1 Frequency Trim
Chopper Signal Conditioning
Amp Recovery
Voltage Controlled
Current Source
Sensitivity Temperature % Duty
Trim Cycle % Duty Cycle
Compensation Temperature
Selection Guide
Part Number Packing*
A1357LKB-T 500 pieces per bag
A1357LKBTN-T 4000 pieces per 13-in. reel
*Contact Allegro™ for additional packing options
Pin-out Diagram
Terminal List Table
Number Name Function
Input power supply; use bypass capacitor to connect to ground; also
used for programming
2 GND Ground
3 NC No connect
1 2 3
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Valid over full operating temperature range, TA , VCC = 4.5 to 18 V, CBYPASS = 0.1 µF, unless
otherwise noted
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit1
Electrical Characteristics
Supply Voltage2 VCC 4.5 – 18 V
ICC_LOW – 6 8 mA
Supply Current
ICC_HIGH 12 – 16.5 mA
Supply Current Ratio 2 – – –
Supply Zener Clamp Voltage VZsupply ICC = 18 mA, TA = 25ºC 28 – – V
Power-On Time3,4 tPO fpwm = 1 kHz – – 5 ms
Small signal –3 dB, 100 G(P-P) magnetic input
Internal Bandwidth BWi – 400 – Hz
signal, TA = 25 C°
Chopping Frequency5 fC TA = 25°C – 200 – kHz
Output Current Characteristics
PWMOUT Rise Time3,4 tr VCC pin, No CBYPASS or RSENSE, TA = 25 C° – 6.5 – mA/µs
PWMOUT Fall Time3,4 tf VCC pin, No CBYPASS or RSENSE, TA = 25 C° – 6.5 – mA/µs
Maximum Propagation Delay3,4 tPROP TA = 25 C° – 2 3 ms
Impulse magnetic field of 300 G, fpwm = 1 kHz,
Response Time3,4 tRESPONSE – 2 3.125 ms
slew rate < 120 G/ms, TA = 25 C°
Measured over 1000 output PWM clock periods,
Duty Cycle Jitter3,4,6 JitterPWM – – ±0.090 %D
3 sigma values, Sens = 60 m% / G, TA = 25 C°
DCLP(HIGH) 90 – 95 %D
Clamp Duty Cycle
DCLP(LOW) 5 – 10 %D
Pre-Programming Target7
Pre-Programming Quiescent Current
D(Q)PRE B = 0 G, TA = 25°C – 50 – %D
Duty Cycle
Pre-Programming Sensitivity SensPRE TA = 25°C – 25 – (m% D)/G
Pre-Programming PWMOUT Carrier
fPWMPRE TA = 25°C – 1.5 – kHz
Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Programming
Initial Quiescent Current Duty Cycle D(Q)init B = 0 G, TA = 25°C – D(Q)PRE – %D
Guaranteed Quiescent Current Duty
D(Q) B = 0 G, TA = 25°C 40 – 60 %D
Cycle Output Range8
Quiescent Current Duty Cycle
– 9 – bit
Programming Bits
Average Quiescent Current Duty Cycle
StepD(Q) TA = 25°C 0.091 0.103 0.115 %D
Step Size9,10
Quiescent Current Duty Cycle StepD(Q)
ErrPGD(Q) TA = 25°C – – %D
Programming Resolution11 × ±0. 5
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Valid over full operating temperature range, TA , VCC = 4.5 to 18 V,
CBYPASS = 0.1 µF, unless otherwise noted
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Sensitivity Programming
Initial Sensitivity Sensinit TA = 25°C – SensPRE – (% D)/G
TA = 25°C – 1 – bit
Sensitivity Programming Bits Selection
Fine TA = 25°C – 8 – bit
SensRange1 TA = 25°C 35 – 70 (m% D)/G
Guaranteed Sensitivity Range
SensRange2 TA = 25°C 70 – 145 (m% D)/G
StepSENS1 TA = 25°C 215 300 375 (µ% D)/G
Average Sensitivity Step Size9,10
StepSENS2 TA = 25°C 430 600 750 (µ% D)/G
Sensitivity Programming Resolution11 ErrPGSENS TA = 25°C – – (µ% D)/G
× ±0. 5
Carrier Frequency Programming
Initial Carrier Frequency fPWMinit TA = 25°C – fPWMPRE – Hz
Carrier Frequency Programming Range fPWM TA = 25°C 0.9 1 1.1 kHz
Carrier Frequency Programming Bits – 4 – bit
Average Carrier Frequency Step Size9,10 StepfPWM TA = 25°C 38 54 70 Hz
Carrier Frequency Programming StepfPWM
ErrPGfPWM TA = 25°C – – Hz
Resolution11 × ±0. 5
Calibration Test Mode
Calibration Test Mode Selection Bit – 1 – bit
Calibration Test Mode Duration4 tCAL fPWM = 1 kHz 45 50 55 ms
Output Duty Cycle During Calibration
DCAL 49 50 51 %D
Lock Bit Programming
Overall Programming Lock Bit LOCK – 1 – bit
Factory Programmed Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient And Drift Characteristics
Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient12 TA = 150°C – 0.11 – %/°C
Sensitivity Drift Through Temperature
ΔSensTC TA = 150°C – < ±3 – %
Sensitivity Drift Due to Package
ΔSensPKG TA = 150°C, after temperature cycling – < ±1 – %
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Valid over full operating temperature range, TA , VCC = 4.5 to 18 V,
CBYPASS = 0.1 µF, unless otherwise noted
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Factory Programmed Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Drift
Quiescent Current Duty Cycle
DTC(Q) TA = 150°C – 0 – (% D)/°C
Temperature Coefficient12
Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Drift
ΔD(Q) Sens = SensPRE, TA = 150°C – < ±0.35 – %D
Through Temperature Range14
Error Components
Linearity Sensitivity Error LinERR – < ±1.5 – %
Symmetry Sensitivity Error SymERR – < ±1.5 – %
11 G (gauss) = 0.1 mT (millitesla).
2Supply Voltage is the voltage drop between device supply and ground pins. It does not include a drop through a sense resistor.
3See Characteristic Definitions section.
4Guaranteed by design only. Characterized but not tested in production.
5f varies up to approximately ±20% through the full operating ambient temperature range, T , and process.
6Jitter is dependent on the sensitivity of the device.
7Raw device characteristic values before any programming.
8D (max) is the value available with all programming fuses blown (maximum programming code set). The D
(Q) (Q) range is the total range from D(Q)(min)
up to and including D(Q)(max). See Characteristic Definitions section.
9Step size is larger than required, in order to provide for manufacturing spread. See Characteristic Definitions section.
10Non-ideal behavior in the programming DAC can cause the step size at each significant bit rollover code to be greater than twice the maximum
specified value of StepD(Q) , StepSENS , or StepfPWM .
11Overall programming value accuracy. See Characteristic Definitions section.
12Programmed at 150°C and calculated relative to 25°C.
13Sensitivity drift from expected value at T after programming SENS . See Characteristic Definitions section.
(Q) drift from expected value at TA after programming DTC(Q).
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS may require derating at maximum conditions, see application information
Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions* Value Units
Package Thermal Resistance RθJA 1-layer PCB with copper limited to solder pads 177 ºC/W
*Additional thermal data available on the Allegro Web site.
Maximum Allowable VCC (V)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Ambient Temperature, TA (ºC)
Power Dissipation, PD (mW)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Power-On Time When the supply is ramped to its operating Average Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Step Size The
voltage, the device requires a finite time to power its internal Average Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Step Size, StepD(Q) , for a
components before supplying a valid PWM output duty-cycle. single device is determined using the following calculation:
Power-On Time, tPO, is defined as the time it takes for the output D(Q)(max) – D(Q)(min)
voltage to settle within ±10% of its steady state value after the StepD(Q) = , (1)
power supply has reached its minimum specified operating volt- 2n –1
age, VCC(min). (See figure 1.) where:
Propagation Delay Traveling time of signal from input Hall n is the number of available programming bits in the trim range,
plate to output stage of device. (See figure 2.) 2n – 1 is the value of programming steps in the range,
Response Time The time interval, tRESPONSE , between D(Q)(max) is the maximum reached quiescent duty cycle, and
a) when the applied magnetic field reaches 90% of its final value,
and b) when the sensor IC reaches 90% of its output correspond- D(Q)(min) is minimum reached quiescent duty cycle.
ing to the applied magnetic field. (See figure 2.)
PWMOUT Rise Time The time, tr , elapsed between 10% and ADC – DC corresponds to the A field
BDC – DC corresponds to the B field
90% of the rising signal value when output current switches from CDC – DC corresponds to the 0.9 × C field
Guaranteed D(Q)
First valid duty cycle Min Code D(Q) Max Code D(Q)
Initial D(Q)
Distribution Distribution Distribution
D(Q)(min) D(Q)(max)
Figure 1. Definition of Power-On Time Figure 3. Definition of Guaranteed Quiescent Voltage Output Range
Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Output Programming Sensitivity Programming Resolution Refer to the Quies-
Resolution The programming resolution for any device is half cent Current Duty Cycle Programming Resolution section for a
of its programming step size. Therefore, the typical programming conceptual explanation.
resolution will be: Carrier Frequency Target The PWMOUT signal Carrier
Frequency Programming Range, fPWM, can be programmed to its
ErrPGD(Q)(typ) = 0.5 × StepD(Q)(typ) . (2) typical value of 1 kHz.
Quiescent Duty Cycle Output Drift through Tempera- Average Carrier Frequency Step Size Refer to the Average
ture Range Due to internal component tolerances and thermal Quiescent Current Duty Cycle Step Size section for a conceptual
considerations, the Quiescent Duty Cycle Temperature Coef- explanation.
ficient, DTC(Q), may drift from its nominal value over the operat- Carrier Frequency Programming Resolution Refer to the
ing ambient temperature, TA. For purposes of specification, the Quiescent Durrent Duty Cycle Programming Resolution section
Quiescent Duty Cycle Output Drift Through Temperature Range, for a conceptual explanation.
∆D(Q) (% D), is defined as:
Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient Device sensitiv-
∆D(Q) = D(Q)(TA) – D(Q)(25°C) , (3) ity changes as temperature changes, with respect to its pro-
grammed Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient, SensTC. SensTC
where D(Q)(TA) is the quiescent duty cycle measured at TA and is programmed at 150°C, and calculated relative to the nominal
D(Q)(25°C) is the quiescent duty cycle measured at 25°C. sensitivity programming temperature of 25°C. SensTC (%/°C) is
defined as:
Sensitivity The presence of a south polarity magnetic field,
perpendicular to the branded surface of the package face, SensT2 – SensT1 1
increases the current duty cycle from its quiescent value toward
SensTC = × 100% , (6)
SensT1 T2–T1
the maximum duty cycle limit. The amount of the current duty
cycle increase is proportional to the magnitude of the magnetic where T1 is the nominal Sens programming temperature of 25°C,
field applied. Conversely, the application of a north polarity and T2 is the programming temperature of 150°C. The expected
field decreases the current duty cycle from its quiescent value. value of Sens through the full ambient temperature range,
This proportionality is specified as the magnetic Sensitiv- SensEXPECTED(TA), is defined as:
ity, Sens ((% D)/G), of the device, and it is defined for bipolar SensT1× [100% +SensTC (TA –T1)]
devices as: SensEXPECTED(TA) = . (7)
100 %
Sens = , (4) SensEXPECTED (TA) should be calculated using the actual measured
BPOS – BNEG values of SensT1 and SensTC rather than programming target
and for unipolar devices as: values.
D(BPOS) – D(Q)
Sens = , (5) Sensitivity Drift Through Temperature Range Second
BPOS order Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient effects cause the mag-
where BPOS and BNEG are two magnetic fields with opposite netic Sensitivity, Sens, to drift from its expected value through
polarities. the operating ambient temperature range, TA. For purposes of
specification, the Sensitivity Drift Through Temperature Range,
Guaranteed Sensitivity Range The magnetic Sensitivity can ∆SensTC , is defined as:
be programmed from its initial value, Sensinit , to a value within
the Guaranteed Sensitivity Range limits: SensRange(min) and SensTA – SensEXPECTED(TA)
∆SensTC =
× 100% . (8)
Average Sensitivity Step Size Refer to the Average Qui- Sensitivity Drift Due to Package Hysteresis Package
escent Current Duty Cycle Step Size section for a conceptual stress and relaxation can cause the device Sensitivity at TA =
explanation. 25°C to change during and after temperature cycling.
For purposes of specification, the Sensitivity Drift Due to Pack- 2 × BPOS1 and BNEG2 = 2 × BNEG1.
age Hysteresis, ∆SensPKG, is defined as:
Sens(25°C)2 – Sens(25°C)1
∆SensPKG = × 100% , (9) LinERR = max( LinERRPOS , LinERRNEG) . (12)
where Sens(25°C)1 is the programmed value of sensitivity at TA = Note that unipolar devices only have positive linearity error
25°C, and Sens(25°C)2 is the value of sensitivity at TA = 25°C, (LinERRPOS).
after temperature cycling TA up to 150°C, down to –40°C, and
back to up 25°C. Symmetry Sensitivity Error The magnetic sensitivity of the
A1357 device is constant for any two applied magnetic fields of
Linearity Sensitivity Error The A1357 is designed to provide equal magnitude and opposite polarities. Symmetry Sensitivity
a linear current output in response to a ramping applied magnetic Error, SymERR (%), is measured and defined as:
field. Consider two magnetic fields, B1 and B2. Ideally, the sen-
sitivity of a device is the same for both fields, for a given supply SensBPOS
voltage and temperature. Linearity error is present when there is a SymERR = 1– × 100% , (13)
difference between the sensitivities measured at B1 and B2.
where SensBx is as defined in equation 11, and BPOS and BNEG
Linearity Sensitivity Error is calculated separately for the positive
are positive and negative magnetic fields such that |BPOS| =
(LinERRPOS) and negative (LinERRNEG ) applied magnetic fields.
|BNEG|. Note that the Symmetry Sensitivity Error specification is
Linearity error (%) is measured and defined as:
valid only for bipolar devices.
LinERRPOS = 1– × 100% , Duty Cycle Jitter The duty cycle of the PWMOUT output may
SensBPOS1 vary slightly over time despite the presence of a constant applied
SensBNEG2 magnetic field and a constant Carrier Frequency, fPWM , for the
LinERRNEG = 1– × 100% , (10) PWMOUT signal. This phenomenon is known as jitter, and is
defined as:
1 n
|D(Bx) – D(Q)|
JitterPWM =
DBi ± 3 σ , (14)
SensBx =
. (11)
where DB1 ,…, DBn are the sampled duty cycles in a constant
and BPOSx and BNEGx are positive and negative magnetic fields, applied magnetic field, B, measured over 1000 PWM clock peri-
with respect to the quiescent current duty cycle such that BPOS2 = ods, and JitterPWM is given in % D.
The current switching performed by the Hall sensor IC can be VCC(min) is the A1357 minimum supply voltage.
observed as voltage switching. To do so, place a sense resistor,
Substituting into equation 15:
RSENSE , between the supply and the A1357 VCC pin (see figure
4), or between the A1357 GND pin and ground (figure 5). There 12 V > RSENSE × 16.5 mA + 4.5 V ,
is an advantage to putting the sense resistor between the supply
and the A1357 VCC pin, because the resistor can then provide
additional device protection from supply transients. RSENSE ≤ (12 – 4.5) V / 16.5 mA
When specifying value of the RSENSE and the applied supply volt- ≤ 454 Ω .
age in the application, the following equation must be applied, in It can be seen that RSENSE is proportional to VSUPPLY . The higher
order to provide enough voltage to allow the A1357 to power-up: the value of RSENSE , the higher the application supply voltage
VSUPPLY > RSENSE × ICC_HIGH(max) + VCC(min) , (15) required.
where ICC(max) is the maximum A1357 supply current and The recommended minimum CBYPASS value is 0.01 µF.
1 1
A1357 A1357
0.1 µF 0.1 µF
2 2
Figure 4. High-side PWM voltage sensing configuration Figure 5. Low-side PWM voltage sensing configuration
Programming Procedures
V+ V+
Code 2n – 2
Code 2n – 1
Code 1
Code 2
0 0
Figure 6. Parameter selection pulse train. This shows the sequence for Figure 7. Bit field addressing pulse train. Addressing the bit field by
selecting the register corresponding to key 1, indicated by a single VP(MID) increasing the code causes the programmable parameter value to change.
pulse. The number of bits available for a given programming code, n, varies
among parameters; for example, the bit field for D(Q) has 8 bits available,
which allows 255 separate codes to be used.
and blown. An appropriate sequence for blowing code 5 is shown • The application load capacitance, CL , should be used when
in figure 9. The order of blowing bits, however, is not important. measuring the duty cycle during programming. The blowing
Blowing bit 0 first, and then bit 2 is acceptable. capacitor, CBLOW , should be removed during measurement and
should only be applied when blowing fuses.
Note: After blowing, the programming is not reversible, even
after cycling the supply power. Although a register bit field fuse • The blowing capacitor, CBLOW , must be replaced in the final
cannot be reset after it is blown, additional bits within the same application with the load capacitance, CL , for proper operation.
register can be blown at any time until the device is locked. For • The power supply used for programming must be capable of
example, if bit 1 (binary 10) has been blown, it is still possible to delivering at least 26 V and 300 mA.
blow bit 0. The end result would be binary 11 (decimal code 3). • Be careful to observe the tLOW delay time before powering
Locking the Device down the device after blowing each bit.
After the required code for each parameter is programmed, the • The following programming order is recommended:
device can be locked to prevent further programming of any
1. fPWM
2. Sens
Additional Guidelines
The additional guidelines presented in this section should be fol- 3. D(Q)
lowed to ensure the proper behavior of these devices: 4. Lock the device (only after all other parameters have been
programmed and validated, because this prevents any further
• A 0.1 μF blowing capacitor, CBLOW , must be mounted between programming of the device)
the VCC pin and the GND pin during programming, to ensure
enough current is available to blow fuses. Programming Modes
Try Mode Try mode allows multiple programmable parameters
to be tested simultaneously without permanently setting any
Bit Field Selection
Address Code Format
(Decimal Equivalent)
Code 5
values. In this mode, each VP(HIGH) pulse will indefinitely loop
the programming logic through the mode, register, and bit field
Code in Binary
(Binary) selection states. There must be no interruptions in the VCC supply.
1 0 1
After powering the VCC supply, select mode key 2, followed
Fuse Blowing
Bit 2 Bit 0 by the parameter register, and then address its bit field. When
Target Bits
addressing the bit field, each VP(MID) pulse increases the value
Fuse Blowing Code 4 Code 1
of the parameter register by one, up to the maximum possible
Address Code Format (Decimal Equivalents) code (see Programming Logic section). The addressed parameter
value is stored in the device even after the programming drive
Figure 8. Example of code 5 broken into its binary components, which are voltage is removed from the VCC pin, allowing its value to be
code 4 and code 1. measured. To test an additional programmable parameter in
1 1 2 1 2 3 4
Mode Parameter Addressing Blow
Selection Selection Bitfield 2 Code 4
(Key 1) (Key 2) (Code 4)
Figure 9. Example of Blow Mode programming pulses applied to the VCC pin. In this example, D(Q)
(Parameter Key 2) is addressed to code 4 (i.e bit 2) and its value is permanently blown.
conjunction with the original, enter an additional VP(HIGH) pulse Single parameters can be still addressed in the Blow mode before
on the VCC pin to reenter the parameter selection field. Select a fuse blowing. Simultaneous addressing of multiple parameters,
different parameter register, and address its bit field, without any as in Try mode, is not possible. After powering the VCC supply,
supply interruptions. Both parameter values will be stored and select the desired parameter register and address its bit field.
can be measured after removing the programming drive voltage. When addressing the bit field, each VP(MID) pulse increases
Multiple programming combinations can be tested to achieve the value of the parameter register by one, up to the maximum
optimal application accuracy. See figure 10 for an example of the possible code (see Programming Logic table). The addressed
Try mode pulse train. parameter value is stored in the device even after the program-
ming drive voltage is removed from the VCC pin, allowing its
Registers can be addressed and re-addressed an indefinite number value to be measured. It is not possible to decrease the value of
of times in any order. After the required code is found for each the register without resetting the parameter bit field. To reset the
register, cycle the supply and blow the bit field using Blow mode. bit field, and thus the value of the programmable parameter, cycle
the supply, VCC, voltage.
Blow Mode After the required value of the programmable
parameter is found using Try mode, the corresponding code It is possible to switch between Try and Blow modes in that, after
should be blown to make the value permanent. To do this, first individual programmable parameters have been blown in Blow
select Blow mode as key 1, then the required parameter register, mode, other parameters can be still tested in Try mode.
and address and blow each required bit separately (as described Lock Mode To lock the device, first select Lock mode, then
in the Fuse Blowing section). The supply must be cycled between address the Lock bit and apply a blow pulse with CBLOW in place.
blowing each bit of a given code. After a bit is blown, cycling the After locking the device, no future programming of any param-
supply will not reset its value. eter is possible.
1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2
Mode Parameter Parameter
Selection Selection Addressing Selection Addressing
(Key 2, Try Mode) (Key 1) (Code 3) (Key 2) (Code 2)
Figure 10. Example of Try mode programming pulses applied to the VCC pin. In this example,
Sensitivity (parameter key 1) is addressed to code 3, and D(Q) (parameter key 2) is addressed
to code 2. The values set in the Sensitivity and D(Q) registers will be held in the device until the
supply is cycled. Permanent fuse blowing cannot be accomplished in Try mode.
2 x VP(HIGH)
Select Mode
Sens (Hz)
Quiescent Current
Duty Cycle Range fPWM(max)
The calibration mode is provided so that the user can compensate powered via different power and ground circuits. As a result, the
for differences in the ground potential between the A1357 and ground reference for the A1357 may differ from the ground refer-
any interface circuitry used to measure the pulse width of the ence of the system controller. In some customer applications, this
A1357 current. The test mode is optional and must be enabled ground difference can be as large as ±0.5 V.
by blowing programming bits. After the bit for the test mode has
Differences in the ground reference for the A1357 and the system
been blown, the device enters 50% Duty Cycle Calibration Test
controller can result in variations in the threshold voltage used
mode every time the device is powered-up. The bit enabling test
to measure the duty cycle of the A1357. If the PWM conversion
mode is key 3, bit 4.
threshold voltage varies, then the duty cycle will vary because
In customer applications, the PWM interface circuitry (shown there is a finite rise time, tr , and fall time, tf , in the PWM wave-
as the system controller in figure 11) and the A1357 may be form. This problem is shown in figure 12.
A1357 System
CBYPASS Controller
0.1 µF
Figure 11. In many applications the A1357 may be powered using a different ground reference
than the system controller. This may cause the ground reference for the A1357 (GND1) to differ
from the ground reference of the system controller (GND2) by as much as to ± 0.5 V.
PWM period
Threshold Voltage,
Vth (high)
Vth (centered)
Vth (V)
Vth (low)
Duty Cycle at
expected duration
The 50% Duty Cycle Calibration Test mode allows end users to pare the measured quiescent duty cycle with an ideal 50% duty
compensate for any threshold errors that result from a difference cycle. After tCAL has elapsed, the duty cycle will correspond to
in system ground potentials. When calibration mode has been an applied magnetic field as expected. The calibration test time
enabled, at power-up the device operates initially in calibration
(tCAL) corresponds with a target PWM frequency of 1 kHz. If the
mode for tCAL , 50 ms, during which the device current waveform
has a fixed 50% duty cycle (the programmed quiescent duty PWM frequency is programmed away from its target of 1 kHz,
cycle, D(Q) , value) regardless of the applied external magnetic the duration of the calibration test time will scale inversely with
field (see figure 13). This allows the system controller to com- the change in PWM frequency.
Figure 13. With calibration mode in effect, after powering-on the A1357 outputs a 50%
duty cycle for the first 50 ms, tCAL , regardless of the applied magnetic field. After tCAL has
elapsed, the output responds to a magnetic field as expected. The example in this figure
assumes that a large +B field is applied to the device after tCAL has elapsed.
5.21 –0.05
14.73 ±0.51
For Reference Only; not for tooling use (reference DWG-9009)
Dimensions in millimeters
0.51 –0.05 +0.06 Dimensions exclusive of mold flash, gate burrs, and dambar protrusions
0.38 –0.03
Exact case and lead configuration at supplier discretion within limits shown
1.90 NOM
Revision History
Number Date Description
– April 23, 2013 Initial release
1 February 19, 2019 Minor editorial updates