r1 Control Panel Software en
r1 Control Panel Software en
r1 Control Panel Software en
Software Specification
1.0 General Description ................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Controller Model Variants .....................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 General Operation ................................................................................................................................................................4
2.0 I/O Description………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
2.1 Digital Inputs.........................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Digital Outputs ......................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Analogue Inputs And Outputs ...............................................................................................................................................8
3.0 Machine State Diagram ...........................................................................................................................................................9
4.0 User Interface ........................................................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Keypad ...............................................................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Led Indicators .....................................................................................................................................................................13
4.3 Display ...............................................................................................................................................................................14
4.4 Display Structure and Menu Navigation ..............................................................................................................................16
4.4.1 Menu Structure ................................................................................................................................................................18
4.4.2 P00 User Menu................................................................................................................................................................18
4.4.3 P01 Operation Menu........................................................................................................................................................21
4.4.4 P02 Pressure Schedule Menu .........................................................................................................................................22
4.4.5 P03 Error Log Menu ........................................................................................................................................................25
4.4.6 P04 Shutdown Menu .......................................................................................................................................................26
4.4.7 P05 Alarm Menu ..............................................................................................................................................................26
4.4.8 P06 Start and Run Inhibit Menu .......................................................................................................................................26
4.4.9 P07 Diagnostic Menu.......................................................................................................................................................28
4.4.10 P08 Configuration Menu ..................................................................................................................................................29
4.4.11 P09 Speed Regulation Menu ...........................................................................................................................................32
4.4.12 P10 Calibration Menu ......................................................................................................................................................33
4.4.13 P11 Access Level 2 Configuration Menu..........................................................................................................................34
4.4.14 P12 Motor Map Menu ......................................................................................................................................................45
4.4.15 P13 Drive Map Menu .......................................................................................................................................................45
4.4.16 Motor and Drive Protection Functions ..............................................................................................................................45
4.4.17 Motor Driection of Rotation ..............................................................................................................................................45
4.4.18 KEB Drive Type and Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 445
4.4.19 KEB Drive and KEB Operator Set-Up ..............................................................................................................................45
4.4.20 Pressure Control Source Priority Logic ............................................................................................................................46
4.4.21 Remote Digital Load Input Functions: ..............................................................................................................................43
4.4.22 RS485 Communications Management Control System:...................................................................................................43
4.4.23 Reset To Defaults - CONFIGURATION TABLE ...............................................................................................................44
4.4.24 Reset To Defaults - PRESSURE TABLE .........................................................................................................................45
4.4.25 Temperature Sensor Adjustment Limits and Default Values.............................................................................................45
5.0 Fault Messages......................................................................................................................................................................46
5.1 KEB Drive Specific Fault Codes..........................................................................................................................................54
5.1.1 Immediate Stop Shutdown Errors ....................................................................................................................................54
5.1.2 Alarms .............................................................................................................................................................................54
5.1.3 Start Inhibits.....................................................................................................................................................................54
5.2 Drive Status Display Codes ................................................................................................................................................55
5.3 Drive Last error Display Codes ...........................................................................................................................................55
5.4 Immediate Stop Shutdown Errors .......................................................................................................................................50
5.4.1 Digital input errors............................................................................................................................................................50
5.4.2 Analogue input errors.......................................................................................................................................................50
5.4.3 Special function errors .....................................................................................................................................................50
5.5 Controlled Stop Shutdown Errors........................................................................................................................................50
5.6 Alarms ................................................................................................................................................................................51
5.6.1 Digital input alarms ..........................................................................................................................................................51
5.6.2 Analogue input alarms .....................................................................................................................................................51
5.6.3 Special function alarms....................................................................................................................................................51
5.7 Start Inhibits .......................................................................................................................................................................51
5.8 Run Inhibits ........................................................................................................................................................................51
5.9 Load Inhibits .......................................................................................................................................................................51
5.10 Service Alarms ...................................................................................................................................................................51
5.10.1 Special function service alarms........................................................................................................................................51
6.0 R1 Controller - LED indications............................................................................................................................................52
7.0 Example Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................
1.0 General Description 3
1.1 Controller Model Variants
The general default settings and tables shown in this specification are applicable to the standard production R1
controller model R1-20-3500, functions available for alternative models can be set in configuration menus.
ACM Types:
0 no ACM fitted
1 digital input
2 0-10Vdc
3 4-20mA
4 4-20mA (earthed referenced)
5 KTY or RTD, temperature
6 PT100, temperature
7 PT1000, temperature
• Temperature detection and setting limits may different on models fitted with alternative temperature sensor
ACM types; the temperature sensor type must be set in configuration menu if other than default.
• Internal pressure detection, differential pressure detection and related functions will be unavailable on
models that are not fitted with a secondary pressure sensor analogue input ACM on analogue input 3.
Internal pressure detection must be enabled in the configuration menu for model types fitted with the
secondary pressure detection ACM hardware.
2 Temperature detection and related functions will be unavailable on models that are not fitted with a
secondary temperature sensor analogue input ACM on analogue input 4.
2 temperature detection must be enabled in the configuration menu for model types fitted with the
secondary temperature detection ACM hardware.
1.2 General Operation 4
In normal operation, the detected delivery pressure controls regulation of the compressor once the compressor
has been started by pushing the start button, or by a remote start command if enabled. The controller will
perform safety checks and start the compressor if no inhibiting conditions are detected.
If a start inhibiting condition exists the compressor will not enter the started condition and a start inhibit message
is displayed. If a run inhibiting condition exists the compressor will enter the started condition but a main motor
start is inhibited; the compressor will remain in the standby condition and a run inhibit message is displayed. If a
load request is present, in accordance with internal pressure settings or by remote command, the main motor is
started in a star/delta sequence. When running in delta configuration, after the star/delta time (adjustable) has
expired, the load delay time (adjustable) prevents loading for a period to allow motor speed to stabilize. The
load delay time can be set to one second if required. When the load delay time has expired the load valve
output is energized and the compressor will load. If the unload pressure setting is reached, or a remote unload
command is received, the load valve output is de-energized and the compressor will run offload for the standby
run on time (adjustable) before the main motor stops and the compressor enters Standby mode. The
compressor will load again if pressure falls below the load setting before the standby run on time expires. If in
Standby mode, a motor start sequence followed by the load delay time is executed before loading.
In the event of a motor stop, initiated by a stop command or when entering standby mode, a blow down timer
(adjustable) is started. If a start request is made during the blow down time the compressor will enter standby
mode until the blow down time expires. If already in standby mode, and a load request is present, the
compressor will remain in standby mode until the blow down time has expired. For units with internal pressure
detection enabled, a minimum internal re-start pressure can also be set to prevent a motor start sequence
before internal pressure is vented. In the event internal pressure fails to fall below the set minimum re-start
pressure within two minutes after the set blow down time has expired, a blow down fault is generated and the
compressor will shutdown. After an unload event a re-load timer (adjustable) is initiated that will prevent re-
loading, this time can be adjusted to a minimum of one second if required. Normal automated operation is
ended by pushing the stop button, a remote stop command or in the event of a shutdown fault.
When stopped manually, or by a remote command, the load value is de-energized and the main motor allowed
to run-on for the stop run on time (adjustable). This time can be adjusted to a minimum of one second if
required. Safety checks are made continuously, if there is a condition detected that presents a hazardous or
damaging situation an immediate stop is performed and the reason displayed as a shutdown error message. If a
warning condition is detected an Alarm message is displayed and normal operation continues.
Detailed information regarding the KEB drive can be found in the KEB Combivert F5 Application Manual.
1) Speed regulation menu P09 - item ScS, speed regulation control mode. It is not possible to
disable the variable speed regulation mode, setting ‘0’. The default setting is ‘2’ =variable speed
regulation. Fixed speed regulation mode ‘1’ can be selected.
2) 4-20mA output ANA-OUT1, X01 pins 13 and 14, reflects a direct relationship of 0% to 100% of
motor speed where 0% = motor stopped and minimum speed will be a percentage value higher
than 0%. This differs from standard variable regulated mode where the 4-20mA output reflects
the required motor speed range where 0% equates to the set minimum motor speed. A value of
100% equates to the set maximum motor speed in both cases.
The KEB VFD (variable frequency drive’) R1 feature enables direct data link connection to a standard KEB
induction motor frequency drive unit. All configuration, monitoring and control functions required to implement a
VFD solution are incorporated within R1 functionality.
The functionality described in the ‘R1 standard compressor software specification’ for a 4-20mA variable
frequency drive control solution remains valid in the KEB Drive software variant; the exception being that drive
control integration is achieved by a MODBUS data link. Additionally, comprehensive drive monitoring and
automated set-up and configuration is also fully integrated with the R1 solution. These capabilities form the
basis of a fully integrated and automated variable speed drive control solution without the need for set-up and
monitoring through a separate drive unit display and keypad; all KEB drive functionality is totally integrated with,
and accessible through, the R1 control unit.
The application has been specifically designed and implemented as an air compressor variable speed drive,
control and monitoring solution with drive configuration arranged to suit the requirements of air compression
machines inclusive rotary screw, rotary vane and reciprocating types.
At power-up the R1 initiates a data link connection with the KEB drive and interrogates the drive model and type
to ensure compatibility with R1 configuration. The R1 then resets and re-configures all KEB drive parameters
and settings to match the required configuration including the parameters set in the R1 motor and drive map
menus. During this initialization period the R1 will display ‘S:boot’. The R1 will display a start inhibit warning in
the instance of drive or motor incompatibility. This feature enables any compatible KEB drive to be integrated
with the R1 without the need for any independent drive setup and configuration procedure.
When a start command is received the R1 will provide a hard wired safety interlock signal to the drive and then
start to increase drive motor speed to the ‘set offload speed’ with a ramp-rate equivalent to the set ‘start/delta’
time. The R1 will hold the motor at the offload speed for the set ‘load delay’ time before loading the compressor
and starting to control motor speed in accordance with conditions and settings. When loaded, motor speed is
continuously closed loop controlled by the R1 in accordance with a P&ID loop algorithm operating to the set
‘load pressure’. If pressure continuous to rise when motor speed is at a minimum, the R1 will unload the
compressor and reduce drive speed to the offload speed when pressure reaches the set ‘offload pressure’
setting. The standby ‘run-on’ time is then started and the R1 will remain in this condition until pressure falls to
the set ‘load pressure’ setting, at which point the compressor will re-load, or the standby ‘run-on’ time expires
and the compressor enters ‘standby’ and the motor is stopped. If pressure falls to the set ‘load’ pressure when
in standby mode, the R1 will initiate a motor start sequence and re-load the compressor. A stop command will
immediately unload the compressor and motor speed will be reduced to the set offload speed. The motor will
continue to run for the set ‘stop run-on’ time before the motor is stopped and the compressor allowed to vent
internal pressure (blow down) in preparation for a start command.
The KEB drive application software has two additional menus, P12 ‘Motor Map’ and P13 ‘Drive Map’ (accessible
using access code level 2) together with six additional P00 normal operating mode display items. All other
features, functions, operational descriptions and menu settings described in the ‘R1 Standard Compressor
Software Specification’ remain applicable inclusive the settings of P09 ‘speed regulation’ menu.
2.0 I/O Description 6
Terminals 7 and 8 are connected together on the PCB, maximum rating 250V @ 10A. These terminals provide
a method of terminating a number of common wires together; there is no connection to PCB circuits.
The function of auxiliary relays 5 and 6 can be set in the configuration menu
Drain Function:
-When loaded:
Cycle in accordance with drain open and drain interval time settings
reset to start of open time when status change to loaded, then cycle
-When not loaded AND in started state (optional; active if offload drain time set above zero seconds)
drain interval time = drain interval time x 10
drain open time = offload drain time setting
reset to start of interval time when status change to not loaded, then cycle
2.3 Analogue Inputs and Outputs 8
Note: All analogue device inputs have open circuit, short circuit and out-of-range fault detection functions
Analogue Inputs:
The R1 uses plug-in analogue conditioning modules (ACM’s) that allow different sensor and signal types to be
accommodated. Some analogue inputs have menu selectable types; the correct ACM for the type selected must
be fitted. Units not fitted with ACM’s on analogue inputs 3 and/or 4 will not be able to use the defined functions.
Analogue Output 1:
Standard (including data linked VSD application software variants)
The function of analogue output 1 can be set in the configuration menu
**Variable Speed Control Active (not including data linked VSD application software variants)
Fixed to 4-20mA signal for percentage motor speed in accordance with minimum and maximum speed
settings. Intended for connection to speed control input of VSD unit.
Analogue Output 2:
The function of analogue output 1 can be set in the configuration menu
3.0 Machine State Diagram 9
Controller operational logic is shown in the machine state diagram as state blocks with an associating status
block number. The state block determines the functionality of the controller at any given time. The controller can
only be in one state at any given time. The controller will move from state to state in accordance with the
defined exit and entry conditions of each state block and the defined connections between state blocks.
A detected abnormal condition that must be indicated to operator personnel and that may require controller
automated safety action, dependant on fault type and definition.
Unload Pressure:
The unload pressure is the delivery pressure level (adjustable) at which the controller will de-energize the load
solenoid output and the compressor will offload.
Load Pressure:
The load pressure is the delivery pressure level (adjustable) at which the compressor will energize the load
solenoid output and the compressor will load. If in the standby state, an automated main motor start sequence is
triggered prior to load.
Main Motor Start Sequence:
The controller will energize the Star contactor output followed by the Main contactor output 200ms later. After 10
the Star/Delta timer (adjustable) expires the controller will execute an automated Star to Delta contactor
output changeover with a 50ms star to delta transition time. If a Stop command is received during the start
sequence the controller will continue to execute the start sequence before stopping. This action is intended to
limit the break current of motor starter contactors.
Standby Run-On-Time:
When off load the standby run-on-timer will start. If the compressor remains in an off load condition and the
timer expires the main motor will stop and the compressor will enter the Standby state. The compressor will
automatically re-start and load as required. This function is intended to improve efficiency during low demand
periods and to limit the number, and interval between, motor start events. The remaining time in seconds is
show on the Information Item display.
Stop Run-On-Time:
When stopped (stop button, remote stop input or remote stop command) the compressor will unload and the
main motor continue to run for the stop run-on-time before stopping. This function is intended to allow for
internal pressure venting and to limit lubrication oil aeration prior to the main motor stopping. The remaining time
in seconds is show on the Information Item display.
Started State:
The unit has been started (start button, remote start input or remote start command) and is in an active
condition ready to respond to changes in delivery pressure.
Running State:
The unit is in the Started state AND the main motor is running.
Loaded State:
The unit is in the Started state AND Running state AND the load solenoid output is energized.
Machine State Diagram: Power-up 2
The shutdown error state (1) 11
shutdown 1 immediately becomes active when
error any shutdown error occurs,
init complete regardless of the active status of the
start inhibit 3
compressor at that moment in time.
shutdown error NO shutdown error
no start inhibit
start inhibit conditions
conditions present
Start request
Autorestart AND state was started
stop request 5
run inhibit
blowdown time expired
(AND no run inhibit conditions)
stop request
standby 6
load request
motor start 7
stop request
Star/delta star/delta
sequence sequence ended
load delay 8
stop request time)
load delay
load 9
stop request
unload pressure
reached OR
unload request
Reload 10
stop 12 delay time
run on
time stop request
stop reload time
run on time stop request expired
load request
11 standby run on time
run on expired
start request RUNNING
4.1 Keypad
Start and Stop have one defined function and are not used for any other purpose.
Reset will initiate a display jump to the fault code item if a fault condition remains active or initiate a display jump
to the information item if no active faults exist in normal display mode. If pressed and held for longer than two
seconds in menu mode will exit menu mode to the normal operational display mode, page 00.
Escape will initiate a display jump to the information item in normal display mode, page 00.
Plus, Minus, Enter and Escape and used to navigate menu mode and adjust menu parameters.
4.2 Led Indicators
Indicator States:
Status Fault
Machine State Number Machine State
1 Shutdown Error OFF FF
2 Startup Init OFF OFF **
Start Inhibit Check OFF **
Start inhibit condition SF
4 Ready to Start OFF OFF **
5 Blow down if (load_request) FF else IF OFF **
6 Standby IF OFF **
7 Start Motor in Star/Delta if (load_request) FF else IF OFF **
8 Load Delay if (load_request) FF else IF OFF **
9 Load ON OFF **
10 Reload Delay if (load_request) FF else IF OFF **
11 Standby Run on Time IF OFF **
12 Stop Run on Time SF OFF **
Pressure set point indication (upper and lower set point indicators displayed independently)
Analogue reading
Remote start/stop
Normal Operational Mode Page 00: selected item locked as temporary default display
Menu Mode: page item locked (adjustment inhibited)
Power failure (displayed when power restored after power failure event interrupted
All value, parameter or option selection displays are grouped into menu lists. Items are assigned to a list
according to type and classification. Items that can be used to select options or modify functions are assigned to
‘menu mode’ lists. Items that an operator may require to view during routine operation, detected pressure or
temperature values for example, are assigned to the normal operational mode list. Lists are identified by page
number, the normal operational display list is page 0. All parameters and options are assigned to menu mode
pages 1 or higher. All Page 0 items are view only and cannot be adjusted.
At controller initialization, all display elements and LED indicators are switched on for three seconds, the display
will then show the software version code for a further 3 seconds before initialization is complete and the normal
operating display (Page 0) is shown. In page 0 ‘normal operational display mode’ the Display Field will show the
final delivery pressure continuously and the Item and Value Fields will initially show the Information Item display
for 35 seconds before reverting to the default temperature display item. All available Item and Value field option
displays (temperatures, pressures, hours counters) can be selected using the Up or Down buttons at any time.
The Item display will revert to the default item after 35 seconds if no further selection is made. Pressing the
Enter button will lock any selected Item display and inhibit return to the default display. When an Item display is
locked the lock key symbol will slow flash. To unlock an Item display press Up or Down to view an alternative
Item display or press Reset or Escape. In page 0 Escape will select the Information Item display and Reset will
select any active fault code display or the Information Item display if no faults are active. Unless a selected Item
display is locked, the display will automatically jump to the Information Item display at key status change events.
The timeout period before returning to the default Item display is modified in some instances to enable the full
range of a set countdown timer to be shown. No Item values, options or parameters can be adjusted in page 0.
If a fault condition occurs the fault code becomes the first list item and the display will automatically jump to
display the fault code. More than one active fault code item can exist at any one time.
Access Code:
Access to page list displays higher than page 0 are restricted by access code. To access menu mode pages
press UP and DOWN together, an access code entry display is shown and the first code character will flash.
Use PLUS or MINUS to adjust the value of the first code character then press ENTER. The next code character
will flash; use UP or DOWN to adjust then press ENTER. Repeat for all four code characters. If the code
number is less than 1000 then the first code character will be 0(zero). To return to a previous code character
press ESCAPE. When all four code characters have been set to an authorized code number press ENTER.
Access to certain menu mode pages is dependent on authority level determined by the access code used. An
invalid code will return the display to normal operational mode; page 0.
In menu mode the Display Field will flash and show the Page number. To select a page press UP or DOWN.
For each page the Item and Value field will display the first Item of the page list. To view a page list press
ENTER, the Page number will stop flashing and the Item display will flash. Press UP or DOWN to view the
selected page list items. To select an Item value for modification press ENTER, the Item display will stop
flashing and the Value display will flash. The value or option can now be modified by pressing UP(Plus) or
DOWN(Minus). To enter a modified value or option in memory press ENTER; alternatively the modification can
be abandoned, and the original setting maintained, by pressing ESCAPE.
Page 0 Page 1
Page 2
Item 1 Value
Item 2 Value Page 3 Item 1 Value
Item 3 Value Item 2 Value
Page 4
Item 4 Value Item 3 Value
Item 5 Value Page 5 Item 4 Value
Item 6 Value Item 5 Value
Press ESCAPE at any time in menu mode to step backwards one stage in the navigation process. Pressing
ESCAPE when the page number is flashing will exit menu mode and return the display to normal operational
mode; page 0.
Page 0 Page 1
Page 2
Item 1 Value
Item 2 Value Page 3 Item 1 Value
Item 3 Value Item 2 Value
Page 4
Item 4 Value Item 3 Value
Item 5 Value Page 5 Item 4 Value
Item 6 Value Item 5 Value
Press and hold RESET for two seconds at any time to immediately exit menu mode and return to the
normal operational mode display. Any value or option adjustment that has not been confirmed and entered into
memory will be abandoned and the original setting maintained.
A flashing Key symbol displayed with any Item indicates the Item is locked and cannot be modified. This
will occur if the Item is view only (non adjustable) or in instances where the item cannot be adjusted while the
compressor is in the operational STARTED state.
Sdt star/delta time
4.4.1 Menu Structure Ldt load delay time
rdt reload delay time
Access Codes LrS load req. source setting
SrS start req. source setting
USER Menu : 0009 Adr network address
SERVICE 1 : 0100 “Access Level 1” r05 relay 5 function “Drain”
P08: r06 relay 6 function “Fan”
SERVIVE 2 : 0121 “Access Level 2” Configuration Ao1 analogue out 1 function
Ao2 analogue out 2 function
uLP unload pressure dPt diff press. fault delay
L_P load pressure IFS indication field function
d_t drain time Art auto restart delay time
dIt drain interval odt offload drain time
P01: A_C Auto/Cont mode SPH starts per hour
Operation rot standby run on time FHt Fan motor output OFF
Srt stop run on time FLt Fan motor output ON
bdt blowdown time Frt Fan minimum run time
P_S press. units bar/psi Pdr Digital input 2 function
t_S temp. units cel/fahr
P06: tdL delivery air temp. low level HFr max. drive frequency
Start/Run P_l internal press. start level rro rated motor rpm.
Inhibits t_L minimum load temp. rCu rated motor current
P12: rtE rated motor voltage
Motor Map rFr rated motor frequency
rPo nominal motor rated power
d01 digital input 1
CoS motor power factor rated
SFC motor service factor rated
d08 digital input 8
rPn motor poles
r01 relay output 1
CtP motor cooling type
P07: to
r06 relay output 6 dtP KEB drive type
A01 analogue input 1 bSt boost
to dbS delta boost
A04 analogue input 4 P13:
dbt delta boost time
o_1 analogue output 1 KEB Drive SFr switching frequency
o_2 analogue output 2 Map oLL current overload level
onn over modulation
PrF power regulation factor
Drive Current:
The phase current being supplied to the motor by the KEB drive unit.
Drive Voltage:
The AC main power supply voltage to the KEB drive unit (derived from the drive DC bus voltage).
Drive Power:
The actual motor operating kW (as measured by the KEB drive unit).
Drive Temperature:
o o
The KEB drive module temperature; shutdown 90 C (60 C for 355kW size 31).
Drive Status:
The status code being reported by the KEB drive unit (same as KEB drive status display codes).
Drive Last Error:
The last error code reported by the KEB drive unit (same as KEB error display codes). This display item will 20
continuously display the last code received from the KEB drive and does not imply that the code displayed is
still active. Examine this item for specific fault identification when a general KEB drive alarm or error condition is
If running or loaded hours exceed 99999 the counter will reset to zero.
Info Item:
The page 0 ‘Information Item’ provides a basic overview of status using symbols:
Compressor on load
Delivery pressure relative to pressure set points, not displayed when remote pressure control active.
Countdown timer function is occurring (Run-On-Time, Stop Run-On-Time, Blow down Time).
During a countdown time function the remaining time in seconds is displayed.
If the Real Time Clock option is fitted, the current time (hours: minutes) is displayed.
4.4.3 P01 Operation Menu 21
Contains general operation parameters that may be modified by the User from time to time.
Unload Pressure:
The unload pressure is the delivery pressure level (adjustable) at which the controller will de-energize the load
solenoid output and the compressor will offload.
Load Pressure:
The load pressure is the delivery pressure level (adjustable) at which the compressor will energize the load
solenoid output and the compressor will load. If in the standby state, an automated main motor start sequence is
triggered prior to load.
Standby Run-On-Time:
When off load the standby run-on-timer will start. If the compressor remains in an off load condition and the
timer expires the main motor will stop and the compressor will enter the Standby state. The compressor will
automatically re-start and load as required. This function is intended to improve efficiency during low demand
periods and to limit the number, and interval between, motor start events. The remaining time in seconds is
show on the Information Item display.
Stop Run-On-Time:
When stopped (stop button, remote stop input or remote stop command) the compressor will unload and the
main motor continue to run for the stop run-on-time before stopping. This function is intended to allow for
internal pressure venting and to limit lubrication oil aeration prior to the main motor stopping. The remaining time
in seconds is show on the Information Item display.
Pressure Settings:
Trip cannot be adjusted above maximum sensor range
Alarm cannot be adjusted above (Shutdown – 0.2bar) or below (‘uLP’ Unload + 0.2bar) 22
Unload can not be adjusted above (Alarm – 0.2bar) or below (‘P_I’ Load + 0.2bar)
Load cannot be adjusted above (‘uLP’ Unload – 0.2bar) or below 5.0bar
Pressure Schedule:
The pressure schedule can be used to change operating pressure set points, or force the compressor in to a
standby state, at specified times on specified days of the week. The pressure schedule cycles through the
settings on a weekly basis; beginning 00:00 hours on day of the week 1 (Monday) through to 23:59 hours on
day of the week 7 (Sunday). Day of week setting ‘8’ can be used to specify that the instruction should be
executed at the same time on each day of the working week (days 1 to 5 inclusive; not including weekend
days 6 and 7). Day of the week setting ‘9’ can be used to specify that the instruction should be executed on
every day of the week (days 1 to 7 inclusive).
The day of the week and the time of day can be specified for each setting together with unload and load
pressure set points. The controller will use the specified pressure set points from the set time and day of the
week until the next chronological setting modifies the pressure set points, or the pressure schedule is
disabled or a remote override is activated.
If zero unload pressure is specified the compressor will unload, run-on and stop into the standby state. The
compressor will remain in the standby state until the next setting specifies an operating pressure above zero.
There are 28 available settings, some or all of which can be utilized. There are no limits to the number of
settings that can be assigned to any particular day of the week. The controller will immediately operate in
accordance with the schedule settings when the pressure schedule is activated and the compressor is
Note: The pressure schedule will not start and stop the compressor; the compressor must be started before
pressure schedule functionality will operate.
When the pressure schedule is activated the ‘pressure schedule control’ symbol will appear in the
lower display ‘Information Field’ area.
The pressure schedule has a lower priority than communications pressure control or the
remote pressure control digital inputs, both will override the pressure schedule settings. The ‘pressure
schedule control’ symbol will flash, and the ‘Remote Pressure Control’ symbol appear, during a remote
override situation.
The pressure schedule can be remotely suspended, and normal pressure set point control resumed, by
activating the remote load digital input without activating the remote load enable input. This facility can be used
to temporarily override the pressure schedule, with a single remote switching contact, during unexpected or
non-routine periods. The ‘pressure schedule control’ symbol will flash during an override situation.
The Pressure Schedule must be deactivated, or the compressor stopped, before any
setting adjustments can be made.
##.1 day of the week and time of day (for example 1| 06:30 = 6:30am every Monday)
##.2 Unload pressure set point
##.3 Load pressure set point
Note: If there are other settings in the pressure schedule list the primary Item setting number will automatically
change to position the setting in the correct chronological order. The pressure schedule menu will always store
settings in chronological order from day of the week 1 (Monday) to day of the week 7 (Sunday), followed by any
day of the week 8 or 9 settings.
The Item display will automatically increment to show the next sub item (##.2) and the value display will flash
and show the unload pressure set point for the pressure schedule setting. Press UP(plus) or DOWN(minus) to
adjust the unload pressure set point and then press ENTER.
Note: To force the compressor into a Standby state, adjust the unload pressure set point to 0(zero). In this
instance the load pressure set point adjustment (sub item ##.3) will be cleared automatically.
The Item display will automatically increment to show the next sub item (##.3) and the value display will show
the load pressure set point. Press UP(plus) or DOWN(minus) to adjust the load pressure set point and then
press ENTER, The Item display will flash and return to the first sub item (##.1). Press UP or DOWN to navigate
to another Item setting or press Escape to navigate to another menu page.
Note: If there are other settings in the pressure schedule menu list the primary Item setting number will
automatically change to position the empty setting in the correct chronological order. Press UP(plus) or
DOWN(minus) to view other setting Items.
Caution: Unload pressure set point adjustment is limited to 0.2bar below the set delivery pressure Alarm 25
limit. If the delivery pressure Alarm limit is subsequently adjusted, it is possible for pressure schedule
settings with higher-pressure set points to result in an excess pressure Alarm or Shutdown Trip fault condition.
Contains the last 15 fault states in chronological order. The most recent fault (alarm, start inhibit or shutdown) is
stored as item 1. Each item consists of two values: the fault code number and the running hours when the fault
occurred. The display will automatically alternate between these two values. All items are view only.
E:0d01 : KEB Drive Communication error; link could not be established during initialization
6h : After start and run the compressor six hours and this fault occurs.
1:10:10 : 1 Day off the week (Monday), Time 10:10
08:10 : Month (August) and date of month (10).
4.4.6 P04 Shutdown Menu 26
Settings that determine the level or condition at which a shutdown fault is generated.
Settings that determine the level or condition at which an alarm fault is generated.
Digital Inputs:
The display will show an open or closed contact symbol representing the actual input state, the display will show
if the corresponding input function is active (1) or de-active (0).
Note: Value display number indicates function not input state (example: Emergency Stop = ‘0’)
Relay Outputs:
Relays can be energized (1) and de-energized (0). The motor starter relay outputs 1 to 3 can only be energized
one at a time, the output will de-energize when the selected Item is changed.
Analogue Inputs:
Analogue input values will toggle (2second) between associated engineering units set for the input and the
actual mV(temperature or voltage inputs) or mA(current loop inputs) detected on the controller connector of the
corresponding analogue input. The mV or mA value can be independently checked with a meter.
Analogue Outputs:
In standard mode the analogue output will follow the set output function. If the function is between 1 and 13 the
output will switch between 0.0mA = OFF and 20.00mA = ON. This is intended to provide a drive for an external
24Vdc coil relay with a switch-on current no greater than 20.00mA. Functions 14 to 17 provide true 4-20mA
Analogue output values can be adjusted (from 4.0mA to 20.0mA) to force the output to a particular mA level for
diagnostic or calibration processes. The output will automatically revert to the defined function upon menu exit.
4.4.10 P08 Configuration Menu 29
Settings that determine the basic operating configuration.
item# description units step min default display
1 star/delta time s 0.2 1 30 10 Sdt 10.0 sec
2 load delay time s 0.2 1 30 1 Ldt 1.0 sec
3 reload delay time s 0.2 1 10 1 rdt 1.0 sec
load request 0=press. sensor
4 1 0 1 0 LrS 0
source setting 1=comm. req.
start request
5 1=comm. req. 1 0 2 0 SrS 0
source setting
2=dig. inputs**
6 network address --- 1 1 99 1 Adr 1
relay 5 function 1 to 13
7 1 1 13 13 r05 13 Fan Temp. Control
setting see Output Functions
relay 6 function 1 to 13
8 1 1 13 7 r06 7 Drain
setting see Output Functions
1 - Alarm De-energized for any active Alarm fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
2 - Shutdown De-energized for any active Shutdown fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
3 – Group Fault De-energized for any active Alarm, Star/Run Inhibit or Shutdown fault
4 – Alarm Service De-Energized for any Alarm fault or Service Due alarm (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
5 – Service Energized for Service Due alarm only
6 – Heater Energizes if detected temperature falls below set low temperature run inhibit + 2°C
De-energizes if detected temperature increases above set low temp run inhibit + 3°C
Can be used to energize anti-condensate heater contactor or as low temperature
warning auxiliary output.
7 – Drain -When loaded: cycle in accordance with drain open and drain interval time settings.
Elapsed interval time is stored in non-permanent memory when not loaded and the
remaining interval time applied when loaded operation is resumed.
-When not loaded AND in ‘started’ state (optional; active only if offload drain time set
above zero seconds, 0sec = offload drain function disabled).
drain interval time = drain interval time x 10.
drain open time = offload drain time setting.
reset to start of interval time when status change to not loaded, then cycle.
8 – Fan Energized in all RUNNING states except ‘motor start’ and ‘load delay time’
Can be used to energize internal and/or external cooling fan motor contactor
9 – Standby Energized in ‘Standby’ and ‘Blow down’ states
10 – Running Energized in all RUNNING state conditions
11 – Loaded Energized in all LOADED state conditions
12 – Started Energized in all STARTED state conditions
13 – Fan (temp ctl) Enabled to operate in all RUNNING states except ‘motor start’ and ‘load delay time’
If enabled to operate the output will only energize if delivery temperature exceeds the
set ‘Fan High’ temperature setting. If delivery temperature falls below the set ‘Fan Low’
temperature setting the output will de-energize. Once energized the output will remain
energized for a minimum of the set ‘Fan Minimum Run Time’ regardless of delivery
temperature. Can be used to energize internal and/or external cooling fan motor
contactor; the minimum run time is intended as a means of limiting Fan motor starts-
0 disabled, 0.0mA
1 to 13 as relay 5 and 6 functions 1 to 13
14 AI1, delivery pressure, 4-20mA
15 AI2, delivery temperature, 4-20mA
16 AI3, internal pressure, 4-20mA (if ACM fitted and function enabled)
17 AI4, second temperature, 4-20mA (if ACM fitted and function enabled)
SC In variable speed motor control mode analogue output 1 is fixed for 4-20mA speed control
signal and cannot be set for a different function. This function cannot be selected normally.
For functions 14 to 17 the output will be 4.00mA in the instance of a sensor fault or analogue input function
Note: The digital functions 1 to 13 are intended for controlling an external 24Vdc coil relay with a switch-on
current no greater than 20.0mA. DIN Rail mount relay Y01ENER34.00 is recommended. The contacts of the
relay are for 250Vac/dc @ 5A and can be used to operate remote devices.
Load Inhibits
Err:L3423 delivery temperature T_d below the set Minimum Load Temperature “t_L” inhibit level,
compressor will load, and inhibit automatically reset, when temperature rises above the
“t_L” temperature setting.
Information field items are intended for general information or diagnostic purposes, to disable select (0).
The offload drain timer function is intended to prevent a non-loaded compressor, which is part of a multiple
compressor system connected to common air delivery pipe work, experiencing condensation build-up that is
being generated by other operational compressor(s) in the system.
To disable the function, and maintain the set run-on-time period regardless of motor start events, adjust the
starts per hour setting to 0(zero).
Speed regulation is used to maintain delivery pressure at the load pressure set point. If pressure rises to the
unload pressure set point the load solenoid output is de-energized and the compressor unloaded. While in the
offload state the controller will maintain speed at the set offload speed setting. If pressure remains above the
load pressure set point for longer than the set run-on-time the main motor will stop and the controller will enter
the standby state. When pressure falls below the load pressure set point the motor is re-started, if in standby
state, and the load solenoid output is energized. Full range speed regulation is then applied.
If connected to a CMC sequence controller system, and the system consists of more than one VSR (variable
speed regulated) compressor, any VSR compressor assigned as base load will be biased to operate at the set
optimum speed setting. Any VSR compressor assigned as top-up will use full range speed regulation. In
addition, the target pressure of each VSR compressor is automatically referenced to the sequencer to maintain
exact pressure control regardless or pressure differentials between compressors. In this manner up to 12 VSR
compressors can be controlled as a single coherent system with full efficiency capacity matched management,
sequence rotation and single pressure set point control.
Pressure Schedule:
In variable speed regulation mode, the pressure schedule can be used to modify the target pressure (load
pressure), the unload pressure or set to zero pressure to enter standby mode.
To calibrate an offset, expose the appropriate sensor to atmosphere and adjust the offset value until the
pressure display shows 0.0bar.
To calibrate the range, apply an accurately known pressure to the sensor and adjust the range value until the
pressure display matches the applied pressure. The range value can be calibrated with static or changing
applied pressure.
Caution: Incorrectly set pressure sensor calibration values will affect performance and set safety levels.
4.4.13 P11 Access Level 2 Configuration Menu 34
Special functions and settings that determine specific configuration; generally set once during commissioning.
Incorrect adjustment of pressure sensor range values will affect accuracy, performance and
pressure related safety functions.
Error log reset:
Error log reset is used to clear all entries in the error log list (menu page 03). 35
To clear the error log list select the error log reset item then press UP(plus); the value display will show
“RST”. Press ENTER, when the error log is clear the value display will change back to “0” and the cleared.
PT100 3 PT100
PT1000 3 PT1000
PT100 3 PT100
PT1000 3 PT1000
4.4.14 P12 Motor Map Menu 36
Settings that determine the motor configuration for the KEB Frequency Inverter Drive unit.
All settings are important for effective and efficient motor control, incorrect or inappropriate settings can
cause reduced service life or premature failure of the motor. All information required for the motor map can be
found on the motor ‘name plate’ or in the motor manufacturer’s specifications.
Never enter a service factor above 1.0 for a motor that is not designed for continuous higher than
nominal rating operation, if in doubt check with the motor manufacturer.
Motor Poles:
The number of motor stator winding poles (2, 4, 6 or 8).
The number of motor poles is generally indicated on the motor data plate; number of poles can also be 37
determined from the rated synchronous speed:
No. of poles Synchronous speed – rpm at 50Hz Synchronous speed – rpm at 60Hz
2 3000 3600
4 1500 1800
6 750 900
8 375 450
All settings are important for effective and efficient motor control, incorrect or inappropriate settings can
cause reduced service life or premature failure of the motor.
In some instances the KEB drive will report as being an ‘M’ type (multi-function) when the drive unit is plated as
a ‘G’ type (general). If a ‘G’ type setting reports a mismatch error set to ‘M’ type.
The type letter ‘M’ is displayed as a lower case letter ‘n’ on the R1 display.
In contrast to an air fan, for example, an air compressor exhibits a high torque starting inertia. Boost provides
additional stating voltage to overcome this characteristic during motor start and acceleration.
Delta Boost:
Some air compressor types (in particular oil flooded rotary screw) experience rotor oil lock at start that may
require additional voltage boost, high initial torque, to overcome. Delta boost provides additional starting torque
for the period of the set ‘delta boost time’.
Switching Frequency:
The switching frequency used by the inverter drive in normal operation. In extreme conditions the frequency
may interfere with nearby equipment, in these circumstances the switching frequency can be adjusted. The
switching frequency will default to 4000kHz unless the drive reports it is a type that is only capable of 2000kHz,
in this instance the switching frequency will automatically default to 2000kHz and cannot be adjusted higher.
Over modulation:
Increases the drive modulation factor providing increased drive voltage stabilization.
See: Motor and Drive Protective Functions – Automated Overload Protection. “4.4.16”
The R1 continuously monitors the actual drive output current, voltage and frequency. Using the motor and drive
parameters entered in R1 menus 12 and 13 the R1 will calculate a safe maximum operating power at all
operating frequencies taking account of the supply voltage level. The R1 will compare the calculated maximum
power limit with the operating power derived from actual drive information. If the actual drive power exceeds the
maximum safe power limit the R1 will automatically reduce the operating frequency until drive power reduces to
the maximum limit. The calculated maximum operating power will be continuously variable as input power
supply voltage rises and falls from specified levels. This function cannot be disabled.
The maximum power regulation limits is derived from the following menu parameters:
Power Regulation Limit (kW) = ((((rtE x rCu x √3) x Cos) x SFC) x PrF) x 0,001
This function will limit maximum operational speed during periods of low power supply voltage or
in instances where influences internal to the compressor (high separator element differential for
example) result in excessive power demand from the motor.
The current overload times at the rated frequency, or nominal operating speed, of the motor follow the VDE
0660, Part 104, times:
120% 120 minutes 150% 2 minutes 200% 1 minute 800% 5 seconds
At slower speeds the self-cooling of the motor is generally decreased. To take account of this effect tripping
times are reduced as operating frequency (speed) of the motor decreases. The trip time is integrated; periods at
under load increase the trip time towards the standard limits, periods at overload reduce the trip time. The trip
times will reduce to half the standard values in worst-case conditions.
Over Voltage:
The KEB drive is capable of operating with a supply voltage up to 500Vac. Supply voltages above this level will
result in a drive shutdown. Motor voltage is maintained by the KEB drive at the set ‘rated motor voltage’ level to
protect the motor from over-voltage conditions.
Note: Exchanging any two of the three phases main power supply cables to the drive unit will not reverse
direction of rotation, the drive unit will automatically correct a main power supply phase sequence reversal.
The R1 application has been designed to operate with standard class KEB-F5 Frequency Inverter Drive units.
A drive unit requires no modification or pre-configuration to operate with an R1 but must conform to the following
KEB hardware format.
The R1 is equipped to recognize all standard class KEB drives of the type ‘G’ (general), ‘C’ (compact) or ‘M’
(multi-function). For ‘B’ (basic) drive types set the R1 for ‘G’ (general) type.
The KEB drive size must conform to the appropriate size for the motor; see KEB drive specifications.
The R1 is equipped to recognize standard class KEB drive sizes in the range 05 to 31:
05 0.37 kW 21 45 kW
07 0.75 kW 22 55 kW
09 1.5 kW 23 75 kW
10 2.2 kW 24 90 kW
12 4.0 kW 25 110 kW
13 5.5 kW 26 132 kW
14 7.5 kW 27 160 kW
15 11 kW 28 200 kW
16 15 kW 29 250 kW
17 18.5 kW 30 315 kW
18 22 kW 31 355 kW
19 30 kW
20 37 kW
Housing type is unimportant; the user can select the housing type appropriate to application.
The ‘Operator’ is a KEB plug-in control unit that provides various types of connectivity dependant on type.
Generally the ‘Operator’ unit is equipped with a display and keypad.
For R1 integration applications the KEB drive must be fitted with an RS485, MODBUS (00.F5.060-A000/) type
operator unit. The application is designed to function with an ‘Operator’ unit that is not equipped with a display
or keypad; however a display and keypad equipped version will function successfully.
Note: All key KEB drive menu parameters, normally accessible from a KEB ‘Operator’ equipped with display
and keypad, will be locked. This is normal; parameter adjustment can only be made from the R1 unit.
It is unimportant if the KEB drive and/or KEB ‘RS485 MODBUS Operator’ unit has been set-up for another
application, the R1 will re-configure all settings at power-up during the initializations process.
Note: At initialization the R1 will search for the KEB drive using all communication baud rates, parity and stop-
bit configurations excluding baud rates of 55500 bit/s; the R1 is not equipped to communicate at this baud rate.
If communications with a KEB drive cannot be established ensure the KEB drive is not set to communicate at
55500 bit/s; adjust to any other baud rate setting. The default communications configuration for a KEB unit is
9600 bit/s, even parity, 1 stop bit.
4.4.20 Pressure Control Source Priority Logic 41
Pressure regulation control can be derived from a number of sources, internal or remote. Each potential source
has a different priority over other potential sources. The following source priority logic diagrams show the
pressure regulation mode and method the controller will use under all potential setup selection, remote
connection or failure mode conditions.
The remote digital load enable input (mode 16) has priority over all other pressure control sources.
If, for example, RS485 network control is selected as the primary source (8), and communications are disrupted,
the controller will automatically select a lower priority pressure regulation source (4 or 2) dependant on setup.
When network communications are restored, the controller will automatically return to communications pressure
regulation control (8).
For diagnostic purposes the pressure regulation source at any particular moment can be established by
selecting the Indication field to show pressure source (configuration menu page), the pressure regulation source
(and regulation mode) numbers shown below will then be displayed in the Indication field.
OFF Comms ON
OFF Comms ON
OFF Pressure ON
ON Remote OFF
2 4 8 16
For Variable Speed Regulation Mode:
1 Alarm Limit Unload Override
2 Menu Page 01 Load and Unload Settings
4 Pressure Schedule Load and Unload Settings
8a Remote RS485 Communications Load and Unload Commands
8b Remote RS485 Communications Base-Load
(motor speed=biased to optimum speed)
16 Remote Digital Input Load and Unload Control
17 (Load=set optimum speed, Unload=set offload speed)
OFF Remote ON
Load Enable
OFF Comms ON
OFF Comms ON
OFF Pressure ON
2 4 8a 8b 16
Regardless of pressure regulation source, the set Alarm and Shutdown pressure safety limits remain active
and are detected from the delivery pressure sensor and internal pressure sensor (if fitted). If internal
pressure sensing is not in use, the delivery pressure sensor must never be detached from the air delivery
point of the compressor package.
A B C D X03
12 Remote Load Enable
14 Remote Load/Unload
RS485 Network
1 2 3 4 5
Integration with a CMC air system management controller is inherent to all R1 controllers.
More than one VSR (variable speed regulated) compressor can be sequence managed by a CMC air
system management controller. One VSR compressor, selected depending on control strategy, will be
assigned as top-up and will operate with full range speed regulation. Other VSR compressor(s), assigned as
base-load units, will operate at the optimum speed set in each controller. If demand exceeds total system
capacity at any time all base-load VSR compressors will increase speed above the optimum setting (up to
the maximum speed setting) as appropriate to maintain pressure.
The CMC management control system is capable of demand matching any mixture of different output
capacity VSR and fixed speed compressors in energy efficiency mode of operation.
4.4.23 Reset To Defaults - CONFIGURATION TABLE 44
Factory Defaults
No. Item Description Value Unit
1 d_t Drain Open Time 5 sec
2 dIt Drain Interval Time 60 sec
3 rot Standby Run-On Time 300 sec
4 Srt Stop Run-On Time 30 sec
5 bdt Blow down Time 10 sec
6 t_S Temperature Display Unit 0= C
7 t_d Delivery Temperature Shutdown 120 C
8 H_3 Motor bearing lubrication hour time 800 hours
9 t_d Delivery Temperature Alarm 110 C
10 tdL Delivery Temperature Run Inhibit 1 C
11 Sdt Star/Delta Time 10.0 sec
12 Ldt Load Delay Time 1.0 sec
13 rdt Reload Delay Time 1.0 sec
14 r05 Relay 5 Function 13 = Fan Motor control
15 r06 Relay 6 Function 7 = drain
16 dPt Differential Pressure Fault Delay 10 sec
17 Art Power Failure Auto Restart Time 10 sec
18 odt Offload Drain Interval Time 0 = off sec
19 SPH Starts Per Hour 0 = off number
20 FHt Fan Temperature Control High - ON 85 C
21 FLt Fan Temperature Control Low - OFF 75 C
22 Frt Fan Temperature Control Minimum Run Time 180 sec
23 SCS Speed Regulation Mode Enable 0 = off
24 S_H Maximum Speed 3000 rpm
25 S_L Minimum Speed 1500 rpm
26 SoP Optimum Speed 2700 rpm
27 SoF Offload Speed 1800 rpm
28 P_F P-Factor, Speed Regulation 40 number
29 P_I I-Factor, Speed Regulation 10 number
30 rrS Ramp Rate, Speed Regulation 10 %/sec
31 t_d Delivery Temperature Sensor Type 3 = KTY
32 P_I Internal Pressure Enable 0 = off
33 t_I 2 Temperature Enable 0 = off
34 t_I 2 Temperature Sensor Type 3 = KTY
Factory Default
No. Item Description Value Unit
nd o
35 t_I 2 Temperature Shutdown 120 C
nd o
36 t_I 2 Temperature Alarm 110 C
37 Ao1 Analogue Output 1 Function 14 = delivery pressure
38 Ao2 Analogue Output 2 Function 15 = delivery temp
4.4.24 Reset To Defaults - PRESSURE TABLE
Factory Default
No. Item Description bar
1 uLP Unload Pressure 7.0
2 L_P Load Pressure 6.5
3 P_d Delivery Pressure Shutdown 8.0
4 P_I Internal Pressure Shutdown 9.0
5 d_P Differential Pressure Shutdown 1.0
6 P_d Delivery Pressure Alarm 7.6
7 P_I Internal Pressure Alarm 8.6
8 d_P Differential Pressure Alarm 0.8
9 P_I Internal Pressure Run Inhibit 0.5
10 -- Minimum Load Pressure Setting 5.0
11 -- Delivery Pressure Shutdown Maximum 16.0
12 -- Internal Pressure Alarm Minimum 5.4
13 -- Internal Pressure Shutdown Maximum 16.0
14 -- Differential Pressure Alarm Minimum 0.2
15 -- Differential Pressure Shutdown Maximum 5.0
16 -- Minimum Settings Differential 0.2
17 d_r Delivery Pressure Sensor Range 16.0
18 I_r Internal Pressure Sensor Range 16.0
19 P_r Minimum Internal Pressure Shutdown 0.0 = disabled
20 P_S Bar/psi/kPa Display Unit 0 = bar
Faults are abnormal operating condition states. Alarms are fault states that indicate normal operating conditions
have been exceeded but do not present an immediate hazard or potentially damaging condition. Alarms are
intended as a warning only and will not stop the compressor or prevent the compressor from being started and
Start inhibits are fault states that prevent the compressor from initially being starting. Start inhibit faults are
conditions that may present a hazard or damaging situation if the compressor was to be started. A start inhibit
will self reset when the condition being monitored returns to normal operational levels. Start inhibit conditions
are only checked during the initial start procedure and will not stop the compressor once started and in the
‘started’ state. Start inhibit conditions are not checked during an automated motor start from Standby.
Run inhibits are fault states that prevent the compressor from starting and running the main motor. Run inhibit
faults are conditions that may present a hazard or damaging situation if the main motor is run. A run inhibit will
self reset when the condition being monitored returns to normal operational levels and the compressor will then
be allowed to exit the standby condition and run without further manual intervention. Run inhibit conditions are
checked prior to a main motor start sequence and will not stop the compressor motor once started. Run inhibit
conditions do not prevent the compressor from entering the ‘started’ state condition.
Shutdown trip errors are fault states that present a hazardous or damaging condition, the compressor is stopped
immediately. The Shutdown trip error condition must be resolved, and the fault reset, before the compressor can
be re-started.
The different fault state conditions are indicated on the screen with specific codes; the last character indicating
the fault type: E = Shutdown Trip Error, A= Alarm, S = Start Inhibit, R = Run Inhibit. Shutdown trip errors are
divided into two different categories: immediate shutdown errors and controlled stop errors. Immediate
shutdown errors stop the compressor instantly (Emergency Stop button activated for example). Controlled stop
errors stop the compressor in a controlled way using a normal Stop command; the motor will continue to run for
the set stop run-on-time. Immediate shutdown errors have an error code where the first character is 0 (zero).
Controlled stop faults have a “1” as the first character. Alarm faults are also divided into two different categories:
alarms and service alarm messages. Alarms start with a “2”, service alarm messages with a “4”. Start Inhibit
fault codes start with a “3”.
fault type fault type description 47
E shutdown trip error
A alarm (or service message alarm)
S start inhibit
R run inhibit
L load inhibit
E:0d01 drive communication error, link could not be established during initialization
E:0d02 drive communication error, link lost or disrupted
E:0d03 drive communication error, message exception reported by drive
E:0d06 drive shutdown error (check drive’s last reported error code, P00 menu item drE )
E:0d08 ‘Safety Interlock’ hardwire link error
5.1.2 Alarms
A:2d07 Drive alarm or warning (check drive’s last reported error code, P00 menu item drE )
A:2d09 Motor overload; the compressor is unloaded until motor current reduces
The R1 will request the drive type from the drive unit during initialization, the drive type as set in
menu P13 must match the reported drive type. Note: in some instances a ‘G’ (general) type
drive may report as being an ‘M’ (multi) type drive. If ‘G’ type fails select ‘M’ type.
S:3d05 motor type mismatches (check motor size and P12 motor map, P13 drive map settings)
Three safety check calculations are performed during initialization to ensure motor requirements
do not exceed the rating of the drive:
1) The set ‘rated motor current’ must not exceed the drive type maximum rated current
2) The set ’rated motor power (kW)’ must not exceed the drive maximum rated kW capability.
3) Motor kVA must not exceed the drive type maximum kVA capability.
(motor kVA = ‘rated motor current’ X ‘rated motor voltage’ X 1.732)
5.2 Drive Status Display Codes 49
KEB Status messages are displayed in the ‘Drive Status’ P00 menu item drS
Message Description
KEB Error codes are displayed in the ‘Drive Last Error’ P00 menu item drE
“- - - -“ no communications
A.buS E.buS communications error
E.dOH drive overheat
E.OC motor over-current
A.OH E.OH power module overheat (>90 C)
A.OH2 E.OH2 motor protection relay trip
A.OHI E.OHI internal overheat
A.OL E.OL drive overload
E.OP over-voltage
E.Pu general power circuit fault
E.UP under-voltage
E.Uph main power supply phase failure
E.Cdd error during automated stator resistance measurement
E.EEP EEPROM memory error
On the R1 base PCB; six LED’s give diagnostic information about different functions. LED’s 1-4 are green and
indicate CPU and/or communication activity. LED’s 5 and 6 are red and indicate short circuit conditions on the
associated input terminal.
1 X03 16 1 X02 14
LED’s 1-4 use different system timers and predefined blink rates to indicate different active functions:
- LED1 = 500msec toggle signal: ST10 CPU is up and running (main processor)
- LED1 = channel 1 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with the I/O CPU using the SPI I/O
- LED1 = channel 2 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with the I/O CPU using the SPI
OPTION1 channel
- LED1 = channel 3 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with the I/O CPU using the SPI
OPTION2 channel
- LED1 = channel 4 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with the I/O CPU using the SPI
- LED1 = special function signal: ST10 CPU is running in the boot download program
- LED1 = startup function signal: ST10 CPU is starting up and is initializing everything
- LED2 = channel 1 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with an external device connected to the
RS485(1) channel
- LED2 = channel 2 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with an external device connected to the
CAN channel
- LED2 = special function signal: ST10 CPU is running in TESTLIB mode.
- LED3 = channel 1 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with an external device connected to the
RS485(2) channel
- LED3 = channel 2 active signal: ST10 CPU has communication with an external device connected to the
RS232 channel
- LED4 = 500msec toggle signal: I/O CPU is up and running (slave processor for relays and analog inputs
and outputs)
- LED4 = channel 1 active signal: I/O CPU has communication with the ST10 CPU using the SPI I/O
- LED4 = channel 2 active signal: I/O CPU has communication with an external device (e.g. HMI with
custom display) connected to the RS485(HMI) channel
- LED4 = special function signal: I/O CPU is performing the calibration function.
- LED4 = startup function signal: I/O CPU is starting up and is initializing everything 54
The red indication LED’s (LED5-LED6) are located near a connector where digital inputs and analogue sensors
can be connected to the power supply. The R1 is protected against short circuits in external cabling. If the
current limit is exceeded the protection will shutdown the power and indicate this by the corresponding red LED.
After a given amount of time a retry will be performed to check if the overload is still there. If not, the led will go
out and power returned. If the overload is still present, the same amount of time is used for the next attempt.
4 3 2 1 24VAC E1 L1
2 1 230
380VAC L3
E3 230VAC
19 20 21 22 11 12 PE
0 E1
B A 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
X 08 X 01 X 10 30 2 ĐNVERTÖR
23 10 1
24 28
VAC K2 14
R1 0 29
24 16
X 03 X 02 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213141516 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 31 K3 B
24 A
2 26
12 9
7 6 5 4 K2
16 20
ES 3 8
MT2 K4 27 26
MT3 K4
11 35
K2 SV5 K3 SV1 SV2 SV3 K1 MT3 MT2
M1 (OPS.) M1
37 36 PTC
M3 M2