, and other services, and (6) vacuum for liquid metal transfer and gas analysis purposes.

The system consists of five subsystems, as follows:

 Helium Gas Distribution Subsystem
 Argon Gas Distribution Subsystem
 Nitrogen Gas Distribution Subsystem
 Radioactive Helium Processing Subsystem (RHPS)

System Requirements

The IGRPS shall meet the following general requirements:
 Receive, store, transfer, and distribute inert gas used on the site.
 Provide cover gas for the intermediate heat transport system (IHTS).
 Provide inert gas to the fuel transfer machine (FTM) and fuel transfer tubes
 Provide cover gas for the reactor shutdown heat removal systems.
 Provide a nitrogen atmosphere for the space between the reactor vessel its guard vessel.
 Provide nitrogen for the cooling of the primary and intermediate cold traps
 Process all vented gas prior to reuse in the plant or release to the environment.

Those portions of the IGRPS classified safety grade are the piping, vapor traps, and the first two
valves which form a part of the reactor vessel boundary or the fuel storage tank boundary.

System Description
The IGRPS is composed of the following subsystems:
 The radioactive argon gas distribution subsystem, which distributes fresh and recycled
argon principally to the reactor vessel cover gas space and portions of the fuel handling
 The intermediate argon gas distribution subsystem, which distributes fresh argon mainly
to the cover gas spaces of the IHTS.
 The nitrogen gas distribution subsystem, which primarily distributes nitrogen to the
inerted spaces between the reactor vessel and its guard vessel.

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Radioactive Argon Gas Distribution Subsystem – The radioactive argon gas distribution
subsystem is composed of high pressure storage vessels (tube banks), pressure regulating valves,
stop valves, piping, emergency gas bottles, vapor traps, filters, and relief systems. All the cover
gas cell and equipment spaces that require argon use recycled argon to minimize consumption.
The level of radioactivity in the recycled argon gas is reduced by the RHPS to a level such that it
will not cause a radiation hazard.

Intermediate Argon Gas Distribution Subsystem – The intermediate argon gas distribution
subsystem is composed of liquid argon storage tanks, pressure control valves, stop valves, piping,
vapor traps, filters, and relief systems. Argon is distributed to the Steam Generator building for
use as a cover gas in the intermediate heat transport system (IHTS), IHTS cold traps, and SWRPS
rupture disc areas. Argon is distributed to the auxiliary buildings for use as the cover gas for
DRACS NaK expansion and drain vessels. The fuel handling facility is supplied with argon gas
for various fuel handling system uses.

Nitrogen Gas Distribution Subsystem – The nitrogen gas distribution subsystem is composed of
liquid nitrogen storage tanks, vaporizers, pressure control valves, stop valves, piping, filters, and
relief systems. Nitrogen gas is used for inerting the annulus between the Reactor Vessel and its
guard vessel. It is also used for steam generator water-side purging.

Radioactive Argon Processing Subsystem – The radioactive argon processing subsystem is

composed of a vacuum vessel, vacuum compressors, a surge vessel, charcoal absorber vessels,
piping, pressure control valves, stop valves and particulate filters. It is located in shielded cells in
the lower level of the reactor building. The RHPS cleans up the argon gas that is normally vented
from the reactor cover gas space and the FTM and FHC such that the gas can be safely recycled
with an acceptable radiation hazard to personnel external to the recycled helium piping.

13.15 Other Auxiliary Systems

13.15.1 Reactor Vessel Heating System

Four electrical reactor vessel immersion heaters provide supplementary heating of the bulk
primary sodium to maintain a minimum sodium temperature of 120°C whenever the reactor is not
operating at sufficient power to make up for the total heat losses from the primary system.
Heaters are also required during the initial sodium fill and startup.

Each heater is installed through a heater nozzle in the reactor vessel cover. Power to the heaters is
supplied from 480V 3-phase AC power or, if necessary, by an emergency diesel generator.

13.16 Emergency and Backup Systems

There are emergency and backup systems required to ensure that plant monitoring capability is
available and for personnel safety under a loss of electrical power situations. Backup power is

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

also provided for investment protection in certain parts of the plant to reduce the possibility of
damage due to high temperatures resulting from off-normal conditions.

The emergency and backup systems are integrated with the subsystems that they service, and are
usually specific to that system. The majority of emergency backup systems are electrical. These
include standby gas or diesel generators, battery backup banks, and standby operating
components such as pumps, fans, and blowers. The subsystems that incorporate these emergency
and backup components include: primary sodium circulation, shutdown cooling, thimble cooling,
and shield cooling.

Flywheels are incorporated into the motor for the primary sodium pumps. The flywheels provide
for an appropriate and specific primary flow coast down that matches the reduction in power
during plant shutdown following a scram and assists in the transition from forced flow to
convection flow through the reactor.

With failure of the main pumps (loss of flow), the reactor will scram, the motor flywheel will
ensure an appropriate pump coastdown to remove the fission product decay heat produced in the
reactor. Transition to natural convection will still occur assisted by the motor flywheels. The
flywheels are located on the pump motors to maintain appropriate sodium circulation and flow
coastdown during loss of normal and backup power.

The emergency power is supplied by the standby generator. If this power source also fails, a
storage battery which is connected in parallel with the rectifier output will operate the pump
effectively for approximately 30 minutes. As the batteries discharge, the resulting gradual flow
reduction will provide a transition from forced flow to natural convection cooling.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

14 Licensing Strategy
For the PRISM and SAFR designs, which were also SFRs utilizing metallic fuel with strong
inherent reactivity feedbacks and passive safety, PSIDs were prepared by each vendor and
submitted to the U.S. NRC, and preapplication interactions between each vendor and NRC staff
were conducted. For PRISM, the NRC issued a Preapplication Safety Evaluation Report (PSER),
NUREG-1368 [42], concluding that “no obvious impediments to licensing the PRISM design had
been identified.” Work on SAFR was discontinued by DOE before the NRC evaluation was
completed but DOE requested that NRC document what they had done. The resulting SAFR
PSER, NUREG-1369 [43], concluded that the SAFR design had the potential for a level of safety
at least equivalent to then current LWR plants. In 2010, General Electric Hitachi provided the
NRC with a draft licensing strategy for the PRISM design for informal NRC consideration.

FASTER will be licensed under 10 CFR Part 50 as a testing facility that also produces electricity
onto an electrical grid. The PSAR must include the principal design criteria for the facility. 10
CFR Part 50 Appendix A, “General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,” establishes
minimum requirements for the principal design criteria for water-cooled nuclear power plants
similar in design and location to plants for which construction permits have previously been
issued by the NRC and provides guidance to applicants for construction permits in establishing
principal design criteria for other types of nuclear power units. Historically, specific SFR
principal design criteria were developed for CRBR, PRISM, and SAFR, instead of directly
utilizing the General Design Criteria (GDC) from 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix A. A set of draft
SFR design criteria has been developed under a joint initiative between DOE and the NRC. The
criteria include five new criteria specific to SFRs. A report containing the SFR criteria was
prepared by DOE and transmitted to the NRC. The NRC internally reviewed the criteria and is
expected to soon issue a report for public comment. It is expected that this will be followed by
NRC guidance including SFR principal design criteria. The FASTER design satisfies the current
draft SFR principal design criteria and will satisfy the final criteria included in the NRC guidance.

Under the DOE-funded Regulatory Technology Development Plan, work has been launched to
develop the SFR safety analysis codes and methods required for use in a licensing framework,
and to identify the Quality Assurance (QA) requirements for licensing applications. A report [44]
was recently prepared that identifies the types of safety analysis computer codes that may be
required for licensing of metallic-fueled SFRs and assesses the current status of existing relevant
safety analysis codes including existing QA practices.

Pre-conceptual, conceptual, and final design will be carried out consistent with the DOE CD-0,
CD-1, etc. process. A licensing strategy and schedule will be developed for FASTER.
Preapplication meetings will be held with the NRC. As required, a PSID will be prepared. A PRA
will be performed. Interactions will be conducted with the NRC to pursue applications for a
construction permit and operating license. A PSAR will be prepared as part of an application for a
construction permit. A FSAR will be prepared as part of an application for an operating license.

Testing of the particular metallic fuel type used in FASTER will be carried out to obtain the data
needed to enable the use of this fuel. The FASTER design utilizes structural materials that are
currently qualified for use by the appropriate ASME codes, with the exception of the Hastelloy-N
alloy envisioned for use in closed loop systems for liquid salt. If a need for closed loop testing

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

with liquid salt continues, then effort will be devoted to developing and submitting a code case
for Hastelloy-N. Development of required safety analysis computer codes meeting QA
requirements for licensing use shall be completed, and the codes will be used in preparation of the
PSAR and FSAR. The FASTER design shall incorporate instrumentation to detect postulated
sodium leakages from sodium and NaK piping and components consistent with ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code requirements for Nuclear Power Plant components.

The licensing strategy will include a strategy for testing of components for FASTER including
fuel assemblies, control rods and control rod drive systems, fuel handling systems, steam
generators, intermediate heat exchangers, sodium pumps, as well as instrumentation for use in
FASTER. Testing will be carried out, where feasible, in existing testing facilities including the
Mechanisms Engineering Test Laboratory (METL) sodium facility at Argonne, as well as new
testing facilities that will be identified and assembled. Appropriate QA requirements for test data
will be identified and followed.

Following the granting of an operating license, fabrication of the first core and loading of the first
core, then criticality, low power testing, and ascent to full power shall be carried out. During the
ascent to full power, transient testing shall be carried out to determine the actual FASTER
reactivity feedback behavior and to verify that it meets the requirements for inherent passive
safety and inherent passive shutdown.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

15 Cost and Schedule

15.1 Schedule
It is expected that the following notional schedule will be used for the design and construction of
 1 year for conceptual design
 2 years for preliminary design
 3-5 years for detailed design, licensing, and long-lead item fabrication
 <5 years for construction and final licensing
Total of 11 to 13 years for the FASTER reactor project from CD-0 with the assumption that there
are no constraints on cash flow for the project and that licensing will not be the limiting factor.
The schedule that includes the remaining research and development to get the FASTER power
plant up and running will extend the schedule to 15 years or less with a concurrent R&D program.
This schedule is consistent with a small modular advanced demo plant such as PRISM Mod A
which has a power level slightly greater than FASTER. The sodium closed loop technology
development will run in parallel with the schedule to construct and startup FASTER and use as its
starting base, the sodium closed loop technology developed for FFTF. The non-sodium closed
loop technology development will be independent of the main FASTER power plant construction,
licensing, and operations and will not impact the schedule to startup FASTER.

15.2 Design, Licensing, and Construction Costs

It is estimated that the FASTER test reactor with the steam plant will cost approximately $2.8B
(with a 30% contingency) to design (~$1.1B) and construct (with each closed loop contributing
~$100M (includes contingency) to overall estimated TPC). If it was decided to remove the steam
plant and just dump the 300MWth of heat to the atmosphere, then the TPC cost (design and
construction) would be significantly less than $2.5B because the project would save both the cost
for design, equipment, and construction for the steam plant (everything from the steam generators
through the steam plant and electrical yard). In addition, the FASTER design team did not take
any explicit credit during the cost estimate for prior design work and technology development
work that may have been performed that would relate to the FASTER reactor plant. So, as the
FASTER test reactor moves forward, more detailed cost estimates will better refine these cost

The annual FASTER reactor plant operating costs in power generation mode are estimated to be
less than $100M. The FASTER reactor plant annual operating costs including irradiation
operations are expected to be less than $150M (using FFTF as the high end basis) [7]. All
estimates are in 2016 dollars. The replacement fuel is estimated to cost about $20M/year.
The FASTER reactor will provide 120MWe to the electrical grid at the location of installation.
The FASTER reactor is expected to achieve a capacity factor of 80% or greater while putting
power on the grid. The sales from this power are expected to be around $89M to $100M per year
depending upon overall electrical generation capacity and power purchasing agreements,
offsetting the operational and fuels costs.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

The cost and schedule estimates are based upon the best available information from the ALMR program,
the FFTF project, and current consumer price index and construction cost index escalation factors
averaged to 2016.

15.2.1 Initial Core Load

There are two components to the initial core load. The first is the investment required to put the
infrastructure in place to fabricate fuel that satisfies NRC requirements. Licensed and qualified
fuel fabrication capacity is a significant part of the investment necessary to allow the FASTER
plant to begin normal operation. This is an integral part of the development of the FASTER plant.
At this stage of the design concept, there are large uncertainties associated with the cost of
establishing this manufacturing capacity. The assumption is that given the relatively small
quantity of fuel that the manufacture will be done by a DOE facility that is upgraded to satisfy
NRC requirements.

The initial core load will consist of 55 fuel assemblies each containing about 50 kg of U-Pu-6Zr
fuel which is about 3 liters of fuel per assembly. The total for the initial core load is about 0.1%
of the annual fuel fabrication required to supply the entire commercial nuclear industry. The point
being that it is far below commercial scale and should be accommodated by a small scale
operation not unlike what had been previously done for past fast test reactors, but in this case they
must meet NRC requirements which is thought to be significantly more stringent than for past fast
test reactors.

The cost of licensing the fuel fabrication is included in the overall licensing process with the
licensing of the fuel and reactor being an integral process. The cost of refurbishing the fuel
fabrication technology to meet the NRC requirements with sufficient capacity to fabricate the
initial core load in a reasonable time period will be significant. The FASTER plant during normal
operation will be replacing on average about 60 fuel assemblies per year which defines the
minimum capacity once normal operation begins. No cost estimate is available for this part of the
FASTER plant. It is very heavily dependent on how much of the previous experience is accepted
by the NRC and the assumption that past capacity can be refurbished or replicated in largely
existing facilities, the incremental investment should be encompassed in the overall contingency
of FASTER plant.

Detailed cost estimates for alternative approaches will need to be developed in the future. If new
facilities without the benefit of past experience are required, the cost will grow to be a significant
part of the other all project cost.

This or another facility will also need to be capable of fabricating all other assembly types that
will be loaded into the reactor. Since these do not involve fuel materials, this will require no
shielding or remote operations and be a relatively small fraction relative to the fuel cost.

Given the large uncertainties, at this point the cost is included in the overall capital investment.
Early on in the process, the facilities to fabricate these materials need to be identified and cost
estimates and schedules need to be developed.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

15.3 Operation, Maintenance and Fuel Cost

This section covers all costs associated with FASTER reactor plant operations from the start of
normal operations through the end of the decommissioning and decontamination (D&D). All
costs associated with advancing the technology, licensing the technology, construction, and
commissioning the FASTER reactor plant including the initial core load are included in Section

The basis for the estimate of the total annual costs for the FASTER reactor plant is described
below. There is a large uncertainty in these costs. The annual FASTER reactor plant operating
costs are estimated to be less than $100M including replacement fuel costs as high as $20M/year.

Including the operation of irradiation experiments, test loop operation, and other experimental
functions will increase costs significantly. It is not clear whether these costs should be included or
attributed to the cost of the experiments. Including these costs in the FASTER reactor plant
annual operating costs will raise the costs significantly. Based on the operation costs of FFTF
which seems to have included these costs, the high end of the costs is expected to be less than
$150M [7]. All estimates are in 2016 dollars.

15.3.1 Operation and Maintenance Cost

The cost of operating and maintaining FASTER is very difficult to estimate. The first reason is
that being a test reactor, if the cost of running the experiments and related equipment is included
in this estimate, then one has to assume the most complex set of experiments, operation of all the
closed loops, etc. The staff to support all of these experiments can be very large. It will add a lot
to the overall operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Even estimating just the bare minimum
staff required for routine operation of the reactor over its assumed 30 year lifetime is very
challenging. There are no directly comparable estimates and all require large extrapolations from
much larger reactors. The larger reactors operating under U.S. NRC regulations are all water
reactors. The larger sodium reactors where information is available are for design concepts that
have yet to be built. As a result, this leads to significant uncertainties for the O&M cost for the
FASTER plant. Given that the goal is a very rough first order estimate, a few data points were
examined, combined with some knowledge on the behavior of water reactors as a function of size,
and engineering judgment were applied to provide a rough estimate for operating the FASTER
reactor plant in just power production mode without experimental staff or other related costs. To
provide a rough estimate with the experimental costs included, the information available from
FFTF was evaluated.

There was a report on the cost of FFTF conducted by GAO in April 1992. This report estimated
the annual operating costs at nearly $90 million, which when escalated to 2016 are $150 to $160
million. What is included in this cost estimate is not completely clear. It did estimate the cost of
nonoperating standby at an annual cost of $50 to $60 million which corresponds to around $100
million per year. This suggests a staff on the order of 1,000 full time equivalent employees while
the reactor is in standby.

The current state of commercial nuclear power plant operation in the U.S. would be the AP1000
units under construction today. A single unit is estimated to have annual operating costs of around
$100 million while producing around 1100 MWe from a 3300 MWth reactor. For context, the

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

FASTER reactor plant is 120 MWe and 300 MWth. Existing commercial reactors are expected
with the average non-fuel O&M costs was reported as 1.51 cents/kWh (2013 $), which would be
$120 million for a typical 1000 MWe reactor.

The cost of a commercial-scale sodium-cooled fast reactor was estimated [45]. This estimate was
done in 1994 and the design was a twin 840MWth reactor cores supplying heat to a 622 MWe
turbine/generator system. Escalating the O&M cost estimate to 2016 yields an annual O&M of
approximately $100 million.

All costs estimates for commercial scale nuclear power plants are in the roughly $100 million
nonfuel annual operating costs, which includes D&D costs estimated in Section 15.3.3. It is
anticipated that there would be significant cost savings for a reactor that 1/10th scale, the costs
will likely be far above 10% since large economy of scales are anticipated.

15.3.2 Fuel Cost

The initial investment in development of the fuel fabrication capacity is part of the overall cost
required to start operation of FASTER. The fuel costs for ongoing operations are the average
annual costs of refueling, which essentially are the O&M and feedstock costs for the fuel
fabrication facility. One key assumption is the plutonium used as feedstock will be provided at no
cost. The uranium and zirconium will also be very small contributors. The only feedstock cost
that may be significant is the structural material for the fuel assemblies. The availability and cost
of the necessary structure materials is currently uncertain. Relative small quantities of these
materials may result in high unit costs. If so, this will raise the cost of fabrication of other non-
fuel assemblies making their costs more important.

Given the lack of directly applicable information to estimate the costs for operating the fuel
fabrication capacity, assuming the upper bound of unit cost for fabrication of Pu-bearing fuels of
approximately $7000 per kg which is for a commercial scale facility, but also includes the capital
costs amortized along with the O&M. This should be a conservative estimate of the annual O&M
for this facility. Using this value that is likely very conservative (it implies a staff of well over
100 to fabricate just over one fuel assembly per week), is $20M per year. The cost is likely
significantly less, but at this point there is not a better estimate.

15.3.3 Decommissioning and Decontamination Cost

While the D&D costs will be quite significant when the facility ultimately goes through D&D, as
long as the FASTER reactor plant operates for a significant period of time, the annual cost
associated with funding that eventual D&D is relatively small. Since this is assumed to be a
government owned facility, actual payments to a sinking fund, the traditional method for
evaluating the annual cost, are not likely [47]. However, the equivalent sinking fund payments
were used to quantify this value. There is a significant uncertainty in what the actual cost of D&D
will eventually be. Typically utilities pay between 0.1 and 0.2 cents/kW-hr [48], which would
correspond to less than $2M per year. This would result in a fund with on the order of $100M
(2016 $), which is consistent with the D&D of Fermi 1 which was estimated at about $60M [49]
(2016 $). The costs associated with the eventual D&D of the FASTER reactor plant are currently
insignificant compare to the uncertainty in the other non-fuel O&M costs.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

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FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

Memorical Institute Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA, BNWL-1049, UC-80,

Reactor Technology, 1969.

FASTER Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report
March 31, 2016

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Argonne National Laboratory
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