Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
C. Directions/ Instructions
After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
D. Exercises / Activities
After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
b. What’s New?
Activity 1: The Essential Questions
Directions: Answer the following essential questions in the space provided below
in not more than three sentences.
1. How do researchers explore various areas of human experiences to describe
the interpretations/meanings given to them by people?
a. What I Know?
Activity 2: Try-outs
Directions: Match the terms in Column A to the definition that best
describes them found in Column B.
Term Definition
1. Case Study A. This research design aims “to understand an
experience from the research participant’s point
of view”; the “what” or “how” of the experience
2. Ethnography B. The research design is used to study a person,
program or event in a defined time frame and
marks their growth or lack of it.
Directions: Answer the questions below based on your understanding about the
previous lesson.
Question 1. Being netizens yourselves, did any group pop up in your mind
which we may investigate using digital ethnography? Describe this group briefly,
explaining why they are a good subject for an ethnographic study.
Question 2. In the space provided below, discuss the concepts of epoche and
eidos in your own words. Be sure to explain why they are important in
Question 3. How are phenomenology and grounded theory similar? How are
they different? Present your answer using a Venn Diagram.
a. What is more?
Activity 4: “Remember my name…”
Directions. Which of the qualitative research designs corresponds to the
descriptions given in Column A? Write your answers on the space provided
beside each term.
Column A Answer
1. It focuses on the text as an object of analysis.
2. This research design may be done deductively and inductively on any given data
set. It is also the most commonly-used qualitative research design.
3. This research design is used to look into how people make sense of their
respective experiences.
4. The purpose of this research design is to build a general explanation for things
based on the rich and observable evidence.
5. This research design relies on narratives (as opposed to products of formal
interviews) as sources of data.
6. This research design is used to look into new or emerging topics that need to
be explored. It is unique among the qualitative research designs because it
involves a long-time observation for improvement or the lack of it.
7. This research design is used to study the culture of any group of people and
usually requires the immersion of the researcher in the research locale.
a. What other enrichment activities can I engage in?
Directions. Write a research topic for each of the qualitative research designs.
E. Reflection
Learners will write their insights about the lesson on their notebooks or journals.
1. How did your understanding of research designs improve after this
2. What is your biggest realization about practical qualitative research after
going through this module?
F. References
Mendoza, D.J. & Melegrito, M.L. (2017). Applied research: An introduction to Qualitative
Research Methods and Research Writing.
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