The Rertr-2006 International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research and Test Reactors
The Rertr-2006 International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research and Test Reactors
The Rertr-2006 International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research and Test Reactors
Design information is presented for high enriched uranium (HEU, using IRT-2M fuel) and low
enriched uranium (LEU, using IRT-4M fuel) cores in Tajoura (IRT-1) reactor in Libya.
Calculated results are presented for several reactivity-induced accident situations. In no case
does fuel approach conditions which might lead to damage.
1. Introduction
The Tajoura (IRT-1) reactor [1] is a pool type reactor, moderated and cooled by light water
located at the Renewable Energies and Water Desalinization Research Center (REWDRC).
The reactor is designated to carry out experiments in field of nuclear physics and nuclear
engineering, neutron activation analysis, solid state physics and isotope production. The
reactor was put into operation at a power level of 10 MW in September 1983.
The base of the Tajoura core is a square grid plate with 36 identically formed places with a
lattice pitch of 71.5 mm. The fuel assemblies (FA), the removable beryllium units, and
guide tubes of the control rods (8 shim control rods, 2 safety rods and one automatic
regulating rod) can be put into theses places. The compact core loading of Tajoura consists
of 16 FAs. The FAs are surrounded by 20 removable beryllium units. Stationary beryllium
reflector surrounds the removable core units. The horizontal cross section of the core is
shown in Figure 1. The active fuel length is approximately 0.6 m. The fuel is cooled by the
pumped flow of water from top to bottom of the core.
The reactor is being converted from IRT-2M to IRT-4M [2,3] fuel type. Companion papers
[4,5] present the analysis of the Tajoura core for power level (maximum) of 10 MW
showing steady-state conditions and response to flow-induced accidents. The present
paper shows results from PARET [6] for reactivity-induced transients.
Figure 1. HEU (left) and LEU (right) Compact Core Loading for Tajoura Reactor
The reactor is being converted to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU, 19.7% of 235U) fuel of type
IRT-4M [2]; the new fuel is an alloy (matrix) of aluminum and uranium-dioxide (UO2–Al)
with aluminum cladding. The compact core loading consists of 10 fuel assemblies having 6
fuel tubes (6TFA) and 6 fuel assemblies having 8 fuel tubes (8TFA) as shown in right side of
Figures 1 and 2. The fuel tubes have four flat sides joined by rounded corners. The coaxial
fuel tubes are 1.6 mm thick, which consists of 0.7 mm of fuel between two 0.45 mm
thicknesses of cladding. The innermost tube in the 8-tube assembly is round rather than
square and has an inner diameter of 18.1 mm. The thickness of the water gap between
adjacent fuel tubes is 1.85 mm; the half-thickness of the water space outside of the
outermost fuel tube (between fuel assemblies) is 0.95 mm. The radius of the outer surface
of the corners of the outermost fuel tube is 9.3 mm; the radius for the outer surface of the
corners of an interior fuel tube is 0.8 mm smaller than the next most outer fuel tube.
Interior to the innermost fuel tube in the 8-tube assembly is a circular tube having 14.0
mm outer diameter.
The design specifications of Tajoura reactor with HEU and LEU fuels type are given in Table
1 [4].
Table 1.
Description of TAJOURA Reactor Core Design Parameters with HEU and LEU Fuel Loading.
Values Values
Parameters Parameters
Reactor Type Pool Coolant inlet Temperature. oC 45
Power level (max), MWth 10 Coolant inlet Pressure, kPa 169.319
Fuel Positions 16 Total Hydraulic Area/core, m2 0.05571/0.04541
Irradiation Position (Vertical) 51 Coolant Mass Flux, kg/m2 .s 4950.8/3227.9
Horizontal Beam: Total 11 Coolant Density, kg/m3 990.15
Radial 8 Total Fuel Volume/core, m3 0.002294/0.008316
Tangential 3 Volumetric Heat Capacity of Meat, J/K. m3 (2.55/4)×106
Fuel: Type IRT-2M/IRT-4M Meat Thermal Conductivity, W/m. K 140.0/137.95
Meat Material (0.4/0.7 mm) UAlx-Al/UO2-Al Volumetric Heat Capacity of Clad, J/K. m3 2.432×106
Clad Material (0.8/0.45 mm) Al (SAV-1) Clad Thermal Conductivity, W/m. K 186.6
Active Length, mm 580/600 Prompt Neutron Life Time, µs 93 / 85.1
Lattice Pitch, mm 71.5 Delayed Neutron Fraction, βeff 0.0079/0.00769*
Moderator, Coolant H2O Insertion Control Rods rate at Scram, m/s 0.6
Reflector Beryllium Delay after Trip, s 0.5
Control Rod Absorber (8) B4C Over Power Trip, % 115
Safety Rod (2) B4C Total worth of Control Rods, βeff 33
Automatic Rod (1) B4C Reactivity increasing rate of CR, βeff /s 0.03
* P. Egorenkov, Oral Communication (Tajoura), Feb. 2006
2. Calculation Methodology
Computer code PARET [6] was employed to carry out transient safety analysis calculations.
PARET is a coupled neutronics, hydrodynamics, and heat transfer code employing point
kinetics, one dimensional hydro-dynamics, and one-dimensional heat transfer.
A two-channel model was utilized in PARET. One channel represents the hottest fuel plate
and its associated coolant flow; the other channel represents an average fuel plate and its
associated coolant flow. Axial power distribution has been represented by 15 equi-distance
mesh points. For the HEU core, the neutronics calculations were performed using MCNP
[7], resulting in an axial peaking factor of 1.345 and a “radial” (actually plate-segment to
plate-segment laterally) peaking factor of 1.434. For the LEU core, the neutronics
calculations were performed using the MTR_PC V3.0 computer package [8], resulting in an
axial peaking factor of 1.347 and a “radial” peaking factor of 1.392.
All calculations were performed starting at a power of 10 MW, a coolant inlet temperature
of 45°C, and inlet pressure of 169.319 kPa which corresponds to the static pressure of
water column from the top of the core to a point of 7.0 m higher at the free surface. The
steady-state coolant flow rate in the primary system has been determined [5, 9] to be
1850 m3/hr total (1044 m3/hr of this is through the fuel) in HEU core and 1350 m3/hr
total (533 m3/hr of this is through the fuel in LEU core.
The settings of the emergency protection system of Tajoura reactor are as follows:
1. All transient calculations were started with the reactor at critical state, i.e.,
KC3, KC4, KC5, KC6, and AR rods are fully inserted; AZ1 and AZ2 rods are
fully withdrawn; and KC1, KC2, KC7, and KC8 rods are at critical position,
which has bottom of rods 39 mm above core mid-plane for HEU and 59 mm
below core mid-plane for LEU.
2. The overpower trip level is 115% of rated power level.
3. The delay time is 0.5 s between crossing any trip set point and start of
control rod motion into the core.
4. Scram consists of the drop of the two AZ rods from fully withdrawn position
and drop of four KC rods from critical position.
5. The control rods fully insert with constant velocity of 0.6 m/s.
6. Pumps continue to run after scram for reactivity-induced transients.
Results calculated for the four transients are presented below for the HEU and LEU cores.
The transient is defined as the withdrawal of highest worth KC control rod at a constant
speed of 3.4 mm/s. This gives a reactivity insertion of 1.25 $ in 87 s for the HEU core and
2.7 $ in 106 s for the LEU core. The critical positions of rods differ for the two cores.
The results of this case for the HEU core are TNR-IRT-1: HEU: RIA 1.1b: KC-7 1.25 $ in 87 s, with scram, PARETv5
Temperature [C]
Power [MW]
control rods start into the reactor core 0.5 s 8 80
95 7
Power [MW]
90 6
power level has reached 11.69 MW and the 85
80 5
28 s.
Figure 4. Power, peak clad and coolant
3.2. Regulating Rod Withdrawal temperatures in hot channel in HEU core during
KC7 withdrawal at 3.4 mm/s
The transient is defined as the withdrawal of
AR automatic regulating rod at a constant speed of 25 mm/s. This gives a reactivity
insertion of 0.47 $ in 26 s for the HEU core and
0.54 $ in 26 s for the LEU core. TNR-IRT-1: HEU: RIA 1.2: AR 0.47 $ in 25.9 s, with scram, PARETv5
8 80
7.8 s and the control rods start into the reactor 6 60
core 0.5 s later at which time the power level 4 40
has reached 11.74 MW and the net reactivity 2 20
insertion into the system is 0.092 $. During 0 0
this time the peak coolant and cladding 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time [s]
surface temperatures have reached 63°C and Figure 5 Power, peak clad and coolant temperatures
119°C, respectively as shown in Figure 5. The in hot channel in HEU core during AR withdrawal at
minimum reactor period is 23 s. 25 mm/s
The results of this case for the LEU core are
shown in Figure 6. The reactor core power level 110
increases from 10 MW to 11.5 MW at the time 100 10
Temperature [ C]
85 7
Power [MW]
level has reached 11.66 MW and the reactivity 80
reactor period is 33 s. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]
6 7 8 9 10
withdrawn control rod KC7. The rod follower falls Power T-clad T-coolant
14 140
at the same speed as a control rods moves
12 120
during scram. This gives a reactivity insertion of
10 100
0.12 $ in 0.28 s for the HEU core and 0.15 $ in
Temperature [C]
Power [MW]
8 80
0.19 s for the LEU core. The difference in
6 60
insertion time is due to the difference in rod
4 40
height at criticality in the two cores.
2 20
The results of this case for the HEU core are
0 0
shown in Figure 7. The reactor core power level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
and the control rods start into the reactor core Figure 7. Power, peak clad and coolant
0.5 s later at which time the power level has temperatures in hot channel in HEU core during
reached 11.63 MW and the net reactivity KC7 follower drop at 1.1 m/s
insertion into the system is 0.098 $. During this
130 12
time the peak coolant and cladding surface 120
reactor period is 2 s.
Temperature [ C]
Clad 7
Power [MW]
The results of this case for the LEU core are 80
shown in Figure 8. The reactor core power level 70 4
of 0.195 s and the control rods start into the 50
insertion into the system is 0.11087 $. During Figure 8. Power, peak clad and coolant
this time the peak coolant and cladding surface temperatures in hot channel in HEU core
temperatures have reached 89°C and 120°C, during KC7 follower drop at 1.1 m/s
respectively as shown in Figure 8. The minimum
reactor period is 41 s.
3.4. Accidental Cooled Water Injection
While the reactor is in operation the flow rates and the operating coolant loops are
selected before raising the control rods. The addition of cold water to the reactor while the
reactor is in operation is unlikely since the operating conditions are set. However, the
reactor coolant inlet temperature can change due to the change in the ambient conditions
through the cooling towers in the third circuit of the reactor coolant system, and then it has
effect on the secondary circuit; this changing of the large amount of the coolant (400 m3)
in the secondary circuit has an effect on the reactivity of the reactor and the reactivity
change can be compensated by the power automatic regulator rod. The Tajoura reactor
core has four cooling pumps;, during normal operation of the reactor three pumps are in
operating mode and one is in standby mode; each pump has maximum coolant flow rate
of ~ 650 m3/hr.
Taking one loop out of operation while the reactor is in operating mode will probably cause
a reactor scram based on the pressure drop signal limit; this scram has been ignored in the
calculations to be shown below. Putting the reserve pump into operation at full flow rate is
done gradually because of the limiting conditions imposed by the electrical motors that
drive the head and the bypass valves [9]. The TNR-IRT-1: HEU: RIA 1.4b: T-in -2.7C, 0.06 $ in 0.1 s, with scram, PARETv5
Temperature [C]
Power [MW]
will be 0.06 $ in 0.1 s for the both the HEU and Time [s]
Power [MW]
Coolant Temp.
reactor period is 2 s during the initial power
45 1
4. Conclusions
Design information has been presented for HEU and LEU cores in Tajoura reactor.
Calculated results have been presented for several flow-induced accident situations. The
power rise in all transients is terminated in a few seconds by reactor scram on high power.
In no case does fuel approach conditions which might lead to damage.
[1] Tajoura Reactor Core Design Documents, REWDRC: Tajoura (Tripoli) Libya (1980).
[2] IRT-4M Fuel Assemblies, Catalogue Description – Л 0019.20.00.000 ДКО,
Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, 630110 Novosibirsk-110, B.
Khmelnitsky St., 94, Russia, (December 28, 2004).
[3] F. M. Bsebsu, IRT-4M Fuel Assembly Design and Calculation Parameters,
REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-01-2005, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya (2005).
[4] F. M. Bsebsu, M. Al-Backoush: Tajoura Nuclear Research Reactor Core Thermal
Hydraulic and Safety Analysis, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-04-2006,
Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya (2006).
[5] F. M. Bsebsu, P. L. Garner, and N. A. Hanan, “Steady-State and Loss-of Flow
Transient Modeling for Tajoura Nuclear Research Reactor”, Proceedings of the
RERTR-2006 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test
Reactors, Cape Town, South Africa (October 29 – November 2, 2006).
[6] W. L. Woodruff and R. S. Smith, A Users Guide for the ANL Version of the PARET
Code, PARET/ANL (2001 Rev.), ANL/RERTR/TM-16, Argonne National Laboratory,
Argonne, Illinois (March 2001); W. L. Woodruff, A User’s Guide for the ANL Version
of the PARET Code, National Energy Software Center, Argonne, Illinois (1984); and
C. F. Obenchain, PARET – A Program for the Analysis of Reactor Transients, IDO-
17282, AEC Research and Development Report, Phillips Petroleum Company
(January 1969).
[7] J. F. Briesmeister et al., MCNP – A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code,
Version 4C, LA-13709-M, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New
Mexico (April 2000).
[8] Eduardo A. Villarino, MTR_PC V3.0, Neutronic, Thermal Hydraulic and Shielding
Calculations on PC, INVAP SE, Argentina (2001).
[9] F. M. Bsebsu, Tajoura Nuclear Research Reactor Core with LEU Fuel Thermal
Hydraulic Operating Parameters Setup, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-CU2-05-
2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya (2006).
[10] F. M. Bsebsu, Thermal Hydraulic Steady State and Transient Analyses for the
Tajoura Reactor Core with IRT- 4M LEU Fuel, REWDRC: Technical Report No.: R-
CU2-09-2006, Tajoura (Tripoli), Libya (2006).