Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
Introduction of Organization
Channel 7 News HD :
7 News Hd Tv is an Urdu language Pakistan first current affair television channel based in
Lahore, launched in year 2017. 7 News Hd Tv seeks to enlighten its viewers with quality
analysis from renowned journalists and anchors. Stemming away from the traditional news
channel, 7 News Hd Tv is a unique channel offering invigorating discussions and mentally
stimulating news analysis.
7 News Hd Tv not only provides an illuminated vision and analysis for its viewership but is also
a pioneer and trendsetter in infotainment on Pakistani airwaves. 7 News Hd Tv offers
unparalleled scrutiny to the current affairs in Pakistan and around the globe. Having offices in
Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad, Peshawar 7 News Hd Tv is broadcasting from all corners of the
world providing its viewers with thorough and comprehensive analysis of the numerous political
issues facing our world today.
7 News Hd Tv news reputed news organization. The path of success for 7 News Hd Tv has been
polished by the efficient and dedicated workforce. 7 News Hd Tv. network in exploring the
lucrative television market in Pakistan which has grown both in term of viewer’s participation
advertising revenues at more than fifty percent over the last three years. The channels concept
calls for a news, information TV channels. Each unit will primarily focus on the respective city
and cover the happening in depth. The synergies lie in the operations of the five units allowing
for cost effective solution in transmission and production.
7 News Hd Tv is Pakistan first geographic based satellite channel serving the greater Lahore
region. 7 News Hd Tv is hardcore news & infotainment packed channel with content focused on
politics, current affairs, crime, local weather, local updates, events, happenings, sports, culture,
music, films, drama etc related to greater Lahore. After launch 7 News Hd Tv has consistently
achieved top ratings in its category, with the top position in prime time on several occasions. Due
to its focused & targeted approach, there is no direct competition to 7 News Hd Tv.
However, a competition of eyeballs does exist with other channels but with its uniqueness, 7
News Hd Tv will create greater, deeper and more loyal following. It provides planners with a
much needed regionally focused organized medium for spreading their message to a focused
audience provides a platform to show regional activities in addition to the regular advertising
messages. Its offers the best value for your advertising.
Brief History:
7 News Hd Tv is the first city based channels in Pakistan. Unlike the other channels in the
country 7 News Hd Tv is a purely city oriented channel. Only news and information that is
pertinent to Lahore is aired. It was launched with a different concept that it only covers city
based news. It covers every minor news from the city. It has one competitor now with the name
of value news. The edge 7 News Hd Tv is that not only it is able to provide more detail and in
depth information when covering any event, but it will be able to cover a wider variety of news
in Lahore.
7 News Hd Tv gives value to stories that start with truth. While communicating truth, its team
make note of the setting. What do we see? Hear? Smell? Feel? And then drop those detail into
the story to help bring the viewers into the place and the moment from where 7 News Hd Tv
team is reporting- first, fast and factual.
It ensures that keeping in mind what matters here and what matters around the world bringing
out the universal appeal of the story, with a human touch. Seeing the audience as citizens who
have the right to independent and impartial information. The aim is to provide an insight based
on evidence and on professional judgment- undeterred and unshaken by consequence.
To accomplish that, it has assembled that most diversified news team available in anchoring,
news production, news reporting, camera operation, news editing and graphics. A disadvantage
that 7 News Hd Tv is facing that the coverage of international news or events that take place in
the other parts of Pakistan.
Objectives of Internship
• Internship students acquire appropriate skills and techniques directly applicable to their
7 News Hd Tv comes with a number of attributes & benefits that can attract any planner or an
advertiser: Provides a medium through which any advertiser can spread its message across the
entire city of Lahore and its suburbs in the most organized fashion. A medium that has the
capability to carry anything LIVE during its transmission. Extremely quick response time with
least amount of lead time required to air anything due to focused & organized operation.
7 News Hd Tv News is channel of the Network arising out of the chaos created by
blurred ideologies, questionable loyalties, and unclear objectives and in a number of cases, half
truth. 7 News Hd Tv springs out of the void that has been created by the claims in the name of
freedom of expression. It’s headquartering in Lahore.
7 News Hd Tv highlights the issues of concern and the cultural richness of its people through
information, discussion and entertainment. 7 News Hd Tv propagates clearness of responsibility
that will ensure its position as the most credible and meaningful source of information, through
quality programming based on issues. 7 News Hd Tv provides entertainment audiences can relate
to, thereby creating viewer loyalty and response. 7 News Hd Tv counterfeits an association
amongst its stakeholders - viewers, advertisers and shareholders to maximize viewer ownership.
The channel possesses the energy to capture the ebullience of contemporary spirit by bringing
viewers perspectives, news and views. Its diversified team has been provided specialized training
in anchoring, news production, news reporting, camera operation, news editing, graphics,
programming, virtual sets and creative execution.
The stated mission of the 7 News Hd Tv is to inform, educate and entertain and the main area in
which organization deals is the news events, incidents, social issues and although money is also
raised through commercial activities such as sale of merchandise and programming.
The perimeter that 7 News Hd Tv has does not end with this, the channel is equipped with
peerless technology having the best combination of hardware and software that help provide full
connectivity and make it the first tape less broadcast environment in Pakistan.
Its revenues are generated only through sale of commercial airtime. (Advertising on the channel)
So far 7 News Hd Tv has not reached even its breakeven point and have not earned any profits
In 7 News Hd Tv there are many departments according to the working and arrangements of
channel's requirement. Following departments are active in 7 News Hd Tv:
News Department:
News department is the backbone of news channel and the whole channel is based on news
departments' active working. 7 News Hd Tv has a news department which controls all the news
on air in bulletin, tickers, breaking news, news inputs, outputs and packages etc. News
department also deals with the input of the news. These are the sub departments of news
Programming Department:
Programs of 7 News Hd
• 7 big story
• 8@time
• 7 special
News input:
News input deals with the stories covered by reporters, assignment desk's working, reports and
packages selection etc.
News output:
News output deals with the quality of news either news has the quality to on air, checking of
scripts and footages and then passes news to go on air.
News packaging:
News packaging check and edit the package prepared by reports, there is a package producer in
news packaging who pass the package and decide which package is on air at which time either a
package should on air or not.
News editing system:
News editing system is tightly connected to newsroom computer systems and their content
development tools. The highest order of intent for a news editing system designer along with all
technological innovation is to make the innovation either invisible or so compelling that its
visibility does not interfere with the reason that technology exists. The emphasis on technology
has disappeared. Instead, the emphasis is again on content and the most efficient way to execute
the editorial process. For instance, a key concept in the early development of nonlinear editing
systems was that they were offline content decision making tools, which most often were
followed up with online editing of the final piece. That suited the work flow of craft editing well,
mimicking the film process where cuts are conformed on the original negative. Non linear
editors use FCP (Final cut Pro) soft ware in 7 News Hd Tv for non linear editing.
7 News Hd Tv has state of the art news room computer system designed to meet the challenges
of today's dynamic environment a powerful and comprehensive news production system; it can be
customized use for every one- from small news channels with just one broadcast a day, to 24
hours multichannel new networks. It grasps and connects all the elements of news operations.
News gathering, feeds, wires, scripts, rundowns, archive, contacts, video browsers, on air
schedules, personal work space, staffing and much more created and formatted to meet
individual requirements.
News Structure:
Within the limits created by these goals, news stories also aim for the kind of comprehensiveness.
However, other factors are involved, some of which are practical and derived from the media form
and other stylistic.
This is where information meets entertainment and shows are created that are exciting to watch
while being provocative and thoughtful.
Categorization of News:
• Politics
• Sports
• Entertainment
• Business
• crime
• National
• Regional
Duties assigned:
• News packages
• Tickers
• Headlines
• Comparisons
• News packages:
In news department, we spent our maximum time. Made notes for the news, collecting
material from the reporters on call. And converted them into the news represented form such as
VO and scripting. Different tasks being assigned by my supervisor during the internship tenure.
During my internship tenure, I learned about news package, with the collaboration of different
departments we made news packages which we broadcast in our news section. Voice over of the
reporter, footage from the archives department and editing from the NLE department worked
simultaneously in this process. The main task we done in the news section were writing the script
for the news. I had covered the news events and incident as a reporter, maintaining and checking
the news script as a copy editor, assignment desk coordinator, and in monitoring room. I also
observe the News Department as it is the requirement of my internship report 7 News Hd Tv is
strongly focused on News Department.
• Tickers:
I had assigned the task to gather tickers from the other news channel and type those tickers and
send to the tickers desk, make reports, and file news stories and to search the issues for making
reports and package7 News Hd Tv provides me opportunity to know about the news making and
reporting techniques.
My supervisor also assigned me tasks to send the final news package to news anchor and search
the issues from community observation, news papers reading, public opinion etc. I had been
asked to observe the Reporter's activities. So that It will helpful for me in the future life and
increase my worth.
iii. Headlines:
My supervisor assigned me to write headlines of different news channel on Inpage. The software
I learned during the tenure was Inpage, based on urdu working. In start I wrote headlines in 40
mins and with the passage of time I wrote headlines in 15 mins, it was good experience. I also
worked in the monitoring section. Monitored the news of others channels, their pattern of
presenting the news, as well as their time duration. At what time they were broadcasting the
iv. Comparisons:
Comparison of news was another task I done in my internship. Basically I compared tickers that
which news channel on-air the news first and it was very difficult because I watched different
news channel at same time.
نواز شریف 3کی درخواست ضمانت ابتدائی سماعت کیلئے منظور ،سپریم کورٹ کا نیب
،سمیت فریقین کو نوٹس ،ایک ہفتے میں جواب طلب
نومولود سیاستدان نواز شریف کی صحت پر سیاست چمکا رہے ہیں ،حمزہ شہباز کا وزیر3
اعظم سے وزرا کی بیان بازی رکوانے کامطالبہ ،بولے حکومت کو آٹھ ماہ ہو گئے
، ،معیشت وینٹی لیٹر پر ہے
دو روز ہو گئے نواز شریف سے ملنے نہیں دیا جا رہا ،شہباز شریف کہتے ہیں پہلے اہل
خانہ نواز شریف سے روز ملتے تھے ،اب مالقات صرف جمعرات تک محدود کر دی
گئی ،اہل خانہ جب چاہے سابق وزیر اعظم سے ملیں ،کسی کو نہیں روکا ،وزیر اطالعات
، پنجاب کا ردعمل
آصف زرداری اور فریال تالپور کی دس روزہ حفاظتی ضمانت منظور ،منی النڈرنگ کیس
کی اسالم آباد منتقلی کا معاملہ ،سابق صدر اور ہمشیرہ 3کی حکم امتناع سے متعلق اپیلیں
مسترد ،سندھ ہائیکورٹ کا نیب کو نوٹس ،سماعت 26مارچ تک ملتوی،زرداری نے نیب کا
بالوا بھی عدالت میں چیلنج کر دیا
شیخ رشیدکیخالف کل قتل کی دھمکی کامقدمہ درج کرائیں گے،پیپلزپارٹی 3کااعالن،
چودھری منظور کہتے ہیں وزیر ریلوے بہت سے لوگوں کے خودساختہ ترجمان بنے
ہوئے ہیں،پیپلزپارٹی کا18ویں ترمیم اوراین ایف سی پربازومروڑاجارہاہے
کرائسٹ چرچ فائرنگ میں شہید سہیل شاہد کی شاالمار باغ الہور میں غائبانہ نماز
جنازہ،شہید کے بھائی کاحکومتی اقدامات پر اظہار اطمینان ،کرائسٹ چرچ فائرنگ کے
تمام شہدا کا پوسٹ مارٹم مکمل 6،میتیں لواحقین کے حوالے کر دی گئیں
نیوزی لینڈ کی پارلیمنٹ 3کے اجالس کا تالوت کالم پاک سے آغاز ،وزیر اعظم جسینڈا
آرڈنے خطاب السالم وعلیکم سے شروع کیا ،کہتی ہیں حملہ آور کیخالف قانونی کے
مطابق کارروائی ہوگی ،کرائسٹ چرچ فائرنگ میں شہید پاکستانی نعیم رشید کو خراج
روسی صدر کی کرائسٹ چرچ فائرنگ کی مذمت ،پیوٹن کہتے ہیں ایسے واقعات سے
بچنے کیلئے اقدامات کریں گے ،کینیڈین وزیر اعظم کا نفرت اور انتہاپسندی روکنے کیلئے
اقدامات پر زور ،آسٹریلوی وزیر اعظم کا انٹر نیٹ سے انتہا پسند مواد کے خاتمے کا
کرتار پورراہداری پر پاکستان اور بھارت میں تکنیکی امور طے پا گئے ،سروے رپورٹس
کے بعد کراسنگ پوائنٹس 3پر اتفاق ہوگا ،ترجمان دفتر خارجہ کہتے ہیں دونوں ممالک کی
اگلی بیٹھک دو اپریل کو واہگہ میں ہوگی ،راہداری منصوبہ 3امن کیلئے سنگ میل ہے ،جلد
مکمل ہوگا
بیجنگ میں وزیر خارجہ کی چینی نائب صدر سے مالقات ،سی پیک سمیت 3دوطرفہ امور
اور خطے کی صورتحال پر تبادلہ خیال ،شاہ محمود قریشی ہیں خطے میں ہمسایوں سے
بہتر تعلقات چاہتے ہیں ،پاکستان کرپشن کیخالف اقدامات چین کے تجربات سے استفادہ
جی ایچ کیو میں آرمی چیف سے کمانڈرنیشنل گارڈز بحرین کی مالقات ،جنرل قمر باجوہ
عیسی میں دوطرفہ امور پر تبادلہ خیال ،کمانڈر نیشنل 3بحرین
ٰ اور جنرل شیخ 3محمد بن
گارڈز کی خطے میں امن و استحکام کیلئے پاکستان کی کوششوں کی تعریف
ستاروں کی آواز ۔۔۔پاکستان زندہ باد ،یوم پاکستان کے حوالے سے آئی ایس پی آر کا نیا
پرومو جاری ،راحت فتح علی ،ہمایوں سعید ،علی ظفر ،فہد مصطفی ،حمزہ عباسی اور
معروف شوبز ستاروں کا وطن سے محبت کا اظہار
عوا م کیلئے خوشخبری ،تھر کول منصوبے سے بجلی کی پیداوار شروع ہو گئی ،کول
پاور پالنٹ سے 330میگاواٹ بجلی کی نیشنل گرڈ کو فراہمی ،تھر کول اتھارٹی کے
مالزمین نے کامیابی پر جشن منایا ،گرمیوں میں لوڈ شیڈنگ میں کمی کا امکان
مال روڈ الہور پر لیڈی ہیلتھ ورکرز کا تیسرے روز بھی مورچہ ،مظاہرین کا مطالبات کی
منظوری تک احتجاج جاری رکھنے کا اعالن ،چیئرنگ کراس اور اطراف کی سڑکوں پر
ٹریفک کا شدید دباو ،شہریوں کو مشکالت کا سامنا
مونگ پھلی کے دانوں میں منشیات اسمگلنگ کی کوشش ناکام ،اسالم آباد ایئر پورٹ پر
اے این ایف کی کارروائی ،دبئی جانے والے مسافر سے ایک کلو چرس برآمد ،ملزم
گرفتار ،تفتیش جاری
نیدر لینڈ میں فائرنگ کاواقعہ محبت میں ناکامی کا شاخسانہ نکال ،ترک شہری نے سابقہ
گرل فرینڈ پر فائرنگ کی ،حملہ آور گرفتار ،گزشتہ روز ٹرام پر فائرنگ کے واقعے میں
، تین افراد ہالک ،آٹھ زخمی ہوئے تھے
بلوچستان میں سرمئی گھٹاوں کی اٹھکیلیاں ،کوئٹہ سمیت مختلف شہروں میں بارش
،موسم سرد ،باالئی عالقوں میں مطلع ابر آلود ،محکمہ موسمیات کی چند مقامات پر بارش
کی پیشگوئی ،اندرون سندھ اور کراچی میں گرمی بڑھنے کا امکان
پی ایس ایل سے فراغت کے بعد شاہینوں کا مشن کینگروز ،آسٹریلیا سے سیریز کیلئے
قومی کرکٹ ٹیم کی آج یو اے ای روانگی ،شعیب الیون مہمان ٹیم کو ہرانے کیلئے پر عزم
، گرین شرٹس اور کینگروز کا پہال ون ڈے 22مارچ کو کھیال جائیگا
پالسٹک کی بوتلوں کے 25ہزار ڈھکنوں سے بنی انوکھی چٹائی ،شاہکار کو بوسنیا میں
ماحول کے تحفظ سے آگاہی کی مہم کے دوران تخلیق کیا گیا ،اقدام کا مقصد شہریوں میں
ری سائیکلنگ کی عادت کو فروغ دینا تھا۔۔۔
Alia Shahzadi
• Challenges faced during the internship:
• Urdu Composing :
The problem which was faced by me was that I was not familiar with Urdu composing but I
covered it with in a 2weeks.
• Work pending :
Every employee had his own computer but for internees there was no extra computer. So I
had to wait for computer as result my work was pending.
Benefits of Internship:
• An internship provides me the opportunity to gain hands on work experience and give me
the opportunity to use my knowledge and skills that I learned in university into real
professional world.
• Internship gives me the benefit to gain new knowledge and learn new skills.
• Internship gives me the chance to work with different people. Therefore to me this was
another opportunity to make professional contacts and share ideas.
Discrepancies between theory and practice:
During my studies I have learnt a lot about media, their duties, responsibilities and their
effectiveness. But during my working experience I noticed that what we have read theoretically
is not actually practiced. Theory and practice are two parallel aspects for example without proper
theoretical knowledge we may not good in practice and without practice application of theory we
may not be able to understand the theory that what exactly it does mean.
Theory is an idea and basic knowledge which explain something in prescribed way whereas
practice is an exercise and application of any task or applying the theoretical concepts. Ideas and
understanding into practical life. The concepts I have studied are different from practice when I
have done internship. It was entirely a new challenge for me to perform the given duties. This
internship program made us prepare to the world of work by providing practical working
experience. Before this experience I was not aware of the challenges of practical social work.
This internship program increases the chance for me and my other colleagues
to be familiar with working environment and to get an employment in future. Before entering
this program I had read and listen many things about social work and development sector in
theory. Generally it seemed an easy task to perform social welfare activities and to make the
changes in marginalized people. But when I got this opportunity to work with an organization
working in this sector, then I realized that it is a bit different from theoretical things.
When I took part in activities regarding mass awareness program and other, than I
concluded that ground realities are quite different from the theory we learned from books and
teachers. Anyhow it was knowledgeable and I learnt a lot about team building, field work,
professional skills and responsibility. I improved my relationships and communication skills
while working in an organization.
7 News Hd Tv is a place where one can live his dreams and pursue a career that reflects his skills
and passions. 7 News Hd Tv give flexibility for change, the opportunity to learn, and providing
career options with endless possibilities.
The purpose of this report is to describe that how things done in the 7 News Hd Tv. I describe all
the things that I can understand. I observed that all other companies do their work in the same
routine but the difference is made in the strategy, policies and implementation sector.
The 7 News Hd Tv team believes that all employees have a right to offer input and be involved
in helping their organization grow. The HR Department wants to create a work environment in
which employees can improve their minds, continuously learn, gain professional growth and feel
inspired by similarly motivated individuals. The News team takes pride in providing the best
possible news services. They take a constant interest in ones progress by conducting evaluations
and offering the support and resources one needs.
7 News Hd Tv is the backbone of the organization as it is meant to cover the news, inform
people about the event, incidents as quickly, educate and entertain people, convey the message of
both sides and perform as a neutral but highlight the social issues for their solution. The HR
Department hires highly qualified and competent individuals through a screening process.
Outsourcing makes sure that the selection is free from biases.
All the employees in 7 News Hd Tv are equally treated; there is internal equity as well as
external equity. The staff at 7 News Hd Tv is given incentives and rewards so that motivation
and encouragement is expressed.
The skills of employees are developed through proper training & development phases. This
becomes a major factor in the career growth of an employee. 7 News Hd Tv is doing its best
efforts stand the channel at the level of top to the employees, yet there is always some room for
As we have noticed that in the past few year the news media grows at a very rapid pace and we
expected to grow at a same pace in the near future due to the current situation of Pakistani news
media, the news media have to be more responsible in the future and promote positive image of
Pakistan in the world.
In short the future of Pakistani news media should be moderate. News media should provide
public with true news rather than exaggerated news.
• Interns should be providing proper guideline about the work, environment and institution.
• The process and admission for doing an internship in any office should be making easy
for students.
• The media giants should offer jobs to the talented students, who perform well during their
learning period in their organizations.
• The internees are not provided with stipend. In this case it becomes difficult to continue
the internship on regular basis as there is lack of financial support.
• The internee is not provided with their office identity card as it creates sense of insecurity
at different spots.
• The internees are not provided with pick and drop facility.
• VO Voice over
• OC On Camera
• NE News Editor