Steam Turbine Thermal Stress Online Monitoring Technology - EPRI PDF
Steam Turbine Thermal Stress Online Monitoring Technology - EPRI PDF
Steam Turbine Thermal Stress Online Monitoring Technology - EPRI PDF
(frequent start-up events) Power Plant Technology Hard Coal Lignite-PP CCPP
Load gradient %Pn/min 1.5 1 2
Long service life
Minimum load %Pn 40 60 50
Hot startup (<8h standstill) h 3 6 1.5
Cold startup (>48h standstill) h 10 10 4
Such systems make use of different measurements and mathematical models enabling calculation of
thermal stresses and their continuous control
Fig. SCC of a Steam Turbine Disk Dovetail Fig. Damage of Turbine Shaft
Thermal stresses are caused by non-stationary temperature differences across the thickness of the element
HP-IP rotors (critical elements for steam turbines)
Radial temperature differences in rotor steam admission sections should be used as the leading indices
of the turbine’s temperature/thermal-stress
Continuous monitoring of these temperature differences should be arranged by means of mathematical
modeling of the rotor heating based on the measured heating steam temperatures
Fig. Typical Locations of SCC Fig. SCC at a Disc Rim in the Fig. Crack Damage on the LP-1 rotor of AEG’s
Damages (LP turbine discs) Blade Attachment Zone 660-MW Wet-Steam Turbine at Würgassen
4. Solid-Particle Erosion
Caused by oxide scale that exfoliates from high-temperature boiler surfaces, including superheater /
reheater tubes, outlet headers, main / reheat steam-lines
Fig. GE 109D-14
Steam Turbine LP turbine rotor IP-LP bypass valve Main and reheat turbine valve casings
( LCF due to starts casings LCF due to LCF due to starts and shutdowns.
and shutdowns bypass operation Creep damage due to stationary operation
Heat conduction equation analytical/
numerical solution
Simulation using analogous devices
(electrical analogy)
Mathematical modelling:
Transfer functions
Fig. 40MW Steam Turbine HPIP Rotor Heating During Cold Start-up
Fig. Cold Start-up Diagram for a 500MW Steam Turbine Fig. Actual Cold Start-up Curves for
Source: By courtesy of Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction 40MW Steam Turbine
Fig. Turbine Flow Path Integrated with Rotor Seal System for
1D Aero/Thermodynamic Analysis
𝑁𝑢 = 𝐾 ∙ 𝑅𝑒 0.8 ∙ 𝑃𝑟 0.333
𝐻𝑇𝐶 = 𝑁𝑢 ∙ 𝑘 𝐷ℎ
Fig. Typical Reaction Steam Turbine Stage Fig. 40 MW Siemens Steam HPIP Turbine Heat Convection
with Thermal BC zones assignments Zones Discretization Example for FE Thermal Analysis
Fig. Transient Thermal Analysis Improved Algorithm Fig. 40MW Steam Turbine Thermal State during
(Allows user to account for condensation effect) Cold Start-up
LP rotors
Bore (last stages)
Fig. Scheme of Critical Zones for Forged High-
Casings Temperature Rotors (Impulse-Type Turbines)
Hot inlet parts of HP-IP turbine shells
Fig. HPIP Rotor Critical Zones
Fatigue: material weakens due to repeatedly applied loads, and when a material is subject to cyclic
loading, localized cracks initiate and grow by the action of repeated stress
LCF is a function of the applied strain range and the mean stress
FEA Formulations:
Linear (elastic) formulation + Neuberization
Nonlinear (elastoplastic) formulation
𝑡𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑙
Effective total strain range formula: Δ𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓 = Δ𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓 + Δ𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓 ,
𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑙 𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑙 𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑙 𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑙 𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑙
Δ𝜀𝑖𝑗 = 𝜀𝑖𝑗 𝑀𝐴𝑋 − 𝜀𝑖𝑗 𝑀𝐼𝑁 , 𝜀𝑖𝑗 ,𝜀𝑖𝑗 ,𝛾𝑖𝑗 ,𝛾𝑖𝑗 - elastic/plastic strain components
𝑁 𝜀𝑎
Safety factors: N = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 N𝑎𝑁 , N𝑎ɛ , N𝑎𝑁 = ; N𝑎𝜀 = 𝑁 𝜀𝑎 𝐾𝜀 ;
Ni – number of cycles at stress amplitude σ Lifetime
Liquid Columns
Low range pressure measurement
Could be U-tube type, incline or well-type
a) b)
Fig. Manometer: (a) U-Tube-Type, (b) Well-type
Fig. Diaphragms
Corrugated types
Capsule element (increase the
deflection capabilities)
Manufactured from brass alloys
stainless steel
Used for low pressure measurement
Connected with spring - for high
pressure measurement a) b) c)
Wirelessly interrogating
Can operate passively and in harsh conditions
The most important parameter in a thermal power plant is temperature and its
measurement plays a vital role in safe operation
Rise of temperature in a substance is due to the resultant increase in molecular activity of
the substance on application of heat (which increases the internal energy of the material)
The efficiency of generation also depends on the temperature measurement
T2 – Temperature inside the condenser, T1 – Super heater temperature
Thermoelectric Thermometry
Based on SEEBACK and PELTIER effect
Comprise of two junctions at different temperature
Then the emf is induced in the circuit due to the flow
of electrons
The actual value depends upon the material used
and on temperature differences between the
junctions Fig. Thermoelectric Thermometry
Ultraviolet Sensor
This device is used in the furnace and it measures
the intensity of ultraviolet rays in accordance with
the wave generated, which directly indicates the
temperature in the furnace
Fig. Ultraviolet Sensor
Pressure Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Typical performance specification
Measurement Range 500 °C – 932 °C
Sensitivity ± 1%
Max Pressure 932 °C
Type Thermocouple
Extensive post-processing of the measured data is needed to retrieve relevant information and compare
it with permissible levels of stresses and fatigue limitations
Accurate analysis will:
Prevent unexpected structural failures
Identify fatigue consumption
Provide insight in deviations of predicted lifetime consumption
Increase safety by monitoring lifetime consumption
Undertake rational measures to limit excessive lifetime consumption
Justify lifetime extension
Provide operational feedback for future design
temperature measurements)
4) Thick-wall components of boilers
Measuring Points:
Surface and mid wall temperatures of ESV (Ti & Tm)
Surface and mid wall temperatures of HPCV
Surface and mid wall temperatures of HP casing
Derived value for HP and IP shaft temperatures from Fig. Determination of Representative
specified locations Temperatures for Shaft Stresses
This thermal stress can be taken in proportion Fig. GE Energy LP Turbine Rotor
to the entire metal temperature difference Δt
(between the metal temperatures on the
heated and bore surfaces)
ai (i = 1, 2, …n) - influential
Correction for the distance from the measured point to Fig. Metal Temperature Differences in a Turbine Casing
the heated surface Characterizing its Thermal Stress State
installation for
online stress
SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 66
Steam Turbine Temperature Measurement Locations
Steam Temperature
Temperature in a critical location of the protected rotor
is simulated by a startup probe [*]
Measures temperature in the inner casing in front of
the steam path
The depth of temperature measurement by the startup
probe as well as the inner casing boss in the vicinity of
the startup probe provides appropriate modeling of the
critical location of the protected rotor
b) c)
Fig. Startup probe (a), Installed in Steam Turbine Casing HP (b), IP (c)
(reference: Dominiczak K., Radulski W., Banaszkiewicz M., Mróz K., Bondyra R. Thermal stress limiter for 13K215 steam
turbine retrofit in Połaniec Power Plant, Poland Journal of Power Technologies 96 (4) (2016) 285–294)
SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 67
Models for Monitoring Thermal-Stress States
Casing Components and Valve Steam Chests - Direct thermometry can be applied
Turbine Rotors: Direct thermometry is too complex and unreliable.
Indirect methods of physical or mathematical modeling can be utilized
1) Imitates the shape of the rotor sector, swept by 1) Materialized on the basis of analogs or digital
steam of the same temperature as the rotor near its computing techniques
most stressed section 2) Reliable computing resources
Limitations: 3) Diverse calculation schemes:
1) Settling the probe within the turbine cylinder in Finite elements
the proper place involves serious design difficulties Finite differences
2) HTCs from steam to the probe head and the rotor Approximate transfer functions
surface are significantly distinct from each other
3) Hardly removed heat flows on the side probe
surfaces cause errors in modeling
Fig. Main Control Board of NUCAMM-90 for the 1356MW Kashiwazaki- Kariwa Unit 7
Calculation Models:
Stress Simulation
E – Young modulus,
Fig. Distribution of Temperature
β – thermal expansion coeff., (a) and Stress (b) Within Rotor
ν – Poisson coefficient, During Heating-up
Tp – surface temperature, Source: Banaszkiewicz M. Steam turbines start-
ups. Transactions of the institute of fluid-flow
Tsr – mean temperature machinery, No. 126, 2014, 169–198
E – Young modulus,
α – thermal expansion coeff.,
ν – Poisson coefficient,
ΔT = Tp – Tsr – temperature difference
7% Hardware
22% Operation
Main challenges for future
To decrease sensitivity to shock and vibration
To increase sustainability to aggressive
To decrease fragility
To increase sensitivity 71% Sensors
Long-term stability
Fig. Power Plant Failure Statistics