AIOU Nawa e Waqt Internship Report

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Submitted To: MR.

SHAHID HUSSAIN In-Charge Internship AIOU

Submitted !: S"#D ADNAN HUSSAIAN SHAH RO$$ NO: AH%&''(' Ms) Mass Communi)ation* Session +&,-,-&,-&. Department of Mass Communication

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan

I! RODUC IO! O# $" OR%A!I&A IO!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !"() PAP"R $I) OR*''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' $I) OR* O# !A(A+I+(A, ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' !"() PAP"R I! PA-I) A!.........'.......... A// PA-I) A! !"()PAP"R )OCI" *....'.........''

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Introdu)tion o3 Organi4ation

6e year 789: ;as somet6in< of a landmark in t6e life of $ameed !i=ami ;6en 6e launc6ed 6is fortni<6tly paper called !a;a+i+(aqt from /a6ore on Marc6 >?, 789:, as 6e ;as prescribed by ,uaid+ e+A=am Mu6ammad Ali 2inna6 to support t6e cause of creation of Pakistan or a6reek+e+Pakistan' $e ;as elected President of t6e Pun@ab Muslim )tudentAs #ederations for t6e second time in 789>'$e ;as able to convert 6is fortni<6tly !a;a+i+ (aqt into a (eekly, a ne;spaper ;it6 ;6ic6 6is name ;ill remain associated for ever' On December 7B,789> t6e !a;a+i+(aqt became a (eekly ne;spaper' /ater on, on 2uly 78, 7899 it ;as converted into a daily paper' 6e daily !a;a+i+(aqt came out on 2uly >>,7899 ;it6 a prayer and a messa<e of t6e ,uaid+i+A=am' $ameed !i=ami made !a;a+ i+(aqt ;it6 all its limitations, a po;erful ne;spaper for t6e cause of Muslim /ea<ue and t6e Pakistan Movement' $e ;as a clear 6eaded, met6odical and devoted @ournalist' (it6 t6ese qualities 6e made 6imself a le<end' $e rendered ac for t6e cause of Pakistan durin< t6e entire period of Pakistan Movement and, later, for t6e stability of Pakistan' $e ;as a stron< spokesman of democracy in t6e country' 6e first Martial /a; of 78BC <reatly 6urt 6im ;6ic6 proved fatal for 6is life and 6e departed in #ebruary 78D>'

Ne5spapers: The Histor!

6e ne;s 6as at one point or anot6er played a part in every one of our /ives' (6et6er it is a ;eat6er report <ivin< flas6+flood ;arnin<s, information on presidential campai<ns, or an obituary citin< t6e deat6 of a television personality, ;e crave it' Until t6e recent development and affluence of t6e Internet as a ne;s source, ne;spapers 6ave <lobally been t6e primary

source of current events' $avin< become part of a daily routine in most lives little is kno;n of t6e immense 6istory t6is learnin< tool 6olds' 6e story be<ins some five centuries a<o in "urope' $ere, merc6ants ;ould distribute ne;sletters ;ritten by 6and containin< information re<ardin< t6e ;eat6er, economic conditions, ;ars and 6uman+interest stories' Alt6ou<6 t6is ;as t6e first kno;n form of distributed ;ritten information, t6e country accredited ;it6 t6e creation of t6e first ne;spaper is %ermany' In t6e late fifteent6 century, a cross bet;een a broc6ure and a pamp6let ;as dispersed amon< t6e people, t6e teEt containin< 6i<6ly sensationali=ed stories alon< ;it6 description of t6e current ne;s events' America, 6o;ever, ;as a step be6ind' Public Occurrences, 1ot6 #orei<n and Domestic, ;as t6e first ne;spaper publis6ed in America' Printed by Ric6ard Pierce, and edited by 1en@amin $arris, t6e first copy issued on )eptember >B, 7D8: ;ould also be t6e last' It filled only ? s6eets of paper measurin< siE by ten inc6es, t6e equivalent of fillin< 6alf of t6e front pa<e of a ne;spaper today F79G E >?GH' 6e paper 6ad intended to be issued once a mont6' 6e sudden discontinuation of Public Occurrences ;ould mean t6e last ne;s offered toAmericans for t6e neEt fe; years' Instead, ne;spapers publis6ed in /ondon ;ere read even t6ou<6 t6e Gfirst true ne;spaper in "n<lis6 ;as t6e /ondon %a=ette, publis6ed four years later in7DDD' #ourteen years later, back in America, 2o6n Campbell, a bookseller appointed Postmaster of 1oston, became t6e editor of t6e 1oston !e;s+/etter' 6e first issue ;as dated Monday, April 7I to Monday April >9, 7I:9 and contained only one advertisement' 6is ;as produced ;eekly and continued to be so even ;6en (illiam 1rooke ;as appointed Postmaster to replace Campbell' Campbell refused to aut6ori=e t6e use of t6e title G!e;s+ /etterG to anyone else so 1rooke called 6is ne;spaper t6e G1oston %a=etteG' )even mont6s later, P6ilip Mus<rave ;as a;arded t6e position of Postmaster in 1oston and replaced 1rooke' At t6is time, 2ames #ranklin, t6e printer of t6e %a=ette, ;as also replaced' $e ;anted to start 6is o;n ne;spaper even t6ou<6 friends and family dissuaded 6im from doin< so by tellin< 6im t6at 1oston already 6ad a sufficient number of ne;spapers F>H and a t6ird could not survive' Despite t6is, #ranklin ;ent a6ead and publis6ed 6is o;n ne;spaper, t6e !e; "n<land Courant' 6e first issue ;as printed on Au<ust 78, 7I>7 makin< it t6e fourt6 ne;spaper publis6ed in America' 2amesJ 7? year old brot6er and apprentice, 1en, took over t6e ;ork of layin< type, printin<, and delivery of t6e issues' )iE mont6s later, 2ames #ranklin ;as forbidden to publis6 any more ne;spapers so t6e mast6ead no; carried t6e name G1en #ranklinG as editor and publis6er' 1en, no; le<ally free of bein< an apprentice, and 6avin< a dislike for 6is brot6er 2ames, ran a;ay to !e; *ork and later to P6iladelp6ia' 6e !e; "n<land Courant kept publis6in< issues claimin< 1en #ranklin ;as editor and publis6er until 7I>D ;it6out anyone bein< t6e ;iser'

6e fact t6at ne;spapers 6ad been so scarce in "urope, America, and many ot6er continents is due to many factors' o find a literate man ;as no easy task after "urope ;as emer<in< from t6e black a<e' Paper ;as eEtremely eEpensive, and 6ard to come across, and t6e task of printin< ;as lon< and laborious' 6e latter ;as still a problem even ;it6 t6e invention of t6e printin< press in 79?D' A ?8+year+old 2o6ann %utenber< came up ;it6 a printin< met6od, ;6ere, by arran<in< stamps displayin< t6e letters of t6e alp6abet, one could construct a pa<e of literature to be copied numerous times' 6is became kno;n as t6e %utenber< Press, one of t6e <reater inventions t6e fifteent6 century 6eld' Alt6ou<6 a <iant improvement from 6and copyin<, t6is met6od still required t6e rearran<ement of t6e letters eac6 time a ne; pa<e ;as to be printed' In t6e early 7C::Js t6e development of continuous rolls of paper en6anced t6e ori<inal %utenber< added efficiency of printin< made t6e prices of printed <oods more reasonable 6ence t6e term Gpenny pressG' 6is p6rase ori<inated ;6en ne;spaperman 1en@amin Day dropped t6e price of 6is !e; *ork )un to a penny a copy in 7C??' $istorians 6ave accredited t6e Gpenny pressG as t6e first true mass medium' Anot6er advancement in t6e 6istory of printin< ;as t6e ori<in of /inotype, a met6od of creatin< movable type by mac6ine instead of by 6and' 6is ;as introduced in 7CC9 and marked a si<nificant leap in production speed' In terms of t6e use of Computers in t6e field of printin<, especially ne;spapers, t6e pro<ression is unbelievable' #rom t6e first daisy+;6eel and dot matriE GimpactG printers to common use of t6e non+impact printers4 ink+@et, laser and t6ermal+ transfer, printin< presses are on t6e brink of becomin< a t6in< of t6e past' 6e bi< question re<ardin< ;6at t6e future 6olds for t6e old+fas6ioned ne;spaper is ;6et6er or not it ;ill be overcome by t6e use of t6e Internet' )tudies s6o; t6at from 788> to 788I, t6e ;eekly 6ours of usin< t6e Internet 6as increased from 7'C 6ours, to 8'7' Alt6ou<6 t6e evidence is convincin< t6at in t6e future t6e use of computers ;ill obliterate t6at of ne;spapers, sometimes t6e tan<ible aspect is too <reat to <ive up for a color monitor' *ou may be convinced t6at t6ereJs no better ;ay to relaE t6an ;it6 some black coffee and t6e front pa<e' Or per6aps up+to+t6e+minute updates on top stories are more your interest' All ;e can say is4 o eac6 6is o;n, but al;ays keep an open mind'

$ameed !i=ami ;as born in )an<la $ill F)6eik6upuraH on 2anuary ?, 787B' $e left 6is 6ome to;n in 78?> to study at Islamia Colle<e, /a6ore' After <raduation 6e moved to #orman C6ristian Colle<e, /a6ore for 6is M'A' in "n<lis6' (6ile in Islamia Colle<e 6e edited t6e Colle<e ma<a=ine GCrescentG ;it6 t6e additional 6onour of bein< t6e Deputy "ditor of G)arbaanG, a political and literary mont6ly' $e ;as t6e founder President of t6e JMuslim )tudents #ederationJ in 78?I' 6is student body played a pivotal role in <alvani=in< t6e Muslim *out6 under t6e banner of Muslim /ea<ue' It ;as immediately after t6e adoption of t6e JPakistan ResolutionJ t6at under t6e instructions of t6e ,uaid+e+

A=am Mo6ammad Ali 2inna6 $ameed !i=ami started t6e fortni<6tly G!a;a+e+ (aqtG on Marc6 >I , 789: from /a6ore' In !ovember, 7897 it ;as converted into a ;eekly and in 2uly 7899 into a daily ne;spaper' On all t6ese t6ree occasions, t6e ,uaid felicitated $ameed !i=ami for 6is endeavours' Indeed t6e very idea of t6e !a;a+e+(aqt ;as to plead t6e Pakistan cause' Despite bein< a spokesman of t6e Muslim /ea<ue, t6e !a;a+e+(aqt ;as neit6er a party paper nor did $ameed !i=ami desired it to :: so' $ameed !i=ami belon<ed to a breed of 2ournalists ;6o 6ad started t6eir career as activists in t6e #reedom Movement' Until 6is untimely deat6 on #ebruary >B, 78D> at t6e youn< a<e of 9D, 6e conducted t6e policy of 6is Paper in letter and spirit of $adit6 ;6ic6 still appears on t6e editorial pa<e of t6e J!a;a+e+(aqtJ' 7R#A$ 8IHAD IS TO S/#A9 TH# TRUTH #1OR# A T"RANNICA$ RU$#R:.

$ameed !i=amiJs belief in t6e freedom of t6e Press ;as absolutely unassailable' Accordin< to 6im Ga dis6onest and sycop6ant Press can do no service to t6e country or t6e <overnment in po;er' On t6e contrary an opposition or critical Press cannot do even one+tent6 of t6e dama<e t6at a sycop6ant Press can do to a <overnment' 6e sycop6ant Press keeps t6e leaders6ip una;are of t6e )entiments of t6e people and t6e real 6appenin<s in t6e country' 1y doin< t6is it creates a false sense of security amon<st t6e rulin< elite ;6ic6 unintentionally starts t6inkin< t6at t6e populace is very 6appy ;it6 t6eir policiesG' F"Ecerpts from an editorial of !a;a+e+(aqt'' One of t6e most distin<uis6ed aspects of $ameed !i=amiJs bent of mind ;as t6at 6e considered @ournalism to be full+time, all+embracin< profession' Once 6e became a @ournalist, 6e refrained from active politics' $e ;as a prolific speaker' $e considered 6is ne;spaper to be better ve6icle to serve t6e cause of Pakistan t6an <oin< into active politics' Anot6er important aspect of $ameed !i=am 's policy bias for t6e !a;a+e+(aqt ;as 6is total re@ection of t6ose ;6o 6ad opposed t6e creation of Pakistan'

#ar;! ;i3e < edu)ation

Mr' Ma@id !i=ami born on April ?, 78>C into a modest 6ome in )an<la $ill, )6eik6upura' $is elementary education ;as carried out at t6e )an<la $ill %overnment $i<6 )c6ool' A little before t6e inception of Pakistan, 6e moved to /a6ore ;6ere 6e took 6is Matriculation eEamination and passed 6is #'A' from t6e Islamia Colle<e, Rail;ay Road' Upon <raduation from t6e %overnment Colle<e /a6ore in 78B>, 6e enrolled at University of t6e Pun@ab ;6ere 6e read for an M'A' de<ree in Political )cience' Durin< 6is stint as a student at t6e Islamia Colle<e, Ma@id !i=ami took an active part in t6e Pakistan Movement from t6e platform of t6e Muslim )tudents #ederation' In reco<nition of t6ese services, Prime Minister /iaquat Ali -6an a;arded 6im t6e 6onour of Mu@a6id+e+ e6rik+e+Pakistan alon< ;it6 a s;ord as a symbolic <esture'

Mo=e to #ng;and

Ma@id !i=ami proceeded to "n<land in 78B9 after obtainin< 6is M'A' de<ree' $ere 6e remained a student of International Affairs at t6e University of /ondon and attended %reyJs Inn for t6e 1ar' Durin< t6is time 6e ;rote consistently for t6e !a;a+i+(aqt and even before 6e left for /ondon ;rote t6e famousKcitation neededL editorial column )areRa6e for t;o years in /a6ore' At t6e same time 6e dili<ently assisted 6is brot6er $ameed !i=ami in t6e day+to+day runnin< of t6e affairs of t6e business' (6ile in /ondon, Ma@id !i=ami acted as a political reporter for !a;a+i+(aqt and in doin< so met many 6eads of state and ot6er notable ;orld leaders'Kcitation neededL In 78D>, o;in< to t6e martial la; imposed by Ayub -6an and 6is takeover of t6e country, t6e pressures on Ma@id !i=amiJs beloved brot6er $ameed !i=ami became too intense for 6im to bear, resultin< in 6is sudden demise'Kcitation neededL KeditL Return to Pakistan Ma@id !i=ami returned to Pakistan and vo;ed to follo; in 6is brot6erJs footsteps' It ;as early on in Ayub -6anJs dictatorial re<ime t6at Ma@id !i=ami took over t6e rei<ns of !a;a+i+(aqt' (it6 <reat coura<e 6e opposed t6e military <overnment and in t6e presidential elections fearlessly backed t6e ,uaidJs sister, t6e Madr+e+Millat, #atima 2inna6 as t6e opposin< candidate to t6e t6en #orei<n Minister' 2ust as AyubJs re<ime 6ad been, so after 6im ;as *a6ya -6anJs <overnment staunc6ly opposed by !a;a+i+(aqt under t6e <uidance of Ma@id !i=ami' Ot6er t6an military <overnments, even civilian <overnments 6ave tried to influence !a;a+i+(aqtJs independent policies t6rou<6 coercion and pressuri=ation' &' A' 16utto from 6is first day in po;er, not only slas6ed t6e paperJs <overnment advertisements but also ;it66eld its quota of ne;sprint' !a;a+i+(aqt refused to buckle under' %eneral &ia+ul+$aqJs martial la; ;as no differentM Ma@id !i=ami 6eld 6i<6 t6e fla< of unflinc6in< trut6 and in !a;a+i+(aqtJs editorials and ot6er times in person made 6is voice 6eard in support of fundamental 6uman ri<6ts and democratic freedoms' Durin< t6e times of 1ena=ir 16utto and !a;a= )6arif, still no concessions ;ere made and ;6en t6ose in po;er ;ere t6ou<6t to be strayin< from t6e ri<6t pat6 Ma@id !i=ami rebuked t6em unflinc6in<ly'


Ma@id !i=ami and !a;a+i+(aqt represent t6e basic ideolo<y of "stablis6ment' In t6e last 9B years, Ma@id !i=ami 6as acquainted 6is institution ;it6 ne; 6ei<6ts of 6onour and di<nity and made !a;a+i+(aqt a force to be reckoned ;it6' On t6e intellectual front, 6is interpretation of t6e basic ideolo<y by, and for ;6ic6, Pakistan ;as formed 6as been relentlessly promoted and defendedM ;6ile on t6e political front Ma@id !i=ami 6as made !a;a+i+(aqt a mi<6ty political ;eapon' Under 6is leaders6ip, it 6as become t6e most ;idely respected and influential paper of t6e country, ;6ic6, in t6e ;ords of Asfandyar (ali, 6olds vision and commitment to trut6 as its policy'

Charit! 0or?s
Ma@id !i=amiJs purity of t6ou<6t and coura<e of conviction is s6o;cased everyday in t6e pa<es of t6e !a;a+i+(aqt' It is Ma@id !i=amiJs policy t6at 6as earned t6e !a;a+i+(aqt t6e unconditional trust and esteem of readers in

Pakistan and around t6e ;orld' Of t6is policy, Ma@id !i=amiJs first and foremost concern is t6e benefit of t6e Muslim nation' It ;ould be inconceivable for 6im to tolerate anyt6in<, ;6ic6 appeared to be contrary to its <ood' 1e it t6e pli<6t of t6e Af<6ans, 1osnians, C6ec6ens, Iraqis or t6e Palestinians ;6o ;ere in dire straitsM 1an<lades6i 1e6ari refu<ees or t6e -as6miris ;6o need 6is 6elp, in every difficult time 6e is to be seen standin< s6oulder to s6oulder;it6 6is Muslim bret6ren' #unds ;ere sent to 6elp 1osnians, t6e -as6mir #und and Ma6sureen+ e+Pakistan in 1an<lades6 #und provide monetary assistance to t6ese respective <roups' 6e affected persons of t6e October >::B eart6quake, are to t6is day bein< aided by t6e !a;a+i+(aqt "art6quake Affectees #und'

9ashmir is the 8agu;ar 2ein o3 /a?istan

Ma@id !i=ami firmly believes t6at ;it6out -as6mir, Pakistan is incomplete' As t6e ,uaid said4 G-as6mir is indeed t6e 2u<ular 0ein of PakistanG' Ma@id !i=ami 6as fou<6t tirelessly at t6e front of t6e stru<<le to <ain -as6miris t6eir ri<6t of self+determination as promised by t6e proclamations of t6e U!, and to make t6e territory a reco<ni=ed part of Pakistan' 6e !a;a+i+(aqtJs -as6miri relief fund provides muc6 needed monetary support to -as6miri families' #unds are also provided to cover eEpenses pertainin< to t6e marria<e of youn< ladies in -as6mir' O;in< to t6e ille<al occupation of -as6mir, 6e remains a fierce and open opponent of friendly relations ;it6 India, unless and until t6e issue is resolved accordin< t6e U! Resolution on -as6mir' $avin< visited nearly every country on t6e ;orld map Fmost of "urope, includin< "astern "urope and Russia durin< 6is years in /ondonH, Ma@id !i=ami refuses to visit India, even ;6en invited by various Pakistani dele<ations to accompany t6em' $e cites 1an<lades6 as bein< a direct creation of India and believes t6at India never accepted partition and is relentlessly conspirin< to undo Pakistan and undermine its stren<t6'

/a?-China 1riendship
Ma@id !i=ami is a staunc6 promoter of Pak+C6ina friends6ip and 6as visited t6e PeopleJs Republic of C6ina on numerous occasions' $e 6as 6ad t6e privile<e of meetin< t6e founder of t6e PeopleJs Republic of C6ina, C6airman Mao+ se un< and t6e Prime Minister, Mr C6ou "nlai and also 6ad t6e 6onour of s6arin< t6e main dinner table ;it6 t6em alon< ;it6 ot6er Pakistani di<nitaries'

A5ards < Honours

Ma@id !i=amiJs services to t6e country 6ave been continually lauded and appreciated t6rou<6 t6e years' 6e Pakistan $uman Ri<6ts )ociety a;arded Mr Ma@id !i=ami t6e $uman Ri<6ts A;ards ;it6 <reat pride' On 2anuary 8, >::B, in a <at6erin< of eminent personalities, Mr Ma@id !i=ami collected t6e a;ard in person' In li<6t of 6is dedication to t6e protection of 6uman ri<6ts in -as6mir and 6is searc6 for a democratic solution to t6e -as6mir issue, Ma@id !i=ami 6as very ri<6tly been named a Mu@a6id+i+-as6mir' $e 6as numerous times been elected

t6e president of t6e AP!) and CP!", professional bodies of publis6ers and editors, ;6ic6 are t6e <uardian institutions of t6eprint media of Pakistan' $is services to t6e country 6ave been reco<nised by various <overnments' $e 6asreceived t6e )itara+i+Pakistan, )itara+i+Imtia= and t6e sin<le <reatest 6onour t6at can be a;arded, t6e !is6an+i+Imtia=' %eneral &ia+ul+$aq recommended 6im as a nominee to t6e )6ura FParliamentH, Prime Minister 2une@o su<<ested t6e %overnors6ip of t6e Pun@ab to 6im and Prime Minister !a;a= )6arif ;it6 6is fat6er offered 6im t6e Presidency of t6e country' All of ;6ic6 6e respectfully declined, sayin< t6at t6e title of t6e editor of !a;a+i+(aqt is ;6at best <rants 6im t6e opportunity and privile<e of servin< 6is country'


Associated Press of Pakistan +A//. is a <overnment- operated national ne;s a<ency of Pakistan' It is not associated ;it6 t6e Associated Press a<ency FAPH'

6e aut6entic 6istory of t6e Associated Press of Pakistan as told by t6e #ounder of t6e Associated Press of Pakistan, Malik a@uddin4 6e evolution of t6e Associated Press of Pakistan as t6e !ational !e;s A<ency o;es its inspiration to t6e #at6er of t6e !ation, ,uaid+e+A=am, ;it6 ;6om my initial contact ;as establis6ed in 78?D ;6en I ;as in my late t;enties and 6ad 6ardly five years eEperience as a ;orkin< @ournalist' 6e contact proved so fruitful and pre<nant ;it6 possibilities t6at I ;as destined under 6is benevolent <uidance and patrona<e to play a leadin< role in my particular sp6ere of professional activity' 6e ,uaid+e+A=amAs personal interest in my career furt6er developed ;6en I ;as posted in t6e ReuterAs $ead Office for t6e "ast in 1ombay in 78?C+?8' 6e NDeliverance DayO FDecember >>, 78?8, observed in response to t6e call issue by t6e ,uaid+e+A=am to commemorate t6e elimination of t6e Con<ress Ministries in t6e seven Provinces of India, o;in< to difference on t6e question of t6e ;ar effortH brou<6t me <ood luck, ;it6 t6e rest of t6e Muslims of India and I ;as instructed by t6e ReuterAs %eneral Mana<er for t6e "ast to proceed to /a6ore ;6ere t6e session of t6e All+India Muslim /ea<ue ;as due to be 6eld ;it6in t6ree mont6s'I not only reported t6e 6istoric session for t6e Indian and (orld Press but ;as able to establis6 contry;ide acquaintance ;it6 t6e Muslim /ea<ue leaders6ip' As a pioneer in t6e ne;s a<ency field, I received ent6usiastic support from one and all'My administrative sp6ere ;it6 6eadquarters at /a6ore ;as <radually eEtended to cover Muslim India includin< t6e Princely )tate of $yderabad and ;it6 t6e passa<e of time I ;as assi<ned t6e role of ReuterAs Advisor on Muslim Affairs in )out6 Asia' In )eptember, 7899, after t6e 6istoric 2inna6+%and6i talks in 1ombay t6e ,uaid+e+A=am in a special intervie; <ranted to Malik a@uddin told 6im t6at 6e ;as convinced t6at t6e emer<ence of an independent soverei<n Muslim state ;as inevitable and t6at t6e time 6ad come for Malik a@uddin to take in 6and preparatory ;ork for t6e formation of PakistanJs national ne;s a<ency' )ince t6e 1ritis6 %overnmentAs tentative

decision to transfer po;er to Indian 6ands indicated in t6e Cripps Offer t6e Indian ne;spapers actin< to<et6er t6rou<6 "astern and Indian !e;spapers )ociety and t6e Indian !e;spapers "ditors Conference 6ad been pressin< Reuters for transfer to t6em of t6e control and o;ners6ip of t6e Associated Press of India' As by lar<e t6e Indian ne;spapers ;it6 a stron< pro+$indu and anti+Muslim bias ;ere o;ned and controlled by $indu capitalists t6e Muslim cause ;ent by default and t6e question of protection of t6e Muslim interests assumed fundamental importance durin< t6e Pakistan movement' 1ut t6e Muslim ne;spapers, financially back;ard and ot6er;ise disor<ani=ed as t6ey ;ere, failed to influence vital decisions concernin< t6e Press'

A$$ /A9ISTAN N#0S/A/#R SOCI#T" - A/NS:

6e All Pakistan !e;spapers )ociety is a premier body of ne;spapers publis6ers, ;6ic6 6as been 6eaded by suc6 au<ust personalities as Mr'$amid !i=ami , Mir -6alil+ur+Ra6man, Mian Iftik6aruddin, Mr' #ak6re Matri, Mr'$amid Ma6mood, Mr' *ousuf $aroon, Mr' Ma6mood $aroon, Mr' A'%' Mir=a, -a=i Mo6ammad Akber , Mr' Muna;ar $idayet Ulla6, Mr' -'M'$amid Ulla6 and Mr' An;arul Islam of Pakistan Observer Dacca' 6e Pakistan !e;spapers )ociety, a precursor to t6e AP!), ;as establis6ed in 78B:, primarily due to t6e efforts of t6e late Mrs' $ameed !i=ami and $amid Ma6mood' It functioned for a number of years but could not receive muc6 support or reco<nition eit6er from t6e publis6ers and advertisin< a<encies in <eneral and t6e aut6orities in po;er in particular' Publis6ersJ or<ani=ations also functioned in "ast Pakistan and -arac6i but t6ese provincial bodies could not effectively represent t6e interests of t6e ne;spaper industry' In t6e year 78B?, it ;as decided to form t6e All Pakistan !e;spapers )ociety, mer<in< all t6e eEistin< <roups of publis6ers' It ;as also decided to establis6 t6e 6eadquarters of t6is or<ani=ation at -arac6i, as at t6at time t6e ma@ority of t6e ma@or publications ori<inated from t6ere' It took some time to be or<ani=ed on a professional basis' A rented premises for t6e office ;as obtained in #arid C6ambers, from ;6ere it continues to function, paid staff ;as 6ired, etc' 6e or<ani=ation eEpanded rapidly ;it6 t6e inclusion of ne; members from all over t6e country and ;as soon able to call itself t6e All Pakistan !e;spapers )ociety' 6e formation of an or<ani=ation of publis6ers ;as critically required to facilitate t6e eEc6an<e of t6eir vie;s on matters of common interest amon< ne;spaper o;ners' 6e AP!) successfully afforded to ne;spaper o;ners t6e means to ;atc6 over, protect, preserve and promote t6e ri<6ts and interests of t6e ne;spaper industry on matters directly or indirectly affectin< t6eir ri<6ts and interests' 6e AP!) remained very active in 6andlin< t6e problems faced by its members vis+a+vis t6e Provincial and central <overnments relatin< to advertisements, clearance of dues, taEes and duties and ne;sprint' It became a

force to be reckoned ;it6 in t6e publis6in< and advertisin< ;orld and laid do;n rules of conduct for member publications as ;ell as t6e advertisin< a<encies' One of t6e ma@or rules framed bein< t6e accreditation of advertisin< a<encies by t6e All Pakistan !e;spapers )ociety, introducin< security deposits and clearance sc6edule to member publications ;it6in a specified period' !on+ payment of bills of any publications, bi< or small, carried t6e penalty of suspension till suc6 time t6at all t6e bills ;ere cleared' 6us t6e )ociety 6as successfully evolved a mec6anism of streamlinin< advertisement and clearance system protectin< t6e collective interests of its member publications, advertisin< a<encies as ;ell as advertisers' 6e AP!) )ecretariat not only 6andles t6e complaints of its members a<ainst non+payment by advertisin< a<encies but it also puts its best efforts to settle t6e disputes bet;een advertisin< a<encies and t6eir clients' 6e system of enlistment of clients of accredited advertisin< a<encies effectively safe<uards t6e interests of t6e a<encies' Under t6is system, no listed clients are allo;ed to release t6eir ads in any member publication ;it6out t6e clearance by t6e concerned a<ency' 6e si<nificance of t6is Or<ani=ation is duly reflected in t6e fact t6at it provides a brid<e bet;een t6e ne;spapers and t6e advertisin< a<encies' It ;as an accepted reality t6at t6e ne;spapers and t6e advertisin< a<encies are t6e t;o ;6eels of t6e same carria<e and not anta<onistic rivals' 6ey complement eac6 ot6er and t6e eEistence of one is ineEtricably linked ;it6 t6at of t6e ot6er' $o;ever, in order to make t6e liaison bet;een ne;spapers and advertisin< a<encies closer and firmer t6e AP!) 6ad taken positive steps to consolidate t6e mutual relations6ip' 6e )ociety also endeavored to encoura<e, promote and develop t6e science and art of @ournalism and ne;spaper industry and in t6is connection, in 78C7, t6e AP!) instituted advertisin< a;ards in various cate<ories to promote advertisin<, particularly desi<nin< and copy ;ritin<, <ivin< a bi< fillip to advertisin< profession in Pakistan' )ubsequently t6e 2ournalist A;ards ;ere launc6ed in 78C>' 6e A;ards ceremonies are bein< re<ularly 6eld since 78C7' 6e AP!) 6as eEtended its protective umbrella to publications from small to;ns and also to t6e country' In 78I7 t6ere ;ere 97 publications on t6e roll of t6e )ociety ;6ereas in >::? t6e number re<ional lan<ua<e presses t6at 6ad en6anced t6e representative c6aracter of t6e )ociety' Over t6e years t6e AP!) 6as <ro;n into a true representative body of ne;spapers and ma<a=ines all over t6e rose to >D>' 6e AP!), t6rou<6out its 6istory 6as ori<inated and promoted improvements in t6e la; and supported or opposed alterations t6erein' 6e )ociety 6ad launc6ed a protracted stru<<le a<ainst t6e PPO alon< ;it6 or<ani=ations of editors and @ournalists' 6e stru<<le resulted in t6e quas6in< of t6is anti+press la; and t6e introduction of relatively better la; in t6e form of t6e RPPO' In 7888, t6e AP!) 6ad prepared a set of press la;s includin< t6e Draft for t6e formation of Press Council in Pakistan, re<istration of Printin< Presses, !e;spapers Ordinance and a draft #reedom of Information Act' After t6orou<6 discussions amon< t6e AP!), CP!" and t6e Ministry of Information, t6e drafts

on t6e Press Council and t6e Re<istration of Presses and !e;spapers ;ere finali=ed and enacted in >::>' 6e member publications are rapidly adoptin< modern tec6niques and facilities and trained manpo;er in all fields to cope ;it6 t6e c6allen<es a6ead especially due to t6e <ro;t6 of t6e electronic media' It is 6eartenin< t6at many ne;spapers and ma<a=ines brou<6t out in Pakistan maintain @ournalistic and publis6in< standards in line ;it6 t6e international press and are en@oyin< t6e facilities offered by information tec6nolo<y'

6e Media in Pakistan due to t6e liberal policies of P"MRA FPakistan "lectronic Media Re<ulatory Aut6orityH and sustained economic <ro;t6 of D'DP per annum for t6e past siE years, is a boomin< industry' "ver since t6e 6i<6ly re<ulated air ;aves of Pakistan ;ere rippled by t6e penetration of t6e first private 0 c6annel, t6ere 6as been no lookin< back' In t6e early t;enty+first century, t6e amount of print media in Pakistan declined precipitously ;6ile total circulation increased' #rom 7889 to 788I, t6e total number of daily, mont6ly, and ot6er publications increased from ?,>9> to 9,9BB but 6ad dropped to @ust 89B by >::? ;it6 most of t6e decline occurrin< in t6e Pun@ab Province' $o;ever, from 7889 to >::? total print circulation increased substantially, particularly for dailies F? million to D'> millionH' Print media are publis6ed in 77 lan<ua<es, but most are publis6ed in Urdu and )ind6i, and "n<lis6+lan<ua<e publications are numerous' 6e press <enerally publis6es free from censors6ip and 6as played an active role in national elections, but @ournalists often eEercise self+censors6ip as a result of arrests and intimidation by <overnment and societal actors' Most print media are privately o;ned, but t6e <overnment controls t6e !ational Press rust, a ma@or ne;spaper publis6er, and t6e Associated Press of Pakistan, one of t6e t;o ma@or ne;s a<encies' 6e constitution <uarantees t6e ri<6ts of free speec6 and press but also allo;s for <overnment restrictions in cases of offenses a<ainst Islam, public morality, national security, and ot6er circumstances' In fact, t6e <overnment can fine and imprison t6ose ;6o broadcast material t6at is deemed inconsistent ;it6 Nnational and social valuesO'

/etAs 6ave a look at t6e otal readers6ip of !e;spapers in Pakistan, and ;e ;ill <et to kno; t6at na;a+i+;aqt 6o;ever, coverin< a very particular and nic6e cate<ory of !e;spaper readers, still it covers a <ood c6unk of percenta<e of readers'

otal ne;spaper readers in Pakistan are estimated to be C,:::,::: ;6ile readers6ip of !a;a+i+;aqt is estimated to be I8:,::: t6at is almost 7CP of total readers6ip, ;6ile its circulation is calculated to be as 7?C,::: otal readers6ips for any !e;spaper is calculated asM
TOTA$ R#AD#RSHI/ @ Tota; )ir)u;ation +No. o3 )opies. A A=erage reader per )op!

Mission* 2ision and ObBe)ti=es o3 Organi4ation

Our mission is to provide accurate, credible and eEtensive information ;it6 an added unique dimension t6at speaks to our readers from a national point of vie;' 1rin<in< to t6em a complete picture of ;6at is 6appenin< in Pakistan as ;ell as abroad' (e assist our readers in formin< opinions and makin< decisions t6at are balanced and ;ell informed'

2ISION STAT#M#NT:i4+ o en6ance t6e <lobal community by creatin<, collectin< and distributin< 6i<6 quality ne;s, information and entertainment' ii4+!a;a+i+;aqt is dedicated to t6e ideal of independent, fair and unbiased @ournalism' !e;s, opinion and advertisin< are and must remain clearly separated' iii4+"qually, ;e are all united in our dedication to t6e success of !a;a+i+ ;aqt as a viable and vital business' iv4+ Diversity <ives our enterprise versatilityand stren<t6' 6at is ;6y ;e are committed in all our endeavors, @ournalistic and commercial, to embrace and respect t6e differences of our co+;orkers and our readers' ItAs our ob@ective to up6old t6e 6i<6est @ournalistic, business and personal et6ics and keep a relentless focus on servin< our customers'

O 8#CTI2#S O1 NA0A-I-0A>T:6ere are several ob@ectives of !a;a+i+;aqt ' i4+ !a;a+i+;aqt is an independent business or<ani=ation, ;6ic6 6as a capability to analy=e and solve t6e clientAs matters and above all be a unbiasedsource of information'

ii4+ 6e element of independency is necessar y to #ull support t6e client for t6eir prosperity and development and maintain t6e establis6ed repute of a unbiased or<ani=ation' iii'It consists of creative and business mind personals, reporters, ;riters, editors and productionpersonnel' iv' !a;a+i+;aqt ;orks for t6e presti<ious repute of its or<ani=ation ;6ic6 it 6as built over t6e years' v' !a;a+i+;aqt 6as a ;ell establis6ed set rules and re<ulations and no one can break t6ese rulesincludin< t6e C"O' 0i4+Marketin< and advertisin< departments ;ork for t6e clients and also 6elp t6em in sortin< out t6eir problems relatin< to t6e advertisin< etc' vii4 "qual employment opportunity' viii' Independence in ;orkin< of t6e employees'

Organi4ationa; Stru)ture
Compan! Management S!stem4 +
A mana<ement system is a proven frame;ork for mana<in< andcontinuallyimprovin<your or<ani=ationJs policies, procedures and processes. C#O : Mr Ma@eed !i=ami

Resident #ditor Croup Manager Cir)u;ation Mar?eting

: : : :

Mr 2aved )iddiq Mus6taq %or6mani Ra@a $anif Imran

Organi4ationa; Stru)ture:
An or<ani=ational structure is t6e formal frame ;ork by ;6ic6 @ob tasks are divided, <rouped and coordinated' Or<ani=ational structure portrays t6e task people are assi<ned, ;6o t6ey report to, ;6o t6ey ;ork ;it6 and ;6o t6ey must interact ;it6 in order to <et t6eir @obs done' 6e desi<n of an or<ani=ation reflects t6e or<ani=ationAs ob@ectives and t6e strate<ies c6osen' 6e structure of an or<ani=ation consists of t6e span of administration, unity of command, division of labor and departmentali=ation '


$#CA$IT": !a;a+i+;aqt concepts comply ;it6 t6e la;s and re<ulation of t6e Country in ;6ic6 t6ey conduct t6eir business, also ;it6 t6e present Code and finally ;it6 t6e internal policies and procedures, applyin<t6em ;it6 t6e utmost equity and fairness' INT#CRIT": (it6 re<ards to t6e conduct vis a vis t6ird parties, t6e Recipients s6all act ;it6 fairness andtransparency avoidin< misleadin< and unfait6ful information' $O"A$T": 6e relations ;it6 all ot6er parties, s6all fulfill t6e utmost loyalty, meanin< to be fait6ful topromises and covenants, to act ;it6 responsibility, to preserve and to en6ance t6e value of t6eCompanyJs asset and to act in <ood fait6 in every activity and decision' TRANS/AR#NC": CompanyJs internal relations and relations ;it6 ot6er parties s6all be based on 6onesty, correctnessand completeness'

R#S/#CT O1 HUMAN DICNIT": 6e Recipients s6all respect 6uman fundamental ri<6ts also protectin< moral inte<rity and <uaranteein< equal opportunities' In t6e conduct of internal relations6ips, discriminatory be6aviors based on political opinion, labor union opinion, reli<ion, race, nationality, a<e, seE, seEual attitude, 6ealt6 status and, more in <eneral, ot6er intimate c6aracter, are not allo;ed ' CON1ID#NTIA$IT": 6e Recipients <uarantee t6at t6e acquired information is kept confidential' 6e recipients s6all disclose information and CompanyJs data eEclusively in t6e performance of t6eir duties and, in any case, s6all not disclose sensitive information ;it6out t6e CompanyJs aut6ori=ation'


Mana<ement in all business areas and or<ani=ational activities are t6e acts of <ettin< people to<et6er to accomplis6 desired <oals and ob@ectives efficiently and effectively' i4+ Mana<ement ii4+ Comprises iii4+ Plannin< iv4+ Or<ani=in< v4+ )taffin< vi4+ /eadin< or directin< vii4+ Controllin< An or<ani=ation Fa <roup of one or more people or entitiesH or effort for t6e purpose of accomplis6in< a <oal' Resourcin< encompasses t6e deployment and manipulation of 6uman resources, financial resources, tec6nolo<ical resources, and natural resources'1ecause or<ani=ations can be vie;ed as systems, mana<ement can also be defined as 6uman action,includin< desi<n, to facilitate t6e production of useful outcomes from a system' 6is vie; opens t6eopportunity to Jmana<eJ oneself, a pre+requisite to attemptin< to mana<e ot6ers' Mana<ement can also refer to t6e person or people ;6o perform t6e actFsH of mana<ement'

Demo)rati) D /arti)ipati=e De)ision Ma?ing and Management St!;e

6e democratic leaders6ip style is also called t6e participative style as it encoura<es employees to be a part of t6e decision makin<' 6e democratic mana<er keeps 6is or 6er employees informedabout everyt6in< t6at affects t6eir ;ork and s6ares decision makin< and problem solvin<responsibilities' 6is style requires t6e leader to be a coac6 ;6o 6as t6e final say, but <at6ersinformation from staff members before makin< a decision'

Democratic leaders6ip can produce 6i<6 quality and 6i<6 quantity ;ork for lon< periods of time' many employees like t6e trust t6ey receive and respond ;it6 cooperation, team spirit, and 6i<6 morale' ypically t6e democratic leader4

The demo)rati) ;eadership st!;e is most e33e)ti=e 5hen:

i++ 6e leader ;ants to keep employees informed about matters t6at affect t6em' ii++ 6e leader ;ants employees to s6are in decision+makin< and problem+solvin< duties' iii++ 6e leader ;ants to provide opportunities for employees to develop a 6i<6 sense of personal <ro;t6 and @ob satisfaction' iv++ 6ere is a lar<e or compleE problem t6at requires lots of input to solve' v++C6an<es must be made or problems solved t6at affect employees or <roups of employees' vi++*ou ;ant to encoura<e team buildin< and participation'

1asically Production is defined as to producin< <oods t6rou<6 by convertin< ra; material into finis6ed <oods' /and /abor Capital "ntrepreneurs6ip 6ese are four <enerally reco<ni=ed factors of production' Of course, in a literal sense anyt6in< contributin< to t6e productive process is a factor of production' $o;ever, economists seek to classify all inputs into a fe; broad cate<ories, so standard usa<e refers to t6e cate<ories t6emselvesas factors'

/ro)ess o3 )omp;etion o3 Dai;! Na5a-i-5aEt4

!e;s <at6erin< editin< by editor finali=e by pa<e maker Printin<

!e;s <at6erin< editin< by editor finali=e by pa<e maker Printin< !e;s items are <at6ered by correspondents and reporters ;6o are speciali=ed in t6eir o;n cate<ory' 6ey are provided some space called N#oldersO in ;6ic6 t6ey keep on placin< t6eir ne;s items, t6ese items are t6en sorted out and edited

by "ditor' On t6e ot6er 6and, ads are placed by advertisement department on a dummy of ne;spaper mentionin< t6e positions and si=e of t6e ads' After completions finali=ed' !e;spaper from editor, it is sent to t6e Pa<e Maker ;6o <o t6rou<6 all t6e !e;spaper and order to print' It is t6en printed at middle of t6e ni<6t and circulated by circulation department at early mornin< 6ours'

Production at !a;a+i+;aqt refers to t;o parts4 i+ Pre+Press ii+ Press

/re /ress:
Pre press refers to all t6e preparations before printin<' 6is includes4 i+ )cannin<4 t6e ne;s material and pictures etc are scanned and uploaded to t6e computer' ii+ %rap6ics4 relates to t6e ads, pictures etc' iii+Pa<e makin<4 placement of t6e ne;s, editorials, advertisements and pictures on t6e pa<es' Imposition4 refers to division of material on t6e pa<es as per t6eir print' #or eEample pa<e >Q 77 are printed on a sin<le tier, so t6ey are arran<ed in t6is ;ay and t6is process is called imposition' i+ C P Fcomputer to plateH4 t6e conversion of t6e pa<es as planned on t6e computer on to aluminum s6eets ;6ic6 are t6en sent to press for printin<' All t6e pre+press ;ork is done mostly in /a6ore F6ead officeH eEcept for t6e C P process ;6ic6 is done in Islamabad' 6e material to be printed is sent to /a6ore t6rou<6 satellite transmissionto t6e Communication department' 6e communication department c6ecks ad placements and ne;s placements and t6en for;ards it to t6e Productiondepartment' A N!i<6t C6eckerO from marketin< department verifies t6e ads a<ain' In t6e Production department in /a6ore t6e C P process is completed after ;6ic6 t6e aluminum plates are sent to t6e press' 6e aluminum s6eets used are disposable and used only once'

So3t5are Used:
In t6e pre press process t6e soft;are used are4 i+ P6otos6op ii+ ,uark eEpress iii+ Coral

iv+ "tc

Press refers to t6e printin< of t6e ne;spaper'

Human Resour)e in /rodu)tion:

In /a6ore only press is more active in t6e production department' 6e department 6as a team ofsome 7B members ;6ic6 include4 i+ Assistant Mana<er Press ii+ Mac6ine Mana<er iii+ )enior Mana<er Mac6ine iv+ 2unior Mac6ine Mana<er v+ Printin< Assistant vi+ 2unior Press Assistant vii+ rainees viii+ Production Plannin<: iE+ Mec6anical Consultants E+ "lectrical Consultants 6ese are 6eaded by t6e Assistant Mana<er Production Coordinator' At ni<6t t6e press team is6eaded by t6e Production Coordinator, ;6o coordinates ;it6 all t6e departments suc6 as advertisement, editorial, communication etc' Production plannin< refers to 6o; efficiently you produce your product Q affects t6e cost andquality of ;6at you produce' An operations plan can make all t6e difference in your production' At !a;a+i+;aqt production plannin< is very si<nificant because ne;spapers are peris6able <oods' imemana<ement is very critical In t6is re<ard' Production Plannin< is related to t6ree parts4 i+ Productivity ii+ ,uality iii+ ime lines All t6ese are taken care at from pre press to t6e press'

Materia; in /rodu)tion:
Material used for !a;a+i+;aqt ne;spaper production is divided into t;o parts' I4+ Paper ii4+ Ink iii4+Print Mac6inery iv4+)pare parts

/rint Ma)hiner!:
6e print mac6ine used by !a;a+i+(aqt is a ;eb offset mac6ine, in ;6ic6 paper rolls are used for printin<' i+ 6e mac6ine is $arris 0+7BD ii+ ItAs a lar<e si=ed mac6ine, consistin< of 7: units iii+ ItAs a 6i<6 speed mac6ine ;it6 a speed of ?B::: runs per 6our

Spare /arts:
6ere are ? types of mac6inery spare parts for !a;a+i+(aqt4 I' "asily available4 t6e spare parts t6at are easily available in Pakistan II' Imported4 t6e material t6at is not available in Pakistan and is only imported III' Re+en<ineered4 t6e material t6at is very eEpensive to import and t6erefore t6e mec6anical consultant <ets t6e material re+en<ineered and built in t6e local market' 6is saves cost and <ives t6e best alternative to t6e imported spare part'

6e particular level of inventory is maintained for t6e print material' 6ere are t;o types of stores t6at control t6e inventory '

Main Store:

It is used for t6e stora<e of all t6e imported materials received from t6e 6ead office'

Sub Store:
)ome inventory is maintained at t6e press for emer<ency purposes' A small sub store t6erefore, is maintained at t6e press'

Maintenan)e o3 Ma)hines:
All mac6inery requires proper maintenance' #or !a;a+i+(aqt its utmost important to 6ave t6e press runnin< in a perfect condition' #or t6is t6e production department makes sure t6at t6e mac6ine is<iven proper care and maintained timely' 6e routine maintenance of t6e press at da;n includes daily, ;eekly, mont6ly and D+mont6ly sc6edules' 6e production coordinator makes sure t6at t6ese sc6edules are strictly follo;ed' 6e "lectrical and Mec6anical Consultants over+6ead t6ese maintenance tasks'

/rodu)tion Report:
A production report is sent to t6e %M ever y day ;6ic6 refers to4 i+ !umber of 6ours t6e mac6ine runs ii+ otal runs of t6e mac6ine iii+ otal material consumed iv+ (asta<e percenta<e of t6e material v+ (orkin< 6ours of t6e ;orkers vi+ !umber of ne;spaper printed vii+ DelaysFif anyH, t6eir cause and effect )imilarly a production report is <enerated mont6ly and t6en annually '

Production is t6e most si<nificant department in any or<ani=ation' At !a;a+i+(aqat !e;spaper, it is particularly critical because timely production is very critical' Any bottlenecks in t6e productionmay lead to serious dama<es not only financially but also to t6e ima<e and <ood;ill of t6e company' !a;a+i+(aqt makes sure to avoid any suc6 problems'

De;a!s )an be at 3our ends: #ditoria;:6e bi<<est tailback is delay in t6e ne;s' )ometimes t6e editorial staff 6as to ;ait for special ne;s t6at causes t6e delay in dispatc6in< t6e soft copy of t6e ne;spaper to t6e stations'

Ad=ertising Agen)!
)ometimes t6e delay in ne;spaper may be due to advertisin< a<encies' If t6e advertisement required to print is not received in time, t6e ne;spaper may <et delayed'

Intermediar! Departments
6e ne;spaper reac6es t6e communication department in /a6ore 6as to be very vi<ilant in t6isre<ard' 6ey 6ave to send t6e paper to t6e press as soon as t6ey receive t6e soft copy'

Te)hni)a; brea?do5n:
6e press comprises of a 6u<e printin< mac6ine, ;it6 various parts' At times some of t6e part may <et a problem' )uc6 small tec6nical problems are 6andles immediately under t6e consultation of t6e mec6anical consultant'


6e term marketin< miE refers to t6e four ma@or areas of decision makin< in t6e marketin< process t6at are blended to obtain t6e results desired by t6e or<ani=ation' 6e four elements of t6e marketin< miE are sometimes referred to t6e four Ps of marketin<' 6e marketin< miE s6apes t6erole of marketin< ;it6in all types of or<ani=ations, bot6 profit and nonprofit' "ac6 element in t6e marketin< miE' i+ Product ii+ Price iii+ Promotion iv+ Place It consists of numerous sub elements' Marketin< mana<ers make numerous decisions based on t6e various sub elements of t6e marketin< miE, all in an attempt to satisfy t6e needs and ;ants ofconsumers'

Product is anyt6in< t6at can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption t6at mi<6t satisfy a ;ant or need of t6e person' It includes p6ysical ob@ects, services, person, places, or<ani=ation and ideas' Products contain bot6 tan<ible and intan<ible components, predominantly tan<ible products arecalled <oods and intan<ible products are called t6e services')ervices are t6e temporary provision of a product or t6e performance of an activity intended to satisfy certain needs of buyers' 6ey can avail t6e services but not in <eneral o;n it'

Na5a-i-5aEt No5ada!s:
!a;a+i+(aqt is an Urdu daily ne;spaper in Pakistan' !a;a+i+(aqt started its publis6in< on Marc6 >?, 789: under t6e leaders6ip of $ameed !i=ami' 6e tradition is continued by 6is brot6er Ma@id !i=ami' !a;a+i+(aqt is one of t6e lar<est circulatin< ne;spapers in t6e country' 6e ne;spaper frequently publis6es controversial articles and 6as been notable in openly supportin< nationalism'It 6as a special position in PakistanJs media, as t6e most respected publication in URDU, ;it6 firm and constructive vie;s, and eEcellent ne;s

covera<e' It is t6e ne;spaper of c6oice for not only t6ose ;6o make decisions, formulate policies but also a <reat leader in Pakistani media'

Na5a-i-5aEt as a nationa; ne5spaper

Ma@id !i=amiand !a;a+i+(aqt represent t6e basic ideolo<y of "stablis6ment of Pakistan'' In t6e last 9B years, Ma@id !i=ami 6as acquainted 6is institution ;it6 ne; 6ei<6ts of 6onour and di<nity and made !a;a+i+(aqt a force to be reckoned ;it6' On t6e intellectual front, 6is interpretation of t6e basic ideolo<y by, and for ;6ic6, Pakistan ;as formed 6as been relentlessly promoted and defendedM ;6ile on t6e political front Ma@id !i=ami 6as made !a;a+i+(aqt a mi<6ty political ;eapon' Under 6is leaders6ip, it 6as become t6e most ;idely respected and influential paper of t6e country, ;6ic6, in t6e ;ords of Asfandyar (ali, 6olds vision and commitment to trut6 as its policy'

Na5a-i-5aEtFs in3;uen)e
6e ne;s paper started to support a6reeq+e+Pakistan Fto support t6e ideolo<y of PakistanH it ;as a totally sub@ective ne;s paper ;6ic6 ;as in favour of Muslim lea<ue in t6e early days of independence' After independence of Pakistan 6ameed ni=ami took c6ar<e as a c6ief editor and founder of na;a+e+ ;aqt publications' $ameed ni=ami died in 78D> because of 6eart attack and t6e c6ar<e ;as in 6ands of 6is youn<er brot6er ma@eed ni=ami ;6o ;as educated from U-' !o; a days na;ae ;aqt is also considered to be a ne;s paper ;6ic6 6as opposite vie;s to t6at of every <overnment comin< in po;er'

Rise and 1a;; to the media

In t6e late 8:As !a;ai;aqt ;as on its peak until it ;as cased under by anot6er ne;spaper 2A!%' 6e issue ;as t6at !a;ai(aqt ;rote on t6eir daily ne;s paper in -arac6i t6at Nmost sellin< ne;s paperO' 2an< <roup of publications ;on t6e case and na;ai;aqt 6ad to face a lot of problem and money crisis after;ards' /ater na;ai;aqt also lost t6eir <rip in ma@or cities of Pun@ab like /a6ore and #aisalabad'


6e !ation is /a6ore+based "n<lis6+lan<ua<e ne;spaper in Pakistan' It is publis6ed by Ma@id !i=ami and edited by )aleem 1uk6ari' Arif !i=ami, ;6o ;as t6e first editor and founder of t6e ne;s paper, ;as fired by 6is uncle and t6e (aqt Media %roup editor+in+c6ief and publis6er Ma@id !i=ami' )6ireen Ma=ari 6as also been t6e editor of t6e daily' 6e nation ;as started to compete ;it6 2an<As daily 6e !e;s as said by t6e people' Arif ni=ami ;6o ;as fired by 6is uncle 6ad started Pakistan today' 6e roots of 6e !ation trace back to 789: ;6en !a;a+i+(aqt ;as formed' $o;ever, 6e "n<lis6 paper itself ;as launc6ed

to;ards t6e end of 78CD by Arif !i=ami' 6e !ation is internationally t6e most quoted Pakistani ne;spaper' 6e !ation rivals t;o -arac6i+based dailies, Da;n and 6e !e;s International'It also provides a special daily feature section, 6e !ation Plus, ;6ic6 covers t6e ;orld of <lamour, s6o;bi=, entertainment, t6e performin< arts, and literature, as ;ell as a special *oun< !ation section for t6e youn<er reader, and a special /o< On section for t6ose interested in information tec6nolo<y' 6e ne;spaper is kno;n for its ri<6t+;in< editorial policies, ;6ic6 are reflected re<ularly t6rou<6 its anti+U)A, anti+India, anti+Israel and pro+ 2e6adists contents'

6is ma<a=ine is a ;eekly ma<a=ine featurin< articles and column type stories from different @ournalist' As for t6e name mentions it ;as a totally family entertainment ma<a=ine' )ome say t6at t6is ma<a=ine also started to compete ;it6 2an<As A-$1AR " 2A$A! ;6ic6 also ;as at its peak at t6at time '

6is ne;s paper ;as started to <ive analysis of current affairs alon< ;it6 criticism and sarcastic articles'

6is ;as a ma<a=ine for small kids ;6ic6 <ained attention after;ards '


Waqt News is a Pakistani ne;s c6annel o;ned by !a;a+i+(aqt media <roup founded by $ameed !i=ami' It ;as launc6ed in early >::C FDecember >::I to be eEactH in Pakistan' !a;a+i+(aqt is considered to be one of t6e most vocal media <roups in Pakistan' 6is <roup 6as a lon< 6istory for bein< critical of t6e #ederal %overnment' Due to ;eak mana<ement 6umble policies to;ards employers, (aqt !e;s 6as not been able to <ain muc6 popularity amon< t6e Pakistani populace but still t6e media c6annel is ;orkin< 6ard under t6e supervision of Ramee=a !i=ami Fadopted dau<6ter of Ma@eed !i=amiH' 6e c6annel, ;6en started, 6ad its media supervised by senior @ournalist )a@@ad Meer for about 9+B mont6s' 6e c6annel 6as 6ired many ne; faces from local ne;s c6annels like Royal ne;s and City9> ' It 6osts many '0 pro<rams as4+ 7' >' ?' 9' B' D' )alam Pakistan !a;a+i+(aqt oday Mr' &odiac Assi<nment -arac6i say -6yber ak 1ar;aqt


%ame beat

7 > ? 9 It <ives covera<e to India+Pakistan ;ar4+ !a;a+i+(aqt 6as <iven a lot of air to t6e burnin< issue of Pakistan+India ;ar over many issues like -as6mir and ;ater dispute' !o;adays 6e !ation is sub@ective to;ards 2amat+i+Islami' 0ie;s of 6e !ation and !a;a+i+(aqt are same'


(aqt <roup of Media 6ad a lot reno;ned personalities associated ;it6 itself' #or eEample4+ 7' >' ?' 9' B' D' Oraya Maqbool 2an Ata ul $aq ,asmi !a=eer !a@i $aroon nur Ras6eed Irs6ad Arif Aftab Iqbal


(it6 t6e influence and t6e quality of its readers6ip, t6e !a;a+i+;aqat is t6e leadin< advertisin< medium in Pakistan' /ookin< at t6e marketin< miE available to t6e advertiser in Pakistan, substantiated by t6e fact t6at !a;a+i+ ;aqat is t6e first c6oice for all sector of t6e private sector advertisin<' Amon< t6e cate<ories offered to advertisers are t6e )ponsored )upplements + linkin< business ;it6 business, "conomic and 1usiness Revie; more often quoted t6an t6e stock eEc6an<e, !a;a+i+;aqat classified +a supermarket of opportunities'


6e ma<a=ine ;it6 universal appeal, Ima<es reflectin< t6e best in entertainment, 6e Revie; t6e mid ;eek t6ou<6t provoker and t6e *oun< (orld encoura<in< t6e youn< to pick up t6e ne;spaper 6abit' Considered as t6e sin<le most reliable source of information on Pakistan, accessed every >9 6ours by avera<e IB,::: visitors livin< around t6e ;orld, linked ;it6 ma@or ne;s sites ;6enever Pakistan makes t6e ;orld 6eadlines, rated amon< top BP of all ;eb sites, Pakistanis every day' )tatistics reveals t6at CCP of !a;a+i+(aqt visitors are male, rests are females, and >CP are in t6e a<e <roup of 7C+>B years, 9IP bet;een >B+?B years and 7DP in ?B+B: years' 7?P 6ave belo; university level educational qualifications, ?IP 6ave university de<rees, 7BP are M1A or equivalent and ?BP 6ave ot6er post <raduate studies'

Professionally 78'DP are students, 79P are related to I en<ineers, 7:P are in business, and CP are doctors'

industry, 7C'BP are

Anyt6in< Finformation, ;rite ups, vie;s and revie;sH additional to t6e run of paper to disburse t6e information , deemed to be necessary and reap profits in addition to t6e re<ular revenues' )upplements are al;ays printed at profit'


At !a;a+i+(aqt, supplements are al;ays printed at a B: +B: ratio i'e' B:P ;ould be advertisin< Q B:P ;ould be editorial' Advertisin< ratio can be en6anced to a more t6an B:P level'


)upplements are basically of t;o types' i+ "ditorial ii+ Advertisement

An editorial supplement is basically informative in nature, any information ;6ic6 t6e editor t6inks necessary to publis6 to keep t6eir readers up to date' It mainly comes on special events @ust as t6e election days, 79t6 of Au<ust, >?rd Marc6 etc' 6ere is no ratio for editorial supplements'

Advertisement supplements can be on any t6in< ;6ic6 t6e advertisers t6ink necessary to publis6, to familiari=e t6e masses about t6eir products and services and t6e company profile It must carry a B:+B:P ratio to be publis6ed' Clients 6ave <ot t6e final say in relation to t6e material ;6ic6 t6ey ;ant to be publis6ed' Mainly topics like 6ome decoration, 6ealt6, lifestyles and current industry analysis etc are covered'


Pricin< strate<ies are a sometimes+overlooked part of t6e marketin< miE' 6ey can 6ave a lar<e impact on profit, so s6ould be <iven t6e same consideration as promotion and advertisin< strate<ies' A 6i<6er or lo;er price can dramatically c6an<e bot6 <ross mar<ins and sales volume' 6is indirectly affects ot6er eEpenses by reducin< stora<e costs, for eEample, or

creatin< opportunities for volume discounts ;it6 suppliers ot6er factors also determine your optimal pricin< strate<y' Consider t6e five forces t6at influence ot6er business decisions4 your competitors, your suppliers, t6e availability of substitute products and your customers' Positionin< 6o; you ;ant to be perceived by your tar<et audience is also a consideration' Price a premium item too lo;, for eEample, and customers ;ill not believe t6e quality is <ood enou<6' Conversely, put too 6i<6 a sellin< price on value lines and customers ;ill purc6ase competitorsJ lo;er+price items' Actually !a;a+i+;aqt is caterin< t;o types of needs ;it6 a sin<le product simultaneously 7'ConsumersA need R Providin< !e;spaper >'AdvertisersA need R Providin< platform to communicate t6eir messa<es' In t6is respect, !a;a+i+;aqt c6ar<es somet6in< from bot6 of its customers' Price c6ar<ed by !a;a+i+(aqt for its !e;spaper is @ust like a token money as it does not even cover t6e cost of producin< t6e ne;spaper' Price, is actually t6e ma@or income for a ne;spaper, is c6ar<ed on t6e advertisements 6is price is determined on t6e basis of circulation of a ne;spaper' On country level, !a;a+i+(aqt is 6oldin< >nd position on a list of most ;idely circulated ne;spapers' Price of ne;spapers for readers and of )pace for Advertisers is decided by t6e top mana<ement of t6e or<ani=ation'

!a;a+i+(aqt is ranked to be t6e AS ne;spaper re<ardin< circulation fi<ures' It is t6e most ;idely distributed ne;spaper t6rou<6out t6e nation and its market is so muc6 diverse and eEtensive' o cater to t6e needs of suc6 a sop6isticated and eEpanded consumer base, It puts serious efforts to reac6 from lar<er metropolises to smaller and more c6allen<in< country sides'

MaBor Stations: i. $ahore

6is station circulates t6e ne;spaper to all destinations of Pun@ab province' it is moved to market from ;6er e it is picked up by transport to move it furt6er'



6is station covers -arac6i re<ion, ;6ole )ind6 province and all destinations of 1aloc6istan province'



6is station covers Islamabad re<ion, #ederally Administrated !ort6ern Areas and A=ad 2ammu and -as6mir'

Circulation department is t6e main coordination nucleus of ;6ole distribution c6annel' #irst of all it coordinates ;it6 marketin< and sales department to <au<e t6e demand of ne;s paper in t6e market after t6at it conveys t6e demanded quantity of ne;spaper to t6e production department' "fficient and effective coordination ;it6 production department is t6e in t6is process because production department 6as to meet t6e time lines as ;ell as quality' As t6e ne;spaper is in finis6ed'

An intern is someone ;6o ;orks in a temporary position ;it6 an emp6asis on on+t6e+@ob trainin< rat6er t6an merely employment, makin< it similar to an apprentices6ip' Interns are usually colle<e or university students' )tudent interns6ips provide opportunities for students to <ain eEperience in t6eir field, determine if t6ey 6ave an interest in a particular career, create a net;ork of contacts, or <ain sc6ool credit' Interns6ips provide employers ;it6 c6eap or free labor for FtypicallyH lo;+level tasks, and also t6e prospect of interns returnin< to t6e company after completin< t6eir education and requirin< little or no trainin<'


6is eEposure of interns6ip starts from t6e point ;6en it ;as told by AIOU official about my interns6ip at !a;a+i+;aqt'

A brief intervie; ;as taken by personnel at !a;a+i+(aqt ;6o ;as actually Mr.8a=ed SiddiEResident "ditor and also responsible for 6andlin< interns6ip pro<rams' It ;as a <reat eEperience, t6e personnel present t6ere made me feel very comfortable' 6at ;as actually a very brief discussion and 6e told me to ;ait for 6is Mail' After some days, I <ot a mail from 6im mentionin< dates and timin< of interns6ip'

Internship Duration:

My Interns6ip starts from (th o3 8an &,-& to (th Mar &,-&' It ;as of ei<6t ;eek interns6ip' /etter is attac6ed ;it6 t6is report' Durin< interns6ip I 6ad ;rite t;o columns and my columns ;ere publis6ed in paper on different date' One is 7' rees are essential for life' >' Ot6er is a report of a result of a sc6ool on ?7 Marc6'

8oining at Na5a-i-0aEt:
I ;as t6ere on t6e mentioned date and time, t6at ;as ,( 8an* &,-&. )ome ot6er internees ;ere also t6ere' (e ;ere ;elcomed very ;armly' (e are told t6at, it ;as a ei<6t ;eek interns6ip and ;e are <oin< to visit five departments, one ;eek for one department' 6ese ;ere4 i+ ii+ iii+ iv+ v+ Marketin< and Plannin< Department Advertisement Department !e;s <at6erin< Department Circulation Department Production Department

Mar?eting and /;anning Department:

#irst department to ;ork in ;as marketin< and plannin< department Mr'&a6id $ussain C6u<tai ;as <oin< to be our supervisor for t6is first ;eek'6e <ave us assi<nments to learn about marketin< miE of !a;a+i+(aqt and learnin< about its competitors' (e ;ork under 6is supervision and also Mr Ria= ;as attac6ed ;it6 us to support in different sections' 6e assi<nments are as follo;s'

Assi<nment T 74 Na5a-i-0aEt Ne5spaper:

(e 6ave to study and scan t6e !a;a+i+(aqt !e;spaper t6orou<6ly and prepare a presentation of not more t6an >+? pa<es' #ollo;in< are a fe; points to <ive an idea of t6e basic frame;ork of t6e presentation' (e are eEpected to be concise and to t6e point, 6o;ever t6e presentation s6ould reflect our understandin< of t6e !e;spaper'

i+ 1roads6eet )tyle t6at is re<arded as more serious as compared to tabloids' ii+1lack Q (6ite eEt in t6e form of Columns' iii+ !e;s + $eadin<s, Details Q Pictures alon< ;it6 t6e name of t6e person reportin<' iv+ Advertisements are incorporated ;it6in teEt'

Ne5s Sour)es:

!o; a dayAs media is very vast' 6ere is bombardment of ne;s every second' Anytime ;e s;itc6ed on 0 or @ust c6an<e c6annel, ;e <ot different ne;s on different c6annel' Inspite of all t6at ne;spapers and ot6er media a<encies <ot ne;s from different sources, especially na;a+i+;aqt' i+ !a;a+i+(aqtAs A<ents Q correspondents' ii+ !ational Q International !e;s A<encies R A#P, APP, AP,Reuters' iii+Ot6er )ource FInternet, Public, politicians, bureaucrat Q ot6er officials etcH'

Assi<nment T >4 Pricin<4

(e are <iven daily ne;spaper to read out carefully, after readin< ;e are questioned about different columns and asked to ;rite column on any current topic' (6en ;e complete our ;ork t6en t6ey distribute our columns in different internees for pricin<' (e all read t6em carefully' Our neEt task is to read t6e ne;s stories <at6ered from different sources to publis6 in neEt day paper' It ;as eEcitin< @ob' (e learnt a lot of t6in<s' Durin< t6is period I ;as <iven a task to ;rite on t6e benefits of trees and my topic ;as also publis6ed' Paper is attac6ed ;it6 t6is report' (6en I sa; my name on ne;spaper I ;as very muc6 eEcited' It ;as first time in my life my I ;rite somet6in< for any national level paper' After t6at I did one more assi<nment and t6is is also attac6ed' It ;as very precious time to learn in professional environment'

Durin< t6is session I 6ad done ;ork at !e;s desk, reportin< and ma<a=ine'

It ;as very <ood eEperience'(orkin< ;it6 professionals raises our confidence level' And before @oinin< any or<ani=ation, I t6ink it is very useful activity' "very student must @oin an or<ani=ation to polis6 6is capabilities' 6is is t6e plate forum for ne;comers to <room t6emselves' 1y only readin< books ;e can <et de<rees or 6i<6 marks but can not familiar ;it6 professional environment, because practical ;orkin< is too muc6 different t6en readin< books'


#ollo;in< is t6e list of ne;spapers in Pakistan'

Ne5spaper Aa@ FUrduH Aa@ -al Al Ak6bar FUrduH Asas FUrdu H Ausaf FUrduH A;am FUrduH A=kaar Din !e;s "EpressFUrd uH Cities Pes6a;ar, Abbottabad and Islamabad /a6ore, -arac6i and Islamabad Islamabad and Pes6a;ar Ra;alpindi3Islamabad, -arac6i, /a6ore, #aisalabad and Mu=affarabad Islamabad, Multan, /a6ore, Mu=affarabad, #rankfurt and /ondon -arac6i Ra;alpindi3Islamabad and -arac6i -arac6i, /a6ore and Islamabad -arac6i, /a6ore, Islamabad, Pes6a;ar, Multan, #aisalabad, %u@ran;ala, )ar<od6a, Ra6im *ar -6an, )ukkur and ,uetta 1ounded 78C8 >::C 788B 788I O33i)ia; 0ebsite Notes ;;;'dailyaa@'com'pk ;;;'aa@kal'com'pk ;;;'alak6bar'com'pk ;;;'dailyasas'com'pk ;;;'dailyausaf'com ;;;'@an<'com'pk ;;;'dailya=kaar'com'pk ;;;'dinne;s'tv ;;;'eEpress'com'pk

>::9 788I 788C

2an< FUrduH

-arac6i, /a6ore, Ra;alpindi, Multan, ,uetta and /ondon 2asarat FUrduH -arac6i 2inna6 FUrduH Islamabad3Ra;alpindi and /a6ore 2uraat FUrduH -arac6i -6abrain FUrduH /a6ore, Islamabad, Multan, -arac6i, $yderabad, )ukkur and Mu=affarabad Masafat FUrduH /a6ore and Islamabad Mas6riq FUrduH Pes6a;ar Mas6riq "venin< -arac6i, $yderabad and )pecialFUrduH ,uetta Musa;at /a6ore Pakistan FUrduH /a6ore, Pes6a;ar, Multan and -arac6i !a;a+i+(aqt /a6ore, -arac6i and FUrduH Islamabad !aya Ak6bar /a6ore, Islamabad, -arac6i, Multan, )ukkur and $yderabad ,aumi Ak6bar -arac6i and $yderabad -arac6i Riasat FUrduH )ada+e+(aqt Ra;alpindi and Mu=affarabad FUrduH )a6afat FUrdu4 Islamabad and /a6ore aqat FUrduH /a6ore, Islamabad3Ra;alpindi, -arac6i, ,uetta, 1a6a;alpur, #aisalabad, %u@ran;ala and )ialkot Ummat FUrduH -arac6i (aqt FUrduH /a6ore

78?I 78I: >::> 788B 788>

;;;'@an<'com'pk ;;;'@asarat'com ;;;'daily@inna6'com ;;;'@uraat'com ;;;'k6abrain'com

788B 78C? 78I: 788: 789: >::: 788: 7888 >::C 788D >::D


;;;'dailypak'com na;ai;aqt'com'pk nayaak6bar'k6abrain'com

;;;'sadae;aqt'com ;;;'dailytaqat'com


;;;'ummat'com'pk ;;;'daily;aqt'com

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