(Including Wild life Protection Act)
Time: 3 hours Max: Marks: 100
(Short Answer Questions)
Write short notes on any SIX of the following, Each question carries 4
marks. (Marks: 6 x4= 24),
Grazing land.
Nuclear Radiation,
Hazardous material.
Creation of environmental fund.
Right to development.
Town Planning.
per ane ee
(Essay Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 18 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 18=36)
10.Elucidate the salient features of Environmental Protection Act,
11,Deseribe how the constitutionally guaranteed right to life and
liberty helps in providing relief to environmental wrongs. Illustrate
with decided case law..
12.Critically comment the significance of Bhopal gas leakage case.
13. Write about the causes, effects and controls of air pollution.PART-C
(Case Comment Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 20 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 20 = 40)
14.An Industry has been polluting the nearby water wells by
discharging its effluents. A local NGO field PIL against it to stop
discharge of effluents. Discuss the legal consequences,
15.A stone crusher has been causing great noise pollution in a
residential locality. A newly established heart-care hospital sought
an injunction against: the working of stone crusher. The owner of
the stone crusher defended that it has come to the locality first and
having known about its existence and operation, the hospital should
not have to the same locality. Decide.
16.There is a leakage of toxic gas from a fertilizer factory. Two persons
died and several others fell ill after inhaling the gas. Advise the
17.There was an open space which was reserved for Public Park In
Hyderabad, and the Hyderabad Development Authority allotted
that land to a private person for the purpose of constructing »
hospital. The residents of the locality challenged the allotment.
(Including Wild life Protection Act)
Time: 3 hours Max: Marks: 100
(Short Answer Questions)
Write short notes on any SIX of the following. Each question carries 4
marks. (Marks: 6 x 4 = 24)
1. Noise pollution,
2. Pollute pay principle.
3. Bio-diversity.
4. Hazardous substances.
5, Right to development.
6. Global warming.
7. Ozone layer.
8 Environmental audit.
9, Public Trust Doctrine.
(Essay Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following, Each question carries 18 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 18 = 36)
10, Write an essay on Right to live in good environment and sustainable
1L.What are the factors responsible for causing environmental
12. What are the salient features of Publle Liability Insurance Act,
13. What are the different provisions of the constitution concerning the
protection of the environmentPART -C
(Case Comment Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 20 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 20 = 40)
14. The Government has closed down several limestone quarries for
non-compliance of environmental regulations the workers who have
lost their jobs file a writ petition on the closure of the quarries as it
violates their right to livelihood under Art 21 of the Constitution.
15.A chemical factory in a housing locality is polluting the localities
environment by smoke emission and effluents, It has affected the
health of the people residing in its vicinity. The people intend to stop
this nuisance, What judicial remedies are ayailable to them?
16.An industry has been polluting the nearby water wells by
discharging its effluents. A tocal filed public interest litigation
against it to stop discharge of effluents — Discuss the legal group.
17.A stone crusher has been causing great noise pollution in a
residential locality. A newly established heart — care hospital sought
injunction against the working of stone crusher. The owner of the
crusher defended that it has come to the locality first and having
known about its existence operation, the hospital should not have
come to the same locality — Decide.MODEL PAPER ~III
(Including Wild life Protection Act)
hours Max: Marks: 100
(Short Answer Questions)
Write short notes on any SIX of the following. Each question carries 4
marks. (Marks: 6 x 4= 24)
Define pollution.
Wild ~ life.
Recreation facilities.
Right to development.
5, Reo summit.
6. Environmental courts.
7. Endangering Industries.
8. Strict liability.
9. Forest preservation.
(Essay Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 18 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 18 = 36)
10, Critically examine the ambit of the right to'life and personal liberty
guaranteed by Part III of the Constitution in respect of wholesome
L1.Discuss the developmental and environmental conflicts associated
with mega projects.
12.Briefly explain the salient features of Wild Life Protection Act,
1972,13. Explain the extent applicability of “absolute liability” principle to
the environmental law.
(Case Comment Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following, Each question carries 20 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 20 = 40)
14,In a gas leakage incident in an industry, four workmen died and
many other local residents were also hospitalized. A suit was filed by
them for compensation by industry. Enquiry revealed that the gas
storage unit was defective which fact was known to administrat
officials of the industry. Decide the liability of the industry.
15.A State High Court has ordered a polluting tannery unit to close
down its operation. As a result, many workers were terminated
from jobs. They appealed to Supreme Court. Decide.
16. There was an open space which was reserved for Public Park in
Hyderabad, and the Hyderabad Development Authority allotted
that land to a private person for the purpose of constructing 2
hospital. The residents of the locality challenged the allotment.
17. The plaintiff was a doctor and maintaining a clinic in a residential
locality. Defendant constructed a brick grinding machine besides
the clinic. The dust and sound from the machine causing
disturbance to the clinic, Due to this, the doctor started losing
patients, Advise the doctor for suitable remedy.MODEL PAPER - IV
(Including Wild life Protection Act)
Time: 3 hours Max: Marks: 100
(Short Answer Questions)
Write short notes on any SIX of the following. Each question carries 4
marks. (Marks: 6 x 4=24)
1, Global warming.
2. Ozone depletion.
3. Sustainable development.
4, Public Liability Insurance.
5. Cruelty against animals.
6. Sources of Marine Pollution.
7. Kyoto Protocol 1997.
8. Regulation of Hazardous substance,
9. Biodiversity.
(Essay Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 18 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 18 =36)
10. What is the Impact of judicial decisions on environmental pollution?
Explain with the help of leading cases.
11, Explain the law relating to protection of wild life.
12, Explain the nature and scope of Environmental Protection Act 1986.
13. What are the causes of environmental degradation? Suggest some
remedial measures?PART-C
(Case Comment Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 20 marks,
(Marks: 2 x 20 = 40)
14. The High Court of AP ordered the closure of a textile factory on the
ground that it is polluting the air and water, Workers went for an
appeal on the ground that the decision of the High Court is violating
their right to livelihood — Decide.
15.The Municipal Corporation of Mangalagiri began to dump the
garbage near a lake which is used to fetch drinking water by locals.
Soon many locals began to suffer from contagious infections, A case
is foiled against Municipal Corporation U/S 133 of Cr.P.C ~ Decide.
16. A park situated in the busy centre of a city provided great
recreation to locals. The Municipal Corporation decided to convert
this into a shopping centre to generate revenue. A local NGO
contested this decision ~ Decide.
17.A business man has been running 2 Hotel in the out skirts of city of
Tirupati which is a pollution free area and there is a good rush of
customers. A neighbor constructed a brick industry which will emit
cement dust and sound from this industry. What will be advise to
the Hotel Keeper?MODEL PAPER-V
(Including Wild life Protection Act)
‘Time: 3 hours Max: Marks: 100
(Short Answer Questions)
‘Write short notes on any SIX of the following. Each question carries 4
marks, (Marks: 6x 4 = 24)
1. Radiation,
ir Pollution.
3. Biosphere,
4. Environmental fund.
5. Ozone layer.
6. Global warming.
7. Wild life.
8. Right to development,
9. Bio diversity.
(Essay Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following, Each question carries 18 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 18 = 36)
10, Discuss the impact of judicial activision on control of
Environmental pollution citing leading cases of recent past.
LL. Explain the silent features of wild life protection act, 1972.
12. Explain the causes for environmental pollution, and measures taken
at National & International levels to protect environment.
13.“Right to life includes, Right to live in good environment and
pollution free environment”. Explain.(Case Comment Type Questions)
Answer any Two of the following. Each question carries 20 marks.
(Marks: 2 x 20 = 40)
14.The Government of Tamil Nadu has given permission for starting
cracker manufacturing Industries in Chennal City outskirts,
Nearby residential Colonies, The local residing people want to
object, because of its Hazardous Nature. Advice.
15. The river moosi in Hyderabad city was encroached and occupied by
various religious people, for conducting funeral ceremonies by
Preventing its natural flow of water and causing pollution of water
An NGO wants to file a PIL advice.
16. Fertilizer factory of Govt of TamilNadu caused death of 10 people
and several others hospitalized due to leak of poisonous gas from
the factory - Discuss the liability of Tamil Nadu Govt in this
17. The associate cement factory of Govt of Andhra Pradesh started at
Tirupati for supplying cement to “Rajeeve Swagruha”
constructions, 2 schemes launched to provide own house to middle
class people in the state, causing environmental pollution to
surrounding colonies of the factory. A PIL was accordingly filed for
enclosing the factory by the focal people. The A.P. Govt, argues that
the factory functioning far public purpose — Decide.