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SpyGlass® Download and Installation


Dear User,
Welcome to the SpyGlass® Version L-2016.06.
This document describes the SpyGlass 5.x download and installation
instructions for the latest release of SpyGlass.
NOTE: You have to use gtar or the itar that is included on the ftp site to untar. Do not use
Sun tar.
NOTE: Please download this release only and ignore any other releases that may be on the
ftp site. You will be notified when new releases are available.

A. Download Atrenta 5.x release file

Please pick up the latest Atrenta 5.x release from the Atrenta ftp site as per
details sent to you in e-mail.
You will need to download the following files (remember to use binary
download by typing bin at the ftp prompt):
Software/ Filename
Release (Checker) SpyGlass-5.x.y.tar.gz
Release (Builder) SpyBuilder-5.x.y.tar.gz
Release Notes SpyGlass_ReleaseNotes.pdf
KPNS SpyGlass_KPNS.pdf
Fixed VIs SpyGlass_FixedIncidents_RelNotes.
These notes SpyGlass_ReadMe.pdf
Extraction Utility itar.sol

NOTE: You do not need to download the Builder file (SpyBuilder-5.x.y.tar.gz) if you have
not purchased the SpyGlass Builder feature.
NOTE: Starting with the SpyGlass release, platform-specific tar files are available
for smaller ftp downloads. Please refer to the download instructions attached with
the release notification email for further details.
If you need any assistance or if you have problems running the tool, please
do not hesitate to contact support at [email protected].

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

B. Installation (all UNIX platforms)

B. Installation (all UNIX platforms)

1. Installing the software

1. Create your installation directory.
2. Unpack the SpyGlass-<rev>.tar.gz file and the SpyBuilder-<rev>.tar.gz file
(if you are using the SpyGlass Builder feature) in your installation
% gtar xvzf SpyGlass-<rev>.tar.gz
% gtar xvzf SpyBuilder-<rev>.tar.gz
NOTE: You should first unpack the SpyGlass-<rev>.tar.gz archive and then the Spy-
Builder-<rev>.tar.gz archive in the same directory when you are installing both
the SpyGlass Checker and the SpyGlass Builder features.

2. Add SpyGlass to your environment

Use one of the following methods (2a or 2b below) to add SpyGlass to
your environment:
2a: Insert the following in your ~/.cshrc file
% setenv ATRENTA_LICENSE_FILE <license_file_path>
% set path = (<your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/bin $path)
2b: Insert the following in your ~/.bashrc file
% export ATRENTA_LICENSE_FILE=<license_file_path>
% export PATH=”<your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/bin:$PATH”
NOTE: You can also use the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for this purpose.
However, it may be slower if many license servers are specified.

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

B. Installation (all UNIX platforms)

3. Run the FLEXlm license daemon on its host machine

% rlogin <license-host>
on Linux (32 bit):
% <your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/flexlm_v950/i86_r6/lmgrd
-c license.dat
on Solaris (32 bit):
% <your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/flexlm_v950/sun4_u5/lmgrd
-c license.dat
on Linux (64 bit):
% <your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/flexlm_v950/amd64_re3/lmgrd
-c license.dat
on Solaris (64 bit):
% <your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/flexlm_v950/sun64_u5/lmgrd
-c license.dat

4. Check if the installation works

% cd <your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/examples/vhdl-files
% spyglass -vhdl test1.vhd
Then, select [RUN] inside the graphical interface.
% cd <your-inst-dir>/SPYGLASS_HOME/examples/verilog-files
% spyglass -verilog test.v
Then select [RUN] inside the graphical interface.

5. If you want to run the Power Estimation Policy in Timing

Optimization mode (Linux 32-bit platform only)
For this purpose, you need to download and install the SpyGlass Timing
and Optimization package as follows:

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

C. Check the installation

1. Download the SpyGlass Timing and Optimization archive

(SpyGlass-4_1_0-tao-1_17.tar.gz) from the same location from where you
downloaded the main SpyGlass archive.
2. Unarchive the SpyGlass Timing and Optimization archive in the <your-
inst-dir>/SpyGlass-x.y.z directory where <your-inst-dir> is the
directory where you installed SpyGlass.
Your Timing and Optimization package is ready to work!
See the SpyGlass Power Estimation Rules Reference for further details.

C. Check the installation

The top-level directory structure of a SpyGlass installation is as follows:
File/Directory Purpose
SpyGlass_ReleaseNotes.pdf Release Notes for this release.
SpyGlass_KPNS.pdf Known Problems and Solutions for this
SpyGlass_FixedIncidents_RelNotes. The list of recently-fixed problem
pdf reports.
SpyGlass_ReadMe.pdf This document
SpyGlass_Version, Version files
ace/ Support files for Periscope Waveform
dotty/ Waveform Viewer (for LowPower
perl/ A Perl 5.8.3 installation for SpyGlass.
tcl/ SDE support files
waveform/ Periscope Waveform Viewer
SPYGLASS_HOME/ The SpyGlass installation itself.

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

D. Using SpyGlass

The SPYGLASS_HOME directory contains the following sub-directories:

Directory Contains...
auxi/ Auxiliary files for use by SpyGlass.
bin/ The platform-independent executable;
this area should be in the user’s $PATH.
compat/ 37x version templates
doc/ SpyGlass’ User Documentation
dw_support DesignWare component support files
examples/ SpyGlass Examples
flexlm_v95 The FLEXlm license server executable
htmlhelp/ HTML-based documentation
include/ SpyBuilder support files
lib/ The ruledeck libraries and perl modules
obj/ Platform-dependent executable files;
These should not be executed directly;
This area should *not* be in the user’s $PATH.
policies/ All standard Atrenta policies within their individual policy
templates/ For Atrenta Flow05 templates
training/ Periscope and SpyGlass Training documents and files
vhdl_libs/ The predefined libraries for VHDL (*.vhd and *.dmp)
wizard/ The Clock-Reset policy setup wizard (internal utility)

You should create a new directory, ../../SpyGlass_templates, relative to the

SPYGLASS_HOME directory, for storing user-defined templates. This
directory will be searched by SpyGlass for site-default templates.

D. Using SpyGlass
NOTE: This section is not applicable for OEM users because they use only OEM set of

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

D. Using SpyGlass

spyglass -vhdl <vhdl-options> ...vhdl-files...
spyglass -verilog <verilog-options> ...verilog-files...
spyglass -mixed <vhdl-options> <verilog-options>
...vhdl-files... ...verilog-files...
SpyGlass options are explained in the SpyGlass Console Reference Guide in
detail. A few examples are given here.
1. Check all available rules using standard installed rules
spyglass -vhdl test1.vhd
spyglass -vhdl -policies=lint test1.vhd
spyglass -vhdl -policies=openmore test1.vhd

spyglass -verilog test.v

spyglass -verilog -policies=lint test.v
spyglass -verilog -policies=openmore test.v

spyglass -mixed test.v

spyglass -mixed -policies=lint test1.vhd
spyglass -mixed -policies=openmore test.v test1.vhd
2. Check only one or more rules using standard installed rules, e.g. for
spyglass -vhdl -policies=lint -rules “rule1 rule2” test.vhd
spyglass -verilog -policies=lint -rules “rule1 rule2” test.v
spyglass -mixed -policies=lint -rules “rule1 rule2” test.v
3. Supply your own perl rule file.
Please refer to the Policy Customization Guide on how to write your own
policy files (extra licenses may be required for both development and end
For a custom policy file, named and placed in a directory
(any name) inside the /policies directory:
spyglass -vhdl -policies=myrules test.vhd

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

E. Quick basic command reference for new users

spyglass -verilog -policies=myrules test.v

spyglass -mixed -policies=myrules test.v test1.vhd
4. Check a subset of the rules from your own rules file
spyglass -vhdl -policies=myrules -rules “rule1 rule2”
spyglass -verilog -policies=myrules -rules “rule1 rule2”
spyglass -mixed -policies=myrules -rules “rule1 rule2” test.v

E. Quick basic command reference for new

spyglass -version //show SpyGlass checker’s version.
spyglass -usage //show the standard option set.
spyglass -help //show site-specific help.
spyglass -quickstart //show the ‘quick start’ help.
To find out more about rules that are checked by SpyGlass, type:
spyexplain -verilog
To print information on all Verilog rules
spyexplain -vhdl
To print information on all VHDL rules
spyexplain <rule-name>
To print information on the named rule (for example,
spyexplain SigName)
spyexplain -verilog -k <word>
Print all Verilog rules containing the word <word>
spyexplain -vhdl -k <word>
Print all VHDL rules containing the word <word>
spyexplain -verilog -k <word>

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

F. Display Setting Requirements

F. Display Setting Requirements

The SpyGlass Graphical User Interface (GUI) can be best viewed with 32-
bit (or higher) color settings of your screen display.

G. Documentation
The documentation is available as follows:
„ HTML-based On-line Help System (The spyhelpviewer utility)
„ PDF Format Documentation (The spydocviewer utility)

The spyhelpviewer utility

The spyhelpviewer utility displays the documentation in HTML format
arranged in a tree format for easy access.
You can invoke the Documentation System (HTML-based) by executing the
spyhelpviewer command or by selecting the Help > On-line Help menu
option from the SpyGlass Design Environment.
By default, the spyhelpviewer utility searches for the netscape
executable in your machine’s path for displaying the HTML files. Use the
SG_HTML_BROWSER environment variable to set your HTML Browser.
FIGURE 1. HTML-based On-line Help System

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

F. Display Setting Requirements

The HTML-based Online Help system has the following:

1. The Contents tab that shows all topics arranged in a hierarchical tree
2. The Index tab that has the index entries for the complete
documentation set
3. The Search tab for search across the complete documentation set
4. The Favorites tab for collecting a set of related topics for viewing
5. The Topic display page
System Requirements
The HTML-based On-line Help system works on a UNIX computer running
version 4 or later of Internet Explorer or Netscape or a current version of
Mozilla, or Safari. The underlaying engine has also been tested with
Mozilla. JavaScript must be enabled in the user's browser.
To view the Java implementation of the Help system, Java must be enabled
in the user's browser.

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

F. Display Setting Requirements

Known Limitations
1. Netscape 6.0 is not supported on any platform; Netscape 6.1 and later
are supported.
2. The underlying engine may also work with Opera and other browsers,
but it has been tested only with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla,
and Safari.

The spydocviewer utility

The spydocviewer utility displays the Documentation in PDF format
arranged in a tree format for easy access. In addition, the Standard Rule-
Primitive documentation (in text format) is also accessible.
By default, the spydocviewer utility searches for the acroread or
xpdf executables in your machine’s path for displaying the PDF files. Set
the SG_PDF_VIEWER environment variable to set your PDF viewer.
You can invoke the Documentation System (PDF format) by executing the
spydocviewer command or by selecting the Help > On-line Manuals
menu option from the SpyGlass Design Environment.

FIGURE 2. Documentation (PDF Format) Browser

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

H. How to customize rules

Click on the + button next to a category to view the PDF guides available
under that category. To open a PDF, double-click on a PDF guide name or
select the guide by clicking it name and then click Open.
Click Exit to exit the Documentation (PDF format) Browser.

H. How to customize rules

Please refer to the SpyGlass Policy Customization Guide.

End of the Document

Synopsys, Inc.
SpyGlass® Download and Installation Instructions

H. How to customize rules

Synopsys, Inc.

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