Systemverilog For RTL Design Workshop: Lab Guide

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SystemVerilog for RTL

Design Workshop
Lab Guide
50-I-054-SLG-005 2019.03

Synopsys Customer Education Services

690 E. Middlefield Road
Mountain View, California 94043

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Document Order Number: 50-I-054-SLG-005

SystemVerilog for RTL Design Workshop Lab Guide
User Logic Intent

Learning Objectives

After completing this lab, you should be able to:

• Resolve synthesis/simulation mismatch with new
SystemVerilog construct
• Avoid unintentional latches with new SystemVerilog
• Implement SystemVerilog enum data type to create
better self-documenting state machine code

Lab Duration:
30 minutes

User Logic Intent Lab 1-1

Synopsys 50-I-054-LG-005
Lab 1

Lab Overview

To implement high Quality of Result (QoR) RTL design, one must first make sure that
the RTL code written is interpreted by the synthesis tool as intented.

In this lab, you will see that one can better achieve this goal with SystemVerilog.

In the terminal window, you will find a labs directory.


lab1/ Lab2/

Figure 1. Lab Directory Structure

For each individual lab, you will work in the specified lab directory.

The general work flow for each section of this lab is illustrated as follows.

Verilog RTL code

Synthesize and
verify functionality

Create equivalent
SystemVerilog RTL code

Synthesize and
verify functionality

Compare the

Figure 2. Lab 1 Flow Diagram

Lab 1-2 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

RTL/Gate Simulation Mismatch

Task 1. Go into Working Directory

1. Go into working directory:

> cd labs/lab1

Task 2. See the Effects of Incomplete Event List RTL

A common problem associated with Verilog is that synthesizer ignores the event list
whereas simulator obeys them.

For this first section, you will run simulation on a Verilog RTL code and log the result.
Then, synthesize the RTL and run the simulation at the gate level. Comparing the result
of RTL v.s. gate level simulation, you will see that they do not match.

1. Take a look at the Verilog file called

> less rtl/

Note that the signal C is left off the Verilog event list:

module mismatch (...);

...// code not shown
// This is the Verilog behavioral code
always@(A, B) begin
D = (A & B) | C; Missing C
end in sensitivity

2. Compile and simulate this RTL code

> make sim rtl=mismatch

In the opened waveform window, you can clearly see when C is "1", the output D
errorenously still shows "0".

User Logic Intent Lab 1-3

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

3. Synthesize the design

> make syn rtl=mismatch
4. Run simulation at the gate level
> make gate rtl=mismatch

This time, in the opened waveform window, you see that when C is "1", the
output D correctly shows "1".

5. You can also see that the synthesis tool completely ignores the event list by
looking at the resulting gates.
> make dv ddc=mismatch_mapped

6. In the opened Design Vision window, double click on the design, you will see the
synthesized gates

With Verilog, this type of simulation mismatches can be very frustrating to debug. This
type of error can be completely eliminated with SystemVerilog

Lab 1-4 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

7. Open the existing file with an editor (if not already opened):
> gvim rtl/

8. Look for the ToDo comment line and enter the following SystemVerilg code:

module mismatch (...);

...// code not shown
initial $display("SVERILOG");
// Lab 1 Task 2 Step 8
// ...
// ToDo:
always_comb begin
D = (A & B) | C;


9. Compile and simulate this RTL code

> make sim rtl=mismatch lang=sverilog

You should see the expected behavior:

10. Synthesize and run simulation at the gate level

> make syn rtl=mismatch lang=sverilog
> make gate rtl=mismatch

You should see that the gate level simulation produces the same result when using
the SystemVerilog always_comb feature.

11. Check the synthesized gates in Design Vision

> make dv ddc=mismatch_mapped

You should see the same gates as before.

The difference between the Verilog vs. the SystemVerilog code is the elimination
of simulation mismatch.

User Logic Intent Lab 1-5

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

Unintentional Latch

Task 3. See the Effects of Incomplete Branch in RTL

Another issue associated with Verilog is the creation of unintentional latches.

In this section, you will run simulation at RTL and gate level to see that if RTL branch
code is not complete, both the simulator and synthesizer will treat the code as latch.

1. Take a look at a RTL file with unintentional latch code:

> less rtl/

The branch on selA is incomplete for both the Verilog and SystemVerilog code:

`ifndef sverilog
always@(selA, A) begin
if (selA) begin
B = A;
`else else
always_comb begin
if (selA) begin
B = A;

2. Compile and simulate this RTL code

> make sim rtl=unintentional_latch

When selA is 1, B is the A value otherwise B should be 0. You can see that this
is not the result. When selA is "0", the output B stayed at the captured value
(latched) when selA returned to 0. Also, B should never be x!

This is the classic unintended latch problem. Simulate with lang=sverilog,

you will still see the same result. The difference between Verilog (always) and
SystemVerilog (always_comb) is the synthesis report.

Lab 1-6 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

3. Synthesize the Verilog RTL code (with always)

> make syn rtl=unintentional_latch
4. Take a look at the synthesis log file
> less unintentional_latch_run.log

Scroll down, you should see that a latch was created and no warning issued:

in routine unintentional_latch line 11 in file

| Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |
| B_reg | Latch | 1 | N | N | N | N | - | - | - |
Presto compilation completed successfully.

5. Synthesize the SystemVerilog RTL code (with always_comb)

> make syn rtl=unintentional_latch lang=sverilog
6. Take a look at the synthesis log file
> less unintentional_latch_run.log

You should now see a warning message:

in routine unintentional_latch line 40 in file
| Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |
| B_reg | Latch | 1 | N | N | N | N | - | - | - |

Inferred memory devices in process

in routine unintentional_latch line 68 in file
| Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |
It is very helpful to have the synthesizer provide a warning for the unintended
| dout_reg logic.
| Flip-flop | 1 | N | N | Y | N | N | N | N |
This type of error must be corrected in Netlist
Warning: ./rtl/ the RTL source
for code
always_comb block
contains a latch. (ELAB-974)
Presto compilation completed successfully.

User Logic Intent Lab 1-7

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

You will need to modify the RTL code to resolve the problem.

7. Open file

> gvim rtl/

8. Look for the ToDo’s (two of them) and add the missing branch to the source code.

9. Run simulation at Verilog RTL level

> make sim rtl=unintentional_latch

The result should be correct now – including the elimination of x!

10. Synthesize the modified Verilog RTL code and view the simulation results
> make syn rtl=unintentional_latch
> make gate rtl=unintentional_latch

The result should be correct.

If you set the language to sverilog, you will also see that with the else
statement added, all are working correctly.

11. If you are interested in seeing the gate logic:

> make dv ddc=unintentional_latch_mapped

Continue on to the last part of the lab: state machine.

Lab 1-8 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

SystemVerilog Enum in State Machine

Task 4. Implement enum Data Type for State Machines

One of the most useful data type in SystemVerilog for state machine development is the
new enum data type. To illustrate the benefit of the enum data type, let’s use a very
simple traffic light state machine as an example.


3 sec 20 sec

20 sec

1. Take a look at the file to see the state machine

> less rtl/

The state machine coding style is one-hot with 3 bits of logic.

User Logic Intent Lab 1-9

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

This works, but trying to deciphor the code takes a little getting use to. The effect
is more pronounced in the waveform window.

2. Simulate and open the waveform window

> make sim rtl=traffic_light

This is what you see:

It is very hard to tell what these numbers mean.

Let’s convert the RTL state machine to use enum data type.

3. Open file

> gvim rtl/
4. Declare the following enum data type in the beginning of the file:

typedef enum logic[2:0] {RED = 3’b001, GREEN = 3’b010,

YELLOW = 3’b100} state_e;

5. Change the state and nxt_state variables to enum data type

// logic [2:0] state, nxt_state;

state_e state, nxt_state;

Lab 1-10 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

6. Change the following highlighted code to use the enum data type values

User Logic Intent Lab 1-11

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1

7. Re-run the simulation with the modified RTL code

> make sim rtl=traffic_light

This is what you see now:

Isn’t this a lot more readable? The RTL source code is also a lot easier to read.

This benefit, exist only for the RTL simulation though. After synthesis, at the
gate level, they are once again just ones and zeros.

You are done with Lab 1!

Lab 1-12 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Answers / Solutions Lab 1

Answers / Solutions Solution:

module mismatch (clk, rst_n, A, B, C, D, dout);

input clk, rst_n;

input A, B, C;
output D;
output dout;
logic D, dout;

`ifndef sverilog

// This is the Verilog behavioral code

always@(A, B, C) begin
D = (A & B) | C;


always_comb begin
D = (A & B) | C;


always@(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin

if (!rst_n) begin
dout <= 0;
end else begin
dout <= D;


User Logic Intent Lab 1-13

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1 Answers / Solutions Solution:

module unintentional_latch (clk, rst_n, A, B, selA, dout);

input clk, rst_n;

input A, selA;
output B, dout;
logic B, dout;

`ifndef sverilog

// This is the Verilog behavioral code

always@(selA, A) begin
if (selA) begin
B = A;

else begin
B = 0;


// When the branch code is incomplete, SystemVerilog also treats it

as a latch code
always_comb begin
if (selA) begin
B = A;

else begin
B = 0;


always@(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin

if (!rst_n) begin
dout <= 0;
end else begin
dout <= B;


Lab 1-14 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Answers / Solutions Lab 1 Solution:

typedef enum logic[2:0] {RED = 3'b001, GREEN = 3'b010, YELLOW = 3'b100} state_e;
module traffic_light(input logic clk, reset_n, output logic green_on, yellow_on,
state_e state, nxt_state;
logic [5:0] count_seconds;
logic reset_count;
always_comb begin
nxt_state = state;
reset_count = 1'b0; red_on = 1'b0; green_on = 1'b0; yellow_on = 1'b0;
RED: begin
red_on = 1'b1;
if (count_seconds >= 20) begin
nxt_state = GREEN;
reset_count = 1'b1;
GREEN: begin
green_on = 1'b1;
if (count_seconds >= 20) begin
nxt_state = YELLOW;
reset_count = 1'b1;
YELLOW: begin
yellow_on = 1'b1;
if (count_seconds >= 3) begin
nxt_state = RED;
reset_count = 1'b1;
always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
if (!reset_n) begin
state <= RED;
end else begin
state <= nxt_state;
always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
if (!reset_n) begin
count_seconds <= '0;
end else begin
if (reset_count) begin
count_seconds <= '0;
end else begin
count_seconds <= count_seconds + 1;

User Logic Intent Lab 1-15

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 1 Answers / Solutions

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Lab 1-16 User Logic Intent

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
2 Interface

Learning Objectives

After completing this lab, you should be able to:

• Implement modport in SystemVerilog interface
• Synthesize RTL code with parameterized interface
• Create synthesis script to generate gate level netlist for
• Create synthesis script to integrate lower level module
with parameterized interface

Lab Duration:
45 minutes

SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-1

Synopsys 50-I-054-LG-005
Lab 2

Lab Overview

Of the new features in SystemVerilog, the one that makes the biggest impact to the RTL
coding style is the new interface mechanism. But, because backend tools do not support
SystemVerilog interface, synthesis tools deconstruct the interface into individual port
listings. This results in a problem that one must resolve when integrating gate level
netlist into higher level blocks (bottom up approach to synthesis) and developing
testbench for gate level simulation.

This lab will take you through how to manage the interfaces (especially with
parameters) for gate level block integration and simulation.

The general work flow for each section of this lab is illustrated as follows.

Verilog RTL to use
SystemVerilog Interface

Synthesize and
verify functionality

Figure 1. Lab 2 Flow Diagram

Lab 2-2 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Implement Interface and Verify RTL at Block level

For this lab, the design is an encryptor with a fifo embedded.

key[$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Barrel Shifter

wr_n Fifo full

rd_n empty


You will take a bottom up approach to the integration.

• First, verify the fifo module implemented with Verilog style port list
• Then, replace the port list of signals of the fifo module with a
SystemVerilog interface
• Develop DC script to synthesize the fifo module and generate files needed
for integration and simulation
• Verify the fifo gate level netlist using the generated definition
• Develop DC script to synthesize the top-level encryptor using the fifo
block gate-level ddc generated with the previous synthesis run
• Verify that the synthesized top-level encryptor is functionally correct

Task 1. Go Into Lab Directory

1. Change directory to lab2/interface directory:

> cd ../lab2

SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-3

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Task 2. Examine and Verify the fifo Module

1. Take a look at the fifo module

> less rtl/

You should see that the module is parameterized and the port list of the module is
coded without SystemVerilog interface.
2. Take a look at the fifo testbench
> less test/

`define StringConvert(s) `"s`"

module fifo_test_top;
parameter WIDTH = 8;
parameter BUF_SIZE = 16;

string design = `StringConvert(`DESIGN);

bit clk = 0;
logic reset_n;

fifo_io#(WIDTH) fifo_if(clk);

`ifdef GATE


fifo#(WIDTH, BUF_SIZE) dut(.*,
.rd_n (fifo_if.rd_n),
.wr_n (fifo_if.wr_n),
.full (fifo_if.full),
.empty (fifo_if.empty),
.din (fifo_if.din),
.dout (fifo_if.dout));

Notice that even though the RTL code did not implement an interface for the
fifo module, the testbench still makes use of the SystemVerilog interface.

The reality is that, in the verification world, testbenches make use of the
SystemVerilog interface to simplify the development of the testbench device
drivers even if the RTL code does not. This is one of the reasons why design
engineers must understand the SystemVerilog interface mechanism.
3. Verify that this code works correctly before playing with the SystemVerilog
> make sim rtl=fifo

You should see all expected values matched.

Lab 2-4 SystemVerilog Interface
SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Task 3. Add a modport Declaration in the interface

1. Open the existing fifo interface file with an editor

> gvim rtl/

The clocking blocks in the interface is for simulation only. They are typically
specified by the verification engineer.

Design engineer is typically responsible for the modport declaration.

2. Search for the ToDo comment (at end of the file) and implement a modport for
the fifo module (for reference see the directions specified in

Task 4. Modify fifo to Use SystemVerilog Interface

1. Open the fifo RTL file with an editor

> gvim rtl/
2. Modify the port list to use the fifo_io interface and the modport
Change the existing code from:

module fifo #(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input logic clk,

reset_n, rd_n, wr_n, logic[WIDTH-1:0] din, output logic
empty, full, logic[WIDTH-1:0] dout);

To: (DO NOT change clk and reset_n)

module fifo #(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input logic clk,

reset_n, fifo_io.fifo fifo_if);

The final step in the RTL conversion is a bit of a headache. You will need to add
fifo_if in front of all modified port signals with a dot notation.
3. Locate all the modified port signals (rd_n, wr_n, din, empty, full and dout) and
change them to – fifo_if.rd_n, fifo_if.wr_n, fifo_if.din,
fifo_if.empty, fifo_if.full and fifo_if.dout.
(In gvim, it would be something like the following)

SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-5

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Task 5. Modify testbench to Use SystemVerilog Interface

1. Open the testbench file with an editor

> gvim test/
2. Modify the port list to use the fifo_io interface and the modport
Change the existing code from:

fifo#(WIDTH, BUF_SIZE) dut(.*,
.rd_n (fifo_if.rd_n),
.wr_n (fifo_if.wr_n),
.full (fifo_if.full),
.din (fifo_if.din),
.dout (fifo_if.dout));


fifo#(WIDTH, BUF_SIZE) dut(.*);

The connectivity of modules using the SystemVerilog interface simplifies

3. Make sure that nothing is broken through this conversion process
> make sim rtl=fifo

You should see all expected values matched. You are now ready to synthesis the
fifo into a gate level netlist.

Lab 2-6 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Task 6. Synthesize fifo and Examine Gate Level Netlist

This is what you have now:

full fifo



1. Take a look at the synthesis script to make sure you see what’s being executed
> less script/fifo_run.tcl
2. Synthesize this into gate level
> make syn rtl=fifo
3. Take a look at the elaborated netlist
> less unmapped/fifo_unmapped.v

Notice after elaboration, the module name and the port list changed.


module fifo #(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input logic clk,

reset_n, fifo_io.fifo fifo_if);

At synthesis, the parameters become part of the module name and the interface is
decomposed into individual signal sets:

module fifo_WIDTH8_BUF_SIZE16 ( clk, reset_n,

\fifo_if.rd_n , \fifo_if.wr_n , \fifo_if.din ,
\fifo_if.empty , \fifo_if.full , \fifo_if.dout );

SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-7

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Furthermore, the whole point of applying parameters in modules and interfaces is

for the flexibility of module and interface reuse. In this case, the interface is also
parameterized. But notice that the parameter of the interface does not show up in
the code at all.

This can be a huge problem. To see the issue, execute the following steps.
4. Synthesize fifo with a parameter that’s different from the default value
> make syn rtl=fifo WIDTH=16
5. Check the gate level netlist result
> less unmapped/fifo_unmapped.v

You should see that the name of the module reflects the new parameter. But, bit
width of the content of the interface is wrong!

module fifo_WIDTH16_BUF_SIZE16 ( clk, reset_n, \fifo_if.rd_n , \fifo_if.wr_n ,

\fifo_if.din , \fifo_if.empty , \fifo_if.full , \fifo_if.dout );
input [7:0] \fifo_if.din ;
output [7:0] \fifo_if.dout ;
input clk, reset_n, \fifo_if.rd_n , \fifo_if.wr_n ;
output \fifo_if.empty , \fifo_if.full ;

You may attemp to get around the issue by adding the parameter to the interface

module fifo #(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input logic clk, reset_n,

fifo_io#(WIDTH).fifo fifo_if);

Unfortunately, this is illegal in SystemVerilog and will not compile.

If you read the SystemVerilog LRM, it tells you to use a generic interface:

module fifo #(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input logic clk, reset_n,

interface fifo_if);

This gets even worse!

The synthesis tool now has no idea what kind of interface fifo_if is supposed
to be when the module is synthesized as the current design in a bottom up
synthesis approach.

How does one get around this problem?

Answer: create a wrapper module.

Lab 2-8 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Task 7. Create a Wrapper Module

1. Create a fifo wrapper module file

> gvim rtl/
2. Enter the following code:

module wrapper_fifo#(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input clk, reset_n);

fifo_io#(WIDTH) fifo_if();
fifo #(WIDTH, BUF_SIZE) fifo_inst (.*);

By instantiating the interface with parameter, DC will recognize the user’s intent.
You do need to adjust the synthesis script to use this wrapper module.

Task 8. Adjust Synthesis Script to Generate Correctly

Mapped Gate Level Logic

1. Open the fifo synthesis script

> gvim script/fifo_run.tcl
2. Make the following adjustments

# fifo_run.tcl Add wrapper file

source ../../../script/common_setup.tcl to be analyzed
source ../../../script/dc_setup.tcl
set param_list "WIDTH=$_width, BUF_SIZE=$_size"

analyze -format sverilog { }

elaborate wrapper_fifo -param $param_list

current_design [get_designs fifo*] Elaborate the wrapper

NOT the fifo
write_file this lineverilog
to synthesize the unmapped/fifo_unmapped.v
-output fifo,
write_file -format ddc -output unmapped/fifo_unmapped.ddc
NOT the wrapper

The purpose of the wrapper is to get the synthesizer to recognize the interface
parameters at the elaboration phase. Once elaborated, you will only deal with the
fifo module for synthesis. The wildcard (*) is needed because the name of the
module is no longer fifo, but the expanded name.

SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-9

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

3. Use the new script to synthesize the fifo

> make syn rtl=fifo WIDTH=16
4. Check the new module name
> less unmapped/fifo_unmapped.v

You should see that the name of the module now reflects not only the paramerter
of the module, but the parameterized interface as well.

The bit width of the content of the interface are also correct.

module fifo_WIDTH16_BUF_SIZE16_I_fifo_if_fifo_io__16 ( clk, reset_n,

\fifo_if.clk , \fifo_if.rd_n , \fifo_if.wr_n , \fifo_if.empty ,
\fifo_if.full , \fifo_if.din , \fifo_if.dout );
input [15:0] \fifo_if.din ;
output [15:0] \fifo_if.dout ;
input clk, reset_n, \fifo_if.clk , \fifo_if.rd_n , \fifo_if.wr_n ;
output \fifo_if.empty , \fifo_if.full ;

You now have a correctly synthesized module.

One more issue. You may need to verify the operation of this gate level netlist.
The last thing you want to do is to hand code all these changes into the testbench.

Let’s adjust the synthesis script one more time to generate an instance of the gate
level module that you can copy and paste into the testbench.

Task 9. Adjust Synthesis Script to Generate Correctly

Mapped Gate Level Instance for Testbench

1. Open the fifo synthesis script

> gvim script/fifo_run.tcl
2. Make the following adjustments (end of file)

# The following is for simulation

# Procedure for retrieving design from memory
proc get_design_from_inst { inst } { Need the wrapper
return [get_attribute [get_cells $inst] ref_name] to generate the
} correct mapping
current_design [get_designs wrapper_fifo*]
set dut [get_design_from_inst fifo_inst]
write_file -format svsim -output wrapper/ $dut

exit Retrieve the instantiated module

from within the wrapper and write
out the instance in SystemVerilog
Lab 2-10 SystemVerilog Interface
SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

3. Rerun the synthesis

> make syn rtl=fifo WIDTH=16
4. Open the generated file
> gvim wrapper/

You should see the instantiated fifo module with the correct module name and
mapping of module port signals.

fifo_WIDTH16_BUF_SIZE16_I_fifo_if_fifo_io__16 fifo_WIDTH16_BUF_SIZE16_I_fifo_if_fifo_io__16(
{>>{ clk }}, {>>{ reset_n }}, , {>>{ fifo_if.rd_n }},
{>>{ fifo_if.wr_n }}, {>>{ fifo_if.empty }}, {>>{ fifo_if.full }},
{>>{ fifo_if.din }}, {>>{ fifo_if.dout }} );

5. Also open the testbench file

> gvim test/

6. Copy the instantaiated code into the testbench

module fifo_test_top;
parameter WIDTH = 8;
parameter BUF_SIZE = 16;

string design = `StringConvert(`DESIGN);

bit clk = 0;
logic reset_n;

fifo_io#(WIDTH) fifo_if(clk);

`ifdef GATE
// Lab 2 Task 9 Step 6
// Add the remapped gate-level module here:
// ToDo:
fifo_WIDTH16_BUF_SIZE16_I_fifo_if_fifo_io__16 fifo_WIDTH16_BUF_SIZE16_I_fifo_if_fifo_io__16(
{>>{ clk }}, {>>{ reset_n }}, , {>>{ fifo_if.rd_n }},
{>>{ fifo_if.wr_n }}, {>>{ fifo_if.empty }}, {>>{ fifo_if.full }},
{>>{ fifo_if.din }}, {>>{ fifo_if.dout }} );


A couple of thing to notice: the gate level instance name no longer matches the
RTL instance name. If naming consistency is important, you will need to
manually change the instance to match the RTL instance name (dut). And, this
testbench is no useable for other gate-level netlists with different parameters.

7. Execute the gate level verification

> make gate rtl=fifo WIDTH=16

The gate simulation should pass. The major caution here is that with gate level
simulation, each testbench can only handle one variation of the parameter. You
may want to develop a script to generate the testbench as you need it.
SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-11
SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

Integrate fifo into the encryptor module

You have successfully synthesize the fifo module.

Because of the parameters and interfaces of the module, integrating this into a higher
level block (bottom up synthesis approach) requires a little tweak to the synthesis script.

For this part of the lab, the RTL design is an encryptor embedding the fifo:

encryptor full

din[WIDTH-1:0] dout[WIDTH-1:0]
Barrel din[WIDTH-1:0]
Shifter full fifo
wr_n wr_n
rd_n rd_n



Task 10. Examine the encryptor Module

This encryptor module is very simple. The simplicity let us focus more on the task
at hand: integration of a module with parameterized interface.

1. Take a look at the encryptor module code:

> less rtl/

You should see that the module has parameters. But, to keep focus on just the
integration of lower level block with parameterized interfaces, the encryptor
module port list is kept at the Verilog port list style. Inside the module there is
one instance of fifo_io interface and one instance of fifo module.

Lab 2-12 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2

2. Simulate the module to make sure the encryptor is working correctly:

> make sim rtl=encryptor WIDTH=16

You should see that the RTL passed simulation.

3. Take a look at the encryptor synthesis script:

> less script/encryptor_run.tcl

The content is similar to the fifo_run.tcl script. The key difference between
the two scripts are two lines:

If you already have a synthesized module that you want to use. You need to
remove the newly read in code from memory with the remove_design
command. Then, you need to read the saved synthesized module into the memory
with the read_ddc command.

4. Synthesize the encryptor module

> make syn rtl=encryptor WIDTH=16

To make sure everything at gate level works properly, modify the testbench to
enable gate level verification

5. Open the testbench file

> gvim test/
6. Copy the encryptor instance from wrapper/
into the testbench
7. Verify the the encryptor module
> make gate rtl=encryptor WIDTH=16

Now you know how to deal with SystemVerilog interface and parameters for a
bottom up synthesis approach.

You are done with Lab 2!

SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-13

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2 Answers / Solutions

Answers / Solutions Solution:

interface fifo_io #(WIDTH = 8) (input clk);
interface fifo_io #(WIDTH = 8) (); // RTL does not need clk
logic rd_n,

logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,


clocking drvWrClk @(posedge clk);
default input #1ns output #1ns;
output wr_n;
output din;
input full;

clocking drvRdClk @(posedge clk);

default input #1ns output #1ns;
output rd_n;
input empty;
input dout;

clocking monWrClk @(posedge clk);

default input #1ns output #1ns;
input wr_n;
input din;

clocking monRdClk @(posedge clk);

default input #1ns output #1ns;
input rd_n;
input dout;

modport fifo(input rd_n, wr_n, din, output empty, full, dout);


Lab 2-14 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Answers / Solutions Lab 2 Solution:

module fifo #(WIDTH=8, BUF_SIZE=16) (input logic clk, reset_n,

fifo_io.fifo fifo_if);

logic [WIDTH-1:0] reg_buffer [BUF_SIZE];

logic [$clog2(BUF_SIZE):0] count;
logic [$clog2(BUF_SIZE)-1:0] wr_address,

assign fifo_if.dout = reg_buffer[rd_address];

assign fifo_if.empty = ((count == 0) && fifo_if.wr_n) ||
((count == 1) && fifo_if.wr_n && !fifo_if.rd_n);
assign fifo_if.full = ((count == BUF_SIZE) && fifo_if.rd_n) ||
((count == BUF_SIZE-1) && !fifo_if.wr_n && fifo_if.rd_n);

always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin

if (!reset_n) begin
wr_address <= 0;
rd_address <= 0;
count <= 0;
end else begin
case ({fifo_if.wr_n, fifo_if.rd_n})
2'b00: begin
reg_buffer[wr_address] <= fifo_if.din;
wr_address <= wr_address + 1;
rd_address <= rd_address + 1;
2'b01: begin
reg_buffer[wr_address] <= fifo_if.din;
wr_address <= wr_address + 1;
count <= count + 1;
2'b10: begin
rd_address <= rd_address + 1;
count <= count - 1;
2'b11: ;


SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-15

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2 Answers / Solutions

fifo_run.tcl Solution:

# fifo_run.tcl

source ../../../script/common_setup.tcl
source ../../../script/dc_setup.tcl

set param_list "WIDTH=$_width, BUF_SIZE=$_size"

#analyze -format sverilog { }

#elaborate fifo -param $param_list
analyze -format sverilog { }
elaborate wrapper_fifo -param $param_list
current_design [get_designs fifo*]


write_file -format verilog -output unmapped/fifo_unmapped.v

write_file -format ddc -output unmapped/fifo_unmapped.ddc

check_design -html check_design.html

source ../../../script/constraint.tcl


write_file -format verilog -output mapped/fifo_mapped.v

write_file -format ddc -output mapped/fifo_mapped.ddc

# The following is for simulation

# Procedure for retrieving design from memory

proc get_design_from_inst { inst } {
return [get_attribute [get_cells $inst] ref_name]

current_design [get_designs wrapper_fifo*]

set dut [get_design_from_inst fifo_inst]
write_file -format svsim -output wrapper/ $dut


Lab 2-16 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Answers / Solutions Lab 2

encryptor_run.tcl Solution:

# encryptor_run.tcl

source ../../../script/common_setup.tcl
source ../../../script/dc_setup.tcl

set param_list "WIDTH=$_width, BUF_SIZE=$_size"

analyze -format sverilog { }

elaborate wrapper_encryptor -param $param_list
remove_design [get_designs fifo*]


read_ddc fifo_mapped.ddc

current_design [get_designs encryptor*]

write_file -format verilog -output unmapped/encryptor_unmapped.v

write_file -format ddc -output unmapped/encryptor_unmapped.ddc

check_design -html check_design.html

source ../../../script/constraint.tcl


write_file -format verilog -output mapped/encryptor_mapped.v

write_file -format ddc -output mapped/encryptor_mapped.ddc

# The following is for simulation

# Procedure for retrieving design from memory

proc get_design_from_inst { inst } {
return [get_attribute [get_cells $inst] ref_name]

current_design [get_designs wrapper_encryptor*]

set dut [get_design_from_inst encryptor_inst]

write_file -format svsim -output wrapper/ $dut


SystemVerilog Interface Lab 2-17

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop
Lab 2 Answers / Solutions

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Lab 2-18 SystemVerilog Interface

SystemVerilog RTL Design Workshop

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