T Tut Sec 2015 PDF e PDF
T Tut Sec 2015 PDF e PDF
T Tut Sec 2015 PDF e PDF
Security in
and Information
ISBN 978-92-61-16351-8
ITU-T Telecommunication
9 789261 163518 Sector of ITU
Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2015
2 0 1 5
ITU-T – Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB)
Place des Nations – CH-1211 Geneva 20 – Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.itu.int/ITU-T
in Telecommunications and
Information Technology
September 2015
Foreword .
Chaesub Lee
ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
I am pleased to have the opportunity to introduce this 6th edition of the Security Manual.
Over the past few years, as use of information and communication technology (ICT) has proliferated, there
has been a rapidly-growing awareness on the part of all ICT users of the need to ensure effective protection
against the cyber threats that continue to increase and diversify with alarming rapidity.
The widespread use of various devices over the networks, and in particular the ability to access and control so
many aspects of daily life via communications, has meant that it is now essential to build solid security
protection into industrial, commercial and consumer products and services and to ensure that sufficient
attention is paid to security throughout the entire lifecycle of the product or service.
ITU-T has, for many years, been in the forefront of the effort to develop international standards to address the
many and varied threats. It is interesting to note that, since the last edition of this Manual was published, our
focus has expanded to topics such as cloud security, Internet of Things (IoT) and child online protection. In
addition, increased recognition of the need to protect individual privacy, as indicated by national data
protection laws, has increased the pressure to develop security techniques that can support recognized
standards of privacy protection.
Furthermore, protection measures need to be more robust than ever before. Monitoring, reporting and sharing
of security and vulnerability information across domains can greatly help in ensuring that protection is up-to-
date and that systems are sufficiently robust to resist attack. Our work on cybersecurity and incident response
is now making a major contribution to encourage and facilitate efforts in this area.
I believe that ITU-T has a major role to play in promoting a safe information society and secure global ICT
environment. This manual provides a broad overview of our security work and highlights some of the extensive
resources we have available to help developers and users understand and address the ICT challenges we face
In closing, I would like to thank the many dedicated individuals from the public and private sectors, as well as
the staff of the TSB, who continue to work so diligently to develop and promote our standards, guidelines, best
practices and awareness publications to help safeguard our digital environment.
Chaesub Lee
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Prefix i
This manual was prepared with the contribution of numerous authors who either contributed to the
generation of the relevant ITU-T Recommendations or participated in the ITU-T Study Group meetings,
workshops and seminars. Credit should be given to the Chairs, Secretariats, Rapporteurs, editors, and
security coordinators of the ITU Study Groups, to Martin Euchner, SG17 Advisor and Georges Sebek,
the former SG17 counsellor, and in particular to Herb Bertine, the former Chairman of the lead Study
Group in ITU-T for work on telecommunications security and Mike Harrop, the former Rapporteur for
the security project and chief editor of this manual.
ii Acknowledgements
Executive Summary
This manual provides a broad introduction to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) security
work of the ITU-T and, more specifically, it summarizes how the ITU-T is responding to global cybersecurity
challenges with Recommendations, guidance documents and outreach initiatives. It is primarily directed
towards those who have responsibility for, or an interest in, information and communications security and the
related standards, as well as those who simply need to gain a better understanding of ICT security issues.
The manual can be used in various ways according to the organization, role and needs of the user. The
introductory chapters provide an overview of the key areas of the current ITU-T security work together with a
discussion of the basic requirements for the protection of ICT applications, services and information. The
threats and vulnerabilities that drive security requirements are highlighted and the role of standards in meeting
the requirements is examined. Some of the features that are needed to protect the various entities involved in
providing, supporting and using information and communications technology and services are discussed. In
addition, the importance of ICT security standards is explained and examples are given of how the ITU-T
security work is evolving to meet security requirements.
The generic security architectures for open systems and end-to-end communications are then introduced
together with some examples of application-specific architectures. These architectures each establish a
framework within which the multiple facets of security can be applied in a consistent manner. They also
standardize the underlying concepts of security services and mechanisms and contribute to a standardized
vocabulary for ICT security terms and basic concepts. The general principles introduced in these architectures
form the basis for many of the other standards on security services, mechanisms and protocols, some of which
are discussed later in the text.
Security management embraces many activities associated with controlling and protecting access to system
and network resources, event monitoring and reporting, policy and auditing, as well as managing the
information related to these functions and activities. The topics of information security management, risk
management and asset management are the focus of one section. Management activities associated with
securing the network infrastructure are discussed later in the text in a section that covers the need to secure the
data used to monitor and control the telecommunications network as well as topics related to network
management and common security management services.
The Directory, and its role in supporting authentication and other security services, is explained along with
some of the key areas that depend on Directory services. In particular, this section explains some of the
cryptographic concepts that rely on Directory services and provides an introduction to public key
infrastructures, digital signatures and privilege management infrastructures. The importance of protecting the
Directory information base is also discussed.
The topic of identity management, which is of growing importance, is introduced together with telebiometrics
i.e. the use of biometric characteristics for personal identification and for authentication in telecommunication
Some specific examples and approaches to network security are reviewed. These include the security
requirements for Next Generation Networks and mobile communications networks which are in transition from
a single technology (such as CDMA or GSM) to mobility across heterogeneous platforms using the Internet
protocol. Also included in this section is an examination of security provisions for home networks, cable
television and ubiquitous sensor networks.
A section on cybersecurity and incident response looks at how best to develop an effective response to cyber-
attacks and the importance of understanding the source and nature of attacks and sharing information with
monitoring agencies. This section discusses the development of a framework for sharing cybersecurity-related
Executive Summary iii
information and requirements for detecting, protecting against, mitigating the effects of, and recovering from
The security needs of a number of application areas are examined with particular emphasis on the security
features that are defined in ITU-T Recommendations. Topics discussed include Voice over Internet Protocol
(VOIP), Internet protocol television (IPTV) and web services. Also included in this section is the topic of
identification tags (including RFID tags) which are widely deployed but which are also the subject of growing
concern over the risk of privacy infringement.
Technical measures for countering common network threats such as spam, malicious code and spyware are
presented and a discussion is included on the importance of timely notification and dissemination of software
updates and the need for organization and consistency in handling security incidents.
Finally, a new section has been added to this edition on cloud computing security.
A short section on possible future directions of ICT security standardization work concludes the main body of
A review of sources of additional information is included at the end of the text along with Annexes on
definitions and acronyms used in the manual, a summary of security-related Study Groups and a complete
listing of Recommendations referenced in this manual. In the electronic version of the text, links are included
throughout the text to some of the key ITU-T security resources and outreach information.
iv Executive Summary
Since the first edition of the manual was published in 2003, the ITU-T has embarked on many new areas of
work and great many new Recommendations have been completed and published. In addition, the Study
Groups themselves were restructured following the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly
(WTSA) 2008.
Since publication of the 5th edition of the manual, the work has continued to expand and the number of security-
related Recommendations has grown in response to continued demand for standardized solutions to counter
evolving threats to ICT security. Once again, the editors have faced the challenge of presenting a representative
cross-section of the work in a limited amount of space. For the 4th edition of this manual, the structure and
contents were revised significantly and guiding principles were established for the text. These guiding
principles have again been followed for this edition and the structure and format of this edition are largely
The guiding principles, which were developed after consultation with ITU-T members are as follows:
• The publication should appeal to a wide audience and should try to avoid complex terminology and
terms that are likely to be understood only within specialized domains;
• The text should complement, not duplicate, existing material available in other forms
(e.g. Recommendations);
• The text should be developed to accommodate publication as an electronic document;
• The text should employ web links to Recommendations and other referenced sources of publicly-
available material as much as possible. Detailed information, over and above that needed to fulfil the
basic objectives should be referenced by web links; and
• To the greatest extent possible, the text should focus on work that has been completed and published,
rather than work that is planned or in progress.
In keeping with these objectives, the manual does not attempt to cover all the ITU-T security work that has
either been completed or is underway. Instead, it focuses on key selected topics and accomplishments and
provides web links to additional information.
For readers using the electronic version of the text, direct hyperlinks are provided to the referenced
Recommendations and to other on-line documentation. All referenced Recommendations are listed in Annex
D. These can be accessed on line at: www.itu.int/rec/T-REC.
Note: This manual is purely illustrative. It has no normative character and does not supersede the ITU-T
Recommendations referenced herein.
Introduction v
Table of Contents
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. ii
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................. ii
4.1 The open systems security architecture and related standards ................................................ 19
4.2 Security services ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Security architecture for systems providing end-to-end communications .............................. 21
4.4 Implementation guidance ........................................................................................................ 23
4.5 Some application-specific architectures .................................................................................. 23
4.6 Architecture for external relationships .................................................................................... 26
4.7 Other network security architectures and models ................................................................... 27
6 The role of the Directory and the importance of the ITU-T X.500 series of Recommendations 41
Contents vii
12.1 Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) and multimedia ............................................................. 107
12.2 Internet protocol television (IPTV) ......................................................................................... 114
12.3 Digital rights management (DRM) for Cable Television Multiscreen ................................... 117
12.4 Secure fax................................................................................................................................ 122
12.5 Web services ........................................................................................................................... 123
12.6 Tag-based services .................................................................................................................. 125
viii Contents
Annex D: Security Recommendations and other publications referenced in this manual ........................ 177
Contents ix
1. How to use this Security Manual
This manual has been developed to introduce the telecommunications security work of the ITU-T to senior
executives and managers who have responsibility for, or an interest in, ICT security and the related standards.
In addition, the manual will be of interest to others who want to gain a better understanding of ICT security
issues and the corresponding ITU-T Recommendations that address those issues.
The manual provides an overview of telecommunication and information technology security, examines some
of the associated practical issues, and indicates how different aspects of ICT security are being addressed by
the ITU-T standardization work. The manual provides tutorial material as well as links to more detailed
guidance and additional reference material. In particular, it provides direct links to ITU-T Recommendations
and to related reference and outreach documents. It brings together selected security-related material from
ITU-T Recommendations and it explains relationships of various aspects of the work. Results achieved in ITU-
T security-related standardization since the fifth edition of the manual are included. For the most part, the
manual focuses on work that has already been completed. The results of work currently in progress will be
reflected in future editions of this manual.
In addition to the work of ITU-T, security work is also being undertaken by the General Secretariat and the
other Sectors of the ITU. Examples include: Child Online Protection, an international collaborative network
for action to promote the online protection of children worldwide; the Global Cybersecurity Index, a project
to measure the cybersecurity capabilities of nation states and hence enable informed decisions to foster a global
culture of cybersecurity; the Enhancing Cybersecurity in Least Developed Countries project which aims to
ensure that LDCs can maximize the socio-economic benefits of access to ICTs in a cybersecure environment;
National CIRT Capacity Building which addresses the absence of institutional structures to deal with cyber
incidents and attacks by establishing national Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs); and the work of
ITU-R on security for International Mobile Communications and satellite services.
This manual is intended to provide a broad, high-level overview of the security standards activities of the ITU-
T. For those requiring more detailed information on the published Recommendations and related
documentation, direct links are provided in the electronic version of the text. The manual can be used in several
ways. Table 1 indicates how it can be used to address the needs of different audiences.
The ITU-T work on ICT security has been underway for over three decades, during which time
Recommendations and guidance have been developed in a number of key areas by several Study Groups. Study
Group 17 (SG17) now has primary responsibility for the ITU-T ICT security work and has also been designated
the Lead Study Group on Security. However, aspects of security extend to most areas of the ITU-T work and
most Study Groups are undertaking security work related to their own area of responsibility.
As part of its responsibility as Lead Study Group on Security, SG17 has developed a number of reference and
outreach publications. These publications, which include this manual, help with the internal coordination of
the ITU-T security work and also help to promote the work to a much wider community and to encourage the
use of the Recommendations.
This section provides readers with a brief introduction to the major security topics together with examples of
some of the security-related Recommendations. It also provides pointers to sources of further information on
the outreach publications and the work currently underway.
The ITU-T maintains a number of publications and web sites from which more detailed information about
Recommendations and the ITU-T security work may be obtained.
The SG17 website provides a summary of the responsibilities and activities of SG17. Included on this website
are summaries of, and links to, documentation and outreach material, information on past workshops,
presentations and outreach activities, and links to ICT security guidance, including a tutorial on writing safe
and secure programs.
More detailed information on various aspects of the security work along with direct links to further information
is contained in section 16.
Table 2 provides a quick reference to some of the major topics and associated Recommendations discussed in
this manual. Hyperlinks are provided to the text on each topic and subtopic and to the listed Recommendations.
Annex D contains a complete list of Recommendations referenced in this manual. Hyperlinks are included in
Annex D to allow readers to download the Recommendations directly.
ITU-T X.800 Security architecture for Open Systems Interconnection for CCITT applications
ITU-T X.810 Security frameworks for open systems: Overview
Open systems security architecture (4.1)
ITU-T X.805 Security architecture for systems providing end-to-end communications
Security services (4.2)
ITU-T G.827 Availability performance parameters and objectives for end-to-end international constant
Directory concepts (6) ITU-T X.500 The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and services
Public-key security mechanisms (6.2) ITU-T X.509 The Directory: Public-Key and attribute certificate frameworks
The role of the
Privilege management infrastructure (6.3) ITU-T X.1171 Threats and requirements for protection of personally identifiable information in applications
Protection of Directory information (6.4) using tag-based identification
Privacy protection (6.4.3) ITU-T X.1250 Baseline capabilities for enhanced global identity management and interoperability
Table 2 – Overview of some of the key topics and selected Recommendations (Part 2 of 3)
3 Security requirements
In developing any kind of security framework, it is very important to have a clear understanding of the
requirements. A comprehensive review of security requirements must take into account: the parties involved;
the assets that need to be protected; the threats against which those assets must be protected; the vulnerabilities
associated with the assets and the environment; and the overall risk to the assets from those threats and
This section introduces the basic requirements for protection of ICT applications, services and information,
looks at the threats and vulnerabilities that drive the requirements, examines the role of standards in meeting
the requirements, and identifies some of the features that are needed to protect the various parties involved in
the use and operation of ICT facilities.
Security requirements are both generic and context-specific. In addition, some requirements are well-
established while others continue to evolve with new applications and the evolving threat environment. For
the most part, the discussion in this section is generic. Requirements for particular applications and
environments are discussed in later sections.
Security requirements 11
A security vulnerability is a flaw or weakness that could be exploited to violate a system or the information it
contains. If a vulnerability exists, then it is possible for a threat to be realized successfully unless effective
countermeasures are in place.
ITU-T Recommendations recognize four types of vulnerability:
• threat model vulnerabilities, which result from failure to foresee possible future threats;
• design and specification vulnerabilities, which result from errors or oversights in the design of a
system or protocol and make it inherently vulnerable;
• implementation vulnerabilities, which are introduced by errors or oversights during system or
protocol implementation; and
• operation and configuration vulnerabilities, which originate from improper usage of options in
implementations or weak deployment policies and practices (such as failure to use encryption in a
wireless network).
Security risk is a measure of the adverse effects that can result if a security vulnerability is exploited, i.e., if a
threat is realized. While risk can never be eliminated, one objective of security is to reduce risk to an acceptable
level. In order to do that, it is necessary to understand the applicable threats and vulnerabilities and to apply
appropriate countermeasures. These are usually specific security services and mechanisms which may be
complemented by non-technical measures such as physical and personnel security.
While threats and threat agents change, security vulnerabilities exist throughout the life of a system or protocol,
unless specific steps are taken to address them. With standardized protocols being very widely-used,
vulnerabilities associated with the protocols can have very serious implications and be global in scale. Hence,
it is particularly important to understand and identify vulnerabilities in protocols and to take steps to eliminate
them as and when they are identified.
Standards bodies have both a responsibility and a unique ability to address security vulnerabilities that may be
inherent in specifications such as architectures, frameworks and protocols. Even with adequate knowledge
about the threats, risks and vulnerabilities associated with information processing and communications
networks, adequate security cannot be achieved unless security measures are systematically applied in
accordance with relevant security policies. The security policies themselves must be reviewed and updated
periodically. Also, adequate provision must be made for security management and incident response. This will
include assigning responsibility and specifying action that must be taken to prevent, detect, investigate and
respond to any security incident.
Security services and mechanisms can protect telecommunication networks against malicious attacks such as
denial of service, eavesdropping, spoofing, tampering with messages (modification, delay, deletion, insertion,
replay, re-routing, misrouting, or re-ordering of messages), repudiation or forgery. Protection techniques
include prevention, detection and recovery from attacks, as well as management of security-related
information. Protection must include measures to prevent service outages due to natural events (such as storms
and earthquakes) and malicious attacks (deliberate or violent actions). Provisions must also be made to
facilitate interception and monitoring by duly-authorized legal authorities.
Telecommunication network security also demands extensive cooperation between service providers.
Recommendation ITU-T E.408 provides an overview of security requirements and a framework that identifies
security threats to telecommunication networks in general (both fixed and mobile; voice and data) and gives
guidance for planning countermeasures that can be taken to mitigate the risks arising from the threats.
Implementing the requirements of ITU-T E.408 would facilitate international cooperation in the following
areas relating to telecommunication network security:
• information sharing and dissemination;
• incident coordination and crisis response;
• recruitment and training of security professionals;
• law enforcement coordination;
• protection of critical infrastructure and critical services; and
• development of appropriate legislation.
12 Security requirements
However, to succeed in obtaining such cooperation, implementation of the requirements for the national
components of the network is essential.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1205 provides a taxonomy of security threats from an organizational point of view
along with a discussion of the threats at the various layers of a network.
Achieving these objectives requires that close attention be paid to security during network design,
implementation and operation. Security policies must be developed, appropriate security services must be
applied and risk must be managed consistently and continuously.
The use of internationally-agreed standards as a basis for network security promotes commonality of
approaches and aids interconnection as well as being more cost effective than developing individual
approaches for each jurisdiction.
In some cases, the provisioning and usage of security services and mechanisms can be quite expensive relative
to the value of the assets being protected, so it is important to have the ability to customize the security services
and mechanisms to meet local needs. However, the ability to customize security also can result in a number of
possible combinations of security features. Therefore, it is desirable to have security profiles that cover a broad
range of telecommunication network services to ensure alignment of options in different implementations.
Standardization and the use of standardized profiles facilitate interoperability and the reuse of solutions and
products, meaning that security can be introduced faster, more consistently and at lower cost.
Standardized network security solutions benefit both suppliers and service providers through economy of scale
in product development and component interoperability.
The ITU-T security work continues to evolve in response to requirements raised by the ITU-T members. Here,
some key aspects of this evolution are discussed, particularly as they relate to security requirements. Some of
the individual Recommendations are discussed in more detail later.
Security requirements 13
In general, ICT security requirements are defined in terms of the threats to the network and/or system, the
inherent vulnerabilities in the network and/or system, and the steps that must be taken to counter the threats
and reduce the vulnerabilities. Protection requirements extend to the network and its components. Fundamental
concepts of security, including threats, vulnerabilities and security countermeasures, are defined in
Recommendation ITU-T X.800, which was published in 1991. The previously-mentioned Recommendation
ITU-T E.408, which was published in 2004, builds on the concepts and terminology of ITU-T X.800.
Recommendation ITU-T E.408 is generic in nature and does not address requirements for specific networks
or identify any new security services. Instead, the Recommendation focuses on the use of existing security
services defined in other ITU-T Recommendations and relevant standards from other bodies.
The need to counter the growing number and variety of cybersecurity threats (viruses, worms, Trojan horses,
spoofing attacks, identity theft, spam and other forms of cyber-attack) is reflected in the 2008 Recommendation
ITU-T X.1205. This Recommendation aims to build a foundation of knowledge that can help secure future
networks. Various threat countermeasures are discussed including routers, firewalls, antivirus protection,
intrusion detection systems, intrusion protection systems, secure computing, and audit and monitoring.
Network protection principles such as defence-in-depth and access management are also discussed. Risk
management strategies and techniques are reviewed, including the value of training and education in protecting
the network. Examples of securing various networks based on the discussed techniques are also provided.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1205 defines cybersecurity as “the collection of tools, policies, security concepts,
security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and
technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment, the organization and the user's assets”. The
referenced assets include connected computing devices, computing users, applications/services,
communications systems, multimedia communication, and the totality of transmitted and/or stored information
in the cyber environment. As defined here, cybersecurity ensures the attainment and maintenance of the
security properties of the organization (including availability, integrity and confidentiality) and protects a user's
assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment.
In today's business environment, the concept of the perimeter is disappearing. The boundaries between inside
and outside networks are becoming "thinner". Applications run on top of networks in a layered fashion.
Security must exist within and between each of these layers. A layered approach to security enables
organizations to create multiple levels of defence against threats.
Cybersecurity techniques can be used to ensure system availability, integrity, authenticity, confidentiality, and
non-repudiation as well as to ensure that user privacy is respected. Cybersecurity techniques can also be used
to establish a user's trustworthiness. Some of the most important current cybersecurity techniques include:
– Cryptography, which supports a number of security services including confidentiality of data during
transmission and in storage, as well as electronic signature;
– Access controls, which aim to prevent unauthorized access to, or use of information;
– System and data integrity, which aims to ensure that a system and its data cannot be modified or
corrupted by unauthorized parties, or in an unauthorized manner without detection;
– Audit, logging and monitoring, which provides information to help evaluate the effectiveness of the
security strategy and techniques being deployed; and
– Security management, which includes security configuration and controls, risk management, incident
handling and management of security information.
Organizations need to devise a comprehensive plan for addressing security in each particular context. Security
is not "one-size-fits-all". Security should be viewed as an on-going process that covers protection of systems,
data, networks, applications, and resources. Also, security must be comprehensive across all layers of a system.
A layered approach to security, combined with strong policy management and enforcement, provides a choice
of security solutions that can be modular, flexible, and scalable.
14 Security requirements
For the most part, ITU-T security-related Recommendations focus on the technical aspects of the system and
network. Some aspects of personnel security are identified in Recommendation ITU-T X.1051. Physical
security is also a very important dimension of protection but it is largely outside the scope of most of the ITU-
T work. However, general physical security requirements are identified in Recommendation ITU-T X.1051
and physical security relating to the outside plant is addressed in the two documents identified below.
Physical protection requirements for outside plant include the need to make sure the hardware is able to resist
the threat of fire, natural disaster and accidental or intentional damage. Methods for achieving protection of
components, cables, closures, cabinets, etc., are addressed in the ITU-T Handbook on outside plant
technologies for public networks and the ITU-T Handbook on application of computers and microprocessors
to the construction, installation and protection of telecommunication cables. These documents also address
the monitoring of systems to prevent damage and suggest how to respond to problems and restore system
functionality in the most expeditious manner.
Security requirements 15
4. Security architectures
4 Security architectures
Security architectures, and related models and frameworks, provide a structure and context within which
related technical standards can be developed in a consistent manner. In the early 1980s, the need for a
framework in which security could be applied in a layered communications architecture was identified. This
led to the development of the Recommendation ITU-T X.800. This was the first of a suite of architectural
standards to support security services and mechanisms. This work, most of which was done in collaboration
with ISO, led to further standards, including security models and frameworks that specify how particular types
of protection can be applied in particular environments.
Later, the need for both generic and application-specific security architectures was identified. This resulted in
the development of the Recommendation ITU-T X.805, as well as a number of application-specific
architectures to address areas such as network management, peer-to-peer communications and mobile web
servers. Recommendation ITU-T X.805, which is described later in this section, complements other
Recommendations of the ITU-T X.800 series by offering security solutions directed towards providing end-
to-end network security.
The first of the communications security architectures to be standardized was Recommendation ITU-T X.800,
the open systems security architecture. This Recommendation defines the security-related architectural
elements that can be applied according to the circumstances for which protection is required. In particular, it
provides a general description of security services and the related mechanisms that may be used to provide the
services. It also defines, in terms of the seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference
Model, the most appropriate location (i.e. the layer) at which the security services should be implemented.
Recommendation ITU-T X.800 is concerned only with those visible aspects of a communications path that
permit end systems to achieve the secure transfer of information between them. It does not attempt to provide
any kind of implementation specification and it does not provide the means to assess conformance of any
implementation to this or any other security standard. Nor does it indicate, in any detail, any additional security
measures that may be needed in end-systems to support the communication security features.
Although Recommendation ITU-T X.800 was developed specifically as the OSI security architecture, the
underlying concepts have been shown to have much broader applicability and acceptance. The standard is
particularly important as it represents the first internationally-agreed consensus on the definitions of the basic
security services (authentication, access control, data confidentiality, data integrity and non-repudiation)
along with more general (pervasive) services such as trusted functionality, event detection, security audit and
security recovery. It also indicates which security mechanisms can be used to provide the security services.
Prior to Recommendation ITU-T X.800 there had been a wide range of views on what basic security services
were required and what exactly each service would do. The value and general applicability of Recommendation
ITU-T X.800 results from the fact that it represents a significant international consensus on the meaning of the
terms used to describe security features, on the set of security services needed to provide protection for data
communications, and on the nature of those security services.
Security architectures 19
During the development of Recommendation ITU-T X.800, the need for additional related communications
security standards was identified. As a result, work on a number of supporting standards and complementary
architectural Recommendations was initiated. Some of these Recommendations are discussed below.
Security frameworks have been developed to provide comprehensive and consistent descriptions of each of
the security services defined in Recommendation ITU-T X.800. These standards are intended to address all
aspects of how the security services can be applied in the context of a specific security architecture, including
possible future security architectures. The frameworks focus on providing protection for systems, objects
within systems, and interaction between systems. They do not address the methodology for constructing
systems or mechanisms. Recommendation ITU-T X.810 introduces the other frameworks and describes
common concepts including security domains, security authorities and security policies that are used in all the
frameworks. It also describes a generic data format that can be used to convey both authentication and access
control information securely.
Authentication is the provision of assurance of the claimed identity of an entity. Entities include not only
human users, but also devices, services and applications. Authentication can also provide assurance that an
entity is not attempting a masquerade or an unauthorized replay of a previous communication.
Recommendation ITU-T X.800 identifies two forms of authentication: data origin authentication (i.e.,
corroboration that the source of data received is as claimed) and peer entity authentication (i.e., corroboration
that a peer entity in an association is the one claimed). Recommendation ITU-T X.811 defines the basic
concepts of authentication; identifies possible classes of authentication mechanism; defines the services for
these classes of mechanism; identifies functional requirements for protocols to support these classes of
mechanism; and identifies the general management requirements for authentication.
Access control is the prevention of unauthorized use of a resource, including the prevention of use of a resource
in an unauthorized manner. Access control ensures that only authorized personnel or devices are allowed
access to network elements, stored information, information flows, services and applications.
Recommendation ITU-T X.812 describes a model that includes all aspects of access control in Open Systems,
the relationship to other security functions (such as authentication and audit), and the management
requirements for access control.
Non-repudiation is the ability to prevent entities later falsely denying that they performed (or did not perform)
an action. Non-repudiation is concerned with establishing evidence that can later be used to counter false
claims. Recommendation ITU-T X.800 describes two forms of non-repudiation service: non-repudiation with
proof of delivery, which is used to counter false denial by a recipient that the data has been received, and non-
repudiation with proof of origin, which is used to counter false denial by an originator that the data has been
sent. However, in a more general sense, the concept of non-repudiation can be applied to many different
contexts including non-repudiation of creation, submission, storage, transmission and receipt of data.
Recommendation ITU-T X.813 extends the concepts of non-repudiation security services described in
Recommendation ITU-T X.800 and provides a framework for the development of these services. It also
identifies possible mechanisms to support these services and identifies general management requirements for
Confidentiality is the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals,
entities, or processes. The purpose of the confidentiality service is to protect information from unauthorized
disclosure. Recommendation ITU-T X.814 addresses the confidentiality of information by defining the basic
concepts and possible classes of confidentiality and the facilities required for each class of confidentiality
mechanism. It also identifies the management and supporting services required, and the interaction with other
security services and mechanisms.
Data integrity is the property that data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner. In general, an integrity
service addresses the need to ensure that data is not corrupted or, if it is corrupted, that the user is aware of that
20 Security architectures
fact. Recommendation ITU-T X.815 addresses the integrity of data in information retrieval, transfer and
management. It defines the basic concepts of integrity, identifies possible classes of integrity mechanism and
the facilities, management requirements and related services needed to support the class of mechanism. (Note
that, although the security architecture standards focus primarily on data integrity, other aspects of integrity,
such as system integrity, are also important to security.)
In 2003, following a more in-depth look at the security architecture for networks, Recommendation ITU-T
X.805, was approved. This architecture, which builds on, and extends some of the concepts of ITU-T X.800
and the security frameworks discussed above, can be applied to various kinds of network and is technology-
The Recommendation ITU-T X.805 architecture is defined in terms of three major concepts, security layers,
planes, and dimensions, for an end-to-end network. A hierarchical approach is taken in dividing the security
requirements across the layers and planes so that the end-to-end security is achieved by designing security
measures in each of the dimensions to address the specific threats. Figure 1 illustrates the elements of this
A security dimension is a set of security measures designed to address a particular aspect of network security.
The basic security services of Recommendation ITU-T X.800 (Access Control, Authentication, Data
Confidentiality, Data Integrity and Non-repudiation) are reflected in the functionalities of the corresponding
security dimensions of Recommendation ITU-T X.805 (as depicted in Figure 1). In addition, Recommendation
ITU-T X.805 introduces three dimensions (Communication Security, Availability and Privacy) that are not in
Recommendation ITU-T X.800:
• the Communication Security dimension, which ensures that information flows only between the
authorized end points, i.e., information is not diverted or intercepted as it flows between these end
• the Availability dimension, which ensures that there is no denial of authorized access to network
elements, stored information, information flows, services and applications due to events impacting
the network; and
Security architectures 21
• the Privacy dimension, which provides for the protection of information that might be derived from
the observation of network activities. Examples include websites that a user has visited, a user's
geographic location, and the IP addresses and DNS names of devices in a service provider network.
These dimensions offer additional network protection and protect against all major security threats. These
dimensions are not limited to the network, but also extend to applications and end-user information. The
security dimensions apply to service providers or enterprises offering security services to their customers.
In order to provide an end-to-end security solution, the security dimensions must be applied to a hierarchy of
network equipment and facility groupings, which are referred to as security layers. A security plane represents
a certain type of network activity protected by security dimensions. Each security plane represents a type of
protected network activity.
The security layers address requirements that are applicable to the network elements and systems and to
services and applications associated with those elements. One of the advantages of defining the layers is to
allow for reuse across different applications in providing end-to-end security. The vulnerabilities at each layer
are different and thus countermeasures must be defined to meet the needs of each layer. The three layers are:
• the Infrastructure layer, which represents the fundamental building blocks of networks, their services
and applications. Examples of components that belong to this layer include individual network
elements, such as routers, switches and servers, as well as the communication links between them;
• the Services layer, which addresses the security of network services offered to customers. These
services range from basic connectivity offerings, such as leased line services, to value-added services,
such as instant messaging; and
• the Applications layer, which addresses requirements of the network-based applications used by the
customers. These applications may be as simple as e-mail or as sophisticated as, for example,
collaborative visualization, where very high-definition video transfers are used, e.g., in oil exploration
or automobile design.
The security planes address specific security needs associated with network management activities, network
control or signalling activities, and end-user activities. Networks should be designed in such a way that events
on one security plane are isolated from the other security planes.
The Recommendation ITU-T X.805 architecture can be used to guide the development of security policy,
technology architectures, and incident response and recovery plans. The architecture can also be used as the
basis for a security assessment. Once a security program has been deployed, it must be maintained in order to
remain current in the ever-changing threat environment. This security architecture can assist in the maintenance
of a security program by ensuring that modifications to the program address applicable security dimensions at
each security layer and plane.
Although Recommendation ITU-T X.805 is a network security architecture, some of the concepts may be
extended to end-user devices. This topic is considered in Recommendation ITU-T X.1031 Roles of end users
and telecommunications networks within security architecture.
22 Security architectures
Network availability is an important aspect of ICT security. As noted above, the purpose of the Availability
security dimension of ITU-T X.805 is to ensure continuity of service and authorized access to network
elements, information, and applications. Disaster recovery solutions are also included in this dimension.
The functional, implementation and operational requirements to limit the risks and consequences of
unavailability of network resources are numerous and diverse. Factors to be considered are many but they
include error performance, congestion control, failure reporting and corrective actions. Recommendation ITU-
T G.827, defines network performance parameters and objectives for the path elements and end-to-end
availability of international, constant bit-rate digital paths. These parameters are independent of the type of
physical network supporting the end-to-end path. Annex A of Recommendation ITU-T G.827 gives detailed
guidance on methodologies for evaluating the end-to-end availability and provides examples of path topologies
and end-to-end path availability calculations. Other Recommendations that address network performance
include: Recommendation ITU-T G.1000, Recommendation ITU-T G.1030, Recommendation ITU-T G.1050
and Recommendation ITU-T G.1081.
The ITU-T security architecture standards are all part of the ITU-T X.800-849 series of security
Recommendations. Implementation guidance is provided in Supplement 3 to the ITU-T X-series
Recommendations. This supplement provides guidelines for critical activities during the network security life-
cycle. These guidelines address four areas: technical security policy; hierarchical-asset identification; threats,
vulnerabilities and mitigations based on hierarchical-assets; and security assessment. The guidelines and their
associated templates are intended to enable systematic implementation of network security planning, analysis
and assessment.
In this section, aspects of some of the architectures relating to specific applications are introduced.
In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, all peer entities have equivalent authority and responsibility. In contrast to
the client/server model, a peer communicates with other peers directly when data or messages are exchanged.
Because traffic and processing are distributed to each peer, the P2P network does not require high-performance
computing power or a high-bandwidth network.
The P2P network is an overlay network on top of the telecommunication network and Internet. It exploits
diverse connectivity between nodes and the computing power and storage available at each node, rather than
conventional centralized resources.
P2P networks are typically used for connecting nodes via ad hoc connections. Such networks are useful for
many purposes including the sharing of data files containing audio, video, text and other digital data. Real-
time communications data, such as telephony traffic, also exploits P2P technology.
A general security-related architectural model which can be applied in various P2P networks is described in
Recommendation ITU-T X.1162.
Security architectures 23
Figure 2 shows a basic P2P service architecture. Information processed by each peer is exchanged directly
among users. Because there is no central sever to store information, each peer needs to find which peers have
target data before being able to retrieve it. Moreover, each peer must permit accesses from other peers to allow
exchange of the data.
In the physical P2P network, a user can join the P2P services through a device. Generally the term peer is used
to represent a user, or a device owned by the user. The connection types between the entities in a P2P network
can be categorized as follows:
• connection with an intra-domain peer;
• connection with an inter-domain peer; and
• connection with a service provider peer located in another network domain.
Figure 3 shows the logical P2P network architecture as a virtual network over the transportation stratum. It is
assumed that the operation of each peer is not limited by the physical network architecture and that a peer can
communicate with any other peer regardless of its location (through the help of a super-peer, if necessary).
The structure of the peer-to-peer network is divided into two stratums: the P2P overlay stratum and the
transportation stratum. The transportation stratum is responsible for transferring the packets from/to the upper
layer, and the overlay stratum is responsible for providing the P2P services.
24 Security architectures
Security requirements for P2P networks, together with the services and mechanisms needed to satisfy these
requirements are specified in Recommendation ITU-T X.1161.
Threats to P2P communications include eavesdropping, jamming, injection & modification, unauthorized
access, repudiation, man-in-the-middle attacks, and Sybil attacks. Countermeasures to P2P threats are shown
in Table 3.
Authentication exchange
Trust management
Digital signature
Secure routing
Access control
ID assignment
Key exchange
User authentication X X X X X X X
Anonymity X X X
Privacy X X X
Data integrity X X X X X X
Data confidentiality X X X X
Access control X X X
Non-repudiation X X X X
Usability X
Availability X X X X
Traceability X X X
Traffic control X X
The security architecture and scenarios for message security in mobile web services are described in
Recommendation ITU-T X.1143. This standard provides:
• a security architecture for message security that relies on suitable web service policy mechanisms;
• interworking mechanisms and service scenarios between applications that support the full web
services security protocol stacks and legacy applications that do not support the full web services
security protocol stack;
• message authentication, integrity and confidentiality mechanisms;
• a message filtering mechanism based on the message contents; and
• a reference message security architecture and security service scenarios.
Security architectures 25
Figure 4 illustrates the ITU-T X.1143 security architecture for mobile web services.
The mobile web services security architecture consists of the following components:
• Mobile terminals, that are clients of the mobile Web Services;
• A Mobile Web Services Security Gateway (MWSSG). All requests from mobile clients are sent to
the MWSSG which also enforces access control;
• The Policy Server, which manages security policies related to the secure processing of the messages
and access control policies for messages;
• The Application Service, which provides various value-added services to the clients;
• The Discovery Service, which stores the interface information for application services and related
security policies for access to the application services by the clients; and
• The Registry Server, which resides in the internal domain of the mobile operator and manages the
interface information for application services, related security policies for access to the application
services by the clients, and access control policies related to the target services.
A mobility security framework for the NGN transport stratum is defined in Recommendation ITU-T Y.2760
which addresses the security requirements, security mechanisms and procedures for mobility management
and control in NGN.
The relationships between an IP-based telecommunication network security system (TNSS) and various groups
of external objects are described in Recommendation ITU-T X.1032.This standard provides:
• TNSS interrelationships with security systems of information systems and information structure;
26 Security architectures
Figure 5 illustrates the ITU-T X.1032 function of external objects and their effort on TNSS.
Threats are classified under five types as given in ITU-T X.800 and ITU-T X.805:
• destruction of information and other resources;
• corruption or modification of information;
• theft, removal or loss of information and other resources;
• disclosure of information; and
• interruption of services.
Security policy in a telecommunication network may be used either to counteract all threats or to counteract
some of these threats. Correspondingly, required security dimensions are selected in the course of TNSS
elaboration. External interrelationships of TNSS with security threat sources may be:
• electrical interfaces;
• actions of people;
• technical attacks via the telecommunication network and external technical attacks;
• external environmental influences;
• technical measures for counteracting attacks; and
• organizational measures for counteracting attacks.
Additional aspects of network security architectures are covered later in the text. In particular, please see
clauses: 9.2, Network management architecture; 10.1, Next Generation Network security; 10.4, IPCablecom
architecture; 10.5, IPCablecom2 architecture; and 12.2, IPTV.
Security architectures 27
In addition, two Recommendations cover the security architecture and framework specific to the NGN mobile
networks. Recommendation ITU-T Y.2741, Architecture of secure mobile financial transactions in next
generation networks, specifies the general architecture for a security solution for mobile commerce and mobile
banking in the context of NGN. It describes the key participants, their roles, and the operational scenarios of
the mobile commerce and mobile banking systems. It also provides examples of the implementation models
of mobile commerce and mobile banking systems. Recommendation ITU-T Y.2760, Mobility security
framework in NGN, specifies the mobility security framework in the NGN transport stratum. It addresses the
security requirements, mechanisms and procedures for mobility management and control in NGN.
28 Security architectures
5. Aspects of security management
Security management is a broad topic that embraces many activities associated with controlling and protecting
access to system and network resources, event monitoring, reporting, policy and auditing, as well as managing
the information related to these functions and activities. In this section, some of the generic security
management activities are considered. Security management activities associated with securing the network
infrastructure are discussed in section 9.
Information, like other assets, is an essential contributor to an organization's business. Information can be
printed, stored electronically, transmitted by mail, communicated electronically, displayed on film, spoken in
conversation or conveyed in other ways. Regardless of the form or functionality of the information, or the
means by which the information is shared or stored, information should always be appropriately protected.
Organizations whose facilities are used by subscribers to process information that may include personal
information, confidential data and sensitive business data, need to ensure an appropriate level of protection to
prevent compromise of the information, i.e., they need to establish an effective information security
management system (ISMS).
Once information security is violated, for example by unauthorized access to an organization's information
processing system, the organization may suffer significant damage. Therefore, it is essential for an organization
to protect its information effectively by implementing a structured security management process. This is
achieved by implementing and enforcing a suitable set of controls. These controls, which apply to data,
telecommunications facilities, services and applications, need to be established, applied, monitored, reviewed
and continuously improved. Failure to deploy effective security controls successfully can result in an
organization failing to meet its security and business objectives.
The most widely-recognized ISMS specification is that defined in the ISO/IEC 27000 series of standards
which includes standards on ISMS fundamentals, requirements, a code of practice, implementation guidance
and related topics. ITU-T and ISO/IEC have jointly developed Recommendation ITU-T X.1051 |
International Standard ISO/IEC 27011, Information security management guidelines for telecommunications
organizations based on ISO/IEC 27002.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1051 establishes guidelines and general principles for initiating, implementing,
maintaining and improving information security management in telecommunications organizations and
provides an implementation baseline for information security management to help ensure the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of telecommunications facilities and services. Specific guidance for the
telecommunication sector is included on the following topics:
• information security policies;
• organization of information security;
• asset management;
• access control;
• cryptography;
• physical and environmental security;
• operations security;
• communications security;
• systems acquisition, development and maintenance;
• supplier relationships;
In addition to the application of security objectives and controls described in Recommendation ITU-T X.1051,
telecommunications organizations also have to take into account the following particular security concerns:
• information should be protected from unauthorized disclosure. This implies non-disclosure of
communicated information in terms of the existence, content, source, destination, date and time;
• the installation and use of telecommunication facilities should be controlled to ensure the authenticity,
accuracy and completeness of information transmitted, relayed or received by wire, radio or any other
methods; and
• only authorized access should be provided when necessary to telecommunications information,
facilities and the medium used for the provision of communication services, whether it might be
provided by wire, radio or any other methods. As an extension of the availability provisions,
organizations should give priority to essential communications in case of emergency, and should
comply with regulatory requirements.
Telecommunication organizations provide their services by acting as an intermediary in the transfer of data by
other organizational and individual users. Therefore, account must be taken of the fact that information
processing facilities within the organization are accessed and utilized not only by its own employees and
contractors, but also various users outside the organization.
Bearing in mind that telecommunication services and facilities may be shared and/or interconnected with other
service providers, management of information security in telecommunication organizations must extend to any
and all areas of network infrastructure, services applications and facilities.
Figure 6 – The relationship between Recommendation ITU-T X.1052 and other Recommendations for
information security management area
It is necessary for telecommunications organizations to confirm the scope of their ISMS, which includes
information assets. This confirmation, together with the establishment of guidelines for the implementation of
information security management, should be undertaken before assessing the risks to the information assets
and subsequent control of the risk. In addition, it is necessary to establish the structure and form of the
information security organization as the basis for implementation risk control. The risk-controlling activities
of the organizations should not be isolated from the operations of the organizations. The operations of the
organization are generally described in a series of procedures. The risk-control activities should be regarded
as an integral part of the relevant procedures.
ISMS describes the main activities related to telecommunication information security management from three
a) encouraging the organization to implement information security management, including management
areas such as organization and personnel management, and asset management;
b) establishing and continually improving the ISMS, including management areas such as risk
management and policy management; and
c) specific operational activities of the organization, including management areas such as system
acquisition and development management, operation and maintenance management, and incident
Risk management is the process of assessing and quantifying risk and taking action to ensure that residual risk
is below a pre-determined acceptable level. This topic is introduced in Recommendation ITU-T X.1205. More
detailed risk management guidelines are contained in Recommendation ITU-T X.1055, which identifies
processes and techniques that can be used to assess telecommunications security requirements and risks, and
to help to select, implement and update appropriate controls to maintain the required level of security.
A number of risk management methodologies exist. Recommendation ITU-T X.1055 provides the criteria for
assessing and selecting appropriate methodologies for a telecommunication organization. However, it does not
propose any specific risk management methodology.
Risk profiles are used to guide the overall process of risk management. Specifically, they are used to assist the
decision-making process and to help prioritize risks in terms of their criticality as well as helping to determine
allocation of resources and countermeasures. They can also assist in the development of suitable metrics and
be used alongside other tools such as gap analysis methodologies. Recommendation ITU-T X.1055 provides
guidance in developing risk profiles and includes a template and some risk profile examples. Risk analysis in
Next Generation Networks is addressed in supplement Y.Sup19 to the ITU-T Y.2200-series - Supplement on
the risk analysis service in next generation networks.
An asset is a component or entity to which an organization directly assigns value. An organization’s assets
have their own unique values from the various viewpoints of business, financial affairs, reliability and so on.
The information and communication facilities within the scope of the ISMS may be considered to have higher
values than those of other assets. Incidents that involve such assets can negatively affect not only users, but
the business of the organization. Therefore, the assets must be considered to have high protection priorities.
Most organizations strive to find the best methods to identify assets which have high protection priorities. The
goal of asset management is to identify and protect the most critical components of the organization so as to
minimize the risk of problems. In determining the importance of assets, the principle services and the value of
the business should be considered taking into account:
the potential impact on service and the scope of the services which each asset affects;
the potential loss of profit and the degree of potential financial loss;
the potential impact of loss of customer(s); and
the potential damage to the image of the organization.
Telecommunication organizations should have particularly high goals for operating and managing their various
assets, for providing customer services and for directly or indirectly supporting their business. To protect those
assets, it is critical that telecommunication organizations ensure that the operations and services of the business
are not compromised.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1057 provides an overview of processes and methods that need to be addressed to
identify, classify, evaluate and maintain the assets which telecommunication organizations own.
Information security asset management refers to the appropriate handling and protection measures considering
the asset value as determined by the organization. In order to manage an organization’s various assets
systematically and securely, a process of life cycle asset management should be adopted which covers
acquisition or generation of the asset as well as modification and disposal or destruction of the asset according
to pre-determined rules and standards. The asset management process is illustrated in Figure 8.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1057 provides guidelines of detailed activities in each process which cover:
establishment of asset management policy; survey and identification; classification and registration; evaluation
of asset value; and performance of change management. ITU-T X.1057 also describes the telecommunication-
specific assets with examples as shown in Table 4.
Asset type Description
Telecommunication-Specific General
Electronic Information stored in Telecommunication service Database (office DB, etc.), data
information electronic format customer information files (office policy and guidelines,
(database), network session CCTV log, etc.), system files
and access log, network (configuration files, log files, etc.),
configuration files, service etc.
use and access policies, etc.
Paper Paper-held information: Contracts and agreements Contracts and agreements;
documents or records to including SLA, network system documents (network
be produced and used in architecture diagrams, IP configuration diagrams, user
tasks address list, cabling diagrams, manuals, etc.).
server system diagrams,
network operating system
manuals, etc.
Software Software developed Network operating system, Application software (e.g. office
commercially or for the network scanner, early applications); system software
organization itself warning detection tools and (e.g. OS, DBMS, vulnerability
utilities, audit trail software, scanner); development tools and
etc. utilities.
Hardware Server and network Servers (e.g. DNS Server, Server (e.g. Web server, DB
devices used for internal DHCP server, log server, server, WAS, log server, backup
and external services or authentication server, NTP server, storage); mainframes,
businesses server, NMS server, network and communications
monitoring server); network equipment (e.g. switches);
and communications security equipment; desktops;
equipment (e.g. backbone workstations; laptops; handhelds;
router, switch, CMTS, etc.
NAS/RAS, AP, modem);
security equipment (e.g. ESM,
firewall, IPS, IDS, VPN, virus
wall, vaccine); mobile
systems; satellite systems
(stations); microwave
systems; transmission
system; etc.
Facility The place in which Cabling facilities; network Office building; server room;
systems are installed management and monitoring paper room; electrical equipment
and operated, which facilities; telecommunication room; etc.
include physical spaces equipment room; Internet
and various supporting data centre; etc.
equipment rooms
Supporting Equipment used for Mobile, satellite and fixed Electrical equipment; air-
utility supporting information network supporting utilities conditioning equipment; fire
system and system operation, which (generator, UPS, etc.), etc. extinguishing equipment; CCTV;
equipment includes power supply, etc.
equipment and so on
One additional important aspect of security management is governance. Governance responsibilities involve
the oversight of information security to ensure that the objectives of the organization are achieved.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1054 | International Standard ISO/IEC 27014 provides guidance on the
governance of information security.
Governance of information security needs to align objectives and strategies for information security with
business objectives and strategies, and requires compliance with legislation, regulations and contracts. It
should be assessed, analysed and implemented through a risk management approach, supported by an
internal control system.
The governing body (i.e. the part of an organization assigned responsibility for governance) is ultimately
accountable for an organization's decisions and the performance of the organization. With respect to
information security, the key focus of the governing body is to ensure that the organization's approach to
information security is efficient, effective and acceptable, and in line with business objectives and strategies
giving due regard to stakeholder expectations. Various stakeholders can have different values and needs.
The governing body performs the "evaluate", "direct", "monitor" and "communicate" processes that govern
information security. In addition, the "assure" process provides an independent and objective opinion about
the governance of information security and the level attained. Figure 9 shows the relationship between these
Stakeholders Assure
Requirements Report Commission
Governing body
Direct Monitor
Strategy policy Proposals Performance
Executive management
(Information security management)
6 The role of the Directory and the importance of the ITU-T X.500 series of
The ITU-T X.500 series of Recommendations provides specifications for establishment of a directory (referred
to below as an ITU-T X.500 directory).
A directory is a term for an organized collection of information that can be queried to obtain specific
information. Within the ITU-T and within the context of security and telecommunications standardization, the
term X.500 directory refers to a repository of information based on the ITU-T X.500 series of
Recommendations that were developed jointly with ISO/IEC. The directory specification is introduced in
Recommendation ITU-T X.500 and elaborated in Recommendation ITU-T X.501, Recommendation ITU-T
X.511 specifies the service provided by an X.500 directory. Recommendation ITU-T X.518 specifies the
procedure for a distributed directory. Recommendation ITU-T X.519 provides directory protocols to facilitate
communication and information exchange between entities. Recommendation ITU-T X.525 specifies how
directory information may be replicated. The Recommendations ITU-T X.520 and ITU-T X.521 provide
metadata for directory information.
Recommendation ITU-T X.509 is part of the ITU-T X.500 series of Recommendation, but is widely used
outside a directory context. It provides a framework for both public-key infrastructure (PKI) and for privilege
management infrastructure (PMI). An X.500 directory may store PKI-related and PMI-related information
objects to support those infrastructures, and an X.500 directory may use PKI and PMI capabilities to protect
directory information.
This section begins with a review of the cryptographic concepts relevant to Recommendation ITU-T X.509.
This is followed by a discussion of Recommendation ITU-T X.509 and its support of PKI and PMI. The
security of an ITU-T X.500 directory itself and the need to protect directory information is discussed later.
Cryptography is a key component of both PKI and PMI. Three aspects of cryptography are considered here:
Symmetric (or secret key) cryptography refers to a cryptographic system in which the same key is used for both
encryption and decryption, as illustrated in Figure 10 (a). In a symmetric cryptosystem, communicating entities
share a unique secret key. The key must be distributed to the entities by secure means.
An asymmetric (or public key) cryptography system involves a pair of keys – a public key and a private key.
The public key can be widely distributed but the private key must always be kept secret by the owning entity.
The private key is usually held on a smart card or on a token. The public key and the private key are
mathematically related, but there is no feasible way to derive the private key from the public key.
There are different types of asymmetric key pairs. Some technologies (such as RSA) allow encryption and
decryption of data, while other technologies allow only generation and validation of digital signatures.
RSA technology, named after the inventors Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman, allows or encryption
and decryption as illustrated in Figure 10 (b). Data encrypted by one of the keys of a key pair can be decrypted
only by the other key. To send confidential data securely to someone, the sender encrypts the data with the
recipient's public key. The recipient then decrypts it with their corresponding private key.
If the private key is used for encryption, anyone in passion of the public key may decrypt the message. This
does not provide for confidentiality, but for authentication of the sender, as only the owner of the corresponding
private key could have encrypted the data.
Figure 10 illustrates confidentiality using the two modes of encryption. With symmetric encryption, each pair
of entities must have different keys and these must be distributed and held securely. With RSA asymmetric
encryption, on the other hand, the public encryption keys can be published in a directory and everyone can use
the same (public) encryption key to send data to a particular entity securely. This makes asymmetric encryption
much more scalable than symmetric encryption. However, asymmetric encryption is costly in terms of
computing time, so it is not efficient to encrypt entire messages using asymmetric encryption. A way around
this problem is to have one of the entities in an exchange create a symmetric key, encrypt it using a designated
peer entity's public key and then transmit the encrypted symmetric key to that peer entity. The symmetric key
is then used to encrypt the body of the messages exchanged between the two entities. Another method to
generate symmetric keys is the so-called Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, as defined in IETF RFC 2631.
6.1.2 Hashing
A hash function or hashing algorithm is a mathematical function that specifies how to take an arbitrary
message (bit string) and produce a (much smaller) fixed-length hash value called a digest. A good hash
algorithm is designed to satisfy the following properties:
– It is a one-way algorithm, meaning it is infeasible to find a message that maps to a specific given
– It is collision resistant, meaning it is infeasible to find any two distinct messages that map to the same
Many different hashing algorithms of different quality have been defined. A hashing algorithm can be broken
either by brute force or by finding some ingenious way to break the algorithm without excessive use of
computing power. Some popular hashing algorithms, like MD2 and MD5 are now considered unsafe and
should not be used. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published a number
of secure hashing algorithms (SHAs) in a series of NIST FIPS PUB 180 standards. One of the first algorithms,
SHA-1, is now considered unsafe, while SHA 224, 256, etc. are considered safe for many years to come.
However, there is always the risk that some organization will break a secure hash algorithm without
announcing it.
Hashing can be used to assure integrity of data. If both the sender and the recipient of data generate a digest of
the data, and the two digests are identical, it is safe to assume that the data has not been modified during transfer
(unless the hashing algorithm has been broken).
Data Data
Private key Valid or
Signature Signature
key generation Data & validation invalid
Figure 11 illustrates the principle of digital signature generation and validation. The signer creates a digest of
the data to be transmitted. The digest, along with the private key of the signer, is input to the algorithm used
to generate the signature. The signature is then added to the data to be transmitted. The verifier having received
the data with the digital signature calculates its own digest using the same hashing algorithm as the signer.
This digest together with the public key of the signer is input to another function that will indicate whether the
signature is valid or invalid. If the data has been changed in any way, or if the private key used for signature
generation is not the one expected, the signature will be flagged as invalid.
This procedure works only if the two partners use the same hashing algorithm and the same asymmetric key
algorithm. The combination of a hashing algorithm and an asymmetric key algorithm is called a signature
algorithm. The signature algorithm used is typically identified and transmitted along with the data and the
digital signature.
In case of the RSA asymmetric key algorithm, the signer uses its private key to encrypt the digest and to
generate the signature while the verifier decrypts the signature using the corresponding public key to retrieve
the original digest and then compares it with its own calculated digest. This technique has been predominant
during recent years, but other techniques based on elliptic curve digital signature algorithms are gaining
In order to trust digitally-signed data, it is crucial to know the identity of the entity to which the corresponding
asymmetric key pair belongs. There is no point in trying to verify a digital signature if you are not sure who
created it. The binding of a key pair to an identity is documented in a public-key certificate which must be
trusted. A public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a mechanism for establishing trust in the key pairs and the public
key certificates. Recommendation ITU-T X.509 provides the framework for public-key certificates and PKI.
This section describes public-key certificates and provides an introduction to PKI.
A public-key certificate is the standard way to bind a public key, and thereby the corresponding private key,
to the identity of the owner of the key pair. A trusted authority, called certification authority (CA), attests to
this binding by digitally signing the public-key certificate. Recommendation ITU-T X.509 defines the structure
of a public-key certificate.
– the version of the public-certificate structure. (Version 3 indicates the latest version and the one that
is mostly required);
– the subject, i.e., name of the entity to which this public-key is issued;
– two components that give alternative unique identifiers of the issuer and the subject. (These
components are deprecated and should normally be absent);
– the CA signature, which certifies the public-key certificate and ensures that it cannot be modified
without detection.
A public-key certificate can be widely published, for example on a web site or in a directory.
A public-key certificate has to be validated before it is accepted. For example: it might have expired; it might
have been revoked; it may not be acceptable for a particular use; or some constraints may not be fulfilled. This
validation is done via a public key infrastructure.
Storing of
Trust Anchor
Information CA
Relying Party
Certificate & CRL
(e.g., an LDAP or End entity
X.500 directory)
– An end entity is an entity to which a public-key certificate has been issued. An end entity cannot issue
public-key certificates to other entities.
– A certification authority (CA) is an entity that may issue public-key certificates to other CAs and to
end entities. A public-key certificate issued to a CA is also called a CA certificate. A public-key
issued to an end entity is called an end-entity public-key certificate. A CA has responsibilities beyond
just issuing the certificate. It must verify that the information included in public-key certificate to be
issued is correct. This may be delegated to a separate function, called a registration authority, which
then is responsible for doing all the checking. The CA is also responsible for maintaining the status
of the public-key certificates it has issued. A public-key certificate may be revoked for several
reasons. For example, the private key might have been revealed (compromised) or responsibilities of
those involved may have changed. Revoked public-key certificates may be added to a certificate
revocation list (CRL). The CA may delegate the maintenance and publication of CRLs to a CRL
– A relying party is an entity that makes a decision based on the content of a public-key certificate
issued to some other entity and therefore needs to validate the public-key certificate.
– It is an inherent part of PKI that somewhere there is a point of absolute trust. Such a point is called a
trust anchor. There may, in fact, be many trust anchors. A relying party may identify one or more
trust anchors from locally-stored information about recognized trust anchors. This information is
typically in the form of a public-key certificate. A trust anchor functions as a CA by issuing CA
certificates to other CAs and may in principle also issue end-entity public-key certificates.
Each CA will operate according to a set of policies. Recommendation ITU-T X.509 provides mechanisms for
distributing some of this policy information in extensions of public-key certificates issued by the CA. The
policy rules and procedures followed by a CA are usually documented in a certificate policy (CP) and a
certification practice statement (CPS), which are published by the CA. These documents help to ensure a
common basis for evaluating the trust that can be placed in the public-key certificates issued by a CA, both
internationally and across sectors. They also provide part of the legal framework necessary for building up
inter-organizational trust, as well as specifying limitations on the use of the issued public-key certificates.
When a relying party needs to validate a public-key certificate, it must establish a certification path. A
certification path is a chain of public-key certificates where the subject in one public-key certificate is the
issuer in a subsequent public-key certificate. The top public-key certificate (typically a CA certificate) must
be issued by a trust anchor recognized by the relying party. This is illustrated in Figure 13.
Certification path
CA certificates
PKI party
certificate Legend:
CA signing
Chain of CA certificates
Trust anchor signing
Trust relationship
Each public-key certificate on the certification path needs to be validated. In principle, the certificate policy
related to each public-key certificate must be observed. However, certificate policies are provided in non-
machine readable format leaving it to a human user to make the judgement. However, human users may not
be capable of judging the policy requirements and, in many situations, there may be non-human users involved.
The next edition of Recommendation ITU-T X.509, expected to be completed in 2016, will include significant
enhancement to ensure efficient and secure validation of public-key certificates:
– A new type of PKI component, called trust broker, provides a service for relying parties when
validating public-key certificates. A trust broker keeps track of a set of CAs and the policies under
which they issue public-key certificates. When validating a public-key certificate, a relying party may
consult the appropriate trust broker to check its validity.
– Some relying parties may communicate only with a limited set of other entities and they may be
required to observe restrictions on the communications, e.g., to accept only communications over a
limited set of communications protocols. The necessary information is supplied to a relying party in
an authorization and validation list (AVL). This list is supplied and maintained by a new PKI
component called the authorization and validation manager (AVM). Some relying parties may be
constrained with respect to processing power, storage, bandwidth and time and cannot afford to go to
a third party to validate public-key certificates. In such an environment the AVL may be extended to
provide up-to-date validation information. It is the responsibility of the AVM to keep such an AVL
The purpose of assigning privileges to users is to ensure that they follow a prescribed security policy
established by the Source of Authority. Policy-related information is bound to a user's name within the attribute
certificate and comprises a number of elements illustrated in Table 6.
Signature (Algorithm ID)
Certificate Serial Number
Validity Period
Issuer Unique ID
Attribute certificates are also used in telebiometrics to create biometric certificates to bind a user to his/her
biometric information. Biometric device certificates define capabilities and limitations of biometric devices.
Biometric policy certificates define the relationship between a security level and biometric algorithm
Five components for the control of a PMI are described in Recommendation ITU-T X.509: the privilege
asserter; the privilege verifier; the object method; the privilege policy; and environmental variables (see Figure
14). The privilege verifier can control access to the object method by the privilege asserter, in accordance with
the privilege policy.
Where delegation of privilege is necessary for an implementation, four components of the delegation model
for PMI are considered in Recommendation ITU-T X.509: the privilege verifier; the source of authority; other
attribute authorities; and the privilege asserter (see Figure 15).
Recent implementations of authorization schemes following the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model
consider that the user is given a role. The authorization policy associates a set of permissions with that role.
When accessing a resource, the user has his or her role checked against the policy to enable any subsequent
The early versions of Recommendation ITU-T X.509 (1988, 1993 and 1997) specified the basic elements
needed for PKIs, including the definition of public-key certificates. The revised Recommendation ITU-T
X.509 approved in 2001 (and updated in 2005, 2008 and 2012) contains a significant enhancement on attribute
certificates and a framework for privilege management infrastructure (PMI).
Directory data protection is primarily a privacy issue (i.e., protecting against unauthorized disclosure of
sensitive personal information), but it also involves ensuring integrity of the data and protecting the assets
represented by the data.
A directory holds information about entities which may be sensitive and should be revealed only to those
having both a right and a need-to-know.
Data privacy protection features have always been a key part of Recommendation ITU-T X.500, which is the
only directory specification that has these important features.
An ITU-T X.500 directory may allow anonymous access to some of its non-sensitive information. However,
for access to more sensitive data, some level of authentication of users is necessary. Recommendation ITU-T
X.500 allows four levels of authentication including:
a) name only;
b) name plus unprotected password: the password is transmitted in clear text on the connection (which,
when using the TCP/IP stack, can be encrypted with TLS). Password policy provides mechanisms to
ensure that users change their passwords periodically and those passwords meet quality requirements
and cannot be re-used before some set period. A user can also be locked out after a certain number of
authentication failures;
c) name and protected password (i.e., a password that is hashed together with some additional
information to ensure that any attempt to access the Directory by replaying the hashed value will be
detected); and
d) strong authentication, where the sender digitally signs certain information. The signed information
consists of the name of the recipient and some additional information that allows detection of
attempted replay.
Different levels of data protection are required for different types of accessing users. The user’s authentication
level is also used to determine the user’s access rights.
Access control is used to permit or deny operations on pieces of directory information. Recommendation ITU-
T X.500 is very flexible in how directory information is accessed and users can be subdivided for access control
purposes. A piece of information that is protected is called a protected item. Protected items may be grouped
for common access control properties. Users may likewise be grouped according to access permissions or
The access rights of a user or a group of users depends on the level of authentication. Retrieving sensitive
information or updating entries will normally require a higher level of authentication than retrieving less
sensitive information.
Access control also takes the type of data access into account, e.g., read, add, delete, update, and change of
names. In some cases, users may not even be aware of the existence of certain pieces of information.
Access control is about the right-to-know. However, the need-to-know goes beyond access control. Having a
right-to-know does not allow a user to retrieve information if a need-to-know is not established. If need-to-
know is not established, disclosure of information could be a privacy violation.
There are several other examples when a right-to-know is not sufficient. For instance:
The importance of the Directory 49
– even if a user has the right to retrieve the individual postal addresses of some entities, it may not be
appropriate to permit bulk retrieval of postal addresses; and
– if a user has access rights to some information, it may not be relevant to the particular application for
which the retrieval is performed, in which case there is no need-to-know and the information should
not be revealed.
Data privacy protection in Recommendation ITU-T X.500 is unique and very powerful. Data privacy measures
include protection against unwarranted searches that return a substantial amount of information. (Such searches
are sometimes called data trawling.)
Recommendation ITU-T X.500 uses a table-driven service administration concept which, in addition to
administration of general services, also provides data privacy protection capabilities. The administrator creates
one or more tables for each combination of service type and group of users. For data retrieval to succeed, there
must be a table that exactly matches the type of service and the type of user group when a user searches the
Directory by supplying general search criteria. However, this is not enough. The table is protected by access
control so the user must also have permission to access the relevant table.
A table, also called a search rule, may hold information such as:
• the required search criteria to ensure that the search is targeted to result in the return of information
about one, or very few, entities. This prevents searches that return substantial information and protects
against data trawling;
• a list of pieces of information relevant to the type of service; and
• control information for individual entities represented in the directory. The table being used interacts
with the control information of an entity to restrict the information returned for that entity. This allows
data to be tailored to the privacy protection criteria for each individual entity. An entity may have
special requirements, such as not to disclose the postal address and possibly instead return a fake
address. Other entities may not want their e-mail addresses revealed to some groups of users.
Protection of sensitive personal information is of concern for a number of reasons. Several security standards,
particularly those relating to authentication of individuals and identity management, involve the collection and
storage of sensitive, personally-identifiable information. An increasing number of jurisdictions have legal
requirements relating to the collection and use of such information. Security services and mechanisms, many
of which are based on ITU-T standards, serve as mechanisms to protect information that is sensitive from a
privacy standpoint. Privacy is being addressed in a number of Recommendations, some of which directly
address the privacy impact of certain technologies. Examples include Recommendation ITU-T X.1171, which
is discussed in more detail in section 12.6 on Tag-based Services, and the guideline on protection for
personally-identifiable information in RFID application that is now in development by SG17 as part of the
IDM work (please see section 7.1.2).
The previous chapter demonstrated the important role played by the Directory in supporting a number of
security services and some of the key security mechanisms including the use of public key techniques that can
be used to support authentication, encryption, integrity and non-repudiation services. In this chapter two
distinct, but not unrelated topics are discussed. First of all, the work on managing digital identity is reviewed.
The issue of ensuring that a digital identity (whether of an individual or a device) can be trusted is critical not
only to security services such as authentication, authorization and access control but also to services that
depend on identity in order to establish trust and prevent fraud and identity theft. The second topic,
telebiometrics, is very much concerned with personal identification, authentication and the interface between
humans and the digital environment.
Identity management (IdM) is the process of securely managing and controlling identity information (e.g.,
credentials, identifiers, attributes, and reputations) that is used to represent entities (such as service providers,
end-user organizations, people, network devices, software applications and services) in a communications
process. A single entity may have multiple digital identities in order to access various services with differing
requirements, and these may exist in multiple locations. IdM supports authentication of an entity. For ITU-T
purposes, the identity asserted by an entity represents the uniqueness of that entity in a specific context.
IdM is a key component of cybersecurity because it provides the capability to establish and maintain trusted
communications among entities and enables nomadic, on-demand access to networks and e-services. It also
enables the authorization of a range of privileges (rather than all-or-nothing privileges) and makes it easier to
change privileges if an entity's role changes. IdM improves an organization's ability to apply its security
policies by enabling an entity's activity on the network to be monitored and audited. IdM also facilitates access
to entities both inside and outside an organization.
IdM provides assurance of identity information in a manner that supports secure, trusted access control. This
is achieved through single-sign-on/single sign-off, user control of personally-identifiable information, and the
ability of a user to select an identity provider that can provide verification and delegation functions on their
behalf, as opposed to providing credentials to every service provider. IdM also supports a multitude of identity-
based services including: targeted advertising; personalized services based on geo-location and interest; and
authenticated services to decrease fraud and identity theft.
Supplement 7 to the ITU-T X-series of Recommendations provides a brief introduction to the topic of identity
Within ITU-T, IdM work is primarily concentrated in two Study Groups, SG13 and SG17.
Study Group 17, the Lead SG on IdM, is responsible for studies relating to the development of a generic
identity management model that is independent of network technologies and that supports the secure exchange
of identity information between entities. This work also includes: studying the process for discovery of
authoritative sources of identity information; generic mechanisms for the bridging/interoperability of a diverse
set of identity information formats; identity management threats and the mechanisms to counter them; the
protection of personally identifiable information (PII); and the development of mechanisms to ensure that
access to PII is authorized only when appropriate. Identity management Recommendations approved to date
include: Recommendations ITU-T X.1250, Baseline capabilities for enhanced global identity management
and interoperability, ITU-T X.1251, A framework for user control of digital identity, ITU-T X.1253, Security
guidelines for identity management systems, and ITU-T X.1275, Guidelines on protection of personally
identifiable information in the application of RFID technology. Recommendation ITU-T X.1252, Baseline
identity management terms and definitions provides a set of IdM-related definitions to help ensure uniform
and consistent terminology in IdM standards. Recommendation ITU-T X.1254, Entity authentication
assurance framework, defines four levels of entity authentication assurance and the criteria and threats for each
of the four levels. It provides guidance concerning control technologies to be used to mitigate authentication
threats as well as guidance for mapping the four levels of assurance to other authentication assurance schemas
and for exchanging the results of authentication based on the four levels of assurance. Recommendation ITU-
T X.1255, Framework for discovery of identity management information, specifies an open architecture
framework in which identity management information can be discovered. This framework will enable entities
operating within the context of one IdM system to have identifiers from other IdM systems accurately resolved.
Study Group 17 is working closely with the OASIS Trust Elevation Technical Committee to deliver advanced
authentication solutions based on X.1254 for step-up authentication.
Study Group 13 (Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next generation networks (NGN)) is
responsible for NGN-specific IdM functional architecture that supports value-added identity services, the
secure exchange of identity information and the application of bridging/interoperability between a diverse set
of identity information formats. SG13 is also responsible for identifying any identity management threats
within the NGN and the mechanisms to counter them. Recommendation ITU-T Y.2720, NGN identity
management framework, describes a structured approach for designing, defining, and implementing IdM
solutions and facilitating interoperability in heterogeneous environments. SG13 has developed two further IdM
Recommendations based on this framework: Recommendation ITU-T Y.2721, NGN identity management use
cases, which provides an analysis of use case examples relevant to NGN, and Recommendation ITU-T Y.2722,
NGN identity management mechanisms, which specifies the mechanisms that can be used to meet IdM
requirements and deployment needs of NGN.
A Joint Coordination Activity for Identity Management (JCA-IdM) has been operational since 2007. The
purpose of the JCA IdM is to coordinate the IdM work within ITU-T and with external organizations. The JCA
has established an IdM information resource web page that identifies identity management-related documents
of ITU-T and other standards organizations classified by categories, organizations and the status of their work.
The IdM Lead Study Group web page provides extensive information on IdM activities, approved and
developing IdM recommendations and other information related to the IdM work. This IdM “landscape” is
available at http://groups.itu.int/itu-t/StudyGroups/SG17/IdmRoadmap.aspx.
7.2 Telebiometrics
Telebiometrics focuses on two aspects: personal identification and authentication using biometric devices; and
quantifiable metrics of interaction between humans and telecommunication environment. In particular, it
focuses on how safety and security of identification or authentication of users can be improved by the use of
telebiometric methods. The work of ITU-T on this topic is being done in close cooperation with other standards
development organizations. The results to date include: interaction between a human being and the
environment; telebiometrics in e-health and telemedicine; biometric digital keys; biometric extensions for ITU-
T X.509 certificates; and biometric authentication in an open network.
Biometrics is able to support highly-secure authentication services, but the standardization of biometric
authentication on an open network faces a number of challenges:
• service providers may not have any information regarding what biometric devices are in use in the
end-user's environment, the security level/setting of such devices, or how they are operated;
• the accuracy (as determined by the rate of false acceptances or false rejections) differs between
biometric products. Therefore, the service provider cannot claim to maintain a uniform accuracy level;
• the accuracy of biometric verification is influenced by both environmental factors (e.g., illumination
and weather) and human factors (e.g., pose, make-up, lens characteristics and aging).
General biometric authentication protocols and profiles for telecommunication systems in an open network are
specified in Recommendation ITU-T X.1084.
Figure 16 illustrates the authentication of an end user via a non-face-to-face open network.
A framework for biometric digital key generation and protection has been defined in Recommendation ITU-T
X.1088. This framework defines protection using a biometric template with a public-key certificate and
biometric certificate in order to provide cryptographically-secure authentication and secure communications
on open networks. Security requirements for biometric digital key generation and protection are also defined.
The framework can be applied to biometric encryption and digital signature. Two methods are proposed:
• biometric-key generation, in which the key is created from a biometric template (Figure 17); and
• biometric-key binding/restoring, in which the key is stored in a database and can be extracted by
biometric authentication (Figure 18).
A framework for the security and safety aspects of telebiometrics has been defined in the telebiometric
multimodal model (Recommendation ITU-T X.1081), which defines the interactions between a human being
and the environment and also the quantities and units used to measure these interactions. This model is not
limited to consideration of purely physical interactions, but also recognizes behavioural interactions which are
currently not quantified by standard units.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1086 not only defines the vulnerabilities and threats associated with operating
telebiometric systems but also describes countermeasures for protecting biometric devices during their
installation, removal, and delivery phases. The specified countermeasures include technical protection schemes
of the biometric system in operational procedures as well as the roles and responsibilities of authorized
personnel in system supervision.
Security and safety aspects of telebiometrics are also addressed in Recommendation ITU-T X.1082, which
defines quantities and units for physiological, biological or behavioural characteristics that might provide input
or output to telebiometric identification or verification systems (recognition systems), including any known
detection or safety thresholds. It gives names, definitions and symbols for quantities and units for
telebiometrics related to human physiology (i.e., human characteristics and emissions that can be detected by
a sensor). It also includes quantities and units concerned with effects on a human being caused by the use of
telebiometric devices.
A user-authentication framework using biometric one-time templates has been specified in Recommendation
ITU-T X.1090. The framework provides secure user-authentication and protection mechanisms for biometric
templates transmitted over open networks by generating a new disposable template for each instance of
authentication. An additional Recommendation ITU-T X.1091 describes a general guideline for testing and
reporting the performance of biometric template protection techniques based on biometric cryptosystem or
cancellable biometrics. This guideline specifies two reference models for evaluation, which use biometric
template protection techniques in telebiometric systems. It then defines the metrics, procedures and
requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of the biometric template protection techniques.
Recommendation ITU-T 1080.1 defines a generic telecommunication protocol that supports interactions
between a patient at a local medical station and a remote medical centre that can offer greater expertise. This
work relates to generic protocols that provide safety, security, privacy protection and consent for manipulating
biometric data in any application of telebiometrics such as e-health, tele-medicine and tele-health.
There are two aspects of this work. This part defines a set of messages, with authentication, integrity and
privacy (specified using ASN.1) that provide the telebiometric communications between an operator and a
remote telemedicine device. The other part relates to the adequate instances taken from the tables of quantities
and units that need to be transmitted in support of the communication. These are related to both measurement
(out modalities) and interaction with (in modalities) the human body. These parts of the ITU-T X.1080 series
of Recommendations give names and symbols for quantities and units concerned with emissions from the
human body that can be detected by a sensor and relayed to a remote clinic, and with effects on the human
body that can be produced by the telebiometric medical devices and robots in its environment, or by human
medical staff under advice from a remote clinic.
Additionally Recommendation ITU-T X.1092 provides an integrated framework to protect biometric data and
private information in e-health and telemedicine. It defines a model of health services using telebiometrics for
user identification and authentication. It identifies threats in transmitting various sensory data related to human
health and provides countermeasures for secure transmission when applying the integrated framework.
Extensions have been defined for ITU-T X.509 certificates used in public-key infrastructures or privilege
management infrastructures to produce biometric certificates. These are specified in Recommendation ITU-T
X.1089. Recommendation ITU-T X.1083 specifies the syntax (using ASN.1), semantics, and encodings of
messages that enable a BioAPI-conforming application to request biometric operations from BioAPI-
conforming biometric service providers (BSPs) across node or process boundaries, and to be notified of events
originating in those remote BSPs.
A number of standards and guidelines have been published that use a variety of techniques (cryptographic and
non-cryptographic) to support security services. Some examples are provided below to illustrate how these
techniques are being used to support authentication and non-repudiation services.
The secure password-based authentication protocol with key exchange (SPAK) is a simple authentication
protocol in which use of a human-memorable password between client and server results in mutual
authentication and a shared secret that can be used as session keys for the next session.
Requirements for SPAK, together with guidelines for selecting the most suitable SPAK from various secure
password authentication protocols, are defined in Recommendation ITU-T X.1151. This protocol is very
simple. It is easy to implement and use and, unlike PKI, it requires no other infrastructure. It is expected to be
of growing importance to many applications in the future. SPAK provides both user authentication and strong
key exchange with a simple password so that a subsequent communication session can be protected by a secret
that is shared during the authentication procedure (see Figure 19).
The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) supports multiple authentication mechanisms between a
supplicant and an authentication server in a data communication network. EAP can be used as a basic tool for
enabling user authentication and distributing session keys. It can perform device authentication to establish a
secure point-to-point connection and prevent access by an unauthorized device.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1034 describes a framework for EAP-based authentication and key management
for securing the lower layers in a communication network. It provides guidance on the selection of EAP
methods and describes the mechanism for key management for the lower layers of a data communication
network. The framework is applicable to both wireless access networks and wired access networks with a
shared medium.
Three entities are required for authentication and key management: a supplicant (or peer); an authenticator;
and an authentication server as shown in Figure 20. The supplicant functions as an end-user, accessing the
network from an end-user station. The authenticator acts as policy enforcement point, mediating EAP messages
between the supplicant and the authentication server. The authentication server authenticates the supplicant,
optionally shares a secret that can be used to derive cryptographic keys, posts the result of authentication to
the authenticator, and forwards the shared secret to the authenticator. This shared secret can be used to derive
cryptographic keys between the authenticator and the supplicant to ensure confidentiality and integrity and
enable message authentication.
Authentication and key management generally comprise four operational phases: security capability discovery;
EAP authentication; key distribution and key management (see Figure 20). In the security capability phase, a
supplicant negotiates the security capabilities and the various parameters of the protocol to be used with the
authenticator. In the EAP phase, the authentication server authenticates a supplicant and derives a master secret
shared with the supplicant. In the key distribution phase, the authentication server transports the master secret
to an authenticator to allow authentication to derive cryptographic keys for a subsequent session between a
supplicant and an authenticator. (Fresh cryptographic keys should be used in every session.) Finally, in the key
management phase, the authenticator exchanges random numbers with the supplicant to obtain a fresh
cryptographic key, resulting in perfect forward secrecy.
Figure 20 – Operational phases for the authentication and key management of the lower layer
The use of a one-time password (OTP) improves security, preventing the risk of guessing and reusing a
password. OTP-based authentication can be used together with other authentication mechanisms (e.g. PKI,
static password) to support multi-factor authentication. Recommendation ITU-T X.1153 defines a
management framework for one-time-password-based authentication and offers an interoperable management
framework that allows sharing of a single one-time password token among different service providers.
Non-repudiation service protects against an entity falsely claiming to have participated in all or part of a
communication (e.g. denying having sent or received a message). Recommendation ITU-T X.813 defines six
non-repudiation mechanisms: a TTP security token, security tokens and tamper-resistant modules, a digital
signature, time stamping, an in-line TTP and a notary. Recommendation ITU-T X.1159 provides a delegated
non-repudiation architecture based on Recommendation ITU-T X.813 to generate and verify non-repudiation
evidence by a trusted third party (TTP) instead of by a user. In this Recommendation, a right and/or a user's
signing key for non-repudiation evidence generation is delegated to a TTP, which acts as a central signing
authority that generates and verifies non-repudiation evidence. This delegated non-repudiation model can
protect against key loss or theft and is safe in an open network, such as a mobile and cloud network.
A non-repudiation service involves the generation, verification and recording of evidence, and the subsequent
retrieval and re-verification of this evidence in order to resolve disputes. The evidence generation requestor
requests the evidence generator to generate evidence for an event or action. In this Recommendation, the
evidence generation requestor is a user, and the evidence generator is a central signing authority.
The delegated non-repudiation service provides non-repudiation of origin (NRO) and/or non-repudiation of
delivery (NRD).
Figure 21 illustrates the concept of the delegated non-repudiation architecture, which shows the interactions
of the different entities for the delegated non-repudiation service.
For the delegated non-repudiation service, the user pre-issues a signing key and/or an authentication token
through the authentication service provider (ASP). Using the registration interface, the user can register the
non-repudiation service to a central signing authority. In this operation, a central signing authority verifies the
user's identification and registers a pre-issued authentication token to access a central signing authority. If
necessary, the user can register the delegated signing key to a central signing authority in this operation. Using
the registration server, a central signing authority registers the user's delegated signing key and stores it
securely in the key storage. If the user or the service provider needs to provide the non-repudiation service,
they may request from a central signing authority to generate the non-repudiation evidence through the non-
repudiation evidence interface. A central signing authority validates the user's transaction-based authentication
data before the generation of non-repudiation evidence. The non-repudiation evidence, concatenated with the
result of validation, is stored securely in a non-repudiation token storage. In a non-repudiation evidence
generation and validation server, the central signing authority can generate and validate the non-repudiation
evidence. For the generation of the non-repudiation evidence, a signature is generated by a central signing
server which is used only for the access to a key storage. The central signing authority generates the non-
repudiation evidence and sends it to the requestor and may also store it in a non-repudiation evidence storage
In general, when a non-repudiation service is provided through delegation of a user's signing key to a TTP, the
user and the TTP share the same signing key. This limits the non-repudiation service between the objects.
Because the delegated signing key is the same as the user's original signing key, the non-repudiation evidence
generated by a central signing authority is indistinguishable from the non-repudiation evidence generated by
the user. Consequently, in this case, the service cannot provide the non-repudiation between the user and a
central signing authority. If the user fully trusts the TTP, the service may be applicable. Otherwise, a delegated
signing key for a non-repudiation generation is required to be distinguishable from the user's original signing
key. In the delegated non-repudiation service model, the requestor derives the delegated information from the
requestor's signing key and then sends the delegated information to a central signing authority. A central
signing authority derives the requestor's delegated signing key from the received delegated information by the
requestor and from a central signing authority's secret key
An originator of electronic transaction data generates an OTP using an OTP generation key in conjunction
with the data, and sends the TTP (either directly or through a recipient) a request for some evidence of
origin. Furthermore, a recipient may ask the TTP to generate the evidence of delivery. Both pieces of
evidence of the transaction data are called non-repudiation tokens. After the transaction, both the originator
and the recipient may request the TTP to verify the non-repudiation tokens.
The data used to monitor and control the telecommunications network is often transmitted on a separate
network that carries only the network management traffic (i.e., no user traffic). This network is often referred
to as the telecommunication management network (TMN) as described in Recommendation ITU-T M.3010. It
is imperative that this traffic be secured. The management traffic is usually categorized in terms of information
required to perform fault, configuration, performance, accounting and security management functions.
Network security management deals with setting up a secure management network as well as managing the
security of information related to the three security planes of the ITU-T X.805 security architecture.
Management activity relating to infrastructure elements of a network must always be undertaken in a secure
manner. For example, network activities must be performed only by an authorized user. To provide a secure
end-to-end solution, security measures (e.g., access control, authentication) should be applied to each type of
network activity for the network infrastructure, network services, and network applications. A number of ITU-
T Recommendations focus specifically on the security aspect of the management plane for network elements
and management systems that are part of the network infrastructure.
Other network management applications include those related to environments where different service
providers need to interact to offer end-to-end services. Examples include communications facilities provided
to regulatory or government institutions in support of disaster recovery, and situations where leased lines
provided to customers cross geographical boundaries.
The TMN is separate and isolated from the public network infrastructure so that any disruptions due to security
threats in the end-user plane of the public network do not spread to the TMN. As a result of this separation, it
is relatively easy to secure the management network traffic because access to this plane is restricted to
authorized network administrators and traffic is restricted to valid management activities. With the introduction
of next generation networks, traffic for an end-user application may sometimes be combined with management
traffic. While this approach minimizes costs by requiring only a single integrated network infrastructure, it
introduces many new security challenges. Threats in the end-user plane now become threats to the management
and control planes as the management plane now becomes accessible to a multitude of end-users, introducing
the possibility of many additional types of malicious activity which must be countered.
The architecture for defining the network management of a telecommunications network is defined in
Recommendation ITU-T M.3010. The relationship of a TMN to a telecommunication network is shown in
Figure 22. The management network architecture defines interfaces that determine the exchanges required to
perform the operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning functions.
An overview and framework that identifies security threats to a TMN is provided in Recommendation ITU-T
M.3016.0. Within the ITU-T M.3016-series Recommendations, ITU-T M.3016.1 defines detailed
requirements, ITU-T M.3016.2 outlines security services, and ITU-T M.3016.3 defines mechanisms that can
counter the threats within the context of the TMN functional architecture defined in Recommendation ITU-T
M.3010. Because not all requirements need to be supported by all organizations, Recommendation ITU-T
M.3016.4 provides a pro-forma for creating profiles based on individual security requirements, services and
mechanisms. This allows the development of profiles that conform to an organization's unique security policy.
There are two facets to consider when discussing network security management. One relates to the
management plane for user end-to-end activity (e.g., VoIP services) where the administration of users must be
performed in a secure manner. This is referred to as security of management information exchanged over the
network to support an end-to-end application. The second facet is management of security information, which
applies irrespective of the application. For example, trouble-reporting activity between two service providers
must be conducted securely. This may require the exchanges to be encrypted, in which case there must be
provision for management of the encryption keys.
Several Recommendations that address security management functions of the ITU-T X.805 architecture are
available for the three layers of the management plane (please see Figure 1). In addition, as discussed in the
subsections below, other Recommendations define generic or common services such as the reporting of alarms
when there is a security violation, audit functions, and information models that define levels of protection for
different targets.
End-to-end connectivity may be considered in terms of access networks and core networks. Different
technologies may be used in these networks. Recommendations have been developed to address both access
and core networks. The Broadband Passive Optical Network is used here as an example. Administering the
user privileges for such an access network is defined using unified modelling methodology defined in
Recommendation ITU-T Q.834.3. Management exchange using Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) is specified in Recommendation ITU-T Q.834.4. The interface described in these Recommendations
is applied between the element management system and the network management system. The former is used
to manage individual network elements and thus is aware of the internal details of the hardware and software
architectures of the elements from one or more suppliers, whereas the latter performs the activities at the end-
to-end network level and spans multiple supplier management systems. Figure 23 shows the various objects
66 Securing the network infrastructure
used for creating, deleting, assigning, and using access control information for users of the element
management system. The user permission list contains the list of management activities that are permitted for
each authorized user. The access control manager verifies the user ID and password of the user of the
management activity and grants access according to the functionality allowed in the permission list.
Two aspects of security are relevant at the intersection between the management plane and the services layer.
One aspect is ensuring that appropriate security measures are available for services provided in the network.
For example, ensuring that only valid users are allowed to perform the operations associated with provisioning
a service. The second aspect is defining which administrative and management exchanges are valid in order to
help to detect security violations.
Recommendation ITU-T M.3208.2 addresses the first aspect, management activity of a service. This
connection management service allows a subscriber to create/activate, modify and delete the leased circuits
within the limits of the pre-provisioned resources. Because the user provisions the end-to-end connectivity, it
is necessary to ensure that only authorized users are allowed to perform these operations. The ITU-T X.805
security dimensions associated with this service are: peer entity authentication; data integrity control (to
prevent unauthorized modification of data in transit); and access control (to ensure a subscriber does not gain
access maliciously or accidentally to another subscriber's data).
Recommendation ITU-T M.3210.1, which defines the administrative activities associated with the
management plane for wireless services, is an example of a standard that addresses the second aspect. In a
wireless network, as the users roam from the home network to the visited network, they may traverse different
administrative domains. The services defined in ITU-T M.3210.1 describe how the fraud management domain
Securing the network infrastructure 67
in the home location collects appropriate information about a subscriber who is registered on the visited
network. Scenarios a) and b) in Figure 24 show initiation of the fraud monitoring activity, by either the home
network or the visited network. The fraud detection system in the home network requests information on the
activities when a subscriber registers with a visited network and remains active until the subscriber deregisters
from the network. Profiles may then be developed related to usage based on analysis of call records, either at
the service level, or for a subscriber. The fraud detection system can analyze and generate appropriate alarms
when fraudulent behaviour is detected.
x network
Fraud 1 2 detection
detection Home Visited system
network networks
system 4 3 x 1
Home network 3 2
fraud detection Home Visited
system 4 network networks
7 5 6
0 FDS invocation from outside
1 Request for FIGS 1 Fraud suspicion information
(fraud information gathering 2 Fraud suspicion information
System) monitoring 3 Fraud suspicion information
2 Request for FIGS monitoring 4 Request FIGS monitoring
3 FIGS data 5 Request FIGS monitoring
4 FIGS data 6 FIGS data
7 FIGS data
a) b)
The intersection of the management plane and the application layer in ITU-T X.805 corresponds to securing
end-user network-based applications. This includes applications such as messaging and directory. Another
class of applications where management activities are to be secured is that of the management applications
themselves. This is best explained using examples. The end user for these applications is the service provider's
management (operations) personnel. Consider the case where one service provider uses connection services
from another provider in order to offer an end-to-end connectivity service. Depending on the regulatory or
market environment, some service providers may offer access services: others, referred to as inter-exchange
carriers, may offer long-distance connectivity. The inter-exchange carriers lease access services from the local
provider for end-to-end connectivity across geographically-distributed locations. When a loss of service is
encountered, an application called trouble report administration is used to report the problem. The user of
these systems, as well as the application itself, requires authorization to report problems. Authorized systems
and users should perform necessary actions for retrieving the status of the reported problem(s). Figure 25
illustrates the interactions that must be carried out in a secure manner. Access privileges are administered to
prevent unauthorized access to trouble reports. A service provider is permitted to report troubles only on the
services they lease and not on services leased by a different provider.
Recommendation ITU-T X.790, defines this management application and uses mechanisms such as access
control lists and two-way authentication to secure the activities.
Another important aspect of network infrastructure protection relates to protection of the telecommunication
infrastructure against damage, malfunction and leakage of information due to electromagnetic disturbances
and influences. In particular, it is important to ensure that the functionality of telecommunication facilities are
not compromised by interference related to electromagnetic fields or by interference from other electrical or
communications systems. The potential for electromagnetic disruption is particularly relevant given the
convergence of telecommunication and IT equipment. It is also a major threat to the efficient and secure
operation of home networks.
The risk of leakage of information due to electromagnetic emanation (e.g. from keyboards, display units and
unshielded cabling) has long been recognized but there is now increasing focus on the need to protect against
electromagnetic interference (both unintentional and deliberate) and electromagnetic attacks. The need for
such protection is addressed in Recommendation ITU-T X.1051.
A number of specific Recommendations that address electromagnetic security have been developed by Study
Group 5. Recommendation ITU-T K.87, Guide for the application of electromagnetic security requirements -
Overview, outlines electromagnetic security risks of telecommunication equipment and illustrates how to
assess and prevent those risks, in order to manage ISMS in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T X.1051.
Recommendation ITU-T K.81, High-power electromagnetic immunity guide for telecommunication systems
presents guidance on establishing the threat level presented by an intentional high-power electromagnetic
attack and the physical security measures that may be used to minimize this threat and also provides
information on the vulnerability of equipment. Recommendation ITU-T K.84, Test methods and guide against
information leaks through unintentional electromagnetic emissions describes threats from information leakage
due to unintentional electromagnetic emanations and specifies two approaches to mitigation as well as
presenting leakage test methods for conducted and radiated emission.
There are a number of common services that are considered to be ITU-T X.805 management plane activities.
These apply particularly where the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) (Recommendation
ITU-T X.711) is used. A brief description of some of the services included in these recommendations is
provided below.
Securing the network infrastructure 69
Alarm reporting is a key function in management interfaces. When a failure is detected, either as a result of
operational issues (e.g., a failure of the circuit pack or a violation of the security policy) an alarm is reported
to the managing system. The alarm reports include a number of parameters so that the managing system is able
to determine the cause of the failure and take corrective action. The parameters for any event include a
mandatory field called event type and a set of other fields referred to as event information. The latter consists
of information such as the severity of the alarm, probable causes of the alarm and the detector of the security
violation. The alarm causes are associated with event types as shown in Table 7.
A security audit trail is used to record security-related events and, in particular, security violations. Security-
related events can include connections, disconnections, security mechanism utilizations, management
operations and usage accounting. The Security audit trail function is defined in Recommendation ITU-T
A very detailed definition of the model associated with assigning access control to various managed entities is
described in Recommendation ITU-T X.741. The requirements satisfied by this Recommendation include:
protecting management information from unauthorized creation, deletion and modification; ensuring
operations are consistent with the access rights for the initiators of the operations; and preventing the
transmission of management information to unauthorized recipients. Various levels of access control are
70 Securing the network infrastructure
defined to meet these requirements. For management operations, access restrictions can be applied at multiple
levels. An access control policy may be based on one or more of the schemes defined (e.g., access control lists;
capability-based, label-based and context-based access control). In the ITU-T X.741 model, a decision to
permit or deny access is based on the access control policy and the access control information (ACI). ACI
includes, for example, rules, the identity of the initiator, identities of the targets to which access is requested,
and information pertaining to the authentication of the initiator.
While many of the ITU-T X.700 series Recommendations assume the use of the CMIP as the management
interface protocol, there have been other trends that are now reflected in these Recommendations, These
include the use of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)-based protocol, services and
object models for the management interfaces. Of particular note are Recommendations ITU-T X.780, ITU-T
X.780.1, ITU-T X.780.2, and ITU-T X.781. In addition, Recommendation ITU-T Q.816 defines a framework
for using these services in the context of management interfaces. To support the security requirements for these
interfaces, ITU-T Q.816 refers to the object management group (OMG) specification of common services for
security. Recommendations ITU-T Q.816.1 and ITU-T Q.816.2 define extensions to ITU-T Q.816 to support
coarse-grained interfaces and service-oriented interfaces respectively.
In this section, approaches to protect various types of network are reviewed. The section begins with a look at
the security requirements for Next Generation Networks. This is followed by a review of mobile
communications networks which are in transition from mobility based on a single technology (such as CDMA
or GSM) to mobility across heterogeneous platforms using the Internet Protocol (IP). Next, security provisions
for home networks and cable television are examined. Lastly, the challenges of security for ubiquitous sensor
networks are presented.
A Next Generation Network (NGN) is a packet-based network that is able to provide telecommunication
services to users and that is able to make use of multiple broadband, quality of service (QoS)-enabled transport
technologies. In addition, service-related functions are independent of the underlying transport-related
technologies. An NGN enables unfettered user access to networks and to competing service providers and
services. It supports generalised mobility which will allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to
users. More details on the general characteristics of an NGN are provided in Recommendation ITU-T Y.2001.
Recognizing that security is one of the defining features of NGN, it is essential to put in place a set of standards
that will guarantee, to the maximum degree possible, the security of the NGN. As NGNs evolve and new
security vulnerabilities appear for which there is no known immediate automatic remedy, such vulnerabilities
must be properly documented so as to enable the network administrators and end users to mitigate them.
Recommendation ITU-T Y.2701, which is based on the principles of Recommendation ITU-T X.805, specifies
security requirements for protecting NGNs against security threats and covers some of the technical aspects of
identity management.
• network and service provider infrastructure and its assets (e.g., NGN assets and resources such as
network elements, systems, components, interfaces, and data and information), its resources, its
communications (i.e., signalling, management and data/bearer traffic) and its services;
• NGN services and capabilities (e.g., voice, video and data services); and
• end-user communication and information (e.g., private information).
The requirements must provide network-based security of end-user communications across multiple-network
administrative domains as illustrated in Figure 26.
The requirements specified in ITU-T Y.2701 are regarded as a minimum set of requirements. An NGN provider
may need to take additional measures beyond those specified.
In addition to the requirements specified in Recommendation ITU-T Y.2701, Recommendation ITU-T Y.2702,
provides the detailed requirements for authentication and authorization in NGN Release 1, Recommendation
ITU-T Y.2703, provides an application of authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) for NGN
release 1, and Recommendation ITU-T Y.2704, specifies the security mechanisms needed to address the
requirements of Recommendation ITU-T Y.2701 and Recommendation ITU-T Y.2702.
A number of specific and generic application areas are also under study as part of the NGN work. For example,
Recommendation ITU-T Y.2740, defines security requirements specific to the NGN support for mobile remote
financial transactions. Recommendation ITU-T Y.2074, Requirements for Internet of things devices and
operation of Internet of things applications during disasters also has security relevance.
One additional aspect of the NGN work that merits mention relates to security requirements for emergency
telecommunications. A number of standards have been approved including: Recommendation ITU-T Y.1271,
Framework(s) on network requirements and capabilities to support emergency communications over evolving
circuit-switched and packed-switched networks; Recommendation ITU-T Y.2205, Next Generation Networks
- Emergency Telecommunications – Technical Considerations; and Recommendation ITU-T Y.2705,
Minimum security requirements for interconnection of emergency telecommunications service.
Mobile communications are evolving from mobility that is limited to a specific technology (e.g., GSM or
CDMA) to mobility across heterogeneous networks (e.g., GSM, Wi-Fi, PSTN) with the usage of IP. Future
networks will involve an integration of wireless and wireline networks providing a wide range of new services
that could not be provided by a single existing network.
With the deployment of true Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC), a mobile user can roam across heterogeneous
networks such as GSM, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth. The security requirements for each type of access will
have to be met in different ways but all security requirements must be met to protect users, networks and
applications being accessed.
Internet attacks and vulnerabilities pose a threat to wireless mobile networks that use IP as their transport
protocol. In addition, new threats will arise from the very nature of the wireless networks themselves i.e., their
mobility. The security mechanisms already developed for IP networks may not satisfy all security needs of IP-
based wireless systems, and thus new or enhanced IP security measures may have to be developed. Also,
security must be addressed not only for the radio interface but also for the complete end-to-end service and it
must be flexible enough to provide various levels of security appropriate to the service/application being
provided. The involvement of multiple networks increases the opportunity for threats such as illegal
interception of user profiles, content (e.g., voice or data communication), and authentication information. Thus,
deployment of mobile IP services and applications requires that additional security measures be implemented
to protect the user, the operator and the service provider.
International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) is the global standard for third generation (3G)
wireless communications. It is defined by a set of interdependent ITU Recommendations. IMT-2000 provides
a framework for worldwide wireless access by linking the diverse systems of terrestrial and/or satellite based
networks. It exploits the potential synergy between digital mobile telecommunications technologies and
systems for fixed and mobile wireless access systems.
ITU activities on IMT-2000 comprise international standardization that addresses frequency spectrum and
technical specifications for radio and network components, tariffs and billing, technical assistance and studies
on regulatory and policy aspects.
The broad requirements for security in IMT-2000 networks are covered in Recommendations ITU-T Q.1701,
ITU-T Q.1702 and ITU-T Q.1703.
In addition, the 3G specifications contained in the ITU-T Q.1741.x series of Recommendations (for 3GPP)
and in the ITU-T Q.1742.x series (for 3GPP2) contain an evaluation of perceived threats and a list of security
requirements to address these threats. These Recommendations also contain security objectives and principles
for mobile communications, a defined security architecture, cryptographic algorithm requirements, lawful
interception requirements, and lawful interception architecture and functions.
Mobile terminals with data communications capability (e.g., Wi-Fi and GSM-enabled mobile phones,
notebooks, tablets and e-readers and PDAs) are widely available and are used for an increasing number of
applications. Due to the nature of the wireless network and the inherent vulnerabilities of wireless
communication technologies, effective security is essential to protect both the applications and the data.
Security must be considered from the standpoint of the mobile network operator, the application service
provider and the end user. Security between the mobile terminal and the application server is particularly
important. To address mobile end-to-end communications, ITU-T has developed a complete set of security
solutions, some of which are discussed below.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1121 describes two models of mobile end-to-end data communication between a
mobile user and an application service provider (ASP): a General model; and a Gateway model as illustrated
in Figure 27 and Figure 28. Service is provided to mobile users through the application server. In the Gateway
model, the security gateway relays packets from the mobile terminal to the application server and transforms
a mobile network-based communication protocol to an open network-based protocol, and vice versa. Figure 29
Some specific approaches to network security 77
depicts the threats in the mobile end-to-end data communication network. Figure 30 shows the places where
security features are required for each entity and the relationship between entities.
Figure 30 – Security function required for each entity and relation between entities Public key infrastructure (PKI) for secure mobile end-to-end data communications
PKI is very useful for providing some of the security functions (e.g., confidentiality, digital signature, data
integrity) needed for mobile end-to-end data communications but, because of the characteristics of mobile data
communications, some adaptation is required. Guidance on implementing PKI in a mobile environment is
provided in Recommendation ITU-T X.1122, which provides both a general PKI model and a gateway PKI
In the general model (shown in Figure 31) a Certification Authority (CA) serves the mobile user by issuing the
user's certificate and managing the repository and certificate revocation list (CRL). A validation authority
provides an online certificate validation service to the mobile user. The CA used by the ASP issues the ASP's
certificate and manages the ASP's repository and CRL. The ASP's validation authority provides an online
certificate validation service for ASP certificates.
There are two certificate issuance methods depending on the location at which the public/private key is
generated: in one method, the cryptographic key pair is generated and fabricated during production of the
mobile-terminal; in the other method, the cryptographic key pair is generated in the mobile terminal or in a
tamper-free token attached to the mobile terminal. Figure 32 illustrates the procedure for a mobile terminal to
acquire a certificate, where the cryptographic key pair is generated in the mobile terminal.
The mobile terminal often has limited computational power and memory size. As a result, online certificate
validation is preferable to off-line validation based on a CRL. Figure 33 depicts the on-line certificate
validation procedure for a mobile terminal.
PKI for mobile end-to-end communication can be used either at the session layer, where it can support security
services such as client authentication, server authentication, confidentiality and integrity service, or at the
application where it can provide non-repudiation and confidentiality services.
The correlative reacting system has been devised to enable mobile terminals or devices and the network to
cooperate to defend against security threats. Recommendation ITU-T X.1125 describes the generic architecture
of a correlative reactive system in which a mobile network and its user terminals can cooperate interactively
to combat various security threats for secure end-to-end data communications. Such threats include, for
example, viruses, worms, Trojan-horses or other network threats against both the mobile network and its users.
This architecture provides operator networks with enhanced security capability through mobile station security
updates, network access control and application service restrictions. This results in a mechanism that prevents
viruses or worms from spreading rapidly through the operator network.
The general architecture for a security solution for mobile commerce and mobile banking in the context of
NGN is specified in Recommendation ITU-T Y.2741 which describes the key participants, their roles, and the
operational scenarios of the mobile commerce and mobile banking systems. It also provides examples of the
implementation models of mobile commerce and mobile banking systems.
Because a home network uses various wired or wireless transmission techniques, it is exposed to threats similar
to those of any other network. ITU-T has developed a comprehensive set of solutions to protect home network
services, some of which are discussed below.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1111, builds upon the threat model of Recommendation ITU-T X.1121 to establish
a security framework for home networking. The characteristics of the home network may be summarized as
• various transmission media can be used in the network;
• the network may comprise wired and/or wireless technologies;
• there are many possible environments to be considered from a security standpoint;
• terminals may be carried around by remote users; and
• the various types of home network device require different levels of security.
The general home network model for security, which is shown in Figure 34, may comprise many devices, such
as PDAs, PCs, and TVs/VCRs. In this model, the home devices are classified as one of three types:
• Type A devices, such as remote controllers, PCs or PDAs, which have the capability of controlling a
type B or type C device;
• Type B devices: bridges that connect type C devices (which have no communication interface) to the
network. A type B device communicates with other devices in the network using a proprietary
language or control mechanism; and
• Type C devices, such as security cameras and A/V devices, which provide a service to the rest of the
Recommendation ITU-T X.1111 describes security threats and security requirements from the standpoint of
the home user and the remote user. In addition, it categorizes security technologies in terms of functions that
satisfy the security requirements and by the location at which the security technologies must be applied.
There are two options for device certification in the home network: the external issuing model wherein all
home device certificates are issued by an external CA; and the internal issuing model in which device
certificates (including self-signed certificates and end-entity certificates) are issued by an internal CA in the
home network. Usually, an internal CA is a secure home gateway with the capability of generating a key pair
and issuing a certificate, i.e., the home gateway can issue both a CA certificate and home device certificates.
The secure home gateway itself can have a device certificate which is issued by an external certification
authority for use in external home services. This externally-issued home gateway device certificate can be used
for authentication between the home gateway and the network service provider.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1112 describes a framework for the internal model of device certificate issuance,
management and usage for home networks. The model is illustrated in Figure 35.
For device authentication, a unique identifier is needed for each device in the home network. Specifically, a
device certificate will be required as a unique trust element when used in the home network.
Figure 36 shows four typical use cases of a device certificate: 1) between the remote terminal and the secure
home gateway; 2) between the application server and the secure home gateway; 3) between home devices and
the secure home gateway; and 4) among home devices.
Figure 36 – Device authentication use case based on general home network model for security
For external Internet service from the home device to an external application server, the home device should
be authenticated first with the secure home gateway using its own device certificate. The secure home gateway
should then be authenticated with the external application server using the home gateway certificate issued by
an external CA. These use cases can be applied to various application protocols for supporting secure home
network services.
Some environments demand authentication of the human user rather than a process or a device.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1113 provides guidance on user authentication for the home network to enable use
of various authentication techniques such as passwords, certificates and biometrics. It also defines the security
assurance level and authentication model according authentication service scenarios. Figure 37 shows
authentication service flows based on the general model of home network security defined in Recommendation
ITU-T X.1111. In this example, a remote user tries to access entities within the home, while the home user
tries to access entities inside and outside the home.
10.4 IPCablecom
The IPCablecom system enables cable television operators to provide IP-based real-time services (e.g., voice
communications) over networks that have been enhanced to support cable modems.
The IPCablecom architecture is defined in Recommendation ITU-T J.160. IPCablecom components are
illustrated in Figure 38. The IPCablecom architecture contains both trusted and untrusted network elements.
Trusted network elements are typically located within a cable operator's managed backbone network.
Untrusted network elements, such as the cable modem and media terminal adapter (MTA), are typically located
outside the cable operator's facility within the subscriber's home.
Each of IPCablecom's protocol interfaces is subject to threats that could affect both the subscriber and the
service provider. For example, the media stream path may traverse a large number of potentially unknown
Internet service and backbone service providers. As a result, the media stream may be vulnerable to
eavesdropping, resulting in a loss of communications privacy. Security design objectives identified in the IP
Cablecom architecture are:
• to enable residential voice capabilities with the same or higher level of perceived privacy as the PSTN;
• to provide protection against attacks on the MTA; and
• to protect the cable operator from network disruption, denial-of-service, and theft-of-service attacks.
Design considerations must include confidentiality, authentication, integrity and access control.
Security requirements are specified in Recommendation ITU-T J.170. Threats to be addressed are summarized
as follows:
• theft of service, which includes subscription fraud, non-payment for services, MTA clones; (e.g.,
where an MTA registered under a fraudulent account is cloned), impersonation of a network server
and protocol manipulation;
• disclosure of bearer channel information, which includes: simple snooping, MTA clones (e.g., of a
publicly-accessible MTA), protocol manipulation, off-line cryptanalysis, and service disruption;
• disclosure of signalling information;
• theft of MTA-based services; and
• illegally registering a leased MTA with a different service provider.
Security in IPCablecom is implemented in the lower stack elements and mostly uses mechanisms defined by
the IETF. The IPCablecom architecture addresses the threats by specifying, for each defined protocol interface,
Some specific approaches to network security 85
the underlying security mechanisms (such as IPsec) that provide the protocol interface with the security
services it requires.
The security services available through IPCablecom's core service layer are authentication, access control,
integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation. The security mechanisms include both the security protocol
(e.g., IPsec, Real Time Protocol (RTP)-layer security, and SNMPv3 security) and the supporting key
management protocol (e.g., IKE, PKINIT/Kerberos). Also, IPCablecom core security services include a
mechanism for providing end-to-end encryption of RTP media streams, thus substantially reducing the threat
to privacy.
10.5 IPCablecom2
IPCablecom2 is a cable industry initiative designed to support the convergence of voice, video, data and
mobility technologies.
IPCablecom2 is based on Release 6 of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) as defined by the 3 rd generation
partnership project (3GPP). The scope of 3GPP includes development of a SIP-based IP-communications
architecture for mobile networks. The resulting architecture forms the basis of the IPCablecom2 architecture
defined in Recommendation ITU-T J.360.
A trust domain is a logical grouping of network elements that are trusted to communicate. Threats to trust
domains apply to the interfaces connecting network elements within a domain, the interfaces between domains,
and the interfaces between UEs and the service provider.
Theft of service
Theft of service can be achieved in many ways including, but not limited to: manipulation of the UE; protocol
weakness exploitation; identity spoofing; UE cloning (i.e., the act of imitating a legitimate UE); and
subscription fraud and non-payment of services.
This includes general denial-of-service attacks; flooding attacks (i.e., rendering a particular network element
unavailable, usually by directing an excessive amount of network traffic at its interfaces); and attacks using
zombies (i.e., compromised endpoint systems).
Attacks against signalling threats include: compromise of confidentiality of signalling information; man-in-
the-middle attacks resulting from the interception and possible modification of traffic passing between two
communication parties; and denial of service attacks in the signalling channel range.
Threats to the bearer channel relate to the media traffic transferred between communicating parties.
IPCablecom2 makes extensive use of transport layer security and other mechanisms referenced in 3GPP IP
Multimedia Subsystem (3GPP 23.002 v6.10.0, Network Architecture, December 2005). The following sections
summarize the IPCablecom2 enhancements to the IMS security architecture.
The architecture accommodates UEs with multiple authentication credentials. For example, a UE may have a
certificate for accessing services while on a cable network, and a universal integrated circuit card (UICC) for
accessing services while on a cellular network.
A subscriber may have multiple credentials. A subscriber may have multiple UEs, with different capabilities
related to those credentials. For example, a subscriber may have an MTA with a certificate for home use, and
a UICC-based UE for travelling.
IPCablecom2 adds transport layer security (TLS) as an option for signalling security between the UE and the
Proxy Call Session Control Function. The use of TLS (as defined by the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)) is
optional for signalling security.
A sensor is simply a device that generates an electrical signal that represents a measurable physical property.
A ubiquitous sensor network (USN) is a network that uses low cost, low power sensors to develop context
Some specific approaches to network security 87
awareness in order to deliver sensed information and knowledge services to anyone, anywhere and at any time.
A USN may cover a wide geographical area and may support a variety of applications. Figure 39 illustrates
potential USN applications.
Sensor networks are usually connected to end-user networks and, while the core transmission networks are
likely to use the Internet and NGN technologies, a variety of underlying technologies (such as DSL, satellite,
GPRS, CDMA, GSM, etc.) will be used.
Since information transfer in a USN faces many potential threats, effective security techniques are needed to
counter those threats.
Recent advances in wireless-based communication technology and electronics have facilitated the
implementation of the Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN). Basically, a USN consists of three parts: a sensor
network consisting of a large number of sensor nodes; a base station (also known as gateway) that interfaces
between the sensor networks and an application server; and an application server that controls the sensor nodes
or collects the sensed information from the sensor nodes.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1311 describes the security threats to, and security requirements of the USN. In
addition, this draft Recommendation categorizes the security techniques that satisfy the security requirements
and the points of application of the security techniques in the USN security model.
The overall structure of a USN is shown in Figure 40. The sensor networking domain may include both wireless
and wire-line sensor networks and many kinds of wired and wireless networking technologies may be used
according to the service characteristics and requirements.
The threats to a USN comprise those in the IP network and those in the SN. There are two types of threats to
the SN: general threats and routing-related threats. Threats to the IP network, and routing-related threats to
message exchange in the SN, are identified in Recs. ITU-T X.800 and ITU-T X.805 (please see Chapter 4 and
Figure 1 ). In addition, there are sensor node-specific threats such as sensor node compromise, eavesdropping,
privacy of sensed data, denial of service attack, and malicious use of the commodity network. Lastly, seven
additional threats have been identified as follows:
• Spoofed, altered or replayed routing information
• Selective forwarding
• Sinkhole attack
• Sybil attacks
• Wormhole attacks
• HELLO flood attacks and
• Acknowledgment spoofing
The security model shown in Figure 41 illustrates a general framework of USN security based on the
application area of USN, the overall structure of USN, and the USN network configuration. The model is based
on ISO/IEC 15408-1, Evaluation criteria for IT, and is intended to help establish security concepts and
relationships to USN security.
USN middleware is an intermediate entity that provides the functions commonly required by different types
of USN applications and services. USN middleware receives requests from USN applications, and delivers
those requests to the appropriate sensor networks. Similarly, USN middleware receives sensed data or
processed data from sensor networks and delivers them to appropriate USN applications. USN middleware
can provide information processing functions such as query processing, context-aware processing, event
processing, sensor network monitoring and the like. The service description and requirements for USN
middleware are contained in Recommendation ITU-T F.744. Guidelines for middleware security are contained
in Recommendation ITU-T X.1312.
USN middleware is located between the USN application and the sensor network in the USN service model.
USN middleware security threats can be divided into three groups according to the target: device, data and
The system security threats are defined as:
unauthorized USN middleware access;
DoS and DDoS attacks against USN middleware;
malicious or abnormal traffic transfer to USN middleware;
misuse and abuse of the USN middleware system;
careless mistakes; and cross-application breach of containment.
The security threats to data are:
data leakage; and
data forgery.
The security threats to middleware communication are:
hijacking; and
The security requirements for USN middleware must address each of these threats. Figure 42 illustrates the
security functions of the USN middleware.
Cyber-attacks are widespread and cause a complex range of problems to users, service providers and operators.
Effective response to such attacks is dependent on understanding the source and nature of the attack and sharing
information with monitoring agencies. Countering cyber-attacks by technical means requires the development
of a framework and requirements for detecting, protecting against, mitigating the effects of, and recovering
from cyber-attacks, and addressing important technical issues facing network operators, enterprises, and
governments. ITU-T has already developed a number of Recommendations on the efficient sharing of security
and vulnerability information across domains and is developing solutions to support telecommunications/ICT
accountability, incident response, threat monitoring and risk assessment.
CYBEX techniques, which are addressed in the ITU-T X.1500 series of Recommendations, are directed
towards enhancing the exchange of cybersecurity information in a way that takes account of the fact that the
techniques themselves and the environment in which they are used are continuously-evolving.
The techniques embodied in the CYBEX Recommendations will enable telecommunication/ ICT
organizations, including Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs), both within and between jurisdictions,
to have the information necessary to facilitate secure, collaborative processes and controls to improve the level
of assurance in information exchanges between organizations and also to support decision making, thereby
substantially enhancing the security of global telecommunication/ICT facilities and services. In addition, these
Recommendations enable a coherent approach to managing and exchanging cybersecurity information
globally and improve security awareness and collaboration to diminish the impact of cyber threats, attacks and
Recommendation ITU-T X.1500 presents a CYBEX model and discusses techniques that can be used to
facilitate the exchange of cybersecurity information. These techniques can be used individually or in
combination, as desired or appropriate, to enhance cybersecurity through coherent, comprehensive, global,
timely and assured information exchange. No obligations to exchange information are implied, nor are the
means of acquisition or ultimate use of the information treated. The techniques include the structured global
discovery and interoperability of cybersecurity information in such a way as to allow for evolution to
accommodate continuous advances being made in the various cybersecurity forums.
The general cybersecurity information exchange model shown in Figure 43 consists of basic functions that can
be used separately or together as appropriate, and extended as needed in order to facilitate assured
cybersecurity information exchanges. These are:
• structuring cybersecurity information for exchange purposes;
• identifying and discovering cybersecurity information and entities;
• establishing trust and policy agreement between exchanging entities;
• requesting and responding with cybersecurity information; and
• assuring the integrity of the cybersecurity information exchange.
These techniques are further organized into “clusters” in the ITU-T X.1500 series Recommendations:
• Weakness, vulnerability and state;
• Event, incident, and heuristics;
• Information exchange policy;
• Identification, discovery, and query;
• Identity assurance; and
• Exchange protocols.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1520 on the common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) provides a structured
means to exchange information on security vulnerabilities and exposures and provides a common identifier
for publicly- known problems. This Recommendation defines the use of CVE to make it easier to share data
across separate vulnerability capabilities (tools, repositories, and services) with this common identifier. This
Recommendation is designed to allow vulnerability databases and other capabilities to be used together, and
to facilitate the comparison of security tools and services. CVE contains only the standard identifier number
with status indicator, a brief description, and references to related vulnerability reports and advisories. (It does
not contain information such as risk, impact, fix information, or detailed technical information).
The primary focus of CVE is to identify known vulnerabilities and exposures that are detected by security tools
along with any new problems that are detected.
ICT management must identify and assess vulnerabilities across many disparate hardware and software
platforms. These vulnerabilities must then be prioritized and, those that pose the greatest risk, remediated.
With so many vulnerabilities, and with each being scored using different scales, ICT managers are left to
determine how to compare and prioritize them.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1521 on the common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) is an open framework
that standardizes vulnerability scores, explains the properties and individual characteristics used to derive a
score, and prioritizes risk by making the vulnerability scores indicative of the actual risk in relation to other
CVSS metrics are divided into three groups: base metrics, temporal metrics and environmental metrics as
illustrated in Figure 44.
Base metrics represent intrinsic and fundamental vulnerability characteristics that are constant over time and
user environments. Temporal metrics represent vulnerability characteristics that change over time but not
among user environments. Environmental metrics represent vulnerability characteristics that are relevant and
unique to a particular user's environment.
The CVSS base group of metrics defines the fundamental characteristics of a vulnerability. This provides users
with a clear and intuitive representation of a vulnerability. Users can then invoke the temporal and
environmental groups to provide contextual information that more accurately reflects the risk to their unique
environment. This allows them to make more informed decisions when trying to mitigate risks posed by the
Recommendation ITU-T X.1524 on the use of the common weakness enumeration (CWE) provides a
structured means to exchange unified, measurable sets of software weaknesses that aims to provide common
names for publicly known problems. The goal of CWE is to make it easier to enable more effective discussion,
description, selection, and use of software security tools and services that can find these weaknesses in source
Cybersecurity and incident response 97
code and operational systems as well as to promote better understanding and management of software
weaknesses related to architecture and design.
The intention of CWE is to be comprehensive with respect to the causes behind all publicly known
vulnerabilities and exposures, whether from weaknesses in the software's architecture, design, code, or
deployment. While CWE is designed to contain mature information, the primary focus is on identifying the
weaknesses that can cause vulnerabilities and exposures. The review authority determines conformance on the
use of CWE identifiers, as defined in this Recommendation.
CWE gives leverage to existing work from within the cybersecurity community such as the large number of
diverse real-world vulnerabilities specified in Recommendation ITU-T X.1520, Common vulnerabilities and
exposures (CVE). Many sources and examples are leveraged to develop the specific and succinct definitions
of the CWE list elements and classification tree structures. In addition, appropriate mappings are created
between CWEs and CVE names so that each CWE identifier has a list of the specific CVE names that belong
to that particular CWE category of software security weaknesses. In constructing the CWE list and
classification tree, maximum comprehensive coverage across appropriate conceptual, business, and technical
domains is sought.
Software developers often face hundreds or thousands of individual bug reports for weaknesses that are
discovered in their code. In certain circumstances, a software weakness can even lead to an exploitable
vulnerability. Due to this high volume of reported weaknesses, stakeholders are often forced to prioritize which
issues they should investigate and fix first. In short, people need to be able to reason and communicate about
the relative importance of different weaknesses. While various scoring methods are used today, they are either
ad hoc or inappropriate for application to the still-imprecise evaluation of software security.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1525, Common weakness scoring system (CWSS), provides an open framework
for communicating the characteristics and impacts of information and communication technologies (ICT)
weaknesses during development of software capabilities. The goal of this Recommendation is to enable ICT
software developers, managers, testers, security vendors and service suppliers, buyers, application vendors and
researchers to speak from a common language of scoring ICT weaknesses that could manifest as vulnerabilities
when the software is used.
CWSS is organized into three metric groups: Base Finding, Attack Surface, and Environmental, as shown in
Figure 45. Each group contains multiple metrics – also known as factors – that are used to compute a CWSS
score for a weakness.
The Base Finding metric group captures the inherent risk of the weakness, confidence in the accuracy of the
finding, and strength of controls. The Attack Surface metric group represents the barriers that an attacker must
overcome in order to exploit the weakness. The Environmental metric group represents characteristics of the
weakness that are specific to a particular environment or operational context.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1544, Common attack pattern enumeration and classification (CAPEC), is an
XML/XSD-based specification for the identification, description and enumeration of attack patterns. Attack
patterns are a powerful mechanism to capture and communicate the attacker's perspective. They are
descriptions of common methods for exploiting software. They derive from the concept of design patterns
applied in a destructive rather than constructive context and are generated from in-depth analysis of specific
real-world exploit examples. The objective of CAPEC is to provide a publicly-available catalogue of attack
patterns along with a comprehensive schema and classification taxonomy.
CAPEC enables:
• Collecting known attack patterns into an integrated enumeration that can be consistently and
effectively leveraged by the community;
• Classifying attack patterns so that users can easily identify the subset of the entire enumeration that
is appropriate for their context; and
• Linking, through explicit references, the attack patterns and the common weakness enumerations
(CWEs) that they are effective against.
The MAEC language aims to: improve human-to-human, human-to-tool, tool-to-tool, and tool-to-human
communication about malware; reduce potential duplication of malware analysis efforts by researchers; and
allow for the faster development of countermeasures by enabling the ability to leverage responses to previously
observed malware instances. Threat analysis, intrusion detection, and incident management are processes that
deal with all manner of cyberthreats. MAEC, through its uniform encoding of malware attributes, provides a
standardized format for the incorporation of actionable information regarding malware in these processes.
As shown in Figure 46, MAEC is composed of a data model that spans several interconnected schemas, thus
representing the grammar that defines the language. These schemas permit different forms of MAEC output
to be generated, which can be considered as specific uses of the aforementioned grammar.
The MAEC container, MAEC package and MAEC bundle schemas are targeted at different use cases and thus
capture different types of malware-related information.
Discovery of cybersecurity information involves three entities: a retriever; a source; and a directory. The
retriever obtains information by sending a request to the source which provides the requested information. The
directory registers the metadata of the source’s information and helps the retriever to find a proper source.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1570 provides a framework for discovering cybersecurity information and the
mechanism that enables this. The framework covers how to publish cybersecurity information, obtain the
candidate list, and acquire the needed information.
Discovery schemes rely on information registries which may be centralized or decentralized. With a centralized
registry, an object identifier-based discovery mechanism is typically used to identify and locate the sources of
cybersecurity information. Where registries are distributed, the party seeking the information uses a Resource
100 Cybersecurity and incident response
Description Framework-based discovery mechanism. Both of these mechanisms are described in this
The discovery mechanism is intended to find the following seven types of cybersecurity information: User
Resource Database; Provider Resource Database; Incident Database; Warning Database; Product & Service
Knowledge Base; Cyber Risk Knowledge Base; and Countermeasure Knowledge Base. The acquisition,
accumulation and use of cybersecurity information, which consists of a set of operation domains, roles, and
information types, is described in an ontology model shown in Figure 47 which also shows the relationship
between the information types used in this model.
The roles, illustrated with human icons in the figure, are generic and entities such as CIRTs may encompass
one or more of these functions. This model is used to define domains for cybersecurity operations, which are
then used to identify required cybersecurity entities to support the operations in each domain.
Consistency in detecting, responding to, and disseminating information about security-related incidents is a
routine part of security management. Unless all such incidents are properly evaluated and appropriately
handled, organizations will be vulnerable to subsequent, possibly more serious, attacks.
Unless an incident handling procedure is in place, when a security-related incident is detected, there may be
no proper reporting or analysis of the incident. There may also be no procedures for escalating the reporting
or obtaining technical assistance or management direction, even though issues raised by such incidents often
have ramifications that extend well beyond IT or networking. For example, incidents may imply legal, financial
or reputational risk or they may be matters for law enforcement. Lack of effective incident handling procedures
may result in a "quick fix" or work-around being used, instead of the problem being properly addressed,
documented and reported, in which case there is the risk of more serious problems later.
As organizations become sensitized to the need for consistent and effective security management of networks
and operations, incident handling is becoming a more routine practice. Properly trained and mandated staff
can handle security incidents in a prompt and correct manner.
Cybersecurity and incident response 101
To be able to succeed in incident handling and incident reporting, an understanding of how incidents are
detected, managed and resolved is necessary. By establishing a structure for incident handling (i.e., physical,
administrative or organizational, and logical incidents) it is possible to obtain a picture of the structure and
flow of an incident. Recommendation ITU-T E.409 provides guidance for planning an organization to detect
and handle security-related incidents. It is generic in nature and does not identify or address requirements for
specific networks.
Consistent use of terminology is essential when reporting or handling an incident. The use of different
terminology can lead to misunderstandings, which may result in a security incident getting neither the proper
attention, nor the prompt handling that is needed in order to contain the incident and prevent it from recurring.
In addition, the definition of what is considered to be an incident can vary among professions, organizations
and people. Recommendation ITU-T E.409 defines terminology for incident detection and reporting and shows
how to classify incidents according to their severity, as illustrated in Figure 48.
Recommendation ITU-T E.409 also defines an incident handling structure (as illustrated in Figure 49) and sets
out procedures for detecting, classifying, assessing, handling and following-up incidents.
The recently-approved Recommendation ITU-T X.1056 builds on the guidance provided in Recommendation
ITU-T E.409. Telecommunication organizations need to have processes in place both to handle incidents and
102 Cybersecurity and incident response
to prevent them re-occurring. Five high-level incident management processes – Prepare, Protect, Detect, Triage
and Respond – are described in Recommendation ITU-T X.1056 along with the relationship to security
management. These are illustrated in Figure 50.
In addition, Recommendation ITU-T X.1056 identifies a range of proactive, reactive, and security quality
management services that a security incident management team can provide.
12 Application security
With the increasing awareness of the importance of security, application developers today are paying more
attention to the need to build security into their products, rather than trying to retrofit security after the
application moves into production. In spite of this, most applications, at some point in their lifecycle, are found
to have some inherent vulnerabilities. In addition, evolving threats frequently expose and exploit vulnerabilities
that were previously unknown.
In this section, the security features of a number of ICT applications are examined with particular emphasis on
the security features addressed by ITU-T Recommendations.
VoIP, also known as IP telephony, is the provision of services traditionally offered by the circuit-switched
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) via a network using the Internet protocol (IP). Primarily, these
services include voice, but also include other forms of media, including video and data. VoIP also includes
many other associated supplementary services and intelligent network services such as conferencing
(bridging), call forwarding, call waiting, multi-line, call diversion, park and pick-up, consultation, and "follow-
Recommendation ITU-T H.323, is an umbrella Recommendation that provides a foundation for audio, video,
and data communications over packet-switched networks including the Internet, local-area networks (LANs),
and wide-area networks (WANs), that do not provide a guaranteed quality of service (QoS). By complying
with ITU-T H.323, multimedia products and applications from multiple vendors can interoperate, allowing
users to communicate without concern for compatibility. Recommendation ITU-T H.323 was the first VoIP
protocol to be defined and is considered to be the cornerstone for VoIP-based products for consumer, business,
service provider and entertainment. Security specifications for the ITU-T H.323 series of Recommendations
are contained in: the ITU-T H.235.x series of Recommendations, which includes nine security frameworks and
standards; Recommendation ITU-T H.460.22, Negotiation of security protocols to protect ITU-T H.225.0 call
signalling messages; and ITU-T H.530. Mobility for ITU-T H.323 multimedia systems and services is
addressed in Recommendation ITU-T H.510.
Recommendation ITU-T H.323 is broad in scope and includes stand-alone devices and embedded personal
computer technology as well as point-to-point and multipoint communications.
Recommendation ITU-T H.323 defines four major components for a network-based communications system:
terminals, gateways, gatekeepers, and multipoint control units. In addition, border or peer elements are also
defined. These help facilitate intra and inter-domain communication. These elements are illustrated in Figure
Examples of where Recommendation ITU-T H.323 is used include wholesale transit by operators, especially
for VoIP backbones and calling card services. In both corporate and residential environments,
Recommendation ITU-T H.323 is used for audio- and video-conferencing, for voice/data/video collaboration,
and distance learning.
The elements of a Recommendation ITU-T H.323 system can be geographically distributed and, due to the
open nature of IP networks, several security threats exist, as illustrated in Figure 52.
The main security requirements for multimedia communications and IP telephony are as follows:
• User and terminal authentication: VoIP service providers need to know who is using their service in
order to correctly account for, and possibly bill the service usage. As a prerequisite for the
authentication, the user and/or the terminal have to be identified. Then a user/terminal has to prove
that the claimed identity is in fact the true identity. This typically occurs through strong cryptographic
authentication procedures (e.g., protected password or ITU-T X.509 digital signatures);
• Server authentication: Since VoIP users typically communicate with each other through some VoIP
infrastructure that involves servers, gateways and possibly multicast techniques, both fixed and
mobile users need to know if they are talking with the proper server and/or with the correct service
• User/terminal and server authentication: This is needed to counter security threats, such as
masquerade, man-in-the-middle attacks, IP address spoofing and connection hijacking;
• Call authorization: This is the decision-making process to determine if the user/terminal is actually
permitted to use a service feature (e.g., calling into the PSTN) or a network resource. Most often
authentication and authorization functions are used together to make an access control decision.
Authentication and authorization help to thwart attacks like masquerade, misuse and fraud,
manipulation and denial-of-service;
• Signalling security protection: This addresses protection of the signalling protocols against
manipulation, misuse, confidentiality and privacy. Signalling protocols are typically protected by
using encryption as well as by integrity and replay protection measures. Special care has to be taken
to meet the critical performance requirements of real-time communication to avoid any service
impairment due to security processing;
• Voice and other media confidentiality: This is realized through encryption of the packets (to protect
against eavesdropping) of multimedia applications. Advanced protection of media packets also
includes authentication/integrity protection of the transmitted packets;
• Key management: This may be a separate task from the VoIP application (password provisioning) or
may be integrated with signalling when security profiles with security capabilities are being
dynamically negotiated and session-based keys are to be distributed; and
• Inter-domain security: This addresses the problem where systems in heterogeneous environments
have implemented different security features because of different needs, different security policies
and different security capabilities. As such, there is a need to dynamically negotiate security profiles
and security capabilities such as cryptographic algorithms and their parameters. This becomes of
particular importance when crossing domain boundaries and when different providers and networks
are involved. An important security requirement for the inter-domain communication is the ability to
traverse firewalls smoothly and to cope with constraints of network address translation (NAT)
This list is not comprehensive but covers core security for Recommendation ITU-T H.323. Security issues that
are considered outside the scope of Recommendation ITU-T H.323 include security policy, network
management security, security provisioning, implementation security, operational security and security
incident handling. Security requirements for multicast communication are addressed in Recommendation ITU-
T X.1101.
The ITU-T H.235.x series of Recommendations provide specification of the security mechanisms and
protocols plus detailed guidance on implementing security in the ITU-T H.323 series of Recommendations.
They provide scalable security solutions for small groups, enterprises and large-scale carriers and provide
cryptographic protection of the control protocols as well as the audio/video media stream data.
The ITU-T H.235.x series provides the means to negotiate the required cryptographic services, crypto
algorithms and security capabilities. Key management functions for setting up dynamic session keys are fully
integrated into the signalling handshakes and thereby help to reduce call set-up latency. Configurations
supported include the "classic" point-to-point communication as well as multipoint configurations with
multicast units where several multimedia terminals communicate within a group.
The ITU-T H.235.x series utilizes special optimized security techniques such as elliptic curve cryptography
and AES encryption to meet the stringent performance constraints. Encryption, when implemented, is done in
the application layer by encrypting the RTP/SRTP payloads. This allows implementation with a small footprint
in the endpoints through tight interaction with the digital signal processor and the compression codecs without
dependency on a specific operating system platform.
Figure 53 shows the scope of ITU-T H.235.x series, which encompasses provisions for setting up calls (ITU-
T H.225.0 and ITU-T H.245 blocks) and bidirectional communication (encryption of RTP/SRTP payloads
containing compressed audio and/or video). Security mechanisms for authentication, integrity, privacy, and
non-repudiation are included. Gatekeepers are responsible for authentication by controlling admission at the
endpoints, and for providing non-repudiation mechanisms. Security on transport and lower layers, based on
IP, is beyond the scope of ITU-T H.323 and ITU-T H.235.x, but is commonly implemented using the IP
security (IPSec) and transport layer security (TLS) protocols. Where required, IPSec or TLS can be used to
provide authentication and, optionally, confidentiality at the IP layer transparent to whatever (application)
protocol runs above. The negotiation of confidentially mechanisms may be detected via the use of the secure
ITU-T H.323 Annex O URI schema or negotiated during call setup by the mechanisms described in ITU-T
The ITU-T H.235.x-series Recommendations encompass a wide palette of security measures that address
different target environments (e.g., intra/inter-enterprise and carriers) and that can be customized and scenario-
specific, depending on local factors such as the available security infrastructure and terminal capabilities (e.g.,
simple endpoints vs. intelligent endpoints).
The available security profiles provide security techniques that range from simple shared-secret profiles,
including protected password, to more sophisticated profiles with digital signatures and Recommendation ITU-
T X.509 PKI certificates (ITU-T H.235.2). This allows for either hop-by-hop protection, using the simpler but
less scalable techniques, or end-to-end protection using the scalable PKI techniques. Recommendation ITU-T
H.235.3 is called the hybrid security profile as this Recommendation combines symmetric security procedures
from Recommendation ITU-T H.235.1 and PKI-based certificates and signatures from Recommendation ITU-
T H.235.2 thereby achieving optimized performance and shorter call-set time. Recommendation ITU-T
H.235.4 provides security measures towards securing a peer-to-peer model. It also defines procedures for key
management in corporate and in inter-domain environments.
In order to provide stronger security for systems using personal identification numbers (PINs) or passwords to
authenticate users, Recommendation ITU-T H.235.5 provides another "Framework for secure authentication
in RAS using weak shared secrets" by using public-key methods to secure use of the PINs/passwords.
Recommendation ITU-T H.235.6 collects all the procedures that are necessary to achieve native H.323
encryption of the RTP media stream including the associated key management.
Recommendations ITU-T H.235.7 and ITU-T H.235.8 describe SIP interoperable mechanisms over SRTP
media streams utilising the MIKEY and SDES key exchange mechanisms respectively. Detection and sharing
authentication with other elements (such as gateways) in the IP network is covered in Recommendation ITU-
T H.235.9.
Secure user and terminal mobility in distributed ITU-T H.323 environments is covered in
Recommendation ITU-T H.530, which addresses security aspects such as:
• mobile terminal/user authentication and authorization in foreign visited domains;
Recommendation ITU-T H.235.0 provides the overall security framework for H-series multimedia systems.
Recommendation ITU-T H.235.0 and the ITU-T H.350 series of Recommendations provide for scalable key
management using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS).
In particular, the ITU-T H.350 series provides capabilities that enable enterprises and carriers to manage large
numbers of users of video and voice-over-IP services securely along with a way to connect Recommendation
ITU-T H.323, SIP, Recommendation ITU-T H.320 and generic messaging services into a directory service, so
that modern identity management practices can be applied to multimedia communications.
The Internet was designed with the "end-to-end" principle in mind. That is, any device on the network may
communicate directly with any other device on the network. However, due to concerns about security and a
shortage of IPv4 network addresses, firewall (FW) and network address translation (NAT) devices are often
employed at the boundary of networks. These boundaries include the residence domain, service provider
domain, enterprise domain, and sometimes country domain. Within a single domain, more than one firewall
or NAT device is sometimes employed. Firewall devices are designed to control how information moves across
network boundaries and are usually configured to block most IP communications. Unless a firewall is explicitly
configured to allow Recommendation ITU-T H.323 traffic from external devices to pass through to reach
internal Recommendation ITU-T H.323 devices, communication is simply not possible. This poses a problem
for any user of Recommendation ITU-T H.323 equipment.
NAT devices translate addresses used within the internal domain into addresses used in the external domain
and vice versa. Addresses used within a residential or enterprise domain are generally, though not always,
assigned from the private network address spaces defined in IETF RFC 1918. Those are:
NAT devices pose an even more frustrating problem for most IP protocols, especially those that carry IP
addresses within the protocol. Recommendation ITU-T H.323, SIP, and other real-time communication
protocols that operate over packet-switched networks must provide IP address and port information so that the
other parties in the communication will know where to send media streams (e.g., audio and video streams).
The NAT/FW traversal issues are addressed in a series of the ITU-T H.460 series of Recommendations that
allow Recommendation ITU-T H.323 communications to traverse one or more NAT/FW devices seamlessly.
Those Recommendations are: ITU-T H.460.17; ITU-T H.460.18; ITU-T H.460.19; ITU-T H.460.23; ITU.T
H.460.24 and ITU.T H.460.26.
Figure 54 depicts how a special "proxy" device might be used to aid NAT/FW "unaware" devices to properly
traverse the NAT/FW boundary.
The above topology may be used, for example, where an enterprise wishes to control the route along which
Recommendation ITU-T H.323 call signalling and media flows through the network. However,
Recommendation ITU-T H.460.17 and Recommendation ITU-T H.460.18 also allow endpoints to traverse
NAT/FW boundaries without the aid of any special internal "proxy" devices. Figure 55 depicts one such
In Figure 55 the endpoints on the internal network communicate with the internal network gatekeeper to resolve
the address of the external entities (e.g., a phone number or ITU-T H.323 URL to an IP address). The internal
network gatekeeper communicates with an external network gatekeeper to exchange that addressing
information and conveys that information back to the calling endpoint. When a device within the internal
network places a call to a device in the external network, it will use procedures defined in Recommendation
ITU-T H.460.18 to open necessary "pin holes" through the NAT/FW devices to get signalling from the internal
network to the external network. Further, it will use procedures defined in Recommendation ITU-T H.460.19
to open necessary "pin holes" to allow media streams to properly traverse the internal network to the external
network and vice versa. For security reasons, there may be a strict limit on the number of "pin holes" permitted
in the NAT/FW device. ITU-T H.460.19 clause 7.2 describes a method for permitting multiple media streams
to utilise the same "pinhole".
When the calling and called devices reside in different private networks separated by NAT/FW devices and
the public Internet, at least one "server gateway" and one "media relay" device (defined in Recommendation
ITU-T H.460.18) is necessary in order to properly route signalling and media between the two private
networks. This combination of devices is commonly referred to as a "Session Border Controller". The reason
is simply that, by design, there is no way an IP packet within one private network can enter another private
network without the aid of some entity in the public network to help "proxy" that packet.
When using ITU-T H.460.19, media must be routed via an ITU-T H.460.19 media relay residing outside the
NAT/FW device. ITU-T H.460.23 and ITU-T H.460.24 further expand the reach of ITU-T H.460.17, ITU-T
H.460.18 and ITU-T H.460.19 by permitting, where possible, media to travel directly between ITU-T H.323
devices therefore negating the requirement of an ITU-T H.460.19 media relay. ITU-T H.460.23 describes the
process by which the NAT/FW device is probed for behavioural characteristics, and ITU-T H.460.24 then goes
on to use that information to describe a logical methodology for plotting a possible direct media solution.
Figure 56 details the procedures to establish direct media flows using ITU-T H.460.23 and ITU-T H.460.24.
Under conditions where access from within a NAT/FW is restricted further to a very small number of TCP
ports, ITU-T H.460.26 describes a method for tunnelling all signalling and media messages over a single TCP
Server Server
gatekeeper gatekeeper
Security provisions for Internet protocol television (IPTV) must cover protection of the content delivered
through IPTV services, the terminal devices used, and the provision of such services.
For IPTV, content protection means ensuring that an end user can use the content only in accordance with the
rights granted by the rights holder. This includes protecting contents from illegal copying and distribution,
interception, tampering and unauthorized use.
Protection of IPTV terminal devices includes ensuring that the device employed by an end user to receive the
service can reliably and securely use content, enforce the content usage rights, and protect the integrity and
confidentiality of content as well as critical security parameters such as cryptographic keys.
IPTV service protection includes ensuring that end-users can acquire only the service and the content that they
are entitled to receive. It also includes protecting the service against unauthorized access.
A number of IPTV-specific security Recommendations have been approved. Recommendation ITU-T X.1191
defines the general security architecture for IPTV as shown in Figure 57. Note that only those functions that
apply to the end-user, the network provider and the service provider are considered within the scope of the
Recommendation. Functions relating to the content provider are subject to private agreements between the
stakeholders and are considered out of scope of this Recommendation.
A number of Recommendations have been developed to support IPTV security. Recommendation ITU-T
X.1192 defines functional requirements and mechanisms for the secure transcodable scheme of IPTV.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1195 defines general requirements for interoperable service and content protection
(SCP) between multiple SCP mechanisms. Recommendation ITU-T X.1196 provides a framework for the
downloadable SCP scheme in the mobile IPTV environment. It also describes the functional architecture and
requirements for the downloadable SCP scheme for roaming in the mobile IPTV environment.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1193 defines a key management framework for secure IPTV services.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1197 provides guidelines on the criteria for selecting cryptographic algorithms for
IPTV SCP. It also provides a list of cryptographic algorithms to provide confidentiality, data origin
authentication, and integrity for IPTV SCP services. Recommendation ITU-T X.1198 specifies a virtual
machine-based security platform for renewable SCP under IPTV services.
A particular concern when implementing IPTV is the need to protect subscriber information which may include
tracked data information such as channel number before and after a channel change, time of change, user
information for the electronic program guide service, package identification, time of play, etc. This data must
be considered sensitive and measures must be taken to prevent unauthorized disclosure via the terminal, the
network or the service provider. Suggestions for protecting subscriber information are contained in an annex
to Recommendation ITU-T X.1191.
Recommendation ITU-T H.751 is technically aligned with IEC 62698 and gives the high-level specification
of the metadata for rights information interoperability, including representation of the minimum required
elements. The rights information interoperability (RII) metadata provide descriptive and contextual
classification for representing rights information using the permission framework. RII is concerned with
finding the greatest common denominators in rights expressions that include the minimum required
components when trying to implement the mutual use of rights information.
This Recommendation defines the common semantics and core elements of rights information interoperability
for IPTV systems and/or equipment that require multimedia content to be legally used across different
The rights information includes rights- and security-related metadata that is described in Recommendation
ITU-T H.750. This Recommendation describes rights-related information, such as holder ID, content ID, user
ID and digital rights permissions, is used to bridge between rights-related metadata, see Figure 58. The
Recommendation does not specify, however, what rights management and content protection technologies
should be used. In this sense, it provides a tool to assist in the implementation of content protection
RII metadata can be encoded using various representations, for example XML or binary encoding (such as
found in IEC 62227). While XML allows easier reading and management, binary encoding is more compact
and efficient, hence suitable for embedded systems (such as TV sets).
Two examples of practical use of ITU-T H.751 for digital broadcasting and for music distribution:
• RII-compliant coding of broadcasting materials, including ad material IDs are now part of the
Japanese standard for digital radio broadcasting ISDB-Tsb.
• RII is used for watermarking copyright information in a high-quality audio service (96 kHz/24 bits)
in Japan that sells jazz, blues, and soul content owned by members of the Recording Industry
Association of Japan via a physical medium. Legal protection is assured by watermarking and the RII
mechanism, instead of using digital rights management (DRM).
Guidance is provided on tamper detection during the content distribution process, on secrecy of the distribution
format data representing digital rights permissions. It also describes use in 23 use-cases scenarios.
Rapid deployment of smart-phones and tablet devices is changing the way people watch television, whether
at home or outdoors. TV Everywhere services, including IP Linear and IP VOD, will inevitably increase the
traffic of media streaming and downloading over IP networks that enable both in-home and outdoor services.
DRM technology is required for content right protection based on device authentication.
Current DRM is an aggregation of different technologies and each DRM closely depends on the rights of the
content holder. Standardized DRM architecture and requirements are highly recommended to enable cable
operators to deploy new services in keeping with the content holder’s. Such rights should extend to a cable
customer’s multiple devices.
As shown in Figure 59, there are three aspects for DRM, content, head-end and end terminal device. The
DRM function itself is independent from content delivery network structures. Generally the raw contents
(content that has not been encrypted and mostly supplied by content provider) are entered into the platform.
After the authentication of cable customer and customer’s end terminal devices by Identity Provider function
in the platform, the DRM server encrypts the content. The encrypted contents are distributed to a customer’s
end terminal devices over the content delivery network and cable network. The content key is encrypted for
secure key delivery and distributed separately from the contents. The end terminal device which has a DRM
license can only decrypt the content by using the distributed content key and the device key of end terminal
Content right protection is becoming increasingly important due to various types of content, distribution of
hi-quality movies, enhancement of user experiences and change of media procurement style. The DRM
system offers a content right protection method that can be applicable different service environments. By
exchanging license information between the customer terminal device and the DRM system, the terminal
device can decrypt content encrypted by the DRM system. It is anticipated that the platform provider will
select, install and maintain the DRM system, however a service provider (SP) and a cable operator could also
take the place of the platform provider.
Figure 60 depicts DRM related functional components from content provisioning to content distribution for
end terminal devices. The content is mainly provided by the content provider (CP) and supplied to the cable
platform via a dedicated network. The cable platform is operated by a platform provider. The SP delivers
content between the cable platform and cable operator, and cable operator distributes the content to the
customer’s end terminal devices. In Figure 60, DRM functions (content packaging, encryption, license
distribution, etc.) are provided in the cable platform, however this is simply an example and the DRM
function can be actually installed either in the SP server or cable operator’s server. The license distribution
sequence (including DRM message data, etc.) for DRM service must be transmitted securely between the
cable platform and the end terminal devices in accordance with the requirements of each DRM system.
Delivery Cable Platform
Service Function
Transcode DRM Streaming
Control ・・・
Edge Router Public IP NW
Before commencing cable service (including content delivery), user authentication and service authorization
are mandatory at the cable platform. The SP then makes a judgement regarding the delivery of content (e.g.
confirmation of exclusive control condition for simultaneous viewing) following which the SP selects the
content delivery method and the DRM system, encrypts the content, and sends the content to the cable
operator’s headend system. The content is delivered to subscriber’s end terminals (set top box (STB), PC,
tablet, smart-phone, etc.) via the cable operator’s network. The SP delivers a license with a pre-determined
timing and delivery method. Only the end terminal with the licence can decrypt the content. The subscriber
can view the content.
The timing of license delivery depends on the DRM system and its usage scenario. Various DRM scenarios
are available in the present content market in which DRM offers license delivery before content distribution,
after content distribution or every instance of content distribution.
The DRM is required to protect content with encryption between content provider and user end terminals,
and must follow the compliance and robustness rules which must be provided by the DRM system supplier.
Figure 61 shows an expected service model of IP video content delivery. The video content protected by
DRM is delivered to the STB (or other end-terminal) located in the subscriber’s home via the cable platform,
the content delivery network and the cable operator’s network. The content can be used for remote services
Application security 119
outdoors and a direct delivery service to outdoor, non-STB end-terminals can be provided via the public IP
network using DRM.
Possible basic use-cases for IP video delivery service by a cable operator or SP are categorized in Table 8
and Table 9. Table 8 shows the use-cases for reception and viewing at an end-terminal, without secondary
content usage (i.e. remote viewing, copy and move, etc.). Table 9 describes use-cases for content delivery
between end-terminals in home or outdoors, with secondary content usage. Table 8 and
Table 9 show the use-cases for possible services, however this section does not exclude other use-cases.
Place of
Style of reception or Content for
No. reception or End-terminal
viewing delivery
Reception of broadcast In-home
A-1 IP linear content Non-STB
Outdoors Non-STB
Viewing of recorded In-home
A-2 IP linear content Non-STB
Outdoors Non-STB
Recording of Non-STB
A-3 IP linear content
Outdoors Non-STB
STB to Non-STB
In-home Non-STB to STB
Exchanging End- Non STB to Non
A-4 IP linear content
terminal STB
Non STB to Non
A-5 Streaming viewing IP VOD Content Non-STB
Outdoors Non-STB
Viewing after In-home
A-6 IP VOD Content Non-STB
Outdoors Non-STB
A-7 Downloading IP VOD Content Non STB
Outdoors Non STB
Place of
Content for
No. Transmission Method reception or End-terminal
In-home STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP linear
In-home Non-STB to STB
In-home Non-STB to Non-STB
B-1 Streaming
In-home STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP VOD
In-home Non-STB to STB
In-home Non-STB to Non-STB
Outdoors STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP linear
In-home Non-STB to STB
Outdoors Non-STB to Non-STB
B-2 Remote streaming
Outdoors STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP VOD
In-home Non-STB to STB
Outdoors Non-STB to Non-STB
In-home STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP linear
In-home Non-STB to STB
In-home Non-STB to Non-STB
B-3 Copy
In-home STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP VOD
In-home Non-STB to STB
In-home Non-STB to Non-STB
In-home STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP linear
In-home Non-STB to STB
In-home Non-STB to Non-STB
B-4 Move
In-home STB to Non-STB
Recorded IP VOD
In-home Non-STB to STB
In-home Non-STB to Non-STB
Facsimile remains a popular application but confidence in fax services is highly dependent on the effectiveness
of in-built security measures. Initially, fax standards were developed for transmission over the PSTN
(Recommendation ITU-T T.4) and then for ISDN (Recommendation ITU-T T.563). More recently, extensions
were specified for fax transmission in real time over IP networks (including the Internet) (Recommendation
ITU-T T.38) and via store-and-forward systems (Recommendation ITU-T T.37).
Regardless of the mode of transmission, the security issues faced by fax services include confidentiality of the
data transmitted, authentication, and non-repudiation. These issues have become even more important as traffic
has moved to the Internet due to the open and distributed characteristics of the medium.
Fax security is addressed in Recommendation ITU-T T.36, which defines two independent technical solutions
that may be used for encrypting the documents exchanged. One option specified is to use the Rivest, Shamir
& Adleman (RSA) cryptographic algorithm; the other method uses a combination of Hawthorne Key
Management (HKM) and Hawthorne Facsimile Cipher (HFX). Security services defined are:
• mutual authentication (mandatory);
• security service (optional), which includes mutual authentication, message integrity, and confirmation
of message receipt;
Web technologies including service-oriented architectures (SOA) are being widely applied as they enable
efficient and cost-effective development and deployment of new services and integration of content from a
variety of sources to form composite services easily and rapidly. There are many security aspects of web
services. Authentication and single sign-on (SSO) mechanisms are required as well as security mechanisms to
support mobile web services.
Economies of scale have driven computing platform vendors to develop products with highly-generalized
functionality, so that they can be used in the widest possible range of situations. These products are delivered
with the maximum possible privilege for accessing data and executing software, so that they can be used in as
many application environments as possible, including those with the most permissive security policies. Where
a more restricted security policy is required, the platform's inherent privileges must be constrained, by local
The security policy of a large enterprise has many elements and many points of enforcement. Elements of
policy may be managed by different parts of the organization (e.g. IT staff, security staff, human resources,
legal services etc.) and from different points of enforcement (e.g. via the extranet, the WAN or via remote-
access systems). It is common for each point of enforcement to be managed independently.
The use of a common language for expressing security policy allows the enterprise to manage the enforcement
of all elements of its security policy in all the components of its information systems. Managing security policy
may include some or all of the following steps: writing, reviewing, testing, approving, issuing, combining,
analyzing, modifying, withdrawing, retrieving and enforcing policy.
In addition, a framework for exchanging security information is needed. To facilitate these exchanges, mark-
up languages, including the Security Assertion Markup Language and the eXtensible Access Control Markup
Language (XACML) have been developed. These were originally developed by OASIS but have now been
adopted and published by the ITU-T with the assistance of OASIS.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1141 defines the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0). SAML is an
XML-based framework for exchanging security information. This security information is expressed in the
form of assertions about subjects, where a subject is an entity that has an identity in some security domain. A
single assertion might contain several different internal statements about authentication, authorization and
Typically there are a number of service providers that can make use of assertions about a subject in order to
control access and provide customized service, and accordingly they become the relying parties of an asserting
party called an identity provider.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1141 defines three different kinds of assertion statements that can be created by a
SAML authority. All SAML-defined statements are associated with a subject. The three kinds of statement
defined in ITU-T X.1141 are:
• authentication: The assertion subject was authenticated by a particular means at a particular time;
• attribute: The assertion subject is associated with the supplied attributes; and
• authorization decision: A request to allow the assertion subject to access the specified resource has
been granted or denied.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1141 also defines a protocol by which clients can request assertions from SAML
authorities and get a response from them. This protocol, consisting of XML-based request and response
message formats, can be bound to many different underlying communications and transport protocols. In
creating their responses, SAML authorities can use various sources of information, such as external policy
stores and assertions that were received as input in requests.
A set of profiles has been defined to support single sign-on (SSO) of browsers and other client devices.
Figure 62 illustrates the basic template for achieving SSO.
The eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is an XML vocabulary for expressing access
control policies. Access control consists of deciding if access to a requested resource should be allowed and
enforcing that decision. Recommendations ITU-T X.1142 and ITU-T X.1144 define core XACML including
syntax of the language, models, context with policy language model, syntax and processing rules. To improve
the security of exchanging XACML-based policies, Recommendations ITU-T X.1142 and ITU-T X.1144 also
specify an XACML XML digital signature profile for securing data. A privacy profile is specified in order to
provide guidelines for implementers. XACML is suitable for a variety of application environments.
124 Application security
Recommendation ITU-T X.1144 (which is equivalent to OASIS XACML 3.0 (01/2013)) improves the features
regarding custom categories, content element, XACML request and response, and XML path. In addition, this
Recommendation defines new datatypes and functions: advice element, policy combination algorithms, scope
of XPath expressions, target element, variables in the obligation and advice element.
Identification tags (including RFID tags) are being widely deployed but concern is growing over the risk of
privacy infringement. This is partly because RFID technology can automatically collect and process data and
there is a risk of deliberate or accidental disclosure of sensitive and/or personal information.
For applications that use, or rely on, tag-based identification in applications that involve personal information,
such as healthcare, passports and driver's licences, the privacy issue is becoming an increasingly serious
In academia and industry, most of the efforts toward a protection mechanism for personally-identifiable
information (PII) have focused on authentication protocols between the ID tag and the ID terminal. However,
such efforts do not address the issue completely as meaningful information about the identifier still exists on
the server in the network domain. One solution to this problem is to use a profile-based PII protection
Business-to-Customer (B2C) applications using tag-based identification can be classified into three types:
a) Device user as the customer: In this type of service, the customer retrieves the information by using
a mobile reader device. Figure 63 shows a basic model of this type of application. It consists of two
basic network operations: ID resolution and content retrieval. ID resolution is the procedure of
translating or resolving an identifier into an address. The mobile terminal equipped with a reader first
resolves an identifier as received from the ID tag via a directory service and then performs content
retrieval over the network.
b) ID tag user as the customer: A typical example of this B2C application using tag-based identification
deals with access control and/or authentication, e.g., entrance check, passport, license or after-sale
management service. In this type of application, reader devices may be incorporated into fixed or
mobile terminals. The customer presents the ID tag (e.g. in a passport or on a ticket) in order to receive
c) Customer as both an ID tag user and a device user: In the product information retrieval service, the
customer also becomes a tag user after acquiring the tagged product after browsing the product
information using his/her mobile terminal. In another example, a healthcare-related service triggered
by an ID tag-enabled patient card can be considered. In this application, there are many kinds of
customers who could be the ID tag user (e.g., patient, doctor, nurse). The ID tag user can browse
his/her own patient records through the mobile terminal with a reader device by reading his/her ID
tag-enabled patient card.
For B2C applications that use tag-based identification, there are two major risks of PII infringement:
• Leakage of information associated with the identifier: In this instance, an attacker could read
information from the ID tag without the knowledge of the user of the tagged product. First, the
attacker reads an identifier from an ID tag carried by the user. Then he/she resolves the identifier and
queries the information location from the directory service. Finally, the attacker requests for
information associated with the ID tag; and
• Leakage of the historical context data: The attacker can extract the user's data (such as preferences,
habits, areas of interest, etc.) from the historical context data associated with the ID tag. The attacker
could use such data for illegal or commercial purposes without the user's consent.
ITU-T X.1171 describes the following technical requirements to protect PII infringements in B2C applications:
• Control of PII by ID tag user: The ID tag user is required to be able to manage or update PII associated
with his/her ID tag on the network. In this way, the ID tag user can determine which PII should be
deleted or retained in the application;
• Authentication for ID tag user and/or device user: The application server is required to provide an
authentication procedure for the ID tag user, and the application server may provide an authentication
procedure for the user of the device if necessary (some applications using tag-based identification are
not required to authenticate the user);
• Access control to the PII of an ID tag user in an application server: The application server is required
to control access to the relevant information related to the PII of the ID tag user;
• Data confidentiality of information associated with an ID tag: The application server is required to
provide data confidentiality to ensure that the information associated with an ID tag cannot be read
by unauthorized users; and
• Consent for collection of device user-related log data: The application server may provide a consent
procedure for the collection of device user-related log data if this type of log data collection is
necessary for the application.
The following example illustrates a PII protection service (PPS) based on the user's PII policy profile. The
service scenario for the PPS generally arises from a tag-personalizing procedure such as tagged product
purchase. Figure 64 illustrates the general PPS service flow of the application using tag-based identification.
1) A consumer reads the identifier from the tagged product using his/her mobile terminal equipped with a reader.
2) The consumer browses the product-related information from the application service network and subsequently purchases
the product using one of various payment methods. At this moment, the consumer becomes the ID tag user.
3) The application using tag-based identification then requests the user-defined PII policy profile from the PPS system, which
responds with the user-defined PII profile to the application.
4) The PPS system receives the user's PII protection policy profile for this application.
5) Anyone may request the information associated with this ID tag from the service-side system.
6) The requestor can browse all information provided by the service-side system if the requestor is the ID tag user. Otherwise,
either the requestor cannot access any information or obtains only limited information.
Threats to computer systems and to the networks that link them are many and varied. Although many attacks
can be initiated locally, the vast majority of attacks today are conducted via communications networks. The
fact that vast and increasing numbers of computers and network devices are connected to the Internet and
operated from homes and workplaces by people with little training, awareness or knowledge of IT security
greatly increases the ease and probability of remote, often indiscriminate, attacks. Spam, spyware, viruses and
other attack vectors are released in ever greater numbers. The attackers often rely on weak and inadequately
protected systems as conduits for their malware.
In this section, an overview of the work of the ITU-T to respond to some of these threats is presented.
13.1 Spam
Spam is any unsolicited, unwanted or potentially harmful message. While the most widely recognized form of
spam is e-mail spam, the term also applies to other forms such as instant messaging spam, mobile messaging
spam, and VoIP spam. In fact, its meaning is evolving and broadening with the development of technologies
that provide novel opportunities to create spam. Spam is recognized as a widespread problem that interferes
with legitimate operations of telecommunication operators, service providers and users. It consumes
bandwidth and processing cycles and, in extreme cases, can result in denial of service attacks by flooding
networks. No single anti-spam measure is effective on its own and, given the agility and resourcefulness of
spammers, even a combination of measures often proves effective only to the extent of reducing the volume
of spam. Examples of measures being used include: regulation; technical measures; international cooperation;
and education of users and Internet service providers.
The ITU-T work on spam focuses primarily on technical counter-measures. Recommendations are being
developed using a framework that allows for extensibility as illustrated in Figure 65.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1231 sets out requirements for combating spam and serves as a starting point for
the work. This Recommendation describes the different types of spam and its common characteristics and
provides an overview of technical approaches to counter spam. It also proposes a general model that can be
used to develop an effective anti-spam strategy.
This model is hierarchical and has five strategies distributed across three layers. The relationships between the
strategies are illustrated in Figure 66. The model indicates that there is a high degree of interdependence
between the strategies but that cost considerations may preclude use of all strategies in individual cases. Also,
customization is necessary according to the particular application scenario.
The most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam. It presents complex technical challenges, and
solutions to eliminating it need to be supported by appropriate technical measures. While government action
and legislation are helpful, they are insufficient to meet the challenges posed by e-mail spam. The issue is
complicated by the difficulty of identifying the spammer when the SMTP protocol is used.
Two Recommendations are designed to assist in countering e-mail spam. Recommendation ITU-T X.1240 is
directed towards users who want to develop technical solutions for countering e-mail spam. It specifies basic
concepts, characteristics, effects, and the technical issues associated with countering e-mail spam. It also
identifies current technical solutions and related activities from standards development organizations and other
groups that are working on countering e-mail spam.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1241 describes a recommended structure for an anti-spam processing domain and
defines the functionality of the major modules in the domain. The framework establishes a mechanism to share
information about e-mail spam between different e-mail servers. It aims to promote greater cooperation
between service providers in tackling spam. In particular it provides a framework for enabling a
communication methodology for alerts on identified spam. Another document, Supplement 6 to the ITU-T X-
series of Recommendations reviews international fora where spam is being addressed and includes a case
Figure 67 illustrates the processes of the Recommendation ITU-T X.1241 framework. The anti-spam
processing entity is located in an independent system while the sub-entities are located in one or more e-mail
service providers. The processing entity delivers new rules to the sub-entities which must verify and refine the
rules. A function also exists to resolve any conflicts in the rules.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1244 specifies the basic concepts, characteristics, and technical issues related to
countering spam in IP multimedia applications such as IP telephony and instant messaging. The various types
of IP multimedia application spam are categorized, and described according to their characteristics. The
standard describes various spam security threats that can cause IP multimedia application spam and identifies
the aspects that should be considered in countering such spam. Some of the techniques developed to control
e-mail spam can also be used in countering IP multimedia application spam. Recommendation ITU-T X.1244
analyzes the conventional spam-countering mechanisms and discusses their applicability to countering IP
multimedia application spam.
Anti-spam techniques for IP multimedia spam can be applied according to the particular characteristics of the
spam. Table 10 shows the classification used in Recommendation ITU-T X.1244.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1245, provides the general framework for countering spam in IP-based multimedia
applications such as IP telephony, instant messaging and multimedia conferencing.
Figure 68 illustrates the framework for countering spam in IP-based multimedia applications. The framework
consists of four anti-spam functions: core anti-spam functions (CASF); recipient-side anti-spam functions
(RASF); sender-side anti-spam functions (SASF); and spam recipient functions (SRF). This Recommendation
describes the functionalities and the interfaces of each function for countering IP multimedia spam.
Supplement 11 to the ITU-T X-series of Recommendations provides a technical framework based on RBL for
countering VoIP spam. Figure 69 illustrates four functional entities for countering VoIP spam: VoIP spam
prevention system (VSPS), VoIP spam prevention policy server (VSPPS), RBL central system for VoIP spam
prevention (VSP-RBL), and user reputation system (URS). This Supplement also specifies the functionalities,
procedures, and interfaces of each functional entity for countering VoIP spam.
Mobile messaging spam includes both short message service (SMS) spam and multimedia messaging service
(MMS) spam. Recommendation ITU-T X.1242 defines the structure and functions of the SMS spam filtering
system along with users' service management, communication protocols and basic functional requirements of
terminals with SMS functions. Methods by which users can manage (query, delete and restore) filtered short
messages are defined. Filtering can be based on characteristics such as address, telephone number, time, or
content. Requirements for terminal software to support SMS spam filtering are provided in an appendix to
Recommendation ITU-T X.1242.
Technology collaboration has been recognized as a key component in countering spam. Recommendation ITU-
T X.1243 illustrates such a system and specifies a technical means for countering inter-domain spam. The
gateway system enables spam notification among different domains, and prevents spam traffic from passing
from one domain to another. In addition, this Recommendation specifies the architecture for the gateway
system, describes basic entities, protocols and functions of the system, and provides mechanisms for spam
detection, information sharing and specific actions for countering spam.
Systems and networks are arguably at greatest risk from malicious code (viruses, worms, Trojans, etc.) but
spyware and other deceptive software (e.g., software that performs unauthorized activities) also pose
significant risk. Unless organizations and individuals implement a range of proactive measures (including
firewalls, anti-virus measures and anti-spyware measures) against these threats, compromise is virtually
assured. However, available countermeasures vary in effectiveness and are not always complementary.
Regulators in many countries are increasingly demanding assurances from service providers regarding the
security and safety measures they have taken, and requiring the service providers to do more to help users to
achieve safe and secure Internet use.
Supplement 9 to the ITU-T X-series of Recommendations provides guidelines for reducing malware in ICT
Recommendation ITU-T X.1207 provides clear guidance for service providers on security risk management,
the use of safe and secure products, network monitoring and response, support, timely updating and secure
web hosting. Advice is provided on user guidance and education and technical protective measures for end
users. A non-integral appendix provides links to additional resource material.
Malicious code can spread with alarming speed and, even with state-of-the art protection measures, new threats
can be propagated so rapidly that systems and networks that do not contain the latest updates are vulnerable.
Systems are also particularly vulnerable to "zero-day" exploits (i.e., new or previously unknown threats for
which no antivirus signature or patch has yet been developed). In this environment, timely distribution and
installation of updates is essential. However, there are a number of problems associated with the distribution
and implementation of these updates.
Most off-the-shelf software, including operating systems and systems designed to provide security protection
(anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewalls, etc.), contains a feature that permits automatic updating. However, this
must be enabled by the user. Where a user is simply notified that updates are available (or perhaps that updates
have been downloaded) the user must take action to permit the download and/or installation of the updates.
Many updates require systems to be rebooted following installation, something that individual users may or
may not do immediately. Organizations with a well-managed security program usually manage the updating
centrally, forcing updates on end-user systems. In contrast, updating of individual systems (e.g., home
computers) and updating within small organizations is generally quite haphazard.
Another concern with routine updating is that software vendors do not use consistent practices for notifying
users that updates are available or tell users of the possible consequences of failure to install the updates. Nor
do they have a uniform method for keeping users informed of the latest best practices to maintain the security
of the software. In addition, there is no consistent method for notification of user-detected problems following
implementation of an update.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1206 discusses the difficulties associated with maintaining up-to-date software and
provides a vendor-neutral way of addressing the problem. Once an asset is registered, updates on vulnerability
information and patches or updates can be automatically made available to users or directly to applications.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1206 provides a framework that any vendor can use for notification as well as to
provide vulnerability information and disseminate required patches/updates. It also defines the format of the
information that should be used in and between components.
ITU-T X.1206 makes it possible for system administrators to know the condition of any asset for which they
are responsible. It describes the problems of maintaining assets from an asset identification point of view, as
well as from information dissemination and systems/network management points of view. A description of the
security that should be considered in the vendor-neutral framework is also provided.
Definitions of the data structures of components that are needed for this work, including the related XML
schema, are provided in Recommendation ITU-T X.1206 together with the format of the information that
should be used in and between components implementing this framework.
An area of rapidly growing interest and importance is that of cloud computing. Primary responsibility for
developing ITU-T Recommendations relating to cloud computing has been assigned to Study Group 13 which
has already published a number of Recommendations on this topic. For the most part, standards relating to
security associated with cloud computing are the responsibility of Study Group 17 though some specific
aspects of cloud security are being addressed by Study Group 13. For example, Q19 of SG13 covers end-to-
end cloud computing management, including security.
Two seminal Recommendations on cloud computing and cloud security are the primary focus of this section.
Standards work on cloud computing is relatively new at this stage.
In order to appreciate the particular aspects of cloud computing that need protection it is necessary first to
understand the concepts and terminology. These are set out in Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500, Cloud
computing – Overview and vocabulary. Then we can consider both the potential threats and the areas that need
protection. Recommendation ITU-T X.1601, Security framework for cloud computing addresses specific
threats and mitigation strategies.
Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500 provides an overview of cloud computing along with a set of terms and
definitions. Its terminology provides a foundation for cloud computing standards.
Cloud computing is defined as: a Paradigm for enabling network access to a scalable and elastic pool of
shareable physical or virtual resources with self-service provisioning and administration on-demand. (Note:
examples of resources include servers, operating systems, networks, software, applications, and storage
A cloud service is defined as: One or more capabilities offered via cloud computing invoked using a defined
Although the concept of cloud computing is evolving, Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500 identifies some of the
key characteristics which include:
Broad network access, such that users can access physical and virtual resources from wherever they
need to work, as long as it is network accessible, using a wide variety of clients including devices
such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations;
Measured service, such that usage can be monitored, controlled, reported, and billed;
Multi-tenancy, a feature whereby physical or virtual resources are allocated in such a way that
multiple users and their computations and data are isolated from and inaccessible to one another;
On-demand self-service, where a cloud service customer can provision computing capabilities, as
needed, automatically or with minimal interaction;
Rapid elasticity and scalability, so that physical or virtual resources can be rapidly and elastically
adjusted, in some cases automatically, to increase or decrease resources quickly; and
Resource pooling, such that a cloud service provider's physical or virtual resources can be aggregated
to serve one or more cloud service customers.
Security aspects of cloud computing 139
Functionality provided by a cloud service is called a capability. The three capabilities defined in
Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500 are:
Application capabilities, in which the cloud service customer can use the cloud service provider's
Infrastructure capabilities, in which the customer can provision and use processing, storage or
networking resources; and
Platform capabilities, in which the customer can deploy, manage and run customer-created or
customer-acquired applications using one or more programming languages and one or more execution
environments supported by the cloud service provider.
• Communications as a Service;
• Compute as a Service;
• Infrastructure as a Service;
• Network as a Service;
• Software as a Service.
Cloud deployment models represent how cloud computing can be organized based on the control and sharing
of physical or virtual resources. Defined deployment models include:
Public cloud: that may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government
organization, or some combination of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud service provider;
Private cloud: where cloud services are used exclusively by a single cloud service customer and
resources are controlled by that cloud service customer. A private cloud may be owned, managed,
and operated by the organization itself or a third party and may exist on premises or off premises;
Community cloud: where cloud services exclusively support and are shared by a specific collection
of cloud service customers who have shared requirements and a relationship with one another, and
where resources are controlled by at least one member of this collection; and
Hybrid cloud: which uses at least two different cloud deployment models that remain unique entities
but are bound together by appropriate technology that enables interoperability, data portability and
application portability. A hybrid cloud may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization
itself or a third party and may exist on premises or off premises. Hybrid clouds represent situations
where interactions between two different deployments may be needed but remained linked via
appropriate technologies.
140 Security aspects of cloud computing
The cloud computing marketplace is evolving rapidly and is expected to continue to develop as cloud services
grow in popularity. Table 11 presents some of the currently-evolving cloud services.
Emerging cloud
service Capabilities
Database as a The cloud service customer is provided with database functionalities on demand where the
Service installation and maintenance of the databases are performed by the cloud service provider.
Desktop as a The cloud service customer is provided with the ability to build, configure, manage, store,
Service execute, and deliver users' desktop functions remotely.
E-mail as a The cloud service customer is provided with a complete e-mail service including related support
Service services such as storage, receipt, transmission, backup, and recovery of e-mail.
The cloud service customer is provided with Identity and Access Management that can be
Identity as a
extended and centralized into existing operating environments. This includes provisioning,
directory management, and the operation of a single sign-on service.
The cloud service customer is provided with capabilities that include application management,
Management as
asset and change management, capacity management, problem management (service desk),
a Service
project portfolio management, service catalog, and service level management.
The cloud service customer is provided with an integrated suite of security services within the
Security as a existing operating environment by the cloud service provider. This may include authentication,
Service anti-virus, anti-malware/spyware, intrusion detection, and security event management, among
Given the characteristics, the capabilities, the range of services and the deployment models, it is evident that
a broad approach to security will be needed to address the potential threats. Topics that must be addressed
include a full range of protection measures including physical security, application security, security policy,
security management, incident monitoring and response, availability, audit, authentication, authorization,
resilience, privacy protection, identity management, system and data integrity, confidentiality and protection
against various kinds of false repudiation.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1601 presents a security framework for cloud computing. The Recommendation
analyses security threats and challenges in the cloud computing environment, and describes security
capabilities that could mitigate these threats and address security challenges.
The security threats and challenges in adopting cloud computing, and the security requirements vary to a great
extent for different cloud computing service deployment models and service categories. The distributed and
multi-tenant nature of cloud computing, the prevalence of remote access to cloud computing services and the
number of entities involved in each process make cloud computing inherently more vulnerable to both internal
and external security threats than other paradigms. Many of the security threats can be mitigated with the
application of traditional security processes and mechanisms. Security touches upon and impacts many parts
of a cloud computing service. Therefore, security management of both the cloud computing services and the
associated resources is a critical aspect of cloud computing.
The Recommendation advises that before migrating an ICT system to a cloud computing environment, a
potential cloud service customer should identify the security threats and security challenges. The risk
assessment will enable informed decisions to be made as to whether to adopt cloud computing at all and, if so,
which service providers and architecture will be suitable.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1601 distinguishes between security threats and security challenges. Security
threats are those associated with attacks (both active and passive), and also environmental failures or disasters.
Security challenges comprise difficulties arising from the nature and operating environment of cloud services.
When not properly addressed, security challenges may leave doors open for threats.
Based on these identified security threats and challenges, the security capabilities are described to mitigate
security threats and address security challenges for cloud computing. The specific threats encountered are
highly dependent on the specific cloud service chosen and threats apply to both cloud service customers and
cloud service providers. The respective threats are summarized in Table 12. Table 13 summarizes the security
Security challenges for cloud service Security challenges for cloud service Security challenges for cloud service
customers providers partners
Ambiguity in responsibility Ambiguity in responsibility Ambiguity in responsibility
Loss of trust Shared environment Misappropriation of intellectual
Loss of privacy Inconsistency and conflict of
Service unavailability protection mechanisms
Cloud service provider lock-in Jurisdictional conflict
Misappropriation of intellectual Evolutionary risks
Bad migration and integration
Loss of governance/control
Business discontinuity
Loss of software integrity
Cloud service partner lock-in
Supply chain vulnerability
Software dependencies
A number of security-specific capabilities are defined in Recommendation ITU-T X.1601. These are:
• Identity and access management (IAM), authentication, authorization and transaction audit;
• Physical security;
• Interface security;
• Network security;
• Security coordination;
• Operational security;
• Incident management;
• Disaster recovery;
It is intended that the parameters associated with these capabilities be incorporated into service level
The final step in applying the framework defined in Recommendation ITU-T X.1601 is to develop a mapping
of the threats and challenges of the selected cloud computing service against the business, technology and
regulatory requirements. On completion of this step it should be possible to identify the particular security
controls, policies and procedures that will be needed for a given cloud service. Examples are provided in the
The ITU was founded in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union. Although its first area of expertise was
the telegraph, the work of ITU now covers the whole ICT sector, from digital broadcasting to the Internet, and
from mobile technologies to three-dimensional television. The development of ICT security standards has
greatly accelerated in recent years with the rapid growth in use of the Internet and other networks, and with
the recognition of the need to protect users and systems against the increasing number and variety of security
It has long been recognized that appropriate and effective security provisions should be an essential and integral
part of the system design process. Security by design is far more effective in protecting ICT assets that
attempting to respond to every new threat with retrofits and hastily-produced countermeasures. The security
Recommendations developed by ITU-T provide a sound basis to support secure system design.
Looking towards the future, telecommunications networks and computer networks will continue to converge.
We also know with great certainty that networks and web-based services and applications will continue to
grow rapidly and will become an increasingly-important part of everyday life for most individuals as well as
for public and private sector organizations. As we have been seeing for some years now, threats and attacks
continue to evolve in increasingly innovative ways. It will remain an on-going challenge to design and develop
timely and effective countermeasures to these threats. It will also be a challenge to achieve better, more secure
design and implementation of systems and networks so that inherent vulnerabilities are reduced. And it will
be increasingly difficult to achieve a rapid response to counter the new threats, a situation that, once again,
highlights the importance of secure design and implementation. One positive step is the sharing of information
on threats, as evidenced by our cybersecurity exchange work. This will improve the ability of the global
telecommunications/ICT community to respond to threats and diminish their impact.
It is possible to identify a number of areas where security is a pressing concern. The Internet of Things (IoT)
is one area of particular interest since it implies a massive increase in the connectivity of everyday devices 1,
including consumer devices and sensor devices, in many cases without the consumer being aware or directly
involved of the possibility or implications of a security breach. Some dramatic examples of the possible
consequences of inadequate security have been demonstrated. These include the hacking & hijacking of
currently-installed automobile control systems and interception and unauthorized changes to automated
healthcare delivery mechanisms. SG17 is developing a security framework for IoT and ITU-T has established
a new Study Group (SG20) to study IoT and its applications, with an initial focus on smart cities and
Critical infrastructure protection (CIP) is another area for which effective security is absolutely essential.
However, the development of standards for this area is complicated by a number of factors including
differences of opinion as to what actually constitutes critical infrastructure in different countries and whether
or not the development of needed standards lies within the current remit of standards development
organizations SDOs). However, many of the security standards already developed or in development may well
be adopted to address CIP security needs. Security of the Smart Grid is another area that is drawing much
attention from SDOs. Smart Grid security requirements are under consideration by SG17.
This manual has provided a broad overview of some of the key security-related initiatives and achievements
of the ITU-T Study Groups in an effort to promote greater understanding of the work and the challenging
technical issues facing network users and implementers. Readers are encouraged to take advantage of the ITU-
T's extensive on-line resources to obtain more detailed information on the topics presented here and to use the
1 The Gartner report “The Internet of Things, Worldwide, 2013” estimates that the number of interconnected devices will
rise to 26 billion by 2020.
Recommendations and guidance documents to help build a more secure on-line environment and to enhance
user confidence in on-line operations.
The 193 Member States and approximately 700 Sector Members and associates of the ITU will continue to
respond to these challenges by continuing to develop technical Recommendations and guidelines on security
in an aggressive programme of work that is driven by the needs of the members and guided by the
organizational structure established by the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly. Wherever
possible, ITU-T will collaborate with other standards development organizations to minimize duplication of
effort and to achieve harmonized solutions as efficiently and expeditiously as possible.
This manual presents a broad overview of the ITU-T security work. Much more detailed information, including
many of the standards, is freely available via the ITU-T web site.
As a first step, the ITU-T SG17 home page provides links to information about the SG17 work including
tutorials and presentations, summaries of Recommendations under development, and key personnel. The links
to the Lead study group on telecommunication security and the Lead study group on identity management
(IdM) provide information on the activities and results of the work of these two Lead Study Groups.
The Compendium contains information on ITU Recommendations, related information and ITU security
activities. It consists of five parts, each of which is downloadable:
• Catalogue of the approved Recommendations related to telecommunication security, which includes
those designed for security purposes and those which describe or use of functions of security interest
and need;
• List of ITU-T approved security definitions extracted from approved ITU-T Recommendations.
The Security Standards Roadmap is an on-line resource that provides information about existing ICT security
standards and work in progress in key standards development organizations. In addition to information about
the ITU-T security work, the Roadmap includes information on the security standards work of ISO/IEC, ATIS,
The Roadmap is in six parts and the information is directly accessible on-line:
Part 1 ICT Standards Development Organizations and Their Work, which contains information about the
Roadmap structure and about each of the listed standards organizations. Part 1 also provides links to
existing security glossaries and vocabularies;
Part 2 Approved ICT Security Standards, which contains a searchable database of approved security
standards with direct links to most of the standards;
Part 3 Security standards under development;
Part 4 Future needs and proposed new security standards;
Part 5 Security best practices and
Part 6 Identity management (IdM) landscape: IdM standards, organizations and gap analysis.
Supplement 3 to the ITU-T X-series of Recommendations provides more detailed background on some of the
topics discussed in this manual and provides system and network security implementation guidelines that can
be used to realize a network security program. These guidelines address four areas: technical security policy;
asset identification; threats, vulnerabilities and mitigations; and security assessment. The guidelines indicate
key components required to build and manage the technical policy needed to manage networks that potentially
span multiple operators and contain products and systems from multiple vendors. It also provides guidelines
on regulatory issues.
For more information on ITU-T X.500-series Recommendations, the authorized source of information is the
ITU-T X.500-series of Recommendations itself. Additional tutorial information and an Implementor's Guide
may be found at www.x500standard.com.
A more extensive description of the ITU-T X.500 data privacy features is available at:
The following table contains definitions for terms used in this publication. All definitions are extracted from
current ITU-T Recommendations. A more complete list of security definitions is contained in the
compendium of ITU-T approved security definitions maintained by Study Group 17.
Annex A 155
ITU-T J.93
authentication exchange 1. A mechanism intended to ensure the identity of an entity by ITU-T
means of information exchange. X.800
2. A sequence of one or more transfers of exchange authentication
information for the purposes of performing an authentication. ITU-T
authentication service The authentication service delivers proof that the identity of an object ITU-T
or subject has indeed the identity it claims to have. Depending on the M.3016.2
type of actor and on the purpose of identification, the following kinds
of authentication may be required: user authentication, peer entity
authentication, data origin authentication. Examples of mechanisms
used to implement the authentication service are passwords and
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) (simple authentication) and
cryptographic-based methods (strong authentication).
authority An entity, responsible for the issuance of certificates. Two types are ITU-T
defined; certification authority which issues public-key certificates X.509
and attribute authority which issues attribute certificates.
authorization 1. The granting of rights, which includes the granting of access ITU-T
based on access rights. Note – This definition implies the rights to X.800
perform some activity (such as to access data); and that they have
been granted to some process, entity, or human agent.
2. The granting of permission on the basis of authenticated
identification. ITU-T
3. The act of giving access to a service or device if one has the H.235
permission to have the access.
availability The property of being accessible and useable upon demand by an ITU-T
authorized entity. X.800
capability A token used as an identifier for a resource such that possession of ITU-T
the token confers access rights for the resource. X.800
certificate A set of security-relevant data issued by a security authority or trusted ITU-T
third party, together with security information which is used to H.235
provide the integrity and data origin authentication services for the
data (security certificate – ITU-T X.810). The term refers to "public
key" certificates which are values that represent an owner's public key
(and other optional information) as verified and signed by a trusted
authority in an unforgeable format.
156 Annex A
Annex A 157
158 Annex A
Annex A 159
160 Annex A
Annex A 161
162 Annex A
Annex A 163
164 Annex A
Annex B
Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronym Meaning
ACI Access Control Information
AES Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASP Application Service Provider
ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
A/V Audio-visual
BioAPI Biometric Application Program/programming Interface
BPON Broadband Passive Optical Network
B2C Business-to-Customer
Certification Authority. A trusted organization that accepts certificate applications from
CA entities, authenticates applications, issues certificates and maintains status information about
CASF Core anti-spam functions
Annex B 167
Acronym Meaning
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ID Identifier
IdM Identity Management
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Key Exchange is a key management mechanism used to negotiate and derive keys for
SAs in IPSec.
IM Instant Messaging
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunications 2000
IP Internet Protocol
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IPTV Internet Protocol TeleVision
ISMF Information security management framework
IPX Internet Packet Exchange
ISMS Information Security Management System
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union
LAN Local Area Network
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
MD5 Message Digest No. 5 (a secure hash algorithm)
MIKEY Multimedia Internet Keying
MIS Management Information System
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
Message Transfer Agent (In messaging)
Media Terminal Adapter (In cable technology)
MWSSG Mobile Web Services Security Gateway
NAT Network Address Translation
NGN Next Generation Network
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OMG Object Management Group
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
P2P Peer-to-peer
PC Personal Computer
PDA Personal Data Assistant
PIN Personal Identification Number
168 Annex B
Acronym Meaning
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PKI Public-key Infrastructure
PKINIT Public-key Cryptography Initial Authentication
PMI Privilege Management Infrastructure
PSS PII Protection Service
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
QoS Quality of Service
RASF Recipient-side anti-spam functions
RBAC Role-Based Access Control
RBL Real-time blocking list
RFID Radio frequency identification
RII Rights information interoperability
RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (public-key algorithm)
RTP Real time protocol
SAML Security Assertion Mark-up Language
SASF Sender-side anti-spam functions
SDES SDP Security Descriptions
SG Study Group
SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1
Session Initiation Protocol. An application-layer control (signalling) protocol for creating,
modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more participants.
SMS Short Message Service
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SRTP Secure Real-Time Protocol
SoA Source of Authority
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SPAK Secure Password-based Authentication protocol with Key exchange
SP Service provider
SSL Secure Socket Layer
SSO Single Sign-On
STB Set-top box
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TNSS Telecommunication IP-based network security system
TLS Transport Layer Security
TMN Telecommunication Management Network
UE User Equipment
Annex B 169
Acronym Meaning
UICC Universal Integrated Circuit Card
URS User reputation system
USN UbiquitousSensor Network
VoIP Voice over IP
VPN Virtual Private Network
VSPPS VoIP spam prevention policy server
170 Annex B
Annex C
Summary of security-related ITU-T Study
The work of most Study Groups includes at least some aspects of telecommunications and/or ICT security.
Each Study Group is responsible for addressing security issues within its own area of responsibility, but SG17,
which has security as its primary focus, has been designated the Lead Study Group on security. The table
below summarizes the roles of Study Groups with security-related responsibilities and lists their respective
Lead Study Group responsibilities during the 2013-2016 Study Period.
SG13 Future networks including cloud Lead Study Group on future networks (FN)
computing, mobile and next- Lead Study Group on mobility management and next generation
generation networks networks (NGN)
Lead Study Group on cloud computing
Lead Study Group on software-defined networking (SDN)
SG15 Networks, technologies and Lead Study Group on access network transport
infrastructures for transport, access Lead Study Group on optical technology
and home Lead Study Group on optical transport networks
Lead Study Group on smart grid
SG16 Multimedia coding, systems and Lead study group on multimedia coding, systems and applications
applications Lead study group on ubiquitous and Internet of things (IoT)
Lead study group on telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons
with disabilities
Lead study group on intelligent transport system (ITS)
Lead study group on Internet Protocol television (IPTV)
SG17 Security Lead Study Group on telecommunication security
Lead Study Group on identity management (IDM)
Lead Study Group on languages and description techniques
SG20 Internet of Things (IoT) and its
applications including smart cities
and communities (SC&C)
Annex C 173
Annex D
Security Recommendations and other
publications referenced in this manual
This annex contains a complete listing of all ITU-T Recommendations referenced in this manual along with
hyperlinks so that those readers who are using an electronic version of the text can link directly to download
the Recommendations. As noted in the text, ITU-T has developed many security-related standards in
collaboration with other standards development organizations. Currently published, common/twin text
Recommendations relating to ICT security are also included in this table. The complete set of ITU-T
Recommendations is accessible on line at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/publications/Pages/recs.aspx. ITU-T
security-related Recommendations are available via Part 2 (Database) of the Security Standards Roadmap
Annex D 177
178 Annex D
Annex D 179
180 Annex D
Annex D 181
182 Annex D
Annex D 183
184 Annex D
Annex D 185
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n
Security in
and Information
ISBN 978-92-61-16351-8
ITU-T Telecommunication
9 789261 163518 Sector of ITU
Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2015
2 0 1 5