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Standard Costing Anshu Agarwal

Standard Costing
Purpose of Standard Costing: to investigate the reasons for significant variances and to take
necessary actions.
Cost variance is the difference between a standard cost and the comparable actual cost
Variance analysis is the analysis of the cost variances into its component parts and the
explanation of variances.

Types of Variances : (may be favourable or adverse)


Material Labour Overhead Sales

Efficiency Price - Rates Volume

Reasons for variances :

Controllable: e.g.- increase in price due to fail to order timely.
Uncontrollable: e.g. Price fluctuations.

A: Material Variance:
Total Material variance = Standard Cost – Actual Cost
a) Price Variance = Actual Quantity (Std. Price – Actual Price)

b) Usage variance = Std. Price (Standard Quantity – Actual Quantity)

i. Mix Variance =
Can be calculated where Total Actual Quantity (Std. cost per unit of Std. Mix - Std. cost per unit of Actual Mix)
several materials are
used for manufacturing a ii. Yield Variance or Sub – Usage Variance =
product Std. Price per unit of Std. Mix (total Std. Quantity – total Actual Quantity)

Standard Cost: Standard Price x Standard Quantity
Standard Quantity: expected quantity of raw material required for actual output.
Standard Price: means the expected (predetermined) cost per unit of raw material.
Actual Quantity Actual quantity of raw material used for actual output.
Where several materials are used for manufacturing a product, Variances shall be calculated
for each material and then sum up each.
Std. cost per unit of Std. Mix: Total Std. cost of std. quantity / total std. quantity
Std. cost per unit of Actual Mix: Total Std. cost of actual quantity / total actual quantity

B: Direct labour variances:

Total Labour Cost Variance = Std. Labour Cost – Actual Labour Cost
a) Rate variance = Actual time (Std. rate – Actual rate)
b) Efficiency variance = Std. rate (Std. time – Actual time worked)
a. Gang Composition variance or Labour mix variance:
Total Actual time worked (Std. rate of std. gang – Std. rate of actual Gang)
b. Sub - efficiency variance
Std. rate for std. time (total std. time – total actual time)

Standard Costing Anshu Agarwal
c) Labour idle time variance :
Std. Labour rate (Actual hours worked – Actual Labour hours paid)
Standard Labour Cost: Standard Rate x Standard Time
Standard Time: expected no. of labour hours required for actual output.
Standard Rate: means the expected (predetermined) Rate per labour hour.
Actual Time: Actual no. of labour hours paid.
Std. rate of std. gang: Total Std. cost of std. gang hours / total std. hours
Std. rate of Actual Gang: Total Std. cost of actual Gang Hours / total actual hours

C: Overhead variances : Absorbed Overhead – Actual Overheads

Overheads are absorbed over actual output at a pre-determined rate, which is known as
„Standard overhead recovery rate‟, „Standard overhead absorption rate‟ or „Standard burden rate‟.
Calculating Overhead Recovery Rate:-
 Estimate the likely overhead expenses for next period.
 Bifurcate into fixed and variable elements.
 Estimate the level of normal capacity, either in terms of production or machine hours etc.
Std Fixed Overhead Rate = Budgeted Fixed Overhead / Normal Volume of capacity
Std Variable Overhead Rate = Budgeted Variable Overhead / Normal Volume of capacity

a) Variable Overhead Varinace = Std. overhead for actual output – Actual overhead
i. Variable Overhead Budget or Expenditure Variance =
Budgeted overheads for actual hours worked – Actual Overheads; or
(Std. Rate x Actual Hours worked ) – Actual Overheads
ii. Variable Overhead Efficiency Variance =
Std. Overhead for std. hours – Std. overhead for actual Hours; or
Std. Rate (std. Hours – Actual Hours)
Std. Overhead for actual output: Std. hours required for actual output x Std. Overhead per hour
Budgeted overheads for actual hours worked : Std. Rate x Actual Hours worked
Standard hours: means the expected hours required for actual output.
Overhead mean “Variable Overhead”.

b) Fixed overhead variances : Std. overhead for actual output – Actual overhead
i. Expenditure Variance:= Total Budgeted overheads – Actual Overheads
ii. Volume Variance: = Std. Overhead for actual output – total budgeted overheads
1. Efficiency Variance: = Std. Rate (Std. Hours Required – Actual Hours worked)
2. Capacity Variance: = Std. Rate (Actual Hours worked– Revised Budgeted Hours)
3. Calendar Variance: = Std. Rate (Revised Budgeted Hours – total Budgeted Hours)
Std. Overhead for actual output: Std. hours required for actual output x Std. Overhead per hour
Total Budgeted overheads : Std. Rate x hours required for budgeted production.
Revised Budgeted Hours: Hours per day x no. of actual working days
Standard hours: means the expected hours required for actual output.
Overhead mean “Fixed Overhead”.

D: Sales variances :
1. Sales turnover or value method:
Sales Value Variance = budgeted sales – actual sales
a) Sale Price Variance = Actual Quantity (Actual Price – Budgeted Price)
b) Sale Volume Variance = Budgeted Price (Actual Quantity – Budgeted Quantity)
i. Sales Mix Variance : =
Total Actual Quantity (Budgeted Price per unit of actual mix – Budgeted price per unit of
Budgeted mix)
ii. Sales Quantity Variance : =
Budgeted Price per unit of budgeted mix (total Actual Quantity –Total Budgeted Quantity)
Standard Costing Anshu Agarwal

2. Profit or sales margin method:

Total sales margin variance: = Actual Margin – Budgeted Margin
a) Sales Margin Price Variance: =
Actual Quantity (Actual Margin per unit – Budgeted margin per unit)
b) Sales Margin Volume Variance: =
Budgeted Margin per unit (Actual units – Budgeted units)
i. Sales Margin Mix Variance: =
Total Actual Qty. (Budgeted Margin per unit of actual mix – Budgeted Margin per unit of
Budgeted mix)
ii. Sales Margin Quantity Variance: =
Budgeted margin per unit of budgeted mix (total Actual Quantity –Total Budgeted


Partial plan: under this plan the variances are analysed as the end of period. The following is the
procedure under this plan.
 Record in Material, Wages and Overhead Control Accounts at Actual Cost.
 Charge to WIP control account at Actual Cost.
 Transfer to Finish Goods Control account at Standard Cost.
 Record WIP goods at Standard Cost in WIP control Account.
 Balancing figure in the WIP control Account is Variance.
 Analyse the variance at the end of period.
 The variances are debited or credited to various variance accounts.
Single Plan: under this plan the variances are analysed as soon as the transactions take place. The
entries under this plan shall be made as follow:
1. Dr. Material Control a/c (Standard Cost)
Dr. or Cr. Material Price Variance a/c
Cr. Creditors a/c or GL Adjustment a/c (Actual Cost)

2. Dr. Wages Control a/c (Standard Cost)

Dr. or Cr. Labour Rate Variance a/c
Cr. Cash a/c or GL Adjustment a/c (Actual Cost)

3. Dr. Overhead Control a/c (Standard Cost)

Dr. or Cr. Overhead Expenses Variance a/c
Cr. Cash a/c or GL Adjustment a/c (Actual Cost)

4. Dr. WIP Control a/c (Standard Cost)

Dr. or Cr. Material Usage Variance a/c
Cr. Material Control a/c (Actual Cost)

5. Dr. WIP Control a/c (Standard Cost)

Dr. or Cr. Labour Efficiency Variance a/c
Cr. Wages Control a/c (Actual Cost)

6. Dr. WIP Control a/c (Standard Cost)

Dr. or Cr. Production Volume Variance a/c
Cr. Overhead Control a/c (Actual Cost)

Disposition of Variances:
a. Write off all variances to P&L or Cost of Sales.
b. Distribute the variance pro rata to cost of sales, WIP, and finished goods stock.
c. Write off quantity variances to P&L but price variance pro rata distribution as point “b”.


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