Policy: General Environmental
Policy: General Environmental
Policy: General Environmental
Version 5
Authorisation Date: September 2009
The Corporation of the City of Marion provides a range of physical, social and developmental services to the local
community, visitors to the City and external stakeholders.
To ensure effective environmental performance in all activities, the City of Marion is committed to achieving a “Healthy
Environment” and aims to integrate environmental considerations with economic, cultural and social factors.
This policy provides the guiding principles for setting and reviewing environmental directions, strategies, plans,
policies, procedures and actions.
Healthy Environment
In a healthy environment interactions between natural assets (land, water, air, biota (all living things), are diverse and
yet occur with a stability causing changes to happen over very long periods of time. This term has been identified as
one of the four community themes of the City of Marion Strategic Plan 2006-2020.
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Is a process used by an organisation to implement its corporate environment policy and manage its activities that
interact and change the environment, whether beneficially or adversely. The system provides a framework that
embraces continual improvement in the management and coordination of our environmental activities.
Environmental Aspect
Any element of an organisation’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment.
Environmental Impact
Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation’s
environmental aspects.
Continual Improvement
Refers to the ongoing process of reviewing the environmental management system with the overall objective of
improving environmental performance in line with the general environmental policy.
Environmental Responsibility
Refers to duty of care for the environment, particularly in relation to responsibilities and accountabilities of all
employees, in accordance with the supporting procedures and relevant legislation.
AS/NZS ISO 14001
The international standard that specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an
organisation to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal and other requirements,
and information about significant environmental aspects (risks).
City of Marion 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047 (PO Box 21, Oaklands Park SA 5046)
T 08 8375 6600 F 08 8375 6699 www.marion.sa.gov.au
Environmental projects are developed and identified through a planning process that facilitates the delivery of the
community vision. The following guiding principles are used in this process.
The City of Marion will ensure:
1. Environmental objectives are established and published so that they are publicly available; and
2. That this policy is communicated to all of Council’s employees, volunteers, Elected Members and suppliers of
goods and services, to facilitate awareness of their responsibilities in relation to environmental management.
Strategic Planning
Planning for a healthy environment is achieved through an effective environmental planning framework. The following
guiding principles will be used in developing this framework:
I. Ensure the development and review of environmental directions, strategies, plans, policies, procedures and
actions that:
• Are connected to the City of Marion Strategic Plan and the Environmental Management System, with
necessary resource allocations;
• Meet the Healthy Environment objectives identified in the City of Marion Strategic Plan;
• Are consistent with other key directions, strategies, plans, policies, procedures within the organisation;
• Are regularly reviewed and monitored, through consultation and research, to ensure currency and
adaptability to external trends and changes in the environment at the local, regional, state, national
and international levels.
II. Provide comment on external and internal policies and strategies in relation to the principles of a Healthy
Environment as defined by Council’s strategic planning framework.
III. Undertake a review process that incorporates the:
• Objectives of the Healthy Environment theme in the Strategic Plan;
• The requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard; and
• Requirements of other relevant environmental projects and programs.
City of Marion 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047 (PO Box 21, Oaklands Park SA 5046)
T 08 8375 6600 F 08 8375 6699 www.marion.sa.gov.au
and implementation of contracts and purchasing procedures and guidelines that support Council’s Healthy
Environment goals and objectives.
IV. Develop a strong sense of environmental awareness amongst all employees by incorporating environmental
priorities within work programs and business plans, and ensuring appropriate environmental information is
included in general training and inductions.
V. Utilise, where appropriate, recognised frameworks and programs for the management of environmental
impacts, for example ICLEI program frameworks, risk management frameworks, Business Excellence tools,
VI. Report on environmental performances through the organisations corporate reporting system.
Project Delivery
Human impacts have caused many of the natural interactions in our environment to become unbalanced. To restore
this balance and create a healthy environment for us to coexist we need to...
• Protect: existing natural assets so that no further degradation occurs e.g. remnant native vegetation, coastal
and marine ecosystems, air quality
• Enhance/Restore: improve the condition of natural assets e.g. revegetation activities, rehabilitation of
watercourses, soil conservation, etc
• Control: pest plants and animals, resource use (energy, water, etc), waste generation, pollution, etc
• Adapt: to changing environmental conditions (rainfall, temperature, sea levels, etc.)
In developing projects that impact on the environment, the following guiding principles will be followed:
I. Encourage environmental responsibility in all areas of Council’s operations.
II. Apply the principles of continual improvement to aim to move beyond simple compliance towards more
proactive environmental risk management.
III. Working towards a Healthy Environment that gives consideration to:
• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change;
• Preserving water quality and maximising water conservation,
• Protection and enhancement of indigenous ecosystems, and
• Minimising use of raw materials and generation of waste and pollution.
IV. Build a partnership with the local community to encourage greater community awareness of and involvement
in environmental management issues and activities.
V. Build a partnership with the Kaurna and other Aboriginal people to encourage greater community awareness
of and learning from Aboriginal knowledge and expertise in environmental management.
VI. Develop and encourage a network of partnerships with public and private organisations to deliver the
objectives in the Healthy Environment theme identified in the City of Marion Strategic Plan. Insert Body Text
Here >
City of Marion 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047 (PO Box 21, Oaklands Park SA 5046)
T 08 8375 6600 F 08 8375 6699 www.marion.sa.gov.au
Environmental Management System Procedures
City of Marion 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047 (PO Box 21, Oaklands Park SA 5046)
T 08 8375 6600 F 08 8375 6699 www.marion.sa.gov.au