Development of Thermal Hydraulic and Margin Analysis Code For Steady State Forced and Natural Convecting of Plate Fuel Research Reactor
Development of Thermal Hydraulic and Margin Analysis Code For Steady State Forced and Natural Convecting of Plate Fuel Research Reactor
Development of Thermal Hydraulic and Margin Analysis Code For Steady State Forced and Natural Convecting of Plate Fuel Research Reactor
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Thermal hydraulic and Margin Analysis code for Plate type fuel assembly, TMAP-1.0, was developed to
Received 11 March 2013 analyze the thermal hydraulic characteristics and thermal margins for steady state forced convective and
Received in revised form natural circulation cooling in research reactors facilitated with plate type fuel assemblies. Forced
10 October 2013
convective cooling during normal operation at nominal power, and natural convective cooling during a
Accepted 11 November 2013
training operation at low power, were considered for the model. Since the fuel cooling channels in plate
type fuel assemblies are independent such that there is no cross flow from one channel to another, a one-
dimensional analysis is suitable to predict the thermal hydraulic characteristics through the fuel cooling
Research reactor
Plate type fuel
channels. The flow directions considered in the present model were downward during forced convective
Forced convection cooling and upward during natural convective cooling. The most unfavorable condition in the core was
Natural convection simulated by introducing engineering hot channel factors as well as radial and axial power peaking
Thermal margin factors. Thermal margins such as Onset of Nucleate Boiling (ONB) temperature margin and Departure
from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) were estimated for reactor safety and design purposes. Furthermore,
coolant, cladding outer surface, and fuel centerline temperatures were estimated along the axial direc-
tion with and without the engineering hot channel factors applied. For forced convective cooling, the
prediction resulting from the present analyses were compared with experimental data taken by Sudo
et al. (1984) and predictions by a subchannel analysis code, MATRA. For natural convective cooling,
coolant velocities resulting from the balance of buoyancy and friction forces predicted by the present
analyses were compared with predictions by RELAP5/MOD3. The comparisons showed good agreements
for both forced and natural convective cooling.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 2002). The operating mode and design of research reactors are
very different from one reactor to another, and are dependent on
Interest in safety issues of research reactors is constantly the application. Also, different fuel types such as bare rod, rod with
increasing owing to their scientific and industrial applications. The fins, plate, or curved plate are used in research reactors. To achieve
primary purpose of research reactors is not power generation, but a high neutron flux, an effective fuel geometry is desired to remove
various activities such as research, training, education, material heat deposited into the fuel and cladding. For example, HANARO
tests, radioisotope production, neutron transportation mutation (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application ReactOr) uses rod type
doping, neutron beam applications, and others. The IAEA research fuel with 7 fins located circumferentially to increase the heat
reactor database (RRDB) in 2011 states that nearly 700 research transfer areas. Most of the research reactors use straight plate type
reactors have been built: 232 operational, 288 decommissioned, fuel. Some reactors use curved plate type fuel if the channel flow
148 shutdown, and 12 temporarily shutdown. The RRDB can be velocity is close to the critical velocity. From a thermal hydraulic
accessed via the IAEA’s Nucleus portal at “”. design point of view, an upward flow direction is preferred, but a
Table 1 lists general information of research reactors including downward flow provides advantages such as accessibility to the
reactor configurations and operational conditions (Park et al., pool top owing to the low pool top radiation, a simple locking
system of the fuel assemblies and irradiation blocks, easy handling
* Corresponding author. of irradiation targets and fuel assemblies, and less flow resistance
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Jo). during shutdown rod insertion.
0149-1970/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
40 D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51
Table 1
General information of research reactors.
Because of various research reactor designs regarding opera- approach to calculate the enthalpy and flow distribution in the fuel
tional mode, fuel type, and applications, every research reactor has assemblies and reactor core for both steady state and transient
unique thermal hydraulic characteristics. To analyze the thermal conditions (Hwang et al., 2008; Yoo et al., 1999; Kim et al., 2002).
hydraulic characteristics of research reactors as well as support the MATRA uses nearly the same governing equations as those of
design and safety analyses, computer codes have played an COBRA-IV-I, which were derived for various channel configurations
important role in nuclear technology. A lot of effort has been put or rod arrays, but there are some implementations i.e., the non-
into development and commercialization of some computer codes square-lattice pressure drop model, wide-range applicable void
for the utilization of nuclear power reactors such as RELAP, PARET, fraction model, improved lateral transport model, and others.
and TRAC. Unfortunately these codes were originally designed for Although there are many computer codes, they are not directly
power reactors in which a fuel rod type and open channel lattice applied to a newly designed research reactor. Since every research
were used, and its application to research reactors is not straight-
forward or even proper sometimes (Bousbia-Salah and
Hamidouche, 2005). Even though some of these programs have Ambient
included some packages in their latest versions to be applicable for Pool Flap
the case of research reactors, the use of these codes is still so- PCS
phisticated and requires a lot of time and energy for input prepa- pipe
ration and output processing. For previous reasons, many research PCS
institutes have tried to develop simpler thermal hydraulic codes to
design, license, and evaluate the performance of research reactors
under various conditions. AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) Flap
Upper guide valve
developed CATHENA, which is a two-fluid one-dimensional code
used for dynamic simulations of reactor transients involving ther-
mal hydraulics and kinetics. It was originally designed for the
CANDU reactor and was subsequently modified for use with
MAPLE-X10 (Lee and Wilkin, 1996). JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Top of fuel
Research Institute) developed COOLOD-N2, which was applied to
evaluate steady state thermal hydraulic analyses for JRR-3
Fuel plate
(Kaminaga, 1997). This code is a revised version of the COOLOD-N (unheated + active)
code, and is applicable not only for research reactors in which
plate-type fuel is adopted, but also for research reactors in which
rod-type fuel is adopted. The COOLOD-N2 code can calculate Bottom of fuel
coolant and fuel temperatures under forced convection cooling
Grid plate
mode and natural convection cooling modes. The COOLOD-N2 code
is available for Nuclear energy Agency (NEA) data bank member Lower
countries. KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) devel- plenum
oped MATRA-h code to analyze the thermal hydraulic characteris-
Lower PCS
tics of HANARO (Park et al., 2008; Lim et al., 1999). MATRA-h is an plenum pipe
interim version of the subchannel analysis code MATRA, which was
developed for thermal hydraulic analyses based in the subchannel Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of open pool type research reactor.
D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51 41
Outer coolant channel Inner coolant channel channels (inner and outer channels) as shown in Fig. 2. The inner
coolant channels, which have fuel plates on both sides, can be
modeled as a coolant channel heated from both sides. The outer
coolant channels, which have a fuel plate on one side and an
adjacent assembly side plate (or a wall of reflector block or a wall of
guide tube of a control absorber assembly) on the other side, can be
modeled as a coolant channel heated from one side.
The average and hot channels are modeled by applying a radial
power peaking factor. The hottest channel in the core, where the
lowest thermal margins are, is simulated by additionally intro-
ducing engineering hot channel factors.
2 (7)
difference between the pool pressure and inside the outlet pipe
K ¼ 1 1 for a sudden contraction
pressure at the same elevation in the pool. If the pressure difference Cc
is less than the designed value, the flap valve is open and a flow
path is generated via the flap valve. The core consists of a number of where Au and Ad are the upstream and downstream cross sectional
fuel assemblies, and each fuel assembly has several coolant areas, and Cc is the contraction coefficient listed in Table 3.
42 D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51
Table 2 where kc is the thermal conductivity of the cladding and thc is the
Friction factor constant. thickness of the cladding.
Channel ratio (width/thickness) Cf The fuel centerline temperature is estimated by solving one-
1 58
dimensional heat conduction equation with heat generated by
2 63 the fuel meat as
3 69 !
4 72.5 thf
5 77 Tf ¼ Tw;i þ q (12)
6.3 80 4kf
8 83
11 85 where kf is the thermal conductivity of the fuel and thf is the
15 88
thickness of the fuel.
18 89
100 96 If there is an oxide layer, then the cladding inner surface and the
fuel centerline temperatures are increased by DToxide. DToxide can be
estimated as
Table 3 DToxide ¼ q00 (13)
Contraction coefficient.
Area ratio (Ad/Au) Cc where koxide and thoxide are the thermal conductivity and the
0.1 0.624 thickness of the oxide layer, respectively. The temperature profile in
0.2 0.632 a fuel plate is shown in Fig. 3. The flow conditions on the left hand
0.3 0.643 side and the right hand side of the fuel plate are equal, so that the
0.4 0.659 maximum fuel temperature appears in the middle of the fuel meat.
0.5 0.681
0.6 0.712
0.7 0.755
0.8 0.813 2.2.2. Natural convective cooling
0.9 0.892 Unlike the forced convection, the coolant velocity through the
1.0 1.000 core is not an input parameter. The coolant velocity is determined
when the friction force and buoyancy force are balanced (Jo et al.,
2012). The buoyancy force generated due to the density differ-
The friction factor through a circular metal wire screen can be ence within the core is given as
estimated as
FB;core ¼ rf rpool gAf Lf (14)
A A1
Kscreen ¼ 1:3 1 0 þ 1 (8)
A1 A0 The friction force generated within the core is given as
where A0 and A1 are the open area in the screen and upstream flow FF;core ¼ rf v2f Kenter þ f Lf=D þ Kexit Af (15)
2 h
area, respectively.
The cladding outer surface temperature Tw,o is determined as The first and third terms in Eq. (15) account for the entrance and
exit losses, while the second term is the pressure drop due to the
q00 friction through the coolant channel. A conservative value for the
Tw;o ¼ Tb þ (9)
h entrance loss coefficient Kenter is 0.5, and the exit loss coefficient
The convective heat transfer coefficient h in Eq. (9) can be Kexit is 1.0. The resultant buoyancy force and friction force used to
determined as determine the coolant velocity under a natural circulation also
include forces generated through structures such as the upper
kth guide structure, plenum, PCS pipe, screen, and flap valve. The force
h ¼ Nu (10) balance can then be expressed as
FB;core þ FB;ugs ¼ FF;core þ FF;ugs þ FF;plenum þ FF;PCS pipe þ FF;screen þ FF;expansion þ FF;contraction (16)
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
¼ FB ¼ FF
where kth is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, Dh is the hy- Since the buoyancy force is proportional to the power and the
draulic diameter, and Nu is the Nusselt number. friction force is proportional to the coolant velocity, the balance
The cladding inner surface temperature Tw,i is estimated by between the buoyancy and friction force at a given power is
solving one-dimensional heat conduction equation with no heat determined by changing the coolant velocity through the core.
generation as Until the buoyancy force and friction force are balanced, the coolant
velocity is iteratively estimated with a guessing value. If FB > FF,
thc then the new guessing value is larger than the old one. If FB < FF,
Tw;i ¼ Tw;o þ q00 (11) then the new guessing value is smaller than the old one. The
D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51 43
Nu ¼ 0:915Gz0:4 for Gz 40
Nu ¼ 4:0 for 16 < Gz < 40
For upward flows, Sudo et al. (1985b) proposed a convective heat
transfer correlation given as
Nu ¼ 2:0Gz0:3 for Gz 40
Nu ¼ 6:0 for 16 < Gz < 40
where Gz ¼ Re Pr Dh =z and z is the distance in the axial direction.
The thermal margins such as a minimum ONB temperature
Tf +ΔToxide margin and DNBR need to be evaluated for the reactor safety and an
Tf optimum thermal hydraulic core design. The IAEA guidebook on
research reactor conversions (IAEA, 1980) recommends Bergles-
Tw,i+ΔToxide Rohsenow correlation (1964) for the determination of an ONB
Tw,i heat flux in plate type research reactor coolant channels as follows,
5 q00ONB 2:16
TONB ¼ Tsat þ (21)
Fig. 3. Temperature profile in a fuel plate. 9 1082P 1:156
To determine the ONB temperature from Eq. (21), the ONB heat
pressure drops through the average channel and hot channel flux is needed. Unfortunately, both the ONB temperature and heat
should be the same. Therefore, the coolant velocity at the inlet of flux are unknown. Therefore, a single-phase temperature change
the hot channel can be iteratively evaluated by matching the against heat flux, given as Eq. (22), is used as an auxiliary equation
pressure drops. to determine the ONB temperature.
Once the coolant velocity through the core is determined, the
coolant temperature and pressure are also estimated using Eqs. (1) TONB ¼ Tb þ (22)
and (3). Other parameters such as the pressure drop as well as wall h
and fuel centerline temperatures are estimated in the same manner As shown in Fig. 4, the single phase heat transfer curve does not
described in Section 2.2.1. exist where the surface temperature exceeds the saturation tem-
perature Tsat. The single phase heat transfer curve can be extended
from a to a0 in order to obtain a graphical solution of Eq. (21) (Collier
2.3. Heat transfer package
and Thome, 1996). The surface temperature at the intersection of
the single phase heat transfer curve and fully developed boiling
Since a single-phase heat transfer is strongly dependent on the
curve is the ONB temperature. The ONB temperature margin is the
flow conditions and geometry, a different single phase heat transfer
temperature difference between the ONB temperature and wall
correlation may be applied to each flow region. Nusselt number for
rectangular channels have been empirically developed by Colburn
(1933), Dittus and Boelter (1930), Sieder and Tate (1936), and
Sudo et al. (1985b). In general, DittuseBoelter heat transfer corre-
Surface heat flux
Fully developed
lation (1930) is widely and extensively used for many applications, Single-phase liquid Partial Subcooled
Non-Boiling region boiling region
and was developed for turbulent flows (10,000 < Re < 12,000 and boiling region
0.7 < Pr < 120). In 1985, Sudo et al. developed single phase forced
convection heat transfer correlations in narrow vertical rectangular
channel with a gap of 2.25 mm, width of 50 mm, and length of
750 mm. This development considered both laminar and turbulent
flow regions with upward and downward flow for the plate type
fuel element of the research reactor, JRR-3, to be upgraded from 10
to 20 MW thermal power. Sudo et al. (1985b) compared predictions a’
by DittuseBoelter, SiedereTate, and Colburn correlations with their
Single-phase heat
experimental data, and concluded that DittuseBoelter correlation Fully developed transfer curve
shown in Eq. (17) is still applicable to upward flows for Re larger boiling curve (Eq.22)
than 4000, and applicable to downward flows for Re larger than (Eq.21) a
For reactor design and safety analysis purposes, CHF is poten- 2.4. Hot channel factors
tially a limiting thermalehydraulic design constraint. CHF correla-
tions applicable to plate type research reactors with low pressure Since a number of uncertainties arise concerning variations in
and low temperature conditions are very limited. A set of CHF flow distribution, fuel and coolant channel geometry, power and
correlations for narrow vertical rectangular flow channels was flow measurements, and physics power calculation, hot channel
proposed by Sudo et al. (1985a), which was used for the core factors are introduced for conservatism in designing reactors in
thermalehydraulic design and safety analyses of the upgraded JRR- thermal hydraulic analyses. Also, the most unfavorable conditions
3. They found that different CHF correlations should be applied to (hottest spot) in the core occur with hot channel factors. Therefore,
upward and downward flows. Kaminaga et al. (1998) improved the the selection of hot channel factors for thermal hydraulic analyses
early CHF correlations with more experimental data. CHF correla- that may have a significant impact on the thermal margins is
tions developed by Kaminaga et al. (1998) are given as important.
0:611 In general, hot channel factors are applied as four separate
* 5000 *
CHF;1 ¼ 0:005 G 1 þ * DTsub;out (23) components corresponding to bulk temperature rise Fb, heat flux
Fq, heat transfer to the coolant Fh, and film temperature rise Ff. Fb is
the uncertainty in the bulk coolant temperature rise from the
Af * reactor inlet to the local elevation of concern, Ff is the uncertainty in
CHF;2 ¼
DTsub;in G (24)
Ah the local film temperature rise at the location of concern on the fuel
plate surface, Fq is the uncertainty in heat flux at the local fuel plate
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi surface of concern, and Fh is the uncertainty in heat transfer coef-
Af W=l ficient at the location of concern on the fuel plate surface. Fq is a
CHF;3 ¼ 0:7 1 þ 3 DT *
1=4 2 sub;in
multiplier of the heat flux, and Fh is a divisor of the nominal value of
1 þ rg =rf
h as a smaller value of film coefficient h will result in larger film
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi temperature rise at the fuel plate surface.
where q00* CHF ¼ qCHF =ðhfg lðrf rg Þrg g Þ, G ¼ G=ð lðrf rg Þrg g Þ,
00 *
All hot channel factors are 1.0 for a best-estimate analysis and
* ¼ ðCp DTsub Þ=hfg , l ¼ ðs=ððrf rg ÞgÞÞ1=2 , Af is the flow area, should be larger than 1.0 to include uncertainties in the limiting
and Ah is the heated area. analysis. The hot channel factors are generated by a random error
G*1, G*2, and G*3 shown in Fig. 5 are the region boundaries for high, combining method, by a systematic error combining method, or by
medium, and low mass fluxes. A different set of CHF correlations is a combination of the two methods. The systematic error combining
applied to upward and downward flows. For downward flows, the method is a simple multiplication of uncertainties and assumes
criterion to select the appropriate correlation is described in Eq. that all of uncertainties occur at the same time and location. The
(26). For upward flows, the criterion to select the appropriate cor- random error combining method is a statistical combination of the
relation is described in Eq. (27). DNBR is defined as the ratio of the uncertainties and assumes all of uncertainties do not occur at the
DNB to the maximum fuel plate heat flux. same time and location. In reality, some of the uncertainties may
For downward flows happen at the same time and location, but not all of them. There-
fore, a combination of the two methods is appropriate.
If G* G*1 ; then q00CHF ¼ min q00CHF;1 ; q00CHF;2 Table 4 lists the uncertainties of the design parameters and the
(26) selection of hot channel factors (Jo et al., 2011). The uncertainty of
If G* < G*1 ; then q00CHF ¼ max q00CHF;2 ; q00CHF;3
the power distribution by nuclear physics calculation is 10%. The
uncertainties of the fuel homogeneity and loading are 20% and 3%,
For upward flows
respectively. The uncertainty of the channel spacing is 12%. The
uncertainty of the flow distribution between channels is 10%. The
If G* G*1 ; then q00CHF ¼ min q00CHF;1 ; q00CHF;2 measurement uncertainties of the power and flow are 5% and 2%,
If G* < G*1 ; then q00CHF ¼ max q00CHF;1 ; q00CHF;3 respectively. The uncertainty of the heat transfer correlation is 20%.
Fuel meat thickness, fuel geometry and loading, channel spacing,
and flow distribution are treated as random error combining pa-
where G*1 ¼ ð0:005=ððAf =Ah ÞDTsub;in
* ÞÞ1=0:389 .
rameters. Power and flow measurements, and the heat transfer
For G < G1, DTsub;out in Eq. (23) should be set to zero (Sudo and
* * *
coefficient are as treated as systematic error combining parameters
Kaminaga, 1993).
(Woodruff, 1997). With the considerations of random and
systematic errors, the engineering hot channel factors can be The operational conditions include the average heat flux, mass
simply determined as product of both errors as listed in Table 4: flux, mass flow rate, inlet pressure and temperature, flow direction,
Fq ¼ 1.217, Fh ¼ 1.329, Fb ¼ 1.348, Ff ¼ 1.514. total power, etc. Regarding the average heat flux, the actual heat
The bulk temperature rise DTb in the hot channel is calculated in flux along the axial direction is generated as
terms of Fb given as
Q q00i ¼ Pn;i q00avg
DTb ¼ Fb (28) (36)
Cp m
where Q is heat input into the channel, including a nuclear power The actual heat flux generated by Eq. (36) is once more corrected
peaking factor, Cp is heat capacity of the coolant. with the total power. For the hot channel, the radial power peaking
The peak heat flux q00max can be calculated using Fq as given as factor is multiplied with the actual heat flux. Geometry conditions
include the fuel and channel size (height, width, and thickness),
q00max ¼ Fq FR FZ q00avg (29) total number of assemblies and fuel plate per assembly. Regarding
where q00avg is the core average heat flux, FR is radial power peaking the channel height (Hch), the actual location in the axial direction is
factor, and FZ is axial power peaking factor. The nuclear power generated as
peaking factor is the product of FR and FZ.
The maximum film temperature rise can be given using the hot
zi ¼ zn;i Hch (37)
channel factor Fh and Ff as
Other preliminary calculations used to estimate the axial node
Fh q00max Fh Fq FR FZ q00avg Ff FR FZ q00avg size and number, hydraulic diameter, heated area, fluid flowing
DTw ¼ ¼ ¼ (30)
h h h area, radial peaking factor, and so on are performed for the prep-
arations of the main processor.
where DTw is the maximum film temperature rise and h is the heat
The flow direction FDIR is checked before Cell 2 is performed;
transfer coefficient based upon the nominal channel dimensions
the flow direction is downward for forced cooling, and upward for
and nominal coolant velocity.
natural cooling. If the flow direction is downward (FDIR ¼ 1), the
The local value of the coolant temperature Tb,hc with hot channel
coolant temperature, pressure, and velocity through the core are
factors applied is determined as
calculated by marching from the inlet to the outlet. After that,
pressure drops for other structures such as the upper guide struc-
Tb;hc ¼ ðTb Tin ÞFb þ Tin (31)
ture, plenum, and PCS pipe are estimated. Last, thermal margins
The local value of the fuel plate surface temperature Tw,hc with such as coolant, wall, and centerline temperatures, ONB tempera-
hot channel factors applied is determined as ture margin, and DNBR with respect to the hot channel factors are
Tw;hc ¼ ðTw Tb ÞFf þ Tb;hc ¼ ðTw Tb ÞFf þ ðTb Tin ÞFb þ Tin If the flow direction is upward for natural convection (FDIR ¼ 1),
(32) first, some of the input parameters such as the mass flux, inlet
The local value of the fuel centerline temperature Tf,hc with hot pressure, and total power are reset for average channels. Second, the
channel factors applied is determined as coolant, wall, and centerline temperatures and pressure through
the core are calculated using a guessing value of the coolant velocity
Tf;hc ¼ Tw;hc þ Tf Tw (33) at the inlet. Third, pressure drops generated by other structures
are calculated. If the buoyancy force due to the density difference
The local value of DNBR with hot channel factors applied is deter- and the friction force due to the pressure losses are not balanced, a
mined as new guessing value of the coolant velocity is set as follows:
For the first iteration (j ¼ 1),
DNBR ¼ (34)
q00 Fq vjþ1 ¼ 0:95 vj for FF > FB
vjþ1 ¼ 1:05 vj for FF < FB
The steady state thermal hydraulic margin analysis code for vj1 vj
plate type fuel assembly TMAP-1.0 is written in MATLAB version vjþ1 ¼ vj ðF FF Þj (39)
ðFB FF Þj1 ðFB FF Þj B The structure of the code, shown in Fig. 6, consists of
three cells: Cell 1 is the pre-processer to import inputs from a pre- The pressure, temperature, and velocity through the core and
named Excel file (“input.xls”), Cell 2 is the main-processer to structure calculations for natural circulation are iteratively per-
calculate thermal hydraulics through the core and calculate the formed until the buoyancy and friction forces are balanced. If
pressure drop across structures for forced convention (FC) and balanced, then the coolant velocity estimated is used as the inlet
natural convection (NC), and Cell 3 is the post-processer to plot and condition for the hot channel. For the hot channel, the coolant
export the results to an Excel file. velocity, temperature, and pressure along the axial direction are
First, Cell 1 reads the weighted power distribution (Pn,i) and calculated using Eqs. (1)e(3). Last, the thermal margins are calcu-
normalized axial location (zn,i) and the operational, geometry, and lated with and without hot channel factors applied in Cell 2.
material conditions. The summation of the weighted power with In Cell 3, the results estimated from Cell 2 are saved as an Excel
respect to the normalized axial distance should be equal to 1.0; file, and the coolant, wall, centerline, and ONB temperatures with
P and without hot channel factors applied are plotted as a function of
Pn;i Dzn;i
the axial location. For a natural convection, the buoyancy and
P ¼ 1:0 (35) friction forces against the iteration number are plotted to show the
i convergence.
46 D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51
Yes No
Location = oulet
Plot results
4. Code verification The verifications of the functions used in TMAP-1.0 were simply
done to compare the values obtained by the function run and the
TMAP-1.0 uses MATLAB built-in and user-defined functions to exact values (Jo et al., 2011). Also, TMAP-1.0 performs iterations to
read the input, interpolate the data, estimate the water and steam evaluate the ONB temperature, average channel inlet velocity for
properties, and calculate the friction factors and heat transfer natural convection cooling, and hot channel inlet velocity for nat-
related values. TMAP-1.0 uses a steam table that uses formulations ural convection cooling. Tables 5e7 show the convergences of the
approved by IAPWS in 1995 for general and scientific use. The iterations. The stop criterion of 0.002 was applied to all iterations.
formulations are thermodynamically rigorous, accurate, and The iteration to evaluate the ONB temperature stopped at 5 steps by
applicable over a wide range of conditions (IAPWS, 1995). achieving the difference less than the stop criterion. The iterations
D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51 47
Table 7
Table 5
Hot channel inlet velocity iteration for natural convection (at 200 kW).
ONB temperature iteration (at 5 MW).
Iteration Vin [m/s] abs(DPhot DPaverage)
Iteration Qonb [W/m2] Tonb by Eq. (21) [ C] Tonb by Eq. (22) [ C] Difference
[ C] 1 0.076163 33.16257
2 0.114244 25.54031
0 971428.26 115.7393 47.1338 68.6255
3 0.095204 2.68984
1 1110863.39 125.5867 115.7393 9.8474
4 0.104724 11.59382
2 1119916.19 126.2260 125.5867 0.6393
5 0.099964 4.50450
3 1120482.49 126.2660 126.2260 0.0400
6 0.097584 0.92200
4 1120517.84 126.2685 126.2660 0.0025
7 0.096394 0.88005
5 1120520.04 126.2687 126.2685 0.0002
8 0.096989 0.02192
9 0.096691 0.42883
10 0.096840 0.20340
11 0.096914 0.09072
to calculate average and hot channel inlet velocities for natural
12 0.096951 0.03440
convection stopped at 4 and 15 steps, respectively. For the average 13 0.096970 0.00624
channel, the frictional and buoyant forces were compared until the 14 0.096979 0.00784
difference is less than the stop criterion. For the hot channel, the 15 0.096975 0.00080
pressure drops between the average and hot channels were
heated from both sides (fuel plates). The amount of heat released
5. Analysis results from each fuel plate, which is deposited into a single coolant
channel, is half of the heat generated by a fuel plate. Changes in
5.1. Downward forced convection coolant temperature, velocity, and local pressure along the axial
direction are estimated by solving full three-dimensional mass,
5.1.1. Sudo et al. (1984) experiment momentum, and energy transport equations. The geometry, flow
In 1984, Sudo et al. performed experimental studies of forced and heating conditions described as a reference in Table 8 are used
convection heat transfer characteristics of a rectangular channel for for this simulation. Fig. 8 shows the comparisons of MATRA and
upward and downward flows. Experiments were carried out in TMAP-1.0 predictions. The coolant temperature and velocity and
which the flow velocity was changed from 0.07 to 7 m/s for a flow local pressure change along the axial direction predicted by TMAP-
channel thickness of 2.25 mm. The flow channel was made of two 1.0 agree well with those by MATRA analyses.
flat heating plates (750 mm long, 1 mm thick, and 40 mm wide) and
the axial heat flux distribution was uniform. Their experimental 5.2. Natural convection
studies reported the coolant and wall temperature, channel thick-
ness, flow velocity, Nu and Re numbers, and so on along the axial 5.2.1. Comparison with RELAP/MOD3
direction. RELAP5/MOD3 model originally developed to support the
In this section, four cases are reviewed and used for a compar- analysis of postulated accidents for reactor safety is used to analyze
ison study against the predictions by TMAP-1.0. In Table 8, the the thermal hydraulic characteristics for natural convection.
conditions of the reference case are typical operational conditions Recently, RELAP5/MOD3 was used to simulate NUR research reactor
of open pool type research reactors. The four cases are chosen ac- behavior under natural convection and was assessed against
cording to the mass flux, average heat flux, inlet temperature, and experimental data at a power of 100 kW (Azzoune et al., 2010). NUR
flow direction similar to the reference. research reactor is an open pool type research reactor utilized with
Fig. 7 shows the coolant and wall temperatures along the axial plate type fuel elements, which is almost identical to the reactor
direction. The temperatures predicted by TMAP-1.0 are indicated as described in Fig. 1. A RELAP5/MOD3 model used to analyze the
solid lines, and the temperatures measured by Sudo et al. (1984) are cooling capacity of the plate type research reactor during natural
indicated as dots. The predictions by TMAP-1.0 are higher than the convective cooling, equivalent to the reactor configuration shown
measured values, except for the measurements near the exit. in Fig. 1, was developed by Park (2011) for safety analyses of a
Because the uncertainty of the heat transfer coefficient is consid-
ered as 20% to determine the engineering hot channel factors listed
in Table 4, the predictions sit within the uncertainty. Table 8
Comparison of conditions.
Fig. 7. Coolant and wall temperature distributions: (a) Case 1, (b) Case 2, (c) Case 3, and (d) Case 4.
research reactor utilized with plate type fuel assemblies. The node At 50 kW, the coolant velocity through the core predicted by
diagram of the developed RELAP5/MOD3 model is illustrated in TMAP-1.0 is 0.038 m/s, while it is 0.039 m/s by RELAP. The tem-
Fig. 9. The axial and radial power shapes used in this simulation are perature rise from the inlet to the outlet of the average channel is
the same as the input of TMAP-1.0. The elements 210, 220, and 230 5.42 C by TMAP-1.0 and is 4.66 C by RELAP. With the same given
represent the hot channel, average channel, and bypass channel, power of 50 kW, the higher coolant velocity results in a lower
respectively. The elements 200, 280, and 290 represent the upper coolant temperature rise. The coolant velocities through the core
guide structure, upper plenum, and lower plenum, respectively. At predicted by TMAP-1.0 are slightly lower than those by RELAP. As
t ¼ 0 s, the PCS pumps stop. Then, first the pressure difference the power increases, the difference in the coolant velocity between
between the pool pressure (130) and the PCS pipe pressure (312) at TMAP-1.0 and RELAP increases. This may be caused by the friction
the same elevation decreases. Second the flap valves (313 and 315) factors used in TMAP analysis conservatively set at the inlet and
are open to generate the flow path for the natural circulation. Last, outlet of the fuel assembly. The thermal margins estimated by
the flow direction through the hot and average channel is reversed TMAP-1.0 listed in Table 10 provide a maximum allowable power
from downward to upward. This transition of the flow reversal is cooled by natural circulation of approximately 0.27 MW where the
completed within several tens of seconds. minimum ONB temperature margin is close to 3.0 C.
Fig. 10 shows a comparison of the coolant velocity through the
core as a function of power at 3600 s after the PCS pumps stop. As 6. Discussions
expected, the coolant velocity increases with the power. However,
the coolant velocity through the core generated by natural circu- A computer code, TMAP-1.0, was developed to analyze the
lation depends on the flow path. The upward flow path generated thermal hydraulic characteristics and thermal margins for steady
by the temperature difference shown in Fig. 9 is from the core (210) state forced convective and natural circulation cooling in research
to the pool (140), and the downward flow path is from the pool reactors facilitated with plate type fuel assemblies. Upper guide
(140) to the pools at a lower elevation. Hence, the pool (150) do not structure, plenum, and flap valves were modeled to generate a flow
contribute to the natural circulation flow path generated by the path during natural convective cooling. Since the fuel cooling
temperature difference between the core and pool. To be equivalent channels in a plate type fuel assembly are independent such that
to TMAP-1.0 model, the results shown in Table 9 consider the there is no cross flow between channels, a one-dimensional anal-
natural circulation flow path from the core (210) to the top of the ysis is suitable to predict the thermal hydraulic characteristics
pool (150) since the hotter coolant from the core flows toward the though the fuel cooling channels. Two different types of fuel
pool surface until the temperature difference is negligible. cooling channels, inner and outer coolant channels, were modeled
D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51 49
200 313
130 312
202 315
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 191 C
0 0 0 0 0 0 S
290 304
Fig. 8. Distributions along the axial location: (a) coolant temperature, (b) local pres-
sure, and (c) coolant velocity.
to represent the core. The inner channel, which has fuel plates on
both sides, is modeled as a coolant channel heated from both sides.
The outer channel, which has a fuel plate on one side and a side
plate the other, is modeled as a coolant channel heated from one
side. The most unfavorable condition (hottest spot) in the core was
simulated by introducing radial and axial power peaking factors as
well as engineering hot channel factors. Thermal margins such as
ONB temperature margin and DNBR were estimated for reactor
safety and design purposes. Furthermore, coolant, cladding outer
surface, and fuel centerline temperatures were estimated along the
axial direction with and without engineering hot channel factors
applied. Fig. 10. Velocities through the core vs. power.
50 D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51
Table 9 Greeks
Comparison of the coolant velocity vs. power. m viscosity, kg/m/s
Power [MW] Coolant velocity through the core r density, kg/m3
h bubble detachment parameter
Nomenclature Appendix A
A area, m2
Cc contraction coefficient General transport equation derived from continuum mechanics
Cf friction factor constant can be expressed as the following differential form:
Cp heat capacity at constant pressure, kJ/kg/K
D diameter, m þ V$ð4!
v Þ ¼ V$J þ 4_ g (A.1)
F force, N, or hot channel factor
Fb hot channel factor of bulk temperature rise The first term on the left hand side describes time rate of change
Ff hot channel factor of film temperature rise of 4 per unit volume, the second term on the left hand side de-
Fh hot channel factor of heat transfer scribes convection of 4 by material motion per unit volume, the first
Fq hot channel factor of heat flux term on the right hand side describes influx of 4, and the second
FDIR flow direction term on the right hand side describes generation of 4 per unit
f friction factor volume. The quantities of 4, J, and 4_ g are determined for mass,
G mass flux, kg/m2/s . momentum, and energy transport equation as listed in Table A.1.
Gz Graetz number ¼ Re Pr D z
Table A.1
H channel height, m Quantities of mass, momentum, and energy equation.
h heat transfer coefficient, kW/m2/K
4 J 4_ g
hfg heat of vaporization, kJ/kg
K friction factor Mass r 0 0
k thermal conductivity, W/m/K Momentum r!v PI þ s r!g
! Q ! !
Energy rðu þ v2 =2Þ q þ $v r!v $ g þ q_
P perimeter, m
p pressure, bar
Pr Prandtl number For energy equation, Eq. (A.1) becomes as follows:
q00 heat flux, kW/m2 .
Re Reynolds number ¼ rvD m vr u þ v2 =2
L length, m þ V$ r u þ v2 =2 !
_ ! !
m mass flow rate, kg/s . ¼ V$ q V$ðP v Þ V$ðs v Þ þ r!
! ! v $ g þ q_ (A.2)
Nu Nusselt number ¼ hD k
T temperature, C The first and second terms on the left hand side are time rate of
th thickness, m change of total energy and convection of total energy, respectively.
v velocity, m/s The terms on the right hand side are heat conduction, work done by
W channel width, m pressure, work done by viscous force, work done by gravity, and
z axial location, m heat generation, respectively. By eliminating the kinetic energy
D. Jo et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 39e51 51
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