Price Bid Ratnagiri BOQ

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NAME OF WORK : Replacement of existing H.T. & L.T. Overhead Power Distribution Network of Ratnagiri town on
turnkey basis under NCRMP-II Project
Total Amount AMOUNT with
S.No Description GST @12%
without taxes in INR taxes & duties in
1 2 3 4 5
1 SCHEDULE 2: DESIGN & PRELIMINARY 3354133.30 402496.00 3756629.29
2 SCHEDULE 3 : SUPPLY 475626138.52 57075136.62 532701275.14
3 SCHEDULE 4: ERECTION & TESTING 35863217.20 4303586.06 40166803.26
4 350849490.01 42101938.80 392951428.81

GRAND TOTAL 865692979.02 ### 969576136.51



Ninety Six Crores Ninety Five Lacs Seventy Six Thousand One Hundred Thirty Six and Fifty One Paise Only
NAME OF WORK : “Conversion of Existing 33 kV, 11kV and LT Overhead Power Distribution Network with Underground Power Cable Network at Ratnagiri Town on Turnkey Basis
Under NCRMP-II, Maharashtra”
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit Amount AMOUNT
Description of Item Unit Qty
Code rate in INR without taxes Applicable Amount in with taxes &
in INR Percentage INR duties in INR

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=6*7 9 = 6+8

Verification of the drawings supplied by MSEDCL and finalization of the cable route,
locations for RMUs, DTRs, Feeder pillars, Service pillars as per the existing field
conditions. The final route alignment of the cable shall be decided based on the
S2 - 1 km 60.748 2445.15 148538 12% 17824.58 166362.71
findings of the trial holes.This rate includes preparation of cable route profile, final
route alignment drawings for cable laying, marking lines and grades and preparing
bill of materials and lengths of the cable for the approval of Engineer in Charge.

Designing and finalising the exact route of cables: Excavation of trial pits of size 0.6
mtrs of length and width varies from 0.5 to 1.0 mtrs and depth varies from 1.0 mtrs to
S2 - 2 1.35 mtrs as per the requirement for alignment purpose at appropriate distance apart cum 1215 2445.15 2970861 12% 356503.26 3327363.76
as warranted by the field conditions and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and
close the trial holes properly to avoid hindrance/accidents to pedestrian traffic.

Design and providing of Project Information Board in sheet steel and all supports,
including fixing and maintenance during the entire project. Minimum of board size 3
meters X 2 meters, with necessary information in English and Marathi written in
S2 - 3 Each 6 5501.59 33010 12% 3961.15 36970.71
White paint with blue back gorund on the board. The board details and the required
information will be furnished by the Engineer. The complete design and information
should be approved by the Engineer in Charge.

Preaparation of manual as built drawings, documents, maintenance manuals test

certificates from manufacturers and field test certifcaite etc., as directed by the
S2 - 4 Each Set 4 36677.29 146709 12% 17605.10 164314.26
Engineer-in-charge .The cotractor shall also submit soft (in latest versions of
AUTOCAD) and hard copeis of the documents in formats as directed.
Providing sample board consisting of all cables, bushing boots and cable jointing kits
S2 - 5 Lumpsum 1 55015.94 55016 12% 6601.91 61617.85
at the PIU Project Manager's Office.
Sub Total of Schedule-2 Design and Preliminary Service 3354133.30 402496.00 3756629.29
NAME OF WORK : “Conversion of Existing 33 kV, 11kV and LT Overhead Power Distribution Network with Underground Power Cable Network at Ratnagiri Town on Turnkey
Basis Under NCRMP-II, Maharashtra”
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes Applicable Amount in with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
in INR Percentage INR in INR

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=6*7 9 = 6+8

33/11 kV Cable : Supply of 33 & 11 kV XLPE aluminium round

armoured UG cable as per the specification and on approval of the
S3 - 1 schedule of procurement and construction by the project manager in
phased manner. This includes the cost of cable, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.
S3 - 1.1 33 kV, 3C x 300 mm2 round armoured XLPE cable Km. 18.02 2213434.26 39884093 12% 4786091.19 44670184.44
S3 - 1.2 11 kV, 3C x 300 mm2 round armoured XLPE cable Km. 65.43 1511909.39 98919286 12% 11870314.32 110789600.27
S3 - 1.3 11 kV, 3C x 95 mm2 round armoured XLPE cable Km. 19.48 749285.53 14596082 12% 1751529.84 16347611.89

HT Jointing / Termination Kit : Supply of 33 & 11 kV Heat Shrinkable

Straight through jointing kit / Termination kit suitable for 33 & 11 kV
S3 - 2
XLPE round armoured cable. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

Heat Shrinkable Cable jointing kit straight through for 33 kV 3C x 300 Sq.
S3 - 2.1 Nos. 82.00 15714.00 1288548 12% 154625.75 1443173.64
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit outdoor for 33 kV 3x300 Sq. mm.
S3 - 2.2 Nos. 14.00 4914.65 68805 12% 8256.61 77061.65
XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit indoor for 33 kV 3x300 Sq. mm.
S3 - 2.3 Nos. 12.00 4350.43 52205 12% 6264.61 58469.74
XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable Cable jointing kit straight through for 11 kV 3C x 300 Sq.
S3 - 2.4 Nos. 239.00 7918.87 1892609 12% 227113.06 2119721.91
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable Cable jointing kit straight through for 11 kV 3C x 95 Sq.
S3 - 2.5 Nos. 9.00 5815.42 52339 12% 6280.65 58619.40
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit outdoor for 11 kV 3C x 300 Sq.
S3 - 2.6 Nos. 18.00 2910.18 52383 12% 6286.00 58669.29
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit outdoor for 11 kV 3C x 95 Sq.
S3 - 2.7 Nos. 212.00 1945.07 412355 12% 49482.61 461837.74
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
Cable Warning tape: Supply of H.T. cable warning tape as per specification to in INR in INR
be provided below earth at standard depth after cable laying on approval of the
S3 - 3 schedule of procurement and construction by the project manager. This
includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to
the site store
S3 - 3.1 Cable warning tape 33 kV kg 6.19 160.85 995 12% 119.44 1114.79
S3 - 3.2 Cable warning tape 11 kV kg 179.00 160.85 28792 12% 3455.10 32247.60

Outdoor Ring Main Unit (SF - 6) : Supply of 33 kV Outdoor motorized,

SCADA & DAS compatible, extensible Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type with
FPI & 2 nos. of cable termination joints suitable for 33 kV, 3C x 300
sqmm cable, 2 Earthing with H.T. earthing pipe, bentonite clay, 25x3 mm
G.I. strip and other allied materials except foundation concrete as per
S3 - 4
the specification & standard installation practice on approval of the
schedule of procurement and construction by the project manager. The
RMU should be suitable for terminating 2 cables in parallel. This
includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials up to the site store.

S3 - 4.1 33 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 1 Breaker) Set 7.00 1972704.46 13808931 12% 1657071.75 15466002.97

Outdoor Ring Main Unit (SF - 6) : Supply of 11 kV outdoor motorized,

SCADA & DAS compatible, extensible Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type with
FPI & cable termination joints suitable for 11 kV, 3C x 300 sqmm cable
at Isolator and 11 kV, 3C x 95 sqmm cable at Breaker, 2 Earthing with
S3 - 5 H.T. earthing pipe, bentonite clay, 25x3 mm G.I. strip and other allied
materials except foundation concrete as per the specification & standard
installation practice on approval of the schedule of procurement and
construction by the project manager. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 5.1 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 1 Breaker) Set 5.00 470182.64 2350913 12% 282109.58 2633022.77
S3 - 5.2 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 2 Breaker) Set 35.00 618661.37 21653148 12% 2598377.73 24251525.51
S3 - 5.3 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 3 Breaker) Set 61.00 837667.49 51097717 12% 6131726.01 57229442.80
S3 - 5.4 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 4 Breaker) Set 15.00 1125790.46 16886857 12% 2026422.83 18913279.72

3 Phase, 11/0.43 kV, Distribution Tranformer : Supply of 3 phase,

11/0.43 kV, Level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer as per specification
for augmentation /new installation along with accessories like brass
S3 - 6
connectors, nut-bolts etc. on approval of the schedule of procurement
and construction by the project manager. This includes the cost of
loading, unloading and transportation of all materials to the site store.

S3 - 6.1 3 phase,11/0.43 kV, 100 kVA, level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer No 1.00 278397.61 278398 12% 33407.71 311805.33
S3 - 6.2 3 phase,11/0.43 kV, 200 kVA, level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer No 9.00 426876.34 3841887 12% 461026.45 4302913.53
S3 - 6.3 3 phase,11/0.43 kV, 315 kVA, level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer No 7.00 816633.00 5716431 12% 685971.72 6402402.73
GST @12%
Item Supply of 11 kV gapless Lightning arrestor with disconnector for Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code Distribution Transformer Centre as per specification. This includes the rate in INR
S3 - 7 in INR in INR
cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the
site store.
GST @12%
- 7.1 11 kV gapless Lightning arrestor with disconnector
Description of Item Set
Unit 50.00
Basic Unit
1163.08 58154
without taxes
12% 6978.50 65132.67
with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
in INR in INR
Supply of 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set (H.G. Fuse) Set for Distribution
S3 - 8 transformer centre as per specification. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 8.1 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set (H.G. Fuse) Set 50.00 3711.97 185598 12% 22271.81 207870.22

Supply of 11 kV A.B. Switch Set, 200 Amp for Distribution transformer

S3 - 9 centre as per specification. This includes the cost of loading, unloading
and transportation of all materials to the site store.

S3 - 9.1 11 kV, 200 Amp Air Break Switch Set (A.B. Switch) Nos. 50.00 12991.89 649594 12% 77951.33 727545.77

New DTC Metering : Supply of Distribution Transformer Centre (DTC)

metering box along with meter, C.T.s, L.T. cable (1.1 kV, Single Core
S3 - 10 XLPE), G.I. fabrications, lugs etc. as per specification & site
requirement. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.
New DTC metering for 11/0.43 kV, 315 KVA distribution transformer
S3 - 10.1 No. 2.00 27884.31 55769 12% 6692.23 62460.84
Centre. (1.1 kV grade, 1C x 300 sqmm, 80 mtr)
New DTC metering for 11/0.43 kV, 200 KVA distribution transformer
S3 - 10.2 No. 1.00 21470.02 21470 12% 2576.40 24046.43
Centre. (1.1 kV grade, 1C x 185 sqmm, 80 mtr)
New DTC metering for 11/0.43 kV, 100 KVA distribution transformer
S3 - 10.3 No. 1.00 17817.45 17817 12% 2138.09 19955.54
Centre. (1.1 kV grade, 1C x 120 sqmm, 40 mtr)

HT Bushing boots for DTC : Supply of HT Bushing boots for DTC. This
S3 - 11 includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials up to the site store.
S3 - 11.1 11/0.415 kV, 315 KVA distribution transformer Set 7.00 5567.95 38976 12% 4677.08 43652.75
S3 - 11.2 11/0.415 kV, 200 KVA distribution transformer Set 9.00 5567.95 50112 12% 6013.39 56124.96
S3 - 11.3 11/0.415 kV, 100 KVA distribution transformer Set 1.00 5567.95 5568 12% 668.15 6236.11

LT Bushing boots for DTC : Supply of LT Bushing boots for DTC. This
S3 - 12 includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials up to the site store.
S3 - 12.1 11/0.415 kV, 315 KVA distribution transformer Set 7.00 5567.95 38976 12% 4677.08 43652.75
S3 - 12.2 11/0.415 kV, 200 KVA distribution transformer Set 9.00 5567.95 50112 12% 6013.39 56124.96
S3 - 12.3 11/0.415 kV, 100 KVA distribution transformer Set 1.00 5567.95 5568 12% 668.15 6236.11

55 AAAC Conductor : Supply of 55 AAAC Conductor for

jumpering in DTC structure (for A.B. switch, H.G. Fuse, DTC etc.) as per
specification along with required lugs on approval of the schedule of
S3- 13
procurement and construction by the project manager. This includes the
cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the
S3- 13.1 AAAC 55 mm2 Rmt. 1026.00 35.11 36024 12% 4322.89 40346.99
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
in INR in INR
Single Core LT Cable : Supply of 1100 V grade, LT XLPE Insulated,
armoured Aluminium Single Core Cable as per specification along with
S3 - 14
gland, lugs, tapes etc. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.

1100 V grade LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core

S3 - 14.1 Kms 3.60 210109.77 756395 12% 90767.42 847162.60
Cable, 1C x 185 sq. mm for 45 DTC locations.
1100 V grade LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core
S3 - 14.2 Kms 5.48 144766.76 793322 12% 95198.62 888520.46
Cable, 1C x 120 sq. mm for 137 DTC locations.
1100 V grade LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core
S3 - 14.3 Kms 1.04 95100.63 98905 12% 11868.56 110773.21
Cable, 1C x 70 sq. mm for 26 DTC locations.
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
in INR in INR
3.5 Core, XLPE LT Cable : Supply of 1100 V Grade, PVC sheathed steel
strip armoured, aluminum conductor LT XLPE insulated cable as per
S3 - 15 specification on approval of the schedule of procurement and
construction by the project manager. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

3.5C x 300, 1100 V Grade, PVC sheathed steel strip armoured,
S3 - 15.1 Km. 54.62 959296.31 52392927 12% 6287151.29 58680078.70
aluminum conductor LT XLPE insulated cable.
3.5C x 70, 1100 V Grade, PVC sheathed steel strip armoured,
S3 - 15.2 Km. 35.20 265281.99 9338680 12% 1120641.55 10459321.11
aluminum conductor LT XLPE insulated cable.
3.5C x 35, 1100 V Grade, PVC sheathed steel strip armoured,
S3 - 15.3 Km. 92.97 153341.41 14255396 12% 1710647.53 15966043.60
aluminum conductor LT XLPE insulated cable.

LT Jointing Kit : Supply of Heat Shrinkable Straight through jointing kit

S3 - 16 for 1100 V grade armoured LT cable. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit straight through for LT 3.5C x 300
S3 - 16.1 Nos. 116.00 3959.43 459294 12% 55115.30 514409.50
Sq. mm. armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit straight through for LT 3.5C x 70
S3 - 16.2 Nos. 75.00 3093.31 231998 12% 27839.76 259837.77
Sq. mm. armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit straight through for LT 3.5x35 Sq.
S3 - 16.3 Nos. 153.00 1855.98 283966 12% 34075.87 318041.43
mm. armoured XLPE Cable

Supply of material for termination of 1.1.kV, strip armoured, L.T. Cable

including gland and Aluminim lugs of suitable size along with all
S3 - 17
accessories. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.
S3 - 17.1 3.5C x 300 cable Set 1378.00 2550.71 3514874 12% 421784.93 3936659.39
S3 - 17.2 3.5C x 70 cable Set 1904.00 859.85 1637152 12% 196458.24 1833610.21
S3 - 17.3 3.5C x 35 cable Set 5470.00 513.31 2807810 12% 336937.18 3144747.03
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
in INR in INR
LT Service Cable : Supply of 1100 V Grade, PVC sheathed steel strip
armoured, aluminum conductor PVC insulated cable along with lugs,
S3 - 18 tape etc as per specification on approval of the schedule of procurement
and construction by the project manager. This includes the cost of
loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 18.1 1100 V Grade, 4C x 16, Aluminium conductor km 5558.47 107.65 598353 12% 71802.30 670154.81
S3 - 18.2 1100 V Grade, 2C x 6, Aluminium conductor km 57229.40 61.87 3540562 12% 424867.43 3965429.37

L.T. Distibution Box / L.T. Pillar : Supply of LT Distribution Box / L.T.

Pillar along with 2 nos. of earthing GI pipe, G.I. strip, Bentonite clay etc.
S3 - 19 as per specification and standard installation pracice.. This includes the
cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the
site store.
S3 - 19.1 LT distribution box 6 way with ACB for 315 kVA transformer No. 2.00 76714.01 153428 12% 18411.36 171839.38
S3 - 19.2 LT feeder pillar 6 way No. 401.00 35882.36 14388826 12% 1726659.12 16115485.15
S3 - 19.3 LT feeder pillar 4 way No. 288.00 24746.45 7126979 12% 855237.47 7982216.40
S3 - 19.4 LT Mini Pillar No. 952.00 11135.90 10601381 12% 1272165.74 11873546.89
S3 - 19.5 LT Distribution Box with MCCB for 200 KVA Transformer No. 46.00 30933.07 1422921 12% 170750.54 1593671.68
S3 - 19.6 LT Distribution Box with MCCB for 100 KVA Transformer No. 138.00 18312.38 2527108 12% 303252.95 2830360.90
S3 - 19.7 LT Distribution Box with MCCB for 63 KVA Transformer No. 26.00 17693.72 460037 12% 55204.39 515240.98

G.I. Fabrication : Supply of G.I. fabricated materials (IS 4759:1996

updated) for utilization as per site requirement for activity where not
S3 - 20
included. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation
of all materials up to the site store.
S3 - 20.1 GI Channel 100x50x6 mm (9.2 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 5096.00 77.33 394087 12% 47290.47 441377.76
S3 - 20.2 GI Channel 75x40x6 mm (7.1 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 3160.00 80.43 254146 12% 30497.53 284643.62
S3 - 20.3 GI angle 50x50x6 mm (4.1 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 3022.95 80.43 243123 12% 29174.80 272298.10
S3 - 20.4 GI Flat 50 x 6 mm clamp (2.4 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 224.00 80.43 18015 12% 2161.85 20177.27
S3 - 20.5 GI Flats(50 X 10mm) (3.9 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 460.00 80.43 36996 12% 4439.51 41435.46
S3 - 20.6 G.I.Strip (25 X 3 mm) (0.6 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 4158.00 80.43 334411 12% 40129.35 374540.56
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
in INR in INR
11 kV Pin Insulators with Pin : Supply of 11 kV Pin Insulators with pin
S3 - 21 as per site requirement and specification. This includes the cost of
loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 21.1 11 kV Pin Insulators with G.I. Pins No. 150.00 494.93 74239 12% 8908.72 83148.09

Rolled Steel Joist (RSJ) : Supply of RSJ for for transformer erection,
RSJ replacement, LT Line etc. as per site requirement and specification.
S3 - 22
This includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials up to the site store.
S3 - 22.1 RSJ 152x152, 11 m long No. 100.00 24172.34 2417234 12% 290068.04 2707301.73
S3 - 22.2 RSJ 116x100, 9 m long No. 108.00 19777.37 2135956 12% 256314.67 2392270.25

H.T. Earthing set: Supply of H.T. earthing set complete (G.I. pipe, nut
bolt washer etc.) for earthing of transformer centre, other equipments for
S3 - 23
activity where not included as specification. This includes the cost of
loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 23.1 Earthing Sets H.T. Set 250.00 259.84 64959 12% 7795.13 72754.58

L.T. Earthing set: Supply of L.T. earthing set complete (G.I. pipe, nut
bolt washer etc.) as per specification for earthing of RSJ, Street light
S3 - 24 pole, street light box etc. for activity where not included. This includes the
cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the
site store.
S3 - 24.1 L.T. Earthing set Set 2158.00 129.92 280365 12% 33643.79 314008.75
GST @12%
Item Basic Unit
Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR
G.I. Wires : Supply of G.I. Wire, G.I. Stay Wire, G.I. Barbed wire as per in INR in INR
site requirement and specification and standard installation practice.
S3 - 25
This includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials up to the site store.
S3 - 25.1 G.I.Wire 8 SWG/ 6 SWG kg. 276.00 76.71 21173 12% 2540.77 23713.83
S3 - 25.2 G.I.Barbed Wire `A' type. Kg. 336.00 79.19 26607 12% 3192.89 29800.27

H.T. Stay Set :Supply of H.T. Stay Set complete with stay wire 7/4 mm (8
swg) and accessories for Distribution transformer centre, tower line etc.
S3 - 26
as per specification. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.
S3 - 26.1 H.T. Stay Set complete No. 100.00 1237.32 123732 12% 14847.87 138580.15

S3 - 27 Street Light Metering

Supply of street light metering box with allied materials like Programmable
timer switch, On/Off switch, Tri-vector C.T. operated meter with C.T.s,
S3 - 27.1 Nos. 121.00 14229.21 1721735 12% 206608.15 1928342.73
fabrications, concreting, lugs, nut bolts etc. complete. This includes the cost
of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials to the site store.

Street Light : Supply of street light / yard light equipments as per

S3 - 28 specification. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.
S3 - 28.1 Flood lights with junction box & 150W LED Lamp No. 1999.00 6867.14 13727415 12% 1647289.82 15374704.98
Tubular pole 9 Mtr. Long 88.9C, 137.7 mm painted with two coats of anti
S3 - 28.2 No. 1999.00 7423.94 14840449 12% 1780853.86 16621302.68
rust lead free primer and two coats of silver enamel paint.
Supply and making steel structure work and painting the same with two
S3 - 28.3 Kg. 69965.00 89.09 6232989 12% 747958.62 6980947.13
coats of antirust lead free primer and two coats of silver enamel paint.
S3 - 28.4 2 C X 2.5 sq mm Copper Cable Mtr. 19990.00 70.53 1409843 12% 169181.12 1579023.76

LT Stay Set Complete : Supply of L.T. stay set complete with stay wire,
S3 - 29 stay insulator and other accessories. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site
S3 - 29.1 L.T. Stay set complete Nos. 56.00 643.41 36031 12% 4323.70 40354.54

S3 -30 Aeriel Bunch Cable

Supply of 1100 V Grade, 3x95+1x70+1*16 Aeriel Bunch Cable ,
aluminum conductor as per specification on approval of the schedule of
S3 -30.1 procurement and construction by the project manager. This includes the km 3.72 287368.20 1069010 12% 128281.17 1197290.89
cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site

Supply of accessories of L.T. XLPE Aerial Bunched cable on approval of the

schedule of procurement and construction by the project manager. This
S3 - 31 includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials up to
the site store.
S3 - 31.1 Dead End Assembly for AB cable (Insulated) Nos. 36.00 402.13 14477 12% 1737.20 16213.88
S3 - 31.2 Suspension Assembly for AB cable (Insulated) Nos. 72.00 371.20 26726 12% 3207.14 29933.31
S3 - 31.3 95/50 - 70/35 PG Clamps (For line to line jumpering & energiizing Nos. 76.00 105.17 7993 12% 959.17 8952.28
GST @12%
- 31.4 Pole clamps Description of Item
Basic Unit
309.33 33408
without taxes
12% 4008.93 37416.64
with taxes & duties
Code L.T. Insulation Piercing Connectors of 120-50 - 50-35 size for rate in INR
S3 - 31.5 energizing distribution kiosk/box Nos. 220.00 154.67 in INR
34026 12% 4083.17 in INR

L.T. Insulation Piercing Connectors (16 - 16 suitable for street
S3 - 31.6 light connection Nos. 74.00 61.87 4578 12% 549.37 5127.47

S3 - 31.7 Mid span jointing sleeves (120/95/50 Nos. 15.00 185.60 2784 12% 334.08 3118.05
Supply of LT distribution boxes/kiosk on the LT poles including all clamps &
S3 - 31.8 material required for mounting, connections & sealing. Nos. 108.00 3293.75 355725 12% 42687.04 398412.38

1x35 mm2 XLPE/PVC insulated Al. cable for energising the distribution boxes/
S3 - 31.9 kiosks. Mtr 864.00 43.31 37417 12% 4490.00 41906.64

S3 - 31.10 1x16 mm2 XLPE insulated Al. cable for energising the Street light Mtr 112.00 27.22 3049 12% 365.85 3414.61

Bentonite clay : Supply of bentonite clay for earthing with H.T. / L.T. eathing
where ever not included in activity on approval of the schedule of procurement
S3 - 32 and construction by the project manager. This includes the cost of loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 32.1 Bentonite Clay kg 122120.00 11.14 1359917 12% 163190.00 1523106.67

S3 - 33 Danger Board
Supply of painted danger board along with clamp displaying warning of
S3 - 33.1 11000 Volt for DTC centres. This includes the cost of loading, unloading No. 100.00 74.24 7424 12% 890.87 8314.81
and transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 34 Shifting of Existing 1 Ph. consumer meter outside the premises

Supply of new meter box along with accessories & shifting of single phase
meter along with accessories for shifting meter on the boundry wall outside
S3 - 34.1 No. 37336.00 464.00 17323756 12% 2078850.67 19402606.21
the premises. This includes the cost of loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials up to the site store.

S3 - 35 Cable Fault Locating Van

Supply of Cable Fault Locating Van as per specification to MSEDCL
S3 - 35.1 Nos. 1.00 9465518.89 9465519 12% 1135862.27 10601381.15
Ratnagiri Division office
Sub Total of Schedule-3 Supply of Materials ### 57075136.62 532701275.14
NAME OF WORK : “Conversion of Existing 33 kV, 11kV and LT Overhead Power Distribution Network with Underground Power Cable Network at Ratnagiri Town on Turnkey
Basis Under NCRMP-II, Maharashtra”


Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without Applicable Amount in in INR
taxes in INR Percentage INR
1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=6*7 9 = 6+8

Laying, testing & Commissionig of 33 & 11 kV, round armoured

XLPE Cable as per specification and standard installation practice.
S4 - 1
This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from site stores to site.
Laying of 3x300 Sq. mm 33 KV XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 1.1 Km. 9.24 85850.00 793460 12% 95215.20 888675.24
Laying of 3x300 Sq. mm 33 KV XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 1.2 Km. 8.27 85850.00 709911 12% 85189.30 795100.12
Laying of 3x300 Sq. mm 11 KV XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 1.3 Km. 50.18 60600.00 3040781 12% 364893.69 3405674.43
Laying of 3x95 Sq. mm 11 KV XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 1.4 Km. 6.14 50500.00 310070 12% 37208.40 347278.40
Laying of 3x300 Sq. mm 11 KV XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 1.5 Km. 14.76 60600.00 894383 12% 107325.99 1001709.27
Laying of 3C x 95 Sq. mm 11 KV XLPE insulated cable underground
S4 - 1.6 Km. 13.15 50500.00 663833 12% 79659.91 743492.51
in trenches

Drilling, Laying, testing & Commissionig of 33/11 kV, round

armoured XLPE Cable as per specification and standard installation
S4 - 2
practice. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from site stores to site.

Drilling & Laying of 33 kV, 3C x 300 sqmm.,round armoured, XLPE

S4 - 2.1 Km. 0.51 606000.00 309060 12% 37087.20 346147.20
Cable using HDD Method without using HDPE Pipe
Drilling & Laying of 11 kV, 3C x 300 sqmm.,round armoured, XLPE
S4 - 2.2 Km. 0.49 505000.00 247450 12% 29694.00 277144.00
Cable using HDD Method without using HDPE Pipe
Drilling & Laying of 11 kV, 3C x 95 sqmm.,round armoured, XLPE
S4 - 2.3 Km. 0.19 505000.00 98374 12% 11804.88 110178.88
Cable using HDD Method without using HDPE Pipe
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
HT Jointing / Termination Kit : Making, testing & commissioning of in INR
taxes in INR
33/11 kV Heat Shrinkable Straight through jointing kit /
S4 - 3 Termination kit suitable for 33/11 kV XLPE round armoured cable.
This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials site stores to site.
Heat Shrinkable Cable jointing kit straight through for 33 kV 3C x
S4 - 3.1 Nos. 82.00 2424.00 198768 12% 23852.16 222620.16
300 Sq. mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit outdoor for 33 kV 3C x 300
S4 - 3.2 Nos. 14.00 1313.00 18382 12% 2205.84 20587.84
Sq. mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit indoor for 33 kV 3C x 300 Sq.
S4 - 3.3 Nos. 12.00 1313.00 15756 12% 1890.72 17646.72
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable Cable jointing kit straight through for 11 kV 3C x
S4 - 3.4 Nos. 239.00 1616.00 386224 12% 46346.88 432570.88
300 Sq. mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable Cable jointing kit straight through for 11 kV 3C x 95
S4 - 3.5 Nos. 9.00 1616.00 14544 12% 1745.28 16289.28
Sq. mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit outdoor for 11 kV 3C x 300
S4 - 3.6 Nos. 18.00 909.00 16362 12% 1963.44 18325.44
Sq. mm. round armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit outdoor for 11 kV 3C x 95 Sq.
S4 - 3.7 Nos. 212.00 858.50 182002 12% 21840.24 203842.24
mm. round armoured XLPE Cable

Cable Warning tape: Laying of H.T. cable warning tape to be

provided below earth at standard depth after cable laying on approval
S4 - 4 as per standard installation procedure on approval of the schedule
by the project manager. This includes the cost of loading, unloading
and transportation of all materials from site store to the site.

S4 - 4.1 Cable warning tape 33 kV kg 6.19 16.16 100 12% 12.00 112.00
S4 - 4.2 Cable warning tape 11 kV kg 179.00 16.16 2893 12% 347.12 3239.76

Erection, testing & commissioning of 33 kV Outdoor motorized,

SCADA & DAS compatible, extensible Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type
with FPI & 2 nos. of cable termination joints suitable for 33 kV, 3C x
300 sqmm cable, 2 Earthing with H.T. earthing pipe, bentonite clay,
25x3 mm G.I. strip and other allied materials except foundation
S4 - 5 0
concrete as per the specification & standard installation practice on
approval of the schedule of procurement and construction by the
project manager. The RMU should be suitable for terminating 2
cables in parallel.. This includes stacking, loading, unloading &
transportation of all materials from site stores to work site.

33 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 1 Breaker)

S4 - 5.1 Set 7.00 30300.00 212100 12% 25452.00 237552.00
with 2 no. Indoor terminations
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
in INR
taxes in INR
Outdoor Ring Main Unit (SF - 6) : Erection, Testing &
Commissioning of 11 kV outdoor motorized, SCADA & DAS
compatible, extensible Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type with FPI & cable
termination joints suitable for 11 kV, 3C x 300 sqmm cable at
Isolator and 11 kV, 3C x 95 sqmm cable at Breaker, 2 Earthing with
S4 - 6 H.T. earthing pipe, bentonite clay, 25x3 mm G.I. strip and other
allied materials except foundation concrete as per the specification &
standard installation practice on approval of the schedule of
procurement and construction by the project manager. This includes
the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials
from site store to site.

S4 - 6.1 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 1 Breaker) Set 5.00 15150.00 75750 12% 9090.00 84840.00
S4 - 6.2 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 2 Breaker) Set 35.00 16665.00 583275 12% 69993.00 653268.00
S4 - 6.3 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 3 Breaker) Set 61.00 18180.00 1108980 12% 133077.60 1242057.60
S4 - 6.4 11 kV outdoor Ring Main Unit SF - 6 Type (2 Isolators + 4 Breaker) Set 15.00 19190.00 287850 12% 34542.00 322392.00
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
in INR
taxes in INR
3 Phase, 11/0.43 kV, Distribution Tranformer : Erection, Testing &
Commissioning of 3 phase, 11/0.43 kV, Level 2 (1 star) distribution
transformer as per standard installation / construction practice for
S4 - 7
augmentation /new installation along with accessories like brass
connectors, nut-bolts etc. This includes stacking, loading, unloading
and transportation of all materials from site store to site.

S4 - 7.1 3 phase,11/0.43 kV, 100 kVA, level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer No 1.00 6060.00 6060 12% 727.20 6787.20
S4 - 7.2 3 phase,11/0.43 kV, 200 kVA, level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer No 9.00 7070.00 63630 12% 7635.60 71265.60
S4 - 7.3 3 phase,11/0.43 kV, 315 kVA, level 2 (1 star) distribution transformer No 7.00 8080.00 56560 12% 6787.20 63347.20

S4 - 8 11 kV Gapless Lightning Arrestor with Disconnector :

Installation, testing & commissioning of 11 kV gapless Lightning
arrestor with disconnector for Distribution Transformer Centre as per
S4 - 8.1 standard installation practice / method. This includes the cost of Set 50.00 909.00 45450 12% 5454.00 50904.00
stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all materials from
site store to site.

S4 - 9 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set

Installation & commissioning of 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set (H.G. Fuse)
Set for Distribution transformer centre as per standard installation
S4 - 9.1 Set 50.00 1212.00 60600 12% 7272.00 67872.00
practice / method. This includes the cost of stacking, loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials from site store to site.

S4 - 10 11 kV, 200 Amp Air Break Switch Set (A.B. Switch)

Installation & commissioning of 11 kV A.B. Switch Set, 200 Amp for
Distribution transformer centre as per standard installation practice /
S4 - 10.1 Nos. 50.00 2222.00 111100 12% 13332.00 124432.00
method. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials fro site store to site.

New DTC Metering : Erection, testing & Commissioning of

Distribution Transformer Centre (DTC) metering box along with
meter, C.T.s, L.T. cable (1.1 kV, Single Core XLPE), G.I.
S4 - 11
fabrications, lugs etc. as per site requirement. This includes the cost
of stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all materials
from site store to site.
New DTC metering for 11/0.43 kV, 315 KVA distribution transformer
S4 - 11.1 No. 2.00 808.00 1616 12% 193.92 1809.92
Centre. (1.1 kV grade, 1C x 300 sqmm, 80 mtr)
New DTC metering for 11/0.43 kV, 200 KVA distribution transformer
S4 - 11.2 No. 1.00 606.00 606 12% 72.72 678.72
Centre. (1.1 kV grade, 1C x 185 sqmm, 80 mtr)
New DTC metering for 11/0.43 kV, 100 KVA distribution transformer
S4 - 11.3 No. 1.00 202.00 202 12% 24.24 226.24
Centre. (1.1 kV grade, 1C x 120 sqmm, 40 mtr)

HT Bushing boots for DTC : Supply of HT Bushing boots for DTC.

S4 - 12 This includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials to the site store.
S4 - 12.1 For 11/0.415 kV, 315 KVA distribution transformer Set 7.00 505.00 3535 12% 424.20 3959.20
S4 - 12.2 For 11/0.415 kV, 200 KVA distribution transformer Set 9.00 505.00 4545 12% 545.40 5090.40
S4 - 12.3 For 11/0.415 kV, 100 KVA distribution transformer Set 1.00 505.00 505 12% 60.60 565.60

LT Bushing boots for DTC : Supply of LT Bushing boots for DTC.

S4 - 13 This includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials from site store to site
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
- 13.1 For 11/0.415 kV, 315 KVA distribution transformer Set 7.00 rate303.00
in INR without
2121 12% 254.52 2375.52
in INR
S4 - 13.2 For 11/0.415 kV, 200 KVA distribution transformer Set 9.00 303.00 taxes2727
in INR 12% 327.24 3054.24
S4 - 13.3 For 11/0.415 kV, 100 KVA distribution transformer Set 1.00 303.00 303 12% 36.36 339.36

55 AAAC Conductor : Erection, testing & commissioning of 55 AAAC Conductor for jumpering in DTC structure (for A.B. switch,
H.G. Fuse, DTC etc.) as per specification along with required lugs on
S4 - 14 approval of the schedule of construction by the project manager. This
includes the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials
from site store to site.

S5 - 14.1 AAAC 55 mm2 for jumpering Rmt. 1026.00 40.40 41450 12% 4974.05 46424.45
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
in INR
Single Core LT Cable : Laying, Testing & Commissioning of 1100 V taxes in INR
grade, LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core Cable
S4 - 15 along with gland, lugs, tapes etc. as per standard istallation /
construction method. This includes stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from site store to site.

1100 V grade LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core

S4 - 15.1 Kms 3.60 36382.44 130977 12% 15717.22 146694.02
Cable, 1C x 185 sq. mm for 62 DTC locations.
1100 V grade LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core
S4 - 15.2 Kms 5.48 25419.56 139299 12% 16715.90 156015.10
Cable, 1C x 120 sq. mm for 31 DTC locations.
1100 V grade LT XLPE Insulated, armoured Aluminium Single Core
S4 - 15.3 Kms 1.04 24395.38 25371 12% 3044.54 28415.74
Cable, 1C x 70 sq. mm for 9 DTC locations.

Laying, testing & Commissionig of 1.1 kV, strip armoured L.T.

XLPE Cable as per specification and standard installation practice.
S4 - 16
This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from stores to site.
Laying of 3.5x300 LT XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 16.1 Km. 30.23 38380.00 1160381 12% 139245.71 1299626.63
HDPE Pipes
Laying of 3.5x70 LT XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 16.2 Km. 20.04 30300.00 607212 12% 72865.44 680077.44
HDPE Pipes
Laying of 3.5Cx35 LT XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 16.3 Km. 42.55 22220.00 945461 12% 113455.32 1058916.32
HDPE Pipes

Laying, testing & Commissionig of 1.1 kV, 3.5C x 35 strip

armoured L.T. XLPE Cable as per specification and standard
S4 - 17 km 15.96 22220.00 354545 12% 42545.43 397090.63
installation practice. This includes the cost of stacking, loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials from stores to site.

Laying, testing & Commissionig of 1.1 kV, strip armoured L.T.

XLPE Cable as per specification and standard installation practice.
S4 - 18
This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from stores to site.
Laying of 3.5x300 LT XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 18.1 Km. 23.84 38380.00 914818 12% 109778.16 1024596.16
Laying of 3.5x70 LT XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 18.2 Km. 14.81 30300.00 448743 12% 53849.16 502592.16
Laying of 3.5Cx35 LT XLPE insulated cable underground in
S4 - 18.3 Km. 33.69 22220.00 748592 12% 89831.02 838422.82

Drilling, Laying, testing & Commissionig of 1.1 kV, round armoured

XLPE Cable as per specification and standard installation practice.
S4 - 19
This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from stores to site.
Drilling for Laying of 3.5Cx300 LT XLPE insulated Cable
S4 - 19.1 Km. 0.55 505000.00 275811 12% 33097.30 308908.10
using HDD method without using HDPE Pipe
Drilling for Laying of 3.5Cx70 LT XLPE insulated Cable
S4 - 19.2 Km. 0.35 404000.00 141400 12% 16968.00 158368.00
using HDD method without using HDPE Pipe
Drilling for Laying of 3.5Cx35 LT XLPE insulated Cable
S4 - 19.3 Km. 0.77 404000.00 311116 12% 37333.95 348450.23
using HDD method without using HDPE Pipe
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
LT Jointing Kit : Supply of Heat Shrinkable Straight through in INR
taxes in INR
jointing kit for 1100 V grade armoured LT cable. This includes the
S4 - 20
cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials to the
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit straight through for LT 3.5C x
S4 - 20.1 Nos. 116.00 909.00 105444 12% 12653.28 118097.28
300 Sq. mm. armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit straight through for LT 3.5C x
S4 - 20.2 Nos. 75.00 707.00 53025 12% 6363.00 59388.00
70 Sq. mm. armoured XLPE Cable
Heat Shrinkable termination jointing kit straight through for LT 3.5x35
S4 - 20.3 Nos. 153.00 505.00 77265 12% 9271.80 86536.80
Sq. mm. armoured XLPE Cable
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
in INR
Making of L.T. Cable termination for 1.1.kV, 3.5 Core, strip taxes in INR
armoured, using gland and Aluminim lugs of suitable size along with
S4 - 21
all accessories. This includes the cost of stacking, labour, loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials from site stores to site

S4 - 21.1 3.5C x 300 cable Set 1378.00 323.20 445370 12% 53444.35 498813.95
S4 - 21.2 3.5C x 70 cable Set 1904.00 252.50 480760 12% 57691.20 538451.20
S4 - 21.3 3.5C x 35 cable Set 5470.00 176.75 966823 12% 116018.70 1082841.20

LT Service Cable : Supply of 1100 V Grade, PVC sheathed steel strip

armoured, aluminum conductor PVC insulated cable along with
lugs, tape etc as per specification on approval of the schedule of
S4 - 22
procurement and construction by the project manager. This includes
the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials from site store to site.
S4 - 22.1 1100 V Grade, 4C x 16, Aluminium conductor km 5558.47 20.20 112281 12% 13473.72 125754.71
S4 - 22.2 1100 V Grade, 2C x 6, Aluminium conductor km 57229.40 10.10 578017 12% 69362.03 647378.98

L.T. Distibution Box / L.T. Pillar : Erection, Testing &

COmmissioning of LT Distribution Box / L.T. Pillar along with 2
nos. of earthing GI pipe, G.I. strip, Bentonite powder etc. as per
S4 - 23
standard installation method. This includes the cost of stacking
loading, unloading and transportation of all materials from site store
to site.
S4 - 23.1 LT distribution box 6 way with ACB No. 2.00 5050.00 10100 12% 1212.00 11312.00
S4 - 23.2 LT feeder pillar 6 way No. 401.00 2525.00 1012525 12% 121503.00 1134028.00
S4 - 23.3 LT feeder pillar 4 way No. 288.00 2323.00 669024 12% 80282.88 749306.88
S4 - 23.4 LT Mini Pillar No. 952.00 2020.00 1923040 12% 230764.80 2153804.80
S4 - 23.5 LT Distribution Box with MCCB for 200 KVA Transformer No. 46.00 1515.00 69690 12% 8362.80 78052.80
S4 - 23.6 LT Distribution Box with MCCB for 100 KVA Transformer No. 138.00 1313.00 181194 12% 21743.28 202937.28
S4 - 23.7 LT Distribution Box with MCCB for 63 KVA Transformer No. 26.00 1212.00 31512 12% 3781.44 35293.44

G.I. Fabrication : Fitting of G.I. fabricated materials (IS 4759:1996)

as per site requirement for activity where not included. This includes
S4 - 24
the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all
from site store to site.
S4 - 24.1 GI Channel 100x50x6 mm (9.2 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 5096.00 12.12 61764 12% 7411.62 69175.14
S4 - 24.2 GI Channel 75x40x6 mm (7.1 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 3160.00 12.12 38299 12% 4595.90 42895.10
S4 - 24.3 GI angle 50x50x6 mm (4.1 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 3022.95 12.12 36638 12% 4396.57 41034.66
S4 - 24.4 GI Flat 50 x 6 mm clamp (2.4 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 224.00 18.18 4072 12% 488.68 4561.00
S4 - 24.5 GI Flats(50 X 10mm) (3.9 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 460.00 18.18 8363 12% 1003.54 9366.34
S4 - 24.8 G.I.Strip (25 X 3 mm) (0.6 kg/M + Galvanizing weight) Kg. 4158.00 18.18 75592 12% 9071.09 84663.53
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
in INR
11 kV Pin Insulators with Pin : Installation of 11kV Pin Insulators taxes in INR
with pin as per site requirement and standard installation practice /
S4 - 25
method. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from site store to site.

S4 - 25.1 11 kV Pin Insulators with G.I. Pins No. 150.00 70.70 10605 12% 1272.60 11877.60

Rolled Steel Joist (RSJ) : Erection of RSJ for for transformer

erection, RSJ replacement, LT Line etc. as per site requirement and
S4- 26 standard installation practice / method. Concreting is considered
separately. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials from site stores to site.

S4- 26.1 RSJ 152x152, 11 m long No. 100.00 2222.00 222200 12% 26664.00 248864.00
S4- 26.2 RSJ 116x100, 9 m long No. 108.00 1313.00 141804 12% 17016.48 158820.48

H.T. Earthing set: Erection / Instalation of H.T. earthing set

complete (G.I. pipe, nut bolt washer etc.) for earthing of transformer
centre, other equipments for activity where not included as per
S4 - 27
standard installation practice / method. This includes the cost of
stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all materials from
site store to site.
S4 - 27.1 Earthing Sets H.T. Set 250.00 1515.00 378750 12% 45450.00 424200.00

L.T. Earthing set: Excavation & Erection of L.T. earthing set

complete (G.I. pipe, nut bolt washer etc.) as per standard installation
S4 - 28 practice for earthing of RSJ for activity where not included. This Set 2158.00 606.00 1307748 12% 156929.76 1464677.76
includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and transportation
of all materials from site store to site.

G.I. Wires : Installation / fitting of G.I. Wire, G.I. Stay Wire, G.I.
Barbed wire as per site requirement and standard installation
S4 - 29
practice / method. This includes the cost of stacking, loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials from site store to site.

S4 - 29.1 G.I.Wire 8 SWG/ 6 SWG kg. 276.00 12.12 3345 12% 401.41 3746.53
S4 - 29.2 G.I.Barbed Wire `A' type. Kg. 336.00 12.12 4072 12% 488.68 4561.00
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
S4 - 30 H.T. Stay Set rate in INR without
in INR
taxes in INR
Erection of H.T. Stay Set complete with 7/4 mm (8 swg) stay wire for
Distribution transformer centre, tower line etc. as per standard
S4 - 30.1 installation practice / method. Stay wire is sconsidered separately. This Set 100.00 909.00 90900 12% 10908.00 101808.00
includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of
all materials from site store to site.

S4 - 31 Street Light Metering

Erection, Testing & Commissioning of street light metering box with
allied materials like Programmable timer switch, On/Off switch, Tri-
S4 - 31.1 vector C.T. operated meter with C.T.s fabrications, concreting, lugs, Nos. 121.00 1262.50 152763 12% 18331.50 171094.00
nut bolts etc. complete. This includes the cost of stacking, loading,
unloading and transportation of all materials from site store to site.

Street Light : Erection, Installation, testing & Commissioning of

street light Equipments as per standard installation practice /
S4 - 32
method. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation of all materials site store to site.
S4 - 32.1 Flood lights with junction box & 150W LED Lamp No. 1999.00 454.50 908546 12% 109025.46 1017570.96
Tubular pole 9 Mtr. Long 88.9C, 137.7 mm painted with two coats of
S4 - 32.2 No. 1999.00 1212.00 2422788 12% 290734.56 2713522.56
anti rust lead free primer and two coats of silver enamel paint.
Supply and making steel structure work and painting the same with
S4 - 32.3 two coats of antirust lead free primer and two coats of silver enamel Kg. 69965.00 21.21 1483958 12% 178074.92 1662032.57
S4 - 32.4 2 C X 2.5 sq mm Copper Cable Mtr. 19990.00 10.10 201899 12% 24227.88 226126.88

LT Stay Set Complete : Erection of of L.T. stay set complete

(G.I.Pipe, nut-bolt, washer) with stay wire, stay insulator and other
S4 - 33 Nos. 56.00 757.50 42420 12% 5090.40 47510.40
accessories. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading
and transportation of all materials from site stores to site

Aeriel Bunch Cable : Erection, testing & Commissioning of 1100 V

Grade, 3x95+1x70+1*16 Aeriel Bunch Cable , aluminum
conductor as per specification on approval of the schedule of
S4 - 34 km 3.72 25250.00 93930 12% 11271.60 105201.60
procurement and construction by the project manager. This includes
the cost of loading, unloading and transportation of all materials to
the site.
Item Basic Unit Amount
Description of Item Unit Qty with taxes & duties
Code rate in INR without
in INR
taxes in INR
Erection of accessories of L.T. XLPE Aerial Bunched cable on
approval of the schedule of procurement and construction by the
S4 - 35 project manager as per standard construction practice. This includes
the cost of stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all
materials from site store to site
S4 - 35.1 Dead End Assembly for AB cable (Insulated) Nos. 36.00 101.00 3636 12% 436.32 4072.32
S4 - 35.2 Suspension Assembly for AB cable (Insulated) Nos. 72.00 70.70 5090 12% 610.85 5701.25
S4 - 35.3 95/50 - 70/35 PG Clamps (For line to line jumpering & energii Nos. 76.00 70.70 5373 12% 644.78 6017.98
S4 - 35.4 Pole clamps Nos. 108.00 50.50 5454 12% 654.48 6108.48
S4 - 35.5 L.T. Insulation Piercing Connectors of 120-50 - 50-35 size for Nos. 220.00 35.35 7777 12% 933.24 8710.24
S4 - 35.6 L.T. Insulation Piercing Connectors (16 - 16 suitable for stree Nos. 74.00 35.35 2616 12% 313.91 2929.81
S4 - 35.7 Mid span jointing sleeves (120/95/50 Nos. 15.00 50.50 758 12% 90.90 848.40
S4 - 35.8 Supply & Fixing of LT distribution boxes/kiosk on the LT poles including all Nos. 108.00 353.50 38178 12% 4581.36 42759.36
S4 - 35.9 1x35 mm2 XLPE/PVC insulated Al. cable for energising the distribution boxes Mtr 864.00 12.12 10472 12% 1256.60 11728.28
S4 - 35.10 1x16 mm2 XLPE insulated Al. cable for energising the Street light Mtr 112.00 9.09 1018 12% 122.17 1140.25

Bentonite clay : Erection, testing & commissioning of bentonite clay

for earthing with H.T. / L.T. eathing (along with earthing pipe)
where ever not included in activity on approval of the schedule of
S4 - 36
construction by the project manager. This includes the cost of
loading, unloading and transportation of all materials from site store
to the site.
S4 - 36.1 Bentonite Clay kg 122120.00 1.01 123341 12% 14800.94 138142.14

S4 - 37 Danger Board
Installation of painted danger board along with clamp displaying
warning of 11000 Volt for DTC centres. This includes the cost of
S4 -37.1 No. 100.00 101.00 10100 12% 1212.00 11312.00
stacking, loading, unloading and transportation of all materials from
site store to site.

S4 - 38 Shifting of Existing 1 Ph. consumer meter outside the premises

Installation of new meter box along with accessories & shifting of
single phase meter along with accessories on the boundry wall outside
S4 - 38.1 No. 37336.00 101.00 3770936 12% 452512.32 4223448.32
the premises. This includes the cost of stacking, loading, unloading
and transportation of all materials from site store to site.

Dismantling of transformer from existing pole and remounting on

S4 - 39 new douple pole structure. This includes the cost of labour, loading, No 46.00 15150.00 696900 12% 83628.00 780528.00
unloading, etc.

Subtotal - Erection, Testing and Comissioning (Amount in Rs) ### 4303586.06 40166803.26
NAME OF WORK : “Conversion of Existing 33 kV, 11kV and LT Overhead Power Distribution Network with Underground Power Cable Network at Ratnagiri Town on Turnkey Basis
Under NCRMP-II, Maharashtra”

Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT

Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR
Applicable Amount
Percentage in INR
1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=6*7 9 = 6+8

SECTION-I - Dismantling Activities

Dismentalling of existing Infrastructure and transportation to
S5 - 1 MSEDCL Major stores at Ratnagiri. This includes interim storage at
local stores, loading, unloading, transportation etc.
S5 -1.1 Conductor (100 sqmm.) Kms. 15.59 3056.44 47654 12% 5718.50 53372.69
S5 -1.2 Conductor (80 sqmm.) Kms. 155.67 2811.93 437735 12% 52528.19 490263.12
S5 -1.3 33KV Pin Insulators No. 309.00 61.13 18889 12% 2266.66 21155.46
S5 -1.4 11KV Pin Insulators No. 3223.35 36.68 118224 12% 14186.85 132410.59
S5 -1.5 33KV Disc insulator No. 32.00 127.15 4069 12% 488.25 4556.98
S5 -1.6 11KV Disc insulator No. 339.30 91.69 31112 12% 3733.38 34844.89
S5 -1.7 11KV A.B. Switch No. 47.00 1112.54 52290 12% 6274.75 58564.34
S5 -1.8 11KV H.G. Fuse No. 47.00 855.80 40223 12% 4826.73 45049.49
S5 -1.9 HT Stay No. 250.20 305.64 76472 12% 9176.66 85648.81
S5 -1.10 Cross arm No. 2483.00 97.81 242853 12% 29142.31 271994.87
S5 -1.11 Poles (RSJ) No. 4112.00 1467.09 6032681 12% 723921.68 6756602.37
S5 -1.12 LT Insulator No 11600.00 24.45 283638 12% 34036.53 317674.24
S5 -1.13 LT Cross arm No 4350.00 48.90 212728 12% 25527.39 238255.68
S5 -1.14 Dismantling of Existing Distribution Boxes No 408.00 489.03 199524 12% 23942.94 223467.39
S5 -1.15 Conductor upto ANT conductor kms 370.46 1833.86 679381 12% 81525.68 760906.39
S5 -1.16 Service cable (old) (No.) No 37336.00 146.71 5477533 12% 657303.99 6134837.21

Dismantling of Distribution Transformers of different capacities along

S5 -2 with scrap material. This rate also includes loading, un loading,
stacking and transporting of dismantled Distribution Transformers to
the MSEDCL stores
S5 -2.1 11/0,43 kV, 63 KVA No. 1.00 2445.15 2445 12% 293.42 2738.57
S5 -2.2 11/0,43 kV, 100 KVA No. 10.00 2689.67 26897 12% 3227.60 30124.28
S5 -2.3 11/0,43 kV, 200 KVA No. 2.00 3056.44 6113 12% 733.55 6846.43

SECTION II - Civil Works for Cable laying and other activities.

S5 - 3 Concreting

Supply and construction of RMU foundation with cement concrete 1:3:6

ratio and the height of fundation shall be 900 mm above ground level
S5 - 3.1 including excavation, back filling, as per site requirement, specification, cmt 246.00 6326.83 1556401 12% 186768.10 1743168.91
standard method of construction and instruction of site project incharge.
This includes cost material, stacking, loading, unloading and
transportation upto site.

Supply and construction of foundation for L.T. Pillar, RSJ, street light
pole, etc. with cement concrete 1:4:8 ratio as per site requirement and
S5 - 3.2 standard constrcution practice including excavation, back filling, as per cmt 2841.70 4768.05 13549361 12% ### 15175284.56
site requirement, specification, standard method of construction and
instruction of site project incharge. This includes cost material, stacking,
loading, unloading and transportation upto site.

Supply and construction of foundation plinth for Transformer (1.5M x

1.5M x 2.67M) with 30% plumb cement concrete 1:3:6 ratio including
S5 - 3.3 excavation, back filling, as per site requirement, specification, standard cmt 84.00 6326.83 531454 12% 63774.47 595228.41
method of construction and instruction of site project incharge. This
includes cost material, stacking, loading, unloading and transportation
upto site.
Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT
Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR
S5 - 4 Supply & laying of RCC pipe
Supply & laying of RCC full round pipe 150 mm, 2M as per
S5 - 4.1 specification and standard method of construction for cable wherever No. 789.00 733.55 578768 12% 69452.12 648219.76
required. This rate also includes stacking, loading, unloading, labour and
transporting of material fron site store to site.
Supply & laying of RCC Half round pipe 150 mm, 1M as per
S5 - 4.2 specification and standard method of construction for cable wherever km 97.46 226176.62 22044129 12% ### 24689424.02
required. This rate also includes stacking, loading, unloading, labour and
transporting of material fron site store to site.

S5 - 5 Laying of HDPE Pipe

Supply & laying of double (2 nos.) 160 mm dia. HDPE pipe by

Horizontal drilling by HDD method (trenchless) as per site condition and
S5 - 5.1 standard construction method for laying 33kV, 3C x 300 round km 3.94 1327717.90 5227491 12% 627298.91 5854789.84
armoured XLPE cable. This includes cost of drilling, HDPE pipe, laying
of HDPE pipe, stacking, loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.

Supply & laying of 160 mm dia. HDPE pipe by Horizontal drilling by

HDD method (trenchless) as per site condition and standard construction
S5 - 5.2 method for laying 33 / 11 kV, 3C x 300 round armoured XLPE km 51.55 1327717.90 68438414 12% ### 76651024.02
cable. This includes cost of drilling, HDPE pipe, laying of HDPE pipe,
stacking, loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.

Supply & laying of 160 mm dia. HDPE pipe by Horizontal drilling by

HDD method (trenchless) as per site condition and standard construction
S5 - 5.3 method for laying 11 kV, 3C x 95 round armoured XLPE cable. km 6.14 1327717.90 8152188 12% 978262.55 9130450.48
This includes cost of drilling, HDPE pipe, laying of HDPE pipe, stacking,
loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.

Supply & laying of 160 mm dia. HDPE pipe by Horizontal drilling by

HDD method (trenchless) as per site condition and standard construction
S5 - 5.4 method for laying 1.1 kV, 3.5C x 300 sqmm strip armoured cable. This Km. 30.23 1327717.90 40142276 12% ### 44959349.36
includes cost of drilling, HDPE pipe, laying of HDPE pipe, stacking,
loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.

Supply & laying of 110 mm dia. HDPE pipe by Horizontal drilling by

HDD method (trenchless) as per site condition and standard construction
S5 - 5.5 method for laying 1.1 kV, 3.5C x 70 sqmm strip armoured cable. This Km. 18.38 859471.17 15797080 12% ### 17692729.64
includes cost of drilling, HDPE pipe, laying of HDPE pipe, stacking,
loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.

Supply & laying of 50 mm dia. HDPE pipe by Horizontal drilling by

HDD method (trenchless) as per site condition and standard construction
S5 - 5.6 method for laying 1.1 kV, 3.5C x 35 sqmm strip armoured cable. This Km. 38.82 507369.18 19696072 12% ### 22059600.18
includes cost of drilling, HDPE pipe, laying of HDPE pipe, stacking,
loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.
Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT
Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR

Supply & installation of cable route marker for 33/ 11 kV Cable as per
S5 - 6 standard installation practice. This includes cost of material, labour,
stacking, loading, unloading, transportation upto site etc.
S5 - 6.1 33 kV Marker Nos. 111.00 770.22 85495 12% 10259.37 95754.13
S5 - 6.2 11 kV Marker Nos. 767.00 770.22 590761 12% 70891.33 661652.45

Supply and Placing of Pre-cast Concrete Manhole Chambers of size

S5 - 7 1000 mm x 2000 mm Internal Dimension x 1000mm Height & 100 Nos. 349.00 22006.37 7680225 12% 921626.95 8601851.51
mm wall thickness (Heavy Duty) with Concrete Cover of 100 mm
thickness in the specified locations in the trench/trenchless.

Providing & Fixing of perforated 2.5M x 6" Aluminium Cable Tray as

S5 - 8 per site requirement and standard installation practice. This includes Nos. 192.00 2277.05 437193 12% 52463.20 489656.49
cost of material, labour, stacking, loading, unloading, transportation
upto site.

S5 -9 Supply of material & Construction of RCC cable trench for HT & LT

Cables in water logging areas (Length- 1.425 Kms.) complete

Excavation for foundation in soft soil.. including removing the excavated

materials upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the building area and lift as
S5 - 9.1 specified, stacking and spreading, necessary dewatering unless provided Cumt. 858.31 327.65 281225 12% 33746.98 314971.83
elsewhere, preparing the bed for the foundation and required backfilling,
ramming, watering, shoring and strutting etc. complete. as directed.
S5 - 9.2 Providing dry trap/rubble stone soling 15 cm to 20 cm thick including Cumt. 95.38 1540.45 146924 12% 17630.87 164554.77
hand packing and compacting etc. complete.
S5 - 9.3 Prov. and casting R C C M-20 Cumt. 143.06 8857.57 1267119 12% 152054.29 1419173.33
S5 - 9.4 Prov. and fixing steel reinforcement MT 10.73 83135.19 892248 12% 107069.81 999318.25

Providing internal cement plaster 20mm thick in two coat, 1;4 without
S5 - 9.5 neeru finish to brick masonry or concrete surface in all positions Sq.M. 1907.37 446.24 851145 12% 102137.46 953282.94
including scaffolding, racking out joints, providing groove at joints of
stone masonry and concrete members and curing etc. complete.
Providing and fixing required size reinforced cement concrete cover of
S5 - 9.6 approved quality and make, 10cm thick over manhole and inspection Cumt. 47.68 11003.19 524604 12% 62952.53 587556.98
chamber including mild steel reinforcement, curing testing etc. complete.

S5 - 10 Painting of RSJ with 2 coats of Red oxide paint complete, 2 coats of

Aluminium paint complete and 2 coats of Black bituminous paint upto
1.5M above ground level with complete material & labour
S5 - 10.1 Painting of Supports & fabricated materials Nos. 208.00 1589.35 330585 12% 39670.16 370254.80

Back fillng with watering & restoring the pavers/tiles in consumer

S5 - 11 premises to make it as original as per standard installation practice Sq. Mtr. 10757.30 1454.87 15650425 12% ### 17528475.66
including supply of all material. This includes cost of material, labour,
stacking, loading, unloading, transportation upto site.
Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT
Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR

Supply & laying of PVC pipe heavy gauge 50 mm dia (underground

S5 -12 area) as per standard installation practice including supply of all Mtr 10757.30 119.81 1288859 12% 154663.02 1443521.53
material. This includes cost of material, labour, stacking, loading,
unloading, transportation upto site.

Excavation and Road reinstatment / restoration

Earth work excavation in soil by manual means all operatioal,
S5 -13 incidental, labour charges such as shoring, sheeting, planking,
strutting, dewatering, seigniorage, etc. complete for finished item of
work for following types of trench.
S5 -13.1 Type-1: 1000 x 1100 mm 270.19
S5 -13.2 Type-1: 1000mm and 1000mm
S5 -13.3 Type-2: 800 x 1100 mm Cu.M 93386.77 25232113 12% ### 28259966.15
S5 -13.4 Excavation for service cable
S5 -13.5 Pits for HDD, foundations etc.

Back filling the cable trenches and restoring up to the ground level with
selected available earth from trench excavation including watering,
consolidation in layers of 15 cm thickness including depositing and spreading of
S5 -13.6 the surplus earth with a lead of 200 Mtrs, after forming with sand all round the Cu.M 51748.19 264.08 13665481 12% ### 15305338.45
cable and when required in the excavated cable trench. The excess and non
suitable excavated material should be dumped at designated places.

Conveyance charges for machinery (Tippers/Trucks) for transporting

of excess excavated earth/muck for disposal to a designated location as
S5 -13.7 directed by the Engineer in charge. Rate includes loading, un loading and idle Cu.M 12437.71 281.19 3497391 12% 419686.98 3917078.47
hire charges of machinery.

S5 -13.8 Road Reinstatement/Restoration Charges for Bitumen Road Sq. Mtr. 14245.07 1540.45 21943764 12% ### 24577015.42
S5 -13.9 Road Reinstatement/Restoration Charges for Paver Block Road Sq. Mtr. 7798.37 1100.32 8580687 12% ### 9610369.30
S5 -13.10 Road Reinstatement/Restoration Charges for RCC Road Sq. Mtr. 338.88 1833.86 621466 12% 74575.97 696042.39

Supply & laying of stone pad for RSJ pole as per standard method of
S5 - 14 construction wherever required. This rate also includes stacking, No 108.00 158.93 17165 12% 2059.80 19224.77
loading, unloading, labour and transporting of material fron site store
to site.

Supply & fixing of G.I. Fencing of Transformers and RMUs as per

S5 - 15 design. This rate also includes stacking, loading, unloading, labour and Mtr 3000.00 3820.55 11461653 12% ### 12837051.56
transporting of material to site.

S5 - 16 SECTION III - EMP : Traffic Management and Safety Measures

Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT
Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR
Provision, fabrication and erection of MS barricades of size 2.5m long
x 2.0m height on both sides of the cable trench alignment of total
length (5x500x2=5000mts) including cost of materials and fabrication
charges, all materials/equipment required for fabrication, transportion
S5 -22.1 to site, shifting of barricades from one place to another with all Nos 1200.00 6455.20 7746244 12% 929549.24 8675792.92
incidental charges, leads, lifts and all taxes and duties as applicable
from time to time as specified by Engineer-in-charge (considering 5
operatioal areas within the package at any given point of time & 500m
length of barricade per operatioal area)

Provision of LED strip lighting to MS barricades towards road side as

a safety measure during night hours, including cost of LED strips and
other materials/equipment required for fixing and illumination of LED
strips, shifting of LED strips from one place to another with all
S5 -22.2 Rmt 3000.00 968.28 2904841 12% 348580.97 3253422.35
incidental charges, leads lifts and all taxes and duties as applicable
from time to time as specified by Engineer-in-charge (considering 5
operatioal areas within the package at any given point of time & 500m
length of barricade on road side per operatioal area)

Provision of Caution Floor Stand and Provision, installation of

cautionary/warning signage and diversion boards, as per IRC
specifications (SP:55 - 2014) on both upstream and downstream sides
of operatioal area; 6 nos. for each 500 mts of operatioal area by
S5 -22.3 segment for total length of 2.5 km UG cable trench (considering reuse Nos 36.00 2689.67 96828 12% 11619.37 108447.41
of each board for 5 times), including cost of boards and other materials
required for fixing, shifting charges from one place to another with all
incidental charges leads, lifts and all taxes and duties as applicable
from time to time as specified by Engineer-in-charge

Providing of agile traffic wardens/flagmen along operatioal areas

wearing orange vest and helmet and carrying a red flag (600 x 600
mm) securely fastened to a staff 1 m in length and cones for
guiding/managing the traffic at near to junctions/intersections in 100
S5 -22.4 days 876.00 968.28 848214 12% 101785.64 949999.33
locations; 2 persons for each location per 8 hours shift including cost
of labour and all statutary regulations and all incidental charges, leads,
lifts and all taxes and duties as applicable from time to time as
specified by Engineer-in-charge
Temporary provision of access/cross over for properties adjacent to
work zones using portable planks (with length 2 to 4 mts. or as
S5 -22.5 required in line with site conditions, at least 1.2 mts. width and Nos 60.00 3120.01 187201 12% 22464.11 209665.00
handrail on both sides supported with vertical post at 0.5 mt. spacing).

Issuing public notice, printing and putting banners, advertisements

through local print and electronic media, conducting awareness
meetigs with public, printing and distributing handbills to general
public and information dissemination through appropraite means
S5 -22.6 regarding type and schedule of civil works, planned diversions and/or Fortnights 57.60 21517.34 1239399 12% 148727.88 1388126.87
partial closures, utility shifting/damage/emergency repairs, complaint
handling and all such issues that affect public/road users/residents
close to work zones works being carried out in a particular section, at
least once in 15 days for the entire project duration.

Provision of Project Information Board in sheet steel and all supports,

including fixing and maintenance during the entire project. Minimum
board size should be 3 meters x 2 meters, with necessary information
S5 -22.7 in English and Marathi written in black paint with white background. Nos 12.00 1613.80 19366 12% 2323.87 21689.48
The board details and the required information will be furnished by the
Engineer. The complete design and information shall be approved by
the Engineer.
Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT
Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR
Providing of 5 number of mobile toilets - 3 wet type and 2 dry type
Providing of mobile bio-digestor toilets with separate entrances, fitted
with overhead tank and Indian type of pot with other facilities such as
tap, lighting and ventilation; stationed at a suitable place in or within
S5 -22.8 Nos. 6.00 91448.71 548692 12% 65843.07 614535.33
100 metres from work front. Includes cost of water, shifting cost of
mobile toilet from one operational area to another, attendent cost for
looking after cleaning and operation of the toilets, all materials and
labour charges, all incidental charges, leads, lifts and all taxes as
applicable from time to time and as specified by Engineer-in-charge.

Providing of mobile drinking water counter/kiosk, fabricated from

stainless steel with 300 liters capacity, with two taps and with bottom
tank (300 litre holding capacity) to collect waste water and stationed at
a suitable place within 100 metres from operational area, with one
common attendant for both mobile toilet and drinking water kiosk.
S5 -22.9 Cost includes charges for emptying bottom tank through suction Nos. 6.00 21365.75 128195 12% 15383.34 143577.85
machine, shifting cost of the kiosk from one operational area to another
area, attendent cost for looking after cleaning and operation, all
materials and all labour charges, all incidental charges, leads, lifts and
all taxes as applicable from time to time and as specified by Engineer-

Deploying an on-site crew group for restoring damaged utilities

comprising 3 skilled workers with 3 assistants (Carpenter, Mason and
Metal sheet/fabricator for 18 months) including cost of providing one
multi utility pick-up van with 6 seats and provision for keeping tools
and equipments including driver, fuel and routine vehicle maintenance
S5 -22.10 months 21.60 129104.06 2788648 12% 334637.73 3123285.45
for 18 months, including cost of all material and all labour, all
incidental charges, insurance charges and all statutary regulations and
leads, lifts and all taxes and duties as applicable from time to time as
specified by Engineer-in-charge. Mobile pick up van also shall have
one operatioal mobile number.

Restoration of Steps with Plain cement concrete of M15 Grade

(1;2.5:5) (Machine mixing) corresponding to IS 456 using MIXER
with 40 mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (40mm,
20mm & 10mm size) (Coarse aggregate) from approved quarry and
Brick masonary in CM 1:5 using well burnt country bricks/Fly-ash
S5 -22.11 bricks (as per the requirement) including cost and conveyance of all Cum 360.00 6993.14 2517529 12% 302103.50 2819632.70
materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand) coarse aggregate, water
etc., to site and including seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on
all materials including all operatioal, incidental and labour charges,
machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc., complete charges for
finished item of work
S5 -22.12 Restoration works - Other Items
a Manhole Nos 24.00 21517.34 516416 12% 61969.95 578386.19
b Other Utility ducts Rmt 120.00 968.28 116194 12% 13943.24 130136.89
c Water and drainage Rmt 72.00 1613.80 116194 12% 13943.24 130136.89
d Telecom Rmt 42.00 860.69 36149 12% 4337.90 40487.03
Total Amount GST @12% TOTAL AMOUNT
Basic Unit
Item Code Description of Item Unit Qty without taxes in with taxes & duties
rate in INR
Replacement cost of Other Structures (part of boundary walls, kiosk's
shop, base of handpump, signages etc with Plain cement concrete of
M15 Grade (1;2.5:5) (Machine mixing) corresponding to IS 456 using
MIXER with 40mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal
(40mm, 20mm & 10mm size)(Coarse aggregate) from approved quarry
and Brick masonary in CM 1:5 using well burnt country bricks/Fly-
S5 -22.13 Cum 60.00 7531.07 451864 12% 54223.71 506087.92
ash bricks (as per the requirement) including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand) coarse aggregate, water
etc., to site and including seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on
all materials including all operatioal, incidental and labour charges
machine mixing, laying concrete,curing etc., complete charges for
finished item of work

Cost towards minimizing air pollution by sprinkling water on the

excavated earth left around trench during excavation till filling of the
S5 -22.14 L.S. 1.00 106828.74 106829 12% 12819.45 119648.19
trenches and making them good for regular usage/operation. Water will
be sprinkled twice a day.

Identifying and verification of trees along the route of the cable trench,
marking, preparing the list as per the norms and obtaining clearance for
cutting of trees (only in case unavoidable), paying compensation and
cutting & re-planting of trees as per the norms (plantation of 10 nos. of
trees against cutting of one tree or as recommended by the local
S5 -22.15 Nos 200.00 21517.34 4303469 12% 516416.25 4819884.96
authorities), removal of fallen tree to identified site as per direction of
MSEDCL & the concerned authority. Plantation cost to include use of
a tall sapling (atleast 5 feet), its protection, watering and manuring and
maintenance till closure of the contract. Atleast 80 percent should
survive at the end of contract period.

Disposal of extra earth/debris/similar unserviceable waste material by

mechanical means, including loading, transporting, unloading to pre-
S5 -22.16 LS 1.00 107586.72 107587 12% 12910.41 120497.12
approved dumping ground in line with EMP stipulations and as
approved by Engineer-In-Charge.

Demolishing of unserviceable line materials by mechanical means,

including crushing at approved dumping ground in line with EMP
stipulations and as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.
S5 -22.17 Site Clean-up, Road restoration, site rehabilitation, Site clean-up LS 1.00 107586.72 107587 12% 12910.41 120497.12
including road side drain clean up and removal of all debris and waste
material before opening up the traffic and use by community and
Periodic Cleaning of road side drains during construction

Cost of environmental monitoring during entire construction period in

S5 -22.18 LS 1.00 64552.03 64552 12% 7746.24 72298.27
line with parameters and frequency specified in the EMP
Cost towards water for sanitation and drinking water purpose during
S5 -22.19 LS 1.00 161380.08 161380 12% 19365.61 180745.69
entire construction period
Cost towards first aid and emergency response arrangements in the
S5 -22.20 camp, plants and worksites (including fire and electrical safety LS 1.00 12910.41 12910 12% 1549.25 14459.65
Cost towards periodic health check-ups once in three months for all
S5 -22.21 LS 1.00 53793.36 53793 12% 6455.20 60248.56
construction workers
Temporary storm water drainage, oil interceptors and sedimentation
S5 -22.22 L.S. 1.00 107586.72 107587 12% 12910.41 120497.12
Temporary sheds for material storage, paved areas and rest areas for
S5 -22.23 Nos 3.00 215173.44 645520 12% 77462.44 722982.74
Labour accommodation and the basic facilities (development costs) 1
S5 -22.24 Nos 1.00 161380.08 161380 12% 19365.61 180745.69
facility Lumpsum.
Availability of sand bags to prevent water logging or water rain water
S5 -22.25 Nos 160.00 26.90 4303 12% 516.42 4819.88
runoff to dug-up trenches
Subtotal - Civil, EMP, Road Retoration and Dismantling (Amount in Rs) 350849490.01 ### 392951428.81

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