Masses of The Week Scriptural Readings Scriptural Readings Scriptural Readings Scriptural Readings

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Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 2

Masses of the Week Scriptural Readings

for the Week of February 20th
Saturday, February 19th
8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m. Leonard Sagendorf, req. his wife Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48
Dorothy and family
Sunday, February 20th Sir 1:1-10; Mk 9:14-29
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday
7:30 a.m. Salvatore Fiorilli, req. his wife Annette 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19
9:00 a.m. Jean Mizzoni req. Gladys and Frank
Sir 4:11-19; Mk 9:38-40
10:30 a.m. Anthony Marcantonio, req. Valerie
and Luciano Ricciardi Thursday
12:00 p.m. Antonio Lazzara, req. The Lazzara Sir 5:1-8; Mk 9:41-50
Family Friday
Monday, February 21st Sir 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12
7:00 a.m. For the People of the Parish and all Saturday
their intentions Sir 17:1-15; Mk 10:13-16
12:10 p.m. Helen Trush, req. Joanne and Frank
Relatives and Friends
Tuesday, February 22nd
7:00 a.m. Donald Melega, req. his wife Mary Who Need Our Prayers
and daughters
12:10 p.m. Henry Barletta, req. Michael and Mary Please pray especially for the following people
Ann Maher who have recently been added to our prayer list:
Wednesday, February 23rd Jerry D’Amelio, Ida Addotta, Dorothy Casey,
7:00 a.m. Laura Deno, req. Jim and Patricia Marge Smith, Silvia Kelly, Paul Mazzucco, John
Robertson Wirtz, Nick Carone, Ann McGuinness, Melani Rillo,
12:10 p.m. Henry Barletta, req. Clifford and Prudence Waldmann, Maureen McGuire, Jackie
Martha Gray and family Chapla, Paul Centamore, Leslie Catello and six
Thursday, February 24th special intentions.
7:00 a.m. LNCPL Justin Wilson, req. Bill Cucco
12:10 p.m. Louise Maggi, req. The Maggi Family Let us also pray for the men and women who are
th serving in our military in particular those who are
Friday, February 25
from our parish:
7:00 a.m. Andrea Lazzara, req. Ladies Auxiliary
o Lt. John Michael Elefante, NJ National Guard,
of the Paca Club
12:10 p.m. Gina Ricciardi, req. Alice Maluso Army - Iraq
o Pfc. Joseph Robert Pecca, Stationed in Korea.
Saturday, February 26th o Lt. Col Michael Barger
8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass o 2Lt. Kyle R. Lee, Army Iraq
5:00 p.m. Jennie Perillo, req. Dolores and Pat
Annelli Also, please remember our dearly departed relatives
Sunday, February 27 th and friends who have passed away recently especially
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time John Ciesielski
7:30 a.m. Ralph Freda, req. his family May they rest in peace.
9:00 a.m. Vincent Cerrato, req. John and Jessie
Keane Please remember that there is a special intention
10:30 a.m. Gabe Allocco, req. The Guzman book located in the Baptistery of the church. Your
Family intention can be written in it and prayed for during
12:00 p.m. Robert Nicholais, req. Jane Gebert the Masses that are said at Our Lady of Peace.
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 3

Calendar of Parish Activities

The Week of February 20, 2011 COR NERSTONE
Sunday, February 20th March 11 – 12, 2011
9:00 a.m. Family Liturgy, church THINK CORNERSTONE
10:00 a.m. RCIA, Parish Library
1:00 – 6:30 p.m. CYO Basketball Games, A/K The beginning of Lent is Ash Wednesday,
March 9. There could be no more perfect
Monday, February 21st Lenten undertaking than to attend our upcoming
The Academy of Our Lady of Peace closed today Cornerstone Retreat (March 11-12). This event
6:00 – 10:00 p.m. CYO Basketball, A offers the women of our parish a 26 hour personally
7:30 p.m. The Rosary immediately followed and spiritually enriching experience away from the
by the Novena, church many demands and interruptions of our daily lives.
Tuesday, February 22nd The atmosphere is very casual and you choose to
6:00 – 10:00 p.m. CYO Basketball, A participate in any discussions as much or as little as
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir, church you’d like.
7:30 p.m. 2011 Woman’s Cornerstone Core Questions may be directed to Fr. Charles
Team Meeting, PJP RM Gusmer, Cornerstone Spiritual Director at 908-464-
7600 or team members, Carol Skrocki at 908-464-
Wednesday, February 23rd 8156 and Mary Ann Narciso at 908-219-4006.
No Religious Education Classes Today Brochures containing information, a registration
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. A of OLP Choir, church form, are on the tables at the back of church.
7:30 p.m. SCC Core Team Meeting, rectory,
Counting RM
A Catholic Men's Conference
Thursday, February 24 Rise up, O Man of God! - A Catholic Men's
No Religious Education Classes Today Conference on Saturday, March 5, 2011, at Seton
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Holy Hour of Reparation to the Hall University in South Orange, NJ. Join us for a
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Church prayerful, spirit-filled, life changing day from 8:00
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 7th Grade Girl Scout Meeting, a.m. to about 4:00 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by
Rectory Basement Most Reverend Archbishop John J. Myers with our
6:00 – 10:00 p.m. CYO Basketball practice, A local Bishops and Priest con-celebrating. A dynamic
Friday, February 25th line-up of speakers is scheduled for this day! See
5:30 p.m. CYO Basketball Games, A the posters at the entrance doors for more
Saturday, February 26th Ticket prices are $20 for adults and $15 for
8:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m. CYO Basketball Games, A students and senior citizens including breakfast and
Snow Removal Collection lunch. For registration please visit our website at
during the 5:00 p.m. Mass
or contact your Parish Conference Leader, Mark
Sunday, February 27th Seely at 908-464-4109, or e-mail:
Snow Removal Collection [email protected]
during each of the Sunday Masses
9:00 a.m. – 12 noon Rescheduled Blessing Cup Retreat Food Pantry Items of the Week
8:45- 10:00 a.m. Last names
beginning with A-L
Our supplies of canned corn, Hormel canned
10:15 – 11:45 a.m. Last names chili and individually wrapped toothbrushes are
beginning with M-Z very low. Your donations to our Food Pantry are
10:00 a.m. RCIA, Parish Library truly appreciated. Thank you from all the families
1:00 – 6:00 p.m. CYO Basketball Games, A/K who share from your kindness and generosity!
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 4

You Are the Winner!

Married couples! Skip the lottery this month and
treat yourself to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend, your ticket to better communication and
more love. For more information contact Mike and
Eileen Morgan at 1 800 823-LOVE (5683) or email
There are so many ways God is made visible in
[email protected]
the world around us.
Military families, are you getting ready to
Our Church of Newark, which serves Hudson,
deploy? Is your family trying to reconnect after
Essex, Union and Bergen counties, sees God in the
deployment? Marriage Encounter offers tools of
hundreds of thousands of people it takes care of
communication that have kept many military
every year by teaching, sheltering and caring for all
marriages strong and happy through out the ups and
who come to it for help.
downs of military service. Contact your local
We can only offer assistance because of your
chaplain or call 1-800-823-5683 for more
generosity to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.
Won’t you please take a moment to fill out a
pledge card? This sacrifice on your part will show
that you, too, see the face of God in everyone who
Clear Out Your Closets
seeks help. Thank you. for the Benefit of Our Parish!
Are your closets bulging and you don’t know what
Rosary Shrine Guild to do with all youe unwanted new and gift items. It’s
Luncheon and Cooking Demonstration time to separate you from all that clutter and you can
help our parish at the same time!
Thursday, March 10, 2011 Bring your donations to the rectory for our Country
12:00 noon Luncheon Fair New Gifts Table. Please remember to donate
1:00 p.m. Presentation ONLY NEW never been used items!
$35.00 per person We’ll lighten your load at home and you can feel
Corpus Christi Auditorium good about helping OLP.
234 Southern Blvd., Chatham
The Rosary Shrine Guild of Summit invites you News from
to a luncheon and cooking demonstration by
Kathleen Sanderson of Kings Studio. The Parish Library
This annual luncheon, which includes door prizes
and raffles, is a fundraiser for the Dominican Nuns Last week’s book was about St. Francis of Assisi.
at the Rosary Shrine in Summit. This week‘s book is about a modern day St. Francis.
For further information, please call the Rosary The book is Mother Teresa A Simple Path compiled
Shrine at 908-273-1228 during regular office hours: by Lucinda Vardey. In her own words and prayers
9:45 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. when a Shrine volunteer is Mother Teresa shows us how to walk the simple
available to take your call. path to help us create a truly kinder world for the
future. It also tells the story of the founding of the
A Thank You Sent Missionaries of Charity. This book is a unique
to Our Social Concerns Ministry spiritual guide full of wisdom and hope. I have been
personally inspired to learn more about the current
A letter of thanks was recently received from The work of the Missionaries of Charity, especially in
Community Service Association of New Providence NY and NJ.
(CSA) for the frozen turkeys and turkey breasts that
This book can be found on shelf #3 Biographies /
were donated to local families in need this past
Thanksgiving. CSA also wanted to thank all those
Review by Vicki
who graciously manned the rectory garages where
the turkeys were collected and also those who helped The Parish Library, located in the rectory
to transport the poultry. basement, is always open when the rectory is open.
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 5

March Youth Club News

Middle School Youth Club
(7th and 8th grade)
Friday, March 4th Youth Club – Open Gym/Game
7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Night/Mardi Gras Theme
Come out for a night of Games and Get to Know Gym/kitchen Bring your favorite game.
You! on Sunday, March 6th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in Boys bring a chilled drink
the Parish Hall. Open gym time, contests for prizes, and girls bring snack or
and even Wii games! Then join us for the Parish dessert (No nuts due to
Mission in the Church at 7:30 p.m. allergies)
Any high school students interested in babysitting Saturday, March 5th HCR manor Nursing Home
young children during the Parish Mission, or in 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Service Activity 144 Gales
helping to make Lenten Nail Prayer Cards please Drive, NP
contact Tracey this week. Sunday, March 13th SHIPS Soup Kitchen Service
Leadership Team forms are due Monday, March 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Activity Oakes Center
7 . Forms are located on the tables at the back of Kitchen Summit, NJ
the church. Any 9th – 11th graders are welcome to Monday, March 14th Service Opportunity – Make
apply. 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. sandwiches for St. Joseph’s
Check us out on Facebook! Kitchen in Elizabeth. See program
Book booklet for details.
OLP Youth Ministry
Junior Youth Club
(5th and 6th grade)
Saturday, March 5th Open Gym – Mardi Gras
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Theme & Stuff Easter Eggs
for Easter Sunday
When we see or hear about the tremendous
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
suffering of the poor, we may feel helpless. The contact me at
problem seems immense. But if you think about 908-508-0544 or [email protected].
helping just one person or one family at a time,
suddenly you’ll realize that you can make a Maureen Miller
difference. Junior/Middle School Youth Minister

By working together, we, the community of Our The Academy

Lady of Peace, can make a difference. Just 155
families saving 50 cents a day for the 40 days of
of Our Lady
Lent will save $3,100 – enough to provide a new of Peace News
home with a latrine for a destitute family.
Grocery Gift Cards Now Available
BEGINS ASH WEDNESDAY If you buy your groceries at Kings, Stop &
MARCH 9 Shop, ShopRite or A&P, using a Grocery Gift
Watch for more information in coming weeks. Card for your weekly purchases will help our
children. Grocery Gift cards are sold weekdays at
This project is sponsored by Food for the Poor, the Academy office during school hours in
and you can check them out at denominations of $50 and $100. Please consider Sponsored by our Home School Association.
participating with your family.
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 6

Healing the Grieving Heart: We Need Your Help!

The Journey After the Death We would like the names and ranks of the men
of a Loved One and women from our parish who are now serving
in our military. We want to pray for our enlisted
Any and all are welcome to join our in a more personal way.
Bereavement Support Group on Tuesdays, Everyone can benefit from additional prayers,
February 22nd through April 19th from 1:00 - 2:30 but considering the state of our world today, those
p.m. All meetings will take place at Little serving in the military can use our prayers more
Flower Pastoral Center, Rm. 2-H located at 110 then ever.
Roosevelt Avenue, Berkeley Heights. The group Please call the rectory with the information so
will run for eight weeks (no session March 29). that the names and ranks can be listed in our
To register, please call the Rectory at 908 464- weekly bulletin.
1585, ext. 10 or download a registration form at and go to Ministries and then go
to Bereavement. Country Fair
Crafter Wanted!
OFFICE 908-464-5535 OF NEW ITEMS
RE-EMPLOYMENT SEMINAR If you fall into one of the above categories, our
annual Country Fair is looking for you!
Monday, February 21, 2011, 7:30 p.m. May 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st, 2011 are the dates
TOPIC: How to Introduce Yourself, Build of this year’s Fair. You can rent one six-foot long
Confidence and Project a Winning Image – table for all four days for $100 or one double table
Crafting the Elevator & Two Minute Pitch for $150. These tables are inside our gym.
This meeting is designed to improve What a great way to advertise for yourself and
everyone’s Two Minute Drill and their “elevator /or your business.
pitch.” We use this every day and we can all If interested call the rectory at 908-464-7600 or
improve our presentation and message. Lloyd’s Debbie Johnston at 908-464-1591 for more
hand-on approach will be instructive and details.
enlightening for everyone who attends. Every
participant will gain much from this session. Radio Maria Broadcasts
Program Outline: in English in Newark
Introduction and Theory of the Two Minute Drill
Handout Model Two Minute Drill and Second Radio Maria, one of the world’s largest
Page Critique of Drill networks of Catholic radio programming, is now
Review and Discuss Handouts available in English in the New York metro area.
Practice Writing a Revised Two Minute Drill - in The programs are available from Monday through
Class exercise Thursday from 10:00 p.m. until midnight and from
Email Follow-up Offered for All Participants. Monday through Friday from 12:00 a.m. until 6:00
a.m. on WSNR Radio – 620 AM. Radio Maria
Bring your pencil, pad and an open features prayers, readings and Catholic teachings
won't be disappointed! relevant to our faith and lives today.
Your instructor, Lloyd L. Feinstein, is an Radio Maria is also available on the internet at
author and president of Career Marketing
Consultants of New Providence.
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 7

The Women’s Commission of the Archdiocese of Newark

Including ,for the first time, a special program for younger women (aged 18-25), and a
Spanish track with Azeneth Gonzalez.
Saturday, March 19, 2011 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Holy Mass: 9:30 a.m.
Most Rev. John J. Myers, Celebrant Valerie Sue Muller, Cantor
Seton Hall University, Jubilee Hall, 400 South Orange Ave. South Orange NJ 07079

Keynote Speaker
Susan Selner-Wright, PhD has been teaching philosophy to college students and seminarians for 25 years and, since 2001, has
taught at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, Colorado, where she chairs the Philosophy Department and is
Director of the Pre-Theology Cycle. Her specialty is St. Thomas Aquinas. As a wife and mother of both a typical child and a child
with special needs, she has had many opportunities to reflect on the application of the Church’s profound wisdom to women’s
lives in and out of the home.
Special Guest
Dr. Angela Lanfranchi has a private practice devoted exclusively to breast surgery in BBNJ, in Bound Brook, NJ. A 1975 graduate
of Georgetown School of Medicine, she is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a
fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery. She is a member of the
Professional Advisory Committee for the Wellness Community and serves on the Expert Advisory Panel for the New Jersey
board of Medical Examiners.
Young Women’s Speakers
Speaker, Haley Timmons graduated with a bachelor’s in Theology from the University of Dallas and has spent over
five years as a full-time youth minister in Colorado parishes. She currently lives in Littleton, CO, where she enjoys
being involved in the ENDOW programs and conferences happening in the Archdiocese of Denver.

Speaker, Alexa McCartney is an NJIT graduate, architect, actress, and LIFENET speaker. LIFENET is a non-profit educational
organization reaching New Jersey communities with the facts about the humanity of the unborn child, abortion and other bio-
ethical issues. LIFENET seeks to empower young people with critical information on human sexuality, sexually transmitted
diseases and an invitation to set the highest personal standards. LIFENET is now partnering with the Archdiocese of Newark to
instill respect for the dignity of every human life through chastity and pro-life

Registration: $25 per person. Group (5 min): $20 per person. Students (18-25): $10 per person.
Clergy/Religious: gratis. Lunch included for all pre-registered participants.

Registration Form
(Online registration:
Name: ________________________________Address: _______________________________
Phone: ________________________________Parish/College: _________________________
E-mail: _______________________________ Women’s Track: ________ College Track: _________
Spanish Track: _________
If registering more than one participant, please enclose registration information and fee for each.
Enclosed is a check for $_________ payable to the Women’s Commission, Archdiocese of Newark.

Send registration form and check to: Women’s Commission Archdiocese of Newark171 Clifton Avenue, PO Box 9500
Newark, NJ 07104-9500 Attn: Day of Reflection. For more information, go to or call
Loretta Lovell at 973-497-4008 or e-mail [email protected]
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 8

“Life is a Highway”
The Academy of Our Lady of Peace - 2011 Tricky Tray
Dinner/Admission Ticket Purchase

Friday, March 25, 2011

6:00 PM
1099 Route 22 East
Mountainside, NJ
Tickets are $48 per person

Each guest will receive $10 of complimentary basket tickets as our Thank You!
This form can be completed for yourself or for an entire table up to ten (10) people. *
Please return one form for all people included in same table ticket purchase.
Please include payment for all people included in same table ticket purchase.

Your Name: __________________________ PHONE # required: ___________________________

Email optional : _________________________________

Please check one:

Individual ticket purchase ________ ($48.00 payment included)
Ticket purchase for a table of ________ (# of people x $48.00 payment included)
full table ticket purchase ________ (10 people = $480.00 payment included)
* Note: there are a limited number of tables for 12; please add the additional 2 names, 2 payments,
and dinner selection.
Please list the names of the people who will be sitting at your table (circle dinner selection).

1. ____________________ Chicken or Fish 2. ____________________ Chicken or Fish

3. ____________________ Chicken or Fish 4. ____________________ Chicken or Fish

5. ____________________ Chicken or Fish 6. ____________________ Chicken or Fish

7. ____________________ Chicken or Fish 8. ____________________ Chicken or Fish

9. ____________________ Chicken or Fish 10.____________________ Chicken or Fish

Please make checks payable to OLP HSA. This form and a check (or all checks for the number of
names on this form) should be returned to OLP School or to the rectory Attn: JAN MANGER by
March 18, 2011.
If you have any questions about seating, please call JAN MANGER 908 665-2696.
Sunday, February 20, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 9

Tricky Tray Gift Registry

IS Open for Business
o What is The Gift Registry?
o An easy way for families to make a donation to TT.
o Visit Gift Registry Website
o Click on a selection of pre-purchased items, cash or money
o Fill out requested information
o send in payment Attention : Tricia Doria
o Cash Ok; Checks Ok payable to AOLP HSA

o How to Access Gift Registry?
Or click on “Registry” from The Academy Homepage

o Pre-Purchased items? Cash Donations? Money Trees?

o Pre-purchased items are items that have done well in the past
o Cash Donations are used to purchase additional items.
Acknowledgement will be given to families for purchased item
o Money Trees always do well …Maybe in the form of cash or Visa Gift
Cards. May be presented on a “tree” or theme item
o Payment? Acknowledgement?
o Follow directions on Registry Site re: Payment
o Fill out all requested information so Family name or names will be
properly listed in TT Booklet

The Gift Registry will provide you with the tool to make a donation from the comfort of your home. In
order for Tricky Tray 2011 to be a success we need the support and help from all our Academy
Families. Thank you!
Life is a Highway…make your next destination TT 2011

Save the Date: Friday March25, 2011 @ L’Affaire, Mountainside 6PM

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